• Published 2nd Jul 2022
  • 1,153 Views, 226 Comments

Unchanging Truths - Rego

After Applejack meets a mysterious Equestrian Collie from the Everfree Forest, her stable farming life takes a turn for the stranger when the pompous pup needs more than just her affection.

  • ...

Chapter 21: A Good Girl

“I’m going to miss thinking coffee tasted better,” Iridescent grumbled bitterly into Prim’s favorite roasted blend. “If only her shape shifted my sense of taste too.” She took another swig, but it was going down about as well as the first passes had.

“Couldn’t you always cast an illusion on yourself?” Twilight asked.

“Prim was the one who was fooled, not me. It’d take one incredible lie to deceive myself just for the sake of coffee.”

“While it’s a shame your usual wasn’t to your liking, I’m glad that you decided to join us for our last friendship activity, Iridescent,” Rarity cooed as she gave her friend a little side hug. “And at such a wonderfully convenient cafe!” she added as the group neared Manehattan’s Grand Galloping Station. “Great recommendation, darling.”

“It was my pleasure, Rarity. The Prench Press keeps a spot open for Prim in the event she brings a big name client for a quick meeting over coffee. The café gets a notoriety boost and I get delicious coffee.” she took one last sip of her drink before abandoning the project into the nearest waste bin. “Or at least it used to be.”

“I could still seal you back up if you want, Iridescent,” Shutterbug suggested with a wry smirk. “You could keep drinking all the dirty bean water your heart desires.”

“I think I’ll pass, Your Majesty. It’s nice to actually be myself again.”

“You know she’s not a queen anymore,” Rainbow said from above the group. “You can just say Chrysalis.”

“I’d rather not. Prim’s loathing of changelings is still buried pretty deep in my head. If I drop the title, I’m going to start dropping the other niceties by accident.”

Shutterbug looked back at the Wonderbolt. “I might have been able to address that if somepony wasn’t flapping their stupid wings in my ears.”

Rainbow’s eyes bulged and she quickly grounded herself in embarrassment.

Applejack raised an eyebrow and leaned over to Chrys. “Is that true?”

“As far as she knows,” Shutterbug whispered with a sinister giggle.

AJ couldn’t help but laugh at the innocently evil prank. For all the trouble that the past few days had put everyone through, their friendship retreat had proven to be a resounding success in the end. It’d been way too long since she’d spent some quality time with the girls, even if half of it was running around the city. At least they’d all been able to relax after getting Prim Hemline’s show back on track.

The real work was about to begin, but Iridescent had put it all aside to spend some time with everyone before they left. The two changelings of their group especially seemed to be getting the most out of it. Chrys was different, but it was a good different, or at least good adjacent. She was still her usual bossy, snippy self, but it felt more relaxed with Desi around, taking it all in stride; like an inside joke they were both in on. It only grew a little strained when reality reversed their roles.

Walking down the city streets with Prim Hemline was an experience. She knew the city—her city—like the back of her hoof, and the cityfolk definitely knew her back. Prim’s star power blinded ponies to the point that they didn’t even notice the actual princess next to her, let alone the no-name photographer with them. When somepony actually spotted her, they were more interested in paying for a picture with Prim than anything. Here in Manehattan, Iridescent was the queen, and Chrysalis could only lick the scraps of love left in her wake.

That thought was still lingering in Applejack’s mind: after everything, Iridescent was still unchanged, a love-eating changeling like Chrys. Granted, she was only eating what she was given, but the question of becoming like the rest of the Concordant was still up in the air. If Chrys was right, there weren’t any infiltrators like her left in the world, meaning Iridescent was the last drone of her kind. Not only that, but she had the love of an entire city at her command. Luna was going to have more than just a word or two to say about that.

“Are you sure you don’t wanna come with us, Desi?” Applejack asked their new friend. “Ponyville is on the way to Dodge City. It’s right on the border of the Badlands if ya wanna check in with your kin.”

“As much as I would love to see home after so long, Prim’s schedule is absolutely packed for the foreseeable future. Miss Pommel is going to need me here to help with her debut, among many other things. I’m not sure I’ll have time to take such a long trip for a while.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Iridescent,” Fluttershy said as she draped a wing over the mare’s withers. “But I’m sure once word reaches your friends and family that you’re safe, they’ll be over the moon.”

“Speaking of moons, look at that one!” Pinkie said as she pointed towards the station’s entrance.

As if summoned by her wandering thoughts, Princess Luna stood at the main gates of the station. Her stalwart gaze overlooking the metropolis was undermined by the deep bags under her eyes. Keeping the layponies and reporters away from Her Royal Highness was an equally exhausted Fleur de Lis, scowling at anypony who dared get too close.

“Oh-my-gosh!” Twilight teleported to the bottom of the steps and rushed towards the two. “Princess Luna! Captain Fleur! Are you two okay?”

“P-Princess Twilight?” Fleur stammered, nearly dropping her golden spear.

Luna balked at the younger princess’ sudden appearance. “Twilight Sparkle!” Her eyes darted to the accompanying guard. “What an… unexpected surprise!”

Twilight stepped back. “Unexpected? Aren’t you here because of the letter I sent to Spike?”

Fleur and Luna shared a furtive glance. The guard wet her lips as she thought about what to say. “About that. We’ve been dealing with a relatively minor problem. It’s nothing you need to concern yourself with, Your Highness.”

“V-verily!” Luna agreed with the most forced smile Applejack had ever seen on somepony besides her. “It is an infinitesimal issue that you need not concern yourself with at all, Twilight Sparkle! Apropos of nothing, we would humbly request that you not enter the Cutie Map chambers until after we return.”

“But what if there’s a friendship problem?” Twi pressed.

Luna opened her mouth to try and tell another obvious lie, but she was interrupted by a weary voice shouting “Found it… finally,” from around the street corner.

The group’s attention slowly turned to Starlight and Trixie, the latter also looking about ready to keel over. Rolling down the street alongside them was a large, stone table suspiciously similar to the Cutie Map.

