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Kyuubitales VS Mawtenten

*Danyelle’s POV*

Well this is swell. Kyuubitales gone out of control and challenged Mawtenten to a fight.

Espewomon sighs "She's more stubborn than a pair of ponies and a Garchomp..."

Chameleo spoke "Make sure RD, AJ, Raptor and Camo don’t hear that."

Chameleo showed up with Sawk Lee and Mawtenten.

Kyuubitales spoke "So the coward's shown up..."

Mawtenten however wasn’t fazed by that. “Are you sure? It seemed pretty cowardly to spy on Sawk Lee and challenge me out of the blue.”

Kyuubitales growls "You're one to talk miss Steel Type."

Mawtenten spoke "I know I’m weak to fire types, but I’ve beaten them before."

Flarerudamon spoke "She's stubborn though."

Mawtenten spoke "I can see that. I’ve fought stubborn enemies. But in my first fight with Temaricorio, I was pretty stubborn and didn’t wanna lose."

I spoke "I met her once. Plus I sent Galleji flying once."

Mawtenten then fell over in laughter. “I still can’t believe you actually beat him like that!”

I giggle "Chaos Blasted his ass off the stage."

Chameleo spoke "Hehe! Well that wasn’t his first defeat."

I laugh "But that yell.... It's too much!"

Chameleo laughs "That was hilarious!"

I laugh "I beat the tar out of Bowser too."

Chameleo spoke "Yep. I remember that."

I giggle "And Twiliterasu was able to beat Vetur though."

Flarerudamon and Joltesusmon were laughing like crazy.

Flarenimon asks "What happened after Galleji got his ass kicked?"

Chameleo spoke "He’s been hard at training back in the hidden village."

I spoke "Well, I want to challenge him again."

Chameleo asks "Are you sure?"

I spoke "Eyup, I've gotten faster since the last time I saw him."

Megaman and Roll appear suddenly and much to Chameleo's surprise, the two NetNavis were half hedgehog and half hedgefox respectively.

Chameleo spoke "This is new."

Roll spoke "I'm a lot fluffier than the last time you saw me."

Chameleo spoke "Yeah, but if you powered up, you’d also gain a lot of fluff around your neck."

I warn "Do I need to call Viper?"

Chameleo spoke "I’m just saying! No need to get rough!"

My body was soon drenched.

I ask "Okay... WHO DRENCHED ME?"

A familiar hyena laughs "Hahahahaha! Got ya!"

I looked up to see Ein.

I threw a glue bomb at Ein, causing him to become stuck to Sumarda.

Sumarda groans "Okay. That was just bad luck for me."

I spoke "Good luck getting that off, it's resistant to draconequus and alicorn magic."

Sumarda: *Shrug* Oh well. Better make the most of it.

As Sumarda went into her 1,000 pound form, Ein got bigger and fatter.

Everyone started laughing at Ein.

Ein whines "Oh come on!"

Sumarda giggles "Heehee! In fact, why stop there?"

Ein paled in horror, as that made the rest of us interested.

I get out my camcorder.

I laugh "I'm so recording this for Aph and the others to watch!"

Sumarda spoke "If so… *Going back to restraint form with Ein going back to normal* Better start at the beginning!"

The two started getting bigger and fatter again, with Sumarda being on top of Ein. Then we heard a tear, before seeing a hole on Ein’s jacket forming from the stress of holding in his fat.

I record the entire thing,

When I finished recording, each of those two were as big as a Galaxy, and Ein was only wearing his underwear, which had gold bars on it.

I laugh "I'm so using this as blackmail in case the bonehead tries to prank me again!"

Sumarda spoke "Heehee! That was satisfying!"

Flarerudamon chuckles "Serves him right."

Kyuubitales was on her back while laughing.

Sumarda spoke "You know, my parents can make themselves as big and fat as an entire universe each. And that’s pretty powerful. Yor’Jedath can do that too. Whew! You wouldn’t believe of what they could do at that size!"

I hid the camcorder back in my hammerspace so Ein couldn't get to it.

I spoke "I don't want to know!"

Sumarda: Might be for the best.

I spoke "Plus I have to plan a party for next Wednesday though since a friend of mine is turning 22 that day."

Sumarda: Nice!

I spoke "Yeah but I can't tell Chloe about it or it'll ruin the surprise."

Sumarda spoke "On that, everyone can agree on."

I giggle "And something tells me that I'll have Salavee and Patavee hybrids by Hearth's Warming."

Ancient Vapormaimon spoke "Don’t jinx yourself, otherwise you might get more than you bargained for."

Joltesusmon spoke "You're one to talk fishie, I saw you eyeing that WereGlacerumon earlier."

That made Ancient Vapormaimon freeze. “Is that a challenge?”

Joltesusmon spoke "Careful fishie, I have the type advantage."

Ancient Vapormaimon spoke "Well I’ll bet that WereGlacerumon and I will have more children than Sylkazemon and Flarenimon will have."

