Captain Underpants and the Tyrannical Terror of Lord Tirek

by Big Imagination E

First published

Captain Underpants and his sidekicks face the most dangerous foe of all time. Lord Tirek.

It’s been 3 years since George and Harold have been in Equestria. And things have never been better. The boys were still dating Lyra and Bon Bon and soon will marry them. But now may need to face the most evil being of all of Equestria. Lord Tirek. When he broke free from Tartarus no one is safe. Can Captain Underpants and his crew stop him or will he have Equestria in the palm of his hand?

Chapter 1: A Loving Picnic and New Friend

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It was a bright sunny day in Equestria and we see our 2 favorite boys George and Harold having a picnic with their girlfriends Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon. See ever since the last incident with Chrysalis and when they saved them they were dating since. They been together for 3 years which is also how long they lived in Equestria. We see them enjoying the sun and having a good picnic.

“Isn’t the weather just gorgeous boys? Absolutely gorgeous.” Lyra asked.

“It sure is Lyra. And we can’t believe that it’s been 3 years since we dated.” George answered.

“We can’t believe it either. And it looks like Harold and Bon Bon are both in the moment again.” Lyra said.

She pointed to Harold and Bon Bon as we see them locking lips in a passionate makeout session. After 2 minutes they separated and stared in each other’s eyes.

“You couldn’t resist me could you sweetheart?” Bon Bon asked.

“It’s really hard not to resist you when you’re really cute and pretty.” Harold replied.

“Oh you flatterer. Come here.” Bon Bon said.

The two hugged and they both felt their hearts beating as their love grew stronger and stronger by the second. At the same time they saw Twilight Sparkle and a new pony coming their way. The unicorn beside her is a female with light yellow fur, turqoise eyes, and a red and yellow hair color.

“Oh hey Twilight. We were just enjoying this picnic. Care to join us?” Lyra asked.

“Sure I would. And boys? I want you to meet another friend of mine. She is Sunset Shimmer.” Twilight introduced.

“Hi. George and Harold I presume?” Sunset asked.

“You presume correctly. We are George and Harold.”

“Well it’s nice to finally meet you two. Twilight told me all about you.” Sunset smiled.

“Has she now?” George wondered.

“Yes. She told me how you first came to Equestria and are living the dream. She even told me that you boys defeated King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis with your comic creation Captain Underpants.” Sunset explained.

“Is that right? Well we did save Equestria twice and that’s no lie.” Harold agreed.

“Though I never knew that you were really good friends with Lyra and Bon Bon. You must be really close.” Sunset said.

“Actually Sunset they’re more than friends. The boys are dating them. Ever since they rescued them from Chrysalis they have been together for 3 years and they never had a problem in their relationships.” Twilight explained.

“Oh my. I had no idea that you were actually dating them for three years.” Sunset said surprised.

“It’s true Sunset. They stolen our hearts after stopping Chrysalis. I tell you George is the best boyfriend a girl can have.” Lyra smiled.

“So is Harold. He and I are both in complete love and we never had any issues. Isn’t that right sweetie?” Bon Bon asked.

“Sure thing Bonnie.” Harold answered.

She giggled from the nickname and kissed him on the cheek. Then Harold snuggled up close to her and Bon Bon wrapped her arms around him and rubbed his back. Twilight and Sunset smiled seeing the romance bloom.

“Well. You certainly are in love. Next thing you know you’ll both be getting married to them.” Sunset replied.

Then everyone blushed really hard at Sunset's comment. She giggled at that.

"Sorry boys. I didn't mean to make you guys blush. I'm just saying that sooner or later you will be married to them. Not right now but soon." Sunset reminded them.

"Ok thanks Sunset. We do love them. But were gonna wait til we are ready to marry them." George said.

"Yeah there's still some things I wanted to do before we can consider marriage. Maybe give it a few more months." Lyra agreed.

"Well Harold can marry me anytime he wants." Bon Bon added.

"Bon Bon. Don't rush your relationship with him. They aren't ready to get married yet okay? It's not a good thing to rush things in a relationship. You need to wait and take things nice and slow. Like how Lyra and George are doing." Twilight reasoned.

"She's right Bon Bon. We know you love him. But you gotta understand that if you really want to marry him then you gotta take things nice and slow. Okay?" Lyra asked.

Bon Bon sighed. "Maybe your right. It's just that I really love Harold. But yes. Maybe I should learn to take things nice and slow."

"There you go Bon Bon. Take it nice and slow and great things await." Lyra smiled.

After that the gang all enjoyed the rest of the picnic and then had to say goodbye to Lyra and Bon Bon. They all went there separate ways but George and Harold knew they will see them again very soon. Then they went with Twilight and Sunset walking around Equestria. They even heard some things about her past.

"So Sunset. How did you and Twilight become friends?" Harold asked.

"You see boys, long ago i wanted to become a princess when I was once Princess Celestia's former student. But when she denied me, I grew jealous and angry and left her to start a new life in a human world. I was happy at first, but I grew out of control when I started picking on other students just to be respected." Sunset explained.

"So you were evil back then?" No offense." George asked.

"None taken. And yes you can say that. I wasn't really the nicest girl back then. But then came Twilight. She helped me learn the importance of friendship and now I changed for the better." Sunset concluded.

"Well were glad you did Sunset. We wouldn't want to see the bad side of you." Harold said.

"Anyways enough about me. Lemme hear some things about you two." Sunset asked.

"Well a long time ago in kindergarten is where we came friends. We both laughed went our old teacher mentioned Uranus and called it a gas giant. That's how we became friends." George explained.

"And after that we hung out in our treehouse. Yep that's where the magic happens. Up there we hung out, make comics, and try to make each other laugh." Harold added.

"Well that explains why you two made these." Sunset said hold two comics they made. "Did you make these at school too?"

"Yes Sunset. But it wasn't the best place to be. When we first went there our old former mean principal Mr Krupp always tried making Jermone Horowitz Elementary a calibrated drone like beehive. Meaning no fun, no laughter, and no happiness. So he left us with no choice but to perform a bunch of pranks and jokes. And all those are basically the last line of defense that we have against our terrible principal." George explained.

"He was really mean to you guys?" Sunset asked.

"Yes Sunset. Krupp was really mean back in the day. But ever since King Sombra attacked he changed too. And funny thing is that George and Harold actually are superhero themselves when they fight along with Captain Underpants." Twilight explained.

"You told me that. But how?" Sunset wondered.

Rather than explaining the boys concentrated on their feet and started flying. That surprised her real good. And then she smiled understanding how they were able to defeat those two villains.

"Well then. That's explains it. Hey I was wondering if you boys wanted to check out my world where I'm from." Sunset asked.

"Sure Sunset. We were curious to see what your world is like." Harold answered.

"Come with me to Twilight's castle and I'll show you." Sunset replied.

So the gang all headed to Twilight's castle and soon they will see what Sunset's world has to offer.

Chapter 2: The Human World and Tirek’s Escape

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The group finally arrived at Twilight’s castle and she activated the mirror and Sunset along with George and Harold went through it together. Then they all came out of a portal through a statue and they find themselves in another world. And when they saw Sunset she was a human just like them!!

“Wow Sunset! You look like us!” Harold said surprised.

“Welcome to the human world of Equestria. Here everything is a little different and you might see some familiar faces.” Sunset started.

“Will they remember us?” George asked.

“Not really. See you may remember them but they may not remember you okay?” Sunset answered.

"Understandable. New world but different changes." Harold said.

So the gang all explored around Sunset's world to see what their is to see. First they see the beach where Sunset and her friends like to hang out. They went down and got on their swim trunks and rode those waves. Next they were at the park enjoying a walk. Surprisingly they saw Lyra and Bon Bon there but Sunset reminded them that even though they were dating them in Equestria they weren't the same ones. Then they were at the high school where she goes to. They looked inside and it was completely different from Jermone Horowitz Elementary. And finally we see them at the library where oddly enough they found Twilight but she was different.

"Is it me or is that Twilight with glasses?" George asked.

"It sure is George. She never really wears glasses." Harold replied.

"Boys. Remember what I said. You will see familiar faces but they won't remember you. That is my world's Twilight." Sunset explained.

"Oh ok now know Sunset. But thanks for reminding us." George said.

Sunset smiled knowing that the boys completely understand how entering a new world works.

Meanwhile in the depths of Equestria we cut seeing a cold place only where the most dangerous criminals are dared to be found. The one place that many were captured and taken to this facility where the sun don't shine. Tartarus. Inside one of the cages was an old centaur frail and in a weakened state, indicated by pale colors and a raspy voice. He was the most dangerous criminal of all. Tirek. He paced back and forth plotting a scheme to take Equestria for himself.

"Grr. Those pesky ponies are always lucky. Well this time I will think of the most brilliant plan that Twilight and her friends will never see the light of another day!" Tirek declared.

Then suddenly he saw a glowing portal underneath him and he fell In screaming. He traveled in the portal til he reached the light at the end and landed somewhere in a house. He looked around seeing where he was and to his surprise he saw a human boy in a nice outfit for school. He was Melvin Sneedly. George and Harold's rival.

