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*Katherina's POV*


I was looking at the destroyed tree of harmony.

I spoke "Moon, I think we should get a letter to Alpha-Queen Danyelle."

Moon spoke "Right."

A male asks "What seems to be the problem?"

I blushed at that voice as I turned around to see… Esidisi.

I spoke "As you can see, the Caninian Tree of Harmony has been shattered..."

Esidisi spoke "I’ll admit, that is troublesome."

A letter soon arrived via fire breath.

I read the letter. "It's worse than I thought! The Equestrian Tree of Harmony is also shattered! As is the one in Abyssinia!"

Jen spoke "There has to be something we can do!"

Amber asks "What if we rebuilt it?"

I spoke "But it's much too shattered though."

Amber asks "Then how about we gather the pieces?"

Jen spoke "That might work."

*Meanwhile in Abyssinia*

*Shady's POV*

Chummer spoke "Shady! We got a problem!"

I ask "Chummy?"

Chummer spoke "I got a letter from Capper, the tree of Harmony in Equestria... has been shattered!"

“What?!” I gasped before I started feeling woozy.

Chummer spoke "I heard rumor that the one over in Caninia was also shattered..."

“But then that means…!” I dreaded before I teleported Chummer and I to our tree, only to find it shattered like the others.

Danyelle pops up via warp ring.

Danyelle spoke "It's just as I saw in my visions...."

“Danyelle! What happened?” I asked in concern.

Danyelle spoke "Sombra's struck in four different places, destroying the trees of harmony... I was just about to check the one in Zecora's homeland next."

But then a portal opened, with Pinkie falling out of it, but she looked different, like she was fused with something.

Danyelle spoke "That's not the Pinkie I know...."

The Pinkie lookalike asks "Why Chrysalight? Why did you sacrifice yourself to throw me into that portal?!"

Danyelle asks "Wait... Did you say Chrysalight?"

The Pinkie lookalike spoke "Yeah! She and Bayonetta fought that giant whale, but after they beat it, they got grabbed before Chrysalight opened a portal and pushed me into it, right before I saw them crystallized and shattered, them being killed by those creatures!"

Danyelle asks "Did the whale have a few battle scars?"

The Pinkie lookalike spoke "It had a chaos gear stuck in it! And I think it looked like this!"

The Pinkie lookalike drew a drawing of what the whale looked like.

Danyelle used her cross dimensional flame breath to send the drawing straight to Bayonetta.

Danyelle spoke "I know someone who knows a guy that mentioned the Chaos Gears once."

The Pinkie lookalike asks "WHO?!"

Danyelle spoke "She should be here shortly since the message I had sent with the drawing was urgent."

But then Danyelle got a mental message from Bayonetta. {I do appreciate you trying to warn Blitz, Stolas and I about that one, but we already claimed the Chaos gear from it and sent that Homunculi to Inferno. Unfortunately we’re back in our universe since that one fell apart thanks to the death of my counterpart there.}"

Danyelle asks via telepathy "{Do you know what happened to a Changeling-alicorn fusion called Chrysalight?}"

Bayonetta spoke "{Yes, we even ran into the Seven-tailed beetle demon of hers. Chrysalight tossed her weapon to me, same with my counterpart throwing me hers before they both died.}"

Danyelle groans "{Crap... Kurama and Matatabi AREN'T gonna like this.... How the cuss am I going to explain that Chomei was killed?}"

Bayonetta spoke "{Actually, Chomei is with me, since Chrysalight’s weapon fused her with the demon.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Well, I got the Pinkie from a different world though...}"

Bayonetta asks "{Then that makes her like Viola. But do you know that Pinkie’s name?}"

Danyelle spoke "{She kinda looks like the Pinkie I know. Oh hold on, I'm getting a message from Sonic... You're not going to believe this but his medallion along with Manic's medallion and Sonia's medallion were destroyed!}"

Bayonetta spoke "{Well, that is quite concerning.}"

Sonic spoke "{Without the three medallions, then peace on Mobius will be lost!}"

A familiar voice then mentally spoke to Sonic and Danyelle. "{No. that is not quite right, Sonic.}"

