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The final Battle/ To Where and Back Again

*Twilight's POV*

This was the final battle between us and Eggman. We got so much riding on the outcome.

I counted everyone that could fight, even all of the Smash Fighters were here. And Linn was with us as well and two other Koopalings with a spiky winged blue-shelled Koopa was with us, along with three zetis and a male tiger Mobian.

I spoke "This battle will decide our future! Some of you may not survive but we will stop Eggman ONCE AND FOR ALL!!"

Melira and the other felines all yowl as the combat ready canines howl.

Everyone else cheered and roared in agreement, before a platform appeared.

Danyelle spoke "We WILL STOP EGGMAN!"

We are shouted in agreement as we went onto the platform, with it teleporting us to the inside of the Death Egg, straight to Eggbot.

Eggbot spoke "SO, YOU’VE ARRIVED."

I was in my kyubi form.

I snarl "Damn right we did!"



Eggbot suddenly turned back to Eggman for some reason. “For the last year, I’ve been thinking about this. And I realized that now matter what, we’ll always fight each other until one side is destroyed. So I’m going to fight with everything I’ve got, and you with all of your friends better do the same.” Eggman spoke as he turned back into Eggbot once more with Evil Grows Requiem floating by his side. “THIS FIGHT WILL BE THE LAST FOR ONE OF THE TWO SIDES. WITH MY STRENGTH… NO, WITH MINE AND EVIL GROWS REQUIEM’S TOGETHER, OUR EMPIRE IS NIGH!”

Annabelle snarls "BAD GUYS ALWAYS LOSE!!!"

I shot fire from my mouth at Eggman.

Eggbot fired missiles to cancel out the flame projectiles.

Okuyasu laughs "Let’s see how you like this!"

The Hand’s right hand glowed blue as it swiped distorted air appeared right above Eggbot’s shoulder, before Okuyasu and his stand were suddenly on Eggbot’s shoulder. “That’s right! I can teleport!” Okuyasu confirmed as The Hand swiped a place on Eggbot’s shoulder, erasing it and causing his arm to stiffen.

Blizzardstar froze the ground under Eggbot.

Danyelle had taken on her Danyterasu form before punting Eggbot down a hallway.

The large wolftaur pounded Eggbot into a pulp.

Koichi spoke "Reverb Act 3!"

Koichi’s stand appeared.

Reverb Act 3 spoke "The target is now is in the 5 meter range. Reverb Act 3; 3 Freeze! S H I T!"

Reverb Act 3 delivered a flurry of punches on Eggbot, before the mechanized mad scientist felt gravity pulling him down.

Danyterasu bodyslams Eggbot.


Eggbot rebounded, pushing Danyterasu away.

Danyterasu howls loud as she sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPIVrfnRBWw before summoning Gekigami and Moegami to help out.

Gekigami roars as he shot high voltage lightning at Eggbot as Moegami screeches, shooting fire from his beak at Eggbot.

Jotaro spoke "Star Platinum, unleash The World!"

Star Platinum appeared before all of time itself stopped, except for Jotaro and his stand.

“Oraoraoraoraoraoraoraoraoraora! Ora!” Star Platinum shouted as he threw a storm of punches on Eggbot for three seconds.

Jotaro spoke "That’s enough, time end."

Time started moving again before Eggbot was launched further back from the sudden force.

Danyterasu reverts back before taking on the Danydonna form.

Danydonna shouts "HELLFIRE THUNDER!!!!"

A flaming bolt of thunder hits Eggbot.

Eggbot then fired homing lasers.

Danydonna used her gravity band to freeze time before getting behind Eggbot and putting him in a headlock before removing the time stop.

Danydonna spoke "IT'S OVER EGGMAN!!!"

Danydonna punched Eggbot, sending him crashing onto the ground, before he reverted back to Eggman.

“This can’t be…” Eggman groaned before he turned to Evil Grows Requiem. “What?” Eggman asked his stand. “I see… It seems that I haven’t kept my word on giving this battle everything I got.” Eggman realized before Evil Grows Requiem opened up, followed by wires wrapping around the mad scientist, pulling him into the stand before it closed, causing Evil Grows Requiem to shine brightly.

