• Published 18th Mar 2023
  • 538 Views, 8 Comments

Rainbow Dash becomes a supervillain - Count_Pony001

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Chapter 5- battles

Then I, Dr. Ego and the others were at the Cafe drinking tea in a white mug, the tea was a brown, spicy liquid. Then I heard a loud noise that said, "Down with the Magnificent Empress!"

Then The Magnificent Empress was shocked and spit her tea at me, she yelled in a loud and angry voice, "WHO SAID THAT? COME OUT.. NOW!"

A mare stepped forward, the mare was wearing a dark purple tunic, a big purple and black fedora, and a long purple and black cape. I had a shocked look on my face, I whispered, "Mare... Do...well!"

Mare Do Well who was clearly Apple Jack said, "The Magnificent Empress, your cruel reign shall end today.."

The Magnificent Empress was mad, her face was glowing red, and she busted out, "NO, today is the day where you shall die and be forgotten by everypony in Equestria!"

Glided Globber aka Gilda added, "Yeah, every griffon in Griffinstone fucking love her... every griffon has SO MUCH MERCH of her... our culture is ruined thanks to that dweeb! Instead of demanding bits we demand icky, cringy Mare Do Well merch... I feel like vomiting" her face started blushing green, she ran over to the trash can that is next to where they were sitting and vomited. She then came back.

Mare Do Well said, "Well, I am popular and everypony loves me unlike The Magnificent Empress!"

A pony walking nearby a green pony with a yellow and orange mane yelled, "HEY EVERYPONY, A PONY IS STEPPING UP TO THE EVIL THE MAGNIFICENT EMPRESS!"

Everypony nearby heard this, they were excited that somepony is calling out The Magnificent Empress who was being a dictator and ruling Ponyville with an iron hoof. Everypony crowded the cafe, they all had happy faces, huge grins and they were chanting, "Go Mare Do Well!"

The Magnificent Empress yelled, "I will continue my fair reign on Ponyville!"

Mare Do Well then jumped forward and punch The Magnificent Empress in the face, The Magnificent Empress fell from her chair and fell on the ground, her two front teeth escaped from her mouth, blood was leaking from her mouth. King Choas then grabbed a chair and tried to throw it at Mare Do Well. The chair missed and then Mare Do Well then landed on the ground and did a roundhouse kick. King Choas crashed into the table causing it to fall over. I then used my horn and caused the big, white and fluffy clouds to swarm around her. Mare Do Well asked, "The Magnificent Empress do you surrender?"

The Magnificent Empress who was lying on the green ground, not able to get up from the ground and had her two front teeth missing. She yelled, "Noooo!"

Mare Do Well grabbed a white and fancy chair and threw it at The Magnificent Empress. She mumbled, "Ow.. ugh.."

Magic Demon, Madame Cutiemark, Shining Star surround Mare Do well. Madam Cutiemark with a knife in her thin yellow hooves yelled, "GIVE ME CUTIEMARK!"

Magic Demon aka Tirek opened his mouth and tried to suck Mare Do Well's magic, Mare Do Well fell on the green grassy ground, yellow beam escaped from her body. Magic Demon got larger and larger and yelled, "HA HA... I took your magic... what are you going to do about it?"

Mare Do Well got up and felt a bit dizzy. I then preformed a spell that made the clouds launch a Super lighting bolt which hit Mare Do Well, Mare Do Well's purple uniform started burning, everypony was scared and ran away, they were scared that they would also meet the same fate as Mare Do Well. I then said, "I am the best villain ever!"

Mare Do Well fell on the ground on her tender body. She was yelling for help and rolling on the floor. I laughed at her, then after a while, King Choas then snapped and a glass of water appeared in his hand, he walked over to the fire and poured the water. The fire stopped and there lies a pile of black powered ash.

The Magnificent Empress finally got up, she was dizzy. She then yelled, "HA HA, NOW NOPONY WILL STEP UP TO ME AND TRY TO OVERTHROW ME!"

