• Published 27th Sep 2022
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MLDC: The Justice League of Equestria - Omnibus 1 - littleman001

Stories about the origins of the greatest superheroes in Equestria and their greatest battles.

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Canary & Arrow Vol. 1: Battle Hardened: Issue #1: Royal Pain

The black spandex suit tightened around the unicorn mare's body as her hind legs raised into the air and connected with the somepony's muzzle hard enough to send them flying and crashing into the ground. She then leaped into the air and jumped onto the back of another pony, grabbing their neck and doing a somersault forward and slamming them onto the ground. A third one sprung up behind her and she quickly ducked to the ground before extending one of her hind legs and spinning around, swiping the hooves out from under their body and making them fall down.

She looked forward and saw the silhouettes of three more ponies approaching her from the darkness. She jumped forward and grabbed one of them by the neck before slamming them into the another. She then took off her black leather jacket and threw it onto the last remaining pony's head before punching him across the face several times, then jumping back, wrapping her fishnet covered hindlegs around his neck and throwing him over her and slamming hin headfirst into the ground. She then rolled back and stood up gracefully as she threw her head back to whip her mane out of her face.

Suddenly, the darkness she stood in was illuminated by several bright reflectors and she heard thunderous applause coming her way from a crowd standing behind them. The stage she was standing on became fully illuminated as another mare - a beautiful white unicorn with perfect, curly purple mane - walked onto it, carefully dodging the wrecked remains of the dummies her model just destroyed and stood beside the other mare.

"Give it up for Pristine Parfait and her demonstration of the first piece my new collection!" Rarity exclaimed, earning even more cheers for the attendance as the model bowed. Once it died down, she continued. "My aim with this new collection is to show that looking stylish and tough at the same time is no longer for stallions only! Whether you're a stuntmare, an athlete or an aspiring actress looking to break male dominance in the action hero genre, you'll always look like a bonafide superheroine with Rarity's new Mightiest Mares of Equus collection! Now, I know our friend, Captain MareVel possesses that title, but it's not like she has it trademarked or anything!" She added that last part, earning a roar of laughter from the audience.

"Well, that concludes our presentation for today's show, my darlings! But be on the lookout for more super, world saving designs by yours truly! And don't forget, you don't need superpowers to be super fashionable!" She announced as she and Pristine waved to the crowd and the curtains descended.

"On, Rarity! I simply love these designs of yours!" Pristine gushed as they left the stage. "Not only are they a perfect fit for moi but they feel so smooth and comfortable that I feel like I'm not even wearing clothes!"

"Thank you so much, darling! And I've got to say, it's color just goes perfectly with your coat!" Rarity replied. Pristine was a dark navy blue pony with similarly colored long mane, very similar to Princess Luna herself. She was a perfect contrast to the white fashion designer. Some speculated that this was part of the reason they worked so well together.

"But could you please be more appreciative of the pieces I give you?" She said, using her magic to levitate the leather jacket Pristine threw away during the show back to her. "I knew I gave this to you, but that doesn't mean I will stand for it being treated so callously." Pristine chuckled as she took the jacket and put it back on.

"Sorry. I guess I got a little carried away. I really felt like a superhero in action up there."

"And you sweat like one too, darling." Rarity commented when she noticed the sweatdrops on her body in the lighting they passed under. "A shower would be in order after that presentation. It is very unladylike to parade around like that." Pristine's lip curled up into an amused half smirk.

"Why, Rarity, I will let you know that there are several stallions who enjoy when I sweat." When they first met, this comment would have made Rarity gasp in shock and blush in embarrassment. But after working with her for so long, she became so used to it from her that she merely rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I wager they enjoy it when you sweat from a slightly different sort of activities." She sighed. "You are such a pervert, Pristine! How many stallions have had the questionable pleasure of making you sweat during our stay in this city, I wonder. Or have you settled for mares as well at some point?" Pristine shrugged.

"Hey, don't knock it till you try it!" She chuckled before checking her watch. "Speaking of which, I have an... appointment to get to soon so I'll better take those showers you suggested. Wanna come? I'm sure I can get you some pleasant company for the evening as well, if you know what I mean." She winked.

"I appreciate the offer, darling, but I have an appointment of my own at the gymnasium. And then, I will be spending a lovely weekend in Canterlot with none other than Prince Blueblood himself." She replied, finishing with a dramy sigh. Pristine raised an eyebrow.

"Trying for another backer for your fashion career the old fashioned way?" She asked. That finally broke the dam.

