• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 10,896 Views, 612 Comments

Journey to The Real World - unleashedtwilight

Twilight Sparkle Lauren Faust Celestia Luna Applejack Rarity Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Fluttershy

  • ...

No Turning Back Now

"Get out of our way!!" Lauren exclaimed running into the hospital carrying Craig while John was carrying Tara.

"What is going on here!?" The doctor exclaimed but then looked down at Craig and Tara. "What... What happened to them?"

"You see what's going on outside don't you? Well these too got in the middle of it..." John said placing Tara down on a hospital bed.

"Do you know what exactly is going on?" The doctor asked looking at Lauren who was placing her husband down on one of the beds.

"If I told you, you wouldn't believe me... Just please make sure that these two are okay..."

The doctor nodded. "Of course." He said as two doctors brought Tara and Craig in a different room.

Lauren slowly walked over to a chair and sat down going in tears. "It's all my fault..." She said placing her hands to her face. "I was the one who created Faust... And now this is all happening because of me..."

"Lauren, don't say that..." Twilight said sitting next to her. "You had no idea that this kind of thing would even happen. Hey, we had no idea that this sort of thing was even possible." She said putting a hand on her. "It's not your fault..." She paused and sighed. "Faust will pay for what she did to them... Especially Tara..."

"Tara...?" Lauren asked looking at her.

"You said it yourself... She's pretty much me..." She said looking down. "I just really hope that she's okay..."

"You and me both..."


"It looks like she was electrocuted, judging by the burns on her skin..." One of the doctors said examining Tara.

"Same thing with this one..." Another doctor said examining Craig.

"Wait, why does she have a fake horn on her head?"

"Oh, she's a voice actress." A doctor said taking notes. "She was doing this to appeal to the fan base..."

"Well, it must be a good costume, because it's not coming off..." The doctor said struggling to take off the 'fake' horn.

"Ow..." Tara muttered quietly.

"Hey, she's awake!" The doctor said still pulling the horn. "Did she glue this thing on??"

"Ow!!" Tara exclaimed. The doctor let go and fell back in shock. "Ugh..." She said slowly getting up. "Where am I...?"

"You're in the hospital... You're friends were extremely worried about you."

"My friends...? Where are they?"

"They're waiting patiently in the other room..." The doctor paused. "May I ask how you were injured...?"

Tara paused and looked down, "it was... Lightning..." She said looking away.


"Well, yeah..." Tara said turning to him. "Come on, you saw what was happening out there..."

"Right... Probably wasn't a good idea to wear that fake horn then..."

Tara paused for a moment confused. "Fake horn...? I took that off before I was shocked..."

"But it's on your head right now."

"Huh...?" Tara said starting to feel nervous. Slowly she moved her hand to her forehead, only to be stopped by something blocking her hand. Her eyes shrunk as she quickly scrambled off the bed and grabbed the first mirror she could find and looked at herself in shock and started shaking. On her forehead was a tan colored horn. "T-there's a... Horn on my...."

"Ms. Strong...?" The doctor said. "Are you oka--..."

"There's a freaking horn in my head!!!" She exclaimed.


"What is taking so long for them to--.."

"There's a freaking horn on my head!!!" A familiar voice yelled out.

"That sounded like Tara!" Lauren exclaimed running into the room. "What's going--..." Lauren paused and had a look of complete shock seeing Tara with a horn.

"What is going on!? Why do I have a horn? I've never been to Equestria!"

"Lauren!" Twilight exclaimed running in. "What just- OH MY GOODNESS!" She exclaimed looking at Tara. "W-what... How??" Was all that came out of her mouth.

"S-she's turning into a unicorn!" Lauren exclaimed.

"Excuse me...?" The doctor said looking at the three. "Are you insane?"

"Look, we would like to explain, but we don't have the time..." Lauren paused. "How Is Craig...?"

"A few burns... But nothing fatal. He's just unconscious." The doctor said.

"Keep an eye on him..." With that, twilight put a hand on Tara and Lauren, and teleported into the other room, leaving the doctors dumbfounded.

"What... Just happened?" The doctor said in shock.