"Man. Note to self never do that again with my portal blaster." Melvin said.

"Who are you little boy?" Tirek asked.

"I'm Melvin. And you are?" He asked.

"I'm Lord Tirek. Clearly you haven't heard a thing about me." He snarled.

"Woah hang on. I don't wanna fight. Just tell me why your here." Melvin asked.

Tirek came closer and looked at him dead in the eye.

"I was merely plotting a scheme to take Equestria for myself. Since Celestia and Luna locked me up because of my traitor brother I vowed revenge. But those stupid ponies defeated me and now I want to take it back." Tirek explained.

"Ponies? They can't possibly do anything to you." Melvin said.

"You don't know what I've been through boy! Now you are gonna tell me where I am!" Tirek shouted.

"You're in Ohio mister! Please don't hurt me! I'll give you something! You want the Robotic Sock Matcher? Or the Electromagnetic Lint Collector? Maybe the Digital Paper Sorter?" Melvin worried.

"SHUT UP!!!" Tirek yelled.

He then sucked up all his strength and brain power and when he was done he threw Melvin against a wall and knocked him out cold. Tirek grew a little and gained a little muscle and then stared at all the technology he built.

"Hmm. I don't understand why he needs all this for a life? Ridiculous." Tirek said.

Then he turned around and was about to leave. But then he got an idea. An awful idea. Lord Tirek had a wonderful, awful idea. He then smirked and faced the tech again.

"On second thought I do need a new plan to take Equestria for myself. Maybe I can use all this and rebuild it into something that would be useful. Yes. That's what I'll do. Thank you Melvin for actually helping." Tirek replied.

"No! Leave my tech alone!" Melvin said weakly.

"Or what? You can't do anything about it. So prepare to suffer when I get ready to destroy your world and take Equestria!" Tirek threatened.

He then took all the tech from Melvin and carried it out of his house. He then opened a portal with the blaster and headed back to Equestria. He then carried it to a secret place where no-one can find him and he can build whatever weapon he wants.

"Now that I took all that's brats tech I need to know what weapon to build. But whatever is will be all of Equestria will soon be mine." Tirek said wickedly.

We then hear Tirek laughing evily as he began thinking on the weapon. This can only mean trouble for Equestria and Ohio if he gets away with it.

Chapter 3: Meeting With the Princess

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Soon the trio arrived back in Equestria and saw Princess Celestia waiting for them. The boys were a little confused though. Why would Celestia be waiting for them?

"Welcome back boys. Did you have a good time with Sunset?" Celestia asked.

"Yes we did Celestia. But what are you doing here?" George wondered.

"I came here to talk to you about something you may need to be careful when facing another villain. Twilight, Sunset you may leave us." Celestia replied.

So Twilight and Sunset did what they were told to and at the same time Luna came in. She too needed to inform them about Tirek.

"So boys. Your wondering why we needed to talk to you." Luna said.

"Yes. Were not in trouble are we?" Harold worried.

"Oh no not at all dear. See we needed to talk about another villain you should be aware. You got lucky defeating King Sombra and Queen Chrysalis. But the one villain you gotta be careful is Tirek." Celestia replied.

"Who's Tirek?" George asked.

Then the two sisters lit their horns and began explaining everything about Tirek.

"A long time ago Tirek and his brother Scorpan came here from a distant land, intent on stealing Equestrian magic. But Scorpan soon came to appreciate the ways of Equestria, even befriending a young unicorn wizard." Celestia started.

"Scorpan urged his brother to abandon their plans. When Tirek refused, Scorpan alerted us to Tirek's intentions." Luna added.

"Scorpan returned to his own land, and Tirek was sent to Tartarus for his crimes. But it appears he has found a way to escape." Celestia replied.

"We believe something happened when Cerberus was still at his post at the gates." Luna theorized.

"But you said that was a long time ago. Why is he just now starting to steal magic?" George asked.

"His time in Tartarus left him very weak. He has just now gained enough strength to use his dark powers." Celestia answered.

"But with each passing moment, he grows stronger still." Luna finished.

"Oh that is bad. Wait how do you know this happened in the first place?" Harold wondered.

"Because I had a vision of him escaping Tartarus through a portal. So boys. If you encounter Tirek be careful." Celestia replied.

"We will Celestia. Promise." George said.

The sisters smiled and headed out leaving the boys. Then Twilight and Sunset came back in and asked them what they spoke about.

"So what did the princess say boys?" Sunset wondered.

"Well she explained about a centaur named Tirek and that if we managed to encounter him later on we need to be on our toes." Harold replied.

"Good thing she did. Tirek caused a lot of trouble the last two times me and my friends faced him. He even destroyed my old house one time." Twilight agreed.

"Man he is really that cruel?" George asked.

"Oh he is. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He can even steal your powers if your not on guard with Captain Underpants." Twilight answered.

"Then we will make sure that we bring our A game." Harold decided.

"Were glad to hear that. And I heard that you two make comics. Any chance you can make one with the evil Tirek in it? I would love to see how your hero stops him." Sunset asked.

"Well we do like making comics. Sure we can do that. But after we go find some rings at the jewelry store." George replied.

"Any reason why?" Twilight asked.

"Because we thought about what Sunset said. And we think that if we get them now then we can propose to Lyra and Bon Bon for marriage." Harold answered.

"So you do wanna marry them?" Sunset said surprised.

"Yes. But we wanna wait til the right moment. Come George let's go find them some shiny rings so we can propose at the right time." Harold said.

The boys headed out to the jewelry store to find two rings to propose to their girlfriends when their ready to ask them in marriage. Twilight and Sunset smiled seeing the boys growing up so quick.

"They will make Lyra and Bon Bon so happy." Twilight smiled.

"They sure will Twilight. They sure will." Sunset agreed.

Meanwhile deep in the Everfree Forest we see Tirek building something out of all the tech he took from Melvin. He wasn't finished because he doesn't know what he wants it to look like when it's done. He paused for a moment to think and he did.

"Hmm to really destroy Twilight and her friends I need to know what weapon I want it to be. Like a mech suit, or a laser car, maybe even a good robot army. No all that doesn't sound good. Maybe I need to steal some magic from the ponies in Manehattan to clear my head." Tirek said.

So he took a break and headed out for Manehattan to start stealing the magic from the ponies to be stronger. That is sure gonna alert the princesses and the boys. What will they do to stop Tirek?

Chapter 4: Captain Underpants and the Tyrannical Terror of Lord Tirek (Comic Version)

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With George and Harold they were in there treehouse getting all the supplies they need to create the comic. Like pens, crayons, A stapler, and some paper. They also have two boxes which contain two rings inside. One had a sapphire in the center and the other had a amethyst in the center.

"Well those are beautiful rings we got. I think our girls will love them." George smiled.

"I believe that they will too. I just hope Bon Bon doesn't go all crazy when I propose to her." Harold worried.

"Come on Harold. We told her that she needed to take things nice and slow so your good okay?" George said.

"Okay George. I trust you. Let's get working on the comic." Harold replied.

And like that they got started on the comic. And like the last two stories and we know that George likes to write the story on every comic they do and Harold likes to draw the pictures that puts the story together like a puzzle. Page after page they continued to work on the comic til eventually they reached the last page. When they did they put all the pages in the right order telling the whole story from beginning to end. Then they stapled it together making it whole.

"And finished! We present Captain Underpants and The Tyrannical Terror of Lord Tirek!" Harold declared.

"Let's read this so we can sell them at the playground. And make sure the Mane Six, Sunset and our girls get one." George said.

The two opened the comic and began reading it.

In the comic

"One sunny day in Equestria everything was peaceful and everyone is loving the weather." Harold started.

"But all that changed when the evil Tirek escaped from Tartarus and attacked. Seeking to take the throne of Equestria. But he knew he needed a better plan." George continued.

"So when a portal opened by Melvin he stole all the tech and used it to build a mechanical version of himself to destroy Equestria." Harold replied.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Now that my weapon is complete I will destroy those ponies and take Equestria for myself!" George said pretending to be Tirek.

"Then Tirek used that robot to destroy everything in sight and he even grabbed a few ponies and sucked up all their magic away. This was trouble brewing." Harold said.

"Princess! I bring you terrible news! Tirek is back and he's destroying everything in a giant robot!" George said pretending to be a guard.

"Oh dear! This looks like a job for...." Harold started.

"CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS!!!" The boys shouted in unison.

"So Celestia told Captain Underpants the situation and flew out of the castle and faced Tirek head on!" Harold replied.

"But the job wasn't easy as Tirek grabbed Captain Underpants and drained his powers away. He stood powerless and needed a backup plan quick!" George stated.

"So in a quick attempt to face Tirek he ran fast as he could and found a special artifact called the Jewel of Immortality. He grabbed it and the power began surging through him. Then he was fully overpowered and took the fight to Tirek. Harold said.

"So he flew towards him and crashed through his mech and ripped the wires out. He also shot eye lasers destroying the head of the mech and Tirek was starting to panic." George replied.

