• Published 25th Sep 2023
  • 5,851 Views, 585 Comments

For My Beloved: Sunshine. - ZaDrEx

A human with little knowledge of his past finds himself in Equestria. They decide to make the most of it. But life as always makes stuff confusing and full of twists as they grow and learn in the new world they now live in.

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Chapter VII: Here We Go Again... (Part Two)

Stepping into the large medival looking room I felt the temperature drop a degree or two as my sweat started to form on my head. The first thing I saw was five stallions in official-looking suits and one mare with a clipboard and glasses. They were sitting behind a large wooden desk, by their expressions and tense glares I figured they were rather stern and harsh examiners. There was also the fact that we were the last group of foals, which meant that they were most likely also tired from grading tests and explaining everything over and over again. It was a mistake to come so late, but if that stupid rainbow didn't happen I'm sure we would be here much faster.

The room itself was essentially a big square, with two levels. The first level was for students, and the second was for the teacher. On the first one, they lined exactly twenty-four desks for us to sit, and on the second one, apart from all the examiners, there was something tucked into the corner and covered from view with a rag. I couldn't dwell on it now, whatever it was, it was not important right now.

I had been wondering where was Princess Celestia though. I figured that since it was a few hours later, she could be simply gone. Most likely she didn't have time to stay for all groups. It was both a shame and a blessing because I didn't know if I could actually write and focus when she was around. Why she came here in the first place I don't know. From what I heard, she didn't usually come to school on the entry exam day. Either it was something to do with the thing that happened here, or she had something she had to address to the teachers. Whatever it was I had to stop thinking about it, I had a test to write.

My eyes adjusted to the new light which was cast by the now high sun in the sky from wide windows. After everyone entered, the mare with a clipboard and glasses stood up and approached our entire group. She was in her thirties, and by her trot, I figured she was also a little bit tired.

"Good day to you all. My name is Strict Quill and I will be your instructor during the test. Please sit down in the empty chairs, and I will explain everything." She said, with a somewhat cheerful smile. Glancing upon the group we formed when we crossed the door frame. She didn't see me as I made my way to the back on purpose. The faster we do this, the better.

The foals started to move, and so did I. No one complained about where they would sit and picked seats at random. I could see that most of them were anxious, but there were some colts with excited or happy expressions too. I ended up in the last row in the middle. Considering that I wouldn't draw much attention, I figured it was for the best. After everyone finally settled, the mare spoke again, this time on the second level of the room, picking a stack of papers from the desk.

"Dear colts and fillies, the entry examination will consist of two parts, a written test. Which consists of a hundred questions about general topics our school teaches, and a magical test of your abilities. You will have one hour to write. Everything you need was provided on your desk, including parchment and two spare quills, the test will start on my mark. If you have any questions about the test, please ask now." The mare paused for anyone to ask questions, but no one even made a sound. I guess they were taught what to do multiple times beforehand by their parents or were so anxious that they wanted to get out as soon as possible. The mare seemed like she had done this hundreds of times.

"If you are feeling bad during the test or want to go to the toilet, please let us know by raising your hoof into the air." She paused once again to see if anyone would ask something. Once again, no one did.

"Very well. The test will start in thirty seconds after everyone gets their copy. Do not turn the pages before I say so." Strict Quill started to distribute a copy of the test to each foal, starting from the first row.

I glanced upon the the foals sitting next to me and in front, each face had a different emotion written on it, fear, curiosity, anxiety... as for the examiners, there was no change on their faces. They simply sat there and watched us from afar.

As Strict Quill finally got to the last row, her glasses fell an inch before she made a step to place a copy on my desk. After she did, she quickly glanced at me, and directly into my eyes, I felt her shiver, but she didn't say anything, she simply moved past me and dropped the rest of the copies before moving to the front once again.

I don't know what I expected, but I'm starting to feel like those reactions are getting worse by each day... Maybe I should really focus on my appearance to make myself more friendly-looking? Maybe try something different... Some more vibrant colors, or I could beg my mum to at least dye my mane a different color? Nah... She would never agr-

"Start." A sudden voice declared making my mind focus again on the task. Everyone started to turn their papers and I heard gasps and anxiety-filled voices, but they were quickly hushed by the examiner.

'Fuck! I was daydreaming! Focus Aurora! Focus!' I said to myself as I turned my copy in a similar anxiety-filled motion.

'Okay... Okay...' I tried to control my sudden breathing. 'Let's see what we are dealing with...'




