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Shadow Play/ Old Foes Return

*Twilight's POV*

I spoke "Okay guys, let's go over this one more time just to be sure. Applejack found Rockhoof's shovel, Rarity has Mistmane's flower, Rainbow has Flash Magnus's shield thanks to Spyro, Pinkie has the blindfold that Somnambula wore, Fluttershy has Meadowbrook's mask. That just leaves Starswirl's journal."

Danyelle spoke "Hold on a minute Twilight, if we release the Pillars... That could release something else..."

Nazuna spoke "Not only that... It'll put Adagio, Aria, Sonata, Treble and Operetta in danger too! If Starswirl found out about them, he'll banish the five! Regardless of what we say!"

Evan spoke "Which is why me, some of the others, Starlight and Sunburst are coming as well."

Nazuna switched to her Mobian form, as did the other five sirens.

Adagio spoke "I'd rather not be banished again..."

Sonata spoke "Same...."

Anna spoke "We’ll protect you and the other sirens."

Sonic asks "But what about the half sirens?"

Operetta spoke "Sonic's got a point though. Melody, Harmony, Carol and Alto are half siren though..."

Michiru spoke "Half siren or not, the four children may be seen as a threat..."

Carmina spoke "That guy really is black and white."

Danyelle growls "I won't let him hurt any of the sirens. I'm the one that brought the Dazzlings back to Equestria. If he dares try to get near them, I'll tell him off. All of the sirens are under MY protection though."

Ji-Woon spoke "And we’re saying you’re not alone."

I spoke "I don't think he will listen to any of you guys."

Celestia soon arrives.

Celestia spoke "But he might listen to me though."

Philip spoke "I’m certain he’ll be surprised by your growth and family though, Celestia."

Celestia spoke "But I think it would be best if we don't mention anything about sirens to Starswirl though."

I spoke "Good idea."

Rin spoke "Agreed."

Celestia spoke "Good thing I held onto Starswirl's journal all these years."

Natsu asks "But is it a good idea to release them from limbo?"

Lucy spoke "We might release something else along with them."

Danyelle spoke "We don't have many options here."

Sonic asks "What do you think Twilight?"

I spoke "Let’s do it!"

Danyelle spoke "If I recall correctly, the last place the Pillars were seen before they disappeared was a place called Ponehenge."

Lillian spoke "Wow. Sounds a lot like Stonehenge."

Tempest spoke "There's a lot of similarities between Equis and Earth though.... Las Pegasus, Las Vegas.... Canterlot, Camelot.... Yakyakistan, Pakistan.... Trottingham, Nottingham... and so forth."

Max spoke "Hoowee! That there’s certainly surprising."

Danyelle spoke "And I think Rarity should hide her wings with a cloak though..."

Rarity spoke "What do you... Oh.. right... There hasn't been a sphinx in a thousand years..."

A new voice asks "Um… Hello?"

We saw three new Mixels.

Danyelle asks "Who are you three?"

Camil spoke "Oh, I’m Camillot, this is my cousin Mixadel, and this is my old pal Paladum."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle."

Mixadel asks "Then how come you look like a commoner?"

Danyelle spoke "That's because Iris isn't old enough to lead a hive yet. As for the alpha part, I scared a few Diamond Dogs into obedience."

Mixadel asks "So you’re saying you’re strong?"

Danyelle spoke "You don't know the half of it, I beat up a stupid hyena on a daily basis because it's fun... Plus he screams like a girl."

Megaman chuckles "My sister's one cat you don't want to piss off."

Mixadel scoffs "Hmph!"

I growl at Mixadel.

I growl "Leave Danyelle alone or I'll use the ROAR on your sorry rear!"

Camillot spoke "Please forgive my cousin, he just doesn’t trust others very often."

Paladum neighed in agreement.

Rarity groans "He's as bad as Blueblood..."

Camillot spoke "I don’t really think so. He mixed with me, Paladum and my friends in Mixopolis to help save the city and the zoo."

Suddenly, the marks of the Pony Guard along with the Ponyville Mobian Guard were glowing.

Natsu spoke "That's new..."

And to my surprise, Celestia's cutie mark was glowing too.

Celestia spoke "Well, this is new..."

Charlotte spoke "Oui."

Victor spoke "Uh-huh."

Fizzlepop spoke "I have a feeling that someone wants me dead since I turned my back on him..."

Finn spoke "I’m sure we won’t run into him."

Danyelle spoke "I have a feeling he'll be targeting all of the alicorns for their magic...."

Giorno spoke "And I have a feeling that we’ll encounter the boss again when that happens."

Danyelle spoke "But Twilight and I have a secret weapon for when that happens."

Giorno spoke "Just be careful."

Danyelle spoke "I'm talking about the legendary being, Divine Danyterama."

Danyelle's neck fur bristles up suddenly shortly after the pillars were freed.

Adagio, Aria and Sonata were hiding behind Danyelle since they were afraid of Starswirl.

Starswirl asks "Wha… What happened?"

Danyelle growls "Don't touch them."

Starswirl asks "Them? Who or what are you?"

I growl "Her name is Danyelle, she's a friend of mine and a fellow royal. And you better not touch the Dazzlings..."

Starswirl gasps "The Dazzlings? *Gasp!* The sirens have returned?! Where are they?!"


Celestia spoke "That's ENOUGH Starswirl, you shouldn't anger a hive queen!"

The Dreamers growl at the Pillars.