“So, it turns out that when I thought I was thinking about Chicoltgo deep dish back at the Concordant, I was really remembering a greasy slice of Manehattan pizza,” Trixie exclaimed as Starlight nearly collapsed to the ground. “But then Trixie remembered Calzoni Brothers doesn’t open until lunch, so she ate a leftover slice of pizza in a box she found in her dressing room at the Comedy Closet before a show. And wouldn’t you know it—”

ENOUGH!” Luna screamed, her royal voice echoing throughout the area. “I do not wish to hear any more of your incessant self-aggrandizing, Trixie Lulamoon!”

The unicorn nodded as she fixed her blown-back mane. “So, does that mean you don’t want Trixie’s help teleporting it back to the castle?”

NO!” Luna, Fleur, and Starlight yelled in unison.

The furious guard stormed over to Trixie. “I almost caused an international incident because of you!”

“Hey! That was Starlight’s fault. The Calm and Collected Trixie wasn’t the one bottling her anger.”

“Anger directed at you!” Fleur poked the mare in the chest. “You’re lucky I was able to take three days worth of her rage out on that maulfwurf instead of your stupid face! Unless you want to take a one-way trip back to Ponyville courtesy of my hooves, you will keep your magic off the map!”

Not wanting to push her luck, Trixie quickly ran over to Twilight. “On second thought, here, Twilight!” She shoved the alicorn in front of her magical table. “Ta-da! Trixie has brought you your Cutie Map all the way from Ponyville!” The magician’s performance strained credulity as she nodded to the others for support she wasn’t getting anytime soon.

Twilight looked over the exhausted, rag-tag team of ponies. “Thank you? But, how did you even end up teleporting the map here in the first place?”

Before anypony could explain, another voice joined in from above. “Oh, great! It looks like you found the friendship table!”

Applejack looked skyward with the growing crowd to see Thorax and Ocellus touching down next to Starlight. The murmurs grew louder around them with so many important creatures gathering just outside the busiest train station in Equestria. Prim slowly trotted towards the changelings, marveling at their colorful forms.

“Thorax? Ocellus!”

Thorax turned to the approaching pony. “Yes? Can I—wait. You sound familiar. Do I know you?”

It took only a second for Ocellus to see Prim before she gasped in disbelief. “Iridescent!” the youngling squealed with joy. Without missing a beat, she dove straight for her, nearly tackling her in a deep hug. “You’re alive!”

“Ocellus. You’re so much bigger now… and so beautiful!”

The little changeling nodded as tears pooled in her eyes. “I thought I’d never see you again. You’re alive! You’re alive!”

“Yes, I am. I’m right here.” She returned the hug, a warm smile breaking through her usual stern demeanor. “It’s so good to see you again, Ocellus.”

“It really is you, Iridescent,” Thorax remarked as he joined the reunion. “Were you here in Manehattan this whole time? Why didn’t you come back?”

“Well, I was here, but I didn’t know I was,” Iridescent said as she tapped the side of her head.

“Were you enveloped all this time? But, that would mean…” Thorax trailed off, the years flitting through his eyes. “You have no idea what’s happened to us, do you?” he asked while motioning over his body.

“I had an inkling, but hearing that you were purple-ly-er absolutely did not prepare me for this. You’re a lot bigger than last I saw you, you overgrown nymph. Almost as tall as Her Majesty.”

Thorax’s eyes bugged at the title and he chuckled nervously. “Yeah. It’s taken some getting used to, trust me.”

“Impressed with the changes?” Shutterbug asked, walking up behind Iridescent.

Ocellus watched the approaching unicorn curiously, but gasped in fear after recognizing Chrysalis underneath. She gripped Iridescent tighter and hid her face from sight.

“Ocellus!” Desi chided the youngling. “She is Queen Chrysalis, your All-mother! Show some respect!”

The frightened youngling pulled together and shook her head, her shivers growing worse with each passing moment. The palpable fear stopped Chrysalis in her tracks. She quickly turned her back on them, facing her growing scowl anywhere but the happy reunion.

Thorax winced and knelt down next to Ocellus, offering what support he could. “Sorry, Iridescent. We failed to invade Canterlot while you were gone, and… things took a turn for the worse. A whole lot worse.”

“But she’s the All-mother…”

Thorax glanced over at Chrys, who was busy looking at the wall next to the station entrance. He sucked in his lips and shook his head.

“It was bad,” Ocellus whispered. “Really bad. I tried to take your place like I was supposed to, but…”

“You what?” Iridescent looked over the little girl in growing shock. “B-but you’re barely older than a nymph! Why would you put yourself in such danger?”

“I thought I was the only one left.”

“Then, that means your sire…”

Ocellus shook her head as she cried softly into Desi’s chest.

As the news weighed down around her, Iridescent pulled Ocellus into a deeper, tender hug, holding her as close as she could and leaning her head down. “I’m sorry, Ocellus. Such duties should’ve never fallen to you. I’m so sorry.”

“B-but it’s better now! You’re back! And you don’t have to be an infiltrator anymore. You can change and become a good changeling. And then maybe—maybe you could come home? Please?”

Seeing the two talking so tenderly to each other was making Applejack remember things that she wished she wasn’t. Ocellus’ sweet and earnest pleas were plucking at every heartstring AJ had, and apparently she wasn’t alone.

“Excuse me, Iridescent?” Fluttershy carefully approached the changelings. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but yesterday, when you mentioned you’d given an egg to—”

“Ocellus was the one who hatched from it,” Desi answered before she could finish.

Applejack blinked. “Then, you’re her mother?”

“No. It is selfish for an infiltrator to claim such a title when our lives are far away and fleeting. Such nymphs are cared for by the hive and the All-mother.”

“But things are different now!” Ocellus cried. “Everyone is equal in The Concordant, no matter how big or small. We don’t steal love anymore. We can do whatever we want!”

“Whatever we want, huh?” Iridescent smiled at the youngling. “I might know a thing or two about that after my time in Manehattan. Tell me, what do you like to do now that you’re filled with love, Ocellus?”

Ocellus sniffled as she tried to calm down enough to answer the question. “Well, I started reading a lot recently. Princess Twilight sent us a whole bunch of new books, and they’re a lot better than the old, broken ones we had before. I’ve been reading a lot about other creatures and cultures, and I want to try making new friends.”

“A changeling wanting to make friends?” Iridescent chuckled to herself as she played with Ocellus’ mane. “That’s quite the opposite of your progenitor’s duty.”

