• Published 2nd Jul 2022
  • 1,153 Views, 226 Comments

Unchanging Truths - Rego

After Applejack meets a mysterious Equestrian Collie from the Everfree Forest, her stable farming life takes a turn for the stranger when the pompous pup needs more than just her affection.

  • ...

Chapter 7: A New Dog with Old Tricks

The morning sun was just peeking above the horizon as Applejack pulled her cart into Town Square. She’d arrived a mite earlier than intended, but that was fine. After yesterday’s fiasco, she’d be happy to be the one to wait around for the day to start. She looked around for any sign of Chrysalis while popping open the trusty green striped canvas and propping the bushel barrels for the display. It wasn’t quite early enough to open up for business, so she held off on unsealing the apple barrels until it got a little later.

Chrysalis had agreed to meet at today’s Morning Market to go over some details of her working at the farm. Their fight had really put some things into perspective for Applejack. She wanted to talk about keeping the changeling as healthy as she could manage in a way that made sense to her sensibilities. “Earning love” when Chrys couldn’t live without it wasn’t sitting right with her. AJ knew it was the same as earning bits to buy the necessities to the changeling, but it just felt wrong no matter how she worded it in her head. The last thing she wanted was to coerce anyone into working at Sweet Apple Acres.

It’d taken Chrys a while to calm down, and she hadn’t been in a talking mood once she’d pulled herself mostly together. They still needed to have their proper apple-bucking lesson, but she didn’t have any time for teaching after that. AJ had let Chrysalis watch her work the fields instead of leaving her to practice with Alonzo. The changeling had followed her around the entire day and watched her work without a word. Despite demanding to be left alone all the time, Chrys was turning out to be clingier than a caramel apple tangled up in a ponytail.

There was no sign of her anywhere, and there was good reason. Looking around the empty town made her realize how fast she’d sped through her morning routine. Breakfast with the family and her morning chores usually held her up for a bit, but Applejack just chomped down a few leftovers cold and grabbed a few apples she’d bucked late yesterday. She’d even beaten the ever early-rising Golden Harvest to town. That mare always liked picking up a coffee from Sugar Cube Corner before starting her day, but their lights were still off.

“Okay, maybe I went a little overboard with the punctuality,” Applejack muttered to herself as she leaned on her cart and yawned. She’d be waiting for a spell.

Ponyville sat completely still. Unlike other populated places around Equestria, her home went to sleep and woke up with the sun. It was so quiet, she could make out the sound of the Everfree River across the way. She looked over towards the nearby bridge, and saw Fleur de Lis crossing over it on patrol. Applejack waved hello only for the confused captain to trot over to her stand.

“Morning, Captain.”

“Applejack? What are you doing here so early? The marketplace doesn’t open for at least another hour and a half.”

“I did get here a bit earlier than expected,” Applejack answered and tried laughing her mistake off, but the concerned frown on the guard left her a bit puzzled. “Wait, that’s not an issue, is it?”

“Ponyville municipal ordinance states that all businesses such as stalls, tents, and other methods of vending are not to operate on public streets between the hours of 8PM and 8AM unless given express permission by city hall.”

Applejack looked between her stall, the public street it was sitting on, and the rising sun. “Well, does it help that I haven't opened yet?”

“The definition extends ‘operation’ to loitering with the intention to sell. ‘Intention’ in this case being the presence of either equipment or goods to conduct business.”

Applejack pursed her lips in thought. “Guess that makes sense. Never heard that rule before.”

“Not surprising. It’s never come up since I’ve been here. I feel like I’m the only pony who even knows half the laws on the books around here. If Princess Twilight does, it’s only because she’s reading constantly.”

“Well, ya caught me dead to rights,” Applejack chuckled nervously. “So, what happens now?”

Fleur shook her head and sighed. “Usually a ticket and fine, but really, just don’t do it again. I’m the only one that’s up this early anyway. Consider this a warning.”

Applejack’s friendly smile returned. “Alrighty. Consider me warned, ma’am. Guess that means I can’t offer you an apple without risking breaking the law neither.”

Fleur smiled back and removed her helmet for a little break from guarding. “I’m afraid not, but I will happily take you up on that offer in,” Fleur glanced towards the town clocktower, “an hour and forty-seven minutes.”

“Yeesh, I really did get here at the crack of dawn, didn’t I?” Applejack leaned her knee against her cart and knickered to herself.