Twilight was walking by she saw the ashes of her friend, Apple Jack.. she yelled in an angry tone, "How dare you kill Mare Do Well!"
Princess Celestia walked by and asked, "What is happening?"

Twilight yelled, "The Magnificent empress killed Mare Do Well!"

The blue unicorn laughed and yelled, "No, Twilight killed her!"

Twilight said, "NO! I DIDN'T..."

The Maginficent Empress said, "I am better at magic anyway so why am I wasting my time with a lameo like you!"

Twilight said, "You think you're better? then I challenege you to a magic dual!"

Celestia added "If Trixie agrees to a magic duel with my student over who is better at magic, I will absolve her of all crimes until this point! As well, she will become legitimate ruler of Ponyville if she wins."

The Magnificent Empress smirked and replied "Very well...you'll find your amulet is weaker than Tr-er, the Empress'!"

Princess Celestia explained "Okay here are the rules: Each round, each competitor may cast up to two spells to do something amazing. Only ponies from the chosen test subjects may be used...these subjects can be killed or otherwise changed, but a 3rd spell is allowed if it restores at least one pony to as if they weren't touched, and doing so grants a +1 to the score for that round after score averaging. 3 ponies will judge...Octavia, Blossomforth, and Fluttershy. Competitors, choose your test subjects!"

The Magnificent Empress and Twilight started levitating over those they wanted as test subjects. On Twilight's side, were Applejack, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Scootaloo. On the empress' side were Gilded Gobbler, who was still quite large, Madam Mark, Snails, and Snips. While they were choosing, I went to a closet and got out of costume, and on coming back, Trixie added me as a final subject.

The three ponies sat down on folding chairs at a wide table that had been brought out, with Fluttershy taking a bit longer of course. Fluttershy gulped and said "Um, so.. round one begins?"

The Magnificent Empress had a confident smile on her face she said "Since I am the empress of Ponyville, I will go first!" She then yelled "Scootaloo! Madam Mark has told the empress that you mocked her a day ago for having accidents as a result of her stomach bug! Get over here for revenge!"

Scootaloo gulped and trotted over slowly. She looked to me, and I gave a reassuring, but uneasy, smile back.

The Magnificent Empress blasted her, and she suddenly started squawking! When she stopped, she suddenly squatted...after a bit of her straining and peeing, I could see an egg poking out!

Ponies gasped, and I put my hoof to my mouth to try and stifle a chuckle. As horrible as it was...it was kinda funny to see her really become like a chicken after lettin' loose in front of everypony...

Once the egg plopped out and Scootaloo started panting, the Magnificent Empress shot another spell...that sliced right through her neck.

I screamed "SCOOTALOO NOOO!" while many in the crowd simply stared in horror.

Scootaloo's head tumbled towards me, while her body ran around like crazy...

The Magnificent Empress stated "Like a headless chicken, get it?"

I began breathing heavily as I looked towards her smug smile and shook. I took a moment before saying "YOU SAVE HER! NOW! I...I LOVED THAT FILLY!"

The Magnificent Empress raised an eyebrow and grinned wider, then replied "Oh, you love her huh? Make out with her, and I'll save her. The spell is keeping her parts alive...for now..."

I wasted no time, grabbing up Scootaloo's head, and hesitantly putting my lips to hers. It was awkward doing it in front of everypony, so I just closed my eyes and pretended I was with an awesome wonderbolt...and soon, I was smooching her hard with tongue. It was amazing, and I wanted the moment to never end... Then I heard somepony clear their throat, and I opened my eyes.

Scootaloo was still trying to make out with me...and her body was reattached! I had been so lost in the kiss, I hadn't noticed. I stammered out "Uh..." as I pulled away.

The Magnificent Empress chuckled and said "Well that certainly was amazing, if I do say so. In fact...you may notice in the minute you weren't watching, that I fixed her wings."

Scootaloo squeed as she then ran over to the Magnificent Empress and surprise-smooched her sloppily, giving some tongue for a few odd moments.