The progeny giggled at her tender touch. “I know. I wasn’t very good at sneaking. And I already started, too! Did you know I’m friends with Miss Applejack? She grows the best apple bushels ever in her orchard!”

“Now I do. She and her friends have become my friends, too. I guess that means I’m not too good at infiltrating anymore either.” The two shared a laugh, Ocellus glowing with happiness and love just to be around someone she cared about so deeply.

Desi must’ve noticed it too, considering she’d let her go. “So, did any of the ponies in those books happen to look like the pony I am right now?”

Ocellus wiped her eyes and took a step back to get a better look at the mare in front of her. “No. I don’t think so. Should I have?”

“I suppose Twilight didn’t think to send you any fashion magazines,” she muttered with a roll of her eyes. “This is Prim Hemline. She’s a pretty big deal here in Manehattan; a famous fashion critic with a little clothing kingdom of her own.”

Ocellus’ eyes sparkled. “Really? That’s amazing! Do you make your own clothes like Miss Rarity?”

“I wish, but no. Prim helps Equestria’s best designers show their—”

Her excitement was cut short by the answer. “I thought you liked making things, though. You always told me that when you visited me between your missions.”

“I do, and maybe that will change in the future now that I’m awake again,” Iridescent said as her eyes wandered away. “But that isn’t who Prim Hemline is. She’s a mover and shaker who loves presenting the best designers to the world.”

“But you’re really Iridescent.”

“And I am also really Prim Hemline,” Desi explained carefully. “It’s… I’m not sure. Honestly, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. She is too.”

“So, if you’re really busy, then…” Ocellus’ ears drooped. “Then does that mean you can’t come back with us?”

“I’m sorry, but no, I can’t. I have a job here making designers’ dreams come…” Iridescent flinched as if she’d been hit on the head, but shook it off. “It’s just that Prim Hemline has so many prior engagements that she can’t just—”

In a flash of green, her Prim Hemline form vanished, leaving behind Iridescent in her natural changeling state wearing the pony’s signature outfit. The gawkers and rubberneckers passing by stopped in an instant seeing one of their city’s most iconic ponies go up in flames. Desi’s fang-filled mouth hung open as she scanned the crowd frozen around them.

“I-I can explain!” Iridescent called out to the crowd, her trilling voice ringing like a mockery of Prim’s.

“Oh my stars! Is Prim Hemline a changeling?” a bystander cried, breaking the seal over the crowd.

The street exploded in an uproar as ponies began rushing forward. Luna and Fleur leapt into action, keeping the small crowd at bay. Cameras flashed from the formerly corralled reporters as they fought to be the first with the guaranteed headline.

“Prim!” Iridescent shrieked as she tried to reapply her disguise. “You can’t just—Come on! They’re taking pictures of us!” After a moment, she sighed and smacked her forehead. “Give me just a moment, Ocellus. Please.”

“Okay?” The smaller changeling shrank back, taking cover behind Luna.

Desi teleported past the crowd over to Shutterbug and bowed. “A thousand pardons, Your Majesty.”

“And I thought your swarm of devotees were already bad enough.” She winced through the storm of flashes and questions coming from every which way. “Seeing how you’re unmasked and about to beg for my help, I can only guess you’re trying to get out of the consequences of your actions.”

“No, my queen. But I still wish for your assistance.”

Shutterbug glanced over the clamoring crowd growing around them by the second. “Very well. But only because you asked so nicely.”

“I understand, Your Majesty.”

“First, we’ll need some privacy.”

To Applejack’s surprise, Chrysalis shed her disguise, bursting onto the scene in her full, terrifying glory. The chase for the breaking news was shattered by the infamous queen’s sudden presence. Nary a shutter sounded as everypony was frozen with fear. A vicious smile crossed the archvillain’s maw as her draconic eyes hungrily darted between the paparazzi.

“What? Not going to try to get my good side?” She brushed a hoof through her flowing hair to cover half of her face. She then shifted her weight to a shoulder and gave her mesmerized audience a smoldering kiss. Only a single camera flashed, along with a fretful gasp from the photographer. “Fine. I’ll give you ponies what you want.”

Chrysalis slammed her forehooves on the ground and hissed, flaring her serpentine tongue at her audience. The proverbial Gates of Tartarus were thrown open, plunging the streets into pandemonium. Ponies scrambled and stampeded, trying to run away from the monster in their midst.

Chrysalis!” Luna shouted over the screams.

“What? This was the fastest way to get rid of them.”

The princess teleported to the former queen. “Couldn’t you have waited until we were in a more private location to transform?”

The villain cackled and waved goodbye to the fleeing ponies. “Not when I am needed.” Chrysalis snarled at a few braver photographers snapping a few photos as they ran away. After most everypony had either cleared out or was hiding a safe distance away, the All-mother turned to look upon her last drone. “Are you ready, Iridescent?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Chrysalis closed her eyes and took a breath through her nose, smiling as she savored the royal title once more. She then lowered her horn towards Iridescent, letting their emerald magic connect. Both changelings burst into green fire, leaving Prim Hemline and Iridescent in their places.

Desi’s eyes shot open with a flare of frustration. “Okay, now look—”

Whatever she was about to say was wiped away by a swift slap. “You’re unbelievable!” Prim Hemline screamed with a hoof stomp. She pointed a hoof at Ocellus. “She’s adorable! And you’re just going to walk away from her?” The haughty mare scoffed and turned her nose up at her other half. “I guess I was right about you changelings being reprobates after all.”

Iridescent growled as she rubbed her cheek. “How dare you! This is still the queen’s body!”

“Fine. She did go through all of that trouble of keeping me in one piece. Besides, that’s no longer important. What is important is Ocellus; a daughter who needs her mother. A mother who just so happens to be turning her back on her responsibilities.”

“You know as well as I do that neither of us know the first thing about raising a nymph.”

“And I know as well as you do that you love her dearly.”

“She does?” Ocellus asked as she ran towards the pair.

Prim sat down to meet the youngling with nothing but love in her smile. “Of course she does, you precious little filly! If only you knew how much she started to worry when Pinkie Pie knew your name. ‘By the maker! How much does the enemy know about our hive?’” Prim mockingly fretted as Ocellus beamed with unbridled joy. “‘If these ponies have done anything to my nymph…’ Well, perhaps I should omit the less savory parts. She may say it’s for the good of the hive, but—”

“That is enough!” Desi’s cheeks burned bright green from embarrassment. “And since when are you so comfortable with changelings, Prim?”

