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A New Threat

*Lillian's POV*

Six months after the defeat of Eggman and Chrysalis, I was in a wheelchair since I was still recovering from my injuries. But little did I or the others know, a dangerous storm was on the horizon. One that would affect all Digimon.

Renamon shouts "Danyelle!"

Danyelle asks "What's up Renamon?"

Renamon spoke "Something’s wrong! Very wrong!"

I ask "Is everything okay?"

Danyelle spoke "Not really Lills, none of the Digimon can digivolve at all.... Even Armor Digivolution isn't an option this time."

"That can't be good!" I dreaded.

Patamon was on my lap.

Patamon spoke "It could be Myotismon...."

"Myotismon?! You're kidding, right?" I asked in fear.

Pibby asks "Who?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh right, Pibby doesn't know what Digimon are..."

Pibby spoke "Yeah, sorry. I was with my family for some time."

Rusty was chasing Scootaloo.

Danyelle spoke "No form of Digivolution will work now..."

Gatomon asks "Uh... Guys? Can someone explain why I have a suit on, and why I can make things malleable like rubber?"

Trish asks "And why can't I summon Spicy Lady?"

We turned around and saw Trish and Gatomon, who seemed to be a bit more humanoid like a mobian, having a plaid suit composed of pink and yellow, pink curved horns on her head and white knuckles on her gloves.

Danyelle spoke "Uh...."

Giorno then showed up. "It seems that Gatomon has somehow digifused with Spicy Lady."

I spoke "Then it's not actual digivolution."

Danyelle spoke "Then this gives us a chance!"

Gatomo spoke "Huh. Maybe this digifusion can be called SpicyGatomon!"

Twilight growls "I don't think Myotismon would let any form of digivolution happen... Heck, my kyubi form is kinda like a digivolution."

But then a portal opened, revealing Chameleo, but his right arm was wrapped up in bandages. "Then maybe it's time you learned chakra mode, or should I say in this case, magic mode."

I ask "What happened to your arm?"

Chameleo moved his arm, not showing any signs of pain. "Let's just say that my final showdown with my Swampsuke left my right arm and his left arm destroyed. So Grandma Milonade used some of the first Mizukage's cells to make a replacement arm for me."

Danyelle spoke "Yikes... And I bet you got a girlfriend too."

Chameleo spoke "You seriously forgot about me and Viper? And besides, Granny Milonade is just what I call Milonade, who was the Fifth Mizukage. And now Crawgashi-sensei's the Sixth Mizukage."

Danyelle's eyes flash white before smiling.

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me that you'll be the seventh Mizukage one day."

Chameleo chuckles "Heh! You really think I'd doubt that? That's still my dream. Believe it!"

Twilight chuckles "You're just like that brat."

Chameleo spoke "I did say that I was a counterpart of Naruto. But I have a feeling I'm not the only counterpart. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if a Ninetales was one of Naruto's counterparts."

Twilight shifted her tail to nine fox tails.

Twilight spoke "There is also the possibility that I'm the reincarnation of Naruto too. Given that I was born with Kurama in my soul."

Chameleo spoke "Yep. But the spirits of Rivurshifu and Articuno were sealed in me when I hatched. And me and my brothers are actually Zoroark."

Chameleo changed and shifted until he revealed himself as a Zoroark.

Pibby spoke "Huh, I didn't see that coming."

Chameleo asks "Well, me, Raptor and Soulfire aren't ordinary Zoroarks. I mean, you saw me using Snipe Shot, right?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah and I just realized that Midnight Storm has two mothers..."

Chameleo spoke "That being you and Matatabi? I mean that would make sense."

Twilight spoke "Yeah but I decided to not have any more kids though."

Chameleo spoke "After a HUGE delivery? Makes sense."

Twilight spoke "You should have seen the look on my dad's face when he saw Midnight Storm for the first time..."

Chameleo asks "I'm guessing he fainted?"

Twilight spoke "No... That was my mom's reaction..."

Chameleo asks "Was I close though?"

Twilight spoke "My dad started asking who the father of the cub was but I never told him. How else was I going to explain that a nine tailed fox was living in my soul? Uh uh, I couldn't figure out how it happened."

Chameleo spoke "So you're a counterpart of mine and Naruto's. And I'm guessing Kurama and Matatabi had some real fun."

Kurama started snarling.

Chameleo spoke "Hahaha. Just saying."

Danyelle's fur had bristled up.

I spoke "He's coming...."

An eerie laugh was heard.

All of a sudden, Gatomon was back in her rookie form.

