• Published 27th Sep 2022
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MLDC: The Justice League of Equestria - Omnibus 1 - littleman001

Stories about the origins of the greatest superheroes in Equestria and their greatest battles.

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The Mare of Steel Vol. 1: A Pony of Two Worlds: Issue #2: A Symbol of Hope

"Applejack, it's time to wake up!"

Applejack's eyes snapped open from hearing Granny Smith's raspy voice. With a yawn and a stretch, she quickly hopped out of bed and went through her morning routine. She made her bed, washed up, tied her mane and as a finishing touch, she put on a stetson hat that became her signature headwear over the years.

As she admired herself in the mirror, her ears suddenly sprang up as she heard the tapping of hooves approaching her door. Applejack smiled knowingly. Her morning routine wouldn't be complete without her little sister's morning surprise. But with her heightened senses, it was easy to detect when to expect it. She looked at the door and through the wooden material, she saw a little yellow filly sneaking up to her door and giggling. Applejack rolled her eyes in amusement as she walked to the door.

"Three, two, one..." She opened the door just as she saw the little filly reach for the handle and she ended up falling forward into the room with a surprised yelp. Applejack chuckled before rolling the filly on her back. "Good morning, Apple Bloom." She smiled down at her. Apple Bloom wasn't amused.

"Shucks, sis! You always know when I'm coming! How do you do it?"

"I can see you through the door." Applejack told her bluntly, causing the filly to frown.

"Very funny." Apple Bloom said as she got up and dusted herself off. Applejack laughed heartily. Not because she was so humored by what she just said, but because she knew it was true. Of course, Apple Bloom had no way of knowing that. She never shared her abilities with everypony other than the ones who knew about them since day one. Her brother, Big Macintosh, her Granny Smith, and her parents.

Applejack sighed as she remembered them. While it has been years since her parents were no longer among them, it hurt just as much as the day she found they died on their way home from an apple delivery to Canterlot. They never took the train, even when they visited such a hardly approachable place as the capital. They always delivered on hoof and carriages. Bright Mac said they wouldn't have traded the time they spent on the road with their loved ones for anything.

When Applejack heard that they were ambushed and killed by highway ponies on their way home, well, let's just say it took a lot of restraint not to head out and burn the entire area where they were supposedly hiding down with her heat vision, but then she remembered her father's words.

'Just because you can, doesn't give you the right.'

It has been thirteen years since that day when she saved that unicorn filly, Rarity from a trio of bullies. And also almost revealed her abilities in front of the school as a result. Her father's words that he said to her that day still echoed inside her head every day and she's been doing her best to live by them. She couldn't afford to lose control again.

Still, her sense of justice never made that easy for her. Especially after what Rarity told her that day. She wasn't ashamed to admit that she felt like her words stroked her ego. It felt good to be so inspirational to somepony. But they also served as a revelation. She didn't need to use her hooves to make a difference. She could do it by bringing out the best in others. And the most important pony she ever had to do that for was her little sister. Come to think of it, she was the only pony she ever did that for.

When Apple Bloom was born, the whole family was joyous. A new arrival to the family was always a blessing, but for Bright Mac and Pear Butter, this also presented a great new opportunity to satisfy Applejack's need for helping and inspiring others. Who would be better to do that for than a little sister? And that was exactly what happened. Applejack immediately took the new arrival under her wings and began teaching her everything she knew. Well, everything an ordinary filly was capable of that is.

At one point, Applejack even tried giving a copy of her signature stetson hat to Apple Bloom so that they could be even more similar as sisters, but to her surprise, Apple Bloom rejected it. While she loved Applejack dearly and held her in the highest regard, she also didn't want to live in her shadow and have ponies look at her as just a copy of her sister. She wanted to forge her own identity. While Applejack was slightly disappointed, she respected her wish.

"I hope you two are out of bed by now!" Granny Smith yelled from downstairs. "I ain't gonna keep your breakfast warm for you any longer! Get your keisters down here and eat! You'll need all the energy for today's work!" The sisters chuckled.

"Let's go, sugarcube. You know it's not smart to keep Granny waiting." Apple Bloom shivered.

"You don't have to tell me twice. My hooves are still sore from scrubbing all those dishes when I got home late two weeks ago." The yellow filly winced as she rubbed her hoof. The two of them headed towards the stairs when Apple Bloom suddenly cut in front of her sister.

"Race downstairs?" Applejack found the challenge amusing. Her speed was greater than Apple Bloom ever knew. If she wanted, she could have been downstairs by the time Apple Bloom uttered those two words. But she wouldn't do that to her little sister.

"You're on." The two raced all the way to the kitchen. Applejack didn't use her super speed and strength. Over the years, she managed to learn how to limit her energy to just as much as the average pony needed. Of course, she still didn't want to make it too easy for the younger apple, so the race ended with a narrow win for Applejack. Apple Bloom groaned in disappointment.

"Aww, shucks! One of these days I'm gonna beat you!" Applejack chuckled and ruffled her sister's mane.

"Keep practicing, sis. You're getting better with each day." They then sat down at the table where Granny Smith was already waiting for them with their breakfast.

"About time you made it. Good thing you already came running 'cause my patience was running out." The sisters winked at each other as Granny turned away. She wouldn't have approved of racing through the house, but she just assumed they ran because they feared angering her. As they started to eat, Granny Smith got a plate for herself and joined them.

"Is Big Mac already working?" Apple Bloom asked as they ate. Granny Smith nodded.

"But don't worry, missy. He'll make sure there's enough work left for you two." Any other filly Apple Bloom's age would have been surprised to see her merely smile about this.

"Good. I wanna make sure my bucking gets the best as soon as it can. How do you think I'm doing, sis?"

"You still have a lot to learn, but don't worry. You're learning from me and I learned from the best." Applejack smiled fondly at the memory of learning bucking from her father. "So learning from the second best is nothing to frown about I reckon." Apple Bloom feigned a thinking look.

"Well, technically speaking, sis, Pa must have also learned it from somepony, so that would only make you the third best." Apple Bloom teased. "In fact, they must have also learned it from somepony, so I'd say that knocks you back by a few places." Applejack gave her a warning look.

"Watch it, tyke. I can have you buck a few of the sturdier trees around here today." Granny Smith smiled as she watched the two interact. While she rarely voiced this thought to Bright and Pear, she always had her worries about how Applejack would settle in with the family and the rest of ponykind considering her origin. She was happy that she was constantly proven wrong.

Despite their recent struggles, the little family was happy together. If Granny Smith wanted to be honest with herself, she would have been perfectly content keeping things hidden from her adopted granddaughter forever. But still, she couldn't get rid of a feeling inside her that one day, Applejack was going to start wondering about her origin.

She didn't know it yet, but that day was just around the corner.

After breakfast, the two sisters headed out the door to finally go about their daily work. The noise of activity that suddenly hit their ear made their cheerful mood go away as they remembered that this was not the place where they grew up. After the passing of their parents, they were unable to keep Sweet Apple Acres and were forced to sell their farm and move away to relatives in the nearby town of Appleoosa. While they welcomed them with open hooves, it still didn't feel like home. Applejack looked down at her little sister to see that her expression mirrored her exact feelings, so she decided to put on her mask of cheer for her.

