• Published 27th Sep 2022
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MLDC: The Justice League of Equestria - Omnibus 1 - littleman001

Stories about the origins of the greatest superheroes in Equestria and their greatest battles.

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The Justice League of Equestria Vol. 1: Invasion: Issue #2: The Winds of Change

Princess Luna sat behind her desk, looking over at the documents provided to her by her trusty assistant, Jean Jeans. Though if she wanted to be honest, she was having a difficult time processing what they contained. She had a rather difficult week behind her and she felt exhausted already. It was hard enough to convince her sister to invite the ponies her assistant wanted to assign to specific tasks at the Royal Wedding taking place this week, but if what Jean was telling her was true, this week is going to be even more tiring.

"Are you absolutely certain they will come?" She asked. The earth pony stallion in front of her nodded.

"Positive, your highness. I know most ponies better than they know themselves. I can always tell how best to convince somepony to come where we need them to. I was actually more worried about whether you will be able to convince your sister to invite them."

"True enough." Luna sighed. "But I can be rather persuasive myself when I want to be. Not to mention my sister will do almost anything for me ever since my return from the prison she sealed me into. I am not proud to take advantage of it, but needs must when the safety of Equestria is at stake."

"Indeed." Jean added. "And I will tell you, if there ever was a danger lurking over your beloved nation, it is now."

"You know you enjoy my utmost trust, my friend." Luna said with slight doubt in her voice. "But you do understand I need concrete facts when it comes to matters of national security. I need to know if the threat is real."

"Would I bother to assemble Equestria’s mightiest heroes if I wasn't one hundred percent certain?" Jean countered with a question of his own. "You should know me better by now." Luna sighed again before looking down.

"I am sorry. I know I should trust you more. It is just that I am nervous. The threat you have uncovered is greater than anything we've ever faced before. Are you sure we shouldn't alert the Royal Guard?" Jean firmly shook his head.

"We would only incite panic amongst your subjects. And no disrespect to your soldiers, but they are not prepared to face what is to come. Only these warriors are." Luna looked at the files once more.

"Are these four really the most suitable for the task of them all?" She asked. Narrowing the circle down to the heroes they should draw to Canterlot has been an arduous task as well. Supermare, Green Lantern, Flash and Captain MareVel may have been the most well known and well documented of the new phenomenon that was becoming known as "the Superhero", but they were far from the only ones.

Perhaps the aforementioned champions of justice were some sort of beacon for them to creep out of the shadows. After they showed up, ponies with special powers and abilities began to pop up all over the country. Cyclone, Atom Smasher, Red Tornado, Power Filly, Black Lightning, Damage, Fire and Ice, Sandmane, Catmane, Hourmane, Katana, Peacemaker. The list goes on and on.

And that was just one half of them. The half that decided to put their talents in the service of law and order. There was the other half that decided to use their abilities to pursue a life of crime and villainy. As much as Luna hated to admit it, without the help of their superheroes, they wouldn't have been able to round up half of them. No matter. There was a way to put those delinquents to good use as well, but that was a matter for another time.

"I am certain." Jean answered. "I have studied several of those heroes and they are the strongest and most dedicated ones of them all. They are powerful on their own, but united, they could become a force for good unlike any we've ever seen before." Luna was still uncertain about this whole thing. As an alicorn princess, she was not used things not being under her control. It made her feel helpless and that was worse than anything else. Feeling helpless reminded her on her imprisonment on the moon and that was not something she recalled fondly. There had to be something she could do.

"Is there anything I can assist with?" She asked, but Jean merely waved dismissively.

"We have already set things in motion. From now on, they will play out by themselves. And should they stray from the intended course, I shall be there to redirect them." He said before turning to leave the office. "You have done all I asked of you, my dear friend. From now on, I will take care of everything."

Luna still wasn't content. She cared for Jean immensely and trusted her with her life, but she hated being stuck behind the scenes. This was how her fall towards becoming Nightmare Moon began after all. Luna vowed to herself that no matter what happens, she will never be ignored or looked over again. She will be there in the middle of the events to keep an eye on everything that happened and the moment she found a way to turn things in her advantage, she would do it.

She may not be a superhero, but she was still quite powerful. In terms of magic, strength and influence as well. But there would be no point in doing anything hasty until she assessed the situation. Information was knowledge and knowledge was power. And as Luna learned a long time ago, knowledge was sometimes the most useful kind of power.

Jean was making his way down the corridors of Canterlot Castle amidst the crowd of servants who were already busy preparing everything for the great wedding that was to take place this week. Kitchen staff was busy carrying ingredients for all kinds of food, maids were running around with all sorts of clothing which they were bringing to their masters, bringing decorative items to the throne room where the ceremony would take place and performing various tasks.

But he paid them no mind and neither did they to him. It was like they weren’t even aware of his presence as he made his way towards his destination, for he had a specific place he wanted to get to, which was occupied by specific individuals whom he suspected will also play a key role in the struggle that was to come. Within a minute, he reached the room in question and raised his hoof to knock. The door was opened by a white unicorn stallion,

“Ah, Jean!” Prince Blueblood greeted with a smile when he saw his aunt’s assistant. “Can I help you?” Jean nodded.

