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Growing up is Hard to Do

*Lance’s POV*

Man! The festival’s on its way! Yet we can’t go without an adult!

Nyx spoke "Too bad the others are all busy.... But maybe, we could ask aunt Operetta to take us!"

Rusty spoke "Maybe."

“Dusk, Rusty, come on. Let’s get the first three crusaders.” I said.

Rusty spoke "Yeah!"

Dusk spoke "Alright!"

Dusk, Rusty and I soon found Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, but they didn’t seem happy about the others being busy with the flower in the crystal starting to glow.

And to our surprise, Silverstorm was affected.

Silverstorm groans "I need a bigger shirt...."

But then something started happening to me, Rusty and Dusk!

Dusk gasps "Holy cuss...."

Rusty gasps "W-We…!"

“We became adults!” I couldn’t help but gasp!

Silverstorm spoke "Correction, we may look like adults but we're still kids on the inside. And boys, control yourselves. Last thing we need is a trio of angry mares at you."

Dusk, Rusty and I spoke "R-Right!"

Nyx spoke "We could have just asked Myuri to take us though. She may look like a filly but she's older than us."

Gabby spoke "Hey guys! I’m here!"

Asriel spoke "As are the rest of the....."

Iris asks "What the hay happened to you seven?"

Gabby suddenly cawed as she was knocked unconscious with a major nosebleed.

Asriel sighs "Gryphon down...."

Silverstorm spoke "Sorry about that."

Myuri spoke "Y'all could have asked me to take ya to the festival though."

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle excitedly spoke "But now we can go to the fair!"

Myuri spoke "Ah'm goin with ya though in case things go wrong."

“Same here with me, Rusty and Dusk.” I added.

Myuri spoke "Boys, ya forget that yer still kids on the inside. So my ma told me to go with ya."

Asriel spoke "She's right though. Plus she is older than the rest of us."

Silverstorm spoke "Yeah."

I spoke "Shoot! The train's leaving soon!"

Myuri spoke "Well, we better git goin’ y’all!"

The other Crusaders and I hightail it to the train just before it left.

Dusk spoke "Talk about a close call..."

Rusty spoke "You’re telling me."

Myuri spoke "Eyup."

“Man… Could you believe how the others would’ve reacted if they found out?” I asked.

Myuri spoke "Ah don' wanna know how my ma would react if she knew that I had a full grown wolf body."

A male spoke "So, y’all are youngsters sittin’ at the grown creature’s table."

Myuri spoke "Howdy cousin Braeburn."

The male spoke "Y’all got me confused fer someone else."

The figure revealed itself to be a transformed male changeling with a cowboy hat, and his wings being his cloak, wielding guns and an orb, as a bug-like boy floated beside him.

The male spoke "Last I visited Braeburn, he was gettin’ real cozy with a buffalo called Little Strongheart. Orbot, Bee-bot and I knew we weren’t in Asgard."

The changeling’s orb weapon beeped in confirmation.

Bee-bot spoke "Yes. Buzz buzz!"

Myuri spoke "Ah'm Myuri and though Ah don't look it, Ah am older than Applebloom and the other Crusaders."

The male spoke "Ah can tell since yer immortal. The name’s Reno. And just so y’all don’t get confused…"

Reno morphed into what he really looked like.

Reno spoke "This is who I really look like."

Myuri spoke "Half immortal actually, my pa was mortal but he died 640 years ago."

Reno transformed back into a changeling. “Huh, that’s certainly a surprise.”

Myuri spoke "Eyup..."

Apple Bloom spoke "We’re here!"

I spoke "Yeah!"

Reno spoke "Now hold on, I’m comin’ since yer still kids in heart."

Myuri spoke "Ah'm keeping an eye on my fellow Crusaders since Ah'm older than Ah look."

Reno spoke "You can never be too careful."

Myuri spoke "Ah'm not stupid though."

Reno: Tch! Ah wasn’t sayin’ that.

Myuri spoke "Ah'd rather not show my true form though."

I chuckle "You don't want to know how mad my adopted aunt can get... There was one time she was face down in the sand...."

Reno spoke "Guess it’s true what they say; Mess with the bull, you get the horns."

Myuri spoke "Though with Alpha-Queen Danyelle... It's more like "Mess with the cat, you get the claws". But as a warning, do not touch her feet.... She hates it when someone touches her feet."

