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Short Episode 1: The Next Day...

Diamond Tiara was doing her weekend tasks starting with her piano lessons.

Or, at least she would be at this time. The instructor was late. That's when a strange pony suddenly knocked on the door.

"Oh, your not who I expected to find at my door. I was expecting Diamond Tiara's piano teacher here and late." Spoiled Rich said.

"She won't be coming this weekend I'm afraid. She has come down with a rather nasty cold I'm afraid and won't be available for the next few days. Doctor's orders. I mean, unless you want your daughter to get sick." The pony at the door said.

"Oh. I guess that would be a huge concern then. But why did you come all this way from the hospital to tell me this?" Filthy Rich asked.

"I didn't. Name's Johnson; Slade Johnson. I deal in information. It's my trade. And I think it'd be wise for your daughter to learn a thing or two about information gathering from me. I'm basically an expert. After all, if you have information, money comes easy." The pony said.

"...That...is rather interesting. So, how did you know about Octavia's Cold?" Spoiled Rich asked.

"Mrs. Spoiled Rich, it's my literal job to know who is doing what and where at all times." Slade said.

Spoiled Rich was surprised. She hadn't introduced herself at all, but this one pony had read her he was a family friend. "Do...feel free to come in and...teach my daughter your ways." Spoiled Rich said. "Whatever payment you want, I'll pay."

"Nah. You won't be paying me anything Mrs. Rich. At least, you won't be for my lessons. See, information like what I gather is rather easy to come by. It's how you use it that ranks in the big bucks." Slade said. He went up to Diamond Tiara. "But for now, do head into a different room. My lessons are better done one on one."

"I understand. I guess if it's free, I don't really mind." Spoiled Rich said before leaving the room.

"Wh-who are you?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Someone who knows of a way that can get you want you want. Or rather, a way to make it so you can become a hamster." Slade said.

"Y-you do?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"In exchange, I just need you to do something for me first." Slade Johnson said. Then, he took on a serious look. "I want you to break up Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle's friendships. Do that, and I'll tell you everything you need to know."

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