I felt a bit betrayed, but decided to play it off, and said "Heh, you indirectly kissed me though Scootaloo!"

The Magnificent Empress looked a bit unsure about things, and replied "Eugh...whatever, just give me a score..."

Octavia put up an 9, Blossomforth a 7, and Fluttershy a 6. Celestia then did the math, and put up a final score of 8.3.

The Magnificent Empress chuckled and said "Well, your amulet certainly has power...but you don't use it well. I think it's time I taught you a lesson using your friends...Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Pinkie Pie, and Gilded Gobbler, get your butts over here!"

Pinkie Pie sighed and walked over from Twilight's side and said "Well I know what you're gonna do to me...so get it over with, ya big meanie!"

Minuette and Lemon Hearts just looked incredibly worried and sad...probably because their best friend, Twinkleshine, was killed only days ago.

The Magnificent Empress' horn started glowing bright red, turning Pinkie into a big pie! She then said "Now, Gobbler, you like pie, correct?"

Gilded Gobbler licked her lips and said "Uh-huh..." and then began eating up the pie. In mere moments, nothing was left but a pie tin...and then Gobbler's stomach groaned, and she crapped out a pink-colored pile of guano with Pinkie's face, blinking.

Several ponies gasped, including Fluttershy. Twilight stood perfectly still, clearly trying not to react. I meanwhile started to worry, holding out hope my friends would survive...

Minuette and Lemon Hearts meanwhile were holding each other, shaking.

The Magnificent Empress looked to them and said "Now...don't worry, I'm not sending you two through my friend Gobbler here...just going to get you real acquainted with each other...", then casted a spell on Lemon Hearts.

Within seconds, Minuette was licking her lips...and then Lemon Hearts' lips, and then...swallowing her headfirst!

The crowd gasped in horror at the sight of one friend eating another. Twilight in particular shed a tear and made a loud whine.

Minuette made short work of Lemon Hearts, then seemed to snap out of things once done, and gave a little cry of alarm on realizing while looking at her enlarged belly.

The Magnificent Empress giggled and said "Now, time to become Lemon FARTS and MinuTOOT!"

Minuette's eyes went wide, and her face pale, as her tail flagged up, and soon, she was grunting as yellow smoke spurted out her rear. Everypony stared in awe as it kept coming, until Minuette, now face down, butt up, and panting, was emptied and with her belly back to normal.

The smoke cloud...had a face, Lemon Hearts' face, and she looked extremely distressed. Minuette meanwhile...resumed farting, but now the cloud was blue, as bits of her started to shrink and disappear, until only her head and butt remained...and with one final look of terror, both vanished, leaving in their place her face.

While some ponies were giggling uncontrollably, many in the crowd gasped and stared in horror. Caramel was so shocked he almost choked on cider he was drinking, spitting it out. Fluttershy fainted.

The Magnificent Trixie smirked and stated "Per the rules, I only need to save some of these humiliated mares, so some will be left to die from the dissipation of their new forms...so, which pair shall it be, Twilight, your old friends, or your new friend?"

Twilight gulped and started sweating, looking between the two unfortunate mares. She finally sighed after a moment, closed her eyes, and said "Pinkie...I'm sorry, Minuette and Lemon Hearts...the elements have to come first."

While Celestia woke Fluttershy, the Magnificent Empress casted a spell on the guano...and it turned back into Pinkie Pie!

Pinkie Pie bounced up and yelled "Woohoo, that was weird, but fun the whole way! Can I go again?" She then looked up at the very sad-faced Lemon Farts and Minutoots clouds, and her smile faded. She said "Oh..." and her mane and tail sputtered out air to deflate as she trudged back towards Twilight's side.

Twilight turned to Celestia and asked "Can't you help Minuette and Lemon Hearts?"

Princess Celestia shook her head and replied "I don't think I have enough magic to reverse that without exhausting myself for important things later...and if I did, I'd be taking the spotlight from her anyways...sorry, Twilight, but there's no point in trying to break things just for two random ponies."