“Indeed. my prince. Princess Luna requested me to check on how Lady Rarity is doing with Princess Cadence’s wedding dress.” Blueblood let out a hearty laugh.

“Very well, if I say so myself! Come see!” The prince pulled the door open wider to allow his guest a better view of what was going on inside. A white unicorn mare with curly purple mane was jumping around a ponyquin frantically that was wearing the most glamorous wedding dress that he had ever seen. But apparently, she was still not satisfied with it. She had several notes levitating around her in her magical aura along with a quill which she used to write into the notes every few seconds.

“No, no, no! This won’t do at all. There need to be more ruffles around there. And the veil is not long enough! I wonder if I have time to make a replica in a different color. And I still have the bridesmaids’ dresses! Argh! Somepony help me!” Jean was quite stoic most of the time, but this display unnerved even him. Blueblood on the other hoof just stared at the buzzing mare with an affectionate smile.

“She is so endearing when she’s working frantically like this. Not that she’s not endearing whenever she does anything, but I can’t help but admire her hard working nature.” He spoke amorously.

“Among some of her other qualities, I’m sure.” Jean added just loud enough for himself to hear before approaching the frantic mare. "Excuse me, Miss Rarity?" He asked, but the response was not what he expected.

"No! There is no excuse for me if this dress doesn't get made on time!" She yelled, turning to Jean with a near crazed look in her eyes. "This is the biggest and most important assignment I've ever worked on. It could make or break my career and it requires all of my time and attention, so if you'll excuse me, I am not allowed to take a break to have idle chat with you! Good day, sir!" She said before turning her attention back to the dress. Jean merely watched her work with a stunned look. It was clear he didn't expect such an outburst, but eventually his face returned to its expressionless state.

"Well, I was just about to ask you about that, but I can see you will need all the time you can get to get it done in time so I will just leave you to it." He said before turning back to Blueblood. "She is fortunate to have you as her benefactor and partner, my friend. Please stand by her in the future as well and you two shall make quite a team."

Blueblood knew it was meant to be supportive and encouraging and he tried react accordingly by giving the other stallion an appreciative smile, but it wasn't completely genuine. There was something about this guy that always seemed off to him. He couldn't quite put his hoof on it, but it felt to him like this guy could see into his mind. He wasn't a unicorn so it couldn't have been a mind reading spell, but his stare just felt so piercing and analytic that Blueblood felt like he didn't even need it.

Jean left the room, taking comfort in the knowledge that all was going well in the castle. But his work was far from over. If his calculations were correct, four other ponies were just arriving to the city. Four very special ponies. And he needed to make sure that the paths of those ponies cross each other. One way or another.

"What am I doing here?" Applejack sighed as she stepped off the train and made her way towards the hotel she will be staying at for the duration of this assignment. "This isn't what I signed up for." She complained to herself. The whole point of this Lark Cent alterego was to investigate suspicious activity around Equestria that might have been caused by villains or could have lead to natural disasters without any attention. Not to photograph a royal couple kiss at the altar. Sure, her family could use the money she will make of this job, but she could have easily made that much amount by writing three or four Supermare articles in a month.

Once she settled down in her hotel room, the first thing she did visit a restaurant. She was famished after her train ride and a quick bite always helped her work better. Both at the farm and at the paper. And in a city like Canterlot where all the noble ponies dined at fancy schmancy places, a humble little diner where they served nice apple treats shouldn't be very crowded. In fact, when she arrived at the aforementioned diner, there was only one other customer there. Applejack wasn't complaining. A nice, quiet lunch with nopony to bother her was just what she needed right now.

"Good day." She greeted the vendor, a slim unicorn stallion. "What do you got?"

"I'm afraid I only have this apple pie left." He replied as he put the pie on the counter. "That mare over there raided my entire stock." Applejack looked at the pony eating at one of the tables. She was a blue pegasus mare with rainbow coloured mane that she immediately recognised as Rainow Dash from the Wonderbolts.

"Say no more." She told the vendor before paying for the pie and heading for the table where the blue mare was feasting on all the apple treats like this was gonna be her last meal. Applejack sat down next to her and cut a slice out of her pie before looking at the other mare.

"Mind if I sit down?" She asked her. "A good meal is better with good company." The mare briefly paused eating to shrug and Applejack sat down next to her.

"You're enjoying the meal, I take it." She remarked. The pegasus swallowed the bite she was chewing on and turned to Applejack with a huge smile.

"You bet! Nothing beats the apple treats made of the Apple family's stuff!" She replied before going back to consuming. Applejack smiled softly. She didn't even know this place served food made of the apples provided by her family.

"You can say that again." She said before eating the slice. She wasn't kidding. The taste immediately reminded her of the pies Granny Smith made her when she was a filly. Not as warm and delicious of course, but it was nice to eat it again after so long and so far away from home. "So where are the rest of the Wonderbolts?" She asked, making the rainbow mare freeze.

"How do you know I'm a Wonderbolt?" Applejack chuckled.

