Unchanging Truths

by Rego

First published

After Applejack meets a mysterious Equestrian Collie from the Everfree Forest, her stable farming life takes a turn for the stranger when the pompous pup needs more than just her affection.

Despite the world around her changing constantly, Applejack has remained firm in her simple, country life. The world may change around her, but as long as she's got her family, her friends, and her farm, the old-fashioned apple bucker of Ponyville has no reason to change herself.

However, when a mysterious Equestrian Collie emerges one night from the Everfree Forest, her stable farming life takes a turn for the stranger when the pompous pup needs more than just her affection.

Takes place after The Guard of a Different Stripe, but can be read alone.
Edited by: TheAncientPolitzanian
Proofread by: Alchemik
Preread by: King (AKA Kingsredarmy)
Cover Found Here: Sweet Apple Acres by ZIG-WORD
Special Thanks to Bicyclette for helping with the Short and Long Descriptions.

Chapter 1: A Classy Companion

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Midnight. It was straight up midnight and Applejack hadn’t gotten a lick of sleep. She tossed, turned, and gritted her teeth, but try as she might, it was impossible to ignore the racket outside. Under the serene light of the full moon, the timberwolves were unseasonably active, howling and yowling something fierce. The zap apple harvest was still at least a month away, so something else was going on to get them riled up this close to Sweet Apple Acres.

“Consarnit!” the mare cursed, the well of her patience finally running dry. She had apple trees to tend and sales to make tomorrow. There wasn’t time to be sleepy on account of a bunch of rascally wooden creatures up to no good. At this rate, she’d be more tuckered out than an insomniatic grizzly bear in the dead of winter.

Not even bothering to tie her mane and tail, the frazzled apple farmer stormed downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed the two loudest pans in the house. She was going to give those monsters an earful, the Granny Smith way. Charging out the front door, she kept the walls to her back just in case they got an idea or two until she found a good moonlit seat near the barn facing the Everfree Forest. At this point, she didn’t care if she woke up Celestia herself, she just wanted to get some well-deserved shut-eye.

“Shut your dang mouths, ya twig-riddled varmints!” AJ yelled as she furiously banged the cookware together. “Some of us decent folk are trying to get some shut-eye around here!”

She continued clanging furiously as the familiar, low lights of eldritch green flames died down in retreat. She slowed down her percussive pounding to listen for any more critters that dared to cause a commotion after that. Another brief flash of green caught her eye too close for comfort at the edge of the forest. Looking towards the source, one of the wolves had darted from the treeline, heading towards the orchard.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Applejack battle-cried before taking the saucepan in her mouth to give chase.

She galloped on three legs while continuously striking it with the frying pan in her hoof. She’d taken on bigger beasts in the past with her friends; one lone wolf wasn’t about to do the stubborn apple-bucker in. Nearing where she saw the shadow bolt to, she kept making noise, trying to run it back into the woods. Applejack kept herself on high alert. She couldn’t see any signs of an aura, but she could hear it rustling somewhere nearby.

“C’mon out! I’ll keep whacking this here kitchenware together until I can whack you upside the head with one of ‘em!”

As if answering her call, a shadow slowly crawled out from a bush at the border of the fence. Applejack leaned down, raring for a fight, but was surprised to see a different animal walk into the moonlight.

Instead of the expected Everfree monster, a prime specimen of an Equestrian Rough Collie emerged from the shadows. The beautiful herd dog bore long, black and white fur and shuffled forward with pleading, puppy dog eyes. The poor thing was panting from exhaustion after its run-in with timberwolves and Applejack’s chasing. If not for the canine's darker coloration, she’d be the spitting image of Classy the Collie, ready to bark up a storm to save some colt after he fell down a well.

“Well howdy there. What the hay are you doing all the way out here?” AJ dropped her guard a bit, but even dogs could still pack a bite. She wasn’t about to let the collie get the best of her, even if it did look domesticated. Craning her head down, she couldn’t see any signs of a collar or tags to indicate an owner. The dog mimicked AJ’s bending movements, but its eyes were drawn towards the cookware she was holding.

“Being a mite rude raising a fuss with a pack of timberwolves in the middle of the night, don’cha think?”

As if offering an apology, the dog rolled over and showed its belly. The pup flashed its big hazel green eyes, begging for either forgiveness or attention, she wasn’t sure which. AJ snickered and decided to risk a closer encounter of the furry kind. She gently placed a hoof and began to scratch, earning contented groans from the affectionate puppy.

“Well ain’t you a friendly little…” the farmer trailed as she quickly glanced at its nethers, “girl!”

Applejack loved dogs, and wasn’t shy about it. Her best friend for years had been her faithful little Winona, whom she absolutely adored petting and playing with. Hopefully she’d forgive AJ for having a midnight fling with the beautiful stranger. It was hard not to get lost in her perfectly fluffy fur. For just popping out from the Everfree, the dog’s clean coat was softer than her bedsheets.

“D’aw, you’re just a big, old sweetheart, ain’cha!” The dog groaned delightfully in agreement. “I bet Fluttershy could find a good gal like you a home lickety-split.”

After a minute or two of affection-filled pets, pats, and scratches, AJ finally managed to stop herself, earning a whiny complaint from the collie.

“Look here, girl. I gotta go to bed, but I can’t have you keeping me up all night wrestling with those timberwolves. You can stay a spell. It’s safer here with me and these here.” Applejack held up her noisy weapons for her unexpected guest to see.

The collie looked between the two pans thoughtfully, but then abruptly perked up her to attention and stared at the forest. Picking up on the potential danger, Applejack whipped around to make sure nothing untoward was sneaking up on them.

“Cover your ears girl. This is sure to scare those wooden rats away.” Applejack sat back down and readied to defend herself and her companion from any oncoming wolves. She held both pans in preparation to strike them together, only for the collie to jump from behind and snag the saucepan from AJ with her mouth.

“What the? What do you think you’re doing with—” Before she could finish her question, the dog seemed to grin fiendishly before bolting back towards the forest with her ill-gotten treasure. “H-hey! Get back here with that, you thief!”

Applejack scrambled to her hooves as quickly as she could, but the collie’s headstart was too much for her. Before she could even get close, the dog ducked into a break in the bushes, vanishing into the Everfree without a trace.

“Serves me right for cheating on Winona. Dang girl played me like a fiddle,” AJ complained, but couldn’t help chuckle at the strangeness of it. “I swear, she better not go burying Granny’s good saucepan in the middle of the Everfree.”

Dusting herself off, she went back to grab her frying pan and headed to the farmhouse. Seeing the lights already on and Big Mac standing on the porch with a sleepy sneer, she knew she’d have a bit of explaining to do before hitting the hay again.

One groggy morning of apple-bucking passed by uneventfully, with only a quick sprinkle of rain to break up the orchard workload. Applejack had kept an eye and ear out, but there was neither hide nor hair of that furry filcher from the night before. With her cart filled with a fresh bounty of apples for the afternoon market, Applejack pulled into Ponyville to get set up for the second half of her day.

The damp dirt path under her hooves yielded to loamy grass as she entered her hometown. A strong spring swept across the plains, nearly blowing her hat off her head as it carried the nostalgic scent of spring showers and dandelion seeds. She passed by the familiar thatched-roof cottages, waving to the neighbors she’d grown up around. It was a simple place that got a little more complicated every day thanks to the towering crystal Castle of Friendship on the edge of town. There were as many new faces she hadn’t had the time to greet as there were old friends she’d made on her trot through life.

Change wasn’t bad. It kept things interesting. She just wished it slowed down a step to give an old-fashioned girl like her a chance to catch her footing. Two years ago, Ponyville was just a little stop on the main line between Canterlot and Manehattan. Now, it was growing into a bustling hub of the newest rising power in Equestria.

Despite everything, at least apples were still apples. She didn’t have to learn a new thing about them to make her living like her family always did. Pull a wagon into town after an honest harvest, set up shop in the town square, and trade bushels of her family’s namesake for bits. As long as she had the farm, the rest of the world could change as much as it wanted. New friends could become royalty, old enemies could reform their ways to become better versions of themselves, and even dirty thieving dogs bouncing apples on their noses could…

“What in tarnation?” Applejack snapped away from setting up her stand, seeing that cocky collie from yesterday balancing one of her apples on her nose like a ball for a group of cheering fillies. She stood on her hind legs, walking backwards with the fruit sitting upright on the end of her nose.

“Stepping up your marketing, Applejack?” a friendly voice asked, pulling her away from the odd, impromptu show.

“You got me, Starlight,” the farmer answered, tipping her hat to Starlight Glimmer as she approached her cart. “Crafty critter must’ve snagged one of my honeycrisps when I wasn’t looking.”

The two ponies watched from the fruit stand as the dog started to bounce the apple while rolling it over and under. She tumbled it faster and faster until she did one strong strike from her muzzle, sending the apple high into the air. She jumped and caught the fruit in her mouth, crushing it and splashing bits of pulp and juice all over her onlookers. The dog landed with a spin and flashed a winning grin, driving the sticky fillies absolutely wild. They rewarded the talented pup with tons of pats and belly rubs.

“Least she’s got good taste.” The farmer turned back to her former enemy turned friend, who was brushing an errant appleseed out of her mane. “That Trixie’s dog?”

“What? And risk being upstaged by an amazing pooch like that? Not a chance.”

“Dang. Figured I might’ve been onto something. Just look at how proud that girl is of herself.” Applejack pointed at the collie, absolutely savoring the attention she was getting from the fillies swarming her adoration. “I reckon the girl’s got a great and powerful ego in her.”

“I’d almost say Trixie botched a polymorph spell, but she’s working on her sawing in half technique at the castle.”

“Guess that explains why you’re here.”

“You know it,” Starlight chuckled, sparing herself another stage magic session. While the dog wasn’t necessarily magical, it definitely had showmareship. The nearby parents had to pull their kids off the collie just to get them to stop going crazy with it. The dog whined in protest after losing her audience, but then snorted and moved on with her nose held high.

Starlight scratched her chin with her fetlock. “Any idea where she came from?”

“Not a clue. Clearly been trained, but couldn’t find a tag last time I saw her. My money’s on somepony new around here keeping her on too loose a leash.”

“You don’t keep yours on a leash last I saw.”

“Well, Winona doesn’t go around stealing saucepans after riling up a pack of timberwolves in the middle of the night.”

“Timberwolves? Is the poor girl okay?” Starlight asked in concern.

The dog waltzed up to a couple sitting on a bench, trying to act cute for pets, but was quickly shooed away. Instead of barking, the dog seemed to leer at them as she turned away to find her next mark.

Applejack smirked. “Yeah, I reckon she’s doing just fine.”

While the farmer finished setting up her trusty wagon as a fruit stand, the dog kept to her business in trying to solicit attention from passing ponies. Several unsuccessful attempts to garner more attention later, the collie gave up, strolled under the shade of a nearby tree, and laid down.

“Hey, what gives? I would’ve pet her!” Starlight complained, being ignored by the dog’s desires for love from everypony else. “Who does she think she is?”

Applejack laughed to herself. “Probably doesn’t wanna try pulling another fast one on me.”

“Well, I’m not above begging for attention.” Starlight smirked as she set off to satisfy her desire for doggie petting.

“Can’t blame ya there, Starlight. The girl’s got a coat that’d make Rarity jealous.”

AJ watched as her friend gingerly trotted over to the dog. As Starlight approached, the collie lifted her head and sneered at the approaching pony. She bounced to her paws and began barking furiously.

“Woah nelly! Might wanna back off there before you get bit.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay! I’m not gonna hurt you,” Starlight assured as the collie bared its fangs at her. After a moment, she scoffed and curled back down, letting Starlight slowly inch closer. It growled one more time, but gave up quickly enough, letting the trembling pony get close. Starlight cast a shield over her leg just in case as she reached down to give the collie a few cautious pats. After a few moments, Starlight lowered her shield and let herself savor the touch of the fluffy fur. “Oh my goodness! She’s so soft!”

Applejack noticed the vicious side-eye the collie was giving her purple friend. “Careful, I don’t think she likes you that much.”

“Nothing new there,” Starlight called back while still continuing to shower the canine with her affection. “Just another friendship hurdle for yours truly.”

As Starlight continued to pet her, the collie seemed somehow conflicted as it stared straight forward and away from the pony petting her. Applejack swore the dog’s eye was twitching furiously.