“I’ll say. What are you doing here so early anyway?”

“Waiting on Chrys.”

Fleur’s smile fell immediately. “Consider me warned now. What time did you tell her to show up?”

“Eight,” Applejack admitted as she tried to hide her blush behind her hat. “I just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss her like yesterday. Guess I got carried away.”

“I’ll say. And I thought I was a nervous date,” Fleur teased.

The farmer put her hat back on her head with a scoff. “One. It’s business. Ain’t a date. Two. You? Nervous? Kinda hard to believe that one.”

“Yeah? Well, when I was still stationed in Canterlot, Zecora would sometimes come for a visit,” Fleur said as she softened. The way the tough mare could go from an ice cold captain to a warm fuzzy flower at the thought of her marefriend was always something else. “I’d get off duty and wait at the train station for her. The first two times, I showed up for the train before she was scheduled to be on. I didn’t want to keep her waiting if she rode the earlier one. She asked me both times if I’d been waiting long, and I lied without thinking much of it.”

“What made you stop?”

“Getting caught on the third.” Fleur laughed loudly at the memory to mask her embarrassment. “That clever zebra took a train earlier in the day and waited to see when I’d show up. By the time I noticed she was watching me, I was already in the middle of my second sweep of the arrival platform.”

“Wow. Didn’t know you had it that bad.”

“I was obsessed with impressing her when we started dating. I had to be the best marefriend I could be. Failure was not an option. But she just got so mad at me for lying about the small things and told me to stop. I almost cried, but then she said the sweetest thing to reassure me.

“‘I won’t be mad if you’re running a little late,
Any date with you will always be worth the wait.’”

A cheesy, school-filly smile split the captain’s lips as Fleur's face began burning bright enough to give the honeycrisps a run for their money. Even though the two had been an item for a while, the mare was still smitten with Zecora. It was hard not to feel a little jealous of the zebra, knowing one of the most beautiful mares in Ponyville loved her more than anything.

But then, as quickly as it came, the Mythril Lily took a deep breath and returned to her stoic self. Her face was still flushed, but Fleur was right back to guarding form again. “So yes. Please don’t agree to meet for business too early in the day.”

Applejack gaped. “How’d you do that?”

Fleur tilted her head. “Do what?”

“Calm yourself down all lickety split-like.”

“It’s part of our guard training, though the Lunar Guard takes it more seriously than those cheery sunshiners. As members of the Royal Guard, we must remain as steady as the sun and serene as the moon in the face of any threat to Equestria. The first step is to look the part. Trust me, I’m still embarrassingly giddy in here,” Fleur admitted while tapping the side of her head.

“So it’s an act.” Applejack sighed in disappointment. “Well, that ain’t exactly helpful.”

“If it’s wisdom you seek within rejuvenation,
Zecora could teach you some meditation.”

“Not for me, but for Chrysalis.”

“Is that all?” Fleur joked with a wicked grin. “If she’s giving you that much trouble, I wouldn’t mind roughing her up a bit.”

“Actually, I would mind a lot,” Applejack stated firmly. “The meditation is to help her, not me.”

“What? She being a little too vicious for your liking?” Fleur asked with a flourish of her mane.

“As a matter of fact, yes. I ain’t never seen anypony tear themselves up like Chrysalis does, and I think it’d be mighty helpful if she could stop for a second and calm down before she rips herself in half!”

Fleur’s face fell in shock. “Oh…”

“Yeah, ‘oh’ is right.” Applejack lassoed her temper before her thoughts of yesterday reared their ugly mug again. “Please, I know she hurt you, sugarcube, but she’s hurting too. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t jump to making it worse for everyone.”

Fleur sighed somberly. “‘Hatred burns wild.’”

“Come again?”

“Something Princess Luna said to me during my session last night. I asked her about that forgiveness you mentioned the other day, and she said that hatred might feel justified in the heat of a moment, but if I let it burn, it’ll spread out of control and hurt those around me.”

Applejack softened with a smile. “Don’t worry about it. I forgive you for scorching me a bit. Rivers right over there if I need to splash some water on it.”

Fleur chuckled at the wordplay. “Thanks. And, I’m really sorry, Applejack.”

“Right, there I go getting the order mixed up again.” AJ joined her friend’s laughing to lighten the mood. “So, these sessions you mentioned before with Luna, some kind of counseling thing?”

