• Published 2nd Jul 2022
  • 1,153 Views, 226 Comments

Unchanging Truths - Rego

After Applejack meets a mysterious Equestrian Collie from the Everfree Forest, her stable farming life takes a turn for the stranger when the pompous pup needs more than just her affection.

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Chapter 13: Hounded Out and Hollowed

Another day, another bust. Applejack’s head hung low as she side-eyed the bushels of unsold apples. They were bright, beautiful, and glowing with untapped flavor, yet no matter how much she discounted them, nopony in town wanted to purchase a single one. She was practically giving them away by the bushel, but all she was getting was side-eyed jeers and disapproving frowns from her neighbors.

All of this because she’d taken in Chrysalis.

With nothing else better to do, the farmer settled into playing fetch with Winona using one of the many apples as a ball. At least one critter was going to enjoy them today. Winona bounded back with her most recent apple after chomping a bite out of it. The farmer sighed as she grabbed another from the massive pile.

The harvest was the most bountiful Sweet Apple Acres had ever seen, but it was all gonna go to waste at this rate. Her friends had bought all they could and then some, but the season just kept bringing in more and more. It’d gotten so bad that the rest of the family were rolling barrels upon barrels into town behind her. Her sales cart was completely submerged by overflowing bushels of fresh apples, with Big Mac adding more to the growing pile in dismay.

There were just so many, each one representing another bit lost, another bill they wouldn’t be able to pay, another emergency that would bankrupt the farm. Trying to put it out of her mind, Applejack threw her apple out for Winona to catch, only for it to be intercepted by Classy jumping in front of her.

Applejack popped up from her idle apple tossing. “What the? Chrys? What’re you doing?”

Classy didn’t answer and started to bounce the apple on her nose, attracting a small audience of curious onlookers. At first, they seemed amazed by her graceful performance, bouncing, rolling, and finally bounding up to catch the apple in her vicious, changeling maw. She gave one victorious, queenly grin, only for it to falter as she noticed her disguise had failed to mask her changeling fangs.

“It’s Chrysalis!” one of the ponies screamed in terror.

Applejack scrambled to her hooves. “Wait, everypony! It’s okay! She’s good now!”

Applejack’s heart sank as she watched a stallion immediately heel-turn and buck Classy in the side. She yelped in pain from the crushing blow and sailed towards the tower of apples. Chrysalis’ disguise dispelled as she collided with the wall of fruit. She tried to pull herself to her hooves, but the poor girl could only scream in agony as her barrel flickered unsteadily from starvation.

“Chrys!” Applejack cried out in horror. She raced to the suffering changeling as fast as she could. She was shaking fiercely again, writhing while trying to find a spec of love anywhere within her withered body.

“No, no, no! This ain’t right. I know I’ve been distracted by the harvest, but—” Applejack stopped herself. Chrys didn’t need her excuses, she needed her love. She knelt down to pick her up and pull the mare into a hug, but a firm hoof ripped her away before she could.

“The monster’s weak! Get her!” a mare roared as she tried to restrain Applejack.

“Get offa me ya varmint!” Applejack bronco bucked the mare off her back. Other ponies quickly approached, but she made a break for it and dodged the diving ponies trying to wrassle her to the ground. She didn’t have time for any of this. Chrysalis needed her.

Charging the mass of ponies, the farmer kicked off the ground and leapt over the forming mob. Applejack stood sidelong, doing her best to block the assailants from the fallen changeling. She wasn’t going to let a single one of them get close if she could help it.

“Out of the way, Applejack!” one of them commanded.

“Over my dead body!” she spat back.

“She’s evil! She’s poisoning your mind!”

“No she ain’t! All of y’all are wrong about her!” Despite her pleas, the others drew closer, sneering with hatred towards the frail bug behind her. Applejack didn’t have time to convince them. She needed to help Chrysalis.

Throwing caution to the wind, she knelt down next to the quivering queen. Chrysalis had wilted to barely a stick. Her eyes were sunken in with her new holes forming in her legs. How she was hanging on was beyond her, but she could see the light quickly fading from her eyes. She carefully lifted Chrysalis’ head, hoping for a miracle. “Please, this is just one big misunderstanding. I know you wouldn’t hurt—”

Before she could finish, Chrysalis' eyes flared open with renewed vigor as she lunged forward. Applejack locked up as the serrated teeth plunged through her neck. She couldn’t look down, she couldn’t move. There was only the wall of red before her and black and green in her periphery. After a few moments, the farmer fell backwards, landing limply on her side. Life from the world itself diminished, its vibrance fading as the colors slowly paled and grayed into mere shadows of themselves. Despite the horror, Applejack felt nothing. She couldn’t feel anything. Chrysalis had taken her love. All of it.

