• Published 30th Aug 2022
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Krieger's Tale: Rise of the Germane Empire - Stalin with Da Spoon

After the Grangeville uprising and the assault on his garrison, Colonel Von Krieger and the remnant of his forces barely managed to escape the town and flee into the countryside, as they hoped to hide out for the duration of the war...

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Taktische Einschätzung

Oberst turned Military Governor of Germaneia Erich Von Krieger was in a bit of a pickle, as the Americans would put it from what he had heard of their metaphors. Currently sitting within his command tent in the recently constructed military command camp, he was surrounded by Oberst Franz, Sergeant Klaus, Sergeant Fredrick, who was promoted due to his skill and courage of treating the wounded within the town's medical camp, and finally Sergeant Fritz, originally the driver of the first Half-Track part of the original convoy, who was currently stroking his mustache.

All five of them were sat around a table with a map of the town and it's surrounding area, with a grey marker indicating the military camp, a black marker indicating the Town Hall, and finally two green markers on the two roads leading into the town. Around five grey figures depicting Wehrmacht soldiers could be seen on the map, each one representing a different platoon. One platoon was currently training and arming up inside the military camp, another was present at the medical camp acting as guards and assistant medical personnel. The remaining three were scattered through the town, as they ran patrols or assisted the work crews with repairs.

A red line was drawn in marker around the perimeter of the town making a circular shape, indicating the fortification line as figures of bunkers and sandbags could be seen along the line. Krieger thought the line looked pretty well designed and defended, but judging by the fact that Franz and Fredrick were currently still debating over the line's positioning in German, not everybody shared his sentiment.

"Fredrick, I understand your wish to ensure total protection of the town, but if we bring the line in too close, we will have barely any fallback space and thus barely any time to rig an emergency defensive if the line collapses!"

"But if we extend it too far, then we'll take too long having to fall back, and they will be able to easily use our defensive line to encircle us and starve us out!" Suddenly, Fritz spoke up, drowning both of the men out.

"Gentlemen, gentlemen! It is clear that this defensive line is important, but you are overestimating our enemy! From what Herr Krieger has said, these Caribou wield nothing but sharp sticks and stones! It is clear that we not only have the advantage of firepower and likely manpower, but also technology. As such, we must exploit our technological supremacy to the fullest and launch an armored assault!" Both of the men slowly nodded their heads, before Franz suddenly spoke up.

"Fritz my dear friend, with all due respect, we have a very limited amount of armored vehicles which are capable of achieving such a daring counter attack as you suggest. My recommendation is, while still utilizing our firepower and technological advantage, to unleash a hail of bullets and simply endure the enemy charge, like our forces in the siege of Stalingrad did."

Krieger listened to each side of the argument, and while everyone was keeping a level head and being relatively calm in this discussion, the debate between the various methods of defense was beginning to get on his nerves, so he audibly cleared his throat to get their attention, and their attention he got as he stood up.

"Komarades please, I believe you are all not seeing the bigger picture here. It is clear that this town is very vital, and due to that, letting it fall is not an option, so I ask that we may try and combine our methods together." Krieger said as he pulled out the box of map tools and got to work.

First, he pulled out two grey models of Sd.Kfz. 251 Half Tracks and six models of Zündapp KS 750 motorcycles, placing them along the middle line. Then, he pulled out his marker and drew two new lines, one inside and one outside of the original line, before pulling out models of bunkers and sandbags as he placed them along the lines, even pulling out a couple figures of barbed wire for added detail.

"The creation of three inter-connected defensive lines around the town's will ensure that we may be able to fall back and properly adapt to hostile aggression. We will position our armored vehicles on the secondary lines ready to intervene should hostiles manage to somehow bypass the first defenses. By deploying our machine guns at the both the first and last lines of defense, we can ensure that our most advanced weapons will be able to have some effect." The other four officers slowly nodded in agreement at Krieger's plan, until Franz raised his hand.

"But Herr, where are we going to find the manpower required to dig this trench netwrok?"

"Well, we could always enlist the assistance of the locals. After all, it is for the defense of their town. Plus, if we require additional manpower, or in this case ponypower, we can conscript willing recruits into the Volksstrum, once we properly form it that is." Suddenly, the tent's flap opened, as Misty Light stepped through holding a clipboard and wearing glasses as she smiled.

"Mister Krieger, I came to tell you that a couple humans are currently at the town hall waiting to speak with you, though they aren't in any rush-"

"No worries, Miss Light, I am now available after forming an effective defensive strategy. Now then, Franz, deliver the new orders to all platoon leaders. Klaus, train all of our less experienced soldiers and ensure they are ready for the battle. Fredrick, return to assist at the medical camp, and once all patients have been treated, assist with organization of the defenses by directing fortification efforts and recruiting personnel. Fritz, ensure all of our vehicles are highly maintained and well kept." The four officers saluted before walking out of the tent as Krieger and Misty followed behind before stepping into Krieger's personnel jeep drove by Private William as it started up and headed off to the Town Hall.

Driving past the medical camp, he could see many of the wounded ponies inside being tended to by both humans and ponies, and also watching as buildings were slowly being rebuilt with the aid of the newly formed work teams Pierre had organized, as he saw the Frenchmen himself helping hold a beam in place while a unicorn hammered it into place. He also saw Maximillian as he was currently standing beside a white board inside a damaged building as several ponies in worker uniforms watched and listened to him speak as he explained the diagrams on the board. Looks like things were going swimmingly as the British would put it.

As the jeep pulled into the town hall courtyard, Krieger could only snicker to himself as he watched the town guard standing guard outside, no longer in their gaudy golden armor, but instead wearing the prideful grey Wehrmacht uniform and wearing the Stahlhelm upon their head, except for the bare-headed unicorns who Krieger didn't account for their horns not fitting with the helmets, as they saluted while holding their spears. Turns out Franz couldn't train them how to use rifles in just under an hour, but at least he got the uniforms on them. Surprisingly though, he saw that the guards were actually comfortable in their new uniforms, as one mare talked to the stallion next to them.

"I dunno about you, but these uniforms are kinda nice."

"Yeah, not as heavy as that armor, and also kinda snug." Krieger couldn't help but smile, dismounting as he saluted and walked inside the Town Hall to see two men in brown suits and grey caps greet him, as they spoke in Dutch with their distinctive accent, and thankfully Krieger knew Dutch.

"Greetings meneer Krieger, I am Franklin Visser, and zis is my brother Heinrich Visser. We were born in Belgium but migrated to France when our nations came under German occupation. Of course, we still came under it when France fell, but it wasn't all bad. Now here we are, inside a land of magical ponies and unicorns, quite nice."

"Indeed, it is quite nice. Now then, do you mind telling me why you have come to see me?"

"Oh right, of course. You see, we understand that this town has fallen on hard times, and seeing as me and my brother graduated from Rotterdamn Universities economic class, and as such, we believe we would be able to chip in to the community by employing our economic knowledge to restore this town's economy, if you so wish."

"I see this as an absolute win then, my friends! Welcome aboard!" He shook the hands of both brothers, before they saluted and left the building, as meanwhile Krieger walked up into his office and sat down for a bit, turning around in his seat to look out the window as the sun slowly set.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad here after all...


"Y-yes boss?"

"Why hasn't our raiding party come back yet?"

"I dunno."

"Why don't you?

"Well, it takes time for parties to come back boss, maybe they got hung up?"

"Fair enough, but just in case, send out the scout brothers, their good at their jobs."

"Yes boss!"

This ain't good, is it?