> Journey to The Real World > by unleashedtwilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Dreams > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Maybe my horn was cut off, so what? I can still beat you up until you beg for me to stop!” Faust grinned. One of her pupils was looking at the bottom left corner, while the other one was looking straight at Lauren. “Do you know why I didn’t eliminate Celestia back when she was a filly? It was because I couldn’t. I couldn’t because she had a great love for you. Now, I can’t eliminate her, because you are here! You have revived that dreadful love she has for you!” “So, why didn’t you take my life when you dragged me here to Equestria? Wouldn’t that be a lot easier than fooling us around and make Celestia go wild?” Lauren no longer felt the pain on her face. Her mind was only focused on finding the truth. “That would have been too convenient, right? Sadly, it was thanks to Celestia that I couldn’t do it! I can’t take your life unless I eliminate Celestia! She is the one protecting your soul from being taken from me! I hate it!” Faust struck both her front hooves on the floor. “Because of Celestia, I felt an unbearable pain when she broke my wings. And now… she cut off my precious horn! That good for nothing excuse of a ruler! I despise her!” “Shut your mouth! Celestia is the most generous, fair, and kind co-ruler of Equestria! Don’t you dare trash talk her like that! You will never be half the mare Celestia is!” Lauren clenched her teeth, ready to launch more attacks at Faust. “I had her under my unbreakable control! I should’ve been able to exterminate her! But I couldn’t. I couldn’t because of you, disgusting ex-human!” Faust pointed her hoof at Lauren, which caused the latter to groan in anger. “Celestia. That coward is always hiding! She is even hiding from us as we speak!” “I’ve had enough with you talking trash about me and Celestia! You’re just frustrated because your plan didn’t work! Under no circumstances am I giving my life, in this world or elsewhere, to a complete monster like you!” “C’mon, Celestia!” Faust shouted, apparently ignoring that last claim Lauren threw at her. “Come on, fat flank! Reveal yourself! Stop hiding like the sewer rat you are! What’s wrong, filly? Are you scared of your momma!?” Lauren couldn’t stand it anymore. She wasn’t going to let Faust to insult her and Celestia any further. My horn. If I impale her chest… She waited for the moment. Faust was looking around the room, looking for the Princess. Now! Without a second thought, she ran towards Faust, bowing her head to align her horn with the psychotic mare. The distance between them wasn’t long. It was only a matter of seconds. Faust chortled and jumped away to one side in time to avoid Lauren’s impact. “Fool! Did you forget I can read your thoughts? Pathetic human!” Faust watched as Lauren braked, turning her body to face her. “My turn!” Faust launched herself at Lauren, ready to impact her again with a solid punch to her pretty pony face. And then, it happened. “And who are you calling a fat flank, Faust?” Celestia stood in between Lauren and Faust. There was a hoof on her face, but she didn’t show any signs of being bothered by it. Her mane and tail were back to their usual four colors. Faust growled and jumped back, keeping her distance from Celestia. The two mares looked at each other. “You! How dare you block my attack!?” “Give it a rest, Faust. It’s over now,” Celestia said. Lauren looked from behind Celestia. She was relieved she had appeared now. A second punch to her face wouldn’t have been so pleasant, after all. “Princess Celestia!” “Lauren. It’s time now. We are going to finish Faust right here, right now,” Celestia said, looking directly at Faust. “Please, Celestia! You’ve been saying that over and over. It’s getting old! Less blah, blah, blah, and more action! Show me what your fat flank can do!” Faust grinned and laughed, her squinted and bloodshot eyes wide open. “I am the creator of Equestria! You can’t defeat me! Not in this life, not in the other one!” “Lauren. I’ll use a spell to stun Faust, but it will only work for a few seconds. My magic power has run out thanks to that beam struggle I had with her.” Celestia took a step forward. “When my stun spell hits her, you only have one chance to pierce her chest with your horn, understood?” “Y-yes.” Lauren gulped. It was really going to be over now. It all depend in the success of their strategy. Succeed, and she could return back home. Fail... and she would have her life and husband stolen away from her. “I’m ready.” “Fools! You will never defeat me! You will succumb against me! Perish, you parasites!” Faust launched herself at Celestia, ready to strike her with a punch right on the face. However, Celestia, along with Lauren disappeared from sight. “Huh!?” Faust quickly looked behind her, but there was nopony to be found. She looked above, but no traces of Celestia or Lauren were there. Finally, she returned her stare at the point where Celestia and Lauren were standing, only to find out that they were back there. “N-no!” “Yes.” Celestia shot a weak bolt of magic from her horn, which impacted Faust right away. Celestia jumped back, looking as the bolt enveloped Faust in what it seemed like magical chains. Much like the ones that trapped Luna back when she was fighting Celestia. “Now, Lauren!” “No! Wait! Don’t do it, please!” Faust begged, but the time to beg was over. She squirmed, trying to struggle her way out of the chains, but it was all futile. Her body was dead and unwilling to cooperate. “If you destroy me, you’ll disappear with me!” “Huh!?” Lauren stared at Faust. She was about to sprint and finish the whole deal, however, Faust’s words stopped her. “What do you mean?” “You are me, or did you forget that?” Faust shouted, never losing her trademark smirk, ignoring the dire situation caused by her alter ego and her very own daughter. “If you destroy your other half, what will happen? You will destroy yourself! Is that really what you want?” “Lauren! Don’t listen to her! She is lying!” Celestia exclaimed from behind. “Do you truly think that I still harbor a smidgen of trust for you, alter ego or no?” Lauren exclaimed “Unlike you, I accept responsibility for my actions and my creations! I am prepared to give my life to save Equestria from a monster such as you!” She was quite surprised at the volume and power behind her own voice, however this wasn't the time to investigate her new species' quirks. Faust’s smirk disappeared. She tried to struggle again, but it was useless. Celestia's binding spell was far too complex to be broken by brute force. “Idiot! You’re so stubborn!” She clenched her teeth. There was no stopping Lauren now. Lauren stared at her nemesis, the one who believed that her ends justified any means, the one who was prepared to sacrifice the sanctity of a whole society if not a whole world to achieve her selfish goals. She could not believe that her self-declared alter ego would act like so, but she remember her own indirect actions against Luna and the Elements of Harmony; she had unwittingly trapped her own daughter inside her mind for a thousand years, and unleashed Discord's comical horror, yet here was an opportunity to repent for her own sins and resolve those of another with the same blow, to kill two birds with one stone. “This is for all the damage you have caused me and everyone here in Equestria!” Lauren drew in a deep breath and shouted “For your heinous crimes against Equestria's royalty, my daughters and myself, I bring your well-deserved penance to you!” Her declaration did not echo from the walls at all, which seemed unusual for such a loud magically-empowered shout. Lauren charged at her own darker half as Twilight had charged at Luna's, and thrust her horn directly into Faust’s chest. “Y-you! Nooo!” Faust squeaked. Her head and body twitched as red, bloody foam poured out of her mouth. Her pupils were nowhere to be found, leaving only white eyes on display. Her last words left everyone guessing, searching for a trick or feint, a Thanatos gambit befitting the fallen mare; “I… can’t… believe… this!” As Faust's screams of despair slowly died away, Lauren yanked her head upwards, cleaving her nemesis in half. As the adrenaline rush of the immortal game's gruesome conclusion died away, Lauren remembered Craig. Would my husband think of me as a bloodthirsty monster if he observed this scene, on television or otherwise? The magical bindings around Faust fade away, allowing an unparalleled view of the hairline cracks slowly spreading all over her body. Within less than a minute, the cracks glow with something akin to a magical aura — the same pearly-white color that Lauren and Faust shared. What will my new friends think of me now? Twilight and the Princesses would understand, for they witnessed most of the events, they understood my desperation and determination, for they experienced it themselves. Twilight’s friends, however… Fluttershy would probably be too meek to say anything, she would keep her concerns pent up inside. Pinkie Pie could take anything in stride, she was nothing to worry about, other than the inevitable “Thanks-For-Saving-The-World” party. Applejack will probably believe me, and Rainbow Dash will probably look forward to continuing our flight lessons. Rarity is more-or-less a wildcard… but she trusts her friends’ judgment… Lauren and Celestia looked as Faust’s body lost its natural color. Her coat, mane, tail and every single part of her body became of a golden color. In a matter of seconds, her glittery body started to leak beams of light from inside. The cracks grew bigger, causing the beams of light to do as well. Finally, a bubble of light surrounded Faust, causing her body to vanish like dust. And with that, Faust, the evil mastermind behind Celestia’s actions, the one who attacked Luna, the one who deceived everypony, the one who wanted Lauren’s life was defeated. Lauren smiled. She was satisfied with what she had seen. It was over now, truly over. She felt reinvigorated, and yet tired at the same time, as if a stream of energy was constantly entering her body only to be used up at a breakneck speed. “I’m so tired...” She walked towards one of the nearest more-or-less intact couch, and fell directly into a deep sleep. “Rest, my little pony, for there is one last place we should visit before it all ends.” _____________________________ “…Another dream… and for some reason it’s almost always the same as other nights.” Lauren says to herself waking up from another bizarre dream. Why do I keep getting these dreams…? Lauren thinks to herself, puzzled. It’s almost as if… No, that’s impossible. I’ve been working too hard. I need to focus on making season 3 for the show. As Lauren starts her daily routine; getting ready for work, thinking of new ideas for the show, she can’t stop thinking about the dreams that she’s been having. “It all seems so real…” Lauren says to herself holding her head in frustration. “What seems so real?” a familiar voice asked as he walked in the room. It was Lauren’s husband, Craig. “Oh, it’s nothing, Craig… just another strange dream.” Lauren said with a sheepish smile. “Is it the same dream as the other one’s you’ve been telling me about?” Craig asked; Lauren simply nodded. “Lauren, you really need to take a little break from the ponies; maybe long enough so you can cool off, clear your head.” “Maybe you’re right…” Lauren said about to take a sip from her coffee “I have been working a lot lately.” ……. This is for all the damage you have caused me and everyone here in Equestria! For your heinous crimes against Equestria's royalty, my daughters and myself, I bring your well-deserved penance to you! ……. CRASH! Craig turned to where the sound came from; it was the cup Lauren was holding. “Lauren, what happened; is something wrong??” Craig asked with a worried tone. “It… it was my dream.” Lauren said wide-eyed. “What about your dream…?” Craig asked confused. “I… I think just had a flashback or, at least I think I did…” Lauren said breathing heavily. “Lauren… how could you possibly have a flash back with a dream?” Craig asked. “That’s just it Craig… What if it wasn’t a dream at all? What if…” Lauren paused. “What if it was a memory?” _____________________________ All eyes met the white alicorn, who kept her trademark smile on her face. Twilight was rather astonished and sort of worked out more than anypony else. Her heart raced fast, as if she had received a bad grade. “L-leave?” she muttered, slowly turning her head to look at Lauren, her mouth twitching. “Y-you mean that Lauren will finally go back home?” Spike said. He couldn’t help but feel some sort of sadness over the news. It was true that Lauren had to go back, but it was too soon. He didn’t even have time to ask her if she could make Rarity to agree to go on a date with him. “What? No thanks-for-saving-the-world party? You can’t leave without a party! It would be too boring! I don’t know how long will it be until we see you again! Just give me a second and I’ll bring my party ca—” Pinkie’s mouth was shut, this time by Applejack’s hoof. “Home?” Lauren felt chills running down her spine. Was she finally able to get back to her home world, and most importantly, Craig? Would she feel the dexterity of her fingers once again? Lie down on her own soft bed and be able to stretch out properly? “Am I finally going to be able to get back home?” Her face beamed. “L-leave already,? But...” Luna couldn’t believe she had met with her real mother for the first time, and it was the time to say goodbye already. “N-no,” Twilight whimpered. “No… after all we’ve been through together, thick and thin… you have to go?” She shook her head. “No! Please… I don't want you to go!” she sniffled. _____________________________ “…That same dream… again…” Twilight said to herself getting up from bed. “What’s the matter Twilight?” Spike asked stretching his arms. “Good morning Spike, and… don’t worry about it. I just had another strange dream.” Twilight said walking downstairs. “Is it the same one as before?” Spike asked with a sort of worried face. “Well, kind of… I don’t know why but in this dream I was sad about somepony leaving…” Twilight said rubbing her head. “And this pony seems strangely familiar to me, almost as if I’ve met her before.” “Maybe you should talk to the princess about these dreams; after all, you’ve been getting them a lot haven’t you?” Spike asked. “No no, I don’t think it’s that serious… after all it’s only a dream.” Twilight said to Spike, but in reality, she was very curious on why she’s been having such dreams. What do these dreams mean…? And who in the hoof is Lauren; and why does the name sound so familiar!? Twilight was thinking to herself in a daze until Spike waved his hand in front of her face. “Are you feeling ok, Twilight?” Spike asked a little more worried. “Huh?” Twilight said getting out of her daze. “Y-yeah, I’m fine; just a little daydream. “Whatever you say, Twilight…” Spike asked about to go downstairs. ……. “Princess!” Twilight ran to Celestia’s aid. She almost moved by reflex, leaving Lauren all alone and forgetting everything about Faust. Right now, she only cared to check on the Princess. “T-Twilight! Stop!” Celestia exclaimed, moving from under her sister to get back on her hooves. However, the heavy impact from just moments ago was still holding her down. Before Twilight could step any closer, Faust appeared in front of her, with her trademark malevolent grin displayed on her face. Twilight gulped, jumping back to avoid contact with the alicorn. She lit her horn, ready to attack at any moment, but Faust was quicker, much quicker than her. The last thing Twilight noticed was a blinding light against her eyes. In just an instant, her world went black. “Twilight!” Lauren couldn’t do anything but stare at the scene. Twilight was lying on the floor, with a few sparks of magic were running in frenzy all around her body. Celestia, desperate to help her student, struggled from under Luna, still unable to raise herself from the floor. “Heh, that was rather easy. Element of Magic, yeah, right,” Faust chortled and turned her head to Lauren. “Now, let’s—” “S-shut up!” a faint voice said. Everypony rolled their eyes towards the origin of the voice. Faust took a few steps back as the unicorn started to sloppily trying to get back on her hooves. Faust did not expect for Twilight to be conscious after that magic attack. She was sure that bolt of magic would have been enough to take out a puny unicorn like her. “T-There’s a severe problem w-with you,” Twilight said between gasps. “You just love to underestimate us, don’t you?” She was a bit hurt by the potent shock that ran through her body, but nothing she could not withstand. The shock was nothing compared to the botched magic spells that would fire back at her when she was studying magic with the Princess. I have to do something! I have to help. Lauren looked around the room, looking for something that could possibly aid her. Luckily, for her, there was something. Something that amazingly had survived the atrocious battle held right in that very same throne room. Aha! The chandelier! It’s just above Faust. If I could only shoot a beam of magic towards the chain, it would squash her! “I’m impressed, wimp. Not just anypony manages to stand up after a shocking magic spell.” However, that was not Faust’s biggest concern. Twilight frowned, her legs still shivering because of the shock. She didn’t say anything, instead, she only focused on recovering from that brutal shock. “Heh, you seem to have a very impressive resistance. No wonder why Celestia chose you as her own protégé.” Faust gave one of her fake smiles. The ones she had been giving all the time before everypony discovered she was the mastermind behind what was going on with Celestia. In just a second, she replaced that fake smile with her wicked grin. “Let’s see if you have resistance for this!” In less than a second, Faust arched one of her hooves and swung it at Twilight from under her chin. The uppercut connected, causing the unicorn to groan in pain and jump in the air for a brief seconds. Faust swiftly spun her body and thrust her hind legs against Twilight, bucking her as hard as Applejack would buck an apple tree in applebuck season. “Oof.” That was everything Twilight managed to say. ……. “Twilight, snap out of it!” Spike yelled as Twilight finally broke out of her daze. “What just happened??” “…We need to get to Princess Celestia right away…!” Twilight said still wide-eyed. A/N That’s right everypony; the start of the sequel to ‘Journey to My Imagination’ is here! This is pretty much a part 1 prologue chapter. Will Twilight and Lauren find out the reasons they have been having these bizarre memories? You’ll have to wait and see! ~~~ Ok aside from that, I would like to give credit for the original story to DeiStar who also gave me permission to write this sequel, so until next time; UnleashedTwilight signing off! > Lauren's Doubts > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “What do you mean ‘what if it was a memory’? That would be impossible.” Craig said with a serious look on his face. “The ponies that you create aren’t real!” “I know, I know, but still… it would sort of explain the weird dreams I’ve been having.” Lauren said rubbing her head. “Ok that’s it” Craig said putting his foot down. “You’re taking a break from all this, Lauren. Don’t go to work today; have some friends over and relax.” Craig said as he left the room. Craig is right… maybe I have just been really stressed with all the work that I’ve done; besides I could use a day off. It’s been a while since I had one. Maybe I can invite Tara over to hang out if she’s not busy. But as Lauren is thinking of things to do, she once again hears her own voice from that dream… ……. This is for all the damage you have caused me and everyone here in Equestria! For your heinous crimes against Equestria's royalty, my daughters and myself, I bring your well-deserved penance to you! ……. “Ugh… I need to stop thinking about it.” Lauren says to herself getting her phone. “Like Craig said, it’s only a dream.” She says dialing Tara Strong’s number. *Ring…* *Ring…* *Ri-…* “Hello?” Tara answered. “Hey Tara, it’s me Lauren. Listen, I was wondering if you were busy today.” Lauren said hoping desperately that she would be free. “Oh, hey Lauren! No, I’m not busy today; why do you ask?” Tara asked. “Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to come by and just hang out… I’ve sort of been feeling stressed out a little.” Lauren said with a sort of quieter tone. “Is it because of those dreams that you’ve been having?” Tara asked. “How did you-…” Lauren was interrupted. “Craig told me; he’s been really worried about you Lauren, and so has everyone else.” Tara said with a serious tone in her voice. “The ponies you create are not real; stop worrying so much.” “I know they aren’t real Tara, but the more I dream about them the more I-…” Lauren paused. “The more you what?” Tara asked waiting for an answer. “…The more I feel like it wasn’t really a dream; like it actually may have been a memory!” Lauren said. “Okay… I’m coming over there. Clearly you need someone to talk to and help clear your mind. I’ll be there in about a half hour. See you then, Lauren.” Tara said before hanging up. Great… Tara probably thinks I’ve gone insane after saying that to her. I REALLY need to stop thinking about those dreams… but for some reason when I try to stop thinking about them, I think about them even more! Maybe having the day off with Tara will help… ~~~~~~~~~ “Dear Princess Celestia, It is of dire importance that I speak with you right away. For some reason I have been experiencing these strange dreams about this pony that is very familiar to me, but I can’t remember who it is! At first I thought it was only a dream, until moments ago I experienced a vision of this same pony whose name is Lauren Faust… I still don’t quite know who she is but that’s not the strangest part. The strangest part is the fact that she is an Alicorn, when I thought you, Luna and Cadence were the only Alicorns in Equestria. I await your response as soon as possible. Your most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.” After finishing the message, Twilight had Spike send the letter to Princess Celestia immediately. “There, it’s on its way.” Spike said to Twilight. “But I still don’t understand this whole situation…” “I don’t understand it either Spike; which is why I am going to speak with the Princess about this. Maybe she’ll know what’s going on.” Twilight said with a little concern. “I’m sure it’s nothing Twi-…” Spike was interrupted as he burped receiving a reply from the Princess already. “That was fast…” Twilight said opening the message. “My most faithful student Twilight, I ask that you please come to the castle right away… we must talk. Princess Celestia.” “…That’s it? That’s weird…” Spike said a little confused. “Well you heard what she said, she wants us there now! Come on Spike, place a hand on me.” Twilight said; when he did Twilight teleported them both to Celestia’s castle and in her throne room. “Twilight, thank