“You think they will be okay...?” Fluttershy asked with a tone of worry.

“Don’t worry too much darling... “Rarity said getting close to her. “I’m sure they will be just fine.”

Ashleigh sighed. “I wonder if Tabitha saw all of this...”

“Tabitha?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah... you know, your voice...” Andrea said rubbing the back of her head.

“Oh, right...” Rarity said. “By the way, how come she never came?”

“She told me she was busy but, she never told me what she was busy with...” Ashleigh responded. “She did tell me she had a migraine though...”

“Well, I’m sure it’s nothing...” Applejack said.

“Yeah...” Andrea said rubbing her back.

“Something wrong?” Applejack asked.

“I don’t know. My back doesn’t feel right...”

“Yeah, mine too...” Ashleigh said also rubbing her back.

“Hold on, let me take a look...” Applejack said going behind Andrea first. “Oh my...” before she said anything else, she quickly looked at Ashleigh’s back. “Uh... don’t panic...”

Andrea’s eyes shrunk. “Why, what’s going on...??” she asked in a sort of nervous tone.

“Uh... well...” Applejack said tearing holes in their shirts, revealing that they both now had wings.

“What the!?!” Ashleigh exclaimed.

“Wings!?” Andrea exclaimed.

“How is this possible!?” Ashleigh exclaimed.

“I don’t know...” Andrea started. “But this is so awesome!!” Everyone just stared at her. “What?? It is!”

“This is very bizarre...” John De Lancie said just staring at the two of them in shock.

“No!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “This is perfect!”

Huh?” everyone said simultaneously.

“Don’t you get it?” She said getting close to Andrea and Ashleigh. “Now they can help us!”

“Whoa whoa!” Ashleigh cut in. “Not that simple.”

“What do you mean?”

“We just got these wings. You expect us to automatically know how to fly??”

“Well, then I’ll give you both flying lessons!”

“Excuse me...?” Ashleigh asked.

“You heard me!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Rainbow Dash’s express flying lessons!”

“Express...?” Rarity asked. “Just how is it express?”

“Simple!” Rainbow said turning to Rarity. “I’ll put the lessons you would normally put in a month, and put it in a day!”

“Okay, I really doubt that that’s possible.” Andrea said.

“Sure it’s possible!” Rainbow exclaimed. “In fact, by the time I’m done with you two, you’ll be flying circles around Discord!”

Andrea and Ashleigh looked at each other. “I guess we don’t really have much of a choice...” Ashleigh said. “Alright Rainbow Dash, when do we begin?”

“Right now!” She exclaimed. “Come on!” she flew outside as the others followed.

“Wait.” Celestia said stopping everyone, “What about mother?”

“Don’t worry, we’ll just be outside of the hospital.” Rainbow said as they continued out.

“I’ll wait here for her...” Celestia said sitting back down.

Everyone nodded and continued out, all but Luna. “I’ll wait here with you as well sister..” Luna said sitting next to her.

“Thank you, Luna...” She said and sighed. But quickly darted her head up when Twilight, Tara, and Lauren were teleported in front of them. “That was fa-...” Celestia paused as she looked up at Tara’s horn. “Oh my... I guess they weren’t the only two.”

“Huh?” Tara asked. “What do you mean?”

“Well, two of your friends grew... wings...” Celestia said.

“Wait... Andrea and Ashleigh??” Tara exclaimed.

“Yes, those two... and they went outside right now for flying lessons with Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash is giving them flying lessons!?” The three exclaimed as they all ran out. No one was in the air yet, but they looked like they were about to make a first attempt.

"Guys!" Rainbow dash exclaimed looking at Lauren. "You made--... Whoa..." She said looking at Tara.

"Huh?" Rarity said looking as well. "Oh my..."

"You too??" John exclaimed. "Oh just when I thought things couldn't get any better." He said holding his head.

"Rainbow Dash, you were about to give them flying lessons??" Twilight asked.

"Yeah! And you should do the same with Tara, only magic!"

"Give Tara... Magic lessons?" Twilight said slowly looking back at Tara. "I don't know... I've never actually given lessons to anypony before..."