“Applejack?” Starlight asked with a hint of concern. “Did you give her anything to eat?”

“Besides the apple she stole? Nope. Why do you ask?”

“I think the poor girl’s starving.”

“What?” Applejack yelped in disbelief. “Can’t be! That’s the healthiest coat I’ve ever laid my hooves on.”

“But she’s all skin and bones underneath. Poor thing.”

The dog barked bitterly with pride at Starlight. The unicorn slowly backed away from the agitated pooch looking ready to pounce. She scrambled to her hooves and put some distance between herself and the collie. After a few steady streams of vitriolic barks, she finally calmed down with a pant and curled back down in her spot under the tree.

Even if she was an ill-tempered, thieving mongrel of a mutt, Applejack couldn’t help but feel sorry for the thing. She might not have Fluttershy’s way with animals, but she had housed plenty of critters herself. As if responding to her empathy, the dog perked up and looked straight at her. It got up again and slowly made its way to the fruit stand and curled up under the wagon’s harness.

“Well, you might be a lying, thieving varmint, but can’t rightly let’cha go hungry, now, can I?” Applejack tenderly stroked the rascal's fur. She reached into a small, magical cooler between her wagon's apple barrels and pulled out a small tin. “I keep these around for Pony Pet Playdates with Winona after work, but I can always get more.”

Applejack set the container down and wound the tab open, revealing a slurry of pasty wet dog food. “This here is the fancy primo stuff, so hopefully it’ll meet your prissy, frou-frou tastes,” the humble farmer joked. “Now, dig in!”

The dog’s eyes bulged, but not from excitement as she looked down at the food and then up at the pony who gave it to her.

Applejack’s smile fell flat. “What? Ain’t spoiled or nothing, is it? Just bought it last week.”

The puppy whined as it looked back down at its meal.

“Well, what’re you waiting for? A mug of fine cider? Sorry, classy girl. Ain’t quite the season yet.”

The dog puffed some air through her nose and then dove into her meal.

“Atta girl! Enjoy the good stuff.” AJ ruffled the dog’s ears and grinned widely as Starlight approached the cart.

“You and Fluttershy sure do have a way with animals.” Starlight sighed, looking at the fluffy pup with a longing for canine companionship. “Wish they liked me better.”

“Ain’t nothing special, Starlight. Just been around them all my life. You get used to their tells after a while. Gotta say though, this one here really knows how to communicate. Smart as a whip.”

“Snaps like one too,” Starlight added warily, seeing how the collie was still glaring at her. “So, are you going with Classy?”

“Whaddya mean?”

“Her name. It’s a little generic, but I think she’d wear it differently. The old Classy was the ‘Class-act Canine’ while this Classy here just has a stuck-up attitude.” The collie looked up from her meal and growled at Starlight before taking another breath and digging into her food. “See what I mean?”

“You may be right, but I can’t be naming somepony else’s dog, Starlight. That’s how you get attached.”

“Well, Classy seems plenty attached to you right now.”

“Shucks sugarcube, I’ve just been treating her right is all.” AJ ran a hoof through the dog’s fur again, but this time rubbing down the side. Despite her luxurious fur coat, she played the side of the dog, barely feeling a thing between the skin and her xylophone of ribs. “Land sake’s, you weren’t kidding. That ain’t a healthy lean at all, girl. Be sure to eat every last bit of that up.”

“What? So we just call her ‘girl’ until the original owner comes around? What if she’s like this because of neglect?”

“Look, the farm’s big enough for two dogs, sure, but I can't say this one here will get along with the rest of the family seeing how snippy she is with you. I’ll try to take her around to Fluttershy’s after work, though she’s probably still busy with that annual bunny census of hers. Might have to wait until tomorrow since she said she’d try wrangling them herself this year.”

“What, Discord isn’t helping her?”

“Him and Angel don’t exactly get along. Though, I can’t think of many critters that do.” A snap of sparkling chaos magic caught Applejack’s ear. “Speaking of…”

“For the last time, Discord, you are not part of my guard detail!” a stern, commanding voice yelled in the distance, pulling both mares’ attention towards the newcomers.

“Oh come now, Fleur. We’re the best of friends these days! Don’t you remember how we saved Equestria, mi amiga violenta?” Discord asked, summoning a discordant mariachi band playing under a banner reading “¡Las Salvadoras de Equestria!” behind him. The spirit of chaos himself donned a sombrero and poncho and joined in the fun of his clones with maracas.

Applejack rolled her eyes, as she watched two more additions to the town’s fabric go at it for the upteenth time, though in her book, one was admittedly more welcome than the other. She still owed the reformed spirit of chaos a drink for helping save their tails from Chrysalis and the changelings, but dealing with that trickster was still way more trouble than it was worth. Then, there was Twi’s new Captain of the Guard—really, her only guard—Fleur de Lis. When the runway model of a soldier had transferred in from Canterlot a few months ago, AJ was almost tempted to make a pass at her. Then she saw the reason Fleur came to Ponyville in the first place.

Rarity said that Zecora had scored a looker, but she was not expecting the zebra to attract a drop-dead gorgeous mare with the magical strength to back up her military rank. The lithe, white unicorn turned the heads of most every pony in town, but that dignified warrior only had eyes for the striped medicine mare of the Everfree Forest. She saw the two were definitely made for each other when she stumbled on the aftermath of one of their sparring sessions. The violent lovers caused more damage than a herd of buffalo stampeding through Canterlot.

That mare’s battle magic was something else. Big Mac had hired the guard to put a diseased tree out of its misery on the Zebra’s recommendation, and that monstrous flower had reduced poor Marybelle to splinters with a single buck. Unfortunately for Discord, it seemed said mare’s patience had run out, and she was about to turn that destructive force on him. With the unbridled fury, the beautiful captain filled her rear hooves with unstable magic and bucked Discord in the chest with everything she had. AJ winced as the charged smash attack connected with the distracted draconequus, sending him screaming through the sky, and disappearing in a flash of light.

“And I thought Starlight had the anger issues out of the six of us,” one of the remaining Discords complained, snapping the others out of existence. “I hope you’re not that rough with Zecora. You’ll put someone's eye out with those things. Mainly mine.” He knocked his eyes out of his head and polished them on his lion arm before popping them back in.

“Then stop bothering me unless you have something to report!” Fleur demanded.

“And do friendship reports not count? Twilight used to send them all the time to Celestia.” He unraveled a parchment out of thin air and pressed his face against it. “‘Dear Fleur de Lis, Captain of the Friendship Gua—’”

“The Twilight Guard! It’s called the Twilight Guard!” Fleur interrupted, her lovely pink mane fraying from the stress.

The spirit of chaos pulled back from his reading and quirked an eyebrow. “Are you sure? Sunbutt’s got the Solar division, you were part of Moonie’s Lunar Guard, and Twilight’s the Princess of Friendship. So…”

“I’m captain, and I say we’re the Twilight Guard!”

“Oh, ‘we’ are, you say? Finally! Then I accept my commission, mon capitaine!” Discord saluted, snapping into an elaborate royal suit of armor. “So, what rank am I? Supreme Commander? Chief Executive Officer? Waterboy?” Discord flashed again, popping into a hoofball T-shirt and shorts with a nozzled water bottle. He flicked Fleur’s nose, forcing her mouth open as he squeezed the bottle and fired a chunky, orange spray into her face. He reached a claw down and scooped up a smattering of it to taste. “Spicy jalapeño cheddar. My favorite!”

“Discord,” Applejack huffed, seeing the cheese starting to boil on the enraged guard, “would you stop messing with Fleur already? She’s liable to have an aneurysm at this rate.”

“Aww, but the Fleur-y of fury here is so much fun!”

“Do we need to get Fluttershy?” Starlight warned, lighting her horn to ready a teleport to her cottage.

Discord froze and gasped like a boy with his claw caught in a cookie jar. The literal cookie jar hanging off his claw certainly helped the image. “Fine,” he acquiesced with a groan. “Party poopers.” The draconequus rustled his claw around in the jar and pulled out a pristinely clean and unarmored Fleur from its depths.

Fleur, for her part, was doing her best to find her center again after suffering Discord’s nonsense. “Look, ‘cadet,’ if you want to help, keep your eyes out for potential threats to Equestria like you said you would!”

“Oh, but I am! I’ve been on high alert since me, you, and the rest of the side-character six faced down the changeling horde and saved everypony and every changeling from the tyranny of Chrysalis,” he bragged as he pulled the chord of an “Applause” sign above his head.

“If I recall correctly, it was Thorax and Starlight that ultimately saved the day since someone teleported us halfway across Equestria before we could grab our anti-changeling cream!” Fleur accused pointedly.

“In my defense, little Miss Queenie Meanie cheated with that magic-canceling, holey chair of hers. I mean really.” Discord snapped, summoning an intimidating, ruby jeweled royal throne, complete with scarlet plush cushions and deer antlers jutting from the top. “At least when I was evil, I had the good sense to include heated massage seats in mine. No wonder she’s been so bent on conquering Equestria. My kingdom for lumbar support!” Tapping the armrest, the cushions sprouted flaming hands which started working on his serpentine back. “Lower, lower, almost there! Ah, perfect…” he purred as his back lit on fire.

Fleur massaged her forehead, quickly losing what little patience she had forced herself to have with the spirit of chaos. “Just tell me if anything has slipped by instead of being so… you all the time.”

“Don’t worry your cute, zebra-flank-filled head there, Fleur. I can one hundred percent guarantee that no major threats have entered Ponyville. The worst I’ve seen today is that moody mutt over there.”

All eyes turned towards the Equestrian Collie from the Everfree, who shrunk back from the sudden attention she was being paid. Discord popped over to the dog, grabbed the pooch’s food-filled cheeks, and pinched, earning a low growl in return.

“Aww! Just look at its tired, widdle face. All bark and no bite.” He booped her snoot, earning an angry growl, followed by a vicious chomp on his lion paw. He withdrew it from her mouth, noticing one of his digits missing. “Okay, maybe some bite.” Discord blew into his thumb and a replacement finger popped up. “But trust me, this one couldn’t hurt a fly even if she wanted to,” he teased darkly, drawing a sharp claw under her neck to focus the collie’s attention on his mismatched eyes.

“Well, she could, but a starving stray shouldn’t bite the hooves that feed her, right?”

The dog growled, trying to muster a prideful defense, but she was quickly losing her moxy as Discord ran his sharpened griffon talon further down her chest and poked at her heart.

“Hey! Knock that off, you’re scaring her!” Applejack shooed the insensitive spirit away, patting the dog’s head to calm down the trembling collie. Still, Discord somehow knew she was a stray, so maybe he’d be willing to share a little more. “Any clue where she might’ve come from?”

“You’ll have to ask Fluttershy if you want the answer to that. Even then, I’m not sure this one will be so forthcoming,” Discord said with a shrug. Noticing the empty tin, he smirked and flicked another serving into existence. “Here, you’ve been such a good sport. Have another on the house. Eat up, pup!”

He retreated to a safe distance in a flash before the dog could bite him again. Seeing the food tin on the ground, she heaved a suffering groan and started lapping up her second serving, eating it as fast as possible. AJ scratched the collie a bit rougher, pouring a little more feeling into her petting that didn’t go unnoticed by her new friend.

Horseapples, she was getting attached to the poor thing.

“Well, as the Friendship Guard’s newest Waterboy, I should really get going. The kingdom isn’t going to stay hydrated itself!” The self-appointed soldier pulled out an umbrella and opened it upside down under him. A flood of water fired out of it propelling him like a hydro-rocket into the sky as he shouted, “Au réservoir, ladies!”

Fleur watched as her new, unintentional cadet sped away in a skyward water spout. “I’m going to have to ask Princess Twilight if it’s okay to hate your ‘friends’.”

“You get used to him. Somehow,” Applejack half-heartedly assured the guard. “Ain’t one bit less of a nuisance though unless Fluttershy’s around to keep him at least a little in check.”

The collie growled as she angrily swiped the emptied tin away with her paw.

AJ chuckled and nodded in agreement. “You said it, Classy.”

As the day waned, Applejack’s business died down with the sun. It'd been a good haul, unloading a barrel and a half of fresh fruit for a fair amount of bits. It was an honest day of honest work. Now all that was left was folding up shop and walking the unsold remainder to Barnyard Bargains to unload in bulk before heading home. Filthy Rich always paid a decent rate to sell the day-olds himself.

