> Hamtaro x MLP:FiM - Little Hamsters, Pony Adventures > by RobtheMorpherPony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: Pilot Episode - Little Hamsters, New Adventures! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a bright day out in a city in Japan. And we join a hamster known as Hamtaro watching his owner, Laura, leave. But she wouldn't be the only leaving the house. As soon as Larua left, Hamtaro scurried away, leaving his house via a drain pipe. "Oh hey Brandy." Hamtaro greated the family's other pet, a dog named Brandy. "Boss has something special to show all the Ham-Hams today. So I got to go." Hamtaro said before he left. Hamtaro came to the meet-up spot for all the Ham-Hams. There was Boss, Bijou, Cappy, Dexter, Howdy, Maxwell, Oxnard, Panda, Pashmina, Penelope, Pepper, Sandy, and of course Stan all there waiting for Hamtaro. "Sorry if I'm a bit late guys." Hamtaro said. "Don't be too hard on yourself. Your actually on time today." Boss said. "So, what's the big secret Boss?" Bijou asked. I wonder if Boss is going to do something to impress Bijou? Again? Hamtaro thought to himself. "This has to be something really special if you want us all here." Maxwell said. "It is. And it's just in this bush here." Boss said. "WAIT FOR ME!" A female voice said. "...I recongize THAT voice." Hamtaro said. Sure enough, it was who he feared: Sparkle, the hamster from Hollywood USA. "Sparkle? How did you know to come here of all places?" Bijou asked. "Did you really think a big star like mwah was going to miss something like this? And wouldn't have been secretly spying on you yesterday?" Sparkle asked. "You should really think about installing security or something at that clubhouse; it was WAY too easy to sneak in." She added. "I'll keep that in mind. For now, behold!" Boss said, before revealing a strange swirling thing in the bushes. "Whoa. What is this?" Hamtaro asked. "Don't ask me. I have no idea what it is." Boss said. "But doesn't it look all mysterious and...what's the other word?" He asked. "I think the other world your looking for is Futuristic. Though, this looks more like something out of science fiction to me." Maxwell said. "And why do you supposed that, Maxwell?" Sandy asked. "Well, I've read a lot of books as you know. And one genre of books is the Science Fiction genre. This seems to be taken straight out of those books." Maxwell said. Suddenly, the portal started growing larger. "...Did any of those books say anything about swirly things growing in size?!" Sparkle exclaimed. "No. No they did not." Maxwell said, panicking. A strange gravitational sucked all the hamsters into the swirling vortex, which then closed up behind them. The Ham-Hams were spat out of the portal in some strange town at night. "Ugh...I don't feel too good." Sparkle said. "You're not the only one." Dexter said. "Is everything not feeling too good right now?" Boss asked. "I am also not feeling too good also." Hamtaro said. "So we're all not feeling too good after that experience?" Maxwell asked. Every ham else sort of responded with a "yes" in a way. "...Huh. What are the odds?" The booksmart hamster asked. Suddenly, the moon shifted away and was replaced with daylight. "Wait, how did it become morning so fast?" Hamtaro asked. "I don't think we're in Japan anymore." Sparkle said. "As much as I hate to agree with Sparkle, she may be right." Bijou said. Suddenly some horse creatres came up to them. "Oh my gosh! They are so cute!" A yellow one with wings said. "Wait, there are PEGASI here?" Maxwell asked. "...WAIT THEY TALK?!" A purple one with a horn said. "Unicorns too? Huh...what are the odds?" Maxwell asked. "I'm starting to think we may not even been on EARTH anymore." Hamtaro said. "Okay, who are you guys?" A cyan pegasus said. "Well I'm Hamtaro. These are my friends, Boss, Bijou, Cappy, Dexter, Howdy, Maxwell, Oxnard, Panda, Pashmina, Penelope, Pepper, Sandy, Stan, and Sparkle." Hamtaro said. "You could just call us the Ham-Hams." "Err...well, I'm Twilight Sparkle." The purple unicorn said. "Applejack." A normal horse creature wearing a farmer's hat said. "Rainbow Dash." The cyan pegasus said. "Rarity." A white unicron said. "Fluttershy." The yellow pegasus said. "There's only five of you?" Boss asked. "SQUEE! HOW CUTE!" A Pinke normal horse creature suddenly was cuddling the Ham-Hams. "...And that is Pinkie Pie." Twilight said. "PINKIE! Now's not the time to be hugging talking hamsters." Rainbow Dash said. "Wait, you can...understand us?" Maxwell asked, flabbergasted at this. "Can hear you just like I can hear the wind, buster." Rainbow Dash said. "You actually technically cannot hear the wind, see--" Maxwell said. "Yeah no, we already have one egghead; thank you." Rainbow Dash said. "Now that was rude." Maxwell said. "That hamster is right for saying that. Shame on you, Rainbow." Fluttershy said. That's when a much taller looking white horse creature with both wings and a horn approuched the ham-hams. "A-an Alicorn?!" Maxwell suddenly fainted. "I have a feeling you did not come here by accident, Ham-Hams." The alicorn said. "We kind of got sucked into this swirly thing that just grew out of nowhere. No idea what it was, but it seems to have vanished behind us." Hamtaro said. "...I see. Then you are not from our world at all." The alicorn said. "Princess Celestia, what are you saying?" Twilight asked. "These Ham-Hams are from a completely different world. And I bet they will need some help fitting in around here." Princess Celestia said. "Well we don't want to be an inconvenience. We would like some help getting back home though." Hamtaro said. "...I'm afraid...that's beyond even me." Princess Celestia said. "Back up, the PRINCESS of Equestria admitting that something is beyond her? What reality is this?" Rainbow Dash said. "Rainbow Dash, show some restraint!" Twilight said. "Rainbow Dash's reaction is not unfounded. I'm afraid, some force that rivals true gods has brought these Hamsters here. For what reason, I'm not sure. I only know this: They won't be going back. Ever." Princess Celestia said. "...Wait...your saying that...that we are..." Hamtaro stuttered. "Yes. You are stuck here." Princess Celestia said. "...Oh boy. Laura's going to panic..." Hamtaro said. "How on earth are you taking this so well?" Sparkle asked. "Hey, we're all here at least. That's better then us getting flung to all sorts of places randomly if you ask me." Hamtaro said. How can one hamster be so headstrong?! Twilight exclaimed. Presenting a fanfic that was just waiting to be made... A crossover between Hamtaro and MLP:FiM. Only on Fimfiction... And produced by Rob Snowden... My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic X Hamtaro; Little Hamsters, Big Adventures! > Season 1: Episode 1 - Of Tickets & Hamsters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight had taught the Ham-hams the basics of the world the hamsters found themselves in. The hamsters were in a land known as Equestria, and there is much magic in this world. Twilight was easily demonstrating this by levitating a book. Maxwell opened his mouth to try and argue, but Sandy stopped him. "Maxwell, we should've already realized this, but this world follows much different physics then what we're used to. If the fact that these Ponies can understand us." Sandy said. "Don't forget Twilight's son, Spike." Boss said. "Spike is my little brother; NOT my son." Twilight said. "...Yeah you just keep telling yourself that." Boss said. "Boss, now is not the time to be saying things like that." Hamtaro said. "...I suppose your right." Boss said. "As you're already aware, I'm a Unicorn as is Rarity. Then you have Pegasi like Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Applejack and Pinkie Pie are what we refer to as Earth Ponies. And then, there's Alicorns like Princess Celestia and my old foal sitter, Princess Candice." Twilight said. "Of course, there's also Princess Ceelstia's younger sister Princess Luna now too." "And your saying Alicorns have much more magic then normal?" Hamtaro asked. "Yes. That is what I'm saying. Oh, I almost forgot. Applejack wants Spike and I to come help with the apple harvest today." Twilight said. "We ham-hams will be there too then." Hamtaro said. "Really? And just how resourceful can you hamsters be?" Twilight asked. "Just wait and see." Hamtaro said. "Ham-Hams Unite!" "Oh my lordy, this is one crazy farm!" Pepper said. "Wow. So many apples." Oxnard said. "What the...are my ears playing tricks on me?" An older Earth Pony asked. "No Granny, they are not." Applejack said. "Surprised you critters got here so fast." "Yeah, how did that work?" Spike asked. "We Ham-Hams are quite resourceful when we work together." Hamtaro admitted. "Still, it's nice to know you'll be helping with one of the orchards today." Applejack said. "Especially since this is the Western Orchid this time." "...Okay, I have so many questions now." The older earth pony known as Granny Smith said. "You weren't kidding when you said you can be resourceful." Applejack said. "For such cute little things, you can certainly be help--" Twilight was saying when suddenly there was a dog barking. "Oh, that's Winona. She's ma dog." Applejack said. "Why is she ba--" Hamtaro suddenly stopped and froze. "LOOK OUT, CAT INCOMING!" Hamtaro said, and the Ham-hams started to get into a formation. Soon enough, Rarity came barreling, trailing behind a white cat. "Get back here, Opalescence!" Rarity said. However, said cat was soon met with a wall of hamsters, who quickly had the cat fall into a pit fall trap. "Score another one for the ham-hams!" Hamtaro said. "Wh-how did they do that?" Rarity asked. "It's Hamtaro's usual cat-based trap. Works everytime, somehow." Boss said. "I have so many questions..." Rarity said. Spike suddenly burped up a letter. "Oh, it's an invatation to the grand galloping gala." Spike said. "It's just for one guest though..." Twilight said. Hamtaro soon realized what problems could arrise here. "Well Ham-Hams, I know what we're doing today." Hamtaro said. The Ham-Hams managed to sneak onto a train to canterlot, and infultrate the throne room where Princess Celestia was with her nephew, Prince Blueblood. "I still have no idea why you refuse to let that mirror and that book that's collecting dust out of your sight." Prince Blueblood said. "I have my reasons, Nephew. Especially more so given Equestria's...recent guests." Celestia said. "Your talking about us right?" Hamtaro asked, drawing attention to the ham-hams. "OH DEAR AUNTY!" Prince Blueblood suddenly fainted after shouting; it was out of surprise though. "...And how exactly did you get into the castle?" Princess Celestia asked. "Hamster Trade Secret. But we did want to talk with you about something." Hamtaro said. "Go on." Princess Celestia said. "Well see, it's like this..." Hamtaro said. Back in Ponyville, Twilight's Friends started to overbear on Twilight about her spare ticket, when Spike suddenly burped up another letter. "Huh? What's that about?" Rainbow Dash asked. "...Huh. Says here, that Princess Celestia says she apologizes for not realizing sooner that perhaps all the elements of harmony may want to come along as well. They are after all, your new friends Twilgiht." Spike said. "Wait, but...but how? What?" Pinkie Pie was dumbfounded. "...Hamtaro and the Ham-Hams...they must've realized what the issue would be and went to solve it." Twilight said. "Dang, for a bunch of little hamsters, they sure are resourceful." Rainbow Dash said. "Ah guess we owe them a big thank-you." Applejack said. "Oh my gosh, I just realized something!" Pinke Pie said. "Wh-what is it? Do you not want to go after all?" Twilight asked. "No! I mean that I never gave the Ham-Hams their 'Welcome to Ponyville' party!" PInkie Pie said. "But now it's going to be a 'Welcome to Ponyville/Thanks for Solving the Ticket Issue' party!" She added. Rainbow Dash face hoofed. "Never change Pinkie Pie; never change." She said. > Season 1: Episode 2 - Around the Farm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a seemingly normal day within Ponyville, yet there was about to be something going on at Sweet Apple Acres. "That's a lot of apple trees to get bucking." Applejack said. "Maybe way too many for you to get done by yourself." Applejack's brother, Big Mac said. "You know you need to rest up to heal up your injury." Applejack said. "Ah'll be just fine working the farm by myself." She said. "Even if I would say that you would need to be careful." Big Mac said. Applejack blinked. "Why do I need to be careful, exactly?" She asked. "Some of those Hamsters are scurrying around the farm with some sunflower seeds Granny Smith gave them." Big Mac said. "Wait, why are they doing that?" Applejack asked. Applejack soon discovered the hamsters going about, seemingly planting the sunflower seeds in certain marked spots. "Hey, what are you hamsters doing?" Applejack asked. "Glad you asked there, Applejack." A feminine country voice said. Applejack spotted the hamster who said it next to Oxnard. "Yer Pepper, right?" Applejack asked. "That's right. Believe it or not, Applejack, Ah'm a farm girl myself. And Ah'm not ashamed to admit that I can be a bit stubborn sometimes." Pepper said. "Oh, ain't that the truth?" Onxard said. "Where's all these signs come from? Their very hamster sized." Applejack said. "Panda made them, I put them in the ground in various places around the farm." Pepper said. "Ah asked Granny Smith if it was alright to plant Sunflower Seeds around the farm. She said, and ah quote, 'so long as yeh ain't doing it too close to any trees'." Pepper said. "That does sound like Granny..." Applejack said. "But why are you planting sunflower seeds?" "Well, if we hamsters truely are stuck here, then we're going it'd be nice to have a supply of Sunflower Seeds we could use." Pepper said. "Ah'm saving a few to plant for next year." She said. "Well, can ya try to stay out of ma way? Ah got Applebucking to do." Applejack said. "Ah, I remember that from the other day." Onxard said. "Wait, are you possibly going to be going around harvesting all these apples all by yerself?" Pepper asked. "Got no choice. Big Mac's broke his hip, Granny Smith is too old, and my little sister ain't old enough yet." Applejack said. "What about yer friends?" Pepper asked. "Old Apple Family tradition is that only family is to help when it comes time to harvesting the entire supply of Apples." Applejack said. "Friends are Family too." Pepper said. "...Wait what?" Applejack asked. "One of the other Ham-Hams taught me that Friends can be Family too. And that you shouldn't be afraid to ask for help when you need it." Pepper stated. "Ah ain't afraid to admit that, one time, I tried planting a whole new field of Sunflowers all by maself, since all my siblings were sick. But by doing so, I was quickly becoming sleep exhausted from the whole ordeal. That's when one of the Ham-Hams convinced me that friends can be family too, so ah quickly realized that, I should put my stubbornness aside, and let my friends help me out." She explained. Applejack had to think about that, but she then quickly had to calm down a bunch of stampeding cows because of one of them saw a snake. And while she did get a trophy out of the ordeal, she quickly returned to the farm, but Twilight followed her. "Applejack, what exactly are you doing?" Twilight said. "It's Applebucking season." Applejack said. "Applebucking Sason?" Twilight asked. "It's what the Apple Family calls harvesting." Applejack said. "Ah have to get all the apples picked before Autum comes." "And your doing this all by yourself why? What about Big Mac?" Twilight asked. "Big Mac broke his hip. And before you ask about the other Apples, they have their own orchards to tend to. So, ah'm on my own." Applejack said. "...Right. Are you sure you don't want some help from me or the other girls?" Twilight asked. Applejack opened her mouth to snap at Twilgiht, but then she remembered something Pepper told her: Friends can be family too. "...Fine, but on one condition: Ah'm in charge of the whole thing." Applejack said. "That's actually more then fine with me. You are the farm girl out of the six of us." Twilight said. Applejack caught Pepper giving her a thumbs up as Twilight left. Later that day, sunset was approuching and almost all the apples had been picked. "You know, I almost wonder what would've happened has we not helped you, Applejack." Rainbow Dash said. "Well I'm glad that we don't have to worry about that now." Twilight said. "Ah may have had some...insperation hit me." Applejack said. "One of the Ham-Hams set me straight you could say." "You hamsters are fairly clever for such little things." Fluttershy said. "Thanks for the compliment Fluttershy." Hamtaro said. "But really, it was all Pepper." Oxnard said. "Oh stop it Oxnard, your making me blush." Pepper was blushing. "Besides, ah really can't take all the credit here, you lovable guy." Pepper said. "What are you talking about?" Applejack asked. "Ah mean that the ham-ham that taught me that it's okay to rely on yer friends for help? That was all Onxard who taught me that. Ah won't lie, ever since then we've done some Gossip-P ever since." Pepper said. "Gossip-P? I don't follow." Twilight said. "I'll tell you later. Well, more like show you." Hamtaro said. "The main take away here, is that ah'm not ashamed that a friend really became family towards me in ways ah didn't think possible." Pepper said. "...Ah think I get what your saying. Huh. Not something ah thought about until you brought it up. But ah'm glad you did." Applejack said. > Season 1: Episode 3 - The Hybrid Feline > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hamtaro was with Twilight and he had a book that seemed to be hamster sized. On its cover was the title Ham-Chat Dictionary. "Here it is, the Bestest way to be learning Ham-Chat, the Ham-Chat Dictionary." Hamtaro said. "Wow, I'm surprised you even carry this thing around." Twilight said. "But it's a bit...small." She said. "Oh! I know!" Twilight said before she brought over a quill and a scroll. Dear Princess Celesta, While this isn't a friendship report, there is something that's come up. The hamsters seem to have their own inner laungauge called Ham-Chat. If nessesary pl-- Twilight's writing was interupted when she noticed the ink was vanishing. "Wait what the--" Twilight said when she noticed Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie outside, holding a bottle of invisable ink while laughing. The purple unicorn just smirked. "...Okay, that was actually a good prank." Twilight said. "Isn't that kind of mean though?" Hamtaro asked. "So long as the prank is in good spirits, then what's really the harm of it? Besides, I do find it funny that a couple of my friends were able to sneak invisable ink past me." Twilight said. "Heke?" Hamtaro was confused. The next day, while Twilight, Hamtaro, and Bijou were documenting the Ham-Chat Dictionary for Pony use, the rest of the Ham-Hams were doing their own things around town with Maxwell and Sandy doing some exploring. "Ever since we've arrived her, Stan hasn't really been up to his usual flirtting." Sandy said. "I bet that's a relief to you, Sandy." Maxwell said. "Oh believe you me, you have no idea. Boss seems to not mind that Bijou is with Hamtaro right now." Sandy said. "You know how he is towards Bijou." "Actually, Boss is currently busy making a new Ham-Ham Clubhouse here in Ponyville. So I doubt he's noticed how close Bijou is getting to Hamtaro as of late." Maxwell said. Suddenly, he stopped Sandy. "Hey, what's the big idea?" Sandy asked. "Stay back." Maxwell said as the two hamsters noticed a strange bird and lion hybrid nearby. "Th-that creature has the backside of a lion and the front half of an eagle." Sandy said. Maxwell quickly got out one of his books, quickly flipping through it. "This is no time to be reading, Maxwell!" Sandy said. "Ah ha!" Maxwell said, suddenly stopping. "Here, look." Maxwell said. Sandy did so. "...This looks just like the creature we're looking at." Sandy said. "Thought that creature looked familiar. It's a Gryphon." Maxwell said. The two hamsters were privy to the Gryphon's badmouthing of Fluttershy. "...And a really mean one too." Sandy said. "Wonder why she's here..." Maxwell said. "Hey, your spying on Gilda too?" Pinkie Pie asked. "Gilda? So that's the name of this Gryphon then." Maxwell said. "That Gilda really is a mean old grumpy pants, but, I have a plan of my own." Pinkie Pie said. "...Wonder what that's about?" Maxwell said. A bit later, the hamsters soon attended a "Welcome to Ponyville Party" for Gilda, where Gilda would proceed to get pranked out the wazoo during the party, and she blamed Pinkie Pie for all the pranks, only for Rainbow Dash to be the one to take responsibility. "You know, I didn't think that this would be how my old friends would treat all my new friends." Rainbow Dash said. "I can't believe you'd do this of all things. This isn't like you at all." "Oh yeah? And what's the deal with all the hamsters running about?" Gilda asked. "You talking about us?" Hamtaro asked. Gilda suddenly went white. "...They can TALK?!" Gilda exclaimed. "Wait, is this the first time they've talked the whole party?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "No it isn't, but I doubt Gilda noticed their voices since so many ponies were talking during the entire party." Twilight clearified. "Oh yeah. That does make a whole lotta sense. Your so smart, Twilight." Pinkie Pie said. "And what's wrong with hamsters being able to--" Rainbow Dash said before Gilda basically booked it. "Wonder what that's about?" Twilight asked. "I guess I should apologize. I didn't think Gilda would act this way at all towards every pony." Rainbow Dash said. "It's not your fault that Gilda was just a meanie poopy head." Pinkie Pie said. "While that is a very Bizzaro way of saying Gilda was a bad egg, I...honestly can't argue with how accurate that statement is." Maxwell said. "Guess not everything can be learnt from a book huh? You honestly should've realized that sooner." Sandy said. Maxwell held his little book. "...Yeah. I guess your right." He said. Twilight couldn't help but smile there. Seems she and Maxwell had some similarities, and she could see herself hanging out with the booksmart hamster some time later. For now, she had a friendship report to write. And a request to make. Dear Princess Celestia, Today I've learnt that sometimes the difference between a true friend and a false friend can be found with how we act towards one another. Rainbow Dash had wanted Gilda to get along with her new friends, but Gilda was being outright nasty towards all of us. And when that was revealed, Rainbow Dash was quick to start hounding on Gilda until the Ham-Hams intervened. Speaking of, I have a request to make: Seems the Ham-Hams have their own inner lauguge. If possible, I would like to request a book to keep track of all their mysterious sayings so it can be studied by non-hamsters. Your faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle. Princess Celestia smiled, before she started writing her own letter back, not noticing that the bottle of ink was invisable ink. Dearest Student... Celestia began to write when she noticed it was quickly disappearing, causing the white alicorn to chuckle. "Whoops, wrong ink." Celestia said, before trading out the ink and grabbing a blank book. > Season 1: Episode 4 - Showmare VS. Hamsters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Magic show? Wow." Hamtaro said. He was looking at a poster with Bijou and the other Ham-Hams. "I think this will be something great to see. Don't you agree, Hamtaro?" Bijou asked. "Sure. We can all go see this show." Hamtaro said. "But...the tickets cost money. Even by picking up all the gold coins we came across, we only have enough for...two tickets." Maxwell said. "Wait, let me see that." Boss said, before checking the listed price. "...Huh. He's right. We'd only have enough for two." "Wait, we're hamsters. Can we even buy things?" Dexter asked. "You can now. Courtesy of the Princesses." Twilight suddenly interupted them by presenting them with several signed documents. "Princess Celestia has officially signed off on making you Equestria's newest residents, and that you can buy things provided you have the funds to do so." She added. "But I figured I'd celebrate, and bought you all tickets to tonight's performance myself alongside all my friends." "Gosh, do you even have that much money?" Bijou asked. "I may have had a lot saved up from being Princess Celestia's student." Twilight admitted. However, it quickly turned out that the hamsters could see this Trixie mare's fake magic. So, they started to make Trixie's show go haywire especially after Trixie had turned Rarity's hair green. So, they ham-hams decided to teach the faker a lesson in boasting, and they did so by making Trixie's show go south in a hurry. Though the rest of the audience had no idea that this was not what Trixie had planned for, and instead, laughed at the expense of Trixie. However, the mare took to the laughing the wrong way, and just fled the stage after so many failures. "...Seriously? I better go check on her." Twilight said. However, two colts were not laughing, and instead were planning something. They were snips and snails. "Hey Snails, do you think we should get a Ursa Major for The Great and Powerful Trixie to fight to stop all the laughing?" Snips asked. "I agree, let's do that." Snails said. Twilight soon approuched the stage couch of Trixie Lunamoon. "Um, excuse me?" Twilight spoke up. "Go away...your most likely just here to laugh at Trixie some more." Trixie said. "I just wanted to say that, what happened wasn't your fault." Twilight said. "Oh please! Trixie knows enough to know what happened was not magically done. So, someone sabotaged Trixie." Trixie said. "Yeah. I know. I'm guessing the Ham-Hams got a little out of hand with what they were doing." Twilight said. That had caused Trixie to open the door. "Ham-hams?" Trixie asked. "Yes. Have you not heard the news about the talking hamsters in Equestria? They pretty much live here in Ponyville." Twilight said. "Trixie has not been the loop about any recent news as Trixie left manehatten several weeks ago and has not reached a town until today." Trixie said. Twilight raised an eyebrow before noticing Trixie's stagecoach did not have wheels. "...Why does your stagecoach not have wheels on it?" Twilight asked. "Trixie does not trust wheels. One broke on her once when she had bought it brand new from a store. Trixie will not trust wheels ever again." Trixie said. "Must've been a con-artist that ripped you off. Still, what happend to your show tonight...that was because you were boasting and I doubt the Ham-Hams took kindly to you messing with one of my friends." Twilight said. "Oh. The grandstanding thing..." Trixie said. "Full disclosure: That's not the real Trixie. But she's never really been able to open up about her true self towards any pony else." "That's kind of sad, really." Twilight said. Suddenly, Snips and Snails started running her way. "RUN; IT'S AN ANGRY URSA MAJOR!" The two colts exclaimed. "WHAT?! Those dimwits. That was just some fake story I made up to entertain children." Trixie said. Suddenly a large blue bear creature stepped on and destroyed Trixie's stagecoach. "MY STAGECOACH!" Trixie yelled out. Twilight acting fast, quickly used her magic to calm the bear creature down and saved the town from it's wrath. "Phew...that took a lot more magic then I care to admit." Twilight said. "Y-you just stopped an Ursa Major." Trixie said. "Actually, that was not an Ursa Major." Twilight said. "It wasn't?" Snips asked. "Nope. That was an Ursa Minor. A baby. It was only rampaging because some pony woke it up." Twilight said. "We-we just wanted to stop the town from laughing at The Great and Powerful Trixie so much." Snails said. "THAT WAS JUST A STAGE PERSONA YOU DOLTS! Can't children tell fantasy from reality anymore?" Trixie asked. She realized she just revealed that to the entire town. "...Oh..." But she was not met with laughter, almost sympathy. "So, what are you going to do now that your stagecoach is gone?" Twilight ended up breaking the silence. "Trixie supposes she will be stuck here until it's repaired." Trixie said. "Well it thankfully won't be forever." Twilight said. A bit later, Trixie did meet with the Ham-Hams who did apologize for what they did, and Trixie forgave them since it has allowed the showmare to allow her true self to shine through a little. > Season 1: Episode 5 - Follow the Music > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy was enjoying her day outside, when she could hear music in the air. "Hmm? Where's that music coming from?" Fluttershy asked, and then she looked outside, to find her animal friends, just strangely spinning in place. "Oh...what's wrong with every critter today?" The pegasus asked. Meanwhile, every pony else had noticed the music, and Applejack soon showed up. "What's going on here? That music is making the farm animals act strange." Applejack said. "Don't know. And I really don't know where that music is coming from." Rainbow Dash said. Soon, Twilight showed up. "Hey Rainbow Dash, can you grab Fluttershy?" Twilight asked. "Princess Celestia wants us to take care of a dragon that's been spotted in a mountain near ponyville." She said. "And we're coming with." Hamtaro said. He and the ham-hams were there too. "How come you all aren't affected by this music?" Applejack asked as Rainbow Dash went to do just that. "No idea." Hamtaro said. "Sounds familiar though." He added. The group was heading up the mountain in question, and while there they quickly noticed the music was louder here. "This has to be where the music is coming from." Twilight said. "Oh, then it must be a very nice dragon." Fluttershy said. "A dragon that plays music that makes animals dance strange." Rainbow Dash said. "You don't honestly believe that do you?" Applejack asked. "Got a better explanation?" Rainbow Dash asked. "...Fair point." Applejack said. The ponies and hamsters soon reached the top, where they found a hamster with a guitar playing music and a dragon there too. Hamtaro recognized this hamster. "Jingle? What are you doing here?" "You know this hamster?" Twilight asked. "Yeah. This is Jingle. He's infamous for doing music on his guitar." Hamtaro said. "Ah it's nice to finally see some familiar faces. I've been stuck up here for quite a few weeks now. This dragon here has kept me fed all the while." Jingle said. "He really likes my music." "Ahem, sorry to say this, but he can't sleep here: If he does, it'll bloat out the sun near Ponyville for a hundred years." Twilight said. "Oh. I didn't realize there was a settlement nearby. I'll just leave now." The dragon said before he started packing. "Well that was easy." Rainbow Dash said. "Why was I even worried?" Fluttershy asked. "Since your here, can you do me one favor?" Jingle asked. "Sure, anything for you Jingle." Hamtaro asked. "Could these pony friends of yours help me get down? I'm sort of afraid of heights." Jingle said. > Season 1: Episode 6 - The Constant Sleeper > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to make up for the lack of rain, a big storm was planned for Ponyville and this led to Rarity getting chastized by Applejack for wanting to fancy everything as well as being called out on her dislike of getting dirty. This did also make the duo have to take shelter in the Golden Oak's Library. Which prompted Twilight to try and turn it into a sleepover. Yet, as she started searching for a book, Spike came down stairs. "Twilight, I think there's another one of those talking hamsters in the upstairs bedroom." Spike said. "Wait...what?" Twilight asked. "Wait for us." Applejack said. The trio of mares plus the one dragon soon encountered a sleeping hamster upstairs next to Spike's bed. "Who is this?" Twilight asked. The sleeping hamster was still snoozing about. That's when Maxwell and Sandy showed up. "Hey did you kn--" Maxwell started but noticed the sleeping hamster. "...Snoozer?" Maxwell asked. "Oh, so that's this guy's name?" Twilight asked. "To be honest, that's just what we've been calling him." Sandy said. "He just showed up in the clubhouse one day and constantly sleeps." Maxwell said. "This wooden floor is very relaxing to sleep on..." Snoozer said. "...He doesn't sound asleep to me." Applejack said. "They did say he constantly sleeps, not that he always sleeps." Rarity said. Applejack got ready to argue. "That is a very distinct difference, you have to admit." Twilgiht said. Applejack let go of her argument. "...Point taken." "Arguing is not great to begin with. Causes so much yelling..." Snoozer said. "...He's not wrong..." Applejack said. "I wish others wouldn't argue