“Since they changed into these wonderfully colorful creatures! Nothing like your disgusting, hole-riddled legs,” the haughty critic spat while waving Desi away.

“They’re yours too.”

Prim scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t remind me, you dark and broody knock-off. If you’re going to shamelessly copy a style, at least have the wherewithal to plagiarize something from this age.”

“Excuse me for being several years out of style. If you’ll recall, I was too busy letting you run around with my body to keep up with the latest trends!”

“Stop it! Please!” Ocellus cried, jumping between the feud. “Iridescent. Is… is what Miss Hemline said true?”

The older changeling frowned to herself and pulled back as she rubbed the holes in her leg. “My duty is to the hive, not simply one individual. That being said, there was not a day which passed that I didn’t think of you.”

Prim Hemline scoffed and put a hoof to Ocellus’ ear. “She is being modest.”

“And you are burning through my love reserves!” she shot back.

“Pipe down. After all the love you’ve gotten thanks to me, you’re more than fine,” the pony scoffed before turning her attention back to the youngling. “What she really means to say is that you became the reason she was out here, Ocellus. She wanted to make sure the hive always had enough love so you could live safe and sound. Even if she basically gave you up for adoption, it doesn’t mean she didn’t consider you her daughter.”


With the proverbial cat out of the bag, Ocellus took to the air, her forelegs outstretched, ready to wrap her estranged family in an enormous hug. Before she got too close, the changeling’s body was wreathed in green flame as Chrysalis reemerged. The youngling’s charge ground to a halt seeing the All-mother in Iridescent’s place.

“Your overflowing love is not meant for me, little one. Do not be so easily fooled.”

Ocellus quickly fluttered away, hiding behind Prim. “Y-yes, Your—ma’am.”

“Good, now come here, Prim,” Chrysalis ordered.

“In a moment, you vile creature,” the pony spat as she shooed the former queen away. “I’d like to talk to my saviors while my head is still mostly mine alone.”

She sighed. “Just make it quick.”

The mare turned her nose up and turned her back on the former queen, flicking her tail up to Chrysalis’ mounting irritation. She strode away towards the onlookers that’d kept a polite distance away from the changeling business playing out in front of them. After one last glance over her shoulder, she relaxed in front of Rarity and her friends.

“Darling!” Rarity exclaimed, giving Prim a big hug. “You’re alright!”

“Don’t be so melodramatic, Rarity. You were there during the tryouts.”

“Yes, but I didn’t know if it was you, per se.”

“I remember it, though I also remember some of what Desi remembers now. Perhaps I simply have too strong a personality to just fade away into the background of her mind. It’s all rather confusing. She represses her emotions so much, you know! Though I guess that’s to be expected of these heartless fiends.”

“Which you are too, you know,” Applejack reminded the prissy phony pony.

“R-right. I’m still working on that. Celestia, she didn’t even bother giving me my motivation! I just hate black chitin on sight.” She shook the thoughts out and reapplied her smile. “But that’s not what I wanted to say to all of you. Thank you so much for your help, everypony. I might not be the most genuine article, but I’m so grateful to still be a part of the tapestry of life.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m glad you are too, Miss Hemline.”

“Also, I wanted to thank you especially, Miss Applejack.”

“Me?” Applejack asked. “What for?”

“Without you, I know for a fact Iridescent wouldn’t have given this—given me a chance. I can’t thank you enough.”

“I ain’t sure what to say, so I guess ‘you’re welcome’ will have to do,” Applejack said with an unsure smile. “But what did I do that changed her mind?”

The older mare tapped her chin in thought as rolled her head back and forth, tossing the question in her mind. Finally, she shrugged. “Let’s just say you gave her a new perspective on what is possible. I’ve already spilled enough of her secrets for one day.”

AJ scratched her head. “If you say so. Glad I could help either way.”

“Now, back to more important business.” Prim closed her eyes and focused. Her mouth strained as she gritted her teeth. After a few moments, a gnarled changeling horn popped out of her head. She grimaced at the appendage. “Blasted bugs make it look so easy.”

“Umm… Excuse me, Miss Hemline?”

Her frown flipped over hearing Ocellus calling for her. “Yes, my little ladybug?” Prim’s eyes widened as she quickly covered her mouth. “Oh dear! I’m sorry. That just slipped out. It’s sometimes hard for me to separate your mother’s memories from mine.”

The changeling shook her head. “It’s okay Miss Hemline. I like ladybugs.”

“I know that too thanks to your mom. Now, what can I do for you?”

“I know you’re very busy, Miss Hemline, but If you don’t mind,”—she dragged her leg on the ground, kicking up a little gravel from the roadside—“could you tell me what might make Iridescent want to come back with me to the Concordant?”

A soft, sweet smile split the mare’s face as she knelt down. “Before I tell you, do you know what I am?”

“Iridescent always told me that she makes up creatures for her missions, but you seem like a real pony to me.” She sucked in her lips as she tried to figure out her answer. “Is this a trick question?”

“Only a little, but only because I don’t know exactly either. The more I think about it, the more I’m like an imaginary friend come to life. Or maybe an imaginary enemy in Desi’s case.” Prim laughed to herself. “Something I do know for sure, though, is that I always assumed I’d die an old spinster after letting my fame and career go to my head. Granted, that was all part of the fake memories and ideas Desi put in my head, but they were as real to me as you are now, Ocellus. I don’t want to make that mistake again, not when I have a real chance at family.

“I’m not your mother. I’m just a—a stubborn figment of her imagination. But, even if I’m not real, my love for you is. If I…” She shook her head. “If Desi still has my career after all of this, she knows I have many friends and associates who can keep the fashion world turning without me. Your mother needs you, just like you need her. I promise I’ll do everything I can to make her see that. Okay?”

Ocellus nodded and hopped up to wrap her forelegs around the mare. “Thank you. I love you too, Momma Prim.”

Prim’s breath hitched as the familial name stuck her like a lightning bolt. She closed her eyes and exhaled as she hugged the little lovebug back. The two held each other close, savoring each moment of their love. It lingered on and on, and longer still in its own little world until Chrysalis dashed over to them.

