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Dungeons and Discords

*Spike POV*

Man, I had a great conversation with Shigechi, and Josuke and others sound like great friends.

Tempest spoke "Hey Spike, I was wondering if Ben and I could join in on Guy's Night."

Sonic spoke "Count me and Tails in too."

“Really?! That sounds awesome!” I couldn’t help but cheer before a warp ring appeared with a skikoku dog Mobian with strange hair.

Sonic asks "Who are you?"

Shigechi then somehow gasped at the sight. “Josuke!”

“Josuke” asks "Huh?"

The Mobian looked at Shigechi and was caught off guard. “Whoa! No way! You’re alive, Shigechi?!”

Sonic spoke "Danyelle said he had been reincarnated though."

Josuke spoke "Man. This is a huge relief."

Ben spoke "You should have seen my wife in combat dude, she was as big as a full powered Tirek."

Josuke spoke "Whoa. Then maybe she’ll get along with mom."

Ben asks "That reminds me... are there any royal Joestars in your family Josuke?"

Josuke asks "Wait, what? What’re you talking about?"

A loud sneeze was heard, causing Korra to crash into the wall behind Josuke.

Korra groans "Owie...."

Josuke spoke "Although I have been sensing something strange for a while, but I didn’t know what."

Korra got back up before shaking the dust off, causing Josuke to catch a glimpse of the star on her forehead.

Josuke spoke "Wait, that looks like… But…"

Josuke pulled the left neck part of his jacket, revealing the same Star on his neck that was on Korra’s forehead.

Korra spoke "Holy cuss...."

Sonic groans "For the love of... Korra's not a Joestar, that mark on her forehead is actually her horn...."

Josuke spoke "Phew! For a moment there, I thought I was losing my mind."

Korra spoke "I'm the freaking Avatar though but the only one that's half alicorn though, those that had existed before me never had such power."

Josuke spoke "Heh, well my stand’s power, Shining Diamond....."

A figure appeared right next to Josuke.

Josuke spoke "Has the ability to fix things!"

Shining Diamond started punching a table, obliterating it. “Dorarararararararara! Dora!” But then the table started to fix itself back to how it was before.

Korra spoke "I may not have a stand but I can do this!"

With a stomp, Korra uses her earthbending to form a chair out of the ground.

Josuke asks "Huh, you mean this?"

Josuke somehow earthbended and brought up the same chair that Korra formed.

Korra spoke "I bet you can't firebend, airbend and waterbend as well."

Josuke spoke "Yeah, on elements, you got me beat there."

Korra spoke "I'm the only one that can control four elements, Twilight and everyone else can only control one. And hello Discord."

“Big Mac and I managed to convince him to come along.” I said.

Korra asks "Could I join in?"

I thought about before answering, “Okay.”

Josuke spoke "Wait! Maybe four more could join in? Those including me and Shigechi."

Ben spoke "Cool."

Natsu soon arrives.

Natsu asks "Got room for one more?"

Big Mac spoke "Eyup."

A pangolin Mobian asks "Josuke?"

A bearded Dragon Mobian asks "Where are ya, dude?"

We saw a small pangolin Mobian and a bearded dragon Mobian as big as Josuke.

Josuke spoke "Over here, you two. You won’t believe who I ran into."

Natsu notices an engagement band on Big Mac's left forehoof.

Natsu chuckles "Dude! Is that an engagement band?"

The pangolin Mobian exclaims "Wait, that sounds like an engagement ring!"

Big Mac nervously chuckled with a blush as he said, “Eyup.”

The bearded Dragon Mobian asks "Whoa! So who’s the hottie you’re hooking yourself to?"

Natsu spoke "I think the lucky mare's name is Sugar Belle."

Josuke spoke Glad you’re here, Koichi and Okuyasu."

Okuyasu asks "Man, I guess that stallion’s got a real sweetie, huh?"

“We’ll he has been delivering apples for her to help her make apple-based sweets.” I informed.

Natsu spoke "Lucy gave Mac a few pointers on how to properly court a female since I tend to be kinda stupid at times."

Shigechi spoke "Okuyasu!"

Okuyasu spoke "Huh? Shigechi! Wow! You’re alive!"

Korra spoke "*ahem*"

Okuyasu spoke "Huh? Whoa! Smokin’ hot!"

Koichi spoke "Okuyasu! She’s the Avatar!"

Ears pin back, Korra spoke "And I have a boyfriend already."

But then Mako showed up, as if on cue.

Korra hugs Mako.

Okuyasu asks "Oh. But hey Koichi, how’s you and Yukako doing?"

Koichi started blushing. “Well… Uh…”

Josuke spoke "Come on, buddy. Tell us."

Korra asks "can I drench him?"

Mako asks "Why don’t we drench and dry him?"

Korra giggles "set him on fire, then drench him."

Mako spoke "Alright."

Mako firebended a fireball at Okuyasu, who noticed that.

Okuyasu laughs "Trying to burn me? Nice try. The Hand!"

A figure appeared next to Okuyasu, having a right hand that have web patterns on it.

Okuyasu spoke "Off that fire goes!"

The Hand swiped the ball of fire with its right hand, which glowed green, causing the fire to vanish without a single trace, much to me and everyone else’s shock while Josuke, Koichi and Shigechi weren’t surprised.

An annoyed female bearded dragon Mobian flung sand at Okuyasu.

The female spoke "That's for setting my tail on fire."

Okuyasu yelps "GAH!!! What gives?!"

Gemina growls "Stupid male."

Okuyasu growls "What was that?!"

The two bearded dragons glared at each other before wind started swirling around The Hand’s left hand.

Korra grabs the two beardies with magic and pushes them together, causing them to kiss.

Josuke chuckles "Whoa! You pulled a fast one, Korra."

Korra giggles "Beardies are earthbenders by default though so it was either have them rip each other apart or I intervene and make them kiss."

Josuke spoke "Well, Okuyasu isn’t your normal bearded dragon. Ever since that elemental surge, not only was he able to earthbend, his stand was able to airbend with its left hand."

Korra spoke "Excuse me? It's ONE element for anyone that's not the avatar."

Josuke spoke "Oh, sorry, I saw his special ability going to his left hand too, but being a little different. So I thought that was airbending."

Korra spoke "Stands weren't affected though."

Natsu spoke "Anyway, the girls will be back soon."

“Come on!” I urged as we went inside.

Repede barked at the group.

Natsu asks "Does anyone other than Danyelle speak dog?"

Korra spoke "I can help."

Natsu spoke "A canid of similar species would be a better choice."

*A few hours later,*

Lillian and the others soon return.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Ben."

But they were all confused at what was happening, seeing us with Discord as he made our guys night into a real RPG.

Danyelle spoke "Awesome!!! I love RPG games!!!"

Rainbow spoke "I’m in!"

Pinkie spoke "Me too!"

Lillian spoke "And me!"
