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Happy Birthday Chloe!

Author's Note:

This chapter is for my England friend since it's a birthday gift for her

*Lillian's POV*

*November 29th*

Danyelle was busy preparing a birthday party for Chloe.

I ask "Need help Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I need someone to keep Chloe busy tomorrow."

Scorch spoke "I'll keep her busy."

I spoke "Okay."

Scorch spoke "And I know just how to do it."

Danyelle spoke "Okay."

Espewomon and GlaceAngemon were napping while a pair of Salavee children were curled up by them.

Leaflymon and Joltesusmon nuzzled each other with her having a slight egg bump.

Danyelle giggles "I swear my place will be be crawling with Salavee and Patavee hybrids by Hearth's Warming."

Ancient Vapormaimon spoke "Don’t jinx it. Flarerudamon and Sylkazemon might have a whole lotta kids."

Flarerudamon spoke "You mistook me for Flarenimon...."

WereGlacerumon was playing with Ancient Vapormaimon's tail.

Ancient Vapormaimon purred as her tail wrapped around WereGlacerumon, making him putty in her paws.

WereGlacerumon growls in a flirty manner.

Vapormaimon pulled WereGlacerumon with her tail before connecting foreheads with daring glances into each other’s eyes before they kissed and start making out with moans and wet noises.

Scorch asks "Honestly Danyelle, how on Equis do you put up with these hybrids?"

Danyelle spoke "Eh, I learned to just accept it. *Whisper* But just between you and me, that couple are like a pair of daredevils."

A reddish pink wolfdog girl pounces on Scorch.

The wolfdog girl spoke "Hi daddy!"

Danyelle and I both ask "Daddy?"

Scorch chuckles "She's mine and Chloe's, her name's Kayla."

Needless to say, Danyelle and I were shocked.

Katie spoke "Mom!"

I spoke "Coming Katie!"

I head off.

Danyelle spoke "Ooooookay."

Flarerudamon spoke "Kids these days...."

Danyelle spoke "Anyways... I got to get this party planned out..."

Scorch spoke "Sure, I keep Chloe busy."

Danyelle asks "Ben, could you get Pinkie and the party birds?"

Ben spoke "Sure thing. Carnaval and Party creatures, coming up."

The Tri-Pies drag their parents over to Danyelle's place.

Ben chuckles "And speak of the mare."

Nyx spoke "Smart girls."

Danyelle sighs "Why am I not surprised when I should be surprised?"

Iris spoke "It'll only get more chaotic in time."

Danyelle spoke "Good point."

Bluestar spoke "Mom, I'm getting hungry."

Thunder was restrained by Daria since the dragogriff was hyper.

Ben spoke "Well, I’m off to find the Carnaval birds."

Danyelle spoke "Okay."

Despite the scar on her face, Twilight was working on a gift for Chloe.

Twilight spoke "I just hope Chloe will like it."

Akari spoke "Course she will mom!"

Twilight spoke "Thanks, sweetie."

Dusk asks "Mom?"

Twilight asks "Yes, Dusk?"

Dusk asks "How did you get that scar?"

Serena was hiding in a tree, waiting to pounce on Ash.

Twilight spoke "It’s because of Singularity."

Serena silently giggles "Heeheehee!"

Ash spoke "*Not noticing Serena* Man, I just hope this is a good present."

Silverstorm spoke "I'm starting to notice something, you kinda look like a pony version of Kion. You've got an older sibling, the roar and a scar on your face."

Serena pounces on Ash, startling the black cat.

Serena giggles "Pinned ya!"

Twilight spoke "I did seem to get along with Kion really well."

Ash asks "Oh yeah?"

Ash then rolled with Serena, only to get pinned again.

Serena spoke "Pinned ya again!"

Rainbow chuckles "You two remind me of Kion's parents when they were cubs."

Landing on Rainbow’s head, Bold spoke "Momma!"

Rainbow spoke "Come here squirt."

Rainbow gives Bold a noogie.

Greninja watched Ash and Serena, before smiling at them, happy that they confessed and accepted their love for each other.

Tessa spoke "Pika Pikachu! {It's only a matter of time before you find love though!}"

Greninja spoke "Nin Greninja. {I’m not going to confirm, nor deny that.}"

Tessa spoke "Pika pika. {I may be blind but I can sense that you have some feelings for a certain Delphox.}"

Greninja chuckles "Nin. Ninja. {Heh. You’re not wrong there.}"

Delphox spoke "Phox {Clever Pikachu.}"

Greninja spoke "Grenin. {So you’re here, Delphox.}"

Delphox spoke "Phox {Last time you saw me, I was just a Braixen.}"

Tessa asks "Pika? {Shouldn't you be protecting the Kalos region Greninja?}"

Greninja asks "Ja. Greninja? {I know. But who said I couldn’t have some adventures and fun myself while visiting some friends?}"

A bird Pokémon soon arrives.

Pidgeot screeches "EOT!!! {ASH!!!}"

Ash spoke "Huh? Hey Pidgeot!"

Pidgeot screeches "Eot! {You promised you'd come back for me but you never did!}"

Ash spoke "Trust me, I wanted to come back to you, but I couldn’t, because if I did, that flock of Pidgey and Pidgeotto would be in danger again from the Spearow and Fearow."

Pidgeot screeches "Eot... {I had to move the flock to a safer place since the Spearow numbers were increasing too quickly.... but they're safer now, a butter yellow winged Ponyta is looking after them.}"

Ash asks "You mean Fluttershy?"

