• Published 18th Mar 2023
  • 538 Views, 8 Comments

Rainbow Dash becomes a supervillain - Count_Pony001

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Chapter 2- regrets and allies

Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, AJ, Fluttershy, and Spike were chilling at Twilight's library.

Twilight sipped some tea and looked a bit sad, then cleared her throat and said "So...if everything's dealt with today, I guess we can go over how things went..."

Pinkie bounced around and replied "I thought you'd never ask! Well I thought Bon Bon being far from dignified, like a cow, was pretty funny!"

Rarity stood up and shouted "Pinkie! Please, I do not want to hear it again. I think Twilight has...something else in particular on her mind." She then went into the corner with Spike, who was eating ice cream.

Fluttershy stepped forward and asked "Twilight...is everything okay?

Twilight shook her head, then released a defeated sigh and said "I'm just not sure we're doing the right thing. I saw Rainbow Dash...crying, and I'm beginning to feel guilty we stole her thunder."

Spike laughed in response. AJ and then Pinkie soon joined in.

Once they stopped, Rarity piped up and said "Darling, Rainbow Dash is an egoistical, hothead Pegasus. She only saved ponies' lives to get attention and admiration from others... I think it was quite right to bring her down a peg."

"Darn tootin'!", added Applejack.

Twilight sighed and said "Yeah, that's true, but we might've taken it TOO far by humiliating her like that and making her look like a fool. We could have talked to her."

Applejack said "Oh come on Twi, she's as stubborn as a donkey! And cockier than any stallion!"

Twilight furrowed her brow and said "Yeah...but you're like that too sometimes..."

Pinkie Pie piped up, bouncing in muzzle to muzzle with AJ, and started talking super fast "Remember when you tried bucking all the apple trees yourself and kept causing problems around town and made me POISON everypony with baked bads and then when we all went and talked to you everything was fine, but if we had just done the work for you instead in front of the WHOLE TOWN, you'd be SUPER mad, because you're the BIG FARM GIRL POOOOONYYYY!"

"Uh...", Applejack replied, putting a hoof to her chin. "I guess you're right, but..."

Rarity said "Darling, that was AJ's own farm. Rainbow doesn't own saving ponies. Though maybe we could try to be more careful and ask her if she's doing okay."

Spike finished his ice cream and added "I think you're all overreacting; Rainbow Dash is the element of loyalty, so she'll be back here tomorrow talking about sick tricks and asking us for help."

Twilight frowned and said "I don't know. I'll ask her, but I hope you're right, Spike."

If my friends were gonna keep doing this, then I'd need allies to help get them all off my case. After all, I remembered hearing when I was a little filly "Teamwork makes the dream work". I donned my Dr. Ego uniform and flew out at sunset.

Looking for anything...off, I spotted my old friend Gilda and said "Bingo..." as I started trailing her. Soon, Gilda went into an abandoned treehouse on the edge of the Everfree. The nails were rusted, and a lot of it was overgrown and coming apart. The windows were broken and there was a light inside that was flickering. I landed silently on the balcony of the Treehouse, then opened the door and saw a group playing poker. There was Gilda, Trixie, Prince Blueblood, Discord, and some big red and black centaur playing poker.

I cleared my throat and asked in a mild tone "I'm not interrupting, am I?"

They all stood up and turned, ready to fight me. Gilda scoffed and said "Lame costume, dweeb, but I recognize that voice anywhere...and you don't belong here..."

I put my hooves toward them and said "Whoa, whoa, calm your jets, I'm not here to bust Discord and whatever's goin' on here. You're plotting something, right? If it's to take down Mare Do Well...I want in! And instead of Rainbow Dash, you can call me...Dr. Ego!"

Discord chuckled as he came up to me, wrapping his tail around my legs and crotch tightly. He smirked and said "Oh is that so?"

I gulped nervously and nodded.

He spanked me hard with his whip-like tail and said "Naughty naughty, betraying your friends as the element of loyalty...but very CHAOTIC! I LOVE IT!" He put his arms up in the air excitedly, then back down as he suddenly smooched me on the lips for several uncomfortable seconds. He then pulled away and uncoiled from me.

I fell forward, gasping for air and spitting out some of his spit. "So...I'm guessing that's the membership ritual? My butt stings..."

Discord chuckled again and said "Oh no, I was just having fun with you. You're not in yet...you did help put me in stone, you know, so I'm not entirely sure you're up to helping me make Ponyville the chaos capital of the world, but you putting up with that certainly does give me hope..."

Trixie then said "The great and powerful Trixie certainly enjoyed it, although it was more fun when Trixie spanked her with lightning, heheh. I support her entry, as long as she'll help me get revenge on Twilight for embarrassing me in front of every pony when I couldn't fight that Ursa Minor."

The red and black centaur cleared his throat and said in a raspy voice "We can always...dispose of her if she turns out to be a mole for her friends. The name's Tirek, by the way. I can suck up a pony's magic, or at least I used to be able to...I've had to come here to get my powers restored, so that I can take my rightful place on the throne of Canterlot!"

