• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 498 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Dragon Ball: Icebound - Tundricwolf

A quartet of siblings, a saiyan, a dragon, a pegasus, and a unicorn, venture outside of their isolated kingdom to explore the rest of the world and embark on the biggest journey of their lives

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Ch 7: New Unknown Foe

High up in the air, a Pegasus mare flew. She raced like a rocket towards her destination, her goal having been accomplished.

After a good number of days had passed, the mare eventually touched down, the armor she wore clanking a bit. She trotted towards a set of doors and entered.

The mare, determination in her eyes, not stopping for anything, she eventually reached a set of double doors. Giving a nod to the two guards standing at the door, they opened it and allowed the mare to enter.

In the depths of the room, mere torches illuminating it, the Pegasus mare trots slowly up towards a throne. Sitting upon the throne, rests a stallion. A small grin etched onto his face as he watches the mare trot up towards him.

As the mare gets up to the throne, she gives a bow.

“Arise.” Called the stallion. His voice low and gruff yet with an underlying elegance to it.

“Of course your majesty.” Said the mare as she rose up from her bow.

“I assume you’ve investigated it?”

“I have.” The mare responded.

“What were you able to find?”

“A small group. They seem to be explorers of some kind.”

“Hmm. Were you able to get a good look at them?”

“Yes your majesty.”

“Tell me what you could see.”

The mare gave a slight nod.

“Their group seemed to consist of a Pegasus and Unicorn mare, a dragon, and some kind of creature.”

“Creature? Pray tell, what do you mean, “creature’?” Asked the stallion raising an eyebrow.

“It was bipedal your majesty. It appeared to be a male, it was furless aside from the tail it had. Both it and its mane were pure white.” Said the mare.

The stallion gave a scoff. He couldn’t believe exactly what he was hearing. Some bipedal creature was roaming around with a dragon and two ponies? It sounded utterly absurd to him.

“And you are not lying to me about this, are you, mare?” He said narrowing his eyes, releasing a low growl.

“N..no you’re majesty.” The mare said shuddering under the intense gaze of the stallion.

She hated that. The gaze the stallion would give. His eyes seemed to bore their way into her soul. And she wasn’t the only one. Nearly all of the ponies under the stallion were utterly terrified of the cold, terrifying gaze to stallion would give. Many of the stallions and mares in his guard would do everything they could to please him, just to avoid be subjected to such bone chilling eyes.

“Very well. Were you able to see if they were with her?” He asked, spitting out the word “her” with venom in his voice.

“I am unsure your majesty. They did not seem to have anything that indicated that they were with her.” The mare replied.

The stallion shut his eyes, mulling over to do and say next. After reaching a conclusion, he opened his eyes.

“I want you and your squadron to head back to them. Threat or not, I do not want them here. Once you’ve beaten them, drag them back here. I will deal with them after that.”

“Of course your Majesty.” Said the mare as she turned and trotted off to gather her squadron and make their way to the group.


After a few days, the quartet had been traveling their way through the snow and ice. They hadn’t seen much along their way but they were enjoying themselves.

“Is this all there is?” Asked glacier as he rifled through one of the bags they had.

The quartet had eventually stopped and decided to set up camp to relax. They had managed to start another fire and were planing to heat up some fish that Tundra had managed to catch in a frozen lake nearby. Though, Tundra hadn’t caught very many.

“There weren’t that many in there.” Tundra responded with a small huff.

“Oh well. At least we have some. We can make what we have left count.” Arctic said.

Over the few days they were advancing, their food supplies had begun to diminish more and more.

“Hopefully there’s some kind of town somewhere. We can get some new supplies and maybe we can meet some new ponies.” Winter said with excitement in her voice, giddy at the thought of meeting some new ponies.

“Same here!” Said Tundra. She too was growing a bit excited at meeting some new ponies, should they come across any.

“Yeah yeah.” Said Glacier. “I’m looking to meet any new dragons.” He said with a grin.

