• Published 10th Dec 2023
  • 6,959 Views, 451 Comments

Out of Cadance - David Silver

Cadance always wanted a sister. She just didn't expect it to involve so many angry cultists with plans to get rid of her. The young princess must face her dark reflection. Could only one of them escape? There were better solutions...

  • ...

26 - Factory Recall

Tempo's eyes darted back and forth over the floating scroll as if she just wasn't sure which part of it needed to be read to understand it. "But."

Blueblood was pressed to her side. "Dreadful."

"That hardly." She pointed at the offensive scroll. "Recalled?!"

Blueblood nodded slowly. "Auntie wants us back." He pursed his lips, humming a moment. "Tempo, my dear, this is as difficult for me as it is for you. This is our first real honeymoon. But alas, family must come first." He gave her a gentle nudge. "I know you were so excited to protect Cadance from any that threatened her. And the Crystal Empire was restored by her power. I know it's a lot to give up, but I will be here with you."

"Yes." Tempo sighed at the notion, flipping an ear back. "Queen Celestia does not take no for an answer." She shook herself with an agitated swish of her tail. "That is my primary function, to keep Cadance safe. The idea of leaving her side, it does not sit well."

Blueblood shuffled up closer to Tempo. "Tempo, I love you. We will return, one day." He snuggled in close to her. "In the meantime, we have this. And we have a task ahead of us. How to properly let everypony know about this?"

Tempo raised an ear at that. "By telling them?" She marched away towards the throne room, looking ready to do just that. "I'm not going to tell her by letter. That would be far too distant." She swung her head back to him as she stopped herself at the doorway. "Do you want to go in first?"

"Right behind you." Blueblood followed along after her. He'd become well aware of her issues with getting attention, so he followed close and would give his support however he could. Ahead of them, Cadance was speaking with a supplicant gently about some manner of local import. He cleared his throat softly and took his officious stance.

Cadance wrinkled her snout, but had gotten the idea, wrapping things up and sending her subject on with a satisfied expression. "Tempo, Blueblood, how can I help you two?" She waved them closer. "You don't normally come rushing in mid-court." She made a show of being amused by it, as if this was somehow playful.

Blueblood groaned. "My sister-in-law, good evening, Cadance. I'm afraid we've been recalled back to Canterlot."

Tempo tapped a metal hoof on the floor with a frown. "I don't like it, sister, but it is Celestia's orders directly. She seems to think I'll do more there than at your side." Her ears dropped in shame. "I already failed you once, and now I'm leaving your side again. I'm sorry."

Cadance gently hugged Tempo. "There's no need to apologize, Tempo." She squeezed her sister, as best one could when one's sister was as dense as she was. "Auntie has her reasons, as difficult as they are to see at times. If she's calling you, there must be something she knows you can do behind it. Go on, and come back as soon as you're finished. We'll be ready to have you again, I promise."

Blueblood slid up to her side. "Thank you, Cadance. We shall do so post-haste." He wrapped an arm around his wife, letting her know he was there for her.

Tempo leaned back, but only a moment before she turned for the exit. "There's no good reason to delay. The sooner we go, the sooner we can return." She marched off with a faint glower. "I don't like this."

Blueblood urged his wife to move just a bit slower, taking in the sights of the Crystal Empire as they walked together, even if it was merely to their exit. "My dear, Cadance said there was nothing to fear, and you trust her." He nipped at one of her ears. "Shining remains at her side. She is not entirely unprotected."

Tempo let out a sigh as she lifted her head up. "You are not wrong, but my sister will always be first in my thoughts. I wish I could better convey how much she means to me. It is no wonder they say that the love of a family can transcend any barrier."

"I understand it well." Blueblood eased his way up to her side as they walked together. "You and I both share the same love for our families." He reached down to take her hoof. "Though much of mine was gained when that lucky day came, where our lives were formally brought together." He touched his nose to her cheek. "The luckiest day I've ever had."

Tempo turned her head towards him, their eyes meeting as they slowed in their steps. "You are sweet, husband. I am thankful for that day." She leaned against him gently. "Even if this time is coming to an end, we have so many more ahead of us." She pecked him, a soft kiss on the nose. "Thank you for being here, with me." Her strides become firmer, but smoother.

They headed for the train, a place that had become far easier to get to with the crystal heart empowered. The snow was kept away and it was simply a nice walk to reach. Tempo entered first, poking around at the fairly spartan interior. There were only two passenger compartments and one small room at the back that would likely serve as the crew's quarters. "And we have this all to ourselves?"

Blueblood smirked. "A highborn, taking a train? This is far more than other ponies might get, dear." He trotted past her and began arranging a few things with his magic. "I do wonder what it is Celestia has planned for us."

Tempo gave him a funny look. "She plans for everything." She watched him set out an array of pillows and blankets. "What are you doing?"

"I am going to have a nap." Blueblood gave her a smug grin. "Would you like to join me?"

