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Hearth's Warming Tail

*Lillian's POV*

Hearth's Warming, one of my favorite holidays. It's a good time to unwind after the paranoia that Eggman had caused.

I was at Twilight's castle with the others as we were decorating for the holiday.

“This is gonna be so much fun!” I cheered.

Lan shook the snow off since he had been pelted with it by Maylu.

Lan chuckles before throwing snow back at Maylu.

Phantom was wearing a scarf that Lauren had made for him.

Danyelle spoke "I love this holiday."

Rusty was chasing Scootaloo through piles of snow.

Rusty spoke "I'm gonna get ya Scoots!"

Despite the anger she had at Eggman, Danyelle had dropped a wrapped present in Eggman's lap via warp ring.

Danyelle spoke "Even though I hate him, he deserves something at least..."

I spoke "True enough."

Megaman was laughing since Protoman had been covered in snow due to a well timed throw from Roll.

Danyelle spoke "It's funny how we're all getting along on a day like this, oh happy Hearth's Warming Twilight!"

Twiliterasu was covered in snow since Jet had pranked her.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {You have five seconds to run before I hit you with a snowball hawk boy.}"

Jet spoke "Oh yeah? Just try it, pony pup!"

Twiliterasu was holding a large snowball with her magic.

Corina spoke "She's serious Jet...."

Twiliterasu tosses the snowball at Jet, covering him completely in snow.

Corina spoke "I tried to warn you."

Poking his beak out, Jet spoke "I hate that wolfpony...."

Twilight spoke "Oh hi Starlight!"

Starlight asks "Hey, guys. What’s going on?"

Sunburst spoke "Looks like they're decorating for Hearth's Warming."

Arctic squirms in the foal carrier that was on Starlight's back.

Danyelle spoke "Eyup, plus we got a guest from the Nameless village."

Sugar Belle spoke "Hello Starlight."

But Danyelle saw something, making her giggle.

Crosswind facepalmed.

Crosswind spoke "Seems mah brother in law's twitterpated...."

Big Mac just giggled with a goofy lovestruck smile.

Crosswind spoke "Oh maker... He's got it bad..."

Surprisingly enough, Smudge and Pharynx show up with the rest of Pinkie's family.

Marble was wearing a scarf that Smudge had made for her around the neck.

Crosswind punts hir brother in-law in the rear, causing the red stallion to crash into Sugar Belle.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Limestone."

*Meanwhile in Griffonstone*

Ezekiel was working on a gift for Gilda.

Ezekiel sighs "Oh… What am I gonna do?"

One gryphon guard asks "Why not make something she'd love?"

Ezekiel decided to work on a wood carving.

*Bark in Ponyville,*

Rainbow kissed Soarin on the cheek.

And then Fleetfoot kissed Soarin on the other cheek.

A gift had arrived for Spike since it was from Wendy.

Spike spoke "I wonder what it is."

Twilight spoke "Open it and find out."

Sonata was in Mobian hedgehog form while talking with Manic.

Manic spoke "That new form looks totally awesome, Sonata."

A giggling Sonata spoke "Thanks Manic, that nekomata friend of yours helped design it after splitting a Celestial Fury fang into three pieces. This form was my own choice."

Adagio looked like a tiger while Aria had the form of an echidna.

Then Operetta showed up in her Mobian form. "Hey, sweetie."

Melody was in hedgewolf form.

Sonic spoke "Jealousy alert..."

But then Manic grabbed both Sonata and Operetta and started hugging the two of them.

Both sirens gang up on Manic and tickle him.

Manic laughs "H-Hey!"

Sonata giggles "Tickle tickle!"

Operetta giggled as well. "Stroke stroke!"

Sonata spoke "Retta, I think we should continue this at your place since everyone else is staring..."

Operetta spoke "Okay."

Aria spoke "Heh, the little kid, Melody seems to like playing with me."

Danyelle spoke "It's funny that your Mobian form was an echidna though Aria, you're as tough as Knuckles... Without the stupidity."

Aria asks "What?"

