• Published 20th Nov 2023
  • 498 Views, 24 Comments

My Little Dragon Ball: Icebound - Tundricwolf

A quartet of siblings, a saiyan, a dragon, a pegasus, and a unicorn, venture outside of their isolated kingdom to explore the rest of the world and embark on the biggest journey of their lives

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Ch 11: Battle for the Crystal Empire pt.4

Glacier looks to see Arctic running up with five mares running alongside him.

“Hey. Who are they?” Glacier asks.

“Remember the stories Fluttershy told us about her and her friends? These mares are them.” Arctic said with a small smile.

Glacier looked to the four mares really taking in their appearances.

Applejack was a fairly tall and well built mare. Her muscles were pronounced and the scars adorning her body show that she’s tough and has been through her fair share of ordeals.

Next, Glacier’s eyes went to rarity. The unicorn mare was a looker, Glacier thought. Though, he did wonder if she was a fighter. She didn’t look the type, but looks could be deceiving.

Next, he looked to Pinkie Pie. The pink earth pony mare was small. Just barely bigger than a filly. He also kinda marveled at how the tiny mare seemed to have such boundless energy as she kept bouncing around taking everything around her in.

Then, he looked to Rainbow Dash. To Glacier, this Pegasus mare was a total tomboy. Add on the fact her front legs were bandaged up and the multiple scars, it showed that she was tough and may very well be a decent fighter.

Lastly, Glacier turned his eyes to Twilight Sparkle. Glacier chuckled a bit. Twilight reminded him of Tundra. He got the feeling that those two would get along well.

In the blink of an eye, Pinkie Pie had vanished and appeared right on Glacier’s shoulder. Glacier, having been scared out of his mind, jumped at the suddenness of it. But he was even more unprepared for what Pinkie was about to do next.

“Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie, though you’ve probably heard of me from Fluttershy! I am after all the world’s best party pony! But, what are you? You look like a dragon. Are you a dragon? You do remind me of Spike, but you’re much bigger. You should come meet him someday. You could also come to Sugarcube Corner, where I work and stay! What’s your favorite flavor of cake? No, let me guess! Chocolate! Is it chocolate? Or is it another flavor? Is it a flavor I’ve never even heard of?!”

“Uh, Pinkie Pie? I think you’re overwhelming the poor fella.” Applejack said with a small smile.

Glacier, was indeed, a bit overwhelmed. He wasn’t expecting to be bombard like that. Arctic walked up and laid a hand on Glacier’s other shoulder.

“I get the feeling. She did it to me too.”

“Glad to know I’m not the only one. Anyway, you five are here for Fluttershy?” Glacier asked.

“Why of course, Darling. We simply must get Fluttershy out of this dreadful place. And end this horrible war.” Rarity stated as she looked around clearly upset to see the Empire in such a state.

“Well, we managed to take out the strongest of the ponies in Sombra’s little squadron. The crystal ponies say they can handle the rest, but I’d like to be back soon. I don’t think they’ll hold out long.” Tundra said as she walked up. Her horn aglow as she adjusted her glasses.

“Let’s go.” Said Glacier as he lead Arctic, Tundra, and the five mares down to the dungeon where Fluttershy and the other’s were.

Upon arrival, they all took in the sight. The dungeons had been turned into a makeshift hospital. Multiple ponies were lying around. Bandaged up or having there wounds tended too. After hearing the sound of somepony approaching, Fluttershy turned around. And when she saw her friends she ran to them in an instant.



In a matter of seconds the six mares had all ended up in a pile. Hugging each other tightly as if the moment they let go of each other one of them would be taken away.

“I’m so glad to see you’re all okay.” Fluttershy said tears streaming down her face.

“Forget us, what about you?” Twilight asked, “You look horrible.”

“Haven’t they been feedin’ yah, Sugarcube? Yah look so thin.” Applejack said as she examined her friend.

“Not to mention your coat and mane? You look like you haven’t had a proper wash in ages.” Rarity said distraught to see her friends coat and mane coated in dirt.

“That’s because she hasn’t. None of us have.”

The six mares looked over to Cadence. Twilight left the group hug and charged to Cadence giving her a hug.


“Hello Twilight!”

After there hug they began to do their dance.

“Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybugs Awake. Clap your hooves, and do a little shake.”

The girls just smiled watching it all. Twilight had been in a dismal mood, so seeing her like this really brightened their day. Arctic, Tundra, and Glacier smiled as well, but they smiled even wider when they saw Winter. She was laying still, awake, and watching Twilight and the Princess. But she grinned when she saw her siblings.

“Well, look who decided to come visit.” Winter said in a cheeky little tone.

The three rushed her and hugged her. But made sure not to hug her too tight. They didn’t want to hurt her.

“Like we’d leave our sister all alone and hugless.” Arctic said with a slight chuckle.

