• Published 25th Sep 2023
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For My Beloved: Sunshine. - ZaDrEx

A human with little knowledge of his past finds himself in Equestria. They decide to make the most of it. But life as always makes stuff confusing and full of twists as they grow and learn in the new world they now live in.

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Chapter XIV: Destination Calabria.

Days seemed to pass like lightning. Many of which were filled with study and very hard work on trying to find any clues to only growing mysteries of Princess Celestia and Nightmare Moon. There was just so much to learn and find out about this that I just kept reading and reading until I couldn't stay awake any longer most of the time.

The days not filled with looking into books were rather slow and sad. But it's just life. You can't get good days if not for the bad ones, because if every day is a good day, none are.

What I'm talking about is of course Grandpa Ruby dying a few months after I visited him to learn about the secret library, and I'm glad I spent more time with him during those last few weeks of his life. Dementia and brain tumors made him forget what he was doing every ten minutes. Until finally he drifted up to another life in his sleep. I presume at least. My whole family was heartbroken for a good two weeks. I have always been more on the side of living in the moment, and I couldn't grieve for long, even if I deeply missed him already.

It was very quick, just like the funeral. Grandma didn't cry, she had a strange, yet beautiful relationship with Grandpa. Grandpa was always a mysterious and cunning stallion, making his funeral feel similar, to ponies I knew nothing of watching from a distance. He must have had many connections to ponies in his youth, be it bad or good.

Both of my sisters moved to Fillydelphia to work with my aunt on some fashion projects and other designing stuff, and my father visited more frequently now since the Gryphon Empire relations calmed down a bit. Grandma moved in with us when my mother insisted that she shouldn't stay alone in that big house. It didn't seem like life was ever going to stop, so I decided to not dwell on what I could or could not do with Grandpa in his last moments, but rather focus on making the best of what I could with my future.

That's why I started to study everything I could. Soon it started to pay off as I brought home A+ on every test and assignment. Even lessons with Princess Celestia became rather boring as I knew much more complex problems that she was teaching us. At least the stuff she was teaching the class, Twilight became her prize pupil and she didn't hide it one bit. She even openly commented on it on several occasions. Making me realize that she is teaching her spells far beyond what normal ponies use in their daily lives.

Understanding that I never had the chance with that sort of treatment, I decided to beat Twilight Sparkle at everything I could, be it the basics of alchemy, magic studies, or astronomy. However, I soon found out it was easier said than done. That mare, even without much Celestia's help, would crush any test, question, or assignment thrown her way. The only real field I had the advantage of was physical exercise, to no surprise really. Most unicorns had no real backbone in terms of running, climbing, or doing push-ups. So me and Tender Seed became the school's most prized athletes for obvious reasons. Our physical teacher, Mr. Sandgear even suggested that I should join the official sports team and become a professional someday. But I declined.

I just wasn't what I wanted. Tender however accepted the opportunity and soon he became rather a popular individual in school. He even created a new gang of his 'homies' and started to act like in kindergarten again... Well, maybe not so bad, but he definitely pushed the breaks down the line a couple of times with teachers.

Surprisingly, there wasn't much going on between us anymore, he just resorted to a comment or two every week, which I gladly accepted as more 'friendly' teasing. To think that we wanted to rip our hearts out a few years back is funny to me now. He is definitely a stupid mommy colt, but he isn't genuinely bad. Just really, and I mean really stupid.

There were days when I found myself lost without anyone to talk to, everyone had someone who they could rely on and chit chat, but me? I was starting to feel like it just wasn't meant to be. Sure I had my family, but they couldn't compare to someone whom I could tell secrets to.

The incident with Twilight left me with a bitter taste in my mouth, and I didn't feel any particular motion to go and make friends, because if they turned out like Twilight, what's the point?

At least that's what I said to myself in the beginning, now... Well... I changed my mind. I just wanted to have someone I could talk to about school and random bullshit going on.

So... I tried many times, be it at a party, or in the school library. But time and time again, I received the same reaction of either fear or disgust. I realized that with months passing, the fear was diluted a bit, and ponies seemed to treat me more like a freak than anything. Which I can say that's quite an improvement.

I did not have any luck even with my new age and slightly more teen look either. Well... Until one day that is...

After a rather exhausting lesson with Princess Celestia about Equestria's mystical plants, I was paired with Shining Scarlet to make a presentation about the flora of Equestria. I honestly expected to do all the work, since so far any assignment like that meant that the pony I was paired with would just decline to do anything with me, but I was pleasantly surprised when she not only came to me after the class had ended, but also started the conversation.