Manic spoke "Come on, you two. I have a Hearth's Warming present that neither of you will ever forget."

The two waterbenders followed Manic.

Adagio spoke "She's got a point Aria, our Mobian forms were based on our strengths. Mine was a tiger since I've got a short temper, yours was echidna because of your stubbornness and Sonata... Well, she's a tacobrain."

Aria spoke "Yeah, but Sonic's more of a chilidogbrain."

Sonic spoke "Fish face."

Aria counters "No-spikes."

Adagio bops Aria on the head.

Adagio spoke "Unless you want to be picking quills out your butt, do not mention the R word when near a hedgehog."

Aria growls "Well Sonic better not call me that k word, because I'm not!"

Sonic spoke "You know I only call Knuckles that!"

Phantom groans "Oh maker.... Wait, what's that sound?"

A heartless was somehow sent flying right towards us before it disappeared in defeat.

A red unicorn spoke "Emerald Splash!"

A zebra spoke "Magician's Red!"

Danyelle's fur was fully bristled up due hearing a strange whinny.

The unicorn asks "I don't understand! How are we suppose to beat that thing?"

The zebra asks "We already know that it's behind this snowstorm, so why can't Magician's Red burn it to crisp?"

Twilight spoke "Windigos feed off the negativity of others, our arguing has brought them here! For the love of.... Sonic, Aria! You two caused this to happen! Now apologize before I roast your sorry behinds!"

Danyelle asks "Uh... Twilight?"

Twilight asks "What is it Danyelle?"

Danyelle spoke "You might wanna calm down, and there's a unicorn stallion and zebra stallion trying to fight the Windigo."

Twilight spoke "Oh right..."

Twilight roars loud, getting everyone's attention.

Twilight spoke "I know that two individuals had caused this fight to break out but if we don't get along, everything we've worked hard to achieve will come undone...."

Twilight started to sing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fBUe9PXNnqU thus calming everyone back down.

The others join in on the song too.

The Windigo was completely destroyed.

the red unicorn spoke "That certainly was calming."

The zebra spoke "Yes, even the flames of Magician's Red are now cool."

A voice asks "Kakyoin? Advol? Is that truly you two?"

We looked behind us to see Giorno carrying a turtle with a key in its shell.

Twilight spoke "Unity and Harmony go hoof in hoof since those are what keeps Equestria connected."

Danyelle spoke "Plus there aren't that many zebras living in or near Ponyville though."

Kakyoin spoke "Wait, that voice…"

Avdol spoke "It sounded like Polnareff."

But then the turtle spoke. “I am Polnareff, but only my soul since I was switched with the turtle after my body died.”

Sonic spoke "I'm sorry Aria, I let my anger get the better of me. I won't call you names again."

Twilight spoke "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, also known as the Nine Tailed Terror to my enemies. But my friends call me Twilight."

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {Twiliterasu, solar goddess.}"

Phantom spoke "Even though my actual name is Sonic, I go by Phantom so I don't get mistaken for the other Sonic."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari."

Kakyoin spoke "I am Noriaki Kakyoin."

Avdol spoke "My name is Mohammed Avdol."

Polnareff spoke "And I, am Jean Pierre Polnareff."

Sonic spoke "I'm Sonic, one of the most fastest Mobians alive."

But then Polnareff started glowing, before he transformed into a Mobian fusion of a turtle and a snow leopard.

Cody calls out "Hey Skittles! It's been a while since I saw you last!"

Rainbow spoke "I remember you! You're that penguin I saw back at Winsome Falls when you had pranked some of us!"

Cody chuckles "I remember that prank. Not even Big Z could top it."

But then a female Gentoo Penguin Mobian showed up. “Come on, my uncle told me that he was a bit of a prankster too when he was a kid.”

Cody stutters "H-hey Lani..."

A scrawny Mobian rooster spoke "Hey Cody!"

A few of the females were giggling at how silly Cody was.

Danyelle was digging in the snow before pulling aside handfuls of soil.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Lillian, I found a dragon egg...."