“Wait, you four are siblings?” Rainbow Dash asked. “But, how?

“Well,” Tundra said, “Winter and I are sisters by blood. Arctic and Glacier were adopted by mom and dad.”

“I must ask, are you really a dragon? You look unlike any dragon I’ve seen.” Rarity said. The only dragon she had seen and knew was Spike, so it was a bit nice to see another dragon.

“I’m am. Though, I’m an Ice Dragon.” Glacier replied.

Twilight’s ears perked up at that.

“You’re an Ice Dragon?” Twilight asked.

“Yup” Glacier said with a nod.

“What the hay is an Ice Dragon?” Rainbow asked.

“An Ice Dragon is a subspecies a dragon that resides in snow regions. While like regular dragon’s they can breath fire, but they also have to ability to control ice. There hasn’t been an Ice Dragon seen equestria for years. Princess Celestia has only ever seen two. And I’m getting the chance to meet one myself!” Twilight said with a giddy smile as she did a little jig.

“And, what exactly are you? I ain’t never seen anything like you before.” Applejack said, eyeing Arctic. While she was still weary of him, she was slowly beginning to think he wasn’t all bad. He did seem like a good fella.

“I’m a Saiyan.” Arctic said.

“A Saiyan? Now, what on Equus is a Saiyan, Darling?” Rarity asked, an eye brow raised.

“I suppose, you could say I’m an alien. After all, I’m not even from Equus.”

The five mares sat in silence. Completely still. Until Twilight spoke up.

“An alien? A real life alien? I’m talking to a real life alien?!” Twilight began to hyperventilate. The fact she was talking to an alien rocked her to the core. So much new things to learn about a new species. She was truly getting excited.

“An alien?” Rainbow asked. “That…is…so…COOL!”

Arctic nodded. “I can tell you more after all this is dealt with.”

“Please do!” Twilight wheezed out. He mind racing with a many questions she wanted to ask him.

“Twilight, don’t faint on us.” Cadence said with a chuckle.

After a moment, Twilight managed to steady herself before speaking up.

“Right. Now that we’re back with Fluttershy, we can end this once and for all.” Twilight said as her horn began to glow.

Six orbs of light materialized other the mane six. And after the glow died down, it revealed the elements of harmony. The five necklaces slipped onto their respective bearers necks, a crown gently landing on Twilight’s head.

“Those at the Elements of Harmony, right? Winter asked. “Princes Cadence told us about them.”

“Right yah are Sugarcube.” Applejack said with a smile.

“Equestria’s greatest weapon, and the key to the end of this war.”

“What about the Crystal Empire?” Will they be able to fix the damage done here?” Arctic asked.

“Well, they’ll defeat Sombra, but the Crystal heart will be able to fix the damaged and properly heal us all.” Cadence said.

“Where is the Crystal Heart?” Tundra Asked. “If we want the Empire to be restored then we’ll need it.”

“King Sombra most likely hide it somewhere.” Cadence said. “I can try to look for it. But who knows how long it’ll take to find it.”

Just then, three ponies, still bandaged up, walked up to Cadence.

“Princess, we’d like to help you.”

“You three want to help? I appreciate it, but I can’t have three injured ponies help me. What if you get hurt even more?” Cadence asked them.

The three ponies stood, resolute in their desire to help their princess.

“If we get hurt, that’s a price we’re willing to pay if it means helping get our home back and ending this terrible war.”

Cadence looked at the three and smiled.

“Very well. We’ll go look for the Crystal Heart. You six try to beat Sombra.”

The six mares nodded.

“Of course Princess!”

With that, Cadence and the three ponies ran out of the dungeon and went to search for the Crystal Heart. As the mane six began to head out, they were stopped.

“We’re going with you.” Said Glacier.

“You are?” Asked Twilight.

“Of course. We wanna help you win this war and see it through to the end.” Tundra said.

“I’m going too.” Winter said as she got up on shakes hooves.

“You’re injured Winter. We don’t want to see you get hurt even more.” Arctic said. “I don’t want to see anyone get hurt again.” His eyes briefly flashing yellow as he thought back to seeing Morning Dew’s injured body.

“Look, I’m not gonna sit here and let you three fight alone. We’re family. Family sticks together.

The three contemplated it but reluctantly agreed.

“Okay, but don’t push yourself.” Said Glacier.

With a nod, the Quartet followed after the mane six. As they got outside, they stopped dead in their tracks.

It was Sombra.

“Well, hello, Element Bearers.” He cracked a smile. His sharped teeth glinting slightly in the light as his horn began to glow. Black jagged crystals emerging from the ground.

“Let’s finish this, once and for all.”

Author's Note:

Hope everyone’s having a good day today. Finally done with the designs of the Quartet. I might remake them in the future, but here they are


Let me know what you think and have a good rest of your day