Salamon groans "Great....."

Spicy Lady was back beside Trish.

Patamon spoke "This is really bad...."

But then something was falling towards us.

Trish spoke "Time to blow this death trap!"

Spicy Lady shouts "WANNABEEEEEEEE!!!"

Spicy Lady delivered a flurry of punches, turning that projectile into rubber.

Danyelle spoke "That won't work!!!"

Chameleo pulled his left arm back as it charged up energy. “Kamehame…HA!!!” Chameleo shouted as he thrusted his left arm out, firing a beam that destroyed the projectile completely. “Gotta say, turning it into rubber made it easier.”

Twilight spoke "Nothing can stop Myotismon except an angel Digimon!"

Danyelle groans "If our Digimon can't Digivolve, we're sitting ducks!"

Chameleo spoke "Then we’ll have to find a way of digifusing."

A voice laughs "I don't think so!"

Twilight snarls "Not him!"

Chameleo spoke "Here we go again."

Danyelle snarls "This is bad... We can't stop him without help from Davis and the others!"

Chameleo spoke "Well, time for some hacking."

Chameleo activated his Multitrix and caused a flash of light to cover him. When that light faded, Chameleo was in some kind of suit, having a pair of scanning goggles over his eyes and having keyboards on parts of his suit.

Chameleo spoke "Probe Regalia, activate!"

But the Digimon Emperor struck Chameleo hard with a whip.

The Digimon Emperor laughs "A group of pathetic talking animals can't stop me!"

But then Chameleo glitched a smirk, before disappearing, revealing to be a clone.

Chameleo’s voice echoed from everywhere. “I fought you before, Dark Emperor. And thanks to that attack, you’ve given me some data.”

A roar was heard.

the Digimon Emperor laughs "You haven't met my newest creation! Sic im Kuramamon!"

A darker version of Kurama attacks Chameleo.

Chameleo dodged with grace, before his fingers started going crazy on his keyboards. “That’s it! Show me some more data!”

Twilight shouts "Stop it Chameleo! You're only making him more madder!"

But Kuramamon was far too fast and it soon had Chameleo pinned down.

Chameleo spoke "Nice try."

Chameleo poofed into smoke.

Chameleo spoke "And thanks to that, I have all the data I need."

Chameleo charged towards Kuramamon as he reappeared. He then attacked with the swipe of his hand, as it looked like nothing happened to the dark Digimon.

Chameleo spoke "It’s over."

Kuramamon then exploded into data, being absorbed into Chameleo’s Probe Regalia.

Chameleo spoke "SEN-I-SOSHITSU!!!"

Another Kuramamon retaliated with Lightning Kyubi Roar, sending Chameleo flying far.

Chameleo gasps "What the?! Another one?!"

the Digimon Emperor laughs "You stupid fox, Digimon never truly die! And this one is Black Flame Kuramamon!"

But then Chameleo reappeared. “Well then, good thing I gathered all that data. And hacking complete.”

For some reason, Black Flame Kurama started to glitch, before turning towards the Digimon Emperor.

the Digimon Emperor cracks his whip at Black Flame Kuramamon, forcing the dark Digimon to attack the Ponyville schoolhouse.

Twilight shouts "NO!!!!!"

A burst of light engulfs Twilight, causing her to transform into White Flame Kuramamon for the first time.

Chameleo spoke "Time to add in some data!"

Chameleo summoned some Angewomon data and infused it with Twilight’s White Flame Kuramamon Form, giving her some more light and heavenly power.

Heavenly Flame Kuramamon roars loud.

Heavenly Flame Kuramamon spoke "CELESTIAL BOMB!!!"

A sphere made of light was summoned in Heavenly Flame Kuramamon’s mouth, before she fired it at Black Flame Kuramamon, causing an explosion of light.

But Black Flame Kuramamon countered with a dark version of Celestial Bomb.

Sunset glows bright as she transforms into Solare Sunset before blasting Black Flame Kuramamon with Solare Firestorm, destroying the dark Digimon.

Chameleo spoke "Nice job, ladies!"

I was soon snickering since Salamon was behaving a bit differently because of Patamon.

Chameleo asks "What’re you snickering about?"

I snicker "Oh nothing."

Chameleo asks "Someone’s head over heels, isn’t it?"

Salamon spoke "Sh-shut up...."

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {Embarrassed Digimon alert...}"

Chameleo spoke "I didn’t say who, you did, Salamon."

The Digimon Emperor soon fled after losing the battle.

Renamon spoke "Cuss, he got away!"

I spoke "He'll be back..."
