• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 10,897 Views, 612 Comments

Journey to The Real World - unleashedtwilight

Twilight Sparkle Lauren Faust Celestia Luna Applejack Rarity Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Fluttershy

  • ...

At The Convention part 2

“Alright everyone, the first match of Rainbow Dash vs. Pinkie Pie will begin shortly!” the announcer exclaimed.

Before the matches started, everyone was allowed to practice on separate monitors. Unfortunately Fluttershy’s character isn’t playable yet, so she just practiced using Rainbow Dash’s character. Princess Luna decided to practice with Twilight Sparkle since Luna isn’t even in the game yet. As for the others, they were practicing and getting a hang of the controls while learning how to use combos from the staff in the area. It didn’t take too long for Twilight to get used to everything; like always, she’s a fast learner. Pinkie Pie… the game pretty much came natural to her. Rarity was doing pretty good but was still having a little trouble getting used to using combos and using her special attacks. Rainbow Dash had a constant look of determination on her face, and didn’t look like she was going to give up so easily. Applejack was practicing with her lasso so that she could use it to her advantage. Luna was learning Twilight’s moves rather quickly, and so there wouldn’t be any confusion, she used a recolor of Twilight that looked like a g4 version of g1 Twilight. Fluttershy was having some trouble learning the controls… and as you could probably imagine, didn’t feel entirely comfortable playing a fighting game. And Lauren…

“This migraine is only gonna get worse before it gets better…” Lauren moaned.

“Aspirin?” a random fan said pulling out a jar of Tylenol.

“Uh… no thanks, I’m good…” Lauren said a little disturbed.

“What was it like in Equestria?” the fan asked.

“Can we not talk about this now?”

“But you’re the first human to ever go to Equestria. You have to tell me!” the fan exclaimed.

“It’s none of your business!”

“But I need to-…”

“Security!” Lauren exclaimed interrupting the fan.

“Wait, wait! I’m sorry, I’ll stop asking!”

Lauren sighed “Look, I’d love to tell you everything about Equestria right now, but I have an insane migraine…” Lauren said holding her head. “But I can tell you, it was fun.”

“Alright everyone!” the announcer exclaimed. “The time for practice is over. It’s time to begin the first match! Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, please get ready.”

Everyone was cheering loudly as they walked to the center. Some people even tried grabbing them, but were pushed away by security. Despite the screaming fans, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie seemed to enjoy the attention they were getting. It didn’t take too long for them to reach the center and select their characters. The first match started in the Cloudsdale stage, and then the fight that everyone was waiting for had begun. Pinkie Pie made the first move, catching Rainbow Dash off guard, as her character left the screen and returned above and landing on Rainbow Dash, followed by a few combos.

“I don’t think so Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she escaped Pinkie’s combo with a tech, and started attacking Pinkie, rapidly using combos, trying to make sure that Pinkie doesn’t escape. But unfortunately, luck wasn’t on Rainbow’s side, as Pinkie Pie was able to leave the screen again, only this time, returned on the other side of the screen. “What the!?” Rainbow exclaimed as she was, again, being bombarded with combos by Pinkie Pie until finally…

“Knock out!” the announcer exclaimed. “Round 1 goes to Pinkie Pie!” The crowd of fans cheered louder than before.

“Wow Pinkie Pie, you’re good at this!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Thanks! You’re pretty good too Dashie!” Pinkie replied.

“’Pretty good’? It’s not over yet Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“Round 2… fight!” the announcer exclaimed.

With that, it was Rainbow Dash who made the first attack this time; launching Pinkie Pie in the air followed by a bombardment of aerial combos. And catching Pinkie off guard by using her Thunder cloud attack. But Pinkie was able to break the combo and then used her party cannon, launching a present at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow, however, was able to block the present flying at her. “Nice try Pinkie Pie!”

“I wasn’t gonna hit you with that Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie exclaimed happily as her character, again, left the screen, only this time coming out of the present, launching Rainbow Dash in the air, and started using aerial combos on Rainbow. But Rainbow wasn’t about to give up so easily. With a look of determination, Rainbow broke the combo and started bombarding Pinkie Pie until finally…

“Knock out!” the announcer exclaimed. “Round 2 goes to Rainbow Dash!” and again, the fans in the crowd cheered.

“Ugh… I feel like my head is gonna blow…” Lauren moaned.

