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Top Bolt

*Rainbow's POV*

While the others were busy training for the upcoming final battle, Twilight and I along with Danyelle were called to Wonderbolt Academy to help Spitfire train new recruits.

“I can’t believe I’m gonna go back after I was just there.” I groaned.

Danyelle spoke "We can't help it Dash, we can't ignore the map's summons."

“Well, if I knew we were gonna be here, I would’ve stayed here and sit for you guys.” I responded.

Spitfire spoke "It's more than that Skittles, I've got problems with some of the new trainees."

“That being?” I asked.

Spitfire spoke "Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger."

Danyelle asks "What’s going on with those two?"

Spitfire spoke "It's best you three find out for yourselves."

Twilight spoke "We’re on it!"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Twilight spoke "There aren't that many Mobian Wonderbolts though."

Danyelle spoke "That's because not everyone has actual wings."

“Good point.” I admitted.

I soon felt my tail getting pulled.

Zoey spoke "Hey Skittles."

Corina spoke "Hey."

“Zoey?! Corina?! What’re you two doing here?!” I asked in surprise.

Zoey spoke "Guess you haven't heard...."

Corina spoke "The pink furball and I are new Wonderbolts!"

“WHAT?!” I gasped as I couldn’t help but feel excited! But then I saw something green fly by.

Danyelle asks "When did the cuss did Jet get actual wings?"

Corina spoke "I don’t think that was Jet. That looked more like a helicopter, but it was so miniature."

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "Hold on, I just saw pale gold.... But it's not Flash Sentry..."

But then a warp ring opened, as Okuyasu and Gemina showed up.

Okuyasu spoke "That’s gotta be him! I knew I sensed something familiar!"

Danyelle asks "Who the cuss are you talking about?"

Okuyasu looked up and saw the helicopter. “Big bro…”

That just left Danyelle and I more confused.

But then we found ourselves surrounded by foot-soldiers, tanks and helicopters, before on of the foot-soldiers shouted, “All units, at ease!” before they all stood down.

A stallion spoke "I see you are still well, little brother."

We looked around to see a Pegasus stallion flying towards the area.

The stallion spoke "And it seems the others had the pleasure of meeting my stand, Worse Company."

Danyelle growls since she felt a bit threatened.

Twilight spoke "Easy Danyelle, we'll need all the help we can get for the upcoming fight."

Various Wonderbolts and trainees were worried about what Twilight had said.

Spitfire spoke "Alright everyone, we Bolts have been in decline for years since the first squad was formed. It's time we got OFF our lazy flanks and train for actual combat!"

Okuyasu spoke "And we’ll need your help too, Keicho."

Keicho spoke "Very well, little brother."

Maria pops up with Shadow.

Maria spoke "We'll help too."

Shadow scoffs.

Keicho spoke "Then I hope you don’t mind some dodging practice."

Danyelle spoke "We got three months left before the final showdown though."

Keicho spoke "Exactly."

Worse Company Foot Soldier spoke "All units, ready!"

Danyelle was balancing on the top of a pole while on one foot as others sparred with Shadow and Keicho.

Maria was flying through cloud rings as she worked on her wing speed.

Twilight was sparring with Spitfire to improve the mare's speed and reaction time.

Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger were sparring against Okuyasu and Gemina.

Soarin sparred with Zoey.

Me, Fleetfoot and Corina were sparring against each other.

Misty Fly and Thunderlane attempt to knock Danyelle off the pole but the keen cat parried every attempt.

Twilight spoke "Okay guys! We have to try to knock Danyelle off that pole!"

Keicho spoke "All units, knock Danyelle off that pole!"

All of the foot soldiers, tanks and helicopters fired at Danyelle.

But Danyelle flings fire back, causing all of the missiles to explode.

The explosions caught the shells and bullets, neutralizing them.

Danyelle spoke "You lot should rely more on speed though. Just look at what Misty and Thunderlane tried to do."

Twilight spoke "She's right guys, we have to work on our speed."

“Let’s do this!” I shouted.

Danyelle laughs "Then you go first Skittles! Try to knock me off!"

Twilight spoke "Good idea."

“Here I come!” I shouted as I charged towards Danyelle.

Danyelle smirks before using Chaos Control to stop time before throwing me towards Lightning Dust.

Danyelle removes the ability's time stop before I had crashed into Lightning.

Danyelle spoke "You're next Stinger!"

Stinger spoke "Heh, don’t blame me if I blow you away!"

Vapor spoke "Wait! Stinger!"

Maria spoke "I think I know what she's doing, she's working to improve his flying speed alone."

Danyelle spoke "And you can't have help from Vapor either."

Sky Stinger spoke "It’s okay, I was actually more worried about her."

Danyelle laughs "Oh my cuss, you're in love with her!"