"Sugarcube, humility doesn't suit you. Who wouldn't recognise Rainbow Dash, the fastest mare alive?" Upon hearing that nickname, Rainbow's eyes widened and she choked the bite she still had in her mouth. Applejack watched in amusement as her eyes darted left and right in the process of her mind trying to come up with a response.

"Um... I think you got the wrong mare... I mean... I AM Rainbow Dash, but I think the title of fastest mare alive goes to the Flash."

"Hmm, I wouldn't know about that." Applejack replied. "There's that Supermare character. I heard that she was faster than a speeding bullet." Rainbow merely scoffed. She clearly wasn't impressed in the least.

"That's nothing compared to moving at the speed of light!" She snapped at her. "I'd like to see that big blue girlscout race the true fastest mare alive!" Applejack raised an eyebrow.

"Rainbow Dash admits there is somepony faster than her?" She asked incredulously. "I'd never thought I'd see the day."

"Hey, I don't have illusions about myself!" Rainbow retorted. "I know I go on all the time about how I'm the fastest and the most awesome pegasus in the Wonderbolts, but that's just me stating facts. Even Captain Spitfire admitted that." Applejack just shrugged as she took another bite of her pie.

"So where are the others?" She asked.

"Still at practice." Rainbow replied casually as she ate. Applejack's eyes widened.

"You mean, all of this is for you? What kind of a bottomless pit are you?" She laughed in amusement, to which, Rainbow also let out a chuckle.

"Even the most well oiled machine needs fuel." She was about to resume her feast, but she suddenly stopped and her gaze snapped back at the spectacled mare sitting next to her, as if she recognised her. "Hey, I know you! You're Lark Cent! You write all those Supermare articles for the Daily Sun!"

"Yup. That's me alright." Applejack replied, taking another bite of her pie. "I occasionally write about other heroes too. Including the Flash. Matter of fact, I did one article about her fairly recently about her fight with Metallo in Baltimare. At the exact same time the Wonderbolts had their show there. Curious. With how fast she is, you might believe she was one of them." She said with a sly smirk as she continued chewing on her pie and watch the rainbow maned mare squirm uncomfortably as she tried to come up with a response. It was pretty entertaining.

"Well... I wouldn't know..." Rainbow stammered. "I never met her and none of the other Wonderbolts did for that matter." Rainbow got rather fed up with the reporter's nagging.

"And what about you? How come you're always at the scene whenever one of those heroes show up, heh?!" Rainbow tried to sound intimidating but Applejack wasn't phased in the slightest. She merely shrugged.

"Call it a reporter's intuition." She answered before finishing her pie.

"So that's what brought you to Canterlot?" Rainbow asked. "Your 'reporter's intuition tells you there might be trouble at the wedding that could require a superhero?" Applejack groaned.

"I wish." She sighed before showing Rainbow the press pass hanging around her neck. "I'm here to photograph and write about the wedding itself. My boss considers this a reward for my Supermare articles." Rainbow blankly looked at the disgruntled journalist for a few moments before sighing herself and leaning back in her seat with a sympathetic look.

"Yeah, I get what you mean. I'm here with the Bolts to perform at the aftershow. It's a big opportunity and all that but I just can't handle all the fuss that comes with this wedding. I'd prefer to just get the show done and go home."

For the first time since this conversation began, the two mares found themselves agreeing on something. Rainbow saw that the reporter was just as disinterested in this whole thing as she was. She looked back at Applejack and suddenly, an idea hit her.

"Hey! What do you say you come with me to the Bolts' practice session? I know it's not a superhero showdown, but it might be worth an article in your paper and the team could always more publicity!" Applejack's interest was quickly piqued by the suggestion. She saw that her pie and most of Rainbow's feast were already gone at this point so it wasn't like they had any more reasons to stick around. She gladly accepted the proposal.

"Lead the way, sugarcube."

Fluttershy peeked her head out the door of the train car she was about to leave. Being the capital of Equestria, Canterlot would be heavily crowded even at its train station. And Fluttershy was still not very comfortable with big crowds. But this time, it was even worse. Not only did she have all the common folk walking around the station, but since a big royal wedding was about to take place, the city was also being patrolled by almost every available royal guard on the force.

It was embarrassing, really. She was a space cop responsible to keep order and enforce the law in an entire galactic sector. She fought monsters and supervillans on an almost weekly basis and yet she felt intimidated by the stoney gazes of these stallions who wouldn't be able to even put a dent on her lantern constructs with their spears and crossbows. Unless they were yellow, of course.

Like their armor. Fluttershy gulped as she remembered that she would be powerless to stop an earth pony guard charging at her in that armor. Good thing they didn't know of her weakness to its color. Still, the thought was terrifying enough to make her frozen on the spot from their stare. A few ponies walking around were beginning to notice her standing there and shot her frustrated glances since they had to walk around her. This made her feel even more anxious but it finally gave her enough incentive to move.

She was so eager to get away from there that she didn't even watch she was going and when she turned around the corner of the station, she bumped into another mare who was hopping happily with her eyes closed while pulling a cart full of party supplies. They crashed into each other so hard that the pink mare was knocked back onto the top of her cart, greatly shocking Fluttershy.