and learn to accept others for who they are. We all have our likes and dislikes. Understanding those would help make the world a better place." Snoozer said before he let off a big yawn and went back to sleep. Sort of. He had never once opened his eyes. "...Shoot. He's got a point. Ah'm sorry for not being considerate of what yer about Rarity." Applejack said. "I should apologize for not taking your advice about the branches Applejack." Rarity said. "Plus, since we're stuck here, we should be respectful to Twilight and indulge her with a sleepover." Spike looked on as the three mares went to downstairs. "...Is it just me, or did your sleeping friend just prevent a massive blowup from happening tonight?" Spike asked. "Snoozer's like that." Maxwell said. "You get used to it." Sandy said. The next day, the rest of the ham-hams had come to see Snoozer at the library. "Wow, I didn't think Snoozer would wide up here." Hamtaro said. "I haven't had much luck making a new clubhouse from scratch. It's much harder then it sounded." Boss said. "Why don't you just live in the Library with Twilgiht?" Rarity asked. "Wait what?" Twilight asked. "Sorry to say this, but we can't stay here." Hamtaro said. "But actually, Pepper's almost done planting those sunflower seeds to grow sunflowers around Sweet Apple Acres." "Yep. Hey, here's a thought: Why don't Panda and Boss team up to build a little hamster shed over near the farm? That would give us a hamster location here." Pepper said. "Team up with Panda huh? Not a bad idea." Boss said. "When it comes to construction, leave me to it!" Panda said. Boss and Panda soon left. "That was honestly smoother then I expected it to be." Sparkle said. "At least a lot of you know what your willing to do." She said. "Something up Sparkle?" Hamtaro asked. "Yeah...yeah you could say that." Sparkle said before leaving. "Hey, did I say something wrong?" Hamtaro asked. "No you didn't. I think Sparkle is starting to realize that she has no direction here in Equestria." Bijou said. "Heke?" Hamtaro was confused. "What's the deal with her anways?" Applejack asked. "She's like if Rarity became super snobbish and stuff. Err, no offense Rarity." "None taken, because honestly, that is an accurate statement. It's like looking at what you could become if you lose sight of yourself." Rarity said. "That's a wakeup call if I've ever needed one. From now on, I'll try to become a lot more considerate towards others." "Actually, Sparkle used to be an actress. Yes, they had actor hamsters back in our world." Stan said. "Specifically, she came from america. They have this place where movies are made called Hollywood there." Hamtaro said. "Oh, we have something like that: Manehatten." Rarity said. "Oh? Does it have a lot of famous movie stars and produce a lot of movies?" Hamtaro asked. "...On second thought, this Hollywood sounds like if Manehatten and Canterlot had a child. And I can't begin to imagine what that would be like." Rarity said. "Isn't Canterlot where the nobility is though?" Applejack asked. "That's why I said it'd be as if Manehatten and Canterlot had a child." Rarity said. "She means that it'd be as if you married the concept of Manehatten and the nobility of Canterlot." Twilight clarified. "...Okay yeah, that WOULD be something ah would appreciate we never try to imagine." Applejack said. "But since there's nothing fully like Hollywood here, I bet Sparkle's now feeling lost on what she can do. It's like if you mastered a skill, then suddenly lost the capability to do that skill. It'd be like learning how to walk, and then getting bound to wheelchair for the rest of your life." Maxwell said. "So, then being an actress would be Sparkle's special talent then?" Twilight asked. "Yeah something like that." Stan said. "But she can't really be an actress here in this world can she?" Twilight asked. "Not really. I doubt this world would let her do that." Stan said. "...Huh." Twilight said. "Seriously, what am I going to do?" Sparkle asked, sitting on the fountain. "I'm lost and confused." She said. "Hey, aren't you one of those hamsters?" Applejack's younger sister Apple Bloom approuched Sparkle. "Oh. Your Apple Bloom right? Nice to meet you. I'm Sparkle. Sorry if I seem a bit down. I'm just lost." Sparkle said. "Back in my world, I used to be an actress. But now that I'm stuck here, I can't do that anymore." "So, yer basically trying to find what yer special talent is? Have ya ever tried doing something besides being an Actress?" Apple Bloom asked. "Not really. But what would you know about trying to find special talent?" Sparkle asked. "Because ah don't have ma cutie mark yet." Apple Bloom said. "Oh. Those things that appear when you discover your special talent." Sparkle said. "...Huh. Guess your a seeker of trying to find where you fit in in this world yourself." Sparkle said. "Yeah. Guess ya can relate to that, can't you?" Apple Bloom asked. "...Yeah. Hey, here's a thought..." Sparkle said before she suddenly climbed up on Apple Bloom's Back. "You and me, let's find out where we fit into the wider world of Equestria together. What do you say?" Sparkle asked. Apple Bloom smiled. "Yeah. That sounds great. Let's do this!" She said. "Ah don't know if Hamsters can get cutie marks, but finding what yer good at is important." "I really like your attitude Apple Bloom. I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship!" Sparkle said. > Season 1: Episode 7 - Call of the Cutie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So there's a school here huh?" Sparkle said. "Didn't realize there was one. Too bad they don't allow hamsters as students." "It's a good thing ya can get around that by being a hamster and all." Apple Bloom said. "Means you get to be in the hamster cage while class is going on." She said. "I'll be honest, a talking hamster in the room will be interesting. But at the same time, the E.E.A. can't get shut down this school if your being seen as the class pet." Cheerilee said. "After all, if your registered as the class pet, then by all legal rights, your not a student. Therefor, anything you learn from watching the classes, well then that's just coincidental." "Hmph. Nice loophole." A male voice said. The two earth ponies turned around to spy Chancellor Neighsay. "Chancellor Neighsay..." Cheerilee said. "Admittedly, I did hear that these hamsters managed to sneak into Canterlot without any pony noticing them just so that they could convince Princess Celestia to give tickets to all the Elements of Harmony. So, it'd be very difficult to encource the policy when they can apparently get anywhere undetected." Chancellor Neighsay said. "Geez, this is so akward. Still, you can't do anything even if you did overhear that. Because like they said: I'm technically registered as the Class Pet. You can check the documents." Sparkle said. "I don't need to. I don't need to worry about forgery. All the same, this is a loophole, and unfortunately, trying to undo it is too much of a headache." Chancellor Neighsay said. "It's not like I can suddenly discriminate against a species that normally cannot talk." "Actually, ah did notice that a few of the hamsters Fluttershy keeps around aren't able to talk because they aren't the Ham Hams. Ah can't help but wonder if this is because they orginally lived in a completely different world." Apple Bloom said. Chancellor Nieghsay blinked. "...You may actually be onto something there. Still, technically the Ham Hams are still part of a species that isn't normally this intelligent. So I can't really do anything. There is no president for this after all." He said. "I suppose I'll allow this, but only because I can't make a move without suddenly bringing up the animals Applejack keeps at her farm or the animals Fluttershy looks after." He then left. "...That was Chancellor Neighsay, head of the E.E.A." Cheerilee said. "Boy am I going to have to tell the others to look out for him later." Sparkle said. The lesson that day was about Cutie Marks, which had initially caused a classmate known as Diamond Tiara to try and make fun of Apple Bloom, only for Sparkle to speak up. "Hey, you really shouldn't be singling her out. Just because she doesn't have a cutie mark yet, doesn't mean she won't eventually get one. I'm sure those of you who do have cutie marks remember when you were trying to get yours." Sparkle said. That had shut up the class quite quickly. "That'th going to take thome getting used to; having a talking hamthter in the class." Another filly known as Twist said. She also didn't have a cutie mark. "What would a hamster who can't even get a cutie mark know about them anyways?" Diamond Tiara asked. "I may not be able to get a cutie mark, but let's just say that, right now, I'm no different than Apple Bloom right now. I'm not exactly sure what I'd be good at. Sure, I know something I can do, but I can't exactly do it. So, you could say right now, I'm starting over from scratch as if I had a cutie mark, but do to certain circumstances, I no longer have one." Sparkle said. "Really Sparkle? What did you do back in your world? Eat Sunflower seeds?" Diamond Tiara asked. But only she alone laughed. "Actually, that is a good question Diamond Tiara: Sparkle, what exactly did you do before you came to Equestria? Perhaps it'll give our students who currently lack cutie marks some insight into something they can persue talents in." Cheerilee said. "Believe it or not, I was an Actress; being on par with the human actors. I starred in a lot of movies and was essentially THE biggest Hamster star ever. All this, without the humans understanding." Sparkle said. "That's a brag by the way." Diamond Tiara suddenly found herself speechless. "And yet, since hamsters can't get jobs in equestria, now she's looking to see if she has a secondary talent. So, she and I have decided to look for our talents together." Apple Bloom said. And then Diamond Tiara fell out of her chair by faitning. "...Silver Spoon, would you mind helping Diamond Tiara?" Cheerilee asked. Wow, one mention of fame, and that filly got floored. Litterally. Sparkle thought to herself. But then she realized something. ...That's...that's not far off from me...and...I don't want to be a bully like that... She thought. "Sparkle, you seem distracted now? School's over and we're headed to try and discover if there's anything we could become talented at." Apple Bloom said. "Hmm? Oh sorry. I was thinking about Diamond Tiara." Sparkle said. "I'm...not ashamed to admit that I flaunted my Hollywood actress status around like a weapon. And Diamond Tiara made me realize that, I was quickly becoming no different than her." She explained. "And I...I don't want to get like that. That's not me. Sure I can be kind of prideful, but never to that point." "Guess yer starting to realize that the glitz and glamour wasn't all that it was cracked up to be, huh?" Apple Bloom asked. "Yeah. I'm starting to realize that it's lonely at the top if you treat everyone else as being below you. I'd rather have friends then looking down on others. I think I owe the Ham Hams an apology sooner rather than later." Sparkle said. "Well, Diamond Tiara still invited us to her cutecenara tomorrow. Want to come?" Apple Bloom asked. "You sure you want to go? She could just make fun of you again." Sparkle said. "Well, why don't you come with? You'll reign her in, if she tries something." Apple Bloom said. "After all, you just said that you know the way she thinks." Sparkle smiled. "Heh. That's no lie. Thanks Apple Bloom. Really appreciate that." She said. Turns out Diamond Tiara did still try something, only for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to step in before Sparkle could tell her off, prompting the other two fillies to bound with Apple Bloom. "Hey, I think I saw you around Rarity's shop a few times." Sparkle said to Sweetie Belle. "That's because she's my sister. My older sister." Sweetie Belle said. "Rainbow Dash isn't quite my sister; we're really just cousins. Yet, she is practically more like my older sister." Scootaloo said. "Do you actually have any siblings?" Apple Bloom asked. "Nope. But it's nice to still have that familial bond huh?" Scootaloo asked. "Heh. What are the odds the three of you would get related to three of the elements of harmony?" Sparkle asked. "That's gotta be some kind of fate thing." "So, Sparkle, even if your not able to get a cutie mark, still want to work with us in finding our special talents?" Apple Bloom asked. "You can't get rid of this hamster that easily. But this group needs a good name." Sparkle said. "Talent seekers?" Sweetie Belle suggested. "Cutie Mark Four?" Scootaloo asked. "Only you ponies can get cutie marks--" "What about the Cutie Mark Crusaders?" Apple Bloom asked, interupting Sparkle said. "But I still can't--" Sparkle was about to say she can't get a cutie mark, but then she realize the name could imply something beyond just cutie marks. "...Actually, that's a good one." Sparkle said. "I like it!" Scootaloo said. "Then we're all in agreement then?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Ah think we are." Apple Bloom said. "Cutie Mark Crusaders it is." Sparkle said. > Season 1: Episode 8 - Pinkie Sense > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Huff, this is a lot of work." Boss said. "Thanks for letting us use some of the small spare wood ya kept around the house, Granny Smith." Pepper said. "Ain't nothin' to it. Ya did prevent Applejack from working herself to death on Applebucking Season. And ah can thank ya for that." Granny Smith said. "'Sides, yer a farmer hamster born and raised. Yer no different than an apple yerself." "Ah was only being honest with her. I'm just surprised my advice was so helpful." Pepper said. "You know, I can't help but notice something. Granny Smith is obviously named after Granny Smith Apples. Then you have Big Mac which is short for Big Macintosh, with Applejack and Apple Bloom being litterally having 'apple' in their names." Panda said. "Are all the apple family members named after apples?" "Not all of them." Applejack soon approuched the group of hamsters. "There's Mrs. Orange from Manehatten who married Mr. Orange. Yet, she is ma dad's sister." "Been meaning to ask you, where are yer ma and pa Applejack?" Pepper asked. At that, not only did Applejack suddenly look sad but Granny Smith looked away. "...Oh...oh I see. I'm sorry. Ah didn't meant to bring up something hurtful." "Don't apologize. You didn't mean anything by it sugercube. It's just that, we're doubtful their still alive with how long it's been since they went missing after getting lost in the everfree forest." Applejack said. "That was six years ago. I'll be surprised if either of them are still alive after all this time." Granny Smith said before she then left. "Out of curiousity, what were your parent's names?" Oxnard asked. "Pa was named Bright Mac, while ma was called Buttercup." Applejack said. "Well it's obvious who married into the apples then." Panda said. Suddenly, nearby, they saw Pinkie Pie shake uncontrollably, with Twilgiht next to her; both were wearing some sort of unbrella hat. "Whoa! I'm sensing a major doozy, and it has to do with Applejack's mom." Pinkie Pie said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Applejack asked. "Didn't you hear me saying the chances of her still being alive are next to none?" She asked. "Wait a second, this is you we're talking about." "Hmm. Somehow I doubt that. But, the fun is not knowing what sort of Doozy it is, right Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked. "Heke?" Pepper was confused. "THIS IS UTTER NONSENSE!" Maxwell said. "I mean, it's like Twilight Sparkle didn't even try." "Cut her some slack. She must've really had a tough time figuring out Pinkie Pie's Pinkie sense." Sandy said. "Well, I know that I can provide a better explanation. I've read thousands of books, and I'm confident I can explain away Pinkie Pie's strange Behaviorisms once and for all!" Maxwell said. "You sure about that Maxwell?" Sandy asked. "Twilight wrote that she got injured a lot trying to study Pinkie Pie." "Well, I am going to take a very much more covert approuch. And I doubt I'll come to the same baseless conclusion that Twilight did." Maxwell said. "Well don't look now, Pinkie Pie's tail is twitching." Sparkle said. "Ah. Let's see if something falls from the sky." Maxwell said. Something did fall from the sky: Derpy right on top of Maxwell. "I just don't know what went wrong!" Derpy said. "Can you get off me please?" Maxwell asked. "It's fine. Your those hamsters right? Every pony talks about you guys. I'm Derpy. I'm a mail pony." Derpy said. "But I uh...tend to run into stuff. A lot." Derpy said. "...How by the rainbows do you even still have a job?" Sandy said. "Because I'm the only mailpony in Ponyville." Derpy said. "...Oh..." Sandy said. "Hmm...her ears are flopping now. What exactly did that mean again?" Maxwell asked. Suddenly he got splashed by mud from a nearby fruit vendor cart. "Oops. Sorry about that. You hamsters are way too small to notice." The fruit vendor in question said. "...Right. Now I remember." Maxwell said. "Oh my gosh! Good thing I'm setting that bath for you." Pinkie said. That introduced the Ham Hams to Pinkie's pet toothless Aligator, Gummy. "Okay, NOW this is scary. Gummy is big enough to eat one of those hamsters whole." Twilight said. Pinkie Pie giggled. "Gummy's also had to go vegetarian because he has no teeth." "Heke?" Hamtaro was confused. "How does that work?" "I'm guessin he just adapted to his existance." Maxwell said. "...Why do I have a bad feeling he's suddenly going to become fifty feet tall or something?1" Boss asked. Maxwell was looking at some books, when he noticed something. "Wait..." Maxwell did some looking through a few more books. "...No. No that can't be..." Maxwell said and then ran off. "Ma mother was a what?!" Applejack exclaimed. "I found pictures of your mother in a photo ablem belonging to the Pear Family. So I double checked." Maxwell said and produced two different photos. "And found conclusive proof." Applejack could heardly believe this. There was only one shared face between both photos. "But...but the Apple Family are rivals with the pear family. I have to talk to Granny." Applejack said before going off to do just that. At that, Pinkie Pie nearby suddenly explanded a bunch. "THAT WAS IT, THAT WAS THE DOOZY!" Pinkie Pie said. "Heke?" Maxwell was confused. "Oh, Pinkie Pie said she sensed a doozy in regards to Applejack's mother." Twilight said. "She was shaking a lot the other day." Maxwell felt his eye begin to twitch. "Wait, Maxwell, why are you wearing an unbrella hat?" Sandy asked him the next day. "Well, because I'm accompany Pinkie Pie today, and I want to be prepared in case her tail twiches." Maxwell asked. "And what about figuring out her mannerisms?" Sandy asked. "Hard pass." Maxwell said. "Wait what?! But-but your Maxwell!" Sandy said. "Yes I am. I'm book smart as you know." Maxwell said. "But if there's one thing I've learnt from observing Pinkie Pie's mannerisms, somethings are better left to the experience then to read in books." He explained before he went out. "...Huh. Never thought I'd see the day he'd say that of all things." Sandy said. > Season 1: Episode 9 - Cutie Mark Stories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sparkle was currently riding on Apple Bloom's back as she was meeting up with her three friends at the water fountain. "...There's a comment to be made about a hamster riding a pony here." Scootaloo said. "News flash: It's not that different from riding a dog. Hamtaro said he did that a few times. I tried it for a movie once. This is not different thant that." Sparkle said. "You sound like you have a crush on Hamtaro." Sweetie Belle said. "Hard not to. He's chrismatic, headstrong, and has a caring personality. The fact that he's also handsome to boot? Practically makes him catnip for female hamsters." Sparkle said. "...At least he would be, if Pashmina actually had a crush on him. And she's the only other one whose old enough. Penolope...she's not old enough to be thinking about it. And she's way too young for Hamtaro." "Who does Pashmina have a crush on?" Apple Bloom ask. "Beats me. Howdy and Dexter do fight over Pashmina a lot though." Sparkle said. "...And I'm not afraid to admit that I've butted heads with Bijou because of her crushing on Hamtaro too." "Wow. I thought Boss was crushing on Bijou." Sweetie Belle said. "Oh he does. But, if there's one thing I will agree with Bijou on, it's that she sees Boss as more like a big brother to her. And the same is with me too." Sparkle said. "I'm waiting for the day when Bijou reveals her crush on Hamtaro RIGHT in front of boss, and he faints." "Your starting to sound a bit like Diamond Tiara..." Scootaloo warned. "Don't lie, now that you know that Boss's crush on Bijou will never be returned, you want to see him have undeniable proof of such a thing laid out in front of him, don't you?" Sparkle asked. "...She's not wrong." Apple Bloom said. "...Yeah now that she mentions it..." Sweetie Belle said. "Kind of weird she could read that off us so easily." Scootaloo said. "Remember: I was a Hollywood actress. Nonverbal cues for when your next line are crucial. I was always paying attention to them whenever my caretaker was acting." Sparkle said. "But, speaking of cues, I just thought of something we could do." "Oh? Is it a crusade idea?" Scootaloo asked. "Not quite. See, I'm actually curious how the mane six got their cutie marks. Knowing how they each got theirs, would at least lay some groundwork for things we could end up trying out for future crusades." Sparkle said. "Yeah that's a good idea. Let's do it!" Sweetie Belle said. The CMC decided to start with Fluttershy's story, since she was the most out of the way. That's when a bunny rabbit hopped onto Apple Blooms back to look at Sparkle. "...Yes?" Sparkle asked. Breif AN: For this story, any animal speak that's happening will be done via itallics but they will surrounded by quotes like regular spoken diologue. And only if it's around the ham hams. "Are you one of them hamsters?" The bunny chittered. "Wait what?!" Sparkle was so started that she fell off Apple Bloom's back, and was caught. "Angel, how rude!" Fluttershy said, having caught Sparkle. "You should know better then to startle one of the hamsters like that." "Says you, miss pushover." Angel chittered. "ANGEL! HOW RUDE! I can and will take away your carrot pudding deserts. Apologize to Sparkle now." Fluttershy said. "Oh yeah? Ma--" "Um, Fluttershy? We were here to ask about how you got your cutie mark." Apple Bloom said. "Yeah. That was all we were here for." Sparkle said. But I am certainly keeping an eye out for that bunny in the future. "Oh. Well, one day in flight school I was being bullied by Hoops, Dumb-bell, and Score..." Fluttershy started. Wait, why are two of those names sports related? That's like asking your kid to do well in sports. Sparkle thought to herself. "When Rainbow Dash stood up for me. So, she flew so fast to win the race against the bullies, and in the process it knocked me off the cloud I was standing on. I was thankfully caught by a bunch of nice butterflies and soon got attention from a lot of different animals. So I quickly realized that, if I really started flying, I wouldn't get to meet all the wonderful critters of the land below just as a burst of rainbow light appeared in the sky. Angel here helped me notice that I had gotten my cutie mark because of that revelation." Fluttershy said. "Huh. Not gonna lie, that was pretty neat. But, we should go see Rainbow Dash to hear about that race." Scootaloo said. "Why now?" Sparkle asked. "It is the next logical thing to do. Rainbow Dash's story should build off of what Fluttershy just said since it was her race that caused Fluttershy to get her cutie mark in the end." Sweetie Belle said. "Well I can't argue with Checkov's Gun." Sparkle said. "What's Checkov's Gun?" Apple Bloom asked. "It's a principle. It's based on this one guy Checkov who wrote a play where in the opening of said play, there was a gun on the wall, and during the play's climax, the same gun was later used to kill someone. Not really kill anyone, the gun only fired blanks." Sparkle said. "Checkov's Gun is a principle built upon that sort of thing: Where logic dictates that if you introduce a 'gun' in the opening act of a movie, you are to then use that gun for a purpose later on in said movie." "Wh-why does it have to be a gun? Can't it be a flower instead?" Fluttershy asked. Sparkle sighed. "If you had noticed, I put air quotes around 'gun' when I explained the actual principle. The 'gun' can be anything you want it to be. An actual gun, a spear, your family history...the list goes on." Sparkle said. "...Oh. I get it now. It's an abstract term, which derived from when an actual gun was used in a play." Fluttershy said. "I still have to ask why it had to be a gun." "Because the play was about an evil crime mob boss who while being the main character, would get arrested at the end of the play. He is the one that uses the gun in the first place." Sparkle said. "Oh. I guess that would make sense for a bad guy to use a gun." Fluttershy said. The CMC soon started to leave. "So, is that really how the principle started?" Apple Bloom asked. "No idea, but it's the story I was told." Sparkle said. The CMC would actual run into every other Main Six Member before Rainbow Dash where it suddenly got revealed, all the main six's cutie marks were tied to Rainbow Dash's performance of the Sonic Rainboom. "...Well that's an odd coincidence. How often does that happen?" Sparkle asked. "Not often. And I wouldn't count on it happening with us." Apple Bloom said. > Season 1: Episode 10 - The Fall Reveal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Phooie, that was dead on." Applejack said. She and Rainbow Dash were playing a horseshoe game. "Darn. Lost." Rainbow Dash said. Hamtaro and Twilgiht soon approached. "What's this about?" Twilgiht asked. "We were doing horseshoes." Rainbow Dash said. "At least it's not like last year, where we got so out of hand, to the point where we sabotoged each other during the Running of the Leaves and that was on top of the Iron Pony compitition." Applejack said. "Running of the Leaves huh? Why don't the unicorns just magic the leaves leaves away?" Hamtaro asked. "This used to be just an earth pony settlement, so a lot of their traditions of not using magic still apply." Twilight said. "Still, I think I'll participate in this Running of the Leaves this year. It'll be nice to run my first marathon." She said. "I'll participate too." Hamtaro said. "Okay, Twilight, no offense, but your not an authelete. Even if the two of us tied for last last year, your still no athlete." Rainbow Dash said. "And Hamtaro is a hamster. Is he even allowed to participate?" Rainbow Dash asked. Turns out they could, but only Hamtaro and Boss ended up participating. "Gotta show these ponies I'm the top hamster around here. And Hamtaro, don't you dare go easy on me." Boss said. "You want to show off to Bijou huh? Alright then, I won't hold back." Hamtaro said. "Your orders, remember?" He asked. "I won't forget." Boss said. "Wait, 42? Seriously Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Again, no offense, but you're not an athlete Twi." Applejack said. "I studyied a book on how to run a marathon the day before. So I'm all brushed up on what I need to know." Twilight said. "What'd you read; the Egghead's guide to Athletics?" Rainbow Dash teased, making her and Applejack laugh. "Fine, don't blame me if you place behind me." Twilight said. Turns out, Applejack and Rainbow Dash tied for sixth that year. "Okay, how did THAT happen? Who even got first?" Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight soon approuched them. "YOU?!" Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Nope. I got fifth place, which isn't bad considering it's my first time running a marathon." Twilight said. "I can't believe this. Twilight beat US." Rainbow Dash said. "But who got first?" Applejack said. "Oh. That was Hamtaro." Twilight said. Said hamster was passed out on the ground, fainted with a red blush on his face, and Boss was nearby with the silver medal, passed out with a red blush. "Wait what happened to those two?" Applejack asked. "Bijou kissed Hamtaro on the lips is what happened." Sparkle said. "As much as I hate that Bijou is now in a relationship with Hamtaro, seeing Boss get told by Bijou that she will only ever see him as a big brother is WORTH IT." "You really should stop acting like Diamond Tiara." Apple Bloom who Sparkle was riding on said. "Don't lie to me and say you didn't want to see this happen too." Sparkle said. The entire CMC was pointingly silent after that. "That's what I thought." Sparkle said. "...Well that's a thing now." Twilight said, there was a blush on her face, Rainbow's Face, and Applejack's face. "Lucky hamster..." Applejack said. "You can't say he didn't earn it though." Rainbow Dash said. "Truer words have never been spoken." Applejack said. > Season 1: Episode 11 - Hamsters & An Owl > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Haven't seen Boss like this before." Sandy said. "Do you think it's because Bijou finally revealed that she'll only ever see him as a big brother?" Maxwell said. "Most likely." Dexter said. "Well he was basically told off in front of a lot of ponies." Howdy said. "Not a laughing matter." Pashima said. "I know. That wasn't a joke." Howdy said. "Look, Boss, no offense, but you really should've realized the signs that Bijou loved Hamtaro." Panda said. "I know!" Boss said. "I just gotta do something that'll make sure Bijou wants me over Hamtaro! Just gotta find the right thing to do." He then left. "...I have a bad feeling about this..." Howdy said. "This isn't a joking matter." Pashmina said. "I know, that wasn't a joke." Howdy said. That night, there was the fact that Twilight had gotten herself a new Owl Pet. It was now the morning after. "Seriously, just be honest about what happened." Hamtaro said, as Twilight came down. "What's going on?" Twilight asked. "Oh...Twilight. Please don't be mad." Spike said. "Last night...I sort of lied..." "...Lied? What'd you lie about?" Twilight asked. "It's just...I found the book you wanted, but since it was so dusty, I blew air on it." Spike said. "Oh. Well, that's fine. But then why lie about finding it?" Twilight asked. "Because...when I did that...the dust made me sneeze." Spike said. "...Oh. Well, at least you were willing to admit that you did that. Honestly, I can understand being scared." Twilight said. "I sometimes forget you're a dragon." She said. Spike noticed the Owl with Twilight. "Hey, where'd the owl come from?" Spike asked. "Now Spike, just because Twilight now has an owl, doesn't mean your any less important to her. Plus, with how she sometimes stays up late reading, that owl will be there to help her. You're not nocturnal like the Owl is after all." Hamtaro said. "Thanks for clearing that up, Hamtaro. You're such a considerate hamster." Twilight said. "Oh, I was just being a good friend is all." Hamtaro said. "I think that's why Bijou was drawn to you. You're very considerate of those around you." Spike said. "I-I'm still processing the fact that Bijou likes me that way." Hamtaro said. "Especially over Boss. But maybe I should've realized that a lot sooner." "I'll have to keep my eyes peeled in case I ever find my true love. It would be like a fairy tale." Twilight said. "No offense Twilight but you're just learning about friendship. How could you start wondering about love?" Spike asked. "You never know what could happen Spike." Twilight said. "...Hey Hamtaro, what's this?" "Heke?" Hamtaro was curious and came over. "Th-this looks like some sort of plan...to create a scenario of saving Bijou's life." Hamtaro said. "And I have a good idea where it'll take place." Boss meanwhile was setting up things for tomorrow. In his mind, he would make this so inconspicuous that when he saved Bijou's life, it would look legit. "What the heck?!" Twilight's voice brought him to reality. "You can't be serious." "Oh uh...hey there..." Boss said. That's when he noticed Hamtaro and Bijou were there too. "Uh...this isn't what you think it is..." "I can't believe this! Hamtaro showed me your little plans, and now your caught red pawed with the evidence." Bijou said. "I...I can't believe I ever thought of you as a big brother. A real big brother would much prefer my happiness over his own selfish needs." Bijou said before she stormed off crying. "Now look what you did. I'm going to go comfort her." Hamtaro said. "And you...you have a lot of thinking to do." Twilight said. Boss was now further in a slump. He was caught, and now he lost everything. Hamtaro was comforting Bijou by just being there for her. He didn't say anything; he just let her clasp him and cry her eyes out. Twilight and Spike soon returned back to the library where they walked in on this scene. Neither wanted to say anything. "Hoo." Owlowiscious hooted. "What's he mean 'who'? Boss did this." Spike said. "Hoo." Owlowiscious hooted. "Boss, you know, the hamster that's the biggest one?" Spike asked. "Hoo." Owlowiscious hooted. Spike was starting to get a little steamed but then calmed down. "Oh wait...you're an owl. You always just say 'hoo'." Spike said. "Hoo." Owlowiscious hooted. "Do you mind?" Hamtaro asked Owlowiscious. The Owl shrugged and flew upstairs. "...Okay. Not what I expected." Twilight said. There was a knock at the door. "Oh, hey Derpy." Spike said. "Got a letter here for Bijou." Derpy said. "Is this where she is right now?" "She's here. But as you can see..." Twilight said, motioning to Hamtaro comforting a still crying Bijou. "Oh. Then I'll just leave this with you." Derpy said, handing over the letter to Twilight and then flying off...only to run smack dab into a lamp post. "I just don't know what went wrong..." Derpy said afterwards. "Classic Derpy..." Twilight said, rolling her eyes as she shut the door. "Heh...when you think about it, watching her run into a lamp post was kind of funny..." Bijou said. "There's that smile." Hamtaro said, smiling. "I'll be okay Hamtaro. So long as I have you, that's all that matters." Bijou said. Hamtaro smiled. "I think I can live with that." Hamtaro said. "So, do you want this letter now?" Twilight asked. "M-maybe latter. For now, I just want to be with Hamtaro." Bijou said. "Hey, let's go out to that tree on the hill. The sunset will really cheer you up." Hamtaro said. "That's a good idea Hamtaro. Thank you. I'm so glad you're so considerate." Bijou said and went on ahead. "...You really support her now, huh?" Twilight asked. "Boss should learn that he should let Bijou be happy. And that's exactly what I'm going to focus on. She's my friend; well, girlfriend now, I guess. But the sentiment is still there." Hamtaro said. "You're a good hamster Hamtaro. Never let any pony or any hamster tell you otherwise." Twilight said. "I'm still new at this romance thing, but I figured, I'll just continue to be myself, and everything will work out. I mean, I have to be doing something right if Bijou is crushing on me." Hamtaro said before he scampered after Bijou. "...I am so taking notes about this." Twilight said. "...Maybe I should too." Spike said. "Hmm? Something up Spike?" Twilight asked. "Yeah. I think...I think I have some thinking to do. About my feelings towards Rarity." Spike said and went upstairs. "He's a growing drake." Twilight said, smiling. > Season 1: Episode 12 - Party of...many?