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Season 2: Episode 17 - The Great Hamster Rescue (A Dog & Pony Show AU)

Author's Note:

Not going to lie, forgot I was going to cover "A dog and Pony Show" in Season 2 rather then Season 1. Welp, time to get that scored away, because it's Monday, which means Hamtaro is here to make it a day to look forward to instead of dread.

(Notice: Friday is going to see three episodes being uploaded instead of just two. Because otherwise, there would be a massive cliffhanger in one of those two episodes. Considering that would be in the middle of the Season 2 Finale, you can understand why I wouldn't want the cliffhanger.)

Spike & Rarity were up in the mountains gathering some gems for Rarity to use for her next batch of dresses.

"Thanks for agreeing to accompany me and helping me find some more gems." Rarity said.

"Well, Twilight's actually on a date with Flash Sentry back in town, which would've left me with nothing else to do today otherwise." Spike said.

"I'm very surprised Twilight is on a date right now. But then again, I am sort of jealous that she only has one suitor after her hoof." Rarity said.

"Why are you jealous?" Spike asked.

"Well, after some talking with Blueblood, he's actually shown interest in me. But, then you know all too well about Fancy Pants's interest in me as well. Two different suitors are after me, making my choice very prominent." Rarity said.

"Wow. Sounds like you're in the middle of a love triangle then." Spike said.

"Exactly; and it's going to be hard for me to choose just one." Rarity said.

That was when the duo were surprised when a gang of strange dog-like creatures appeared. "Wh-what are these things?!" Spike exclaimed.

"Diamond Dogs!" Rarity said.

Spike somehow managed to get away in the ensuing chaos, so he rushed to Ponyville where he encountered the ham-hams.

"Oh hey Spike; where's Rarity? I thought you were with her." Hamtaro said.

"Wh-what are you doing...oh never mind!" Spike said. "R-rarity has been captured by these strange creatures called Diamond Dogs. I could really use some help rescuing her. More so for Sweetie Belle's sake."

"Well, you've certainly come to the right place. Ham-hams, it's time to Ham-Unite!" Hamtaro said.

Through an assortment of tracking the Diamond Dogs through the use of the hoofprints they left behind, and then the ham-hams using a serious of traps & tricks to protect Spike as he taunted the Diamond Dogs.

Eventually, the Diamond Dogs decided they had enough of this. "W-we surrender. We have no idea how you're doing that stuff, but please...no more...no more we give." Their leader said.

That's when the Ham-Hams actually showed themselves. "Chalk another one up for the Ham-Hams!" Hamtaro said.

"H-Hamsters?!" A diamond dog exclaimed.

"A lot of hamsters. Talking hamsters." A second diamond dog said.

"But...that means we got outsmarted by these hamsters..." A third diamond dog said.

"I'd certainly say so." A male voice suddenly said.

That voice caught every creature off guard and caused them to notice the black hamster behind the Diamond Dogs. This hamster certainly made a statement. Not only were they slightly taller then most hamsters, and made Oxnard look thin on top of that, but between the various skeletal aspects of the costume he wore, he gave off this sense of "don't mess with me". There was a necklace of three skulls on his neck that he wore; he also wore bracelets with a single skull each on each paw even his lower paws; on his head was a wreath made out of skulls; he even wore a skull mask made for a hamster over his face; and he wore a tethered cape which had skulls designed all over it. What's more, Rarity was now out of the cage next to him.

"I-I still have to wonder, just who you are." Rarity said.

"My name is Shadow Skull." The strange hamster said. "Now, you diamond dogs really shouldn't have tried to enslave a pony like that. Honestly, you deserved to be tricked like that."

"P-please, h-have mercy..." The Diamond Dog Leader said.

"Hmph. You're lucky that I will. I think being embarrassed by a bunch of hamsters will be punishment enough for the likes of you. But don't you dare step out of line again." Shadow Skull said.

"Wh-whatever you say. W-we'll be good..." The Diamond Dog Leader said.

"Good. Because I'd hate for you to go back on your word." Shadow Skull said.

"Hey thanks, Mr. Shadow Skull." Hamtaro said.

"Hmph." Shadow Skull then just left; not even bothering to stick around.

"...Who WAS that hamster?" Spike asked.

"Don't know; never saw him before." Hamtaro said.

"Well he can't be a bad hamster can he? I mean, he just helped Rarity get out of the cage." Spike said.

"Wonder what's the deal with all the skull motif though..." Bijou said.

"You do realize, we are also friends with a hamster who sleeps all day and periodically says something really meaningful, right?" Hamtaro said.

"...That's a fair point." Bijou said.

Meanwhile, Shadow Skull was outside of the cave, on top of the mountain. "...Spat, how dare you?" He asked. "Did you really just absorb the power of the Windigos? Why? What purpose did you accomplish with that? You don't even know what will happen to you once they get their way." The Black hamster then looked off into the horizons. "I must find a way to save you...and then tell you how disappointed I've become of you...my son..." Shadow Skull said before he then vanished, though as he vanished, one could see a pillar of magic that had a skull pattern on it appear and then disappear.

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