• Published 30th Aug 2022
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Krieger's Tale: Rise of the Germane Empire - Stalin with Da Spoon

After the Grangeville uprising and the assault on his garrison, Colonel Von Krieger and the remnant of his forces barely managed to escape the town and flee into the countryside, as they hoped to hide out for the duration of the war...

  • ...



Krieger awoke with a start, attempting to scramble to his feet until the Private next to him placed a hand on his shoulder to ease his down.

"Do not worry Herr, we just hit a pothole."

"Oh... Scheiße, I am at my wits end..."

"We all are, Kommandant, but if things go our way, we can hopefully be safe for the rest of the war, both from the allies, and the Nazi's..." Krieger couldn't help but notice a hint of sadness and regret in the soldier's voice, as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Tell me, what is the matter kamerad? Please feel free to get anything off your chest, if you wish to."

"Well sir... I was just conscripted during the invasion of France, then I was placed here in one of the local garrisons... The things I saw those damn SS do... I had to round up jews and send them to their deaths... Worse yet, when our lives are on the line, they toss us away and expect us to hold the line like a bunch of devoted fanatics. So that's why most of us left, to defy the Nazi's. Those who stayed were either too stubborn, had nothing to lose, or too loyal to the Fuhrer to abandon their posts."

"I see... The Nazi's ordered me to do terrible things as well, while I was in command of my local garrison. Hundreds of partisans and civilians are likely dead because of me. If it were up to me, I would've let them go with a warning or some jail time, try to keep up good relations with the town's people, yet high command wanted every single partisan dead. I told them killing the resistance members would only bolster their resolve, and yet they didn't listen. I have been in the army since 1925, and while I did for a time a subscribe to this... Fascism... I would never have foreseen what it had turned Germany into, and I would have deserted long ago if the Gestapo did not have eyes and ears everywhere."

"Well sir, I believe that we can start anew soon enough."

"Indeed, Kamerad."

"Please sir, call me William."

As the two continued to chatter, the convoy progressed along slowly, as it encountered more and more remnants of nearby garrisons and Wehrmacht army groups. Soon enough, the convoy had around eight trucks, six motorcycles, four VW type 82 Kübelwagen jeeps, and two half-tracks, along with even more civilian cars and trucks. Convoy leader and Lieutenant Colonel Franz estimated there was around one hundred and twenty total people in the convoy, with military personnel and civilians counted together. Luckily, the convoy still managed to keep a decent pace as it drove along the roads towards the hilly regions of France, and due to the darkness of night and being far behind the German lines, air raids were unlikely.

The convoy's trucks were carrying mostly rations and other essential supplies, but also weapons, equipment, and ammunition. Some of the civilian cars also carried supplies, with one truck having a radio hooked up in it's cargo bed. Most of the civilians were riding in their cars, but some walked alongside the convoy with their fellow soldiers and Luftwaffe pilots. According to some of the soldiers in Krieger's truck, the pilots were all from nearby air bases that came under attack, and they had managed to flee. Krieger was just surprised there wasn't a Kriegsmarine member somewhere among them.

The convoy members also stated that among the civilians were actually French citizens, either simple refugees fleeing the fighting, or loyal German collaborators escaping retribution. Either way, Krieger did not really mind. In fact, he swore he overheard some speaking Dutch or Swiss, which made sense seeing as those languages were from the countries surrounding France, and those who spoke it would likely have immigrants from said countries.

Soon, the convoy suddenly swerved onto a long and dusty dirt road, kicking up dust as the convoy drove along the roads going deep into the hills of France, as the rocky roads caused the vehicles to slightly shake, with Krieger's truck getting it the worse as he accidentally knocked his head against the truck's cab. "Scheisse!"

"Are you okay, Kommandant?"

"Ja, just minor trauma."

"Well, we should arrive in ze more dense part of the hills soon. The tree coverage and hill height should conceal us for the time being."

"Ja, let us just hope it is sufficient." The truck continued to lightly shake, light amounts of dust and tiny rocks kicking up inside the truck, as some soldiers let out coughs from accidentally inhaling the dust. Krieger simply waved it away, as he looked down to check on his uniform, seeing it had mostly dried off, though the stains still remained. He would probably need to find a spare somewhere.

He quickly took out his Luger from his holster as he inspected it, checking it's ammo count and how many magazines he had on hand. He doubted he would have to use it, but he wanted to be ready just in case. He looked to see the other soldiers in the truck clutching their weapons close, with Fredrick and Klaus inspecting their rifles as well.

