• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 498 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Dragon Ball: Icebound - Tundricwolf

A quartet of siblings, a saiyan, a dragon, a pegasus, and a unicorn, venture outside of their isolated kingdom to explore the rest of the world and embark on the biggest journey of their lives

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Ch 2: Out and About

After enjoying an amazing breakfast, the family had begun to clean the kitchen. They enjoyed doing that every morning, spending some time together eating breakfast and chatting before heading out. As they cleaned they, had begun to hum a little tune together as they worked, after which they promptly erupted into joyful laughter. When they had finished, Snowflake had sat down with Sweeping on the couch and with a smile, she turned to her children.

“So you four, now that you’re awake, what are your plans for today?” She asked, awaiting their response.

The four looked to each other, unsure of how to answer. Other than school, the four of them would often go around the kingdom to hang out with friends or even help out with any business in their free time. They often enjoyed helping out their friend, Pascal Harvest, an Earth pony stallion, on his family’s farm. But today, honestly just felt like one of those days. They didn’t really want to do much today but still wanted to just get out and about.

“I don’t know Mom. Maybe we could help on the farm again?” Winter asked looking to the others, unsure of what they would think.

“We did that yesterday and they’re already ahead of schedule, so they might not need help.” Glacier replied, pondering what they could do.

“What about going to the training grounds?” Tundra asked looking to the others.

The kingdom had its own training grounds near Queen Snowblossom’s castle for the guards to use. However, while it is for the guards, civilians can use it to train in order to better their magic based attacks or defense or build muscle in strength training if they like. The quartet use it fairly regularly. They practice magic or work on upping their strength. While they are good with magic, they’ve grown very well in using Ice Magic because of this. Elemental Magic is a very common thing in the Blizzard Kingdom. Anypony, who wants to, can learn to use Elemental Magic. This magic allows the user to control different elements, such as: water, fire, wind and the like. The most common Elemental Magic used is Ice Magic. They can use it for a variety of everyday things. But many use it in training to better their battling skills. The quartet are such beings who use the training grounds for that reason.

“I don’t feel like training today. Wanna just see what’s going on throughout the kingdom?” Arctic said as he looked to his siblings.

It felt odd for him to decline training. Being a Saiyan, he loves training and battling it out with his siblings, but today he just didn’t feel up for it.

“I don’t mind that.” Glacier said with a small smile.

“Neither do I!” Winter blurted out, her bubbly nature really shining through.

Tundra let out a groan, rolling her eyes with a smirk. She believes her sister is to old for such a bubbly and bouncy personality, but even still, she loved her sister.

“I’d like that. It’s been a while since we just roamed around and watched what all was going down.” Tundra said adjusting her glasses a bit.

“Sounds like fun. Well, we should get ready for work huh dear?” Sweeping said looking from his children to his wife.

“That’s right. Don’t wanna be late again do you?” Snowflake said with a rye cheeky grin.

“Oohhh nooo. Not again.” Sweeping shuddered slightly remembering the last time he was late to work.

Sweeping Gale worked for a postal service. He was one of the various mail ponies. On the day he was late, the night before, he was tired after a long day. But as he was walking home with his friends from work, one of them suggested to going to the local bar for a drink. Sweeping had declined but reluctantly agreed and went in saying, “Okay but only one drink.”. He returned home late at night, drunk, after having downed multiple drinks. Because of this he overslept and when he woke up he was almost two hours late. He hurriedly got out of bed, got himself, somewhat presentable, and darted to work. When he arrived he found one of his coworkers heaving heavily and once they saw Sweeping, they chewed him out. They had to take over Sweeping’s route last minute and after rushing through Sweeping’s route so they can get to their on time, they were left exhausted and unfortunately unable to get to their rout on time. After that thorough chewing out and having to work late to make up for being late, Sweeping no longer made such a mistake again.

“I better get going.” Sweeping hopped off the couch and kissed Snowflake. Then, after kissing the quartet on their cheeks, much to their embarrassment he got himself ready to leave. “See you all tonight!” He said leaving the house.

“Guess I should get going too.” Snowflake said as she got up from the couch.

Snowflake Winds, work at the local boutique. She helps sell different outfits to the many residents of the kingdom and has done so for years.

“Don’t want to be late.” With a stretch and ready to start another day of work she hugged and kissed her children before trotting out of the house.

The quartet, after getting themselves ready and dressed for the cold weather, they headed out ready to roam the kingdom.

The Blizzard Kingdom was a massive one amongst the mountains. At the tallest mountain, in the center of them all, stood the Blizzard Castle, home of Queen Snowblossom. From there, going down, many homes stood. Houses of various shapes and size stood, housing the many different residents of the kingdom. Dragons, Deerfolk, Ponies, Griffons, and while there were very few of them, even Kirins lived there among many other races.