"No! Stop! What are you doing?!" Harold said pretending to be Tirek.

"Then the mech started to malfunction and couldn't work properly anymore. It then exploded and Tirek was sent flying and falling." Harold replied.

"And then Captain Underpants blasted a magic beam at Tirek causing him to lose all his strength and shrink back to normal. He laid powerless and struggled to get up." George said.

"Your reign of stealing magic is over Tirek! Now it's back to jail with you!" Harold said pretending to be Captain Underpants.

"Aw man!" Geroge replied as Tirek.

"HURRAY FOR CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS!!" The boys shouted in unison.

"And so Captain Underpants carried the powerless Tirek and flew him straight back to jail where he will never harm anyone else again. Once again Equestria was saved thanks to Captain Underpants! The End." Harold finished.

Out of the comic

"Well I gotta say that was quite a comic we made. Let's make a bunch of copies, sell these and remember to save some for the others." George said.

Harold took out the cloning ray and made multiple copies of the comics so they can sell them to the ponies. They grabbed a stack a headed out.

In the playground of Ponyville George and Harold took out their same stand they used to sell the last comic. Then they placed the comics on and began selling them for 5 bits.

"Extra! Extra! Read our latest issue by Treehouse Comics Inc!" George shouted.

"It's our latest one! Captain Underpants and The Tyrannical Terror of Lord Tirek!!" Harold replied.

Soon everyone got the message and immediately went to George and Harold to purchase a comic and boy they were selling like hotcakes! And luckily Lyra and Bon Bon came on time and got a copy of the comic and thanked them. After 2 hours they were completely sold out. They carried their stuff and headed back to the treehouse. But they didn't know that a hooded figure came and stole one of the comics and ran as fast as he could in the forest. The figure took off the hood and and revealed to be Tirek.

"So these boys happen to make comics huh? I wonder what it's about?" Tirek asked.

He opened the comic and started reading it. Of the one thing that attracted his attention was the part of him in the robot.

"Hmm. That's very interesting. You know what? I think that is what I want the weapon to be." Tirek smirked.

So he closed the comic and got to work building the weapon. Since they needed to be careful they sure will need Captain Underpants to be with them at all times.

Chapter 5: The Ultimate Mission Assignment

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The next day we see George and Harold walking around Ponyville greeting many ponies as they walked by. Then they went to Sugarcube Corner and grabbed two milkshakes to have and continued onward.

“Ahh. These milkshakes are the greatest. Don’t you think so Harold?” George asked.

“Oh yeah George. This new life in Equestria has been great. And even though we faced two villains we still liked it.” Harold answered.

The two laughed and continued on. But then they were met by Twilight Sparkle, her friends, Sunset and their girlfriends in a complete worried state.

"Are you okay Twilight? You don't look happy." George asked.

"Boys! Something terrible happened in Manehattan! Princess Celestia wanted me to get you guys so we can stop it! Come on!" Twilight shouted and headed for the castle.

"Is she always like that when a villain attacks?" Harold asked.

"Not really babe. Sometimes it far worse. But we should head to the castle." Bon Bon suggested.

So the gang all headed to Canterlot Castle to see what Princess Celestia wanted to talk about. They finally arrived and they went to the meeting room. Everyone is there. Even Mr Krupp. They all sat down and the sisters started to explain what happened.

"Everyone I'm glad you're here. Something horrible happened in Manehattan yesterday. Many ponies were drained of their magic and I fear that Tirek is getting stronger." Celestia worried.

"Oh that's bad. I hope he's not after your magic next. I would hate it if he was after you." Krupp replied.

"I appreciate you looking out for us but I don't think he's doing that. Something tells me he's been busy with something else." Luna assured.

They continued watching Tirek as he was no longer an elderly centaur but a strong one since he stole all the magic. Then he went to his secret place in the Everfree Forest and continued building something. George and Harold watched him and noticed he was using some tech.

"He's building something. But what?" Twilight wondered.

"Um Celestia? I think we know what he's doing. He must be building some kind of weapon." Harold theorized.

"Now that you mentioned it yeah it sure looks like a weapon he's making. But Equestria doesn't have that kind of technology. How did he get his hands on it?" Celestia asked.

Everyone began to think on how Tirek got his hands on the tech. Then suddenly George and Harold realized somebody that always make inventions with it. Someone who was a pain in the neck back home. And he might be the same person who purposely gave Tirek the advantage.

"Celestia. I think we know who did this." George said.

"Who is it?" Celestia asked.

"There's only one person we know that has a lot of tech. And he's was our rival and annoying. But he might be the same person who purposely gave Tirek the tech for building whatever it is. Melvin Sneedly." Harold answered.

Everyone gasped hearing his name.

"Melvin? The guy that you mentioned a while back?" Rainbow asked.

"But why would he do this?" Fluttershy wondered.

"One reason. He wanted revenge on us for the pranks we did so he probably went to Tirek and gave him all the tech he can use. And now he's building that weapon to stop us." George answered.

"But how did he get to Melvin? He doesn't live in Equestria." Rarity said.

While they were thinking a guard came in with news for the princess.

"Your Highness! Tirek escaped! Earlier a portal took him and later on he stole all the magic in Manehattan!" The guard informed.

"A portal? Wait! Melvin must have been testing one of his inventions again and accidentally opened a portal to bring Tirek to his place! That's why he has his tech!" George realized.

"Then if he started this fisaco we gotta talk to him and see if he knows a way to fix this!" Twilight declared.

"That's a good idea. But you'll need a portal to take us to Piqua, Ohio. That's where we used to live before we came here. And it's exactly where Melvin is." Krupp replied.

"Ok. I will make some adjustments to the mirror portal. But what about Tirek?" Twilight asked.

"We'll go face him. We need to stop him from completing the weapon and destroy it before he can use it." Sunset answered.

"Are you sure about this Sunset? We don't want you getting hurt." Luna worried.

"I want to stop Tirek as badly as you do. I don't want him destroying the worlds so were going to stop him." Sunset answered.

"If you're all going to stop him then let us help too. George and Harold protected us so we want to do the same thing." Lyra said.

"Okay. But be careful when around him. He's very dangerous and can steal magic." Twilight reminded them.

"We will Twilight." Bon Bon assured.

"George, Harold. We are counting on you to stop Tirek and save Equestria. Bring Captain Underpants with you since he helped too." Celestia replied.

The boys knew exactly what she said and with a snap of their fingers in no time Krupp spun around and all his clothes came off and turned into Captain Underpants!

"Tra la laaaaa!!" Captain Underpants said.

"Captain Underpants. There's an evil centaur named Tirek about to cause some chaos. He must be stopped." Harold told him.

"Ooh that's bad. But never fear! I will save the day! With your help of course. Come sidekicks! Let's face this old centaur! Tra la laaaa!" Captain Underpants said and flew into the sky.

The others followed behind and left the princesses alone. But something about them was feeling warm in their hearts. It looks like they were starting to develop feelings. Reason why is ever since the heroes stopped Sombra a flame in their hearts was lit. Meaning they had a crush on him before the rest occured.

"Sister? I can't deny that I am starting to fall in love with that superhero." Celestia replied.

"Me too sister. I feel the same way." Luna smiled.

Back with the gang they all saw the two ran into the treehouse and getting their costumes. Once they did that they flew in the sky heading out to stop Tirek and foil his evil plans. The battle was approaching near. Can the boys stop him and save the worlds? Or will Tirek have her revenge and destroy everything? Let's hope they can do it.

Chapter 6: Confronting Tirek

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In the Everfree Forest Tirek was still working on his weapon to destroy Equestria and the other worlds. After about 30 minutes he finally completed it. He built a mini version of him as a robot and had human legs. He wiped the sweat off and sighed in relaxation.

"At long last my weapon is finished. And now to figure a way to enlarge it and destroy the worlds!" Tirek declared.

"Not so fast Tirek!" A female voice said.

He turned around and saw the Mane Five with Sunset, Lyra and Bon Bon giving him the angry looks. But all Tirek did was smirk.

"Well well. If it isn't those meddlesome ponies. I see that Sunset is here. But where's Twilight? Did I scare her off?" Tirek smirked.

They all growled hearing that.

"Twilight would never be scare from the likes of you. We know your building a weapon. And were not gonna let you use it." Sunset said determined.

"Is that so? Well I'm afraid your too late. I already completed it. But the only thing that is in my way is you. And I can't have that happening." Tirek replied.

Just before he could take their magic Captain Underpants and his sidekicks flew right in front of him making him back off.

"Stand down Tirek! We know you took that tech from Melvin because you made a deal with him!" George said.

"Well technically your half right. I did steal the tech. But I didn't make no deal with that boy. No. What I really did is steal his power after I took it. All thanks to your little comic. And now that it's complete there's only one thing to take care of. You!!!" Tirek explained.

He opened his mouth and starting sucking all the magic from the ponies and the boys! They groaned in pain every second their powers leaves them. Once he finished the ponies and the boys fell down all powerless. Tirek then grew a little bigger and looked down on them.