"Ah, you're Aurora, ya? I've been matched with you. We haven't had a chat, so I reckon you don't know me name..." She said a bit sheepish, but confident and warm nonetheless. Giving me once more her usual Irish accent.

She was the same looking pony as she was when I first saw her, but now she had much more muscle under her fur and a bigger frame than most. Her mane was now more curly and she had few braids on the sides of her head and in the tail. Her freckles gave her a rather childish look, but she was definitely growing each day, and that impression would soon vanish.

"You are Shining Scarlet. I know you, I tried to talk to you once, but you said you were busy, so I guessed you just didn't want to have to do anything with me and made an excuse." I said, and now that I think about it, I should've started that conversation a bit more warmly.

"Ah, shucks that's not it at all, now... I'm sorry if I made you feel that way, but I'm right busy helpin' me pa and ma with their shop after the classes." She said, a bit taken aback after my comment.

"I... See." I said, nodding, not sure what she wanted yet.

"So, do ya know anything about flora? I have no clue really, it's just gibberish to me." She said, now feeling a bit better.

"You... Want to help?" I asked confused, not sure about her intentions but pleased that she has so far been rather normal to talk to.

"It's only fair I guess!" She replied and took a seat in the chair opposite of me.

Since I decided that no one would help me, I headed straight to the library, thinking that I would do all the work today, and have a free weekend for myself. Shining was strange. Good strange...

"So... You know nothing about flora... Nothing at all?" I asked a bit curious all of a sudden. Not sure if she would be able to help me even if she wanted to. Not to be rude, but she isn't really a... Great. Student.

"Not a stick in a pile of gold horseshoe! You?" She asked with a smile. Making me facepalm internally.

"I know a bit I guess. I studied a few tomes and books on dangerous plants and medicine made of wildflowers and roots." I replied, giving her a small smile of my own, testing the waters.

"Um. So ya know how to make this presentation? I could present it ya know? And I know some nice flowers too! My Ma grows them!" She replied excitedly.

That made me curious about Shining. I know she isn't from around here, but from where exactly she came, I have no clue. I decided to take the most basic route and just work on the project with her, slipping a question or two here and there. I made sure to give her some easy tasks like finding the names of flora Princess Celestia was interested in. Better safe than sorry, I like an A+ on this as well.

"So... Where are you from exactly Shining?" I asked, making her look at me from the book she was reading after an hour or so.

"Irehoof. Why ya ask?" She tilted her head.

I made a mental note that I should not question the naming of this world, and just accept it as a fact. 'Irehoof' Right... Also, how she can be so cute? I swear, those ponies never going to stop making my sugar level jump in the middle of nowhere.

"Just curious, you don't seem to mind me at all, unlike most ponies." I said, truth to the bone.

"Ya... I'm a bit different I guess. Some' Ponies tell weird stories about ya, ya know? But I don't believe until I see somethin' with me own two eyes." She explained, making me frown.

"W-What weird stories?" I asked, more annoyed than curious.

Why would someone make false stories about me? I mean... I know why, but who... No scratch that. I know exactly why and who. Fuck you Tender Seed.

"Everypony somethin' else I guess. That ya are evil, that ya ate a foal, that ya bullied a pony in kindergarten. That yar true name is Umbra." She said making me silent for a moment.

I couldn't answer all those accusations, but one struck me the most.

"I... ate... A foal? Like... A real living, breathing foal?" I stared at her with wide eyes.

"Ya, but I guess they could be dead to, I didn' listen." She replied. Making a frowning and confused face.

"I suppose I had to add some seasoning then, I don't think I would be able to swallow such atrocity without some extra flavor." I replied, trying not to laugh, but when I saw the expression on Shining's face I couldn't help myself.

We both started to laugh and twitch on the chairs we were sitting on. I'm guessing we would laugh lauder if we weren't in the library, and that bitch of a mare wasn't there to shush us.

"You know... I hope they come up with more ridiculous stories, I might even write them down and make a book out of it!" I said, making Shining grin at me with a chuckle.

"Ye! And I doubt you would bully somepony and actually break his bones!" She said, making me feel a bit bad about my past.

"Well... There was something similar going on with me and Tender Seed, but I didn't bully him, opposite actually." I said, making her stop giggling and look at me with a frown.

"Ya serious?" She asked, dead serious.

"Yeah... I broke his hoof, his buddy nose, his cousin's leg..." I should just... shut up.

"Really?" She asked. Eyes wide open.

"He showed up with a few years older cousin, I was protecting myself." I said, truthfully.

"That's neat!" She replied giving me a wide teeth grin.

"Wha?" I stammered out, my mind doing a one-eighty.