Arctic watched and listened before giving a small sigh. He knew he wasn’t from this world and he was fine with that. He ended up with a family that loved him more than anything and made some great friends in the Blizzard Kingdom. Even still, he gets a bit lonely. Knowing he’s the only of his kind can still get to him every now and then.

A good rested on Arctic’s shoulder and when he looked over he saw Winter.

“It’s getting to you again isn’t it?” She asked.


Winter wrapped her hooves and wings around Arctic, pulling him into an embrace.

“I’m sure it must be tough knowing the only of your kind here, but that doesn’t mean you’re alone.” Winter said giving a small smile.

The others joined in, hugging Arctic tight.

“You’ll always have us with you.” Glacier said ruffling the saiyans hair.

“He’s right. We’ll be by your side no matter what.” Tundra said giving him a smile.

Arctic still felt a bit upset, but knowing that his siblings always had his back made him smile.

“Thank you.” He said. “I’m lucky to have you three as my siblings.”

Soon the quartet were eating some fish and what little soup they had left, telling stories and reminiscing about events of their younger days. After a few hours, they were sitting by the fire ready to get some shuteye, when then, all of a sudden, they had begun to hear the faint sound of hooves striking the snow.

“What is that?” Asked Tundra.

“Sounds like, hooves?” Glacier asked as he tried to look to where the sound was coming from.

“Think there are ponies who are also exploring?” Asked Arctic.

“Could be,” replied Tundra, “though it sounds like, a march?” She asked.

As they listened, the sound did indeed sound like a group of ponies walking together in a march.

They waited and waited and soon they began to see ponies emerging from the horizon. As they watched on in curiosity, they soon began to become a little anxious. More and more ponies marched on and straight towards them.

“What’s going on?” Asked Glacier as he watched them approach.

Eventually the small squadron of ponies, all decked out in blacked armor and glowing green slits for their eyes, stopped before the siblings. After a moment of silence, a voice came. It was a little low, but the siblings could barely make out what was said.

“So this is them?” Asked the voice.

Another voice responded. This one feminine and a bit gruff.

“Yup. This is them.”

“A Dragon and two ponies, but what in Faust’s name is that creature?” Asked the first voice.

“I don’t know, but we need to take it in.” Replied the second voice.

One of the ponies stepped forward before speaking in a much louder tone.

“You four are to come with us right this second. If you refuse then we will take you by force.”


“Well?” Asked the mare.

“Why should we have to come with you?” Asked Arctic.

“So, you can speak creature.” Said the mare. Then she began examining them closely and muttered out, “they don’t hold anything that bares her cutie mark, so they can’t be with Celestia.”

Arctic was wincing a bit. He hadn’t expected to be called “creature”. It hurt him quite a bit. But that hurt shifted to confusion. Not just for him but for his siblings as well. They heard what the mare said and were confused. They had never heard of the name “Celestia” before.

Another voice called out.

“Well, if they aren’t with her, would should still bring them in. With Celestia or not, we can’t just leave them.”

“Right. Okay you four, like I said earlier. You will be coming with us.” Said the mare as she stepped forward.

The siblings stepped back, getting on guard.

“Well, looks like we’ll have to take you by force.” Said the mare, a crooked smile appearing on her muzzle beneath her helmet.

The solders of the squadron got themselves ready for a fight. The siblings taken aback and confused, got into stances of their own.

A stare down had started, both groups waiting to see who made the first move. Then, with a stomp, the siblings charged forward with the squadron doing the same.

This would be the first true battle the sibling ever had and they were not about to back down. They were going to put their training with Sunshine to the test and see how well they would fare against their foes.

And with the first punch thrown by Glacier and Arctic into a barrier set up by one of the Unicorns in the squadron, the battle had begun.

Author's Note:

Getting to the first of many battles in this story. I hope everyone enjoys the story so far. And once again, feel free to discuss or ask questions in the comments. I’d also appreciate any feedback back you all can give.

Don’t forget to checkout the designs I have for Arctic and Tundra. Let me know what you think and I’ll see you in the next chapter.