When that light faded, Evil Grows Requiem was now Egg Emperor Requiem, having absorbed Eggman.

Eggman spoke "I am thou… and…"

Egg Emperor Requiem shouts "THOU ART I!!!"

Danydonna growls before switching back to the Danyterasu form since she needed the size.

After eating another hypernova fruit, I was now Hypernova Twirama.


Final Battle! Hypernova Twirama and Heavenly Danyterasu versus Egg Emperor Requiem!

I howl https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPGuiZ48PbA as Danyterasu charged up a Heaven's Piercing Light attack while I charged up my final attack.

But then a digimon card appeared in front of Danyterasu, showing the silhouette of a mega-level digimon and having the word “Biomerge.”

Danyterasu spoke "What good will that do? I can't use it when in taur mode."

Renamon spoke "As much as I hate to admit it, you can hold onto that for another time."

Danyterasu spoke "Fair enough."

Danyterasu calls upon Dialga to help.

Then Super Sonic showed up when Dialga appeared.

Shadow and the prime zone Sonic fuse into Shadic.

Shadic spoke "IT'S OVER EGGMAN!!!"

Egg Emperor Requiem spoke "It’s time… It’s time… It’s time to end this, ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!"

Egg Emperor started to charge up a deadly flurry of fists.

Danyterasu crossfuses with me, bringing about the ultimate being.

I punch Egg Emperor Requiem with lightning fast reflexes, negating all of its attacks.

Shadic spoke "Holy cuss..... That's the fabled being.... Divine Danyterama!!! No creature has ever seen it before!"

Soon enough, after clashing with punches, we landed one, right on its face, with the amount of power launching Eggman right out of the armor.

I spoke "It's over Eggman!"

Lifting a forehoof, I slam it down hard on Eggman's spine thus breaking it.

Shadic asks "Is it over?"

I spoke "You will never win!"

Eggman slowly got back up, as the Death Egg started to crumble, before Shadic split up.

Sonic spoke "I’ll finish this."

The fusion spilt back into Danyelle and I as we evacuated everyone else through warp rings.

Sonic spoke "So, this is it, Eggman."

Eggman spoke "It seems that my stand has been destroyed. But if I die, I’ll do it without regrets. So fighting you, fist-to-fist, will kill those regrets!"

Danyelle scoffs "You can't even stand up since your spine was damaged."

Eggman spoke "I GAVE UP EVERYTHING!!!"

Eggman suddenly got up and charged towards us, before throwing a punch at Sonic, who let himself get hit, before he punched back.

Maria spoke "THAT IS ENOUGH IVO!!!"

Maria fired a Chaos Spear at Eggman.

Eggman asks "Then tell me! Why?! Why couldn’t I win?!"

Danyelle spoke "Villains never win."

Maria spoke "You never had the chance Eggman."

Eggman spoke "Give me a real reason!"

Maria spoke "Aside from Shadow and Ruby, you're the only family I have left...."

Maria hugs the paralyzed Eggman.

But then the floor underneath started to crack.

Eggman spoke "Heh. I get it now. Thanks to you, I have no more regrets. Sayonara."

The floor beneath Eggman shattered, but only his glasses fell down the abyss, as he found Maria holding onto his arm, keeping him from falling.

Danyelle grabs onto Maria.

Maria spoke "I'm not letting you go!"

Eggman spoke "Guess there’s no way around it, since you all still have that look in your eyes. You’ve truly beaten me."

I grab onto Danyelle's tails as Sonic grabbed my tail.

Sonic spoke "Friends don't let friends fall!"

Maria spoke "There's got to be another way!"

But then a giant obese female anthro blue whale wearing summer clothes appeared. “Did somebody hail a whale?”

The rest of the floor shatter beneath us before the whale got all of us into her mouth when she was somehow teleported back onto Equus ground, letting all of us out.

Danyelle spoke "Thanks for the save there Christa."