you for coming when you did.” Celestia said with a concerned look. “Princess Celestia, do you know what my dreams and visions mean?” “I still haven’t figured that part out yet, but the reason I called you here is because I have been experiencing these same dreams.” “What?!” Twilight and Spike yelled in unison. “Yes… I have been trying to figure out these dreams ever since I started having them.” Celestia said a little more frustrated. “What about Luna; has she been experiencing the same thing as well?” “I’m not sure… Luna has been very quiet and has been keeping things to herself lately.” Celestia said concerned about her little sister. “Which is one of the reasons I called you here; I need you to speak with her.” “Me? But how come you haven’t spoken with her?” Twilight asked with a confused look. “She refuses to speak to anyone, including myself; and since you are one of Luna’s best friends, I figured that she might talk to you about what’s going on in her mind. Will you do this for me?” “Don’t worry Princess, you can count on me.” Twilight said with confidence. “Where is she right now?” “She should be in her room at the moment; she may be resting but…” Celestia paused looking concerned. “But what, Princess?” “Every time I see my sister, she looks restless… I don’t think she’s had any sleep in weeks!” “Oh my goodness…” Twilight says with worry. “Don’t worry Princess, I’ll figure things out.” “Thank you, Twilight…” Celestia sighed with a bit of relief. As Twilight is heading towards Princess Luna’s room, many thoughts are going through her mind, If Princess Celestia is having these dreams, then they MUST be linked somehow to this… Lauren. But who is she…? Why am I having such a hard time remembering her!? If Princess Luna has been experiencing these same dreams, then maybe she can tell me what’s going on. As Twilight is thinking to herself, she is already in front of Luna’s room. When she knocks on the door, there is no response. “Princess Luna?” Twilight called out, but still no answer; so Twilight just decide to enter her room, and what she saw terrified her. ~~~~~~~~~ “Thanks for coming by Tara.” Lauren said opening the door for her friend. “Anytime Lauren. Besides, after the way you’ve been acting, I think you need some company.” Tara said with a grin. “So how have you been doing Tara; anything new with that other show you’ve been on? Uh… Big Time Rush?” Lauren asked. “Nothing new at the moment with them. Besides, there were only a few scenes in the Palm woods school.” “Yeah I know, but I still think it’s pretty cool that you got to work with them.” “Okay, I think we’re getting a little off topic here.” Tara said with a serious tone. “We need to talk about these dreams that you’ve been having.” “Right, sorry…” Lauren said looking down. “These dreams have been happening for a while now… and every time I have it, the more I wonder if it was a dream or not.” “Well… has anything strange happened lately?” Tara asked a little concerned. “Actually… things have be-…” Lauren was cut off as she heard that voice again… This is for all the damage you have caused me and everyone here in Equestria! For your heinous crimes against Equestria's royalty, my daughters and myself, I bring your well-deserved penance to you! “Nng!” Lauren yelled holding her head. “Lauren, what’s the matter??” “That same voice, I just heard it again!” Lauren said rubbing her head. “Why do I keep hearing this voice?” “Well do you know who the voice is coming from?” Lauren paused; she didn’t want to say that it was her own voice that she heard, If I tell her it was my voice, then she’ll think that I’m making this whole thing up for sure… but how can I get her to believe me? “I-… I’m not sure; I’ve never heard this voice before…” “Hmm…” Tara said thinking to herself. “Alright, I want you to go to sleep, and when you do, try to remember everything you see.” “What will that do?” “I just want to see if you’ll have the same dream twice.” “Tara, I’m positive that it’s going to be the same dream again…” “How do you know that if you don’t try?” “We don’t have to, because I KNOW it’s gonna happen; it’s been happening every night!” “Lauren, just do it; maybe it’ll be different during the day.” Lauren finally gave in and said “Alright… we’ll try it; I mean it’s not like it can get any weirder.” And after those words, Lauren went to her couch to lie down and sleep I really hope this works… ……. “Ugh… where am I?” Lauren said as her dream came into focus. She noticed that everything was white. There was nothing to be seen for miles. What kind of dream is this? There’s nothing here! But as Lauren kept looking, she saw a figure in the distance. She couldn’t tell what or who it was at first, but as it got closer, she started to see the shape of the figure. She saw that it was the Alicorn OC that she had created. It was the only thing in sight. This is strange… this is different from the other dreams. “Hey! Who are you?” The Alicorn OC chuckled “I am you.” A/N Aren’t Cliffhangers just great? Anyway, in the next chapter we will see what happened with Twilight and Luna. For now; UnleashedTwilight signing off! > Memories Never Die > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Twilight entered Princess Luna’s room, she saw Luna thrashing in her sleep; almost as if she was in pain. “Princess Luna!” Twilight called out, but she did not answer. What could she possibly be dreaming about that’s stressing her out like this?? As Twilight is thinking of a way to wake Luna up, Luna is having her own concerns… ……. “Where in Equestria am I…?” Luna asked herself as she looked around. Everything was white; not a single soul to be found. I do realize that this is a dream, but why is it so much different from the others? It feels like I could walk for miles and I would still see the same thing. But as Luna was thinking to herself, she heard a voice… I am you “Hello; is anypony out there?” Luna kept looking around to find the source of that voice. I know I have heard this voice before, but where? It sounds so familiar to me… But as Luna was looking, she saw two figures in the distance. The figures were too hard to see from where she was standing, but as she got closer she saw… An Alicorn?? But there are only supposed to be three Alicorns in Equestria; Celestia, Cadence, and myself! The other figure, however, she did not recognize… What is that…? I’ve never seen anything like it. “Hello?” ~~~~~~~~~ “What do you mean, you’re me? I know I created you, but that doesn’t mean you are me.” Lauren said with a nervous but sort of angry look. I was wrong; these dreams just keep getting weirder and weirder. Lauren thought to herself. “Do you honestly think that this is only a dream?” the OC Alicorn said which made Lauren gasp and go wide-eyed. “You don’t remember anything do you?” Did-… did she just read my mind!? And what does she mean ‘I don’t remember anything’? “Hey, how did you know what I was thinking?” Lauren asked a little more hesitant. The Alicorn chuckled, “As I told you before Lauren, I am you; I am able to read your thoughts.” The Alicorn said with a grin on her face. “And the reason you do not remember, is because when you left Equestria, your memory was erased from the events that happened there.” “W-what are you talking about? Equestria isn’t real! It’s just something that I created, nothing more.” Lauren said which only made the Alicorn laugh harder. Am I missing something here?? Ugh… these dreams are insane! “Haven’t you wondered why you’ve been having these dreams…?” Hearing this made Lauren nearly jump, she knows why I’ve been having these dreams…? Maybe I can try to get her to tell me… “You don’t have to try anything, I can just tell you again; when you left Equestria, your memory was erased from ever going there, and the ponies in Equestria had their memories erased as well.” “Wait a minute…” Lauren paused “If this all really happened, then how are you still alive? In my dreams, you were killed.” The alicorn remained silent. “Exactly, that proves that this is just a-…” Lauren was interrupted as a voice called out to them. “Hello?” When both Lauren and the Alicorn turned their heads to the source, they saw none other than Princess Luna herself. What the… what’s Luna doing here? Ugh… why do dreams have to be so confusing!? “Princess Luna…?” Luna looked up at Lauren with confusion and a bit of shock, that voice… that’s the voice I heard earlier; and the voice that I’ve been hearing in my dreams! “Who are you?” Luna said looking directly at Lauren. Before Lauren could respond, the cream colored Alicorn cut in and giggled “Oh it’s so good to see the both of you in the same place again…” Again? What is she talking about!? “Alright, enough games! Tell us what’s going on right now!” Lauren yelled. The cream colored Alicorn was starting to feel annoyed looking back and forth at Lauren and Luna. “Alright, I want the both of you to close your eyes.” “And why in Equestria would we do that?” Luna asked with a bit of doubt in her tone. “Do this and I promise that everything will become clear; not just to the both of you, but also the ponies that you encountered with in Equestria.” She said looking at Lauren. Lauren and Luna looked at each other with concern but they both closed their eyes as the Alicorn had instructed. The OC Alicorn’s horn then started to glow, “When you open your eyes, you will remember everything.” Luna and Lauren then opened their eyes and when they did, they remembered everything just as the Alicorn promised. But in the remembrance of the past, they soon realized who they were speaking to… “Faust!” Lauren and Luna yelled in unison. I… I remember all of it…! Twilight, everypony in Equestria… my daughters. But there’s still something that doesn’t add up… “How are you still alive?? I killed you!” Faust simply laughed “Do you honestly believe that killing ME would be that easy? You created me, remember? As long as you remember me in your world, I can’t die.” “Why do you want my life so much?? You could just live a great life in Equestria!” “Because that life isn’t real!” Faust snapped but then quickly grinned. “But you don’t have to worry about me taking your life anymore…” Huh…? If she doesn’t want my life anymore, then what else cold she possibly want??... She just read my mind again didn’t she… “Oh don’t worry, you’ll figure that out on your own, but for now I think it’s time for you to wake up.” “Wake up? What are you-“ Lauren! Lauren, wake up! “Huh…? That sounds like-…” But before Lauren could finish, she started to fade away. “Mother…!” Luna yelled running to Laurens fading body. “You-… you demon!” Luna yelled at Faust. “Oh, don’t worry Luna; you won’t be separated from your mother for long.” Faust said as her horn glowed. “But your sister is another story.” “What do you think you’re-…” Before Luna could finish, she too began to fade. “We’ll meet again soon Luna… you and Lauren…” ……. “Lauren! Lauren, wake up!!” Tara yelled. “Wha- huh??” Lauren said finally waking up. “Oh… it’s only you.” Lauren sighed with relief. “What the heck did you dream about? You were flailing around like crazy!” “It… it was nothing… just a crazy-…” “Oohh…” “Huh?” Both Lauren and Tara said in unison turning to where the sound came from. It was a woman that looked about the same age as Lauren, lying on the floor in the other side of the room. Her hair was dyed dark blue and looked like it was… Is her hair… moving!? “W-… where am I?” The blue haired girl asked slowly getting up. “Um… Lauren, who is that?” Tara asked. “Lauren?” the girl immediately turned her head toward Lauren. She walked up to her feeling a little hesitant. “Is it really you, mother…?” Mother…? MOTHER!? No… it can’t be…! “L-… Luna?” Lauren asked wide-eyed. “Luna…? Lauren, I know her hair looks like Luna’s mane but that doesn’t mean it’s her…” Tara said starting to feel a little nervous. “Mother!!” Luna cried as she immediately hugged Lauren as tight as she could. Tears could be seen going down Luna’s face. I… I can’t believe it. Luna is here; here in this world! But how? How could she possibly have come here? “Luna, how did you get here?” Luna’s smile immediately disappeared when Lauren asked that, “I-… I think Faust has something to do with this. What I do not understand is why she would send me to your world…” That is strange… why would she try to-… oh no… “She’s trying to separate you from Celestia!” “Okay, stop!” a familiar voice yelled. Luna and Lauren both turned to Tara who looked like she was about to lose it. “Ok Lauren, great joke but this is going too far already!” “Mother, who is this?” Luna asked looking at Tara quizzically “She sounds just like Twilight Sparkle.” “Oh, this is my friend, Tara Strong, and well… she pretty much is Twilight’s voice.” “I do not think I understand…” Luna said still confused. “I’ll try to explain later Luna.” Lauren said smiling sheepishly. “Very well, in any case, it is a pleasure to meet you Mrs.-…” Luna paused as she extended her hand “…Strong.” “What’s the matter; never seen hands before?” Tara asked obviously still not believing the story. “No it’s not that; I’ve never HAD hands before.” “Ok this is getting ridiculous! If you’re really Princess Luna, then prove it!” Tara snapped. “Very well…” Luna looked around the room to see what she could use to prove it was really her. I suspect a simple levitation spell should work… Luna then spotted a coffee mug on the table. Perfect… “Would you like a drink Tara Strong?” “No thanks, not thirsty.” “Are you sure…?” Luna said as a cup surrounded by Luna’s aura levitated next to Tara. *THUD* “What did I do??” “Nothing; she just fainted…” ~~~~~~~~~ “Princess Celestia!!” Twilight was running as fast as she could back to the main foyer after what she just witnessed. I remember all of it..! But why did Luna just disappear!? Oh, keep running Twilight! Eventually Twilight made it to the foyer “Princess Celestia! I just-…” Twilight was cut off. “I know…” Celestia said with a tear going down her face. “I remembered it too…” “But Princess Celestia, Luna just disappeared!” “What??” Celestia shot her head up “But how ??” “I thought you knew!” “No, unfortunately I don’t.” Celestia grimaced “But where ever she is, I hope she’s ok…” “I’m sure she’ll be fine Princess; after all she is your sister.” A/N Yeah I know these chapters are short right now, but that’s because school gets in the way. But don’t worry, I’ll probably post a bigger chapter over the weekend. plus I may get some help on future chapters if I need it… > A Happy Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ugh… my head.” Tara said as she slowly got up “Ow, why does my head hurt?” Lauren and Luna both turned their heads to Tara, “Oh good, you’re awake.” Lauren said with a grin. “So now do you believe that this is Luna, or does she have to show you something else?” “No, no… that’s fine, I get it. It’s just a little hard for me to process this right away…” “There’s actually one thing I’ve been wondering though, Luna.” Lauren said “How were you able to use your magic without your horn?” “I am not sure exactly. It just felt natural to me.” This body is going to take some time to get used to. But it doesn’t seem too difficult. Well as long as mother is here to help, I should be fine. “Hmm… I wonder.” Lauren said to herself out loud. “What’s up?” Tara asked. “Huh? Oh, just thinking about some stuff.” “Like what?” “Well… since Luna is still able to use magic, then maybe I could still use mine.” “Use yours…?” “Well I would imagine it should still be possible for you mother.” Luna said looking around the room with awe. Lauren then focused on the same coffee mug that Luna levitated earlier Just focus Lauren. Imagine that I have a horn. Let it come naturally. And just as Lauren hoped, a white aura formed around the mug. She then levitated it in the air. “T-Tara!” “What’s wro-…”Tara was cut off when she saw the floating mug. “H-…how are you doing that!?” Lauren placed the mug on the table again “Well, when I was sent to Equestria, I was changed into an Alicorn… more specific, the Alicorn that I created…” Lauren then sighed in disappointment. “If only I didn’t think of that Alicorn; this wouldn’t be happening right now.” “Mother, please do not strain yourself like this. It was not your intension for this to happen.” “But it’s still my fault, Luna… I have to find a way to stop Faust once and for all.” “Well you don’t have to do this alone you know.” Tara said walking up to Lauren “Heck, if you could learn magic, then maybe it’s possible for others to learn it too.” “I don’t think it works that way Tara Strong…” Luna cut in. “The reason Lauren is able to use her magic now is because of her past experiences in Equestria. As I recall, Twilight Sparkle was the one who helped you, was she not?” “Yeah…” Lauren said looking down. “I hope that she’s doing alright… she was such a great friend to me when I met her.” “Heh, meeting Twilight Sparkle.” Tara said “What was your first reaction?” “Well, better than your reaction when you met Luna.” Lauren joked. “Very funny…” Tara mused. Luna then walked around the room again while Tara and Lauren were talking So many things here are a mystery to me, but so many things are also the same. It’s amazing! Wait… what’s this? Luna thought to herself as she walked up to Lauren’s laptop. “Mother, what is this?” Both Lauren and Tara turned to Luna and saw that she was near the computer. “…Tara I think you should go to the other room for a little bit." “What’s wrong?” “Trust me; I think I should be alone with my daughter for this…” “Oh, alright…” Tara said heading to the other room “Just call me if you need anything.” After Tara left, Lauren went up to Luna near the computer. “Alright… this is a computer. It allows people to see what they want to see.” “Mother, why did you have Tara Strong leave?” Lauren remained silent and turned her head. “Does… does this have something to do with these stories? Our stories?” Lauren nodded. “Oh my goodness…” Luna went wide-eyed. “Could you possibly show me?” Lauren darted her head back at Luna “Are you sure that’s such a good idea?” “Please mother, I must see with my own eyes!” Is it really a good idea to show her…? No, she deserves to know about it. “Alright, I’ll show you from where I started…” Lauren then went on the internet to play one of the episodes; the first episode of ‘Friendship is Magic’ and throughout the episode, Luna stared in awe at what she was witnessing. I really hope that I don’t regret showing her this… Finally after the episode was over, Luna turned back to Lauren with tears in her eyes. “Luna… I am so sorry; I didn’t mean to-…” Lauren was cut off as Luna immediately hugged her again. “Thank you... for everything mother.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Alright my little ponies, I am sure you are aware of why you are all here.” Princess Celestia stated in front of the six mares. “You mean the fact that Luna disappeared, or the fact that we just randomly remembered another Alicorn?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Both.” “Right…” “Princess Celestia.” Twilight cut in “How are we going to find Luna anyway?” “I’m not sure…” Celestia grimaced; suddenly a voice could be heard throughout the castle. It was a maniacal laughter that sounded all too familiar to them; mainly Celestia and Twilight. “No, it can’t be!” “But that’s impossible, I thought Lauren killed her!” Twilight panicked. “That’s what Lauren said as well…” Everypony then turned to the source of the voice; it was Faust somehow still alive. “You’re supposed to be dead!” Celestia yelled stomping her hoof. “Now is that anyway to talk to your mother, Tia?” “You are NOT my mother! Now tell me what have you done to my sister, you demon!” “Oh you don’t have to worry about Luna; you should be more worried about yourself. Especially since you have no one here to protect you.” Faust said as her horn glowed, as it did the six element bearers began to disappear before Celestia’s eyes. “NO! You monster!” Celestia tried to shoot a beam at Faust but… It… It went through her? But how is this possible!? “What is the matter Tia? You look so confused.” Faust chuckled. “What are you doing with them??” “The same thing I did with your sister; keeping them out of my way.” Faust walked up to Celestia slowly “But don’t worry. They should be safe for now… but as for you, well, no one is here to help you now.” “That’s where you’re wrong.” “huh?” both Faust and Celestia said in unison as they turned their heads to the source of the voice; it was Twilight’s brother, Shining Armor. “Shining Armor!” Celestia yelled. “Right, Twilight’s brother…” Faust mused. “What have you done to my little sister!?” Shining yelled with rage. But instead of responding, Faust just disappeared before their eyes. “Where did she go!?” Celestia asked panicking as she looked around the room. But as Celestia was looking around the room, an energy beam struck Shining from behind. “NO!” “Ugh…” Shining said trying to stand. “You coward…” Faust chuckled “I’m not a coward. I’m merely taking precautions… “ “I’m gonna ask you again… what did you do to my little sister!?” Again, Faust disappeared, but this time she didn’t come back. “I really hope that they’re ok… Faust… what are you planning!?” ~~~~~~~~~ Man, I still can’t believe this is happening right now. Tara thought to herself Princess Luna is actually here, and I just saw Lauren use magic! What’s next!? And Just as Tara thought things couldn’t get any crazier… "Ugh… what happened?” “Well for starters you’re on top of me. Get off Rainbow!” Tara then turned to the source of the voices and saw six girls, but the one that intrigued Tara the most was the purple haired girl with highlights. No way… No it can’t be! Shouldn’t there be some sort of paradox or something!? “Uh, guys?” The Rainbow haired girl started “What the hay happened to us?” “W-where are we?” the pink haired girl asked hesitantly. “And where’s my horn!?” the purple haired girl with highlights asked in a panic sort of tone. “What going on!? Rainbow Dash, do you still have your wings?” “Yeah” Rainbow checked “They’re fine Twilight, but uh…” “What’s wrong?” Twilight asked. “Who is that?” Rainbow pointed at Tara Strong, who is still in shock. “Oh uh… hello.” Twilight said. “My name is Twilight Sparkle. What’s your name?” ~~~~~~~~~~ “This computer is simply amazing mother.” Luna said playing around with the computer with a little excitement. “Yeah, just try not to get too excited. If people see you act this way, they’ll think of you as weird or something… well, maybe not. I mean I have friends whose parents still find using the computer confusing.” “But why would they-…” Luna was cut off. “AAAHHHH!!!!!” “What the heck!?” Lauren said in shock. “Why did Tara Strong just scream?” “I don’t know, but come on!” Lauren said grabbing Luna. They then ran to the same room that Tara was in. But she did not expect to see who else was there. As Lauren gets a good look at the room, she sees six girls that all look around the same age. Their hair however looked all too familiar to Lauren… and she was happy about that. T-They’re all here... Twilight… Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy; they’re really here! Lauren just giggled. “Wow Tara, I’m surprised that you didn’t faint this time.” “Not… funny!” Tara yelled in an annoyed tone. Lauren then looked at Twilight, practically with tears in her eyes. “Uh… Do I know you?” Twilight asked feeling a little uncomfortable. “Twilight…” Lauren said getting closer to her. Then she pulled her into a tight hug. “I’m so happy to see you again…” “Again…?” Wait a minute… Twilight thought to herself for a minute her voice… it sounds just like…! “Lauren…?” Lauren smiled and said “Yes Twilight… it’s me.” “Lauren!!” everyone shouted in unison pretty much tackle hugging Lauren. “Easy, easy!” Lauren giggled “That kind of hurts.” “Oh! Sorry!” Twilight said having everyone get off her. “We’re just so happy to see you.” “Yeah! Now we can get back to your flying lessons!