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Movie Part 3: Battle for Canterlot

*Ben's POV*

I spoke "Okay everyone! Let's go save our friends!"

But then Spike and Wendy showed up.

Spike spoke "You can count us in!"

Wendy spoke "Yeah!"

Lucy spoke "Exactly! We need all the help we can get."

To my surprise, three of the Caninian Queens along with Gilda and a few other gryphons show up via warp ring.

Jennino spoke "You can count me, Ambrosia and Moonbeam in. I would have died if Danyelle hadn't called in a friend to cure me of lead poisoning."

Gilda spoke "Danyelle's my friend too! She helped me let go of my anger."

But then Raptor showed up from a portal, except he had a huge scar on his chest from his right shoulder to his left hip.

Raptor spoke "Don’t leave the prince of the skies out of this action!"

Sonic spoke "My fellow Smashers are already aware of the situation though and they're starting to gather."

“Whoa! What happened to you?!” I asked in shock.

Raptor spoke "You can thank my world's Storm King for that."

Fizzlepop asks "What happened to my counterpart?"

Raptor smiled. “Let’s just say you turned against him and saved our lives in that final battle against the Storm King.”

Fizzlepop spoke "But unlike her, I had my horn repaired early on thanks to Mystic Wish."

Raptor spoke "Hehe. Chameleo and Twilight told her that her unicorn magic and horn are still strong, just like your counterpart."

Ambrosia spoke "Let's go stop that monster!"

Maria soon pops up with Eggman but he had looked different, like as though he had lost weight.

Raptor exclaims "Whoa! Did NOT see that coming! And I’m as awesome as Rainbow Dash!"

Shadow soon pops up as well since Ruby was in Sumarda's dimension with her baby brother.

Shadow spoke "I'll fight too, I owe it to Danyelle for reuniting me with Maria."

Even the Dazzlings show up.

Adagio spoke "Count us in too."

Sonata was carrying Stygian, Manic and Starswirl on her back.

Raptor spoke "What, you three are in Equestria? That’s surprising."

Adagio spoke "Danyelle gave my sisters and I a second chance and she defended us when Starswirl and his buddies came back."

Stygian spoke "She saved me from the darkness."

Raptor spoke "Not surprised about Stygian though."

Zoey and her friends show up.

Zoey spoke "Count us in!"

Fizzlepop spoke "Let's go save our friends!!!"

Novo and the other hippogriffs screech, as did Wave and the pirate crew.

Jenn, Amber, Moon and Renee howl loud while Zoey and Capper yowl.

Raptor roared as some of his scales became shaped like hexagons and his body becoming covered in electricity with growing Zapdos wings on his back.

Lucy and Wendy roar as well.

I spoke "Everyone, let's go!"

Everyone else agreed as I used a warp ring and took us to Canterlot.

But there was a lot of Storm Guards all over.

Yuki whispers "Ben, we need a plan..."

Sky Beak whispers "There's too many Storm Guards...."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Uh… guys? There’s a strange shadow heading straight for us!"

We saw what RD was talking about and dodged it! But all of us started feeling strange.

Sky Beak grabs me as he took flight to dodge the shadow. Three other hippgriffs had grabbed Sonic, Knuckles and Yuki before taking flight.

Novo gasps "What in the wide world is that?"

“Uh… Guys? Is anyone else feeling strange?” I asked as everyone else agreed.


A male donkey with weird hair and glasses walked forward. “You noticed my stand, Seth. Good, since that bought you a few more years, otherwise, you all would’ve become fetuses!”

But then me and my friends noticed all of us getting younger and younger, until we all became seven year-olds!

Alessi laughs "Hehehe… Attaboy Alessi, Attaboy. I just love picking on the weak and torturing them. I know I may be a bit crazy, but people say if you think you’re a little looney upstairs, there’s a good chance you’re not."

Alessi brought out an axe, which the shadow wielded as well before bringing its axe and the arm wielding it out of the ground, ready to strike us.

Shadow and Maria were the only two unaffected since they were immortal.

Maria herds the kids away to a safer place while Shadow fought Alessi.

Shadow spoke "Knock it off! Diavolo is the real threat!"

Maria sends a telepathic message to Christa to ask for help.

Christa spoke "You need to knock Alessi out if you wanna get them back to their normal age!"

Maria spoke "Right!"

A sudden Chaos Blast had sent Alessi flying into a wall and knocking him out thus reversing what he had done to me and the others.

Shadow spoke "It's over Alessi!"