"Hey, why don't you go and find your brother? He'll need help with all of that work." Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Aren't you coming?"

"I have a few things to sort out with your cousin, Braeburn. You know how I'm the only one whose opinion he listens to when it comes to running things around here." Apple Bloom nodded.

"Yup, he's stubborn as an Apple alright. So if he's willing to take your advice, you must be better at it than the rest of us average dumb farmers. Okay then, smarty pants. I'll leave you to your business meeting with our cousin." She added that last part mockingly. Applejack leaned down used her snout and gave her little sister a push on her flank. The strength of the push greatly surprised the younger filly.

"Less sassing, more bucking, bucko." She retorted. "Now go! I'll be with you in a while." Applejack watched her sister walk down the road for a while when she saw her stop and peek over her shoulder. "I'm watching you, Bloom! No more slacking off and napping in the bushes, you hear?!" Apple Bloom spun around.

"That happened only once!"

"And you better keep it that way! Now get your flank on the fields before I'll drag you there by your ears!" Once her sister walked off in the direction of the fields and she could no longer see her, she finally headed off to find Braeburn. She didn't have to look for long. In a few minutes, she was able to locate her cousin walking back from the town entrance.

"Howdy, Applejack?" He greeted on his usual cheerful tone. "How are you doing this fine morning?" Applejack smiled. Her cousin's enthusiasm was always able to make her forget her troubles and brighten her mood.

"Everything's dandy, Brae. Back from another successful negotiation?" The stallion nodded.

"Eyup. Another load of apples sold off to one of them big ponies up there in the big city. From what I understood, they're gonna hold some big fancy party for which they need all the treats they can gather. And what better treats there are than our apples?" He winked. Applejack winked back.

"You can say that again. I reckon they paid nicely for them apples."

"Let's just say if we keep our production rate up and strike a few more deals like that, we won't have any trouble getting through the winter months this year." Applejack grinned brightly. While there was no shortage of work around this town, the Apple family was never one to shy away from hard labor. They made considerable living around here. Yet despite all that, Applejack was not completely happy and Braeburn could see that her smile was forced.

"You okay, AJ?" The mare's smile fell but she tried to save face.

"Why, I'm as peachy as a pig in the sty, Brae. Why do you ask?" Braeburn saw right through her.

"You're a terrible liar, AJ." He said with a frown. "I can always tell when you lie. Your brother taught me how to look for the telltale signs. Please, tell me what's wrong?" Applejack deeply wanted avoid another 'You're homesick, aren't you?' conversation, so she decided on a counterattack.

"That's funny coming from you, Brae. For the past few months, I've been asking you the same question and just like with me, the answer was always obvious." Braeburn looked away. For months, no matter how well the farm went, no matter how much money they made, Applejack could tell there was something bothering him. When she asked about it, he said it was nothing, but his heartbeat immediately told Applejack that it was a lie. And she didn't have to guess for long to find out why.

Ever since the foundation of Appleoosa, the residents have been having trouble with the buffalo tribes living nearby. The behemoths were concerned about the pony folk invading their territory and taking their land. They often broke into the town and made a big mess, causing serious property damage and many ponies to get hurt. And Braeburn was worried that one day, it will be somepony he knows and cares about.

"And judging from your expression, I'd say you're thinking about it again. It's the buffaloes again, isn't it?" Braeburn rubbed the back of his head. While they didn't raid the town in weeks, the sheriff sent out some scouts and they reported that they are up to something. But just like Applejack, he didn't want to bother anypony else with his worries. Both out of pride and concern for others. Eventually, his smile returned but Applejack could immediately tell that he was just putting on a brave face.

"Don't worry about it." Braeburn said, putting a hoof on her shoulder reassuringly. "Everything will be fine." Applejack did not seem reassured by his bravado and Braeburn noticed this right away, so he decided on a different approach.

"Tell you what! How about we go and ease our worries over a few cups of cider?" The mention of cider quickly made Applejack forget about her worries, but she still had an excuse against it.

"Cider? This early? I promised Mac and Bloom to join them at the field soon. It would be irresponsible to ditch work." Braeburn just waved her concerns off.

"Let them work. I already made a good deal today that'll bring us more than enough money for the next few weeks. One or two hours of you not working won't do any harm. Besides, your little sister needs all the work she can get, wouldn't you say?" Applejack chuckled.

"That much is true. She's always going on about how she wants to be like me. Both in strength and working spirit. Well, who am I to stand in her way. And I've never been one to refuse a mug of cider. Lead the way, partner!"

Ten minutes later, the two were sitting in a local bar, chugging down cider while laughing and chatting their problems away. Braeburn was right. Applejack had almost completely forgotten about her issues from this morning. She only wished she could do the same for Braeburn. But deep down she knew that his issues were not just sentimental longing for his old life, but a very serious matter that could endanger not only his family, but possibly the whole town.

Despite this, Applejack tried her best to take his worries away and she could see that it was working. She only hoped the cider won't be too much. For some reason, no matter how much she drank, she never recalled herself ever getting drunk. But she didn't know what was the limit of the stallion. But it looked like they weren't very high. They were only at the second mug, but Braeburn already looked like he was losing his grip. Applejack could barely stop him from falling off his stool a minute ago.

Applejack almost believed that Braeburn was trying to drink his problems away but she quickly chased those thoughts away, chastising herself for even having them in the first place. Braeburn was a responsible pony who never would have ignored the problem if it was affecting others. And bless his heart, even in his tipsy and worrying state, he was still trying to make Applejack feel better.

"You see, Applejack?" Braeburn asked with an already slurred voice. "The buffalo problem is not going away anytime soon. And as long as it's going on, I'll always worry about the town, about the farm, about my family and mostly, about you. I get you're feeling homesick, but that's not going to kill anypony. This problem might."

"Much appreciated, Brae." Applejack chuckled. "But we have a much better chance at tackling this problem together. If you just share it with us. I don't like seeing you bottling up your emotions. None of us do." Braeburn took another sip before continuing.

"I also don't like seeing you closing off from me, AJ." He replied. "I know you miss your old farm, but you're making me feel like you don't like it here in Appleoosa. You don't like it with me."

"I do like!" Applejack protested. "It's just... It's hard to tell. It's not something I talk about happily."

"Well then you understand how I feel about the buffaloes!" Braeburn said. "Here's the deal! I won't bring Sweet Apple Acres again if you won't bring the buffaloes up again. Deal?" He raised another mug in front of her. "Come on! Let's drink on it!" Applejack slammed her mug into his and chugged it's content down. Braeburn looked like he won't last much longer before passing out so she decided it was time to end their drinking session.

"Okay, partner, I think you've had enough. Come on, I'll take you home." Applejack put one of his forelegs around her shoulder and started carrying him out the door.

"Hey, come on! I know when I had enough!" The stallion complained, before suddenly falling silent. "Then again, you may be right. I'm starting to see strange things. Like that cart bouncing towards us with no driver."

