• Published 10th Dec 2023
  • 7,120 Views, 471 Comments

Out of Cadance - David Silver

Cadance always wanted a sister. She just didn't expect it to involve so many angry cultists with plans to get rid of her. The young princess must face her dark reflection. Could only one of them escape? There were better solutions...

  • ...

2 - Breathe

Armed with a tall glass each that they held in their magic, both Cadances nursed softly at the water.

Celestia smiled gently. "I would like to start by knowing if you are in danger."

One Cadance thrust her hoof up. "I don't think so, anymore..." She sipped from her glass. "They didn't expect us to get away."

The second nodded firmly. "They wanted me to hurt her!" She pointed at the first. "I said no. Why would I hurt her?"

Celestia inclined her head. "Who is it that wanted Cadance hurt?" There was no anger in her voice, no accusation. She was a kindly aunt, listening to her nieces. "I would not want either of you harmed."

"Thanks." The second Cadance sighed softly. "I don't know. A bunch of creepy ponies in creepy hoods."

"They were in the castle!" blurted out the first Cadance. "They got me to their secret room quickly. It couldn't have been that far."

Celestia scowled, not at them. She looked to her guards. "I want every stone turned until we find their lair." The guards saluted and marched off, even as others came to take their place. "Now... Did they hurt either of you?"

Both shook their head in harmony, not at all injured. The first Cadance grabbed for the second. "Only because of her. My sister refused to hurt me. She's the best sister ever."

The first laughed nervously, trying to edge away from the eager grasps of her 'sister'. "I wasn't... even..." How to explain? Even she didn't know what happened. Was she dead? Was that heaven? Or the other place? Either way...

She was a pony. A pony with magic, and wings. Pity she didn't really know how to use either. "They... made me. They cast a spell and made me. I don't know how to... me." She directed a hoof at a stretched wing. "Do these work?"

Celestis beckoned New Cadance over for inspections, feeling over her wings. "They appear to be in fine order. You just don't know how to use them, I imagine."

"I love my wings." Original Cadance flapped her wings with a giddy smile. "I'll show you. Auntie, can I go show her?"

"Not so fast." Celestia settled back on her chair with a sigh. "Let the guards finish inspecting the castle. I don't want either of you to leave this room, for now. I'm glad you're both alright." She pointed to a corner. "Would you like to see me be princess?"

Original Cadance rushed over and eagerly plopped down, watching.

New Cadance was less certain. "Um, okay?" She wandered next to Original Cadance. "We're going to watch her shout commands at people?"

"Auntie Celestia isn't that kind of princess." Old Cadance rolled her eyes. "She loves us all. Watch."

With things cleared, the next petitioner was allowed in. They were an earth pony with their hat in their hooves. "Ma'am, thank you for taking the time." He looked around furtively. "I was... I was hoping to open a shop."

Celestia perked. "How lovely. Here in Canterlot, I assume?" The stallion nodded. "Marvelous. tell me more of this store you would open. What manner of good or service would you offer there?"

He described his haven of paper and ink, a bookstore for those seeking such a thing. "Books helped me when I was a foal, ma'am. Reading them let me escape my little town... I hope I can pass that on to foals of the future."

Celestia's smile deepened at the explanation. "That sounds like a lovely idea... Have you a spot selected?" She could see the uncertainty playing over the stallion's face. "Speak to Raven. She is quite adept at such things. Dismissed."

Raven Inkwell, a proper unicorn with a floating clipboard, advanced on the stallion. "This way."


"Sir." Raven inclined an ear at him. "She is giving you what you want, sir. I am charged with going over the finer details. She trusts me to my job, sir. If you would, this way."

He mumbled with confusion, but did follow Raven off to handle the rest of the request.

Celestia waved for the next petitioner to be brought in.

New Cadance watched the exchange with rapt fascination. So this was what it meant to be royalty - not just sitting on a throne barking orders, but listening to your subjects and guiding them towards their goals.

She glanced over at the younger Cadance, who was practically bouncing with excitement. "See? The princess takes good care of everypony! I wanna be just like her when I grow up."

New Cadance smiled softly back. In truth, she still felt lost, unsure of her role or purpose in this world she'd suddenly found herself in. What Celestia was doing felt kind and good. At least watching her was watching a good thing, right? "So... What's your name?"

"Cadance." Old Cadance giggled at the question. "We're both Cadance."

"We can't both be Cadance." Cadance looked herself over. "I need a different name."

"Aw." Old Cadance considered her double. "Well..." She rocked left and right. "I am Cadance. My specialty is love and connections." She focused her magic, forming a heart that floated over her head. "What's your specialty?"

New Cadance squinted at her double. She had magic, she knew that. She had already cast a spell or two. But that was in a frantic adrenaline fueled rush. Slowed down, it wasn't as easy. She focused on her new horn, making it glow the same shade as the other Cadance, but no heart appeared, or much anything else.

"From here." Old Cadance tapped at her chest. "From deep inside. Let it out."

"Let... it out." She focused on that horn and tried to turn the thoughts inwards at the same time. "What is in me... out..."

A heart appeared, but it was clad in armor, slightly studded in metal, looking more ready for battle than Old Cadance's defenseless but open little heart. "That... makes sense." New Cadance tapped her guarded heart, made physical. "I hate it... But it's not wrong."

