• Published 10th Dec 2023
  • 7,132 Views, 471 Comments

Out of Cadance - David Silver

Cadance always wanted a sister. She just didn't expect it to involve so many angry cultists with plans to get rid of her. The young princess must face her dark reflection. Could only one of them escape? There were better solutions...

  • ...

15 - In a Blue Moon

Marching firmly through the castle, a new set of hoofsteps. Princess Luna walked with purpose, almost crashing into Blueblood as their paths happened to intersect. "I say!" He backed up from the point of impact. "Apologies, auntie." He snorted gently. "I'm not used to having more than one of those, but it is a delightful thing to grow used to."

Luna nodded. "It is, isn't it? Where are you going?" She stepped around him. "I'm looking for Celestia. I'm afraid I must apologize for my behavior."

Blueblood smiled, patting her shoulder. "I think she'll forgive you, Luna. You were under the influence of a very powerful force." He paused. "And she knows you're sorry. She'll be happy to see you." He nodded to her. "Go on."

Luna smiled back at him. "Thank you, Blueblood. It means a lot." She continued on her way, only to hesitate. "Does everypony know the story?" She sagged in place. "My shame is quite public at every turn."

Blueblood winced with a nervous laugh. "Well, in some ways." He raised a hoof with hesitation. "Might I ask where you were coming from in such a hurry?"

Luna hesitated a moment, eyes darting around the hallway and its fine arts. "A small burg, Ponyville? Have you heard of it?"

"I have, actually. I've been meaning to go visit." He glanced down the hall. "I hear there's a wonderful spa there." He smiled. "I think I'll head there after this, what do you think?"

Luna snorted gently. "You are quite welcoming. I had--" She paused. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I had heard nasty rumors that you were quite the opposite. I am pleased to learn they were fabricated, or you've changed since."

Blueblood pinkened in his cheeks. "I am inspired by my better half. Her golden rays stir in me the need to grow and improve, like Celestia's sun on a flower." He coughed into a hoof to realign himself. "But, as I was saying, you are welcome here. We both have something of a spotted past. Let's rise past that, hm?"

Luna nodded. "Yes. I shall try." She resumed her walk, leaving Blueblood to his own devices.

Blueblood smiled after her, then headed off to find Tempo. She'd likely be waiting for him. "There you are, beloved. I hope you weren't waiting too long." He kissed her cheek. "Shall we go for a walk?"

Tempo's ears perked, smiling as she rose from the bench. "I would love to, dear. It's been a busy day." She leaned into him. "I am glad to see things calming down." She nuzzled against him gently, then stepped back. "Did you run into auntie? You have that look."

He perked at that. "Yes, but the other auntie, Luna. Lovely dear, but a bit lost in ways."

Tempo considered that with a soft hum. "Wish I had run into her, I had a question she might answer. But let's put that aside. Cadance and Shining Armor are having a date, and they invited us along. Are you up for that?"

Blueblood started with clear surprise. "They are both lovely ponies, but if they are romancing, would it not be better to leave them alone for it." He moved in, nose to Tempo's cheek. "We could have our own lovely time, hm?"

Tempo's ears flicked at that. "They said to bring you, and that they would like to get to know you better." She turned to face him. "And I would like to get to know them better. They are family." She smiled at him. "We can have our own time later, but I would like to go out with them."

Blueblood hummed softly. "If you wish it, I will do it." He nodded firmly at that. "As if I have much a choice." He spread his hooves towards her. "You have me quite ensnared, willingly I make clear. Dearest Tempo, let's enjoy this then."

Tempo kissed his cheek. "Wonderful. We'll meet them in town." She led the way, feeling his eyes on her. She knew he liked watching her, and she was happy to oblige. "I apologize." She grit her teeth a moment. "I can't put his words entirely aside. I love you, and I know you love me, but--" She paused in her speech despite marching on quietly for a moment. "--but, why? You are a handsome stallion. You could have a thousand other willing mares, living mares."