After a little over twenty more minutes of un-eventful driving, the truck soon came to a stop, as he heard the truck drivers voice yell out. "All personnel unpack and unload, we are setting up camp for tonight!" Krieger watched as the rest of the soldiers on the truck grabbed their gear and disembarked, while Klaus and Fredrick waited for their officer to exit, as Krieger dropped down to the ground, stretching his muscles.

As he observed his surroundings, he watched troops unloading and unpacking supplies and equipment from the many supply trucks while civilians unpacked their personal belongings and baggage, as tents were set up and fires were being built. He saw that they were positioned on top of a tall hill, overlooking the area. In the distance, he could see the flak of Anti-air cannons and hearing the distant explosions of artillery fire. Distant, but still close.

The location would be suitable until they could find a more permanent holdout. Krieger then turned to Lieutenant Colonel Franz as he approached and saluted. "Greetings, Obserst. I hope you are satisfied with the position we have chosen to remain for the night."

"Ja, it will do. Have we set up night watches?"

"Indeed, the first shift shall begin once all of us are asleep. The civilians will sleep in tents and their vehicles, while we use our bags and trucks."

"Suitable for me." Krieger said as he turned to his two loyal soldiers. "You two will be bunking in the same tent as me for security purposes, is that suitable?"

"Ja, Kommandant, we do not mind. Even if that is a bit homosexual."

"Doesn't seem like that to me, just komarads keeping each other warm." They and a few other German soldiers chuckled as they walked over to one of the bigger tents that had been set up, as a Private lifted the tent flap and allowed them to enter as Krieger saluted them. As he yawned, he set his officer hat and Luger down upon a bed-side table, pulling off his boots and gloves. As his Komarades looked away, he proceeded to change out of his dirtied uniform, tossing it aside as he put on his sleeping clothes, before walking over to his bed and collapsing on top of it, finding it much more comfortable than sleeping on the truck bed. And soon enough, he slowly closed his eyes and drifted off into his well needed rest.

'There's that dream again...' Nightmare Moon thought to herself as she slowly walked up to the foggy cloud floating within the otherwise desolate dreamscape. As she inspected it, she could see the same figure she saw in the last dream, though he was instead sitting in front of a desk, a lamp illuminating him while he was holding a piece of paper as he stared at it blankly, his eyes void of emotion.

And as she peeked her head in, she understood why.

Oberst Erich Von Krieger,

By order of the Fuhrer, all partisans and the POW's of any and all hostile nations are to be executed immediately upon capture to deter further resistance to occupation and ensure confidential informational security is maintained. Any and all Jewish civilians are to be rounded up and shipped off to the nearest Internment Camp as per the Furher's orders. Failure to comply with this order will result in the deployment of a Schutzstaffel regiment to your village to relieve you of your duties. Any resistance to Schutzstaffel shall result in immediate execution for treason. You have 24 hours to comply with the issued orders.

Heil Hitler.

Krieger silently read the letter that Klaus had just brought him, his eyes void of emotion. He silently re-read the letter, and then looked to see the Eagle holding the Swastika of the Nazi party... That damn Eagle was responsible for almost everything wrong with Germany today, even if it was a symbol of Germany's new unity.

Krieger was always an apolitical soldier, not caring for who was in charge of Germany, as he served the Fatherland, not it's leaders or parties. Even then he had to agree with the fact that Hitler had revolutionized the nation in certain aspects such as it's grandiose Wehrmacht or it's Autarky, and arguing against the glorious war machines of the Panzer divisions would be a foolish endeavor. But even with all the benefits, never in all his years of being a soldier, had he seen something so cruel.

And yet, he could do absolutely nothing about his orders, like every good soldiers must do. He had to follow what he was told, or the SS would come to take over, and the people of Grangeville would suffer greatly. Whoever the SS sent to occupy the town would not doubt exploit the population for their own personal gain, mistreating them and rounding up to send to those damned camps.

The men, the women, the children, even that annoying collaborator Duran would likely be taken away and slaughtered or abused. And Krieger only had one way to stop it, and that was to follow orders, like every good soldier does. The orders to condemn the partisans to their deaths. A simple task, and one he had done before.