"How dare you?!" She demanded, shoving her muzzle into hers with a glare. "I am not such a profligate pony as you are and a stallion of such nobility could only be a perfect gentlecolt!" She was so angry that she actually made her model shrink back.

"Hey, easy, Rare! I was only joking!" She defended as she cowered on the ground. Rarity realised she was going too far and actually backed off, but she didn't look too apologetic about it. In fact, she merely rubbed her muzzle in an attempt to ease her frustration.

"You are so frustrating sometimes. Few ponies can make me go off like that." She said before taking a few calming breaths. "But I suppose I should thank you. A little anger can keep me going during my workout."

"Yeah. A little." Pristine said sarcastically. Rarity turned to frown at her.

"Aren't you going to be late from your 'appointment'?" She asked with equally as much sarcasm.

"As a matter of fact, yes, I will be now." She told her reproachingly. "Well, I'll be off. Have fun working out!" She then stopped at the door. "But, if things don't work out with this charming prince of yours, put in a good word for me, would you?" She teased. Rarity picked up a piece of clothing and tossed it at her with her magic, hitting her in the muzzle before she left with a chuckle. She was normally against the abuse of any type of cloth but this mare brought the worst in her.

She gathered her belongings and made her way to the local gymnasium she bought a ticket for. Back when she was a filly, she never would have thought that she would ever exercise regularly. But the memory of that farm filly, Applejack saving her from those bullies all those years ago still lived vividly inside her mind.

When she saw her in action, how strong she was and how swift she moved as she took down Bright Mane and his gang all by herself, something was sparked inside her. Applejack was her hero that day and she wanted to become just like her one day. She told her as such, but Applejack actually told her that she should lower her expectations because her strength was unique. To this day, she had no idea what she meant.

And then a few years later, the superheroes began to appear. Rarity would never admit this to anypony but she became quite a fan of them. It may have been childish but it was very easy for anypony to be fascinated by these gods living among them and Rarity's secret fantasy was one day becoming their personal stylist. She knew it would never happen, of course, but every once in a while, she still found herself entertaining the thought.

'Who knows, maybe one of them will see my newest collection and recommend me to her colleagues.' She thought with a giggle. But until that day came, Rarity would be more than happy to train her own body to physical perfection in a vain effort to be worthy of her idols. And all the hoofsome stallions that turned their heads upon the sight of her hard, muscly flank weren't exactly a drawback either.

And her admiration of the titans of Equestria just fueled her motivations during her training exercises. When she hopped onto the treadmill, she closed her eyes and pictured herself running beside the Flash as the world slowed down around them and the speedster turned to give her a proud smile. When she lifted the weights, she pictured herself holding a rock next to Supermare, preventing it from crushing her sweet, innocent little sister, Sweetie Belle underneath it. As her body tingled with adrenaline when she increased the intensity of her exercise, she imagined the same electricity flowing through her as Captain MareVel. When she moved to the rings - her absolute favorite part of the gymnasium - and performed all those graceful spins and turns, she imagined flying next to Green Lantern and closed her eyes, picturing herself creating her very own constructs. All of them beautiful, graceful and completely fashionable, of course. And when she stopped by one of the sandbags, she played out a few self designed playfighting moves of her own that really made her feel like Batmare.

She's been at it for almost an hour and she got so carried away that she completely lost her track of time. When she looked at the clock, she gasped in horror upon realising that she was already running late from her appointment with Prince Blueblood. She quickly gathered her belongings and rushed out of the gymnasium. She was almost tempted to skip taking a shower to save time.

Almost. She highly doubted that such a sophisticated and noble stallion as Prince Blueblood would appreciate a mare sweating like a farmer stallion after a hard day's work. No offense to farmer stallions, of course. Sweet Celestia, she really should work on her manners. It would be very unfortunate if she made such an insensitive comment during her date with the prince. She was sure somepony of his status would go out of their way to avoid offending anypony.

She knew it was very unladylike, but she still couldn't help but feel giddy when she remembered how she's gonna spend the entire weekend with that dreamboat. She was already thinking of all the romantic, sweet and beautiful things that will happen between them and they will be saying to each other.

"Scarlet Feather! Get your worthless flank in here you imbecile peasant!"

The pegasus maid with the Dark red coat befitting her name and puffy blue mane sighed as her employer cried out to her for the umpteenth time that morning. She had lost count on how many times her services were called upon by the lazy, conceited twit of a stallion that morning and it wasn't even eight!