The mare thought it would’ve hurt worse. Pharynx said the queen’s bite was supposed to kill whatever she was eating, but instead, there was a pervasive numbness. A sudden burst of energy blew her away, the world spinning on its own as she tumbled across the grass. As she regained her bearings, a black figure stepped out of the smoke. Before her stood a fearsome, rejuvenated Queen Chrysalis laughing maniacally as her horn glowed fiercely with stolen might. With a vicious grin, she leapt over her meal, hissing in defiance. Applejack couldn’t see what was going on behind her, but she could hear the evil villain continue her maddened glee as the sounds of energy and fire erupted all over Ponyville.

Applejack’s heart would’ve broken if she could feel anything anymore. The world was sapped of wonder just as her strength had been stolen. The only thing left was a faint sense of disappointment. She let herself get distracted and failed to help Chrysalis, and now Equestria was going to burn because of her negligence. All of it was her fault.

As she watched the darkening grass in front of her muzzle, an apple fell in front of her, and then another, and then two more. She struggled to turn her head up enough to see an endless mountain of red apples, piercing the clouds and reaching into space, tumbling over. A tsunami of scarlet began raining down, the namesake collapsing to crush her under their infinite weight. She wanted to scream and close her eyes, but she couldn’t look away as the sky filled with a swarm of fruit forming a mouth to devour what was left of Applejack.

And then, before she met her end, a sea of midnight feathers fanned out in front of her, blocking out a world gone mad in a sea of tranquility.

“My apologies, Applejack, my session with Chrysalis ran long this evening.” Luna retracted her wing and looked down at the fallen farmer.

“Run,” Applejack warned weakly. “The apples—”

“Are gone. Along with the rest of your nightmare.”


Applejack’s eyes wandered around, seeing nothing but endless clouds of space dust and stars above them. She pulled herself up to see Ponyville had been replaced by a starlit meadow, glistening with beautiful moonlit flowers and weeping willows under the gentle light of the night. On impulse, she reached a hoof to the back of her neck, frantically trying to feel any holes where Chrysalis had bit her, only to feel nothing as she ran her hoof over her neck.

“Remain calm, Applejack. Everything is alright,” Luna assured softly.

“If that was just a nightmare, then why can’t I feel anything still?” the panicking mare asked as she tried desperately to feel anything.

“Just because I subdued the nightmare does not mean you are awake. Any sense you have is in our imagination as your body rests peacefully in the waking world. Is it not a pinch that is used to test if you are asleep?”

Applejack blinked with recollection as she slowly lowered her hooves back down. “Oh. Right. I guess that makes sense.”

“It is alright. Judgment and inhibition are affected in this realm as well. You are safe with me though.” Luna hummed in thought as she observed the farmer.
“And I am sorry that I was not able to intervene sooner. You must be worried about a great number of things for a nightmare to be this intense.”

Applejack bit her lip in shame. “Please, don’t tell Chrys.”

Luna smiled softly. “I would never dream of doing so. Your privacy within this realm is sacrosanct. Our dreams within the Dreamscape reveal truths about ourselves that we often do not wish to know. Telling another soul of such matters when your heart is not ready to face them would be the most egregious sin I could commit against one of my subjects.”

“Thanks, Luna.” Applejack sighed in relief, far more relief than she thought she’d have from it. For some reason, her eyes began to grow heavy from grief. She sniffled, trying to hold it in. “Sorry. I’m not usually so emotional.”

“It is okay, dear Applejack. As I said, inhibitions are limited. You will not physically feel much of anything here, but your sleeping mind’s guard is lowered. It allows you to confront what you do not wish to and experience unreality more intensely. You may be lucid now with my help, but your emotions will still flow powerfully here, as well they should for you to engage with them.” Luna trotted closer and sat next to Applejack, smiling with compassion. “If you can tell me, please tell me what is on your mind. I am here for you.”

“It’s alright. I appreciate the save, but you probably need to get back to work.”

The princess curled an eyebrow. “Have you forgotten? You are my work right now.”