Christa giggles "Hahaha! You know it! Oh, and did Sumarda tell you about the next showdown with her and Twilight? It’s a two on two, with me and Sumarda as a team, against Twilight and Rainbow Dash."

I spoke "I never agreed to it."

Sonic spoke "Hold on, something isn't right."

Danyelle asks "What is it, Sonic?"

I growl "Everyone's not who I think they are..."

Danyelle spoke "We should check my home though. I don't sense any of my Changelings."

Starlight spoke "And you’re right about that!"

Starlight, Sunburst, Trixie, Card, Thorax, Amy, Discord and Pandora appeared.

I growl "How do I know it's really you Starlight?"

Danyelle growls "If you really are Starlight then what is my favorite fruit and my favorite color?"

Zipping back, Sonic spoke "Blaze is gone! As is Tails and Inari! I couldn't find Knuckles or Shade."

Maria teleported to Rainbow's house before coming back.

Maria spoke "Rainbow's gone too."

I spoke "I can't find Spike or Flash though."

Danyelle snarls suddenly since she had heard Nigel's voice.

Mista spoke "That was too close!"

We saw Mista, Trish and their daughter, Perla, show up.

Trixie spoke "I can't fight in my state though... I'll be in Sumarda's dimension where it's safer for me..."

Trixie uses a warp ring to get into Sumarda's dimension since she was close to having a foal.

Danyelle asks "Christa, are my children safe?"

Christa spoke "Of course they are. Sumarda and I made sure to take them there for safe keeping."

Then Sumarda appeared in her unbound form, as big, fat and heavy as Christa.

Sumarda spoke "Yep!"

Sumarda and Christa giggle "Full-Body Bump!"

Sumarda and Christa bumped their fronts with each other at full-force like two people doing a high-five, causing their bodies to shake, wiggle, jiggle and ripple.

Danyelle spoke "Last thing any parent wants is to bury their children."

Starlight spoke "Good point."

Starlight used a warp ring as she, Sunburst and Card went into it, going to Sumarda’s dimension.

Danyelle spoke "Eggman... Even though you did hurt us on multiple occasions, I believe you can put your skills to better use as an actual doctor."

Maria spoke "We have to save the others."

Sumarda asks "Ready to help fight to save the world, just like in the Fat War?"

Christa spoke "Ha! You know it!"

Sumarda and Christa spoke "Full-Belly Bump!"

Sumarda and Christa bumped each other with their bellies as full force, causing their entire bodies to jiggle again.

I retake my Twirama form before howling loud.

Thorax spoke "I should warn you guys, Chrysalis's throne soaks up magic which means Princess Twilight's kyubi form will be rendered useless. And nobody can navigate the kingdom unless you're a Changeling. Plus Draconequus magic is useless as well... In fact, nothing but Changeling magic will work."

Sumarda spoke "That means we’ll have to go to physical power!"

Christa spoke "Fight and brawl!"

Sumarda and Christa spoke "Full-Booty Bump!"

Sumarda and Christa bumped each other with their flanks at full force, making their whole bodies ripple once again.

Thorax spoke "Don't say I didn't warn you..."

I spoke "Plus if Nigel's there, you don't stand a chance against his power."

Blanche flew out of a warp ring.

Blanche screeches "Leave that jerk to me!"

But then Blu followed. “Listen, I’ve beaten that bird twice. I think I can help.”

Blanche spoke "He's my ex though... I'll deal with him."

Blu spoke "And he dislocated my wife’s wing. So I’ll fight with you."

Blanche spoke "Let's go stop that mad bird!"

Sumarda spoke "You know what they say."

Christa spoke "Birds of a feather flock together."

Sumarda and Christa spoke "Full-Bosom Bump!"

Sumarda and Christa bumped each other with their chests at full force, making their entire bodies shake yet again.

Iris spoke "I go too!"

Danyelle spoke "What?! But Iris-"

Iris spoke "No mom, I have to stop my actual mom."

Gatomon spoke "Patamon and I will do what we can to keep her safe."