Applejack followed the stallion's gaze and noticed just in time that was Braeburn was seeing was not an alcohol induced hallucination, but in fact very much real! A cart with no driver was approaching them at great speed. Applejack had no time to react. All she could do was shield Braeburn with her body as the cart crashed into her and shattered into pieces. Braeburn's eyes widened.

"Okay, now I know you're right. I just saw you smashing that cart into pieces. Crazy, huh?"

Applejack ignored his remark. He searched for the source of the runaway cart and sure enough, her fears have been confirmed. It was another buffalo raid. She saw several of those beasts running and rampaging through the streets of the town. The ponies were desperately trying to get inside or into any cover they could find but it wasn't easy. One wrong move and they could have been stomped to death.

Applejack knew she had to do something. She remembered her father's words about restraining her powers, but she couldn't just ignore this terrible situation. But first she had to take Braeburn to safety. Fortunately, they were still not far from the bar. She dashed back inside and put him down.

"Stay here!" She introduced before running back outside.

"Stay where the cider is?" He replied with a smile, completely oblivious to what was happening around him. "No problem!"

"NO MORE CIDER FOR YOU!" Applejack yelled from outside. She then looked around for anypony who might be needing help. One unfortunate mare was heading towards an alleyway, but one of the buffaloes noticed her and was about to run her down. Using her speed, Applejack was able to get her out of the way in time, dashing into the alley with her.

"Are you alright?" The mare nodded. "Stay down! It'll over soon." She instructed before running back out onto the streets. Another buffalo quickly noticed her and ran at her, but Applejack just stood there and deflected the attack without doing anything. The buffalo just bounced off of her.

Lifting one of her ears, Applejack tried to use her enhanced hearing to find anypony else in trouble. She heard struggling from the other side of the building she was in front of. She quickly dashed around it and saw a stallion trapped beneath a broken carriage. With another buffalo just inches away from him.

For anypony, it would have been too late, but not for her. Applejack dashed into the brutish animal with her super speed and punched it away before freeing the trapped pony and carrying him into the same alleyway.

"Have you seen anypony else out there?" He never got the chance to answer as he was interrupted by another scream for help. Her blood froze when she recognized that voice. It was her little sister, Apple Bloom.

"HELP!" The young pony ran for her life with three buffaloes hot on her trail. Applejack peeked out from the alley and saw that they were closing in on her. Her eyes narrowed.

"Not my sister, fuzzballs!" She quickly ran towards her sister and got between her and her attackers. She then inhaled deeply and literally blew the buffaloes several meters away. She turned to check on Apple Bloom.

"Are you okay, sugarcube?" Apple Bloom only screamed in response as she pointed behind Applejack, completely paralysed with fear. The older sister turned around and saw the water tower collapsing right on top of them. The buffaloes must have gotten to it while she was saving other ponies.

She could have just picked Apple Bloom up and run. She would have made it easily. But the building behind them would have been completely destroyed and Applejack could see that there were ponies hiding inside. Applejack closed her eyes and sighed. There was only one thing she could do.

She stood upright and raised her forelegs. She felt the wooden surface colliding with her hooves and coming to a stop. Behind her, Apple Bloom was completely and utterly stunned. She thought her sister was mad for a moment, but when she saw what she just did, her fear became absolute disbelief. What her sister was doing was impossible! There was no way what she was seeing was actually happening. And yet, it was.

Applejack held the tower in place for a while before lowering it safely on the ground. She turned around to look at the flabbergasted filly who was looking up at her with a mix of confusion, amazement and fear. And from the corner of her eyes, Applejack could see several other ponies sharing her sister's sentiments, but for now, only her sister existed to her.

"Are you okay?" She asked, reaching for her, but Apple Bloom just jumped to her hooves and ran away. She cast one last, unbelieving and terrified look at Applejack before disappearing behind the building. Applejack didn't even look at the other ponies who also witnessed the same thing as Apple Bloom and giving her similar looks. But their gaze could never come close to hurting as much as her sisters.

Applejack looked back at the watertown on the ground before turning her eyes at her forelegs. She always knew what she was capable of, but it never made her think anything less of herself. But now, for the first time, she found herself asking the same thing Apple Bloom and all those other ponies were thinking.

Just what was she?

It has been a week since the buffalo raid on Appleoosa. Most of the ponies quickly recovered from the shock. Thankfully, there were no serious injuries, but it could have easily been worse if Applejack didn't intervene.

Only a few ponies saw how she repelled those buffaloes but even after all this time, it was still the talk of the town. Fortunately, it was beginning to die down after almost nopony believed the outlandish claims about Applejack blowing buffaloes away with her breath or catching the water tower they knocked over. The few ponies who did see it kept their distance from Applejack in the days that followed and kept sending strange looks her way when they saw them on the street. Applejack tried not to show it, but it did sting.

Though none of the town folk's alienation hurt as bad as her little sister's. Of course, Apple Bloom was grateful that she saved her life, but the shock upon witnessing what her sister did far outweighed that. When she didn't come sneaking up on Applejack's bedroom door the next morning, she knew things were serious.

Granny Smith and Big Mac tried to smooth things over but with less than more success. Apple Bloom still avoided contact with her older sister, usually eating her breakfast far before she woke up and heading out with Big Mac to the fields early. They told Applejack not to worry as the Apple Bloom probably just needed time to process what she had seen. She just saw Applejack perform feats that she thought were equinely impossible. She's gonna take time to stomach that.

And for the first time in many years, Applejack found herself wondering why. Why she was so different from other ponies? Why did she have all of these abilities? What was she? She never had that talk with her father about her powers like she planned to that day when she saved Rarity from those bullies. She decided it wouldn't be the best time after she caused so much trouble with them and then she just forgot about it.

But she finally wanted answers. And she would have to get them from the only ponies who knew about her abilities, her brother and grandmother. Ironically, Big Mac was for more talkative about this issue. Granny just reassured Applejack that no matter what, she was an Apple and always will be. But Big Mac didn't seem satisfied with this answer. And Applejack found out why one evening when she overheard a conversation between the two.

"Granny, don't you think it's time we told her?" Big Mac's unmistakable voice asked from behind the door of Granny Smith's bedroom as Applejack passed by it. While her parents taught her that eavesdropping was impolite, Applejack knew that she was the subject of their discussion and her curiosity got the better of her.

"And what difference would that make?" Granny Smith argued. "Knowing the truth won't make her anymore of an ordinary pony. No matter where she came from, she's family all the same. Ain't no point in upsetting her with it."

"She is upset already." Big Mac retorted. "She's wondering, Granny. She always was curious about why she's different than the rest of us. She told me so many times. But after what happened last week, she's more curious than ever. She wants to know the truth!"

"Sometimes our needs come before our wants, Big Macintosh." Granny told him dismissively. "I reckoned you learned that years back when we had to leave Sweet Apple Acres behind." Big Mac was quick to counter.