"Wait... What the fuck?" I said quietly under my breath as it relaxed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing... They have to be joking right? I flipped to the next page and another... There were ten pages of this?


'I... Thought... No...' My mind was confused. 'Two months... Two months of work for this?! What the actual fuck!? I didn't understand...'

I glanced upon the very first question once again.

Who raises the sun? (1p)

A: Princess Celestia.
B: Star Swirl the Bearded.
C: Dragon Lord.

I know this is meant for seven-year-olds, but what the hell?! My mom said it was difficult! And she was asking me questions about the history of how Equestria came to be! Has the level dropped so much over the years?!

I marked the first answer and moved to the second question. Maybe it will get harder?

What is a cutie mark? (1p)

A: Special Talent of a Pony.
B: Medicine for headaches.
C: A type of music.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." I said it out loud, but it seemed no one heard. As I got to the twentieth question I felt cheated. I felt like everything that up to this point was for nothing. Why would they want us to learn all that stuff, just to shove some stupid quiz questions for babies?!

"Who controls the weather?"
"How many tribes of ponies are there?"
"What is the capital of Equestria?"

My mind was on autopilot as I worked on those questions, I just felt it didn't deserve my attention. Before I knew it, I was on the last page of this ten-page paper, and it had only been twenty minutes. Everyone else was either on the second or third page.

'You have to work faster guys. It's only sixty minutes after all. You lose points for staying on questions you don't know the answers to.' I thought, even though I didn't know how could you not answer those questions in ten seconds.

I felt lied to, and somewhat annoyed that I didn't get to use what I learned. I could've done that test a year after I got here. It had to be a joke. Even the math questions were basic calculus and geometry.

Then I flipped to the last page. Until that point, the test was super straightforward, and I could pick an answer in less than ten seconds, but looking at the next question...

Which is the correct formula for 'Drowning Fire'? (10p)

A: Salty water, Two burning lilies, Six petals of Blizzard Flower.
B: Water, Two Dragon Skitters, Six petals of Blizzard Flower.
C: Two burning Lilies, One Dragon Skitter. Magic.


I blinked.

I read the question again.

Blinked again.

And then smiled. "That's just bullying at this point." I said to myself quietly.

I started to remember if a potion like that ever crossed my mind. Finally, gears in my head started to turn and my mind found something.

I vaguely remembered some potion called 'Drowning Fire' which made you literally 'drawn' in fire from one alchemy book I read when I was bored of learning the history of Wonderbolts. The question was bizarre, alchemy was not only something they should expect from a foal my age but the questions until this point were child's play. I guess either someone had a good sense of humor, or they wanted to test us in the end after all.

The potion was usually used in combat in old wars by earth pony tribes and zebras. It also could be used in situations when you have had to burn something fire-resilient. Even if you poured water on yourself, it wouldn't save you, and whatever it touched, was burned to a crisp in seconds. Something similar to the fire the Vikings used back on Earth. A fire that can stay on top of the water and eat someone alive in less than a minute. Why they chose such a brutal potion for a question was something I might never want to find out.

I looked at the other questions on the last page, they were similarly difficult, but each one was from a different study group. There was Math, The History of Ponykind, Magic, Alchemy, Geography, Astrology, Biology, Equish, Culture, and Wonderbolt history. I looked at the time and found out I had only thirty minutes left, I felt like the real test just started. Before I was just playing, but now...

I also pondered about the fact they put so many high-scoring and hard questions in the end. Maybe it was some psychological type of test too? Ten questions were worth more than the entire nine pages before them combined. I think the idea was that you should first look at the pages and questions to figure out which scored the most. It's a time management sort of game. Very clever, and a bit misleading too. Because even if you knew that those questions gave you so many points, they were tough. You should really think before you commit to the idea of doing them first.

I was happy I stormed those first ninety questions and still had so much time to do those hard ones, because I'm pretty sure if I was a normal foal with no experience in basic topics such as math or biology, I would be screwed.

I thought for a moment... The fire would definitely come from Dragon Skitters fruits since they produce fire when squeezed, so 'A' is out of the question. Lilies have burning in their name, but that refers to acid burns they leave on the skin of the victim when you touch them. So, 'C' is also out...

Circling the answer B, I made it to the next question. Each one gave me a headache, but I figured that since I had only three minutes for each question I decided to leave math and Wonderbolts History for last, giving myself more time to do the rest of the tough questions without worry of losing points. And I'm glad I did it because I don't think I could figure out this complicated sphere radius calculation in three minutes. I did at least figure it was in two digits, giving me fifty/fifty chance at random since the other answers were in three digits.

