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Season 1: Episode 14 - Stare Master & Show Stoppers

It had seemed like it would be a normal sleep over at Rarity's place with the entire CMC. However, Sweetie Belle made the entire CMC capes with Rarity's special golden silk which did end up with Fluttershy taking over sleepover duties.

This annoyed Sparkle a little bit, though she did like the small cape Sweetie Belle gave her. Regardless, during the night, one of Fluttershy's chickens got loose. So Sparkle got dragged along for the ride hoping to find it before something bad happened to it. That lead to an encounter with a Cockatrice who turned Fluttershy's chicken and Twilight to stone. However, the normally timid Pegasus then began doing some kind of intense stare method on the Cockatrice which made it reverse all it's powers.

So, the following morning, Fluttershy told Twilight all about the event. Plus, the CMC really started to respect Fluttershy, even Sparkle did. "You know Fluttershy, exactly what kind of stare method was that? I could almost feel like there was something more behind it then just you staring intensely at the Cockatrice." Sparkle brought up.

"Oh. I don't know anything about that. You did catch how Rarity mentioned 'that' didn't you?" Fluttershy asked.

"Something like that." Sparkle said.

"Well, the 'that' she was mentioning was The Stare. That's what you and the girls witnessed last night." Fluttershy said.

"...The Stare? Huh...I guess I shouldn't argue with the master on that." Sparkle said, smiling.

A bit later, Applejack had shown the CMC her old clubhouse which took the CMC the rest of the day and some of the next morning to get made into a proper clubhouse. "Phew...that was a lot of work." Sparkle said.

"Well, now that we have a clubhouse, let's start trying to think up ideas for cutie marks." Scootaloo said.

"I may already have something that could be great for that. And it's happening tonight." Sparkle said, before showing off the talent show competition that was happening tonight.

"Isn't a show kind of more your thing? You were an actress." Apple Bloom said.

"Maybe so, but one of you might get a cutie mark in being a stagehand. You just leave the talent to me, okay?" Sparkle asked, adding a wink.

"Just so long as you don't turn this into some kind of play." Sweetie Belle said.

"Ye of little faith. I've got one kind of idea in mind for something that won't turn into a huge play." Sparkle said. "After all...it's a homage to my first ever movie appearance. It wasn't much though."

And yet, something went wrong with Sparkle's little performance, leading the CMC to winning the comedy trophy that night.

"...I guess that proves it then..." Sparkle said. "I've lost my actress edge."

"You going to be alright Sparkle?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I'll be fine. I was just too hopeful. Still, doing one last play to send off my actress career for good, that was something I'll treasure for the rest of my life." Sparkle said. "Thank you, for letting me do this one last time you girls."

"It was nothing Sparkle." Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, it was great to try at least." Scootaloo said.

"Ah think we all had fun." Apple Bloom said.

Sparkle smiled. "Thank you, girls. I'm glad to have such good friends like you. And that makes me a winner enough tonight in my book."

"That is so corny, but it's a very good sentiment." Scootaloo said.

Twilight couldn't help but smile. She had the perfect friendship lesson to write to Princess Celestia today.

Dear Princess Celestia

Today I had learned that sometimes things may not always work out the way you intend for them to do so.

But when those times come, and you feel like you've hit rock bottom, your friends will be there to lift your spirits back up.

Something that Sparkle had experienced firsthand when her final acting show went completely off the rails and ended up becoming a disaster.

And yet, even as Sparkle has come to the realization that acting just isn't her thing anymore, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were there to pick up the pieces and help her realize that she now has three good friends to help her find her new calling.

Your student, Twilight Sparkle.

Author's Note:

Since there wasn't a lot of changes I could think to do to "Stare Master", I decided to combine it with "The Show Stoppers" which while I did make one change to it, ends up becoming just as much of a disaster like it does in cannon. Just imagine Sparkle being the one on stage when the entire set falls to pieces. That is literally the only change.

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