Flarerudamon spoke "Yeah, her."

Ash spoke "Pidgeot… I’m really sorry for leaving you alone for that long."

Pidgeot spoke "Eot {I forgive you}"

Ash asks "So, ready to come back to the team?"

Flarerudamon spoke "Hold it fuzzball, you have six Pokémon already. But the vixen only has four on her team."

Ash asks "Pidgeot, are you okay with this?"

Pidgeot happily screeches "EOT!!!"

Flarerudamon spoke "Guess that's a yes."

Serena brought out a pokeball. “Go pokeball!” Serena said as she threw it, with the ball making contact with Pidgeot before the bird Pokémon went into it as the pokeball made a ding! “Alright! I caught a Pidgeot!”

*November 30th*

*Chloe's POV*

Danyelle and the others were all hiding.

“Why is everyone hiding?” I wondered.

Scorch spoke "No idea but we could go find out."

“Really, sweetie?” I asked.

Lucy sneezes.

I couldn’t help but giggle at that.

Danyelle spoke "Thanks to her, our surprise got ruined... Well, happy birthday Chloe!"

I spoke "You guys...."

Sonic spoke "This was all Danyelle's plan."

Danyelle: It’s true.

Roll spoke "Yo! NIco! Pedro! Let's get this party started!!!"

Pedro spoke "Yoyoyoyoyoyoyo! Everybody put your wings, hooves, hands and claws together! And clap ‘em as loud you can! Clap ‘em! Flap ‘em! I don’t care, slap ‘em! *Caw! Caw!*

Nico spoke "Party in Ipanema, baby!"

The party music started as the party went off in full blast.

Blanche was talking with a male cockatoo.

Jewel spoke "Something tells me that Blanche is going to remarry."

Blu spoke "I don’t really doubt that."

Jewel spoke "Brooke was the result of rape though so this might work. Oh hey Raphael."

Raphael asks "Hey you two lovebirds! How’s it going?"

Jewel spoke "Great, we found out quite a lot since Carnaval. For starters, that blue hedgehog is half alicorn! Plus Nigel is dead, cause of death was strangling by his ex-girlfriend."

Raphael spoke "Yeesh!"

Jewel spoke "It was for the best since I nearly got killed by that repulsive Stand of his, Blanche had no other option though."

Raphael spoke "Ay caramba."

Serena spoke "Not to mention, Danyelle and that other blue hedgehog beat the tar out of Giovanni!"

Blu asks "You mean Sonic?"

Danyelle spoke "Wrong hedgehog you baka macaw, she was talking about my biological brother."

Roll spoke "You forget.... My husband is half Mobian hedgehog, I'm half Mobian hedgefox."

I ask "Uh guys, who the cuss invited these three idiots?"

Danyelle dreaded as she slowly turned around, seeing the Warner Siblings partying.

Megaman pinched the back of his sister's neck, knocking her out.

Megaman.EXE spoke "Had to do it since Ben isn’t here at the moment."

Ben growls "What was that Vincent?"

Megaman.EXE yelps "Uh-oh!"

All of a sudden, Megaman had transforms into a werebeast since he had the data from Gregar in his DNA.

Roll purrs "Me likey!"

But then Roll suddenly transformed into a werebeast as well, since she had the data from Falzar in her DNA, before Megaman gave out a wolf whistle.

Ben groans "Get a room you two..."

MegaMan.EXE chuckles "This coming from the guy who always loves my sister?"

Roll rubs her head under Megaman's chin.

MegaMan.EXE spoke "*Lustful growl* If you’ll excuse me and Roll here… *Uses warp ring to the destination of The Chuddle Hotel* we’ll have some fun!"

The two Werebeasts went into the warp ring to the Chuddle Hotel before it closed.

Ben sighs "Guess I'll look after Trill, Patch, Volt and Jazz..."

Sonic spoke "Come on, man. I’m sure they’d love to hang out with their uncle."

Patch and the twins had pounced on Sonic before tickling him.

Sonic laughs "Hey-ey-ey-ey! C-Calm down!"

Lance was laughing at his father.

Sonic chuckles "Heh! Why not tickle Lance?"

Patch and the twins then went after Lance, who ran.

Lance shouts "Not cool dad!"

A young hedgecat girl was carried by Blaze.

Blaze spoke "Sonic, Perci's covered in mud again..."

Perci coos.

Sonic sighs "Oh the things I endure for my kids. Time for another bath, Perci."

Blaze hands Perci over to Sonic.

Blaze spoke "Just watch out for her magic surges."

Sonic spoke "Got it, sweetie."

Perci teleported.

Sonic spoke "Better find her."

Luna shows up with a young hedgecat in a foreleg.

Luna spoke "Hello grandson."

Sonic yelps "Gah! G-Grandma Luna!"

Luna spoke "You never cease to surprise me. This little cutie ended up in my bathtub when I was taking a bath."

Sonic spoke "Talk about being lucky."

Blaze spoke "Least we never had issues with Lance when he was still in diapers..."

Lance spoke "MOM!!!"

Blaze, me and the other ladies giggled at that.

Pear Butter giggles "I had the same problems with Applejack when she was little."

Applejack blushed before dashing off.

Crosswind spoke "Not cool Pear!"

The fleetfooted ponykat goes after Applejack.
