• Published 27th Sep 2022
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MLDC: The Justice League of Equestria - Omnibus 1 - littleman001

Stories about the origins of the greatest superheroes in Equestria and their greatest battles.

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The Mare of Steel Vol. 1: A Pony of Two Worlds: Issue #3: Mare of Tomorrow, Stallion of Yesterday

During her first week spent inside her father's fortress in solitude, Applejack learned the kryptonian language and history. She was a little nervous at first since she believed she would struggle with it, but to her surprise, she took to them like a fish to water. All of it felt so natural. Her father explained to her that while she was travelling to Equus in her spacepod, there was a program put into it that imprinted the basics of their culture into her mind. All they needed to do was give her a quick overview of it and it would trigger everything. By the end of the week, she was able to converse with Pom-El in their native tongue and she even translated several Equestrian books to it and uploaded them onto the computer of the fortress so that he could read them.

She also learned everything there was to know about their history. She witnessed things like their evolution, their technological advancements, their first trek into space. She wandered if Equestria will ever take their first steps into space like that. She also saw some of Krypton's greatest events, including the creation of their prison dimension known as the Phantom Zone, the military coup of one General Dri-Zod and the beginning of their colonisation program. She also witnessed many of said colonies being wiped out by horrors she never could have imagined seeing in her worst nightmares.

Once she learned everything there was to know about their culture, she finally went on to her training. The first and most important thing was mastering her super senses. She had to learn how to shut out the things she didn't need and focus on those she did. Pom-El had a particularly frustrating way of teaching her that. It was one of those games she saw some of those conartists run poor ponies on the streets. She was standing in front of a table that had a three cups on it, one of them was hiding a bell. And since the cups were made of lead, - a matter she couldn't see through as her father explained - she had to found it based on the ringing sound it made. Which was further hardened by the fact that two of the kryptonian drones were floating next to her and making loud static noises.

She already got it wrong so many times she lost count. She was half tempted to just wreck those stupid machines. But then she remembered what Bright Macintosh has taught her. Her anger and frustration would only make it harder to control her abilities, so she needed to learn how to let go of them. How to keep them under control. Applejack closed her eyes and let out a sigh she had no idea she's been holding. She had to calm down. Let go of the negativity. It was hard. She was never good with her emotions. She was a pony of action. But eventually, she managed to calm herself enough to clear her head. As she felt the drwutrqt) frustration wash away, the sounds also became clearer. And then she heard it.


Applejack quickly removed the cup she heard the ringing under and punched the air in triumph when the bell was right there. Pom-El of course needed reassurance that it was not mere luck and he had her repeat the process several more times, but was satisfied to see all further attempts ending with the same result. Applejack has truly mastered her senses.

The next part of her training was her heat vision and super breath. While she already knew how to use these, Pom-El revealed to her that she had been only scratching the surface of these abilities. Her breath was not only strong enough to blow objects and ponies away, but when used correctly it even had the ability to freeze. It required more strength than a typical exhale, but fortunately Applejack's lungs were no exception to the super strength of her body. In a day, she mastered this ability to the point of creating ice blocks out of nothing with a single blow.

Her heat vision was a tad more challenging. She was able to boil things no problem, but what Pom-El wanted to see were energy beams shooting out of her eyes. This was easily the hardest part of her training so far. After several unsuccessful events, she tried to remember what triggered her heat vision in the first place. She remembered the day when that bully was going to cut up poor Rarity's clothing with a pair of scissors and how she made him drop it by heating it up with her gaze.

She tried to channel all of her fury into her head and while that did make her vision more powerful, melting several pieces of ice around the fortress, she still weren't able to summon the heat rays. Pom-El explained to her how she needed more than just blind rage. She needed to feel her righteous anger calling her to battle to be able to heat her vision to the required level. She needed to think of something that not only triggered her rage but her protective instincts.

Applejack didn't have to remember for long to find a memory like that. Just a few weeks ago, she saw how her little sister was almost trampled by those raiding buffaloes and how she ran faster to save her and summoned more strength than ever before to stop that water tower. That did the trick. Applejack's hot, red heat rays were soon able to tear throw the thickest of ice in the fortress. Pom-El was particularly pleased about the exact replica of the symbol of his house carved into the walls at one point.

Then came her physical training. She didn't want to admit it but this part worried her the most. If she was able to hold a falling water tower with two hooves, she was afraid to think about what she could do with her full strength. She voiced her worries to your father, but she assured her that her it wouldn't be her strength that showed who she was but what she used it for.

In the next few days, Applejack put herself through excruciating physical training. It wasn't too bad for her since she was - as far as the creatures of this planet went at least - an earth pony, so she was already the peak of physical strength even without her kryptonitan abilities. After she reached her peak, she spent the next few days pushing her limits further and further.

The first day, she went out of the fortress for the first time in weeks. Unless those unicorns she saved the day she got here spread the word about this place, which she doubted, she shouldn't have to be worried about anypony seeing her. For the lack of a better exercise, she started breaking ice. A thicker layer everyday. But that quickly became monotonous.

The next day, she leaped into the air over a huge mountain of ice before plummeting down and shattering the entire mountain into billions of ice shards. The day after that, she got an even more outrageous idea. She found another ice formation and started drilling a tunnel under it with her bare hooves. When she was directly under it, she raised it out of the ground and used all of her immense strength to throw the several tons heavy piece of ice into the air before leaping after it and shattering it with a single strike of her hoof. With that impressive feat, she also considered her physical training complete.

There was only one thing left to learn, but Pom-El warned her that this would be the most difficult of them all. But when Applejack heard just what she would be able to accomplish, she became a little giddy. It was no secret to her that she could leap great distances, but once she fully utilise her powers, she would also be able to defy gravity itself. Flight was a luxury only allowed to the pegasi. She couldn't wait to see the looks on their faces when they saw a pony without wings flying past them in the air.

But every time she leaped into the air, she failed to maintain her airborne position for more than a few seconds. She didn't understand why it wasn't working. She followed all of Pom-El's instructions. She pushed herself away from the ground and and put herself into a horizontal pose, but no matter how hard she tried, she failed to give herself the push needed to achieve flight.

Facing failure for the first time in her training, Applejack fell on her back in defeat. She stared up at the clear sky, trying to soak in as much radiation as she could. Her father explained to her that her powers came from the sun of Equus, which was much younger and stronger than the sun of Krypton. Her cells practically drank it's rays. It was a process called photonucleic effect from what she recalled. Maybe it was the cold weather? The wind and the fog prevented her from soaking in the necessary amount of sunlight?

She then remembered her family. Faust, did she miss them. It's been weeks since her arrived at the fortress and began her training. Every time she was having trouble with something, she would just remember her time bucking apples with her Big Mac, drinking cider with Braeburn, spoiling her sister's sneaky little morning surprise before racing her downstairs for breakfast or baking apple pie with Granny Smith. She wondered how they were doing without her.