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Uh… what?” Tara asked still in shock. “It’s nothing Tara.” Lauren giggled. “And Rainbow, we can’t do our flying lessons. I don’t have wings in my world.” “THIS is your world!?” Twilight asked in shock. “Yup, this is pretty much the planet I was born.” Lauren said, but then she felt a sort of pain on her back. “Ugh…” “Is something wrong…?” Fluttershy asked. “I don’t know. All I know is that my back’s been hurting ever since I woke up from that dream.” “Well let’s have a look then.” Applejack said inspecting Laurens back. She then found the problem. “Well here’s the problem. Your wings aren’t supposed to be in this kinda shirt.” “My WHAT!?” Lauren yelled. AJ then ripped a couple of holes in Laurens shirt revealing her wings. “Oh... my…” *THUD* “Yeah that did it…” Lauren said face palming. “Jeez, she’s more dramatic than Rarity.” Rainbow said. “Excuse me…?” Rarity mused. “Uh… nothing.” Rainbow smiled sheepishly. “So did she faint before or something?” Pinkie asked. “Yes, because… well, she saw me.” Everyone turned to the tall, dark haired girl. “Princess Luna!!” they all shouted. “Hello everypony. I am so glad to see that you are all ok.” Luna said walking to them. “You had everyone worried Princess! Twilight went to your room, but when she got there you disappeared. Princess Celestia was ESPECIALLY worried about you! She called all of us to her castle, but then Faust came into the castle and sent everypony but Celestia here and-…” Pinkie Pie was cut off when Luna covered her mouth. “Wait a minute Pinkie. Did you say FAUST sent you here?” Luna asked. “Mhm.” Pinkie nodded with her mouth covered. Luna uncovered her mouth. Luna sighed. “What could she possibly be trying to do!?” “I have a theory…” Lauren spoke out. “But I’m not going to say it unless I am 100% sure about this.” “What theory?” Twilight asked. “Don’t worry about. Just something that I have to think about.” “Alright, If you say so…” Twilight said with a little concern. “Now, can you tell me who THAT is?” Twilight asked pointing at Tara still on the ground. “Oh, that’s my friend Tara Strong… as you can see she can’t talk at the moment.” “I’m sorry; we didn’t mean to surprise her like that.” Twilight said apologetically. “Well, technically she was more surprised when she saw my wings, but it’s ok” Lauren giggled. “When she screamed, she sounded a lot like…” Twilight paused. “You?” Lauren asked. Twilight looked up at Lauren a little surprised. “Yeah. How did you know?” “Well… you remember when I told you about your lives being part of my story?” “How could we forget…? I still find it a little hard to believe.” “Well, she sort of has something to do with the story.” “What do you mean?” Lauren then began to explain everything about the show; the voice actors, how popular the show is to everyone, and of course who Tara Strong voiced. Twilight couldn’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the information. After, Lauren showed them the same episode of the show that Luna saw. Everypony, including Pinkie Pie, just sat there and watched the whole thing with awe. I hope this doesn’t change anything now that they know… After the episode was over, Applejack was the first to speak. “A-…ah can’t believe this… Everypony here knows who we are and what we’re like just from watching this!” “I think it’s pretty cool actually.” Rainbow said. “Ponies here can see how awesome I can be.” “Don’t forget how boastful you can be.” AJ said with an annoyed look. “Yeah, well who asked you?” “So, how far does this show?” Twilight asked. “What do you mean?” Lauren asked back. “I mean, what was the last thing that ponies on this world saw?” “Oh, well the last thing people saw was the wedding for your brother and Cadence.” “Oh yeah, I remember that!” Pinkie exclaimed. “That evil Changeling queen tried to take Twilight’s brother all for herself!” “Fluttershy, how are you feeling about this?” Lauren asked. “Um… I-I don’t exactly know how I should feel about this… it’s very surprising to see every one of my friends and myself on here.” Fluttershy said a little nervous as usual. “Well I for one think that this is a marvelous thing.” Rarity proudly announced. “Others on this world can see the genius of my designs!” Everyone in the room laughed at what Rarity said… It feels so great to see my friends again… Lauren then looked back at her cream colored wings and realized I’m gonna have a hard time trying to hide these… well, at least I’ll be able to get lessons from Rainbow Dash again. It’s definitely gonna feel weird now that I’m human though… But there’s still one thing that’s bugging me; what is Faust planning to do from bringing them to my world? Celestia… I hope you can handle yourself. A/N YAY! They are all there on Earth. But what will happen with Celestia back in Equestria? How long will it take for others on earth to adjust to the ponies (now humans)? How will Lauren hide her wings? Will she learn more Magic? You’ll just have to wait and see! Until then, Unleashed Twilight signing off! > What's a Brony? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ok, are we done making me pass out already?” Tara asked getting up. “That depends. Are you gonna freak out if you see my wings again?” Lauren asked with a grin. “No, after seeing them once, I should be fine.” “Good.” Rainbow spoke out. “We wouldn’t want you to pull another ‘Rarity’ on us.” “Is there something you would like to discuss?” Rarity asked with a tone of irritation. “Actually there is, but not with you.” Rainbow then looked at Lauren. “So you wanna get back to those flying lessons from where we left off?” “I don’t know Rainbow Dash, What if people see me?” “Nah, don’t worry about it. You’ll be fine!” “Uh… Lauren?” Tara said. “Rainbow, I think people will question a flying person.” Twilight cut in. “They won’t notice us if we’re over the clouds, Twilight.” Rainbow said rolling her eyes. “What?? But we’re not going to start that high are we?” Lauren asked a little nervous. “Lauren!!” Tara yelled. “What??” Lauren snapped turning to Tara. “What are we going to do about tomorrow?” “Why, what’s tomorrow?” Twilight asked. “The convention! People are expecting to see you there. How do you think they would take seeing you with wings Lauren?” Tara asked looking a little paranoid. “Shoot, I almost forgot! I suppose I could find something to hide my wings… something remotely comfortable.” Rarity’s eyes just shot open this is the perfect opportunity to spread my designs to others! Once Lauren goes to the convention with what I have prepared for her, people will know my genius! “I can prepare something for you to wear Lauren.” “Really? But you’ve never designed dresses for humans before.” Lauren said. “Whoa, wait a second.” Rainbow Dash interrupted “What convention are you talking about?” Laurens eyes practically shrunk… if they could in this world. Oh great… what can I tell her? I can’t just say ‘It’s a convention with a bunch of people who are fans of your show’ or something like that. Everyone would freak out! Well, maybe not Rainbow Dash. She’d probably like the attention. “Uh… it’s sort of work related.” “Oh, could we see where you work?” Twilight asked. “Well, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea… it’s normally for people who-…” Lauren paused for a second looking around. “Where’s Pinkie Pie?” “I don’t know, wasn’t she just here a minute ago?” Twilight asked. “I haven’t seen her either.” Luna added. “Maybe she’s in the kitchen…?” Fluttershy said in a questioning tone. “I’ll go check.” Applejack said walking to the kitchen. It’s probably nothing Lauren. Lauren thought to herself, I mean I really doubt that Pinkie Pie would go out like- “She’s gone!” Applejack exclaimed running back. THIS! “What do you mean she’s gone??” “Ah mean, she’s not here!” “I know that!” Lauren yelled getting more frustrated. “Hey don’t worry, I’ll just fly around town, find Pinkie, and bring her back here.” Rainbow said about to take off, but the Twilight grabbed her leg. “Are you crazy??” Twilight exclaimed. “People here will notice us for sure!” “People are gonna notice Pinkie Pie a lot more than us if anyone sees her Twilight!” Rainbow exclaimed, and then she took off, through the window. “Rainbow Dash, get back here!!” Lauren exclaimed. Oh just PERFECT! Now there are two ponies er… people from Equestria out in public! If word gets out about this, it could mean serious trouble! ~~~~~~~~~~ “Pinkie Pie!!” Rainbow called out. This is just great… This place is huge! How the hay am I supposed to find her?? As Rainbow is flying she looks around at all the buildings and people below her. Wow… this place is awesome! I don’t see what the big deal is; people won’t even notice me from this height. But as Rainbow Dash was flying she started to hear a loud noise nearby. She looked around and saw a plane coming closer. What the hay is that…? But as she got closer to the plane, she could see people inside of it, and one girl was staring at her, practically with her jaw dropped. “Oops…” Hoping that no one else would see her, she flew in the opposite direction of the airplane. After only a few minutes of flying, however, Rainbow already started to feel tired. “What’s going on here?? I never get exhausted this fast!” Since she had no other option, she was forced to land somewhere. So she landed in a place where no one was around and decided to look for Pinkie Pie on foot. “Great… How am I supposed to find her now??” Before Rainbow Dash proceeded further, she quickly hid her wings under her shirt so that no one would spot them. I sure hope people don’t notice these wings as easy as I noticed Laurens… But as Rainbow was thinking about Lauren… “Rainbow Dash!!” a familiar sounding girl yelled and tackled Rainbow with full force. “I’m so glad you’re here Rainbow Dash! Did you come to play too? This place is really cool isn’t it? I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited in my life! Well, maybe except for that one time when I-…”Pinkie was interrupted when a hand covered her mouth. “Pinkie Pie! Why in the world would you run off like that? Do you want someone to see you?? Do you know how worried you made everyone??” Rainbow Dash kept asking questions. “But Dashie, I was BORED! There was nothing to do!” Pinkie whined. “Well you could’ve just asked Lauren to do something instead of just freaking us out like that!” “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to make everyone worry.” Pinkie said with regret. Rainbow sighed “It’s fine Pinkie, let’s just head back before they get too worried.” “Alright.” “But uh…” “What?” “No flying though…” “Huh?” Pinkie asked confused. “Why not? It’ll be faster!” “I know that, it’s just that flying in this world is a lot different from flying back home. It’s harder to stay in the air longer here…” “So we’re just gonna walk back to Lauren’s house?” Pinkie asked. “Guess so….” “But Dashie, how are we gonna find her house?” “Wait you don’t know the way back!?” Rainbow exclaimed. “Of course I don’t! This isn’t exactly Ponyville you know.” Pinkie said. “Well, we better start looking.” With that, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie made their way into town, trying not to get attention towards them. But it was impossible to not notice a girl with rainbow colored hair, and another girl with pink cotton candy-like hair. Everyone that they passed gave them strange looks; some with confusion, some with shock, and some with just plain disgust. Rainbow Dash was the first to start feeling annoyed by all the weird looks. Pinkie Pie, however, didn’t look like she was annoyed at all. Just as Rainbow was about to snap, something caught her eye, actually, someone. It was a boy wearing a particularly strange shirt. Strange because she saw a picture of her pony self on the shirt. “Hey, where did you get that?” “Oh, this?” The boy asked pointing at his shirt. “I bought it online.” “On what?” “On the computer…?” the boy said quizzically. “Computer? Oh right, that thing Lauren showed us…” Rainbow said rubbing her head. “I see you’re ready for the convention tomorrow.” The boy said looking at Rainbows hair. “Convention? Oh, no I’m not going. I don’t work there.” “Work? The convention isn’t work.” “Not work? But Lauren told us that it was work related!” Pinkie cut in. “What?” the boy asked. “Did this Lauren even tell you what kind of convention it’s gonna be?” “No…” Pinkie and Rainbow said at the same time. “She just told us it was work related.” Rainbow said. “It’s going to be a brony convention. I figured since you’re both dressed like that, you were fans of the show too.” “What show?” Rainbow asked. “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic…?” the boy said. “Wow you must really be out of the loop.” Wait a second… that’s the name of the story Lauren showed us! “So I’m guessing that one of the characters is Rainbow Dash, right?” Rainbow asked. “Eeyup, along with Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, and my personal favorite, Pinkie Pie.” Pinkie Pie then let out a huge grin that kind of started creeping out the boy for a little bit. “Uh… is Pinkie Pie your favorite pony too?” he asks. “My favorite??” Pinkie exclaimed. “Pinkie Pie is-!” Pinkie was cut short when Rainbow covered her mouth. “Mmph!” was all Pinkie could let out. “Anyway…” Rainbow said with a sort of frustrated look. “What sort of stuff do you do at these ‘brony conventions’?” “Well, it’s kind of hard for me to explain… so why don’t you just come with me and my friend to the convention and see for yourself?” “Sorry, but we really need to get back to Lauren.” Rainbow said still covering Pinkie’s mouth. “Actually, do you think you can help us find her…?” Rainbow asked sheepishly. “We’re kind of lost.” “Sure, I have a GPS in my-“ the boy was cut off. “What’s a GPS?” Rainbow asked a little confused. “…You’re kidding right?” Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie both shake their heads no. “Look, whatever, can you please just take us??” “Alright. alright. Where does she live?” the boy asked. “Well, we don’t know…” Rainbow said rubbing the back of her head. “Okay…? Well then, what’s her last name?” “Her last name? Oh! Faust.” Rainbow said finally uncovering Pinkie’s mouth. But as soon as Rainbow said Lauren’s last name, the boy went completely wide-eyed, and mouth agape. “…what?” “Y-You know Lauren Faust?!” the boy exclaimed. “Yeah…? We’re like best friends.” Rainbow said. “So can you take us to her?” “Uh..!” The boy said snapping out of it finally. “Sure, just follow me to my car and I can take you there in a jiffy.” “His what?” Rainbow whispered to Pinkie. “I think he said his car… maybe it’s like a train!” Pinkie whispered back. “This place is really weird…” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “This is REALLY bad…” Lauren said to herself pacing. “Don’t worry Lauren, I’m sure Rainbow Dash can find her.” Twilight said reassuring her. “I’m not worried about that, Twilight. I’m more concerned on what’s gonna happen if someone finds out who they are!” “Whatever do you mean, Lauren?” Rarity asked a little confused. “Are we really that well-known here?” Lauren stayed silent for a moment. I guess I don’t have any other choice… I have to tell them what the convention is really about. “Alright, you know that convention we were talking about earlier?” “Yes, you said it was work related.” Twilight said. “It’s… not really work related.” “Huh?” Twilight said tilting her head. “What do you mean?” “Lauren…” Tara cut in. “Are you sure it’s such a good idea to tell them?” “I already started Tara. I can’t go back now. No more secrets.” Lauren said turning her head back to the four plus Luna. “The convention is called ‘Canterlot Gardens’; it’s a brony convention.” “What’s a brony…?” Fluttershy asked. “A brony,” Tara cut in. “Is basically a boy who likes the show that Lauren showed you, and Canterlot Gardens is basically a big meeting where a lot of bronies come and well... have fun! You girls are very famous here.” “Which is why,” Lauren continued. “I’m really worried about people finding out about Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. The fans would probably swarm them!” “Is everyone on your planet a fan??” Twilight asked with a concerned look. “No…” “Well then don’t worry so much, Lauren. I really doubt that they would run into a fan.” Twilight said, then she thought to herself for a little bit. “Wow… a convention based on us.” “Ahm havin’ a hard time believin’ it myself.” Applejack said. “I hope Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie make it back ok…” Fluttershy said with a worried tone. “Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’m sure that-…” Twilight paused when they all heard the door unlock. “Uh… who’s coming in?” “Lauren, I’m home!” the voice called from behind the door. “Craig!!” Lauren yelled. A/N Sorry for the long wait everypony, but it's finally here! Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are separated, and Craig is about to walk though the door! What's gonna happen next? Find out in my next chapter. Until then: UnleashedTwilight Signing off! > Faust's Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- You know when people see something that’s unusual, sometimes they are calm about it? And just simply asks questions? “Who are all these people!?” Craig isn’t one of those people... He’s more of the yelling ‘what the hell is going on’ kind of person. Fortunately I was able to hide my wings before he came in… Otherwise he probably would’ve pulled a ‘Tara Strong’ on us. “I ask again: Who are all these people!?” “They’re my friends.” Lauren said with a sheepish smile. “You did say to invite some friends over.” “No, I just said to invite Tara over, not all these fans.” “Fans?” Twilight cut in. “Oh, you mean for the show…” Craig paused for a second looking at Twilight. “Good Twilight impression… if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were Twilight.” “Yeah… funny” Tara said nervously. “What’s up with you?” “Just thinking about some stuff...” “Oh, that reminds me.” Craig said turning to Lauren. “How are you doing with all those crazy dreams?” “Well, Tara had me fall asleep again; she thought my dream would be different during the day… and it was.” Lauren said rubbing the back of her head nervously. “Okay…? What did you see?” “I saw…” Lauren paused and then mumbled something that Craig couldn’t really understand. “Uh… come again?” “I saw…” Lauren paused and mumbled again, this time irritating Craig more. “Speak up Lauren! You sound quieter than Fluttershy right now!” Craig yelled which made Fluttershy perk up. “She saw me!” a familiar voice echoed. Luna walked in front of Craig. “How do you know Lauren?” “I happen to be her husband!” After Craig said this, it made Luna retaliate. “Now who are you, and why would Lauren have a dream about you?” “W-well,” Luna cleared her throat. “She didn’t see me like this…” saying this made Craig a little confused. “She saw me as an Alicorn; my name is Luna.” After saying this Lauren and the other transformed ponies had a look of shock and fear in their faces, but Craig didn’t look amused. “Alright Lauren, this has gone far enough! I am taking you to a therapist.” Craig said walking toward the door but was blocked by Luna. “You will do no such thing!” Luna yelled. “Get out of my way!” “You will not leave this building!” “You’re insane!” “HOW DARE YOU!?!?” Luna yelled in her royal Canterlot voice, which made Craig retaliate this time. “How dare you address the princess of the night this way!?” “Luna, relax!” Lauren said pulling her away. “Please, while you’re here, do not use your royal voice.” Luna backed off after hearing Lauren raise her voice, “Forgive me mother…” “What did she just call you…?” Craig asked still in shock. Lauren sighed and walked up to her husband. “Craig, this really is Princess Luna. You have to believe me.” “No, that’s not possible… what’s next, you’re gonna try to tell me that she’s Twilight Sparkle?” Craig asked pointing at Twilight. “Actually... yes.” “This is too crazy to be true… that’s it. It’s a dream. There’s no way this can be- Ow!.” Craig yelled when Lauren pinched him. “What did you do that for??” “You felt that?” “Yes…?” “Then it’s not a dream.” “Seriously Lauren, stop the act!” “It’s not an act Craig…” Tara said walking next to Lauren. “Believe me, I had a hard time believing it myself… But they really are telling the truth.” Craig just remained silent for a few seconds. Finally he spoke out. “This is unreal…” Craig stopped and looked around at the others. But after looking at them, he realized something was off. “Wait a second… if this is all true, then why are there 4 girls…. Plus Luna? Shouldn’t there be six?” “Well normally, yes.” Twilight cut in. “But unfortunately, Pinkie Pie went missing and Rainbow Dash flew out to look for her.” “F-flew!?” Craig yelled. “What if she gets spotted??” Craig felt even more in shock. “What if a brony sees her…?” “Don’t worry, I’m sure they wouldn’t actually talk to anyone. Ok maybe not Rainbow Dash but, Pinkie Pie…” Lauren paused for a second. “Yeah, this is going to be bad…” “And here we go again...” Tara said rolling her eyes. “Look, you need to have more faith in them. I’m sure Rainbow Dash will find Pinkie, and bring her back safely.” “I really hope that you’re right Tara... To be honest, if I weren’t so worried about people seeing me, I’d fly out there myself to go look for her, but people will just over-react and-…” Lauren was interrupted. “Wait a second…” Craig started. “Did you just say fly…?” With that, Lauren extended her wings; revealing them to Craig. “Holy…” was all Craig could let out as he stared in awe at Lauren’s wings. “H- How- when did this happen??” “Well…” Lauren started. “It actually happened after my last dream, which turned out to actually be a vision, which is the reason why you see humanized ponies…” “So…” Craig started. “These really are the ponies from the show…?” With that, the same mug that was levitated to Tara earlier, was now levitating near Craig. “Yup…” Craig turned to Twilight. “It’s all true.” Craig just stood there in shock and in confusion. Oh please, please, please don’t overreact… Lauren thought to herself. “This is… incredible!” Wait, what did he just say? ~~~~~~~~~ Back in Equestria, in Canterlot, a search team, led by Shining Armor, was sent out to look for the missing Princess and the element bearers. Unfortunately they are unaware that the missing ponies were sent to another universe. “Do you have any leads to the missing ponies yet?” Shining asked in a serious tone. “Not yet Captain Armor, but we are doing are best we can to find them.” One of the guards answered which made Shining Armor grimace. “Do everything you can to find them, they must be somewhere.” Shining Armor paused. “But if you happen to run into Faust, do not attempt to confront her. She is too strong for you. Come and find me.” “Yes sir.” The guard saluted and went out to continue his search. “Twiley…” Shining said to himself looking down. “Where ever you and your friends are, I really hope that you’re okay…” “Isn’t that sweet…” a familiar voice said. Shining Armor looked up and saw Faust smiling at him. “You really care for your ‘Twiley’ don’t you?” Faust chuckled. “Tell me what you did to Twilight and her friends!” Shining yelled as his horn glowed brightly. “I told you, they are fine. I promise you that no harm has come to them.” Faust said. “And why in Equestria should I believe you??” “Because I’m the only one who knows where they really are. This search team that you’ve made is pointless considering that they aren’t even in Equestria.” After saying this, Shining Armor’s face just went into shock and confusion. “What do you mean ‘they aren’t in Equestria’? That’s impossible!” “Would you like to know a secret Shining?” Faust started. “What if I were to tell you that this, your whole life, was not real?” “I’d say that you’re insane, and that’s just ridiculous!” “Please, listen to me. I only want to talk.” “…you have five minutes.” Shining Armor said keeping his guard. “You can start by explaining this whole ‘this life isn’t real’ statement.” “Well, as I was trying to explain before, this life that everypony, including myself, live is not real. It is just a story created by someone.” “That’s the most ridiculous thing that I’ve ever heard-…!” Shining was interrupted. “Let me finish…” Faust said with a bit of irritation in her tone. “Did Lauren really create you to be this serious?” “Wait a second… that name again. Who is Lauren?” Shining asked confused. “Ah, Celestia never told you, did she?” Faust grinned. “Told me what?” “Lauren is the creator of your world; the one who decides who you are, and your fate.” “No, that’s not true! I control my own fate!” Shining yelled as his horn lit up again. “I’m done listening to your lies!” “Don’t you want to see your little ‘Twiley’?” Saying this made Shining Armor retaliate and his horn stopped glowing. “Much better.” “What is your plan for all of this? Why did you send Princess Luna and the others away?” “For the good of everyone in this… fictional world.” Faust paused. “And by the time my plan is complete, you can bet that you will be reunited with Twilight and the others. I promise that no harm will come to them.” “How can you say that this world is ‘fictional’? We are here and alive, how can it be fake!?” “Look, I’d love to explain the whole thing to you again… but I think you should just ask Celestia about this. And I guarantee you that if you ask her about what I have told you, she will say that it is the truth.” Faust paused again and grinned. “After all, she did meet the creator herself.” “But… she never mention-…” Shining was interrupted. “Of course she didn’t. How could she mention it if she had no memory of it? