• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 498 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Dragon Ball: Icebound - Tundricwolf

A quartet of siblings, a saiyan, a dragon, a pegasus, and a unicorn, venture outside of their isolated kingdom to explore the rest of the world and embark on the biggest journey of their lives

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Ch 11: Battle for the Crystal Empire pt.3

Twilight stared on as time seemed to slow to a crawl. She watched as some creature shot towards them, its arm outstretched as if ready to grab one of them. Before she could do anything, Rainbow reacted first. The pegasus had sprung into action and swinging around roundhouse kicked Arctic square in the face. The kick sent him flying away only to stop himself. But before he could start attacking again, he found himself surrounded. Twilight had collected her bearings and shock herself from her shock and encased Arctic in a dome to keep him trapped.

“Great job Dashie! That was incredible!” Shouted Pinkie.

The small pink earth pony was dancing on her hind hooves. Pompoms in her forehooves and party cannon firing confetti all over the place. Rainbow, much like the others, were wondering where Pinkie got them. She hadn’t brought them with her, but at this point, they just learned not to really question Pinkie.

“Thanks Pinkie. No way I’m gonna let some creature hurt my friends!” Rainbow said as she looked at Arctic with a glare and a snarl.

Twilight slowly walked up to closer examine him.

“What is it exactly?” Twilight asked.

“Ah don’t know Sugarcube. Maybe, Fluttershy would know, if she were here.” Applejack said as she too observed Arctic.

“And look at those rags darling. How unsightly.” Rarity said. She was afraid of Arctic. His teeth were bared so they could see his sharp canines plus he was covered in blood. And from the pony that flew by before he showed up was of any indication, he was fighting. But Rarity was more upset by the fact that his clothes were tattered and destroyed. And from what she could see, they seemed like they would’ve looked nice.

Arctic was still observing the dome he was in. His anger had subsided somewhat, but the memory of the bloody Morning Dee flashed into his mind. Making his anger rise once again. Then with a primal roar, Arctic’s ki erupted. Twilights dome had begun to crack before eventually shattering. Rainbow, having noticed the dome crack, raced forward. Once the dome had shattered she pulled a foreleg back, ready to punch Arctic in the face. Arctic, seeing this, managed to move away a bit as Rainbow threw her foreleg forward. Although, Rainbow did manage to scratch Arctic’s cheek. As she shot forward, before she could get far, Arctic’s tail flicked up and wrapped around Rainbow’s tail. Spinning around, he whipped his tail throwing Rainbow to the side. Then a blue glow emitted from beneath him. Looking down, he was blue dots on the ground. Looking for the source, he found the white unicorn. Rarity. But before he could try to stop her, glowing blue gem shards shot out of the dots. Arctic stuck his arms up to protect his face, as the shards cut up and slashed at his body.

Once it was over, he held multiple cuts and was bleeding from them all. Just then some pressed against his stomach. Looking up, he saw a cannon.

“Fire in the hole!” Pinkie shouted. She was on her hind hooves, dressed like a pirate and wielding a sword. Gummy resting on her shoulder.

The party cannon fired. Confetti and streamers flew everywhere as the force of the cannon blew Arctic backwards. Then a lasso wrapped around his arm. It was Applejack. The big mare had her lasso clutched tightly in her teeth. Then she began to spin around, swing Arctic around like a top. After another spin, a magical energy blast burst forth from Twilight’s horn, nailing Arctic square in the stomach. Shooting him backwards and into the ground.

The girls were breathing heavily, coming down from the adrenaline rush and begun to celebrate.

“That. Was. AWESOME! That thing didn’t stand a chance!” Rainbow blurted out.

“I must say, it was rather nice getting to flex my own muscles.” Rarity said with a small ladylike smile. She wasn’t much of a fighter, but she was very willing to throw down when the time called for it.

“Now let’s get to the emp-“

Before Twilight could finish, a burst of energy caught there eye. It was Arctic. He was standing up, his energy ablaze and staring them down.

“Just give up already!” Rainbow exclaimed as she shot towards him.

As she got close, Arctic made his ki flare and push Rainbow away. Then he flew towards the other. Applejack using her lasso tried to catch Arctic again. But he was ready this time. He caught the lasso and yanked it pulling Applejack to him. Then swinging around he slammed Applejack into Rarity. Before he could do something else, he felt the barrel of the cannon press into his back.

“Fire in the hole!” Pinkie shouted again.