Starswirl asks "What? Celestia? What happened?"

Celestia spoke "You made the mistake of angering a hive queen who also happens to be an alpha."

“That and we brought you and the other pillars back.” I added.

Starswirl spoke "What?! No! You cannot bring us back!"

Danyelle growls "We knew the risks but it's been a thousand years since you went missing."

Since she had a sweater on to hide the wings, Rarity spoke "Exactly."

Gilda arrives via warp ring.

Gilda spoke "You shouldn't underestimate Danyelle, she and her team has done so much for folks like us. Danyelle helped me reconcile with Rainbow, she brought Sunburst in from the Crystal Empire to stop an out of control Starlight, she freed Radiant Hope who in turn saved Sombra, she beat the tar out of Adagio and Aria which caused them to give up their evil ways, she even caused her worst enemy to change his ways and she talked Chrysalis out getting revenge. She's not just an alpha-queen, she's the Nekomata of Redemption."

The other pillars accepted that, but Starswirl still seemed skeptical. But then a huge mass of darkness started showing up.

Danyelle's fur had turned white since she had shifted to her Solare form.

Solare Danyelle hisses "This isn't you Stygian!"

The Pony of Shadows laughs "Hahahaha! Stygian is gone!"

Solare Danyelle flew into the Pony of Shadows's chest, causing it to roar in pain.

Claws glowing with magic, Solare Danyelle asks the unicorn. "Are you Stygian?"

The unicorn asks "Who’s there?! Who are you?!"

Solare Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, leader of the Crystal Stars hive-pack. I'm also the defender of the sirens and co-leader of the Mobian Guard. You must be Stygian..."

Stygian stutters "How-How do you know who I am?!"

Solare Danyelle spoke "I have a rare trait that not many have, I see things that have yet to happen or have happened."

Stygian asks "Foresight?!"

Solare Danyelle spoke "Dimensional Scream actually. And I can tell that you just wanted to be as gifted as the other Pillars but were cast out. You then made copies but they got upset and thus causing you to become corrupted."

Showing up, Adagio spoke "It doesn't have to be this way. Danyelle helped me and my sisters realize the error of our ways and now, Sonata's got an adorable daughter named Carol."

Stygian gasps "Y-You’re back?!"

Adagio spoke "I'm not evil anymore, I have Danyelle to thank for that."

Stygian asks "I-Is that true?"

Solare Danyelle spoke "Yes, but that's only if you let us help you! I know you can become a successful author."

Adagio spoke "Friends don't lie!"

But then the three heard an inhuman growl.

Solare Danyelle snarls "WHO GOES THERE?"

Adagio growls.

Stygian spoke "Oh no! Not that!"

Adagio and Solare Danyelle shot fire from their mouths at the Dredge.

It seemed to have damaged him before going back into the darkness, fading away from sight.

Grabbing onto both Adagio and Stygian, Solare Danyelle uses Chaos Control to teleport out of the darkness before the Pony Guard and I along with the Pillars banish it back to limbo thus stopping the dredge as well.

Evan asks "That expression… You encountered the Dredge, didn’t you?"

Solare Danyelle spoke "We did but it's gone now, Dagi and I drove it off long enough for us along with Stygian to escape."

Celestia spoke "I believe Starswirl has an apology to give."

I growl at Starswirl.

Starswirl spoke "Stygian, I’m sorry. You were our ally, but instead of trusting and helping you, we only turned you away. Please accept our apologies."

Stygian spoke "I forgive you all."

Danyelle spoke "Guess apologies can go a long way."

I spoke "Yeah."

Starlight giggles "Heehee! You got that right!"

Rarity spoke "I agree."

Somnambula asks "Hmm?"

Rarity spoke "Oh sorry, I'm Rarity Belle. My lifemate is Shir Blizzardstar. Our children are Snowfire, Riversong and Mythic Fashion."

Somnambula spoke "Something’s familiar about you, but I can’t find the answer to the riddle of why that is."

Rarity pulled off the sweater she had on thus revealing her wings.

Somnambula looked completely shocked, but said nothing, before her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

Flash Magnus spoke "Somna!"

Ji-Woon spoke "Whoa! She just fainted on her hooves!"

Rarity used her waterbending to drench Somnambula, jolting the Pegasus mare awake.

Danyelle spoke "I don't think she's aware of a sphinx back in Ponyville..."

A unicorn mare asks "What? Mother? Father?"

We turned around and saw a young unicorn mare.

Sandy had pounced on Danyelle before nuzzling the female.

Danyelle asks "Sandy?"

Sunset spoke "Sorry, guys!"

Blaze was on Millie's back as the beast-lord landed.

Zecora was in a heated basket that was strapped to Millie's chest.

I spoke "Guys, meet Zecora. She's a zebra-lamia hybrid."

Zecora pokes her head out of the basket.

Zecora spoke "Hello."

A familiar roar that only Somnambula knew was heard.

Somnambula spoke "Jinxie."

But to Somnabula's shock and surprise, a pair of teen sphinxes had tackled her. The blue furred female was named Tefnut and the cream furred male was named Atem.

Somnambula stammers "W-What’s happening here?"

Jinxie spoke "Long story short, you kinda had cheesed me off before you vanished. And it didn't help that I had been pregnant back then."

Somnambula asks "What? Pregnant?"

Jinxie's ears twitch before she started growling.

Danyelle spoke "Jinxie, calm down before I throw more catnip at you."

Jinxie immediately shuts up.