Apple Bloom was sitting at the dinner table, having lunch with her family. Well, most of her family. It had been over a month since Applejack left on her trip to the Frozen North to find the place where her alien father sent her to. She was dearly hoping she was alright, but then she remembered that her sister was practically invulnerable. She should be worried about those her sister met and wanted to do her harm. She knew she had no reason to worry, but that didn't mean she didn't miss her terribly.

"I miss Applejack." Apple Bloom said before putting a piece of salad in her mouth. Big Macintosh patted her head.

"We all do, kiddo. But don't worry., she said she'll be back in a few weeks." He comforted the filly.

"But it's been over a month now." Apple Bloom complained. "What if her real pa convinced her to leave the planet and go live among the stars now?"

"That's phooey and you know it, Bloom." Granny Smith added. "No matter where Applejack came from, she's an Apple first and foremost. She'd never abandon us. Besides, you heard that stallion say her planet was long gone. She wouldn't have anywhere to go up there."

"Granny's right, AB. And you know your sister never goes back on her word." Big Mac replied, turning his tone and expression serious. "If she said a few weeks, then she will come home soon." The stallion saw that his sister was not satisfied with this answer so he tried to lighten the mood again. "Cheer up, little sis. When she comes home, you can show her how much your bucking improved over the past few weeks." During the first few days, this would have gotten an enthusiastic response out of Apple Bloom. But at this point, she only gave an exasperated sigh.

"Okay, let's go." She said half-heartedly after finishing her meal and made her way towards the door. Big Mac also let out a sigh. She understood where Apple Bloom was coming from. When Applejack was still here, the two of them were thick as thieves. But now that the older sister was gone to dig up her roots and he was busy working on the fileds most of the time, she was lonely. Something Big Mac was all top familiar with.

He couldn't help but hope Applejack will come back as soon as possible. He knew it was selfish of him. He always insisted that Applejack learns the truth, whatever she did with the truth she a had a right to know and if she wanted to leave he had no right to stop her. But just like Apple Bloom, he missed her terribly.

The two siblings made their way out of the house where their cousin Braeburn was waiting for them. He had agreed to help them with their daily farm work while Applejack was away. He greeted them with his usual cheerful smile.

"Well, howdy there, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom! Ready for another fine day of apple bucking?" Big Mac smiled. His cousin's enthusiasm was admirable. Apple Bloom on the other hoof just couldn't find it in herself to share it, which didn't go unnoticed by Braeburn. "Hey, Bloom, why the long face? Is it still because of AJ?" Apple Bloom gave him an expression that said 'What do you think?'

"You don't seem to be missing her all that much, Brae!" She replied. "I'm surprised. You two have been awfully close ever since we moved here." Braeburn just kept smiling.

"And even now that she ran off to Faust knows where, I'm still close to her." He said, remembering the pendant he gave her with the picture inside it. The siblings didn't quite understand what he was talking about, but before they could ask, Braeburn beat them to it. "Anyway, are we gonna get to bucking or what?"

They have been at it for a while when one of the apples Apple Bloom bucked off the tree rolled away much further than she anticipated. She went to retrieve it and before she knew it, she found herself on the outskirts of town. She picked up the apple in her mouth and was about to head back to the others when suddenly she saw movement in the bushes in front of her.

Her curiosity got the better of her and she moved closer to check it out. As she got closer to the bush, she could make out the outlines of a creature she was sure didn't belong there. As recognition hit her, panic overflooded her mind as she was sure the creature was seeing her too. She turned to run.

"Oh, horseapples. BIG MAC! BRAEBURN!"

Applejack laid on the ice, wondering what she should do when idea sudeenly sprung into her mind. Maybe she could use her now completely mastered super hearing to listen in on what they were doing. Even from this distance, she should be able to hear something. It would be a good way of further testing her abilities. So she raised her ear and tried to locate Appleoosa.

The voices were many. Hundreds of thousands. Perhaps even millions. But Applejack had long since learned to shut out the voices she doesn't need and she knew her family's voice better than any other. It was only a matter of time before she found them. And then she heard it.


It was Apple Bloom! There was no mistaking it. She was panicked. In trouble. Applejack heard the loud thuds of her hooves against the ground as she ran. And then several others. They were running. From what, Applejack could only guess. But then she heard the thuds of other kinds of hooves. They were thinner than an earth pony's but more muscular. It didn't take her long to connect the dots. Another buffalo raid was going on. And her family was in the middle of it. Without her. In an instant, she dashed back into the fortress.

"Father! Where are you?" Pom-El's image materialised in front of her at the call.

"I am here, App." He then noticed his daughter's distressed state. "What is wrong?"

"My family! My family from this planet!" She panted. "They're in trouble! I can hear it! I have to go back!" Pom-El's eyes widened at the news. He knew his daughter could do it. For an ordinary pony, taking miles in minutes would have been impossible. Even the fastest pegasi would have struggled with it. But Applejack was no ordinary pony. She could certainly make it in time. But he was concerned about whether or not she was ready.

"But how would you make her way back to them in time? You still haven't mastered your flight?" He asked in compassion.

"I can do it! My family is in trouble and they need me! That's all the motivation I need!" Pom-El saw that his daughter's eyes were blazing with determination and quickly realised there was no holding her back. He smiled in understanding.

"I know you can. But if you ever need guidance, a place to hide or just somepony to talk to, you are always welcome here. Remember, only you can access this place." Applejack nodded.

"I know. And thank you, for everything. I promise I won't let you down. Or any of Krypton down."

"I know you won't. Farewell, my daughter. My Rao guide you on your path." Pom-El said before his projection faded away. Applejack was about to rush to the exit but then she remembered something.

She was going to save her family, make no mistake about that. But would Applejack Apple be enough to carry the weight of what would follow next? She remembered how the ponies reacted when she caught that water tower during the last buffalo raid. She didn't want them to think of her as anymore of a freak than they already have.

But perhaps if it wasn't the Applejack they knew who would carry out these mighty deeds but an unknown, mysterious figure with no identity, then they would not see her as a freaky outsider but as a symbol. A symbol of hope she was desperately trying to become. Applejack narrowed her eyes. She knew what she had to do.

A few minutes later, the door blocking the entrance of the fortress opened up and a figure emerged from behind it. An orange earth pony in a blue costume, a red cape being thrown around by the wind, red horseshoes with golden lining and the golden S on her chest. She would carry the meaning of that S among the ponies of Equestria and every other creature. From now on, when ponies looked up at the sky and saw her flying across it with that symbol on her chest, they'd knew they were not without a saviour. Not without hope.

Applejack closed her eyes and knelt down on the ground and collected all of her strength into her legs. Pebbles and small ice crystals around her slowly lifted into the air, rotating around her. The air began to to vibrate around her as she prepared to unleash her energy. Her eyes suddenly snapped open and she leaped into the air with a deafening sonic explosion, leaving a small crater behind herself.