“It’s called Lucid Dream Therapy. She sets aside thirty minutes to an hour for ponies serving in the guard or those with chronic recurring nightmares.” Fleur straightened up proudly with Canterlotian poise. “I happen to satisfy both criteria.”

“Geez, Fleur. Sorry to hear that.”

The runway pose didn’t last for long as she tried resetting herself with her guarded serenity again. “Moving in with Zecora helped, but I still have them. Lun—Princess Luna says I’m too hard on myself by setting impossible standards that are overcompensating for my looks.”

AJ’s eyebrow shot up in disbelief. “Now wait a second. Who in their right mind would hold your looks against you?”

“It wasn’t like that.” The mare’s frown broke through her station as she hunched slightly from the weight. “Not to sound arrogant, but nopony took me seriously when I joined the guard because I was too ‘pretty.’ So instead, I got super serious. When I discovered that I couldn’t build muscle, I decided I was going to stay beautiful while proving everypony wrong.

“For a while, it served me well. I went above and beyond in my duties, quickly rose through the ranks, and became the Mythril Lily you see today. But I got so used to proving myself that I never stopped. I started losing sight of why I became a guard in the first place. When I finally messed up more than I could manage, I couldn’t protect anypony. I was too busy relentlessly attacking myself. Princess Luna helped me see that and is still helping me with my anger issues.”

“Sorry, Fleur. I never thought about it like that. Guess we all got things we gotta deal with, even somepony as beautiful as you. Kinda makes me glad I’m so plain.”

Fleur cast her vulnerability aside as she stiffened with concern. “But you’re a beautiful mare too, Applejack.”

“Shucks, sugarcube. You’re gonna make me blush. Don’t worry yourself, Fleur. I know who I am. Compared to lookers like you and Rarity, I’m more of what folks call ‘the filly next door’ at best, and that’s fine by me,” Applejack assured her friend, but the other mare just grew sterner as her brow furrowed.

“I do not appreciate compliments like that, Applejack,” the captain rebuked firmly. “Just because you’re different from me doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful. Zecora isn’t what ponies would call beautiful, but to me, she’s the most gorgeous mare in the world.”

Applejack opened her mouth to try to deflect, but Fleur wasn’t wrong. Even if she liked who she was, it didn’t mean there wasn’t the teeniest bit of jealous wishful thinking that cropped up every now and then. AJ knew she wouldn’t mind waking up to see a stunning model version of herself in the mirror before going out in the field.

“I’m sorry. I just hate when ponies put me on a pedestal just because I’m ‘hot to trot.’”

The farmer shook her head. “No need to be sorry when you’re plenty right about that one.”

“It’s okay, Applejack. As my therapist said: Nopony will look out for you more than you will, so do not forget to befriend yourself.”

“I’ll be sure to keep that one in my saddlebag for a rainy day. Laws, dating tips, and life advice? You’re just a spring of knowledge this morning, aren’t ya?”

“A guard’s duty is to protect and serve, Applejack. And on that note, if you’ll be so kind as to park your cart somewhere else nearby until eight, I need to get back to my morning patrol. I’ll have to chew myself out in the mirror later if I get back too late.”

Applejack offered a quick salute as she hitched herself to the cart. “You got it, Cap’n.”

Applejack was irritated. Not from recently giving Chrysalis some of her love, but mostly because of how the girl had shown up as a trusty canine companion again. She wanted to have an actual conversation with her, not just talk at her Classy disguise as the dog sat next to the stall and nodded along. At least the changeling hadn’t put up a fight being fed before they started their shift.

Luckily for her, Applejack had gotten plenty of practice talking to silence with Big Mac. She’d limited most of her sales training to lectures while asking yes or no questions. She got what she needed out of Chrysalis well enough, but the stubborn bug refused to explain herself outside of barks and yips.

Unfortunately for Chrys, AJ was also pretty good at talking to dogs thanks to Winona. It wasn’t like how Fluttershy could keep a conversation going, but Applejack was good enough at figuring out what Classy's moody barks meant. That being said, Chrys couldn’t do the lesson’s practical part of running the stall if she didn’t stop pretending to be a dog.

“Y’know, the least you could do is change into a pony to try a sale or two yourself.”

Classy said nothing, only giving a derisive snort while balancing an apple on her nose.

