• Published 18th Mar 2023
  • 538 Views, 8 Comments

Rainbow Dash becomes a supervillain - Count_Pony001

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Chapter 4- Maginficant Empress rules Ponyville

I put up a banner depicting Magnificent Empress' head and red and black colors on Town Hall, just where I'd been ordered to.

The Magnificent Empress cracked a red magic electrocuting whip on my rear, and I yelped, but she smiled when I looked back at her. She then went up to Mayor Mare, who was in a large bird cage with a wooden bucket inside, and said "Ah, isn't it glorious?"

Mayor Mare put on a forced grin and nodded.

As I finished adjusting the banner to look perfect, I noticed Twilight walking up towards Town Hall. I swooped down and came right up to her, then said quietly "Twilight, now's not a good time...Trix-err, Magnificent Empress, is in control, and uh, I don't think she likes you..."

Twilight gave me a puzzled look and replied "Uh...well that's...interesting. Thanks for the warning, but I think I'll be fine...TRIXIE! What's going on here?"

The Magnificent Empress cackled maniacally as she levitated us over to in front of her, then cleared her throat and said "Why, if it isn't my nemesis, Twilight Sparkle. Do you know the pain I went through after you showed me up with that Ursa Minor?"

Twilight gulped and replied "Uh, well, no, and I uh...I just wanted to save Ponyville, you know..."

The Magnificent Empress stamped her hoof, then said "I worked on a rock farm. A ROCK FARM! I would've been there a lot longer if somepony hadn't been generous enough to provide me with a little...assistance in becoming a more powerful mage than you! Now, would any of Twilight's friends like to contest my rule?"

Twinkleshine stepped forward hesitantly, to within hoof's reach of Magnificent Empress, then gulped and said "Uh...well, I kind of...don't want to obey you..."

The Magnificent Empress took a moment before she chuckled with her mouth wide and her eyes closed, apparently finding the defiance quite funny.

Twinkleshine suddenly spit right into Magnificent Empress' mouth!

The Magnificent Empress made a weird face, eye twitching as she swallowed it, then tried to spit a bit, and said "Ugh, yuck! You're going to pay for that! GOBBLER!"

Gilded Gobbler rushed onto the scene, having apparently just gotten into costume, then licked her lips and asked "Fresh meat?"

The Magnificent Empress shook her head and replied "No, a simple thrashing should put the fear of the Empress in her...but wait a minute...spitting in my mouth could be an attempt to spread some disgusting illness me!"

Everypony gasped, but Twinkleshine especially seemed shocked, and she said "What? I...I just wanted to knock you down a peg. I...okay, I've had a bit of a stomach bug, and I admit I hoped it would spread to you so that Twilight could more easily stop you, but...surely it won't kill you!"

The Magnificent Empress' face contorted into a snarl of rage, and she shouted "YOU SCUM!" She levitated Twinkleshine up, then slammed her belly-down against the ground.

Mayor Mare piped up, saying "Um, the standard punishment for trying to make a public official sick with intent to cause harm would be...death by beheading, your magnificence."

Twilight's face went pale, and she stepped between Magnificent Empress and said "Whoa, whoa, Twinkleshine didn't mean to cause harm! Just a...a prank."

I rolled my eyes and said "Twilight, pranks aren't meant to make ponies get taken down from their rule...OFF WITH HER HEAD I SAY!"

I heard a "YEAH!" from Scootaloo in the crowd, followed shortly by Gilded Gobbler saying "Ugh, lame."

The Magnificent Empress in a flash summoned a guillotine around Twinkleshine, then a carrot, which she shoved up Twinkleshine's butt, making her squeal and squirm for a moment, and many like Twilight and Roseluck to look disgusted, then said "Just so your body doesn't ruin the moment in a certain way, though I can't say I don't enjoy seeing you squirm...any last words?"

Twinkleshine cried a bit, then shook her head. A moment later, Magnificent Empress dropped the blade, and Twinkleshine's head was off.

I felt a rush of adrenaline and shouted "AWESOME!" Scootaloo shouted the same from in the crowd. Fluttershy fainted.

The Magnificent Empress levitated it up to Twilight, who looked mortified, and bumped its nose to hers, then smirked and said "Wanna give your friend a last kiss for your Empress?"

Twilight hesitantly gave a single smooch, then started crying. After a moment, she said "Please...you've punished me enough. I...I would've given you a new wagon...Twinkleshine was a good pony."

Magnificent Empress put a hoof to her chin, then casted a spell on Twinkleshine's head that made its drooping features suddenly become lively, put it on a nearby pike that Snips had prepared, and said "Well, since you gave her that stunning endorsement...I'm keeping her head alive while it's on display, for anypony to torment as they please!"

As if on Cue, Snails rubbed his butt in Twinkleshine's face, and giggled. I giggled too, as did Pinkie, Cherry Berry, and a few others in the crowd. Scootaloo even went up to it to do something herself.

