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Trouble in the Pride Lands

*Kion's POV*

Little did I know, a new threat was lurking in the shadows but it was something that my Lion Guard and Rani's Night Pride couldn't handle alone so I asked Makini for advice.

Makini asks "Hmm... I'm not sure. Huh?"

Makini grabbed something from the air, revealing to be blue fur, brown mane hair and blue feathers.

I ask "What's that?"

Makini spoke "I can't seem to tell yet."

Makini put those three parts into a mortar before she started grinding them with a pestle, mixing up and combining those fragments.

Rani spoke "I don't think lions can have blue fur... Plus only males have manes... Females don't."

Makini spoke "This fur, mane and feather belongs to a strange female feline. I don't know why though."

Rani spoke "I heard rumor that the roar has appeared elsewhere."

“But where?” I asked before the powdered mixture started transforming into something.

Rani spoke "male cat, male jackal and a mare...."

But then the mixture turned into a bird and started flying away, as if it was trying to lead us somewhere.

Rani spoke "I can't leave the Tree unprotected though."

But then I started seeing golden energy flow into the Tree of Life.

Anga spoke "That is strange..."

“I think we need to follow that bird.” I suggested.

Rani spoke "But the Night Pride has to protect the Tree of Life."

But then I heard a strange voice. “My abilities, help new life spring forth. So I gave the Tree of Life the ability to defend itself.”

Rani growls "Who goes there?"

I saw a rather strange magenta ladybug. “I am only speaking through the life I created, since I can’t travel far and I can only fight in close combat.”

Rani asks "Who are you?"

Golden spoke "I am known as Golden Wind Requiem."

Rani spoke "I'm Queen Rani."

“And I’m King Kion.” I introduced myself.

An egret from the Pridelands soon arrives but it was injured.

The egret spoke "Kion...."

Rani spoke "Seems like the Pridelands are in trouble..."

Golden Wind Requiem spoke "You won’t be able to fight this alone. You need to find help, and that is what the bird is trying to lead you to."

A warp ring opens up before eleven lions and five jackals step out.

Three of the lions had wings, one had a horn, one had both wings and a horn while the rest seemed normal.

Golden Wind Requiem spoke "It seems that the help has come to you."

The blue lioness had snapped at the hyper pink one.

I whisper to Rani. "That blue one has the behavior of a queen.... But that purple one is strange..."

Rani asks "I know, but what are we supposed to do?"

But then a male lion appeared after the group, his mane having strange swirls.

The calico colored lion roars loud, as did the winged lioness.

Twilight nuzzles her mate.

“Hey, Rani. You think those two…?” I asked.

Rani spoke "Yeah. I think they are."

The blue lioness nuzzled her mate.

But then Golden Wind Requiem flew to the male lion with a strange swirls on his mane.

Twilight spoke "Oh hi Golden!"

The magenta ladybug somehow turned into a rock as a strange lion appeared next to that lion with the strange swirls in his mane.

I ask "Who are you two strangers?"

Twilight spoke "I didn't expect you to come Giorno... Only the Pony Guard and both branches of the Mobian Guard were called though..."

Giorno spoke "Apologies, Twilight. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that you might need my help."

Finn spoke "We can fight though."

Giorno spoke "And I’m not saying I doubt that."

A light cream colored lioness with green eyes was heard roaring.

Giorno asks "Hmm?"

Rani spoke "That was probably Amara."

Amara was backed up against a tree plus she was surrounded by crocodiles.

“That’s not good!” I dreaded.

Rani spoke "She's not a fighter though, not like Vitani's group is."

Giorno spoke "Golden Wind Requiem!"

Golden Wind Requiem appeared as it slashed the ground, then branches suddenly erupted from the tree that Amara was against, shielding her from the crocodiles.

One croc spoke "Hey! Buzz off will you? That lioness stole a kill that two of my crocs had made!"

Ben, Finn and Twilight were growling at the croc.

The croc attacked that branch, before it glimmered like gold, then the croc was suddenly launched back a bit.

Giorno spoke "You try to attack the life that Golden Wind Requiem creates, you’ll suffer the same pain you cause that life. It’s futile."

Twilight spoke "They won't listen though... So Ben, Finn, let's give them the Roar!"

Both males spoke "Yeah."

All three roar loud, sending the crocodiles flying back.

Needless to say, me and Rani were speechless.

Anga spoke "Woah..."

Makini spoke "I… I don’t know what to say about this."

Rani spoke "Whoever these strangers are, they seem combat ready."

I spoke "Too bad we can't ask them to stay, they probably have their own places to protect..."

The blue lioness told us, “Actually, we were sent here for a reason.”

The calico colored lion asks "Did something bad happen?"

Jasiri calls out "KION!"