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was now the day after Gummy's Birthday Bash, and Pinkie wanted to host an afterparty for Gummy. "Oh hey there Pinkie." Hamtaro said. He was with most of the other ham hams. Boss was not there though. Neither was Snoozer either. "Hamtaro? Have you ham-hams seen the other girls?" Pinkie asked. "We have. But, we were hoping you'd love to spend some time with us. I mean, sure, you know us, but you didn't...invite us to Gummy's party yesterday." Maxwell pointed out. "Oh. Oh! OH MY GOSH! I am so sorry! I'll make up for this right away!" Pinkie Pie said, and grabbed the hamsters. Not noticing them give each other a thumbs up. "Can't believe I was so negligent!" Pinkie Pie said, setting up a small table for the hamsters. "Honestly, this isn't like me. I can't remember the last time I made such a huge mistake like this." The party mare was quickly getting cupcakes ready. "I mean, this is ME we're talking about. How could I have been so foolish as to forget to invite the ham-hams to gummy's birthday party?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "It's okay Pinkie Pie. The girls will understand this once you explain this to them. I think one might even come over later." Sparkle said. "Heke?" Bijou was a bit flabbergasted about what Sparkle just said. Howdy elbowed Sparkle. "Ow!" Sparkle said. "Remember: We're supposed to distract her." Howdy whispered to Sparkle. "Oh...oh right..." Sparkle whispered back. "Ahem. What I mean to say is, that there's a chance one of the other element barers will be over later to grab a cupcake or something." She said aloud. "Your right about that. Because that would be Fluttershy. She always comes by daily to grab a carrot cupcake after all." Pinkie Pie said. "...Which is funny, because I don't think she's come by today." "She might come by later. You never know. Or you might have just missed her while planning Gummy's after party." Dexter said. "Oh my gosh your right! Speaking of that, since you hamsters missed the initial party, I'm sure the girls won't mind if your the only ones that attend the after party. This is going to be difficult for me to host a party with just hamsters, but I have yet to turn down a party challenge." Pinkie Pie said. That's when Rainbow Dash came into the room. "Uh...what's with the hamster party?" Rainbow Dash asked. She then shivered. "Whoa. I just got a shiver." "Oh! Why are you here Rainbow Dash? I thought Fluttershy would--" Pinkie Pie then realized. "...Wait a second...I didn't forget to invite you hamsters to Gummy's birthday party, did I?" She asked. "If you want the real party today, come to Sweet Apple Acres." Pepper said. "Party that I didn't know about?" Pinkie Pie asked. It turned out to be Pinkie Pie's own birthday party. "You...you gals all did this for me?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "And the ham hams helped." Twilight said. "We just had them distract you while we set the whole thing up without your notice." "...Wow. I can't believe that worked on me. You gals are the best friends ever to surprise me like this. And trust me, doing that is hard!" Pinkie Pie said. "Honestly Pinkie Pie, you're not wrong. That's why we got the ham hams to help. Gummy's birthday party just gave us an easy lie for the Ham-Hams to tell you." Applejack said. "Yeah. We're so small, that we sometimes blend into the background. So you probably didn't even notice if we came or not." Hamtaro said. "So true. So true." Pinkie Pie said. "Well, let's party!" She said. > Season 1: Episode 13 - Boss's Complex > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Boss hasn't really been seen for a while now." Hamtaro said. "I hope he's been doing okay at the least." "Boss is a tough hamster. He'll be fine." Twilight said. "Sometimes, I can't help but worry." Hamtaro said. "Your way too nice Hamtaro. But then again, that's what I love about you so much." Bijou said. "Given winter's just about here, I'd say it's been long enough for him to realize how much of a mistake he made." Hamtaro said. "I would love to see him apologize for what he tried to do. Then everything can go back to normal." "That would have to be one...uh...what do you ponies say instead of the 'h' word?" Bijou asked. "I don't know any h words, but I bet your referring to how we say 'go to Tartarus'." Twilight said. "Right. Boss better make one tartarus of an apology." Bijou said. "That's Tartarus with a capital T Bijou." Twilight said. "What kind of distinction is that when you're basically referring to the devil's pit?" Bijou asked. Twilight just blinked. "Not sure what you mean by that. Tatarus is basically a maximum-security prison. Just with the added fact that the prisoners inside are kept alive by ancient magics put there by Queen Faust of all ponies." She explained. "...That doesn't sound like it'd be in the center of the earth..." Bijou pointed out. "Or whatever you call this planet." "We call it Equees." Twilight admitted. "What does this have to do with Tatarus?" She asked. "In our world 'hell' is the word used for where the devil lives." Hamtaro said. "What's a devil?" Twilight asked. Meanwhile, Boss was taking shelter from the cold as he continued to reflect on what had occurred a few months ago. A couple of days later, it was time for Winter Wrap up, which lead to a whole thing with Twilight Sparkle wanting to see what she could do there. Eventually, it led to her utilizing her organization skills to help all teams at once organize things so they could wrap up winter without magic. Thus allowing Twilight to become the official All-Team Orginizer. However, Spike was now on an ice float. "Yikes! Spike's trapped on that ice float!" Hamtaro said. "And the water is basically freezing." Bijou said. Suddenly out of nowhere Boss appeared and began using a make shift raft to get over to Spike. "What's Boss doing?!" Hamtaro said. "He's crazy..." Maxwell said. "No way that raft is going to hold..." Dexter said. Boss hooked the ice float up to the raft, and tried to reach shore, only for the raft to start coming apart. In a last ditch effort it seemed, Boss made the ice float crash into the shore line as he fell into the water. "BOSS!" Hamtaro yelled out. Thankfully for Boss, he was fished out quickly by Fluttershy, and was now being warmed up. "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING; DOING SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!" Bijou exclaimed. "Yeah, that was the most boneheaded thing ever." Hamtaro said. "Just...wanted to help..." Boss said before sneezing. "I'm a dragon. Sure, I would've been sick for a bit, but I'm much bigger than you. I wouldn't basically have become a block of ice." Spike said. "Well how was I s-supp-ACHOOO!" Boss sneezed. "...supposed to know that..." He finished saying. "Please, just don't do something like that. You're not some hero." Bijou said. "Can't believe you pulled this sort of stunt." She then began to leave. "I'm going to go after her. You really need to get off this hero complex of yours. And soon. For Bijou's sake." Hamtaro said. "I won't let you hurt her anymore then you already have." He then went after Bijou. "...Great...I only just messed things up further..." Boss said. > Season 1: Episode 14 - Stare Master & Show Stoppers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had seemed like it would be a normal sleep over at Rarity's place with the entire CMC. However, Sweetie Belle made the entire CMC capes with Rarity's special golden silk which did end up with Fluttershy taking over sleepover duties. This annoyed Sparkle a little bit, though she did like the small cape Sweetie Belle gave her. Regardless, during the night, one of Fluttershy's chickens got loose. So Sparkle got dragged along for the ride hoping to find it before something bad happened to it. That lead to an encounter with a Cockatrice who turned Fluttershy's chicken and Twilight to stone. However, the normally timid Pegasus then began doing some kind of intense stare method on the Cockatrice which made it reverse all it's powers. So, the following morning, Fluttershy told Twilight all about the event. Plus, the CMC really started to respect Fluttershy, even Sparkle did. "You know Fluttershy, exactly what kind of stare method was that? I could almost feel like there was something more behind it then just you staring intensely at the Cockatrice." Sparkle brought up. "Oh. I don't know anything about that. You did catch how Rarity mentioned 'that' didn't you?" Fluttershy asked. "Something like that." Sparkle said. "Well, the 'that' she was mentioning was The Stare. That's what you and the girls witnessed last night." Fluttershy said. "...The Stare? Huh...I guess I shouldn't argue with the master on that." Sparkle said, smiling. A bit later, Applejack had shown the CMC her old clubhouse which took the CMC the rest of the day and some of the next morning to get made into a proper clubhouse. "Phew...that was a lot of work." Sparkle said. "Well, now that we have a clubhouse, let's start trying to think up ideas for cutie marks." Scootaloo said. "I may already have something that could be great for that. And it's happening tonight." Sparkle said, before showing off the talent show competition that was happening tonight. "Isn't a show kind of more your thing? You were an actress." Apple Bloom said. "Maybe so, but one of you might get a cutie mark in being a stagehand. You just leave the talent to me, okay?" Sparkle asked, adding a wink. "Just so long as you don't turn this into some kind of play." Sweetie Belle said. "Ye of little faith. I've got one kind of idea in mind for something that won't turn into a huge play." Sparkle said. "After all...it's a homage to my first ever movie appearance. It wasn't much though." And yet, something went wrong with Sparkle's little performance, leading the CMC to winning the comedy trophy that night. "...I guess that proves it then..." Sparkle said. "I've lost my actress edge." "You going to be alright Sparkle?" Apple Bloom asked. "I'll be fine. I was just too hopeful. Still, doing one last play to send off my actress career for good, that was something I'll treasure for the rest of my life." Sparkle said. "Thank you, for letting me do this one last time you girls." "It was nothing Sparkle." Sweetie Belle said. "Yeah, it was great to try at least." Scootaloo said. "Ah think we all had fun." Apple Bloom said. Sparkle smiled. "Thank you, girls. I'm glad to have such good friends like you. And that makes me a winner enough tonight in my book." "That is so corny, but it's a very good sentiment." Scootaloo said. Twilight couldn't help but smile. She had the perfect friendship lesson to write to Princess Celestia today. Dear Princess Celestia Today I had learned that sometimes things may not always work out the way you intend for them to do so. But when those times come, and you feel like you've hit rock bottom, your friends will be there to lift your spirits back up. Something that Sparkle had experienced firsthand when her final acting show went completely off the rails and ended up becoming a disaster. And yet, even as Sparkle has come to the realization that acting just isn't her thing anymore, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were there to pick up the pieces and help her realize that she now has three good friends to help her find her new calling. Your student, Twilight Sparkle. > Season 1: Episode 15 - Undoing a Complex (Mysterious Mare Do Well AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was at the library as per usual, and was with Fluttershy when Rainbow Dash came in, carrying an injured Boss. "Fluttershy, here you are. We got an issue here." Rainbow Dash said. "What happened to Boss?" Twilight asked as Fluttershy got out an animal first aid kit. "...Wait, you carry a first aid kit for animals around?" Twilight asked Fluttershy. "It's in case I ever come across a very injured animal while I'm away from my cottage." Fluttershy said. "...You know what, I'm not even going to bother." Rainbow Dash said. "So what happened with Boss?" Twilight asked. "Saw him get injured trying to help a foal dodge an incoming food vender's food cart. The foal was fine, but Boss got his paw pretty injured." Rainbow Dash said. "Oh yeah, this is bad." Fluttershy said. "Do you wanna tell his friends?" Rainbow Dash asked Twilight. "Going to have to. But I doubt they'll be happy about this." Twilight said. "I can't believe Boss is still on his hero complex." Hamtaro said. "This really needs to stop." Bijou said. "But what can we do? Boss has never really been like this before." Panda said. "Yeah. And it's serious." Stan said. "If only we knew someone who could help." Bijou said, dejected. "We could ask Twilight and her friends." Hamtaro said. "Wait, what did you just say?" Bijou asked. "I said we could ask Twilight and her friends." Hamtaro repeated. "Hamtaro, you're a genius!" Bijou kissed him on the cheek, causing Hamtaro to blush. "You want us to help you solve Boss's issues?" Twilight asked. The Ham Hams had gathered the entire main six together. "This hero complex of Boss's has gotten really out of hand." Panda said. "We honestly don't know what to do." Pepper said. "But, Hamtaro suggested asking you girls." Bijou said. "Well, it's worth a try at least." Twilight said. "I think I may have a couple of ideas myself." Rainbow Dash said. "You do?!" Applejack exclaimed. "Yeah. I do." Rainbow Dash said, smiling. Over the course of the next few days, a mysterious masked pony known as "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" suddenly appeared and started saving a bunch of ponies that were often in trouble. This was making Boss really get upset over this, as he had a feeling that the Ham Hams were behind this. "Seriously, I know I got injured during that foal saving thing, but what was I supposed to do there? Let it get hit?" Boss asked. "I just happened to be in the area when that occured. It could've easily been Rainbow Dash that could've saved that foal, and then all of you would be doing this Mare Do Well thing to her." "What do you mean us?" Hamtaro asked. "Oh don't even try to hide it Hamtaro. You and the other Ham Hams are behind the Mysterious Mare Do Well. Admit it, and I might avoid exposing the truth to the media." Boss said. "Actually, it's not us." Panda said. "Yeah right. Like you expect me to believe that." Boss said. "Then believe what's behind you." Bijou pointed out. "Huh?" Boss asked, turning around, only to see the Mysterious Mare Do Well in question. "...Okay so...your not the Ham Hams..." He said to the Mysterious Mare Do Well before he turned around. "And you're not The Mysterious Mare Do Well..." Boss said to the Ham Hams. That's when five more of the same hero showed up. "I think he's learnt his lesson now." Hamtaro said. That's when it was revealed that it was the Main Six; Rainbow Dash included. "Yeah, if you ask me, better to be safe than sorry." Rainbow Dash said. "I know a thing or two about ego. Trust me on that." Boss had fainted. "...Why does part of me think he didn't learn the lesson we were hoping for?" Twilight said. > Season 1: Episode 16 - Over A Barrel AU > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main six and the Ham Hams (besides Boss, who is currently off on his own again) are heading for Appalossa. "It's so great we get to come along for the ride." Hamtaro said. "Thanks for having us." Pepper said. "Ain't nothin' ya'll. Besides, we couldn't leave you all behind in Ponyville." Applejack said. "I hope Boss learns to let go of his jealousy towards Hamtaro soon. Even if the hero complex is dealt with, there's still that aspect to deal with too." Bijou said. "Not sure what we can do to help with that. But perhaps some time away from Ponyville between you and Hamtaro will make Boss realize that he's being way too stubborn with this whole you liking Hamtaro thing." Twilight said. "That's Princess Celestia's student for you." A sudden male voice said, popping up behind the ponies and hamsters and revealing the owner as an orange Pegasus stallion. "Uh...who are you? And how long have you been here?" Rainbow Dash asked. "The name's Flash Sentry. I'm technically on my week off right now." The Pegasus said. "I'm currently a cadet in the Royal Guard, trained by Twilight's Brother Shining Armor." "You never mentioned you have a brother, Twilight." Fluttershy said. "I haven't?" Twilight asked. "You have not." Sandy said. "Huh. I guess I never really got around to saying that before now." Twilight said. "Family ties are important. Just take me and my sister for example." Stan said. "Especially after we got seperated for a long time." Sandy said. "But that kind of bond...never really goes away." "Wow, you two definitely remind me of my brother and I." Twilight said. "I'll have to write him a letter later." She added. Suddenly, a bunch of Buffalo attacked the train. "Ham Hams, we best figure out what's going." Hamtaro said. "LET'S HAM-UNITE!" Sadly, the caboose with the Tree Applejack brought over was stolen. As was Spike who was back there too. But thankfully, the Ham Hams had snuck onto the buffalo. It wasn't long before Rainbow Dash and Twilgiht had joined up with that group. Which allowed Spike to reveal why the buffalo were targeting the settlers so much to begin with: Because the buffalo were here first and this was their territory. And the ponies continued to not listen to reason, resulting in the buffalo continuing to take drastic measures. "Stealing a whole tree isn't very nice though." Hamtaro suddenly pipped up. "Wait, who said that?" Little Strongheart asked. That's when the Ham Hams revealed themselves. "Hi there. We're the Ham Hams. I'm Hamtaro, this white hamster next to me is my girlfriend Bijou, and behind us is our friends Cappy, Dexter, Howdy, Maxwell, Oxnard, Panda, Pashmina, Penolope, Pepper, Stan, Sandy, Sparkle, and Jingle." Hamtaro roll called. "...Did you just call Bijou your girlfriend without even thinking twice about it?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Huh...I didn't even notice I did." Hamtaro said. Bijou was just looking at Hamtaro with hearts in her eyes. Oh...I can feel my heart soaring like never before. Mon Adiu, I hope that Hamtaro and I have very happy lives together~ The white hamster thought to herself. "How'd you get here?!" Little Strongheart exclaimed. "Do you mean how we snuck into your little camp? We rode you. But if you're asking about how we got to Equestria...that's a much longer story." Hamtaro said. "Strange talking hamsters from another world. How strange..." Little Strongheart said. "Perhaps, ah can help you with your little perdiciment. After all, there's no better hamster to talk with farmer ponies then me." Pepper spoke up. "And why is that?" One of the buffalo asked. "Because ah'm a farm girl myself. If there's any one who knows how to solve this little issue and stop it from esculating any further, it's me." Pepper said. "Trust me here: She got our friend Applejack whose tree you stole to end up asking all of our friends to help her with harvesting a massive crop of apples once." Twilight said. "What can ah say? Ah know how farmers work." Pepper said. Thanks to Pepper, the ponies and buffalo quickly settled their differences and came to an agreement. "Chalk another one up for Pepper. Yer really good at solving problems farmers have, don't you?" Applejack asked. "Ah just know how they think. After all, I am a farm girl myself, remember?" Pepper asked. "We will never forget how you helped us, Miss Pepper. If there's anything we can do in return for your assistance, you need only ask." Little Strongheart said. "There might be one thing, but that's a last resort scenario. Just so long as your willing to listen to a pretty long story." Pepper said. "Well you certainly lead an exciting life." Flash Sentry said as the Ham Hams went with Little Strongheart to explain things. "I'm glad you think so." Twilight said. "You should know, even if you can take care of yourself, your brother worries about you." Flash Sentry said. "Sure, you've got your friends with you, but he still can't help but worry." "Classic Shining...I guess I should've expected this from my older brother." Twilight said. "I think I'll ask to see if he wouldn't be willing to let me stick around you for a while. Just to alivate some of those concerns. Sure I'm only a cadet, but I think he'd rather someone he knows he can trust from the Royal Guard look after you." Flash Sentry said. "I'm mostly thinking of the both of you here. I know you can take care of yourself, but some extra support wouldn't hurt right?" "I suppose not. Plus, I know my brother. And your right. Thank you, Flash." Twilight said. Hamtaro & Bijou couldn't help but notice this from afar. The two were thinking the exact same thing. "You thinking he's into her?" Bijou asked. "In hindsight now that I recognize the signs? Yeah. Yeah he is." Hamtaro said. > Season 1: Episode 17 - Best Night Ever AU > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Seems it's been forever for the Grand Galloping Gala to come along." Twilight said, as the main six was heading for Canterlot. Thanks to the Ham Hams, their ride had been secured. "Still find it odd that after the ticket faisco, the Ham Hams get to come along too." Rainbow Dash said. "Guess Princess Celestia was that impressed by our infiltration of the castle without even getting caught." Hamtaro said. "How DID you get into the castle that way anyways?" Twilgiht asked. "Hamster trade secret." Hamtaro said. "Sad thing is, Boss was SUPPOSED to come with us, but no pony or hamster's seen him since the Mysterious Mare Do Well incident." Sparkle said. "Going to be his loss." Rainbow Dash said. "Though, I did get a letter from Princess Luna asking to meet me during the Grand Galloping Gala." She said. "Not sure what that's about, but I have a good feeling about tonight." Hamtaro said. Little did any pony OR hamster know, tonight was going to be off the charts. The group of ponies and hamsters soon arrived to the castle in their attire. The ponies wore their dresses made by Rarity, however, there was some kind of commotion going on. "This is kind of wierd. What's going on here?" Twilight asked. "You haven't heard?" It was Spitfire who talked. She was all dressed up too. So was Soarin. "Seems the usual orcastra that plays during this thing got replaced because too many of the members came down with the flu." Spitfire said. "Seems an odd coincidence." Twilight said. "We didn't do it!" Hamtaro said. "Doubt it was on purpose anyways. Though, it did leave Princess Celestia Scrambling. Seems she was able to find a band to play in the orcastra's place. Some band by the name of 'Hampton & The Hamsters'." Spitfire said. Sparkle's eyes suddenly went wide eyed. "HAMPTON & THE HAMSTERS?! THEY'RE HERE?!" Sparkle exclaimed. "The name does ring a few bells." Bijou said. "It should. They are only like, the most famous hamster band in all of our world." Sparkle said. "Seems like they got teleported here too then." Hamtaro said. "And their making the most of it." "A famous hamster band? I wonder how good they are." Fluttershy said. Soon every pony and the Ham Hams were settled in the ballroom. The main six quickly noticed the large stage with hamster sized amps. "Wow. That's so adorable." Rarity said. "Gotta take notes from this..." Suddenly, that's when some fog rolled in. And music played. By quite a few hamsters. These hamsters weren't done here though...and four imparticular started leading the next song. "Good evening Canterlot City!" The Lead Hamster, Hampton, said. "We're here to kick this Gala up a notch. Now, get ready to really groove." He added. Luna would pull Rainbow Dash aside for a bit. "So, Rainbow Dash, I was hoping to talk with you a bit about the Shadowbolts Nightmare Moon had created. Admittedly they...piqued my interest." "So, your going to make them a real thing or something?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yes. Do not fear, I would never ask you to choose this over your friends. In fact, there's plenty of ponies I've been scouting for the Shadowbolts since that fateful night." Luna said. She noticed the next song was starting. "...Let us discuss more once the concert is over, shall we?" Luna asked. "Sounds like a plan." Rainbow Dash said. "And now ladies and gents out there, this next song is a dedication to our very first song. This is 'Sing A Simple Song'." Hampton said. "And to close out things, let us pay a tribute to all you couples out there in the audience." Hampton said. "Goodnight Canterlot City!" Hampton said, as an instrumental of the final song played and the main four hamsters left the stage. "Wow, they ARE good." Twilight said. "Duh! Why you think they got so famous? Even HUMANS were into this stuff." Sparkle said. "Wow. Not sure what a human is, but these hamsters got to be doing something right if they've got non-hamsters as fans." Rainbow Dash said. "And I think we can include ponies into that fanbase now. Look." Twilight said, seeing a few of the usually upkempt nobles dacing to the instramental track. "...Case in point." Rainbow Dash said. This really did turn into the Best Night Ever. > Season 2: Episode 1 - Hamster Harmony Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss was just walking around the Canterlot Guardens and looking at the various statues around the garden. "So many statues. That Princess Celestia must have paid a fortune for them all to be made." He said before he suddenly came across a statue with many cracks around it. "Oh but, this one looks like it's about to break from all the time it's been out here. I should go inform the Princess. And maybe I'll at least earn some favor with the other ham hams..." Boss said. Suddenly, the statue suddenly broke apart, but a creature very much resembling the statue appeared. "Free at last! And boy, does it feel good!" The creature said. "Wh-who are you? Where did you come from?" Boss asked. "Hmm....do you want the answer to the first question first, or the second question first?" The creature asked. "I'm just messing with you, Boss. Who I am is Discord. Where I'm from is a dimension from very far away." He answered. "Wait, how do you know my name?" Boss asked. "And why do you look so much like the statue that just crumbled apart?" He asked. "The answer to both your questions is actually simple: See, what you thought was just a simple statue, was actually an imprisoned beast by who you call Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Because of them, I was trapped as a statue for trying to spread chaos across the glob to where there would be nothing but chaos. But just because I was a statue doesn't mean I didn't hear a peep of what was going on." Discord said. "So...you know everything then..." Boss said. "Well, I hope you realize that too much chaos can get boring, so I can understand why you were trapped for causing so much. Still, at least your just an exception rather then the norm." "Am I?" Discord asked, and then snapped his fingers. Before Boss could say anything else, he was bombarded with thousands of voices all at once, and essentially showed that yes, hamsters could do a fetal position too. Even if it looked really weird. Discord snapped his figures again, and the voices stopped. "Wh-what did you just do?" Boss asked. "I used my chaos magic to enable you to hear all the voices of the others that were turned to stone. So, what does that say about your precious Princess Celestia now?" Discord asked. "You know what? Your crazy. And your even crazier if you think you have a remote chance of doing anything." Boss said. "But being crazy is fun. And I'm going to enjoy playing games with the elements of harmony." Discord said. "It's not them that you'll have to worry about." Boss said. "Please, I can run circles around the Ham Hams any day of the week." Discord said. "Look, no offense, but despite knowing that Hamtaro is the most reliable hamster ever, that won't help you." Boss said. "Because there's a reason why all his ideas are the best ideas. I'm not afraid to admit it, but I wouldn't even be alive if Hamtaro hadn't helped me out of more then a handful of jams. Whatever your planning, it'll be no different." Boss then left. "...We'll just see about that..." Discord said. "Whose this Discord guy?" Hamtaro asked. "A creature who was bent on world domination through the use of his chaos magic. Boss had been there in the garden when he escaped his stone prison, which allowed me ample time to put a magic spell on the elements of harmony to prevent them from being stolen." Princess Celestia said. "But it seems this time, Discord wants to challenge the hamsters directly in a game to determine the fate of equestria." "You mean that spirit of chaos is betting all of equestria with some hamsters?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Indeed. He wants to see if they are just as advertised. And unfortunately, this is apparently not up for debate: the elements of Harmony have been mysteriously rendered unusable until the fate of equestria has been decided." Princess Celestia said. "Which means that you ponies can't interfere." Discord said, suddenly taking the form of one of the nearby pane widnows. "Only the hamsters can play my game. Anyone else will result in me winning by default." Discord said. "Oh yeah? We'll play your little game Discord. We ham hams never back down from anything." Bijou said. "I wonder if you'll even be able to win my game. But, since your willing to play, here we go~" Discord said, suddenly properly appearing before teleporting away with the hamsters. "Hey, where'd they go?