AJ started packing the business up, looking around for any sign of her grumpy canine companion. Classy had been meandering around all day, taking breaks next to her stand after doing whatever she’d been up to throughout the day. The mare had tried to keep an eagle eye on the sneaky dog, but that girl had a way of running off while nopony was looking. When she had been near the cart, AJ couldn’t help but fluff that black and white fur during the lulls in her business. Even though she was a thieving snake in the grass, the sweetheart absolutely adored the loving attention, and the farmer was happy to oblige.

A small part of her was kind of hoping she’d befriended Classy enough for her to stick around. She also wanted to follow the rascal to wherever she’d taken Granny’s pot. After one final check of the area, there was still no sign of her. AJ couldn’t wait around forever. With a sigh, she hitched herself to the wagon and headed off to see what she could get from Filthy Rich. As she started on her way to the store, she spotted a friendly face from her neck of the woods, Zecora, enjoying the twilight hours. She waved the mare down, hoping she wasn’t interrupting some meditation thing. These days, if she saw the zebra in town, she was usually looking for her marefriend.

“Evening, Zecora!”

“Ah, good evening as well, dear Applejack,
I hope your day has lightened your pack,”
the medicine mare replied in kind.

“Oh, you mean the sales today?” The zebra nodded sagely. “Always is. Nearly sold both barrels completely. Looking for Fleur?”

“I’m far too predictable as of late,
It’s true, I’ve come to fetch my lovely mate,”
she bragged with a waggle of her eyebrows.

For a natural poet, Zecora was turning out to be a surprisingly straightforward mare the more Applejack got to know her. Her speech always spun in circles, but the mare was about as blunt as her brother. She was always upfront and honest with what she wanted, cutting to the quick of things unless the zebra was wanting a lyrical payoff with her words. AJ admired that and could see why Fleur was hooves over horn for the mare.

“That’s as good a reason as any to keep up a habit, I’d say. Though I’m sure Fleur’s the last filly needing an escort through the Everfree after seeing the damage y’all do in practice.”

“My beau and I are a pair of powerful mares,
It’s quite difficult to catch us both unawares.
Still, the past few nights I’ve noticed a new guest.
An unknown beast causing the woods some distress.”

Applejack furrowed her brow. “Huh. Guess that girl’s been around for more than just a minute or two.”

Her curiosity piqued, Zecora joined Applejack’s gait and hummed curiously.
“A girl has arrived in town, you say?
Did you happen to meet her today?”

“Last night, actually. She’s an Equestrian Collie that was causing a ruckus in the Everfree. Must’ve been hauling her tail as fast as her legs could carry her with those timberwolves I chased off.”

“A collie? What sort of creature is that?
A fighter that can fight wolves tit for tat?”

“I think Classy might be able to outsmart them, but I doubt a herd dog’s putting up any sort of straight fight against a pack of them by her lonesome. I used Granny’s tried and true pan-clanging to get rid of them,” Applejack said with a proud smirk. “The girl was mighty appreciative, but Big Mac had more than a few words to say for waking up the whole family.”

“I suppose then there has been a mistake,
What I speak of leaves a much bigger wake.”

“You don’t say. How big are we talking here? Manticore, chimera, hydra?”

“Of its identity, I cannot tell,
It's covered its tracks surprisingly well.
One clue I might have is a strange fondness for metal,
I awoke and was missing my favorite tea kettle.”

Applejack laughed knowingly. “Well, if size ain’t an issue, that was probably Classy then. First time I met her, she took a saucepan right out of my hooves.”

“A humble pet braving the Everfree?
She must be quite clever to steal from me.”

“Trust me, she’s a beautiful dog, but she's as tricky as they come. Might be a little too smart for her own good if you ask me.”

As they passed through a few more houses on the way to Rich’s store, they spotted Fleur finishing up taking a statement from two ponies on the porch of their home. With a salute goodbye, the guard redonned the helmet she’d been holding in her hooves and about-faced once the door was shut. Seeing AJ and her marefriend, Fleur double-timed it towards the pair.

“There you are AJ! Been looking all over for you.
Do you have any idea where your dog’s gotten to?”

The farmer quirked an eyebrow. “Didn’t realize you were speaking in rhymes now too, Fleur.”

“Well, when you’ve got her as a girlfriend, you learn,”
Fleur noted with a smirk to Zecora.

“My precious flower knows how to make my love burn,”
Zecora finished with a sweet smile of her own.

Fleur’s confident smirk melted into a cheesy, fillyhood grin, but she chased it off almost as fast as it had arrived with a cough of embarrassment. She was still on-duty, after all. “Okay, but seriously. Where’s that dog now?”

“I haven’t seen Classy for a while now. She snuck off just before I closed up shop.”

“Well, that dog sure has been busy all day around town.” Fleur summoned her notepad with a pop and flipped it open with her magic while scanning the lines with her eyes. “I’ve got about ten different reports of missing cookware and two sightings of a big, black dog running around with similar pots and pans in its mouth.”

“Make that eleven if you want. She took Granny’s saucepan from me into the forest last night.”

The captain jotted it down and chewed on the tip of her pen in thought.
“The Everfree? Zecora, you don’t think… umm… something, something coffee pot blame?”

Zecora laughed at her marefriend’s failed attempt at a rhyme, but received the message anyway.
“It was a tea kettle, love, but yes. I do believe our thief is one and the same.”

Fleur nodded in agreement. “Well, even if she is a serial cookware stealer, the Everfree Forest is no place for a lone dog. And since Ponyville lacks a proper dog catcher, I guess it falls to the Twilight Guard to go find her, AKA me.”

“Well, lemme drop the cart off at Barnyard Bargains and let’s see if we can wrangle us a rogue little doggie,” Applejack offered.

“You don’t have to, AJ. We need to head home anyway, so we can take a quick look around to see if we can find her. Between the two of us, I don’t think a klepto canine is going to be able to hide with the two of us on the case.”

“Well, make it three anyway. She might not be mine, but I at least know Classy seems to like me. Maybe she’ll come out for me if we find her.”

“Fine. I know better than to turn down Elemental assistance,”
Fleur said with a quick salute. Her horn sparked, summoning her golden spear in the air which she caught with her saluting hoof.

“Agreed. Especially if this collie might put up resistance,”
Zecora finished with a wink to her guard-friend.

AJ parked her stand near Rich’s store and left a “U.O.Me” in the apple barrel. She’d probably miss out on a few bits, but she had to find a pilfering pooch. Luckily, all three of them were familiar with critters of all kinds, so she figured Classy wouldn’t be too difficult to track down. Following the reports, they set off down the trail towards the Everfree Forest.

With the sun setting behind them, they’d have to be quick if they wanted to catch Classy before the real problems started coming out. Applejack hoped that the darn dog had enough sense to find a home close to the edge of the forest. There were a lot worse things to run into than a pack of timberwolves in there.

Chapter 2: A Dirty Lying Dog

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After so many adventures across Equestria, Applejack figured she’d be a bit more used to walking through the Everfree Forest no matter what time of day. However, the slightest rustling of leaves was still rattling her more than she liked to admit. It wasn’t like she wanted to be fearless like an idiot, but she at least wanted to be more comfortable with the idea. Despite having the two of the toughest mares she knew at her side, she was still spooked more than a hen in a fox den.

“Knew I shoulda grabbed a couple pans or something,” the skittish farmer complained. She’d already seized up several times in the presence of the seasoned forest dwellers who had kept their heads on tighter than her. Now it was getting a touch embarrassing.

“I understand your want for protection,
But further sound would risk detection.
Timberwolves might hate sharp and piercing sounds,
But there are other, fiercer things around.”

“Zecora’s right, Applejack,” the guard assured. “I read plenty of reports on the things living out here that we know of, and half of them are bigger than a house.”

“I know that! Been out here long enough to see most everything the Everfree has to offer. Just a lil’ jumpy’s all.”

“Worry not, my apple farming friend,
In our combined strength, you can depend.
With my love's magic telling us where to go,
I can stay back and enjoy a lovely show,”
Zecora said to her with a wink.

While the zebra kept walking calmly, AJ couldn't help but chuckle to herself after noticing Fleur's ears flush red. The captain's embarrassment was short-lived, as she quickly ducked down into the underbrush. Raising a hoof to silence the other two, she signaled them to join her side.

Fleur pointed her spear at her marks: two timberwolves standing a short distance away in front of a small clearing. Zecora readied her staff for a surprise attack, but the guard pushed her marefriend back down, shook her head, and pointed again.

Applejack narrowed her eyes, trying to make out what Fleur was spying. Following the tip of the spear, all she could see was more dark woods beyond. A shuffle of one of the timberwolves’ paws made her notice the piles of wooden debris nearby in front of them. It looked like wolf remains, but they weren’t reassembling themselves like usual.

After a few more silent signals between the seasoned soldier and her stalwart marefriend, both nodded and readied their weapons. Zecora reached into her satchel and withdrew two small, clay balls. Passing them to Fleur, the guard took them in her magic and shot them straight into the wolves’ sides. The monsters looked around for the cause of the disturbance, only to notice their paws glowing with emerald light. Distracted by the curious reaction, the mares made their move.

They leapt into the fray, lancing and bashing them into bits in seconds. Having missed the cue, Applejack charged out of the underbrush and got ready to offer a buck or two, but the other mares were already putting their weapons away. Turning her attention towards the wolves, their eldritch magic flickered out, turning to a softer, vibrant green before diving into the soil.

“The construct is only as strong as its spiritual wood.
Once its magic’s been drained, the timberwolf is gone for good.
Instead of allowing their wild magic to collect and rebound,
My potion has sent the forest’s energy back into the ground.”

Applejack kicked one of the collapsed heads, reducing it to wood shavings and splinters. “Well, that don’t explain what happened to the others.”

“Something sapped their life force,” Fleur noted as she scanned the ruined wolves. “Pretty rough job too. From the looks of it, we might be dealing with something that preys on wild geomancy.”

“Alright. That’s all well and good, but the question's if Classy went this way or not. If whatever’s out there did this to a pack of timberwolves…” Applejack bit her lip.

Fleur nodded and fired up her horn again.
“I’m still detecting metal signatures this way.”

“Then let’s find this canine without further delay!”
Zecora implored. With the troubling evidence of an apex predator around, the trio set off once again to find Classy.

They cantered quietly through the forest, hoping that the trail would end in a fur-filled reunion with the missing collie. Fleur’s horn began glowing brighter as they got closer to the source. All around them were signs of a nearby timberwolf den: chewed up trees, small animal bones, paw prints, and the like. The only thing out of place was the numerous piles of brittle wood. Whatever had torn through here had ripped apart every timberwolf in its path.

They came upon a rocky outcropping with a narrow opening leading down into the earth. A timberwolf couldn’t ask for a better nesting spot except for one glaring detail. Metal objects dangled on vines from the cave's ceiling, forming the strangest set of wind chimes the farmer had ever seen. It wasn’t just the town’s stolen cookware, but trashed tin cans, metal tubes, old chains, and just about anything that'd make a sharp noise one could find in a junkyard or an abandoned Everfree ruin.

“Well, I’ve heard of cave paintings, but this is something else,” Applejack remarked. “At least I see Granny’s saucepan over there next to that rustbucket of a helmet.

Not one for cookware, Fleur’s focus drifted to the old guard helmet suspended next to it. “That’s from the Castle of the Two Sisters. Who in their right mind would bother lugging all of this to a timberwolf cave when the abandoned castle is still habitable?”

“The sisterly ruins are sprawling and full of gaps,
Whereas caves like this are smaller with far fewer traps.
If one prefers laying roots in timberwolf dens,
A noisy barrier might stave off unwelcome friends”

Applejack couldn’t argue that. There didn’t appear to be much of a way to get inside without going through a wall of clangs. It might not make too much racket if a creature went slow, but they were tied with enough give to cause more than a nuisance. Whatever had done this wanted the place to themselves.

AJ approached the entrance and brushed a can, causing a small commotion of sharp clinks. “Well, Discord said she’s a stray, but by the looks of it, somepony’s gotta be around to string up these things like Hearth’s Warming lights.”