“Can’t you just fly somewhere more quiet?” the fan asked.

“I would to be honest, but I’m still learning how to fly from Rainbow Dash…”

“Also another thing; can I feel your wings?”

“Uh, I don’t think that’s a good iDEA!” Lauren shrieked as the fan grabbed her wing. “Let go!!” Lauren exclaimed pushing the fan away.

“Sorry! Sorry!”

“Ugh… I’m moving somewhere else.” Lauren said walking away from the crazed fan.

“Round 3… fight!” the announcer exclaimed.

With that, Pinkie was the first to attack. Attempting to combo Rainbow Dash from the start, she found herself only getting blocked by every attack she made. Then Rainbow launched Pinkie in the air and attempted to use aerial combos on her, but she was getting blocked as well. Neither of them were willing to give this match up. Both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash had looks of determination. But then Pinkie was able to launch Rainbow in the air and quickly perform aerial combos before Rainbow was able to tech out. And with Rainbows health bar half empty, Pinkie gave a small grin which led Rainbow to give a look of confusion and worry. Pinkie Pie’s character then froze in one place for a second and her mane and tail deflated, making rainbow Dash give a look of horror. She knew if Pinkie Pie caught her in this state, it would be over. Rainbow Dash did the best she could to avoid her, but to no avail. Pinkie caught Rainbow and gave off a finishing squeeze hug.

“Knock out!” the announcer exclaimed. “The winner is Pinkie Pie!”

“Woohoo!” Pinkie cheered jumping with joy.

“Ugh… good game Pinkie…” Rainbow let out. “And hey, since you beat me, don’t go easy in the next round… unless it’s Fluttershy of course.”

“Don’t worry Rainbow, I know.” Pinkie said as they walked away from the stage.

“Alright.” The announcer started. “The next round will be between Twilight Sparkle, and Princess Luna!” the crowd cheered again once Luna’s name was said.

“I have to fight the princess??” Twilight asked in shock.

“Relax Twilight.” Tara said. “It’s not like it’s actually fighting. It’s just a game.”

“But still…”

“I am expecting a great match with you Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said about to walk to the center. “Do not hold back.”

Twilight was a little surprised with the way Luna was speaking to her, but put it behind her and walked up to the center as well. “Good luck twilight!” Tara exclaimed as Twilight and Luna selected their characters. The second match started in the Library stage, which surprised Twilight a little bit. Luna looked determined, but Twilight looked a little nervous.

“Round 1…” the announcer started. “Fight!”

With that, Luna was the first to strike, using a magic spark attack, catching Twilight off guard. Luna then teleported behind Twilight and sent her upward, followed by an attack in the air knocking Twilight back down. Just as Luna was about to attack again, Twilight jumped in the air and countered Luna’s attack. Twilight then launched Luna in the air and started attacking her with aerial combos. Luna, struggling to regain control, was then knocked back down to the ground.

“Very impressive Twilight.” Luna started. “But this battle is far from over.” Luna then unleashed one of her special attacks, the Level 1 Story Arc Climax, which finished Twilight off, ending the first round.

“Whoa…” Twilight let out.

“I told you not to hold back on me Twilight Sparkle.”

“Well don’t you worry princess, it isn’t over yet.” Twilight said with a look of determination which made Luna grin.

“Round 2…” the announcer started. “Fight!”

Luna attacked first again with the magic spark attack, only this time getting blocked. Twilight then teleported behind Luna, then knocking her to the ground, followed by being launched in the air with a barrage of aerial attacks. Luna soon broke out of the combo and teleported behind Twilight, but just before she was able to attack, the screen went dark, and Twilight unleashed her Level 3 special, her magic surge. With that, Luna’s health bar reached zero and the second round was over.

“Excellent work Twilight Sparkle.” Luna started. “But it’s time to finish this.”

“Agreed.” Twilight replied.


As the match between Twilight and Luna was going on, Rainbow Dash decided to go for a walk with Ashleigh. Unfortunately, on the way, they were being crowded by crazed fans; being asked for autographs and pictures. “Ugh…” Rainbow moaned. “Is it always this crazy?”