The shy yellow lioness hid behind the hat wearing lioness.

But then three little black monkeys with red noses showed up.

Monkey One spoke "Wow, guess Dr. Scratchansniff was right about us doing monkey stuff."

Danyelle growls "GO HOME YOU THREE!!"

Wakko spoke "We weren’t gonna be here for long."

Dot spoke "Besides, we’ve done lots of cameos."

The three monkeys went away, somehow disappearing.

Danyelle turns to face me.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about them, they tend to cause trouble wherever they go."

“Reminds me of a monitor lizard and two leopards.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "I'm Queen Danyelle, the calico colored is my husband, King Ben. The others are Sonic, Yuki, Knuckles, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity Belle, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Finn, Ace, Bella, Liam, Archie and Giorno."

Rainbow laughs "I can race circles around your cheetah friend!"

That almost made me, Rani and Makini laugh, before Fuli showed up. “Oh yeah? Why don’t you prove it by racing against me?”

Sonic spoke "A race huh? Count me in!"

Archie spoke "I'll sit this out since I don't stand a chance against the other speedsters."

Fuli taunts "Heh. Is the shorty saying he’s chicken?"

Archie growls "*Tick Mark* What was that?"

Finn spoke "Cool it Arch, you're not as fast as Sonic or Rainbow though."

Finn put his paw on Archie’s shoulder, before feeling something strange in his friend.

Rainbow spoke "He's got a point though, most lions and jackals can't keep up with me or Sonic."

But then Sonic noticed green electricity coursing within Archie. “Wait, maybe we should let him try this time. I have a feeling he can keep up with us now.”

A young cub with the same rainbow mane as Rainbow was crying since she got separated from her parents.

Rainbow asks "Huh?"

The young cub latches onto Rainbow, rubbing her head against the female's chest.

Rainbow asks "You okay, squirt?"

Feather spoke "M-mom..."

Rainbow gasps "Say what right now?"

Twilight spoke "*sigh* Gilda's going to blow a gasket if she found out..."

I saw some kind of strange male lion with purple fur and white mane floating in the air, having a strange weapon carried with his tail that was absorbing some kind of energy before disappearing in purple smoke.

Danyelle spoke "I bet that was Fu..."

“Fu?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "He's what I call a dimension jumper."

I wasn’t gonna ask what that is, but I decided against it.

Twilight spoke "I'll answer that one since I'm classed as a dimension jumper. They're folks that jump from one world to another if their home world gets destroyed."

Danyelle spoke "But he keeps jumping and absorbs some kind of strange energy into that sword of his."

Twilight spoke "And I think we just confused him...."

Jasiri spoke "Guess my message isn't that important then!"

“No, seriously. You can tell us, Jasiri.” I said to the hyena.

Jasiri spoke "I bring bad news from the Pridelands, Vitani's group has gone missing!"

“What?!” I gasped.

Danyelle spoke "My mate, my friends and I will find them."

But then we heard dark growling.

Protecting the cub, Rainbow growls "Who goes there?"

We turned around and saw… Vitani and her Lion Guard?! But something was wrong with them, that had this dark purple aura, and their eyes were glowing red.

I growl "Vitani, what is the matter with you?!?"

But then a bright light showed up, and when it faded, it revealed an orange monitor lizard with parts of him looked polished with red, some other parts looking black and spiky and having red markings under his eyes, while on his right shoulder was a strange symbol. "Your friends are being controlled. That’s what’s wrong.”

Twilight snarls "I've seen this before... It happened to Starlight once... According to Danyelle, the second occurrence happened to Diamond Tiara's mother..."

The lizard spoke "I don’t know what you’re referring to, but this is different. This is dark time energy we’re dealing with."

But then Vitani and her Lion Guard started floating up high into the air.

Twilight snarls "Since it's aerial combat they want, then that's what they will get!! Danyelle, Rainbow, Yuto, help me out! Rarity, keep watch!"

The four with wings took flight to fight with the corrupted Lion Guard, leading them away from the Tree of Life.

Twilight snarls as she chases Vitani through the sky.

But then the monitor lizard floats high into the sky as well. “I appreciate the help, but I need to do my job. We only need to knock them unconscious to snap them out of it.”

Twilight roars loud from above the five lionesses, knocking them down onto the ground and out cold.

The male spoke "That's quite a powerful attack. Hmm? Watch out!"

The monitor lizard pushed Twilight, saving her from a sudden purple beam.

the white male spoke "You again."

We saw another floating monitor lizard, except he was mostly white and few of his parts were polished and purple.

Twilight snarls "What is it with monitor lizards?"