“What do you—” The mare cut herself off, recalling her conversations with Fleur. “Wait, is this that therapy y’all been mentioning?”

Luna nodded. “I intended to approach you about it tomorrow evening, but it would seem that I am needed sooner.”

“Dagnabbit. Sorry, Luna. I’m right angry at myself for dreaming up all that nonsense in the first place.”

“Your worries have compounded to where they manifested into a nightmare. Apologizing for such a reaction is tantamount to begging forgiveness for breathing. There is no need to bear such remorse towards it.”

“Well, I do!” Applejack shouted as she sat down and wiped her face. She slammed her hooves down in the grass. “I’m supposed to be better than this!”

“Better than what?”

“All of this. I gotta be strong. For my family. For my friends. For Chrys. And here I am dreaming up her sucking me dry like a dang vampony!”

Luna nodded in understanding as her horn glowed with midnight magic. A flicker of light shot past Applejack’s head as she felt a coolness wrapping the back of her head like the cool side of a pillow. A gentle tug pulled at it, but it wasn’t unpleasant as a wooden table emerged from the ground.

“I was not here for the beginning of your nightmare, but if you would allow it, I would like to explore parts of it in a safe medium.”

The earth pony looked at the table warily. She wasn’t too keen on exploring anything about the nonsense in her head. However, this was supposed to be therapy, and she needed to be strong here too. With a firm nod, she tried to approach the table, only for Luna to reach her wing around her withers and keep her grounded.

“Fear nothing, for I will be with you the whole time,” Luna assured softly. “Now, let us begin.”

Unlike the precisely detailed visions of ponies from their meeting at Twilight’s castle, simple wooden dolls appeared on the table. They were just detailed enough to identify the characters by their coloration and species, with little horns glued onto their heads or wings painted on their sides. The legs were nothing more than thin sticks, and the eyes were simple colored beads. The finest crafted detail was their woven wool manes and tails hanging loosely off them. It was almost like they were getting ready to play house together.

“I find it best to keep it simple so as to not risk triggering another nightmare,” Luna noted to answer the unspoken question on Applejack’s mind.

Applejack shrugged. “Guess that makes sense.”

A cute toy cart with little apples filled up between a little wooden Applejack in a cute hat and a little carving of Winona. Like before they were playing fetch with an apple as other ponies shuffled past them.

“I see you are enjoying time with your companion, but why are you using an apple to play?” Luna asked.

“Because nopony was buying ‘em.”

“I see. Do you fear this occurring?”

“Already is,” Applejack said with a huff.

“Judging from what little I witnessed, I guess this change is because of Chrysalis?”

“Ain’t her fault folks don’t wanna buy an apple because she’s on the farm. The apples ain’t no different,” the mare growled, looking at the twiggy ponies staring at her applecart. “Dang fools wouldn’t know a good fruit if it bit them on the flank.”

The dream progressed with the apple pile growing larger. A black dog jumped in front of Winona to catch the apple and began to play with it as other ponies gathered around.

“Is that Chrysalis?” Luna asked.

Applejack shot an eyebrow up, figuring the princess would know that if she was whipping this up from the nightmare she stopped. “It’s Classy. Her dog disguise. Remember?”

“Yes, I do. But that is not why I asked,” Luna replied. “You mentioned this mask of hers before, but what is she doing wearing it now?”

Applejack sighed. “She’s playing with an apple like she was the first time we were in the market.”

“I see.” Luna nodded as her ear flicked. “Yes. The influence of a strong memory.”

There was another pull on the back of Applejack’s head before a ring of vines grew next to them. As the circle completed, it filled with a thin sheet of reflective water and flashed to the proper memory of Classy performing for several excited fillies as Applejack watched with Starlight.

“This was back before anypony knew who she was,” Applejack said as she watched the memory play out with the familiar apple chomp before everypony dove at her to pet the talented pup. “Just a weird collie following me around, performing to get what little love she could from her routine.”

Luna nodded as the memory faded away and she pulled Applejack’s attention back to the table. “Why do you think she is playing here in your dream?”

“I dunno,” Applejack answered honestly.

“I see. Then what is it that you want her to be doing here?”

Applejack blinked before turning up to the princess. “What do you mean?”

“Dreams are interpretive experiences. They are as much about experiencing what happens to us within them as what we wish for them to be. If there is a meaning you are unsure of, then perhaps what you want it to mean will become the first step to explaining what it truly represents.”

