• Published 25th Sep 2023
  • 5,982 Views, 589 Comments

For My Beloved: Sunshine. - ZaDrEx

A human with little knowledge of his past finds himself in Equestria. They decide to make the most of it. But life as always makes stuff confusing and full of twists as they grow and learn in the new world they now live in.

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Chapter IV: Come and get it.

Kindergarten has come to a finale, and my education in it was concluded, the only thing left was to take a test at the end of the month and go to the school of magic. I don't worry about the test since It's just basic calculus and spelling.

There are some different schools of magic I can take, however, and since I'm already eight years old, my mom decided to give me a free range of options. She decided since I couldn't satisfy my urge to learn new things and get myself into weird situations, she suggested Celestia School For Gifted Unicorns. Kindergarten in comparison is like an ant to a car. So there are a lot of things I need to learn before I even think of joining. Sure, there are some easier schools that teach basic magic and stuff, but Celestia School gives special scholarships and organizes different activities that might prove very beneficial in the future. The problem is... There is only a room for 24 ponies. So, my guess is that they will make some sort of a test before you can actually join.

Speaking of this School, Celestia is 'our' ruler, right? So there is a good chance that she might visit the school once or twice when I'm there. And I'm very curious about this alabaster alicorn, maybe, just maybe, she will be able to provide me with an explanation of why I'm here, being all this 'godly-like' pony I hear everywhere. Not that it really matters really. After all, I already decided to stay and live here, so knowing what happened to me won't change that.

As my thoughts mixed and produced different questions and answers, I felt rather a strange sensation of something being wrong. Today was nothing special, but since it was the last day before school ended and the test was I knew something was coming from Tender Seed and his gang. They never learned from their first lesson, but I did. I always knew where the teacher was so that they couldn't do anything to me if I was close by. Today however Ms. Bright decided to enjoy a cup of coffee in the schoolhouse, leaving us to play in the playground outside alone.

They were coming, and I saw them from a mile away, most ponies seemed curious about who would win today, me with twenty-two wins or them with zero, not that they cared honestly, they treated me the same, and always talked behind my back. Shame, but I tried being nice, and if that's not working you have to do with what you have.

Good thing I now know how to use basic magic. Oh, I didn't mention that? Well, it's my fairly recent development, and I guess my horn needed to develop some nerves or something for me to use it properly until now. It's great to grasp and learn stuff. Most of it came naturally, like learning how to use my new body again. Either way, I still lack mana to do it constantly. Daily training will fix that.

Now, let's see...

"It's the last day Umbra, you know what that means..." Tender said as his gang, which now consisted of six colts grew closer. The umbra he mentioned was a nickname they gave me, as black as a void, umbra... I love it. But don't tell them that.

"Yeah, expected to see you today. So, what part of your body are you willing to break today wimp?" I called out as I started to stretch.

"Oh huh, not today, this time he is here." He replied as a slightly large silhouette of a teen colt appeared from outside the kindergarten fence and climbed it.

I watched him as he drew closer to the Tender's gang and smiled widely.

"It's my cousin, Salt Split, and he is here to teach you a lesson!" He replied as the teen named Salt Split grew closer.

I must say, I didn't expect that. But I like the challenge.

"Come on then, show Umbra what you got." I said while walking towards him.

"You approaching me?" He snickered as everyone else laughed.

"I can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer." I replied while everypony gasped at me using a curse word. Even in this situation, everypony is so strict about cursing, it hurts them to hear them for some reason.

"Now I know why you described her as a monster Tender. Let's go then, you will regret making fun of my little cousin and his friends!" He exclaimed before rushing forward.

We hit each other with our bodies, me being much younger, I had a disadvantage, but since I had been training my forelegs and hindlegs for years now, it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I threw all my weight into a powerful push which made Salt lose his balance, before he knew it, I attacked him with my right hoof and quickly stepped back before he could do anything. I knew that if he could somehow get hold of me, it was game over. But if I just score two or four more punches I might knock him out. If that won't work, there is always plan B...

"You... You will pay for that!" He roared as he sprinted back at me, I saw a flicker of immense anger inside his eyes. He was very stupid. Being an older unicorn than me, he should know some basic combat spells by now, but there he was, rushing at me like a madpony.

I didn't move till the last second before folding myself and placing a hoof for him to stumble on, which he did, planting his face into the ground. But then he instantly recovered which I didn't expect and he got a clean hit on me with his left hoof. I stumbled back and with great pain in my chest stood up quickly.

It was a rather intense interaction, normally it would be wise to wait out a few seconds before engaging further, but he was positively filled with rage. Thus his actions were unpredictable. He launched himself immediately at me once more, this time I dodged but only barely. Then with his two hooves in the air, I saw an opening. I spun around and kicked him as hard as I was able to, I felt an incredibly hard surface on my hoof before a sound of bones being broken followed suit. I thought I won, but I was wrong. He somehow managed the pain and took hold of my right hind hoof, smashing it to the ground with the rest of me.

For the first time, I felt something break inside me, I didn't know what yet, but my barrel and lower body were in incredible agony. I wanted to retaliate, but it was too late.

"Hold her!" I heard Tender Scream while more than four ponies grasped me by my hooves.

My struggle died out quickly as they were no way I could fight not only an older pony but six or more ponies my age. I heard them scream 'Victory!' Before they allowed me to see anything.

"Now... I will break every bone that you broke me!" I heard Tender Seed say as they held me on my hind hooves. I smiled.