She had no idea what she did to offend Princess Celestia so she would punish her by assigning her to serving this arrogant swine. She would have even taken walking Cerberus over this. But it's not like she had a choice so she reluctantly got up and slowly flew towards the prince's bedchamber, trying to delay her newest and no doubt ridiculously petty task as much as she could. But her "sweet master" wouldn't even grant her that boon.

"Did your wings get cut off! I said get in here! Now!" The mare could only sigh again before closing the distance between the prince's room and herself.

"Yes, your highness?" She asked upon entering, trying to keep the frustration out of her voice which was the most difficult task she ever had to perform. But the white unicorn stallion in front of her still didn't look pleased.

"Would you care to explain THIS to me?!" He demanded as he held a brush in his hoof that had small pieces of his white fur in it.

"It's a coatbrush, your highness." The made replied, managing to keep a neutral face with titanic effort.

"I can see that!" Blueblood replied angrily. "What I want to know is why are there pieces of my fur in it when I specifically asked you to clean it out for today?! I am meeting a famous fashion designer today and I cannot stand in front of her so disheveled!"

"I think you should be more worried about something else not standing in front of her." Scarlet said under her breath, but the prince still caught it.

"Care to repeat that, Scarlet?" He challenged and the maid gulped, quickly realising her mistake.

"I said, I apologise, your highness! I will clean it out immediately!" She corrected herself in fright, remembering who she was talking to. The stallion in front of her may have been an insufferable prick, but he was still of nobility who could ruin any pony's life should he feel offended.

"That's what I thought." Blueblood replied before tossing her the coatbrush. "And while you're at it, here's my laundry basket as well." He said as he levitated a well sized pile of clothes onto the mare's back with his magic. "And don't you dare mix the colors again! Also when you're done with that, mop the floor in front of my bedroom door! One of those uncouth buffoon royal guards have gotten it muddy again. I'm starting to think they are doing it on purpose."

'I wonder why!' Scarlet thought, having learned her lesson about speaking out loud from hert previous outburst.

"Are you still here?!" Blueblood complained. "Get to it, you lowly servant! My aunts don't pay you for standing around like a statue!"

'They sure as hay don't pay me enough for this!' Scarlet thought as she made her way out of Blueblood's room. "I could have gone to dance school like the other fillies from my town." She complained to herself once she was far enough from the prince's door. "But no! I had to work at the palace! Why didn't I listen to my mother?!"

But what Scarlet Feather didn't know was that she only thought she was out of the Prince's earshot. Blueblood actually left the room right after his maid, only through a different exit. Canterlot Castle hid a lot more secrets than anypony could have imagined. And an entire network of secret entrances was only one of them.

And he heard everything the maid had said as he passed through the tunnel behind the wall. But he wasn't offended. Nor particularly surprised. Why would he be? He was aware of all the things the staff murmured behind his back. He's gotten used to it a long time ago. But what could he do? Everypony expected him to keep up the royal facade of being one of the standard noble Canterlot snobs all the time and this was the only way he could have some fun.

This was the main reason he was always looking forward to the annual Grand Galloping Gala. He still chuckled when he remembered how his latest wannabe gold digger date squealed when he "accidentally" pushed her into the chocolate fountain because she "offended" him by wanting to leave the ballroom for a walk in the gardens.

It wasn't always like this though. Blueblood's arrogant scowl was replaced by a soft smile as he remembered the first time he had discovered these tunnels. His parents were still alive and he was playing in the royal gardens with his mother when he accidentally ran onto a piece of ground that caved in under him. Fortunately for him, he was already adpet at using luminance spells so he easily managed to find his way out.

His parents remained none the wiser though. They assumed their colt just found a very good hiding place and waited until everypony was worried sick about him before coming out. They knew Blueblood was a cheeky foal. And that trait persisted even after the discovery of these tunnels.

He kept returning to them and explore where they lead to. Soon enough he had made a map of the entire system and could get around the entire palace without any detection. Nopony actually knew but this was how he actually got his cutie mark. He was indeed good at wayfinding as he had discovered.

The only pony who seemed to be suspecting anything was Celestia, but she never said anything about it. She just gave her nephew that knowing smirk she always did when she knew he was up to no good. Blueblood didn't even know if she knew about the tunnels beneath the castle, but it would have made sense considering how old she was. That mare was such an enigma.

Blueblood was snapped out of his train of thoughts when light suddenly his his eyes, forcing him to narrow his eyes. It wasn't light eminating from his horn that he used to navigate through the tunnel, it was the sunlight, which let him know he was close to his destination. At the end of the tunnel, he saw an opening covered by vines and branches.

