• Published 25th Sep 2023
  • 5,977 Views, 589 Comments

For My Beloved: Sunshine. - ZaDrEx

A human with little knowledge of his past finds himself in Equestria. They decide to make the most of it. But life as always makes stuff confusing and full of twists as they grow and learn in the new world they now live in.

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Chapter XIII: Right Round.

As soon as my bath was over, and my mother let me go, I rushed into my room, I quickly hid the books from anyone that could come into my room. I didn't have any more time to read today, I had to go to school tomorrow, and it was starting to get late anyway.

The excitement of my new cutie mark made me focus my attention entirely on the meaning of the eclipse. I have not been a good astronomy or astrology student, but I guess I have to pick up my pace from now on. Celestial objects and events such as an eclipse can mean different things depending on the context and culture.

What I usually found about Eclipse in my Equestrian books was that it practically never happens naturally. The reason, of course, is Princess Celestia controlling the movement of the sun and moon. Apart from 'normal' star movement, there's no chance of it happening here. As far as I know, Princess Celestia primarily takes the same route for celestial body movements each year, with only a slight degree of change to accommodate for planet rotation, distance, and other things.

With the knowledge I have right now in my hoof reach, I could most likely find a book about Celestial events. But that will have to wait until tomorrow or next week, depending if I will or not read the books I have now 'borrowed' from the secret library.

It would be stupid to come back there every single day and make my coat dirty, instead taking a few home is a better idea. Not to mention the instance of nearly drowning in the sewers made me a little bit scared to go there more than I had to.

Anyhow. Eclipse...

Mysterious, and grand I would say. Something rare, if that's not naturally possible in this world. And it could mean I have some dark thing ahead of me. Or I can predict the end of the world. That too.

Speculations, speculations...

Why couldn't it be straightforward? Like a magic arrow or something? Like Twilight cutie Mark or Princess Cele- Wait.

An eclipse is just a sun that's blocked by the moon.

The moon and the sun... Two opposite objects...

No, that can't be possible, I can't control the moon, right?



I looked out of the window, the crystal clear sky with sparkling stars greeted my vision. And the moon high, made me realize, possibly for the first time, how big it really is. I could never control something like that. I'm not even an alicorn, and I can only lift as much as a big rock...

The coloration of me and Princess Celestia clash, but I'm guessing that it's just a coincidence...

But then again... Nothing is a coincidence as they say...

'The moon. Is... So big...' I commented in my head as I tried to wrap my hoof around its sheer size. It was massive, beautiful and spectacular. The night sky in this world was nothing like on Earth, I know that by fact. Stars are bigger and shinier. While the moon is closer and more detailed, with all those deformations on the surface and...

'And the... What is that?' I squinted my eyes and looked closer. The moon had a carving on it.

I blinked, once and twice. But the image didn't change. The moon had a mare literally 'drawn' on it. I remembered that it had been there since my first day here. Definitely, as long as I've been here, it's been there too... But to this day... I did not question it. Only accepted that it's just there.

'Why...?' I began to wonder.

Maybe it was the fact that I had still been trying to understand how this world works or operates... Well, I still do, but the fact that I missed that for nine whole years was... Well... A bit off...

'A mare... on the moon...' I said, making my head do a double take on that sentence.

'A mare... And the moon...' Where did I hear about that... I stepped out of the window frame and went to my bookshelf. I knew somewhere that sentence was written down, and as always, if it's written, there's some story behind it.

I started to pile out my books, including those which I borrowed from the library. I started to search through them, but couldn't find what I was looking for. It was definitely something about that in pony legends and myths... But where...?

Then I remembered that my dad had a full section dedicated to old pony legends and myths. Which was more like fantasy to most ponies, but to me, it definitely had some real value to how the ponies operated in olden times.

It was very late, and I should have already been sleeping, but the rabbit hole made my skin tingle so much, that I had to go now. I quietly slipped out of my room, careful to not wake Sunset or Shine, and slowly opened the door to my father's study. There I navigated to his bookshelf and picked five books from the top shelf. After quickly glancing at their contents I found one that had some of the oldest pony legends.

I brought it back to my room and checked the contents, and there it was...

The Mare in the Moon.

"Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land.

To do this, the eldest used her unicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn. The younger brought out the moon to begin the night.

Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects: all the different types of ponies. But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth, but shunned and slept in her beautiful night.

One fateful day, the younger alicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into the wicked mare of darkness: Nightmare Moon.

She vowed she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to Ponydom... The Elements Of Harmony.