"What so funny? Do you think I'm joking? You broke my nose, so I! Will break yours!" He punched my nose and for the first time in my life here, I felt differently... It was funny how much enjoyment one can get from being beaten up.

"Why! Are! YOU! SMILING!" He roared with every hit before he stopped to catch some breath.

"Y-You... K-Know why?" I mumbled as blood covered my muzzle.

"Why?!" He screamed.

"Because I have a plan B." I replied before using my magic to form a small shield to cover me. Seed hoof smacked into the shield, and it threw him off balance, causing him to fall back on everypony. And as others fall back I was free once more.

I stood up while shifting my body to a defensive position with a devilish smile on my face. Blood still leaking from my nose.

"Now... Who's ready for the second round?" I replied.

"Ms. Bright, I know, I'm so, so sorry. I just... Can't understand how a seven-year-old daughter of mine could've fought eight ponies, one much older than her, and won. It doesn't make any sense." My mother replied to the teacher, she was practically drilling a hole in the ground while she moved around the classroom.

"Mrs. Pearl. I said it multiple times. It doesn't matter who won or not, it should not happen at all. And it's not even the second time! It's the seventh time!" Ms. Bright said as I recollected that we were only caught fighting seven times...

"Yes, well, it's... It's the end, kindergarten is done so... Maybe we can just... Go, and forget this ever happened?" My mother proposed as she grinned at the teacher.

My bloody hooves and muzzle still itched and my barrel was burning hot with pain, I must've broken a rib or something...

"Leave then. Don't come back! I'm done with this... This behavior at my school! I'm done. You don't need to write a test anymore, you passed! You had the best results in class anyway... Surprisingly..." Ms. Bright slammed the empty paper test with a stamp that said 'pass'.

'Dramatic.' I thought.

"Yes... We... Excuse us then... Th-Thank you..." Mom replied before taking me with her magic grasp and leaving the schoolhouse.

I waited for her to speak but she kept silent. "Mom?" I asked after twenty seconds of her holding me up to her chest in her magic.

"Not now. First hospital, then we will talk." She said. I knew she was very worried. When she saw me, all bloody and bandaged she almost fainted, but I guess I had that coming for a long time now, and I'm prepared to change my attitude starting from the new school year.

We arrived at the hospital and the doctor diagnosed me with one broken rib, one fractured, seven bruises, and four cuts. He healed what he could and changed the bandages, gave me some painkillers, and ordered me to stay for a few days.

After he left the room I was left alone with my mom who now started to cry. I didn't have the courage to speak to her, I only watched as she cried. Then the door opened once again, and surprisingly, my father came into the room.

"Feather... You're here..." Pearl stood up and walked to hug my father who looked at me with both worry and relief.

"Wha-what happened!?" He asked as he moved closer to examine me.

"Tell him, tell him what you did Aurora. Tell him everything." I heard my mother order while she once again started to cry.

"B-But I don'-" I tried to say but the gaze of my mother forced me to stop. "Yes, mother..."

"Who did this?" My father asked as he touched my bandages, making me feel a bit of pain.

"I had a fight with some colts..." I replied while I heard my mother sob.

"They did this?! I will nee-" He stood up but before he could say anything more I stopped him by grabbing his right hoof.

"It's alright... It's nothing serious. I have been fighting with them for quite a while now... Sorry..." I replied while my mother decided to finally stop crying. She grabbed my father by his other hoof and stormed out of the room, leaving me alone.

'I feel like shit.' I told myself. And it wasn't because I was beaten up, but because I made mom cry... I regret it...

After five minutes they came back, Mom drew closer and spoke with a soft voice.

"Aurora. I can't let you fight those ponies. You got to understand, you can't do that. If you have problems... You need to speak about them, not... Fight your way out of them... Alright?" She asked with a sorrowful face.

"Yes, mom. I'm sorry. I didn't want it to end up like that. I'm sorry. I promise to be good..." I replied with a very faint smile.

"Alright... I... I need to go back to my job now... But your father will be here with you... Try... Try to get some rest..." She replied before kissing my forehead and leaving the room, giving my father a nod.

There was a brief silence before he spoke.

"I think I don't need to tell you I'm disappointed with you... Do I?" He asked out loud.

"No." I replied.

"Good. Now... Tell me, what do the others look like?" His sudden question got me puzzled.

"What?" I asked confused.

"What did you do to them?" He asked more precisely.

"Emm... Tender had a broken rib and a left hoof, Salt Split had lost consciousness and he had a broken nose and a bruise on his left eye. The rest is in a similar state... I'm... I'm sorry dad..." I replied with a single tear rolling down my cheek.

"It's... Alright. I wouldn't think my own daughter would fight ponies, but then again, I would never expect her to fight all eight ponies and come out winning... And there was one older than you!" He grinned, which lifted my spirits a little.

"Aurora. Do not think I'm meaning this as praise though. You need to control yourself. And if you don't I will punish you, understood?" He explained with a serious face.

"Yes, Dad." I replied before he gave me a hug, which hurt a bit, but it was alright.

"And one more thing... I know your mother said you should go to Celestia School For Gifted Unicorns, but if you want to fight and challenge yourself, you can go to the Royal Academy, it's rough and you will need to go to a normal school for a bit and then transfer after three years, but I think it will suit you better. And I will be able to keep an eye on you." He proposed.

"That's... Something to think about... Right... Thanks, dad." I replied with a smile.

"No problem, now get some rest, you need it." He said before turning the light off and kissing me on the forehead.

Author's Note:

I think I overdid it and made it more complicated than it needs to be, but... Whatever.

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85UQsB9odZQ