Applejack heaved a tired sigh as she waited for the next customer to come around. It didn’t help that most ponies weren’t buying what she was selling, at least this early in the day. Unless it was the weekend, most folks still followed the farmer’s schedule of working in the morning and trading in the afternoon. It was partially why she picked the odd morning hours in the first place. It’d give the two time to do some conversating while training, that is if Chrysalis would actually talk to her. She didn’t even know if she could say anything more than barks while acting like a dog.

Giving the stand another once-over, she wasn’t exactly sure what tricks she could teach to the old dog without some sort of feedback from the critter. She didn’t want to send Chrysalis to the farm on her own either, at least not until she’d seen her buck a tree at least once. If it was Winona, she wouldn’t mind playing fetch or something to pass the time, but treating Chrysalis like an actual dog would feel all sorts of wrong. All she could do was wait around with a bad temper until lunch rolled around.

Looking back down at her canine companion, part of her understood why Chrysalis was still hiding in plain sight. She remembered being scared of Zecora at first herself when she first appeared in the Everfree. The town had a collective panic when Discord started showing up in town after his “reformation-lite” as he called it. Chrysalis appearing in the middle of town might be even worse with her reputation. Still, if she was gonna stick around, they’d have to pull that bandage off sooner or later if she didn’t want to be furry full-time.

“Umm… excuse me.”

Applejack turned her attention away from Chrysalis to meet their next customer. She was a young mare, older than Apple Bloom, but not quite an adult yet. Taking a quick glance at the girl’s ladybug cutie mark, she couldn’t place the name. With the town getting bigger everyday, it was no surprise to her that she’d never met the filly before. Still, the poor thing was shaking about as bad as Fluttershy had been the first time they’d met. This new girl could probably pull her curtain of aquamarine mane to hide too at the first sign of trouble.

That was nothing a little neighborliness couldn’t help with though. She wasn’t Pinkie Pie, but AJ knew a thing or two about making a new pony in town feel welcome. “Good morning, sugarcube! Looking for something to eat?”

The girl nodded and pointed a shaky hook at the produce. “I was hoping to try one of those.”

“Sure thing.” Applejack smiled wide and welcoming as she leaned over to Chrysalis. “Up and at ‘em, Classy. We got a customer.”

This would be a good learning opportunity for dealing with nervous ponies. Chrys especially was going to have to get used to working with ones that might be scared of her once she unmasked herself.

“How many were ya wanting?” Applejack asked as she relaxed, hoping it’d help the filly do the same.

The customer blinked in response. “I can have more than one?”

“If you got the bits, you can help yourself to the whole barrel! I’d suggest having a few friends to help eat a bushel before they go bad on ya though, unless a little thing like you thinks they can pack them away.”

“Oh, right. Bits. Those are important,” the girl mumbled to herself. “How do I get those?”

“What’s that now?” Applejack asked.

“Bits. How do I get them?”

“Usually you gotta earn some through work, or maybe an allowance in your case. Can’t just be lazing around all day, right Classy?”

Classy grumbled in response, shooting a glare up at her sassy owner.

Finally noticing the pooch, their customer smiled widely. “Oh wow! What a pretty do—” she stopped dead in her tracks, as she met Chrysalis’ eyes. For her part, she seemed just as shocked as the filly did.

“You alright there, sugarcube?”

“I-I just remembered! I need to go somewhere, right now! T-to get bits to buy one of your fruits!”

Before Applejack could ask, Classy bounced the apple she’d been balancing onto the strange filly’s head. She yelped in pain from the projectile produce.

“Chr… err Classy! What’s gotten into you, girl?”

Ignoring Applejack, Chrysalis sat up straight to her haunches and barked sharply once at the filly while pointing a commanding paw at the fallen apple.

“Y-yes, your highness! Right away! I’m sorry, just please don’t—”

Chrysalis barked again, but this time Applejack could pick out a second voice hidden underneath it saying: I said, eat!

The filly nodded nervously and quickly picked the apple off the ground. She brushed the dirt off her lime green fur and took her first bite as ordered.

“It’s really good!” she assured them both as she took another terrified bite. To prove her point, she turned the apple to show her work. “See? I love it! This bushel is delicious, I promise!”

“Now hold on there, sugarcube,” Applejack said softly as she tried to calm the girl down. Luckily, nopony else was around so they weren’t drawing any attention. “Normally I’d be impressed if one of my apples brought someone to tears, but that ain’t what’s going on here.”