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be on my way.” With that Faust disappeared. Shining Armor just stood there dumbfounded. He had no idea what to think after what he had just been told. Princess Celestia knows…? If that’s true then why hasn’t she told me anything? And what did she mean that this whole thing was for the good of everyone? Princess Celestia has a lot of explaining to do. Shining Armor then made his way toward Celestia’’s Castle. As he was running though, he still had many questions that popped up in his head. Not remember? How could Princess Celestia ever forget something like this? But as Shining Armor was thinking to himself, he could see Cadence flying toward the castle. Huh…? What’s Cadence doing here? Shouldn’t she be watching over the Crystal Empire? Shining then picked up the pace heading toward the castle. ~~~~~~~~~ “Ugh… can’t this thing go any faster…?” Rainbow asked feeling a little annoyed. “Well sorry that I’m not the fastest driver in the world…” the boy said with a tone of irritation. “It’s not so bad. I think it’s fun! I’ve never been in a car before!” Pinkie said in her usual happy tone. “Okay, do you two live in a cave or something?” the boy asked. “You’ve seriously never been in a car?” “Nope! We use wagons!” Pinkie exclaimed which made Rainbow look worried again. “Wagons…? Do you live in the past?” “Okay, can you stop asking questions and go faster??” Rainbow asked starting to lose her patience. “Rainbow Dash, you should really relax! We made a new friend and he knows where-…” *SCREEECH!* “Hey! Why’d we stop moving?” Pinkie asked. “What did you just call her…?” the boy asked with a look of shock and disbelief. “I called her Rainbow Dash!” “Pinkie Pie!!” Rainbow yelled then covered her own mouth. “…oops.” The boy just sat there with shock and his mouth agape. After a few moments, Rainbow Dash broke the silence. “Look, I know this hard to believe right now, but you really need to take us to Lauren now!” “Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash…” was all the boy said. “Ugh..! Forget it, I’ll stick to flying!” Rainbow said opening the door. “Come on Pinkie, we’re probably not too far by now…” She said dragging Pinkie out of the car. “But I wanna stay in the car!” Pinkie whined. “Wait! I can take you to Lauren, just please don’t go out there on your own. Trust me, it’s horrible out there.” “What do you mean?” Pinkie asked. “Trust me, this place is a lot more dangerous than Equestria.” “Dangerous how?” Rainbow asked. “There are people her that would hurt you!” the boy exclaimed. “What?? But we didn’t do anything bad to anyone!” Pinkie said. “It doesn’t matter if you did anything or not. They don’t care. Please just come with me, and I can take you to Lauren Faust.” “Fine…” Rainbow said. “But don’t slow down because you know who we are. Get to Laurens house as fast as you can.” Rainbow said going back in the car with Pinkie. “Right… but I do have one question though, that kind of is more important than all of my other questions, How did you two get here?” Rainbow Dash paused. She didn’t know how to answer that question. “Look, it’s hard to explain… can you just bring us to Lauren? I’ll try to explain on the way.” “Alright.” As Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are being taken to Laurens house, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie explained everything to him; how they got to Earth, Faust, even the fact that Twilight and the others are on Earth as well, along with Princess Luna. “That’s insane…” the boy said. “Yeah trust me, we know. But let me tell you, when we get back, Faust is going down!” Rainbow exclaimed in a confident tone. Eventually the boy stopped at Lauren’s place. “Thanks for bringing us here.” “Yeah, thanks. If it wasn’t for you, we’d probably take FOREVER to find her house!” Pinkie exclaimed as she and Rainbow Dash got out of the car. “Oh, I almost forgot! We never got your name!” “It’s Alex.” He said. “Alex Griffin, and no problem at all. Good luck with getting back to your home.” “Thanks,” Rainbow responded. “See you later Alex!” She said waving as he drove off. “He was really nice!” Pinkie said. “Yeah he was pretty cool. Who knows; maybe we’ll see him again.” With that, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie made their way into the building. I wonder what happened while we were gone… As they approach Lauren’s door they could hear another voice inside. “This is… incredible!” “Huh?” Rainbow paused. “Who the hay was that?” without hesitation, Pinkie knocked on the door. *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* “Who was that?” Twilight asked. “It’s me Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie answered obviously hearing Twilight. “And Rainbow Dash is here too!” Lauren then opened the door revealing the two girls. “Pinkie Pie, why would you leave like that!? Do you have idea how worried we were?” “I’m sorry…” Pinkie said feeling ashamed. “I really didn’t mean to make everyone worry.” “*sigh* It’s alright, but please don’t do that again. What if someone saw you?” “Uh…. Eheheh…” Rainbow said smiling sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. “Funny thing about that.” “What do you-…” Twilight paused. “You spoke to someone didn’t you?” “Hey! I had no other choice!” Rainbow objected. “I’m not that used to flying here yet, so we asked someone to take us here…” “How were you so sure that this person knew where I lived?” Lauren asked. “Well, he had a picture of me, as a pony, on his shirt and-…” Rainbow was cut off. “WHAT!?” almost everyone yelled. “You asked a brony for help??” Tara asked with a worried tone. “Please at least tell me he didn’t know who you were…” “Well he didn’t… at first.” Rainbow said. “What do you mean ‘at first’?” Lauren asked. “Pinkie Pie accidentally said my name when we were talking in the car, I accidentally yelled Pinkie’s name. But don’t worry! He was totally cool about it.” “Ugh… okay, from now on, no one else leave this room. If there’s a time when we need to leave, it must be for an emergency.” “Oh! Who’s this?” Pinkie asked looking at Craig. “This is Craig, my husband.” “Your husband??” Pinkie and Rainbow said in unison. “It’s nice to officially meet the both of you.” Craig said shaking their hands. “It’s nice to meet you too” Rainbow paused. “But uh… when you saw our friends, you didn’t pull a ‘Rarity’ on them too, right?” “A what?” “Would you please stop saying that!?” Rarity yelled. ~~~~~~~~~~ “Celestia, I came as fast as I could.” Cadence said making her way through Celestia’s room. “What seems to be the problem?” “I need you to assist Shining Armor in locating my sister, Twilight, and her friends. An old foe, that I thought we defeated, has returned. She is the one that sent them away.” “But… Celestia where would i-…” Cadence was interrupted as Shining Armor came running in the room. “Cadence, what’s going on?” Shining asked with a tone of worry. “I called Princess Cadence here to aid you in your search.” Celestia said. “Have you found anything about them?” “Actually yes, and this search is pointless…” “What do you mean?” “I saw Faust… she told me that they aren’t even in Equestria…” “What??” Cadence cut in. “If they aren’t in Equestria then where could they possibly be??” “I don’t know, but there is another reason I wanted to come here.” Shining said looking at Celestia. “Faust mentioned our world as being ‘fictional’, what did she mean by this?” After hearing this, Celestia had a look of shock. “Alright, let me explain…” Celestia then told Shining Armor and Princess Cadence everything; including the first time Lauren came to Equestria and how she is the creator of basically everything, including them. “But what we still do not understand, is how Faust is back. Lauren killed her.” “I-… I can’t believe what I’m hearing right now…” Cadence says with disbelief. “Celestia, there was this other thing that Faust mention…” Shining said. “And what would that be?” “She said that after her plan was complete, I’d see Twilight again.” “But why would she-…” Celestia was cut off when she heard a voice from across the room. “Let me explain…” Faust said walking in. “What are you doing here?” Celestia asked with a tone of anger. “Listen Tia, I am only doing this for good intentions.” “What good could possibly come out of this!? What do you plan to accomplish by doing all this?” “I plan to give us all real lives…” “Real lives…? Explain! First by telling us what you did to my sister and the others!” “I sent them to a place that I know they will be happy; the real world, with Lauren.” After saying this, Celestia, Cadence, and Shining Armor all went into shock. “You sent them to Laurens world!?” “Yes, and the longer your sister and the element bearers are there, the closer our worlds will become. Eventually our worlds will become one, and no longer will we be just a fictional story.” “Our worlds? Merge!?” Cadence exclaimed. “Faust you must not do this! If you do continue with your plan, everything will be out of balance!” Celestia yelled. “I realize that to Laurens world we are fictional, but here we are as real as anyone else. Please Faust.” “Oh Celestia, you just don’t understand…” Faust shook her head. “I’ll give you some to think on this… goodbye Tia.” “Wait-…!” But before Celestia could finish, Faust disappeared. “This is not good… we must find a way to travel to Laurens world and bring the other back immediately!” “We’ll do everything we can to do so.” Shining said as he and Cadence left the room. “Good luck you two… but please, you must hurry…” A/N Whoa! Faust’s plan revealed! But at least on Earth, Pinkie and Rainbow were able to find their way back home. Will Shining Armor and Princess Cadence be able to find the spell in time? Until then, UnleashedTwilight signing out! > At The Convention part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Lauren! Wake up! Wake up! It’s time to get ready for the convention!” Pinkie exclaimed shaking Lauren in her bed. “Ugh… Sleep now, convention later…” Lauren said groggily. “Come on! You don’t want to be late do you? Plus Rarity told me to wake you up because she made a dress for you that can hide your wings!” “Huh? But how did she make the dress?” “Oh, I was the one that found her a sewing machine.” …I’m afraid to ask but… “Where did you find the sewing machine?” “I found it in your basement!” I had a sewing machine in my basement…? Since when?? No, no, don’t question it Lauren… this is Pinkie Pie after all, and almost nothing she does makes sense. “So where’s this dress?” Lauren said getting out of bed. “Follow me!” Pinkie said excitedly leading Lauren to the other room. “I just know you’ll love it!” “Okay, okay. Calm down… or at least hyper down.” Lauren said rolling her eyes. I wonder how the dress looks… Lauren thought to herself. I mean, I know Rarity is a good dress maker, but she’s never made clothes for a human before. When Lauren came into the other room with the girls, she couldn’t believe her eyes. It was a dress very similar to the one she wore in Equestria, modified for human use of course, but it was also designed to hide her wings perfectly. “What do you think darling?” Rarity started. “I know it’s not one of my usual designs, but I figured that you might want something simple… Unless you would like something more stylish, I can make a few changes.” Rarity said as she levitated a few supplies. “No, no.” Lauren giggled. “It’s perfect. I love it!” “Well don’t be shy. Try it on!” Twilight said energetically. “I didn’t really know how a human’s dress worked.” Rarity said as Lauren was putting on her outfit. “So I used Rainbow Dash for the help.” “Yeah, you can unfreeze me now!” Rainbow exclaimed still unable to move. “So how’s it fit?” “It’s perfect! I can’t wait to show Tara when she comes to meet up with us.” Lauren said. “I wonder what Tara’s going to wear.” And as if on cue, the doorbell rang. “Oh that must be her now!” Lauren then walked up to the door and when she opened it… Oh… my… God… was all Lauren could think. In front of her was Tara Strong, but she wasn’t just in some outfit… “Cosplay? Really??” Lauren chuckled. “Hey, the fans will love it!” Tara exclaimed. “Plus, maybe it’ll get attention away from the ‘real’ ponies.” “What will get their attention-…” Twilight paused entering the room as she saw Tara’s costume. “What in the hay…?” Twilight said in shock. “Hey, I am your voice actor after all. Plus, what if fans find out who you are? It would be a lot worse.” Tara said. “Well, why did you add the horn…?” Twilight started. “I don’t even have a horn now.” “Well you normally have a horn in Equestria, right?” Tara asked. “Right…?” “Well there you go.” Tara started. “Wouldn’t really make sense if I didn’t add a horn to the costume. Trust me, everyone will love it!” “I honestly don’t know whether I should feel honored or insulted…” Twilight said in an unsure tone. “You should definitely feel honored to have someone like Tara, be this committed.” Lauren giggled. “Feel honored about wha-…” Rainbow said walking in. Then she started snickering, and fell on the floor laughing. “What with all the commotion?” Applejack asked as her and the rest came in and saw Tara’s costume. “What in tarnation…?” Pinkie giggled. “You look silly!” “I… have no words.” Luna said with a grin, trying not to laugh. Tara grumbled. “Even Luna thinks it’s ridiculous…” “No no!” Luna interrupted. “I just find it very humorous to see you dressed to look like a unicorn. I’m sure everyone will love it.” “Oh, that reminds me!” Rarity said levitating a few more dresses similar to Laurens. “I made these for Luna, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash so that they can hide their wings as well.” She said giving them their dresses. “Thank you, dear Rarity.” Luna said taking her dress. “Oh, these are lovely.” Fluttershy said in her usual quiet tone. “Yeah, it’s pretty cool I guess…” Rainbow said inspecting her dress. “It could look a little cooler though.” “Let me guess. 20% cooler?” Tara asked jokingly. “No, actually 30% cooler.” “Oh there is no pleasing you…” Rarity said rolling her eyes. Lauren just sighed leading all attention on her. “Is something the matter, mother?” Luna asked with a little concern. “Sort of… I’m just a little nervous about bringing all of you to the convention with us. I’m afraid that things might get out of hand.” “Hey, don’t worry about us.” Twilight said putting a comforting hand on Lauren’s shoulder. “We promise that we will do our very best to stay hidden.” “And we won’t do anything to get attention to ourselves… Ain’t that right, Rainbow Dash?” Applejack asked giving a sort of glare towards Rainbow. “Yeah, yeah, I know. No showing off.” Rainbow huffed. “Now, are we all ready to go?” Twilight asked. “Not just yet…” Tara said smiling sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. “What?” Lauren asked. “We still need to wait for someone…” “Who…?” “Well, I sort of called Andrea and made plans for us to meet with you before we go to the convention and-…” Tara was interrupted. “You did what!?” Lauren exclaimed. “Hey, I made the plans a few days ago! Plus, they’re gonna see her at the convention anyways…” “Please at least tell me she was the only one you invited…” Lauren said rubbing her head. Tara paused before she answered. “Okay.” Tara said smiling nervously. “…You invited someone else, didn’t you?” “…Ashleigh” *THUD* “Mother!” Luna shouted. “I’m okay…” Lauren said getting up. “But seriously, of all the conventions… why this one?!” “Hey, how the heck was I supposed to know the actual ponies would show up last minute?” Tara argued. “I know, but still… *sigh* I guess we’re just gonna have to try to explain all of this to them too.” “So, who’s Andrea…?” Fluttershy asked. “Well, you know when I said Tara is Twilights voice…?” Lauren asked. “Yes?” “Andrea is your voice…” Lauren said which made Fluttershy go wide-eyed. “…and yours, Pinkie Pie.” “What!?” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “She does both of our voices??” “Who does Ashleigh voice?” Twilight asked obviously getting more interested in the subject. “Applejack and Rainbow Dash.” Lauren said. “Huh??” Rainbow and Applejack say in unison. “That’s incredible!” Twilight exclaimed. “I can’t wait to meet them.” Oh this day just keeps getting better and better… Lauren thought to herself. “Just calm down Twilight, and please don’t bombard them with questions. Just let me do the talking.” “So when do they get here??” Pinkie asked eagerly. “They should be here any minute. Be patient okay?” Tara said. “But I hate waiting!” Pinkie whined. “Everyone does Pinkie, but you have to wait.” Twilight started. “Besides, they’re probably almost here.” *Knock* *Knock* *knock* “Oh, that must be them now!” Tara said opening the door… but what she saw put her in complete shock. “That’s… impossible…” was all Tara could let out. In front of her was a cream colored alicorn with red mane and tail. Then everyone else in the room looked and they too went into shock. “Hello Tara Strong… it’s an honor to meet you officially.” The familiar alicorn said with a mischievous grin. “You…!” Luna blurted out. “What in Equestria are you doing here!?” “Calm yourself Luna, I’m only here to see how my friends are doing… and I love the new look, all of you.” “You have some nerve to call us your friends!” Lauren yelled. “What are you planning??” “*sigh* I really don’t feel like explaining this again… you’ll find out in time, how about that?” Faust grinned. “What have you done with Princess Celestia!?” Twilight exclaimed. “Absolutely nothing my dear Twilight. I assure you, my intentions are only good.” “Bull!!” Lauren screamed. “You tried to take my life before, why the hell would I believe you about this!?” “Because…” Faust paused looking at the rest of the mane six plus Luna. “Wouldn’t you all rather have real lives, instead of living in that fictional world?” “Wait a second… what are you getting at?” Lauren asked still keeping her guard up. “I plan to merge our two worlds, thus everyone shall live a real life, no longer controlled by ones imagination!” Faust exclaimed. “And other surprises that you will soon notice… Every minute that you are in this world, the closer they come.” “Merge our worlds!?” “Faust! Do not be a fool!” Luna exclaimed. “If our worlds were to merge, everything would be catastrophic!” “*sigh* you and your sister really do think alike… Well, I’d love to stay and chat, but I must make my leave. Farewell.” Faust said before she vanished. For a few seconds the room was completely silent until Twilight broke the silence. “Our worlds… merging?” “Wait, I don’t understand. How is this a bad thing? This would be a great way to make new friends.” Pinkie asked a little confused. “It’s not that simple Pinkie Pie…” Luna said looking down. “Princess Luna,” Twilight cut in, “What did you mean when you said everything would be catastrophic?” “Put it this way Twilight Sparkle; imagine the world being controlled by Discord… and multiply that by five.” Luna answered. Everyone went into complete shock. “Faust has completely lost her mind…” Lauren said. “And we don’t have enough magic to send you all back.” *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* “I guess we’re gonna have to worry about it later.” Tara said before opening the door. “And whatever you do, do not mention any of this to anyone. It could put everyone into panic.” Tara then opened the door which revealed Ashleigh and Andrea at the door. “Hi guys!” Tara said in a cheerful voice. “Hey Tara!” Andrea responded then giggled. “Nice outfit.” “Yeah, it brings out the real you.” Ashleigh said jokingly then looked over at everyone else who was giving her blank stares. “Um… Lauren? Who are all these people?” “Whoa,” Andrea cut in. “obviously huge fans. Do you know all these people, Lauren?” “Well, you could say that…” Lauren said rubbing the back of her head. “Actually yes, we are fans.” Twilight cut in. “Think you could do an impression for us?” “Wow, you sounded just like Twilight. And sure!” Andrea said. “Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie, and I LOVE partying with my friends!” after that Pinkie Pie’s jaw dropped. “Whoa…” Twilight said wide-eyed. “And… Fluttershy?” “Oh, um… I hope I’m doing this right.” Andrea said, and this time Fluttershy’s jaw dropped. “You really do sound like us!!” Pinkie blurted out which caught Andrea off guard. “Whoa… how did you-…” Andrea was interrupted. “Um, if you could just give us time to explain…” Fluttershy cut in. “Wow, are you all impersonators?” Ashleigh asked. “Not exactly…” Rainbow dash cut in. Ashleigh chuckled. “Nice hair.” “What’s so funny…?” Rainbow asked a little annoyed. “Nothing, nothing… it’s just funny what kind of things fans… and Tara, would wear.” “This is my natural hair color…” Rainbow mused. “Uh… what?” Andrea asked. “You heard me.” Rainbow responded. “Okay, what’s your name anyway?” Ashleigh asked. “Rainbow Dash.” Everyone was silent for a second but then Ashleigh responded. “No, really, what’s your name?” “I’m telling you, it’s Rainbow Dash.” Rainbow said walking up to AJ “and this is Applejack.” “Uh… howdy?” AJ said grinning sheepishly. “Wow, these people are really-…” Andrea was cut off when Rainbow revealed her wings. “What… the…” Ashleigh barely let out. “Need more proof?” Rainbow said pushing herself off the ground. “Okay, that’s enough Rainbow Dash.” Lauren said as Rainbow went back to the ground and folded her wings. “H-h-how…?” Andrea said in shock, “How is this possible??” “I guess I should explain…” Lauren said rubbing the back of her head. Lauren then explained everything that happened to her when she was sent to Equestria. The fact that she was an Alicorn the she created. How she met Twilight and the others. And of course about Faust, Lauren’s evil self. “So, Faust was trying to take your life?” Andrea asked. “This is insane…” Ashleigh sighed. “Well you took it better than Tara did.” Lauren said jokingly. “Why? What did she do?” Andrea asked. “She fainted as soon as she realized that she was really Luna.” Lauren said point at Luna. Andrea and Ashleigh just started laughing. “It’s not funny!” Tara argued. “Yeah, because it happened to you.” Lauren giggled. “So, you’re really them...?” Andrea asked looking at the mane six. “Yup, and it’s nice to officially meet the both of you.” Twilight said. “Okay… is there anything else we should be aware of?” “Well, funny you should mention that…” Lauren said smiling sheepishly. “What do you mea-…” and before Ashleigh could finish, Lauren revealed her wings to them. “Mother of God…” Ashleigh let out wide-eyed. “I know this must be really hard to believe right now…” Lauren said hiding her wings again. “You got that right…” Andrea said still wide-eyed. “Uh, guys?” Rainbow cut in. “What time does that convention start?” “Oh my gosh!” Andrea yelled. “We have to go now!” “Wait, put on your outfits first!” Rarity exclaimed. “You don’t want the public to see your wings now, do you?” “Right…” Rainbow said putting on her outfit that hid her wings. Luna and Fluttershy did the same. “Okay, we’re ready.” “Great, let’s go.” Lauren said leading everyone out the door. Before they could go to the convention, they actually had to take two separate cars. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Andrea, and Tara in one car. And Lauren, Ashleigh, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and Rarity were in the other. Lauren’s group was fine, except for the fact that Rainbow Dash kept complaining about how long the car ride was. Tara’s group wasn't much better. Pinkie Pie was all hyped up about going to the convention and she wouldn't calm down. She kept bombarding Tara with questions about the convention, and most of the questions Pinkie was asking to quickly to understand. After about an hour, they finally made it to the convention. “Finally!” Rainbow exclaimed getting out of the car. “Hey, it’s not my fault there was traffic.” Lauren said getting out of the car. “It’s not like I can make my whole care fly.” “Whoa…” Pinkie let out. “This place is huge! And look at all these people!” “Calm down Pinkie…” Andrea said. “I know how you feel, trust me. I felt that way on my first convention.” “Makes sense.” Tara said as they all started walking toward the VA panel entrance. “So many… p-p-people…” Fluttershy said feeling nervous. “Hey, don’t worry about them Fluttershy.” Andrea said. “Just because they look different from the ponies in Equestria, it doesn’t mean that they’re dangerous.” “I- I don’t know…” Fluttershy said still unsure. “Just stay next to me, and I promise that everything will be fine.” “Really…?” “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!” Andrea said in her Pinkie voice. “This is gonna take a while to get used to…” Twilight said. “Yeah, but it’s fun!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Hey what’s that over there?” Rainbow Dash pointed at the panel. “Oh, that’s the fighting is magic panel, it’s basically about a game made about you.” Lauren answered. “A fighting game about us? That sounds awesome! Can we go see it?” “Stay with the group Rainbow Dash. If we have time at the end, we can see it.” “Fine…” Rainbow grumbled. “Okay, stay close everyone.” Lauren said as they approached the entrance, there was a security guard there. “Passes?” the guard asked. “Right here.” Lauren said showing her pass. “Oh, and they’re with me.” “Alright, come in.” As they were walking through the crowd, everyone was cheering until they sat down. “Wow, this is unbelievable…” Twilight said looking over the crowd. “Yeah well, they’re all your fans.” Lauren said. “Hey, aren’t we missing a few people? Like a lot?” Tara asked into the mic. “Yeah, where’s Shining Armor and Cadence?” Andrea said in the mic as well. “Wait, what?” Twilight asked Lauren. “Don’t worry, it’s just their voices.” Lauren said calming Twilight down. “And where in the hay is mah sister and brother?” Ashleigh asked in her Applejack voice. The real Applejack just looked embarrassed. “Well, I guess they aren’t here yet.” Lauren said into the mic. “What should we do while we wait for them?” “Well first we need to sing a song.” Andrea said then started grinning as she looked at the mane six. “And I think that our guests should sing it this time.” Saying this made Lauren turn to Andrea in shock. “What are you doing??” Lauren whispered. “Trust me, it'll be fun!” Andrea whispered back. “But what song are we gonna sing?” Twilight asked. “This one,” Andrea said handing her the lyric sheet. It was the ‘My Little Pony Friendship is Magic’ extended theme. “Think you can handle it?” “I guess so…” Twilight said looking at the crowd. “I think Fluttershy should sing it with you.” Ashleigh whispers. “Me?? But what if they don’t like it?” Fluttershy asked nervously. “Are you kidding? You have a beautiful voice.” Tara said. “I’m sure you’ll do great.” “O-okay… I’ll try.” Fluttershy said as her and Twilight got close to a microphone. “Okay, start the music!” Andrea said into the mic. After she did, the song started to play and everyone in the crowd watched in awe at Twilight and Fluttershy singing. ~My Little Pony, My Little Pony. What is friendship all about? My Little Pony, My Little Pony. Friendship is magic! (My Little Pony) I used to wonder what friendship could be. (My Little Pony) Until you all shared its magic with me. When I was young, I was too busy to make any friends. Such silliness did not seem worth the effort it expends. But my little ponies, you opened up my eyes, and Now the truth is crystal clear, as splendid summer skies, And it's such a wonderful surprise. (My Little Pony) I used to wonder what friendship could be. (My Little Pony) Until you all shared its magic with me. When danger makes me want to hide, you'll Rainbow Dash to my side. Kindness is never in short supply. Once smitten, twice Fluttershy. For honesty no pony can deny: you are the Applejack of my eye. A heart that shines so beautiful, a Rarity to come by, and You all make fun and laughter as easy as Pinkie Pie! (My Little Pony) I used to wonder what friendship could be. (My Little Pony) Until you all shared its magic with me. Our friendship's magic and it's growing all the time. A new adventure waits for us, each day is yours and mine. We'll make it special every time! We'll make it special every time! (My Little Pony) What a wonderful wonder friendship brings (My Little Pony) Do you know you're all my very best (Friends!) Friends, you're my very best friends, you’re my very best (friends!)Friends!~ As soon as the song finished, everyone started cheering loudly for them. “I told you that it would be fun.” Andrea said to Lauren. “Yeah, but don’t they usually sing along to it? They were quiet the whole time…” Lauren said with a look of concern. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much. What I’m worried about is why the others are taking a long time to show up.” “Well, we could start answering a few questions to pass the time.” Ashleigh cut-in. “Alright, while we wait for our tardy guests, we’re gonna answer a few questions for you all.” She said into the mic this time. After that, a bunch of people raised their hands at once. “Alright… you, with the Pinkie hat.” Ashleigh said pointing at the girl who looked like she was about 16. “I have a question for the girl who looks like Twilight, but without the horn.” The girl started which made Twilight feel a little nervous again. “How did you sing that song so perfectly?” Twilight waited a few seconds before she answered and she was getting a bunch of weird looks from people in the crowd until she finally spoke up “Well, I just had a lot of practice. It’s a fun song.” Twilight said smiling sheepishly. “Uh… next question?” That went well… Lauren thought to herself. “Uh… you.” Twilight said pointing at the boy with an R-Dash 5000 T-shirt. “The one with the disturbing shirt…” “I have two questions, can I ask you both?” the boy asked. “Uh… sure.” “Ok 1st, is that your actual voice? Because you sound just like Twilight Sparkle.” “Well, yes it is my voice.” Twilight answered. “What’s your second question?” “How come you don’t have the horn? Tara has hers.” “Well, I couldn’t find a horn, ok?” Twilight said a little annoyed. “Next question… preferably to someone else?” hands were being raised again. “Okay… you” Lauren said pointing at another boy. “The one with the Rainbow Dash t-shirt.” Hearing this made Rainbow and Pinkie go into shock, because the boy that Lauren pointed at was the same one that they met. Oh-no… Rainbow thought to herself. “My question is for Rainbow Dash.” Alex said which made Lauren go into shock. “You mean Ashleigh, right…?” Lauren asked nervously. “No I mean Rainbow Dash: the girl with the rainbow hair.” Everyone started to feel worried. Rainbow especially since she knew this person. “Okay… what’s your question?” Rainbow asked a little nervous. “First, you remember me right?” Alex asked. “Yeah I remember…” Rainbow said, “Hi Alex.” “Wait, you know this guy?” Lauren whispered to Dash. “He’s sort of the guy who brought me and Pinkie to your house…” Rainbow whispered back. “What??” Lauren hissed. “Why didn’t you tell me before I called on him!?” “Well how the hay was I supposed to know that you’d call on him??” “Uh… my question?” Alex cut in. “Oh right,” Rainbow said into the mic, “What’s your other question?” “I’ve been thinking about this yesterday since I saw you: How long do you think it’ll take before you and your friends will be able to go back to Equestria?” We’re dead!! Lauren thought to herself starting to go in a panic. “Uh…” *rarity cut in “That’s a bit of a ridiculous question, don’t you think darling?” “No it’s not.” Pinkie Pie cut in this time. “We are expecting to go home really soon! As soon as possible!” “Wait, what did she just-…” A boy started but was interrupted. “Hey look, it’s the missing… people. Come on up you four!” Lauren said with a tone of panic in her voice. Everyone then looked at the aisle and saw Michelle, Andrew, Peter, and Britt walk to where the others were, and everyone was cheering again. Phew… dodged a bullet… Lauren thought to herself in relief. “Uh, hey everyone.” Andrew said into the mic. “Did we miss anything?” “Yes,” A boy started. “She was about to tell me something.” The boy said pointing at Pinkie. “Well, don’t you think we should just move on to another question since the others showed up?” Lauren asked. “I want to know what she meant when she said ‘we are going home soon’.” “Well…” Pinkie started. “We aren’t really from here…” Why!? Lauren thought to herself, going into panic again. “We’re all from Ponyville!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Did she just say ‘Ponyville’…?” Britt asked Lauren with confusion. Everyone just started going off with questions until Lauren snapped. “ALRIGHT!!!” Lauren yelled into the microphone, which made everyone turn to her in shock. “I can’t keep this a secret… everyone.” Lauren said looking at the mane six plus Luna. “Please introduce yourselves… truthfully.” More confusion could be heard from the crowd, but Twilight was the first to speak. “My name is Twilight Sparkle… from Ponyville. I’m very knowledgeable on spells but unfortunately, here my magic is limited.” With that, Twilight levitated one of the empty chairs in the air, and gasps could be heard all over the room, including the other voice actors that just walked in. “My name is Rarity, I design dresses, including the ones I made for my friends. I own Carousel Boutique back in Ponyville… and I designed Lauren’s outfit that you see now.” Rarity added. “Um… My name is Fluttershy, and I live in my cottage where I take care of many animals, including my pet bunny Angel.” Fluttershy said revealing her wings. “I’m Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria! I’m well known for a lot of things, but more recently my sonic Rainboom.” Rainbow said revealing her wings. “Mah name is Applejack, proud owner of Sweet Apple Acres. I have an older brother and a younger sister. Ah guess you could say I’ve been apple buckin’ since I was a filly.” “My name is Pinkie Pie! I make friends with every new pony I meet, and then I throw a surprise part for them! Like the time I threw a surprise party for Twilight after the time I went *gasp* and then-…” Pinkie was interrupted when AJ covered her mouth. “That’s enough sugar cube, they get it.” “And… you may know me as Princess Luna.” Cheers were heard right after she announced her name. “And… as you most likely know, I control the rising and the setting of the moon, while my sister controls the sun.” Luna then revealed her wings as well. “Holy…” Michelle let out. “This is so awesome!” With that, everyone cheered again. Well, at least they aren’t attacking us… Lauren thought to herself. “So, are there any other questions?” What am I thinking? Of course they’re gonna have more questions… “You, with the Twilight shirt.” Lauren pointed at a girl in the audience. “This question’s actually for you, Lauren.” The girl started. “Did you know that they were real?” “Well, to be honest, no I didn’t.” Lauren started “I just assumed that they were all in my imagination…” “What was your reaction to seeing them here?” the girl asked. “I felt surprised… happy… I felt the urge to cry… and a little shocked.” “Only a little shocked?” “Well, I probably would have been more shocked if it was my first time meeting them up close.” “Wait,” the girl started. “This wasn’t your first time meeting them?” “Nope…” Lauren started. “The first time, was when I was sent to Equestria.” “Wait what??” Peter said in shock this time. “You were IN Equestria!?” Michelle asked in shock. “Yes, and that’s how I met them… but not like this.” “What do you mean?” Britt asked. “I met them as an Alicorn.” With that Lauren revealed her own wings, and there was a mix between gasps and screams coming from the audience. Andrew had his jaw dropped, and so did the others. There was a number of people in the audience that fainted. Okay, that could have gone better… “So, you can fly!?” Britt asked. “Well, Rainbow Dash is still teaching me how to fly properly, but basically yes.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` After all the commotion and questions in the VA panel, the group decided to visit the fighting is magic panel. “This is going to be so awesome!” “Oh please don’t yell Rainbow Dash…” Lauren said holding her head. “I think I got a migraine after all that…” “Oh sorry…” “I have to admit, the fans took that remotely well.” Tara said. “You mean the fans that didn’t faint?” Rainbow asked. “Basically.” As they are walking to the Fighting is Magic panel, it didn’t take long for others to find out that the actual ponies of Equestria were here. People were giving them blanks stares. Others looked excited. “This is kind of uncomfortable…” Twilight said. “Just keep walking Twilight…” Lauren said. Finally they made it to the panel. As they walk inside, they notice a match is already in progress. “Whoa…” The match was Twilight vs. Pinkie Pie and it looked like Pinkie Pie was winning. “This is so amazing!” Pinkie exclaimed. Everything went silent after that, the game paused as all eyes were set on Pinkie. “Hi everyone!” Pinkie says in her usual cheerful tone. The crowd in that room cheered as well. Ugh… this headache isn’t going away anytime soon… Lauren thought to herself. “So,” Rainbow started, “Think we could get a turn at this game?” A/N Looks like the ponies are enjoying themselves at this convention, but will this fun get them off track from their real problem? Until then, UnleashedTwilight signing out!! > At The Convention part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Alright everyone, the first match of Rainbow Dash vs. Pinkie Pie will begin shortly!” the announcer exclaimed. Before the matches started, everyone was allowed to practice on separate monitors. Unfortunately Fluttershy’s character isn’t playable yet, so she just practiced using Rainbow Dash’s character. Princess Luna decided to practice with Twilight Sparkle since Luna isn’t even in the game yet. As for the others, they were practicing and getting a hang of the controls while learning how to use combos from the staff in the area. It didn’t take too long for Twilight to get used to everything; like always, she’s a fast learner. Pinkie Pie… the game pretty much came natural to her. Rarity was doing pretty good but was still having a little trouble getting used to using combos and using her special attacks. Rainbow Dash had a constant look of determination on her face, and didn’t look like she was going to give up so easily. Applejack was practicing with her lasso so that she could use it to her advantage. Luna was learning Twilight’s moves rather quickly, and so there wouldn’t be any confusion, she used a recolor of Twilight that looked like a g4 version of g1 Twilight. Fluttershy was having some trouble learning the controls… and as you could probably imagine, didn’t feel entirely comfortable playing a fighting game. And Lauren… “This migraine is only gonna get worse before it gets better…” Lauren moaned. “Aspirin?” a random fan said pulling out a jar of Tylenol. “Uh… no thanks, I’m good…” Lauren said a little disturbed. “What was it like in Equestria?” the fan asked. “Can we not talk about this now?” “But you’re the first human to ever go to Equestria. You have to tell me!” the fan exclaimed. “It’s none of your business!” “But I need to-…” “Security!” Lauren exclaimed interrupting the fan. “Wait, wait! I’m sorry, I’ll stop asking!” Lauren sighed “Look, I’d love to tell you everything about Equestria right now, but I have an insane migraine…” Lauren said holding her head. “But I can tell you, it was fun.” “Alright everyone!” the announcer exclaimed. “The time for practice is over. It’s time to begin the first match! Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, please get ready.” Everyone was cheering loudly as they walked to the center. Some people even tried grabbing them, but were pushed away by security. Despite the screaming fans, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie seemed to enjoy the attention they were getting. It didn’t take too long for them to reach the center and select their characters. The first match started in the Cloudsdale stage, and then the fight that everyone was waiting for had begun. Pinkie Pie made the first move, catching Rainbow Dash off guard, as her character left the screen and returned above and landing on Rainbow Dash, followed by a few combos. “I don’t think so Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she escaped Pinkie’s combo with a tech, and started attacking Pinkie, rapidly using combos, trying to make sure that Pinkie doesn’t escape. But unfortunately, luck wasn’t on Rainbow’s side, as Pinkie Pie was able to leave the screen again, only this time, returned on the other side of the screen. “What the!?” Rainbow exclaimed as she was, again, being bombarded with combos by Pinkie Pie until finally… “Knock out!” the announcer exclaimed. “Round 1 goes to Pinkie Pie!” The crowd of fans cheered louder than before. “Wow Pinkie Pie, you’re good at this!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “Thanks! You’re pretty good too Dashie!” Pinkie replied. “’Pretty good’? It’s not over yet Pinkie Pie!