"You don't get to decide what she needs, Granny. She's no longer a foal. Just like Pa said when we found her, whether she wants to know the truth or not is up to her."

"Mighty low of you to bring up my son against me, Macintosh." Granny Smith sighed sadly.

"Bringing up Sweet Apple Acres wasn't exactly high and mighty from you either, Granny." Big Mac replied gruffly. "Applejack is not the only one who misses that place."

Applejack's head was spinning upon the things she heard. Have they always known the truth about her and just decided to keep it a secret? But the betrayal over that was quickly overtaken by shock when she heard her brother mention the word 'found'. She was found? Why was she needed to be found? She was quite certain her parents would never lose her in the fields when she was a foal. But that could only mean...

Granny Smith and Big Macintosh both jumped in shock as the door slammed open, revealing a very shocked and very upset Applejack. The two immediately realized that this means they were overheard. Granny Smith looked so worried as if the grim reaper just appeared in front of her, but strangely Big Macintosh looked calm. Almost relieved. He knew their granny won't be able to talk her way out of this one. The truth will come out tonight.

Applejack was panting from the shock of the revelation, her eyed wide open in disbelief as she stared at her grandmother. Or should she even call her that?

"Found?! What are you talking about?!" The two ponies in front of her shared a nervous glance but neither of them answered. Their silence was only making Applejack angrier. She raised a hoof and pointed at the elderly mare.

"You... are going to tell me everything. Now!" She whispered sharply. Granny Smith gulped. She looked down in uncertainty. She never wanted the truth to come out, but it looks like that ship has sailed. Nevertheless, she would try to save face.

"Now, Applejack, what's the point in..."

"NOW!" Applejack demanded, making the two jump again. It was clear that she wouldn't take no for an answer. Granny Smith looked Big Mac for help, but the stallion firmly stood his ground. The truth had to come out. Finally, Granny Smith gave in with a sigh.

"Very well. Come with me to the basement, youngin'. I'll explain everything." She then turned to the stallion. "Big Mac, go get Apple Bloom, will ya? This is something that concerns the whole family. And it will probably help her come to terms with what she saw." Big Mac nodded and left the room while Granny Smith motioned for Applejack to follow her.

Tbe member of the Apple family gathered in the basement. Apple Bloom was hiding nervously behind Big Mac, still refusing to take a look at her older sister. The stallion tried to reassure her with comforting pats on the head, but the young pony just shied away from it. Applejack tried to ignore it, telling herself that she should be used to it by now, but she couldn't hide how much it still hurt her. She shook her head. There was a more pressing matter at hoof right now.

They were standing in front of an object covered with a huge white sheet. Applejack didn't recall ever seeing what was that before. They didn't take many things from Sweet Apple Acres with them when they moved away and she saw Big Mac putting this thing on their carriage. She also saw it a few times when she's been down in their basement back there but she never questioned what it was.

She didn't understand why it suddenly became so important, but apparently it had something to do with her origin as if lead her down here to it. Applejack gave her grandmother a questioning look. The elderly mare looked back at her sadly before looking down with a sigh and beginning her story.

"Applejack, I know this is gonna come as a huge shock to you. Which is one of the reasons I never wanted to tell you, but the truth is..." She stopped for a moment to gather her strength for what she was about to say. "...my son and his wife only had two foals." Applejack was stunned. She wasn't really her parents' foal. Her whole life has been a lie. She saw from the corner of her eye that even Apple Bloom was shocked about this and she finally looked up at her sister with wide eyes, but Applejack was too caught up in her own surprise to react.

"So... it is true?" She stuttered after getting over her shock. "I'm a found foal? I'm... I'm not really an Apple?" She asked as tears welled up in her eyes. Her grandmother fixed her a sharp look.

"You're as much as Apple as any of us, Applejack! Don't you ever doubt that, do you hear?!" Her grandmother's encouragement felt good, but right now, she just couldn't bring herself to be thankful for it.

"But what about my abilities? That still doesn't explain them? Just where did you find me?" Granny Smith looked over at Big Mac and nodded. The stallion walked over to the white sheet and yanked it off of the object it was concealing. It was a large black orb. Applejack didn't understand what it had to do with anything, but when Big Mac went over to it and opened it up, an outlandish idea was conceived in her mind.

"We were not about to leave this behind for that vulture who claimed our farm to find." Granny Smith said bitterly. "We found you in this. Big Macintosh found it to be precise. It fell out of the sky."

Applejack walked closer to observe the object. The advanced technology on it's inside and the map of starts only further fueled the insane theory inside her head. After getting a good look at it's insides, she looked at it from the outside and saw the symbol on it. The S inside the diamond silhouette. She caressed the symbol with her hoof. She felt like she should be able to recognize it but she couldn't put her hoof on it. Her train of thoughts was interrupted by her brother.

"And that's not all." He said before pulling out the metal rod he found tied around her neck during the first night. "This was hanging around your neck when we found you. We had no idea what it is. Maybe you can make something of it."

Applejack took it and inspected it thoroughly. At the thicker end of it, she saw the very same symbol she saw on the spacepod. Driven by an inner instinct she didn't know she had, she could instantly tell that this thing had something to do with the object.

Applejack walked back to the spacepod and peeked inside again. Among the computers, she noticed a small diamond shaped hole in the panel. Glancing back at the rod, it didn't take long for her to make the connection. She inserted the rod into the hole and upon seeing that it fit perfectly, she pushed it down.

The family of four jumped in surprise as the machine came to life and the computer panel lit up with different colored lights. Granny Smith, Big Mac and Apple Bloom backed away, only Applejack remained near the object as a holographic projection materialised in the middle of the basement, over the space pod. The projection slowly took the form of a pony. An orange stallion with a white mane, wearing a long black robe with a white symbol in it's collar. The same symbol from Applejack's spacepod.

Applejack looked up at the strange stallion in shock. While she never saw him before, she felt an inexplicable connection to him. The stallion's gaze was sorrowful as he looked Applejack in the eye and she knew he was directly addressing her.

"Greetings, my daughter." The stallion spoke on a deep, fatherly voice. Applejack was too stunned to speak, but she had more questions than she ever did in her life. "If you ever see this recording, then my hopes have been realized. I just hope you are mature and emotionally prepared for what I am about to tell you." The other three Apple family members came forward to listen to what was about to be said. Applejack walked forward and slowly raised her hoof, pushing it through the hologram. She was surprised to see how it passed through the stallion. Applejack finally looked at the stallion in the eye.

"You... You are my father?" She asked somberly.

"A digital reflection of his consciousness to be precise. My name... Or the name of the stallion I used to be is Pom-El. Pom-El of Krypton." The recording answered. He then noticed the other three ponies in the basement. "I assume you are the family who has been sheltering my daughter all these years." Granny Smith was the first one to get over her shock.

"And I reckon you're the one who shot her out into space all those years ago?" She replied. Pom-El nodded sadly.

"I sense your judgement, ma'am, but have we not sent her away, she would have shared the fate of our world and ourselves."

"And what was that?"

"Destruction." The four ponies were reduced to stunned silence.