He used his magic to get them out of the way and walked out into the castle gardens. A secret section of the gardens where he can do some things he actually enjoyed for a few hours before his royal day began. A secret section that only he knew about. Well, he and one more pony.

"Good morning, your highness!"

Blueblood smiled as he turned to see his foalhood friend, Golden Platter approach him. Golden Platter was a black earth pony stallion with elegant, smoothly combed white mane and green eyes. He and Blueblood grew up together. He was practically his brother and one of the only ponies he treated with common equine decency.

"Come now, my friend, we have talked about this." He greeted him. "You're about the only pony who can call me by my name." Golden chuckled as looked away sheepishly.

"Sorry, I always forget. And the way you talk to everypony else around the castle makes me a little nervous about it." He said, but Blueblood just waved off his concerns.

"You of all ponies should know that is a mere act. I'm giving everypony exactly the stuck up, spoiled prince they all expect."

"I know, but you do it so convincingly." Golden Platter replied. "It's scary, honestly. You would make a great actor!"

"Maybe." Blueblood shrugged. "But for the time being, I'd rather focus my attention on an activity I actually enjoy. Did you bring it?" Golden nodded.

"Of course! Right this way!" He motioned for Blueblood to follow him and the two stallions walked over to a table set up nearby. On the table, there was a large black suitcase. Inside it, was Blueblood's most prized possession.

Tbe stallion's eyes lit up when he opened it and saw the object it contained. It was a shiny golden bow with it's two halves carved into the shape of two alicorns - a mare and a stallion - reaching towards each other, while it's middle piece resembled the royal sun emblem of Equestria. The strong tightening between it's two ends was firmer than any of it's kind, having been magically enhanced to be unbreakable.

He used his magic to levitate it into his front hoof and affectionately caressed the firm metallic material that made it up as memories began to flow into his mind of his he obtained such a fine weapon. One day, Celestia held a military parade in the capitol and the guards issued a little challenge for the townsfolk. If anypony can best them at archery, they would be given a special prize. Blueblood immediately volunteered - in incognito, of course - and won the contest with ease.

Blueblood always had a hidden passion for archery. He inherited it from his father, it was the first thing he ever taught him. His mother used to joke that he learned to shoot a bow before using the toilet. Of course, he wasn't expected to have such passion for something that many ponies considered childish and even silly, so nopony ever found out about it. With the exception of his best friend, of course. And perhaps his aunt. He wasn't sure how, but that knowing gaze whenever she looked at him made him felt like she knew what he was thinking and doing before even he did. That mare confused Blueblood to no end.

"So, ready for some practice?" Golden asked.

"As long as my time allows me." Blueblood sighed, remembering that soon, he would have to return to his role as the number one royal prick. "So let's get to it while we still can.

"Okay!" Golden then walked onto the field. "Same rules as always. Three seconds to hit the target before it disappears. Let's see if you can beat your record!" Blueblood smirked. Now that might be a challenge. He did tend to set the bar high for himself with his previous scorelines.

"Bring it!" The unicorn declared with confidence once he pulled on his quiver full of arrows. Golden smiled before looking down at a row of switches at his hoof. After a few moments of pondering, he stepped onto one and a target suddenly sprung up from behind a bush. Blueblood quickly levitated an arrow out of the quiver, loaded it into his arrow and let go. Perfect bullseye.

"Come on, friend! Give me a challenge, will you?"

"Ask and you shall receive!" Golden smirked before pressing another switch. A small target sprung up inside a hole in the tree on Blueblood's right. His ear raised into the air as it picked up it's sound and he swiftly turned right and sent another arrow flying. It hit slightly above the center, but still pretty close.

This continued for the next few minutes. A target sprung up from behind the tree farthest to the north from Blueblood. Slightly above the bullseye. Another one dropped down from a treebranch on the other side. Bullseye. Golden Platter smirked.

"Not bad." He mused. "Now let's see how you deal with this." He then pushed two of his hooves down onto two different switches, summoning two targets at two different parts of the field. Blueblood was slightly surprised but quickly regained his composure and pulled two arrows out of his quiver. He loaded them into two different parts of his bow before letting go and hitting the two targets. Not anywhere near the center but since he had not time to aim, the fact that he hit them at all was rather impressive in itself.

"Is that the best you can do to surprise me, old friend?" Blueblood asked panting and trying to keep the shock out of his voice.