"Oh, my goodness! I'm so sorry! Are you alright?!" The pink earth pony didn't seem particularly distressed by what just happened. She sprung up in the blink of an eye and jumped down in front Fluttershy.

"Wow! You're pretty strong for a pegasus!" She chuckled. Fluttershy smiled nervously as she shrunk back. Her physical strength was another result of her Green Lantern training. She had to avoid drawing any suspicions.

"Uh... Yeah, I work out a lot. I... I live in a bad neighbourhood." She explained. They other mare tilted her head.

"Really? Did you ever try throwing them a party? That brightens up even the grumpiest ponies. Trust me, I know."

"Um... I'm not much of a party pony. And besides, I work a lot. I'm a veterinarian. I don't have much free time."

"Oh, I could always throw one for them!" The pink pony exclaimed. "I'm a professional party planner! My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie! But everypony calls me Pinkie! Or my friends do at least. Which is pretty much everypony. Because everypony I know is my friend!"

Fluttershy actually found herself smiling fondly at Pinkie's antics. She was a very endearing mare and it wasn't hard to see how she managed to win over everypony she met if she even broke through the shell of such a reclusive pony as her with such ease.

"Nice to meet you, Pinkie." The pegasus replied, extending her hoof. "I'm Fluttershy." When she saw the extended hoof, Pinkie put her hooves to her face and let out a huge gasp that made Fluttershy recoil in shock. Did she do something wrong? But that notion was quickly forgotten when the earth pony pulled her into a bone crushing hug.

"WE HAVE EXCHANGED NAMES! WE ARE OFFICIALLY NEW FRIENDS NOW!" The hug happened so quickly that Fluttershy had no time to process what happened, let alone react. Pinkie knocked the air out of her and she was already struggling to breath in the earth pony's grip. She was beginning to black out and even briefly considered activating her ring to escape the situation, when suddenly, somepony came to save him.

"Excuse me," Pinkie let go of Fluttershy who fell on the floor and took huge breaths, gathering large amount of air into her grateful lungs. She then looked up and saw that the pony addressed them was a white earth pony stallion with grey mane and wearing a tuxedo. "You must be Miss Pie and Miss Fluttershy. I am Jean Jeans, Princess Luna's assistant. Would you please follow me to the castle? We must make preparations for the wedding at once."

Pinkie Pie grinned brightly upon the invitation, but Fluttershy was slightly confused. How did this stallion know her? Pinkie was a well known party planner, but she was a mere veterinarian from half a country away. Even with her bird choir, she never performed at such big events that she would consider herself famous. But before she could give voice to her confusion, Pinkie Pie beat her to it.

"You see, Fluttershy?! We were invited to perform at the same party! That further proves that we're new friends!" She yelled enthusiastically before pulling the yellow pegasus to her hooves and dragging her along as she followed Jean.

"We are very glad you could make it." The stallion told them. "Your will make excellent additions to the wedding's program."

"I wouldn't have missed out on throwing a royal party for the world!" Pinkie cheered. "I hope I'll see you there too, Jeany-Genie!"

"As tempting as that offer is, Miss Pie, as the wedding's official organiser, I will have obligations around the castle during the entire event. No rest for the wicked as they say." He replied. He noticed from the corner of his eyes that Fluttershy was about to speak. He could also sense her suspicions about him but he knew the time for answers was not now, so he decided to speak first. "Miss Fluttershy, I assume your companions are already on their way." The mention of her little friends made the pegasus completely forget about her worries and she answered with a beaming smile.

"Oh, yes! They always travel by themselves. It makes them feel so happy flying through their natural habitat. It's so much better for them than sitting in those small cages and bumping around in those train carts." Jean slightly smiled to himself. Fluttershy was so happy to talk about her little bird friends that she completely forgot about her doubts and suspicions. For the rest of their way back to the castle, all he heard was the happy chattering of the two mares following him.

Twilight never thought she would ever return to this place. As the train approached the city of Canterlot, she could feel a sense of dread increasing inside her. The dread of the onslaught of bad memories that would no doubt come to her the moment she set her hoof inside the castle. She barely managed to convince herself to give Shining Armor another chance after days of deliberation. And Spike's constant nagging. She wasn't sure if she was ready for this.

Even the closeness of her older brother whom she finally beginning to loosen up around again and the companionship of her young dragon assistant did little to ease her mind. The stallion was sitting in front of him, looking out the window as the landscape passed them by. It was clear that he was both happy and relieved that his sister accepted his invitation to the wedding, but Twilight could tell he was still feeling awkward in her presence. And she couldn't say she blamed him for the feeling was mutual.

They didn't say a single word to each other during the whole ride and everytime their glances met, they quickly looked away. Spike watched them sadly. He knew the reconciliation process between them is not going to be fast or easy, but so far they made even less progress than he hoped. If he didn't bring the latest volume of the Power Ponies with him, he would have already left them to find another seat. The situation was becoming far too awkward for his taste.