"Ha. Some heroes you three were. Now that I drained your powers you don't have a hope on stopping me! So if you'll excuse me I got a few worlds to destroy." Tirek said.

He then used his own magic to open a portal to Piqua Ohio. He grabbed the weapon and walked through it to activate the second phase of his plan. Once it closed the heroes got up and looked really upset.

"This is bad! This is seriously bad! He stole our powers and now we don't know how to stop Tirek!" George cried.

"Don't worry sidekicks! I will fly to the princesses and tell them that we need a backup plan!" Captain Underpants said.

But when he tried to fly all he did was fall to the ground.

"Captain Underpants! Tirek took your powers too!" Harold noticed.

"This is not good. How will we stop him now?" Captain Underpants asked.

"Well we have to walk on foot and hoof to the castle now. And were gonna need some help." Sunset answered.

"She's right. Without our magic we can't face Tirek. Come on. Let's head to the castle!" Applejack shouted.

They all agreed and headed off for the castle. Since they have no magic they had to walk and take the train to get there. After a few hours they all arrived at the castle. The guards let them in and they went straight to the throne room where Celestia and Luna awaits them. Twilight also managed to complete the adjustments on the portal.

"Girls! Boys! Were glad your all right! What happened?" Celestia asked.

"Tirek got away. He completed the weapon and stole our magic. He even took our boyfriends powers. He opened a portal and escaped." Bon Bon answered.

"No! This isn't good! He'll destroy Equestria when he gets back!!" Twilight worried.

"We know Twilight. Plus our powers are gone too. Were completely defenseless without them!" Captain Underpants said.

"Oh dear. Without your powers you won't be able to stop Tirek." Luna added.

"Yes. So how will we stop him now?" Captain Underpants asked.

"There's only one way you can stop him. Follow me." Celestia replied.

The group followed Celestia to where she's going. They headed straight down into the basement vault where the most powerful artifacts dared be kept. They continued on and reached a room where they see a diamond glowing a rainbow light and full of ultimate power. Twilight scared in awe.

"What is that Celestia?" Twilight asked.

"This is the Rainbow Diamond of Ultimate Light. The rarest and most powerful artifact in all of Equestria. Legend has it that if one was able to possess the diamond they will be granted ultimate power of light. Now I entrust it to George and Harold." Celestia replied giving them the diamond.

"Celestia? How will we even active it's power?" Harold asked.

"Simple. All you need to do is place your hands on it and say these words. 'Light magic we always trust, lend us power to make baddies rust'." Celestia answered.

"But wait til the time is right. It can be used many times but don't waste the energy." Luna added.

"Ok thank you Luna. But we some extra help taking down Tirek. We need to raise an army. One powerful enough to stop Tirek and his weapon." Harold said.

"Now that is a good idea. We will join you in helping you stop Tirek. But once we arrive in Ohio we need more people helping us in this." Celestia replied.

"Your right Celestia. I think it's time we paid a visit to our parents. They must have been so worried since we've been gone." Harold said.

"Are they nice boys?" Twilight asked.

"Oh yes they are. You'll love them when we arrive. Let's go. Bring the diamond." George answered.

Harold held on to the diamond and went back to the throne room. Once there Twilight actived the portal and they all entered it heading to Piqua, Ohio. Little did they know that they will have a reunion with their parents, grandparents and two of their teachers.

Chapter 7: The Great Reunion in Ohio.

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The portal reopened and everyone came out. The girls gained human forms so they can blend in well with ever in Ohio. George and Harold looked around seeing their old hometown and felt like an eternity since they left. Then they saw a car pulling in the parking lot and out came a man with the same skin as George but taller and has a mustache. He was George's dad! Then he and his wife along with Harold's mother and sister, and the grandparents got out of the car and saw them. His mother gasped in shock seeing them after three years.

"George? Is that you?" Mrs. Beard asked.

"Mom? Yes. It's me George." He answered.

"And is that you Harold?" Mrs. Hutchins asked.

"Yes mom. It's me." He answered.

"Well don't just stand there! Give us a hug!" Mr. Beard said.

The boys ran to them and the parents hugged them tightly. They really missed them for three years and wanted to cherish this moment. Then Harold's sister went to him and hugged him too.

"Oh big bro! You had me so worried!" She said.

"I'm sorry Heidi. But it's a long story on how we went missing for three years and have a new life in Equestria." Harold replied.

"Equestria? I never heard of such a place." Heidi said confused.

"Neither have we. And who are your friends right there?" Mr Beard asked.

"Greetings Mr and Mrs Beard. I am Celestia. And this is my sister Luna. And these are Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Sunset Shimmer, Lyra Heartstrings, and Bon Bon." She introduced.

"Well it's nice to meet you girls." Mr Beard said.

"We trust that you were looking after the boys?" Mrs Beard wondered.

"Yes Mrs Beard. And you should know this too. We have been dating them for three years. And they were really nice to us." Bon Bon added.

The parents gasped in surprise hearing what she said.

"Boys. We didn't know you had girlfriends." Mrs Hutchins replied.

"Yeah we do mom. And again were really sorry that we had you so upset for three years." Harold apologized.

"It's okay dear. As long as your safe that's all it matters." Mrs Hutchins said.

"And what are you wearing? Those superhero costumes look cool." Heidi asked.

"That's because were trying to stop an evil centaur named Tirek. He's loose here and if we don't stop him he's gonna rule the world." George explained.

"It's true Heidi. He entered somewhere here and we have to stop him before he uses his weapon." Applejack agreed.

"So you boys are trying to stop a supervillan?" Mr Beard asked.

"Yes dad. Let us in and we'll explain everything since we been gone." George said.

So the parents let everyone inside the house. The girls decided to talk to their parents and grandparents and get to know them a little bit better. Then the boys told them everything that happened in Equestria. Including how they created the real Captain Underpants. They even told them how they got together with Lyra and Bon Bon. After an hour they finished explaining everything and the parents were shocked.

"So lemme get this straight. You boys actually used a hypno ring to turn your principal into an actual superhero?" Mr Beard asked.

"Yes." They said in unison.

"And you made a remote control to mess with Melvin's invention which ended up taking you to Equestria?" Mrs Beard added.

"Yes mom." George said.

"And that's when you met them?" Heidi asked pointing at the girls.

"Yes it is sis." Harold replied.

"And you been living in Equestria for three years. During that time you actually faced a shadow king and a Changeling queen?" Mr Beard asked.

"Yes. We know it's a lot to take in but yes all that really happened." Harold said.

"If you don't believe them then we will show you." Luna added.

The sisters placed their hands on George and Harold and concentrated their magic. By that time they saw images coming out of their heads. First was the time they first arrived and stopped King Sombra from taking the Crystal Empire. Next was the time they got together with Lyra and Bon Bon. But in doing so they also took down the Changeling queen Chrysalis. And finally they showed everything that happened right now in Equestria when Tirek escaped and is now planning on destroying the worlds. After all that the images disappeared and the parents were shocked in surprise.

"So it's true. You really were taking down villains." Mrs Beard said.

"Yes mom. But since Tirek stole our powers including Captain Underpants we may not have a chance to defeat him." Harold worried.

"But have this artifact known as the Rainbow Diamond of Ultimate Light. It should help but we need more help to take down Tirek." George explained.

"Well. If you are going to beat up this Tirek guy. Then I want in too." Heidi offered.

"Heidi. You can't. I don't want you getting hurt." Harold reasoned.

"I appreciate you looking out for me. But I want to help you. If you and George took down a shadow king and changeling queen then I want to help you beat that centaur. You need an army right?" Heidi asked.

"Well yes we do." Harold admitted.

"Then let me assist you." Heidi said.

"Count us in too boys. We want to see how you can really fight. We'll help you take down Tirek." Mr Beard added.

Soon the parents all begged to join the team so they can get a better advantage of stopping Tirek. Eventually the boys admitted that they missed them and it wouldn't be fair if they didn't help. So they smiled and gave them the answer.

"Okay. You can help us." George smiled.

The parents all hugged them and now they got a team forming up.

"Oh goody! We got a whole team now! But we still gotta talk to this Melvin boy and see if he knows how to stop the weapon and Tirek." Pinkie said.

Everyone agreed at that. But then they heard a knock on the door. George went to go see who it is. And when he opened the door he got a big surprise. It was Ms Ribble and Mr Meaner!

"Ms Ribble?! And Mr Meaner?!" George said surprised.

"What are you two doing here?" Lyra asked.

"Wait. We didn't come here to cause trouble okay? We wanted to see if George and Harold were here." Mr Meaner answered.

"Were right here. What did you want?" Harold replied.

"Just let us say what we came here to say. I know we weren't the nicest teachers at school and things were said that shouldn't have been said. I want to apologize for being a total a hole to you. That was totally rude of me." Mr Meaner explained.

"Well since the boys told us about you we can see that. But we appreciate you apologizing to them." Celestia smiled.