"Not even close." He smirked. He reached behind his back and pulled out another target that Blueblood had no idea he was hiding there and threw it at the prince. "Coming your way!"

Blueblood froze. All throughout his years practicing the fine art of archery, he never managed to hit a moving target. He didn't know what to do. His instincts told screamed at him to just take a hold of it with his magic but his pride prevented him to do so. This was an archery challenge and he would be damned if he backed out of it.

This inner struggle continued until the target was right in his face and by the time he noticed it, it was too late to do anything. The target hit him in the face and knocked him back on his flank. He groaned and held his muzzle in pain as Golden Platter gasped and ran to check on him.

"Oh, sweet Celestia, are you alright?!" He asked frantically. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..." Blueblood just held up his hoof to silence him. This tended to happen very often. Golden Platter was rather clumsy. On more than one occasion Blueblood got injured during their practice sessions because of a screwups like that.

One time, he accidentally dropped a target from a tree onto his back and left him bedridden for a month. Another time, he accidentally activated a target Blueblood was standing directly over and almost broke his leg. And how could he forget the time when he tossed him back one of arrows while he was turning back to him and almost poked his eye out in the process. It was a good thing he never showed any interest in archery as well because he probably would have seriously hurt somepony. Probably him or himself.

"Don't worry about it." Blueblood reassured him. "Just be more careful next time." He said with a sigh. He used that phrase so many times in the past that he lost count. "If you're really sorry, you can make it up to me by bringing me some water and a washcloth." He said as he pointed at his bleeding nose. "I have a date tonight, you know."

"Is that so?" Golden replied as he raised a teasing eyebrow. "Is Prince Blueblood finally giving up the bachelor lifestyle in the search of true love?" Blueblood rolled his eyes.

"Been there, done that. I don't think there are any mares in Equestria who don't become opportunitistic gold diggers when a prince approaches them with romantic interest. I've been disappointed way too many times."

"Oh." Golden replied in slight disappointment. "The usual then? Just do what needs to be done then broom her fast?"

"More than likely." The prince replied half-heartedly before letting out a chuckle. "Though I have to admit, she is quite looker. She is some rising fashion designer or something like that. One of the perks of being a prince that I actually enjoy. She would probably never settle for a commoner."

"What's her name anyway?" Golden asked as he returned with the wet washcloth and began to clean Blueblood's muzzle.

"Something like... Scarcity, or Uncommonality..." Blueblood answered as he struggled to remember the mare's name but eventually gave up and shrugged. "It doesn't really matter. I won't see her again after tonight anyway." He then turned back to his friend. "By the way, thank you for lending me that yacht of yours for this date." Golden just smiled in response.

"Of course! I barely use it anyway. Might as well have somepony else make good use of it." Blueblood chuckled.

"I don't know what it is about mares and the sea. They get so much into romantic drivel like walks on the seashore and cruises." Golden shrugged.

"Stallions weren't meant to understand mares, my friend." He said as he finished cleaning Blueblood's muzzle. "They were meant to enjoy them."

"I couldn't have said it better myself!" Blueblood laughed heartily. "Could you get me a mirror?" He asked, wishing to see how he looked.

"Way ahead of you!" Golden Platter said before pulling out a small hoofmirror. Blueblood examined himself in it as he put on his typical, scowly royal face. He then switched to his smolder face that he used to woo the mares. He still looked hoofsome, obviously, but nowhere near the royal perfection he usually radiated.

"Well I hope Scarlet Feather had finished cleaning out my brush." Blueblood said clearly unimpressed with what he saw. "I'll be needing it." Golden Platter chuckled.

"Don't you think you've put the poor mare through enough suffering for one day?" Blueblood just shook his head.

"After she put too much wax on my floor on purpose to make it almost impossible for me to leave my room last weekend without falling? No."

Author's Note:

So I'm back! I'm done with my internship and I'm free to write again! For the time being.

And starting the next volume of this anthology focusing on Rarity and Prince Blueblood becoming this story's version of Black Canary and Green Arrow.

I'm ashamed to see that this will be the shortest chapter for this story so far, not even reaching 5k words. But honestly, setting up the characters for the next chapters was all I wanted to do here and I didn't want to feel like the chapter is dragging on.

As I keep struggling with writing this, I'm beginning to consider giving up the Issue 1-5 system so I could make shorter chapters and update more frequently. I'm really tempted to start Omnibus 2 this way. I don't know yet.

But that's for the future! For now enjoy this chapter! How will their date go? Find out next time in...

Issue #2: Assassination

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