"Ugh... I think I done it..." I said, finally relaxing for the first time since I sat down. This was a rollercoaster of emotions...

"And... Finish. Put your quills down!" The mare in the front stated before taking the tests from the first row.

"And what a timing! I wonder how others did." I said under my breath, looking to see others. All I saw was panic. I saw a colt on the fifth page, and a filly on the seventh. I think she started to cry...

I felt a bit bad about it now... I guess it was a hard test after all, just not in common sense. Who knew they would play mind games on foals before they even got in...

The mare with the glasses collected all the tests, somehow, making me the last one to give her my copy, even though I was in the middle of the row. I don't know why, but she gave me the impression of someone who despised things that looked even a little bit different than her.

'I don't care though! I did my best, and fuck you if you want to mess my mood up, you four eyed bitc-' The voice of an old stallion cut off my triumph speech in my head.

"Now, everyone form a line and stand in front of the chalkboard. I will be there shortly for your magic examination!" He said in a tone that was both excited and tired, either it was his age speaking up, or he had just woken up from a nap. The mare who took our papers went to the desk and divided them into four, giving the copies to the four stallions left, who immediately started to grade them.

As everyone got the the chalkboard, the old stallion smiled, his white long beard almost touched the ground as he spoke.

"My name is Orion Comet. As the teachers grade your work, I will be doing your magical examination. We had something else in mind today but..." His eyes swept over the object in the corner. "Weeee... had to change that for something else due to an accident happening. Don't worry, you will be still graded the same." He quickly added with a chuckle.

'Accident? Did someone blast something with his magic? There were ponies talking about the roof being torn apart, and something definitely happened here, but what? I started to wonder if it had something to do with the weird sonic boom and the rainbow I had seen with my mom. Maybe someone invented a rocket or blew himself out threw the school roof itself? Nah... It was definitely in the other direction...' I started to daydream again, but quickly snapped back to the old stallion in front of me.

"Anyone has any questions?" He asked, motioning with a hoof to all of us. No one spoke.

"Splendid! We-" He started to say but was cut off by a small unicorn filly with a pink mane and yellow fur.

"Umm... Can I go to the bathroom?" She asked while twitching her hind legs. Most likely embarrassed by the need.

He smirked. "Of course young filly. Anyone else?"

There were at least ten hooves in the air. "Oh golly..." He chuckled.

I guess the test really got to them.




Okay... I had to go too...

After doing what god foretold, I came back to the class, with a somewhat mixed attitude, still thinking about the test and this weird accident that happened here. My mom wanted to ask me how it turned out, but Strict Quill quickly confronted all the parents saying that the examination wasn't over and we needed to get back inside. The old stallion patiently waited until everyone came back from their trip to the toilet, he then smiled at us once again, resuming his speech.

"Now fillies and colts, I want you to relax. The magic is a delicate subject, and you can perform it at best when you are at ease. Breathe and focus." He said in a very calm tone. He gave me the vibe of someone who was really old, but at the same time on mind with everything new and exciting. His head turned to the side and he produced a large jar with a multitude of small round balls inside. Their texture seemed to indicate that they were made of glass.

He then took one desk from the first floor we had used to write the test on, lifted it with his magic, and placed it on the second floor just before us. He opened the jar with his magic and placed it on the desk itself. Strict Quill also came back and stood beside him, nodding to him with a small smile and a clipboard in her hooves.

"Miss Strict Quill will assist me, to keep track of your scores. It's not a competition, so don't treat it like one. The task is very simple, lift as many glass balls from the jar as you can for ten seconds. Don't worry if you drop them, they won't break." He demonstrated by grabbing a handful of small glassy balls and holding them in the air for ten seconds before making them fall to the ground. He collected them again using his magic and placed them back inside. He turned towards us again with a smile.

"Now. Who wants to go first?" Immediately everyone backed into the corner of the classroom, against the chalkboard, leaving me buffled and alone in the front of the group.

"W-Whe? Wha-at?" I managed to say before the stallion's eyes locked into me.

"Your name filly?" He asked. I did not feel him being scared, but he showed some signs of surprise in his voice as he examined me with his eyes carefully. I have seen older ponies react a bit differently than younger generations to me, surprise was more common than fear. And I couldn't read their faces as well as the others. Their eyes were a bit lifeless and constantly tired. I observed this very carefully when I was visiting my grandparents.