He circled in front of her in a hurry. "You stop that. Now, I can't tell you how to feel, but I can tell you how I feel." He put a hoof to his chest. "And I know I don't want any of those thousand other mares. They've thrown themselves at me before, no interest. You, on the other hoof, inspire poetry in me. Your every step a thing of wonder. Your ever word, worth noting down. You are my special somepony."

Blueblood dropped to a knee, a position he did not take often. "Which is why--"

Tempo furiously blushed as Blueblood sunk before her, wondering what he was about to say, but something in her had an idea of it and she felt dizzy and stunned, watching him.

"--I ask you, my beloved Tempo, to do me the honor of becoming my wife." He produced a ring, a simple band of gold. "I will not pressure you for an answer, but I wanted to give you this." He smiled in a mild gesture. "It is yours, yes or no. Take it, if it pleases your eyes, and with no other pressure beyond."

Tempo stared at the ring, then him, then the ring again. "I..." She took the ring, putting it on her horn. "I..." She threw her hooves around him, pulling him into a kiss. "Of course yes. I can't." She stopped trying to find the right words, hugging him tightly instead.

Servants that had been studiously ignoring them instead clapped for the two with polite little cheers. It wasn't every day that a proposal was given in their hallways.

Blueblood hugged her back, lifting her up as he stood. "You've made me the happiest stallion alive." He nuzzled against her, then carried her down the hallway. "Now, we should go meet your sister and brother-in-law, shouldn't we?"

Tempo blinked with surprise. "Did he also propose? She said yes?! How did I miss this?!"

Blueblood nuzzled gently into her cheek as he walked, straining a little under her. She was a pony of metal, and that came with bulk, though he bore it as best he could. "We planned it. He is proposing today as well. Tonight, we will share the good news, hopefully. I certainly have some to give him."

Tempo giggled, leaning into him. "I suppose we do." She looked at the ring on her horn. "I'm glad you asked me." She smiled at him. "I'm glad you're mine."

"And you are mine." He finally set her down, heaving for lost breath. "Dear, dearest--" He slowly regained his breath. "The land of Equestria is egalitarian. May I ask that I be swept up in your powerful arms?" He barely finished the question when she did just that, easily lifting him and walking off with him. "This is surprisingly delightful." Surrendering to her grasp just felt right, and he nestled against his golem of a betrothed with a pleased smile.

Tempo carried him all the way to the cafe where they were meeting Cadance and Shining Armor. She set him down gently. "I'm glad you like it." She leaned in to kiss him.

Cadance giggled at the sight. "Look at you two! What love birds."

Shining snorted. "They've been inseparable for a while now." He glanced at Cadance, then again. "Speaking of that." He trailed a hoof over the little table. "I had a question I've been waiting to ask you, Cadance. Got a moment?"

"Of course." She sipped from her colorful drink. "What's on your mind?"

He took a deep breath, then let it out. "Cadance, I've loved you for a long time, and I'm so happy to have you in my life. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He produced a ring, setting it on the table. "Will you marry me?"

Cadance gasped softly, eyes going wide. "Yes!" She threw herself at him, kissing him.

Blueblood clapped, settled in his chair. "Good show!"

Tempo sank into the chair next to Blueblood. "It would seem we two sisters are betrothed on the same day. I like that."

Cadance perked her ears at Tempo. "On the same--" It hit her. "You didn't?! You did!" Her horn glowed as she grabbed both Blueblood and Tempo, squeezing their chairs closer together. "You lovely couple! Ooo, we could have a double-wedding! Wouldn't that just be lovely?"

Blueblood blinked. "That is an idea." He glanced at Tempo. "Would you be alright with that?"

Tempo considered it. "I think I would." She considered Cadance and Shining Armor. "We were not always sisters, but our bond is sure. To marry on the same day, in the same place." She smiled at the thought. "At the same time? That sounds so nice."

Cadance squealed with delight. "I can't wait to tell auntie! Oh, she'll be so happy for us!" She hopped up and down in her seat. "I can't believe it! I'm getting married!"

Shining smiled at her. "I'm glad you're excited. I am too." He kissed her cheek. "I love you, Cadance."