Twilight's ears went flat as she watched the clouds dissipate, and the judges put up their scores...8 from Octavia, 6 from Blossomforth, 3 from Fluttershy. Celestia put up a final score of 6.6 (15 total).

Twilight gave a glare to the Magnificent Empress, who still seemed smug, then levitated over Rarity and said "Well then...how about an age spell!"

The Magnificent Empress blinked and asked "What? Age spells...aren't they impossible?"

Twilight smirked, said "Not with my amulet!" and zapped Rarity, and with a poof, she was replaced by a filly version! Twilight immediately cast it again, with another poof, putting Rarity back to normal, blinking.

Everypony gasped. Snips said "Wow, Twilight could make the old young again, and everypony could live pretty much forever!"

The judges put up their scores, 6 from Octavia, 5 from Blossomforth, 8 from Fluttershy. Celestia put up a final score of 7.3 (13.6 total).

The Magnificent Empress groaned and levitated over Snips and Snails, then said "Well then, maybe I can't make a pony a foal again, but I suppose you volunteered...to be aged!" She casted a spell on Snips that made him quickly turn into an elderly pony, wrinkling with gray hair.

Snips mumbled something and stumbled as Snails looked on in horror.

Snails piped up with "Hey, wait, I'm loyal...uh, like I haven't ever even thought of saying something like he did!"

The Magnificent Empress shrugged, tossed him aside, and then grabbed Rarity.

Rarity went wide-eyed, and squirmed in the Magnificent Empress' telekinetic grasp, sweating and saying "Now darling, don't be hasty, I mean, I designed your banners, and your statue, and I can make you wonderful dresses..."

The Magnificent Empress rolled her eyes, and said "Oh, don't worry, you'll be making a lovely spectacle all of Ponyville will see, more in my style!", then casted a spell on her.

Rarity screamed as she slowly shrunk into a cylinder, and turned into a large firework with a face. She blinked as she rolled on the ground.

The Magnificent Empress then smirked and said "Applejack, get your butt over here, I need it!"

The Magnificent Empress quickly levitated the two, pointing Applejack upwards, then shoving the Rarity firework up her rear, I immediately reacted by chuckling, then saying "Aweso-" before catching myself and realizing that there was a good chance neither would be coming back from this... I began panting, preparing to witness the death of two of my friends. I could hear in the crowd some ponies who realized the same, as Roseluck and Carrot Top cried out.

I decided to act, and came between Trixie and AJ, saying "HEY!"

The Magnificent Empress glared at me and asked "What do you want? I'm busy taking out the trash."

I got really close to her, and whispered "If you do this...I don't think King Chaos'll let you live. Trust me, Trixie, you're in over your head. Spare these two friends of mine and take the loss, I'll make sure Twilight goes easy on ya...Tartarus, if you do win, just put on Twilight's amulet and agree to a truce and I think it'll work out..."

The Magnificent Empress glared and said "Thanks for revealing that bit...", then chuckled, tossed me aside, and lit the Rarity firework, making it scream.

Within moments, a shower of sparks propelled the two upwards, as AJ started screaming too...and only about ten normal houses up, KABOOM! There was a huge Trixie face winking, with a smaller Rarity face animated, looking around and crying...with a green mane, before looking scared as it dissipated.

Everypony gasped...and then a shower of chunks of Applejack began. Little was recognizable, but her head in particular landed right at my hooves, and I nearly puked. Ponies screamed and cried...including Madam Mark, who tore off her new cutie mark in a fit and ran over to Twilight's side. Twilight for her part cried out "YOU MONSTER! UNDO THIS!"

Fluttershy fainted again, as did Lily Valley and Sassafrass.

The Magnificent Empress rolled her eyes and casually casted a spell...on Snips, turning him back to normal, then said "as the rules say...I only need to turn back 1 pony".

Octavia gave a 10, Blossomforth a 6, and Fluttershy...a 1, when she finally got up. Celestia put out a score of 6.6 (21.6 total).