But then another flash of light appeared, revealing a floating pink female honey badger with three holes lined vertically on each of her shoulders, having her pink hair in pigtails, and wearing a white cape and headband around her forehead with a jewel hanging from the center of it. But what was strangest was that her eyes were black, her irises red, and she had the same symbol on her right arm as the orange monitor lizard had. “Need help, Heita?”

Heita spoke "Hehe. I appreciate it, Flania."

the female monitor lizard scoffs "You pathetic little worms."

Twilight snarls "you picked the wrong lioness to piss off!!!"

The ghostly image of a large nine tailed lion that had foxlike appearances appears near Twilight.

The foxlike lion snarls "You don't belong here or ANYWHERE in Ezekiel's homelands!"

Twilight roars louder than normal, sending the male monitor lizard flying far away from the Tree of Life.

But then we heard that monitor lizard roar in fury. “HOW DARE YOU!!! I will make sure that your deaths will be slow and in pain!” The monitor lizard said before he flashed, his polished parts becoming a more dark purple, as his hands, claws and under jaw turned purple while the rest of him became gold as he had a yellow aura around him. “You’re actually making me put effort into this fight! Behold! This, is Golden Frieza!”

Twilight snarls "you monster!!!!"

Twilight engulfed herself in fire, transforming into a lion version of Twirama.

Twirama snarls "This isn't even my final form!!!"

But then Frieza smirked darkly before gaining a strange symbol on his forehead, causing him to become close to black and white while his eyes glowed magenta. "Hahahahaha! You cannot hope to defeat me!"

Heita spoke "Time to go for the gold!"

Flania spoke "Here were go!"

Heita's orange parts of his body became purple while his red eye markings and black armor-like spiky parts became golden and his polished red parts became dark purple. Pink steam started coming out of Flania's holes, enveloping her, and when the steam cleared, she looked different and a bit younger as she didn't have a mane-style, only a single antenna on her head.

A fire blast hits Frieza hard.

Megadanyoll roars "You made a BIG MISTAKE COMING HERE!!!"

"Grrr!!! Now you've pushed me too far!" Frieza growled as he conjured some kind of sphere made of energy before aiming it at the tree. "Begone!" Frieza roared as he threw the ball at the tree, before Heita and Flania got between it, conjuring balls of energy of their own.

"Supernova!" Heita shouted while Flania grunted as they threw the balls at the projectile that headed for the Tree of Life, causing the three balls to explode and cancel each other out.

Megadanyoll smirks before charging up an attack she picked up from Chameleo.

Megadanyoll spoke "KAME..... HAME....HA!!!!!!"

A fiery version of the Kamehameha hits Frieza hard, sending him flying far away.

But then a strange portal formed as Frieza fell into there before the portal disappeared.

Megadanyoll spoke "Good riddance...."

Heita and Flania exited their transformations as they awed in amazement.

Heita exclaims "Wow! How did you learn that?!"

Flania spoke "Yeah! That's normally taught by Goku!"

Megadanyoll spoke "I saw a friend use it one time so I picked it up from him."

Heita spoke "Goku must've taught your friend that!"

Flania spoke "We can help train you and your friends if you want."

Sonic spoke "No thanks, some of us are combat ready though."

Heita spoke "Okay. See ya later."

Flania spoke "Until we meet next time."

The two of them disappeared in the same strange white light from before.

Vitani groans as she got back onto her paws.

Kasi asks "What just happened?"

Vitani asks "Wait, Kion? What’re you doing here?"

I spoke "Uh, I'm the king here."

Vitani asks "What?"

Amara spoke "Clean the fluff out of your ears lioness, he said he's the king."

Vitani looked around. “Wait, how did we get here?”

Kasi spoke "There was this strange monitor lizard..... and then this weird lioness with purple fur.... She used the roar..."

Danyelle spoke "That doesn’t sound like Fu."

Sonic spoke "Seriously Danyelle? You used the freaking Kamehameha attack!"

Danyelle spoke Yeah, but Fu’s a lion with white mane, yellow glasses and a sword."

Jasiri spoke "*ahem* I think it's time I got Vitani's group back to the Pridelands."

Twilight spoke "My friends and I can't leave our home unprotected too long."

Fuli whines "Come on! We still haven’t had that race yet!"

Sonic chuckles "Oh IT IS ON!!!"

Danyelle giggles "You want some cheese with that whine?"

I saw Archie’s eyes glow green with that same green electricity from before, as he entered the race as well.

Sonic laughs "Eat my dust cheetah!"

Like a blur, Sonic zooms away.

Fuli chases after, and then Archie ran just as fast as they did and caught up to the two speedsters who were neck-and-neck.

Rainbow pulls off a rainboom and pulls further ahead.

Sonic and Archie pulled a sonic boom and caught up with Rainbow Dash, leaving Fuli shocked, unknowingly starting to go faster.