Patamon spoke "With Lillian and Tempest missing, Gatomon and I can't digivolve."

Renamon spoke "I'll help out too."

Leomon spoke "I'll protect the squirt."

Hawkmon spoke "Count me in too!!"

Jet spoke "Same here!"

Sumarda spoke "And we will rescue all of our friends!"

Christa spoke "And all of us will beat every single one of our enemies!"

Sumarda and Christa spoke "Full-Hip Bump!"

Sumarda and Christa bumped each other with their hips at full force, causing their whole bodies to quake once more.

Danyelle growls "That doesn't smell like Jet..."

I growl "If that's not Jet, then it must be a Changeling!"

Danyelle growls "Remember, Digimon can't digivolve if their Mobian partner doesn't have a digivice!"

But then the changeling found himself sandwiched by Sumarda and Christa using their bellies, before the changeling lost consciousness.

Danyelle spoke "Nice one ladies!"

Sumarda spoke "Thank you, Danyelle."

Christa spoke "At least he fell asleep between two beds."

Sumarda and Christa spoke "Full-Fat Bump-Course!"

Sumarda and Christa bumped each other with their flanks, then hips, then bellies, then their fronts, which was both belly and chest, then chests, then palms, and finally fists, all of those actions at full force, causing their whole entire bodies to go quaking, shaking, jiggling, wiggling, wobbling and rippling that will last for I guess about two hours.

I spoke "*ahem* We gotta get to the Changeling Kingdom now!"

*One warp ring later*

Danyelle spoke "Cuss it all, guess Bug Breath got warned about warp rings..."

I spoke "Without my magic, firebending and kyubi form, I can't be of much help."

Gatomon spoke "I'm sure we'll figure it out, beat Chrysalis and Nigel and save all of our friends.

"Gatomon's right. But seriously though, what the cuss was that anyway? And why are your bodies still shaking like that?" Danyelle asked the two obese giants.

"That was the ultimate BSSBBWFF secret handshake!" Sumarda and Christa answered with vigor as their fat bodies were still wobbling. Just as I thought, it'll last for some time, and I'm still guessing two hours.

Danyelle spoke "Uh ladies... You're both back in restraint forms...."

Christa asks "What?"

Sumarda spoke "But the Unbound Form doesn’t use any magic."

I spoke "Unless Chrysalis found a way to negate all forms... That could be why the Digimon can't digivolve though...."

Sumarda spoke "Wait a minute, not only that, Chrysalis might’ve found a way to keep our Unbound Forms at bay, which is the true form of me and Christa!"

Hawkmon spoke "Exactly and without a digivice, none of us Digimon can digivolve."

Christa spoke "Oh! That Chrysalis is going down!"

Sumarda spoke "Yeah! But at least you’re still big and strong. You’re just about as big as me, or bigger in Restraint Form. And if Nigel or Chrysalis manage to get away, I’ll leave a surprise for them so good, they won’t be able to move for months!"

Gatomon spoke "But if either has the phantom ruby, then it'll be game over for us!"

A beaten up Quicksilver was carrying a wounded Lillian on her back.

Quicksilver spoke "It's just as the cat said... Chrysalis ripped the phantom ruby from Lillian's chest..."

Danyelle spoke "That means we don’t have much time left!"

Mista spoke "Don’t worry."

Mista brought out a pistol, as six mini-men with numbers on their foreheads poked out of the bullets.

Mista spoke "My stand, Six Bullets, are specifically designed to kill."

Iris and Blanche spoke "We're NOT killing anyone!"

Mista spoke "That said, I managed to fight with Six Bullets to knock enemies out. So shooting them unconscious isn’t a problem. But you won’t find a Number 4 among Six Bullets, since that number brings nothing but bad luck."

Iris spoke "I know there's still some good in my actual mom."

Thorax spoke "But with this large a group, we'll be caught more easily."

Danyelle spoke "Which is why it'll be me, Iris and Thorax that will be going."

“Okay, but be careful!” I said.

Danyelle disguises herself as an untransformed Changeling as Iris does the same.