“You don’t even know the half of it…” Ashleigh said. Then she and Rainbow Dash saw a huge crowd in the distance. “I wonder what’s going on over there…”

“Well, let’s go find out.” Rainbow said as they both walked over to the crowd. When they got to the crowd, they tied their best to get to the center. “Excuse us; coming through.” Rainbow said moving some fans aside. “Now what the hay is over here that’s causing everyone to-…” Rainbow paused as they reached the center. Rainbow saw a familiar figure; a cream colored alicorn with red hair.

“Having fun, Rainbow Dash….?” Faust asked with a grin.

“You!!” Rainbow exclaimed extending her wings. “What the hay are you doing here!?”

“I just came to check on my friends…”

“We are NOT your friends!”

“Uh… Rainbow Dash, is that… her?” Ashleigh asked in shock.

“Yeah… she’s the one that corrupted Celestia and tried taking Lauren’s life!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Everyone, get out of here now!! She’s dangerous!” Everyone suddenly went into panic and started fleeing the area. Some people, however, stayed and were recording the situation.

“Must you make a big deal over this Rainbow Dash?” Faust mused. She then looked at Ashleigh and grinned. “Rainbow Dash and Applejack… how are you this fine day?” Lauren asked looking at Ashleigh.

“H-how does she know about me…?” Ashleigh asked in shock.

“That’s not the only thing.” Faust started. “I know Andrea, Tabitha, Tara. You name it.”

“Bring us back to Equestria Faust! You have no idea how bad the damage could be!” Rainbow exclaimed.

“And what will you do if I don’t?” Faust asked. Rainbow then got into a position where she looked like she was ready to charge. Faust only smiled. As Rainbow charged at Faust, Faust teleported behind her and struck her with a magic spark attack. Rainbow was launched about 80 feet away.

“Rainbow Dash!!” Ashleigh exclaimed.

Faust chuckled. “I told them my intensions were only good, but they forced my hoof. But it doesn’t matter. Soon our worlds will merge and this will all be just a memory…”

“NO!!” a voice called out. Rainbow Dash was able to recover from the attack but was badly injured. “Faust, even if our worlds do merge and everypony does become real, everything will be in chaos! Not even you can control it!”

Faust paused for a moment but then smiled. “You’re right Rainbow Dash, I can’t control it. But I might know somepony who can…” Saying this made Rainbows eyes widen. “And I think you know who I’m talking about.”

“You can’t be serious!!” Rainbow exclaimed. “He would only make things worse!”

“I am more powerful than him Rainbow Dash; I think I can get him to follow my commands.” Lauren paused. “In fact I’ll be back in just a few minutes…”

“Wait!!” Rainbow yelled, but then Faust teleported away. “Come on Ashleigh, we have to warn the others!” Rainbow said dragging Ashleigh with her.

“Slow down…!” Ashleigh exclaimed being dragged along.


“And the winner is Princess Luna!!” the announcer exclaimed.

The match had ended with Luna using her Level 3 Magic Surge to finish it. “Wow Princess,” Twilight started. “That was amazing!”

“Thank you, Twilight.” Luna replied. “This was… fun.”

“Alright, the next match will be between Applejack and-…” the announcer was interrupted.

“Stop!!” both Rainbow and Ashleigh yelled running towards the announcer. Ashleigh took the mic. “Everyone, I’m sorry to say this but the next match is gonna have to be put on hold.”

“What for?” AJ started, “I was just about to-….” AJ was interrupted.

“Look Applejack, something more important has come up.” Ashleigh said, then looked at Lauren. “Lauren…” Ashleigh paused. “Faust…”Lauren stood there, confused for a moment. “Faust…!” Ashleigh repeated, then Lauren realized what she meant, and went into shock.

Lauren then walked up to the stage. “I’m sorry everyone, this fight has to be postponed for another time. Something much more important has come up.”

“Something more important?” a familiar voice called out. They looked over in the crowd and saw it was John De Lancie. “Now what could be more important than this?” he joked.

“He’s already here!” Rainbow yelled as he zoomed toward De Lancie. “Discord!!”

“Wait what!?” De Lancie exclaimed before immediately getting tackled by Rainbow Dash.

“I won’t let you control- Hey!” Rainbow exclaimed being pulled off by Tara.

“That’s not Discord; it’s just John De Lancie!” Tara yelled.

“Wait… who?”

“He does Discord’s voice in the show.”

“Oh…” Rainbow said with a little embarrassment. “Uh, sorry about that…” Rainbow said helping John up.