The farmer regarded the royal flatly. “Not gonna lie, but that sounds like a bunch of hooey.”

The princess giggled to herself and leaned down to her subject. “Then let us hope it is well thought out hooey, Applejack. Just try.”

“Alright. Better than nothing, I guess.” With a sigh, Applejack regarded the toys again. Picking up the wooden Classy, she stared at it trying to figure her out. “With Chrys, it’s always some sort of double-talking game.”

Luna shook her head. “No, dear Applejack. This is not a question to dwell deeply upon. You’re not trying to interpret why she is here, but why you want her to be here.”

“But that’s probably all wrong.”

“Is it?” the princess asked as she lowered her head to the toy in Applejack’s hoof. “This was brought about by your imagination. Your dream may be beyond your control, but what occurs within the Dreamscape is not beyond your interpretation. Tell me, why would you want Classy to be here?”

Applejack took another look at the black figure in her hooves. Putting everything aside, she felt a smile creep across her face. “I guess maybe I’d want her to cheer me up. I know she ain’t real, but I did like Chrysalis’ Classy act. I might not be able to sell anything, but at least I can have a little fun while waiting around with company, right?”

“Interesting. It would ease your suffering for Chrysalis to be with you.”

“Maybe. I just wish she didn’t have to hide,” she said as little fangs sprouted from the dog’s mouth. Applejack yelped as she fumbled the wooden critter. Luna’s magic caught the dog as she set it safely on the table. She felt the princess’ wing tighten around her.

“Calm yourself, Applejack. We are merely playing with toys. You are safe here with me.”


“Are you able to tell me what happened next?”

“Of course I can. It’s still pretty fresh on my mind, y’know. ”

Luna shook her head. “I have chosen my words carefully. You can recall the images, but is your heart able to retell it to me? I will not make you relieve the throes of your nightmare.”

“O-oh. I didn’t think about it like that.” The farmer bit her lip. For some reason, she could feel a twinge of something bubbling in the pit of her stomach the more she looked at the fanged Classy toy. “I’ll be fine. You’re all about dreams anyway, right?”

Luna softened with a smile. “Indeed, I am. If it becomes too uncomfortable, I urge you to stop. I will not intervene to take either option away from you unless a renewed nightmare threatens to overwhelm you.”

“Okay,” Applejack said. Apprehension pulled at her as she placed the toy back on the table to continue the reenactment. “Well, first, her fangs showed up after she finished her little dance number, and somepony called her out.” As she dictated, a pony figure appeared next to the dog. “And he… bucked her in the side.”

The little toy stallion tilted forward. Instead of emulating the buck with magic, Luna simply reached down and moved the black dog by hoof next to the pile of apples and gently placed it down.

“And then, her disguise failed and—and she fell…” As she trailed off, the black dog exploded into fire and appeared to be a lanky wooden pony with a mane and tail spun from beautiful silk.

“And she fell…” Applejack’s eyes were drawn to the pony’s barrel, the green paint faded in and out, like she was starving again. Like she was about to die, and there was nothing she could do about it. A small blanket flowed out from underneath the toy Chrysalis table and began lurching across the table, moving faster and faster as it pushed the toys out of the way. Her heart seized with terror as she recognized the soft, familiar floral patterns criss-crossing the top of the bedding.

“Stop it! Make it stop, right now!” Applejack shouted, trying to look away as her vision filled with a shower of golden petals.

At once, everything was whisked away as the dreamworld came back into focus around them. Applejack placed her hoof over her heart and gasped for air.

“Breathe deeply and relax. Focus on nothing but the sound of my voice.”

“What the hay was that?” Applejack demanded as she tried to get a wrangle of her senses again.

“Be still,” Luna whispered as she lowered her head.

Applejack’s forehead met the side of the princess’ horn. Despite its hardness, a soothing rush of magic flowed through Applejack’s mind with waves of relief washing away her stress. She didn’t know a horn could be so tender, and AJ was feeling calmer than a jackrabbit rolling around in a carrot patch.

“Are you alright, dear Applejack?” Luna repeated.

Applejack sighed as the serenity of the otherworldly meadow enveloped her mind. “Never thought I’d feel jealous of a horn, but this is mighty nice.”

Luna giggled. “Perhaps if harmony calls upon you to become an alicorn, I may yet teach this spell to you.”