"Hey..." Shining Armor stepped forward, "you're the most magical unicorn I know sis, I know you can do this."

"But Shining Armor, it's not that simple. Tara Strong has never used magic in her entire life! And I'm supposed to teach her magic in a day??"

"We have to at least try Twilight..." Tara said walking to her. "I'm up for anything that you have to teach me." Lauren just randomly snickered a bit. "What's so funny...?"

"Oh nothing..." Lauren paused. "It's just that this is coming from the woman who fainted seeing a-..."

"Will you let that go already!?" Tara exclaimed interrupting her.

"I'm just saying!" She laughed.

Tara turned to Twilight. "Alright, where do we begin?"


"Come on! Flap harder!" Rainbow dash exclaimed at the struggling Ashleigh and Andrea. "You'll never get off the ground with that effort!"

"Oh give me a break...!" Ashleigh exclaimed trying to flap her wings faster.

"This isn't as fun as I thought it would be...!" Andrea exclaimed panting.

"Fun!?" Rainbow dash exclaimed going to Andrea, "this isn't supposed to be fun! This is supposed to be serious!" She went over to Ashleigh. "You're supposed to be me! Come on!"

"Not...helping!!" Ashleigh exclaimed.

All of a sudden Andrea raised off the ground a few inches but quickly went back down. "Ugh..."

"Come on! You almost had it!" She exclaimed at Andrea.

"I'm trying my best Rainbow Dash, give me a break!" Andrea exclaimed.

"At least she got in the air...!" Ashleigh said panting.

Rainbow Dash sighed and put a... "H-huh...?" Rainbow Dash said looking at her hoof. "Uh oh..." She looked at Andrea and Ashleigh who both had hooves as well. Both tan as well. "G-girls...?"

"We know..." Both Ashleigh and Andrea said in shock.


"Alright... Lets start off with a simple levitation spell." Twilight teleported Lauren, Tara, and herself to Lauren's house. "Starting with the thing that made you faint..." She said picking up the coffee mug.

"You did that on purpose..." Tara mused.

"It was funny and I had to." Twilight smirked. "Alright, I want you to focus your magic to your horn first. Magic flows within our bodies, it just has to be directed and released through the horn."

"Okay..." Tara said closing her eyes, trying to focus on her horn. "Come on..." She said struggling to feel anything happen.

"Don't strain yourself..." Twilight said. "Just relax... Don't even focus on levitation right now. Just try to focus on your horn, and directing your magic though it." Lauren was just sitting down, watching her. "You should get some practice in too Lauren."

"Right, sorry..." Lauren said standing up.

She turned back to Tara. "You can do this Tara... I know you can."

Tara sighed as she tried again. Only this time when she tried, her horn illuminated with a light blue aura.

"That's it!" Twilight exclaimed. "You're doing it Tara! Now use that to lift up that cup!" Tara slowly opened her eyes, looking at the mug. Just as Twilight had hoped, the light blue aura surrounded the coffee mug and it slowly lifted into the air. “You’re doing it! You’re doing- Whoa!!” She exclaimed as she and Lauren fell forward. Tara dropped the mug and fell forward as well. “What the...?” she said looking at her hooves.

“Our worlds are almost completely merged...” Lauren sighed. “What will happen after that... I’m not sure. But I’m pretty sure that Faust will still have her magic, regardless of her turning human.”

“That reminds me.” Tara spoke out. “Why is she the only pony turning human?” she asked. “I mean I understand Why I’m turning into a pony, considering my job... but still...”

“I told you before Tara...” Lauren sighed. “She tried to take my life before. And she’s doing it again... only different. She’s changing the world to the way she wants it to change... And Craig will think that I am her because of this goddamn plan!!” She exclaimed stomping the ground panting. As everything was silent, there was a flash of light coming from their own bodies. When the light cleared, everyone was completely transformed into full ponies. Everything was silent outside.

“It looks like it’s done...” Twilight sighed. “There’s no turning back now; we have to keep practicing.” She looked at Lauren who looked like she lost hope again. “Lauren... please...” she walked up to her. “Our worlds may be merged now, but we can still beat Faust...”