Tempo stopped a moment before nodding. "I would like that." She came up beside him and sank down, soon nestled in against him, some of her tension fleeing in his embrace. "I am glad you're here, with me." The train moved under them, but she paid it no mind. Snuggling her husband felt far more important as things to do went.

They only stirred when the train drew smoothly into Canterlot, and the conductor called out that fact.

Blueblood picked his head up. "Did we have a nice nap?" He stretched himself out, groaning as he unkinked his spine. "That was a lovely nap."

Tempo leaned over him, giving him a long nuzzle. "I didn't sleep, not that way, but traveling with you is quite pleasant." She hopped to her hooves with a few clicks as her body adjusted itself precisely. "Let's get to the castle and see what Auntie wants with us."

Blueblood stumbled after her with a sigh. "My dear, yes, we should hurry to see what she has in store for us." He kept pace with her, doing his best not to lag behind.

The two trotted past the guards in front, both recognized with only a salute from each of them. Tempo and Blueblood both knew the way through the hallways of Canterlot Castle, and soon arrived at the throne room. It was a room that spoke of the incredible luxury that Celestia's age of peace had brought to Equestria. Everything sparkled and glowed. Not an inch of it was left dull or uncared for.

Celestia was there. Much as Cadance before, she was speaking with some important-looking, and massive, pony. She gave them both a long look, though her lips remained pressed tight. "Nephew, Tempo, welcome back."

The massive figure turned his head to glance at the pair of them, his mane like a glorious display of marble, adorned with a golden crown. He was not just large, but fat, heavy around the middle as if he had plenty of food available for him at all times. "Are those the two you were talking about? I'm not sure how they could be of much help."

Celestia raised a hoof for quiet. "They are both tested on the field of battle. I will not tolerate doubts on this." She urged Tempo and Blueblood closer. "It's been too long." She stepped down from her throne to hug them both in turn. "You have no idea how much you're needed right now." She placed her hooves on their shoulders, looking them both over. "How did the crystal transformation go?"

Tempo shied back from that. "You must know, or you wouldn't have asked."

Celestia touched her horn to Tempo's head, just beside her smaller niece's. "I don't mean to hurt you. I was just wondering how it felt. It must have been quite the experience, to have such a dramatic shift." She took a step back. "Now, you'll be getting dressed up in nice outfits and sent out to represent the Crystal Empire in Canterlot High society. A more normal life."

Tempo's ears swiveled around as she considered the notion. "You called me back to simply be a noble? I was being a noble there, in the Crystal Empire. How can I better serve Cadance, or you, here?"

Celestia sighed faintly. "Dear, I love you, but you're being difficult." She patted Tempo on the head. "I want you to do something to ease the hearts of ponies. I know this will be difficult for you. But I also know you are the one uniquely positioned to do this. I am also certain it will further you, both of you." She smiled at Blueblood. "I haven't forgotten you, Nephew."

Blueblood squared his shoulders. "If there is any way I may help, Auntie, I would be most pleased to."

Celestia pursed her lips as she studied him a moment. "You've come so far." She turned from them back to her portly guest. "I apologize for the interruption. Now, as we were discussing, I'll have them sent within the week."

Tempo flipped an ear. "What did you two even talk about?"

The portly figure nodded with a serious expression. "It was a serious discussion, Tempo, Princess of the Crystal Empire." He rubbed his chin, his dark coat and multicolored mane both standing out in their differences. "Thank you for your time." He gave one parting bow at Celestia, than strode with purpose from the room, several servants hurrying in from the sides to see to his needs as he went.

Blueblood looked to Celestia. "Who was that, Auntie? Will they be involved in our mission, or should we discard them from our thoughts?"

Celestia paused a moment, weighing the question before giving her answer. "I'm not going to say it won't matter, but you won't have to interact with him, or any of his friends, for this." She angled an ear off. "I can't say that will forever be true. But, for now, I want you two to settle back into your old rooms, you remember them. I will give you things to do starting tomorrow. Today, rest."

Blueblood gave his aunt a deep bow. "We shall do as you ask, Auntie. Your words are law."

Tempo bowed with him, lower than she was used to. She only glanced at Blueblood, receiving a simple nod. The two left together, trotting in step with one another as they explored the corridors of Canterlot Castle together. They didn't speak, for no words were needed. Tempo just wished she knew why they were being called back to their old lives in Canterlot.

They arrived back at their old quarters to find several servants hurriedly dusting things and preparing it for occupancy. A smile slipped over Tempo's face as she spotted one of the servants on the bed, making the sheets proper. "Duke Blueblood, Lady Tempo, your room will be ready shortly."

Tempo nodded. "Thank you." She turned to Blueblood. "Since we are here, in Canterlot, I would rather we explored a little." She rose a hoof to her chin. "When last we were here, we were unsure. Now, we are proper adults, christened in crisis. I want to see if I can see this city with new eyes, if nothing else."

Author's Note:

We don't get to stay in the Crystal Empire? Lame. Hax! Auntie!

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