“Discord lied. Why am I not surprised?” Fleur complained while peering down the entrance to the cave. “Knowing him, this junked modern art project is the first step of a wild goose chase through the Everfree.”

Keen on sating her curiosity, Fleur cast a mote of light into the cave. She pushed carefully through the metal curtain, but as the pots, pans, and cans rolled off her back, they collided in a cacophony of clashes. Zecora withdrew an orb woven of vines and gently blew into it, rousing the fireflies within. She hooked the natural lantern to the end of her staff before motioning for Applejack to go in as she kept an eye out behind them.

The three swam through the sea of sound, suffering an ocean of ear-splitting metallurgy as they went. The metals all clanged, crumpled, and pinged about like a manticore rolling around a marching band's brass section. Fortunately, it didn’t take long to breach the surface and come out the other side to sweet silence.

The path continued descending deeper underground. After a few tight turns, the cave opened up to a larger, dome room. Foliage dipped from the ceiling lit softly by bioluminescent mushrooms and glowing roots around the room. Despite the work done at the cave entrance, there didn’t seem to be any sign of life beyond the subterranean plants and skittering bugs. The mares split up across the room to search for the missing stray.

Applejack followed along the walls, stepping over large roots and feeling the sides for an opening. The cluttering greenery scattered what little light they had with them. “See anything, y’all?”

“Negative,” Fleur answered. “Just rocks, dirt, and more rocks.”

“I’ve found rare reagents, and right next to that,
There’s more evidence of a large monster attack.
But as far as signs of our missing mark,
I see nothing in this consuming dark.”

Applejack kept brushing the wall hoping to find some small space where Classy could be hiding, but she could barely see her hoof in front of her face with all the draping vegetation. As she swept her hoof, it caught on something jutting from the wall. It felt different: smooth and hard.

“Can one of y’all bring a light closer? I think I found something.”

“That would be my leg,” a terrible dual-toned voice answered.

Applejack looked up to see she was muzzle to muzzle with a pair of glowing green eyes staring daggers back at her. Before she could react, it hissed, spitting a green, gooey webbing that bound all four of her hooves in a dark green mess.

“Chrysalis!” Applejack gasped as the fiend descended from the wall.

“What an unpleasant surprise,” the villain cooed as she tilted AJ’s head up by the chin. “I wasn’t expecting company this late.” The changeling leered at the other two as they readied to strike. She lowered her horn and pulsed it with a sickly green aura. “Ah, ah, ah, put those things away. We wouldn’t want Applejack getting hurt, now, would we?”

Zecora flipped her staff around, stowing the orb on her satchel and readying a strike in a single, fluid motion.
“Release her at once, you filthy coward!
With the three of us here, you’re overpowered!”

“Impressive, but I think not, Zecora. One more move and I can’t guarantee there will be three for long.”

The farmer struggled with her bindings, but she couldn’t get any leverage without a free hoof. “What’re you doing all the way out here?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Chrysalis’ eyes flared with fury. “I’m planning my revenge on you. All of you!

“Of course your reasoning is petty revenge.
Are there no depths that you won’t descend?”
Zecora chastised as she readied herself for battle.

“Keep pushing, and we’ll see how deep I can really go! You took everything away from me!”

Fleur looked between her marefriend and Chrysalis, communicating silently with their eyes. “If you think you can stage an attack by yourself on the Castle of Friendship, you’re sorely mistaken!”

The queen scoffed. “Who says I plan on attacking directly? There are other ways to sneak into such places. I’ve already done some scouting, and you’ll never find the way that I did.”

Chrysalis’ eyes flickered back to the zebra, noticing the subtle slump in her stance as she reached for her bag. “And don’t you dare think about using that filthy cream on me, Zecora!” The zebra’s eyes widened in shock. “Oh yes, I figured out your little secret anti-changeling substance. Stop trying to push your luck, zebra, or I’ll make you wish you never left your homeland!”

“What have you done with my dog?” AJ yelled.

Chrysalis flashed her fangs in a smug grin. “Your dog? Don’t you have bigger problems to worry about than that little Classy mongrel of yours?”

“She might be a pot thieving rascal, but she’s just a pup!” the farmer argued.

The changeling’s smile widened with predatory delight. “Don’t worry, your little friend is safe with me, for the moment. That mangey collie wandered a little too close, so I had to… put her away for a bit.”

“Let her go, Chrysalis!”

“That’s Queen Chrysalis to you, vermin!” she spat. “And no. I think I’ll keep her.” The queen laid her front hooves on Applejack’s shoulders and leaned into her ear. “They say dogs are a pony’s best friend, right? They love unconditionally. Perhaps I’ll put it to the test and see just how much I can take from her!”

Applejack burned with righteous anger as she tried to desperately pull her hooves out of the goo. Why the hay did Chrysalis of all creatures have to be out here in the middle of nowhere? “You’re a monster!”

“Aww, you’re such a ‘sweetheart’ to notice, ‘sugarcube,’” she teased with a dark and mocking chuckle. “We’ll see how much that starving stray of yours can love me before I destroy it!” Chrysalis tilted her head back to savor the discordant melody of her maniacal laughter.

Applejack pulled at her bindings furiously to no avail. She should’ve been more worried about herself, but all she could think about was how she should’ve leashed that dog when she had the chance. The poor, hungry sweetheart was… wait.

“Now hold on just a dang minute! How the hay do you know so much about Classy?”

Chrysalis’ laughter died on a breathy intake. She slowly lowered her head back to her prey in contempt for interrupting her moment of gloating. “What?”

“How’d you know all of that about Classy?” Applejack asked with irritation.

“She’s a stupid stray dog. What’s to know?”

“Yeah, but how’d you know she was a hungry stray? Come to think of it, nopony even said her name.”

Chrysalis blinked owlishly. “Yes you did. You said it just now.”

“Not before you did.”

Chrysalis looked away. “Fine! You caught me. I've been spying on you all day. Imagine that, a shapeshifter shifting shape to fool you.”

“Who'd ya replace?”

“Oh, you wouldn’t have known. I’m a master of disguise. All my changeli—” Chrysalis stopped herself abruptly as she bit back her words in fuming frustration. “Well, I’m a master of disguise, anyway,” she groused.

“Fair enough,” Applejack agreed warily. Something about the situation was stickling at something in her head. The queen was lying, but it wasn’t matching up with anything she’d said so far. “So, what’s with the metal decorations outside? You hang all that junk yourself?”

“Yes?” Chrysalis replied flatly. “Now, if I could get back to threatening you—”

“Why'd you do it?”

“Of all the inane—You know why! Clanging keeps the timberwolves out! Now would you shut up?” The changeling was shaking with contempt, her eye twitching from the simmering temper roiling underneath.

Applejack narrowed her eyes as the gears started to turn in her head. “And how did you know that?”

“Because that infernal clanging is how you chased them off in the first place!” Chrysalis brought her hoof to her forehead in exasperation at the farmer's inquisition.

That didn’t make any sense. The only other pony she’d told today about the clanging besides Zecora and Fleur was Starlight. Nothing seemed off about the unicorn, though she did set Classy off for no particular reason. The collie had finally relented to the mare’s attention, but she hadn’t been happy about it. That dog’s eye had been twitching like crazy when Starlight was petting her, kind of like the emerald eyes bearing down on her now.

“Now, unless you’re really wanting to test my limited patience with all of these pointless questions—”

“Were you Classy the entire time?” AJ asked in a huff.

The cave fell absolutely silent. Even Fleur and Zecora were thrown off by the question. Chrysalis’ jaw dropped from the sudden accusation, but she quickly caught herself and snapped it shut in contemptible fury as she stormed closer to the impudent laypony. “Of all the insolent—Why would I, a beautiful changeling queen, lower myself to a common housepet?”

“I dunno, but the way I figure, that’s the only nonsense that makes any lick of sense.” Applejack furrowed her brow. “How else would you wind up with all the metal Classy stole unless you were the one stealing it in the first place?”

“Maybe I cornered the mutt and took her treasures for myself!”

“How are old helmets, teapots, and saucepans treasures?” Recalling the metal Zecora was missing brought up another question. “Wait, didn’t you get the drop on Zecora already? You could’ve just replaced her instead of hiding out here in a cave. For peat’s sake, you could've replaced me!”

“I don’t need to replace any of you for my plans! And, I am not hiding! I’m plotting your downfall as we speak! I will ruin your lives just like you ruined mine!”

“Are ya though? How is running around pretending to be a half-starved dog—”


Chrysalis’ horn flared to life as flames encircled both of them. The world blazed green in a blinding column of emerald fire. She heard Zecora and Fleur yell something, but their voices were drowned out by the consuming blaze. After the heat dispersed, Applejack felt a cool rush of wind as she started falling from an unknown height.

"Woah nelly!" AJ yelped, just barely managing to land upright on some stone flooring below her.

Getting her bearings, she saw that she was outdoors. The moon shone brightly above, casting the area in striking, white light. Seeing the familiar ruins towering around her, she realized she was standing in the Elemental chamber of the Castle of the Two Sisters.

Unfortunately, a black and green silhouette eclipsed the light as it descended from on high, casting a long shadow over the lone pony. Chrysalis landed atop the old stone tree sculpture that bore the elements for over a thousand years, her eyes burning green with a malice that’d last a millennium. This time, it was just a farmer against a queen.

“Perhaps I should just drain all your love right now and be done with you!”

Applejack leaned down, ready for the fight of her life. Luckily, the magic had burned the webbing away and her hooves weren’t bound any longer.

“I’m surprised you didn’t run,” Chrysalis taunted and leaned over the sculpture as her eyes looked past her prey.

Briefly looking over her shoulder, AJ had landed right in front of the door leading into the forest after the teleport. With escape just a gallop away, she could hoof it back to Ponyville for help.

But, no. This had to be a trick. Applejack could feel something was off. It was almost as if the changeling wanted her to run. She might be alone, but she wasn’t about to let this two, three or whatever-faced liar get away from her if the fiend was bent on getting revenge.

"Oh? How unexpected. If it’s a fight you want, then I’m happy to oblige, Applejack.” Chrysalis leapt from the sculpture, landing with an unsteady stomp. “It’s quite an honor to be destroyed by me personally.”

Applejack's clenched jaw loosened in shock as she got a better view of her foe. She hadn’t been able to tell in the dark, but now that she was lit up by the moon, she could plainly see something wasn’t right with the fiend across the way from her.

The queen was still a frightful terror, sure, but compared to the last time in the Changeling Kingdom, she was definitely worse for wear. Chrysalis' fluorescent green underbelly was faded and flickering unsteadily. Her face was gaunt and ragged, making her narrowed glare seem more fatigued than rage-filled. The changeling looked more tuckered out than the time Big Mac had broken his leg and AJ had tried to harvest the entire orchard herself like a dang fool.

“Sure you don’t want to run? I’ll give you a head start. After all, you don’t stand a chance against a queen like me!” Chrysalis pulsed her horn with a flash of power and she grinned viciously.

With the girl in such a sorry state, Applejack was having a hard time buying what she was selling. “Reckon we’re about to put that to the test, your highness.”

The changeling roared in rage and charged with her sickly horn to spear Applejack through the heart. AJ rolled out of the way and pulled her hardy hind legs back to deliver a buck strong enough to split an apple tree. Shooting her hooves out like cannons, she met surprisingly little resistance as the changeling grunted from the blow and went sailing into a nearby wall. With a sharp scream, Chrysalis bounced off of the stonework and crumpled to the floor.

With a dizzy groan, the queen slowly pulled herself up and shot an energy beam at Applejack. The farm pony tried to duck under it, but the bolt was aimed low and caught her in the side of her neck. The pain stung with the prick of a bee sting, a far cry from the overwhelming, princess-downing blast from the wedding. With little more than a sharp draw of breath, the mare shrugged it off and stood back up.

“Why did you have to find me?” The changeling growled as she stumbled to her hooves. “I wasn’t ready yet!”

“Ready for what?”

The queen flashed her bitter eyes and screamed through labored breaths, “My master plan to get back at all of you!”

Applejack paused. That was a lie. Why would that be a lie? This was Chrysalis, the mastermind behind several attempts that almost took over Equestria. She had to have a plan!

… Right?

“How does pretending to be a stray help you with that?”

“I told you already! I wasn’t Classy!”

Another lie. “Then where is she?”