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. Hamtaro got up from some kind of grass field. "Huh? Where are the other ham hams?" Hamtaro asked. "Oh they are scattered about this pocket deminsion I've created specifically for this game. The rules are simple Hamtaro: You must navigate this pocket deminsion, find your fellow ham hams, and get them to agree to work together with you in defeating me. And here's the big one: You must be sure to grab EVERY single member of your group before challenging me, for if you miss even one, then that's considered a loss. I'm very curious on if you'll even be able to do what I'm asking of you. Good luck~" Discord said. "Tch. Discord doesn't know the others as well as he thinks he does." Hamtaro said. He quickly found Bijou at some kind of beauty salon. "Huh? Bijou? What are you doing here?" Hamtaro asked. "Hmm? Why wouldn't I be here? This place helps my beauty." Bijou said. "...Though, who are you again? I can't seem to remember..." Bijou said. ...It was at that moment, Hamtaro realized that Discord really did know the ham hams. Because he had erased their memories, and reduced them to their basic selves. However, this sort of thing has never stopped Hamtaro before. As much as I gotta give you props for this, Discord, there's one factor you'll never account for: Me. Watch out Discord, Hamtaro's leading this charge! To Be Continued > Season 2: Episode 2 - Hamster Harmony Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With some manovoring in helping Bijou pick out some great beauty projects, he began to really make sure she felt really safe around him, being sure to be his usual crismatic and usual self. And it didn't take long, for a flood of memories to hit Bijou like a ton of bricks. "What the...what happened? Hamtaro, did Discord just...steal my memories of you?" Bijou asked. "I think so. And I'm going to go ahead and guess he's done it to the others." Hamtaro said. "I simply reminded you of who I am, and that seemed to have worked. It reminded you of the love you have for me. Meaning Discord only stole the memories of every ham's minds, but not anything from their souls. That's going to be key." "I'll help the best I can then. Discord's going to learn that he's messed with the wrong hamster." Bijou said. Discord meanwhile was observing this. "Hmm...that's odd...I thought I buried everything really well. The chaos magic I put on these hamsters should be impossible to break." He said. "Bah. No matter. I'm sure it's just a fluke. Hamtaro only succeded because Bijou's love was too great to be permanetly buried. No way Hamtaro will succeed any further." Unfortunatley for Discord, he was betting on the wrong horse. With each hamster, Hamtaro was mostly just being his usual self, and did everything he could do in being himself to remind each and every hamster of their surpressed memories. With Cappy, Hamtaro had tried on hats together with him. With Oxnard, Hamtaro helped him collect huge sunflower seeds, and even helped him find the lost personal one Oxnard always kept around, reminding Oxnard of their friendship. The list went on and on and on. "I...I don't understand...how...how is this..." Discord said. "There's...there's just no way...no way Hamtaro could really relate this well to all these hamsters..." Hamtaro had ultimately arrived at the last hamster to restore: Sparkle, the one from hollywood. Hamtaro know that this one wouldn't be easy. But, he had to give it a go all the same. He wouldn't give up on any hamster, not even Sparkle. Bijou knew that there was the off chance Sparkle would give Hamtaro a thank you kiss after this, because she knew Sparkle's own crush on Hamtaro. But whether she does it or not, will be for fate to decide. And Bijou would be okay with Sparkle taking a kiss on Hamtaro, just this once. But thankfully, Bijou's fears went unfounded: Once Sparkle had her memory restored, she looked almost...humbled. "Geez...that Discord really messed me up huh? Probably was betting I'd do something that would've made Bijou really, really mad at me or something." Sparkle said. "But, joke's on him: I've lost my chance with you, Hamtaro. Besides, hanging out with the Cutie Mark Crusaders made me realize something: There's no way I could ever hope to replace Bijou, seeing as she's always had her eyes on you first. And that's okay." She said. "So, yeah. I'm not going to do something that I've lost my chance at. And it was a chance I never had to begin with. Bijou saw you first, and I should respect that." "That's...very mature of you Sparkle. I honestly never expected that." Hamtaro said. "Besides, I need to really see where my talents lie now before I try looking for love again. Maybe this time, I'll actually go beyond just some crush." Sparkle said. "From here on out, I'm a new Sparkle. And even though the Cutie Mark Crusaders helped a lot with that, that wouldn't have been possible without you, Hamtaro." She said. "So...just keep being you. Your fine the way you are. And there's not a single creature in the world who can change you." "OKAY, THAT'S IT!" Discord suddenly appeared. "I'VE BEEN TRYING TO BE NICE, TRYING TO MAKE THIS FAIR, BUT YOU CLEARLY HAVE TO BE CHEATING SOMEHOW! SO, I'M GOING TO TAKE EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU, AND REDUCE YOU TO YOUR BASIC SELF NOW!" Discord said before attempting to do that. "Tingly. Didn't know you could do small shock theropy. You could make a career out of that." Hamtaro said. "...What?! Okay, this time for real." Discord tried again. "Seriously, I'm not joking. Maybe you should drop the chaos stick and do shock massages or something." Hamtaro said. "Why isn't this working?!" Discord exclaimed before trying again. "Maybe I should figure out how to pay you after we get done here. What currency do you take?" Hamtaro asked. "I...I don't understand..." Discord was breaking down. "My chaos powers always work the way I want them to, so why? Why aren't they working? How come they won't work?!" Discord exclaimed. "You don't get it yet, do you Discord? Do you really want to know why your chaos powers aren't working on Hamtaro?" Sparkle asked. "Because trust me, your not going to like it." "What? What am I missing?" Discord asked. "Hamtaro already IS his most basic self. That's just how he is." Sparkle said. "Wait, I don't understand that logic. Run that by me slowly?" Bijou asked. "Oh come on Bijou girl, don't tell me you don't see it?" Sparkle asked. "Tell me exactly: Why do you love Hamtaro so much?" "Well that's because of how headstrong, chrismatic, and willing to help others he is." Bijou said. "Mmmhmm. And Oxnard, why do you consider Hamtaro your best friend?" Sparkle asked. "Well...if I'm honest, he's headstrong, chrismatic, and willing to help others. But that's what Bijou just said." Oxnard said. "And if we're being honest, similar situation with me." Stan said. "Me too." Sandy said. The ham hams began to cause some sort of choras. "...I really don't see how this is...wait..." Bijou suddenly went wide eyed. "Yeah. This is just who Hamtaro is. He's always been that way, that's what I meant when I said there's no being in existance that could change him, because he's just too pure." Sparkle said. "Why do you think I got a crush on him huh? It's the exact same reason. Everyone's reason is the same, becuase Hamtaro doesn't need to be anyone else. He's perfect just the way he is." "What...you...you mean he's...." Discord said. He didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to believe what that meant. "Yeah. Hamtaro's already chaotic enough as it stands. He can't be swayed to chaos, because he's already chaotic enough. That's just how he is." Sparkle said. "But...but that means..." Discord said. "You lose Discord. Game over." Sparkle said. "Well this is not what I expected to happen..." Celestia said. Discord had just teleported the hamsters back to the castle and the elements were usable again. And, what's more, Discord was just...off to find a place to make into his personal space to let loose without being anywhere near Hamtaro. "Guess there are something even chaos can't touch." Rainbow Dash said. "Because they sure as heck couldn't touch Hamtaro." "Although I wasn't joking when I told Discord he should take up shock massages. He'd be good at them." Hamtaro said. Bijou just wrapped her arms around Hamtaro. "Never change Hamtaro. Never change." Bijou said. "DOES NOBODY LISTEN TO ME WHEN I SAID HE CAN'T CHANGE?!" Sparkle exclaimed. "Oh what the heck, maybe I should just drop it. After all, if there's one thing to learn from everything, it's to just be yourself, and your friendships will be plentiful and marry." "Honestly, I couldn't have put that better myself." Twilight said. > Season 2: Episode 3 - Lesson Hamtaro > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight was being a bit stressed out, but took some deep breaths to calm herself. It was coming up on being a week sense her last friendship report, but she didn't want to panic. The day was still young after all, and besides, perhaps she'd witness one of her friends learning about friendship that she could write about. As soon as that idea popped into her head, she suddenly realized something she could hope to truly show that she's been learning as much as she could about friendship. She's been noticing that Boss has become more and more distant from the other ham hams ever since Bijou dumped him in favor of Hamtaro and tried to stage rescuing Bijou. Twilight's logic was that perhaps, she could help Boss come to an understanding, and apologize at long last to the other ham hams. It made the absolute most sense. ...She just had to hope she did a good job. Twilight did some searching and found Boss's makeshift shack. "Um...hello Boss." Twilight announced. "Oh. It's you Twilight. What do you want?" Boss asked. "I was hoping to talk with you about Bijou." Twilight said. "Nothing to talk about. It's clear she doesn't want me around her anymore." Boss said. "Look, maybe if you did some serious apologizing, that wouldn't have to become the case. You did something wrong, and you should apologize for it." Twilight said. "Apologize? Aplogize?!" Boss looked angry. "You have no idea what it's like Twilight, falling for someone only for that someone to seem to never return your feelings. I've had a crush on Bijou since I first saw her. But instead of returning that crush, she instead chooses Hamtaro to crush on. And the thing is, now that he knows, he's basically making sure she's happy." "If you ask me, I think the fact that your unwilling to budge on apologizing shows that perhaps you never stood a chance to begin with." Twilight said. "Oh yeah? Well what's a unicorn like you know about love huh?" Boss asked. Twilight was pointingly silent. "Yeah that's what I thought." Twilight sighed as she exited. So much for that idea... She thought to herself, but then she noticed Spike and Sweetie Belle hanging out together. Wait, shouldn't Spike be at Rarity's today? "Seriously, you keep a plushie of me to snuggle at night?" Spike asked Sweetie Belle. "I told you it was embarrassing to admit..." Sweetie Belle said. "Nah, I think it's kind of cute." Spike said. "Oh hey Twilight." "Spike? Weren't you helping Rarity today?" Twilight asked. "We got done early so Rarity could have some time with Blueblood while he's visiting." Spike said. "So I decided to spend time with Sweetie Belle." He added. "Wait, your not upset that Rarity wants somepony else? What about your own crush on her?" Twilight asked. "Yeah well...after Boss's fiasco, I decided that Rarity's happiness was enough for me. So I decided to start hanging with Sweetie Belle instead. We're going fairly slow, but I think it's time worth spending." Spike said. Twilight suddenly got another idea. "...Actually, there may be something the two of you could help me with." Twilight said. "What--Spike? Sweetie Belle?!" Boss was shocked to say the least. "Your still hung up on Bijou huh?" Spike said. "Says the dragon who has a crush on Rarity..." Boss said. "Yeah well, not so much anymore." Spike said. "After the incident that lead to your sort of outcast thing, I decided that, while I do like Rarity, the chances she doesn't like me back are fairly high. So, I came to a bit of a decision: Her happiness was more important to me then anything else." He said. "Which when I decided to start getting to know Sweetie Belle, and wouldn't you know it? We have a lot more shared interests." "And equally embarrassing things to share." Sweetie Belle said. "What? But...but your crush on Rarity..." Boss said. "Look, if there's something I learnt from your interactions with Bijou, it's that sometimes the pony or hamster doesn't return your feelings. And that's okay. If you really like a person in a certain way, perhaps it's better that you focus on their happiness rather then what you yourself want." Spike said. "Because even if your love isn't returned, you should at least show the person you do like that you care." Boss was silent. He hand't thought of things that way. Not like that at least. And who was he to grill Spike? Clearly the young drake had learnt something from him, and Spike decided to change course. So why couldn't Boss? Speaking of the hamster couple though, Hamtaro and Bijou were currently heading for the hill not too far from Ponyville Park, when all of a sudden, Boss noticed a ball heading right for Hamtaro, and he was clueless. Something suddenly snapped in Boss, and he decided that, if some hamster should take that blow, it should be him; not Hamtaro. So he went and pushed Hamtaro out of the way, before being hit by that ball. "Boss!" Twilight yelled out. Thankfully, it turned out that Boss was going to live, but he was pretty heavily injured. Twilight didn't even get to write her friendship report the day Boss got hospitalized, choosing instead to inform Princess Celestia that Boss had been heavily injured. So, the ham hams, the main six, and Princess Celestia were there when Boss finally woke up. "Ugh...that was smarts. How long was I out?" Boss asked. "Three days. Three whole days. What were you thinking?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "I was...thinking of how happy Bijou would be...if her boyfriend was around." Boss said. "You mean you did that to save me? But what changed?" Hamtaro asked. "Ask Spike later. He talked a lot of sense into me." Boss said. "Bijou's happiness is more important then my own personal feelings. So...I'm sorry about what I tried to do." "You don't have to apologize. It's obvious that you are sorry if you went out of your way to save Hamtaro. So, I forgive you." Bijou said. "I guess I must apologize to Princess Celestia; Boss getting injured stopped me from sending a friendship report on time." Twilight said. "I never really gave you a deadline, Twilight Sparkle. But perhaps, Boss has learnt what Spike has learnt in regards to friendship." Princess Celestia said. "Yeah. Yeah I have." Boss said. "What I learnt about friendship, is that sometimes when that friendship blossoms into something more, sometimes those feelings don't get fully returned. And that's okay. What separates a normal friend from a great friend is making sure that friend you have feelings for is happy. Even if that would mean they never like you the way you were liking them." "That is a great lesson to learn. And while I'm sure that you, Twilight Sparkle, have more to learn on friendship, whose to say your friends won't learn things too? This is just one example of that. So, I hereby grant permission that any time any of your friends learn a friendship lesson, to send them my way." Princess Celestia said. "And yes, this applies to the hamsters as well." "We are honored, Princess Celestia." Hamtaro said. "Heh...I think I've already given you such a report today...can...can I wait to learn more for when I get better?" Boss asked. "Seriously, everything hurts." Every pony and hamster got a good chuckle out of that. > Season 2: Episode 4 - Hanging with the Hamsters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was the day after the sisterhooves social, and the CMC were at their clubhouse. Sparkle was present as per usual. "Oof, kind of a slow day today. Since we aren't really coming up with any new ideas for talents." Sparkle said. "It's tough making these up on the spot." "I'll say." Scootaloo said. "Hey, I just thought of something we could do." Sweetie Belle said. "Oh please don't tell me your suggesting going to the ham hams. Again." Scootaloo said. "What other option do we have right now?" Apple Bloom asked. "I DON'T want to deal with the ham hams. I'm not that desperate." Scootaloo said. "Geez, your starting to sound like me." Sparkle said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Scootaloo asked. "I didn't really like hanging out with them much before, but...now they are all I've got left of home. So, I am more then willing to hang out with them if there's not much going on." Sparkle said. "And besides, you'd be surprised what kind of whacky adventures the ham hams get up to. One time, we took a makeshift raft out onto the ocean." "Seriously? Okay, NOW I'm intrigued. Perhaps shadowing the Ham Hams will give us cutie mark ideas." Scootaloo said. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were shadowing the ham hams as they were doing some discussing. "Nightmare Night was so much like Halloween that it wasn't funny." Hamtaro said. "True, but Princess Luna showing up to scare the ponies was a nice change." Bijou said. "Still, you think we should do something for Princess Luna? Make her feel more welcome in the new world?" Hamtaro asked. "That's Hamtaro for you: Always thinking of others." Oxnard said. "It's actually a really great idea when you think about it." Howdy said. "Isn't that always the case? This is Hamtaro we're talking about." Boss said. "Let's do it then." Hamtaro said. "Make a gift for Princess Luna? Not the wost idea I've heard about. Doesn't sound like it could lead to a cutie mark though." Scootaloo said. "Would be kind of specific anyways." Sweetie Belle said. "Still, we could help." Apple Bloom said. "Better then nothing at all, right?" She asked. "True. Even if it's not a cutie mark thing, making something for Princess Luna sounds like it'd at least be something to do today." Scootaloo said. The Cutie Mark Crusaders ended up helping the ham hams make something for Princess Luna which the night princess did like. "You did really well with this. I'm glad. I...haven't really ever been given been given a gift before." Princess Luna said. "Really? Not even a thousand years ago?" Scootaloo asked. "Because honestly, I find that hard to believe." "Believe it, dear Scootaloo. It's part of why I ended up becoming Nightmare Moon." Princess Luna said. "Now that's just not fair." Apple Bloom said. "Yeah. I don't care that you are a princess; you deserved some gifts in your life." Sweetie Belle said. "That's nice of you to think of that, little ones." Princess Luna said. "Perhaps you should try finding out some way to connect with the ponies in a way that your sister can't. That way they appreciate you more." Sparkle said. "Not a bad idea, I think I'll do that." Princess Luna said. > Season 2: Episode 5 - Two dogs, six Ponies, and...a Turtle?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's yet another seemingly normal day in Ponyville with the Ham-Hams currently hanging around Sweet Apple Acres. However, there was something going on right now: Hamtaro was being licked by a dog owned by Applejack. "Ha ha ha, that actually tickles." Hamtaro said. The dog barked. "This is ma dog Winona. Ah've had her since she was a little pup." Applejack said. Winona kept licking Hamtaro, playfully doing so might I add. "Ha ha ha, she certainly is friendly. Reminds me of Bradly." Hamtaro said. "...Whose Bradly?" Apple Bloom asked. "That would be this dog from our world that Hamtaro's owner owns." Boss said. "Or at least, his former owner. Dang, now I'm wondering how that dog is doing." Suddenly Fluttershy was rushing in. "Applejack, I need your help with a dog!" Fluttershy said. "Aren't you the animal expert here?" Boss asked. "Applejack is so familiar with dogs, I thought she would know what I should do with this one." Fluttershy said, as she suddenly brought out a dog from who knows where. But Hamtaro's eyes went wide as his jaw dropped as the dog the yellow pegasus suddenly yawned. "B-bradly?!" Hamtaro exclaimed. "It's just the wierdiest thing, this dog is unlike Winona. He just keeps lazing about. And he barely even eats. But it's obvious he needs to eat. I really don't know what to do." Fluttershy said. Hamtaro suddenly approuched the dog in question. "Bradly? I-is that you buddy?" Hamtaro asked. Suddenly without warning, Bradly sprung to life before barking playfully and licking Hamtaro like crazy. "Ha ha ha, I missed you too buddy; I missed you too." "...Wow. Seems like Hamtaro is just what the doctor ordered." Howdy said. "Did you honestly expect any less? This is Bradly we're talking about here." Bijou argued. "She's got a point." Dexter said. Bradly stomach grumbled. "Oh, I do hope he'll eat now." Fluttershy said. Sure enough after Applejack poured out some dog food for Bradly, said dog was pratically digging in now. "Oh he's so much more lively now." Fluttershy said. "I guess he was just so worried about me, that he was unable to want to do much. But now that he knows I'm okay, he's back to being his usual self." Hamtaro said. "Oh this is just so lovely. Now the pet play date at the park can go as planned." Fluttershy said. "Heke?" Hamtaro was confused. This led to the hamsters finding out about the main six and their respective pets. Well...almost. The only pony not here right now was Rainbow Dash. "So...why isn't Rainbow Dash here?" Hamtaro asked. "She doesn't actually have a pet." Applejack said. "Though I'm surprised Bradly followed us." He said. "Heke?" Hamtaro was then suddenly licked by Bradly from behind. "Oh, hey Bradly." Hamtaro said. "Looks like Bradly wants to stick by you for a while." Bijou said. "I think I got the message." Hamtaro said. Soon Winona was licking him too. "Okay, now this is just insane." Applejack couldn't help but just laugh at that. "Well, if ah didn't know any better, it seems dogs just like Hamtaro." "Who doesn't?" Practically every ham-ham said at the same time. "Hey, what's going on here?" Rainbow Dash asked. One thing soon led to another with Rainbow Dash, and it led to a massive pet competition. While the Eagle did win the final race in the end, Rainbow Dash did remind everyone that she specifically mentioned that the pet who crossed the finish line with her would win. As in the pet and Rainbow Dash had to cross the line together. And that had led to not only Rainbow Dash naming the tortious "Tank" but also Twilight rigging up a perpellar for Tank so he could fly around Ponyville. "Wait a second, Maxwell, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't Tortoises hibernate during winter?" Sandy asked. "That is indeed the case. Tortoises hibernate during the winter." Maxwell said. "Eh...no big deal right? That's just one season which is about three months. I've got nine other months of the year to hang with Tank in the meantime. Plus, Winter Wrap up was last week before the whole Discord thing." Rainbow Dash said. "Well technically, that was last month." Twilight said. "...Well that's still eight full months with Tank before next winter. And then once Winter passes, that'll be nine whole months with Tank!" Rainbow Dash said. "...She's...taking that a lot better than I thought she would..." Fluttershy said. Suddenly Bradly and Winona were sniffing each other. "...Wait, what's going on over there?" Rainbow Dash asked. "I...I think we better leave the two alone for a while." Hamtaro said before he was quickly ushering the ponies and other hamsters away. "Hey wait, why are you shooing us away?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed, but got no answer. > Season 2: Episode 6 - Her Biggest Fan (Easter Madness 2024) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a great time with the CMC today for Sparkle. She was really enjoying herself with the three fillies. And Sunset was here now. "Well this has been great, but I should probably get back home now." Sweetie Belle said. "Same with me actually. I better head on home." Scootaloo said. "You know, you've never really told us where you live Scootaloo. Some time, you gotta let the rest of us come visit." Apple Bloom said. "Yeah, it can't be worse than the last time we all slept over at a place. No offense Sweetie Belle, but the fact that you caused us to sleep over at Fluttershy's house because you just had to use Rarity's Gold Silk (H26) for your cutie mark crusader capes is just all kinds of messed up." Sparkle said. "None taken; I'll admit that was fully on me." Sweetie Belle said. "Well...well I'm not sure my parents would be okay with letting you stay over. And convincing them otherwise...let's just say it'd be easier if I fought Nightmare Moon then trying to convince my parents to let you stay over." Scootaloo said. "They can't be that difficult. Hey, maybe I could go with you; I know how to read others because of my actress background you know. That could really come in clutch for something like convincing your parents." Sparkle said. "That's nice of you to offer Sparkle..." Scootaloo said as she got on her scooter. "But...but I would rather want to do this on my own." "Better not push it. From what ma sister says, Pegasi can be pretty stubborn. But then again, Fluttershy hasn't really been that stubborn." Apple Bloom said. "I wouldn't call Rainbow Dash stubborn, just a drive to want to be independent." Sweetie Belle said as Scootaloo went off on her scooter. "...Ah guess you have a point there. What do you think Sparkle?" Apple Bloom asked. But surprisingly, Sparkle had gone missing. "What the...where did she go?!" Sweetie Belle asked. "Maybe she went home already, not wanting to argue with Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked. "Well if she doesn't turn up tomorrow, we're looking for her with Scootaloo." Sweetie Belle said. "...Fair enough..." Apple Bloom said. Scootaloo managed to avoid being seen by any ponies, as she suddenly ducked right into an allyway, which was decorated with some Rainbow Dash Posters. "...It's better they never know about this." Scootaloo said as she parked her Scooter outside. "...No one can know about this, not even Rainbow Dash." Scootaloo got herself quickly situated into a box in the allyway. "If anyone knew, I'd probably be sent to the orphanage, or worse." "...Gee, you must really think the world of Rainbow Dash huh?" Sparkle's voice suddenly asked. "What the--" Scootaloo suddenly felt the top of her head, finding the very hamster had somehow snuck her way under the helmet. "H-how did you?" "You should've really remembered when the Ham hams got the extra tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. And if you really think Rainbow Dash of all ponies is going to report you because you're an orphan living on the streets, you must not really trust her all that well." Sparkle said. It wasn't long after that that Sparkle got kicked out of the allyway, but no pony was around to see her. "...Well now that was just rude. I was going to try and help her." Sparkle said. "Welp, nothing for it. I'll have to show her that she really doesn't get Rainbow Dash that well by tackling this issue from a different angle first thing tomorrow." Sparkle had actually told Applejack to let Apple Bloom know that she had something she wanted to do specifically today, so no search party was launched for the hamster. However, this was something better done out of range of Scootaloo anyways. Sparkle quickly found Rainbow Dash with Tank out near the park. "Rainbow Dash! Wow, finding you was easy." "Oh hey Sparkle. Did you want me for something?" Rainbow Dash asked. Sparkle decided to do some checking. "Rainbow Dash, what do you think about Scootaloo? Be honest. I don't want your edge this time; or your sass. Just bear the truth to me." "I'm not one for honesty, but I guess if you want me to be honest for a change, I won't sugar coat this: I'm a little worried over the squirt. She's constantly zipping around town on her scooter, and it's a little worrying that she hasn't been able to get in the air yet. I wonder if Scootaloo would be okay with having me as a mentor." Rainbow Dash said. Sparkle's eyes went wide. "You'd...you'd be willing to take Scootaloo up as a pupil? Just because?" Sparkle asked. "Wow. No wonder Scootaloo idolizes you. Her place was filled with posters of you." She said. "Heh yeah. Thing is, I'd need her parents permission. Do you know where she lives so I can go ask?" Rainbow Dash asked. "...As I matter of fact I do...but this is something you'll need to see for yourself at Sunset..." Sparkle said. Another failed day of crusading, but Scootaloo felt that there had to be something coming up soon. Still, she returned to the allyway that was her home. And was about to go into her usual box when suddenly, Rainbow Dash suddenly flew down from the sky. "R-rainbow Dash h-how did you..." Scootaloo said. "P-please...please don't--" But without saying anything, Rainbow Dash just scooped Scootaloo into a wing hug, and just let the lilly filly cry her eyes out right there and then. Sparkle watched that happen from outside the allyway, with a few other Ham-Hams. "So...you had a feeling when Rainbow Dash saw this...that she'd do a lot more then take Scootaloo up as a pupil huh?" Hamtaro asked. "I keep saying that my actress skills allow me to read people, and the way Rainbow Dash talked...it was basically a given she'd do what I'm guessing she'll do." Sparkle said. "Gee, you really are trying to change." Bijou said. "Heh. I think I'm doing a lot more then just trying." Sparkle said. "...I suppose you're not wrong." Hamtaro said. The very next day, Rainbow Dash worked out everything and was even able to create a scooter ramp for Scootaloo down from her cloudhouse and have the paper work for Scootaloo to be living at Rainbow Dash's house as a dependent. > Season 2: Episode 7 - The Big Storm > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Scootaloo, there's something you wanted to show me?" Rainbow Dash asked the orange filly as she was escorting the cyan pegasus to somewhere in Ponyville. That's when they came across it, some kind of really burnt down house. "...We're here..." Scootaloo said. "What is this place?" Rainbow Dash asked. "This...was where I was living before the allyway." Scootaloo said. "It had been just a regular day in ponyville. There was that big storm that I'm told wasn't scheduled." "Oh yeah. I remember that. Took a lot of us at the weather factory to get that under control." Rainbow Dash said. "Wait, you work there?" Scootaloo asked. "Yep. I'm actually the manager of the sector that covers Ponyville. But that day of the storm your talking about, was the same day something went wrong with the weather machine. It was all hooves on deck to get the machine fixed and get that unexpected storm under control. Heck, I was the one who actually stopped the storm from getting any worse." Rainbow Dash said. Scootaloo's eyes went wide. "You mean that's why the skies cleared up shortly after...wait, I'm getting ahead of myself." She said. "Well...I didn't do anything complicated. All I really did was give that machine a strong enough kick to dislodge it." Rainbow Dash said. "...That's rather anti-climatic." Scootaloo said. "Well, at the very least, dislodging the machine was simple yet effective as it allowed the storm to finally be brought under control after eighteen hours." Rainbow Dash said. "It...it was the longest workday in the history of the weather factory." "I-I kind of wish maybe...maybe some pony had done something like that sooner. Then maybe I wouldn't have had to live on the streets to stay in Ponyville. There's no orphanage here as you know, and I didn't want to leave. The only friend I had was Sweetie Belle." Scootaloo said. "But I really, really didn't want to leave her." "What do you mean?