"Destruction?" Apple Bloom muttered in disbelief. "A whole world... just like that?" Pom-El nodded once again.

"Indeed, young one. Our world, was old. Older than our civilization. The planet's core was destabilising at an alarming rate. By the time we realized it, it was too late. I wouldn't have been able to warn them even if they believed me, which I was uncertain they would. There was only one way for me to save my people." He then returned his gaze at his daughter. "I have put all of my hopes, the hopes of my people into my daughter, App-El." Applejack smiled upon hearing that name.

"App-El? That sounds almost exactly like Apple. The same family that took me in." Granny Smith and Big Mac walked up to her side supportingly as they smiled. Apple Bloom was still uncertain so she kept her distance. The recording of Pom-El smiled.

"That sounds like a wholesome coincidence." But his expression quickly turned back to sour. "It pains me to have to place this huge burden upon you, but it was our only option. The future of our people live in you." Applejack frowned.

"But how? How am I supposed to keep the memory of an entire alien civilization on my own."

"You are not on your own, App." Her father replied. "You are now as much of a child of Equus as you were of Krypton. You embody the best in both worlds. Your mere existence is already a testimony of our legacy. It will live on in the creatures of Equus." Applejack was more confused than ever.


"Sadly, I cannot give you the answers you seek right here. But I can guide you to a place where you will find them." He then motioned to the map screen on the computer panel in the spacepod. "Before we sent you on your way, we sent out another pod. It landed a few miles north from the location your pod was supposed to land. It is a place only you can enter using the same key you activated this message inside your pod. It will carry my consciousness there and there I will tell you all you need to know. As well as provide you with some additional items of great importance."

"However, it is up to you whether you wish to seek out those answers or not. Our first and foremost task was to ensure your survival. But if you decide to choose your new world and bury the remains and the memories of Krypton forever, that is a decision you will have to make. No matter what you decide, we will be content with knowing that among the stars, you live. Goodbye for now, my daughter. I hope we will see each other again. May Rao guide you on whatever path you choose." And with that, the projection faded away.

Once he was gone, the computer panel of the space pod ejected the key with a hissing sound and Applejack went to retrieve it. She looked at it in contemplating. There were so many things on her mind. Not only did she just learn that the Apples were her adopted family, but the ghost of her real father revealed that she was the last surviving member of an alien civilization sent to this planet to keep alive the memory of her race. Or maybe she shouldn't? Pom-El did tell her that it was up to her. If she so desired, she could just ignore everything she learned and carry on with her life as a simple apple farmer.

But surprisingly, Applejack found that the decision was very easy to make. Her parents, her real parents saved her from the destruction of her homeworld. They risked everything to ensure her survival. Out of a sense of duty, she felt like she had a responsibility to carry out what she was sent here to do. She looked back at her family who were awaiting her decision with trepidation.

"I'm going."

The next morning, Applejack was in her room, preparing herself for the journey ahead of her. She was so busy gathering things in her saddlebag that even with her super hearing, she didn't even hear the tapping of small hooves reaching her door. Which is part of the reason the knocking surprised her so much. Applejack went to open the door and saw her little sister standing outside. The moment they made eye contact, Apple Bloom looked down, but Applejack could see that it was not out of the fear that haunted her for the past week, but shame.

"Can I... Can I come in?" She started nervously. Applejack stood back and pulled the door wide open as a sign of invitation, but went right back to packing as her sister entered. Apple Bloom rubbed her foreleg. She wasn't sure where to begin.

"Are you ok?" Was the first thing that came to her mind. "Your head must be spinning after everything you learned yesterday."

"Well, I can't say it wasn't a shock, but given all the things I can do, it actually kinda helps put things into perspective."

"Don't you feel... worried about this whole trip?" Apple Bloom asked, her confidence slowly returning. "Worried about what you may find out?" Applejack shook her head.

"If anything, I'm excited. I've been asking myself questions my whole life but nopony had the answers. Now I finally know where to find them." She said as she placed her saddlebag on her back. "You wanted something, AB?"

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for the way I acted." The younger pony replied, casting her head down once more. "I was just scared. I always thought you were just a normal pony like the rest of us. Turns out, you're anything but. But I want you to know that no matter what you really are, no matter where you came from or who birthed you, you will always be my sister!" Applejack had to restrain herself from crying. She just scooped her sister up and hugged her gently.

"I love you too, Bloom. You have no idea how much this means to me." For the first time that morning, Apple Bloom smiled and returned her sister's embrace. The two of them headed down the stairs where Granny Smith and Big Mac were already waiting for them. The elderly mare looked much less enthusiastic about Applejack's departure as the stallion.

"I don't suppose I can say or do anything that will change your mind." Granny Smith asked. Applejack shook her head.

"Sorry, Granny. My mind is made up. I may not become the last hope for a long lost alien civilization, but I will finally find out who I am." The grandmother saw the determination and finally accepted that her son was right. If Applejack wanted to learn the truth, there was nothing she could do to stop her. She sighed in defeat, but did force a small smile on her face.

"Well one thing's for sure. You got that stubbornness from our family. No matter where you came from, you're an Apple. Always will be." She then gave her a bag of apple treats. "Just a little something to remind you of home if you ever get hungry." Applejack took the food with a grateful smile and gave her granny a hug.

"So what are you planning on doing?" Big Mac asked.

"I'll take a train to the northest city of Equestria I can get to. I'll continue from there on hoof." Applejack replied as she loaded the food into her saddlebag. Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow.

"All the way to the Frozen North on hoof? Wouldn't it be easier to hire an airship or something?" Applejack shook her head.

"No. Nopony can see where I'm about to go or what I'm about to do. Besides, I can take it. A little cold won't stop me." She looked at the clock on the wall. "I should go. My train will arrive soon."

"When will you come back?" Big Mac asked. She shrugged.

"A couple weeks I reckon. Don't worry. I'll be back before the harvest for the winter months. Your lazy butt won't have to do all the work."

"Goodbye, Applejack!" Apple Bloom waved. "Take care of yourself and come back soon!"

"You betcha, Bloom! And you make sure you do your chores while I'm away! You're working for two now!" She laughed at that. Her little sister may be enthusiastic about working like her sister, but she's really curious if her tone will be the same when she comes back.

Applejack made her way towards the train station, but she suddenly realized there was one more pony in town she needed to say goodbye to. The problem will be finding him before her train left. Braeburn was always doing different jobs around the town for the family. She could only hope that she would bump into him on her way to the station. She hasn't even talked to him since the last buffalo raid.

Luck seemed to be on her side today though as just as she approached the station building, Braeburn just came out of it, carrying an empty crate. She smiled upon seeing Applejack.

"Howdy, AJ! How's it hanging?" Applejack returned his smile.

"Hey, there Brae! I'm not complaining." She then noticed the crate. "Another cargo of apples shipped out?" Braeburn nodded enthusiastically.

"Eyup! Just finished loading up the last of 'em onto the train! What about you?"

"Well, it's a good thing you showed up. I've been wanting to see you before I leave." Braeburn tilted his head in confusion, before noticing the saddlebag on her back.