Instead of answering, Chrysalis fired another series of beams from her horn while scrambling towards Applejack. The farm pony managed to slide out of the way of most of it, but the last one caught her flank, or at least she thought it did. Either her farmwork was making her invulnerable to magic, or Chrysalis was firing blanks.

She got her answer when the changeling’s uneven gait tripped her, sending the queen to the floor. Chrysalis' glowing barrel was flickering like a bulb on the fritz as she tried to channel more magic into her horn. Struggling to her hoove, she glared icily at Applejack mustering every ounce of ire she could.

“Chrysalis? Are you okay?”

“Why would you care?” she barked back. “I’m trying to kill you!”

“I thought you were, but now I’m not so sure. Why’dya teleport us outside if you were wanting to kill me? Would’ve been easier to slice me up in the cave when I couldn’t move, right?”

“Stop talking!” Chrysalis heaved as she tried to stand back up, but her hind legs wouldn’t allow it.

Applejack’s heart clenched at the sorry sight. “Listen, you don’t have to do this. Thorax and the others—”

With a flare of green magic, the changeling stabilized her hind legs, hissing in pain from the exertion. “Don’t you dare mention that traitor’s name to me!” she forced herself to say.

“But it’s true! Thorax figured out how. There’s a better way, Chrysalis!”

“I’m a queen! There is no other way!” she cried in desperation.

“You lost that title the moment they changed for the better!”

Chrysalis stomped her hooves in a tantrum. “Shut up-Shut up-Shut up! I am a Queen, and I will be again!”

“How?” Applejack asked genuinely. “You think they’d want to change back into love-hungry monsters like you?”

The enraged queen leapt at her prey with her fangs bared, moving as fast as AJ had expected the first time. She knocked Applejack over and placed her hoof as firmly as she could on the farmer’s chest, but there was shockingly little strength behind it.

“Ha. See?” she bragged between labored breaths. “I always come out on top.”

“Fine! Then do it already.” Applejack held firm, staring back at Chrysalis and challenging the royal’s conviction.

The changeling chuckled darkly, leaning closer to the pinned mare. “What? Not going to struggle? That’s part of the fun of this for me, you know. It makes the draining so much sweeter.”

“You’ve been lying this entire time. Why should I believe you now?”

“Don’t push it, pony! I am the predator, you’re the prey! I will feast on your love!”

Applejack suppressed an eyeroll. If she wanted to free herself, she could probably buck the frail queen off easily. She was more curious at how the changeling had gone oddly quiet.

Chrysalis caught her breath and better positioned herself on Applejack, darting back between AJ’s eyes and her chest. After a brief scan with her unstable magic, the predator's sharp gaze went wide as she tapped the target within. She moved her hoof over the pony’s heart with a deep, hungry longing filling her eyes.

“Did you know it tastes like apples? Love always takes the flavor of a pony’s favorite food,” Chrysalis muttered, with a strange hollowness in her voice. Catching herself, she sneered back at AJ with pride. “And I’m going to drain every last ounce of love from you until you’re nothing but an emotionless husk!”

“Then take it, Chrysalis.”

The changeling scoffed as her magic sparked in her horn. A discomforting aura slowly clenched Applejack’s heart like a tightening noose. She’d never had her love stolen from her before, but figured by the name that it wasn’t going to be pleasant. She felt a crawling tug, like a millipede scurrying about inside her chest with cold feet. Applejack winced from the unsettling discomfort. What was stranger than the sensation was watching Chrysalis herself.

The queen slumped over, her eyes locked onto Applejack’s heart with drool dripping from her quavering maw. The changeling’s horn was glowing brightly, almost joyously, as if she hadn’t seen water in a month. Her breathing quickened at the anticipation of a meal as a small, relieving smile crept across her face. Applejack should've been terrified, but instead, she couldn't help feeling sympathy for the clearly suffering changeling. It was weird, pitying a lonely critter that was about to devour you.

But then, the stray noticed.

The creeping vice around AJ's heart quickly spread throughout her body as Chrysalis tossed her meal away from her with both her magic and her hooves. The queen barely caught herself on her wobbly front legs. She peered through a hole in her disheveled mane at her prey with crazed malevolence.

“Don’t look at me like that! I don’t need your pity! I don’t need your love!”

Applejack shook off the impact and rolled back up to face her foe. If all of that was true, why was Chrysalis looking drier than a potted plant in a basement?

“I’m not weaker than them! I’m not lesser than my drones! I don’t need you, them, or anyone!” Chrysalis lied and willed herself to her unstable hooves. With perfect poise, the monarch stared down her nose at the inferior peasant. “I am powerful! I am beautiful! I am Chrysalis, Queen of the Cha—AUGH!”

Chrysalis collapsed, writhing in agony as she tried to control her breathing. Her wings flared out at different angles and started buzzing uselessly as she tried to regain control of her body.

As a farmer, Applejack was familiar with pests from the Everfree Forest trying to ruin her crops. One of the bigger ones was the pesky stagnant beetles. They were nasty bugs that would chomp through a tree’s bark to stop the flow of water from the roots and feed off the nutrients. The buggers were armored pretty well, so the only way to get them off without hurting the tree was to light a fire under their bellies and burn them. They either gave up and flew back into the Everfree or died from the heat.

Sometimes, they’d wait a little too long to let go and tumble onto their backs. They’d start shaking back and forth, trying to rock themselves upright, but after a while, they’d stop moving. Her daddy had always said that a twitching bug was in their death throes and wasn’t long for this world.

And Chrysalis was twitching up one heck of a storm right now.

“Sweet Celestia, Chrysalis! If you’re hungry, just take—”

“S-silence! I-I pro-pro-provide food for my subjects-s-s. They s-steal l-love for me. I don’t steal f-from them-m-m,” the fallen ruler wheezed from the floor.

Applejack rushed to the changeling’s side and knelt down. Chrysalis looked bad. Real bad. Her barrel was barely glowing at all. Almost all the light was gone. She knew that the bad changelings needed to steal love, but she just thought it was more like pony magic. If they lacked love, they’d just be exhausted and sluggish like everypony was after Tirek’s attack. This was different. Without any love, Chrysalis was starving to death.

“Stay… away… from me…” she whispered between struggling breaths. Chrysalis craned her neck and bit Applejack’s fetlock, but for how vicious the queen’s maw was, the farmer barely felt a thing. The poor viper couldn’t muster a lick of strength behind her bite.

“When’s the last time you had any love, girl?”

Apparently, that had been the wrong thing to ask as the bite intensified just enough for Chrysalis’ front fangs to draw a drop of blood. Applejack wasn’t deterred. She’d dealt with all sorts of ornery critters before. After all, even if they were a bit more intelligent, she and Chrysalis were critters too.

“Was it when I was petting you as Classy?” Applejack asked softly. The queen growled unsteadily, trying desperately to strike fear into her prey. Unfortunately for the predator, her food was feeling too sorry for her to pull away.

To test the waters, Applejack reached for Chrysalis’ mane. There had always been a small part of her that wondered what it felt like. It seemed like a proper mane, but it was somehow filled with holes like the changeling’s legs. Come to think of it, she hadn’t seen her in months, but all the holes in her looked bigger. The poor girl was wasting away.

Placing a hoof and running down the length of the mane, she couldn’t help but feel a mite jealous of how soft it was. The queen’s Classy disguise was amazingly fluffy, but the exquisite smoothness of Chrysalis’ natural, gossamer mane was criminally smooth.

“You know, a good collie’s fur’s pretty nice and all, but royal silk sheets are a step above the rest.” Chrysalis’ barrel matched the rhythm of Applejack’s touch. It glowed in and out with her long strokes in response to the affection.

Then, it all clicked together.

The shapeshifter could’ve stolen anypony’s identity, but she went with an adorable dog.
The monster could’ve drained a pony in secret, but she begged for adoration.
The villain could’ve killed Applejack, but she gave her a chance to run away so they wouldn't have to fight.

Chrysalis wasn’t taking love, she was trying to receive it. Was she even evil anymore?

“It’s okay, girl. You can take some love if you need it.”

“Rather… die…”

Well, she wasn’t exactly neighborly, but that wasn’t something the love-sucking villain would’ve said before either. AJ couldn’t make heads or tails of it, but that didn’t matter much at the moment. The poor girl needed help.

“Now I don’t believe that for a second. You’re too proud to die from being a dang fool.”

Chrysalis glared and tried to light her horn to fire another energy beam, but it fizzled out before it could do anything.

“Oh for the love of—” AJ reached down and pulled the woozy changeling off her hoof and righted the starving stray to her flank. She was expecting far more weight, but the fragile husk of a fiend felt lighter than an empty water bottle in the middle of the San Palomino sun. “Quit being so dang stubborn and take some from me already!”

Chrysalis’ blank stare shifted subtly side to side as she mustered enough strength to slowly shake her head in exhausted defiance.

“Fine, ya varmint! Iff’n ya ain’t gonna take it, then I’m just gonna have to give ya some, whether you like it or not!”

Ranking up there with one of the worst decisions she’d ever made, Applejack pulled Chrysalis, the former changeling queen and enemy of all Equestria, into a warm embrace. She leaned the jittering bug over her shoulder and pressed the side of her face into the changeling’s long neck. As an added bonus for herself, she caressed the queen’s soft, silky mane with her hooves. If she was gonna do this, then she was gonna get something out of it too.

There was a pull at her heart, but it wasn’t unpleasant. An invigorating warmth flowed through her limbs and fed into the queen. Chrysalis wasn’t taking love, Applejack was giving it freely.

“Hoo wee, this feels a mite different for sure,” AJ remarked as she fed Chrysalis.


Applejack chuckled at the changeling’s feeble whine. “Gonna have to try harder than that, sugarcube.”

“Please. I can’t stop.”

“Well, as far as I’m concerned, that’s a good thing. I ain’t too keen on just sitting idle and watching someone starve right in front of me. I grow food for a living, y’know. Darn proud of it too.”

Applejack held strong, but Chrysalis didn’t return the gesture at all. She simply slumped down over the farmer’s side, but Applejack knew the former queen wasn’t dying any longer. The girl’s abdomen was already glowing steadily as she gained some of her weight back.

“Hey, you said my love tastes like apples, right? Guess this is just a different kind of bushel barrel for ya, huh?” The farmer patted her unique customer on the withers.

Chrysalis said nothing.

After a moment, AJ started to feel a nagging irritation. The pressure built up like Discord had pulled her into an hour long prank session with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. She shut off the flow and sighed after a job well done. “I think that’s just about all I can give you right now. Ain’t the Crystal Heart over here. How’re you holding up?”

Applejack pushed Chrysalis off her shoulder to get a better look at the former queen. Part of her figured the changeling should’ve transformed like the others by now. Usually there was a harrowing adventure, a lesson learned, and then friendship swooped in to set things right. She might’ve not been summoned by the Cutie Map, but it certainly felt like this should’ve been a problem solved.

“I’m so tired…” Chrysalis mumbled, still hanging limply in AJ’s hooves.

“Then stop fighting it, girl. You saw what the rest of your kin did. Just open up your heart and share your love instead of siphoning it all for yourself like Starlight said.”

Chrysalis’ face sank further as her mane drooped over her face. “But I’m Queen of the Changelings…”

“Ain't one right now, but maybe you can be again. You may be a lying, shapeshifting snake in the grass, but underneath all that—whatever this shell stuffs called—I know there’s a sweetheart swimming somewhere around in there. Just gotta let her out is all.”

“I’m a queen.”

“Yeah, I got that the first time you said it. What I’m asking is why don’cha just change like the rest of them? Seems to me that it’d be a bit easier than sneaking around the woods like a dog.”

The changeling’s fangs dug into her lip causing pinpricks of green blood to peek out. The honest mare could tell that burning underneath all the hatred, anger, confusion, self-loathing, and disappointment, Chrysalis was trying to muster the courage to tell the truth. It took every bit of her remaining willpower to admit it as bitter, humiliated tears filled the broken predator's eyes.

“I. Can’t.”

Chapter 3: Let the Sleeping Queen Lie

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Applejack paced around the floor of the Castle of Friendship outside the Cutie Map room. It was almost one in the morning, but despite a full day of work and an evening in the Everfree, she was still wide awake. Her thoughts raced a mile a minute. It’d only dawned on her what she’d done after the princesses and her friends had shown up at the castle.

