• Published 30th Aug 2022
  • 1,601 Views, 86 Comments

Krieger's Tale: Rise of the Germane Empire - Stalin with Da Spoon

After the Grangeville uprising and the assault on his garrison, Colonel Von Krieger and the remnant of his forces barely managed to escape the town and flee into the countryside, as they hoped to hide out for the duration of the war...

  • ...

Taktischer Rückzug

Author's Note:

Note, while all human characters speak their own languages unless specified, they will be written in English to avoid the need of using a translator. You may need a translator for some of the phrases in this story, but it isn't necessary.

Also, I feel the need to say this, no, I am not a nazi and this is not a nazi story, and I will also be making sure that this story does not become one.

Running. That was all Erich Von Krieger could do, and was currently doing, simply run. He and only a couple remaining members of the garrison they had just fled from were currently making a mad dash across the fields, sounds of gunfire, explosions, and shouting in the distance behind them. Krieger had thousands of thoughts going through his head, however those thoughts were soon interrupted by a tiny and very inconveniently placed rock appeared in the way of his foot as he ran, and soon enough his foot caught onto the rock and his face was on a collision course with the ground.

'Where did it go wrong?' He asked himself as he slammed down into the mud, his light grey Heer officer uniform becoming dirtied and ruined as he attempted to support himself with is arms as he heard one of his two surviving comrades speak.

"Herr, we must move now!" Sergeant Klaus yelled to his commanding officer as he and Corporal Fredrick helped the fallen Colonel to his feet, supporting him as he got his bearings. "Are you alright, Oberst?"

"Ja ja, I am alright Korporal, danke." Krieger said as he dusted off the mud and grime from his uniform, though it was little use with the mud seeping into his uniform. However, he had bigger problems, as he and his cohorts quickly took off running once more through the grass fields, eventually reaching the tall grass a fair distance away from the village. The shouting and gunfire dissipated behind them, and all of the German soldiers breathed a collective sigh of relief as they crouched down in the grass and started speaking in English, which had become a habit recently.

"Are you sure you are okay, sir? I have my medical bag, I can treat any wounds-"

"Fredrick, I will be fine. I was lucky enough to not be wounded when my window was blasted open, especially when we managed to slip away from the garrison without being spotted."

"Indeed Kommandant, we are lucky. Now then... What is the new plan?"

"The new plan is..." He raised his hand, indicating he still needed to catch his breath, shortly before he continued. "The plan is to attempt to rendezvous with the rest of the Wehrmacht's current remaining forces and alert them to the enemy rebellion and invasion... However, if we wish to stand a chance of even reaching high command, we would likely need to meet up with what is left of the other nearby garrisons. From there, we set off for Germany and don't stop till we reach the border."

"Sounds like a good plan to me, Kommandant. However sir, I believe we need to accept the fact we likely will not win this war!" The corporal was rewarded with a quick slap to the face. "Ow!"

"Do not speak such defeatist propaganda, Korporal!"

"But it is true! Have you not heard? The eastern front is collapsing! If we fail to stop the allies from landing and pushing through our lines, we are lost!"

Krieger was prepared to retort, but then the words he was about to say died off in his mouth. The corporal had a point, and that point was... There was no point to this. There was no point in continuing to fight this war when it is as good as lost. The nazi party is practically the most hated party in the world currently, and considering how things are going back in the Fatherland, it was very likely that Krieger would be accused of cowardice and executed.

If anything, deserting would be the only way he and his men could survive, because he for sure would not be treated any better by the allies. Being ordered to execute any partisans saw an end to that possibility. His own men had been captured, and he was certain those gun shots signified their deaths. He felt pity for their families, but Krieger had his own to get back to, not that he had much of one anyway, just his great grandmother. Though, given how long he had been away from home, she was probably at peace now.

Maybe he could just lay low and get himself a new identity... He knew English, and could easily get his hair cut. Though it would be useless, and not to mention even more cowardly. If he was going to run, he was going to make sure that his comrades could run with him. So after a few seconds of thought with the two soldiers waiting in silence, Krieger finally responded.

"You have a point, Korporal. We will set out and attempt to rendezvous with as many fellow soldiers of the Wehrmacht as we can. Now then, lass uns loslegen!" The two soldiers nodded as they stood up, as Fredrick drew his Karbiner 43, and Klaus wielded his MP40. When the Colonel stood up, he drew his trusty Luger P08 pistol, a weapon that he had never truly used, but still cherished regardless. "Remember, only fire when necessary, draw too much attention and we will not even make it past the fields."

The soldiers nodded, and the group began their trek.

The three German soldiers had now been on the move for a couple hours, and they had heard plenty of distant gunshots, explosions, and shouting only cementing the fact that the German defenses had already been shattered. Krieger was probably one of the very few German officers that suspected the enemy was in fact going to launch a naval invasion, meanwhile High Command was so certain that there would be no attack, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel rode off back to Germany to celebrate his wife's birthday, on the day right before the attack.