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Round 2… fight!” the announcer exclaimed. With that, it was Rainbow Dash who made the first attack this time; launching Pinkie Pie in the air followed by a bombardment of aerial combos. And catching Pinkie off guard by using her Thunder cloud attack. But Pinkie was able to break the combo and then used her party cannon, launching a present at Rainbow Dash. Rainbow, however, was able to block the present flying at her. “Nice try Pinkie Pie!” “I wasn’t gonna hit you with that Rainbow Dash!” Pinkie exclaimed happily as her character, again, left the screen, only this time coming out of the present, launching Rainbow Dash in the air, and started using aerial combos on Rainbow. But Rainbow wasn’t about to give up so easily. With a look of determination, Rainbow broke the combo and started bombarding Pinkie Pie until finally… “Knock out!” the announcer exclaimed. “Round 2 goes to Rainbow Dash!” and again, the fans in the crowd cheered. “Ugh… I feel like my head is gonna blow…” Lauren moaned. “Can’t you just fly somewhere more quiet?” the fan asked. “I would to be honest, but I’m still learning how to fly from Rainbow Dash…” “Also another thing; can I feel your wings?” “Uh, I don’t think that’s a good iDEA!” Lauren shrieked as the fan grabbed her wing. “Let go!!” Lauren exclaimed pushing the fan away. “Sorry! Sorry!” “Ugh… I’m moving somewhere else.” Lauren said walking away from the crazed fan. “Round 3… fight!” the announcer exclaimed. With that, Pinkie was the first to attack. Attempting to combo Rainbow Dash from the start, she found herself only getting blocked by every attack she made. Then Rainbow launched Pinkie in the air and attempted to use aerial combos on her, but she was getting blocked as well. Neither of them were willing to give this match up. Both Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash had looks of determination. But then Pinkie was able to launch Rainbow in the air and quickly perform aerial combos before Rainbow was able to tech out. And with Rainbows health bar half empty, Pinkie gave a small grin which led Rainbow to give a look of confusion and worry. Pinkie Pie’s character then froze in one place for a second and her mane and tail deflated, making rainbow Dash give a look of horror. She knew if Pinkie Pie caught her in this state, it would be over. Rainbow Dash did the best she could to avoid her, but to no avail. Pinkie caught Rainbow and gave off a finishing squeeze hug. “Knock out!” the announcer exclaimed. “The winner is Pinkie Pie!” “Woohoo!” Pinkie cheered jumping with joy. “Ugh… good game Pinkie…” Rainbow let out. “And hey, since you beat me, don’t go easy in the next round… unless it’s Fluttershy of course.” “Don’t worry Rainbow, I know.” Pinkie said as they walked away from the stage. “Alright.” The announcer started. “The next round will be between Twilight Sparkle, and Princess Luna!” the crowd cheered again once Luna’s name was said. “I have to fight the princess??” Twilight asked in shock. “Relax Twilight.” Tara said. “It’s not like it’s actually fighting. It’s just a game.” “But still…” “I am expecting a great match with you Twilight Sparkle.” Luna said about to walk to the center. “Do not hold back.” Twilight was a little surprised with the way Luna was speaking to her, but put it behind her and walked up to the center as well. “Good luck twilight!” Tara exclaimed as Twilight and Luna selected their characters. The second match started in the Library stage, which surprised Twilight a little bit. Luna looked determined, but Twilight looked a little nervous. “Round 1…” the announcer started. “Fight!” With that, Luna was the first to strike, using a magic spark attack, catching Twilight off guard. Luna then teleported behind Twilight and sent her upward, followed by an attack in the air knocking Twilight back down. Just as Luna was about to attack again, Twilight jumped in the air and countered Luna’s attack. Twilight then launched Luna in the air and started attacking her with aerial combos. Luna, struggling to regain control, was then knocked back down to the ground. “Very impressive Twilight.” Luna started. “But this battle is far from over.” Luna then unleashed one of her special attacks, the Level 1 Story Arc Climax, which finished Twilight off, ending the first round. “Whoa…” Twilight let out. “I told you not to hold back on me Twilight Sparkle.” “Well don’t you worry princess, it isn’t over yet.” Twilight said with a look of determination which made Luna grin. “Round 2…” the announcer started. “Fight!” Luna attacked first again with the magic spark attack, only this time getting blocked. Twilight then teleported behind Luna, then knocking her to the ground, followed by being launched in the air with a barrage of aerial attacks. Luna soon broke out of the combo and teleported behind Twilight, but just before she was able to attack, the screen went dark, and Twilight unleashed her Level 3 special, her magic surge. With that, Luna’s health bar reached zero and the second round was over. “Excellent work Twilight Sparkle.” Luna started. “But it’s time to finish this.” “Agreed.” Twilight replied. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As the match between Twilight and Luna was going on, Rainbow Dash decided to go for a walk with Ashleigh. Unfortunately, on the way, they were being crowded by crazed fans; being asked for autographs and pictures. “Ugh…” Rainbow moaned. “Is it always this crazy?” “You don’t even know the half of it…” Ashleigh said. Then she and Rainbow Dash saw a huge crowd in the distance. “I wonder what’s going on over there…” “Well, let’s go find out.” Rainbow said as they both walked over to the crowd. When they got to the crowd, they tied their best to get to the center. “Excuse us; coming through.” Rainbow said moving some fans aside. “Now what the hay is over here that’s causing everyone to-…” Rainbow paused as they reached the center. Rainbow saw a familiar figure; a cream colored alicorn with red hair. “Having fun, Rainbow Dash….?” Faust asked with a grin. “You!!” Rainbow exclaimed extending her wings. “What the hay are you doing here!?” “I just came to check on my friends…” “We are NOT your friends!” “Uh… Rainbow Dash, is that… her?” Ashleigh asked in shock. “Yeah… she’s the one that corrupted Celestia and tried taking Lauren’s life!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Everyone, get out of here now!! She’s dangerous!” Everyone suddenly went into panic and started fleeing the area. Some people, however, stayed and were recording the situation. “Must you make a big deal over this Rainbow Dash?” Faust mused. She then looked at Ashleigh and grinned. “Rainbow Dash and Applejack… how are you this fine day?” Lauren asked looking at Ashleigh. “H-how does she know about me…?” Ashleigh asked in shock. “That’s not the only thing.” Faust started. “I know Andrea, Tabitha, Tara. You name it.” “Bring us back to Equestria Faust! You have no idea how bad the damage could be!” Rainbow exclaimed. “And what will you do if I don’t?” Faust asked. Rainbow then got into a position where she looked like she was ready to charge. Faust only smiled. As Rainbow charged at Faust, Faust teleported behind her and struck her with a magic spark attack. Rainbow was launched about 80 feet away. “Rainbow Dash!!” Ashleigh exclaimed. Faust chuckled. “I told them my intensions were only good, but they forced my hoof. But it doesn’t matter. Soon our worlds will merge and this will all be just a memory…” “NO!!” a voice called out. Rainbow Dash was able to recover from the attack but was badly injured. “Faust, even if our worlds do merge and everypony does become real, everything will be in chaos! Not even you can control it!” Faust paused for a moment but then smiled. “You’re right Rainbow Dash, I can’t control it. But I might know somepony who can…” Saying this made Rainbows eyes widen. “And I think you know who I’m talking about.” “You can’t be serious!!” Rainbow exclaimed. “He would only make things worse!” “I am more powerful than him Rainbow Dash; I think I can get him to follow my commands.” Lauren paused. “In fact I’ll be back in just a few minutes…” “Wait!!” Rainbow yelled, but then Faust teleported away. “Come on Ashleigh, we have to warn the others!” Rainbow said dragging Ashleigh with her. “Slow down…!” Ashleigh exclaimed being dragged along. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “And the winner is Princess Luna!!” the announcer exclaimed. The match had ended with Luna using her Level 3 Magic Surge to finish it. “Wow Princess,” Twilight started. “That was amazing!” “Thank you, Twilight.” Luna replied. “This was… fun.” “Alright, the next match will be between Applejack and-…” the announcer was interrupted. “Stop!!” both Rainbow and Ashleigh yelled running towards the announcer. Ashleigh took the mic. “Everyone, I’m sorry to say this but the next match is gonna have to be put on hold.” “What for?” AJ started, “I was just about to-….” AJ was interrupted. “Look Applejack, something more important has come up.” Ashleigh said, then looked at Lauren. “Lauren…” Ashleigh paused. “Faust…”Lauren stood there, confused for a moment. “Faust…!” Ashleigh repeated, then Lauren realized what she meant, and went into shock. Lauren then walked up to the stage. “I’m sorry everyone, this fight has to be postponed for another time. Something much more important has come up.” “Something more important?” a familiar voice called out. They looked over in the crowd and saw it was John De Lancie. “Now what could be more important than this?” he joked. “He’s already here!” Rainbow yelled as he zoomed toward De Lancie. “Discord!!” “Wait what!?” De Lancie exclaimed before immediately getting tackled by Rainbow Dash. “I won’t let you control- Hey!” Rainbow exclaimed being pulled off by Tara. “That’s not Discord; it’s just John De Lancie!” Tara yelled. “Wait… who?” “He does Discord’s voice in the show.” “Oh…” Rainbow said with a little embarrassment. “Uh, sorry about that…” Rainbow said helping John up. “What was that all about??” John asked in an angry tone. “I’m sorry! I thought you were really Discord…” “Rainbow dash, I thought you and the other ponies sealed Discord in stone.” “Wait, how did you know about them?” Tara asked. “When someone here knows something Tara, it’s bound to be spread around, trust me.” Lauren was thinking to herself for a moment. What did rainbow mean when she said ‘he’s already here’? Unless… Oh no… “We have to leave, now.” “Why Lauren? What going to-…” Fluttershy was interrupted. “There’s no time to explain, we have to go, now!” “Lauren, what’s going on?” Andrea asked except a little more annoyed. Lauren paused for a second “Let’s just say things are gonna be chaotic in the next few minutes.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back in Equestria, Faust was headed toward Canterlot, with plans to bring back the spirit of chaos and disharmony, Discord. Once Discord is free, there is no possible way my plan can fail. The six bearers are out of reach from the elements of harmony, and Discord will be able to control, what my ‘daughters’ call chaos. Every second, she drew nearer to her destination. Unfortunately for her, she was already beaten there, as Shining Armor and his guards were there protecting the premises. “All of you are most likely aware of why you are here; you all agreed to risk your lives to protect this kingdom. I’m not going to lie to you; Faust is one of the most powerful foes we have ever faced. But I would rather risk my life fighting her than just standing by and doing nothing!” Shining Armor exclaimed as the guards cheered. “Very touching Shining Amor; you really know how to build confidence in ponies…” all the guards looked up, Shining Armor included, and saw Faust flying over them. “But I don’t have time to deal with you right now, I have more important business to take care of.” She says flying over them. “Where is she going..?” Shining asked himself. Then he saw the direction she was headed. “Wait a second!” Shining exclaimed as he placed a force filed over her. “What do you think you’re doing!?” “Trust me Shining Armor, I have to do this.” “No! You are not bringing him back!” “Oh please, it’s not like he’s staying here.” Faust paused and smirked. “I’m merely taking him with me to a… new world.” “Would that ‘new world’ be the same one that my sister and her friends are on?” Shining asked as his horn lit up. “Very smart Shining Armor, they really were smart to pick you to be captain of the royal guard.” She said in a sarcastic tone. She then broke the force field with what seemed like little or no effort at all. “Now if you’ll excuse me.” She said as she teleported away. “This is bad… really bad…” Shining Armor said. “Everypony, head to the statue of Discord immediately!” he exclaimed. “Hurry, we don’t have much time!” As the guards were scrambling to get to the Statue, Faust had already beaten them there. As she approached the statue, her horn lit up, only this time, dark. She fired directly at the statue and as she expected, it began to crack. It didn’t take too long for the guards to finally catch up to her. Unfortunately, it was too late, and the chaos beast was released. “Welcome back Discord…” Faust smirked. Discord rubbed his eyes as if he didn’t believe what he was seeing. “Faust… is it really you?” “No…” one of the guards said wide-eyed. “It’s good to see you again Discord.” Faust smiled. “Hmph…” Discord said teleporting teleporting in front of her. “I suppose I would say the same thing, IF you weren’t the reason I was set in stone the first time! You could have stopped Celestia and Luna from doing it, but you just sat there and watched me petrify!” “I realize this Discord, I apologize.” “Oh please Faust, we both know that you’re here for another reason much bigger than an apology.” He said pulling out a chair out of thin air and sitting on it. “What is it that you want?” “A deal.” “You actually expect me to make a bargain with you?” he said but unexpectedly, Faust went to his face. “Yes I do, because I created you, and I can erase you from existence just as easily!” her horn lit up brightly. Discord didn’t look amused. He merely touched her horn and made it disappear. “Now really Faust, must you be so rash?” One of the guards saw this as an opportunity and immediately charged at Faust, only to be stopped by Discord, levitating the guard in the air. “You really don’t think do you?” Discord mused looking at the guard. “Put him down, Discord, he’s not important.” Faust said and with that Discord rolled his eyes but let the guard drop. “Now about our deal…” “I told you Faust, I refuse to make a deal with you.” Discord said crossing his arms. “What if I told you it involved controlling a new world?” she asked with a grin. Discord raised an eyebrow with interest. “I’m listening…” Faust explained everything about their world being just an imagination world, thought of by a being from another world. She also explained that she sent the six element bearers there, away from the elements of harmony, plus Luna. She had also explained her plan to merge the two worlds so that they could become real, which made Discord’s expression change from interest to being unsure. “So you want me to come to this… ‘real world’ so that I can control the chaos that you cause from merging our two worlds?” “That is correct.” “And what will I get from all of this?” “Half the control of the merged worlds.” Discord was silent for a moment, thinking about the offer, then he finally spoke up. “I’m assuming the other half will be yours?” Faust simply nodded. “Very well, I’ll play along with this… for now.” He said giving her horn back. “But only because this sounds like it could be fun.” He smirked. Faust smirked as well, “Then let’s get going, shall we?” she said as her horn lit up. “Lets…” With that, Faust’s horn grew brighter, but just as Faust was about to teleport… “FAUST!!” Shining Armor exclaimed charging after her. Just as he made contact with Faust, he was immediately teleported, along with Faust and Discord. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the convention, everything was hectic. People were scrambling everywhere, fleeing the area. Some people decided to stay, even though they were told to leave. Lauren was with Twilight, Tara, and De Lancie evacuating the other panels in one part of the area while the others did the same. Pinkie Pie went with Fluttershy and Andrea. Ashleigh went with Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Andrea’s group soon made their way to the ‘Hotdiggedydemon’ panel. “Everyone! Please leave! We are all in danger!” Andrea exclaimed. But at first people didn’t take her seriously… especially Max Gilardi. “And what sort of trouble are we in?” Max asked with an amused expression. “Discord is coming from our world!” Pinkie exclaimed cutting in. “Everypony run!!” but once again, no one took her seriously. “Discord…” Max mused. “And did you seriously just say ‘everypony’?” Max said then he paused. “So you must be Pinkie Pie then.” He said in a sarcastic tone. Pinkie started to feel frustrated. “Look! I’m telling the truth! I’m really from Equestria, and yes I’m Pinkie Pie!” “Right..” Max mused again. “And I’m guessing that weirdo is Fluttershy.” “yes she is! Now everyone please le-…” Andrea was interrupted. “Wait, aren’t you the actual voice actress for Pinkie Pie?” Max asked. “I get it, it’s a joke right?” “Ok that’s it…” Andrea said and looked at Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, show them your wings…” “This should be good…” Max said. With that, Fluttershy extended her wings for all to see. Everyone just stared in awe at her… everyone except Max. “Nice cosplay.” “Are you serious right now!?” Andrea exclaimed. “What? I’m giving a compliment. I don’t normally-…” Max stopped himself as he saw Fluttershy lift herself in the air, slowly flying towards him. “Please… we’re telling the truth. We would never lie about something like this.” Fluttershy said in her usual quiet tone. “Holy…” Max said wide-eyed. Then he looked at the crowd. “Alright, everyone get the hell out of here, this panel’s over!” Fluttershy smiled at him. “Thank you.” With that, they headed out, clearing the rest of the area. Lauren’s group didn’t have too much trouble clearing the area, and neither did Ashleigh’s group. “Alright,” Lauren started, “Everyone all set?” “Yes… well, not including the bronies with cameras that refused to leave.” De Lancie said rolling his eyes. “Unbelievable…” Tara mused. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back in one of the supposedly empty panels, there was a flash that illuminated the room. As the light cleared, Discord, Faust, and Shining Armor could be seen. “We’re here…” Faust said. “Ugh…” Discord said looking at himself, “Is this what humans really look like? Sorry, but not my thing.” Discord snapped his fingers and he was immediately changed back to his original form. “Much better…” Discord smirked then taking in his surroundings. “So… this is the real world.” “Amazing isn’t it?” Faust grinned. “It certainly is interesting…” “Oohh…” a familiar voice moaned. Both Discord and Faust turned to see Shining Armor, who was now human. “W-what is this?” he asked himself looking at his hands, then feet, followed by the rest of his body. “What did you do to me??” Faust smirked. “We did nothing; it’s merely an effect of traveling to this world.” “Is… is this where you sent them?” Shining said taking in his surroundings. Faust nodded. “Where are they?? Where is my little sister!?” he said lowly standing up, still not really used to his human form. “They are here, in this area.” Faust said. “Go ahead, go find her.” Faust smirked. “Your magic is weaker here anyway; not even Luna could stop me.” “Wait…” Shining paused. “If being a human is an effect of coming here, then why are you still a pony?” Faust paused for a moment then opened her mouth to answer. “Unfortunately, I am unable to become human for the moment. Not even Discord can change me.” “And why is that?” “I’d love to explain, but I have more important business to attend to.” She said then turning to Discord. “Have fun… but not too much fun.” With that she teleported away. “With pleasure…” Discord said turning to Shining Armor. “Oh how I want to change you back into your pony form… but Faust wouldn’t allow it.” Suddenly they heard the sound of someone whimpering. The sound seemed to be coming from under the panel table. Discord quickly lifted the table, revealing what seemed to be a little girl, who looked terrified at the sight of Discord. “Well, looks like we have a little spy…” “No!” the girl exclaimed, “I’m not a spy, I swear! When everyone was leaving, I got scared!” “And how do you expect me to believe you?” Discord said levitating the girl in the air. “Please I’m only 10 years old!” the little girl cried out. “Discord, stop!” shining exclaimed. “She’s just a child Discord, she did nothing to you!” Discord huffed “Very well, you watch her then.” he said throwing the girl at Shining. Fortunately he caught her with his magic. “I have some chaos to wreak in this new world…” with that he snapped his fingers and disappeared. Shining slowly looked at the little girl and placed her to the ground gently. “Are you okay?” he asked. The girl nodded, “Yeah I’m fine… thanks for saving me.” “Do you have a name?” The girl nodded again. “My name’s Selene. What’s yours?” “I’m Shining Armor.” After saying this made Selene look surprised. “Is something wrong?” “Aren’t you Twilight’s older brother?” she asked. Shining Armor went wide-eyed. “You know Twilight?” “Yeah, she was helping with evacuating the panels.” “So then… she’s here??” “She should be.” “What about her friends; and Princess Luna?” “Yup, them too.” “Do you know where they are?” “I think so…” she said rubbing her head. “Follow me.” With that, Shining Armor followed the little girl, hoping that she knows what she’s doing. Fortunately, the area isn’t too big, so they should hopefully find them soon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Seriously, you have to go!” Tara exclaimed at the brony. “Are you kidding? When Discord gets here I’m gonna get good footage.” The brony said holding his camera. “Ugh…” Rainbow moaned. “It’s too dangerous to stay here; don’t you get it!?” “Don’t bother Rainbow Dash.” De Lancie cut in. “There’s no changing his mind…” “I just don’t understand why-…” Rainbow was cut off. *Crash!* Everyone looked at Lauren who had just thrown the brony’s camera to the ground and broke it. “Jesus Christ Lauren…” Tara said a little shocked. “What’s with the attitude?” “I’m sorry… it’s just that this headache is getting to me.” She said turning to them, then everyone looked at her in shock. “What’s wrong?” “Your… your forehead…” Tara said pointing at her, her hand shaking. “My forehead…?” Lauren said placing her hand on her head. When she did, she felt a bump… What the… what is this?? “What the heck is on my forehead!?” Twilight walked up to Lauren, to examine the bump. “I think that’s your horn…” Twilight said slowly going wide-eyed. “I think it’s growing!” “What!?” Lauren exclaimed feeling the bump again. “Why is it growing n-…” Lauren paused looking at Twilight. “Yours is growing too!” “Huh??” Twilight exclaimed feeling a bump on her head as well. She looked at Rarity and Luna to see if theirs was growing too, and they were. “I don’t understand; why are our horns growing back all of a sudden?” “I think I have the answer…” Luna spoke up. “Our worlds are getting closer to merging than before.” “What?? Already??” Pinkie exclaimed. “And with no way to return home… that means, there’s no way to stop it…” > Discord > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Are you sure this is where they went?” Shining Armor asked stating to feel a little less patient. “Positive.” Selene says leading the way. “I don’t think I would forget seeing someone like your sister.” She paused. “And thanks again for saving me.” Shining Armor grinned. “Hey don’t worry about it kid.” He said putting a hand on her shoulder. “I bet if you were in my position, you’d do the same thing.” “I do have one question though…” Selene said looking up at Shining Armor. “What happened to your horn? How did it get so small?” she pointed. “My horn?” Shining said feeling the top of his forehead. “That is strange…” he said, then he looked ahead. Wait… is that…?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “There must be something that we can do…” Twilight said with her head hanging down. “Unfortunately I can’t think of a solution…” Lauren said with a tone of lost hope. “And without the elements or Princess Celestia to at least help take you back home… it looks like we’re sunk…” “Come now.” De Lancie cut in. “Must you really give up so easily?” he said putting a hand on Lauren “There’s always a way out of things; we just need to find it.” “Johns right!” Rainbow exclaimed with confidence. “We can’t just give up now! There has to be a way to stop all of this!” “Oh you ponies never cease to surprise me…” a familiar voice mused. Everyone looked and saw it was Discord floating above them. “You know, the human look doesn’t look half bad on you.” He chuckled. “Whoa, this is creepy…” De Lancie said going wide-eyed. Discord raised an eyebrow as he turned his head toward De Lancie. “Have we met?” “Not really…” De Lancie responded and then grinned “But I can assure you we are very similar in many ways.” “Is that so…” Discord said teleporting in front of De Lancie. “Does chaos amuse you?” “Well, I’m not one to cause it, but it can be fun to watch…” De Lancie responded. Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me… Lauren thought to herself holding her head. “Is that so?” Discord smirked. “Well then, how would you like to come along with me to cause some chaos?” “Please, go along with an amateur like you? I think I’ll pass…” De Lancie smirked. Discord narrowed his eyes. “Amateur? Do you know who you’re talking to? I am Discord, spirit of chaos and disharmony!” “And I’m John De Lancie. Pleasure to meet you.” He grinned. “What is he doing?” Twilight whispered to Tara. “I think he’s trying to stall him.” Tara whispered back. “This might be a good time to make our leave.” Everyone nodded in agreement and slowly made their way away from Discord and De Lancie. Unfortunately, Discord saw them from the corner of his eye and he then levitated Twilight to him. “Going somewhere?” “Let her go Discord!” Lauren shouted. Discord turned to her and suddenly felt surprised. “Well, if it isn’t the great Lauren Faust, if I’m not mistaken.” Discord smirked. “You know who I am…?” “Of course I do. I was freed by Faust; why wouldn’t I know who you are?” he said dropping Twilight to the ground. “Faust told me all about you…” “Why are you even listening to Faust Discord, you’re stronger than her!” Lauren exclaimed which made Discord raise an eyebrow. “You could easily make her powerless in a second!” “That may be Lauren, but I choose to rule alongside her in this new world.” “But wouldn’t you rather have the whole world to yourself…?” De Lancie cut in. “That, to me, sounds like a much better deal to take.” “Again… what is he doing!?” Twilight whispered to Tara. “Now I don’t even know…” Tara responded with a worried tone. Discord chuckled. “Do you honestly believe that you can fool me into going against her? I know for a fact that as soon as Faust was powerless, you would use that as an advantage against me.” He says starting to feel nervous. “I don’t have time for this. Soon the two worlds will merge and I’m going to have to be the one to keep it contained.” He said, then he looked back at the ‘ponies’ and smiled. “But before I go, I think I’ll have a little fun…” “Oh no…!” Fluttershy squeaked getting nervous quick. “Yes Fluttershy,” Discord said getting close to her. “Once again, your kindness has reached a point where it is just unbearable. I mean look at your friends; they all find it annoying.” Discord said as Fluttershy was then shown her own vision of basically her friends telling Fluttershy to buzz off, or leave them alone. “My friends… find me… annoying…?” Fluttershy said in a daze. “No Fluttershy, don’t listen!” Twilight exclaimed. “Remember our lessons of friendship!” “Those lessons were merely Celestia’s way of wasting your time! Those lessons aren’t worth anything!” Discord exclaimed. “That’s enough Discord!” De Lancie cut in. “You are taking things too far!” “I’ve heard just about enough out of you.” Discord said pushing De Lancie aside. “Save yourself the trouble, and stay out of it.” “Lessons… waste of time…” Fluttershy said in a daze still. Suddenly Fluttershy’s color slowly faded leaving a wide grin over Discord’s face. “No…” Andrea said going wide-eyed. “Stop it Discord!” she exclaimed. Discord went right to Pinkie Pie, not even acknowledging Andrea. “Pinkie Pie… friends still laughing at you?” “No!” Pinkie stomped her foot down. “They are not laughing at me! They would never laugh at me!” “Is that so?” Discord grinned. “Well, unless my hearing is off, it sounds to me that they are laughing at you right now…” he said showing Pinkie a vision of the now human ponies laughing at her, including Lauren, Tara, Andrea, John, and Ashleigh. “No… they wouldn’t!” Pinkie said with tears in her eyes. “Wouldn’t they?” he grinned when suddenly Pinkie too started to lose her color. “Oh this is just too easy…” he said making a chocolate rain cloud appear over their heads. He then looked at the time and grimaced. “I can’t stay for too long… Faust would have my head if I don’t return. But first…” he said turning to Luna. “Do you really believe that Lauren cares about you?” Luna snorted in anger. “How dare you speak such a thing!? Mother does love us, she always has!” “Honestly Luna, how could you think she loves you after what she did to you?” “She has done nothing to me!” “Really Luna, did you already forget?” Oh no… he’s not talking about…! Lauren thought to herself. “Did you forget that she was the reason you were nightmare moon in the first place?” “Well…” Luna was interrupted. “She could have easily given you a normal life, ruling Equestria alongside your sister; but instead you are forced to live with the guilt of being nightmare moon for the rest of your life! Does that sound like someone who loves you?” “Luna, please don’t listen! He’s trying to trick you!” Lauren exclaimed. “I’ll always love you, and I’m sorry for what I did!” “She… lied to…” Luna said starting to fall in a daze. She then shook her head. “No! Mother would never betray us!” “Is that what Nightmare Moon would think?” He smirked. Suddenly Luna was sent into a daze again and eventually, lost her color as well. “Princess Luna!!” Twilight exclaimed running toward her. But Luna just pushed her away in anger. “P-Princess?” Luna turned to Lauren with tears of sadness and anger. “How could you do this to us!? How could you corrupt me and allow the other ponies to live peaceful lives??” “Luna…” Lauren said practically in tears. “Please don’t talk like that, I care about you.” “I have had enough of your lies!” Luna exclaimed. “Oh, boo hoo. Is little Luna crying?” Fluttershy cooed. “How dare you speak to me this way!?” “Oh, I dare. Little Luna is crying.” Fluttershy snickered. “And what are you laughing at!?” Pinkie exclaimed turning to Fluttershy. “I’m laughing at you. Ha Ha.” Fluttershy smirked. “Quit it!” Pinkie exclaimed. “No. Ha Ha.” Fluttershy snickered. “Ugh… this is painful…” Andrea said holding her head. “Painful?” Discord laughed. “Honestly Andrea, how can you not think this is funny?” “Because it’s not right!” Andrea exclaimed. “When you mess with those two, you’re messing with me!” Discord frowned “You humans can be quite grim…” he sighed. “Well I’d love to stay and observe the chaos, but I’ve over stayed my welcome.” He said turning to Lauren. “Have fun fighting your daughter…” with that he leaped in the air and disappeared. “Fighting my daughter…?” Lauren said to herself, she then found herself being attacked by Luna with a magic spark attack, which she barely dodged. “Luna!” “You will pay for what you did to us!” she exclaimed as her hands glowed brightly and fire at Lauren again. Lauren was able to dodge her again. “Luna, please! I don’t want to fight you!” Lauren exclaimed. Luna didn’t listen; she kept going all out to attack Lauren. Lauren tried her best to avoid her, but she couldn’t avoid her attacks for too long. Soon Lauren found herself getting exhausted and she couldn’t run anymore. The ponies just stared in horror for they didn’t want to hurt Princess Luna either. Just as Luna’s next attack was about to make contact, Lauren shut her eyes, expecting the worst. But after a few moments, nothing happened. When she opened her eyes, she noticed she was inside a protective shield. Huh…? Did I do that? No, I don’t even know that much, and Twilight couldn’t have done it… “Stop Princess Luna!” a voice called. We all turned to see the source of the voice… Is that… Shining Armor!? But how did he get here??...and who’s that next to him? Lauren thought to herself. However he did… he just saved me. Twilight looked at him and went wide-eyed. “Shining Armor!?” she exclaimed. Shining Armor darted his head at his little sister. “Twiley!” he exclaimed, and then he immediately turned back to Princess Luna, trying to attack him now. “Princess, why are you doing this??” “Do not interfere, Shining Armor!” Luna exclaimed knocking him to his sister. “Shining Armor!!” Twilight exclaimed helping her brother up. “Shining Armor, don’t try to fight the Princess!” “What do you expect me to do; stand by and do nothing??” Shining exclaimed. “What I don’t get is this. Why is she attacking that girl?” “It was Discord! He corrupted Luna into thinking that Lauren didn’t care about her!” “So then…” shining paused in shock, “That’s Lauren!?” “Wow, took you that long to figure it out? Not very sharp are you?” Fluttershy said with grin. “Fluttershy??” Shining said in shock and confusion. “Discord…” Twilight mused. “Oh…” he said turning to Pinkie. “So I’m guessing…” “Yup.” Twilight mused. “Enough of this!!” Luna exclaimed in her Royal voice. “It is time for me to finish this once and for all!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back in Equestria, Faust was looking over it from Canterlot castle. Clouds beginning to form on their own. The Pegasi were unable to control them. Faust knew what it meant; the two worlds were getting closer. “It won’t be long now. Soon this imaginary life will only be a memory.” Faust said to herself. “This is only going to end in disaster…” a voice said from behind her. Faust turned to see it was Celestia. “Your plan to merge our worlds will do more harm than good.” “I already have that covered, my dear Tia. I have someone that will keep everything under control.” “If you’re referring to Discord, you are even more foolish than I thought.” “And why is that?” Faust said turning to Celestia. “With Discord controlling the chaos, it will be a perfect world.” Celestia narrowed her eyes for a moment. “You have another reason for doing this, don’t you?” “And what gives you that idea?” “Because the Faust I remember never even cared about the wellbeing of the other ponies in Equestria.” Celestia paused. “She was also the one who tried to take Lauren’s life away from her.” Faust didn’t respond. She only grinned which confused Celestia. But soon she realized what Faust meant. “That’s still your plan isn’t it? You still plan on taking her life!” Again, Faust didn’t respond. Instead, she spread her wings open and flew off. “Guards!” Celestia exclaimed as two guards ran to her. “Do you have any leads from Shining Armor to get to Lauren’s world?” “No, my Princess…” the guard said hanging his head down. “Shining Armor has… disappeared.” “What do you mean he disappeared?” Cadence says walking in. “Ponies don’t just disappear. What happened?” “He may be in the other world…” the guard groaned. “What!?” Celestia and Cadence exclaimed in unison. “I apologize… your highness…” he said bowing his head. “As Faust and Discord were using a teleportation spell, Shining Armor was taken with them…” Without warning, Cadence extended her wings and flew off in Faust’s direction. “Cadence stop!” Celestia exclaimed. But she didn’t listen. She kept heading toward Faust at full speed. Cadence didn’t hesitate for anything. She stayed on Faust’s tail and eventually was able to catch up to her. “Stop!!” Cadence exclaimed. Faust eventually did stop and turn to Cadence. “Where is he!?” “You’ll have to be a bit more specific…” Faust mused. “Don’t play dumb with me! Where is Shining Armor; what did you do with him!?” “The same place that all of Equestria will be in; the real world.” “Bring him back!!” Faust rolled her eyes. “It’s not like it’s going to matter Cadence… but if you’re so eager to see him again.” She said as her horn glowed. “You can join him.” With that Cadence started to disappear too. “Now there’s only one thing I have to do…” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Princess Luna, please, this isn’t you!” Twilight exclaimed. “Silence!!” Luna exclaimed once again in her royal voice. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Ugh… where…?” Cadence groaned. Her eyes shot open. “Faust!” she exclaimed looking around, but saw nopony nearby. In fact… What is this place…? She thought to herself, then she looked at her own body. What in wide wide world of Equestria happened to me?? What happened to my hooves, my tail, my-… “My horn!” she exclaimed feeling the bump on her head. “Silence!!” a voice echoed. Cadence turned her head in the direction of the voice. “That sounded like…” Cadence extended her wings and flew as fast as she could. Unfortunately, her speed was slower in her human form. Why is it so hard for me to fly here?? Ugh… forget it, I’m better off running! With that, Cadence got to her feet and began running to the direction. Soon enough she saw the source of the yell; she saw a human that resembled Luna about to attack a girl who was not familiar to her. What is Princess Luna doing!? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just as Luna was about to make her attack at Lauren, Luna herself was struck by a magic spark. Everyone turned at the direction of who fired it. Lauren paused and smiled, I’m so glad I gave Twilight a foalsitter and brother… “Cadence!” Lauren exclaimed getting her attention. “Cadence!?” Shining Armor and Twilight exclaimed in unison running toward. Twilight and Shining both hugged her happily. “Shining Armor? Twilight? Is it really you??” Cadence asked in disbelief. “Yeah, it’s us…” Twilight paused. “How did you get here?” “Did you find a way to travel to this world?” Shining asked. Cadence’s smile disappeared, “Unfortunately no… I was sent here by Faust, like all of you were.” Twilight and Shining Armor hung their heads in disappointment. Which soon stopped when an attack was sent toward Cadence. Fortunately, she was able to avoid the attack. “Princess Luna, stop this!” Twilight exclaimed. “Why is she acting like this??” “It was Discord.” Shining answered “He corrupted Luna into thinking that Lauren hated her!” “Lauren?” Cadence asked in shock. “Where is she??” “That… would be me…” Lauren said slowly walking toward them, exhausted. “It’s… nice to officially meet you Cadence…” “Likewise.” Cadence nodded, and then turned her head to the enraged Luna. “I think I might know how to calm her down. I just need one of you to hold her down somehow.” “And how are we going to do that?” Twilight asked. “Someone will have to distract her…” “How dare you!?” Luna exclaimed. Everyone looked and saw she was yelling at the corrupted Fluttershy. “It’s true; your mother never loved you.” Fluttershy snickered. “I… guess Fluttershy has that covered.” Cadence said in disbelief at what Fluttershy just said. She turned her head to Lauren. “Do you think you can hold her down?” “I’ll… try my best…” Lauren said with a tone of doubt. “Hey, don’t worry; everything will be fine.” Lauren paused for a moment. “Do you really have a way to change her back?” “Hopefully… yes.” Cadence said looking up at her forehead. “I see your horn grew back…” “Excuse me…??” Lauren said in confused shock, moving her hand to where the bump was, instead only bumping her hand on a full grown horn. “Okay, I guess this is a good thing…” she said looking at the others. “Looks like everyone else’s has too. Come on, let’s see if we can calm Luna down…” “She never ever loved you.” Fluttershy snickered. “I have heard just about enough of-…!” Luna was interrupted when Lauren tackled her. “Do it now!” Lauren exclaimed, holding Luna as tight as she could. Cadence ran to Lauren and Luna. “Good, now just keep holding her like that…” she said as her horn began to glow. “Hurry up Cadence!” Lauren exclaimed struggling. “I don’t know how long I can hold her!” “Let go of me!!” Luna exclaimed thrashing about. With that, a heart came from Cadences horn, which made contact with Luna. “W-..huh?” Luna said calming down. “What just happened?” she said looking around. “Princess Cadence? Shining Armor? When did you two get here?” Lauren, to her surprise, hugged her tightly. “Mother? Is something wrong?” “Everything’s fine Luna… Everything’s fine…” Lauren sighed happily. “Well…” Tara interrupted. “Almost everything…” “Stop… laughing at me!!” Pinkie exclaimed. “No. Ha Ha.” Fluttershy snickered. “Uh… I can fix that.” Twilight said walking up to them with her horn, now fully grown. Luna held Pinkie Pie down while Cadence held down Fluttershy. Twilight went up to both of them, using the memory spell on them. “There… that should do it.” “Oh my goodness..!” Fluttershy said. “I did it again didn’t I??” “It’s alright Fluttershy, it wasn’t your fault.” “I thought it was fun being grey again!” Pinkie said in a cheerful tone which left everyone looking at her, confused. “Alright, since things are in order now…” Cadence said extending her hand to Lauren. “I believe a proper greeting is appropriate. My name is Princess Cadence: princess of the Crystal Empire.” Lauren grabbed her hand and shook it. “And I’m Lauren Faust… um… the one who created everything you know.” She said rubbing the back of her head which left Cadence feeling a little embarrassed. “Right… sorry, I should’ve known that by now.” “It’s alright” Lauren giggled. Lauren went on introducing the rest of the cast who voiced them that were there at the time. Cadence and Shining Armor both warmed up to them easily. Then she explained everything on the others and everything that happened before they showed up. “She fainted when she saw Princess Luna?” Cadence laughed. “No…!” Tara objected. “I fainted when I saw her use magic!” “And when you saw my wings…” Lauren smirked. “Shut it…” Everyone laughed like everything was normal, but slowly their laughter died down. “What are we going to do about Faust and Discord?” Rarity cut in. “I’m not sure…” Lauren said. “And with our horns fully grown like this, it can only mean that our worlds are closer than they were before…” “And only getting closer…” a familiar voice spoke out. It was discord who had seemed to appear from behind a street lamp. “Would you like to see the changes I’ve made to this city?” Everyone looked at the direction he was pointing to and everything was just awful. It was raining chocolate milk. There were buildings floating in the air, and there were people slipping on soap roads, including the people driving. “Chaos is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?” He looked down at everyone who had seemed to have lost hope. “Oh don’t look so down, all of you. After all this is your new home!” he paused “actually I think I’ll send you to your real home… you look bored here.” With that he snapped his fingers and everyone disappeared from the area and all appeared in Laurens house. “What… just happened?” Andrea asked confused. “What happened is we lost… it’s over…” Lauren said falling to her knees. “No, it can’t be… it just can’t end like this.” Tara said. “What the hay is wrong with all of y’all!?” Applejack yelled out. “We would never give up like this if we were back in Equestria!” “Applejack!” Lauren snapped shocking her a little bit. “Face facts; this isn’t Equestria! Our world isn’t perfect. Things almost never happen the way they are supposed to. We basically live in a worldwide Everfree forest!” Lauren paused for a moment. “That’s what the Everfree forest was made for… it’s similar to what this world is like; dangerous.” “Wow…” Tara mused. “I never thought someone like you would just give up like this.” “And you know,” Ashleigh cut in. “Maybe you should’ve informed us more about this, than just going to the convention and pretend that everything was going to be fine.” “I didn’t want to cause panic…” Lauren said hanging her head. “Cause panic??” Ashleigh said getting to her face. “You’re the one who caused panic by going to that convention!” “Well, if Rainbow Dash didn’t decide to talk to that brony, he wouldn’t have known about her!” “What??” Rainbow snapped. “You’re blaming me for this!? You’re the one who told us to say who we were back there. You could’ve just, I don’t know, LIED!?” “I panicked! Plus the headache I was getting at the time wasn’t helping.” “Stop it!!” Andrea yelled. “All of you!! Arguing and blaming each other isn’t going to help the situation here!” “Andrea has a point…” De Lancie cut in. “The more time we spend arguing here, the less of a chance we have to stop this whole thing.” Ashleigh sighed. “They’re right… we have to do something while we still have time.” “I know!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Oh here we go…” Lauren mused. “We could try being nice to them! Maybe if we do that for a while, we could ask them nicely to-…” “Next idea…” Lauren interrupted which made Pinkie look a little upset. “I was just trying to lighten up the mood…” “We don’t have time for that!” Lauren snapped. “We need to be serious here and think of a freaking plan to stop Faust!” everyone looked at Lauren in shock and some disapproving looks. “What…?” she looked at Pinkie who looked like she was tears. “Oh my gosh… Pinkie Pie, I’m sorry.” She said walking up to her. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that… I’ve just been really stressed about this whole situation.” Pinkie wiped her tears smiling slightly. “It’s okay Lauren… I understand.” She said hugging Lauren. “But you’re right… I should be more serious about this…” “Uh… Lauren?” Tara cut in. “Yeah?” Lauren responded. “Not to alarm you or anything… but I’m pretty sure you didn’t look that pale.” “Wait huh?” Lauren ran into the bathroom and screamed when she saw herself in the mirror. “It’s getting worse!!” she yelled running back out and then had a look of shock as she saw the others start to change color as well. “Oh… crap…” > Welcome to the Real World > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Faust!!" Celestia exclaimed as she was flying towards her. "You must stop this now while you still can!!" She paused in shock as she got a good look at Faust's changing body. "W...what have you done...?" Celestia said in horror.       Faust was changing into a more human like body, and slowly she kept changing. She turned to Celestia and smirked. "I'm sorry my dear Tia, but it's far too late to stop it now..." She walked toward her slowly. "We are only moments away before our two worlds merge completely... Oh, would you rather control the sun in our new world, or have it go on its own?" "What are you talking about...?" "Well, we wouldn't want to have two suns, would we? Although it does sound interesting..." Celestia just stared at her in shock and didnt respond. "I'll have Discord remove Equestria's sun and moon then..." She mused disappearing. Celestia just stood there still in shock as tears slowly dripped down her face. "I couldn't stop her... There's nothing I can do to stop her..." She paused before she raises her head up. "Please mother! Please forgive me!!" She screamed into the sky, and then collapsed to the ground. "Please mother... I need your help..