Alessi whimpered before a flurry of attacks struck him, sending the donkey flying out of Canterlot. “AATTTTAABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyyyy… *Star KO*“

Pinkie laughs "Retired!"

Sonata spoke "Let's NEVER speak of this again!"

Koichi spoke "Wait, I think that happened to Mr. Jotaro and Mr. Polnareff."

Rarity spoke "Uh guys..... We're surrounded...."

But then a male diamond dog in some kind of brown costume poked out of the ground like it was water, while a male falcon griffon with a purple scarf and a silver helmet having three feathers on it flew in.

I used the roar to send a few Storm Guards flying.

I yowl "CHARGE!!!!!"

But then the diamond dog dived underground as the griffon flew into the air, with the air getting colder and we found ourselves sinking into the ground.

Novo and the hippogriffs took flight while carrying those that couldn't fly.

But then the falcon smirked.

Iggy growls "It’s that damn bird that made me gnaw my own paw off!"

But then Pet Shop’s stand, Horus, appeared on his back.

I spoke "Since it's an ice type stand, Fire type stands should be more effective!"

Iggy spoke "I’ll take care of Tweety!"

Since he was airlifting the dog, Sky Beak spoke "I'll help you out."

Iggy spoke "Alright! The Fool!"

Sand erupted from the ground as it morphed into The Fool, flying as well.

A howl was heard as quartz spears impale Pet Shop's wings, downing the gryphon.

Smoky was on the back of a gryphon hen as she howled.

Iggy spoke "Get ready to throw me!"

Sky Beak throws Iggy like a rocket at the gryphon.

The Fool’s fangs formed on Iggy’s mouth as Pet Shop prepared to fire an icicle from his beak.

Smoky shouts "WATCH OUT!!!"

Pet Shop fired the icicle, which tore through Iggy! Pet Shop smirked before hearing a familiar voice. “Hey!” Pet Shop turned around and to his shock, saw Iggy, alive and well. “Surprise! You thought you got me, but what you hit was my shapeshifting stand, The Fool!” Iggy explained as he, The Fool and Smoky clawed Pet Shop, sending him flying into a tornado that suddenly formed at Canterlot Castle.

A screech was heard as one of Twiliterasu's allies flew fast with a flock of phoenixes following.

Moegami screeches.

The strange diamond dog emerged again. “Ha! You’re weak and pathetic!”

Ghiaccio spoke "Cut the crap, Seco!"

Seco then for some reason started putting mud in his mouth. “My stand, Sanctuary, can turn any stone into mud!” Seco said before he spat all of the mud in his mouth into the air, before they hardened and fell into the ground under like a rain of giant needles. “But when I use mud as a weapon and spit it out, it turns back into rock!”

A sudden fiery Chaos Spear hits Seco.

Danyelle shouts "ENOUGH!!!!!"

Seco growled as he dove underground, escaping the battlefield.

But Smoky used her earthbending to knock Seco back up to the surface.

Seco started to lose his temper before he spat his giant mud needles at us again.

But the airbenders whip up a tornado to knock back the mud needles.

Jenn opens a warp ring under Seco, causing him to fall through and land in a garbage truck incinerator.

“Thanks, Jenn!” I said in gratitude.

Jenn spoke "We can't have a dangerous Diamond Dog running around!"

Danyelle flew at me before hugging me.

“You made it out!” I said, filled with joy.

Danyelle spoke "Twiliterasu was wounded in that battle.... A foreleg was ripped off... But the Storm King AND Diavolo are dead."

Doppio spoke "Not to mention she actually freed me from the boss and helped me get my own body."

We looked and saw Doppio.

A voice spoke "You…"

We saw Glitter Drops, having shadows over her eyes and having Anubis unsheathed. “I swear on my life… I will, MURDER YOU!!!” Anubis spoke through Glitter Drops.

A Chaos Bullet knocks Anubis out of Glitter's magic, freeing the mare.

Danyelle spoke "That's enough!"

Danyelle breathed fire, melting the sword completely, and retiring the stand, Anubis.

Fizzlepop spoke "Now, we don't have to deal with that one anymore."

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {If only another can let go of her anger.}"

Glitter Drops asks "Wha… What happened?"

Fizzlepop spoke "You lost control of yourself Glitter."

Glitter Drops asks "F-Fizzlepop? Is that you?"

Fizzlepop spoke "It's me alright."

The gryphon hen from earlier was tending to Pet Shop's wounds before nuzzling him.

Pet Shop glared at Iggy, who glared back at him, silently telling each other that they were rivals from now on.

Greta bops Pet Shop on the beak.