Applejack felt like she was gonna burst with adrenaline. She did it! She was flying! At speed that even the Wonderbolts would be jealous of. The world around her sped by her so fast she barely saw where she was going. But as she got closer and closer to her destination, her surroundings became more and more familiar. She couldn't believe it. She would get from the Frozen North to Appleoosa in a matter of seconds.

Before she knew it, she was already floating above the familiar houses, even recognising her family's below her. And she also saw the ponies fleeing in panic from the rampaging buffaloes. She narrowed her eyes and made a solemn oath that this would be the last day this would happen.

The few ponies who weren't fortunate enough to find shelter in one of the houses found themselves with no other option than to keep running. But it was of little use. The buffaloes behind them were quickly catching up. Apple Bloom felt like her hooves were finally giving up. Her energy was leaving her. The closest buffaloes horns were just inches away from her and she felt like she was ready to accept her fate.

"Apple Bloom!" Braeburn cried when he saw his little cousin about to get ran over. He ran back and pushed the filly out of the way, but this left him in their path. It was too late to run. He raised his hooves in front of himself, though he knew it wouldn't make much difference and waited for the impact. But it never came.

Braeburn suddenly felt himself flying and when he opened his eyes, he saw that he was indeed in the air. He felt two strong hooves holding him and looked up to see a flying earth pony mare carrying him. For a moment, he thought that he was actually dead and this mare was taking him into heaven. She looked at him and gave him a reassuring smile. Braeburn was speechless.

"Are you an angel?" Applejack chuckled.

"I guess you can say that." She replied before putting Braeburn down on the roof of a building. She saw his confused expression and it caused her to chuckle even more. "Sorry to disappoint, but you're not going up there just yet. You're still alive. But now if you excuse me, I'll have to go and make sure it stays that way for everypony down there." And with that, she flew off. Braeburn could only stare after her in amazement, before he smiled.

"I may not be dead. But I'm sure I still saw a piece of heaven.

Applejack quickly caught up with the buffaloes and brought them to a halt by drawing a line into the ground in front of them with her heat vision. At first, Applejack wanted to tell them to leave, but realised that wouldn't be a permanent solution. They would just come back later. She inhaled and released her freeze breath upon the heard, trapping them inside ice. That should hold them until she had a chat with their leader. But before that, she had to make sure nopony was hurt.

"Is everypony alright?" She asked as she turned to the pony crowd behind her. Her eyes quickly found Apple Bloom and Big Mac who stared up at her in awe before recognition came across their faces. Applejack gave them a small nod which they quickly returned before backing away into the crowd.

The other ponies just looked at her in either wonder or fear. Which was understandable given the fact that you don't see an flying earth pony freeze a herd of buffaloes with her breath everyday. But they quickly realized that this pony meant no harm. If she did, she wouldn't have stopped the stampede.

"We... We are. Thank you." A mare replied. Applejack floated to the ground among the crowd who gathered around her to get a better look at her, while some others began inspecting the buffaloes.

"Are they... you know?" A concerned stallion asked.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine." Applejack assured him. "They should thaw out by the time I'm finished talking to their boss." The crowd gasped upon hearing this.

"Chief Thunderhooves?!" The same mare from earlier exclaimed. "Nopony ever saw or talked to him in person! Not even Sheriff Silverstar!" Applejack gave her a look.

"I think he'll find time for me. I promise you, this was the last buffalo raid that plagued your town. Tell Sheriff Silverstar to be at the town gate in ten minutes and I will solve all of his problems." With that, Applejack took off into the air and flew off to find the bufallo cheif himself.

Sheriff Silverstar has been in charge of this town for a while now and during his time, he's heard quite a bit of interesting stories. But when he heard that an earth pony mare from the sky stopped a bufallo stampede by freezing the buffaloes with her breath, he was half tempted to put the pony who brought him the news into a starghtjacket and throw on in one of his cells. But when that pony showed him the frozen herd in the middle of the streets, he became a little less sceptical.

The ponies told him to wait at the town gate where the mare said would be in a few minutes with a solution to the bufallo problem, so that's where he went. He's been standing there for a few minutes but nopony showed up. He was about to give up and leave when he heard a sonic explosion in the distance. He looked up to see a figure in the air getting closer and closer, carrying something that struggled to get away.

As the figure got closer, the sheriff could see that it was indeed a flying earthy pony, but when he saw what she was carrying, his surprise grew even greater. It was none other than the bufallo tribe leader, Chief Thunderhooves dangling in her forelegs. The mare approached the ground and threw the chief on the ground before landing in front of the sheriff.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, sheriff." Applejack told him as the bufallo got back on his hooves.

"You pony fiend! You have no right to hold me prisoner in your town!" The chief fumed.

"Oh, I don't plant to keep you prisoner." Applejack replied casually. "Word is, you've been refusing all attempts to negotiate a peaceful end to these little raids your bufalloes have been running on this town. I'm here to speed up the negotiation process."

"I have nothing to say to you and your invasive species!" The Chief roared. "You built this town on the place of our annual running! We have been stampeding these grounds for generations! We will not be chased away!"

"And you considered vandalising our town on a regular basis the appropriate response?" The sheriff countered. "Do you know how many ponies got injured during your raids, you violent savages! There's no negotiating with his kind."

"The one thing we agree on!" The chief replied.

As an Apple, Applejack was a traditionalist to the core, so she had great sympathy to the chief, but she had her family to think about, as well as the rest of the citizens of Appeloosa. This matter had to be settled. For once and for all.

"Well, that's too bad." Applejack said before she turned around, lifted off the ground and began floating around the chief and the sheriff while using her freeze breath to create an ice dome around the three of them. "Because the two of you won't be going anywhere until we have this issue sorted out." The two creatures in front of her jumped in shock. They attempted to break free by bucking and ramming into the ice respectively, but to no avail.

"This is an outrage!" Sheriff Silverstar shouted. "You can't do this to us! You have no right!" Applejack glared at him.

"And what about you? Do you have the right to keep off the buffaloes of their ancient running grounds?" The sheriff backed away. He had no answer to that. "And you?" Applejack continued, turning to the chief. "What right do you have to destroy this town and put it's residents into harm's way?" Once again, she received no response. "I only see only one solution here. You two will have to fight to the death."

"What?!" They answered in shock. Applejack shrugged.

"Well you both seem unwilling to compromise. It's clear you're not going to reach an agreement. There's no other way." The sheriff and the chief looked at each other, unable to believe what the mare was telling them to do. Applejack watched them while leaning against the ice with her forelegs folded, waiting for them to make the first move. "Well?"

"But... But we don't want to fight each other." The sheriff admitted.

"Why would we?" The chief added. "Our problems are not with each other."