“Girls...?” Tara said looking out the window in her pony form with her cutie mark as a microphone with a heart on it. “You should take a look at this...” Both Lauren and Twilight looked out the window and were both in complete shock. Buildings from Canterlot were close to the buildings from Earth, but most of them looked destroyed. “Discord is supposed to fix all of this...?”

“I don’t think so...” Twilight objected. “I highly doubt that someone like Discord would fix any of this.” But just as she said this, all the pony buildings were instantaneously repaired and sent 10 feet into the air above the original buildings. “Wait, what??” Discord suddenly appeared behind them.

“I didn’t have much of a choice...” Discord said looking out the window.

“What?” Tara said. “What are you talking about?”

“I may be a creature of Chaos, but without homes, ponies and humans alike would not survive... I cause chaos for fun, not to kill.” Discord sighed.

“You don’t look too happy now that you’re working with Faust...” Lauren said.

“If you’re trying to get my guard down, you can forget it.”

“Discord, I’m serious...” Lauren sighed. “None of us like to see this happen.”

“Well of course you don’t.” Discord rolled his eyes. “But even so, I still have some standards.” he paused just staring out at the buildings. “Besides, our worlds are merged now and there’s no way they can be separated again. Well, no way that I know of...”

“So you’re saying that there is a way?” Twilight asked.

“You ask me...” Discord said. “You are the element of Magic after all...”

“Wait...” Twilight said. “The Elements of Harmony...? But how would that help?”

Discord rolled his eyes again. “Does this look harmonious to you at all?” he pointed out the window. “The Elements of harmony should be able to restore your world and our world to its original state.”

Everyone just looked at each other, and Tara was the first to speak out. “Discord, why are you helping us? You realize if our worlds un-merge, you won’t be-...”

“I know what it means Tara Strong...” Discord sighed. “Besides, I’d rather cause chaos to just Equestria anyways.” He smirked. “But don’t get too used to this attitude Twilight. It’s only until everything is back to the way it was.”

“Fair enough...” Twilight rolled her eyes. “But there’s just one problem; where would we start looking for the elements of harmony? They could be anywhere on this world.”

“Well, you better get started then.” he smirked and disappeared, leaving everyone confused.

“Discord is actually helping us...?” Lauren said in disbelief.

“There’s no time to question this.” Twilight exclaimed. “We have to step up out magic practice and start searching for the elements of harmony as fast as we can.”

Author's Note:

It's all or nothing. A race to find the Elements of Harmony! Which element will they find first? Find out in the next chapter. Until then, UnleashedTwilight signing off! :rainbowdetermined2:

Comments ( 78 )

"twilight put a hand on Tara and Lauren"
When did Twilight start turning into a human, and when was her name not capitalized?
“I mean I understand Why I’m turning into a pony"
Capitalization fail.

I'll be honest, I've enjoyed both the original story and this sequel so far, but this just feels far too rushed and incomplete. It leaved me disappointed.

2890055 :ajsleepy: I'm trying... I'm pretty much typing most of this on my iphone...

You know, the way crap just... happens in this story...

*walks up to Discord and pops a cap in his head. Discord dies.*

Well why not. Makes as much sense as anything else. :facehoof:

I know that feeling. It still needs some revisions, as it is quite messy and simply doesn't flow like most other stories. I wish you luck sorting it out.

Wait if the voice actors for the mane six are tuning into ponies then that means John De Lancie.....:rainbowderp::derpyderp1:

little sad the two worlds won't be merging for good but still good bet they find kindness first.

Faust knows what is going to happen when the two worlds merge...but I have no idea, is she going to die? Is she going to go into Lauren and disappear, what I don't know

“We just got these wings. You expect us to automatically know how to fly??”

Yes. Haven't you seen the Season 3 finale?
Of course Equestria Girls retconned that away but never mind.

2890415 Technically, yes. It's her OC :pinkiecrazy:

Don't let my brother bother you... he's a bit of a grammar nazi. I've never really been bothered by stuff like that, as long as it's understandable, but he can be... picky,

Anyways, I think this story is turning out great! Keep up the good work!