He didn't know why these comics kept fascinating him so much. For the past year or so, his whole life has basically been a superhero comic. And not a fun one at that. If Spike knew what his life was gonna become when he was younger, he probably would have been excited. Well, like the old saying went, be careful what you wish for, because you might get it. All the nights he paced around the library in fear and worry about Twilight possibly not returning, the nights he spent mourning her late fiancée with her, but by far the worst part of his new life was having to witness how a year of fighting turned his caretaker into a nocturnal animal.

After what felt like an eternity, the train finally arrived at Canterlot station. Spike grabbed the bags and followed the two ponies as they made their way towards the castle. The city barely changed from what Spike could tell. Even his favourite old comic book store was at the same place as the last time he was here. He made a mental note to himself to pay a visit there later. He wondered if the owners were still the same. If so, they'll be happy to see their old number one customer.

On their way to the palace, they came across a pony sweeping the streets. A sudden gust of wind swept up an old newspaper and threw it in the stallion's face. He used his magic to remove it and Twilight saw how his face contorted in anger. She peeked over to see what made his so angry and saw an article about two local heroes called Green Arrow and Black Canary capturing a criminal names Slipknot. Shining incinerated the newspaper with a fire spell and blew the ashes away.

"Some heroes." He growled. "If it weren't for thess costumed maniacs running around, Equestria wouldn't have all those super criminals that the Royal Guard can't deal with. They were the ones who inspired them." Twilight was obviously feeling uncomfortable by her brother's blatant hatred to the costumed crusaders of Equestria, given that she was one of them herself. She wasn't sure what she should say to that.

"You really don't like them, do you?" She asked nervously and Shining turned to him with a steely expression.

"If it were up to me, I would lock them all up." He replied, before taking a deep breath and calming down. "Let's not talk about them anymore. We need to get to the castle and start preparing for the wedding."

He resumed his walk towards the castle, but Twilight and Spike just stood there, stunned by his outburst. Spike looked up at the mare who had a troubled look on her face as she watched her brother walk away. He grabbed her hoof softly and gave her a reassuring squeeze, causing her to look down at him. He offered her a comforting smile which she returned before taking off after Shining.

As Twilight predicted, as soon as she entered the castle, the memories came down on her like a pile of bricks. For a minute, she started to think that it was a mistake to accept Shining's invitation. She made herself believe that she burned every bridge connecting her to this place. That she would never come back here and never have to face her past again. But the moment she walked through the main gate, she instantly realised that this was because she was afraid. Afraid to face it again.

Things didn't get much better when they reached her old room. The one she lived in when she was still Celestia's student. That was another thing she wasn't looking forward to facing again. Princess Celestia, her old mentor whom she idolised as a foal and resented after blaming her for the event that cost her her horn. Her and her brother. But since she finally decided to give her brother another chance, shouldn't she give one to the Princess as well?

"Twily!" She never got the chance to make up her mind on that as her brother's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. He was looking at her in confusion, more than likely wondering why she spaced out like that.

"Oh, sorry." She told him sheepishly. "What were you saying?"

“I was just checking if you were alright.” Shining replied. “Coming back here after everything that happened…” He stopped for a second, trying to find the right words. “Cannot be easy for you.”

‘Understatement of the decade.’ Twilight thought, but saying that out loud would have been rude. “I’ll be fine.” In the end, that was the only thing she could say. “I’ll just need some time to gather my thoughts, that’s all.” She saw that Shining wasn’t exactly convinced so she decided to change the subject. “So… I know that after I tried to cut you out of my life and didn’t even tell you that I was engaged I have no right to ask, but I have been really curious ever since you mentioned the wedding. Who’s the lucky mare?” Apparently, Twilight found the right question to ask, because her brother’s expression immediately brightened.

“Oh, I have a feeling that you are going to like her!” He answered with a grin. “In fact, she is somepony that you know very well. I can’t wait for you to meet her again.” Twilight raised an eyebrow. She wasn’t a very sociable pony and that didn’t really change after she moved away from Canterlot. Even after she took over the Atheneigh Library, she barely moved out and attracted a reputation as something of a recluse in Manehattan. She did occasionally attend charity events and fundraisers and even held many public events in her library, but her list of friends was still relatively small. In fact, there were only three ponies she considered to be her friends before the incident. Her brother, Princess Celestia and…

“Ah, here you are!” Twilight and Shining jumped in surprise when they heard the voice of a third party announcing themselves quite loudly. They turned to see a tall and slim pink alicorn mare with purple mane with white stripes in it enter the room. Twilight’s eyes widened as she let out a huge gasp when she saw her. It was none other than Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, better known around Equestria as Princess Cadance, the Princess of Love , Twilight’s old foalsitter and if she understood the situation correctly, Shining Armor’s bride. She shared a questioning glance with her brother who only nodded at her with a small smile, making everything clear.

Every negative thought Twilight had about coming here went straight out the window. Her sad smile evolved into a huge, bright smile as she remembered the wonderful times she spent with the princess as a filly. Cadance was the most wonderful pony in the world! Everywhere she went, she brought love and happiness to everypony around her. She remembered how she pacified an arguing couple next to them when they were passing through the city one day with a single spell, instantly ending the argument and saving their relationship. And she was going to be her sister-in-law!