“Let her go, now!” she ordered with a powerful stomp her hoof. “She’s growing weaker by the second!”

The pony’s eyes shot open with clarity as she quickly released the youngling and stepped back. “Merciful heavens. What was that? It was… intoxicating.”

“Accursed bleeding hearts,” Chrysalis swore under her breath. “Are you alright, little one?”

Ocellus stood up and nodded, but wobbled as she tried to get her bearings. “I’m so tired all of a sudden. And dizzy. What happened?”

“You poured your love freely into this stupid pony inhabiting Iridescent’s body! The rate was… alarming, to say the least. I am not sure what would’ve happened if I hadn’t stopped you.”

Prim covered her mouth in horror. “Did I hurt her?”

“Not permanently. She will recover in time. But let this be a lesson to you; the both of you!” Chrysalis leaned down, flaring her fangs as her horn connected with Prim’s. She flared her horn to life, blasting the pony back. As she tumbled over and under, she shed her disguise. “You are still my drone, Iridescent! Which means Ocellus is your prey!”

The downed changeling groaned in pain as she pulled herself up. “Understood, Your Majesty,” Iridescent dutifully replied. “Thank you for your help.”

“Good. Now, I will ask you again.” Chrysalis stood up straighter, regarding the lone changeling under her with an air of contempt. “Are you impressed with the changes?”

“Of course I am!” Desi answered bitterly. “Their metamorphosis is practically a miracle of magic.”

“It is.”

“However, from what I understand, Your Majesty is unable—”

Chrysalis rose a hoof, silencing her subject. “Are you really going to choose a lifetime of endless hunger? We both know what it is that you desire in your heart.”

“But neither outcome is what I want.”

“Petulant worm!” Chrysalis reared up and stomped her hooves on the ground, buzzing with rage as she glared at her infiltrator. “You cannot have both!”

“That’s not fair!”

“No, it’s not!”

“Why are you making me choose?”

Because you have a choice!” Chrysalis barked back, her venom dripping with jealousy.

“That does it!” Not able to take another second lying down, Applejack galloped over the arguing couple. “Chrys! Y’all need to stop—” Her bravado was cut short by the familiar millipedes of changeling magic swarming all around her.

“Applejack!” Twilight shouted in alarm. Everypony else got ready to help their friend.

“Be still, Chrysalis!” Luna called as she sat Applejack back down. “If you do not stem your rage, I shall be forced to intervene!”

“You stay out of this, AJ! All of you!” Chrysalis ordered everyone around her. “This is a changeling affair!”

Applejack struggled against the aura, but it was surprisingly strong for how out of sorts Chrysalis still looked. “Maybe, but this here is a family affair too, and I know a thing or two about those! Just because they’re changing into something different don’t mean ya need to chase ‘em all away! They’re still family, prey or not!”

Cease your prattling, you ignorant peasant!

“Why? Because you know I’m right?” The crawling sensation surged with power as she sailed straight towards the drama queen.

Applejack met her face-to-face, her helpless floating body blocking everyone else from view. When it was finally just the two of them for the briefest of seconds, Chrys' eyes glistened with a rare honesty before she whispered, “Yes.”

Anything more AJ could say to that was stolen right out of her mouth. Chrysalis’ face crumpled back into rage as she tore the pony from her sight. Applejack flew high towards their friends, giving Rainbow Dash ample time to swoop up and catch her before she hit the ground. The former queen then flew right off the handle, diving straight for the infiltrator, fangs bared.

With instinctual precision, Iridescent swept her legs around and kicked a single leg, dispersing a cloud of green smoke as she connected. She rolled forward, bringing her other leg up as she shot it skyward toward the real changeling above her. Chrysalis grunted from the impact, tumbling backward as she powered her horn. She released a black and green bolt of magic that was met with a similar, larger pulsing blast that shot her out of the sky.

Realizing what she’d done, Iridescent gasped and caught the falling heap of chitin in her magic. “Your Majesty! Are you okay?”

“Is this what you want?” Chrysalis groaned as she tried to pull herself back up. “You may be filled with the love of your city now, but thanks to this little stunt Prim pulled, they know who you are. What you are. A love-hungry changeling, greedily feasting on their admiration for a fake pony who cheated her way to the top! Nothing more than a parasite!”

Chrysalis teleported forward, pushing her horn into Iridescent’s. While she struggled with all her might, her infiltrator barely moved. “You can feel it, right? The weight of my emptiness? The strength of my gnawing hunger? I once had enough love to overpower Celestia herself, but now I can’t even land a single blow on a mere drone. Is this what you want?

“No!” Iridescent shrank back from her queen. “But even if I change, I will still be loyal to you!”

“Worthless!” Chrysalis yelled as she pulsed her horn with sickly green magic. “I cannot eat your loyalty!” Tendrils of magic wrapped around Iridescent, covering her in a sparkling green aura that lifted her off the ground. “I can only eat you!”

Starlight’s eyes widened in horror. “I know that glow. Put her down now, Chrysalis! What are you trying to prove?”

“Nothing. I’m simply showing this hopeless grub what her continued fealty to me will bring,” she spat, sneering at the unicorn before focusing back on her meal. “It’s quite laughable when you think about it. Isn’t this the same trick you’ve pulled on all of your past victims?” She pulsed her magic, pulling her captive rigid in her aura. Iridescent winced in pain as her chest began glowing pink with love ripe for the taking. “You’re fighting for a love that isn’t there!

“Put my mom down, you monster!”

Chrysalis barely caught sight of Ocellus’ blue magical beam before it struck her barrel. It blasted the enfeebled queen away, bouncing her off the side of the station’s walls and rolling into a wrecked heap on the sidewalk.

Not even paying attention to the downed villain, she ran to her mother’s side. “Are you—”

“Stay back!” Iridescent commanded as she shoved her hoof between herself and Ocellus.

The youngling skidded to a halt. “W-what?”

“Stay back, Ocellus. Please. It’s not safe.”

“B-but mom.”

Iridescent hugged herself while scooting away as she picked herself up. “Please. I’m not—”

Chrysalis struggled to pull herself up from the impact, but she still managed to laugh weakly as she rolled onto her side, smiling with devilish delight at the star-crossed mother and child. “She’s absolutely right, little one. Iridescent foolishly clings to a kingdom that no longer exists. If she can’t let that go, then she will have no love for you.”