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Who lived here with you?" "My aunts. This was actually their house. A few months ago from before I met Sweetie Belle, my aunts were looking after me for my parents who did a lot of traveling around the world for one reason or another. During that time, I would always stay with my aunts. But the thing is...the thing is one day...one day we got terrible news." Scootaloo said. "You don't have to say anymore. I get what kind of news you got." Rainbow Dash said. "...Thanks." Scootaloo said. "Anyways, because I was always being looked after by my aunts, it was easy for them to gain custody of me. But during the big storm, they had gotten trapped in the collapsing building." She said looking up at the destroyed building. "They managed to free me before getting trapped, and encouraged me to escape." Flashback... "Scootaloo...you have to run..." One of Scootaloo's aunts told her. "You need to escape." "D-don't worry, I'm going to get help for you. I'll be right back with help." Scootaloo said as she quickly headed outside. I quickly rushed out of there as quick as I could on my little legs. Scootaloo's voice said in a voice over. I wanted to go get them help, I was holding out hope that I would make it to City Hall or the Hospital; one of the two to get some help! But just as I a good distance away from the house... CRASH! BANG! ...I heard the most awful sound of my entire life. A sound I'll never forget. Scootaloo's voice said in a voice over. Hearing the sound, I slowly turned my head towards the house, and was met with a dreadful sight. Present day... "...The sight I saw when I turned my head around...is the very one we're looking at now." Scootaloo said, looking at the destroyed building. "From what I understand from the report I was able to sneakily read, a load bearing wall's support beam snapped under the pressure the house was experiencing from the big storm. And that's what caused the rest of the house to collapse; burying my aunts alive in the process." "I don't know much about houses I'm afraid. I'll have to ask Twilight what a load bearing wall is." Rainbow Dash said. "What? What do you mean you don't know what a load bearing wall is?!" Rainbow Dash suddenly excalimed. "I meant what I said. Look, just because I read a lot of books doesn't mean I know everything." Twilight said. "Pardon me one moment..." Maxwell suddenly said. "...I sometimes forget these hamsters hang around outside their new clubhouse." Rainbow Dash said. "Did you mentioned something about a load bearing wall?" Maxwell asked. "I did yes." Rainbow Dash said. "Well, I'm actually currently reading a book on building structures. It says here that a load bearing wall supports the structures above it. Whether that be the roof, or an actual second floor of a building." Maxwell said. "So then...that wall was supporting the floor I was sleeping on..." Scootaloo said. "That...that just makes the fact that that was why the entire building fell to pieces even harder on me to know..." "It's not your fault." Rainbow Dash assured Scootaloo. "Why are you even asking about a load bearing wall anyways?" Maxwell asked. Sometime later... "Oh. I see. I understand now." Maxwell said. "Then Rainbow Dash is right. There was nothing you did, or even could've done. In fact, based on what you've told me, I'm willing to bet the sound you heard, was the support beam snapping in two, and then the house collapsing afterwards." CRASH! BANG! "Seems the support beam just couldn't take that much pressure from this big storm and just snapped." Twilight summerized. "Th-that's what the report I glimsed at was saying too." Scootaloo said. "So you see, there was nothing you did do and nothing you could have done to save them. Think back, what were your aunt's last words to you?" Maxwell asked. "Scootaloo...you have to run..." One of Scootaloo's aunts said. "You need to escape." "She...she told me to run...that I needed to escape." Scootaloo said. But then, in her minds eyes, she rembered that one of her aunt's eyes wasn't focused on the orange filly. It was looking off to the side, towards a wall that had been ripped apart by the storm. And upon realizing that, Scootaloo's eyes went wide. "Wh-what's going on Scoots?" Rainbow Dash asked. "...The support beam...my aunt saw it..." Scootaloo said. "She...she saw the support beam...she must've realized it wasn't going to hold...not for much longer under those intense winds..." "Then it seems, you know the truth: In her last moments, the only thoughts running through your aunt's head, was your own saftey. Their last act...was to encourage you to live." Maxwell said. "I...I don't believe it..." Scootaloo said. "I think...tomorrow, you should gather Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. There's a spell I'm wanting to cast so we can do something, and I think it's time to do it." Twilight said. "It should do you some good." > Season 2: Episode 8 - Ham-Ham Clubhouse (Easter Madness 2024) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was now the next day. And the ponies were gathered near a hallow tree where Boss was outside guarding the place. "So, what's this spell your about to use anyways?" Boss asked. "A shrinking spell. I'd advise you to gain some distance from us." Twilight said. "I think maybe we should have the spell cast somewhere--" Rainbow Dash was interupted when after Boss went a ways away, Twilight cast the spell. It didn't only shrink the ponies, but the tree as well. "...Oh. Whoops." Twilight said. "And that is exactly why I was trying to say to cast the spell away from the tree..." Rainbow Dash said. Some spell shaninigans later and everything was set where the tree was it's normal size and the ponies were shrunk. "Things look so...so big now from this height." Apple Bloom said. "Speaking of, isn't this supposed to be a school day?" Applejack asked. "Oh my, this is going to be a wonderous educational field trip!" Miss Cheerilee said suddenly. That's when the main six noticed that the entire Ponyville Elementrary was there too. "WHAT THE--" To say Rainbow Dash was shocked was an understatement. "I actually told Miss Cheerilee, that I think this would make for a fun educational experience. Since, the height we are right now is the average height for hamsters. And since it was from a different point of view, Miss Cheerilee figured that a field trip into the Hamster Clubhouse would be an educational experience like never before." Twilight said. "...I can see how she'd say that." Sweetie Belle said. "I-I'm so tiny now! I just hope nopony steps on me." Diamond Tiara said. "I wouldn't worry about that. Not many ponies come near this tree." Boss said. "Wait a second, where's the clubhouse?" One of the school fools asked. Twilight grinned. "...Boss, that's your cue." "Oh. Oh right!" Boss said before he went over to the base of the tree where a hamster sized door was. "Ahem, in here if you all would mind." He said before opening the door. "It's much bigger on the inside then it looks on the outside. Trust me." "Wait...is he saying that the clubhouse--" "Is inside the tree? Yes Applejack, that's exactly what he's saying. Hamtaro was all too eager to tell me the location of the new Ham-Ham clubhouse." Twilight said. "And today's first experience at hamster size...IS A HAMSTER SIZED SLIDE!" "Wait...wait what?" Diamond Tiara asked. "WEEEEEEEEEE!" Many ponies were saying. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Both Diamond Tiara and Rarity were saying. Soon the shrunken ponies were deposited into a massive complex inside the tree alongside Boss, where many of the ham-hams could be seen around the place. "Yikes, you weren't kidding when you said that this place was much bigger inside then it looked on the outside." Apple Bloom said. "I wonder if this counts as recycling something old and turning it into something new?" Miss Cheerilee asked. "...Actually, I think this brings a whole new meaning to doing something like that." "Trust me, it probably only looks this big because your hamster sized. To your normal size, this probably wouldn't be all that big." Boss said. "...I can see where he's coming from there. So, this is the kind of world you hamsters are used to everyday..." Fluttershy said. "And of course Fluttershy is instantly in awe of this. Typical Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said, taking flight. "Now, this spell only lasts a few hours, so I'd advise trying to stick together so we can leave before the spell runs off." Twilight said. "Trust me, I ran the numbers; we'd all get splinters from the tree this is in if we are in here when the spell runs off. And believe me, that wouldn't be pleasent." "Ah yes, I suppose that would be a problem." Miss Cheerilee said. The ponies all got to see all kinds of things the hamsters had done for themselves in the clubhouse, and there was plenty of room for each and every hamster to spend the night there. "It's like a massive resort hotel made for hamsters by hamsters." Diamond Tiara said. "I-it's like a hamster paradise." "Well, honestly, what did you expect? These hamsters basically live out of this place." Apple Bloom said. Diamond Tiara decided to just let that one go as she blushed in embarrassment. In hindsight, Diamond Tiara should've realized that from the get-go. Besides, she got distracted by...a moving frying pan? "CAPPY!" Boss suddenly shouted at the frying pan. That's when a hamster suddenly lifted the frying pan from underneath. "Oh hey. I was just hefting this thing to my room. I need to restart my hat collection and I found this old frying pan." Cappy said. "Ugh...seriously Cappy...one of these days your cap obsession is going to be the death of you." Boss said. "And that worries me." "...I'm honestly surprised he can even lift that." Diamond Tiara said. "I'm more surprised that he even found it." Silver Spoon added. "Uh oh...I think it's time to leave." Twilight said. "The timer's running out." "Oh hey, you can use my super secret golden slide (H28) exit if you need to get out in a hurry." Cappy said. "GOLDEN SLIDE?!" Diamond Tiara was star struck. Thankfully yes, the slide did have gold on it, but only the saftey railing. Which was a little disappointing, but it still got Diamond Tiara's interest. "I hope we get to do that again some time. And I mean explore the clubhouse, not the slide part." Diamond Tiara said. "Maybe some other day." Miss Cheerilee said. Soon enough, the spell wore off as the ponies got far enough away from the clubhouse in the tree. "Well class, I'd say we had one educational field trip." Miss Cheerilee said. "So, I think we should return to the school now." Miss Cheerilee and all the foals left. "That...that was awesome!" Rainbow Dash said. Miss Cheerilee and the foals were soon at Ponyville elementrary doing a class about what they had just learnt. But there was something on Diamond Tiara's mind. Hmm...I wonder if Cappy had any gold hats in his collection? Diamond Tiara thought to herself. > Short Episode 1: The Next Day... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diamond Tiara was doing her weekend tasks starting with her piano lessons. Or, at least she would be at this time. The instructor was late. That's when a strange pony suddenly knocked on the door. "Oh, your not who I expected to find at my door. I was expecting Diamond Tiara's piano teacher here and late." Spoiled Rich said. "She won't be coming this weekend I'm afraid. She has come down with a rather nasty cold I'm afraid and won't be available for the next few days. Doctor's orders. I mean, unless you want your daughter to get sick." The pony at the door said. "Oh. I guess that would be a huge concern then. But why did you come all this way from the hospital to tell me this?" Filthy Rich asked. "I didn't. Name's Johnson; Slade Johnson. I deal in information. It's my trade. And I think it'd be wise for your daughter to learn a thing or two about information gathering from me. I'm basically an expert. After all, if you have information, money comes easy." The pony said. "...That...is rather interesting. So, how did you know about Octavia's Cold?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Mrs. Spoiled Rich, it's my literal job to know who is doing what and where at all times." Slade said. Spoiled Rich was surprised. She hadn't introduced herself at all, but this one pony had read her he was a family friend. "Do...feel free to come in and...teach my daughter your ways." Spoiled Rich said. "Whatever payment you want, I'll pay." "Nah. You won't be paying me anything Mrs. Rich. At least, you won't be for my lessons. See, information like what I gather is rather easy to come by. It's how you use it that ranks in the big bucks." Slade said. He went up to Diamond Tiara. "But for now, do head into a different room. My lessons are better done one on one." "I understand. I guess if it's free, I don't really mind." Spoiled Rich said before leaving the room. "Wh-who are you?" Diamond Tiara asked. "Someone who knows of a way that can get you want you want. Or rather, a way to make it so you can become a hamster." Slade said. "Y-you do?" Diamond Tiara asked. "In exchange, I just need you to do something for me first." Slade Johnson said. Then, he took on a serious look. "I want you to break up Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Sweetie Belle's friendships. Do that, and I'll tell you everything you need to know." > Season 2: Episode 9 - Return to the Clubhouse Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, we're taking a more in-depth look into the clubhouse this time?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Well yes. The shrinking spell will last a lot longer this time. The only reason it didn't last too long the first time was because Cheerilee approuched me for doing something like that." Twilight said. "...Oooookay..." Rainbow Dash said, a little skeptical about it. "But this time, we'll be able to explore a lot more of the clubhouse." Twilight said and then activated the shrink spell. Even though they had been inside before, the scope of this place still was amazing. "What the...what's that wig on Cappy's head?" Rainbow Dash suddenly noted as the group headed through the lobby area. "Oh this? This is a Shogan Wig. There were only three of these made back in our world." Cappy said. "Hamtaro actually won this one and gave it to me." "...Wait, since when did you get that back?" Hamtaro asked. "I actually found the whole lot of my stash of hats outside last night. So now my collection is back in action. I kept the other frying pan though. Never had a Rusted Frying Pan in my collection of hats before now." Cappy said. Twilight just face hoofed while most of the other hamsters just face...pawed? Was that even the right term? "Only you Cappy. Only you." Hamtaro said. "Indeed. Perhaps, we should let him get reaquainted with his caps while we show you around." Bijou said. "Thanks for the distraction Bijou." Hamtaro said. Going up from the lobby area was a second floor where there was a...make up stand there? "Wait, where'd this make-up stand come from?" Hamtaro asked. "Hey, is that a hamster sized sticky note?" Rainbow Dash noted a small little sticky note on the nearby vanity. Currently Out Crusading with the CMC. If you want a make-over, wait until I return. Thanks in advance~ -S "...Sparkle did this?" Hamtaro asked. Suddenly the hamster in question arrived. "Oh hey, I see you've found my make-up station." Sparkle said. "You've...created a make-up station?" Bijou asked. "Yep. I figured I might as well do something from the old world that I can do great that's not me being an actress. See, I decided to start up giving other hamsters make-overs. In fact, I'm so convinced you'll want some of my make-overs, the first one is free." Sparkle said. "...That's...surprising." Hamtaro said. "Well, I suppose since we're here, I could give it a try." Bijou said. "Are you sure Bijou? I'm a little...worried." Hamtaro said. "None sense. No way I'd sabotage anything. Not even with Bijou." Sparkle said. "I've already decided that my chance to have Hamtaro is already gone. Besides, I think Bijou completes you more then I do." She then had Bijou sit down and gave her a make-over. "Wh-whoa..." Hamtaro had to admit that the make-over only accented Bijou's beauty for him. "So, what do you think?" Sparkle asked. "Judging from the way Hamtaro is looking at me now, I'd say you hit the nail on the head. I'm very surprised I could even look this good." Bijou said. "Hey, that's part of my trade remember? Of course I was going to give you something that would've only made your beauty pop. We may always be rivals, but I'd never do something that would make you unappealing to your boyfriend. Or as these Ponies call them, coltfriends." Sparkle said. "Wait, where'd you hear that term from?" Applejack suddenly asked. "Oh please. It's not subtle how often you and Caramel see each other on a daily basis." Sparkle said. "Even Granny Smith has noticed." Applejack couldn't help but blush in embarrassment. "Jig's up AJ; you owe me ten bits." Rainbow Dash said. "What's the ten bits about?" Bijou asked. "I bet AJ ten bits that Granny Smith would notice that Applejack and Caramel are romantically involved with each other. I tried to tell her that Granny Smith would notice, and I was right." Rainbow Dash said. "...Can we at least wait until we're not shrunk anymore?" Applejack asked. "Fair enough, but I'm not forgetting this little nugget any time soon~" Rainbow Dash said. Applejack groaned as the other ponies and even the hamsters laughed at her embarrassment over her relationship with Caramel coming out like this. The ponies were then guided to what seemed to be a photo studio where the group encountered a hamster wearing a shell with a female hamster next to them. "Seamore, Barrette; I didn't know you guys were here." Hamtaro said. "Honestly, it's a bit surprising that we got here actually. Boss encountered us during that one period actually. You know the one all too well." Seamore said. "Yeah, honestly it was a bit surprising, seeing Boss like that. But, it's great he's past that point now." Barrette said. "So, you do photos here?" Twilight asked. "Oh yes, we most certainly do. But this is more then just a photo-studio, as you can dress up yourselves before a photo is shot. We even have a dressing room here in the photo-studio. Sadly, all we have are hamster fitting costumes." Seamore said. "I do have one question..." Fluttershy said. "Please, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them." Barrette said. "Why is there a small swimming pool here?" Fluttershy asked. "Oh, that's because I'm actually able to swim. I self-taught myself in the art of swimming, actually." Seamore said. "...Huh. A hamster that can swim. I guess even without Discord, miracles do happen." Twilight said. "I didn't know hamsters could even learn how to swim..." Fluttershy said. "Most don't try. Because most are so afraid of the water. Even Barrette here is afraid of getting in deep water." Seamore said. "It's true. There was this one time where I got tricked and pushed onto a raft into the sea. Seamore helped me get back to shore after getting me off said raft." Barrette said. "How romantic~" Fluttershy squeed. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash gagged. To be continued... > Season 2: Episode 10 - Return to the Clubhouse Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously, the main six decided to have a more full-fledged personal tour of the Ham-Ham clubhouse in Equestria. This lead to them seeing Sparkle's Make-over of Bijou, meeting Seamore & Barrette at the photo-studio, and even learning that Seamore is the only hamster who has no fear of the water. Moving right along, there was a worshop the ponies passed on the way to the dorm area. "Hey, what's with the workshop?" Applejack asked. "Oh, that's Panda's Workshop. He's actually been busy making a few furniture items for use here in the clubhouse." Hamtaro said. "You mean...every piece of furniture we've come acros...was made by Panda?!" Applejack was totally shocked by this revelation. "Yep. At least, for this clubhouse. See, the old clubhouse was really also Boss's house. So, the furniture there was more Boss's own stuff." Hamtaro said. "...That explains why his dorm room is on the upper floors." Twilight noted. The doom rooms the ponies noticed, had signs to indicate who slept where. It didn't take much for the ponies to notice something. "Huh. So, you and Bijou slept together now, huh?" Twilight asked. "Well yeah. But we're not the only hamsters to do so." Hamtaro said. "Indeed, Pepper and Oxnard sleep together too." Bijou said. "Interesting." Twilight noted. Secretly however, she was a little concerned. Not only are there two official hamster couples of Bijou & Hamtaro and Oxnard & Pepper, but today she even found out about Applejack and Caramel. And that's not even mentioning Spike & Sweetie Belle either. Now I'm starting to wonder if I should start trying to seek my own romantic partner. I should look into that as soon as I can. The purple unicorn thought to herself. "Oh hello there." It was a pure white hamster with angel wings and a halo attached to their back. "Harmony; what are you doing here?!" Hamtaro exclaimed. "...Wait, her name really is 'Harmony'?" Twilight asked. What are the chances... "Tee hee, I actually found this place because I was following my guidance. After all, it's my job to make sure you hamsters don't have your relationships all broken up and destroyed." Harmony said. "Back up, what's that supposed to mean?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Let's just say, that I really, really hope you don't find out what that means." Harmony said. "Because honestly, this would be the perfect little playground for a certain devil ham to make a mess of." She then walked away. Or was it flew away? "...SHE CAN FLY?!" Fluttershy exclaimed. "Never mind that, what did she mean by devil ham?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Trust us, we'd rather not have to talk about that adventure." Hamtaro said. "Why not? I think it was kind of awesome and we actually got to work together." Bijou said. Then Hamtaro whispered a bit into her ear. "...Oh right. That's why." Bijou said. "Something we should know?" Twilight asked. "Let's just say, it's not something a lot of the ham-hams who we are the closest friends with want to relive. It's actually related to Barrette getting tricked." Hamtaro said. "Something happened with this devil ham that's related to that?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Yep. But the full story behind that is not something a lot of hamsters; even the ones we aren't closest to; want to relive." Hamtaro said. "Oi, that's an understatement." Bijou said. Rainbow Dash decided to drop the topic. Whatever this was, it was obvious the hamsters didn't want to talk about it. Plus, if even Hamtaro doesn't want to relive the experience, then whoever this Devil Ham is, must've done something real bad. She said. The tour ended with the ponies, Hamtaro, and Bijou now outside the clubhouse. "Well, we showed you everything that's in the clubhouse now. Things are still in progress though. There are a few areas currently off-limits for expansion into more areas for the clubhouse. There'll probably be more to show at a later time." Hamtaro said. Twilight nodded. The shrinking spell then wore off. That's when Flash Sentry came up to the group. "Whoa, Twilight, did you explore the entire clubhouse just now?" Flash Sentry said. "Yeah. It was actually kind of fun." Twilight said. "I would've gone with. You know, because Shining Armor is very concerned for you." Flash Sentry said. "It was fine. We were just checking out the living quarters of our hamster friends. Really, it wasn't like we were going into the Everfree forest." Twilight said. "...Oh. I guess that's a fair point." Flash Sentry said. "Yep, he's totally into her." Hamtaro whispered. "Poor Twilight. I wonder how long she's going to be oblivious for?" Bijou whispered back. "Hopefully, not as long as I was." Hamtaro said. > Season 2: Episode 11 - The Hearth's Warming Secret > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a seemingly normal day in Ponyville, though the Main Six plus Spike were seemingly going over something they will be performing in canterlot in a few days. "Seriously, what are you doing?" Maxwell asked, for once stumped. "We're going over the play that we'll be perfoming in Canterlot. Princess Celestia informs me that your invited to come watch." Twilight said. "What sort of play are you ponies performing again?" Hamtaro asked. "It's a play about the founding of Equestria. You asked why we celebrate Hearth's Warming's Eve once, and we said we'd tell you at some point. Well, now it's that time to tell you." Rainbow Dash said. "So, this play has something to do with Hearth's Warming's Eve?" Bijou asked. "Eeyep." Twilight said. "You know, I still find the similarities between Hearth's Warming's Eve and Christmas to be quite shocking." Bijou said. "Well, Hearth's Warming's Eve is celebrated for a different reason as I've said. And it has everything to do with the founding of Equestria." Twilight said. "What does a winter holiday have to do with what you've said happened during summer?" Maxwell asked. "That's by design, because it was cold before the founding of Equestria was made official." Applejack said. "Indeed. In fact, this would be a great time to tell you the full story behind Hearth's Warming's Eve, as some of the details are toned down for the play." Twilight said. Before the founding of Equestria, the three pony races of Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns had a system in place with each other. Unicorns would raise the sun so Pegasi could clear the skies. After the Pegasi cleared the skies, Earth Ponies would gather the crops that were ready to be harvested. The Earth ponies would share their crops with the other two tribes, and the system was working. For a while anyways. Because while this seemingly perfect system was in place, the tribes didn't fully trust each other. Eventually, hatred towards the other tribes began to fester in the Earth Ponies. And the same goes for the Pegasi and Unicorns. "Wait, you mean to tell me, the three Pony tribes let hate start to fester?" Hamtaro asked. "Yes I am Hamtaro. I did say some details were removed in the play version." Twilight answered. "In fact, something that the play overlooks, is the Windigos." Twilight said. "What...are Windigos?" Boss asked. "Windigos are creatures that feed on hate. And the more hate they feed on, the stronger they become. If given too much hate, they would be capable of freezing every living thing on the planet solid." Twilight said. "So, your saying that those things existed back then?" Hamtaro asked. "Yes they did." Twilight said. "But the reason they existed in the first place, is because the distrust between the tribes grew stronger and stronger. It's what ultimately led to all three tribes trying to mark the same land all at the same time." "So, is that when the Windigos appeared?" Boss asked. "Indeed. These Windigos were feeding on the hatred the tribes had with each other. Their power was growing to the absolute limit. In almost freezed every pony solid." Twilight said. "B-but if they got that strong, how were they stopped at all?" Hamtaro asked. "The Friendship Fire." Twilight said. For indeed, while the Windigos had almost froze every pony solid, there was one Unicorn, one Earth Pony, and one Pegasus left. The three of them had actually managed to let the distrust between them erode, but by this point the Windigos were just too strong. So, in what they assumed would be their final moments, the three joined each other as they began to freeze together, thinking of their new friendship all the while. But that was when a miracle occurred. Out of nowhere, the Unicorn felt their magic spark to life, and it unleashed a huge fire that got made into the shape of a heart. The raident heat from this fire drove the Windigos away, and even started to remove their effects on the world. By coming together and settling their differences, the three ponies of different races had defeated the Windigos, and after their fire thawed the tribe leaders, after being told what had happened, the three tribes came together under one banner, and dubbed the new land "Equestria". "The fire then became known as the Friendship Fire and still burns somewhere in the world today. While the location of the friendship fire has been lost to time, one thing is for certain: If it wasn't for that fire, we wouldn't even be here today." Twilight said. Meanwhile... "Ugh...how miserable..." A lone male hamster wearing what looked like a devil costume was trudging through what seemed to be a winter wasteland. "I can't believe this. I find this mysterious looking portal, and I find myself out in the middle of freaking nowhere!" The hamster said. The hamster trudged on, finding his wings unable to function. "If I could, I'd fly past most of this, but this darn cold has frozen my wings solid!" The hamster said. He kept going, but soon found three strange creatures on the ground, barely breathing. "Oh and just what's this? What the hell are these things? As if those pathetic hamsters vanishing when I was getting ready to make their lives miserable and unhappy." The hamster said. Suddenly, the three creatures stirred, and began looking at the hamster. "What the...so, your still alive huh? Well, you should know who your messing with." The hamster said. "I am Spat. And if there's one thing I hate more, it's others being all happy and cuddly with each other." He said. Suddenly the three creatures turned to each other, nodded, before suddenly flying right into Spat. "Wait...wait what are you--" Spat said before suddenly feeling more powerful then he's ever felt before. "...I-I see...yes...yes I see..." He said as he grinned. The three beings reformed in front of him. "...My enemies are here aren't they? And they are with your enemies." Spat said. "I'm not usually one to say this, but I think in this case, the enemy of my enemy, is my friend. We are going to have SO much fun in the future, I can already tell~" Spat suddenly said, before he began to laugh evilly. > Season 2: Episode 12 - When Hamsters Play, Cons go Away > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre-A/N: I couldn't think up too many changes to "Family Appreciation Day" (outside of Sparkle actually trying to get Granny Smith to the schoolhouse, thus being a foil for Apple Bloom for like, one episode). "Baby Cakes" seems perfectly fine as it is without Hamster Involvement being needed. And I couldn't even think of a good reason why the ham-hams would go help find Applejack during "The Last Roundup". So all three of those episodes are going to be skipped, but don't worry; there will be some things to help pad out the episode count. But this was not something I wanted to hold off on. Pepper & Oxnard were actually hanging around Sweet Apple Acres, enjoying each others company, as they watches sunflowers start to grow. "It's so wonderous. Honestly, thank you so much for letting me plant a field of these, Granny Smith." Pepper said. "It was the least ah could do for you young-ins. Besides, I looked up what sunflowers look like. They look like something that would be great to have around on the farm." Granny smith said. "Well, that's very nice of you." Pepper said. "Besides, you're also letting us help out with selling Cider today." "This is strange..." Oxnard said, as he looked at the barrels of apples. "Granny Smith, is this just me, or does the apple count seem a little low to you?" "Eh?" Granny Smith took a look. "...Well, I'll be darn, it is lower than usual this time of year. What in Tartarus is going on here?" "Our apple yield for this time of year is somehow LESS than usual?" Applejack asked. "That's what Oxnard pointed out, and Granny Smith confirmed it." Pepper said. "But that can't be right. Something's going on." Applejack said. "I may respect you being a fellow farm girl, but this is something serious. I'm calling the other ham-hams." Pepper said. "Yeah. We'll get to the bottom of this." Oxnard said. The other ham-hams arrived just in time to see two unicorns riding a strange machine. "Hmm? Hamsters? What are they doing on a farm like this?" One of them asked. "I don't know Flim; it is mighty strange for all of these hamsters to be in a single place if you ask me." The other said. "I concur one hundred percent Flam; dear old brother of mine!" Flim said. "...Any ham else feel like their seeing double?" Sandy asked. That took the two brothers by surprise. "D-did you hear that Flim?" Flam asked. "Also, can it be more obvious what they are when their names are Flim & Flam?" Maxwell asked. "I-I certainly did brother of mine." Flim said. "Talking Hamsters; we'll make millions!" "Yeah no. Your rather late to the scene on that front." Hamtaro said. "Yeah, we've been here in Ponyville for a rather long time now." Bijou said. "...Well drat." Flim said. Suddenly their machine started to go haywire. "Hey, what's going on with our machine?!" Flam said. Suddenly, stacks of apples were being carried by Oxnard and Pepper. "You two want to explain what you're doing with apples from Sweet Apple Acres?" Oxnard asked. "Y-you can't prove those are from this farm." Flim said. "My brother is right; you don't have even a shred of proof." Flam said. "In that case, we could easily have the matriach here taste these, and see what she says." Pepper said. "Oh, that's a very good idea Pepper." Oxnard said. Suddenly, the two unicorns began to sweat like crazy. "W-we don't need to do that, do we?" Flim asked. "We do if you're going to try and say that we have no proof." Pepper said, her face having one heck of a grin on it. "...Brother of mine?" Flam asked. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" "I think I know exactly what your thinking brother." Flim said. "RUN!" And the two brothers ran like crazy away from the farm. "AND STAY OUT!" Pepper yelled out after them. "NEXT TIME YOU CON-ARTISTS TRY SOMETHING LIKE THIS, YOU CAN BET YOU'LL BE SORRY!" "Wow, you really let them have it Pepper." Oxnard said. "You don't mess with a farm. And if there's one thing I hate the most, it's con-artists." Pepper said. "We can tell." Maxwell said. > Season 2: Episode 13 - The Angel Hamster (Read It and Weep Background) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a wonderful day in Ponyville, but then, Rainbow Dash got put into the hospital trying to get in some new tricks. "Ooof, you know, that had to have hurt." Hamtaro said. "I don't doubt it did." Bijou said. "No one said that it most likely didn't." Maxwell said. "Except Rainbow Dash rarely slows down for anything." Hamtaro said. "...Yeah that's not wrong." Maxwell said. "Not to change the subject, but does anyone know where Miss Harmony is?" Boss asked. Every ham looked at boss. "...Why are you asking that?" Sandy asked. The Angel Hamster known as Harmony was actually in Golden Oaks Library with Twilight Sparkle and Celestia. "This is rather awkward for me to learn. I had no idea the Elements of Harmony would be created by a hamster." Celestia said. "What? What's she talking about? What are the 'Elements of Harmony' exactly?" Harmony asked. That got Celestia confused. "...Yeah she had the same reaction to when I asked her if she created the elements." Twilight admitted. "So; you're saying that it's pure coincidence that the Tree of Harmony was in this world?" Celestia asked. "Now I never said that. Though I honestly don't know where said tree comes from. I could ask my boss if he knows, but he'd probably tell me some vague answer or something along those lines." Harmony said. "So really, don't expect much if anything to come out of me asking my boss. I don't know if I can even reach him right now." "So, what about this Spat character you mentioned? You said you and him are pratically locked in an eternal struggle." Twilight said. "Well yes, we are. Because Spat hates seeing others all happy and full of joy; worst for him is when he sees others in Smoochie." Harmony said. "So, you’re saying Spat is like the Windigos?" Twilight asked. "Uh...I'm not sure I can say that. Because while the Windigos feed on hate and anger from what you told me, Spatz just loves causing others to be miserable and unhappy. In fact, you could say his only joy in life is making others hate each other through trickery and deceit." Harmony said. "Wait, you mean to tell me this Spat actually causes others to have fueds with each other for no other reason than for the fun of it?" Celestia asked. "Something like that. I bet if he finds his way into this world, he'd love to repeat what he did the one time on a much larger scale." Harmony said. "Is this...in relation to the thing the other hamsters practically refuse to talk about?" Twilight asked. "So, they've mentioned it in passing. Yeah, well, there's a good reason the ham-hams don't like remembering what happened." One explination later... "...Ar-are you serious? Spat did all of that?!" Twilight was shocked to say the least once Harmony finished explaining the whole story behind what Spat did. "Yep. It was so messy, I had to ask Hamtaro and Bijou for their help. Believe me, it was the first time he actually became a legitimate threat. Normally, I'm able to handle him on my own, but...something was telling me that this wasn't my place to do so this time. And I'm honestly glad that I did ask Hamtaro & Bijou for help; it actually laid the groundwork for those two becoming an official couple." Harmony said. "I...I think I better go back to Canterlot now. There are some things that need to be addressed." Celestia said before teleporting away. "Yeah I'd think so too; if Spat is ever spotted around here, we need to be on full alert so he can't do something like that again." Twilight said. "And what a time too; Hearts & Hooves day is a few weeks from now." "What's Hearts & Hooves Day?" Harmony asked. A second explination later... "Huh. Sounds like this 'Hearts & Hooves Day' is a lot like Valentine's Day. And that is my favorite holiday. Oh boy, I want to learn everything about Hearts & Hooves Day now. It'd be so much fun to spread that sort of love around~" Harmony said after Twilight finished explaining Hearts & Hooves Day to Harmony. "You remind me so much of my old Foal Sitter Candace. She was always quite intimate about love as her magic was able to mend broken love." Twilight said. "Huh. I didn't know there was a unicorn who can do that." Harmony said. "Actually, Candace is an Alicorn. I just haven't seen her ever since I left Canterlot." Twilight said. "Aw. Maybe you should write to Princess Celestia, see if she knows where Candace is. That way, the two of you could become pen-pals or something. Heck, why not do that for your old Canterlot friends? I'm sure they'd love that." Harmony said. "...Huh. I guess I could. Wow, your really good at that sort of thing, huh Harmony?" Twilight asked. "It's kind of my job to be good at relationships you know. Now, where can I get a book on Hearts & Hooves Day history?" Harmony asked. Twilight blinked. "...You do realize your still in the Golden Oak's Library, yes? I'm sure there's a book around here if you looked. Meanwhile, I have letters I want to write~" Twilgiht said before she left. "...Wow, I didn't think you'd convince Twilight to do that." Spike admitted. "Like I said, it's kind of my job to be able to do that~" Harmony said before she suddenly started flying around the room. Spike was dumbstruck. "Wh-what the..." Spike was at a lost for words. You mean that she's not wearing a costume?! Spike thought to himself. That's when Flash Sentry soon came in. "Oh hey Spike. I wanted to come and let Twilight know that Rainbow Dash is expecting to be discharged from the hospital tomorrow." Flash Sentry said. "I figured I'd tell her personally." "Of course you would." Spike said. Flash Sentry noticed Harmony flying around. "...Yeah, why am I not surprised that's not some costume?" Flash Sentry asked before he went towards Twilight. However, he didn't notice that Harmony had looked at him too. And now, she was looking at him with Twilight Sparkle. Oh boy. There's something you don't see every day. It's like Hamtaro & Bijou all over again. I think I'm going to have to call in Back-up on this one. Harmony said. Honestly how often do you get to see two individuals who are practically meant to fall in love with each other as often as this? Last time it was Hamtaro & Bijou, and now it's these two She then looked at the book in her paws. As Harmony did so, the wheels in her head were already starting to formulate a plan. > Season 2: Episode 14 - Hearts & Hooves Day; Harmony Style! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre-A/N: Yep. I'm going there. You can't stop me. Long-time followers would know I love adding this ship into my stories whenever I can. If there's one MLP:FiM ship you can expect to see from me the most out of all the ships I put into my stories, it's the one featured in this episode. Hearts & Hooves Day was tomorrow, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were at their clubhouse making something for Miss Cheerilee. "Oh, Miss Cheerilee's going to love this." Scootaloo said. "Yeah. We really knocked this out of the park." Apple Bloom said. "This is going to be so good." Sweetie Belle said. "Thanks for assisting us Sparkle." "Hey it's no problem. For a teacher like Miss Cheerilee, I'm willing to help you with this project." Sparkle said. That's when Harmony suddenly flew right in through the Window. "Ah, hello there. You are the Cutie Mark Crusaders consisting of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Sparkle, correct?" Harmony asked. "...That's not a costume?!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "Wow. Way to add insult to injury fate." Scootaloo said. Sparkle actually jumped over to Scootaloo and slapped her. "How dare you talk that way to Miss Harmony." Sparkle said. "Ow...." Scootaloo said. "I actually came here because I could really use your help with a situation. And with tomorrow being Hearts & Hooves day, it's the perfect time to ask for a favor." Harmony said. "Wow, you really want us to help you?" Apple Bloom asked. "But of course. You three are perfect for what I have in mind. So long as you don't mind playing the parts of some villains for a day. And this is very important business." Harmony said. "...You mean, I'm going to get to dip into my actress background to help Miss Harmony?! Th-this is like the ULTIMATE dream of any hamster ever!" Sparkle said. "If Sparkle's obviously excited about this, sure, we'll help you. So, why exactly do you need us to act like Villians on Hearts & Hooves Day?" Sweetie Belle asked. "I'm so very glad you asked~" Harmony said. The very next day...things started to get crazy, as somehow, the CMC had seemingly gone evil, and started trying to ruin Hearts & Hooves Day. "Wh-what the heck? What's going on?" Twilight asked. "Wh-why are they doing this?" Flash Sentry asked. "Ah, Twilight & Flash Sentry. I was hoping I'd run into the two of you." Harmony said. "I honestly couldn't tell you what happened, but for some strange reason, the CMC have decided that they wanted to mess with Hearts & Hooves Day this year. And while I could stop them myself, I was hoping the two of you would personally deal with this." "Well, that shouldn't be a problem; I'll just grab my friends and--" "Uh Twilight?" Flash Sentry interrupted Twilght. "...What is it Flash?" Twilight asked. But then she noticed that Applejack was stuck in a barrel of dried apple sauce, Rainbow Dash was somehow glued to a cloud, Fluttershy was too scared to move from where she was, Rarity's make up was a total mess making her fully busy cleaning herself up, and Pinkie Pie was...well, she was basically fully unhappy and bailing like there was no tomorrow from the destroyed decorations. ...Wow, next time I decide to ask the Cutie Mark Crusaders with help getting two ponies to fall in love with each other through a quest to defeat evil, I'll give them more specific instructions rather than leave them to their own devices... Harmony thought to herself. "Why am I not surprised honestly?" Twilight asked. "Looks like it's up to the two of us then Flash. We can rescue my friends from their woes later." She said. After a montage of Twilgiht and Flash chasing the CMC all over Ponyville, and working together to stop them from messing things up even more, the CMC were finally captured. "Well, this is probably going to take forever to clean up. I hope you four are happy with yourselves." Twilight said. "Honestly, the only good thing that happened today was the fact I got to help Twilight stop you." Flash Sentry said. "...Well, I won't lie, it was very great to work with Flash Sentry that way." Twilight said. "So, yeah, I think we're going to work very well with each other in the future." All of a sudden, Twilight kissed Flash Sentry on the cheeck. "And that's exactly what I love to hear and see." Harmony said, suddenly flying to land on top of the CMC. "...Wait, what?" Both Twilight and Flash Sentry asked, confused. "I have to hand it to these four; they did a better job then I thought they would." Harmony said. "...Wait you mean..." Flash was flabbargasted. "Yep. I put them up to this. I may be an Angel Hamster, but sometimes, there are extreme measures I'm willing to take to get two very obvious ponies who need to fall in love with each other to do so." Harmony said. "So...does that mean everything else was planned too?!" Twilight asked. "Oh no. I simply told them to be villians for today to get you two to fall in love with each other. Everything else they did on their own accord under my orders." Harmony said. "Honestly, it was kind of fun, even if we're going to possibly endure some punishements from it." Apple Bloom said. "Yeah, but, it was awesome all the same. So worth it." Scootaloo said. "What more can I add to this? Plus, the musical number I came up with was also original too~" Sweetie Belle said. "I certainly had my time using my actress background to help Miss Harmony." Sparkle said. "That's the second time that's gotten brought up. Why do Hamsters look up to Harmony like this?" Twilight asked. "Hello, I'm basically an angel of love. I'm practically worshiped like a goddess to these Hamsters. Sound familiar?" Harmony asked. Twilight had no comment to that. Because she realized just how similar Princess Celestia is to Harmony. And both are even worshiped like a goddess to their kin. "Yeah, that's what I thought." Harmony said after a while. "These four are still helping fix everything they ruined. But...I'm not sure if we should even punish you. If we even can." Flash Sentry said. "You can't. My boss would be the only one who can, and if he was going to, he'd have shown up by now, and chastized me about what I did. The very fact that he's let this one slide, means he's allowing me a free pass considering I'm only doing my job in the end." Harmony said. "...Honestly, I don't know what's more shocking about this whole ordeal: The fact that Harmony's boss, whoever that is, is willing to let her get off scott free for the trouble the CMC caused; or the fact that Harmony's plan actually worked in the end?" Flash Sentry asked. "I was just thinking the same thing, honestly." Twilight said. Though what really surprised the new couple, was the fact that somehow Fancy Pants, Soarin, and Caramel were in the area, and they had helped out Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack accordingly. > Season 2: Episode 15 - Celestia VS Harmony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was now the day after Hearts & Hooves day, though right now, Princess Celestia had demanded to see Harmony. "While I can understand your desire to get two ponies together, Miss Harmony, I do not appreciate the way you went about it." Celestia said. "Like your one to talk, princess. Don't think I didn't do my research on you as well as your methods of personal tutoring." Harmony said. "You may question me lying to my student Twilight as much as you want Miss Harmony, but I wanted her to let friendship into her life." Celestia siad. "Who said I was talking about Twilight Sparkle?" Harmony asked. "...Wait...then..." Celestia suddenly realized. "Yep. I know all about Radiant Hope as well as Sunset Shimmer. And how both ended up running away." Harmony said. The royal guards were suddenly pretty confused. "...Guards, you may leave me and Harmony here to ourselves." Celestia said after a bit of silence. The guards obeyed, as obviously, what was about to be discussed was something Celestia did not want an audience for. As soon as the left the room, Harmony spoke again. "Don't tell me I hit a sore spot already?" Harmony asked. Celestia took off her crown and other regalia, before she approached Harmony. "Knowing about my failures with Sunset Shimmer is one thing. But to know about Radiant Hope is another. I don't understand how you could forget Opaline though." "I didn't. I can already tell from her profile that she was only ever interested in learning from you for power hungry reasons. You didn't fail with her; she was doomed to not be a successful pupil from the start." Harmony said. "How could you possibly..." Celestia began before she shook her head. "Right. Your boss must've given you her entire profile. I'm just not sure how he got it." "You actually know the guy Celestia. It's The Creator." Harmony said. Celestia suddenly gasped. It had been at least a year since anyone had ever brought up her old friend. "So, he's still around after all." The princess said. "Yeah. He's just really upset at you because of what happened with Sunset Shimmer, so you are not high on his priority list for wanting to chat with I'm sorry to say." Harmony said. Celestia winced. Clearly, her old friend had been observing her. She thought to herself how this shouldn't have come as a shock; it was The Creator's purpose to mostly observe, and very rarely if ever intervene. She can only be glad that The Creator sealed away Opaline in that giant crystal cage. "I tried. I really tried with Sunset Shimmer." Celestia said. "No, you didn't. Or at least, Celestia didn't. You let your position as ruling Princess of Equestria once again get the better of you. The Creator really thought you had learnt your lesson after you showed sorrow at having to banish your own sister. Heck, even he was surprised when you decided to disconnect yourself from the elements because of what happened with Luna." Harmony said. "But considering what happened with Sunset Shimmer, The Creator is wondering if you should've ever been connected to the elements of harmony in the first place." There was a period of silence. "...Okay yeah, low blow. His words not mine." Harmony said. "From the way you just mentioned that, you make it sound like he created the elements of harmony. I shouldn't be surprised if he did." Celestia said. "Nope. Wasn't my boss who created those either. It's pure coincidence that I happened to be named after part of their namesake though, I'll give you that." Harmony said. "But if The Creator didn't create the Elements of Harmony, who did?" Celestia asked. "He's the only being I know who could have." "Oh Celestia, I'd really LOVE to tell you who created the Elements of Harmony, but The Creator specifically says I'm not allowed to tell anyone; not even you." Harmony said. That caught Celestia off guard. If The Creator was keeping something like that hush hush, it was by design. "Let's get back on topic though. You should've really realized that what Sunset needed was a mother, and not a teacher. Buck your Princess Duties I'd say; Sunset needed you there as her mother." Harmony said. "Are you perchance referring to the fact that I had found her abandoned as a young filly outside on the castle grounds with the only thing being a note with her name?" Celestia asked. "I mean that exactly. Honestly, I'm more surprised you didn't think about that until now." Harmony said. Celestia sighed. "I'm hoping one day, she'll return, and things can be different between us. If she does come back, I hope we can amend our relationship." "Yeah, well, don't hold your breath on that one, Princess." Harmony said. "...What do you know that I don't about Sunset?" Celestia asked. "The Creator said I can't tell you that either. Only tell you that Twilight is going to be instrumental in what's to come with Sunset." Harmony said. What does that even mean? Celestia asked herself in her thoughts. The Creator's hints are always much more vague then my own... "Thinks the one who sent Twilight to Ponyville to get her to learn friendship in order to purify your sister." Harmony said. "What the..." Celestia was caught off guard so much, she actually tripped on her mane. "Naw, I can't really read your mind, but I could just tell what you were thinking." Harmony said. NOW Celestia had just embarrassed herself in front of Harmony for literally no reason. > Season 2: Episode 16 - Pashmina's choice. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a normal day in Ponyville, though right now, Hamtaro & Bijou are currently having a moment on top of a hill. "...Is it just me, or is okay to be jealous of Hamtaro right now?" Panda asked. "Yeah, but he's not the only hamster whose gotten his girl. Or do I need to bring up Oxnard & Pepper?" Stan asked. "Or Maxwell & Sandy for that matter." Cappy pointed out. "Ouch, way to just rub that one in." Stan said. "Speaking of the girls, given how many of the hamsters seem to be popping up around here, maybe Flora is around here somewhere about now." Panda said. "That's right, who knows if Flora--and he's gone." Cappy began before noticing that as he turned to Stan, the hamster was suddenly not there; a puff of smoke shaped like him on a skateboard was there instead. "One track mind that one when it comes to Flora." Panda said. That's when the two saw Dexter going into town from out of the Everfree Forest. "...Wait, what was Dexter doing in the Everfree Forest?" Cappy asked. "Is he going to try and win over Pashmina's affections again? I can't believe he and Howdy are still fighting over her even now." Panda said. "Some things just do not change." Cappy said. Speaking of Pashmina, she was with Penelope today. She was once again, being the big sister figure to Penelope. The two were here at the Ponyville Kindergarten. "Wow. I can't believe how well made their playground is." Pashmina said. "Oookie! Ooookie! Oookie!" Penelope said excitingly. "Ha ha ha. Your obviously excited. You can play around the playground for a bit if you want. There's something I was hoping to discuss with Miss Cheerilee anyways." Pashima said before she left Penelope to go inside the schoolhouse. "Oooo-ooookie?!" Penelope suddenly got worried. That's when Dexter suddenly showed up. "Penelope? What are you doing here all alone? Ah well. I guess since I'm here, I can spare the time to play with you for a bit." Dexter said. "Oookie! Oookie! Oookie!" Penelope said excitingly again. "Huh. I'll be honest, I've never had this sort of request before." Miss Cheerilee said. "I think it'd be great for Penelope. Especially since after the Discord thing from what I understand, the restrictions on education were loosened." Pashmina said. "Yeah. I guess if a bunch of hamsters can cause a being that was thought to only be defeated by the Elements of Harmony to actually just flew Equestria to lands unknown, it does get noticed." Cheerilee said. "Well, it was mostly his inability to effect Hamtaro that led him to just flee the scene essentially." Pashmina said. "Do you think he'll be back?" Cheerilee asked. "I hope not. Penelope was so a little traumatized from not being able to remember me, which is why I think her learning a few things here would be good for her." Pashmina said. "Well, I can see no reason why she cannot attend here. She's a child like the rest of the class. Even if a bit younger." Pashmina said. "She's not that much younger believe it or not. Maybe a month or two younger at best." Pashmina said. "Well, you can tell Penelope the good news." Cheerilee said. "Yep." Pashmina said. "Let's tell her together." Once outside, Pashmina saw Dexter playing with Penelope, though he was looking a little tired. "Dexter? What are you doing here?" Pashmina asked. "Oh. I was just in the area. Penelope looked so scared, I figured I'd keep her company." Dexter said. "I guess she's still having issues not being around others since the Discord thing happened." Pashmina said. "Thanks for looking after her. That was rather sweet of you." "Oh, speaking of Penelope, I was hoping you wouldn't mind inviting me to her birthday party tomorrow." Dexter said, before he got out a wrapped package. "I've got something here that Penelope is sure to enjoy." He then whispered into Pashmina's ear. "I know she collected hamster made plushies, and I managed to get one specifically for her. But don't tell her out loud." Pashmina's eyes went wide. "Y-you found one of those? For Penelope?" "Well, it wasn't easy." Dexter said. "D-dexter...I..." Pashmina quickly collected herself. "I honestly don't know how to thank you. Truely. You could've easily tried to get me something instead of Penelope but..." "Well, I figured, Penelope deserved something special for a change. Besides, this took me all the last week to have ready." Dexter said. "Heck, I actually had to ask Zecora; that Zebra; for additional help. I'm not afraid to admit it. But, I think the end result is worth it." "I-it is worth it Dexter. Seriously, thank you." Pashmina said. She started to blush "I-I honestly can't think of any other way to say thanks for something like this, other than to at least try to see if I can return the feelings for you that you have for me." That caused Dexter to blush. "I-I can be patient to see if this can be real. I just...I didn't think you ever would start to fall for me. And most certainly, not because of this." "I care a lot for Penelope; I'm the closest thing she has for family. She's just a child. So, yeah. I take notice of something like this." Pashmina said. "Th-that's very like you, you know." Dexter said. "You were always so maternal towards Penelope. And I think that's why I've always liked you so much." "Really? Wow. I-I didn't know." Pashmina was blushing all over again. "That's actually pretty sweet. I really hope I can return your feelings just as much as you express them." "I hope you do too. But for a different reason this time." Dexter said. "Ooo-yay! Big sis get boy! Yay!" Penelope said. "P-Penelope...y-your speaking?" Pashmina was shocked as was Dexter. "I-I'm so proud..." "I'm feeling quite proud of her too, even if I haven't been around her as long as you have." Dexter said. "I-I didn't think I'd ever experience this in my entire career..." Cheerilee said. "Yay! Everyone's proud of me! Happy times! Happy Times!" Penelope said excitingly. "Even though she's formally speaking; she's still just as exitable as ever." Dexter said. "Mmhmm; the more things change, the more they stay the same~" Pashmina said. > Season 2: Episode 17 - The Great Hamster Rescue (A Dog & Pony Show AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike & Rarity were up in the mountains gathering some gems for Rarity to use for her next batch of dresses. "Thanks for agreeing to accompany me and helping me find some more gems." Rarity said. "Well, Twilight's actually on a date with Flash Sentry back in town, which would've left me with nothing else to do today otherwise." Spike said. "I'm very surprised Twilight is on a date right now. But then again, I am sort of jealous that she only has one suitor after her hoof." Rarity said. "Why are you jealous?" Spike asked. "Well, after some talking with Blueblood, he's actually shown interest in me. But, then you know all too well about Fancy Pants's interest in me as well. Two different suitors are after me, making my choice very prominent." Rarity said. "Wow. Sounds like you're in the middle of a love triangle then." Spike said. "Exactly; and it's going to be hard for me to choose just one." Rarity said. That was when the duo were surprised when a gang of strange dog-like creatures appeared. "Wh-what are these things?!" Spike exclaimed. "Diamond Dogs!" Rarity said. Spike somehow managed to get away in the ensuing chaos, so he rushed to Ponyville where he encountered the ham-hams. "Oh hey Spike; where's Rarity? I thought you were with her." Hamtaro said. "Wh-what are you doing...oh never mind!" Spike said. "R-rarity has been captured by these strange creatures called Diamond Dogs. I could really use some help rescuing her. More so for Sweetie Belle's sake." "Well, you've certainly come to the right place. Ham-hams, it's time to Ham-Unite!" Hamtaro said. Through an assortment of tracking the Diamond Dogs through the use of the hoofprints they left behind, and then the ham-hams using a serious of traps & tricks to protect Spike as he taunted the Diamond Dogs. Eventually, the Diamond Dogs decided they had enough of this. "W-we surrender. We have no idea how you're doing that stuff, but please...no more...no more we give." Their leader said. That's when the Ham-Hams actually showed themselves. "Chalk another one up for the Ham-Hams!" Hamtaro said. "H-Hamsters?!" A diamond dog exclaimed. "A lot of hamsters. Talking hamsters." A second diamond dog said. "But...that means we got outsmarted by these hamsters..." A third diamond dog said. "I'd certainly say so." A male voice suddenly said. That voice caught every creature off guard and caused them to notice the black hamster behind the Diamond Dogs. This hamster certainly made a statement. Not only were they slightly taller then most hamsters, and made Oxnard look thin on top of that, but between the various skeletal aspects of the costume he wore, he gave off this sense of "don't mess with me". There was a necklace of three skulls on his neck that he wore; he also wore bracelets with a single skull each on each paw even his lower paws; on his head was a wreath made out of skulls; he even wore a skull mask made for a hamster over his face; and he wore a tethered cape which had skulls designed all over it. What's more, Rarity was now out of the cage next to him. "I-I still have to wonder, just who you are." Rarity said. "My name is Shadow Skull." The strange hamster said. "Now, you diamond dogs really shouldn't have tried to enslave a pony like that. Honestly, you deserved to be tricked like that." "P-please, h-have mercy..." The Diamond Dog Leader said. "Hmph. You're lucky that I will. I think being embarrassed by a bunch of hamsters will be punishment enough for the likes of you. But don't you dare step out of line again." Shadow Skull said. "Wh-whatever you say. W-we'll be good..." The Diamond Dog Leader said. "Good. Because I'd hate for you to go back on your word." Shadow Skull said. "Hey thanks, Mr. Shadow Skull." Hamtaro said. "Hmph." Shadow Skull then just left; not even bothering to stick around. "...Who WAS that hamster?" Spike asked. "Don't know; never saw him before." Hamtaro said. "Well he can't be a bad hamster can he? I mean, he just helped Rarity get out of the cage." Spike said. "Wonder what's the deal with all the skull motif though..." Bijou said. "You do realize, we are also friends with a hamster who sleeps all day and periodically says something really meaningful, right?" Hamtaro said. "...That's a fair point." Bijou said. Meanwhile, Shadow Skull was outside of the cave, on top of the mountain. "...Spat, how dare you?" He asked. "Did you really just absorb the power of the Windigos? Why? What purpose did you accomplish with that? You don't even know what will happen to you once they get their way." The Black hamster then looked off into the horizons. "I must find a way to save you...and then tell you how disappointed I've become of you...my son..." Shadow Skull said before he then vanished, though as he vanished, one could see a pillar of magic that had a skull pattern on it appear and then disappear. > Season 2: Episode 18 - Sparkle News (Ponyville Confidential AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So, this strange hamster that wears a bunch of skull motif stuff rescued Rarity in the end?" At Carasol Boutique, Rarity and Spike were with a hamster who was wearing a reporter outfit who was interviewing them about what happened yesterday. "Well...yes. This what happened." Rarity said. "I see. Do you happen to have a name for this mystery hero?" The reporter hamster asked. "I believe his name was Shadow Skull. At least, that's what he said to call him." Spike said. "Interesting. Outside of his name and appearance, what more can you tell me about this 'Shadow Skull'?" The reporter hamster asked. "There's sadly not much more to tell. Before I could even thank him for rescuing me, he just left without much more word after he told the Diamond Dogs off." Rarity said. "I see. Well, that should be enough to go off on at the least." The reporter hamster said. "Well then, I'll be off then." The reporter hamster left. "So, do you think you'll see that hamster again sis?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Not sure, but I do hope I do; I'd love to thank him properly." Rarity said. The very next day, the CMC were discussing potential cutie mark endavours, when Apple Bloom brought up the Foal Free Press. "Ah. So, they do have newspapers here in Equestria then." Sparkle said. "I always wondered if I should give journalism a shot." "Ah thought I showed you a paper yesterday." Apple Bloom said. "Oh. Right. Slipped my mind. I had something I had to do yesterday." Sparkle said. "So, are you thinking of us trying journalism, Apple Bloom?" Scootaloo asked. "I'd love to help, but I've got somewhere I need to be right now." Sparkle said before she left. "...Okay, well that's different." Apple Bloom said. While the CMC were not pleased that Diamond Tiara was being put in charge of the foal free press, she wasn't bullying them right now, so that was a plus. There were a few days right now to get a story for next week's paper though. However, it was the day after getting the deadline that a brand new paper was suddenly being distrubited by Sparkle of all the things. Sparkle News - Skull Themed Hamster Saves Generosity ...That was the headline of the new paper. And it was basically a news article written about how Rarity got saved by Shadow Skull. "Yikes, how'd Sparkle get a hold of this interview?!