“Thanks, but no thanks. I don’t need all the fuss that comes with being a princess. I’m just fine with working my farm.”

“Understandable. We are all called by Harmony to different paths in life,” Luna said sagely. “That being said, I would not turn down coronating a Princess of Apples.”

Applejack laughed as she fell away from Luna to lay down in the field among the lilies. As she broke the contact, her elation subsided as the dull sting in her heart returned. It was like she’d just settled down after a long cry. “Think you can keep zapping my head?”

“I could, but it would distract us from facing what weighs upon you.”

“I guess that makes sense.” The mare sighed as she pulled herself up off the ground. “So, what happened?”

“The Dreamscape responded to your troubled heart and began to weave another nightmare. Before you asked for my help, I sensed two memories entangling together underneath. Both bore sorrow, yet one was far older which colored the other in shades of grief. Possibly trauma.”

“Trauma? Like ‘traumatized’ trauma?” Applejack gulped as she shuffled her hooves nervously. “You mean there’s really something wrong with me?”

“Neigh, my dear friend,” Luna cooed as she stroked the farmer’s golden mane with her hoof. “It is a terrible truth, but life itself is traumatizing. We may lead happy, fulfilling lives, but there will always be a time of suffering we must endure. It is not weakness, only a scar you bear upon your heart. Can you tell me what you remembered?”

The farmer slumped her shoulders, not wanting to think about it. “Don’t you know already?”

Luna shook her head. “I am sorry, but no. It is complicated to explain, but I only know what you are able to share with me. I have woven my Moondrop Meadow around us, but everything else is manifested by your dreams. I barely glimpsed it before it overwhelmed you. Are you able to tell me anything about what happened?”

“I guess.” Applejack took a deep, bracing breath as she tried to face the truth. “I… dang, it’s hard to say. Why’s it so hard to say?”

“Again, nothing is truly real here beyond what you can feel in your heart. In the absence of all true sensation, your mind is unbridled and free to explore the depths of your soul in all of its beauty and terror. Again, if you are unable to speak it aloud, do not.”

“Don’t worry. I got this.” Applejack breathed deeply as she tried to focus on what was on her mind. “You can do this. You know what happened. You’re stronger than this.” The mare swallowed as she tapped her hoof impatiently. She felt the words on the tip of her tongue, but she didn’t want to say them. “I… kicked Chrys. There! Got it out…” she trailed off with a tittering laugh.

A troubled frown grew on the princess as she looked towards the table. “No, you did not. I believe that was a stallion that—” Luna paused as a flicker of light shot through her eyes. “Oh, a parallel memory. Yes, your fight with Chrysalis within the waking world.”

Applejack nodded as she pulled at her mane.

“Yes, but it was in self-defense if I recall. Why does it trouble you so?”

“I—I dunno. Hoo wee, I’m glad I got that off my chest.” Applejack laughed nervously as she tried to get a grip on her racing heart. “Right?”

There was another tug at the back of her head as the vines once again filled with reflective water. The memory flooded back from that night she’d fought Chrysalis. The last thing Applejack wanted to see was that night again as the starving changeling leapt down from the statue. The farmer began to shiver as she knew what was coming, but Luna turned Applejack’s face away with her hoof and blocked the mirror with her wing.

After several agonizing moments, Applejack felt the princess’ hoof run down her mane. “I see. You mentioned this before, but I did not appreciate how harrowing it must have been. You faced another’s mortality.”

Applejack said nothing, but nodded into Luna’s chest.

“Do you blame yourself for Chrysalis’ misfortune?”

“No,” she answered automatically, but it wasn’t sitting right with her. “Well, kinda? I knew something was wrong with everything going on, but I still… bucked her. As hard as I could.”

“She was attacking you. You cannot blame yourself for reacting.”

“I know, but then? But then… then she fell down,” Applejack mumbled as her heart grew heavier and heavier. “She collapsed and started shaking. I—I started panicking. I didn’t know what to do!”

“When she fell down?” Luna hummed to herself. “You seem to be pitying her rather than panicking.”

“But I—” Applejack stopped as she thought about it. She remembered feeling angry when picking Chrysalis off the ground after she’d told her to leave her over and over. “Oh… I guess you’re right. I didn’t.”

“But upon reflection, you also recall feeling this panic?”

“Y-yeah. Must be fretting over Chrys more than I thought.”