"Well then why are you forcing others to do it for you?" Applejack asked. "Sheriff, would it really be so hard to allow the bufalloes to run through the town every now and then. It could even be an attraction to for the citizens." The sheriff thought it over.

"Well... I suppose not."

"See, chief? You will be able to hold your annual stampedes without putting anypony in harm's way and even get a neighbouring community to help your tribe prosper in the future. Isn't that better?"

"I do see your point, pony." The bufallo admitted after a little thinking. "We would be thankful for it, sheriff."

"Great!" The sheriff cheered. "Now that we've come to an agreement, are we allowed to leave?" Applejack flew up and lifted the ice dome into the air before hurling it up into the sky and shattering it with her heat vision.

"I'm glad we could reach an agreement. Now let's go share the good news with your people."

By the evening, all of Appleoosa came together to witness the bufallo stampede through the town, including the Apple family. Apple Bloom was watching them from her sister's back while Big Mac and Braeburn made bets on which bufallo would be the first to cross the town and Granny Smith was making fresh pie and cider to the exhausted buffaloes.

"Applejack, that was amazing!" Apple Bloom cheered as the small family made their way back to their house. "Flying, lasers and ice breath! Is there anything you can't do?!"

"Sheesh, Apple Bloom! Why don't you scream it louder? There might still be somepony in town who doesn't know it was me." She chastised her sister. Apple Bloom's eyes widened. She realised that she did get a little carried away.

"Sorry, sis. But how can I not be excited about this? The things you can do... They're just... Mind blowing!" Applejack chuckled.

"I admit, flying is really something. Especially flying so fast. Now I understand why the pegasi are such adrenaline junkies."

"That was some stunt you pulled there, AJ!" Big Mac added once they were inside their home and away from any possible prying ears. "I never thought I'd see the day anypony will make peace with the buffaloes. Figures it would take somepony as exceptional as you."

"If those kryptonians wanted somepony to be their symbol of hope to carry on their legacy here, I can't imagine anypony else more suitable than you, sis!" Apple Bloom said, giving her sister a hug. Applejack picked her sister up and ruffled her mane.

"Thanks, little sis. This means a lot."

"Okay now, that is enough. " Granny Smith interrupted them. "Your sister had one heck of a day. She needs a little rest and a nice dinner. Give her some space." The two quickly obeyed and left to get ready for dinner, leaving Granny and Applejack together.

"Your parents and I always knew you were meant for greatness. Ever since we found you that night." She said proudly, putting a hoof on her shoulder. "They are proud of you, Applejack. As am I. Now get ready for dinner. You deserve an extra special meal after what you've done today."

Following dinner, Applejack didn't find it in herself to call it a night just yet. She decided to put on her suit and fly around the town a little more to make sure everypony and every buffalo was alright. She gazed down at the town of Appleoosa in satisfaction. She never saw the little town as peaceful as it was now. And it was because of her. She was already well on her way to become the figure of peace and unity for this planet her parents intended.

This day was more than just a huge triumph for friendship and harmony. Applejack finally felt like she found her place in the world. The one she was always looking for. She was a protector, a guardian angel for all of Equus and it's creatures. And this is what she's always gonna be.

She flew up to the setting sun and basked in it's glow, the rays rejuvenating her body. It felt like the warm gaze of proud parents. The embrace of a loving sibling. The loving kiss of a special somepony. She already felt refreshed. She was ready to spread her legacy all over Equus. All she needed was another opportunity. And that's when she heard it. Her super hearing picked up a terrified scream followed by the cocking of a gun from faraway. Without a second thought, she sped off into it's direction.

Dr. Quick Scan liked to think of himself as a pony who was able to adapt to and overcome any situation. He wouldn't have been able to complete his studies of advanced physics at the University of Canterlot if he wasn't of an adaptive mind. But as looked at the screens of his security cameras in horror, he found his mind's adaptive abilities failing him for the first time in a very long while.

It happened so quickly. Armed ponies wearing armors he didn't recognise burst into the main hall of his research facility and gunned down the security guards. They never stood a chance. The doctor instantly knew what they were after and he would would everything within his power to make sure they won't get it.

He quickly sent out a message to his fellow researchers and everypony else in the building to get to the underground laboratories. He would follow them and seal them off from down there. But he would have to get to the elevators first. Which happened to be on the other side of the floor he was on.

He peeked out of his office. There was nopony around. As quickly as he could, he made his way to the elevator, only to see that it was occupied. He cursed under his breath. They were already on his way up. He hid behind the wall next to the elevator door until the familiar ding let him know that they arrived.

The ponies walked out of the elevator, pointing their weapons in every direction as they searched for him. The apparent leader of the unit motioned for two of his ponies to stay behind guarding the elevator. Quick Scan growled. The elevator was a no go. He had to use the stairs.

He managed to make his way to the staircase without detection, but was horrified to see another group of them making their way up. There was no way down to the labs now. No way to go but up. So much for the labs. The only option now was getting to the top floor and leaving via the roof. Good thing he was a pegasus.

Galloping up the stairs as quickly as he could, he could only hope his pursuers did not bring any pegasi with them. But when he reached the door that lead to the roof, he found his hopes immediately diminished as he ran straight into a whole squad them pointing their guns at him. There was no escape now. Two of the pegasi grabbed him from the side and tied his wings together before cuffing him and carrying him inside.

"Dr. Scan." One of the pegasi addressed him through the mechanical voice of his helmet. "I suppose you know why we're here."

"Yes. I have a pretty good guess." He replied with deadpan voice. "And I'm gonna tell you the same thing I told the pony I'm pretty sure sent you. I deeply resent your work ethics and I will never do business with you."

"Don't be so quick to assume we have nothing to bargain with." The mercenary retorted. "For example, we have the lives of your coworkers. Surely you wouldn't endanger their lives with your uncooperativeness."

"Nice bluff but it won't work. I sent all of them to the underground laboratories. You'll never get in there."

"And what about the ones who didn't make it down there in time?" Quick Scan remained stoic, trying to reassure himself that he was bluffing again, but this time he wasn't sure. The elevator door then dinged and two more mercenaries walked out, holding two other researchers at gun point.

"Does that look like a bluff to you?" The mercenary leader asked. He then looked at the ID card hanging in the professor's neck and reached for it. "Let me guess. This serves as an entrance key to your laboratories." Quick Scan shrugged.

"I'm sure you can figure that out yourself. You seem like a smart enough fellow." The mercenary could tell that he was taunting him but he just smirked under his mask.

"Quite so." He then tore the card from his neck. "Would the good doctor kindly show us the way to the laboratories?" To emphasise their point, the mercenaries then cocked their guns behind the heads of the hostages. Quick Scan sighed in defeat. He was out of options.

He lead the unit to the entrance to his laboratories which was sealed behind a thick, several inches wide steel door at the end of a long corridor in the underground areas. Next to the door was a computer panel with a card shaped hole in it.