Thorax leads the two females into the kingdom, avoiding the guards and sentries.

Chrysalis laughs "Those pathetic heroes won't stop me!"

Danyelle spoke "She's close... I can hear her..."

Nigel spoke "I’d suggest having eyes on the back of your head, because there could be unwanted eyes, ears, or fakes."

Chrysalis spoke "It's bad enough that traitor's corrupted my daughter and he's turned Pharynx against the swarm!"

The three were hiding in an area near Chrysalis and Nigel.

Thorax whispers "There they are..."

One Changeling spoke "My Queen, I've captured a female cockatoo, a pink hedgehog and a male spix macaw roaming around here."

A bruised Blanche, a bruised Amy and a beaten up Blu were thrown on the ground in front of Chrysalis.

Amy growls "You monsters...."

Nigel spoke "Well, Blanche and Blu. So kind of you to join our little soirée."

Blanche spoke "You have no right to talk to me, NOT AFTER what you did to me!"

Danyelle was holding Thorax back.

Danyelle whispers "You're gonna get us caught..."

Thorax whispers "But I'm worried about Amy..."

Blu spoke "Oh yeah? Well you won’t be so luck, because we got the strongest, meanest, craziest people right behind us!"

I was in a cage, as were the others.

Jewel and the others were captured too.

Nigel spoke "Ah, love. It’s such a powerful and… stupid thing."

Amy growls "Danyelle and Thorax are still out there!"


Danyelle and her Renamon biomerge to become Sakuyamon.

“Speak of the Tantabus!” I said as Sakuyamon made her appearance.

But Sakuyamon was soon trapped in slime.

Chrysalis laughs "It's all over! Equestria has fallen! Next, I'll take Mobius and NOTHING CAN STOP ME!!!"

Iris shouts "STOP!!!!!"

Thorax spoke "This is all wrong!"

Iris dropped her disguise.

Thorax spoke "This is what happens when a Changeling shares love with other creatures!"

Chrysalis scoffs "The only thing Thorax and Iris have found is what happens to those who turn their back on the hive!"

The evil queen proceeds to drain the love from the two.

Sakuyamon spoke "No! Stop!"

Chrysalis laughs "Just as soon as I drain every last ounce of love from them and show my subjects what a real leader is!"

Thorax spoke "I can feel the love inside me slipping away...! I can't hold onto it much longer...!"

Iris whimpers "Help...."

Amy spoke "Then don't! Sharing love is what made you different to begin with! You should share yours with Chrysalis! Give her all of it!"

Thorax and Iris nodded as they shared more of their love, and it was beginning to overpower Chrysalis!

Danyelle had split apart from Renamon.

Danyelle spoke "That's my girl!"

Thorax had transformed.

Danyelle spoke "This what happens when you give love freely instead of taking it from others!"

The other Changelings follow suit and started sharing love instead, overloading the throne and destroying it.

Much to Pinkie's surprise, even Pharynx had transformed!

Pinkie spoke "Ooh! Limestone’s gonna go lovesick crazy when she sees this!"

Chrysalis growls "This isn't over!"

Danyelle pins Chrysalis down.

Iris spoke "Mom, please. It’s not too late to change."

Shoving Danyelle off, Chrysalis snarls "I'LL NEVER LET IT GO!!!"

Chrysalis goes to attack Iris but Kiara got in the way.

The two fight each other.

Since she still had her fangs, Kiara went for Chrysalis's throat.

Blanche fought with Nigel.

Nigel scoffs "You really think you can beat me?"

But then Nigel was kicked from behind by Blu.

Blu spoke "I know we can!"


Blanche claws Nigel's face.

Kiara threw Chrysalis against a wall.

Blu punched Nigel’s chest.

Blanche spoke "Oh cuss! His Stand's got Jewel!"

Kiara spoke "It's over Chrysalis."

Nigel asks "Now, Pretty Bird, why don’t you show Jewel your bladed feathers?"

Pretty Bird lined one of its wings with Jewel’s neck before pulling it back to prepare an attack.