“I see,” Luna noted with grim resolution. “That is enough for now, Applejack. Thank you for bearing with me.”

Applejack balked. “Wait, what? We’re done?”

“Yes we are. Or rather, you are done. I cannot in good conscience press any further. Your mind must find rest so you can walk under my sister’s light tomorrow.”

“But wait! What about her biting me and the trauma stuff? I gotta fix this, right?”

Luna shook her head. “Trauma is not something to simply be fixed, Applejack.”

“That can’t be it, though!” Applejack fumed, her emotions still flaring inside her. “I still feel all outta sorts. I thought therapy was supposed to help ya feel better!”

“That is the eventual goal, but it takes time. Therapy is about processing the feelings we sometimes cannot face clearly on our own. I am here to hopefully help guide you towards healing, but such wounds take time to address. That being said, I now have a better understanding of what has harmed you, and you have my sympathy. I know this pain well.” Luna’s eyes fell downcast as she looked away, “Far, far too well.”

“What pain are you—”

Luna quickly interrupted the mare with a gentle, motherly kiss on her forehead. Losing herself, Applejack fell backwards among the moondrop lilies. The grasses and ferns stretched up around her as she gazed upon the endless expanse of the stars above her.

“That will have to be for another time, dear Applejack,” Luna said softly as she leaned over the mare. “Your heart has been agitated too much. You must first rest to recover your strength, both mind and body.”

She wasn’t sure what the princess had put behind that kiss, but it was as if her spirit was being tucked into bed. AJ settled into her stargazing framed by the greenery around her, the tranquility of the loamy meadow forming to her body. The very ground seemed to flow its power through her legs, suffusing her with its natural power as she became one with it. The wind blew, and she could sense every blade of grass rustle with the flow as the flower bulbs bobbed gently up and down.

The mare lifted a foreleg and savored the cool breeze through her fur. “Ain’t I not supposed to be able to feel anything?”

“With my help, you are,” Luna said simply. “Is it unpleasant?”

“It’s a bit weird, but I could get used to this,” Applejack replied as she sighed in contentment as she settled into the serenity.

“Good. Your mind may eventually wander and resume your normal dreams, but for now, please enjoy the meadow. Goodnight, dear Applejack.”

Applejack nodded as she stared into the stars above as the heavens opened up brighter and fuller than she’d ever experienced. She could no longer tell where she ended and the soil began as she experienced nature with the trees, streams, and mountains as she watched the night sky above shower its timeless majesty upon the world.

Applejack watched as the night sky was washed away by sunlight, revealing the familiar ceiling of her room above her. She grumbled as the morning rushed in, dispelling whatever spell Luna had done to give her the best night’s sleep she’d ever had in her life. She felt rested, but she still didn’t want to get up.

“You sleep like a rock, you know that?”

A few more blinks brought the world back into sharp focus. Her senses returned. She could feel the coolness of her drool running down the side of her face, the taste of her own matted mane that had somehow wormed its way into her mouth, her limbs splayed to the four corners of her mattress.

Applejack’s eyes drifted towards Chrysalis, who was sitting on a stool and leaning over the bed. Her sneering fangs smiled in her smug, predatory grin as she watched Applejack slowly pull herself up from her deep slumber. She could feel the adrenaline rush through her body at the changeling’s unexpected appearance, but it was having a hard time fighting off the last dregs of her sleep.

“Chrys?” the farmer began as she groggily tried to rouse herself. She spat the strands of mane from her mouth. “Were you watching me sleep?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Chrysalis complained as her eyes wandered towards the wet side of AJ’s face. “Disgusting really. I’m surprised you didn’t drown in your own saliva.”

The farmer groaned, trying her best not to tumble back into bed. If it was light already, that meant she was running late to start her day, but her body didn’t care enough to move yet. She yawned into her hoof and tried to shake the sleep out of her head.

“Why didn’t ya wake me up?” AJ grumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

Chrysalis clicked her tongue. “What do you think I’m doing here? I’ve been trying to get your flank out of bed on and off for a while now. I would’ve thought you were in a coma if not for all the snoring. I was thinking about dumping some water on you, but you’re already soaked.”

“I don’t wanna hear nothing from a critter that’s literally been a slobbery dog before.”

The changeling face scrunched in revulsion. “I’ll have you know that I’ve never gotten close to slobbering when disguised. I have standards.”