Further down, was the shopping district, where the many shops and stalls stood where the many creatures of the kingdom worked or purchased various different things. The schools stood not far from there and after school many of the students would often roam around here just unwinding after a day of school.

The quartet, who had walked down from their home not really seeing much along the arrived at one the various entrances to the shopping district. Upon arrival they could see that it was already very busy. They could see many creature young and old roam about the district.

“This place is as busy as ever.” Glacier said as he looked around in astonishment.

“This district is always busy. Especially in the morning.” Replied Tundra as she also looked around, quite surprised as well at the fact that the district was full of hustle and bustle this early in the morning.

“Let’s get to looking around.” Winter said as she started excitedly spread her wings and took off. Leaving the others to chuckle at their sister’s antics and chased after her.

As the went through the district they got to see many things.

They saw some ponies buying and selling produce, some ponies at the street food stalls getting something to eat either on their way to work or just relaxing and enjoying being out and about.

As they rounded a corner, they stopped. They all grew a bit agitated. Already. Already their day dampened a bit knowing what was going to happen next.

It was Arctic’s bullies. Three ponies, two stallions and a mare and a griffon male. They were a year or two older than Glacier and Arctic and were all huge pains. Especially to Arctic.

“Well, well, well. If ain’t the magicless alien monkey.” Said the griffon, who was the leader of this ragtag group of jerks.

“What do you want Gunter?” Said Arctic in an annoyed tone.

“Just wanted to see how our favorite alien was doing.” Gunter replied with a grin.

“Will you just leave us be, you jerky ragamuffin.” Winter said with a scowl.

“Couldn’t come up with a better insult huh, birdbrain?” Said one of the pony stallions said as he went up patted Winter’s head with his hoof.

Glacier saw this and smacked the hoof away.

“Don’t touch my sister again.” He said, his tone frowning more agitated.

“Or what?” Said the stallion as he hit Winter’s head a bit harder, winter letting out a pained groan afterwards.

Glacier then punched the stallion sending him stumbling backwards. This resulted in one of the other ponies jumping in to attack Glacier only to be stopped by Arctic. Gunter jumped in and punched Arctic, and soon, all of them were brawling. Punches and kicks were thrown all over, yelps and grunts echoed around, as the group fought. An older doe had caught sight of them and called out.

“What do you all think you’re doing?”

Almost immediately, the fighting had stopped. They all looked to each other before quickly farting away in different directions.

“This isn’t over!” Cried Gunter as he ran off.

After having gone a good distance the quartet had stopped for a breather.

“T..that was…something.” Heaved Tundra, taking deep heavy breaths.

“I can’t…stand them.” Glacier replied breathing just as heavily.

After a few minutes, the group finally caught their breaths before speaking again.

“Why do Gunter and his goons always have to pick on us?” Winter said stamping a hoof, clearly still agitated.

“Because of me. They know I’m not from here. I am an alien.” Arctic said looking to Winter, an apologetic look on his face. He doesn’t want them picked on because of him.

“Don’t blame yourself Arc.” Tundra said. “You may be an alien, but that doesn’t matter to us. You’re our brother and we love you no matter what.”

“She’s right.” Glacier said, piggybacking off of her. “We’ll always love you, alien or not.”

“And don’t mind his “magicless” comment. You’re better at magic then he is. He could only dream of being at your level.” Winter said, hovering up to Arctic and wrapping a foreleg around him.

They all chuckled and soon broke out into full on laughter. After a bit, they calmed down and started thinking.

“Wanna go to the Lower District?” Arctic asked.

“Sure!” The others said in unison.

The Lower District. This district is an underground district. On different sides of the Shopping District, the are entrances to the Lower District, or The Underground Town, as some call it. In this district there are other shops and stalls, but their are also, restaurants and even some farmlands and other homes. The Lower District is big, just as big as the Upper Level, or the Main Level. This District is a rather nice one. Full of life and friendly faces. Since the sun doesn’t shine down there it is full of lanterns.

Further from the Lower district’s Shops and restaurants, are the farmlands. The May farms here grow many different things. With special magic poured into the soil by Queen Snowblossom, the crops of the farmlands are able to grow.

After walking down through one of the entrances, the quartet were once again taken aback.

“Even the Lower District is busy already.” Arctic said.

“As usual.” Said Tundra.

“Come on guys! Let’s explore!” Winter said as she quickly flew down to many stalls and shops of the Lower District.

Again, chuckling at the antics of their sister, they chased after her, ready and waiting, wondering what they’ll see happening today in Lower District.