A Royal Voice boosted Roar of the Elders hits Nigel's stand, saving Jewel.

I snarl "IT'S OVER NIGEL!!!"

Nigel spoke "Pretty Bird! Feather Shield!"

Feathers from Pretty Bird flew and spun in front of Nigel before all of them combined into a floating shield.

But it was just too much for the shield though since Ben and Finn had combined their roars with mine.

Nigel yells "Gah!"

But I saw a strange gray stag beetle buzzing around.

Brooke spoke "STOP THIS RIGHT NOW DAD!!!"

Suddenly a feather knife fly right by her, leaving a painless scratch as the gray beetle kept buzzing.

Brooke glares at Nigel.

I spoke "Can SOMEONE get rid of that beetle? Renee is STARTING to freak out!"

Jotaro spoke "Wait a minute! That beetle couldn’t be…!"

The beetle started to buzz behind a changeling’s head before charging right into it, and erupting from its mouth, having taken its tongue.

A stranger laughs "Hahahaha! Bingo!"

Jotaro spoke "That’s no beetle! It’s a stand called Tower of Gray!"

Pharynx spoke "NOT ON MY WATCH!!!"

The dark forest green stallion flung blades of air at the beetle.

Sunset shot fire at Natsu, powering him up before he used Fire Dragon Roar on the stand.

Tower of Gray dodged those blades and the fire with ease. “Hahahahaha!!! You fools! I’m faster than Star Platinum! You can’t hit me!”

A sudden Homing attack hits Tower of Gray.

Sonic spoke "Nothing can outrun me!"

Tower of Gray yelps "Gah!!!"

An elderly male changeling started writhing in pain.

Sonic growls "Where is your user?"

Jotaro spoke "No need to ask, since that old changeling responded to the stand being hit."

Sonic spoke "He killed one of his own kind! What if that had been Thorax? Or Pharynx? Neither Amy or Limestone would have been happy."

Jotaro spoke "Come on, we beat that guy before. He’s responsible for mass murders, which looked like accidents. So he was probably bought easily by someone else."

Kovu growls "THAT JERK!!!"

After taking on a lion form, Kovu pounces on the old Changeling and beat him up.

Gray Fly spoke "Gah! My stand represents the Tower Tarot, signifying horrible accidents and the end of journeys! You will not defeat him! His power commands even lightning itself! Your deaths will be quick and painful!"

A bolt of lightning crashes down on the old Changeling, charring him to ashes.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {Oh shut up you old badger!}"

Kakyoin spoke "A repulsive stand usually has a repulsive stand user."

Thorax spoke "At least he won't be able to wipe out the Changelings now. Twiliterasu incinerated him with a bolt of lightning."

Blanche had Nigel in a headlock before snapping the male's neck, killing him.

I ask "What should we do with Chrysalis?"

Iris spoke "Please, let me reason with her."

Danyelle spoke "Very well but be careful."

Chrysalis had an anti-magic brace on the neck and horn to stop her from using her shapeshifting plus her wings were bound.

Iris asks "Mom, please? You cared for the hive, right?"

Chrysalis scoffs "I'm not the queen anymore since I lost that battle..."

Iris asks "But you still care for the hive, don’t you?"

Chrysalis scoffs "Just leave me alone."

Iris spoke "Please mom."

Chrysalis snaps at Iris.

Chrysalis growls "You're not my daughter."

Iris just hugged Chrysalis, much to her shock. “No matter what you say, you’re still my mother.”

Chrysalis growls "What are you doing?"

Iris said nothing as she kept hugging Chrysalis, while the former queen started feeling something strange.

A bright light engulfed Chrysalis before revealing a white colored version of her.

Chrysalis asks "W-What is this?"

Danyelle spoke "It's called sharing love."

I spoke "I didn't see that coming."

end of book 6

Comments ( 2 )

But then a giant obese female anthro blue whale wearing summer clothes appeared. “Did somebody hail a whale?”

Weighing 2 billion pounds

Then Sumarda appeared in her unbound form, as big, fat and heavy as Christa.

Also weighing 2 billion pounds

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