“But that’s not true! Momma Prim said—”

“I know what she said!” Iridescent yelled, gritting her teeth in anger before letting it go and sighing. “And she’s right. I want to love you as freely as she does. You’re so bright and beautiful. Not just your form, but your true self. It’s who you always have been, and I’m so proud of you.”

“So just do it, please!” Ocellus begged. “All you have to do is share your love. Open your heart and be who you want to be. That’s what Starlight and Thorax showed us! I promise it feels amazing.”

“I’m sure it does, Ocellus. But, if I did that”—the changeling’s gaze shifted to her queen slowly rising to her hooves—”then the All-mother would be alone.”

Chrysalis said nothing as she gritted her teeth. Her fury might’ve looked like it was burning hotter than Flame Geyser Swamp, but AJ had seen that show enough to know the act when she saw it. Desi had cut right to the heart, tearing out the bitter truth behind it, and there was no better weapon against a changeling than the truth. Luckily, Applejack knew a thing or two about putting honesty to good use.

“No she won’t.” She trotted over to the liar’s side and smiled softly, offering a leg up. “Chrys’s got me and my friends.”

The anger on the former queen’s face fizzled out at the kind gesture. She brushed it off and sunk her face into her forelegs.

“A touching sentiment, but a pony could never hope to understand Her Majesty like a changeling,” Iridescent countered.

Applejack nodded in agreement. “Figured that one wasn’t in the cards pretty quick, actually. But just because we don’t get her like y’all do doesn’t mean we can’t try like a pony. I ain’t gonna lie to ya and say we’ll replace all of what y’all had—an orchard ain’t what you’d call a kingdom—but what I reckon we’ll all be doing our best to make her feel at home back at Sweet Apple Acres.”

Twilight stepped forward as she looked to her other friends. “And we’ll do our best to help as well. Like Applejack said, there’s only so much we can truly understand, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get along. After all, Chrysalis is our friend too, right everypony?”

“Exacta-mundo, Twilight!” Pinkie shouted.
“I’ll help wherever I can,” Fluttershy agreed.
“But of course!” Rarity exclaimed.
“Eh, sure. Why not?” Rainbow said with a shrug.
“Since when are you all so friendly with her?” Trixie asked.
“Not now, Trixie!” Starlight whispered.

Iridescent looked between the ponies and her Queen, still refusing to get off the ground or even lift her head. Her gaze then fell upon the farmer standing at her side. “Promise me, Applejack. Promise me you will never leave Her Majesty all alone.”

“Don’t you worry yourself about that, sugarcube,” AJ laughed and winked.

The answer wasn’t good enough. The last changeling loyal to her fallen kingdom held steadfast. “Promise me. Please.”

Applejack’s laughter caught on a lump. “Of course, Desi. As long as I’m around, she’ll always have a home on the farm. Promise.”

“Good. I will hold you to that.” Iridescent took a breath through her nose and slowly exhaled, finally smiling as she turned back to Ocellus. “Alright. You said all I need to do is share my love instead of consuming it?”

Ocellus sucked in her lips and nodded fervently.

“Okay then, come here then,” she said with a smile, waving the youngling closer. “I need your help.”

“But, you said it wasn’t safe.”

“Don’t worry. It will be. There’s no one else in all the world I’d rather share my love with than you.”

Ocellus beamed a smile and dove into Iridescent’s embrace. As the two met, Iridescent began to glow from the heart. She pulled Ocellus close to her chest, craning her neck down over the smaller changeling’s shoulder, enveloping her in a tender hug. Loving energy began surging around them, gently lifting them both from the sidewalk. Chrysalis peeked over her forelegs, watching as her drone glowed brighter and brighter with pure, unfiltered love for her daughter. A cocoon of changeling goo encircled them both for just a moment before shredding apart from a burst of overwhelming energy, bursting brighter than the midmorning sun.

As everyone’s vision returned, they were met with a startlingly tall, bright pink changeling, holding Ocellus in a single foreleg. The silver-white of her gossamer mane, tail, and wings shimmered with radiant light all its own as the energy of her metamorphosis dispersed. She opened her eyes, revealing them to be an iridescent opal, catching a rainbow of color like the hard outer wings on her back.

“Oh?” Iridescent gasped, surprised to hear Prim Hemline’s pristine voice coming out of her naturally. “Oh!” Giving the crowd of ponies around her a quick glance, she tilted her head to the side. “Is it just me, or is everypony smaller?”

Ocellus leaned back and looked up at the changeling holding her. “Wow! You’re as big as Thorax!”

“I am?”

Taking the cue, Thorax walked up, meeting her at eye level. “Looks like it, at least not counting the horn.”

The two taller changelings’ eyes trailed up, glancing at the single curved spear stretching just slightly higher than the claws on either side of Thorax’s head.

“Oh-my-gosh!” Twilight teleported to the taller pair and pranced in place. “There has been some variation in the heights of metamorphosed changelings, but none have been as tall as Thorax! I’d only taken age into account, but this might mean that the amount of love stored within the individual at pupation affects the size the final, harmonized form takes!” She squealed as she summoned a quill and parchment. “Tell me, how do you feel, Iridescent?”

“I feel… I feel.” Desi looked back down at Ocellus wrapped in her foreleg and smiled as tears pooled in her eyes. “I love you…” She collapsed to her haunches, holding onto her daughter for dear life as she stroked her pink mane. “I love you so much, Ocellus!”

“I love you too, both of you.”

Iridescent shook her head. “No, little one. Thanks to you, we’ve fully integrated. It’s just me now.”

“So, what does that mean for Prim Hemline?” Twilight asked with a tinge of concern for the mare.

“Well, for one, it means I’ll need a new wardrobe,” she half-joked, seeing the tattered remains of her disguise’s favorite outfit scattered across the sidewalk. “But ‘nothing’ to answer your question, Twilight. We’ve harmonized completely, so there is no difference. You may call me ‘Iridescent’ or ‘Prim Hemline.’” She pulled Ocellus up and nuzzled her nose. “Or ‘mom’ if you want, my little ladybug.”