“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! I swear it’s really good.”

“Woah, woah! It’s alright. I figured if Chrysalis here likes em, you reformed changelings will like ‘em too.”

The ousted changeling dropped the apple and shrank back in fear. “Y-you know who I am?”

“Nope, but I’d like to find out,” AJ assured with a smile as she reached out her hoof. “My name’s Applejack. What’s yours?”

“Umm…” the changeling trailed off as she looked over herself. “Ladybug Greenery?” she guessed with a nervous smile.

Chrysalis looked around quickly to make sure no one else besides them was there. “Her name is Ocellus,” she whispered plainly, her voice lacking its usual double-discordant tenor.

At least Applejack now knew that Chrysalis could’ve talked the entire time. She wasn’t exactly sure if knowing that was better or worse though.

“R-right. I’m not supposed to be lying about that anymore,” Ocellus mumbled as she kicked the dirt.

With the introductions out of the way, Chrysalis stood up fully and stretched, making Ocellius step back in fear. She growled lowly and then scoffed through her nose before turning away. The former queen strode proudly with royal grace towards her spot under the nearby tree and curled up under it.

“Why is she here?” Ocellus asked in a hushed panic. “I thought Queen Chrysalis was supposed to be in the castle!”

“It’s okay, Ocellus. She’s just helping me with some work.”

“She’s helping?”

She glanced back over at the lazy dog pretending to nap under the tree with one ear perked towards them. “Maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but don’t you worry none about that. I’m surprised to see another changeling besides her out this way. Didn’t realize y’all were already venturing out of the Kingdom yet.”

“We’re not. I’m supposed to be with Thorax and Pharynx at Twilight’s castle.”

Applejack’s heart sank. “Oh shoot, that’s right. I’ve been so wrapped up in the harvest that I completely forgot y’all were coming! Is Princess Cadance here yet?”

“I don’t know,” Ocellus answered apologetically. “I got scared and snuck away before we entered the castle.”

“Oh, well if you didn’t stay to get a royal reception, let me be the first pony to welcome you to Equestria, Ocellus. Happy to have ya here.”

That brought a smile back to the somber filly. “T-thanks,” she muttered with a blush.

“Gonna take a wild guess and say she’s why ya didn’t wanna go in the castle?” AJ tilted her head towards the doggy disguise. Ocellus winced, but feverishly nodded her head. “Can’t help but wonder why you’re in Ponyville if she scares the fool outta ya.”

“I’ve always wanted to see Equestria. At least when we’re not, you know, attacking? And…” the changeling fell quiet as she gathered her courage in a deep breath. “Thorax said I should try to face my fears and meet Queen Chrysalis.”

“Well, that was Chrys, and you faced her.”

Ocellus blinked. “Chrys?”

“Queen Chrysalis, AKA that grumpy girl over there. Wasn’t too bad, was it?”

“I guess not, but—”

“And how do ya feel about it?”

“Oh,” Ocellus looked away and rubbed her leg trying to think of something to say. “I don’t know. She usually towers over me, not the other way around. But, I think I liked the fruit she ordered me to eat.”

“Plenty more apples where that came from if you’re ever in the hankering for another one.”

“Thanks,” Ocellus giggled before catching Chrysalis looking over at them. “I-I should probably go back to Thorax.”

“Want me to walk you back to the castle?”

“No… I couldn’t—” Ocellus stopped as she looked back over at the dog. “Would that be okay, maybe?”

“Ain’t no trouble at all, sugarcube. Probably a better use of my time since someone isn’t being cooperative this morning.” Applejack turned her head towards the culprit canine who quickly ducked her head back down. “Why doncha help yourself to another apple before the three of us head off?”

Ocellus reached out with a smile towards the inviting fruit stand with her hoof. “Thank you so—” she paused as the last sentence caught up with her. “Wait, the three of us?”

AJ finished the motion and put an apple in the girl’s hoof before picking the dirty one up off the ground. “Eeyup.”

“B-but why?”

“I can’t just leave Chrys here all by her lonesome. She’s sensitive.”

Ocellus nearly dropped her fresh apple out of her hooves. “Sensitive?”

Apparently she wasn’t the only one to disagree with the sentiment. Chrysalis barked back angrily as she shot up to her paws.