"That's cool! Ma Pa always says, that if somepony givin' me troubles I should fight for myself." She replied, making me speechless. Really? Do ponies who choose violence as an act of self-defense really exist?

"Well, he might said that I should not hurt anypony, but still!" She added, making my hopes sail away.

And so, my project with Shining became a base ground for our friendship. Maybe not quickly, but she started to open up more and more to me as the months passed. Which made me realize how much I needed someone like her in my life. It might not be perfect, because she is often busy with work in her parent's shop, but in school, we became good buddies, to the annoyance of Tender Seed and his gang of course. His comments had to adapt to my newly founded friendship.

And so, months of studying at CSFGU and working on the mysteries turned into years, and very soon I realized that I had spent fifteen years in this world already. It's seriously been happening all too fast, and from what I learned about ponies and their bodies. I would not grow much more than this, at least physically.

I could finally be considered an adult (physically), and let me tell you...

It's a nightmare...

Oh, well... Not really... But you will understand when I tell you how my day went two weeks ago.

I woke up, feeling refreshed, but very itchy for some reason. I felt sudden hunger, and nearly fell off the chair as I started to devour breakfast. My mother didn't comment on it, as she prepared to leave for work.

Since it was the weekend, I decided to study in the park, and maybe visit Shining in her family shop, which became rather popular in Canterlot by selling wooden carvings and furniture. What stopped me however was a sudden need for something sweet. So, grabbing my book and my favorite hoodie, I began to search for a snack to munch on, even though I just ate breakfast.

Trotting down the main street and into a more fine-class section of Canterlot I began to notice something strange. Everypony was glancing at me when they got up close, nearly bumping into me, especially stallions. And it made me feel really weird, usually, ponies avoid contact with me, but today I felt like I just didn't care about staying out of sight.

Finally, after a bit of hiking, I reached my destination. Joe Donuts. With the best sweets this side of Canterlot. I made my way inside and greeted Joe. The owner and baker of the hoof-licking goods. It was empty because it was still very early, which made me the only customer.

"Hey! Aurora! Long time no see. The usual?" He asked, making me think how many times I and Shining were here for him to know my usual.

"Not today Joe, I need something extra sweet today." I smiled, thinking back to the time that ponies in Canterlot avoided talking to me. It seems if you force your way into a conversation with adults, it's suddenly impolite to just go away. However, their feeling may be about you.

With Joe, it was different, he just seemed like a nice pony who didn't care about what others looked, as long as you said his Donuts were the best in Canterlot. And it was Shining who introduced me, which scored a few points as well.

"Got it. My Special Donut Hyper Combo then, want's six while you're at it? I made a fresh batch and they are steamy hot right now." He knew I wouldn't be able to resist buying even a thousand. I was one of his best customers after all.

"I take them." I said, taking sixty bits and placing them on the counter. Pricy as they are, I'm not sure you could find any other place in this world that sells that level of baking goods.

Even if I ate a hundred, it wouldn't make me fat because of my training and constant running to the Secret Library, which became my second home at this point, finding another entry much closer to the main street, I made a passage that was hidden in plain sight. Still, it was a bit of a trip every time, so I burned calories anyway. Not that spellcasting and working out weren't helping either.

"Fifty for you, you seem like you need it today." He smiled as he took only fifty. Making me confused.

"Like I need it?" I asked confused. Taking the ten bits back.

"Well... You will understand soon enough I guess." He replied, giving me the box of donuts and turning around.

"Thanks?" I replied, leaving the shop utterly bewildered.

It was starting to get sunny now, and I decided to follow my plan and read the book I brought with me to the park. On my way there I ate the donuts, which I must say, were the best Donuts I had eaten from Joe's yet. Filled with juicy mango jam, and covered in two layers of sweet blueberry icing on top, the donut melted in my mouth. It was the perfect combination of flavor and sweetness.

"Worth every single bit..." I muttered as I munched on one in my magic grasp. Moving ever so closer to my destination. I still didn't understand that discount, but as it soon happened, I would see for myself.

My favorite place was the bench right between two large oaks, the bushy leaves of the tree made the whole place covered in shade, but with one ideal place on the bench that received light from the sun. That was the place of my book, giving me perfect conditions for reading, and relaxing as I laid on the bench.

Today, however, I was utterly interrupted in those plans, because as I came closer, I realized that somepony was sitting there already. And not one or two ponies, four ponies.

I signed and shook my head, about to leave, but when I squinted my eyes, I could see Tender Seed and his gang there. Which was surprising. I had never seen them go to this part of Canterlot, usually, they would stay in upper districts, not come down into the middle one.

If it was any other day, I would just turn around and go home or to the Shining shop, but today... Today I felt... Different.