“The guards told me you were here, escorting some other mare around!” Cadance snapped at the white stallion, completely ignoring Twilight next to him. “What are you doing frollicking around with somepony else when you’re supposed to be preparing for our wedding?!”

Twilight recoiled a little. That certainly wasn’t the Cadance she remembered, but Shining Armor didn’t seem particularly phased. The look on his face remained the same enamored, blissful face that all stallions should wear when they catch a glimpse of their brides.

“Sorry, love.” He apologised with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mare’s mood, but apparently not succeeding. “I had to go and get my best mare.” He said, motioning to Twilight. The purple mare grinned brightly at Cadance as their gazes met. Just like it happened to her, she expected the alicorn to have the exact same joyous recollection of the times they spent together when they were younger, but to her surprise and heartache when she didn’t see even the slightest hint of recognition in the princess’ eyes.

“Uh-huh.” She said, her tone containing nothing but indifference. “Well, now that she’s here, can we please get back to the important things?” Twilight and even Spike who has been busy unpacking the suitcases were shocked by what the princess just said. It seemed like she didn’t even know who she was, which was impossible.

“Cadance, don’t you recognize me?” Twilight asked in a wavering voice. The pink alicorn looked back at her in annoyance.

“That’s Princess Cadance to you!” She snapped at Twilight rather sharply, making her jump back. “And why should I?”

“Cadance, it’s me! Twilight! Don’t you remember?” Cadance only looked at her blankly. It was obvious that she didn’t know what the smaller mare was talking about. Twilight had something that would definitely trigger her memory, but she was very reluctant to do it. She wasn’t a little filly anymore, she was a grown mare, the owner of one of Equestria’s most well run libraries and a costumed vigilante who stalked criminals in the night while praying on their superstitions and cowardice. Still, she had to try her best for her brother’s wedding and getting on the good side of the mare he was about to marry would probably help with that. Sighing heavily, she began.

“Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs, awake!” She chanted as she dropped down on the ground and covered her eyes with her hooves before lifting them up. She then stood up, turned around and began to shake flank. “Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” Twilight looked up to see the princess’ reaction, only to see her looking down at her with a raised eyebrow and a rather weirded out expression.

“Umm… what are you doing?” Twilight was speechless? She forgot about the little dance they always did at least once a day? That was even more inconceivable than the fact that she forgot her. The situation was quickly becoming unbearably awkward, so Shining decided to intervene.

“Well, now that the reunion is done, what was it that you needed again?” As Cadance went over her issues about the upcoming wedding with her fiance - which were a lot - Twilight just stood there, her eyes still wide in disbelief. Cadance just went on about her rant without acknowledging her even with a glance and once she was done, she took a hold of Shining and stormed out of the room without even saying goodbye.

“Well that was… awkward.” Spike said once the two of them were alone.

“I’ll say.” Twilight added. “And rather… out of character on Cadance’s part. I can’t believe she had forgotten me like that.” Spike walked over to her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“Well, it’s been a long time and she’s an alicorn after all. Maybe the time she spent with you is just a blink of an eye to her.” Twilight didn’t buy that. She knew for a fact that an alicorn’s memory is supposed to be near perfect. She must have remembered her. Maybe all these years, she didn’t know the real Cadance. Maybe she just foalsat her out of an obligation once her parents hired her and all the time they spent together had meant nothing to her. Whatever the case, she was very hurt.

Nevertheless, she promised her brother that she would be there by his side when he said “I do” to the mare he loved. And even if that meant working on putting the wedding together with the rudest princess she ever had the displeasure of meeting, than so be it. But one thing was for certain. She will definitely not be looking forward to any family reunions in the future with the mare she just encountered a minute ago.

Twilight’s first order of business was meeting with the wedding’s official organiser, a stallion named Jean Jeans and go over the parts of the wedding that still needed to be arranged with him. She was not particularly thrilled when she learned that Princess Cadance will also be accompanying them on this checkup, but at least she will have Spike with her to make this day a bit more bearable.

After a good night’s sleep, Spike delivered her breakfast to her bed to give the hard day she was about to go through a great start and to make sure she didn’t run into any familiar faces in the corridors. She still wasn’t ready for that. After they’ve both eaten, they went to meet Jean Jeans in the room of a pony that Twilight knew all too well. Prince Blueblood.

Spike also wasn’t looking forward to this meeting. They both knew Blueblood from their days living in the castle and it was another reunion they would rather avoid. The prince was always an entitled, pompous and arrogant prick and he even tried to get together with Twilight back then - solely for the bragging right of dating Princess Celestia’s student, of course. He didn’t take her rejection well and it took direct intervention from the sun princess for him to back down. The bossy princess was already a huge pain to deal with, she didn't need to suffer that idiot too today.

As they walked down the hallway, they were so busy worrying about the day they had ahead of themselves that they didn't even watch where they were going. It was still early in the morning so there weren't many ponies around, but they still managed to bump into the one who got up as early as them, knocking them back on their behinds and making them drop everything they were holding.