“Whatever.” Another yawn escaped the mare as she desperately tried to grasp a sense of wakefulness. She’d need to triple up on her daily dose of coffee to get up. “What time is it?”

“You’ve got a clock right there don’t you?”

Applejack said nothing as she leveled a sleepy glare at the changeling. Chrys’ eyes widened briefly before she shrugged it off and rolled her eyes which just so happened to roll in the direction of the clock. “It’s eight twelve, grumpy.”

Over three hours late. Once she was awake enough to care she was going to throw a fit at herself for sleeping in during harvest season. “Need to get my coffee started.”

“Figures,” Chrysalis said as she levitated a mug of the morning brew. She sparked some magic into it, causing it to briefly flash before steam began to rise. “Here.”

After a few bleary and confused moments of staring at the coffee, Applejack turned towards the mare offering it to her.

“I said ‘here!’” the impatient queen repeated firmly.

The farmer nodded and smiled as she took it into her hooves. “Thanks, Chrys.”

“Don’t mention it,” Chrysalis replied as she brushed off the sentiment. “The sooner we get started, the sooner I can eat.” The hungry bug’s smile widened, revealing the extent of her sharpened maw ready to devour.

“Right.” Applejack laughed to herself and rubbed the back of her neck. Feeling fur once more, her eyes quickly darted back to Chrysalis’ fangs before she decided to drown the lingering anxiety with her drink. It was dark and strong, just like Big Mac liked to brew it. Applejack usually liked to add a few fixings to soften the blow, but the energetic buck to the head was just what she needed. It helped that it tasted freshly brewed thanks to whatever spell Chrysalis had shot into it.

Wait. Chrysalis’ spellwork?

“I thought I told you not to use magic when ya didn’t need to, Chrys.”

“And now you’re complaining?” Chrysalis asked in disbelief. She grumbled in frustration and crossed her forelegs. “I thought you ponies liked your dirty bean water hot, so I heated it.”

“Well, yeah, but I don’t want ya burning love willy-nilly. I haven’t even given ya any today.”

“Then drink it while it’s hot so you don’t waste it!” Chrys fired back. “Besides, it’s just a cup. I’m not feeble invalid that’s going to ‘keel over’ from one little spell.”

“I guess you’re right,” Applejack took another swig and smiled contently. “Thanks, Chrysalis.” Applejack leaned over and rubbed against the mare, hoping to give her a little love in return for the changeling’s self-serving kindness.

Chrysalis’ eyes widened as she recoiled from the touch. “Gross! Get away from me!”

Applejack barely caught herself before spilling a single drop of her mug. “I didn’t drool on that side! Yeesh, you’re just as squeamish as Rarity.”

The prissy drama queen harrumphed. “As I said, I have standards.”

“You’re one to talk, being able to make cocoons and stuff out of your spit.”

“How dare you!” Chrysalis roared back. “It’s not spit, it’s goo! They’re completely different!”

Applejack chuckled. “No argument there, sugarcube. Been stuck in that sticky stuff before. At least mine is easier to wash out of fur.” Applejack grabbed the tuft of fur still damp from waking up a slobbery mess in bed. As she held it in her hooves, a devilish grin pulled at her lips. “In fact, I think I might try to return the favor.”

Chrysalis furrowed her brow. “Return what favor?”

Applejack chugged the rest of her coffee in a few big gulps before setting the mug back down on the nightstand. “I think someone needs a big ol’ hug this morning.”

“Not like that, you’re not,” Chrysalis spat in disgust. However, Applejack was having none of it as she tossed her mane, letting the damp strands cross her face as she grinned devilishly at the changeling. The former royal’s face fell as her eyes widened as the messy farmer inched ever closer, eyeing her dainty prey. “Wait, no. Stay back!”

With refreshed, coffee-fueled vigor Applejack lunged out of bed towards her target. “C’mere you!”

For the first time in her life, Applejack heard Chrysalis screech in dual-toned terror as she scrambled out of the way, nearly falling over as she barely dodged out of Applejack’s tackle. The changeling quickly fled the sight of the sloppy mare who barreled out the door behind her. The changeling rounded the banister and rushed down the stairs. However, it was gonna take more than that to get away from Applejack. She was already running late, but a little morning run to get her going before work wouldn’t hurt.

Or at least it wasn’t gonna hurt Applejack.

Author's Note:

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section. Thank you for reading!