"A-Aurora Moonlight..." I said with a small stutter.

"Come on, don't be scared. You can take as much time as you need Aurora." He said, trying to sound reassuring and kind, which I found rather nice of him. At least not everyone immediately thinks of me badly.

I stepped closer to the jar on the desk, looking directly inside it, I could see at least three hundred balls or more, each one sized a centimeter or less in radius. I thought about how much one glass ball could weigh, and how much I could hold. The problem with the task was that there were multiple objects you had to control at once not that they were particularly heavy. Luckily I had practiced something like that with bits and other small objects. However, I had not been able to lift more than fifty objects at once before, due to having nothing else small enough in my house to hold. Everything else was either too heavy or too broad to hold.

I quickly figured that since I could lift more or less a hundred kilograms of furniture for three or more minutes, I could lift them all pretty easily, but I had to focus on multiple objects at the same time. I decided that the best way to do that is to group the objects in a semi-concentrated way, just like atoms of solid matter form. I imagined them floating side by side in nearly perfect space from each other in a sort of three-dimensional grid. That way, I could technically hold to the edges of the said grid, and only supply the mana to the middle making them all float. The problem was that if someone distracted me or made me lose balance, I would drop them in an instant.

Alternatively, I could try to form a single entity to hold in the center of the mass, but that would require squeezing the balls. The problem with that idea was that I could use too much force and break them, or not form a perfect circle and lose control making them scatter in multiple directions. So the first option was much more stable.

I stepped a hoof back, and then ignited my horn, moving my body to relax I focused on the task. As the old stallion nodded, I started to pour my mana into the jar and surround its walls with my magic. I hadn't done something like this before, and I was feeling really excited about the idea, I had to ask Mom to buy me something like this to train on later.

Technically I could lift an entire jar up, but that wasn't what Orion asked for. So I started by lifting all balls from the button, and then gradually applying the same for the rest until I had control over all of them. My mana poured into the container, making the balls turn a bit red from my magic. I formed a rectangle and aligned the balls as they left the jar. I managed to lift them more or less one meter into the air before a sudden scream made me lose my focus and break the spell. The balls instantly fell onto the floor with a loud sound, none broke but there was a lot of noise for a moment before I actually opened my eyes to see what the fuck just happened. It was going so well...

The cause of the scream was Strict Quill as it turned out. She stepped back and held her mouth agape, as did the old stallion. They looked at me like I was some kind of alien... Well, I was, but that's not the point.

"W-What?" I asked, not really sure what I did wrong to cause that reaction... Did my horn produce some kind of evil magic? Was it the red color my magic produced? I knew it was assimilated with blood magic once, but there are multiple ponies with that color of magic too...

The old stallion closed his mouth and approached me, giving the mare a nod and motion to go to the desk where others suddenly stood up, looking alert over the sudden scream. The entire group of foals backed so far into the corner they were on top of each other.

"Your name was Aurora Moonlight little one?" He asked, bending to take a better look at me.

"Emmm... Yes? Did I do something wrong?" I asked Orion Comet. His face fell and I saw gears turning in his head.

"No. No... I'm just... Surprised you see... Who is your mother may I ask?" He eyed me, standing back up.

"My mom? Pearl Moonlight. Why?" I asked, hoping for even an ounce of information. He frowned at the name as if he was searching for it in his mind. Having not found it, he turned back to me.

"I will need to speak to her, would you mind going to her right now and asking if she would be kind enough to wait for the rest of the fillies here to finish their exam? And, could you wait outside too?" He asked, making me confused.

"Okay... Emmm... Did I pass then?" I asked, having no idea what was going on and why the commission on the desk was having a discussion right now with Strict Quill in front of them.

"Y-Yes. I think I can say you did pass..." He answered, glaring back at the commission and then back at me. "Don't worry about them for now." He added.

I didn't know how to react to that, so I did what I usually do when something weird happens. Went with it.

I stood straight up and went across the room to the wooden doors and opened them. I stepped outside and searched for my mom in the hallway. There were still a lot of parents waiting for their children, and as I started to go in the direction where I could see my mom's mane, I heard Strict Quill leave the room too. She whispered something to the parents who stood up to her and then trotted to the place where I was heading. My mom stood up, confused and scared, Strict Quill approached her before I could even say anything. Also whispering something into my mom's ear before going inside the room again, and closing the door.