Greta spoke "Be nice mister."

Pet Shop scoffs "Tch…"

Greta rubs her head under Pet Shop's chin, causing him to purr.

Iggy couldn’t help but chuckle at that, before a sudden whirlwind blew in!

Novo asks "Oh WHAT now?"

But the whirlwind died before it did any damage. But what was shocking to all of us, was that someone was in the middle of it on the ground!

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof! {CADENZA!!!}"

The three legged godly alicorn flew over to the Pegasus and hugged her.

Cadenza spoke "Woof "{Twiliterasu… I missed you so much.}"

But then another whirlwind showed up and died down, revealing a strange male diamond dog wearing ancient clothing. But what was strange about him was that he had a horn on his forehead.

Twilight asks "Who are you?"

The male spoke "I am Wamuu."

Rachel, who was here and watching nearby, blushed blood-red before passing out with a nosebleed after seeing the sight of Wamuu.

Rarity drenches Rachel.

A warp ring suddenly opened, revealing an elderly male Mobian hedgehog, holding a cane and a strange baby. “I can’t believe it, Wamuu. You’ve somehow returned to life.”

Twiliterasu asks "Woof? {What is with all the newcomers?}"

Avdol spoke "Mr. Joestar. It’s good to see you again."

Joseph asks "Avdol and Kakyoin, you two came back as well?"

Kakyoin spoke "Yes we have, Mr. Joestar."

Wave spoke "Not just them... Iggy, Bruno and Giorno are here too."

Joseph spoke "I see."

Danyelle asks "Who’s this little cutie?"

Joseph spoke "Oh, this is my adopted daughter, Shizuka Joestar. She’s two years old and a half, and she’s starting to learn on how to control her stand, which practically makes her and other creatures and objects invisible."

Since the Storm King was gone for good, the children along with the non-fighters and the other alicorns returned.

All eight of the Hikari children dogpile their parents.

Danyelle spoke "These eight are my kids. There's Nyx, Iris, Bluestar, Guinevere, Thunder, Irene, Ralph and Stella."

Twilight spoke "I have six children. Dusk, Daylight, Silverstorm, Akari, Astral and Midnight."

Rarity spoke "I have three though. Snowfire, Riversong and Mythic Fashion."

Josuke and Jotaro showed up.

Joseph spoke "Oh. And I see you met my son, Josuke, and my grandson, Jotaro."

That left me and everyone else shocked.

Looking at Josuke, Danyelle spoke "I can tell you love video games, so do I!"

Rimuru shows up in a Mobian tempest star wolf form.

Rimuru spoke "Her name reminds me of someone...."

Danyelle asks "How so?"

Rimuru spoke "Before I took on a human form, I knew a woman named Shizue Izawa but.... she's gone now..."

Danyelle spoke "Oh. Uh… I’m sorry about that."

Rimuru spoke "But her soul is resting in peace now."

Danyelle spoke "That’s good to hear."

Soon enough, the festival was back under way.

Songbird spoke "And now, to celebrate the fact that we're all still here in one piece. Give it up for Princess Twilight, Alpha-Queen Danyelle and their friends!"

Various Equians, taurs, monsters and Mobians cheer.

Songbird sings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dM0d9uUgVSc with Ji-Woon and Coloratura.

Danyelle spoke "Her voice reminds me of Sia."

Then Sumarda and Christa appeared, with a female anthro Siberian Tiger wearing warm pants and vest, and a female anthro Green Anaconda, wearing Brazilian clothes.

Sumarda spoke "Hey, Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "Hey girls, glad you could join us."

Fizzlepop was talking with Glitter.

Mariah asks "Oh? Who are they?"

Sumarda spoke "My name’s Sumarda, and they’re Christa the Blue Whale, Silena the Siberian Tiger and Ana the Green Anaconda. Three of my eight BBFs."

Danyelle spoke "You know something Twilight? I have a great idea on how we can spread friendship to all species."

Twilight asks "Are you thinking what I’m thinking?"

Danyelle spoke "Thanks to my dimensional scream, I think there'll a school of friendship soon."

“You read my mind!” Twilight said in agreement with a smile.

Danyelle giggles "I can't control what I see though."

End of book 7

Comments ( 5 )

Sumarda spoke "My name’s Sumarda, and they’re Christa the Blue Whale, Silena the Siberian Tiger and Ana the Green Anaconda. Three of my eight BBFs."

Silena’s her nickname. Her real name’s flora.

But we call her Silena to prevent confusion since there's a beast-lord named Flora

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