Danyelle and Sonic both spoke "{The Oracle of Delphius!}"

Bayonetta asks in a confused tone. "{Who?}"

Sonic spoke "{An old friend of my mom.}"

Oracle of Delphius spoke "{the medallions of you and your siblings may have been destroyed, but since you three have had them for so long, you have the powers of the medallions themselves.}"

Sonic spoke "{Hate to break it to you Orc but the music powers I had were passed down to my son. Plus Melody and Kelly are just coming into their music powers.}"

Oracle of Delphius spoke "{Yes, that is true. But remember the Elements of Harmony? Their power has been passed onto the bearers.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Not to mention, the whole Pony Guard thing was my fault. I had set up a Mobian Guard back when Eggman was still evil.}"

Oracle of Delphius spoke "{Yes, that is also true. But it was for a good cause.}"

But then we saw a symbol on the Pinkie lookalike's back as she held a red cannon with tears of sadness and anger leaking.

Slurpinkie spoke "My name is Slurpinkie, I'm a combo of Pinkie Pie and a Slurpuff."

Danyelle scritches behind Slurpinkie's right ear, causing the mare's left hind leg to thump.

Slurpinkie spoke "Aww... Thanks. Ya know, if it helps, I can tell you how I can do in a fight."

Danyelle spoke "{Well, maybe you can tell us on our way to Farasi.}"

Sonic spoke "{I'll head there with Zecora though.}"

Danyelle spoke "{It still wouldn't hurt to have some backup.}"

Sonic spoke "{I know....}"

Slurpinkie spoke "You know, I trained with the Bayonetta of my universe."

Twispeon opened a portal.

Twispeon spoke "There you are Slurpinkie! I couldn't find where you were so I had to track you down!"

Slurpinkie spoke "Oh! Hi, Twispeon!"

Twispeon asks "Wait, what happened to Chrysalight?"

A badly bruised Chrysalight spoke "I'm not dead you ding-dongs...."

A fusion of a Diamond Dog and Pinkie was with Chrysalight. "I'm glad I managed to get us outta there before our universe collapsed."

Slurpinkie gasps "Vera Pinkie!"

Vera Pinkie asks "Hi, Slurpinkie, how's my weapon?"

The mark on Slurpinkie's back faded before that symbol went onto Vera Pinkie.

Chrysalight groans "If one Pinkie is hyper enough...."

Danyelle spoke "Three of them PLUS the Tri-Pies is only asking for trouble..."

Slurpinkie tossed the cannon over to Vera Pinkie as the diamond pony did a pose. "Oh yeah! The Umbra Party Dawg is back!"

Twispeon was slamming her head on a tree.

Vera Pinkie spoke "Oh! Uh, sorry. I can get carried away at times."

Danyelle asks "But if the attack was too sudden, how did you get out?"

Vera Pinkie spoke "I used a strange necklace that had a small cube, then the cube floated in the air away from the necklace around my neck, then I disappeared!"

Twispeon groans "That makes no sense whatsoever!"

Vera Pinkie spoke "Inter-dimensional and inter-multiversal never do make sense."

Danyelle groans "No matter what universe, one thing stays the same... Don't question a Pinkie's antics..."

Vera Pinkie spoke "You got that right!"

Danyelle groans "{As if one Pinkie was kooky enough.... I don't think the prime zone can handle three of her...}"

Bayonetta spoke "{There were three Links in the tournament, you know.}"

Danyelle spoke "{I don't even want to know how MUCH damage three Pinkies plus the Tri-Pies can cause though! It'd be Arcana-level chaos though...}"

Vera Pinkie: I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I only fight if I need to.

Sonic spoke "{We got trouble in Farasi!}"

Danyelle asks "{What is it Sonic?}"

Sonic spoke "{It’s the angel monsters that Bayonetta kills for Inferno! They’re attacking Farasi!}"

Danyelle spoke "{CUSS! Hold them off as long as you can! Help's on the way!}"

*After Danyelle cuts the connection*

Danyelle spoke "We've got trouble!"