Rainbow nodded and said "Right, T-Rex, I heard about you in school I think. So, what's the group called?"

Trixie said in a proudful voice "The Great and Powerful Trixie had just proposed we call ourselves the 'Magnificent Magical Monsters' when you had come in."

The others shook their heads. Gilda even face-clawed, and said "Too dweeby."

Tirek asked "What about... The Deceivers?"

Discord went back to his original form and said "Not all of us want to deceive ponies all of the time, as fun as it could be."

I said "What about...The Evil 6?"

Discord came up to her again with his arms out and said "Ooh, I LOVE it!"

I braced for a kiss, turning her head away, but Discord moved oddly, I heard an unzipping sound, and then felt him smooch right where the sun doesn't shine! "Wh-hey there!" I said.

Discord pulled away after a moment, giggling while I glared at him.

Gilda rolled her eyes and said "Come on, Discord, it's been five minutes and you're literally kissing her butt. You're acting like a lame pony friend of hers."

Discord wagged a finger and said "You know me, I don't like to become predictable. Now, what do the rest of you think?"

Blueblood and Trixie both gave nods, while Tirek crossed his arms and took a moment before sighing and saying "It's decent."

Discord put his paw in front of all of us, and we soon all put our hooves and hands in, then shouted in unison "The Evil 6!"

Tirek said "So with our group name...perhaps we should all take on aliases like Rainbow did. I shall be known as 'Magic Demon'!"

Trixie said "The Great and Powerful Trixie shall be known as 'The Magnificent Empress'!"

Discord said "And I shall be known as the King of Chaos! ...or 'King Chaos' for short, more marketable."

Blueblood said "Hmph, those will hardly disguise who you are. I'll be 'Shining Star'. Celestia will never figure it out."

Gilda rolled her eyes and asid "If I have to...call me 'Gilded Gobbler'."

I gave her a quizzical look and asked "Gobbler?"

Gilda smirked and replied "It's a griffon thing, you'll see..."

Discord/King Chaos said "Well then, Dr. Ego...just to be sure, you're not pretending to be a villain just so you can wait for us to do something wrong and defeat us to restore your former glory, right? Because...I think we would have to test whether she could 'gobble' you if that were the case."

I went a bit pale and stammered "N-no! No! I would never do that!"

Tirek/Magic Demon said "Then we will need a...test. Go to Twilight's library, find her restricted book of anti-villain spells...and bring it back here. Unfortunately, some basic magic wards are keeping all but her friends out, and me and Discord don't yet have the power to get through them."

I nodded and said "Fine.. watch me!"

I immediately took off and flew to Twilight's library. It was nighttime and most ponies were asleep, Twilight included. I opened a window and hid when I heard footsteps.

Spike turned on the lights, then walked downstairs and asked "Eh... anypony there?"

I waited for him to leave, then squeezed through the hole of the window and looked around for the book. There was a simple unlocked chest, which glowed slightly when I touched it, but then came open after a moment. In it, there it was: "Starswirl's Guide to Extremely Powerful Spells", with a purple cover and gold leaf print...and a big stamp saying that it was to only be used with permission from Celestia herself. I grabbed the book and dashed through the window, then flew as quickly as I could without doing a sonic rainboom, back to the treehouse.

Once back, I could hear the chat going on inside, and saw they'd put on outfits. The Magnificent Empress said "The Magnificent Empress doesn't believe that Dr. Ego will complete the task!"

King Chaos replied "Trust me, when I kissed her, I tasted villainy at both ends....very minty."

The Magnificent Empress scoffed. "And I thought you dared lick the magnificent tush when we met because you were coming onto me..."

I scrambled in, not wanting to hear any more. I was huffing and puffing and toppled forward. I managed to catch my breath. "Didn't know villainy had a flavor...but anyways, I got the book."

Magic Demon grabbed it and inspected it, then said "Excellent!"

Gilded Gobbler said "I still don't see how this will help us..."

The Magnificent Empress said "For a start, Twilight would've used this to turn us to stone or...worse. Without it, she is temporarily vulnerable. Additionally, its secrets will allow The Magnificent Empress and Shining Star to empower King Chaos and Magic Demon. We will be unstoppable!"

King Chaos quickly made copies of the book, distributing one to everyone except Gilded Gobbler and me. He then cleared his throat and said "We'll need to study up for a bit. Once we're all ready...we can unleash chaos!"

Gilded Gobbler spoke up, asking "Right, but what about doing something small, as a team. A test run, you know?"

I went up to her and put a wing around her, then replied "We could uh, rob a bank, and bribe ponies into joining our villainous team...the Flim Flam Brothers would certainly listen to a bunch of bits if we can bust 'em out of jail."

The others nodded their heads in agreement.

King Chaos chuckled and said "Sounds like a plan. Meet back here every night, and next week...we rob!"

Author's Note:

Stay tuned for Chapter 3!