"Leaving? Where ya going?" A look of realization dawned on his face. "Oh! Another business trip?" Applejack shook her head.

"No. This trip is a bit more... personal."

"Oh." Braeburn said, feeling a little awkward. "It... It has nothing to do with the things folks been whispering about you, right?"

"No. Don't worry." Applejack replied, quickly chasing those thoughts away. "I wouldn't bother myself with that. Let's just say I have a few things to work out in my head and I'm going to a place that's gonna help me with that." While Braeburn didn't fully understand what she was talking about, he nodded.

"It's okay. Whatever is on your mind, it's clearly tough for you to talk about. I'm not gonna push it. If you feel you need to go, then I fully stand behind you. I'm gonna miss you though. Who's gonna drag my drunk flank home during a buffalo raid?" He said jokingly. Applejack chuckled.

"That's kinda why I wanted to see you before I go. I haven't seen you since that day. How are you doing?" Braeburn shrugged.

"Just like you, I'm not complaining. Only thing that's been hurt that day is my pride."

"Well, shucks, Brae! You and I both know that for an Apple, that's the worst kinda hurt." Applejack smiled teasingly. Braeburn laughed.

"Still, I'll manage. It'll be tough without you around, not gonna lie." Applejack patted him on the shoulder reassuringly.

"Cheer up, Brae! I'll be back before you know it!"

"One glass of cider with me before the trip?" The stallion asked hopefully. Applejack shook her head.

"I'd love to but my train's arriving soon. I better get going. See you in a few weeks!" She was about to enter the station, but Braeburn called after her one last time.

"Hey, before you go, let me give you something to remember me by." He then reached inside his vest and pulled out something. Something that Applejack didn't see in such a long time that it took her a while to recognize it. But when she did she gasped.

"Is that... my mom's pendant. You're giving it back to me?" Braeburn smugly grinned.

"I'm not giving it back to you. I won it fair and square, remember?"

"The hay you did!" Applejack yelled accusingly, pointing a hoof at her. "It was my first time using the lasso! You knew I wasn't gonna get that bull on my first try!" Her first attempt at lassoing critters wasn't exactly among her fondest memories. She may have been able to contain the raging beast with her super strength, but the bet was specifically about the lasso. Something Applejack was still a novice at back then.

"That's the exact opposite of what you said back then as I recall!" Braeburn retorted. Applejack opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came to her mind. Braeburn chuckled.

"Here's the deal! It's still mine, but I'm gonna let you have it while you're gone." He then stood behind Applejack and tied the pendant around her neck. "And now for the best part." He then grabbed the pendant and opened it, showing Applejack a picture inside it about the two of them with their forelegs wrapped around each other and smiling brightly. "Think of it as taking a part of me with you. Wherever you go."

Applejack's eyes watered with tears. She sniffed them back before pulling Braeburn into a hug. Braeburn was surprised at first, especially with how strong Applejack's embrace was, but once he recovered from his shock, he gladly returned it.

"Thank you so much!" Was all she could say. Applejack would have been content to stay in that embrace for much longer, but the whistle of the train made her snap out of it. "I should hurry! Goodbye, Brae! And thank you!" The stallion waved at her.

"So long, AJ! Come back soon!"

"You know it!" Applejack shouted back before heading inside the station where her train was already waiting for her. Once aboard, Applejack found herself a cozy little cabin with no other occupants. Appleoosa was a small town, not many ponies were traveling to our from it. She wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have to share this cabin with anypony on the ride. Which was good because right now she needed to be alone with her thoughts.

While what she told Apple Bloom about her being excited about this trip was completely true. It wasn't until now that she actually started thinking about what would happen if she learned something at the end of her journey that she didn't like. The fact that she was not of this planet was already a bigger shock than anypony could handle. Then she learned that the planet she was from no longer existed. What other world shattering revelations could she have once she reached her destination?

Applejack shooed these thoughts away. She wouldn't know that until she got there so there was no point in worrying about it. But she found that she was already missing Braeburn. He was able to calm her and cheer her up even in her worst mood. She then remembered the pendant. She opened it and the bright smiling face that greeted her immediately eased her worries. Just like she was looking at the real deal.

With her mind at ease, Applejack looked out the window and just watched the landscape running by as the train picked up speed. She felt herself getting drowsy. She was so excited about this trip that she barely had any sleep last night and it finally caught up with her. Before she knew it, the rocking of the train cabin already lulled her to sleep.

When the whistle of the train woke Applejack up, it was already past noon. She looked out the window and saw that the train had come to a stop and looking around, she could tell that it had arrived to it's final destination. She was surprised that she managed to sleep through the whole journey, but just a moment later, she was already facing a new issue.

The loud rumbling of her stomach reminded her that she was so eager to go on this journey that she didn't even have breakfast. Good thing Granny Smith packed enough for her to eat for the trip. Applejack smiled. Even while she was miles away, her dear old granny was still taking care of her. She quickly got off the train to find herself a warm, cozy place to have lunch. Or breakfast in her case.

Applejack wandered around the town for a bit. This place was even smaller than Appleoosa. The only ponies she saw were the ones who were working here but otherwise she saw very few houses suitable families. Granted, a town this close to the frozen north was probably not the most suitable environment to raise a family. The only reason Applejack could see somepony settling down out here is to disappear from the world.

After a few minutes, she did come across a quiet little bar. There weren't that many ponies inside. Apart from the bartender a group of stallions were drinking around a round table and another one was sitting at the counter chatting with the barmaid. She sat down at the counter and pulled out a few sandwiches and an apple strudel Granny Smith gave her and started eating quietly. She was gonna try and keep a low profile while she was here.

"Can I get you anything, Miss?" Applejack looked up to see the bartender looking straight at her.

"A glass of warm cider would be nice, thank you." The bartender chuckled as he went to get her order.

"You came just in time. We're quick to run out cider during the day. Folks who work around here need something to keep them warm. I barely had enough left for one more glass." He said, giving Applejack her drink. "Say, I don't recall ever seeing you around."

"I'm just passing by." Applejack replied after swallowing a bit of her strudel and taking a sip of her glass. "I have some business to take care of from a bit of north to here."

"Only place more north than this are the frozen mountains." The bartender replied as he went back to washing glasses. "There's only one kind of business one can usually take care of there, but if you were about to do that you probably wouldn't be having such a nice lunch with a warm glass of cider. Are you another of those treasure hunter types?" Now that caught Applejack's attention.

"Uh... no, I'm not. My business here is personal." The bartender didn't find this answer less peculiar than the treasure hunter tale, but before he could ask Applejack about it, she beat him to it. "What kind of treasures could anypony be looking for up there?"

"Now that is a very good question." One of the stallions sitting around the round table replied. Applejack turned to look at them. They were a group of earth ponies along with a unicorn. "A couple of those unicorn scholars showed up here a few days ago. They said they were researching some of those big holes they recently discovered in the ice. What do they call them again?"

"Craters." The bartender replied.