2890095 Does that mean De Lancie is getting a Starfleet Admirals Uniform?

2890324 that was a Matrix reference.

2891508 if he wanted one all he would have to do is snap his fingers.

2890095 Possibly but then he would of gotten an horn the same time as the others, if their pony forms are being based on the voice actor's OCs, we'll have to find out!

2891989 I was actually hinting on him becoming Q or a Draconequus.

2890079 if your typing this in notes you can login on your icloud accound (on a computer) and type it from there, or if you have a blue tooth keyboard you can connect it to your phone via bluetooth


You are a mind-reader.

I hope Tabitha is in the next chapter, or any upcomming chapters. I reeeeeaaaally wanna see her in this story.:twilightsmile:

Comment posted by afterceasetoexist deleted Jan 18th, 2014

Where's Cadence? What happened to Spike? What are the guards of Canterlot doing? How are the local police of the soon-to-not-be real world handeling this? When did you ever mention Equestrian buildings in the S-t-N-B.R.W.? Why did the flash of light only appear when the tf was completed but not when each part of the body was altered? For that matter; how come there was a flash of light in the first place? Why not type about them running, follow by them tripping due to their spines realigning? How are the girls, outside of Lauren, even standing after their tf was completed? While I'm still on this subject, how come their hands became hooves but not their feet? It's implied that Craig gets turned into a pony as well, but the doctors? The way you write, the whole "getting to the hospital" thing was completely unnecessary. Where did De' Lancy go? Is he another Discord? What was the point of the latest three chapters? For that matter, what was the point of having a sequel? What? Why? What?

...I look foward to the next chapter. Keep going. ;-3

This is getting so crazy, that it has reached a point where the storytelling itself is falling to pieces. I never know who is where, it seems that all the characters who are speaking just appear when it is their turn to speak, and then disappear until they speak again. There aren't enough connections between characters and setting.

2892124 I was thinking that too but I didn't want to mention it if that's what's going to happen!

I was thinking the same thing. There were so many wasted opportunities to expand the setting and describe character interactions, but this all felt a bit rushed. I remember the pacing in the beginning being a lot easier to follow. I would suggest slowing down, even if it means you have to make the chapters longer and separate out the scenes. It's like an action movie with shaky cam syndrome right now.:twilightoops:

Once their was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly that everyone died thee end

-Patrick Star

Y U NO UPDATE?!?!?!? :flutterrage:

....I thought you SPECIFICALLY SAID the VAs won't change!:flutterrage:

I demand updates.
Um.. if you don't mind..


Im in the hospital... read my blogs :ajbemused:

Comment posted by afterceasetoexist deleted Jan 18th, 2014

Unleashed. Twilight. Is. In. Hospital. You. Are. An. Asshole.

Comment posted by afterceasetoexist deleted Jan 18th, 2014

>Dreams of her being in Equestria and killing an evil clone of herself...
>rated everyone

3362002 This is a sequel to the story "Journey to my imagination."

3365698 k , why did you tell me that though?....

what happen next?

When will the next chapter come out? :fluttercry:

She walked there (or drove), she was the first pony in reality, and she was never separated from lauren

Is this still alive? :applejackunsure:


well... ive been extremely busy with a lot of things but, I will try my best here... ive just been busy with work, and college

5018302 So, there's hope... :pinkiehappy:

Take your time then :ajsmug:

5018302 yesh. don't rush it please......:pinkiesad2:

you know what this fiction needs?

an intro like a movie

and i found an intro for this fiction ^^


take your time your story really interesthing

but what faust didnt think before she act that she should worry that powerfull milatry forces will use pony magic as a weapons

i bet she didnt think that through?

So in the end, we win regardless!
No matter how battered by illness Ms. Tabitha St. Germain's voice gets or how busy she gets, we will still get pony BY the ponies!
Inversely, if Luna is busy and still needs to do a radio address, Ms. Germain can deliver it as Luna!

2890095 All.he needs is his Star fleet uniform and he's set

Please tell me his will continue, Unleashed...

Why don't you continue this story it was good but you haven't upd in forever

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