She was nervous. Why was she so nervous? She shouldn’t have been nervous. Applejack was a farmer. Her calling in life was growing food for others. That meant feeding the hungry no matter who they were. Her momma and daddy had taught her that much. She was living her Apple family values. Applejack had done the right thing, even if it was for a monster.

“Geez AJ. Relax already, will ya?” Rainbow Dash said from the cloud she’d brought in from outside to sleep on. The grumpy pegasus rolled over trying to steal a few more winks before she was needed.

The farmer sighed. “Sorry, Rainbow. Just a bit overwhelmed is all.”

The speedster perked up her ear and tilted her head back, letting her rainbow mane drop off the side as she looked upside-down at her friend. “Why? All you did was kick some changeling butt.”

“Evil changeling, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity corrected while politely stifling a yawn. “Let’s try to be more precise with our language. We wouldn’t want to lump Thorax and the others in with that wretched Chrysalis now, would we?”

“Right. My bad. Still, AJ brought down Chrysalis by herself. That’s pretty awesome in my book.”

Applejack looked away. “Ain’t nothing awesome about what I did, Rainbow.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Fluttershy asked with concern.

That was the million bit question, wasn't it? Not so much the talking, but what to say. After Applejack had “defeated” Chrysalis, the evil villain had either cried herself to sleep, or cried and passed out from exhaustion. AJ wasn’t sure which was which, or if the difference was even worth considering. Regardless, the Ponyville native wasn’t comfortable leaving a vulnerable mare out in the middle of a dangerous forest. She’d draped the former queen over her back and carried her out, which was troublingly easy. Despite Chrysalis standing as tall as Princess Celestia, Applejack was pretty sure her little sister weighed more. She wasn’t familiar with how heavy changelings were supposed to be, but Chrysalis sitting lighter on her withers than Apple Bloom couldn’t be healthy.

Fleur and Zecora shared similar concerns when they caught up with the farmer halfway out of the Everfree. When Fleur took over carrying the deposed royal, the guard grimaced at how little effort it took to lift Chrysalis in her magic. They’d hurried back to the Castle of Friendship, entirely unsure what to do with the wanted mare.

Upon seeing the fallen changeling, Twilight sealed the villain in a spare room and called an emergency meeting with the other princesses and Thorax. Only Celestia and Luna had shown up so far since they had access to Spike’s dragonfire letters. It’d be at least a couple days before seeing hoof or horn of the others. But all that wasn’t what was bothering Applejack. She hadn’t exactly figured what it was that was bothering her, and that just bothered her more.

“I dunno, Fluttershy. When Chrysalis teleported us away, I was readying for the fight of my life, but that ain’t how it played out at all. Felt more like I threw an anvil at a drowning mare.”

“Oh please!" Rainbow leapt off her makeshift bed and landed in Applejack's face. "This is Chrysalis we’re talking about. Did you forget that she tried to take over Equestria? Twice?”

“I know all that, but that ain’t the point, Dash! Had I landed a cleaner buck, there might not be much of Chrysalis left to talk about!” Applejack could still hear that crunch and bone-chilling cry when the changeling collapsed.

“W-well, maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.” Rainbow crossed her forelegs and looked away, forcing a scowl on her face.

Fluttershy gasped in horror. “Rainbow Dash! I can’t believe you! We’re supposed to be better than that!”

Rainbow briefly winced, but shook the shame away and doubled down. “Come on, Fluttershy! This isn’t Starlight or Discord.”

“Don’t forget Queenie Miss Meanie Pants from the moon,” Pinkie Pie chimed in. “We helped her like nopony’s business!”

“Pinkie, we didn’t really help Nightmare Moon as much as we shot her with a rainbow beam to free Princess Luna,” Rarity clarified.

“Who cares? The point is, Chrysalis had her chance and she still said no." Rainbow flashed over next to Starlight and pointed her hooves at the groggy unicorn. "She literally swatted Starlight’s friendship away and swore revenge in front of all of us for crying out loud!”

Starlight reached up and lowered the pegasus' hooves out of her face. “Dash, I completely understand, but trust me on this one. You don’t want to be like I was. Holding a grudge doesn’t help anything.”

“So, are we not supposed to be happy that AJ just beat down one of the biggest bad guys out there all by herself?”

“We all know who we’re dealing with here, but hating anything that much will ultimately hurt you too,” Starlight said as she looked away with a reflective frown.

“Starlights right.” Applejack nodded once in agreement before her eyes wandered away too. “Plus, I really don’t know if Chrysalis is all that evil anymore. A little rough around the edges, sure, but…”

“Now, now. Let’s not get too carried away.” Rarity tittered as she dismissed the notion with a gentle wave of her hoof. “May I remind you that she still attacked the three of you in the forest? That’s more than just ‘a little rough.’”

“But it ain’t that cut and dry, y’all!” AJ urged, looking to her friends for support. “She could’ve replaced me or Zecora last night if she wanted to go around stealing love, but she didn’t.”

“Perhaps she simply knew better than to try. Unless Chrysalis is a natural wordsmith, I don’t think even she’d be capable of reproducing Zecora’s rhyming for long. You should’ve seen the last changeling that got caught up with her.”

“Well, that doesn’t explain why she didn’t take me down when she had the chance. I’m just a farmer.”

Rarity giggled at the thought. “Oh please. An honest, hardworking mare like you? That liar wouldn’t have lasted five seconds in your horseshoes.”

“Oh, oh! I know!” Pinkie raised her hoof like a filly begging to be called on in class. “Chryssi should’ve totally replaced me! It was Peppermint Twist’s birthday today. She would’ve had a blast pretending to be me at the party.”

Rarity mouthed “Chryssi” in concern, but brushed the nickname away with a flourish of her elegant mane. “Forgive me, but I think she’d give up after a single second in yours, Pinkie.”

“Look, the point is that she could’ve done any number of things to steal our love, but she didn’t, okay? Even when she was flickering out right in front of me, she wouldn’t take a single bit of it! I-I couldn’t just…” Applejack trailed as an uncomfortable bedside flashed through her memory. “I just had to do something!”

“Oh dear!” Fluttershy quietly exclaimed as she laid a hoof on Applejack’s shaking shoulder. “You didn’t mention it was that serious before. What did you do?”

“Aww, hayseeds,” AJ cursed under her breath. Her and her big, dumb mouth. Of course Fluttershy had to ask about that. Applejack swallowed a nervous laugh as she desperately wished she wasn’t so quick to blurt out what was eating at her all the dang time. “Well, Chrysalis wasn’t gonna take anything from me, so I might’ve had to force it by, you know, feeding her love by hugging her?”

The entire room fell silent as everypony froze in varying levels of shock. As the information trickled in and registered in their heads, they each popped like popcorn.

“Oh… my,” Fluttershy mumbled into her mane.
“You did what?” Rarity screeched.
“That’s different,” Starlight noted with a smirk.
“What the hay, AJ?” Rainbow yelled.
“Did she chirp like a cricket?” Pinkie asked.

“Hey now! It’s not that big of a deal! I mean, she said my love tastes like apples, and I’m an apple farmer. So the way I see it, it’s not that big of a leap, right?” She could feel the shovel in her mouth from the hole those words were digging.

“Oh, Applejack! No wonder you’ve seemed so out of sorts.” Rarity rushed to AJ's side and quickly hugged her before beginning an impromptu health inspection. “Are you feeling okay, darling? Did she do something to you?” She leaned in, closely inspecting AJ’s eyes. “Your lovely irises don’t look any greener than usual…”

The farmer shooed the beautiful fashionista out of her face. “Cut it out, Rarity. Y’all are making a fuss over nothing. I just gave her some excess is all. There’s a big difference… at least I hope there is. Besides, everypony seemed fine with helping Thorax out.”

“But Thorax wasn’t Chrysalis,” Fluttershy mumbled as she pulled at her pink mane trying to calm herself down.

AJ blinked and turned to the quivering pegasus in confusion. “You too, Fluttershy? But you believed Discord could be reformed when none of us did.”

“Discord might’ve been a horrible bully, but at least he didn’t reject our friendship when we offered it to him. Chrysalis is just big and mean and t-terrifying…” she trailed off in a panic. Just listing the changeling’s qualities frightened the poor pegasus more and more.

Looking around the room, it seemed the rest of her friends were in agreement. None of them wanted to give Chrysalis a chance, and not for nothing either. Applejack knew part of her wanted to agree with them herself. Chrysalis was a lying, love-stealing snake that was simpler to declare to be evil, pure and simple.

But she couldn’t. All of those lies Chrysalis told were still prodding her in the back of her head. Why did all of her evil intentions have to be lies as well? Why did she have to act so evil while trying to chase AJ away? There was only one time she’d been completely honest, and it’d been the most confusing truth of all.

The double doors opened to the Cutie Map room and Fleur de Lis motioned towards Applejack. “The princesses wish to speak with you now.”

Applejack bit her lip and nodded. Seeing the three waiting expectantly behind the captain, she realized why her nerves were shot. She knew she didn’t have any good answers about what happened. She had nothing for them or for herself.

“And that’s about the long and short of it, your highnesses.” Applejack pulled at the back of her neck and forced a smile.

All three had listened without asking a single question. Applejack wasn’t sure if she liked that or not. Twilight had taken notes like she usually did and probably was full to bursting with questions. Celestia had nodded along with moments of genuine emotion peeking through her carefully crafted mask. The wildcard was Luna. The Princess of the Night had simply sat and listened patiently with a resolute stare. The most she showed were subtle nods, and she wasn’t even phased when hearing the most outlandish details of Chrysalis’ strange behavior.

“Your story matches the accounts of Captain de Lis and Zecora, but one detail still confuses me, Applejack,” Celestia said as she considered her words carefully. “You said she refused to take love from you, even though you offered yourself freely when she clearly needed it the most.”

“That’s right, Princess. If I didn’t force some into her when I did, we might be talking about something different entirely. I know she’s evil and all, but I can’t just sit back and watch someone suffer in front of me if I know I can do something.”

“And for that, I am so proud of you, Applejack.” Celestia beamed with joy as gentle as a sunbeam, but its warm light faded as quickly as it came. “However, I’m afraid no good deed will go unpunished when it comes to a creature like Chrysalis. Before we say anything else, my sister would like to ask you a question.”

Luna nodded as the sun yielded to the moon. She took a deep breath before addressing her subject. “I will be blunt, Applejack. Do you believe Chrysalis is capable of reformation?”

“Reforming? Well shoot, I think anyone can change for the better if they want to, your highness.”

“That is not what I’m asking you. Chrysalis told you that she is unable to metamorphose. Do you think she is telling you the truth? Yes or no.”


Luna’s prickly gaze pierced Applejack’s very soul. “You sound uncertain of your answer.”

“Well, it ain’t that simple, your highness.” Applejack scratched at the needling lies that were messing with her head. “I think she’s telling the truth when she said she couldn’t change like the rest of her kin, but I don’t see what that has to do with becoming a better pony—err critter.”

“Thank you for your honesty, Applejack.” Luna smiled briefly before turning her grim determination towards her sister. “And so my answer to you remains unchanged.”

Celestia put a hoof to her forehead. “Luna…”

“What more must you hear?” The lunar princess flared her midnight blue wings and stood to her hooves. “If there is even a shred of doubt, it is far too dangerous to permit Twilight’s method!”

Twilight bit her lip, but seeing Celestia waiting for her to answer, the young ruler forced herself out of her own way to address her equal. “But we can’t just unilaterally decide something like this without at least giving her a chance!”

Applejack couldn’t help but think she’d passed her confusion onto them. “Pardon me for interrupting, but what’s my opinion gotta do with anything?”

“We are divided on our decision of what to do about Chrysalis,” Celestia answered. “Twilight wants to try to help her reform on her own, but Luna—”

“Do not put words in my mouth! I offer Chrysalis the same mercy with far more expedience, dear sister.” Luna retook her seat and regarded Twilight with waning patience. “There is no cause for alarm if the liar’s desire is true.”

Twilight shook her head, unphased by Luna’s terseness. “But there is no telling what the Elements will do to her. For heaven’s sake, you were banished for a thousand years!” Twilight shouted, causing Princess Celestia to wince from the painful memory.