Using the magic of the elements of harmony, she defeated her younger sister and banished her permanently to the moon. The elder sister took on responsibility for both sun and moon and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since."

I closed the book and stared at it for several seconds.

"Now... That's... Interesting..." I smirked.

Two weeks later.

So... My board with strings and notes to understand Princess Celestia grew a bit larger. A lot actually.

In all directions, unfortunately.

But, as I started to add things, I started to connect them too. There were things that led to others and made me understand more than a couple of weeks ago.

To summarise, my current concept of Princess Celestia is as follows:

'Princess Celestia is a sun and moon goddess who became an alicorn after defeating her evil sister thousands of years ago. She isn't evil but wounded for life because of her 'killing?' her own sister and she is paranoid inside. She has the power of some kind of stones called Elements Of Harmony, which is the ultimate pony power. So I'm guessing they can even kill alicorns. The mare on the moon is obviously her sister. There's nothing more telling me about their fight. Or why was she 'banished' to the moon itself. It might be that it's just a reminder of who won the battle.' But that's also just my speculation.

I tried to find anything on Nightmare Moon, but there's nothing past some old tales that are supposed to scare foals on Nightmare Night. What I could definitely assume is that she would look like the opposite of Princess Celestia, add evil to that and you have an alicorn that has a dark palette of colors in her mane and fur, maybe some red eyes, and sharp teeth.

It's not much, but a good start. A demon of a mare...

Huh, who does she remind me of... Maybe that's the reason everyone fears me? Book perfect villain in the making, I have the look, the only missing thing is some kind of dark magic power or something...

Elements of Harmony isn't even mentioned in anything besides this text. However, there is an illustration of some kind of stone pedestal with crystals on it. If I can find where that is, I would technically know where to find Elements Of Harmony.

Which brings me to my next question...

If Celestia is so powerful that nothing no one can destroy her, having an ultimate source of power of some kind. Why does she not want ponies to learn and grow?

Well, that could be her sister's memory giving her PTSD or some shit, and she sees everyone as a threat. But... It doesn't make any sense... She seems... Genuinely kind when I talked to her, given her enormous amount of pure power of will, and the fact that she emits absurd levels of wisdom and control, she seems... Caring...

No one bad could rule a country for generations and have such a good public standing. If I was really brainwashed, I would seen it from a mile away, so maybe Grandpa is really just paranoid after all...

And... I guess me too...

Back to the board.

I don't even know if Nightmare Moon can be linked to Princess Celestia really, it's an old pony tale after all... And there are countless layers of bullshit fanfiction about Celestia in books and myths.

"She does not defecate." "Her horn is made of Diamonds!" "Her regalia is made out of sun." And so on...

I visited the secret library twice now, and so far I have not found anything about Celestia particularly, but I assume after I check the records of historians it will change. As long it's not censored at least...

The biggest problem is... I have to take everything with a grain of salt, because of the constant information gaps and how much time has passed since those events.

If... They really happened.

Focusing more on my studies in the magical department, I like to announce that I'm making steady progress. Elemental magic, especially fire is really growing on me. I feel like an Avatar! Whatever that... Means?

I swear there was this guy on earth... Or it was some legend...? I know he is definitely bald... Yeah...

Um... Yes! Fire, and elemental magic.

Simple set of spells that can be used in any kind of situation, which is the best thing I can learn now. The spells themselves are really simple, it's just that the movement and my concentration on things I need to focus in not mentioned anywhere in standard textbooks, only in the old tomes I find in the secret library.

What am I talking about?! There's not even a single page on how to conjure a fire spear or water slash! I really like to learn new things... And if the school won't teach me it, I will do it myself.

There are of course things I won't touch, like any spell from "Blood Magic Study" or "Dark Magic Secrets" books. Some of them are really dangerous for those who are not willing to pay the price.

A good example is a spell named "Twisted Path" Which is a blood magic spell that makes you able to pass through doors and walls, but the cost of using that spell is making your eyes bleed. So... Permanent damage to your eyes for the ability to go inside a room that is not open. Or passing through some secret passage.

The other spell I found was "Soul incineration" Which surprisingly doesn't do anything to your soul, but makes the target set on black fire, which won't go out until the enemy dies. It can't be put out with water and can't be extinguished by lack of oxygen. Brutal, and edgy. The price of using this dark spell is corruption and accelerated aging. But to what extent... I don't know.

Having no intention to either bleed from my eyes or lose several years of life, I decided to learn spells that suit my style of living. Spells that can hide and support me at night.