Granted, most of them deserved it for hurting or killing his own men and sabotaging his equipment, especially the theft of the garrisons flag and the destruction of his favorite lavender flowers, but some were less deserving of it, some just deserved... Maybe a bit of forced labor? His hands constricted around the paper, tightening his grip before finally ripping it in two and then shredding it into dozens of pieces, grunting as Klaus respectfully looked away.

All this while Nightmare Moon watched, as a long lost feeling emerged within her... A feeling of sympathy, a feeling that she had originally felt for her ponies, and now felt for this being, as it was no longer Nightmare Moon who watched, but was instead Princess Luna, as he watched the 'Oberst' stand up and finally speak up in his odd language.

"Give the order to the men. Bring the partisans in and subject them all to immediate firing squad. Make sure known dissidents watch."

"Understood, Kommandant." The soldier walked out of the room, as Kriger then fell back into his seat, staring up at the ceiling and contemplating what had led up to this point. He had wanted peace with the french people, to peacefully watch over them as he was told to, but now he was forced to send them off to their deaths. No wonder his people were hated, no wonder when his staff car drove through the streets he received glares of pure hatred. He wanted peace and prosperity, or at least something close, but only got dissent and death.

Now, while he did not necessarily agree with the Nazi party's views, he did believe that a German dominated Europe was for the best, as the Reich could lead the rest of the European nations to glory with it's advanced industry, technology, and military. Of course, he didn't think other races were inferior, but in his mind, better the Germans than anyone else in power. Germany had been made strong once more, but the way the Nazi's went about doing this was not very savory in his mind...

Krieger honestly wasn't surprised by the constant attacks on his men by the partisans. He thought that using brutal tactics would be useful to deter further resistance, which might have worked too well, seeing as now there was likely going to be an open revolt no matter what he did.

His gaze slowly turned to his right, looking to his Luger on the table, magazine already loaded as he slowly began to reach for it, until a dark blue hand covered in fur emerged from almost out of thin air and grasped his wrist, stopping him mid reach. As he looked to the owner of the arm, he was met with the worried face of... Some sort of pony slash humanoid hybrid?

"You do not need to resort to such things..." And it spoke English, of course... Well, might as well entertain his own insane delusions with his own English as he spoke back to it.

"I don't need an illusion of my guilt-induced insanity to tell me what to do. What are you anyway, some sort of mutant?"

Ignoring Krieger's harsh words, the figure continued. "Thou may have been forced to do such things to protect them, but there are other ways. Can you not oppose these... Schutzstaffel?" She said as she completely butchered the pronunciation. Strange for one of his minds illusions...

"Even if I tried or truly wanted to, I would not have been able to. My own garrison would be slaughtered and the towns people would suffer even greater fates underneath their boot if I resisted. Those partisans died and I could do nothing but give the order."

"Regardless, thou tried your best to protect the people of this town..."

"You know, you are very... Supportive and kind for something from my imagination."

"That is because we are not of thine imagination. We are Princess Luna of the night, and protector of all dreams. And we have seen your previous memory... How you and your 'Komarades' barely escaped with your lives... we suppose this is a memory as well?" Princess of the moon, huh? Might as well entertain his insanity.

"Mostly... the last part was a possibility I considered. Though I suppose you have further cemented that would be a bad idea..."

"Indeed, now then, how about we abandon this dreary environment and talk somewhere more... Friendly?" Luna said as she smiled and snapped her fingers, and Krieger watched as everything around him vanished, quickly standing up as his chair vanished, and standing at about one head short of Luna. "Now then, mister Krieger... Would you care to tell me about yourself?"

"Very well. I am an Oberst or, as you would say Colonel, within the German Wehrmacht's Heer branch, and I have served for almost 25 years... I was originally assigned to the garrison of Grangeville to ensure stability and improve relations with the local french population after the war. At least, that is what I was told."

"We see... we believe it is best we speak about ourselves as well. We used to rule over Equestria alongside our sister Celestia, before we went mad with jealousy and attempted to bring eternal night, which ended in our banishment. Now we await our return, but we believe you and the platoon you travel with may have a chance at redemption."

"How so?"

"We cannot say, but we can grant you the opportunity to undo the wrongs you did, and to potentially create something great for your people."

"... I would like that, Princess."

"Then it is settled! Rest well, Krieger. We shall see thine again someday..."

And so, Princess Luna vanished in a bright burst of light, leaving Krieger alone to contemplate his decision.

This was probably a bad idea.