"Yeah, those." Applejack became a little concerned. If those craters were what she believed them to be, then someponies could be close to discovering her secret before she herself did. Even if Pom-El said that the place she was looking for was only accessible to her, she didn't want to take that chance.

"Did they say why they were looking for them?" The stallion at the table shrugged.

"Beats me? You know those unicorns. They're all nuts when it comes to those mysterious artifact things." He then turned to the only unicorn in their group who looked rather offended. "Except for you, you're good." He said, much to his satisfaction.

Applejack became a little worried. If those unicorns were indeed trying to find what she was here for out in the Frozen North, they could be in great danger. Who knows what kind of deadly alien trap is guarding the place. Assuming they even get that far in the freezing cold. Her journey to that place just became a lot more urgent.

She quickly finished her meal and paid for her drink and was about to head for the door, when she heard a disturbance from behind her.

"Come on, sweetheart! You'll like it, I promise." Applejack turned around and saw thetstallion sitting at the counter coming onto the barmaid, who looked less than pleased by his advances.

"I told you before! Not. Interested." She hissed and was about to walk away, but the stallion reached after her.

"You're saying that now. But you'll change your tone once you'll get a taste of me." He said as he pulled the struggling mare towards himself. Applejack looked around and was horrified to see that nopony in the room was about interrupt. Even the bartender was just ignorantly kept washing the glasses. She knew she should keep a low profile, but she can't just stand idly by while a mare was harassed like that.

"Hey!" She shouted at the stallion, making him look at her. "The lady said she's not interested. Back off." The barmaid was able to take advantage of the stallion's distraction and yanked her hoof away from him before storming off. The other stallions in the bar all turned towards the scene. The interrupted stallion was not happy with Applejack's interruption, but before he could do anything, another pony spoke up.

"Hey, flankhole! We're trying to enjoy our drinks in peace here! If you're gonna be a prick, do it somewhere else!" One of the stallions at the table said.

"I think you've had enough for today, pal." The bartender joined in, pointing at the door. "Go home and sober up!" The drunk stallion saw that he was outnumbered and all he could do was give Applejack a dirty look before stumbling out the door. The bartender turned to Applejack.

"Thanks for taking care of that." Applejack raised an eyebrow at him.

"You didn't look practically eager to throw him out." The bartender just smiled.

"The lass can take care of herself. Wouldn't be the first time she did that herself. And my business doesn't need that kind of trouble. But once you stepped up, I had to do something. Besides, he's mostly harmless anyway. Just gets a little carried away when he drinks too much. He'll sober up in an hour or two."

"Still, I appreciate the help." The barmaid said to Applejack before giving her another glass of cider. "Here, from my personal stock. As a token of thanks." Applejack didn't want to take a reward for doing what's right, but she was not going to turn down cider. Once she finished the drink, the bartender also had something to give to her.

"Look, I don't know what kind of 'personal business' you can possibly have up in that frozen wasteland, but you're gonna need some warm clothing if you wanna come back." He then gave her a thick, hooded coat. "Take this. You can keep it."

Applejack didn't really need protection against the cold. She never even got sick as a foal. Probably the result of her alien biology. Maybe she was immune to the germs and diseases of Equus. But she couldn't refuse it without raising suspicion and the gesture felt very good. With a grateful smile she accepted the offer and exited the bar.

She felt very satisfied. If what took place inside was any indication, she finally knew that she doesn't need her powers to inspire other ponies. All she needed to do was do the right thing and others would follow. She finally understood what her father wanted to teach her all those years ago. If only he could see her now.

But as she turned towards the outskirts of the town where her destination laid within the frozen wastelands, her smile faded. There were ponies out there that didn't need inspiration, they needed saving. And that probably won't be as easy as standing up to some drunkard in a bar. She bad no time to waste. With hasty trots, she made her way into the Frozen North.

It's been almost an hour since she began her trek through the icy fields and mountains but so far she found no signs of the expedition the townsfolk mentioned or a crater hiding a hidden alien fortress. She probably should have asked if those unicorns said anything about the location of that crater, but it was too late to turn back. She needed to keep going.

But to a pony making her way through the Frozen North, it's maddening vastness could look infinite. And while Applejack knew that this wasn't the case, but right now, she would probably make the same assumption. Everywhere she turned there was nothing but ice, snow and mountains. It's not that she minded the cold, but she needed to find those unicorn explorers before anything happened to them. Or before they discovered something they shouldn't.

But no matter how much she quickened her pace, she still felt like she was never going to get out of the middle of nowhere nor did she have any idea where to go next. The more she looked, the more the whiteness of her surroundings were driving her crazy. Not to mention the howling of the wind in her ears which was especially annoying with her super senses.

Applejack's eyes widened in realization. She slapped her forehead for not realizing this earlier. She had super senses! All she had to do was listen and she will surely hear if there's anything unusual out there. So she lifted one of her ears and tried to pick up something, but the wind was so loud that it was hard to make out anything. She needed to do something about it.

An idea suddenly came to her mind. She remembered using this trick once to get an apple off a tree before she learned to buck properly. And since she was now grown up, she was sure she will be able to use this even more effectively. She gathered as much strength as she could into her hind legs and pushed herself away from the ground.

Even Applejack was surprised by the jump she just pulled off. She was so high up in the air that she was glad nopony was around for several miles because somepony would have definitely spotted her. Nevertheless, her plan worked. The howling of the wind now beneath her, she was able to listen to her surroundings. And she did hear something interesting.


"Who do you think is gonna hear you?! We're all alone in the middle of nowhere! You'll have to get us out of here!"

The voices came from her northwest. But she could tell they were several more miles away. How would she be able to get there in time? As her hooves reached the ground again with a crash, she got an idea. Well, it was time to put her strength to full use.

Applejack kicked herself off of the ground, but this time not straight into the air, but into the direction of the voices. When she landed, she was stunned. She must have leaped at least several hundred meters forward. If the situation wasn't so dire, she would have cheered. This was fantastic! With a determined look, she turned back to where the voices were coming from and kept leaping.

She heard that she was getting closer. Even though they were no longer calling for help, the sounds of their struggles were unmistakable. Following it, Applejack reached the opening of a large crater in the ground. Looks like she found what she was looking for. But before she could enter, there were ponies she needed to help. Jumping down the crater, she landed in an ice cavern and saw a unicorn trying in vain to remove the result of an obvious cave in.

With her super vision, he could see that there were three more unicorns trapped on the other side of the pile of ice. Even their combined magic wasn't enough to move ice out of the way. Good thing Applejack would have been far more effective at it. But she needed to find a way to do it inconspicuously. But before she could find a way, the unicorn in front of her suddenly turned around and spotted her.

"Please help!" He shouted to Applejack in panic "They are trapped on the other side of the ice. They will die if we don't get them out!"

Applejack ran over to the rubble and began inspecting it. There had to be a spot where she could help the trapped ponies squeeze themselves through. She notice a small hole beneath one of the thick ice formations that fell to the ground. She motioned for the unicorn to lift it with his magic. He managed to lift it enough for Applejack to get under it and use her super strength to raise it further.