And some defensive spells.

That's why I made a run-through of the library, made a plan of studies, and built a training area there. The good thing is that the library itself is spacious, and hidden. I don't have to worry about blowing something up because in one corner I can practice spells, and in the other, I can read.

I also made sure to find anything I could on my cutie mark meaning. And to my surprise, there are instances of solar eclipses happening naturally, but the problem is, they are thousands of years old. So that's not going to help me.

Either way, going down the rabbit hole of Nightmare Moon and Elements Of Harmony led me to some interesting reads. Places such as Castle of the Twin sisters or Everfree Forest were mentioned a couple of times, which led me to believe that's one of the possible places where I could find more answers to where to find Elements Of Harmony.

Truth be told, I have no intentions of finding them really, but to understand Princess Celestia and this world, I have to go down every route I can.

It's just... So interesting! I wonder how they work! Maybe they give you immortality? Turn you into an alicorn? The possibilities are endless!

Knowledge is power, and I intent on making that power my own. Trought effort and pain...

That brings me to my final conclusion of the month... I really want to go on adventures.

I mean... Canterlot is nice and all... But the world is so vast and interesting! I could find so many artifacts and creatures mentioned in those books, so many adventures, in the desert, jungle, or even snowy mountains!

I'm guessing that my Mom would not approve of that. Not to mention I'm still a nine-year-old who barely started school...

Speaking of school...


"Twilight! Twilight! I got my cutie mark! Look!" I motioned to my flank, looking expectantly at the young purple mare deep in the 'Flora Of Equestria'.

"Oh, great Cloud Skip... I'm busy right now sorry." She said, taking her book and moving to a different part of the library.

"I'm... I'm Aurora..." I said, to the shadow she left in the chair.

I stood there, not sure why Twilight reacted like that... She seemed... Distant... Her attitude changed in the last few weeks... Did... Did I miss something?

Another time...

"Hey, Twilight!" I said, making her stop on the door frame of the classroom.

"Oh, umm... yes?" She replied, moving her notes from one bag to another.

"Want to study together?" I smiled, trying to sound casual, but also interested in her.

"Oh, no. Sorry I have to go now, Princess Celestia gives me private lessons now." She said moving past me and into the hallway.

Once again I stood there. Blinking, unsure why this was happening. I remember being so happy she became friends with me. And now... This? Like. She doesn't even remember my name anymore! She only comes to class, goes into the library to study, and off she goes home or to lessons with Princess Cele-

"W-Wait... Did you say you are having private lessons with Princess Celestia?!" I started, but she was already gone. I frowned and looked at the ceiling.

"I have to write that down..." I said, already making space for that note on my board in my mind.

A lot is happening right now. I found myself in a situation where I once again did not have any friends, and I was beginning to lose myself in my studies and training. I have to find someone to either share this knowledge with or make friends I can count on.

I will not make the same mistakes. Not again, one time, shame on you, twice... Shame on me.


Speaking of mistakes... Where the fuck is Tender Seed? I haven't seen him since... Like forever. Did he finally decide he was going to quit? I hope so.

"Can you move your flank out of the doorframe dork?" I heard the puny voice say behind me.

I turned around, and there he was. As stupid as always. I hate that when I only think of something it happens. I frowned and opened my mouth.

"Why? Are you scared of touching me?" I moved a bit to the right, even though I said what I said, I wasn't going to pick a fight. Not physically at least...

"As if. I'm just trying to not catch anything." he said, moving to the doorframe and stopping just beside me. "And how many friends do you have now huh? Twilight doesn't want to be friends with you Umbra. I mean, not that I blame her..." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes and tapped him on the shoulder. "Nice try, not today Tender. I have places to be. However, your impudence makes me think you are interested in me. After all, you still keep talking to me, even though you said you didn't want to waste your time on me." I smirked back.

To my astonishment... He actually blushed. Growing a new shade of pink on his purple fur.

"Wha-No! I'm just... Ugh... Reminding you of your place! Umbra! Don't be ridiculous!" He almost shouted, moving past me and disappearing into a corner in a hurry.

Making me flabbergasted as I stood still in the doorframe.

"Okay...? Now it's getting weird..." I said moving to the classroom to grab my bag.

Author's Note:

The last chapter that I promised for 2023. A bit earlier than I planned, but still too late for Xmas.

I tried to make it interesting how one thing can lead to another. I hope I did a good job. And of course my favorite aspect of this fic. Confusion of the highest order.

Don't expect much in January though, I have exams.

Shong: Song.