Talk about horrid luck.

By now, Krieger's boots were thoroughly covered in mud and dirt, his pant legs even more soaked then when he fell. Luckily, his upper body had managed to dry off so at least he wouldn't freeze. His two compatriots did not fare much better, their boots practically caked in mud. As they neared the nearby road, they heard something in the distance...

Shouting, rapid footsteps, and engines. As the three soldiers ducked into some bushes, they peeked out and soon saw the source...

A caravan of grey German vehicles bearing the iron cross of the Wehrmacht, led by two Zündapp KS 750 motorcycles, as behind them drove a long line of five Magirus A3000 cargo trucks, and finally a fully crewed Sd.Kfz. 251 Half Track at the end, followed by a series of assorted German and French civilian cars. As he looked closer, he saw both soldiers dressed in standard Wehrmacht and in rare cases Luftwaffe uniforms as well as civilians wearing basic attire. Krieger also realized this convoy was driving away from the front, likely evacuating any German citizens from France back to the Fatherland.

Weighing the risks of either getting shot or being recognized, he soon exited the bush, holstered his Luger, and raised his hands high as he called out to the caravan.

"Halt, halt!" The two motorcycles leading the caravan quickly diverted and pulled up to him, as the soldiers in the side cars aimed their MP40's. "Wait! I am Colonel Erich von Krieger from the Grangeville Garrison! My position was recently overrun as me and what are left of my soldiers just managed to escape." The soldiers in the side cars quickly lowered their weapons before stepping out and saluting as Klaus and Fredrick emerged from the bushes.

"Greetings, Colonel. It's good that you met us, because not only are we retreating and trying to get these civilians to safety, we're also completely lack any form of higher command at this time."

"What happened to your original Kommandant?"

"Our colonel was killed by enemy paratroopers at the opening of the enemy attack and his second in command took over. We went against orders and left the city to take people to safety. Some of us here are from the city's air force base, who's commander was also killed. We accept any form of punishment, Kommandant."

"Don't apologize, it was a smart move and our duty is to protect civilians first and foremost. Well then, do we have a goal?"

"Indeed, sir. We plan to try to reach the nearest hills and set up camp where we can hide out for the rest of the war."

"Good." Krieger said as he walked up to one of the trucks to see men sitting in the back, their faces brightening at the sight of him. "Greetings, my friends. May I ride with you?"

"Of course, Herr." Krieger nodded as he climbed in with the help of two soldiers, before taking an open seat at the far back. Soon enough, Klaus and Fredrick joined him, sitting in the truck as the caravan began to move again.

"Here is hoping we reach ze hills without further complication..."

However, knowing his luck, they would likely not. And as he slowly drifted into a well need rest, his eyes shut and he fell fast asleep...

Prowling around the dream realm was the same experience as always for Nightmare Moon, as she waltzed through the empty void due to her foolish sister restraining her from entering her pony subject's dreams. The dreamscape was completely barren, not a single cloud or thought in sight.

That is... Until she saw a new cloud suddenly appear, one filled with grey fog. Intrigued, she slowly waltzed over and peaked her head in, and she could only watch in awe and slight horror at what she saw...


The sound of a massive explosion rocked the entire building, as Colonel Erich Von Krieger was sent flying away from the window, as he curled up into a fetal position to protect himself from the glass of the shattered window as it pelted him. His mind rushed as he quickly opened his eyes, realizing he was miraculously unharmed before quickly standing up and grabbing his hat, placing it atop his head before making a mad dash for the door.

As he rushed down the hallway, more explosions rocked the building, as fires started to rage on the first floor. As he descended down the steps rapidly, he encountered Sergeant Klaus and Corporal Fredrick. "Klaus, Fredrick, what is happening!?!"

"It is the resistance partisans, Kommandant, they are attacking the garrison!"

"Then we must move! Los, los!" The two soldiers nodded as they rapidly made a dash for the back door of the garrison as Kriger followed, shielding himself from the raging flames before he saw the two soldiers stopped at the door.

"It is jammed shut, Kommandant!"

"Then get out of the way!" Krieger said as he rushed the door, putting his left shoulder in front of him as he rammed right into the door, busting it's lock as he tumbled to the ground outside. He gripped his shoulder in pain before being helped up by his comrades and looking back at the burning headquarters before they continued to run. "Scheisse..."

All this, as Nightmare Moon watched.

As she withdrew her head, she realized it was likely more of a memory than a dream, and it belonged to a creature she had never seen before. It had no muzzle, a strange kind of mane, a unique skin color, an odd uniform, and spoke in a strange language when he, or what she presumed was a he, talked to the other strange creatures. She could've sworn that last word sounded like some kind of swear.

Why she had seen this, she did not know, but soon enough, the cloud vanished as suddenly as it had appeared.

"Huh..." Nightmare Moon said as she continued on her regular stroll, though her mind still wondered about what she saw...

Who was this... 'Kommandant?'