Despite the youngest princess’ resistance, Luna remained undaunted. “And because of that, Harmony was maintained for a thousand years, despite my worst intentions. If Chrysalis’ desire to change is genuine, then she has nothing to fear. If it is a lie, then she will be dealt with accordingly.”

“Wait a second,” Applejack chimed in, finally catching the quick of their quarreling. “Y’all are wanting to use the Elements of Harmony on Chrysalis?”

Luna nodded firmly. “Considering the circumstances, I believe it is the only viable course of action. If the former queen is to be believed, then perhaps it is truly impossible for her, or at least without aid. I simply wish to extend a swift hoof so she may find redemption with the rest of her kind, if she truly desires it.”

Applejack chewed the inside of her lip as she considered the idea. “I suppose I can’t argue with that way of thinking, Princess.” She turned her attention to her friend. “You said you blasted that Sunset Shimmer gal with something like the elements in the other world, right? What’s the problem with that, Twi?”

“I’m afraid it’s not that easy,” Twilight clarified. Her magic sparked to life, showing images of both Nightmare Moon and what she assumed was an evil Sunset Shimmer, though she’d never exactly seen what those bipedal ponies looked like over there. “In both cases, there was a magical darkness to be purged from the corrupted individual.” A rainbow blast hit them both, leaving behind a small, depowered Luna in Celestia’s embrace and a battered Sunset at the bottom of a crater. “We simply don’t know what we’re dealing with when it comes to Chrysalis.”

Luna slammed her forehooves on the table, dispelling the images of her weakened self and Sunset. “All the more reason to see if the Elements will help her. Chrysalis cannot be allowed to exist as she is now!”

Applejack’s heart iced over the bitterness of Luna’s words. “Wait, what now?”

Celestia sighed and looked at the precious sister and former student she was caught between. “And this is where we’ve reached an impasse, Applejack.”

“Understand, dear Applejack. Chrysalis is a parasitic life form, and an incredibly dangerous one at that," Luna explained. "You will recall that the powerful love of a single pony was enough to overwhelm my sister at Princess Cadance’s wedding. Consider for a moment if her desire to reform is a lie, and she’s allowed to feed herself freely.”

It was Luna’s turn to conjure an image as she brought two tiny versions of Chrysalis and Tirek to life on the table before them. Luna fired a beam of magic into the villainous visages, causing them to spark with power. As Tirek absorbed pony magic, he quickly overtook Chrysalis in size just like he had before while Chrysalis simply glowed brighter with all the love she absorbed. Tirek spiked quickly, but stopped growing as he absorbed the princess’ alicorn magic. However, love still flowed into Chrysalis.

“Unlike magic, love springs eternal from the hearts of all harmonious beings. If there is no limit to how much love she can harvest…”

Chrysalis waltzed around the map, turning the land black with each step. As she conquered more territory, she pulsed with power as more and more love flowed into her. Soon, she began to grow larger as well. It was slow at first, but the bigger she got, the faster Equestria fell to her subjugation. It wasn’t long before her body began contorting under the corrupting power’s influence. The holes in her body sparked to life with blinding energy as every emerald part of her surged with her sickly green light.

After another moment, she was standing taller than Tirek and swatted him away with ease. Tirek picked himself up to strike back, but as soon as he turned to face his foe, she was as large as the table itself. The queen cackled maniacally as she overpowered the almighty centaur with ease and began feasting on his stolen magic. She gleefully drained every ounce as her malevolent power filled the entire room.

“I believe you’ve made your point abundantly clear, Luna!” Celestia shouted as the all-consuming titan turned her hungry gaze to the blackened land below her. With one final, demonic roar, the massive Chrysalis dove at the Cutie Map and exploded into illusory starfire.

Applejack caught the breath she didn’t know she’d lost. Chrysalis was bad—she knew that for a fact—but AJ had never even considered what the villain might be capable of doing. Even still, that wasn’t the Chrysalis she’d met in the forest. Not by a longshot.

“But we don’t know if she can do that, Luna!” Twilight argued. “Discord could’ve done the same thing, but we still gave him a chance.”

Luna shook her head. “Had Discord truly wished to destroy the world, he would have done so long before we found the Elements of Harmony the first time. With Chrysalis, it is impossible to know what she is truly capable of becoming. Thus it is far too dangerous to let her true desires come to light if this is all a clever ploy.”

“I’m sorry, Twilight, but Luna is right.” Celestia took a breath before sternly looking at the map below them. “While I may wish it differently, we must put the needs of Equestria first. With so many unknowns, the risk is simply too great to not utilize the Elements.”

“Then it is decided. We must act now while she is incapacitated. We cannot afford to wait for the others.” Luna’s gaze drifted between Twilight and Applejack. “But I know from experience that you must be in harmony as well. Please, use this night to prepare your hearts to use Elements effectively. Whatever fate Harmony has in store for Chrysalis, we must be ready to accept it come tomorrow morning.”

Seventy-six. Applejack had counted twice, and there were seventy-six little squares and rectangles on the double doors’ pattern in front of her. Looking over them again, she wasn’t sure if she should’ve counted the partial ones at the edges of the trimming or not. If she only counted the solid shapes, there were forty-four. She liked that number better, but it left a lot out to dry. It was the problem with fitting a bunch of square pegs into a rounded hole. Maybe she’d get a better count if she started combining the partial shapes to form into full ones.

“Unless there’s a spell behind your stare,
You must use a hoof to enter there.”

Applejack snapped out of her mathematical daze to see Zecora meditating against a nearby wall. She wasn’t sure how long the Zebra had been balancing on her stick with only one hind leg, but it didn’t look the least bit comfortable. “It’s magically locked, but thanks for the tip, Zecora.”

At Applejack’s reply, the Zebra pushed off her stick, flipping forward with a tumble. As she rolled onto her hooves, she sheathed her staff on her back. AJ wasn’t sure if she was showing off or it was just how Zecora was. Probably a bit of both.

“While the saying goes ‘a bit for your thoughts,’
I don’t need money to connect the dots.
The manner you’re staring at the sealed gate,
Tells me your thoughts are consumed by her fate.”

“I ain’t exactly known to keep my opinions under my hat.” Applejack frowned under the weight of the evening. “Fleur told you the plan, right?”

Zecora confirmed with a nod, but AJ couldn’t tell what the zebra felt about it either way.

“It’s just that, I dunno.” Applejack nickered bitterly. “This doesn’t feel right. It’s like we’re not giving Chrysalis a fair shake.”

“Her terrible plight is familiar to me,
But given the stakes, I’m inclined to agree.
While a small part wishes to give her a chance,
I fear all the power that love also grants.”

“I know that! Sweet Celestia, do I know that.” The mare shuddered at the memory of that colossal fiend assaulting the meeting room. “But she perked up a bit after I hugged her. Maybe all I gotta do is not give her too much so she won’t go all power crazy.”

“It’s true she needs plenty of love to take,
But your concern is born from pity’s sake.”

“Well, what’s wrong with that?” AJ fired back. “I do feel sorry for her, and I ain’t sorry about it! I know full well what it’s like for your life to suddenly be turned upside down.” Applejack’s memories were drifting again to that bedside, but she forced it down. “But at least I always had Granny Smith, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom. Who does Chrysalis have left?”

Zecora closed her eyes and hummed to herself in thought.
“You bear admirable and honest notions,
But not enough to maintain strong emotions.
Such shallow feelings cannot be sustained,
The well of such love will quickly be drained.”

“So instead of trying to actually help, we’re just gonna blast her with a rainbow and see what happens? What if she gets turned to stone or sent to the moon?”

Zecora’s piercing teal eyes shot open.
“Unless you want to put your love to the test,
This blunt force solution might be for the best.
You said Chrysalis desires for her life to be changed,
So it may be a cruel mercy if that can’t be arranged.”

“Well I don’t like that, okay? It just feels like we’re throwing in the towel too quick, you know? She didn’t steal our love when she could’ve, Zecora. That counts for something!”

“It is true that it has yet to be seen,
If such little love can sustain a queen.”

Zecora reached into her saddlebag and produced a small vial. She poured its contents on the door’s hoof-hold causing a small puff of alchemical smoke. At once, the flash of magic as the spellwork around it collapsed. The doors slowly creaking open, revealing the dark abyss inside. Applejack gulped and took a step forward, but was met with Zecora’s staff blocking her way.

“Be on your guard if you choose to provide,
You’ll be in mortal danger if she lied,”

The zebra pulled her weapon back, allowing Applejack to enter. As she crossed the darkened threshold, the door closed behind her, and the locking spell flashed back into existence. There was no turning back now.

With a quiet stride, Applejack ventured further into the room. All the lights were out, save the moonlight pouring in through the windows. As she approached the alicorn-sized bed, she could see the former queen’s back was turned towards the door. She’d cocooned herself tight enough in the sheets to make out the bindings the captain had tied around her back. Walking around to the other side, she saw Chrysalis was still asleep, her barrel rising and falling rhythmically with each breath.

There were scant few places to take a seat in the room. After a quick glance, AJ spotted a stool from the nearby vanity and pulled it next to the sleeping changeling. As she gave Chrysalis a once-over, she could see that she was doing much better than the night before. Aside from the magic-sealing inhibitor ring around her horn, she looked fuller than she had when they’d stumbled upon her in the timberwolf cave. That was good.

Applejack caught her relieved smile and she buried her head in her hooves with a sigh. Just what the hay was she doing feeling happy about this? Chrysalis was an enemy of Equestria, and AJ’s helpfulness was only helping put her friends in danger. And for what? Because she’d been duped by Chrysalis’ dog act? The spark in Classy’s eyes when she was getting love looked genuine enough, but that just meant the mare was a bigger fool than she thought. Classy wasn’t even real!

Applejack took a break from beating herself silly and looked up to see Chrysalis’ glowing eyes staring daggers at her.

“Come to laugh at me, Applejack?”

“Jumping jackalopes!” she yelped, nearly falling out of her chair. She took a second to shake the sudden jitters away. “Dang near gave me a heart attack!”

The changeling flashed a fang-filled grin. “That could be arranged.”

“Thanks, but I’ll pass. And to answer your question, no. I came to check on ya. Figured you’d still be asleep.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “Hardly. Who could sleep in a bed as terrible as this?”

If the liar didn’t look so snug being the bug under the rug, Applejack might’ve at least tried to believe her. “Plenty of floor around us, sugarcube.”

The greedy drama queen hissed defiantly and pulled her bedding tighter around her, refusing to relinquish its comfortable grasp. Applejack didn’t even bother stopping her eyes from rolling.

“How’re ya holding up?” Applejack asked.

“You’re still playing that game?”

“Yeah, I know. Pretty dumb of me to fall into your trap, right?” The farmer chuckled to herself. She hoped she was being played so there was a reason to stop caring.

“Incredibly,” Chrysalis agreed with a taunting cackle. “I can’t believe I lost to a pony as stupid as you.” The victorious loser grinned from her little win.

Undeterred, AJ simply sat, waiting for a response. After a while, even the farmer’s patience was wearing thin. “So?”

Chrysalis furrowed her brow. “What?”

“Haven’t answered my question yet. How’re you feeling?”

“Hungry,” Chrysalis spat back bitterly, “but I’m always hungry.”

“Want me to rustle you up some grub?” Applejack slapped on her most neighborly smile until the word choice occurred to her. “Oh wait, ‘grub’ probably means something different to you, huh?”

“It does, but don’t bother. I’ll figure it out myself.”

“Gonna try your ‘Classy’ act again? It’d probably go over pretty well in Vanhoover. Just don’t mention Trixie and you’re probably golden.”

Chrysalis popped up out of the bed and leaned into Applejack’s face, a predatory rage burning in her vicious eyes. “I said I’ll figure it out! I don’t need your ‘help’!”

It took all of Applejack’s willpower to not duck out of sight from the predator. She’d nearly forgotten just how terrifying Chrysalis could be when she wanted to look threatening. That being said, AJ might not have known a thing about the mare, but she knew a stubborn fool when she saw one.

“Made that mistake before. There’s a world of difference between want and need, you know. If I’m behind on work, I don’t want to sleep, but I know I need to. Ain’t no shame in admitting that,” Applejack assured, making Chrysalis back down in confusion. “Come to think of it, I’ve lost out on a lot of sleep thanks to you.”