Rusty spoke "My dad made that mistake once and got punted through a wall."

Reno spoke "Heh. The way you describe this Danyelle, it kinda reminds me o’ mah sugarcat."

Myuri asks "What was her name?"

Reno spoke "Her name’s Asuri."

I spoke "Never met her."

Reno spoke "That’s because she was one of the warriors for the Brawlhalla tournaments."

I spoke "Odin told me about the tournaments but I politely declined since my place is with my friends and my family."

Reno spoke "Heh. Gotta respect that, even though Ah’m only a bounty hunter."

That had left most of the Crusaders confused.

Scootaloo spoke "Come on! Let’s go!"

Rusty chuckles "Right behind ya Scoots."

All of us went outside to the fair festival.

Rusty went with Scootaloo.

Rusty spoke "You know something Scoots? You could be a Wonderbolt some day."

Scootaloo asks "*Blushing* R-Really?"

Rusty spoke "Yeah."

Scootaloo spoke "I-I’m sure you’d be a great Wonderbolt too."

Rusty spoke "No wings remember? I use these for flying though."

Rusty twitches his three tails.

Scootaloo spoke "Rusty…"

Scootaloo embraced Rusty.

Scootaloo spoke "Wings or not, with those tails, I know you can be a Wonderbolt."

Rusty spoke "If my adopted aunt and uncle can be Wonderbolts, then so can I."

Scootaloo spoke "Then promise me… promise me that our families will be together and that we’ll all be happy."

I spoke "Given that I'm royalty, Applebloom will be a princess one day."

Applebloom asks "*Blush* R-Really?"

I was caught off guard. Apple Bloom heard that?

Rusty spoke "He is right though Applebloom."

Apple Bloom spoke "Ah-Ah really appreciate the thought, but Ah wanna help mah friends and family, just like you, Lance."

I spoke "I meant later on in life, when we're actual adults..."

Apple Bloom spoke "I know…"

I spoke "Hence why I'm restraining myself right now... I don't think my parents or yours would be happy if you got pregnant too soon."

Apple Bloom spoke "*Blush* R-Right."

Danyelle pops up and she didn't look too happy.

“Uh… Hi, Auntie.” I nervously greeted.

Danyelle spoke "Lancelot Ogami, you and the other Crusaders are in so much trouble!"

Myuri spoke "Cool it cat girl, they were with me the whole time."

Reno spoke "I was here too, ya know."

Danyelle spoke "This doesn't concern you, this lot snuck out without asking first."

Reno chuckles "Heh. You do know that Myuri’s a lot older than you, so she may be a child, but she’s also an adult."

Danyelle spoke "Still, she's going to be in trouble once her mom finds out."

But then we heard an unknown yowl.

Danyelle asks "What the cuss was that?"

Reno smiled. “Asuri.”

As if on cue, a female Abyssinian landed right in front of us, wielding a sword and a pair of claw-shaped katars, with a cat on a small chariot following her.

Asuri spoke "Heh. I know I’d find you here, Reno."

Reno spoke "Yer quite the huntress, after all."

I growl as the other Crusaders surround Reno.

Danyelle growls "STAND DOWN SHE-CAT!"

The tabby spoke "Whoa whoa whoa whoa! We’re not here to fight!"

Asuri spoke "Freya’s telling the truth about that."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry but I'm on edge right now, a major fight is drawing near."

Asuri asks "Need help?"

Danyelle spoke "Not really though."

Reno spoke "Besides, Ah’m sensing a cold wind blowin’ in."

Danyelle spoke "I sense it too..."

A portal then opened, revealing Flutterzoe. “I can hold the enemies off.”

Danyelle spoke "I sense one enemy approaching.... A ram..."

Sumarda appeared with a serious look on her face. “And it’s the real deal.”

Flutterzoe spoke "A friend of mine can take care of those minions easily with only her voice."

Danyelle spoke "We have the Nine Tailed Terror on our side though."

Flutterzoe spoke "Yes. But it never hurts to ask for help."

Danyelle's fur had fully bristled due to a vision.

Danyelle spoke "Okay… We definitely need help!"

I spoke "I don't think we'd be able to win against the Entity though..."
