• Published 10th Dec 2023
  • 7,121 Views, 471 Comments

Out of Cadance - David Silver

Cadance always wanted a sister. She just didn't expect it to involve so many angry cultists with plans to get rid of her. The young princess must face her dark reflection. Could only one of them escape? There were better solutions...

  • ...

16 - Wedding Plans

Celestia, and much everypony else, become immediately excited at the news. Two weddings, of royalty, at the exact same time? There weren't enough hours in the day to get ready for it. They worked alongside Cadance, following her plans to the letter. "I'll handle this one." Shining Armor was writing a letter quickly. "I'll let Twilight know about this."

"Thank you." Cadance wandered off, having so many other things to worry about. "You're a lifesaver."

Shining smiled at her. "I try." He returned to the letter. "Hey, Twily. I have some great news. I'm getting married! And so is your sister. You two are going to be sisters for real." He frowned at his words. "No, way too informal for this." He started again, using proper names and without the joking hints. "Twilie appreciates things done properly."

In another part of the castle, Tempo stood impatiently as maids held up different dresses before her, floating one, then the next in an unending procession of wedding fashion. "They all look fine."

Blueblood called from behind a divider, "How we present ourself is of grave importance, my dearest Tempo. It is not only for ourselves, but for the ponies beneath us. They take cues from us, and the way we comport ourselves. It is a task, but one we must bear! Such is the obligation of royalty."

Tempo inclined an ear at Blueblood, or at least in his direction. "You are not technically royalty. You are too distantly related to Princess Celestia."

Blueblood gasped. "Dear, I meant you. Besides." He tapped at his chin before straightening up for his own maids. "I am marrying you. That makes me part of royalty, does it not? Oh, that is an exciting thought. I will do my utmost to live up to the new title! Prince Consort Blueblood, that will be me."

Tempo snorted softly. "You are already prince, dear. You needn't change that." She looked over the dresses again. "I still don't see the difference between these."

Blueblood advanced on the divider and tossed over a suit. "This is the one I have chosen. Select one that goes with it and you have done wonderfully, as if you could ever look poorly."

Tempo blushed. "You are quite the flatterer." She looked over the suit. "I suppose this one is acceptable." She looked at the maids. "You heard him, find me something to go with this." The maids bowed low and scurried off to find a fitting dress. "I'm glad that's past. But, as I was saying, you are already a prince. It's your name."

"A name and a title are two different things." Blueblood stood as tall as he could. "Married to you, I will be a true prince. Um, not that I'm marrying you for that reason. I would divest myself of my wealth entirely if it meant being at your side." He wrinkled his nose. "Only one holiday abroad a year, like a commoner, worth it!"

Tempo smiled faintly at that thought. "I am certain common ponies--" She aborted the thought, deciding it wasn't worth the battle. Let Blueblood think his silly thoughts. "I love you."

"And I love you too, but that is hardly enough to express it." He threw his hooves wide. "Let us prepare, so we can shout it at the world and they can all know our boundless amor!"

Tempo giggled. "I suppose we should."

The maids returned, holding up a dress that matched Blueblood's suit. "This one, your highness?"

Tempo considered it. She reached out a hoof to trail along it gently. "Alright, yes, this one." She nodded at it, relaxing with the dress selection being complete. "Are weddings fun, for the ones being wed?"

Blueblood smiled at her. "It is a celebration of love, and joy. It is a wonderful thing, and a magical one. I'm sure you'll love it."

Tempo smiled back at him. With the two having selected their dresses, the servants drew the barrier back and they came together, as if they were magnets, unable to hold each other away. They met with warmly hugging arms and fond nuzzles.

"I'll be there." Blueblood nosed into her neck. "So if you feel anything but joy, you can let me know. I will protect you, dearest."

Tempo hummed softly. "I know you will. I trust you." She leaned against him. "I'm glad we found each other."

"As am I." He squeezed her gently. He stepped back with a lash of his tail. "This is so exciting! Come, there are other things to oversee."

Truly the castle was alive with preparations for both pairs.


Later, when Cadance and Tempo were together, inspecting one another's dresses, a knock came from the door. "Coming," called Cadance, trotting over to the door as her magic pulled on the handle. She started with surprise. "Shining, we're busy."

Shining flashed a big smile. "You will be busy in a moment. I have something to show you." He glanced past Cadance to Tempo. "This is a one pony surprise." He winked and turned away, walking off.

Cadance watched him go, then turned to Tempo. "I'll be right back." She followed after Shining, curious. "What's this about?"

"You'll see." He led her through the castle, and outside, starting to snicker to himself as he descended some cavernous stairs. "You're going to love this."

"Will I?" Cadance laughed with confusion. "Shining, we're trying to get ready? What on Equestria are you taking me to see right now?"

Shining waved around at the dazzling crystals in those caves. "This, for one."

Cadance's eyes widened. "Oh, this is quite pretty." She wandered up towards a large rock, poking it gently. "Would Celestia be alright with us using these, in the wedding?"

"I have other plans." That voice didn't sound like Shining. Spreading her wings wide, Chrysalis cackled as her magic wrapped around Cadance. "Besides, that will be my wedding, thank you."

Cadance yelped, trying to break free of the magic. "Shining, help!"

But Shining wasn't there to hear her yelp. Chrysalis shoved Cadance into a dark room of crystal to brood impotently. "Your magic won't even work in there. Poor thing, go ahead and cry or whatever you ponies love to do." Laughing wildly, Chrysalis walked away. With a rush of green flames, she became a second Cadance. "I have a wedding to perform."

Chrysalis-as-Cadance wandered through the castle, searching for the real Shining Armor. "I'm sure he's around here somewhere." She paused at the sight of Tempo, but advanced a moment later. "Sister, have you seen Shining?"