Trixie continued "It'll die eventually, when I forget to cast the spell someday. As to the body..."

I looked over to Twinkleshine's ragdoll-like body, with a puddle of urine on one end and blood on the other. It was gross, even though I wasn't at the angle to see her neck.

The Magnificent Empress cast a spell that turned the body and guillotine into candy, leaving only the two puddles unchanged, then said "For the foals, who I hope will grow up to be obedient, and not awful poisoners! So, any other ponies objecting my fair rule?"

Murmurs erupted in the crowd as many shook their heads, then several foals, including the CMC and others from their class, rushed forward happily, grabbing at the candy. Pinkie, Berry Punch, and Derpy soon joined in too, getting what they could.

Lyra was crying, and staring at a bon bon among the candy pile as she walked unsteadily towards Magnificent Empress. Her eyes were bloodshot, probably from crying a ton. She asked in a sad, crying tone, "I don't want to live under your rule...not without my Bon Bon. Can you...reunite me with her?"

The Magnificent Empress smiled with a huge grin on her face and said "Hmm...and I think I heard you were friends with Twilight before she came to Ponyville so...as you wish! Gobbler!"

Gilded Gobbler stood at attention as Magnificent Empress casted the spell, turning her not into the full Mega Gobbler, but still bigger, about double her normal size in each direction.

Big Gobbler promptly grabbed Lyra in one claw and smiled at her.

Lyra smiled back, and closed her eyes, looking at peace.

Pinkie suddenly came up to me and whispered "Sugarcube Corner, 10 minutes, don't let anypony you don't trust know...", then went back into the crowd.

When I looked back, Big Gobbler was clearly having trouble swallowing Lyra due to being smaller this time. She had to spank Lyra's wiggling butt several times to jam her in, and when that was no longer making progress, she stuck a claw into it, making Lyra eep, then scream in agony and squirm, and slowly pushed her in. As Lyra was gulped down, her screams became quieter and quieter, until suddenly, Big Gobbler coughed up a pellet of her indigestible parts, then grunted, squatted, and crapped out a pile of guano the size of a foal.

The crowd seemed stunned like they saw a ghost, mouths open wide and pupils dilated, many looking away. Only Pinkie piped up to say "Well, that was quite a show...but I think I prefer the candy." Many ponies in the front were shaking, and some like Roseluck, Twilight, and Doctor Hooves were slinking back to blend in.

Flim walked to the scene and said "Well now, it seems like many ponies could do with a pick-me-up after seeing two mares meet their humiliating ends!" Flam added "Indeed, and we, the Deciev-err, Flim Flam Brothers, have just the thing! A tonic that'll take the edge off!" Flim continued "A drink for forgetting all the troubles life under the Empress' rule! Only 5 bits!" They quickly set up a stand, and many ponies flocked to it.

The Magnificent Empress giggled, while I discreetly flew off.

I flew into SugarCube corner quickly, and headed to the basement. All my "friends" were there with stealth outfits. I blinked, then said "Uh...I wasn't told we had to dress up?"

Twilight in her black catsuit, that matched Pinkie's, groaned, then said "As long as Trixie doesn't know you're here...anyways, this is about her being a tyrannical dictator over Ponyville. Princess Celestia has given me the test of dealing with it, and you're the only ponies I'm allowed to call in for help."

Applejack said in a serious tone "We need to drive her away!"

Pinkie Pie suggested "How about we 'call' Mare Do Well and have her deal with this not-so-magnificent big meanie!"

Twilight frowned and rolled her eyes, then said "Pinkie, we're Mare Do Well...at most, that's just us in other suits...and we're stronger when there's not just a few of us at once. Plus...it feels weird, I mean, we did that to show up Rainbow, and she's...right next to us."

Fluttershy said "But...maybe it is a good idea...if Trixie doesn't recognize us, maybe we won't be...e-e-executed..."

Applejack added "Yeah, but we'd have to not get caught red-hoofed."

I slammed my hooves down and shouted "NO! Trixie could cut you all in half in an instant! Or the Gobbler could swallow you up as you flew! Do you want to be a pile of bird crap? Look, how about we just...lay low, and uh, obey Trixie? She got her revenge on Twilight, if we just wait until she gets bored..."

Rarity said " Oh pfft, you just don't want us to make you look weak again!"

Twilight suddenly used magic to zip Rarity's lips, then glared at her and shouted "STOP IT! You all know how you made Rainbow feel during that, and she's right. We can be Mare Do Well again, but only working with Dash. Trixie seems to trust her, so she can be our inside mare. Right, Dash?"

I was caught off-guard, and blinked, replying "I uh, well uh...yeah? I guess I could distract her while you all set something up but...we need to do it when the time is...right. Like, maybe in a week? Magnificent Empress is riding high right now, but she might not be after a while of ruling, dealing with ponies, you know?"

Applejack slammed her hoof down and replied "But we'd be lettin' more ponies die!"