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "It is a little strange, but I'm more surprised Sparkle got the paper admitted in the first place." Scootaloo said. Though they did lose track of Sparkle after a bit, there was a mysterious hamster doing an interview at Sugar Cube Corner. While the CMC couldn't really find much for a story by the deadline, they still weren't bullied. But that very day, another edition of Sparkle News suddenly was spread around town. Sparkle News - Two Earth Ponies & their foals This edition talked all about the Baby Cakes, and was very in-depth with what it covered. It even revealed the fact that the Baby Cakes were not earth ponies. "H-how did this happen?" Sweetie Belle asked. "And where did Sparkle get such detailed interview notes?" Apple Bloom asked. "I think maybe, we could work for Sparkle's paper instead. Less being around Diamond Tiara the better I say." Scootaloo said. "Because we better come up with a story, otherwise she might start bullying us again." "Excuse me..." A female voice said. That's when the foals noticed the reporter hamster that Sweetie Belle mentioned "You said you were being bullied by someone at school or something? Because I think I just found my next interview." The grin on the face of Scootaloo was one that could rival Pinkie Pie. Sparkle News - Three Foals Speak out on Bullying "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Spoiled Rich exclaimed. "All because of this paper, my little girl is being targetted just because she's being a little strong towards others." "And what's worse, this paper caused the Foal Free Press to shut down." Diamond Tiara said. "But, I'm going to get to the bottom of this. I don't know where Sparkle is getting these interviews from, but I'm going to find out." "And how do you expect to do that with the angry mob of parents at the door?" Slade asked, using a hoof to point outside. "...Right. Forgot about them." Diamond Tiara said. Meanwhile, at the CMC clubhouse, the CMC were a little worried now. "Okay, I know we did the right thing by speaking out, but why am I now questioning if we only made things hard for Diamond Tiara." Scootaloo said. "I know we did the right thing and brought all her bullying to light, but..." "But you're a little worried that by speaking out about the whole thing, only made Diamond Tiara a target, huh?" Sparkle asked. "So, since we want to do journalism, do you think you could let us work for Sparkle News?" Apple Bloom asked. "Mmm...I could, but I'm honestly thinking about potentially retiring Sparkle News soon." Sparkle said. "I'm not even sure what I could cover next after this, and if it'll only cause more problems such as getting Diamond Tiara caught over calling Scootaloo a chicken the one time." "...Wait, how did you know about that? There should only really be one other person outside the three of us who knows that I mentioned that." Scootaloo said. "And it's not even in the paper, so how could you possibly know about that?" Sweetie Belle asked. "And what's more, we made the reporter Pinkie Promise to keep that information out of the interview and to herself." Apple Bloom said. "Well...that is you see..." Sparkle said. "...Sparkle, have you been your reporter this entire time?!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "...Um...well, at least I kept the Pinkie Promise in the end...right?" Sparkle asked, sweating a little. "...I'd be mad, but that is an extremely good point..." Scootaloo said. "Honestly, how did you fool us like that?" "Did you forget who your talking to or something? I was a former actress." Sparkle said. "...Dang it. I can't believe that she used that card. Again." Scootaloo said. > Season 2: Episode 19 - Putting Your Hoof Down AU > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been just an ordinary day, and what's more, the CMC were heading for Fluttershy's place. "Don't you think it's a little redundent for us to try for animal care taking cutie marks when Apple Bloom's already tried that?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Perhaps, but, I think I can help reign things in. And it should be easy to convince Fluttershy to let us--" Sparkle got interrupted though, when Fluttershy was suddenly thrown out of the house by Angel. "Ow..." Fluttershy said. "Oh boy...what happened here?" Sparkle asked. Something tells me, it's time to bring out the heavy artillery she thought to herself. "W-well, it's just...I think I'm getting sick of being a doormat." Fluttershy said. "And there's this seminar I've found a flyer for so, I'm honestly thinking of going..." "Nah. No need to waste your time and money on a seminar." Sparkle said. "All you need, is the right confidence. And lucky for you, I'm going to give you a make-over like you wouldn't believe. And I don't mean just make-up either." "Huh?" Not only was it Fluttershy who was confused, but the CMC too. Later, Fluttershy was at Twilight's place, though the yellow pegasus was in a chair and Sparkle was on top of a vanity. "Hmm...yeah, I'm going to have to ask for Twilight to cast a temporary shrink spell before I can get started on the make-up. Better for me to work if your my size." Sparkle said. "Well...you are the expert here when it comes to make-up, that's no joke." Maxwell said. "Yeah. Seriously though, you're in good paws Fluttershy." Sandy said. Apple Bloom had to do a double take. "...Is that make-up on Sandy?" Apple Bloom asked. "You like? Maxwell really likes it. And it's something Sparkle did." Sandy said. "I'll be up front, I thought I could do make-up, but the make-up Sandy has on right now, just really brings out her inner beauty." Rarity said. "That's the point. Though with Fluttershy, I'm not planning on doing that this time." Sparkle said as Twilight shrunk Fluttershy to Hamster size and then Sparkle pulled out a quick set-up kit for a hamster sized vanity. "Really? What are you planning to do with Fluttershy's make-up then?" Rarity asked. "You'll see. I promise though, you're going to love the new you." Sparkle said before she got started right away. A bit later, the results were in. "So, what do you think Fluttershy?" Sparkle asked. "It's...wow...I-I can look like this?!" Fluttershy who was normally timid was talking very confident like. And she even looked more confident too. "Yep. See, I'm good at this." Sparkle said. "I-I have to take tips." Rarity said. "I'm willing to teach you, but it won't be easy, nor will it be free for that matter." Sparkle said. "I-I understand that much...but seriously, I'm very impressed." Rarity said. The shrink spell wore off. But Fluttershy's make-up stayed mostly the same. "W-whoa...I was not expecting that to last so little time this go around. It actually caught me off guard." Fluttershy said. "I ain't quite done with you yet though." Sparkle said as she hopped onto Fluttershy's back. "Make-up was just the first step to show you that yes, you can look confident. Now, it's time for some tips on how to act confident too." "Oh boy, this is going to a day, isn't it?" Apple Bloom asked. After a giant montage of Sparkle helping Fluttershy really take herself seriously, it led to a net-positive for Fluttershy all around. "I...I had no idea I could stand up to myself like this. Wow. You've really helped a lot, Sparkle." Fluttershy said. "I told you that you wouldn't have to waste your money on that siminar. Wasn't this a much better alternative? I think your not disappointed." Sparkle said. Just then, the group saw a mob of ponies chasing away a minotaur. "...And just as well, the creature in charge who was known as Iron Will seems to have suddenly found himself have suddenly come under fire for results no pony was satified with." Twilight said. That's when Bijou was seen trying to scurry after the Minotaur as well. "COME BACK HERE...oh he's gone..." Bijou said before she stopped. "Huff...huff..." "Something up?" Twilight asked. "Oh it's just...I wanted to impress Hamtaro with something different, but he didn't like the way I turned out...now I'm worried he doesn't like me anymore..." Bijou said. That's when Hamtaro showed up. "H-hamtaro." Sparkle said. "So, I'm guessing that means your going back to just being yourself?" Hamtaro asked. "Yeah. I tried to become something I wasn't." Bijou said. "Good. I'd hate for that to happen again. You don't have to try and mix up your personality for me, Bijou. You just need to be yourself. That's all. I like you just the way you are. You don't need to change yourself up to keep me interested in you." Hamtaro said. "Hamtaro..." Bijou suddenly threw herself around Hamtaro. "Th-that means so much to me, thank you~" "Seriously Bijou, you've landed the best boyfriend ever. You should've understood from the get-go the kind of you that Hamtaro has fallen for in the first place. And just what kind of hamster he is." Sparkle said. "Yeah. I'll certainly not forget that from here on out. I-I think I have a friendship report to give Princess Celestia." Bijou said. "Why don't you tell me it?" The Princess in question was right there next to them. "P-princess, I didn't know you were in Ponyville." Twilight said. "Well, I heard that Iron Will was causing issues in Ponyville so I came to deal with the issue personally. We've had a long-standing relationship with the Minotaurs, and I'd hate for that relationship to turn sour over something like this." Celestia said. "R-right..." Bijou said. "I think what I learned about friendship, is that you don't have to change yourself to keep your friendships or your love alive. You just have to be the best you you can be for your friends, and everything will work out in the end." "Well, she's not the only one whose learnt something about friendship. Thanks to Sparkle, I've learnt that if I really search within myself, I can find a me I didn't think existed, so that I can stand up for myself without really changing much about my personality. All while still keeping my friends." Fluttershy said. "Both really good lessons in friendship. And maybe something a little more." Celestia said. "Seriously Bijou, I'm just glad you learnt this lesson sooner rather then later. I'm very glad." Hamtaro said. "Oh Hamtaro..." Bijou was hugging her boyfriend more now. "I think...it's best we left these love birds alone for now." Sparkle said. "Agreed." Celestia said. Post A/N: Yeah, I figured I could turn this episode into something to really show off how much Sparkle is growing into her own hamster, and really showcase just how much she's changing from being around all the ponies. She's certainly becoming a much better person for it, you could say. But that's all for this quick mid-week update. This Friday, expect the two-part season 2 finale. And there will be MANY changes. And there are two changes in particular I'm excited to be showcasing. One change is being borrowed from a now abandoned story. The other change is something I doubt no one will see coming. Let's just say, there's a reason I introduced Shadow Skull as Spat’s father in one of Monday's chapters. > Season 2: Episode 20 - Parents & Daughters Part 1 (A Canterlot Wedding AU > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The main six plus the majority of the ham-hams were on a train bound for Canterlot. Though, earlier that day, a letter came to invite them to a wedding in Canterlot between Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, and Twilight's Brother Shining Armor. ...Speaking of that later point... "I seriously can't believe you have a brother who lives in Canterlot and never told us." Rainbow Dash said. "Sorry. It's just...I thought I would have a good time to bring it up sooner than this but, between the Ham-Hams, the various things that happened in Ponyville, and the one time Applejack went missing..." Twilight listed off. "Hey!" Applejack said. "To be fair, you can't defend yourself on that last one AJ; no offense." Rainbow Dash said. "...Ouch. While that statement is very much a true one, it's still a low blow." Applejack said. "My point being, is that there was just never a good time to mention my brother before today." Twilight said. "Hey, why is there a pink forcefield around Canterlot?" Hamtaro asked. That brought said forcefield to the attention of the others. "...I honestly couldn't even begin to tell you..." Twilight said. The group was stopped and then scanned with magic before being let inside where at the train station, the group met with Twilight's Brother, Shining Armor, though Blueblood was there too. "Brother, what's going on? What's with the forcefield?" Twilight asked. "Well, I'm not sure if it's a crediable threat right now..." Shining Armor said. "But we were told through an anonymous source that Changelings were planning on sabotaging the wedding." Prince Blueblood said. "That seems suspicious..." Hamtaro said. "I think...it's best if we ham-hams had a look around." "Suit yourselves. The shield provided by Shining Armor should keep the changelings out however." Prince Blueblood said. "You're thinking about something, aren't you Hamtaro?" Bijou asked. "Yeah. Who in their right mind would send say something anonymously?" Hamtaro asked. That's when Harmony suddenly flew right through the barrier. "Ah, ham hams. I'm so glad your all here. I seem to have a problem. Spat was spotted recently in Canterlot. And with the upcoming wedding, I'm betting he's going to try something. I'm really hoping it was just some pony's imagination but, just in case." The angel hamster said. "Hey, how'd you get through the barrier?" Shining Armor asked. "I think what's more important is that Spat is here in Canterlot. So now we've got these changelings; whatever they are; trying to sabotage the wedding on top of Spat trying to do the same." Hamtaro said. "Pardon, did you just say there's changelings here? Now what was it about that species my boss said again..." Harmony said. "I'll have to be excused. I need to go double check something." She then flew back out of the barrier. "Okay, what is going on? What's with the concern with Spat?" Rainbow Dash asked. "...By the way, whose Spat?" She then added. "Spat is that devil hamster we were told of before. And if he's planning on sabotaging the wedding, something tells me, he might be in league with these changelings." Twilight said. "Long story short, Spat really hates seeing hamsters getting along, and I bet he'd go out of his way to stop ponies from being friends with each other too; let alone getting married." Hamtaro said. "Fine, but you are going to tell us what's so bad about this guy once we're done." Rainbow Dash said. "She's going to regret that..." Twilight Whispered to herself. "What do you say Twilight?" Applejack asked. "...It can wait. We have more important things to deal with." Twilight said. "...Admittedly, that's very true." Applejack said. The ham-hams discovered a pink alicorn in the Canterlot who told them everything: The queen of the changelings was impersonating her, and was planning on taking over Equestria. So, with the real Princess Cadenza Mi Amore AKA Cadance, the ham-hams soon escorted her to where the wedding reception was taking place, and while Twilight had barged in too, the very fact the ham-hams were with a second Cadence certainly turned heads. "Wh-what's going on here?" Princess Celestia asked. "The Cadence that's with Shining Armor is not the real Cadence; she's a changeling in disguise!" Hamtaro said. "Oh please. That's so lame. Whose to say this other Cadence isn't the real changeling in disguise?" The Cadence near Shining Armor said. Twilight then approuched the new Cadence, and did a strange dance which Cadence soon joined in easily. "Wh-what was that?" Hamtaro asked, a little wierded out. "Hey, isn't that the dance from before?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Twilight, didn't you mention that it was something you and your foal sitter Cadence knew by heart?" "Yes, exactly." Twilight said. "Well I'm sold." Rainbow Dash said. "No doubt about it actually now: The Cadence that's with the ham-hams is the real cadence!" Applejack said. The fake cadence that was near Shining Armor began to laugh evilly before suddenly shapeshifting into a different sort of being. "So, this is that Queen of the Changelings you mentioned. The one that was planning on ruling Equestria." Hamtaro said. "Queen Chrysalis." "What?! You dare try to overthrow the likes of me?" Celestia asked. "It would've been so easy. I should have enough love absorbed from Shining Armor to deal with--" Queen Chrysalis started. "Instead of trying to fight; try asking about the queen's daughter..." Snoozer said. Every pony and hamster alike noticed Snoozer was sleeping on the box Spike was using. "H-how did he get here?!" Twilight exclaimed. "And...what's this about a daughter of Queen Chrysalis?" Celestia asked. That's when the CMC soon arrived, with what looked like a foal version of Chrysalis, but had a different main color. "A-Amethyst, wha-what are you doing here?" "Mommy...just...just ask please..." The new changeling said. "Snoozer, how on earth did you even know that Queen Chrysalis has a daughter?" Celestia asked. "Snoozer's always spouting wise wisdom like this. Which is very impressive for a hamster that basically sleeps the day away., I will admit." Maxwell said. "Wow. Makes me wonder if he's even smarter then Maxwell and I." Twilight said. "But...but he just sleeps all day! How he could know this stuff is beyond me!" Rainbow Dash said. "For once, ah agree with Rainbow Dash. There has to be a secret." Applejack said. "Especially since ah know no one carried him here." "Yeah, it's kind of hard to miss the hamster that sleeps in a nap sack being carried by another hamster or even riding a pony without somehow falling off." Twilight said. "...No offense, but Fluttershy would probably be able to do that later thing." Rainbow Dash said. "Well, that's not wrong. I would've carried him had he asked." Fluttershy said. "...Okay so Fluttershy didn't carry him either. What's going on?" Rainbow Dash asked. "What's with these hamsters getting through the barrier? He wasn't even on the train when the guards checked." Prince Blueblood said. "I am just here to enjoy some zs and the wedding. Besides, the crisis is adverted now." Snoozer said. "He's got a point. But there's still Spat to deal with." Twilight said. Suddenly, the sound of Shining Armor's barrier being forcibly broken was heard. "Wait, who broke the barrier? I didn't give any orders to the changelings through the hive mind." Queen Chrysalis said. That's when an ice projectile suddenly hit the ground near Chrysalis, and then that's when Spat flew into the building. "Hello Hamtaro & Bijou. Missed me?" Spat asked. "Spat." Hamtaro said with ire. To be continued... > Season 2: Episode 21 - Parents & Daughters Part 2 (A Canterlot Wedding AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously, a pretty big bombshell had dropped where the queen of the changelings Chrysalis was revealed to have a daughter, who was begging her mother just to ask for something that the ponies were unsure about. However, before Chrysalis could even ask anything, an ice projectile broke Shining Armor's barrier and it was followed by a very particular devil hamster. "Spat." Hamtaro said. "I'd be sorry about breaking up the mood, except I'm not. When I heard about this changeling invasion that was to take over Equestria, I was initially all for it. But then, I got one of those changelings to talk. One who looked like they really, really did not want to be here." Spat said. "Thorax. I should've known." Chrysalis said. "Don't put the blame on him. It's your fault for selecting him in the first place. Besides, now I've got a reason for interrupting things. Turns out, Chrysalis's hive is very low on love, and it's not enough to sustain a Princess Changeling. They need a lot of that if they are to survive at all. And the moment I realized these Changelings need to feed on love to survive at all, that's what was the selling point." Spat said. "She really could've just asked." Hamtaro said. "It's not like it would've hurt too much just to ask. I mean seriously." Bijou said. "All the same, I better make sure I can win this. So unfortunately for the pony princess, she's getting frozen thanks to some powers I've been granted thanks to the Windigos." Spat said. "What? The Windigos? How?!" Celestia exclaimed. But Spat did not answer, he began to charge up a giant icicle attack. After charging up the attack enough, he launched it right at Celestia, who tried to use her magic to stop it, but couldn't. Just when all hope seemed lost... *Crash!* The sound of ice shattering suddenly filled the room, and every pony, changeling, and hamster alike was shocked by who the cause of the sound turned out to be, as Spat's attack suddenly rained harmlessly down around the reason. "Sn-snoozer?!" Hamtaro exclaimed. Sure enough, Snoozer was up, and he was wide awake. "This persona of mine will benifit me no further." Snoozer suddenly said in a different voice. Suddenly, black magic envoloped him and soon, he had become Shadow Skull. "Shadow Skull?!" Spike exclaimed. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." Spat said. "Tell me about it; Snoozer was Shadow Skull the entire time?!" Hamtaro exclaimed. "Small correction: You have it backwards. I was the one you called Snoozer this entire time." Shadow Skull said. "Snoozer is just one form I've taken over the long, long years I've been alive." "All the same, of all the times for you to show up, why'd you have to choose now?!" Spat exclaimed. "Gah. I have to flee. I know better than to tango with an invincible & immortal hamster." Spat then flew off, getting out of dodge as fast as he can. "Invincible?" Hamtaro asked. "And now you know why I choose to hide myself away under the guise of an ordinary hamster once every few years." Shadow Skull said. "Still, the Snoozer persona wasn't meant to last as long as it did. I was only planning on maintaining it for a few weeks at best." "So then, what changed your mind?" Twilight asked. "It was not a what that changed my mind..." Shadow Skull then pointed at Hamtaro. "Rather, it was a who." The immortal hamster concluded. "M-me?" Hamtaro asked. "I've met many hamsters across the time I've spent posing as a mortal hamster, but none had the kind of spirit Hamtaro has. I've never met a hamster so pure of heart and full of hope until I first saw Hamtaro." Shadow Skull said. "For the first time, I felt like sticking around, just to study one hamster more." "And the more you learned, the more you just felt like sticking around; am I not correct?" Celestia asked. "Something like that. Even now, the concept of love has not tainted Hamtaro's spirit. It is still pure of heart and full of hope just like it was day one. By now, most hamsters would've become tainted, but not Hamtaro. He's different." Shadow Skull said. "His spirit being the way it is, is what protected him against Discord's magic. You can't taint what refuses to be tainted after all." "I'm shocked...I really didn't think Hamtaro was just that special." Sparkle said. "I really don't follow what you're saying, but it sounds like I'm some kind of big deal huh?" Hamtaro asked. Shadow Skull laughed. "And that's just another example of what I was saying. Your just too pure for anything to change who you are deep down. You are a gift Hamtaro; one that just keeps on giving." "Well gee, I don't think I'm anything that special." Hamtaro said. Shadow Skull laughed some more. "You see, this is exactly what I'm talking about." Suddenly, Harmony came in. "Hey, I just saw Spat..." She trailed off once she spotted Shadow Skull and landed behind him. Shadow Skull turned around. "...Hello Harmony." Shadow Skull said. "It's nice to see that you're doing well." "...Shadow Skull. Your very lucky my boss says I can't mess with you. Because otherwise I'd make you pay for what you did to my mother." Harmony said. "He told me you abandoned her as soon as she became pregnant with me." "I won't deny that I did that. However, I did so not because I no longer loved her. I did so for the child she was going to produce." Shadow Skull said. "...What's that supposed to mean?!" Harmony exclaimed. "I did not want the child to study dark magic, and end up like me. I wanted them to become someone different and follow a different path in life. And I was so proud, when that child did exactly what I had hoped for." Shadow Skull said. "Wait a second, if I'm following this correctly, then that means..." Twilight realized what that means. "...Yes. It means exactly what you think it means." Shadow Skull said. "Shadow Skull is my father." Harmony said. "But...but I still don't understand. If you wanted me to be different then you, why..." "I didn't want you to be pressured. When I heard you decided to become an Angel Hamster, I was very pleased. Tartarus, I was even proud of you when I heard you passed the test with flying colors. In that moment, I could not be more proud of you." Shadow Skull said. "So...you...you did it on purpose...because you didn't want me to turn out like you...but...but why?" Harmony asked. "Because while I did love your mother, I knew I would outlive her. But I didn't want you to follow on the same path as me. So I'm very glad that did happen. Ever since then though, I've just become...so null to the world around me thanks to the dark magic I've gained. I knew it was already happening by the time your mother became pregnant with you." Shadow Skull said. "Wait...but what about that stuff about Hamtaro?" Twilight asked. "Yes...for the first time in decades, ever since I decided to want to study Hamtaro, I've found my feelings begin to return. Because now, I have hope for the future." Shadow Skull said. "And that hope only grew, when Harmony asked Hamtaro & Bijou to defeat Spat." "Spat really caused a huge mess. Too big for me to solve on my own. Besides, I was still getting used to the whole dealing with Spat thing. For someone who had only become a devil-hamster a few years ago, he was doing it like an expert." Harmony said. "I guess he gets that from his mother. Now I wish she didn't essentially abuse me like she did." Shadow Skull said. "Abuse you? What's that supposed to mean?" Harmony asked. "...I mean something very, very not safe to say around all these onlookers. Something very drastic." Shadow Skull said. "...Wait, are you saying that Spat..." Harmony said. "Is your half-brother? Yes. Yes I am..." Shadow Skull said. "But not by my choice." "I...I honestly believe you...for some reason I do..." Harmony said. "...Father..." She then began to hug Shadow Skull, tears streaming down her eyes. "...I...I never thought I'd be hugged by my own daughter until today..." Shadow Skull said. "It feels...nice..." "...Well this certainly is NOT how I expected this wedding to go." Prince Blueblood said. "To be honest, neither did any pony or hamster here." Princess Celestia said. > Short Episode 2: Proposal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thankfully, after the little bounding moment between Harmony & Shadow Skull, the wedding was being done on time and properly. There would be some negotiations between the ponies & the changelings after the wedding reception, but that was a different topic. However, there was one being watching the wedding take place from on top of Luna's Tower. "Enjoy your victory while you still can..." Said a figure who could not be identified due to them looking so plain even though they were bipidal. "For soon, I'll have the perfect opportunity to make my mark. And then, you will wallow in pure despair." They added before suddenly using a sword evoloped in dark magic to vanish from the scene without a trace. The wedding took place without incident regardless of the strange figure giving a warning the ponies, hamsters, and changelings could not hear. Still, now the wedding reception was in full swing. "This is officially the second wedding I think we've been to, huh?" Hamtaro asked. "Yeah. The first one was Oxnard & Pepper. Talk about romantic." Bijou said. "So, what are we going to do about Shadow Skull?" Maxwell asked. "When you consider the fact he's gotten us out of a jam with the changelings, saved Rarity, and has just never really done anything evil, it's safe to say that he can't be evil himself, despite using dark magic. Whatever that is." Hamtaro said. "I think your right. He hasn't really done anything immoral. That might come from how he's been nulled through the passage of time." Maxwell said. "True. And I really can't think of a better time then to ask a little something." Hamtaro said. "Oh? What are you asking?" Boss asked. "I thought we cleared up all the lingering--" But then, Hamtaro presented Bijou with a hamster made ring. "Bijou, I can't think of any hamster I want to spend the rest of my life with. So, will you marry me?" Bijou just could not hold back her tears as she glomped Hamtaro. "YES! MILLIE TIMES YES!" Bijou cried out. "U-unbelievable, I can't believe he actually just did that." Boss said. "Welp, that's not what I expected to see today." Maxwell said. "To be fair, none of us expected what actually happened today at all, but here we are." Sandy said. And now pressure is on me to propose to Sandy, but no way am I going to trump Hamtaro. Maxwell thought to himself. > Season 3: Episode 1 - The New Students Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Things seem to be being discussed at the Rich's mansion today... "So, what's this I heard about a new student coming mid-semester?" Filithy Rich asked. "Normally no students get added mid-semester like this." "True, but this was an exception because the family just recently moved from a mountain town." Spoiled Rich said. "Their a family of pegasi who moved to ponyville shortly before that whole thing with the changelings up in Canterlot happened." "And the whole fact Changelings are being intergrated into Equestria as citizens as part of the deal." Diamond Tiara said. "The daughter of Queen Chrisalis will also be joining the school mid-term. I plan on getting on her good-side hopefully. But I doubt I will." "And why's that?