“What’d I tell ya? A regular drama queen,” AJ whispered with a wink. She fastened the lid on the barrel before turning her attention to the approaching royal. “C’mon, your highness, we’re heading over to Twi’s castle.”

Chrysalis stopped in her tracks and yelped defensively.

“You’re gonna see them one way or the other eventually. Might as well get it out of the way, right?”

Chrysalis snorted and paced back and forth in a few circles before shooting a withered glare at AJ

The mare shrugged. “Well? Are you coming or not?”

“You understand what she’s saying?” Ocellus asked, looking between the two.

“Not really, but I thought you did.”

“Not when she’s just barking like that.” Ocellus narrowed her eyes and scratched her chin as she looked at the embittered collie. “Come to think of it, I can’t sense her at all anymore.”


“Oh yeah. You wouldn’t know.” Ocellus blushed lightly in embarrassment. “I don’t know how to really describe it, but before we all changed into good changelings, Queen Chrysalis was… kind of always there. She was in all of our heads unless you got, like, really, really far away from her. If she was close, well, you could just forget it. She could always find out exactly what you were up to. You couldn’t fool her for long even if you tried. You could try turning into a rock in a pile of rocks, but she’d still find you right away.”

“That’s a bit creepy.”

Chrysalis growled and yelped defensively to object.

“Okay, I’ve just about had it with the barking. I know you can talk even if you’re acting like a stubborn b—”

Before AJ could finish, Chrysalis interrupted with a viciously barked: Language!

“Okay, fair enough.”

“What language is she talking about?” Ocellus asked innocently.

“Don’t worry your pretty little ears about that.” Applejack looked away from the young mare and coughed her short temper out of her system. “Look, stay here if you want Chrys, but I’m taking Ocellus back to the castle. If you wanna wait at the farm for me, feel free, but I wanna make sure one of your kin knows she’s welcome in Ponyville, got it?”

Chrysalis growled, her teeth barred and breathing heavy. Without warning, she leapt into the stand, knocking one of the apple barrels out of the cart to make room for herself.

“Can’t just be civil, can ya?” AJ complained as she righted the container and checked for damage. Seeing that it was fine, she turned to the stubborn pup. “Could ya at least let me get the dolly out so I can—”

Before she finished asking, Chrysalis had the metal dolly in her mouth. She slammed it down on the back of the cart, hooking the latches with her paws and letting it unfold behind the stall for the extra barrel storage. She shot another glare between the other two before laying back down in the cart with a snort.

“Thank ya for cooperating for once,” Applejack grumbled as she rolled the barrel to the back.

“I don’t get it,” Ocellus mumbled in disbelief.

Applejack tilted the barrel into the dolly and started tying it in place. “What’s not to get?” she asked with a mouthful of rope.

“She’s just so different. Back in the hive, she ordered everyone around all the time and got really mad when we messed up. She yelled at us for hours after we got caught trying to replace a bunch of important ponies in Canterlot.”

“Well, I can sympathize with ya a bit since I’ve been on her receiving end plenty, but being on the opposite side of those attacks, I can’t help but be glad we won.”

Ocellus frowned sadly with regret. “I know. We were evil.”

Applejack pulled the rope taut and gave the barrel a jostle to test her knot. “Well, not sure that’s exactly fair. Y’all still had to eat, right? I know I can get a little mean when I’m feeling peckish.” Satisfied with the results, she trotted to the front of the cart and started putting the harness on. “Before she showed up on the farm pretending to be Classy, I’d only met her a couple of times, and both of those she was running her mouth faster than a crawdad in a mudslide.”


“That’s what I named her dog disguise before I found out who she really was. Chrys seems to have taken a shine to it when she’s around town.” Applejack leaned forward a bit and felt the familiar resistance of the cart behind her. “Ready to go?”

Ocellus nodded and joined Applejack’s side as the three of them set off for the Castle of Friendship. “I guess an animal makes sense. It’s easier to blend in if nobody thinks to talk to you. It’s a lot harder to steal love though.”

“Well she ain’t stealing it anymore. I give it to her myself.”

“What? She feeds off of your love?”

“More like I feed her.”

Ocellus’ jaw dropped. “You can do that?”

“Had to figure that one out a bit fast, but yeah. And it shouldn’t be a shocker. I’m a farmer after all. Feeding folks is what I do, be ‘em ponies, griffons, minotaurs, and even the occasional changeling like you two.” Applejack shot a glance at the apple the Ocellus was still holding without eating.