Not needing to be asked twice, Ocellus dove back into her mother’s chest, holding her tight. The reunited mother and daughter both relaxed, finally sharing the love they’d always had for one another. It took everything AJ had not to lose herself in their glowing bond. She remembered smiling like that before; when she closed her eyes, she could almost feel her own mother’s orange, curly locks flowing down her shoulder like a second blanket.

“Heartwarming, is it not, Applejack?” Luna asked as she approached. “There is no safer place in the world for a daughter than wrapped in the care of her mother.”

AJ sniffled and nodded. “Yeah. I’m glad it all worked out.”

“For some more than others, I am afraid.”

Applejack followed Luna’s eyes back over to Chrysalis. She was still lying on the ground, watching from behind her forelegs hiding most of her face. Her gaze was transfixed on the three metamorphosed changelings, staring with a deep, insatiable desire. She didn’t move. She barely breathed. All she could do was watch from a safe distance.

“Come, Chrysalis. Let them be if you cannot wish them well.”

“In a minute,” Chrysalis whispered as she continued to stare.

Her emerald magic flared as her camera bag appeared in front of her. She pulled it out and looked through the viewfinder, lining up her shot with the utmost care. Finally, she clicked once, and then a second time, snapping two pictures. As the scene continued to play out in front of them, Chrysalis, Applejack, and Luna watched as the back squares faded away, revealing a perfect moment of peace between mother and daughter, each relieved by the presence of the other.

“What are those for, Chrys?” AJ asked.

“If Prim Hemline is going to continue her career in Manehattan, ponies around here are going to need to see who she really is rather than those snapshots those scuttling rumor mongers took before they scattered.”

“Agreed.” Luna took the second photo, along with a quill and parchment. “While Iridescent may have built Prim’s career upon lies, she has still become a cornerstone of her industry. I shall ensure this reaches the right ponies at the Manehattan Times so the public can decide what should be done.” As she began her writing, she glanced back to Chrysalis out of the corner of her eye. “Still, you only required the one to do that. What is your reason for the second?”

Chrys stared at the photo. It was the better of the two she’d taken. “I can remember this in perfect detail, but they will never see it the way I did.”

Luna smiled warmly as she took the picture for herself. “Then it is a gift. And what a beautiful moment it was that you have preserved in photography. It is a most thoughtful treasure for your children.”

Chrysalis said nothing.

“But just because you can remember it, does not mean you should let such a precious memory exist solely in your mind.” Luna wrapped the photo in her magic and wove it in threads of silver moonlight. As the picture disappeared behind a veil of magic, it popped with starlight, revealing the original and a perfect copy, both protected by matching moonstone frames. “Here, Chrysalis. For you, so others can see the good work you have done.”

Chrysalis still said nothing, but nodded as she placed her copy in her camera bag, along with the camera itself, and zipped it up. Finally, she stood up from the concrete and began trudging towards the train station, not even bothering to shift back into Shutterbug.

“Wait, Your Majesty! Please wait!”

Chrysalis took a frustrated breath and turned to see Iridescent galloping towards her. “What do you want?”

“I just wanted to say thank you, for everything. And… and I’m sorry for betraying my vow to you.”

“And what vow would that be?” Chrysalis growled. “You swore your life to uphold the Changeling Kingdom under my eternal reign. Last I checked, neither exists anymore.”

“I know, but my Queen—”

“I am not ‘your Queen,’ Iridescent!” Chrysalis seethed through clenched teeth. “You are of the Changeling Concordant now, which foolishly treats everyone equally, despite yours and Thorax’s superior power.”

“Yes. You’re right… Chrysalis. But, even though I am far happier than I’ve ever been in my life, I will always miss your guiding presence.” She lowered herself and bowed deeply. “I can never repay you for giving me the life I built here and reuniting me with my daughter. I love you, All-mother.”

Chrysalis tore the picture from Luna’s grasp and shoved it in her former infiltrator’s face before turning her back. “We are done here.”

Applejack watched the world outside the car cabin pass her by. Once again, she’d found herself with all of her friends on a private train ride, compliments of Princess Luna. While most everyone had gotten back on the train, Iridescent, Ocellus, and Thorax had stayed behind to deal with Prim’s unveiling, as well as start Ocellus on her path of making new friends. Manehattan being one of the biggest melting pots of Equestria, the youngling was certainly going to be spoiled for choice.

Now, after a long delay, their friendship retreat to the city was finally over. AJ was itching to get back to work at Sweet Apple Acres. Harvest was still going plenty strong, and there was plenty of work needing to get done. Hopefully Braeburn had stuck around for the extra day that got tacked onto the end of her little holiday. If not, she was going to have to double-time it, picking up her slack while getting Chrys trained up right quick.

Applejack took a break from her window and glanced over her shoulder at Captain Fleur keeping watch of the back door leading to the next car. She’d only half-paid attention to Starlight explaining the last few days to her curious mentor, with everypony else listening into how things had gone from bad to worse back in Ponyville. Something about a misfired spell or twelve thanks to Trixie that sent their ragtag group on a wild chase halfway across Equestria. Applejack felt winded just listening to it.

Now that they’d finally secured the map and stopped Trixie from “helping,” Fleur was keeping watch in case Trixie decided to try to redeem herself again. The only other folks back there were Princess Luna and Chrysalis doing an extra long therapy session to make up for the ones Luna missed on account of being roped into an impromptu adventure. They had a while longer till they reached Ponyville, and longer still before Luna was on her way back to Canterlot if she stayed on the train. Hopefully they would make the most of it.

Applejack was about to go back to her scenery gazing when she heard the doors sliding open behind them. Princess Luna solemnly strode in, quickly taking a look around the cabin before spotting and sitting down across from the farmer.

“Welcome back, Luna. How’d it go?”

“About as well as could be expected, given the circumstances.” Luna gave the guard a pointed nod before refocusing on Applejack. “She could use her friend.”

Getting the message, AJ stood up and shook the feeling back into her legs. “I promised I wouldn’t let her be alone. Didn’t cross my heart or nothing, but I ain’t aiming to break this one, if you know what I mean.”

Luna smiled and winked. “Your friendly reference was not lost on me. I will be sure to catch up with you later tonight, dear Applejack.”

“Looking forward to it, Luna.”