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Come on Lauren!” Twilight exclaimed. “We can’t just give up like this!” She said changing into her original lavender color. Lauren just looked down in despair, she had no idea what to do and looked like she had completely lost all hope. “Lauren!” Tara exclaimed. “Huh...?” Lauren said finally snapping out of it. “Sorry... I just don’t see any possible way we can stop this...” She said getting to her knees. “Come on Lauren!” Andrea Exclaimed. “The Lauren I knew would never give up like this!” Suddenly Twilight walked up to Lauren herself. “The Lauren I saw in Equestria would not give up without a fight!” she exclaimed. “You remember, don’t you? You helped us fight Faust and helped Princess Celestia turn back to the way she was! You didn’t give up on us before, and you can’t give up on us now!” Lauren just stared at Twilight for a moment, not at loss of hope... but lost in thought. Fighting Faust... I remember it like it was only yesterday... well, now I remember it. I remember that I gave it all I had to defeat her. My daughters helping me... I helped them before... and I’m going to help them again! “You’re right Twilight,” Lauren said getting to her feet. “I’m not giving up, even if things may seem hopeless... I was the one who created her, and I’m going to be the one to defeat her once and for all!!” she exclaimed followed by a cheer from everyone in the room. “But there is one problem however...” “What would that be?” Ashleigh asked. “Looking at our current states, I’d say it’s too late to stop our worlds from merging... But it’s not too late to beat Faust! She may be succeeding in merging our worlds to become real, but soon Faust will get the bitter taste of what the real world is like.” Just as she finished speaking, there was a knock on the door. “Oh who could that be?” Lauren walked to the door and was quickly pushed to the ground. “Lauren!” everyone exclaimed and quickly looked out the door gasping at what they saw. “Enjoying this last hour...?” a familiar voice said. It was faust only something was different. She looked more... human. “I see that all of your transformations are nearly complete, which means so is the merging of our worlds.” Faust said as a loud thunder crash was heard from outside. She looked outside, only to find that some sort of portal had opened, followed by multiple portals. “It’s finally time...” Faust snickered while everyone just stared... “Our lives are changing fore--...” Faust was interrupted when she was struck on the head by a frying pan. Everyone looked at who was holding the pan, and they were surprised to find that it was Craig. “Y-you...!” “Craig!!” Lauren exclaimed. “What do you think you’re doing!?” Craig looked at Lauren in shock at first but quickly snapped out of it. “I’m not letting you do this alone Lauren!” he exclaimed. “I love you too much to let this faker ruin everything.” "But Craig you don't understand! She too dangerous to fight!" "Please, how tough could she be now? She's turning--..." Craig was abruptly interrupted as he was struck down by one of Faust's magic attacks. "Craig!!!" Lauren exclaimed running to him. She could only stare at Craig's unconscious body and feel tears running down her face. Quickly she started to go into anger as she looked up at Faust. "How... Dare you..." She let out. "Lauren...?" Tara said slowly walking up to her. Quickly, Lauren's horn began to glow brightly and her wings were extended. "HOW DARE YOU!!!!" She exclaimed as she went into complete rage. "Sweet mother of--...!!" Ashleigh was interrupted as Twilight pulled on her arm. "Come on!" Twilight exclaimed. "You all have to get out of here right now!" "Wait, what?" Tara said. "I said you all have to--..." Twilight was interrupted. "I heard what you said, and I'm sorry but I'm not going anywhere Twilight." "Tara please! It's going to be too dangerous!" "I don't care! I would risk my own life for a friend like Lauren." Tara paused looking at Lauren. "Because a true friend helps a friend in need..." "A true friend... Helps a friend in need..." Twilight said quietly. She nodded and led the others out. "I'm staying as well." Luna said walking next to Lauren. "It is time we finished this once and for all Faust!" She exclaimed as her horn glowed brightly as well. "I'll stay too." Cadence said walking to the other side of Lauren. "Anypony who puts our friends in danger must be dealt with." Faust just laughed maniacally. "You actually think you can stop all of this? Our worlds will merge in less then an hour! What are you going to do? Wait for a miracle to appear? Wait for Princess Celestia to help you?? Well she isn't coming! Because she knows that--..." "That's enough!!" A voice echoed from the sky. Everyone looked up in shock when they saw it was Princess Celestia in the the form of a human but still with her wings and horn. "Sister...!" Luna exclaimed. Celestia slowly went down to the ground next to Lauren. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you again mother..." She said putting a hand on Lauren. "C-Celestia..." Lauren stuttered. "H-how did you get here?" "I went through one of the rips..." "Rips...?" Twilight asked. "Yes..." Celestia hung her head down. "Our worlds are merging at this very moment!" "What!?!" Everyone exclaimed. "I-... It can't be! Faust said it was less than an hour!" Twilight exclaimed. "It wasnt a lie..." Faust said with a smug look on her face. "It was indeed less than an hour... And right now, Discord is controlling the chaos that this merge is creating." Quickly, Faust was tackled by Lauren. Faust just laughed. "What are you going to do Lauren... Kill me? I'm pretty sure that didnt go so well last time." Lauren paused for a moment looking right at Faust. "No... I won't kill you." She said getting off. "Lauren are you crazy?!" Tara exclaimed. "Yet..." Lauren stated. "Excuse me?" Tara asked. "I'm sorry, I should have said I won't kill you yet..." Lauren said looking at Faust. "What are you talking about...? No matter when you kill me, I will still return!" "Wrong!" Lauren exclaimed. "You may come back in my imagination, but what happens when our worlds merge completely and everypony becomes real...?" After saying this, Faust's eyes shrunk as she went into shock. "I'm guessing you know what I mean... And with our worlds almost merged, I'd say you don't have much time." Faust could only start to feel worried and at the same time feel angry. How did I not think about that!? Damn it! I've come too far to ler her ruin it again!! Without thinking, Faust just charged after Lauren. "You will die!!" Lauren herself struck Faust down with a magic surge. "What's the matter Faust? Not used to being a human yet?" Faust growled as she got to her feet again. She glared at Lauren but quickly darted her eyes to Tara Strong. She uses her magic and teleported herself next to Tara, and grabbed her neck. Everyone gasped at her. "Not another step closer Lauren Faust!" "T-Tara!!" Twilight exclaimed. "Faust! Leave her out of this!!" Lauren exclaimed. "If I'm going to die, then she will die first!" Faust exclaimed. "Faust... You really haven't changed at all..." Twilight said. "You may consider yourself to be better than all of us... But in reality... In this world you are nothing but a heartless monster." Without warning, Faust just sent a massive surge directly through Tara's body. "Tara!!!" Lauren exclaimed. When Faust stopped, Tara just slumped, her eyes shut, and Faust simply dropped her like she was nothing. "T-Tara..." Lauren said in tears as she walked toward Tara. "Let this be a warning to you..." Faust said as she disappeared. Lauren got to her knees looking at Tara. "Please... Please wake up..." She said going into tears. "Please wake up!!!" She cried over her. It wasnt long before everyone else in the room was in tears. "I-... Wish this all really was just a dream..." > No Turning Back Now > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Get out of our way!!" Lauren exclaimed running into the hospital carrying Craig while John was carrying Tara. "What is going on here!?" The doctor exclaimed but then looked down at Craig and Tara. "What... What happened to them?" "You see what's going on outside don't you? Well these too got in the middle of it..." John said placing Tara down on a hospital bed. "Do you know what exactly is going on?" The doctor asked looking at Lauren who was placing her husband down on one of the beds. "If I told you, you wouldn't believe me... Just please make sure that these two are okay..." The doctor nodded. "Of course." He said as two doctors brought Tara and Craig in a different room. Lauren slowly walked over to a chair and sat down going in tears. "It's all my fault..." She said placing her hands to her face. "I was the one who created Faust... And now this is all happening because of me..." "Lauren, don't say that..." Twilight said sitting next to her. "You had no idea that this kind of thing would even happen. Hey, we had no idea that this sort of thing was even possible." She said putting a hand on her. "It's not your fault..." She paused and sighed. "Faust will pay for what she did to them... Especially Tara..." "Tara...?" Lauren asked looking at her. "You said it yourself... She's pretty much me..." She said looking down. "I just really hope that she's okay..." "You and me both..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "It looks like she was electrocuted, judging by the burns on her skin..." One of the doctors said examining Tara. "Same thing with this one..." Another doctor said examining Craig. "Wait, why does she have a fake horn on her head?" "Oh, she's a voice actress." A doctor said taking notes. "She was doing this to appeal to the fan base..." "Well, it must be a good costume, because it's not coming off..." The doctor said struggling to take off the 'fake' horn. "Ow..." Tara muttered quietly. "Hey, she's awake!" The doctor said still pulling the horn. "Did she glue this thing on??" "Ow!!" Tara exclaimed. The doctor let go and fell back in shock. "Ugh..." She said slowly getting up. "Where am I...?" "You're in the hospital... You're friends were extremely worried about you." "My friends...? Where are they?" "They're waiting patiently in the other room..." The doctor paused. "May I ask how you were injured...?" Tara paused and looked down, "it was... Lightning..." She said looking away. "Lightning...?" "Well, yeah..." Tara said turning to him. "Come on, you saw what was happening out there..." "Right... Probably wasn't a good idea to wear that fake horn then..." Tara paused for a moment confused. "Fake horn...? I took that off before I was shocked..." "But it's on your head right now." "Huh...?" Tara said starting to feel nervous. Slowly she moved her hand to her forehead, only to be stopped by something blocking her hand. Her eyes shrunk as she quickly scrambled off the bed and grabbed the first mirror she could find and looked at herself in shock and started shaking. On her forehead was a tan colored horn. "T-there's a... Horn on my...." "Ms. Strong...?" The doctor said. "Are you oka--..." "There's a freaking horn in my head!!!" She exclaimed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "What is taking so long for them to--.." "There's a freaking horn on my head!!!" A familiar voice yelled out. "That sounded like Tara!" Lauren exclaimed running into the room. "What's going--..." Lauren paused and had a look of complete shock seeing Tara with a horn. "What is going on!? Why do I have a horn? I've never been to Equestria!" "Lauren!" Twilight exclaimed running in. "What just- OH MY GOODNESS!" She exclaimed looking at Tara. "W-what... How??" Was all that came out of her mouth. "S-she's turning into a unicorn!" Lauren exclaimed. "Excuse me...?" The doctor said looking at the three. "Are you insane?" "Look, we would like to explain, but we don't have the time..." Lauren paused. "How Is Craig...?" "A few burns... But nothing fatal. He's just unconscious." The doctor said. "Keep an eye on him..." With that, twilight put a hand on Tara and Lauren, and teleported into the other room, leaving the doctors dumbfounded. "What... Just happened?" The doctor said in shock. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “You think they will be okay...?” Fluttershy asked with a tone of worry. “Don’t worry too much darling... “Rarity said getting close to her. “I’m sure they will be just fine.” Ashleigh sighed. “I wonder if Tabitha saw all of this...” “Tabitha?” Rarity asked. “Yeah... you know, your voice...” Andrea said rubbing the back of her head. “Oh, right...” Rarity said. “By the way, how come she never came?” “She told me she was busy but, she never told me what she was busy with...” Ashleigh responded. “She did tell me she had a migraine though...” “Well, I’m sure it’s nothing...” Applejack said. “Yeah...” Andrea said rubbing her back. “Something wrong?” Applejack asked. “I don’t know. My back doesn’t feel right...” “Yeah, mine too...” Ashleigh said also rubbing her back. “Hold on, let me take a look...” Applejack said going behind Andrea first. “Oh my...” before she said anything else, she quickly looked at Ashleigh’s back. “Uh... don’t panic...” Andrea’s eyes shrunk. “Why, what’s going on...??” she asked in a sort of nervous tone. “Uh... well...” Applejack said tearing holes in their shirts, revealing that they both now had wings. “What the!?!” Ashleigh exclaimed. “Wings!?” Andrea exclaimed. “How is this possible!?” Ashleigh exclaimed. “I don’t know...” Andrea started. “But this is so awesome!!” Everyone just stared at her. “What?? It is!” “This is very bizarre...” John De Lancie said just staring at the two of them in shock. “No!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed. “This is perfect!” “Huh?” everyone said simultaneously. “Don’t you get it?” She said getting close to Andrea and Ashleigh. “Now they can help us!” “Whoa whoa!” Ashleigh cut in. “Not that simple.” “What do you mean?” “We just got these wings. You expect us to automatically know how to fly??” “Well, then I’ll give you both flying lessons!” “Excuse me...?” Ashleigh asked. “You heard me!” Rainbow exclaimed. “Rainbow Dash’s express flying lessons!” “Express...?” Rarity asked. “Just how is it express?” “Simple!” Rainbow said turning to Rarity. “I’ll put the lessons you would normally put in a month, and put it in a day!” “Okay, I really doubt that that’s possible.” Andrea said. “Sure it’s possible!” Rainbow exclaimed. “In fact, by the time I’m done with you two, you’ll be flying circles around Discord!” Andrea and Ashleigh looked at each other. “I guess we don’t really have much of a choice...” Ashleigh said. “Alright Rainbow Dash, when do we begin?” “Right now!” She exclaimed. “Come on!” she flew outside as the others followed. “Wait.” Celestia said stopping everyone, “What about mother?” “Don’t worry, we’ll just be outside of the hospital.” Rainbow said as they continued out. “I’ll wait here for her...” Celestia said sitting back down. Everyone nodded and continued out, all but Luna. “I’ll wait here with you as well sister..” Luna said sitting next to her. “Thank you, Luna...” She said and sighed. But quickly darted her head up when Twilight, Tara, and Lauren were teleported in front of them. “That was fa-...” Celestia paused as she looked up at Tara’s horn. “Oh my... I guess they weren’t the only two.” “Huh?” Tara asked. “What do you mean?” “Well, two of your friends grew... wings...” Celestia said. “Wait... Andrea and Ashleigh??” Tara exclaimed. “Yes, those two... and they went outside right now for flying lessons with Rainbow Dash.” “Rainbow Dash is giving them flying lessons!?” The three exclaimed as they all ran out. No one was in the air yet, but they looked like they were about to make a first attempt. "Guys!" Rainbow dash exclaimed looking at Lauren. "You made--... Whoa..." She said looking at Tara. "Huh?" Rarity said looking as well. "Oh my..." "You too??" John exclaimed. "Oh just when I thought things couldn't get any better." He said holding his head. "Rainbow Dash, you were about to give them flying lessons??" Twilight asked. "Yeah! And you should do the same with Tara, only magic!" "Give Tara... Magic lessons?" Twilight said slowly looking back at Tara. "I don't know... I've never actually given lessons to anypony before..." "Hey..." Shining Armor stepped forward, "you're the most magical unicorn I know sis, I know you can do this." "But Shining Armor, it's not that simple. Tara Strong has never used magic in her entire life! And I'm supposed to teach her magic in a day??" "We have to at least try Twilight..." Tara said walking to her. "I'm up for anything that you have to teach me." Lauren just randomly snickered a bit. "What's so funny...?" "Oh nothing..." Lauren paused. "It's just that this is coming from the woman who fainted seeing a-..." "Will you let that go already!?" Tara exclaimed interrupting her. "I'm just saying!" She laughed. Tara turned to Twilight. "Alright, where do we begin?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Come on! Flap harder!" Rainbow dash exclaimed at the struggling Ashleigh and Andrea. "You'll never get off the ground with that effort!" "Oh give me a break...!" Ashleigh exclaimed trying to flap her wings faster. "This isn't as fun as I thought it would be...!" Andrea exclaimed panting. "Fun!?" Rainbow dash exclaimed going to Andrea, "this isn't supposed to be fun! This is supposed to be serious!" She went over to Ashleigh. "You're supposed to be me! Come on!" "Not...helping!!" Ashleigh exclaimed. All of a sudden Andrea raised off the ground a few inches but quickly went back down. "Ugh..." "Come on! You almost had it!" She exclaimed at Andrea. "I'm trying my best Rainbow Dash, give me a break!" Andrea exclaimed. "At least she got in the air...!" Ashleigh said panting. Rainbow Dash sighed and put a... "H-huh...?" Rainbow Dash said looking at her hoof. "Uh oh..." She looked at Andrea and Ashleigh who both had hooves as well. Both tan as well. "G-girls...?" "We know..." Both Ashleigh and Andrea said in shock. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Alright... Lets start off with a simple levitation spell." Twilight teleported Lauren, Tara, and herself to Lauren's house. "Starting with the thing that made you faint..." She said picking up the coffee mug. "You did that on purpose..." Tara mused. "It was funny and I had to." Twilight smirked. "Alright, I want you to focus your magic to your horn first. Magic flows within our bodies, it just has to be directed and released through the horn." "Okay..." Tara said closing her eyes, trying to focus on her horn. "Come on..." She said struggling to feel anything happen. "Don't strain yourself..." Twilight said. "Just relax... Don't even focus on levitation right now. Just try to focus on your horn, and directing your magic though it." Lauren was just sitting down, watching her. "You should get some practice in too Lauren." "Right, sorry..." Lauren said standing up. She turned back to Tara. "You can do this Tara... I know you can." Tara sighed as she tried again. Only this time when she tried, her horn illuminated with a light blue aura. "That's it!" Twilight exclaimed. "You're doing it Tara! Now use that to lift up that cup!" Tara slowly opened her eyes, looking at the mug. Just as Twilight had hoped, the light blue aura surrounded the coffee mug and it slowly lifted into the air. “You’re doing it! You’re doing- Whoa!!” She exclaimed as she and Lauren fell forward. Tara dropped the mug and fell forward as well. “What the...?” she said looking at her hooves. “Our worlds are almost completely merged...” Lauren sighed. “What will happen after that... I’m not sure. But I’m pretty sure that Faust will still have her magic, regardless of her turning human.” “That reminds me.” Tara spoke out. “Why is she the only pony turning human?” she asked. “I mean I understand Why I’m turning into a pony, considering my job... but still...” “I told you before Tara...” Lauren sighed. “She tried to take my life before. And she’s doing it again... only different. She’s changing the world to the way she wants it to change... And Craig will think that I am her because of this goddamn plan!!” She exclaimed stomping the ground panting. As everything was silent, there was a flash of light coming from their own bodies. When the light cleared, everyone was completely transformed into full ponies. Everything was silent outside. “It looks like it’s done...” Twilight sighed. “There’s no turning back now; we have to keep practicing.” She looked at Lauren who looked like she lost hope again. “Lauren... please...” she walked up to her. “Our worlds may be merged now, but we can still beat Faust...” “Girls...?” Tara said looking out the window in her pony form with her cutie mark as a microphone with a heart on it. “You should take a look at this...” Both Lauren and Twilight looked out the window and were both in complete shock. Buildings from Canterlot were close to the buildings from Earth, but most of them looked destroyed. “Discord is supposed to fix all of this...?” “I don’t think so...” Twilight objected. “I highly doubt that someone like Discord would fix any of this.” But just as she said this, all the pony buildings were instantaneously repaired and sent 10 feet into the air above the original buildings. “Wait, what??” Discord suddenly appeared behind them. “I didn’t have much of a choice...” Discord said looking out the window. “What?” Tara said. “What are you talking about?” “I may be a creature of Chaos, but without homes, ponies and humans alike would not survive... I cause chaos for fun, not to kill.” Discord sighed. “You don’t look too happy now that you’re working with Faust...” Lauren said. “If you’re trying to get my guard down, you can forget it.” “Discord, I’m serious...” Lauren sighed. “None of us like to see this happen.” “Well of course you don’t.” Discord rolled his eyes. “But even so, I still have some standards.” he paused just staring out at the buildings. “Besides, our worlds are merged now and there’s no way they can be separated again. Well, no way that I know of...” “So you’re saying that there is a way?” Twilight asked. “You ask me...” Discord said. “You are the element of Magic after all...” “Wait...” Twilight said. “The Elements of Harmony...? But how would that help?” Discord rolled his eyes again. “Does this look harmonious to you at all?” he pointed out the window. “The Elements of harmony should be able to restore your world and our world to its original state.” Everyone just looked at each other, and Tara was the first to speak out. “Discord, why are you helping us? You realize if our worlds un-merge, you won’t be-...” “I know what it means Tara Strong...” Discord sighed. “Besides, I’d rather cause chaos to just Equestria anyways.” He smirked. “But don’t get too used to this attitude Twilight. It’s only until everything is back to the way it was.” “Fair enough...” Twilight rolled her eyes. “But there’s just one problem; where would we start looking for the elements of harmony? They could be anywhere on this world.” “Well, you better get started then.” he smirked and disappeared, leaving everyone confused. “Discord is actually helping us...?” Lauren said in disbelief. “There’s no time to question this.” Twilight exclaimed. “We have to step up out magic practice and start searching for the elements of harmony as fast as we can.”