"Yes. And as for me boys. I shouldn't have been burying you in homework all those years. I should have given you more time to actually finish it and helped you when you had problems. But I didn't. So I'm sorry for being the worse teacher to you." Ms Ribble apologized.

"It's okay we accept your apology." George smiled.

The girls all smiled seeing the boys forgive their teachers and then Twilight have an idea.

"Excuse me. Mr Meaner and Ms Ribble?" Twilight asked.

"Yes?" They said in unison.

"Listen. The boys and all of us are trying to stop an evil centaur named Tirek from destroying the worlds. I was wondering if you two want to help us? We can use some extra hands. And in return you can all live with us and start new lives." Twilight offered.

Mr Meaner and Ms Ribble thought it over and they smiled giving them the answer.

"We would gladly accept your offer. I really need a fresh start after all this. We'll help you." Mr Meaner smiled.

"Great! Now we need to confront Melvin and see if he can tell us how to stop the weapon and Tirek. Let's go!" Twilight declared.

Soon everyone headed out of the house and went straight to Melvin's. They need all the info they can get on stopping Tirek. The battle is drawing near.

Chapter 8: Trouble Brewing and Answers

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Meanwhile in an abandoned laboratory we see Tirek placing down his weapon and tried to think of a way to make it bigger so he will be ready to destroy Equestria.

Now that my robot is ready I still need to figure a way to make it bigger. But how?" Tirek thought.

He kept on thinking through a few minutes til he spotted a gadget nearby. It was purple with glowing purple liquid inside it. He got a closer look at it and grabbed it.

"What's this thing?" Tirek asked and he saw a name. "The Sizerator."

"Hmm so this Sizerator can make things big and small huh? Well if that's true then maybe I can make my robot bigger! But let's see if it works." Tirek thought.

He aimed the ray at a ball and blasted it making it bigger. Then he aimed it at a huge chunk of scraps and blasted it shrinking it to size.

"Well. Whoever made this clearly had the right idea. Now let the chaos begin!!!" Tirek declared.

He got close to the weapon and blasted it making it bigger. He grabbed on the shoulder and climbed on the head laughing evil and ready to cause trouble. But before he could a beeping sound was heard meaning he needs fuel to power it.

"Oh you got to be kidding me!! I don't have any gas?! You can't right this stuff! Where in the right mind am I gonna find enough powerful fuel to power my robot?! Like a nuclear waste dump? Or a chemical factory?" Tirek said in frustration.

He kept pacing back and forth trying to think of a way to find a powerful source to energized the robot. Then his eye spotted the elementary school that George and Harold used to go to. Inside we see the lunch lady throwing away uneaten food in a barrel of green slop smelling super bad. She stepped outside to get some air. But Tirek wearing a bio suit used a power frequency machine to see if it was powerful enough and boy it went over 9000 and exploded.

"Whoa. Now that's real powerful stuff. Looks like I'm back in business baby." Tirek said evily.

Meanwhile at Melvin's house he recovered and cleaned up any trace of the mess Tirek caused. And though he stole all his tech the only invention he did not take was the Shrinky Pig 3000. It was a shrink ray in the shape of a pig.

"Oh. I'm glad he didn't take this. But my head's killing me." Melvin groaned.

Then he saw the door come open and freaked out a little. He saw our heroes giving him the angry looks and wanted some answers.

"George! Harold! I thought you went missing! What's going on?" Melvin asked.

"You can drop the act Melvin. We know you let Tirek use your tech to destroy Equestria." Applejack said mad.

"I didn't let him take it! I only offered him something so he wouldn't kill me! It wasn't my fault!" Melvin said.

But then Celestia, Mr Meaner and Ms Ribble came to him cornering him not believing what he said.

"You have made a grave mistake when you lended him your stuff Melvin. Do you have any thing you want to tell us?" Celestia said.

"Ok ok! When I accidentally brought Tirek here I was scared! So I offered him one of my inventions so he wouldn't kill me! But he got mad, sucked up my strength and just stole my stuff! I didn't give it to him! Honestly!" Melvin worried.

Applejack looked him in the eye. "He's telling the truth."

"Ok Melvin. Since he took your stuff you are going to tell us how we can stop him." Mr Meaner said.

"Why should I help you?" Melvin rudely replied.

"Because our boyfriends lost their powers because of your little stunt you snotty brat!!" Lyra yelled.

"Whoa Lyra calm down. Breathe. Relax." Bon Bon said calming her down.

"Wait. George and Harold have girlfriends? I certainly didn't see that coming." Melvin said confused.

"That's not important Melvin! You either tell us how to stop Tirek or your going to Tartarus!" Bon Bon shouted.

"Okay please don't send me to jail! I'll tell you! The only way to stop him is to destroy the mech he's using! Destroy all the circuits and he won't control it. And if he tries to use a laser then use something to break it first. Once his suit is completely defenseless then attack him. That's how you can stop him!" Melvin responded.

"Are you sure that's all you know?" Luna asked.

"Yes! That's all I know! That's all I know I swear! Now please don't send me to Tartarus or any jail please!!" Melvin cried.

The group decided to let him go and he even let them borrowed his Shrinky Pig 3000.

"Don't be causing anymore trouble Melvin. If you do we will find you. Understand?" Rainbow threaten.

"Okay I promise! I swear!" Melvin swore.

Soon everyone headed out of the house and went downtown to face Tirek. Then they all saw his mech and prepared for the biggest battle of their lives. The worlds are at stake and our heroes will do anything to protect them. They all ran into the school and headed into the basement and got ready for battle.

Chapter 9: The Final Battle Part 1/2

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All the heroes were in the basement of their old school and saw the robot that Tirek was controlling and it was not good for them.

"People of Piqua Ohio! The world as you know it is about to go extinct!! And a new world order is gonna rise from the grave!! One where I take control and for one detail." Tirek said.

He pressed the red button and out came a laser on his forehead. Everyone looked scared seeing that. They knew what he's been planning.

"Powered by Melvin's tech I will successfully make you all my personal slaves and destroy Equestria! For I Lord Tirek will make sure nothing gets in my way! Now to put the laser to work!" Tirek yelled.

He pressed the red button and the laser was actived blasting a red beam. The heroes ducked and hid but the students inside got all brainwashed as they're eyes glowed white and skin pink.

"So. Is there anything you want to say now? Or you good?" Tirek asked.

"Tirek is our ruler. Kneel before him." The students said in monotone.

"Haha! Just what I thought. Now build a portal so I can head to Equestria and destroy everything!" Tirek smiled.

The students obeyed and got to work. The heroes gasped at what Tirek is going to do.

"Oh this is so bad!" Fluttershy worried.

"Yeah. He's mind controlling the students to get them to build a portal to Equestria! If he gets there he destroys us and your home!" Mr Meaner replied.

"Imagine if he got to our families. He'll force them to do slavery day and night. He'll suck all their magic and use it for evil purposes. He'll ruin all harmony and corrupt everything in darkness." Twilight worried.

"My goodness! He's really bad news! We need to stop him!" Ms Ribble declared.

"And would the authors of this comic book please come out come out wherever you are? Cause your next!!" Tirek yelled.

One of the fingers opened and pulled out a flashlight. The heroes ducked so he won't spot them. He kept on looking but he couldn't find them and walked away.

"Ok we have to stop him. We can't let him get away with this!" George said.

"Your right George. We need to destroy that robot he's controlling. We stop that and he can't control the students and finish the portal." Harold agreed.

"And we can help you provide a distraction. I've been holding on something for a while now. Hang on." Mr Meaner replied.

He ran off fast as he could and in the closet and found something he thought he would never use again. His old Stinky Kong mech. Mr Meaner looked determined and got in it. He then went back to the group and boy did they all looked surprised seeing this.

"Mr Meaner is that your old Stinky Kong mech?" Harold asked.

"Stinky Kong mech? Ugh bet it really stinks!" Rarity replied.

"Well technically your right Rarity. See when I ate that chuck that made me smarter it made me create this. The only difference I made was to make the stink gas give Tirek a terrible smell to his nose. So yeah I said I wanted to help and I will with this." Mr Meaner said.

"Ok. Well that's better than nothing." Twilight responded.

"Good idea. And I remember when George and Harold made this comic: The Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman. Since I remember that I know how I can help. Be right back." Ms Ribble said.

She ran down to her homeroom and took her old Wedgie Woman costume, placed it on her and ran to the kitchen. She grabbed a carton of Extra Strength Super Power Juice. She knew what happened last time and she needed to help them stop Tirek. So she poured it in her hair and suddenly some coiled arms of hair came out. She went back to the group and everyone was a little scared seeing that.

"What happened to your hair?!" Twilight said scared.

"Whoa relax. I'm not gonna hurt you. This was my alter ego Wedgie Woman. But this time I will use her to give Tirek a real bad wedgie." Ms Ribble said.

"Oh good. Now you go out there and distract Tirek while we try to free the students." Twilight said.

"You got it Twilight. And Captain Underpants? We'll need you too. Let's go." George replied.