“What was that all about??” John asked in an angry tone.

“I’m sorry! I thought you were really Discord…”

“Rainbow dash, I thought you and the other ponies sealed Discord in stone.”

“Wait, how did you know about them?” Tara asked.

“When someone here knows something Tara, it’s bound to be spread around, trust me.”

Lauren was thinking to herself for a moment. What did rainbow mean when she said ‘he’s already here’? Unless… Oh no… “We have to leave, now.”

“Why Lauren? What going to-…” Fluttershy was interrupted.

“There’s no time to explain, we have to go, now!”

“Lauren, what’s going on?” Andrea asked except a little more annoyed.

Lauren paused for a second “Let’s just say things are gonna be chaotic in the next few minutes.”


Back in Equestria, Faust was headed toward Canterlot, with plans to bring back the spirit of chaos and disharmony, Discord. Once Discord is free, there is no possible way my plan can fail. The six bearers are out of reach from the elements of harmony, and Discord will be able to control, what my ‘daughters’ call chaos. Every second, she drew nearer to her destination. Unfortunately for her, she was already beaten there, as Shining Armor and his guards were there protecting the premises.

“All of you are most likely aware of why you are here; you all agreed to risk your lives to protect this kingdom. I’m not going to lie to you; Faust is one of the most powerful foes we have ever faced. But I would rather risk my life fighting her than just standing by and doing nothing!” Shining Armor exclaimed as the guards cheered.

“Very touching Shining Amor; you really know how to build confidence in ponies…” all the guards looked up, Shining Armor included, and saw Faust flying over them. “But I don’t have time to deal with you right now, I have more important business to take care of.” She says flying over them.

“Where is she going..?” Shining asked himself. Then he saw the direction she was headed. “Wait a second!” Shining exclaimed as he placed a force filed over her. “What do you think you’re doing!?”

“Trust me Shining Armor, I have to do this.”

“No! You are not bringing him back!”

“Oh please, it’s not like he’s staying here.” Faust paused and smirked. “I’m merely taking him with me to a… new world.”

“Would that ‘new world’ be the same one that my sister and her friends are on?” Shining asked as his horn lit up.

“Very smart Shining Armor, they really were smart to pick you to be captain of the royal guard.” She said in a sarcastic tone. She then broke the force field with what seemed like little or no effort at all. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” She said as she teleported away.

“This is bad… really bad…” Shining Armor said. “Everypony, head to the statue of Discord immediately!” he exclaimed. “Hurry, we don’t have much time!”

As the guards were scrambling to get to the Statue, Faust had already beaten them there. As she approached the statue, her horn lit up, only this time, dark. She fired directly at the statue and as she expected, it began to crack. It didn’t take too long for the guards to finally catch up to her. Unfortunately, it was too late, and the chaos beast was released. “Welcome back Discord…” Faust smirked.

Discord rubbed his eyes as if he didn’t believe what he was seeing. “Faust… is it really you?”

“No…” one of the guards said wide-eyed.

“It’s good to see you again Discord.” Faust smiled.

“Hmph…” Discord said teleporting teleporting in front of her. “I suppose I would say the same thing, IF you weren’t the reason I was set in stone the first time! You could have stopped Celestia and Luna from doing it, but you just sat there and watched me petrify!”

“I realize this Discord, I apologize.”

“Oh please Faust, we both know that you’re here for another reason much bigger than an apology.” He said pulling out a chair out of thin air and sitting on it. “What is it that you want?”

“A deal.”

“You actually expect me to make a bargain with you?” he said but unexpectedly, Faust went to his face.

“Yes I do, because I created you, and I can erase you from existence just as easily!” her horn lit up brightly.

Discord didn’t look amused. He merely touched her horn and made it disappear. “Now really Faust, must you be so rash?” One of the guards saw this as an opportunity and immediately charged at Faust, only to be stopped by Discord, levitating the guard in the air. “You really don’t think do you?” Discord mused looking at the guard.

“Put him down, Discord, he’s not important.” Faust said and with that Discord rolled his eyes but let the guard drop. “Now about our deal…”

“I told you Faust, I refuse to make a deal with you.” Discord said crossing his arms.

“What if I told you it involved controlling a new world?” she asked with a grin.