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Because from what I heard, it was some fillies my age that helped her convince her mother to talk with Princess Celestia." Diamond Tiara said. "Odds are, they're probably all buddy buddy with her now, so if the princess isn't going to be open to me, then I won't lose sleep over it." "Makes me wonder which fillies it was." Filithy Rich said. "But what about the young pegasus?" "That depends on what kind of pony she is." Diamond Tiara said. The next day at Ponyville Elementary, it was clear two new desks were added to the classroom. Which meant the class was expecting two new students. "Dude, did you hear the rumors?" "Yeah, I heard that we're getting a changeling classmate today." "I'm curious about the moving student." "You mean the Pegasus they say is coming?" Scootaloo sighed as she listed, only for a particular colt to come up to her. "Scootaloo, right?" The colt asked. "Ah, your called Rumble right?" Scootaloo asked. "That's me. Honestly, I could care less about whatever new pegasus joins the class; your pretty awesome on that scooter of yours." Rumble said. "Y-you think I'm awesome on my scooter?" Scootaloo asked. "Wait, have you been spying on me?" "No, nothing like that. I've just seen you speed around here and there. I think it's awesome your so great on that scooter." Rumble said. "Thanks. I guess your not too bad of a colt." Scootaloo said. Rumble opened his mouth to talk more but was interupted. "Alright class, seats please, seats please!" Miss Cheerilee said. "Let's talk again sometime..." Rumble whispered to Scootaloo who nodded in response. "Today, we are having two new students. First, let me formally introduce to you the first changeling student in Equestra, and the daughter of Queen Chrysalis, Princess Amethyst." Miss Cheerlee said. "Um...hello every pony?" The changeling at the front of the room said. Huh. How interesting. A little unsure of herself. But I guess that's the byproduct of being a changeling from before the whole thing with the wedding. Diamond Tiara thought to herself. "Don't overwhelm her too much okay? She's been pretty sequestered." Miss Cheerilee said. Amethyst was feeling the eyes of Diamond Tiara on her. The girls told me that Diamond Tiara is bad news. And that she might try to act friendly to me in an attempt to pull me away from them because Diamond Tiara is self-intitled. But...why do I sense there's something more here? Amethyst thought to herself. "And as for the other student...wait, where is she?" Miss Cheerilee asked. "I'm here, I'm here." Said a pegasus filly as they soon entered the classroom. "My apologies, I forgot to change my clock this morning since the village I moved here from uses a different time zone then Ponyville, so I ended up waking up an hour later then I was supposed to." I felt that. Time zones are a strange thing... Diamond Tiara said. "Ah, you must be Cozy Glow, right?" Miss Cheerilee asked. "That's me. Oh, does every one want to see something cool?" Cozy Glow asked. "Th-that's nice of you to offer but..." Miss Cheerilee said. "Too late!" Cozy Glow said. "OW; WHAT THE..." Diamond Tiara yelped as she suddenly got up from her seat after feeling a pain in her flanks. She soon discovered the cause. "Wh-why is there a rook piece on my seat?" "Oh, so that's the seat it got put on last night. How interesting~" Cozy Glow giggled innocently. "How...did you get in here? The School was locked." Miss Cheerilee said. "Tell the school board director thanks for the loan." Cozy Glow then passed over a key. I-isn't that my mom's key to the school? H-how did she get that?! Diamond Tiara said. "I-I should report this." Miss Cheerilee said. "B-but I only wanted to show off something cool..." Cozy Glow said, her face one of just pure innocent and pleading. "W-well, I supppose it can be overlooked since your just a child. But please refrain from doing anything like this again in the future." Miss Cheerilee said. "I just wanted to make a good first impression. How not un-fun..." Cozy Glow looked down now as she headed for the seat furthest away from Diamond Tiara. Sparkle meanwhile, was not buying this, and neither was Penelope. The two hamsters had their special seats. Sparkle was in the hamster cage, while Penolope was just on Miss Cheerilee's desk. Oh this filly is a master crafter alright. Sparkle thought to herself. "Hey, don't be too harsh. She just came from a mountain village." It was Scootaloo who just spoke up. "She probably doesn't realize that doing something like this would've gotten her in trouble. So don't be so stuck up." "Th-thanks for sticking up for me." Cozy Glow said. "What's your name?" "I'm Scootaloo." Scootaloo said. Cozy Glow smiled. "I'll have to remember that name." She said before she took her seat. "Mind me asking, what kind of place was your mountain village?" Scootaloo asked. "We trusted each other enough to leave our doors unlocked at night; that's how close every pony there was." Cozy Glow said. "See? She's used to a certain way of life. So we shouldn't judge her too harshly." Scootaloo said. "I-I guess this can remain buried. After all, it's only a one-time offense." Miss Cheerilee said. Cozy Glow inwordly thought to herself. How perfect. That went better then I could've planned for. She thought. How easy they are to fool with a fake key and a made-up story. Wrapping this entire school around my hoof will be easier than I thought if they believe something so simple as that~ To Be Continued... > Season 3: Episode 2 - The New Students Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sparkle was staring at Cozy Glow from inside the Hamster cage. She was onto this Cozy Glow. Why, just a little bit ago, this Pegasus had somehow put a rook on Diamond Tiara's seat, gave Miss Cheerilee a fake key that looks like the one Spoiled Rich has, and then created such a false story, every pony believed her. But the key phrase is that every pony believed her. Sparkle and Penelope were not fooled. Sparkle was not fooled because she saw through Cozy Glow's act because the hamster used to be an actress. And someone with Sparkle's background could just tell when an act is being put up. Penelope also didn't believe any of this. To her it was more of a gut instinct then anything related to her background. And like I said, it was only ponies who believed Cozy Glow; in addition to the two hamsters, Princess Amethyst also saw through such an act. Yeah no. I don't know what kind of acting lessons you took, but your parents should go get their money back as they clearly didn't pay off. Amethyst said. "We're still not done with new student introductions mind you. I have one more to announce." Miss Cheerilee said. Eyes turned to the front of the classroom, that's when every pony noticed Penelope on Miss Cheerilee's desk. "As I was saying, we still have one other student to introduce." It's another one of those hamsters, but I don't recognize this one... Diamond Tiara thought to herself. Darn it, I should've paid more attention on the field trip then focusing on Cappy. "Hello, I'm Penelope!" Penelope said. "P-penelope, I was supposed to--" Miss Cherille was interupted by the students going ga-ga. "OMG, SHE'S SO CUTE!" "How cute can they make these hamsters?" "I kind of want a hamster as a pet now..." This one was Twist. "Yesh, with a hamster cute as that, who can blame you?" "Settle down everyone; settle down!" Miss Cheerilee said. Penelope blushed a little. "Wait a second; that's Penelope?!" Apple Bloom suddenly exclaimed. "What's wrong Apple Bloom; I thought you knew all of the hamsters seeing as they stay at the farm?" Silver Spoon decided to tease. Wait...I think I know why... Diamond Tiara thought to herself. "Penelope...where's that yellow thing you usually wear?" She asked. "Yellow...thing?" Silver Spoon asked. "Wait, it's that hamster?" "Oh my gosh, I totally didn't recognize her!" "Yowza, that's a shock!" Sparkle face paw'd. I should've convinced Miss Cheerilee to let Penelope wear her blanket until after she was introduced. Sparkle thought to herself. Mid A/N: You probably didn't notice the fact that Penelope can be seen during the sleep scene where the cat looks through the window during the intro sequence as she doesn't wear her yellow covering in said scene. You can visit Penolope's Wiki page and see the images of Penolope both with and without her covering on here: Penelope | The Hamtaro Wiki | Fandom Do note, that I am only referring to the images that are labled III and II from the wiki's page; the image labeled as being I is either a prototype image, or something from the simi-reboot that was japan exclusive. "Oh, you mean my blankie? Miss Cheerilee says I can't wear it while at school." Penelope said. "Well darn, if ah didn't connect the dots, I'd almost swear you were a totally different hamster." Apple Bloom said. "I so want to see what she looks like with that blankie on; not going to lie." Cozy Glow said. "Trust me; you will if you stick around." Sweetie Belle said. Great, the CMC have the new filly wrapped around their hooves already. Not that I care; I'll show her her place at recess. Diamond Tiara said. Miss Cheerilee ended up reviewing material to catch the new students up. The topic of cutie marks soon came up, which revealed that Cozy Glow had one. When asked she simply said "Not fully sure what I'll end up doing; I just really love chess~". Sparkle didn't buy it for one minute, so during recess, she brought the CMC and Amethyst to the side. "As you three girls know because I say this a lot, I used to be an actress, which means I can tell when some pony puts on an act. And Cozy Glow has acting skills that rivaled me at my peak." "Wait, that whole thing was just one big act?" Scootaloo asked. "That's what I noticed too. She has feelings, she seems to be burying them deep for some reason though." Amethyst said. "Well, she's still new. Besides, it was all just one big act for a prank right? Nothing wrong with that. She's new, let's give her some time to adapt around here before we start jumping to conclusions." Scootaloo said. "I-I guess your right." Sparkle said. "Doesn't mean I'll start trusting her though." "Same here." Amathyst said. "Oh, I should've known..." Diamond Tiara said, suddenly behind the fivesome. "Of course the fillies who helped Amathyst would be you three." "Great. Your here to insult us again." Scootaloo said. "Honestly, I'm more surprised one of you didn't get a diplomate cutie mark from something like that. Heck, you'd think by now at least one of you would've gotten a cutie mark." Diamond Tiara said. The CMC were about to get depressed from that, when Cozy Glow suddenly showed up. "You may want to tell your friend to move." Cozy Glow said. "Ha; that's the oldest trick in the book--" Diamond Tiara was interupted when Derpy suddenly fell on top of both her and Silver Spoon. "Ow..." Silver Spoon said. "I just don't know what went wrong..." Derpy said. "What the...how did you?" Even Sparkle was baffled now. "Oh I just noticed she was up in the air is all. And from what I read, she's very clumsy." Cozy Glow said. "So when I noticed where she was most likely to land, I simply wanted to look out for two fellow classmates, but they obviously didn't listen." "No pony makes me look like a fool twice in one day; you'll pay for this!" Diamond Tiara said. "Golly, your still upset over the rook thing? You need to lighten up." Cozy Glow said. Diamond Tiara decided that was the perfect opportunity to just plant her face into the ground; dirt be damned. > Season 3: Episode 3 - Ponyville Musicians Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Ponyville, the CMC were at their clubhouse as per usual. "So, any ideas for cutie marks?" Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom Apple Bloom opened her mouth to answer, when they started hearing music. "What's that?" Sparkle listened closely. "Hey, that sounds like..." She said before she scurried towards it. "Hey wait up!" Sweetie Belle said as the three fillies followed Sparkle. Sparkle ended up stopping as she looked over at some other hamsters. "Oh my gosh; IT'S HAMPTON AND THE HAMSTERS!" Sparkle Squeed. "...Hampton who?" Apple Bloom asked. "Hampton and the Hamsters; they are like, the most well liked hamster band in history!" Sparkle said. "A hamster band?" Apple Bloom asked. "Whoa, hey there, what's three ponies doing here?" The white female hamster asked. "I'm pretty sure these are fillies, Hado." The only other female hamster currently in front of them said. "Isn't that Sparkle with them, Dixie?" The very yellow furred male hamster said. "Most likely it is; hard to miss that hamster a mile away." The male hamster wearing a bow-tie said. "Sorry for intruding, we were just hearing some music from our treehouse. Which is right above us." Sweetie Belle said. "Sorry about that, we were doing some practicing is all." Dixie said. "Guess we'd better introduce everyone." The bow-tie hamster said. "I know all four of you already, but feel free to introduce yourselves all the same." "I'm Hado; I know my name is very masculine sounding, but people always forget that I'm really female~" Hado introduced herself. "Name's Fuzzy; I'm the lead drummer of the band." The very yellow hamster said. "Name's Dixie." Dixie said. "I'm from the country." "We all are. And as for me, I'm not only the head vocolist, I'm also part of the namesake; the one and only Hampton." The bow-tie hamster said. "Since their here, they should get a load of one of our songs." Dixie pointed out. "Oh yeah, I agree." Hado said. "Well then, what are we waiting for?" Hampton asked as the group began to hit off a song. "Th-that was just...woof..." Sweetie Void said. "Dang, I've heard some of DJ-PON3's music, but dang this has it's own kind of vibe to it." Apple Bloom said. "Yeah, even I'm into this sort of thing; seems Sparkle wasn't lying about how good you guys are." Scootaloo said. "Thank ye kindly." Hampton said. "Speaking of which, from what I remember, doesn't Octavia do music herself?" Sweetie Belle asked. "Yeah. Speaking of, I haven't seen hide nor hair of her or that unicorn she roomates with for a few weeks now." Scootaloo said. "Maybe we should go check their home." Sparkle said. "Good idea, we'll come with." Hampton said. It didn't take long for the fillies to find the house, and once inside, the group found Octavia and her roommate tied up in the back of the house. Once they were untied, the mayor had some police ponies taking their statements. "Seems they were being well fed, but any longer and they probably would've started loosing muscle mass." Mayor Mare said. "I can't believe it; all this time Octavia was being tied up." Apple Bloom said. "But the question is, who did it?" Sparkle asked. Couldn't have been that Cozy Glow though; she only got here two days ago. "What's going--what's with the police here?!" It was Spoiled Rich. "Three fillies managed to find Octavia and Vinyl Scratch tied up in their own house; evidence suggests it's been three whole weeks." Mayor Mare said. "And how do we know it wasn't those same three fillies, hm?" Spoiled Rich asked. "None of them are green." Vinyl said. "Pardon?" A police officer asked. "The stallion who attacked us was green colored. I couldn't make out any specific facial features, but I do remember he was green." Vinyl said. "...A green stallion? But there's no one like that in Ponyville. Obviously, these two are covering--" Spoiled Rich began. "Actually Ms. Rich, this isn't the only time we've had a situaiton about a green stallion being spotted. Manehatten saw several reports of a green stallion running away from appartments where ponies had been killed." A second police officer said. "Odds are it's the same stallion then. I mean, how many green stallions could their possibly be in all of equestria?" Sparkle asked. "Well, there's only three that the police know of by name. All three have solid alibis though." A third officer said. "We know, we looked." "A green stallion whose most likely a murderer kidnaps a musician pony and her roommate for very little reason? Sounds very odd to me." Spoiled Rich said. "Hey, what's this all about?" Suddenly, now it was Slade. "Hey, that's him! That's the Stallion. I'm sure of it." Vinyl suddenly said. "Huh. He's green. How about that?" Sparkle asked. "...Tch. So much for the long-game." Slade said before he suddenly morphed into a different creature. "Guess the facade of being a pony is over now~" "What the-what is he?!" Spoiled Rich asked. "Wouldn't you like to know? Sorry to run off on you, but I have to get going now. But rest assured, Spoiled Rich; I'll be back for you shortly. And then, all of Equestria will be plunged into darkness and despair." Slade said before he used some kind of dark magic to vanish in front of every pony. "Can't believe he fooled me like that. I feel like an idiot..." Spoiled Rich said. "But what do you think he meant by what he said?" Apple Bloom asked. "Which part exactly? The part about him being back? Is-is my mom in trouble?" Diamond Tiara asked. "No, I mean by the darkness and despair thing." Apple Bloom said. "...Yeah, that's got me worried as well now, thanks." Diamond Tiara said sarcastically, but part of her was shivering in pure fear from the very fact that something just admitted that they were after some pony specific. I guess Cozy Glow can't be secretly evil; not if someone like that exists. Sparkle thought. Maybe I misjudged her... To Be Continued... > Season 3: Episode 4 - Ponyville Musicians Part 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pre-A/N: Previously on...oh what the heck am I doing with this for? This is being published on the same day as the last chapter. You don't need a recap. If you really want to know what happened last chapter, just hit the back button to read it first and come back to this chapter. And if you've already read it, all the more reason to just continue... "Again, I apologize for what happened, Mrs. Rich." Octavia said. "It's not your fault. It's more so mine. I got fooled, played with, and quite possibly bamboozled by that strange creature who disguised themself as a pony." Spoiled Rich said. Amythest and her mother were now here too. "So, you said his name was Slade Johnson yes?" Chrysalis asked. "That's what I said." Spoiled Rich said. "...Then I'd be careful about what he said about coming back." Chrysalis said. "From what my changelings have relayed back to me, Slade is a ruthless contract killer whose murders are; shall we say; very graphic to witness let alone disect." "Yeah, trust us on this front: You don't want to know the details of his murders. It's always the same way." Amythest said. "I know, and I wish I didn't know. That's how bad it is." "Indeed. It's something that I wouldn't wish for to any pony or changeling; not even to my enemies." Chrysalis said. "...Yikes, if even she's saying that..." Sweetie Belle said. "Yeah. We DON'T want to know..." Scootaloo agreed. Things were soon back to realtive normal. Though, upon looking at the house more in-depth, Scootaloo soon realized who Vinyl Scratch was. "Oh my gosh, VINYL SCRATCH IS DJ-PON3!" Scootaloo yelled out. "That's just my handle kid." Vinyl said. "Still, I'm just very surprised: We got THE DJ-PON3 in Ponyville and to top things off, we just rescued her." Scootaloo said. "Now now, there must be some reason you wanted to see us." Octavia said. "Hey, isn't this the hampton crew?" Vinyl asked. "We prefer to be called Hampton & The Hamsters Miss Scratch." Hampton said. "Please, you can call me Vinyl." Vinyl said. "So we got three different kinds of musicians in Ponyville now: DJ-PON3 does techno, Octavia is all classic, and then you have the country style of Hampton & The Hamsters." Sweetie Belle said. "We prefer to think of our music as 'hamster style'." Hampton said. "Perhaps, you need a better example of what we mean. In fact, I can think of one song that would convince you." "Oh, are we going to be doing that song?" Dixie asked. "You bet." Hampton said. "This song started everything; so, get ready to do the Hamster Dance~" "Wait WHAT?!" Vinyl suddenly was shocked. "...Yeah...okay, I can see what you mean by 'hamster style' now..." Sweetie Belle said. "I don't believe this; you were the ones who made the Hamster Dance song?!" Vinyl asked. "Am I missing something?" Sparkle asked. "Maybe perhaps, the song got put here into Equestria somehow, and Vinyl got hooked on it." Scootaloo said. "Yeah that's about right." Vinyl said. "Wow. And they say you should never meet your heroes." Sweetie Belle said. "I just thought it was some kind of meme actually. Didn't think it was actual music." Vinyl said. "...Are you serious right now?" Sparkle asked. After some talking, and some more back and forth about the hamster dance song, it was agreed for the musical group of Hampton & The Hamsters to live with Octavia and Vinyl. "Still can't believe that Vinyl was DJ-PON3." Scootaloo said. "I'm still hung up on the meme thing." Sparkle said. "By Celestia, let that go already!" Apple Bloom said. "Yeah, how was Vinyl supposed to know any better?!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. "...Sorry I said anything then..." Sparkle grimiced. "Look, I get it: You're a huge fan of Hampton & The Hamsters. It's like how I am with DJ-PON3. Am I going to think of the music different because now I know Vinyl Scratch personally? No, I'm not going to treat it differently. So, you shouldn't let the same thing happen to you in regard to the music Hampton & The Hamsters make differently either." Scootaloo said. "Thanks for that Scootaloo. I think I needed to hear that." Sparkle said. "All in a day's work apperently." Apple Bloom said. "Shame none of got a cutie mark in potentially law enforcement or something." Scootaloo said. "Well hey, we did a good deed today. Sometimes, that's enough." Sparkle said. "Yeah. Your right. We should head back now." Sweetie Belle said, but she was very curious about potentially, asking about singing lessons. > Season 3: Episode 5 - Hamtaro & The Empire Part 1 (Crystal Empire AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unknown Day Frozen North - Crystal Empire Outskirts Unknown Time Out of nowhere in the vast icy wastland that is the Frozen North, the ground suddenly cracks open as a shadowy figure suddenly comes out of it and suddenly solidfies into a unicorn stallion. "Finally, after so long, it will be my time to rule the Crystal Empire; just as I was destined to~" The Stallion said. Present Day Canterlot Castle - Celestia's Chamber 12:21 AM Celestia suddenly woke up with a cold sweat. "W-was that merely a dream; or a foreboding warning?" Celestia asked herself. "Sister, I have unfortunate news!" Luna said, barging into Celestia room unannounced. "...Pray tell, is it about how the Crystal Empire has returned?" Celestia asked. "Well, yes actually. How did you know?" Luna asked. Canterlot Castle - Throne Room 8:00 AM "Thank you for coming so quickly. All of you. But, time is of the essence." Celestia said; adressing the main six and the Ham-Hams. "The Crystal Empire has returned." "I-I don't remember reading anything about that in my studies." Twilight said. "I had all knowledge of the existence of the Crystal Empire purged for safety reasons, my dear student. For you see, there was a moment where Equestria almost went to war with the empire because of a power mad Tyrant who called himself King Sombra." Celestia said. "Something tells me this guy wasn't the type to give or even ask for hugs..." Hamtaro said. "Sometimes, I think you are too innocent for your own good..." Boss said. "But he's more lovable for it~" Bijou said, giving her special hamster a hug and a kiss. I'd say something, but I don't want to look like I'm jealous. Sparkle thought to herself. "The two of us; Celestia and myself; had went to the crytal empire in an attempt to dethrone King Sombra shortly after he had turned the rightful ruler of the kingdom; Princess Amore; to stone, broke her apart, and scattered her pieces to the wind. Our scholars and ourselves were only ever able to recover a few of the pieces." Luna said. "So...she's basically dead now?" Maxwell asked. "Technically, I'd say currently is a fate worse then death. Because if we could somehow recover all the pieces and put them all back together, then Princess Amore could be brought out of her stone statue state." Luna said. "And some say I'm the evil one..." Shadow Skull said. "As fate would somehow have it, Princess Cadence is the long-lost daughter of Princess Amore. When she had ascended into Alicornhood by showing love to a witch who was stealing love from many ponies, I couldn't help but notice her magical capabilities were a near direct copy of Princess Amore. From what I can only hypothesize is the case, Amore must have somehow sensed Sombra's takeover was coming, so she sent her only daughter away to parts unknown to Sombra to protect her at all costs." Celestia said. "So, Cadence is going with us?" Twilight asked, excited. "In a way. She and Shining Armor have already been briefed and sent on ahead. Because the goal is to find the Crystal Heart and use the love and light of the citizens to power it. For you see, if the Crystal Heart is filled with the light and love of the empire's citizens, it will bring hope to all of equestria." Celestia said. "But if the heart is filled with the sorrow and sadness of the citizens instead, it will fill all of Equestria with dread. So it is up to all of you to find the Crystal Heart before Sombra does, and find a way for the citizens to be filled with happiness and joy once more." Luna said. "We'll do whatever it takes." Twilight said. "Not alone your not." Hampton and his hamster band were in the room suddenly. "What the-how did you get in here?" Celestia asked. "Hamster Trade Sequence. Besides, did you forget the mega awesome performace we did at the Grand Galloping Gala? I'm pretty sure it's time to put on what is no doubt the biggest concert of all time." Hampton said. "Now there's a thought. Your band can keep the citizens happy, while we search for the Crystal Heart!" Twilight said. "What-but..." Celestia didn't even finish before the entire group went off. At the Crystal Empire Hampton & The Hamsters started getting set up. "Since this is last minute, we don't have our usual back-up hamsters with us. You ham-hams feel like filling in for them?" Hampton asked the Ham-hams. "A-a chance to perform with Hampton & The Hamsters on set as back-up hamsters?! WHERE DO I SIGN UP?!" Sparkle exclaimed. "Guess you can take that as a yes." Hamtaro said. "But do you need all of us? Because I'm thinking Bijou and I go looking for clues on Sombra." "What clues? We need to stop that guy from taking over." Rainbow Dash said. "Don't need nothing more then that." "I don't know. Something just doesn't sit right with me about him. Call it intuation." Hamtaro said. "You really are too innocent for your own good." Boss said. "Maybe he is, but if Hamtaro feels like there's something more to this, then I'm willing to put my faith in it." Bijou said. "Alright, I suppose I can't stop you. Let any of us know if you find anything." Twilight said. Twilight and Spike split off from the main group to search the underground portion of the castle when they found it, but soon so did Hamtaro & Bijou. The door the pair encountered tried to do to Hamtaro what it did with the unicorn and young drake, but upon even trying, it broke. "...Huh. That's the second time that's happened to me. First Discord can't do anything to me, and now that strange door just breaks." Hamtaro said. The door soon phased away, revealing a hidden staircase. "Wow, now we're getting somewhere." "Seems like this was really hidden." Bijou said. The two hamsters soon found a library, where they encountered a diary. A dairy by none other then Sombra. And it explained everything about the truth. And shortly after they finished reading it, they found a second book, this one about researching something called the Umbram. As well as a note inside of it, from Radient Hope. "Hamtaro, if-if this note is correct..." Bijou said. "Then Sombra is just as much of a victim as Princess Amore. He was being used." Hamtaro said. "I knew it. I knew there was something more to this whole mess." Hamtaro said. "HEY CRYSTAL EMPIRE, ARE YOU READY TO GET FUNKY?!" Hampton's voice could be heard above ground. "Their about to start the concert; we gotta tell Twilight and the others what we've found!" Bijou said. "And save everyone; including both Sombra AND Radiant Hope!" Hamtaro said. To be continued... > Season 3: Episode 6 - Hamtaro & The Empire Part 2 (Crystal Empire AU) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hamtaro was right. And he's not quite sure if he would've rather have been wrong. And yet, he cannot deny that he was right about there being more to Sombra then met the eye. He and Bijou had discovered the unicorn's dairy where they learnt all about his childhood. They also found a book about mysterious creatures called the Umbrum. It was within that same book that the duo found a note by Raident Hope. Sombra, I-I don't know if your reading this or not, but I discovered a truth while I was studying in Canterlot as Princess Celestia's student. I discovered that there is a door to the Umbrum, and that they stole everything from you. Your life, your childhood, everything. Even your true name. I have to find the door I found mentioned in this book that I will be hiding in your study. I only pray you find this book when you come back. But on the off chance some pony other then you is reading this note, then follow my instructions, and come help me. This is the only way to truely save the Empire and stop the Umbrum once and for all while there's still time for Sombra to have his life returned to him. But sadly, there's not much time to discuss anything, as Hampton & The Hamsters are about to perform the biggest concert known to any pony, hamster, or changeling ever. "GOOD DAY TO ALL OF THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE! YOU MAY NOT KNOW US, BUT WE'RE HERE TO PUT SOME PEP IN YOUR STEP!" Hampton announced. "IT'S TIME TO FEEL THE GROVE!" As the song was being played, Hamtaro & Bijou found the Main Six, all grouped up near Sombra's Tower. "You two seem in a hurry; did you find something?" Applejack asked. "Something big. Take a read." Hamtaro said before passing over the note he and Bijou found. "Th-this..." Twilight said after reading it. "This really changes everything..." "Wh-what do we do now?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Spike, take the Crystal Heart over to Cadence." Twilight said, putting the Crystal Heart in Spike's Claws. "Where'd you find that?" Hamtaro asked. "In the tower; Rainbow Dash managed to get it off the wall and avoid the trap that was in place." Twilight answered. "It was nothing." Rainbow Dash said. "But Twilight, what are you going to do?" Spike asked. "We're going to save Radient Hope!" Twilight said. "I HOPE YOUR READY TO REALLY PARTY; BECAUSE THAT'S THE KIND OF THING WE'RE BRINGING YOU: A HAMSTER PARTY!" Hampton announced as the next song played on. "W-we don't have a lot of time." Twilight said as the song played. "We need to book it." While the second song played on, the main six, Hamtaro, and Bijou could all hear the concert from where they where; the music was THAT loud. "THIS NEXT NUMBER IS A REFERENCE TO THE SONG THAT STARTED IT ALL. THIS ONE IS CALLED "Sing A Simple Song". TAKE IT AWAY, FUZZY!" Hampton announced. "Hope you know what your doing Twi." Rainbow Dash said. Twilight focused her efforts and soon, the door opened, as Twilight began to use different magic to counter the forces trying to come out that wasn't pure pony. That was when a lone mare came out of it. "I-I guess I'm glad some pony found my note." The Mare said. "This is Radiant hope? Shouldn't she be like over a thousand years old?" Rainbow Dash asked. Twilight didn't answer right away, too busy destroying the Umbrum. "...It's been over a thousand years? Feels like it's only been a week for me." Radiant Hope said. "...Must be some kind of time flow thing Twilight would understand." Rainbow Dash said. Soon, as the third song ended outside, Twilight was successful. "Wait, what's going on outside?" "I BET YOU PONIES HAVE WINTERTIME FULL TIME AROUND HERE; SO, HERE'S A LITTLE COVER SONG IN DEDICATION TO THAT LITTLE FACT!" Hampton announced. "We better find Sombra now. He'll probably be confused because of what happened." Twilight said. "And what's happening outside is the Crystal Fair." Rainbow Dash said. The group managed to find Sombra; who was passed out in the outskirts far away from the range of the Crystal Heart; just as something different was announced. "The crystal heart has returned to us!" A Crystal Pony announced. "That's right folks; and now it's time for us hamsters to really brighten things up!" Hampton announced. "For being happy, is a hamster's motto!" "Ugh..." Sombra began waking up as the new song was being played. "Wh-what happened?" "You're alright now Sombra. The Umbra can't control you anymore." Radiant Hope said. "H-hope? Y-you still..." Sombra said. "Of course I would silly. I knew something couldn't be right. Not the you that I believed in at least." Radiant hope said. "I-There's just so much I have to say..." Sombra said. "Look technically, your still wanted. But, if you agree to go into exile, I think I can convince Princess Celestia that this is for the best." Twilight said. "I had a different penance in mind. The pieces of Princess Amore; I want to search for them. Make up for what I did." Sombra said. "That's quite the redemption should you find the ones that Princess Celestia & Princess Luna couldn't find." Twilight said. "Luna's back? She's been cured, I hope?" Radiant Hope asked. "Wait, you knew she was going to become Nightmare Moon?!" Rainbow Dash asked. "I warned Princess Celestia that if she ignored her sister, she'd regret it. I could just feel something twisted in Princess Luna." Radiant Hope said. "So, Princess Celestia ignored my warnings then..." "Well, as much as we'd love for you to join in the fair for change Sombra; I think it's best you're not seen." Hamtaro said. "It was Bijou and I who found your dairy and Hope's note, but I don't think the empire would be very welcoming to you." "...They can't see me from here, can they?" Sombra asked. "Not...really..." Twilight admitted. "Then, I don't see the harm, in staying here until the end of the concert at the least." Sombra said. "...Just don't linger." Twilight said. "Been meaning to ask you something for a while now, actually Sandy." Maxwell admitted. "Yeah? What's up?" Sandy asked. "Would you...marry me?" Maxwell asked. "OMG; YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!" Sandy said as she tackled Maxwell. "That's...ironically a good segway into the next song." Hampton said before the next number started up, though music wasn't there at first because of something on the jumbo screen the ponies rigged up for the concert that Hampton said was needed, and only now did it make sense why. The ponies were cheering by the end. "THANK YOU SO MUCH CRYSTAL EMPIRE; WE GOT ONE MORE SONG FOR YOU GUYS. AND REMEMBER, THERE'S ALWAYS A CHANCE WHEN YOU SPIN THE WHEEL!" Hampton said. Once the final song ended, Hampton gave a thank you to the Crystal Empire. As for Sombra & Hope? They were no where to be found after the fair concluded. And Celestia decided to let Sombra & Hope be; as she argued Radiant Hope would make sure Sombra didn't get up to anything. "I have to admit though, I did not think that Sombra was being used. Hamtaro and Bijou, I thank both of you for this discovery." Celestia said. "Think nothing of it; that's just how Hamtaro is~" Bijou said. "Yeah, that's our Hamtaro for you." Oxnard said. "C'mon guys, your making me blush~" Hamtaro said, blushing.