The five heroes went out there to distract Tirek while the girls all went to the mind controlled students who were still working on the portal.

Meanwhile with Tirek he was still looking for George and Harold to destroy them.

"Hmm. I wonder where those numb skills are?" Tirek asked.

"Stand down Tirek! Your days of terrorising the worlds are over! Prepare to be vanquished and justice be served on a piping hot platter of freedom!" Captain Underpants shouted.

Tirek turned around and saw the five heroes and smirked.

"Well well. Look who decided to show up. The heroes who thinks they can stop me! Without your powers you don't have anything to match against me!" Tirek shouted.

"Your wrong Tirek! We will stop you!! We will foil your schemes and you won't destroy Equestria!!" George said.

"So give it up Tirek!! Unless you want a beatdown!" Mr Meaner threatened.

"Oh so you wanna fight is that it? Then I have no problem with it! Let's do this!!" Tirek shouted.

He pulled the lever and spikes appeared on the ankles, the shoulders and the rists. He then growled at the heroes and they gave him the angry looks. He roared at them and the heroes couldn't stand that. They marched to him and got in a battle position.

Soon our heroes then charged into battle! And when Tirek was about to attack them all the whole scene froze as George and Harold came in front of the readers.

"Freeze! The following scenes contain stuff that may be a little violent to kids. So violent that it’s not something for them to see. But we can only show it using a technology known as Flip-o-rama!!" George announced.

Then Harold got his notebook with the pictures for Flip-o-rama.

"Ok so Mr Meaner started the fight by giving Tirek an aching foot." Harold started making the picture move.

"Then Ms Ribble used her hair to try and trip him over." George continued.

"But Tirek wouldn't go down that easy. So he gave her the boot." Harold replied.

"And then he made a Ribble sandwich." George said.

"Yes and Tirek didn't notice but George and Harold had a plan to break control of the students. So Mr Meaner launched them to top of his mech!" Harold added.

"They got to the top and saw laser which they needed to destroy." George said as Harold flipped the last page ending the Flip-o-rama and back to the fight scene.

"Good one. But we need to save the world!" George said.

The boys snuck to the laser and needed a way to destroy it. Harold saw Twilight and her friends trying to free the students but they had no luck. While Tirek was busy with Ms Ribble and Captain Underpants they went close to if and try to figure a way to destroy it.

"Ok George the laser is the reason why the girls can't free them. We need to break it!" Harold declared.

But suddenly they heard a hatch opening and out came out and smirked.

"So you little brats think you can distract me with these pathetic excuses for heroes?" Tirek asked.

"You really are a monster Tirek! You won't get Equestria ever! And your problem is you can't be nice!" George shouted.

"Oh really Oprah? Is it my problem? Well your problem is this!!" Tirek snarled.

He pressed a button and the mech reached out for Lyra and Bon Bon. He grabbed them as they screamed as they boys tried saving them but Tirek held them back.

"I hope you enjoyed your time with them cause it's all over!" Tirek said.

He pressed the red button and actived the laser and they were screaming in pain but for some reason they weren't being mind controlled.

"Ohh tough ones eh? I think they need a little more!!" Tirek yelled.

He turned the dial and the color was now purple and they screamed more but still weren't mind controlled. This frustrated Tirek.

"What is going on?! This can't be happening!! How are they not being mind controlled!?" Tirek said frustrated.

Then a metal fist punched him in the face as he saw Mr Meaner in his Stinky Kong suit and Ms Ribble carrying a teared wire in her hand.

"Maybe cause I ripped out your little wire that mind controlled people. And your not doing that to Lyra and Bon Bon!" Ms Ribble shouted.

"Now give it up Tirek! Or we'll make you!" Mr Meaner said.

He only growled and charged at them but ended up in a stinky trap as Meaner sprayed stinky gas in his face! He coughed violently and Ms Ribble used her hair and gave him a wedgie and slammed him on the ground face first. That gave George and Harold some time to pack some punches on his face. He recovered but Meaner bull charged him and he crashed through the laser and slammed into the controls. That caused an alarm to go off.

"Oh that's not good." Tirek said.

Then the laser started cracking lightning and overheating and exploded causing a ring to appear and made all the students be free from Tirek's control. And then they all hopped off the mech and watched it go out of control. Lyra and Bon Bon were still in the mech hands but were happy that Tirek couldn't control it anymore. Inside the mech he crashed and groaned a lot and was hurt and weak.

"No! How could this be happening?" Tirek exclaimed.

"Never underestimate our boyfriends talent and the power of friendship Tirek!" Lyra said.

"That is the stupidest thing I ever heard!" Tirek yelled.

Then a fuse blew causing Tirek to scream and accidentally hit a button that released Lyra and Bon Bon from the hands. They screamed falling down but George and Harold saw them and they caught them in their arms. Then the mech continued going out of control and then it exploded on the inside. After that the mech went numb and fell down. Everyone cheered knowing Tirek's weapon was broken now.

"We did it!! We stopped that robot!!" George smiled.

"We sure did! And we thank you for saving us. You really are heroes." Lyra said.

Then Lyra gave George the half lidded eyes and kissed him. Bon Bon did the same thing with Harold. But that love fest was shattered quick when Tirek smashed through the wall of his mech and gave them an angry look.

"Oh you boys are so dead now!!" Tirek yelled.

Then all the heroes including Twilight and her friends stood by the boys and prepared for the real battle. It wasn't over just yet.

Chapter 10: The Final Battle Part 2/2

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Tirek stared at out heroes very angry and very pissed. Our heroes knew he wasn't going down easily so they had to prepare for the actual final battle.

"You just couldn't stay out of my way could you?! You ruined my weapon and my plans so now I gonna ruin you!!" Tirek yelled.

"You'll have to get through us first Tirek!" Mr Meaner replied as he and Ms Ribble were blocking his way.

But Tirek easily shoved them out of the way and they were hurt. Then he grabbed George and Harold and growled at them.

"You two were such a pain in neck since day one! But now you will suffer! Say good nigh brats!" Tirek yelled.

He punched them square in the face and they crashed through the window and was in the school. The girls gasped seeing all that happened.

"GEORGE! HAROLD!!" The girls cried in unison.

"You psycho! You hurt our boyfriends and we are gonna hurt you!!" Bon Bon shouted.

"Hey! You need them more! You gotta help them so we can stop this crazy guy! We'll hold him off! You two get to the boys!" Ms Ribble said.

Lyra and Bon Bon did what Ms Ribble told them to do and ran to the school. Meanwhile Tirek recovered and saw them heading there.

"You really think they can stop me?! They are worthless weak little nothings! Why I bet they are just too scared!" Tirek yelled.

But then he got hit in the face with a rock as he saw that it was Mr Beard was the one that threw it.

"You don't talk about my son that way!" Mr Beard shouted.

Tirek growled but before he could attack a beam of magenta magic blasted him in the face. He fell down and got up again and yelled at they charging beginning the battle. Meanwhile with Lyra and Bon Bon they looked around inside the school and saw the boys laying on the ground. They went to them and gently held them.

"George? Are you okay? Sweetie?" Lyra cried.

"Harold? Oh darling please wake up!" Bon Bon cried.

Then to there relief the boys coughed a little and woke up.

"Oh boys! We were worried about you!" Lyra said.

"Were sorry. But Tirek is too strong. Without our powers we have no chance against him." Harold replied weakly.

"Don't say that! You boys are the strongest heroes we ever met! You stopped the fear of King Sombra, you earned our love by beating up Chrysalis and you stopped many evil beings on your hometown. So you can do!" Bon Bon reasoned.

"Yes. Get out there and we will help you stop Tirek as a team. We need you boys." Lyra replied.

Then George and Harold knew their girlfriends were right. They got up and took out the Rainbow Diamond of Ultimate Light. They knew it's now or never.

"All right. Let's go gang." Harold declared.

Then everyone left the school and headed off to face Tirek. Meanwhile with the others they were not having the best luck facing Tirek. Captain Underpants tried kicking him but it didn't work. He grabbed him and when Tirek was about to attack him....

"Hey!!" A male voice said drawing his attention.

"Leave him and the others alone!" George shouted.

Tirek growled and dropped him.

"You just don't know when to quit do you?!" Tirek snarled.

"We've been told that. Now how's about you face someone with real powers! Everyone!" Harold said.

He held up the Rainbow Diamond of Ultimate Light and everyone came to it and placed their hand on it. But Tirek could only laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!! What's that rock gonna do?" Tirek asked.

The boys knew this is their only hope as they and everyone else said the word to active it's power.

"Light magic we always trust, lend us power to make the baddies rust!!!" Everyone shouted.

Once the words were said the diamond started glowing and zapped everyone in rainbow light granting them ultimate power that's way better then the elements of harmony. Then the light glowed brighter and exploded making a huge cloud of purple. Tirek stared at it closely and when it died down we see everyone glowing rainbow colors and possess strong swords in their hands.

"Oh your in big trouble now Tirek! Let's see you face this now!" Mr Meaner replied.

"With pleasure." Tirek growled.