"Well, I may not have a degree in advanced physics," The mercenary leader said as they approached the door. "but even I'm a smart enough fellow to recognise that this..." He held up the doctor's keycard. "...goes in here." He inserted the card into the panel which then lit up. On the panel there was a numpad under a screen that read 'access code'. He turned back to Quick Scan.

"Professor, would you do the honors?" He asked on a tauntingly sweet voice.

"By all means." Quick Scan replied on an equally sarcastic tone. He walked over to the panel and entered the code. The door slowly opened revealing all of the professor's frightened coworkers who became downright terrified when they saw the armed ponies behind their boss.

"Thank you kindly." The mercenary leader said as he was about to walk inside. "Now then, where is that famous..."

But Quick Scan wasn't done yet. He put in another code into the panel which made a series of holes open up in the ceiling, revealing a set of heavy machine guns. The mercenaries jumped back in shock before running back and taking cover behind the wall, allowing the professor to run inside and seal the door behind him, locking the mercs out. The mercenary leader could barely avoid the machine gun fire and received quite a few scratches before he made to the other side of the wall.

"Son of a broodmare!" He cursed once he was back with his colleagues. "No more Mr. Nice Guy. When I get my hooves on him I'll shove one of those guns down his throat. Deploy the EMPs!" The mercenaries threw several grenades around the wall which released several bursts of electric energy, swiftly shutting down the machine guns, allowing the mercs to approach the door again and examine it.

"Report!" The leader ordered.

"Sir, this is door is stainless steel about twelve inches thick. It can resist even a rocket launcher. We don't have the firepower to get through it." One of the mercs reported. The leader just gave a sinister smirk in response.

"He does." The other mercenaries all paled. They knew exactly whom 'he' was referring to. They all turned their head in sync as the elevator behind them dinged again. The doors slowly opened and a massive brown unicorn stallion walked out of it wearing an armored chest plate similar to the Royal Guard, expect this one was painted over with black, green and white spots in the style of tactical camouflage. On both of his sides he was carrying a large saddlebag and the top half of his head was covered by a green bandana.

The mercenaries all stepped aside as the stallion walked past them with slow and heavy steps and entered the corridor, before turning his attention to the door. His horn lit up and his saddlebag opened, revealing several pieces of various firearms which flew out of the bags and assembled themselves into a gun with a long, narrow barrel. The stallion then aimed the gun at the door, which released a laser beam that slowly burned it's way through the steel as it's heat increased.

The agonized scream on the other side of the door signaled that the laser managed to get through. The stallion then cut through the entirety of the door before reassembling his gun into a cannon and unleashing a massive energy blast into the door, finally knocking it down.

The mercenaries quickly swarmed into the laboratories where the researchers were still tending for their wounded coworker and were now completely defenseless against them. Quick Scan quickly summoned two more machine guns on the inside. As the stallion entered their range, they turned towards him and started rolling again. But before they could fire, he turned his gun into a massive cannon. With one blast, he obliterated both of the reaming machine guns.

The mercenary leader marched straight up to Quick Scan and shoved him on the ground. "Now then, Professor, where were we?" He snarled before bashing him in the muzzle with the barrel of his weapon, nearly shattering his jaw in the process. "You look like a smart enough fellow, so you'll probably understand this." He then pointed at the stallion who sliced open the door.

"Do you see that stallion? You're a professor of physics, well think of him as a professor of firearms. He constructed his first firearm at the mere age of three. There's nothing you can throw at us he doesn't have a gun for. Do you understand?" Quick Scan hissed in pain, but eventually managed to nod.

"Good. Then let us forget the previous little incident and please show us to what we came for!" He roared into his face before pulling him on his legs and shoving him depper into the labs. He then turned to his unit.

"Guard this door just in case. He may be smart but I still don't think he understands just who he's dealing with. I don't want him trying to set a giant robot or something on us."

"Copy that, sir." One of the mercs replied. "Don't worry. With frigging Rapid DoBad on our side, there's nothing that can stop us."

"Use his codename, dammit!" Another one snapped. "You know how much he hates his birth name. They say he took out an Ursa Minor once and has it's stuffed head in his home. Do you want him on our bad side?"

"Okay, geez." The first merc rolled his eyes under his helmet. "Bloodsport. How the hay did he get an Ursa Minor's head into his home?"

"Why don't you go and ask him?"

"I blasted open the wall." The two mercs jumped and turned to see the subject of their discussion behind them. "And then rebuilt it myself. I don't know if you noticed but there are three things I enjoy most. Fighting, blasting and putting things together." He then narrowed his eyes at them ominously. "Or back together in case it's something I blasted apart." The two mercs shrunk back.

"C-Copy that, sir." They replied nervously. Bloodsport smirked.

"Good. Then get to work! You know how the stallion we're working for hates screwing around!" The mercs rushed back to their posts while Bloodsport went inside the labs to join the others.

The researchers and other workers who haven't made to the labs were rounded in the building's main hall. Seven ponies were laying on the ground waiting for their fates to be decided by their captors. One of the mercs was communicating with their leader through a transceiver in his helmet while the others were guarding the hostages.

"Understood, sir. Over and out." He ended the transmission and turned back to his unit. "They reached the labs. They needed to use the 'big gun' but they're in. They should be coming with the device anytime now. Go and bring the carts around!" Two mercs nodded and left the building.

"What about the hostages, sir?" Another one asked.

"No need for unnecessary bloodshed. If they don't try anything funny, we don't do anything funny either."

Unfortunately, a mare among the hostages didn't hear that and saw the door the mercs walked out on being left open slightly. She tried to crawl her way to it without being seen, but the sound of a shot made her stop and cower on the ground.

"Just where do you think you're going, lady!" A merc roared at her as he stood over her and clocked his gun right in her face. The mare screamed as she put her forelegs up in a futile effort to protect herself. Even if the mercenary was going to shoot her, he never got the chance as everypony in the room was interrupted by the sound of a sonic boom outside. The mercenaries raised their guns in alarm and aimed it towards the door...

...only to be pushed back by a huge wave of air as an earth pony mare dressed in a blue outfit and a red cape burst through the door so fast that the mercs didn't even see her move.

"Who the hay is she?!"

"What does it matter?! Just shoot her!"

The whole squad of mercs opened fire at Applejack, who didn't even bother to move. She have long since learned that bullets have no effect on her. The mercs continued to fire at her, either uncaring or oblivious to the fact that their bullets just kept bouncing off of the mare. Eventually they all ran out of bullets as signaled by the clicking sounds coming from their weapons. Before they had time to relaod, Applejack leaped into action.

In the blink of an eye, she already took out one merc by punching him into the wall across the hall. Another of them threw his weapon at her in a desperate move. Applejack simply caught it and threw it back him with enough force to knock him out. Another merc came at Applejack with a knife, an attempt that the mare almost found insulting. If bullets weren't hurting her, did he honestly think a knife would? As expected, the knife broke apart upon contact and Applejack properly took out the merc with a headbutt.