Arctic remembering this, leaned forward and kicked the barrel, pointing it to Pinkie. And just like that, it fired, launching Pinkie back. Her tail caught on one of the jagged black crystals. Streamers and confetti covering her.

“Huh. So this is what being a piñata feels like.”

Rainbow Dash had flown towards Arctic ready to attack him. But Arctic, sensing her approach, jumped up and flew away. This surprised her as well as the others.

“He can fly?!” Rainbow asked in astonishment.

Shaking herself from her shock she flew after him. Twilight watched on in awe. She never expected to see him fly. But wanting to help stop him, Twilight started firing magic at him. Arctic managed to dodge them all and looking down at Twilight and Rainbow, he crafted an idea. Out of nowhere, Arctic shot down towards the ground with Rainbow still chasing him. Then he flew towards Twilight. Twilight not wanting to get caught by him started firing rapidly at him. Arctic blocked and deflected them all til he got closer. He shot up leaving Rainbow to get struck by Twilights blasts. But the speed and momentum from Rainbow carried her forward allowing her to slam into Twilight.

Arctic touched down and walked up to them sticking his hand out and charging ki. As he stared at the pegasus and unicorn. He tilted his head some.

“Are you, Twilight?”

Twilight looked on in shock at the creature.

“You can speak? You know my name?”

“I can and I do.” Arctic replied.

“And how do you know that. Are you a spy? Are you working with Sombra?!” Rainbow Dash shout as she got in Arctic’s face.

“You’re just as brash as she said you’d be.” Arctic said with a chuckle.

“She?” Twilight asked.


“What? You know Fluttershy? Where is she?” Twilight asked.

“Back at the Castle. She and other ponies are helping the wounded.”

“Well? Take us to here, will ya?” Rainbow asked. She was worried about Fluttershy and wanted to see her oldest friend again.

“Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie. Though Fluttershy probably told you about me. Nice to meet you! What are you? I’ve never seen anything like you before. What’s your favorite flavor of cake? No, I’ve cream. No, wait! What’s your favorite flavor of pie?”

Arctic was taken aback by the tiny pink mare who was currently on his shoulder. And her rapid fire questions were throwing him off. But still, he gave a small smile as his aura died out, his muscles shrunk to normal, and irises and pupils returned.

“I’ll answer those later, Miss Pie.” Arctic said with a small chuckle.

“Miss Pie? Just call me Pinkie, silly.” Pinkie said. “Come on girls. Introduce yourselves.”

“I’m Rainbow Dash. Fasted flyer in all of Equestria.” Rainbow said. Not wanting to miss the opportunity to brag about her speed.

“I’m Twilight Sparkle. It’s nice to meet you.” Twilight said giving a small smile.

Applejack and Rarity were hesitant. They both clearly saw that this creature could fight. Plus something about him kinda unnerved them. Cautiously, the two walked up to him but tried not to get too close.

“Names Applejack. Pleasure to meet yah.”

“And I’m Rarity. It is nice to meet you as well.”

Arctic could tell those two seemed more weary of him, but he assumed he knew why. He was an unknown to them. Some creature they had never seen or heard of. It was understandable but it still hurt a bit.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I’m Arctic Okami.” He said giving a small bow.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what are you?” Twilight asked. Getting a bit excited to learn more about him.

“I’ll tell you all about myself after this is over.” Arctic said as he rushed into the Empire.

The five mares watched him for a moment, glanced at each other, before rushing after him.


The rest of the quartet and the crystal ponies were all tired, beaten, and ready to collapse. They had managed to defeat a large chunk of Sombra’s soldiers, but a good number of them remained.

“This is bad. We won’t be able to last much longer at this rate.” Cadence said as she took deep breaths.

Glacier perked up once he sensed something.

“Arctic’s coming back. And there are five powers coming with him.”

“Guess we’re getting some extra help with this.” Tundra replied as she straightened her glasses.


High above on a long shard of blackened crystal, staring down at the Empire, Sombra watched on.

“Guess I underestimated these fools. They managed to take down a fairly massive chunk of my soldiers. Though it seems they won’t be able to last long.”

Then he saw something else out of the corner of his eye. Turning to see it completely he saw what it was.

“That creature is running back into the empire. Wait. Who is with him?”

He squinted his eyes and leaned in slightly for a better look, before stomping his hoof down in rage.

“The rest of the Element bearers. They must be here to fight and to find their little deer friend. Oh, that will not happen. I will not be bested by those miserable things a second time.”

Morphing into his shadow form, Sombra slithered down towards the empire, ready to put a stop to them.