"I love you too, Shining." The two got lost a moment with mutual nuzzles and peppered kisses.

Blueblood leaned in, hesitant. Tempo took the hint and pecked him first, turning into soft nuzzles as both couples lost a few minutes just joyfully enjoying one another with one another.

Shining finally drew back and turned his eyes and snout at Blueblood. "So, how'd you pop the question? You saw mine. I wasn't there for yours."

Blueblood smiled. "I asked her while on one knee, holding a ring." He glanced at Tempo. "She asked me why, and I told her that she was the only mare for me." He leaned into her. "I told her that I loved her, and I meant it."

Tempo leaned into him, ears perked up. "I said yes, of course. He is my special somepony."

Cadance let out a wistful sigh, love suffusing her every pore. "You two are so adorable together." She could see their connection, their romance, and it was bright and vibrant, shining with such force that she had not a single doubt in their mutual attraction. Why, about the only connection that rivaled it was the one she shared with her Shining.

Her fiancee smiled at her, their eyes meeting, and the two shared a soft giggle. "I guess we have a lot of planning to do, huh?"

"Yes, we do." Shining kissed the end of her snout. "But I really only have one question."

"What is that?" Cadance perked an ear, nose wriggling where she had been kissed.

"Who's doing the planning?" Shining leaned back. "If we tell Princess Celestia, you know she'll happily get other ponies on the case for us. But, before we do that, I thought I'd ask. If that's something you want to do?"

Cadance considered that. "I think I would like to do it myself. We could plan it together, but I would like to be the one to do most of the work."

Shining nodded, but looked across to Tempo. "It's your wedding too. You get a vote in this."

Tempo started as if surprised. "Yes, of course. But, I trust sister. She knows about love. She knows it better than I do. I can't imagine a wedding she planned going badly."

"Come here!" Despite her words, it was Cadance that went to Tempo, tackling her in a tight squeeze. "I'll do my best to give us both a picture-perfect wedding."

Blueblood smiled at the sight. "I'm glad we all get along so well." He reached over to pat Shining's shoulder. "I'm happy for you, brother."

Shining nodded. It took a moment for that to click. "Oh, right! We're brothers now." He laughed with the sinking realization. "Wow."

"Brother-in-law, to be technical, but why be technical among family?" Blueblood winked. "We are brothers, we can leave it at that between us." He gestured at Cadance. "Lucky me, I have also gained a wonderful sister. You best take care of her."

"That goes for you too." He waved at Tempo. "We both have a lovely mare to take care of, and be taken care of by." He chuckled softly. "Come to think of it, I bet we kinda, you know. Yours is powerful, physically. Mine is a princess. We are two stallions of mares that could bend them in half if they're bad."

Blueblood snorted with amusement. "Well, I don't know about that, but I suppose that's true." He leaned in. "I hope you don't think less of me for having a mare that can do that."

Shining quickly put a hoof to his chest. "I have one too! We're two peas in a pod." He tapped at his cheek. "Say, ever play Ogres and Oubliettes?"

Cadance swatted gently at him. "Are you trying to get another player for that silly game?"

"It's not silly." Shining crossed his arms. "Seriously, have you?"

Blueblood nodded. "I have, actually. It's quite fun. I haven't played in a while, but I would be willing to try again."

"Great! I'll send you an invite." Shining's horn lit up. "I'll send you one too, Tempo."

Tempo blinked. "I don't know what that is, but I'm willing to learn."

Blueblood wrapped an arm around Tempo. "It's a game of fantasy, and storytelling. It can be a wonderful tool for learning, but also of experiencing dread without actually risking your lovely hide."

Cadance smiled at the two of them. "You two are just adorable." She sighed softly. "I'm so happy for you both."

Tempo leaned into Blueblood. "Thank you, sister. As if you're any less with your own." She considered a moment. "Oh, we have to announce this, do we not?"

"Too true!" A paper appeared before Cadance with a pop and she began scribbling with a floating quill. "We have to let everypony we know about what's happened. Hopefully, they'll all be just as thrilled as we are."

Author's Note:

Surely Twilight will get the notification. Surely.

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