Discord raised an eyebrow with interest. “I’m listening…”

Faust explained everything about their world being just an imagination world, thought of by a being from another world. She also explained that she sent the six element bearers there, away from the elements of harmony, plus Luna. She had also explained her plan to merge the two worlds so that they could become real, which made Discord’s expression change from interest to being unsure. “So you want me to come to this… ‘real world’ so that I can control the chaos that you cause from merging our two worlds?”

“That is correct.”

“And what will I get from all of this?”

“Half the control of the merged worlds.”

Discord was silent for a moment, thinking about the offer, then he finally spoke up. “I’m assuming the other half will be yours?” Faust simply nodded. “Very well, I’ll play along with this… for now.” He said giving her horn back. “But only because this sounds like it could be fun.” He smirked.

Faust smirked as well, “Then let’s get going, shall we?” she said as her horn lit up.


With that, Faust’s horn grew brighter, but just as Faust was about to teleport…

“FAUST!!” Shining Armor exclaimed charging after her. Just as he made contact with Faust, he was immediately teleported, along with Faust and Discord.


Back at the convention, everything was hectic. People were scrambling everywhere, fleeing the area. Some people decided to stay, even though they were told to leave. Lauren was with Twilight, Tara, and De Lancie evacuating the other panels in one part of the area while the others did the same. Pinkie Pie went with Fluttershy and Andrea. Ashleigh went with Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Andrea’s group soon made their way to the ‘Hotdiggedydemon’ panel. “Everyone! Please leave! We are all in danger!” Andrea exclaimed. But at first people didn’t take her seriously… especially Max Gilardi.

“And what sort of trouble are we in?” Max asked with an amused expression.

“Discord is coming from our world!” Pinkie exclaimed cutting in. “Everypony run!!” but once again, no one took her seriously.

“Discord…” Max mused. “And did you seriously just say ‘everypony’?” Max said then he paused. “So you must be Pinkie Pie then.” He said in a sarcastic tone.

Pinkie started to feel frustrated. “Look! I’m telling the truth! I’m really from Equestria, and yes I’m Pinkie Pie!”

“Right..” Max mused again. “And I’m guessing that weirdo is Fluttershy.”

“yes she is! Now everyone please le-…” Andrea was interrupted.

“Wait, aren’t you the actual voice actress for Pinkie Pie?” Max asked. “I get it, it’s a joke right?”

“Ok that’s it…” Andrea said and looked at Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, show them your wings…”

“This should be good…” Max said.

With that, Fluttershy extended her wings for all to see. Everyone just stared in awe at her… everyone except Max. “Nice cosplay.”

“Are you serious right now!?” Andrea exclaimed.

“What? I’m giving a compliment. I don’t normally-…” Max stopped himself as he saw Fluttershy lift herself in the air, slowly flying towards him.

“Please… we’re telling the truth. We would never lie about something like this.” Fluttershy said in her usual quiet tone.

“Holy…” Max said wide-eyed. Then he looked at the crowd. “Alright, everyone get the hell out of here, this panel’s over!”

Fluttershy smiled at him. “Thank you.”

With that, they headed out, clearing the rest of the area. Lauren’s group didn’t have too much trouble clearing the area, and neither did Ashleigh’s group. “Alright,” Lauren started, “Everyone all set?”

“Yes… well, not including the bronies with cameras that refused to leave.” De Lancie said rolling his eyes.

“Unbelievable…” Tara mused.


Back in one of the supposedly empty panels, there was a flash that illuminated the room. As the light cleared, Discord, Faust, and Shining Armor could be seen. “We’re here…” Faust said.

“Ugh…” Discord said looking at himself, “Is this what humans really look like? Sorry, but not my thing.” Discord snapped his fingers and he was immediately changed back to his original form. “Much better…” Discord smirked then taking in his surroundings. “So… this is the real world.”

“Amazing isn’t it?” Faust grinned.

“It certainly is interesting…”

“Oohh…” a familiar voice moaned. Both Discord and Faust turned to see Shining Armor, who was now human. “W-what is this?” he asked himself looking at his hands, then feet, followed by the rest of his body. “What did you do to me??”

Faust smirked. “We did nothing; it’s merely an effect of traveling to this world.”

“Is… is this where you sent them?” Shining said taking in his surroundings. Faust nodded. “Where are they?? Where is my little sister!?” he said lowly standing up, still not really used to his human form.