It was more out of emotion than any reason, but I decided to try my luck. Maybe today was going to be special? I didn't yet know how much embarrassment that would bring me in the near future.

I gathered myself and moved in for the kill. Instantly Tender Seed recognized me and stopped talking with his buddies. He took his hooves and laid them on the whole bench, smirking from a distance. As I got close enough for them to hear me, I stopped.

"Tender Seed." I simply stated, giving a small smirk of my own.

"Umbra." He replied, confident, and a bit pleased with himself.

"Mind telling me what you are doing in those parts?" I asked, trying my usual approach.

"Does a colt have to have a reason to go somewhere? We just chilling here because it's so hot everywhere else." He stated, motioning to his friends as they appraised me from the distance.

"No, I guess not. But why on my favorite bench? You know, there are other places with shade here." I knew the comeback to this already, but I had to start somewhere.

"Your favorite bench? Oh, I didn't know! I guess you are unlucky then, we have been first here. What you are going to do?" He said smirking.

I knew he would use that argument, and in this scenario, he was right, I couldn't just tell them to go somewhere else, because I would be the one who made them change locations. It was just rude to do so. So, I had to think outside the box. I had to do something that he wasn't expecting and something that would not start a fight.

"Oh, nothing really. It's a public place after all." I said, moving closer.

"That's right, you ca- W-Wait what are you d-doing?!" He started to say but changed his mind as I suddenly sat on the bench just beside him, and made two of his friends stand up and walk away from the bench while he blushed like a schoolgirl.

We were currently touching our hips and judging by his expression, he was utterly shocked, not knowing how to respond to such an act. It was really funny to see him unable to think straight. I personally didn't care that he was touching me, but it definitely made him uncomfortable.

"H-Hey! That's o-our spot U-Umbra!" He said, trying to make me leave.

"It's a public place, I can sit wherever I want." I replied, opening my book, and moving to a position where I could read better. A very bad choice.

Maybe not on purpose, but I definitely brushed my backside on him, making him shiver. And sniff the air.

Then, there was a great silence, which made me wonder what was going on. As I moved my eyes from my book, I saw him, and all of his friends just gaping at me.

"What?" I asked, trying to see what was making them so surprised.

"What!?" I asked once again, this time louder.

"You know what Tender, I forgot something at home!" A brown colt said, quickly running away.

"Y-Yeah! And I-I Didn't water my plants today so- Hey!" The other blue colt said running in the opposite direction.

The remaining two just vanished in a similar fashion without speaking. Leaving me and Tender Seed, alone on the bench.

He was still gaping at me with his mouth open, making me want to punch him. But the behavior of his friends made me wary.

"Can you explain to me what are you-" I started to say, but when I saw that...



I stopped. My eyes went wide...

I closed my book. And placed it in my bag...

Stood up from the bench...

And left...

No, sorry. I practically ran for my life.

I... I felt hopeless, I left violated and possibly traumatized for the rest of my life in this world. I never looked at Tender Seed the same way again...

Later, of course, I realized how the situation happened, and it was all my fault.

It was a flurry of emotions and a growing body that led to this horrible moment in time. Plus very bad angle to top it off.

But if you are still not sure what has transpired, let me break it to you...

Today, was my first heat cycle as a mare. And I didn't realize that nor did my mother. Which made me go into public, and show everypony that my body was 'ready'. I won't go into details because they are not important. Just imagine the situation, where the pheromones of a young mare body sitting close to you on the bench make you excited, EVEN if you don't want to do anything with the mare in question.

Yeah, no wonder every single book says that the first heat cycle is the worst one. Either it's because it's so strong, or it's because it's creating situations like this. It happens when you are ready, so it can happen any time of year, unlike the normal summer or winter cycles. For every mare, the timing is a bit different, and it's really early for me. It's still better than bleeding every month, but it explains what was happening today to me and my body very well. I just hope I can avoid situations like this in the future. I don't like men, and I think I never will...

Anyway... I stayed in my room for seven days after that, crying and eating ice cream.

Author's Note:

A chapter with a time skip!

I had some time between exams, but I didn't want to draw, so I scraped a chapter for you.

I love messing with emotions as you know already so a bit of sad, and funny is the best! And I couldn't think of anything else I could add to Aurora at such a young age. Stalling more would bring confusion only to me and you, so I made the decision to skip some time to the future, but don't worry. We will be coming back to her younger memories and to mysteries in the next chapter.

I hope I made it interesting. And not too spicy lol.

And yes. I had to kill Grandpa. It's part of the story, which is important. Please don't hate me or my story because of it. I know you liked him, and it's not because of malice or anything, just pushing the story forward. *hint* *hint*

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