• Published 10th Oct 2012
  • 10,896 Views, 612 Comments

Journey to The Real World - unleashedtwilight

Twilight Sparkle Lauren Faust Celestia Luna Applejack Rarity Rainbow Dash Pinkie Pie Fluttershy

  • ...

Faust's Plan

You know when people see something that’s unusual, sometimes they are calm about it? And just simply asks questions?

“Who are all these people!?”

Craig isn’t one of those people... He’s more of the yelling ‘what the hell is going on’ kind of person. Fortunately I was able to hide my wings before he came in… Otherwise he probably would’ve pulled a ‘Tara Strong’ on us.

“I ask again: Who are all these people!?”

“They’re my friends.” Lauren said with a sheepish smile. “You did say to invite some friends over.”

“No, I just said to invite Tara over, not all these fans.”

“Fans?” Twilight cut in. “Oh, you mean for the show…”

Craig paused for a second looking at Twilight. “Good Twilight impression… if I didn’t know better, I’d say you were Twilight.”

“Yeah… funny” Tara said nervously.

“What’s up with you?”

“Just thinking about some stuff...”

“Oh, that reminds me.” Craig said turning to Lauren. “How are you doing with all those crazy dreams?”

“Well, Tara had me fall asleep again; she thought my dream would be different during the day… and it was.” Lauren said rubbing the back of her head nervously.

“Okay…? What did you see?”

“I saw…” Lauren paused and then mumbled something that Craig couldn’t really understand.

“Uh… come again?”

“I saw…” Lauren paused and mumbled again, this time irritating Craig more.

“Speak up Lauren! You sound quieter than Fluttershy right now!” Craig yelled which made Fluttershy perk up.

“She saw me!” a familiar voice echoed. Luna walked in front of Craig. “How do you know Lauren?”

“I happen to be her husband!” After Craig said this, it made Luna retaliate. “Now who are you, and why would Lauren have a dream about you?”

“W-well,” Luna cleared her throat. “She didn’t see me like this…” saying this made Craig a little confused. “She saw me as an Alicorn; my name is Luna.” After saying this Lauren and the other transformed ponies had a look of shock and fear in their faces, but Craig didn’t look amused.

“Alright Lauren, this has gone far enough! I am taking you to a therapist.” Craig said walking toward the door but was blocked by Luna.

“You will do no such thing!” Luna yelled.

“Get out of my way!”

“You will not leave this building!”

“You’re insane!”

HOW DARE YOU!?!?” Luna yelled in her royal Canterlot voice, which made Craig retaliate this time. “How dare you address the princess of the night this way!?”

“Luna, relax!” Lauren said pulling her away. “Please, while you’re here, do not use your royal voice.”

Luna backed off after hearing Lauren raise her voice, “Forgive me mother…”

“What did she just call you…?” Craig asked still in shock.

Lauren sighed and walked up to her husband. “Craig, this really is Princess Luna. You have to believe me.”

“No, that’s not possible… what’s next, you’re gonna try to tell me that she’s Twilight Sparkle?” Craig asked pointing at Twilight.

“Actually... yes.”

“This is too crazy to be true… that’s it. It’s a dream. There’s no way this can be- Ow!.” Craig yelled when Lauren pinched him. “What did you do that for??”

“You felt that?”


“Then it’s not a dream.”

“Seriously Lauren, stop the act!”

“It’s not an act Craig…” Tara said walking next to Lauren. “Believe me, I had a hard time believing it myself… But they really are telling the truth.”

Craig just remained silent for a few seconds. Finally he spoke out. “This is unreal…” Craig stopped and looked around at the others. But after looking at them, he realized something was off. “Wait a second… if this is all true, then why are there 4 girls…. Plus Luna? Shouldn’t there be six?”

“Well normally, yes.” Twilight cut in. “But unfortunately, Pinkie Pie went missing and Rainbow Dash flew out to look for her.”

“F-flew!?” Craig yelled. “What if she gets spotted??” Craig felt even more in shock. “What if a brony sees her…?”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure they wouldn’t actually talk to anyone. Ok maybe not Rainbow Dash but, Pinkie Pie…” Lauren paused for a second. “Yeah, this is going to be bad…”

“And here we go again...” Tara said rolling her eyes. “Look, you need to have more faith in them. I’m sure Rainbow Dash will find Pinkie, and bring her back safely.”