As Applejack stood up, Fleur withdrew her spear, letting AJ walk through. Passing through the partition, she found herself in a mostly empty dining car, the Cutie Map propped up and tied in the back corner. Chrysalis was seated in the middle of the cabin at a princess-sized dining booth. She was leaning against the window, looking out at the same world AJ had been for the past couple of hours.

Applejack walked up to the table and tried to sit across from the changeling, only for a strip of solid magic to cut her off from the seat. Taking the hint, she took a few more steps and sat down next to Chrys.

All was silent, with only the clicker-clacks of the railway speeding by underneath them filling the void. Applejack gave Chrysalis the chance to go first, but she kept her lips locked tight as they watched the hills roll by together. It should’ve been relaxing, but the changeling’s face was marred by that same bitter frown she wore when something was tearing her apart on the inside.

“Wanna talk about it, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, cutting to the heart of it.

Chrysalis closed her eyes and said nothing for the longest time. When she finally opened them again, Applejack could see the glisten of emotions pooling at the bottom. “This was so much worse.”

“Worse than what, Chrys?”

“When the others changed, they all did so in spite of me. What love they shared with me blasted me off my hooves and destroyed my throne. Even when Pharynx changed, he did so with nothing but contempt.” Chrysalis took a shuddering breath as Applejack just listened. “But Iridescent? She was still loyal to me. I could still feel her outpouring of love as her presence slowly faded from my mind. Like sand through my hooves. I couldn’t hold on. I-it was so…” Chrysalis bit her lip as she shook, trying to keep herself together. “I stared right at her. I could see her, but I couldn’t sense her anymore. I couldn’t sense her, AJ!”

“I know, Chrys. I know.”

Chrysalis sank into her hooves and wailed. Applejack had barely reached a hoof out to support her before Chrysalis leaned against her for support. “I hate this! I hate everything! It’s not fair!”

“You’re right that it ain’t fair, but you did the right thing getting her to change, sugarcube. You did good.”

“I don’t want to do good, AJ! I don’t want what’s right for them! I want them to live under my rule, to serve me without question, to need me for their love! I want to be Queen again!”

Chrysalis flared in flames, almost knocking Applejack off-balance. She half expected Classy to be at her side, but she’d just shifted into a much smaller version of herself, almost the same size as Ocellus. She fell into the farmer’s now larger side, letting Applejack pull her close. Applejack wasn’t a changeling. There wasn’t any way one pony was going to fill the void left by an entire hive, but that didn’t stop her from trying.

Applejack held on tight, gently stroking Chrys’ silky mane, as the once-eternal queen mourned the loss of the life she’d tasted briefly for the very last time.

Author's Note:

If you find a simple mistake in the GSP (Grammar, Spelling, or Punctuation), please let me know through a private message rather than leaving it in the comment section. Thank you for reading!

Comments ( 8 )

Poor Chryssie.

"I call myself... Minime!"

So, Chrysalis did the right thing for another at great personal cost to herself twice in two chapters and has won over the rest of the Mane 6 with that self-sacrifice. I suppose the only major plot thread left is her and AJ’s denial about the extent of their real feelings.

Of course there’s the elephant in the room in that whatever the true nature of their relationship Chrysalis has a lifespan measured in centuries if not true agelessness and Applejack doesn’t.

:heart: pobre diablo

Just ran across this story and I have to say that this is one of the best characterizations of Chrysalis I've read. She is fighting her nature and habits the entire time. Just the fact that she is trying to be better and every step is a massive struggle fits and makes me cheer for her all the more. Saying 'I just want them to be happy' is heavy with all the baggage attached to it. Great so far and I'm eagerly following.

Rego #6 · May 5th · · ·

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Glad you enjoyed this installment. As I said in the blog, it was very cathartic.

And what an elephant all of that is. I'm pretty sure we won't be getting to Electro Swing territory lengthy, but I keep having moments like this that I feel the need to expand upon.

Thanks a lot, Rala. I tried to find a story like this with this specific style of Chrysalis, and I couldn't find one, so I'm making it myself. I've said it before and I'll say it again: this Chrysalis is very hard to write. It's a balancing act with my natural inclinations towards kindness versus her nature and very essence. Some say she comes off as a tsundere, which I will take, but if it was just that, her character would be a lot easier to manage.

Glad I waited til now to check this one out. Some of those other cliffhangers would leave been annoying.

Now for some thoughts on the story so far:

Chrys is definitively in a tough position here. Her personality and nature both want something she knows is counter productive to her former hive. Everything was for survival and now she's being told that it was evil. Is it evil for the otter to eat fish, or for a snake to eat rodents? She's an ultimate apex predator who now has to make nice with her food source and can no longer eat, she has to be fed. It's no wonder that she feels the need to hide her embarrassment and humiliation under anger and pride. She really doesn't know any other way to live.

And this is on top of the fact now her hive, those for whom she lead, guided, and overall ensured survival for have been cut off from her, possibly forever. If it is in fact impossible for her to change, then it's as she said. She will always be a predator and they will always be prey. She wants to be needed and loved by them again, but it's too dangerous for her to be near them. The best thing she can do for them is to stay away.

Now for some fun predictions for the future:

In regards to the camera, just because you can remember everything doesn't mean that you actually will. The photos will be a reminder to remember when other thoughts are clouding everything else up.

Applejack had some deep seated trauma to work through herself. Probably something to do with losing her mom. That's also surely not going to be causing any future drama.

I can kind of empathize with Chryssie's mantra of she's always hungry. I have the problem of that I can eat and eat and hardly ever feel full. But while I can have my hunger sated, she probably has a curse that always makes her starving! That is one of the things that makes me pity her the most. I don't know if Applejack will be able to do anything about the curse itself, but I'm hoping/cheering for the final scene to include Chrys mentioning that, at least for the moment, she's not hungry. That would be the ultimate triumph for her. She could be all tsun tsun still, but if she can catch small moments of contentment it'll be the path to eventually finding happiness.

Thanks for the story so far and thanks for making a crack shipping pair look legitimately possible. Again. Looking forward to reading more.

Always love the long comments. Can't address the questions posed obviously, but seeing things get picked apart and shown to be having my intended effect as the author puts a smile on my face. I'm very glad you're enjoying this fic. I am enjoying writing it. I haven't gotten started on the next chapter yet, been busy with a few other things both fiction and IRL, but I am looking forward to getting back to writing, especially after seeing comments like these. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!

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