"Okay, everypony! Out! Now!" Once the three unicorns made their way through the gap, Applejack and the fourth unicorn dropped the ice and went to check on them. "Everypony okay?" They nodded.

"How did you do that?" Asked the fourth unicorn who helped her with the ice.

"I'm an earth pony, sugarcube." Applejack smiled. "A little ice ain't gonna stop me." The unicorn didn't look convinced.

"Even for an earth pony, that was..." But one of his companions interrupted him.

"Who cares?! We're out of her and that's the only thing that matters!" He then stood up and headed towards the exit of the cavern. "Now let's get out of here before the damn place explodes!" Another one of them jumped up and ran after him.

"Are you crazy?! We finally found what we were looking for! There's definitely something down this crater!"

"I don't care! There's nothing down there worth dying for! You're free to stay here and freeze to death trying to get all these out of the way!" He yelled, motioning towards the ice blocking the path. "But I'm heading straight for the airship!"

And with that, he walked straight out. His disappointed colleagues still would have liked to know what was down that cavern, but eventually decided to follow him. Applejack decided to escort them back to their airship just in case, but fortunately no further accidents occurred along the way.

"We'll take you back too." They offered her once they were all aboard. "It's the least we can do after you saved our flanks."

"I appreciate it, but I still have some business to take care of out here." Applejack replied.

"Out here?!" One of them scoffed. "Like I said, there's nothing out here that's worth dying for! Hop aboard!"

"Don't worry your smart little heads about me." Applejack assured them with a smile. "I'll be fine." The four of them looked at her like she was insane.

"Have it your way." The unicorn shrugged. "It's your funeral. Given they'll ever recover your frozen body for it.) "

Applejack waited until their airship was far enough before heading back to the crater . The collapsed ice in her way quickly gave way to her heat vision and she was free to make her way down the cavern until she reached a large black round shaped object buried in the ice. It looked exactly like her spacepod, but much bigger and when Applejack saw the S symbol printed on it, she knew she found what she was looking for.

Applejack spotted a small hole in the object and pulled out the key from her saddlebag, placing it into the hole. Immediately, it released a loud hissing sound and opened up, allowing Applejack to step inside before the entrance behind her sealed shut.

The sight greeting her left her amazed. Crystal formations around the room were standing proud and tall. Upon gazing into them, she could see images flashing inside them, showing her places and events she never saw before, but for some reason, they still felt familiar. She then heard a mechanical engine sound from behind her and turned around to see several floating objects around the room. They seemed to be observing her but she could tell they meant her no harm.

"Fascinating creations, aren't they?" Applejack jumped and saw the image of her birth father, Pom-El standing next to her. "We sent a few of them down here in the pod that blocked the entrance. While you were growing up, they would shape this place in here. Concealed from the eyes of ponies." The drones went about their and gave the two of them some much needed privacy. Applejack didn't seem to know where to begin, so Pom-El started for her. "I'm happy you decided to come. I assume you have a lot of questions." Applejack nodded.

"That's putting it mildly. You said you sent me here because our planet was gonna be destroyed?"

"Indeed." Pom-El summoned one of the drones in front of them which began displaying images of kryptonian society. "We hail from the world of Krypton. A planet much older and more advanced than Equus." Applejack marveled at the display. The kryptonian society looked like something out of a sci-fi movie. She saw tall and high tech buildings, flying transport vehicles, weapons that would annihilate the Royal Guard in seconds. It was equal part frightening and amazing.

"But much like all old things, the time of it's passing has come." Pom-El continued, accompanied by the image of the entire planet exploding. Applejack's eyes widened in horror. To see an entire civilization, an entire planet full of life vanishing like that in a flash was unimaginable to her.

"So... they're all gone? Every bit of it?"

"I am afraid so." Pom-El replied. "Krypton was advanced enough to have colonies on other planets but we have lost connection with them long before the planet's destruction. The universe is a treacherous place with many conquerors or destroyers. I fear they have also met grisly fates." Pom-El could see the look of hopelessness coming across his daughter's face so he continued.

"But what is destroyed can also be rebuilt." He assured her. "That is why we sent you here. You are the only hope for our people's survival."

"How?!" Applejack asked skeptically. "How am I supposed to rebuild a whole civilization all by myself?!"

"I can teach you." Pom-El replied calmly. "I can teach you everything about our world, our people, our ways. And in turn, you can teach them." Applejack raised an eyebrow.

"Them?" Pom-El replied by summoning another image with the drone. This time of the planet Equus.

"The ponies of this world. And not just the ponies. Equus has a much more varied population than Krypton had. But that also means they are more divided. More prone to conflict. They are going to need somepony to guide them. To give them hope. Hope for unity and peace. That is what this symbol means." He said, pointing to the S in his collar. "The symbol of the House of El means hope, App. Hope that in every creature there lives the potential to become a force for good. That is what you can give them. That is what our ways can give them." He then motioned for Applejack to follow her and the two made their way down a corridor.

"You have learned how to surpass your abilities in order to fit in with the denizens of this world. I can teach you how to unlock their full potential. I can teach you about our people so you can carry their legacy among them. I can teach you to become the symbol of hope we wanted you to become. But whether you want to or not is entirety up to you."

They stopped in front of a glass cabinet that contained something that looked like an equine being, but Applejack couldn't see it until light was switched on inside. It was a ponyquin in a blue outfit with a golden belt, red shoes on it's hooves with golden lining, a red cape and a golden emblem on it's chest. The golden S. No, not S, the kryptonian symbol of hope.

Applejack stared at the outfit, unsure of what to say. Her whole life, she wanted to help ponies. With or without her powers. Now she was given a chance to help not just ponies she came across, but creatures all over the world. But she learned from her adoptive father, Bright Macintosh that her powers could be dangerous and she should help ponies without them. Inspire them to help themselves. Applejack felt a duty to carry on her father's will.

And yet, as the last daughter of krypton, she also had a duty to her birth parents and her birth world. She would learn full mastery of her powers and she would inspire ponies with them. She would become the absolute best that ponykind had to offer. An ideal for them to strive towards. But not because she was faster than a speeding bullet. Not because she was more powerful than a locomotive. And not because she could probably leap over Canterlot Castle in a single bound. It would be because she wouldn't.

To have all these powers and not using them for herself but for others. To put them in the service of the creatures of this planet instead. That would be their inspiration. To have such an almighty being showing restraint and humility, but above all else equnity. Being one of them. Applejack made her decision.

"Teach me!"

Author's Note:

I know I'm really late with this chapter and I do apologise, but then again, I never promised weekly updates, did I?

That said, I do realize I've been slacking off lately. A combination of university work and my own laziness. But I promise I won't make you wait another month for the next chapter.

Please enjoy it!

Next time...

Applejack begins her training to fully become the defender she seeks to be and we'll meet the stallions who won't be too happy about this all powerful, seemingly indestructible alien flying around out tbere. What will they do about it? Find out next time in The Mare of Seel in...

Issue #3: Mare of Tomorrow, Stallion of Yesterday

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