Joltesusmon spoke "Well, Leaflymon and I will have more than you!"

Vapormaimon and Joltesusmon glared at each other in the eyes as there were rivalry sparks going on between them.

Flarerudamon spoke "Oh, here comes WereGlacerumon now."

A rather canine and muscular Glaceon and WereGarurumon hybrid showed up.

Kyuubitales had grabbed Ancient Vapormaimon with Psychic and threw the female at WereGlacerumon, causing the two to kiss.

But then those two started making out and moaning instantly with wet noises.

I laugh "Girl got yeeted!"

Kyuubitales tail slapped Mawtenten on the butt.

Mawtenten yelps "Gah! Hey!"

Kyuubitales taunts "What's the matter Ironhead? Too chicken to tango with a fire type?"

Mawtenten scoffs "Hmph. Not at all. The chihuahua getting her fangs?"

Kyuubitales scoffs "That tears it!"

Battle Start! Kyuubitales versus Mawtenten!

Kyuubitales strikes first with Flamethrower, it was super effective!

Mawtenten brought out a giant feathered fan. “Bashosen Water Scroll!”

She swung the fan, causing a wave of water to crash into Kyuubitales, it was super effective.

But Kyuubitales blocked with Protect at the last second, negating the attack.

Mawtenten noticed why.

Kyuubitales spoke "Oww...."

Mawtenten turned away. “I’m not fighting you. Not as you are now.”

Kyuubitales spoke "Coward."

Mawtenten spoke "No. I’m not a coward. I just don’t want you to lose your children."

Kyuubitales spoke "But I have no idea who had kissed me..."

A male spoke "I’m sorry. That was my fault."

Kyuubitales growls "CharGreymon…"

A Charizard Greymon fusion showed up, looking really apologetic.

Flarerudamon spoke "You've gone and done it big time CharGreymon."

CharGreymon spoke "I really didn’t mean for this to happen."

GlaceAngemon spoke "Regardless of what happened, those kids will be Renamon-Vulpix hybrids."

Kyuubitales walked up to CharGreymon, as the lizard readied himself for pain, but nothing happened.

Kyuubitales spoke "You better take full responsibility for these kids."

CharGreymon spoke "O-Okay."

But then Kyuubitales hugged him, much to his, mine, and the rest of everyone else’s surprise and shock.

Flarerudamon spoke "Didn't see that coming."

Kyuubitales spoke "Thank you, CharGrey."

What Kyuubitales did next really knocked us for a loop, mostly CharGreymon, as the vixen kissed the lizard right on the lips.

Flarerudamon sighs "Why is it that I'm the only one that has yet to find love?"

Scorpan flew right by.

I spoke "I wonder where he's going."

A pained gasp was heard from Espewomon since she had four eggs.

GlaceAngemon spoke "Sweetie!"

I flew over to where the Psychic-Holy type was.

Espewomon gasps "The eggs! They’re… gonna come out!"

I gently massage Espewomon's stomach, pushing the eggs out one at a time.

*Some time later*

I spoke "Okay, that should be all of the eggs."

Espewomon panted in exhaustion as GlaceAngemon comforted her and hugged her.

I spoke "Good job, you've got four eggs already."

Espewomon spoke "*Pant! Pant!* Thanks… *Pant! Pant!*"

I spoke "Sumarda, I'm thinking of having the Digi-Pokémon hybrids live with me though."

Sumarda asks "Uh… Just out of concern, why?"

I spoke via telepathy "{It's so that they can be protected by the Mobian Guard in case Team Rocket tried to grab them from here... I sense at least three grunts here... And since Espewomon is vulnerable to being grabbed first due to exhaustion, I'd hate to see her children grow up without her.}"

Sumarda spoke "{Okay. I get it.}"

I spoke "Yeah."

Picking up the eggs and carefully placing them into my backpack, I pick Espewomon up.

I spoke "The bill's been paid for all of them."

Chameleo spoke "I just hope those grunts don’t have a talking Meowth, otherwise we’ll send them blasting off again."

My ears pin back.

I spoke "Aside from the scents of those here, I do smell a Meowth..."

Chameleo spoke "Oh no… Don’t tell me it’s-"

A human female spoke "Prepare for trouble!"

A human male spoke "And make it double!"

I snarl in a warning tone. "If you two boneheads don't back off, you'll see how pissy this cat can GET!!!"

The female spoke "To denounce the evil of truth and love!"

The male spoke "To extend our reaches to the stars above!"

Jessie spoke " Jessie!"

James spoke "And James!"

Jessie spoke "Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!"

James spoke "Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

A Meowth appeared. “Meowth! That’s right!”

A Wobuffet appeared. “Wobuffet!”

I pass the backpack and Espewomon to Sumarda.

I growl "Get them and the other Digi-Pokemon to a safer place, I don't want to expose them to what I'm about to do to these four."

Sumarda: Got it.

*Once the Digi-Pokemon were moved away from the oncoming fight*

I growl "You three will regret picking a fight with me."

