• Published 30th Aug 2022
  • 1,602 Views, 86 Comments

Krieger's Tale: Rise of the Germane Empire - Stalin with Da Spoon

After the Grangeville uprising and the assault on his garrison, Colonel Von Krieger and the remnant of his forces barely managed to escape the town and flee into the countryside, as they hoped to hide out for the duration of the war...

  • ...


As the Jeep approached the line of prisoners, Erich Von Krieger already felt something was horribly wrong here. The people in the line had no military uniforms, they were civilians! The marks and cuts on their bodies indicated beatings and intense mistreatment of the prisoners, a strict violation of the Geneva convention, especially those pertaining to treatment of prisoners of war. Some of them were only mere children! Clearly these... Deer men were responsible for their bondage. Seeking to end this mistreatment at once, he disembarked from the jeep, slamming the door shut as he spoke to the creatures in his native language of German.

"Von der Wehrmachtsbehörde wird Ihnen befohlen, Ihre Gefangenen freizulassen und sich sofort zu ergeben!" Hoping the threat was sufficient, he awaited a response.

"What did ya just say to us, punk?"

Scheiße, English speakers... Even worse, they lacked even the most basic of grammar and refinement.

"Ah, you speak english, of course..." He then re-affirmed his threat in English, his German accent being prominent as he cleared his throat. "Ahem... By the authority of the Wehrmacht, you are ordered to release your prisoners and surrender at once!"

He awaited for the horned men to follow his orders, and quickly had his hopes of a simple surrender dashed when they started laughing.

"Oh yeah, or what?"

Colonel Krieger couldn't help but feel his heart and soul fill with rage as he looked upon the strange antler horned creatures holding the humanoid equines hostage, as he stared down the snotty and smug staring horned man in front of him. If he could, he would ring the bastard's neck right then and there. He had not seen such disrespect in his entire life!

Then he remembered he still had his Luger in his hip holster as his right arm fell down to his side before slowly pulling the weapon out, holding it out and practically brandishing it for the horned men and his comrades to see as he delivered a threat in the creature's native language.

"Or you shall eat my Luger!"

Krieger noticed the slight twinge of fear in the Caribou's face, knowing his threat had at least some what accomplished it's goal, before he saw that smug face of his return.

"Ha, what's that thing going to do to me?"

Krieger had sworn that he would never unnecessarily take another life...

But this was necessary, as his emotions drove him to tighten his finger and pull on the trigger, as the rapid bang was followed by the bright flash, and he watched as the horned man had fallen dead before him. When he considered the possible things they had done, his guilt vanished, as he watched the other horned men step back in fear while he placed his foot upon the dead caribou's head, watching as they nervously raised their spears, before their smug and prideful faces returned. God, he already hated these guys, and this was just making it worse for them.

"Come on, these bastards are all talk and no bite, let's kill em and take their fancy toys!"

Krieger simply chuckled to himself as he watched the horned men charge forward, as he turned to Klaus and his other soldiers, all nodding in confirmation as they raised their rifles. Krieger than rose his hand into the air, then clenched it, as the soldiers saw the signal to fire, and answered it, unleashing righteous lead fury upon them. The soldiers made sure not to accidentally strike the prisoners.

Each and every single bullet hit their target, each one was a clean and quick shot through the head, ensuring no chance of survival while keeping it quick and painless. As the last one fell dead, Krieger looked to the ponies, noticing them shaking and quivering in fear, some of them lightly shedding tears and cowering behind each other. Wishing to ease the situation, Krieger turned to his men and spoke them in German.

"Release the prisoners, tend to their wounds!" Krieger's men nodded, as Fredrick had already procured his medical bag from his waist and walked with Klaus and William as they moved with their fellow soldiers to release the civilian prisoners. As Krieger watched the treatment of the prisoners unfold, he looked to the one at the very front of the line.

The young mare's dark brown mane mixed well with her white coat, as her blue eyes looked up to him as he stepped forward and began undoing her bindings around her wrists. As he did so, he tipped his hat and smiled at the mare as he greeted her in English.

"Greetings madame. Colonel Erich Von Krieger, pleasure to meet you." He watched and waited for a response, before noticing the Mare's eyes fill with tears, before her arms suddenly wrapped around him as he pulled into a hug, listening to her sob as he lightly patted her on the back.