Tempo started in surprise. "I thought he was with you. Wasn't he going to show you something?"

Chrysalis considered that. "Oh, I forgot. He was. I wonder where he went off to?" She turned away, walking off. "I'll be back."

Tempo watched her go, then returned to her own preparations.

Unfortunately for most ponies involved, Chrysalis did find Shining and ensnared him casually in her magic. He was little match for her.

But her odd behavior didn't go entirely unnoticed. While most ponies were quite focused on the wedding, Tempo remained a step removed. She had the luxury of distance, not directly planning the wedding and only playing a part. She kept glancing over, watching the "other Cadance", noticing that she didn't react quite the way the real Cadance would have.

"Sister." Tempo dared to approach Cadance. "I was hoping to ask your help about something."

"I'm busy planning the wedding." Cadance waved Tempo away. "It's for both of us, remember?"

"I do remember that." Tempo paced nervously. "You are overworking yourself. You should relax. I can take over, if you like?"

"No you can't." Cadance hiked a brow high. "And I'm fine. Go on, practice your vows with Blueblood or whatever."

Tempo smiled politely at that. "I am working on that. But, if you insist." She backed off, heading for Celestia. "Aunt Celestia." Tempo paused to bow before her. "I apologize for bothering you."

"You are never a bother." She nodded at her golem of a niece. "A pleasure always. You must be very excited, your wedding so close."

"I am," breathlessly admitted Tempo. "But there are other things. I can't put a hoof on it, but I feel Cadance may be being injured. She isn't acting herself. Planning two weddings at once is obviously stressing her." She stood tall. "As her guardian, I insist something be done about this. Can't somepony else take over the wedding planning?"

Celestia reached a wing, gently brushing Tempo's side. "Your care for Cadance is beyond any doubt. She is so lucky to have a sister like you, but I can't do that. This is what she wants. As a princess of love, demanding she allow somepony else to plan her wedding is unthinkable. Imagine how upset she'd be if I tried?"

Tempo flinched. "I, I suppose you have a point. It wouldn't feel right. Not after everything we've been through. I don't want to ruin things for her."

"Nor do I." Celestia leaned in, almost touching noses but not quite. "So, have faith that she will make it through this, and be her strength, as I know you can be. Help her weather this, and she will thank you forever."

Tempo brightened at the very idea of it. "Yes. Yes, excellent idea. I'll get closer to her by helping her." She curled a hoof to her chin. "Do you know where Shining Armor is? She was looking for him before."

Celestia directed a hoof. "Last I saw, he is with yours. The two were practicing their parts. It was quite precious."

Tempo smiled at the idea of the two stallions working so hard, side by side. "Thank you. I'll fetch him." She raced away on that mission with purpose in her eyes.

Celestia nodded, returning to her own matters. "Poor Tempo. I know she has feelings for Cadance. I would hate for this to strain the relationship between them, but sometimes such things are necessary." Her concern melted into a gentle smile. "But their sisterhoof is hard to argue."

She thought back to when she had first met Tempo, odd metal doppelganger of the filly Cadance. "I'm glad I didn't do anything too hasty back then. You've been such a treat." She turned to the next supplicant. "Your turn."

"What is your command?"

Tempo turned, confusion in her eyes. "What?"

Shining inclined his head in the other direction. "What is your--" He grunted, rubbing at his head. "Ow--Tempo? Hey." He wobbled in place, clearly a bit disoriented. "The headaches are getting worse. I can't wait for this wedding to be over with."

"I have it," called Cadance, moving to nudge Shining away. "I'll make those nasty headaches go away."

Tempo knew Cadance's powers. Banishing headaches was not one of them. She glared as the two retreated into Cadance's room. "Are you alright?" Tempo jumped in surprise, coming down facing Blueblood.

She half-tackled him, pushing him towards their own room. "We need to talk."

"As always, I am here at your service, m'lady." He bowed properly the moment Tempo stopped pushing him. "How can I be of service?"

"Not here." Tempo shut the door behind them, then leaned against it. "I am suspicious of the other Cadance." She marched over to Blueblood, sniffing at his neck. "Why are you damp?"

Blueblood glanced away, cheeks flushing. "I was nervous, so I took a dip in the water." He pawed at the floor. "It helped calm me down."

"I can see that." She brushed over his cheek with a hoof. "But since when did you like random dips? Why is everypony acting so oddly?"

Blueblood leaned in to touch his nose to her cheek. "I could ask why you continue to be so even-keeled. My beloved, you are the rock in a stormy sea, unmoving despite it all."

"Stop that." Tempo gently pushed him back. "It is not time for our compliments. Something strange is happening and I mean to get to the bottom of it." She moved over to the window. Outside, the ponies of the castle were animatedly preparing for the wedding with no idea what was going on. "I don't like this."

"It's probably nothing." He touched his nose to her shoulder. "Everyone is excited is all, and feeling pressure from the looming ceremony. The bride is allowed to be a little peculiar before such an event." He gently rubbed his nose against her cheek. "Are you not also feeling on edge? We all are, but for such an event? Worth the price."

Tempo glanced at him, ears twitching. "You are making a strange amount of sense." She narrowed her eyes. "Don't do that. You're worrying me." She put a hoof to her forehead before laughing gently. "But you're right. Maybe I am just worrying about nothing. I am used to keeping a wary eye on Cadance." She inhaled in a hiss. "It is my--Destiny? Is destiny the right word?"

"It is what you care most about." He wrapped her, drawing her into a warm hug. "And it is one of many traits about you I adore completely. Be nervous, my lovely Tempo, but know that I stand ever by your side."

Author's Note:

The wedding is going, for better or worse. Tempo doesn't like this at all.

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