“Oh, I'm terribly sorry.” A male voice said. “Here, allow me to help you.” He offered as he knelt down to gather the dropped items.

“No, it's our fault. We should have watched where we were going.” Twilight replied as she joined him on the floor. “But thank you regardless.” Once the two finished picking everything up, they stood up and looked at each other. Upon making eye contact, both of them gasped in surprise.

“Twilight, is that you?!” Prince Blueblood exclaimed. The purple mare wasn't sure how she should respond. She was still getting over the shock of not only seeing Blueblood again, but the fact that he apologised to her and helped her gather her belongings.

“Um… yes.” She said meekly, taking her stuff back. “Nice to meet you again, Prince Blueblood. We were just on our way to your quarters to meet Jean Jeans and Princess Cadance for the wedding preparations.”

“Oh, that can only be about the dress.” The stallion groaned as they continued their way. “I'm starting to think I made a mistake when I offered Aunt Celestia that my dear Rarity would design her dress. She's been an absolute slave driver to her ever since she started.

“Rarity?!” Spike gasped in excitement. “The designer of the Everyday Heroes of Equestria lineup?!” Blueblood nodded.

“The one and the same.”

“I didn't know you were such a fashion fan, Spike.” Twilight teased with a smile.

“I'm really not, but she made some really amazing costumes!” Spike admitted. “If you didn't know any better, you would swear they were worn by real heroes! I kinda wish she would have designed some for a baby dragon like me.”

“Well, I could introduce you to her, Spike,” Blueblood offered. “but you might want to wait with that request until she finishes Cady’s dress. She's been running herself ragged and I really wish she would take a break.”

“Thanks! That is… unusually nice of you.” Spike said as his excitement was replaced by confusion. This really was Prince Blueblood? But the prince didnt't have time to say anything else as they finally reached his quarters where Jean and Cadance were already waiting for them.

“Good morning, Jean.” Blueblood greeted before turning to the other royal. “Cady…” The alicorn merely nodded at him on acknowledgement and once again, she completely ignored Twilight.

“Good morning, your hignesses. “Jean replied on his usual stoic voice before turning to Twilight. “And you must be the best mare Captain Armor was talking about. I am Jean Jeans. Princess Luna's assistant.”

Now that caught Twilight's attention. Princess Luna's assistant? The elusive Princess Luna who has been running the prison facility for supervillans ever since she returned from her banishment? The one she has been investigating ever since she had Huntress transferred there after the events of last Nightmare Night? She shared a glance with Spike and he instantly knew what she was thinking. She should keep an eye on this guy.

But when she looked back at Jean, she felt like Spike wasn't the only one who know what she was thinking. When their eyes met, Twilight felt like Jean was staring into her very being. Almost as if he knew her exact thoughts. It was rather uncomfortable, but in that moment, Twilight was convinced that she was not dealing with an ordinary stallion. Before she could snap out of the trance Jean was seemingly putting her under, Cadance broke it for her.

“Can we please get this over with?” She demanded impatiently. “I have a ton of other things to do today!” Jean nodded.

“Of course, your hignesses.” He then turned to Blueblood. “Shall we?” The small group entered the room where they saw Rarity and the wedding dress she designed. It was obvious that she put a ton of effort into it not only because it was the grandest dress Twilight has ever seen but because the white unicorn mare was barely able to stand. Despite panting heavily and looking like she was about to pass out, when she saw the royal mare approaching her, she quickly sprung up and bowed deeply.

“Greetings your hignesses! I am Rarity! Please allow me to express my gratitude for the opportunity to be part of this great event and contribute to it in the form of this dress!” Cadance didn't look particularly impressed with the groveling mare or her creation. She ignored the fashionista and walked up to the dress to inspect it. After a few moments, she turned away with a dismissive scowl.

“I was hoping for something with more beading and a longer train.” Twilight, Spike and surprisingly even Blueblood gasped in shock. The dress in front of them was so regal that it would have gained the approval of Princess Celestia herself and Cadance was dissatisfied with it? Even more surprisingly, Rarity just played along with it, not even offended in the slightest that Cadance just disrespected the dress she was working on tirelessly for the entirety of last week without barely even sleeping.

“Ah, yes! Of course!” She replied, gathering her notes and writing the princess’ suggestions into them.

“And I hope you haven't made the bridesmaids’ dresses in the same color.” Cadance said, making Rarity's eyes widen.

“Well…” Before she could think of something to say, Cadance interrupted her.

“Because they have to be in a different color than the bride's. So fix my dress and make sure they're not the same color. Do you understand?” She asked very rudely. But Rarity didn't seem to mind.

“Of course, your hignesses!” She added happily. “They'll be ready before the wedding!”

“Good.” Cadance said before leaving the room without even sparing a glance at anypony. Twilight checked her list and put a question mark next to the wedding dress on it before looking at Rarity.

“Is she gonna be alright?” She asked Blueblood.