Jessie spoke "Mimikyu! Come on out!"

James spoke "Go get ‘em, Marinie!"

Flames swirl around me as I transformed into MegaDanyelle Beast Mode given that I hardly go anywhere without my 2DS.

I glare at the two Pokemon with such a savage glare that they went back into their balls.

Jessie asks "What the?! Mimikyu, what are you doing?!"

James asks "What’s wrong, Marinie? Did you get hit by Scary Face?"

I growl "You boneheads picked the wrong Mobian to piss off...."

Jessie asks "Meowth, what is she talking about?"

Meowth spoke "*Horrified* I think it’s better off if ya don’t know!"

Wobbuffet stammers "Wobbu-Wobbu-Wobbu-Wobbu!"

I roar loud, scaring Meowth.

Meowth spoke "That thing’s scarier than Mimikyu, any ghost type or any legendary could be!"

Wobbuffet shouts "Wobbuffet! Wobbu!"

I growl "If you ever come near me, my friends, my family or any rare Pokémon again... You won't like what I will do to you!"

I fired a Beastly Roar at the four, sending them flying far away.

Jessie, James and Meowth scream "WE’RE BLASTING OFF AGAIN!!!"

Wobbuffet screams "WOBBUFFET!!!"

Team Rocket and Wobuffet *Star K.O.*

I spoke "That oughta teach them not to mess with an Alpha-Queen. Okay Sumarda, it's safe to come out. I sent those boneheads flying."

Sumarda spoke "Cool."

Arceus soon shows up in a flash of light.

Arceus spoke "That was really brave of her to stand up to those two idiots."

I wrote up a letter before sending it off to Ash Ketchum with my dimensional flame breath.

I spoke "Well, that should make him laugh given that I was the one that scared Jessie and James."

*Meanwhile in the Pokemon world*

A rolled up scroll had beaned Ash on the head.

Ash yelps "Gah!"

Goh asks "Something the matter Ash?"

Ash spoke "Something just flew out of the air and hit me."

Goh spoke "Looks like a scroll to me."

Ash asks "A scroll?"

Goh picked the scroll up before reading it.

Goh laughs "Oh my Arceus! It seems those two nitwits from Team Rocket got their asses beaten by a cat!"

Ash: Huh?!

Ash grabbed the scroll and read it.

Ash: OH YEAH!!! Sounds like a Pokémon Battle to me!

Goh spoke "I should warn you Ash, this cat's no pushover. She's the protector of Pokemon as well given that I heard rumors that she saved a Lugia from being captured by a bad person."

Near the bottom of the scroll read "PS: I know that you have a crush on a girl named Serena Yvonne so you might want to tell her before you lose the chance for good."

Ash just blushed before falling onto his back, stiff as a board.

Pikachu sighs "Pika…"

Goh spoke "Smart ass cat..."

Pikachu agreed.

Another scroll pops up.

Goh spoke "Huh, it seems the cat has challenged Ash to a Pokemon battle. Her Pikachu against his..."

Goh noticed Ash still unconscious. “That might be a while.”

Meanwhile in the Hoenn region, Serena was heading to the airport with a female Pikachu on her shoulder.

Serena spoke "I'm so gonna strangle that strange cat for this prank..."

Female Pikachu spoke "Pika!"

Serena spoke "Alright, let’s go, Pikachi!"

*One plane ride to Vermillion City later*

Serena spoke "Okay, the scroll said that Ash would be at a place called Cherise Lab. I don't know where it is so I might have to ask someone."

Serena asks around before someone pointed her in the right direction.

Serena spoke "Thanks."

The honey blonde haired girl heads off to Cherise Lab.

Goh dumps a bucket of ice cold water on Ash.

Ash yells "Gah! Cold!"

Goh spoke "Smarten up will you? That mystery cat had to pull quite a few strings to get Serena here."

A giggling Serena was staring at Ash.

Ash spoke "Gah!"

Ash started panicking before a smirking Goh pushed him right into Serena, much to their surprise, causing the two of them to kiss.

Needless to say, both Pikachu were speechless.

A warp ring opened up before a nekomata-gryphon Mobini stepped out while laughing.

I laugh "Guess it all worked out huh?"

Goh asks "Who are you?"

I spoke "Where I'm from, I'm known as the Nekomata of Redemption. I'm also an Alpha-Queen too but you can call me Danyelle."

Goh asks "You’re the one who sent those letters?"

I giggle "Dimension fire breath, but yep! A fellow royal of mine doesn't meddle in human affairs though and since I was born human, it made more sense that I lend a helping paw as it were."

Goh was a bit confused though.

Cat ears twitching, I spoke "Oh sorry if I look weird to you. my inner magic caused me to take this form whenever I'm a world that's mostly inhabited by humans."

A blind female Pikachu was on my right shoulder.

Tessa spoke "Pika."

I spoke "I bet Ash is too chicken to battle me."