My mom stood there, confused. I wasn't in better shape. Something strange had happened, and we were most likely going to be here for a bit more... I just hope this time it's not going to end up in a fight.

Maybe it's a good thing they want my mom to stay...

Yeah... Who am I kidding... It's never a good thing...

She turned to me and investigated my whole body with her eyes. She bent down and frowned at me.

"What happened?" She asked, scared, confused, and with worry in her eyes.

"I... Don't know. The examiner asked me to tell you to stay until everyone else finishes. He wants to speak with you for some reason." I told her, which made her frown even more.

"Did you do something? How was your test? And your magical examination?" Pearl asked in an anxiety-filled tone.

"The test went well... It was... A bit strange. But on the magical examination I was the first to go, and um... I don't know... The examiner said to lift glass balls from the jar, so I did just that. And then the mare who was here just now, Strict Quill screamed for some reason... Then they asked me to wait with you here..." I said, I started to get a bit emotional too, as my eyes started to water. I quickly reminded myself to not be a little bitch, and remember I'm a grown man for fucks sake.

Those child hormones are going to kill me one day...

"Okay. Honey look at me." She said as I looked directly into her eyes. She was scared, I could feel it, I could sense it. But she didn't want me to feel it as well. She knew I looked like a monster or a villain. But she didn't care. And she didn't want me to care either. She wanted me to be happy. Each day she would tell me that, and teach me to love myself. She would do anything for me...

But why could I feel it? Why did I have this weird ability to see that?

I think I finally figured it out. I'm able to see what others feel because I took the time to learn that. Every time I saw someone look at me, I could read a little bit of emotion and body movement out of them. And now, as I grew a little bit, and learned pony physiognomy and psychology more, I think I can read emotions out of even simple gestures with hooves and eyes. It's not that ponies fear me more... They had always been scared of me, but I can read it better now! It's a very useful skill to have.

Well... At least one good thing coming out of this...

"Aurora! Focus!" I was taken back to reality by Pearl's voice.

"Sorry!" I said, looking at her, now fully focused.

"I said, don't worry about it. Understand?" She asked scared.

"I know Mom. And I wasn't worried about it. I promise." I replied as she closed her eyes and hugged me.

Half an hour later, the door opened and foals left the room. Guided by their parents, they soon left the floor, leaving me and my mom alone. Soon Orion Comet stuck his head out and motioned with his hoof to go inside for my mom. I followed, but he made a gesture for me to stay.

"I need you to wait here dear. I need to speak with your mom privately with others. Don't worry, it's nothing bad. I promise." He smiled, giving me a wink. Which not only surprised me but my mom as well. What did he mean by that?

Maybe is not as bad of a situation as I thought...?

So I waited as my mom went inside and closed the door...

I waited...

And waited...

After a good ten minutes of just sitting alone in the hallway, the doors opened, my mom went out of the room and bowed to Orion Comet as he gently smiled at me on the other side of the doorframe, before closing the door and leaving me with my mom alone. I quickly got up from the bench and rushed to my mom.

"What is it?" I asked, not being able to contain my curiosity.

"Aurora... I have good news and bad news." She said, eyeing me with mixed emotions in her eyes.

"I want bad news first." I replied. Taking a serious face.

"You have much more to learn." She said instantly, bowing her head in a sad manner. Making me feel once again like someone who doesn't belong.

My face fell a bit and I hung my head. "Oh... Um... What's the good news then?" I asked, knowing fully well that nothing could make me happy now, not even ice cream.

She frowned, and looked out of the window for a second, before looking at me with a wide smile and a sparkle in her eyes.

"You got in!" She said before taking me into a hug.

'What?!' I asked myself as I hugged my mom. 'No way!'

We stayed like that for twenty seconds before she finally let me go. She started to cry, and so did I. Every negative emotion flew out of me, replaced by a warm feeling of joy.

"But... But... What happened? How?" I asked confused. 'Why and how did I pass? Which place did I get? How many points did I get? Why did Strict Quill scream?'

"I'll explain on the way home. But first... Ice cream?" Pearl asked as a tear rolled down her cheek once again.

I was stunned. But also incredibly happy... I wiped her tear with my hoof.

"Yes!" I replied.

Author's Note:

I'm feeling like I'm making this more emotional then I should. But it could be a good thing too.

Names 'Strict Quill' and 'Orion Comet' were provided by dataumbreon. Thank you.

A bit longer than I intended. And a lot longer than I originally planned for a single chapter. No song since it's the same chapter.