Twilight stepped forward with a really depressed look and said "Alright...you made it clear you're powerful. Please, just...my amulet can do more...can you copy a pony?"

The Magnificent Empress raised an eyebrow as she cast a cleaning spell to deal with the bits of Applejack, then replied "Oh, I tried earlier with Thunderlane's remains and then Snails, but trust me, it didn't go well...surely you jest about your amulet being capable of this!"

Twilight sighed, then casted a spell at me!

I squirmed a moment, before realizing...she hadn't done anything. I looked around and...there was a second me!

The other Rainbow Dash shouted "Ah yes!" in my voice perfectly.

Twilight then followed it up by casting a spell on the sky...and Rarity appeared, dizzy and standing unsteadily, right in front of Twilight...still with a green mane.

The Magnificent Empress' jaw dropped, and she said "That's...you...oh I so want that amulet!"

Twilight then shot a spell at my double that made them burst into magic smoke.

Octavia gave a score of 5, Blossomforth a score of 7, and Fluttershy a score of 6. Celestia put up a final score of 7 (20.6 total).

Celestia cleared her throat and said "Well it seems the Magnificent Empress is the winner! Twilight, hoof over your amulet..."

Twilight sighed and did so, and Magnificent Empress seemed giddy...but wasn't taking off her own amulet to put it on. She then said "I'll test this out later..."

Uh oh...not only was AJ dead, but it...it was for nothing! I shot a look to Gilded Gobbler and Twilight, then pounced on the Magnificent Empress, flying as fast as I could, and hitting my hoof to her horn. It only gave her a momentary jolt, but that opened up a window for the others.

Gilded Gobbler jumped in and clamped down her beak, with most of the Magnificent Empress' head in it.

Twilight shot a spell that hit the Empress' horn, shattering it just as she was about to cast something. Still, it was starting to reassemble...

Thinking quickly, i went behind the Empress, tore her cloak off her, then delivered the hardest kick to a pony's butt I'd ever done, sending most of her straight into Gilded Gobbler.

Gilded Gobbler reacted quickly, cramming Magnificent Empress in...while Magnificent Empress peed, making me giggle.

Magnificent Empress screamed a bit from inside Gilded Gobbler, then shouted "Let me out! We can work this out!" before just screaming incoherently...

Soon enough, Gilded Gobbler coughed up a pellet, and the crown, then crapped out guano.

Ponies all around cheered loudly at the demise of Ponyville's tyrant...and soon, a whole bunch of them picked me up and were tossing me up in the air, chanting "Rainbow Dash kicks tyrants down!" while others were trying to praise Gilded Gobbler, only to be threatened with being eaten.

Once things died down, I walked to the southern side of Ponyville. Twilight came following and asked, "Hey, uh, I know now might not be a great time, since Celestia was only able to save Rarity and not AJ...but can I ask you something?"

I then frowned and asked in a cold tone "...well you just did, so...what is it?"

Twilight took a deep breath as if she was going to do a presentation for class, then said "The whole Mare Do Well thing...it really affected, you didn't it? I mean...the others thought you deserved it since you were bragging and being cocky... and I guess I didn't do enough to stand up for you against my other friends. And it led to...all this..." Twilight was clearly about to cry.

I sighed and hugged her, then said "Don't let 'em know, but...yeah. Thanks. Oh, and what's with this?" I showed her the purple credit card that fell out of AJ's pocket.

Twilight rolled her eyes and said "Wellness Credit Card. Yeah...not my idea, but AJ insisted we needed it for the long-term. Um...speaking of AJ, it's gonna be awkward at her funeral. I...think you'll be asked to give the eulogy."

I gulped and said "Practically the worst Mare Do Well's done to me yet!"

Twilight chuckled so hard she snorted, and then after burying her snout in my chest, farted, making her blush, then calmed down and replied "Woops, that was just...a really good one!"

I chuckled myself, teasing her by giving her a noogie and saying "So even an egghead can make some embarassing noises when they like my jokes!"