"Uhh... Zis is awkward..."

"Los los! Get these civilians tended to!" Krieger said as he directed his personnel, as by now the rest of the convoy had arrived now, as dedicated medics and doctors from both military and civilian backgrounds tended to the ponies. Though the ponies seemed fearful of the humans and their seemingly magical technology, they allowed themselves to be treated. The pony mare that Krieger had freed was luckily not that wounded, only a few bruises and scrapes. As he finished organizing the medical effort, he turned back to the mare who was currently sitting on the back of a truck bed, as he stepped up to her and spoke in English. "May I ask your name, madame?"

"M-Misty Light. And... Thank you for freeing us... But you shouldn't worry about us, you should head to the village, we still have ponies there." Krieger nodded, as he turned to some of his soldiers and raised his finger into the air and spun it around, as the soldiers nodded in return, before mounting on their bikes and in their jeeps before driving off to the village, with a couple civilian cars in tow carrying doctors and supplies. "They listen to your every command... Are you their leader?"

"Well, seeing as I am the highest ranking officer of the convoy, yes, I technically am." Misty Light nodded meekly.

"Uhh... What was that language you were speaking?"

"Oh, it is Deutsch or German as you would call it, the language of my people and the fatherland of Germany. I also know English, French, Dutch, and some Italian."

"Germany? Do you mean Germaney?" Kreiger turned to look at Misty Light with a confused face.

"What kind of name is 'Germaney'?"

"I should be asking you the same. I have never heard of this Germany, but I have lived in the town of Germaney all my life."

"Strange... In my world, Germany is an entire country, a unification of the strong German people. Regardless, whether you be German or Germaneian, by my word as Obsert of the Wehrmacht's Heer branch, your people will be protected." Misty Light's face visibly warmed at that statement.

"Thank you, Oberst..." Suddenly, the radio in Krieger's jeep began whirring to life, as he answered it in german.

"Go ahead."

"Herr, the village people are currently being tended to, but we require more men to help clear rubble and douse the flames."

"Understood, we are on our way."

He hung up the radio as he spoke to the entirety of the convoy in English. "The village requires aid, let us move!" Everyone then began quickly packing back into their vehicles, as some helped the ponies up onto the their feet, while Krieger allowed Misty Light into the front passenger seat as he sat in the center seat at the back of his jeep, along with Klaus and William. "Fredrick, take us to the village please." Fredrick saluted as he turned the key and stepped on the gas, leading the convoy into the village.

A slight trickle of rain had begun to fall as the Jeep slowly pulled into the town of Germaney. Though it was not as developed as a regular human town, it still seemed quite nice. At least when you ignored all the rubble and smoldering debris. The stone and wooden structures mostly managed to hold firm, while the heat of the still lit embers could still be felt. As the jeep slowly pulled into the center of the town, it came to a stop as it's occupants emerged while the rest of the convoy parked and unloaded as Krieger commanded them.

"Tend to the village, quickly!"

Already men and women from the convoy began helping to move rubble and douse fires, using water from a nearby well. Survivors were helped up onto their feet and had their wounds tended to, while there were luckily no casualties. As the center square was turned into a medical camp with tents and supplies dotted around, Krieger entered a tent where Misty Light was sitting up in a bed currently recovering, as Krieger pulled up a stool and sat down beside her bed.

"Greetings Kameradin. May I ask you a few questions?"

"Of course, it's the least I could do for you."

"Very well... Tell me, who is responsible for these attacks on you?" Misty Light visibly clenched her fists at the thought of her captors, before letting a breath and calming herself.

"They come from... the Caribou kingdom, a nation of despotic slavers, rapists, bandits, and murderers." Yep, Krieger for sure hated those guys now.

"Have there been any other raids before?"

"Yes, but they were on other villages. We were the last targets." Of course, preying on the weaker villages first before going for the big prize.

"Were there not any defenses in place?"

"Our guard wasn't even properly trained, much less even had the guts and equipment to stand up to them." Krieger's face contorted with slight worry. These ponies could not even defend themselves.

"I see... Will they ever return...?"

"Well... When they realize there raiding party hasn't come back... They'll come and slaughter us..."

"Well then... They can try." Krieger said as he stood up from his stool while Misty Light appeared surprised.


"For when they come once more, they will find the might of the Wehrmacht waiting for them..."