Rainbow laughs "Nice try Spots! Sonic and I are two of the fastest creatures alive!"

But then something snapped in Fuli before her body had yellow electricity course through her as her eyes glowed yellow too, before catching up with Rainbow Dash, Sonic and Archie.

But suddenly, a fireboom had happened as Danyelle zooms past the four.

Sonic, Rainbow Dash, Fuli and Archie gasp "WHOA!!!"

Danyelle laughs "Later slowpokes!"

Fuli spoke "Oh, you did NOT just call me that!"

Fuli ran right after Danyelle, closing in on her.

Danyelle flew up into the sky, crossing the finish line first.

But suddenly, Danyelle's eyes shimmered.

Danyelle spoke "There's been a cave in!"

“What?!” I asked in shock.

Anga spoke "I see it too! It's in the outlands!"

Danyelle spoke "My friends and I got this though, come on guys!"

The rest of Danyelle's friends follow after her to the outlands with Jasiri leading the way.

“We can’t just leave them alone!” I said.

Rani spoke "Kion, those sixteen are tougher than they look. They'll be fine."

“I know, but still-“ I tried to say before Rani nuzzled me.

Rani spoke "Your place is here."

*Jasiri's POV*

I call out for Madoa.

Twilight spoke "We should start cleaning this mess up...."

Knuckles, Ace and Applejack started moving rocks out of the way.

“Wow! I’ve only seen strength like that in Beshte and the strongest of Vitani’s Lion Guard.” I awed.

Danyelle spoke "I chose Knuckles because he's the strongest I know. Applejack's strong too because of her job."

Rarity's ears were on alert, as were Bella's ears.

Fluttershy spoke "Oh… I hope they’re alright."

Twilight was helping move the rocks as well.

Twilight spoke "I see something! A lioness that's two months in with cubs but she's hurt!"

Fluttershy: Oh no! That’s really bad!

Amara gasps "Imani!"

Imani coughs "Sister, is that you?"

Amara spoke "Shh, I'm here..."

Imani limps out of the cave once the pathway was cleared.

Amara asks "Are you alright?"

Imani spoke "Yeah… I think so…"

Jasiri screamed as Danyelle and the others turned around to find… another Jasiri?!

Danyelle growls at the copy.

But then Danyelle heard a clink, before seeing the copy’s eyes being strange things with holes and a strange counter on her forehead before the colt transformed into a strange purple and gray lion with no mouth or mane. “Looks like Moody Jazz has found something.” Everyone looked and saw a lion with a straw star on his mane.

Danyelle growls "You scared the cuss out of us Abba!"

Abbacchio spoke "Hey. I was investigating a disappearance here when I found myself in the Pridelands."

Twilight asks "Disappearance?"

Abbacchio looked and saw Imani. “Looks like you already found her.”

Amara asks "Out with it, how do you know my sister?"

Danyelle's fur itched, as did the others thus indicating that the mission was finished.

Danyelle spoke "Gio, time to go!"

Giorno spoke "Very well. But I have a suggestion."

Jasiri had left.

Danyelle asks "Let me guess, it's about Amara?"

Giorno spoke "Yes, but it’s also about her sister, Imani."

Rarity spoke "we don't know what could happen if they are moved from their homeworld..."

Twilight spoke "I see where this is going....You like Imani too!"

Giorno: You misunderstand, Twilight. I sensed a connection between Imani and Abbacchio.

Imani and Abbacchio didn’t hear that.

Danyelle spoke "Pride law states that there is to be one male per pride of lions."

Giorno asks "Tell me, was the Passione Familia considered a Pride?"

Twilight roars "ENOUGH!!!!!"

Giorno was unfazed.

Twilight spoke "We should hear Imani's side of the story first."

Imani spoke "I'm sorry Abbacchio but I'm just not interested...."

Abbacchio spoke "*Unfazed* It’s fine. I was only doing my job."

Applejack spoke "Ah doubt that."

*Back in Ponyville*

Covering her chest with her arms, Amara spoke "Quit staring at me Gio... Nolion told me that going from one dimension to another would cause this sort of transformation...."

Giorno spoke "I was only concerned, Ama."

Danyelle covered Ben's eyes while knocking Sonic and Knuckles out.

Twilight spoke "Uh it's more than that.... she's naked...."

Giorno politely turned away while covering his nose to prevent blood from coming out.

Rarity uses a bit of her magic to teleport new dresses onto the sisters.

Amara gasps "This really goes good with my eyes!"

Imani spoke "Mine's just as cute!"

An air blast had sent Ein flying.


Imani spoke "Wow, I guess hyenas are annoying in any world...."

Danyelle spoke "You don't know the half of it.... Ein's got a bad habit of blowing things up..."