"Switch to stun!" The leader ordered, realising that they needed to change tactics. They switched their weapons to shoot electric charges and fired again. Applejack stumbled back as the charges hit her and she felt her muscles becoming numb. Something the mercs noticed.

"It's working, keep it up!"

Applejack had to think of something. She used her breath to create a large ice block in front of her and use it as a shield. The ice absorbed the charges, but Applejack was still a little numb from the electricity so she couldn't use her super speed to quickly finish them off.

She peeked out from behind the ice and used her heat vision on the guns. The weapons became so hot that the mercs were forced to drop them. Applejack then picked up her icy shield and threw it across the room, straight at the mercs. Once all of them were incapacitated, she went to check on the hostages.

"Is everypony alright?"

The ponies were so stunned from what they've seen this mare do that they couldn't even move to get up. They just stared at her with eyes and mouths wide open. While Applejack understood their shock, it was starting to make her uncomfortable. Not to mention there were probably more ponies in the building that needed rescuing.

"Didn't any of your parents teach you that it's impolite to stare?" She asked flatly, causing all of the ponies to look down in embarrassment.

"S-Sorry." One of them muttered as they all finally got up.

"Is there anypony else in the building?"

"They're in the underground labs." A hostage told her. "But there will be more of these guys too. What they came for is down there."

"Didn't you see how she took these guys out?!" Another one asked him in excitement. "She'll take care of all of them, no problem!"

"I don't doubt that!" The first one cut back. "But everypony who isn't here is down there with them! Who knows what they'll do to them when she shows up?" Applejack placed a hoof on her shoulder in reassurance.

"Don't worry." She smiled at her warmly. "I promise you, none of them will be hurt. Now get out of here and call the police."

After the ponies left, Applejack used her X-ray vision to scan through the building. She quickly managed to locate the ponies in the underground labs. She still felt numb from the electric charges so she couldn't fly at full speed. Forcing the elevator doors open, she slowly descended down the shaft. She saw the elevator blocking her way but the second elevator door next to it was unoccupied.

Applejack burst through the doors, startling the mercs guarding the lab's entrance with a bound Quick Scan between them. They quickly recovered and started firing at her with predictable results. Applejack was fairly tired of it by now so she didn't complicate things. She simply dashed over to the two mercs and knocked them out. Applejack then went over to Quick Scan and simply ripped off his bounds.

"Go! Hide!" The stallion didn't need to be told twice and headed out the corridor.

"What the hay is going on out here?"

Applejack turned to see the massive stallion known as Bloodsport exiting the labs, followed by a few more mercs pushing a machine on a trolley. The two of them stared at each other intensely. Applejack couldn't quite explain why, but for some reason, she felt like the stallion standing in front of her was a far larger threat to her than the other ponies she faced so far. Then again, that wasn't saying much so she wasn't worried.

Bloodsport quickly put together a gun with his magic and shot Applejack, but just like every other bullet fired at her that day, it bounced right off of her. Bloodsport raised an eyebrow. This was a first. He turned his gun into a shotgun and fired again, only to get the same result. Finally, he upgraded it into a grenade launcher and fired an explosive round at the mare. When the smoke cleared, Applejack still floated where she was with her forelegs crossed and looking at Bloodsport dismissively.

"Are you finished?"

"Not quite yet."

Bloodsport deconstructed his weapon back into a simple gun and loaded one single bullet into it. He had to deal with bulletproof targets before. That Ursa Minor didn't go down in one simple shot either. He fired. Applejack made no effort to get out of the way. She deflected countless bullets that day already. What was one more? But this time when the bullet reached her chest the result was different.

Applejack stumbled back as the bullet pierced through her skin. For the first time in her life, physical pain entered her being as the bullet stopped near her heart. She felt a strange tingling feeling in her chest that began to spread throughout her body and make her weaker. There was only one possible explanation. The bullet was encased with magic.

"Weak against magic." Bloodsport smirked. "That's useful." He walked over to the downed mare and raised his gun in her face to finish her off, but she was saved by the ding of the elevator. Another squad of mercenaries stepped out of it.

"The carts are ready. But we have to hurry. The hostages got away and called the cops on us. Let's go!" Bloodsport looked down at the weakened Supermare and reluctantly put his gun away. The mercs loaded the device onto the elevator and Bloodsport was about to follow them when something touched his leg. It was one of the wounded mercs that Applejack knocked out. He was conscious but barely while the other was still out cold.

"He... Help me." The stallion looked at the mercs gathered in the elevator and motioned for them to go. He then knelt down and raised the two wounded ponies onto his back before heading towards the staircase, leaving Applejack behind.

Applejack struggled to get back on her hooves but her injury combined with the effects of the magical bullet proved too much. She began to lose consciousness, but the before she blacked out, she saw the familiar face of the professor she just rescued kneeling over her with concern.

The mercs have finished loading the machine onto their cart, along with their injured comrades that Applejack took out. The only one who hasn't arrived yet was Bloodsport, but a few moments later he also returned carrying two injured mercs on his back.

"Where's the doc?" The leader of the mercs asked.

"He got away. We have no time to find him. The cops are almost here." Bloodsport replied as he got on the cart.

"The Boss won't be happy. He said to get both the doc and his machine." Bloodsport shrugged.

"The doc was always a secondary objective. I doubt he'll mind as long as we bring him his device." The mercenary leader obviously wasn't happy about it, but he sighed in acceptance.

"Fine." He then looked at the two mercs Bloodsport brought up. The medic of the unit was already tending to them. "Thank you for bringing them out." Bloodsport narrowed his eyes.

"I only did it to leave no one for the police to interrogate." He replied coldly. The mercenary leader looked at him in contemplation. He could tell he was lying. He could have just shoot them and silence them for good, but he chose to carry them out on his back. Still, he didn't want to push this any further.

"Whatever you say."

No more words were exchanged between them. The rest of the journey was spent in silence. Bloodsport knew the merc knew he was lying but it mattered little. His days as a royal guard may have been behind him and his time there certainly did little to improve his sense of camaraderie, but he also saw the worst of what apathy can do.

He pulled out a photo form his pocket. It showed two young stallions with their forelegs around each other's shoulders and grinning brightly towards the camera. It was made just a few days before he left for the Royal Guard. A few days he left behind his parents. And his little brother. The one who always looked up to him and wanted to follow in his hoofsteps by also joining up.

And that was when everything went to Tartarus. While he never intended to, Bloodsport did indirectly inspire his brother's career choice. It was an uplifting thought at the start. The two brothers both joining the Royal Guard, defending Equestria together. But some things are just too good to be true.