Sky Stinger blushed madly. “W-What?! N-No!”

Twilight giggles "It's so obvious!"

I ask "Uh Vapor, you okay?"

Vapor just squeaked with her face madly blushing.

Lightning Dust spoke "I didn't see that coming."

I spoke "Neither did I."

Vapor asks "I-is it true Sky?"

Sky Stinger spoke "Y-Yeah, Vapor."

Danyelle's tails wag happily while sending a letter to Cadence stating that a new couple has just been formed.

Danyelle giggles "Cadence is so gonna lose it! Heehee!"

Twilight snickers "Cadence is gonna be so JEALOUS!!!"

Zoey giggles "Definitely!"

The three females snickered and giggled.

Corina spoke "Freak out in five.... four.... three... two... one...."

Cadence screams in the Royal Canterlot Voice. "WHAT THE CUSS??????"

“Pound it!!!” Danyelle, Twilight and Zoey said as they fist-bumped/hoof-bumped each other in unison.

Corina giggles "Called it!"

Suddenly, Danyelle burped up a letter but it was from Sunburst.

Danyelle spoke "We have a problem...."

Okuyasu asks "Huh? What is it?"

Danyelle's tails start thrashing in anger.

Danyelle growls "Eggman's making his first move..."

But then a voicemail started talking.

Eggbot Voicemail "This will only be a test. Can you defeat yourselves? Can you overcome your strengths and weaknesses? If so, good luck."

“Wait a minute, he’s sending robot counterparts of us to fight us!” I realized.

Spitfire spoke "Wonderbolts, stand ready! When Princess Twilight gives the command!"

Twilight engulfs herself in fire before roaring loud.

Twirama spoke "ATTACK!!!!!!"

I flew into battle with the other Wonderbolts.

But then I found myself fighting Metal Dash!

Lightning Dust flung bolts of lightning at a robotic version of her.

Spitfire spoke "Cuss it all! They have our strengths!"

An Aquilamon flew past while chasing a robotic Twilight with a large quesadilla in its talons.

Danyelle shouts "Guys! They’re packaged deals! They have our strengths, but they also have our weaknesses!"

Twirama whacks a robotic Spitfire with a tail.

Twirama spoke "RIGHT!!!"

Twiliterasu pounces on Metal Dash before ripping the wings off.

Danyelle crossfuses with Megaman and Roll before flying at high speed as her wings are coated with fire.

Megadanyoll shouts "INFERNO WING ATTACK!!!!"

the attack had destroyed Metal Danyelle.

Aquilamon laughs "Get back here ya stupid piece of scrap so I can shove a quesadilla in your mouth!"

Twirama spoke "I'm not gonna ask where Aquilamon got that...."

The kyubi rips a robot apart.

Metal Sparkle started sparking before it exploded.

Twirama roars loud, causing several robots to explode.

Megadanyoll spoke "Oh my chaos, that was awesome!"

Twirama spoke "That was a Royal Voice boosted Roar of the Elders. It's so loud that it shorts out hundreds of robots."

I spoke "But it's NOT over yet!"

"Someone call for backup?" A voice, revealed to be Jet then showed up on his extreme gear.

Aquilamon spoke "Bout time ya showed up buddy! there's a cuss ton of robots everywhere!"

Bass had jumped into a robot's hardware and took control of it, making it attack the other robots.

Twirama howls as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVfWDo1KHfY was heard as she pounces on a robotic Twirama, ripping it apart.

Twiliterasu blasts a robotic Cadence with fire before ripping another robot apart.

Jet asks "Why don't we show them some real wind power?"

Aquilamon spoke "Oh, I'm ready, Jet!"

Megadanyoll spoke "Let's show them some REAL FIRE POWER!!!"

Kyubimon spoke "You got it Dany!"

A Rosetta stone had been fired at a robot.

While riding on the back of a Nefertimon, Lillian spoke "I brought backup!"

Tempest was on the back of a Pegasusmon.

Lights started shining on Aquilamon and Kyubimon.

Aquilamon: Aquilamon digivolve to...

Kyubimon: Kyubimon digivolve to...

The two digimon changed and grew, as Aquilamon became a giant humanoid Garuda while Kyubimon became a humanoid vixen wearing a white onmyōji robe.

The Garudamon screeches "Garudamon!"

The Taomon spoke "Taomon!"

Megadanyoll spoke "I originally thought Birdramon could become Garudamon...."

Garudamon spoke "That is true, but Birdramon isn't the only digimon who can digivolve into Garudamon."

Taomon spoke "But unlike most Digimon, I can't take on mega form without my partner's help."

Megadanyoll asks "You mean I have to biomerge?"

Lillian spoke "Afraid so but since you have access to cross fusion, you can't biomerge."

Megadanyoll spoke "Darn."