He charged at the heroes and when he was gonna punch Harold he grabbed his fist and he was shocked. Harold then punched him in the face and sent him flying and landing. He got up and was angry.

"Oh now it's on!!" Tirek yelled.

He ran to the heroes and they charged into battle! Ms Ribble used her hair to wedgie him and punch his face at the same time. Then the Royal Sisters blasted a beam of combined magic and shocked him bad. Tirek shook his head and tried punching them only for Captain Underpants to come flying down lifting him in the air and dropped him as him fell on his face first. He groaned as he got up.

"Haha! Now prepare to face the justice of all that is pre shrunk and cottony!" Captain Underpants replied.

He then used his unlimited underwear and shot multiple pairs at Tirek hitting him in the face.Tirek trying blasting him with him with own magic but he dodged every blast and shot another pair of underwear at him.

"Ok that's disgusting!" Tirek yelled.

"If you think that's gross then get a whiff of this!" Mr Meaner shouted.

He jumped and landed in front of Tirek and sprayed him with stinky gas again. He coughed violently and Ms Ribble used her hair and gave him another wedgie and slammed him on the ground face first.

"Ok that was even more gross. But you still won't stop me!!" Tirek yelled.

"Oh yeah?"

Tirek looked up and saw the Beards flying above him and blasted him with laser eyes and he yelled in pain with every blast he took.

"If you think that's painful try hearing this!" Heidi said.

She then took a deep breath and yelled super loud as everyone covered their ears as a Soundwave was hitting Tirek and he yelled in agony. Then George used his rings to make Tirek's fist punch himself in the face and Harold used his rings to splat color in his face. He tried wiping it off and while he did that Captain Underpants shot a glowing pair of underwear at him and this time hit him in the balls!

"YEOW!!!! Mmm!! That's really painful! Oh that hurts!" Tirek cried.

"He's down! Girls Light it up!!" Ms Ribble said.

The ponies nodded in agreement knowing what she meant and everyone came together to perform the ultimate spell of friendship. They held hands, floated above the ground and opened their eyes activating the power. Then a giant beam of pure rainbow light came up and down as a giant fist to Tirek as he screamed seeing it and covered him in the light shrinking him back to an elderly centaur and fell on the ground all weak. The magic he stole returned to it's rightful owners and the girls smiled having their magic back.

Then the power died down and everyone slowly came to Tirek as George took out the Shrinky Pig 2000.

"Ugh. Uhh you brats. This was not the way I pictured it. How could I be beaten by these pathetic people?" Tirek groaned.

"You just did Tirek. And we are not pathetic. In fact you are about to get downsized." Harold replied.

George then aimed the Shrinky Pig 2000 at Tirek and shrunk him down to the size of a bean. Harold then picked him up and placed him in a jar and closed it.

"Ha! You won't be taking anymore magic anytime soon Tirek! Well done sidekicks!" Captain Underpants said.

"Thanks Captain Underpants." Harold replied.

Then their girlfriends hugged them and they hugged them back.

"We knew you could do it. And you definitely are the bravest heroes we known." Lyra smiled.

Then they engaged in passionate kisses. George kissed Lyra and Harold was kissing Bon Bon. They enjoyed the feeling of their soft lips and rubbed their backs. After 5 minutes they separated and looked in each others eyes. The parents smiled and went to them.

"Were proud of you boys. You saved not only this world but Equestria too. For that you really are heroes." Mr Beard said.

"They sure are! And more importantly we all saved the day!" Captain Underpants added.

"Yes. Yes we did Captain Underpants. And you deserve a reward." Celestia said.

"You see Krupp or Captain Underpants. We've been carrying a crush on you and we wish for you to be our king. And this is a way of saying we love you." Luna added.

The Royal Sisters gave Captain Underpants a kiss on each cheek. Celestia kissed the right and Luna kissed the left. After a couple of minutes they separated. Everyone smiled at that.

"Well looks like we ain't the only ones with lovers. Now Captain Underpants has two of his own." Harold replied.

"He sure does. And Twilight? Do you think we can live in Equestria to start new lives now?" Mr Meaner asked.

"Of course you can. You helped us so we should make you feel welcome. Ms Ribble and Mr Meaner? You are hereby going to live with us in Equestria." Twilight decided.

"Oh thanks Twilight! That means so much! Oh and Mr and Mrs Beard? Why don't you and Mrs Hutchins join us? Bring Heidi too." Mr Meaner offered.

"That is very generous. We accept." Mrs Hutchins said.

Then Twilight opened a portal and everyone headed In sending them back to Equestria. Mr Meaner and all the other parents joined them to start new lives there and knew it was gonna be great there.

Chapter 11: New Starts and A Double Proposal

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We cut to four months later and everyone was enjoying Equestria. Even the teachers were liking the new starts they were granted. Mr Meaner has a job of being the substitute teacher for the Wonderbolts whenever Spitfire needed a day off or if she's not feeling good. Ms Ribble works at the library where she helps the ponies find any book they want when they can't find it. Heidi would play the CMC's every day when she first befriended them on her first day here. The parents all took a job position in planning parties for Ponyville throughout the years. Yep everything was peachy keen.

Now today was a special day for George and Harold. They have been dating Lyra and Bon Bon for a long time and it was time for the next step for their relationships: asking them to marry the boys! So we see the boys take the rings and headed off for the castle. Then we see everyone in the castle enjoying a family dinner.

"So Mr Meaner. How's training the Wonderbolts going?" Celestia asked.

"Oh not bad. It's like preparing a whole team for the big game. Of course some need to work a little harder but other than that it's great." Mr Meaner answered.

"Yeah. And my job at the library is quite good too. I mean I feel like a weight has been lifted off my back and things are better." Ms Ribble replied.

"Well I'm glad you're enjoying the new life in Equestria you two." Luna smiled.

"Thanks. But we really have to thank Twilight here for offering us this. If it wasn't for her we wouldn't even be here loving this." Mr Meaner said.

"Thanks Mr Meaner. Oh and Krupp? How's your relationship with the sisters going?" Twilight asked.

"Not bad. In fact I was quite nervous about dating the rulers of Equestria at first. But considering they were actually being serious about making me their king after stopping Tirek it's quite enjoyable." Krupp answered.

"That's wonderful Mr Krupp." Twilight smiled.

"Yes. Since George and Harold have lovers in Lyra and Bon Bon we think that Krupp here deserves that too. After all he saved the worlds along with everyone else when Tirek attacked." Celestia replied.

"Clearly he does. And we enjoy our jobs at the party planning community. It's really fun planning all sorts of parties for everyone on their special days. And we never forgot to plan for our boys and their girlfriends." Mr Beard said.

"That's great! I'm glad you're enjoying it!" Pinkie smiled.

"Though I don't understand how she was able to place a bunch of stuff in her hair no problem." Mrs Hutchins said.

"It's Pinkie Pie mom. And I admit we were confused as much as you are now when we came here. But don't worry about it. You'll get used to it." Harold assured.

"Well I'm loving it here! And Harold? What you and George did against Tirek was mighty brave. Now I know why you made all those comics." Heidi replied.

"Thanks Heidi. But don't forget that all our friends helped too. Including you." Harold said.

"I know bro. But I fell like you were brave to face a strong foe like him." Heidi added.

Harold smiled knowing his sister was right. And then they all continued enjoying their dinner and sharing conservations with each other. Then after an hour or two they all finished their meals. Meanwhile as we look under the table we see the boys pulling out their rings for Lyra and Bon Bon. They knew that today is the day they will propose to them and ask their hooves in marriage. The boys looked at each other and nodded in agreement knowing that it's time. Harold grabbed a spoon and tapped on the glass getting everyone's attention.

"Excuse us everyone? Me and George have an announcement to make. And includes Lyra and Bon Bon." Harold said.

"Us?" The two said in unison.

"Yes. Could you come over here please?" George asked.

The two nodded and went to the spot George asked them to go to. After they did they stare in each other's eyes as everyone else was ready to hear the announcement.

"Lyra. Bon Bon. We have something we want to tell you." Harold replied.

"Well go ahead sweetie. Don't be shy." Bon Bon encouraged.

The boys both took a deep breath and were ready to confess. George went first.

"Lyra. From the day we met and now in a relationship I could never stop thinking about you. To me you are like the girl that always cares about me and I know that we will never break apart." George started.

"Oh that's real sweet of you." Lyra said.

"And Bon Bon. When I met you I always kept thinking of you as the cutest, prettiest, and most loving girl I could have in my life." Harold continued.

"You stud. You always say the nicest things to me." Bon Bon said all flattered.

"Well wait it's gets better. You see for the last few years we been dating I always thought that our relationship would bloom into something more romantic." George said.

"Which is why we want to ask you two the most important question of all." Harold finished.

They both got on one knee took out their rings and opened up the boxes reliving the sapphire and amethyst rings. The girls gasped in surprise.

"Lyra?" George asked.

"And Bon Bon?" Harold asked.

"Will you marry us?" They both said in unison.