“I really hope that you’re right Tara... To be honest, if I weren’t so worried about people seeing me, I’d fly out there myself to go look for her, but people will just over-react and-…” Lauren was interrupted.

“Wait a second…” Craig started. “Did you just say fly…?” With that, Lauren extended her wings; revealing them to Craig. “Holy…” was all Craig could let out as he stared in awe at Lauren’s wings. “H- How- when did this happen??”

“Well…” Lauren started. “It actually happened after my last dream, which turned out to actually be a vision, which is the reason why you see humanized ponies…”

“So…” Craig started. “These really are the ponies from the show…?”

With that, the same mug that was levitated to Tara earlier, was now levitating near Craig. “Yup…” Craig turned to Twilight. “It’s all true.”

Craig just stood there in shock and in confusion. Oh please, please, please don’t overreact… Lauren thought to herself.

“This is… incredible!”

Wait, what did he just say?


Back in Equestria, in Canterlot, a search team, led by Shining Armor, was sent out to look for the missing Princess and the element bearers. Unfortunately they are unaware that the missing ponies were sent to another universe. “Do you have any leads to the missing ponies yet?” Shining asked in a serious tone.

“Not yet Captain Armor, but we are doing are best we can to find them.” One of the guards answered which made Shining Armor grimace.

“Do everything you can to find them, they must be somewhere.” Shining Armor paused. “But if you happen to run into Faust, do not attempt to confront her. She is too strong for you. Come and find me.”

“Yes sir.” The guard saluted and went out to continue his search.

“Twiley…” Shining said to himself looking down. “Where ever you and your friends are, I really hope that you’re okay…”

“Isn’t that sweet…” a familiar voice said. Shining Armor looked up and saw Faust smiling at him. “You really care for your ‘Twiley’ don’t you?” Faust chuckled.

“Tell me what you did to Twilight and her friends!” Shining yelled as his horn glowed brightly.

“I told you, they are fine. I promise you that no harm has come to them.” Faust said.

“And why in Equestria should I believe you??”

“Because I’m the only one who knows where they really are. This search team that you’ve made is pointless considering that they aren’t even in Equestria.” After saying this, Shining Armor’s face just went into shock and confusion.

“What do you mean ‘they aren’t in Equestria’? That’s impossible!”

“Would you like to know a secret Shining?” Faust started. “What if I were to tell you that this, your whole life, was not real?”

“I’d say that you’re insane, and that’s just ridiculous!”

“Please, listen to me. I only want to talk.”

“…you have five minutes.” Shining Armor said keeping his guard. “You can start by explaining this whole ‘this life isn’t real’ statement.”

“Well, as I was trying to explain before, this life that everypony, including myself, live is not real. It is just a story created by someone.”

“That’s the most ridiculous thing that I’ve ever heard-…!” Shining was interrupted.

“Let me finish…” Faust said with a bit of irritation in her tone. “Did Lauren really create you to be this serious?”

“Wait a second… that name again. Who is Lauren?” Shining asked confused.

“Ah, Celestia never told you, did she?” Faust grinned.

“Told me what?”

“Lauren is the creator of your world; the one who decides who you are, and your fate.”

“No, that’s not true! I control my own fate!” Shining yelled as his horn lit up again. “I’m done listening to your lies!”

“Don’t you want to see your little ‘Twiley’?” Saying this made Shining Armor retaliate and his horn stopped glowing. “Much better.”

“What is your plan for all of this? Why did you send Princess Luna and the others away?”

“For the good of everyone in this… fictional world.” Faust paused. “And by the time my plan is complete, you can bet that you will be reunited with Twilight and the others. I promise that no harm will come to them.”

“How can you say that this world is ‘fictional’? We are here and alive, how can it be fake!?”

“Look, I’d love to explain the whole thing to you again… but I think you should just ask Celestia about this. And I guarantee you that if you ask her about what I have told you, she will say that it is the truth.” Faust paused again and grinned. “After all, she did meet the creator herself.”

“But… she never mention-…” Shining was interrupted.

“Of course she didn’t. How could she mention it if she had no memory of it? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be on my way.” With that Faust disappeared.

Shining Armor just stood there dumbfounded. He had no idea what to think after what he had just been told. Princess Celestia knows…? If that’s true then why hasn’t she told me anything? And what did she mean that this whole thing was for the good of everyone? Princess Celestia has a lot of explaining to do.