He then shook his head. He did not like to dwell on the past while was on a mission. It was distracting. The sooner he wrapped this assignment up the better. Jobs like these really annoyed him. He was not an errand boy, he was a warrior. That's why he became a mercenary following his resignation from the Guard. That's why he picked up the codename Bloodsport. Because he enjoyed the thrill of battle. Because he always sought the most dangerous opponent.

His encounter with the mare with the golden S on her chest was underwhelming. She could take a grenade and yet all it took was a simple magical bullet to take her out. Well, she was no Ursa Minor that's for sure. Oh, well. Given the pony be was working for, he was sure he'll have many more opportunities to meet more challenging prey.

Everything Filthy Rich ever did was for the sake of ponykind. So what was wrong with also getting... well, filthy rich in the process? His business started relatively small in the town of Ponyville. But as he became more successful, more wealthy and more influential, he decided to broaden his horizons. Nowadays, his formerly little business was everywhere in Equestria and it was a major player in every field. Science, medicine, electronics, astronomy and even weaponry. Barnyard Bargains quickly became an obsolete name for the company and it now proudly wore the name RichCorp.

Many ponies wondered why Filthy himself was still residing in his relatively modest Ponyville Mansion when he now owned penthouses and skyscrapers in every major city of the country. The answer to that was simple. It was the nearest place he owned to his biggest acquisition, Sweet Apple Acres. When ponies heard how much he paid the still living members of the Apple Family for that piece of land where nothing but apples grew, many believed he lost his mind. But Filthy knew better.

He never admitted this to anypony, but he was always fascinated by what laid beyond the confines of this tiny planet. Back when his wealth was but a fragment of what it is now, he spent much of it on it's study. His secret dream was that one day, he would be the one to start the equestrian space program. But that was still a long way off. However, one fateful night, he was the distant witness of something that showed him that ponies didn't need to go to space, space was sending gifts to them.

One fateful night twenty years ago, something landed on that insignificant little apple farm. Most ponies who saw it probably wrote it off as a meteor, but he knew better. His devices were able to scan that object even from miles away and showed that it was not a rock formation. It was metallic. Whatever it was, it was manually made. And it came from outer space. He quickly put two and two together. It was the chance to make the biggest discovery in the history of ponykind. To discover an actual alien craft. Technology from a civilisation form another planet. Those simple minded apple farmers probably had no clue about the marvel they were sitting on.

He made countless attempts to find out just what it was. He visited that place more than once, asking questions of the Apple family. They quickly dismissed all of his claims and asked him to leave - not always politely - but Filthy wouldn't have made it this far in business if he wasn't good at reading ponies. They knew something. They always got nervous, began stuttering and quickly turned their gazes away when he asked them about the object.

Filthy knew that he needed to get that thing at any cost. He offered the family to buy their land several times, for far more money than it was worth. Two times it's market value. Three times, five times. Ten was his last attempt and he even promised them that he'd keep up the apple production once he obtained the place, but the answer was always no. He was only able to finally persuade them into selling it to him after the unfortunate accident that befell Bright Macintosh and Pear Butter. Granny Smith and her grandfoals weren't able to keep it up for long and in the end they had no choice but to accept his offer.

But even years after he became the owner of the land, he failed to find what he was looking for. And not for lack of trying. He probably put more time and resources into this than into any of his other projects. But he simply didn't have the technology to find it. Other ponies did however.

Professor Quick Scan was one of the biggest names in advanced physics in Equestria. His latest project was a technology that would be able to scan any surface and locate even the smallest amount of substances inside it no matter how deep it was. Quite a useful little invention. It would be able to find rare minerals in the ground that could be mined for resources or be removed before they cause erosion, ponies bodies could also be scanned for cancerous cells and other harmful things and even they could even locate litter in the oceans before it caused too much damage.

Filthy had tried on several occasions to do business with the professor, but he was less than successful. Quick Scan was wary of Filthy Rich and his questionable business tactics and firmly refused to have anything to do with him or any of RichCorp. It was frustrating to say the least, but Filthy Rich was not a quitter. If business negotiations weren't gonna work, there were other ways to get what he needed. It was just good old business.

His thoughts were interrupted by a female voice next to his ear.

"Filthy, dear?" Filthy Rich snapped out of his thoughts and turned to see his wife, Spoiled Rich standing next to him. "Your benefactors have arrived."

Filthy rolled his eyes. Benefactors was hardly the word he would use. His obsession with the secret of Sweet Apple Acres took away many of his resources. Eventually, he had to pull out of the researches if he didn't want to suffer serious losses in profits and stock value but he never gave up on unearthing what those acres hid. All he had to do was find some ponies who were willing to support it.

These ponies did not believe in any alien technology being buried there, but Filthy knew how to get their attention. He knew the secret of good fertility those grounds always had, not to mention some dark secrets that could turn up from the neighbouring Everfree Forest would grab somepony's attention. But as time went by and the researches turned up nothing, the benefactors began to lose their patience. Quick Scan's invention was his last hope of saving his passion project.

"Well, then." Flithy signed in reluctance. "Let's get this over with." Spoiled quickly got out her husband's best suit and helped him put it on before straightening his tie in front of a mirror. "How do I look?" He asked.

"Like a million bits." Spoiled answered with a confident smile which Filthy returned.

"Good. That's probably what it's gonna take to convince them not to back out." He then rushed into his office where his three business partners were already waiting for him.

"Gentlecolts!" Filthy spoke with a the most natural looking smile he could force. "A pleasure to see you again!" The three ponies did not look amused.

"Please skip the pleasantries, Filthy." Replied a blue unicorn with a black mane. "We're gonna be brief. It's been months since we've began funding your digging of Sweet Apple Acres and you have nothing to show for it. We want our money's worth." It took all of Filthy's mental strength to keep his smile from faltering.

"Rising Stocks, please, I know my progress at the Acres has been less than satisfactory so far, but..."

"Not but, Filthy." A blue earth pony with blonde mane interrupted. "And. As in, and if you fail to turn up anything profitable by the end of the month, we're gonna stop giving you money for it. As well as demand back what we've donated you so far." Filthy took a calming breath. All of his ongoing projects required constant funding. If he had to pay them back all that at once, it would prove disastrous for his company. He had only one card left to play and he had to play it carefully.

"Gentlecolts, please calm down and let me finish. I believe you are all familiar with the work of Professor Quick Scan?"

"The ground scanner?" Asked Rising Stocks. "We are, but what does it have to do with anything?"

"Well, I'll have you know that me and Professor Scan are very close to reach an agreement about him joining my research on Sweet Apple Acres with his device. It has been my conviction for quite some time that the ground in those lands hides precious secrets from us and if anypony can help me unearth them, it's gonna be him." The ponies in front of him shared a look. They still looked unconvinced but their sour disposition lessened somewhat.

"Well, I really hope he is, Filthy, because he is your last hope. Our decision is final, you have until the end of the month to give us something." And with that, the three ponies stood up and left the office with a bitter "Good day." Once they exited, Filthy rubbed his face in exasperation while his wife, who was in the office the entire time walked up to him.

