• Published 1st Jan 2024
  • 217 Views, 12 Comments

Captain Underpants and the Tyrannical Terror of Lord Tirek - Big Imagination E

Captain Underpants and his sidekicks face the most dangerous foe of all time. Lord Tirek.

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Chapter 7: The Great Reunion in Ohio.

The portal reopened and everyone came out. The girls gained human forms so they can blend in well with ever in Ohio. George and Harold looked around seeing their old hometown and felt like an eternity since they left. Then they saw a car pulling in the parking lot and out came a man with the same skin as George but taller and has a mustache. He was George's dad! Then he and his wife along with Harold's mother and sister, and the grandparents got out of the car and saw them. His mother gasped in shock seeing them after three years.

"George? Is that you?" Mrs. Beard asked.

"Mom? Yes. It's me George." He answered.

"And is that you Harold?" Mrs. Hutchins asked.

"Yes mom. It's me." He answered.

"Well don't just stand there! Give us a hug!" Mr. Beard said.

The boys ran to them and the parents hugged them tightly. They really missed them for three years and wanted to cherish this moment. Then Harold's sister went to him and hugged him too.

"Oh big bro! You had me so worried!" She said.

"I'm sorry Heidi. But it's a long story on how we went missing for three years and have a new life in Equestria." Harold replied.

"Equestria? I never heard of such a place." Heidi said confused.

"Neither have we. And who are your friends right there?" Mr Beard asked.

"Greetings Mr and Mrs Beard. I am Celestia. And this is my sister Luna. And these are Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, Lyra Heartstrings, and Bon Bon." She introduced.

"Well it's nice to meet you girls." Mr Beard said.

"We trust that you were looking after the boys?" Mrs Beard wondered.

"Yes Mrs Beard. And you should know this too. We have been dating them for three years. And they were really nice to us." Bon Bon added.

The parents gasped in surprise hearing what she said.

"Boys. We didn't know you had girlfriends." Mrs Hutchins replied.

"Yeah we do mom. And again were really sorry that we had you so upset for three years." Harold apologized.

"It's okay dear. As long as your safe that's all it matters." Mrs Hutchins said.

"And what are you wearing? Those superhero costumes look cool." Heidi asked.

"That's because were trying to stop an evil centaur named Tirek. He's loose here and if we don't stop him he's gonna rule the world." George explained.

"It's true Heidi. He entered somewhere here and we have to stop him before he uses his weapon." Applejack agreed.

"So you boys are trying to stop a supervillan?" Mr Beard asked.

"Yes dad. Let us in and we'll explain everything since we been gone." George said.

So the parents let everyone inside the house. The girls decided to talk to their parents and grandparents and get to know them a little bit better. Then the boys told them everything that happened in Equestria. Including how they created the real Captain Underpants. They even told them how they got together with Lyra and Bon Bon. After an hour they finished explaining everything and the parents were shocked.

"So lemme get this straight. You boys actually used a hypno ring to turn your principal into an actual superhero?" Mr Beard asked.

"Yes." They said in unison.

"And you made a remote control to mess with Melvin's invention which ended up taking you to Equestria?" Mrs Beard added.

"Yes mom." George said.

"And that's when you met them?" Heidi asked pointing at the girls.

"Yes it is sis." Harold replied.

"And you been living in Equestria for three years. During that time you actually faced a shadow king and a Changeling queen?" Mr Beard asked.

"Yes. We know it's a lot to take in but yes all that really happened." Harold said.

"If you don't believe them then we will show you." Luna added.

The sisters placed their hands on George and Harold and concentrated their magic. By that time they saw images coming out of their heads. First was the time they first arrived and stopped King Sombra from taking the Crystal Empire. Next was the time they got together with Lyra and Bon Bon. But in doing so they also took down the Changeling queen Chrysalis. And finally they showed everything that happened right now in Equestria when Tirek escaped and is now planning on destroying the worlds. After all that the images disappeared and the parents were shocked in surprise.

"So it's true. You really were taking down villains." Mrs Beard said.

"Yes mom. But since Tirek stole our powers including Captain Underpants we may not have a chance to defeat him." Harold worried.

"But have this artifact known as the Rainbow Diamond of Ultimate Light. It should help but we need more help to take down Tirek." George explained.

"Well. If you are going to beat up this Tirek guy. Then I want in too." Heidi offered.

"Heidi. You can't. I don't want you getting hurt." Harold reasoned.

"I appreciate you looking out for me. But I want to help you. If you and George took down a shadow king and changeling queen then I want to help you beat that centaur. You need an army right?" Heidi asked.

"Well yes we do." Harold admitted.

"Then let me assist you." Heidi said.

"Count us in too boys. We want to see how you can really fight. We'll help you take down Tirek." Mr Beard added.

Soon the parents all begged to join the team so they can get a better advantage of stopping Tirek. Eventually the boys admitted that they missed them and it wouldn't be fair if they didn't help. So they smiled and gave them the answer.

"Okay. You can help us." George smiled.

The parents all hugged them and now they got a team forming up.

"Oh goody! We got a whole team now! But we still gotta talk to this Melvin boy and see if he knows how to stop the weapon and Tirek." Pinkie said.

Everyone agreed at that. But then they heard a knock on the door. George went to go see who it is. And when he opened the door he got a big surprise. It was Ms Ribble and Mr Meaner!

"Ms Ribble?! And Mr Meaner?!" George said surprised.

"What are you two doing here?" Lyra asked.

"Wait. We didn't come here to cause trouble okay? We wanted to see if George and Harold were here." Mr Meaner answered.

"Were right here. What did you want?" Harold replied.

"Just let us say what we came here to say. I know we weren't the nicest teachers at school and things were said that shouldn't have been said. I want to apologize for being a total a hole to you. That was totally rude of me." Mr Meaner explained.

"Well since the boys told us about you we can see that. But we appreciate you apologizing to them." Celestia smiled.

"Yes. And as for me boys. I shouldn't have been burying you in homework all those years. I should have given you more time to actually finish it and helped you when you had problems. But I didn't. So I'm sorry for being the worse teacher to you." Ms Ribble apologized.

"It's okay we accept your apology." George smiled.

The girls all smiled seeing the boys forgive their teachers and then Twilight have an idea.

"Excuse me. Mr Meaner and Ms Ribble?" Twilight asked.

"Yes?" They said in unison.

"Listen. The boys and all of us are trying to stop an evil centaur named Tirek from destroying the worlds. I was wondering if you two want to help us? We can use some extra hands. And in return you can all live with us and start new lives." Twilight offered.

Mr Meaner and Ms Ribble thought it over and they smiled giving them the answer.

"We would gladly accept your offer. I really need a fresh start after all this. We'll help you." Mr Meaner smiled.

"Great! Now we need to confront Melvin and see if he can tell us how to stop the weapon and Tirek. Let's go!" Twilight declared.

Soon everyone headed out of the house and went straight to Melvin's. They need all the info they can get on stopping Tirek. The battle is drawing near.

Author's Note:

You better cough up the answers Melvin!! As for the teachers they had the negatrons separated in the first story. Just wanted to point that out.