Shining Armor then made his way toward Celestia’’s Castle. As he was running though, he still had many questions that popped up in his head. Not remember? How could Princess Celestia ever forget something like this? But as Shining Armor was thinking to himself, he could see Cadence flying toward the castle. Huh…? What’s Cadence doing here? Shouldn’t she be watching over the Crystal Empire? Shining then picked up the pace heading toward the castle.


“Ugh… can’t this thing go any faster…?” Rainbow asked feeling a little annoyed.

“Well sorry that I’m not the fastest driver in the world…” the boy said with a tone of irritation.

“It’s not so bad. I think it’s fun! I’ve never been in a car before!” Pinkie said in her usual happy tone.

“Okay, do you two live in a cave or something?” the boy asked. “You’ve seriously never been in a car?”

“Nope! We use wagons!” Pinkie exclaimed which made Rainbow look worried again.

“Wagons…? Do you live in the past?”

“Okay, can you stop asking questions and go faster??” Rainbow asked starting to lose her patience.

“Rainbow Dash, you should really relax! We made a new friend and he knows where-…”


“Hey! Why’d we stop moving?” Pinkie asked.

“What did you just call her…?” the boy asked with a look of shock and disbelief.

“I called her Rainbow Dash!”

“Pinkie Pie!!” Rainbow yelled then covered her own mouth. “…oops.”

The boy just sat there with shock and his mouth agape. After a few moments, Rainbow Dash broke the silence.

“Look, I know this hard to believe right now, but you really need to take us to Lauren now!”

“Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash…” was all the boy said.

“Ugh..! Forget it, I’ll stick to flying!” Rainbow said opening the door. “Come on Pinkie, we’re probably not too far by now…” She said dragging Pinkie out of the car.

“But I wanna stay in the car!” Pinkie whined.

“Wait! I can take you to Lauren, just please don’t go out there on your own. Trust me, it’s horrible out there.”

“What do you mean?” Pinkie asked.

“Trust me, this place is a lot more dangerous than Equestria.”

“Dangerous how?” Rainbow asked.

“There are people her that would hurt you!” the boy exclaimed.

“What?? But we didn’t do anything bad to anyone!” Pinkie said.

“It doesn’t matter if you did anything or not. They don’t care. Please just come with me, and I can take you to Lauren Faust.”

“Fine…” Rainbow said. “But don’t slow down because you know who we are. Get to Laurens house as fast as you can.” Rainbow said going back in the car with Pinkie.

“Right… but I do have one question though, that kind of is more important than all of my other questions, How did you two get here?”

Rainbow Dash paused. She didn’t know how to answer that question. “Look, it’s hard to explain… can you just bring us to Lauren? I’ll try to explain on the way.”


As Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are being taken to Laurens house, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie explained everything to him; how they got to Earth, Faust, even the fact that Twilight and the others are on Earth as well, along with Princess Luna. “That’s insane…” the boy said.

“Yeah trust me, we know. But let me tell you, when we get back, Faust is going down!” Rainbow exclaimed in a confident tone. Eventually the boy stopped at Lauren’s place. “Thanks for bringing us here.”

“Yeah, thanks. If it wasn’t for you, we’d probably take FOREVER to find her house!” Pinkie exclaimed as she and Rainbow Dash got out of the car. “Oh, I almost forgot! We never got your name!”

“It’s Alex.” He said. “Alex Griffin, and no problem at all. Good luck with getting back to your home.”

“Thanks,” Rainbow responded. “See you later Alex!” She said waving as he drove off.

“He was really nice!” Pinkie said.

“Yeah he was pretty cool. Who knows; maybe we’ll see him again.”

With that, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie made their way into the building. I wonder what happened while we were gone… As they approach Lauren’s door they could hear another voice inside.

“This is… incredible!”

“Huh?” Rainbow paused. “Who the hay was that?” without hesitation, Pinkie knocked on the door.




“Who was that?” Twilight asked.

“It’s me Pinkie Pie!” Pinkie answered obviously hearing Twilight. “And Rainbow Dash is here too!”

Lauren then opened the door revealing the two girls. “Pinkie Pie, why would you leave like that!? Do you have idea how worried we were?”

“I’m sorry…” Pinkie said feeling ashamed. “I really didn’t mean to make everyone worry.”

“*sigh* It’s alright, but please don’t do that again. What if someone saw you?”

“Uh…. Eheheh…” Rainbow said smiling sheepishly rubbing the back of her head. “Funny thing about that.”