Twilight rolled her eyes, then said "Um, anyways, you joined Discord's supervillain team because of Mare Do Well, right?"

I nodded my head.

Twilight responded "Think there's room for me? I know it seems odd, but...Celestia's way of dealing with things is just not okay. Applejack would be here right now if not for her. And since Discord disowned Trixie and hasn't totally turned the world upside down yet...he has to be better than Celestia!"

I spoke in a confident tone "So, the Confederacy of Villains...you could join...but most members there hate you. I guess I could put in a good word for you. Just follow my instructions carefully..."

She was walking home. After a while, she was harboring angry feelings for her friends and Princess Celestia. Twilight groaned and then mumbled, "Princess Celestia didn't care that Magnificent Empress was doing atrocious things in Ponyville and even killed some ponyville residence... but she loses her shit if I cast a spell that causes everypony to fight for my doll! Also thanks to my dumb friends' plan now Apple Jack is dead and Sweet Apple Anchors can't function without her!"

Twilight took a deep breath and calmed down. She was reading a book about very advanced magic tricks, the tricks are so powerful that nopony not even Princess Celestia or Discord could use them. Then she heard a knock on the door, she mumbled something like, "Spike, go get the door..."

Spike obeyed, walked to the door and opened it. There was Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. The three ponies stepped inside. Rarity said, "Darling, "Mare Do Well" died!"

Twilight asked, "Apple Jack or Mare Do Well died?"

Pinkie Pie closed the door and said, "Apple Jack died there was black ashes in the cafe where the fighting took place.

Fluttershy was crying, she covered her eyes with her thin and yellow hooves, tears fell on the brown, wooden floor. Rarity then said, "Darling, it's okay... you'll see Apple jack again.."

Twilight took a deep breath; she then painted a small smile on her face. Rarity asked, "Darling, why are you smiling?"


The three ponies looked at her dumbfounded. Fluttershy fell on her belly and started breaking down, a trail of blue tears was forming from her. Pinkie jumped and tackled the lavender unicorn and asked, "Why would you say something like that, OUR FRIEND DIED! YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT APPLE JACK?"

Twilight yelled, "No.. No... I care about Apple Jack but the problem is even though I warned you about doing this Mare Do Well shit but you didn't listen and now our friend, Apple Jack is dead!"

Fluttershy got up, she stopped crying but her eyes are red shot. she yelled, "AND HOW IS THAT OUR fault?"


Magnificent Empress executes the judges by locking them in a top-secret room, then she cast a spell causing the room to be filled with green, lethal gas. After a sheer few minutes, all judges except Fluttershy who hold her nose and made sure no gas entered her body.

She then played dead and escaped.

Magic Demon aka Tirek asked, "So... the highlight of our day is when we defeated Dr. Ego's nemesis... Mare Do Well!"

King Choas aka Discord said, "I agree!"

I laughed and said, "I agree.. Down with Mare Do Well!"

Then Magnificent Empress started to have a cringed expression on her face, she then felt pain on her chest, she places a hoof on her body and said, "Ooh.. I do no feel so good."

All the other villains look at her with concern. I, dr. Ego asked, "Are you okay, miss?"

The Magnificent Empress scolded, "Do I look okay?"

She then fell upon the ground, on her back. She lies peacefully in the green, grassy ground, her eyes started to cross, the other villains had a shocked look on her face.

Madame Cutiemark asked, "Is she alright?"

Glided Globber grabbed one of her blue, thin hooves and tried to look for a pulse. She then nodded her head.

Comments ( 8 )

What the hell is this!? The OOC-ness is really atrocious. :twilightoops:

No offense against you, just this story.

Wow just wow this story was certainly wild I give it that:applejackunsure:., Oh and what's up op-God emperor long time no see


I have to do medical stuff in a couple of days.

Oh okay I wish you all the best

Thanks to God for helping me make this.

I seriously doubt god would help you on... Whatever this thing is.

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