Old Cadance let out a 'wow'. "Neat! Yours is awesome!" Whatever darker meanings the guarded heart could have meant, she missed it. "You're a warrior! You showed up at the right time and you kept moving just right to take care of the bad ponies. Measure, rhythm... tempo! Yes. Tempo."

"Tempo?" Tempo curled a hoof to look at herself as if her name would be branded on her arm already. "Tempo and Cadance." She snorted at that, it turned into a muted laugh, lest she interrupt court. "I like it."

"Good." Cadance grabbed Tempo in a hug. "I like you too."

Tempo colored with a mildly sour expression, but she accepted the hug anyway. "And now I have a silly little sister."

"Very silly." Cadance fell to her haunches. "A silly sister and a warrior sister. I like it. Now pay attention." She pointed to Celestia's court.

Tempo smiled as she settled in beside Cadance, determination rising within. She might still be figuring out this whole "having a body" thing. But she had a name now - and with it, the first fragile shoots of an identity taking root. Cadance believed in her, depended on her even. And that gave Tempo a sense of purpose unlike anything she'd known before.

She watched attentively as Celestia handled petitioner after petitioner, meting out wisdom and aid in equal measure. Soon, the sun began to sink below the horizon - time for night to begin.

As the solar princess prepared to withdraw, Tempo hesitantly stepped forward. "Will you find who took Cadance?" she asked softly. "And who made me?" Those loose ends still gnawed at her, but perhaps Celestia in all her ancient power could discern the truth.

Celestia gazed down at Tempo kindly. "In time, little one. For now, I think a proper room and bed is in order for our new princess..." She gestured to an attendant nearby who set about ushering the two fillies away.

Tempo glanced back even as she was led off, meeting Celestia's bright eyes. And in them she saw understanding, even compassion. But also something more calculating, something that whispered worries unvoiced.

Cadance tackled Tempo from behind, grabbing her up in a warm hug. "She already has a room! And a bed!"

Celestia inclined an ear at Cadance. "Does she now? Where is this?"

Cadance giggled as she hugged her new sister. "Sisters can share a room and a bed."

"They can..." Celestia sank down towards Tempo's level. "But only if that is what they wish, or all their parent can provide. As your caretaker, I could give you a separate room... Which would make you happier?"

"Her name's Tempo," spouted Cadance, rubbing against Tempo. "My sister, Tempo!"

"Tempo, hello." Celestia reached with both hooves. "Hello, Tempo. You are welcome here. Cadance has already taken you under her wing." That was a cue for Cadance to do that literally. "And I trust her judgment. If she accepts you, then I do as well. Neice, what room would you like?"

Tempo hummed with thought. On one hand, er, hoof, some space from Cadance would be... nice... On the other hoof, Cadance would be super sad if she just outright said she didn't want to be around Cadance... "Can we... share a room but have separate beds? I roll in my sleep."

"Then let it be done." Celestia rose to her tall height. "Get some sleep, both of you. The maids will bring the other bed shortly."

As Celestia withdrew, Cadance eagerly tugged Tempo along to her bright, cozy chambers. "We're gonna have the bestest slumber parties every night!" She bounced onto the fluffy bed, glancing back at her sister hopefully. "I know the maids will take a little bit to move a new bed in. Wanna snuggle up together for now?"

Tempo shuffled a hoof, warring emotions playing across her face. Truthfully, all she wanted to do was curl up alone somewhere quiet and try to make sense of this loud, chaotic new world she'd been plunged into.

But one look at Cadance's sweet, trusting face had her climbing up beside the filly. Cadance gave her life meaning amidst all the uncertainties around Tempo's origins. Was it really so much to endure a little closeness so that bright soul didn't lose her sparkle?

"Just until my bed gets here," Tempo murmured, nestling in hesitantly. Cadance rewarded her with a sunny grin, nuzzling up close before drifting off to sleep almost instantly.

Tempo gazed up at the dark ceiling, listening to her sister's gentle breaths. She looked to the door, suspecting it would burst open again at any moment. How did Cadance just... relax like that? How could she trust her bedroom when it was where she had been taken just hours before?

Tempo grunted to herself with annoyance. That was why she was there, right? She was the warrior to keep little Cadie safe. She was the Tempo to keep things flowing properly. "I won't let anypony grab you again..."

A knock came from the door and Tempo glared at it. Fortunately, it was a maid that came in, pulling a bed behind her. Another maid was behind it, pushing. Soon they wrestled it into position. They decorated it with a sheet, comforter, and pillows. Without a single word, they both bowed to Tempo and hurried from the room.

Tempo hopped down, peeking back at Cadance, yep, still sleeping peacefully. She hurried to the door. It had a lock. It wasn't locked. Tempo reached up and fiddled with her hooves until she got it locked properly. "Somepony has to protect you..." She fell to all fours with a releived sigh. "And... I get a bed." She circled around the new bed, looking it over. "It... isn't as fluffy at Cadance's..."

They had brought a twin bed for Tempo. Cadance was slumbering in the middle of a queen-sized bed.

Tempo huffed, tail lashing in annoyance. "Unfair..."

But there was one way past that... She blew out the lantern and hopped up next to Cadance. "One night..." She curled up with her new sister and soon both were safely dreaming.

Author's Note:

I got permission to do this early, so I did, so there. Tempo is adorable, fite me! 8/14

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