The crowd gasped in surprise and after that the room was in utter silence. It stayed that way for a while til Bon Bon started to cry tears of joy and the same thing happened to Lyra. Then they gave them the answer one at a time.

"Harold..I will. YES I WILL MARRY YOU!! I THOUGH YOU NEVER ASK!" Bon Bon shouted in pure happiness.

"SO DO I GEORGE! I WOULD LOVE NOTHING MORE THAN TO BE YOUR WIFE!!" Lyra shouted in pure happiness too.

The two couples hugged and cried happy. Then everyone rose from their seats clapping and cheering for the new couples that will be married soon enough.

"That has got to be the best announcement I heard in years!!" Mr Meaner said.

"This is wonderful!! We now had got to make this the best wedding in all of Equestrian history!" Ms Ribble replied.

"We sure do! Boys I'm so happy for you and the girls!! Oh where and when shall we have the wedding?" Mrs Beard asked.

"I'm thinking like in 3 months. And we should have it at the Crystal Empire." George answered.

"What a wonderful choice! Cadence and Shining Armor will love having the wedding there! Again congratulations boys!" Twilight beamed.

And so everyone was so happy that George and Harold are gonna get married to Lyra and Bon Bon in this double wedding. After everything that happen with Tirek they so deserve this.

Chapter 12: The Wedding and A Happy Ending

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Three months passed and we see The Crystal Empire shining its beautiful light. Inside we see the throne decorated for the wedding. There were pink and blue flowers, mint green streamers, a royal red rug and ice sculptures of the brides and the grooms. Yep it was quite beautiful at every wedding there was. Now we see two dressing rooms in the hall. We go in one of them where we see the boys in there getting George and Harold all ready in there fancy black tuxes. Even the adults were in fancy black tuxes too.

"There you are boys. Looking sharp." Mr Meaner said.

"Thanks Mr Meaner. I still can't believe that we are gonna get married today. Time goes by so fast." Harold replied.

"I know. This is truly a day everyone will remember for the rest of their lives. And this wedding will be even better to see. Oh and at the Crystal Empire makes it even more romantic." Krupp smiled.

"It really does. But I kinda feel nervous about this." George said.

"Got a case of the wedding jitters?" Mr Beard asked.

"Yes dad. I mean we both love Lyra and Bon Bon. But we don't know how we'll vow to them." George answered.

"Hey it's okay. Everyone gets the wedding jitters on their special day. I remembered when I married your mom. I was nervous when I was gonna marry her. But I followed my gut and was brave." Mr Beard explained.

"Yeah. So we understand you feel nervous but we promise that you boys are going to have the best wedding of your lives. There's one thing I wanna ask. Do you love them?" Mr Meaner asked.

"Yes we do Mr Meaner." Harold answered.

"I figured you do. Now let's get you boys out there. Don't wanna keep your soon to be wives waiting do you?" Mr Meaner asked.

"No we certainly don't." George said.

The boys all smiled as Mr Meaner guided them to the throne room of the Crystal Empire where they will wait for their soon to be wives to come. Meanwhile we go to the other dressing room where we see all the girls getting ready. Lyra and Bon Bon were in their wedding dresses while the others wore different dresses based on their colors and personality.

"Oh you girls look absolutely beautiful! You are so ready to be married now!" Rarity smiled.

"Thanks Rarity. But were kinda nervous about this. I mean it feels like years since we dated the boys and now were gonna marry them." Bon Bon replied.

"Hey it's ok. I know it's a little scary but everything is gonna be okay." Ms Ribble assured.

"Yeah. I mean you girls are so lucky to have the boys as your husbands. And I know that they want the same. So your gonna be great out there." Mrs Beard said.

"Thanks Mrs Beard. And we promise to care of your boys once were married." Lyra said.

"Oh we have no doubt you will. You're nice, kind-hearted, and always respect them no matter what. So I promise that you girls are ready." Mrs Hutchins assured.

"Yeah. And I'm glad your marrying my brother Bon Bon. And if you like we can hang out so we can get to know each other that way." Heidi added.

"I like that Heidi. Thank you." Bon Bon smiled.

Heidi smiled seeing that see and Bon Bon were gonna be good friends.

"Alright girls the wedding is about to start. Let's head out there." Twilight replied.

So the girls all headed to the throne room of the Crystal Empire expect for Lyra and Bon Bon for they were waiting for their cue to walk down the aisle.Everyone took their seats and were in positions. Spike got the rings ready as he will be the bearer bringing them. Even the Mane Five were ready as they were the bridesmaids. They all saw George and Harold in a more nervous state as they were tapping their feet as they were on the podium. Mr Meaner and Krupp went to them and tried calming them down.

"Hey just relax boys. This is a special day for you. You will be married in a few minutes and have wives. I promise everything is gonna be okay." Mr Meaner assured.

"Sorry Mr Meaner. It's just we still couldn't believe that we are marrying two of the most beautiful ponies in Equestria. It's amazing that I feel light headed." George said.

"I know your nervous but I promise you that this wedding will be the greatest thing that happened to you guys. You got this. Now get ready to claim your wives." Krupp smiled.

George and Harold smiled knowing they were right and they sat back down. After a few minutes passed soon enough the ceremony started. The doors open and relieved Lyra and Bon Bon in their lovely wedding dresses. Lyra's was a combination of Cadence's wedding gown and a little mint green trimmings with her cutie mark and Bon Bon's was white with pink and blue trimmings on it and with her cutie mark. The pony at the piano saw them and began playing. Everyone got up and watched the two walked down the aisle all the way to the podium. As the lovely brides came down we see the Crusaders and Heidi tossing flower petals as they skipped down the hall. When they got on the podium George removed the veil off of Lyra's face and Harold did the same with Bon Bon. After they faced away from the crowd Cadence came to the stand as everyone sat down.

"Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to witness the wonderful marriages of George and Lyra along with Harold and Bon Bon. Since arriving here they have saved Equestria many times. The couples will now say their vows before the rings are exchanged. With that say Bon Bon you may go first." Cadence told her.

Bon Bon looked at Harold and prepared her vow.

"My sweetest Harold. You have been nothing but the guardian of Equestria protecting me from harm and you have made my heart melt. Since the day we met I always knew that we would be more than a couple. And now here we are gonna be married. If anything I'm proud to call you my husband." Bon Bon vowed.

Bon Bon cried a little and even some in the audience shedded some tears. Now it was Harold's turn.

"Bon Bon. To me I always kept thinking that you were the cutest, prettiest and most loving girl I met in my life. And after the day we met our love as being growing stronger every day. And now than it blossomed into a marriage I promise you that I will make every day a happy day my sweet Bonnie." Harold vowed.

Bon Bon smiled as more tears came out and even Mr Meaner couldn't deny that this was lovely. Now time for George and Lyra to say their vows.

"My dearest George. You have always been an inspiration to me. Like when you and Harold make those comics. And even though the villains came to life you always find a way to save us from harm. And once we are married I know that deep down I will feel more safe with you." Lyra vowed.

The audience were touched by her words and Krupp shedded a lone tear from his eye. Now George had his vow to say.

"My angel Lyra. You were like the angel of my dreams and you were the cutest girl I've ever had. Ever since the time Chrysalis attacked I felt like I needed to protect you. And after me and Harold did we grew closer and our love grew stronger. Now that were getting married I promise you that nothing will stop me from loving you." George vowed.

Lyra cried a little and tears pooled down her eyes Then everyone couldn't contain their tears as they heard all the vows the couples made Even the bridesmaids and Celestia cried a little. Then Spike came with the rings and presented them. The couples each took a ring as Cadence began to read the final lines. George and Lyra had the sapphire ring while Harold and Bon Bon had the amethyst ring.

"Do you George take Lyra to be your lawful wedded wife? To love her and cherish til death do you part?" Cadence asked him.

He placed the ring on her horn. "I do." George answered.

"And do you Lyra take George to be your lawful wedded husband? To love him and cherish til death do you part?" Cadence asked her.

"I do." Lyra said.

Then she turned to Harold and Bon Bon.

"Do you Harold take Bon Bon to be your lawful wedded wife? To love her and cherish til death do you part?" Cadence asked him.

He then placed the ring on her hoof "I do." Harold answered.

"And do you Bon Bon take Harold to be your lawful wedded husband? To love him and cherish til death do you part?" Cadence asked her.

"I do." Bon Bon replied.

"Then by the power invested in me I now pronounce all of you husband and wife. You may now kiss the brides." Cadence finished.

The two couples leaned in and sealed their love with a kiss. Then everyone cheered as they finally see George and Harold becoming the husbands to Lyra and Bon Bon. They cried happy tears and were so overwhelmed with joy as the boys made one final announcement.

"Ladies and gentlemen. Me and George would like to sing this special song with our wives to declare how much we love them." Harold said.

He looked to the pony at the piano and started playing and they started singing.

As they were singing everyone was enjoying the tune and stood up swaying to the beats. After the song was over everyone cheered and the bells rung and the couples hopped in the carriage heading out for their honeymoon. And so ends another Captain Underpants story.

The End.