"Filthy, correct me if I'm wrong but the last time you tried to negotiate with the professor, he practically told you to shove your offer where it would be anatomically impossible to. Am I missing something?" Filthy Rich put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder.

"Honey, please let me to concern myself with business matters. I have everything under control." Spoiled looked skeptical but before she could speak again, they were interrupted by Filthy's assistant, Office Colt entered the room.

"Mr. Rich, your..." When he noticed Spoiled was also present, he quickly cut himself off. "...deliverers have arrived with the package. They are waiting for you downstairs."

"Excellent!" Filthy grinned. "Well then, let us not delay."

"Package?" Spoiled asked with a raised eyebrow. "Flithy, what is going on?" Filthy just waved her concerns off.

"Business matters, darling. Never you mind. By the evening, all of our problems will be solved." He replied before leaving the room alongside his assistant, leaving a not at all reassured Spoiled Rich behind.

When Flithy arrived to the underground area of the building, his ponies were already in the middle of unloading their cargo under the supervision of their commander. He was satisfied to see they have succeeded, but what he was less satisfied with was the condition he saw many of them in. Several members of the unit had to be carried off the carts on the back of their comrades and they looked like somepony really did a number on them.

"Ran into trouble?" He asked Bloodsport when the unicorn walked up to him.

"Nothing I couldn't handle." He replied casually. Filthy raised an eyebrow.

"Is that so?" He asked before motioning for the other stallion to follow him.

The two of them walked into a room full of computer screens which played recordings of their unit's raid on Quick Scan's laboratories from the cameras on their armor. Including the intervention of Supermare.

"I wouldn't exactly call that something you can handle." Bloodsport watched the footage of the amazing abilities the mare displayed. What he saw made him even more amazed that she went down from a single magical bullet. "Who is that?" Bloodsport was snapped out of his awe by the voice of his boss.

"She is nopony now. Have you seen the part of the show where I take her out in one shot?" Filthy Rich was not amused.

"I saw everything. Including the part where you did not finish her off and failed to bring me the professor."

"You said the machine was enough." Bloodsport replied dismissively. Filthy sighed.

"The machine AND the professor would have been better."

"Especially since it's gonna look very suspicious that his lab was just raided and Mr. Rich is about to use the same machine that was stolen from him in one of his projects." Office Colt added.

"My boy, do you honestly believe me so careless that I would make such an oversight." Filthy chastised his assistant. "His laboratory was completely demolished along with a copy of his invention. Only a decoy but with the damage the place suffered, they won't be able to tell. They won't have anything on me." He then turned back to Bloodsport.

"That said, I'm not used to you being so sloppy, Rapid. The police got involved, the professor slipped away and if you honestly believe that mare was left for dead in one of Equestria's most advanced science facilities including several highly trained medical professionals... well , it shows I don't hire my ponies for their brains." Bloodsport growled.

"If you have a problem with the way I do things, I can always quit. Good luck finding somepony better to lead these punks for you." Filthy Rich smirked smugly in return before motioning for his assistant to leave..

"I suppose you could, Rapid. But do you think you would be able to find another boss willing to pay for the support of that legless brother of yours?" Bloodsport's face went stiff, which did not go unnoticed by Filthy. He knew he had him hooked.

"Ah, yes. What a tragic story. Little Magic DoBad wanting to be just like his big brother and joining the Royal Guard but facing constant harassment and abuse from his peers." Filthy taunted. "And then his superior sends him on a fake assignment into the forest as his idea of a joke, but it turns out he unwittingly sent him into an enemy ambush. Magic performed admirably though, he defeated the enemy but he suffered such serious injuries that all four of his legs had to be amputated and was honorably discharged with a few medals and that pittance the Guard calls pension." Bloodsport's expression told Filthy that if it was anypony else talking to him about this so casually, they would have already had more holes in them than a target on a rifle range.

"As I recall, this tragedy affected you so badly that you also resigned, didn't you?" He continued. "But that's not the most interesting part. I know you are an avid hunter, Rapid. That stuffed Ursa head in your cabin is impressive but you know what I find more interesting? Those seventeen royal guard helmets on your wall. Former members of the Guard who served alongside your brother and his former superior among others if I'm right."

Bloodsport briefly smiled. If those bastards thought they'd get off with being dishonorably discharged after their mistreatment of his brother was revealed, they had another thing coming. He started with those eight little punks from his unit and their leader. All nine of them in the dark woods, hunted like animals, feeling the same terror they always put his brother through.

It was a wonderful night. The way the bullet burst through the helmet of the first one. The barbed wire piercing through the second one's helmet as well as his throat. The axe splitting the head of the commander in half through his helmet. He had no idea the head of a pony could split so vertically.

He took every helmet as a memento. And his hatred for the Guard ran deep enough to keep up the hunting after he was done with them. That being said, he would be in big trouble if word of this got out to say the least. And Filthy still wasn't done.

"And all those shady assignments you have done for me. Thefts, foalnappings and even an assassination. Who do you think would hire you if those became public?" The mercenary narrowed his eyes.

"You wanted the Apples gone, Filthy." Filthy's smirk didn't fade.

"And can you prove it?" Bloodsport remained silent. He knew he was beaten. "That's what I thought. Now then, Rapid. Do I have your word that you will be more careful in the future? Repeat after me, 'I won't make such a mistake again, Mr. Rich." Bloodsport swallowed his pride
He just wanted to get this over with.

"I won't make such a mistake again." But Filthy wasn't satisfied with this.

"I won't make such a mistake again..." Bloodsport's hoof was itching to reach for his gun.

"Mr. Rich." The earth pony's smirk widened.

"Good boy." He said, patting the unicorn's cheek. "Now off you go. I have a project to oversee." Bloodsport stormed off. Filthy assumed he was going to blast his frustration off on a target with his face painted on it. He wasn't bothered though. He did not do this to make friends. It was all just good business.

Still, Bloodsport was becoming a liability. If this mysterious superpowered mare ever came knocking on Filthy's door - or any other entry of her choice - he had serious doubts that the mercenary will be able to protect him. He's gonna have to consider other solutions, but he could see none. How was he supposed to prepare for an enemy he knew nothing about and who was seemingly unstoppable? For the first time in his life, Filthy Rich didn't know what to do. And he didn't like it.

Author's Note:

And thus concludes Issue #3!

Applejack scored her first big win as Supermare as well as her first major defeat. I hope I managed to portray Filthy as good balance between his usual personality bu still close enough to a ponified version of Lex. I also hope I made a good mix of Bloodsport from the comics and the movie and successfully merge it into a unicorn.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :twilightsmile:

Next time, Filthy converned that Supermare will be a threat to his plans, but he knows he is gonna need a much heavier hitter to take on her. Who could that possibly be? Find out next time in...

Issue #4:

Born On A Monday

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