“Oh!” With an apologetic smile, the young changeling nodded and took a careful bite. Instead of quickly eating it like earlier, she chewed a few times to get a feel for it, and brightened once its sweet flavor hit her. “Wow! Food tastes so much better when it actually fills you up.”

“And here I was hoping you’d be crying tears of joy.” Applejack chuckled as she watched the filly happily savor her family’s namesake. “Be sure to tell all of your kin about Sweet Apple Acres next time you’re home. Happy to provide all the apples y’all can eat, ain’t that right Chrys?”

Applejack heard nothing from the cart.

“Really?” AJ complained.

“It’s okay. Her majesty is probably still mad at me. Me and Maxilla ruined the whole thing.” Ocellus’ eyes misted over as she thought back. “I told her I tried to save him, but I got caught immediately and kicked by a really scary pony with a stick who talked funny. I barely got away when they were distracted.”


“What is it?”

“Nothing,” Applejack quickly lied, recalling a vaguely familiar story from said funny-talking zebra. “Just remembering fighting changelings during the wedding. Were you there too?”

“No. I was still a nymph then, but I tried helping when everyone got home after we lost.” Ocellus disappointment deepened along with her face. “That was when everything started going wrong for us, and I just made it worse.”

Applejack wanted to say something to cheer her up, but she’d been on the receiving end of their attacks with the rest of Equestria. She looked over her shoulder and craned her neck to see if she could catch a glimpse of Chrysalis, but she couldn’t see around the barrel.

“I’m just glad we all changed so I could try doing something else. I was the worst scout ever.”

“I’m glad y’all morphed too, sugarcube. I’d rather be friends with a sweet little thing like you,” Applejack said with a smile.


“Of course! I bet you’re just as adorable without the pony mask on.”

“Oh, I-I don’t know…”

“Aww, don’t be shy. I like Green Bug or whoever you said you were pretending to be at first, but I’d like to get to know the real Ocellus.”

“Are you sure? I look really different.”

“So does Chrys, but she’s got her charms too when she goes all natural. Besides, honesty is kind of my thing.”

Ocellus looked around nervously before ultimately dispelling her disguise. A light blue wave of magic shot up around her—a far cry from the intimidating flames Chrysalis had—and revealed her true self. Like the rest of her metamorphosed kind, she looked nothing like the blackened, love-stealers she’d fought before. Despite being solid turquoise, her doe-like eyes shimmered in fear of Applejack’s judgment as she rubbed her legs nervously. Her baby blue exoskeleton caught the mid-morning light, contrasting her pink gossamer mane and tail. Like the ladybug cutie mark she’d thrown on, her back carapace was red with light spots.

The most notable part of her was her lack of any holes and her underside was solid throughout. While she had the same belly as Chrysalis, it didn’t share the same color as the red carapace on her back. Her blue shell just kept going, but was a bit segmented like an accordion to help her bend at the middle.

“Well, that’s a bit surprising.”

“What?” Ocellus asked nervously, her voice still the same as it was in her disguise.

Applejack smirked knowingly. “You’re even cuter than I thought you’d be.”

“Really?” the changeling buzzed back.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, sugarcube. You look just as sweet as you are on the inside.”

Ocellus gasped happily and dove at Applejack, wrapping her in a thankful hug. AJ could almost feel the little girl’s relief as she returned the gesture. She caught the sight of fur out of the corner of her eye and looked over to see the pooch staring at them, or rather mostly at Ocellus, from inside the cart.

“Whatcha think, Chrys?” Applejack asked, bringing the fake dog out of her blank stare. “C’mon now, don’t be shy.”

The disguised changeling said nothing, but AJ noticed a dip in her ears as she slumped back into the cart.

Ocellus sighed. “I guess she still hates me. Probably now more than ever.”

“Hey now. Don’t go putting words into other critters' mouths, Ocellus. You’re too adorable to hate.” Applejack ruffled the little changeling’s mane. It was soft, but it had nothing on Chrysalis’. “Let’s get back to getting back to the castle, alright?”

“Okay, Applejack,” Ocellus said with a nod. “And, thank you.”

AJ nodded firmly before getting back on the road. While Ocellus happily bobbed her head back and forth humming a little diddy to herself, Applejack couldn’t help but notice the sound of something being bitterly chewed on in the cart behind her.

Author's Note:

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section. Thank you for reading!