“What do you-…” Twilight paused. “You spoke to someone didn’t you?”

“Hey! I had no other choice!” Rainbow objected. “I’m not that used to flying here yet, so we asked someone to take us here…”

“How were you so sure that this person knew where I lived?” Lauren asked.

“Well, he had a picture of me, as a pony, on his shirt and-…” Rainbow was cut off.

“WHAT!?” almost everyone yelled.

“You asked a brony for help??” Tara asked with a worried tone. “Please at least tell me he didn’t know who you were…”

“Well he didn’t… at first.” Rainbow said.

“What do you mean ‘at first’?” Lauren asked.

“Pinkie Pie accidentally said my name when we were talking in the car, I accidentally yelled Pinkie’s name. But don’t worry! He was totally cool about it.”

“Ugh… okay, from now on, no one else leave this room. If there’s a time when we need to leave, it must be for an emergency.”

“Oh! Who’s this?” Pinkie asked looking at Craig.

“This is Craig, my husband.”

“Your husband??” Pinkie and Rainbow said in unison.

“It’s nice to officially meet the both of you.” Craig said shaking their hands.

“It’s nice to meet you too” Rainbow paused. “But uh… when you saw our friends, you didn’t pull a ‘Rarity’ on them too, right?”

“A what?”

“Would you please stop saying that!?” Rarity yelled.


“Celestia, I came as fast as I could.” Cadence said making her way through Celestia’s room. “What seems to be the problem?”

“I need you to assist Shining Armor in locating my sister, Twilight, and her friends. An old foe, that I thought we defeated, has returned. She is the one that sent them away.”

“But… Celestia where would i-…” Cadence was interrupted as Shining Armor came running in the room.

“Cadence, what’s going on?” Shining asked with a tone of worry.

“I called Princess Cadence here to aid you in your search.” Celestia said. “Have you found anything about them?”

“Actually yes, and this search is pointless…”

“What do you mean?”

“I saw Faust… she told me that they aren’t even in Equestria…”

“What??” Cadence cut in. “If they aren’t in Equestria then where could they possibly be??”

“I don’t know, but there is another reason I wanted to come here.” Shining said looking at Celestia. “Faust mentioned our world as being ‘fictional’, what did she mean by this?”

After hearing this, Celestia had a look of shock. “Alright, let me explain…”

Celestia then told Shining Armor and Princess Cadence everything; including the first time Lauren came to Equestria and how she is the creator of basically everything, including them. “But what we still do not understand, is how Faust is back. Lauren killed her.”

“I-… I can’t believe what I’m hearing right now…” Cadence says with disbelief.

“Celestia, there was this other thing that Faust mention…” Shining said.

“And what would that be?”

“She said that after her plan was complete, I’d see Twilight again.”

“But why would she-…” Celestia was cut off when she heard a voice from across the room.

“Let me explain…” Faust said walking in.

“What are you doing here?” Celestia asked with a tone of anger.

“Listen Tia, I am only doing this for good intentions.”

“What good could possibly come out of this!? What do you plan to accomplish by doing all this?”

“I plan to give us all real lives…”

“Real lives…? Explain! First by telling us what you did to my sister and the others!”

“I sent them to a place that I know they will be happy; the real world, with Lauren.”

After saying this, Celestia, Cadence, and Shining Armor all went into shock. “You sent them to Laurens world!?”

“Yes, and the longer your sister and the element bearers are there, the closer our worlds will become. Eventually our worlds will become one, and no longer will we be just a fictional story.”

“Our worlds? Merge!?” Cadence exclaimed.

“Faust you must not do this! If you do continue with your plan, everything will be out of balance!” Celestia yelled. “I realize that to Laurens world we are fictional, but here we are as real as anyone else. Please Faust.”

“Oh Celestia, you just don’t understand…” Faust shook her head. “I’ll give you some to think on this… goodbye Tia.”


But before Celestia could finish, Faust disappeared. “This is not good… we must find a way to travel to Laurens world and bring the other back immediately!”

“We’ll do everything we can to do so.” Shining said as he and Cadence left the room.

“Good luck you two… but please, you must hurry…”


Whoa! Faust’s plan revealed! :pinkiegasp: But at least on Earth, Pinkie and Rainbow were able to find their way back home. :pinkiesmile: Will Shining Armor and Princess Cadence be able to find the spell in time? Until then, UnleashedTwilight signing out!