Fluttershy eeped and added "I uh...I like Rainbow's idea...but I don't like ponies dying..."

Pinkie added an "Mm-hmm!"

Rarity piped up and said "Unfortunately...Rainbow Dash may be right. If we strike now, we'll just be the ponies dying, and it'll be for nothing. Perhaps we could encourage ponies to not resist too much, just...be dreadfully boring, and only a little annoying?"

Twilight made a duck face as she thought it over, then replied "It could work... Rainbow, do you think you can tire Trixie out today? You'll need to go back out anyways before Trixie gets suspicious."

I nodded and grinned, replying "I've got just the thing..." I was out of there before anypony could even say anything more, zooming back to my cloud mansion...and soon, I put on the Dr. Ego outfit.

I flew around Ponyville in my Dr. Ego outfit, and soon came upon King Chaos chatting with Magnificent Empress on the outskirts of town! I blinked and said "Whoa, hey you two, what's up? I was just out...cruisin', ya know?"

King Chaos replied "Oh, wonderful news...we've recruited some ponies, including several in Canterlot. Unfortunately, we're more than 6 now, so our name doesn't quite make sense. I was thinking the original group would still be the Villain Six, but the group as a whole would be something of an...umbrella term." He added a flourish of turning into an umbrella for Magnificent Empress, which she seemed to smile at, since it was lightly raining.

The Magnificent Empress added, "The Magnificent Empress agrees and suggest that we name the team 'The Confederacy Of Villains'!"

King Chaos nodded, and replied "Excellent! I'll pass it on to the rest of the group in Canterlot. Oh, and Dr. Ego...say hi to our newest, littlest recruit!"

I looked around, and noticed Apple Bloom leaning against a wall.

Apple Bloom stood proudly and said "Ma alias is Madam Mark. I'm tryin' ta get ma cutemark in bein' a villain. And I'll stamp my victims' flanks and crimes!"

I shrugged and said "Good enough, I guess. Me and the Empress can show ya the ropes, apple squirt."

The next day at dawn, two ponies were eating submarine sandwiches at Sugarcube Corner as I did my patrol.

One stallion of a brown coat and brown mane, named Doctor Hooves said "I think this 'Magnificent Empress' has simply gone too far!"

One mare, Cheerilee said "I agree", while Derpy Hooves, seated next to Doctor Hooves, looked concerned, and replied "Oh, I dunno...I don't want to wind up like Twinkleshine..."

I barged in after hearing everything by the window and yelled "Well it looks like we've got two who just signed their own death warrants! GOBBLER!"

Gilded Gobbler popped out of a bush, then grabbed the two ponies in the neck and dragged them with me.

The Magnificent Empress was in Town Hall in Ponyville, getting a hooficure from Snails, while Rarity sewed more banners.

Glided Globber came in just ahead of me and yelled "I GOT TWO DWEEBS WHO DISRESPECTED YOU!" She then threw them on the floor.

Derpy pleaded from behind me "Hey, they were just talking!"

The Magnificent Empress' horn started to glow red as she went out and summoned a large red magic head of herself that shouted for everypony to come to Town Hall.

Within moments, ponies were rushing there.

The Magnificent Empress picked up a pike and yelled in a demanding tone "Dr. Ego! Impale them both! " She pointed her hooves at Doctor Hooves and Cheerilee.

I took the pike and positioned it firmly in the ground, then grabbed Cheerilee, who screamed and kicked at me. She begged "Please, no, I just...I just don't want young ponies to think it's okay to be a cruel tyrant! Think of the childr-" I slammed her butt down on the pike, and in it went, skewering her internal organs, and silencing her for the moment.

Blood went down the pike she was impaled with, painting the green grass red.

Derpy Hooves scooted away and mumbled "No...NO...please! Spare the doctor! We'll obey you!"

The Magnificent Empress laughed and said "So at least you know better...hmm, very well! Both of you, kiss my hooves!"

Derpy and the Doctor rushed up to her and kissed her hooves eagerly.

The Magnificent Empress smiled and turned around, then said "Now my butt."

The two gave each other a disgusted look, then complied, smooching it all over for over a minute.

Meanwhile, Cheerilee slid further down on the pike, and it stuck out her mouth, the tip coated in blood. She gurgled a bit and went cross-eyed, clearly shocked by the sign of the fact her entire digestive system had been run through, and she wet herself! Within a minute, she started kicking erratically in her death throes, and soon was nothing more than a corpse to discourage ponies from going against the Magnificent Empress.

The Magnificent Empress then levitated up Doctor Hooves and said "Now, since you were good...this'll be dignified and quick!"

He had only a second to react before he was engulfed in a magic fire that burned him instantly to ash, which then dissipated as they fell, leaving a light scattering of ash.

I shouted "Yeah go Empress! Always a cool new execution method!"

The Magnificent Empress tossed her hair, said "I try", then cackled and spanked Derpy Hooves as she scampered away, then said "And if you do anything to upset Trixie, you'll be executed too!"