“I think she's officially gone.” The prince replied in concern when he saw the mare of his affections begin to redesign the dress with a wide grin and even wider eyes staring off into nothingness. “She had snapped at me for even less during our first date. I don't care what Cady says, she is getting that dress and my darling Lady Rarity is done slaving for her!” He growled in determination before walking up to Rarity and carrying her off to his bed. The mare was so gone that she didn't even react to being moved and kept doodling away at nothing. “I got her. Go and make sure she won't fire anypony from the castle staff over something petty. Both figuratively and literally.”

“Thanks.” Twilight nodded at him in appreciation before leaving the room with Spike in tow. The dragon apparently shared her confusion on the events that just transpired.

“It's like we walked into some strange reverse world.” Her assistant told her.

“Tell me about it.” Twilight replied. “Did those two somehow swap personalities?” The prince she just met didn't remind her of the Blueblood she knew from years ago. But that was the least of her concerns right now. She had to check on the afterparty organised in the throne room by none other than…

“HI NEW FRIEND!” Twilight nearly jumped out of her skin when she reached the throne room and heard the impossibly high voice penetrate her eardrums. She lowered her list and saw a pink earth pony mare grinning at her, inches away from her face. “My name is…”

“Pinkie Pie, the famous party planner.” Twilight finished for her, quickly regaining her composure. “My name is Twilight Sparkle. I am here to check on the reception party you are setting up.”

“Oh, it is going great!” The party pony replied, jumping enthusiastically. “In fact, Princess Cadance was already here and said the reception party is perfect! For somepony’s fifth birthday! Can you imagine a nicer complaint from a princess?”

“Actually, I can.” Twilight said under her breath before walking around Pinkie to see the scene for herself. For the first time since she arrived to Canterlot, she couldn’t help but agree with Cadance on something. The reception party that was set up consisted of several party games including pin the tail on the donkey, twister and pinatas. She may have found a nicer way of breaking it to the pink mare, but she wasn’t too far off the mark.

Before she could say anything to Pinkie, a loud scream was heard coming from the gardens. Twilight, Spike and Pinkie ran out to see Princess Cadance being circled by several colourful birds, chirping at her angrily and pinching at her. Jean Jeans was standing next to her, seemingly completely uninterested by the situation and a yellow pegasus mare was floating above Cadance trying to calm the birds down.

“Please, stop! That is the princess whose wedding we are performing at!” She begged, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. The bird kept pinching at princess before she finally regained enough composure to summon a barrier around herself. The birds finally retreated but they kept glaring angrily at Cadance, much to Twilight’s amusement.

“So it is true. Animals can sense evil.” She said to herself. Cadance sent a death glare into the direction of Fluttershy and the birds, making the pegasus shrink back.

“GET THOSE PESTS OFF THE PREMISES AT ONCE!” She roared furiously before retreating into the castle. Upon hearing her friends being called pests, Fluttershy stiffened and narrowed her eyes at the retreating form of the princess. She extended one of her wings which shook in rage and for a brief moment, Twilight could see a green ring on the tip of her feather glisten in the sunlight.

“Miss Shy, please calm yourself!” Jean told Fluttershy as he walked up to her and put a hoof on her shoulder. “I will smooth things over with the princess and your performance will still be held as planned. Rest assured, your presence is needed here.” The stallion’s words have accomplished their purpose and Fluttershy let out a calming sigh.

“Thank you, Mr. Jeans. I hope you won’t mind if we postpone practice until tomorrow after what just happened.” Jean nodded and Fluttershy walked off accompanied by Pinkie Pie who did her best to comfort her. Twilight watched them leave with a concerned expression before turning her gaze to the gate Cadance left through. Being stressed about your upcoming wedding was one thing, but Cadance was the Princess of Love! Kindness and tolerance should have been requirements in her behaviour, otherwise, she wouldn’t have ascended into alicornhood for them. There was something odd going on here and she was going to get to the bottom of it.

“Is something the matter, Miss Sparkle?” Jean asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. She turned to her and saw a concerned look on his face.

“Is it just me, or Cadance really isn’t acting like herself?” She asked. Jean merely stared at her blankly before answering.

“I’m afraid the private life or royalty are beyond our concerns, Miss Sparkle.” He replied. “To investigate such concerns, one pony would have to be above the law. Untouchable by the confines of the everyday world. A symbol, not a mere pony.” Twilight looked at the stallion in surprise as he walked away. Why would he tell her such a thing? But she couldn’t deny that he had a point. Twilight Sparkle won’t be able to investigate this matter. The Batmare on the other hoof…

Author's Note:

Hello, everypony! Sorry this chapter took so long. I already explained my reason for that in my recent blog post, but now that the holiday season is officially over, I am finally back to my regular writing schedule. So hopefully the next chapter won't take this long, though I should know better than making promises by now.

I realise that this was a rather uneventful chapter, focusing on MLP shenanigans than superhero action, but I will make up for that in the next chapter when Batmare begins to investigate Princess Cadance along with some of her new heroic friends and uncover a threat so huge that no hero could hope to face it by themselves. Stay tuned for...

Issue #3: Descent

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