“They are here, in this area.” Faust said. “Go ahead, go find her.” Faust smirked. “Your magic is weaker here anyway; not even Luna could stop me.”

“Wait…” Shining paused. “If being a human is an effect of coming here, then why are you still a pony?”

Faust paused for a moment then opened her mouth to answer. “Unfortunately, I am unable to become human for the moment. Not even Discord can change me.”

“And why is that?”

“I’d love to explain, but I have more important business to attend to.” She said then turning to Discord. “Have fun… but not too much fun.” With that she teleported away.

“With pleasure…” Discord said turning to Shining Armor. “Oh how I want to change you back into your pony form… but Faust wouldn’t allow it.”

Suddenly they heard the sound of someone whimpering. The sound seemed to be coming from under the panel table. Discord quickly lifted the table, revealing what seemed to be a little girl, who looked terrified at the sight of Discord. “Well, looks like we have a little spy…”

“No!” the girl exclaimed, “I’m not a spy, I swear! When everyone was leaving, I got scared!”

“And how do you expect me to believe you?” Discord said levitating the girl in the air.

“Please I’m only 10 years old!” the little girl cried out.

“Discord, stop!” shining exclaimed. “She’s just a child Discord, she did nothing to you!”

Discord huffed “Very well, you watch her then.” he said throwing the girl at Shining. Fortunately he caught her with his magic. “I have some chaos to wreak in this new world…” with that he snapped his fingers and disappeared.

Shining slowly looked at the little girl and placed her to the ground gently. “Are you okay?” he asked.

The girl nodded, “Yeah I’m fine… thanks for saving me.”

“Do you have a name?”

The girl nodded again. “My name’s Selene. What’s yours?”

“I’m Shining Armor.” After saying this made Selene look surprised. “Is something wrong?”

“Aren’t you Twilight’s older brother?” she asked.

Shining Armor went wide-eyed. “You know Twilight?”

“Yeah, she was helping with evacuating the panels.”

“So then… she’s here??”

“She should be.”

“What about her friends; and Princess Luna?”

“Yup, them too.”

“Do you know where they are?”

“I think so…” she said rubbing her head. “Follow me.”

With that, Shining Armor followed the little girl, hoping that she knows what she’s doing. Fortunately, the area isn’t too big, so they should hopefully find them soon.


“Seriously, you have to go!” Tara exclaimed at the brony.

“Are you kidding? When Discord gets here I’m gonna get good footage.” The brony said holding his camera.

“Ugh…” Rainbow moaned. “It’s too dangerous to stay here; don’t you get it!?”

“Don’t bother Rainbow Dash.” De Lancie cut in. “There’s no changing his mind…”

“I just don’t understand why-…” Rainbow was cut off.


Everyone looked at Lauren who had just thrown the brony’s camera to the ground and broke it. “Jesus Christ Lauren…” Tara said a little shocked. “What’s with the attitude?”

“I’m sorry… it’s just that this headache is getting to me.” She said turning to them, then everyone looked at her in shock. “What’s wrong?”

“Your… your forehead…” Tara said pointing at her, her hand shaking.

“My forehead…?” Lauren said placing her hand on her head. When she did, she felt a bump… What the… what is this?? “What the heck is on my forehead!?”

Twilight walked up to Lauren, to examine the bump. “I think that’s your horn…” Twilight said slowly going wide-eyed. “I think it’s growing!”

“What!?” Lauren exclaimed feeling the bump again. “Why is it growing n-…” Lauren paused looking at Twilight. “Yours is growing too!”

“Huh??” Twilight exclaimed feeling a bump on her head as well. She looked at Rarity and Luna to see if theirs was growing too, and they were. “I don’t understand; why are our horns growing back all of a sudden?”

“I think I have the answer…” Luna spoke up. “Our worlds are getting closer to merging than before.”

“What?? Already??” Pinkie exclaimed.

“And with no way to return home… that means, there’s no way to stop it…”

Author's Note:


Sorry for the delay everyone. BUSY BUSY BUSY. But hopefully I’ll be able to get caught up with everything. On this note. Shining Armor and Discord are now on Earth. Time grows shorter the longer they stay on Earth. Will shining Armor and Discord’s presence cause the merge to happen faster? Until then, UnleashedTwilight signing off!