Chrysalis laughed at her captor. “That’s because you ponies are a bunch of bleeding hearts. Find a troubled mutt in the middle of the night and you go into smothering mode.”

“So, you were Classy?”

Chrysalis snorted in disgust. “Would you shut up about that? You already figured me out.”

“True, but you still hadn’t fessed up to it,” AJ said with a shrug.

“Oh! Congratulations on getting your confession, detective!” Chrysalis cheered in with a slow, scornful clop of her hooves. “Tell me, are you the good cop or the bad cop?” In a towering flash of green, Fleur de Lis appeared in bed wearing most of her armor, except her helmet. The fake flower crossed her legs and played with her long, flowing mane. “I can be pretty bad if I want to be.”

Applejack’s breath hitched as she looked over changeling turned unicorn. “You—you can still use magic?”

“I’m just barely getting by after you so rudely forced yourself on me,” the overly sexy mare cooed.

“B-but the ring!”

“The what now?” The disguised Chrysalis followed Applejack’s stunned gaze up to the base of her mask's perfect horn. “Oh? Is that what this annoying thing is?”

In another green flash, Applejack was sitting face-to-face with her hatless self. Her doppelganger chuckled darkly as she tilted her head to the side, letting the ring slide down her untied mane and into her open hoof.

“Gonna take more than this lil’ trinket here to stop yours truly, partner.” The faker snatched Applejack's hat and donned it in place of the ring. She tipped its rim to AJ and flared a pair of orange pegasus wings behind her.

“You mean you could’ve used magic this entire time?”

The room flashed green as Chrysalis stood up and loomed over Applejack, still wearing the cowboy hat over her crown. “Oh, yes. I can do whatever I want thanks to your pitiful donation, and nopony can stop me.” An evil grin spread across the villain’s face filled with predatory pride. “Scared?”

Applejack curled an eyebrow at the mare’s over-the-top gesture. “If you’re as fit as a fiddle, why didn’t you make a run for it already?”

Chrysalis’ slumped back down in bitter contempt. “They magically locked the door, remember?”

“You got wings. Did ya try seeing if Twi remembered to lock the windows?”

“Right. As if Princess Twilight Sparkle would neglect to seal the windows of one of Equestria’s greatest—”

Chrysalis’ monologue was rudely interrupted by Applejack unlatching the lock of the nearest window, pushing its center, and opening it with ease. Looking between the overlooked escape route and the dumbfounded queen, Applejack invited the bug to leave with a sweeping “ladies first” bow.

Chrysalis sneered and buzzed her liberated wings in irritation. “I really hate you.”

“Figured that one out pretty quick,” AJ quipped with a chuckle.

The royal changeling scoffed and turned over in her bed and laid down, facing away from the irritating peasant. “Then take the hint and leave already!”

“Sure you don’t need something to eat?”

“I don’t want your pity!”

AJ frowned. “That’s not what I asked.”

Hearing no reply from Chrysalis, Applejack took her seat next to the bed. She sighed as she looked over the cold shoulder, refusing to answer a simple question. Seeing the changeling’s silky mane still flowing out towards her, she tepidly reached out and began stroking it. Admittedly, she was a bit emotionally exhausted, but she still had some scraps that the changeling could eat.

She sat there for a while, rhythmically stroking Chrysalis' mane like she’d done a hundred times for her friends and family. It wasn’t much, she knew that, but lots of times, it was the little things that meant the most. At least, those were what meant the world to her. She remembered when her momma used to do her mane for her when she was just a filly. Those precious moments had turned right back around when momma couldn’t do it herself anymore.

“I hate apples,” Chrysalis complained from her cotton cocoon.

Applejack smiled as she put a bit more gusto into her strokes. “Now I know that’s a lie. You chomped that apple with gusto for those fillies. Even licked the juice off your chompers.”

Thinking back to the other day, all those cute, and likely humiliating, canine antics just made her laugh even harder. She hadn’t been a very good dog; far too proud to be a best friend, but far too adorable not to get attached to. With a little work, Classy would’ve made a fine companion. If it wasn’t all a lie, maybe Chrysalis could be a class act too.

“Listen, Chrysalis—”

“Don’t want to.”

“Well listen up anyway, this is important,” Applejack fired back before wrangling her draining temper. “Me and the girls? We’re gonna try and see if we can help you change like the rest of your kin.”

“Wonderful. With all of you on the reformation case, I’m sure I’ll become a perfect little angel in no time.”

Applejack paused, listening to the sound of her hoof rub against the mane and bedsheets. “Luna wants us to use the Elements of Harmony on you.”

Chrysalis said nothing.

“Are you okay with that?”

“Why are you asking me, Applejack?”

Applejack pondered her answer as she continued working the flowing mane. “Because shouldn’t you get a say in it?”

“I don’t remember giving my prisoners a say in their punishments.”

“I guess you’re right,” Applejack admitted. She was really feeling the effects of her dwindling affection pouring into Chrysalis, but she didn’t want to leave the former queen all by herself. “Just thought I’d let you know. Sneaking the idea behind your back wasn’t sitting right with me.”

“You should try it sometime. It’s always done wonders for me.”

After a moment, Applejack noticed the former queen’s covers tightening further as she curled up ever-so-slightly. Chrysalis still wasn’t saying anything, but despite being notorious for lying, she was a rather easy girl to get a read on when she wasn’t caught up in her hubris.

“It’s okay to be scared, Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis tore the covers clean off, revealing her face seething with vitriolic hatred. She sparked her horn to sickly green life as Applejack felt millipedes crawling all over her like earlier as she floated into the air.


With Chrysalis’ echoing command, the world burst into green fire once more as she appeared outside the door to a wide-eyed Zecora. Shaking the spots out of her vision, AJ reared around and yelled through the door.

“Y’all probably shouldn’t be teleporting ponies around willy-nilly iff’in ya ain’t gonna eat nothing proper, ya stubborn stick bug!”

Blinking the surprise away, Zecora looked at the door, then at Applejack, and then back at the door again.
“Your flashy exit makes me suspect,
That the sealing ring had no effect?”

To answer her question, the double doors flashed a green sickly light as they burst open, revealing an enraged changeling flaring with anger on the other side.

“And take your stupid hat with you!” Chrysalis roared. The queen shoved AJ’s trusty companion into the farm pony's muzzle before slamming the door and resealing it herself with emerald magic.

Applejack tisked and shook her father’s keepsake back into its proper shape before putting it back on her head.

“I reckon so.”

Chapter 4: Off to Greener Pastures

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Two rough nights in a row was starting to catch up with Applejack. It was mid-morning, though she didn’t exactly feel like it should’ve been so late in the day already. What sleep she’d gotten hadn’t been very restful, and it wasn’t for a lack of good accommodations. Her bed at Twilight’s castle was a touch of Elysium in Equestria, but she still tossed and turned most of the night until Princess Luna helped her relax with a lullaby of all things. It’d been more than a little embarrassing, but she couldn’t argue with the results. The princess had probably spiked her song with a spell or two.

Greeting Fleur de Lis in the hallway, Applejack knew the captain didn’t seem to be doing much better. She’d stayed up the entire night watching Chrysalis sleep after discovering none of their traditional magic sealing items worked. The former queen was either resistant or outright immune to everything they tried. The guard had kept a vial of anti-changeling salve at hoof just in case.

Even with the castle’s unorthodox guest in her makeshift prison, nothing much had happened. The most interesting thing was Spike serving up a buffet of haybacon breakfast burritos for everypony. Chrysalis had demanded to be served a plate for herself. Apparently, she could eat, which wasn’t all that surprising to AJ. After all, how would Chrysalis know what a pony’s love tasted like if she didn’t eat food?

Despite her sleep deprivation, her body was raring to get back to apple bucking after finishing her hearty breakfast. She didn’t have time for stress relief though. Applejack had a different job on her plate. In fact, everypony else was waiting for her to get her mind right. She’d taken her go-to of finding a good tree to sit under for a spell, but she really wished she had her momma’s old guitar to help her calm down. Instead, she just pulled her hat over her face and listened to the mostly sweet nothing around her.

Applejack savored the sweaty smell of her daddy’s old hat as the grass rustled from a warm breeze blowing through Ponyville. Two birds were singing in the tree above her, but their song sounded more like they were having a disagreement over a nest than something more pleasant. That was fine by her. Bittersweet matched the mood better. Amid the arguing, AJ heard the sound of approaching hooves.

“Have you prepared, Applejack?” Princess Luna inquired.

“I’m about as good as I’m gonna get when cranky, your highness.” She pulled her hat back and tilted her head to look at the sky peeking through the leaves. “But I reckon with my friends there, we’ll get it done.”

“Thank you. That is all I can ask.”

“I hope this plan of yours works, princess.”

“It shall in whatever way Harmony sees fit.”

Applejack frowned, feeling a bit more prodding of the princess was in order. “And you’re fine with that after what happened to you?”

“My feelings are irrelevant.” Luna’s piercing gaze faltered under AJ’s scrutiny. “Nothing would change, even if I told you otherwise.”

Applejack frowned deeper, but eventually shrugged it off. “I suppose you’re right, your highness.”

“Applejack, you are not alone in your keen perspective. You may recall that in ancient times, it was I who first wielded honesty. Though, it would be clear that this outcome displeases you even without my perception. You wear your thoughts on your withers.” Luna chuckled, but relented after failing to lighten the mood. “Being the guardian of dreams, it falls to me to help my subjects face their true selves and deal with their inner demons. I am not blind to what you see.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “But?”

Luna sighed. “But, also like you, I cannot see the truth that is obscured under Chrysalis' lies. Her intentions remain hidden to me. That is what we must bring to light before it is too late, by any means necessary.”

“If y’all think it’s for the best, I ain’t gonna argue none of it.”

“Again, what I consider to be best is irrelevant. Her actions may be strange—confusing even—but that forces me to be even more wary of her. I must not fall for her trap if she intends to betray our sympathies.” Luna shook her misgivings away to remain resolute in her decision. “That being said, my personal curiosity demands an answer from you, if you are willing to share.”

“Shoot, Princess. I ain’t got nothing to hide.”

The princess’ strength faltered as she winced. “Please. There is no need for you to stand on ceremony when it is just us. I have done nothing as of late that warrants your respect as a princess.”

Remembering her time with the Oranges as a filly, Applejack softened as she recalled what ceremony meant outside of a shindig. “Helping me get to sleep was princess-y enough as far as I’m concerned, but alright. Fire away, Luna.”

Luna’s face flickered with a starlit smile before it fell away. “Chrysalis is a creature wrought from illusion and deception. She has tried to manipulate all of us to satisfy her desires time and again. So, why is it that you, Honesty, care at all about what happens to such a villain?”

“I was trying to figure that one out when you knocked me out with your singing,” she admitted with a nervous chuckle.

“So you lack your answer?”

“I didn’t say that. I got one, but I ain’t too sure if it’s good.”

“I would prefer any answer over nothing, Applejack.”

“I honestly don’t know where Chrysalis’ lies are going, but I think I know why she’s lying in the first place.” Applejack turned her trusty hat around in her hooves, facing it towards her and trying to remember the face of the pony who used to wear it. “She ain’t the only one who’s run away when things hurt too much.”

Luna closed her eyes and nodded in understanding. “A good answer indeed. For what it is worth, I am truly sorry that we cannot afford to let the truth reveal itself.”

Applejack affirmed Luna’s opinion with a nod, but said nothing more as she put her hat back on. She pulled herself to her hooves and followed solemnly behind as Luna led her out of town.

Whitetail Woods wasn’t a long way away from Ponyville, but it was far enough out of town for the wanted criminal to not cause a ruckus just by being there. Alongside them ran a sprawling, picturesque prairie brimming with untamed grass, patches of wildflowers, and a few rolling hills, giving the nothing around them a little more character. They’d settled in a place where the land dipped a bit into a valley for some privacy. Celestia waited patiently on the slope, flanked by Captain Fleur and Zecora while Twi and the other elements had gathered in a circle around Chrysalis. They’d left an Applejack-sized hole in their ring of friends for her to join.

As she drew closer, Twilight hovered AJ’s element to her. The orange gemstone sparked with recognition of its chosen scion. It reshaped itself into a necklace bearing a jeweled apple like her cutie mark. The necklace clicked around her neck and a comforting resonance flowed through Applejack’s body, pulling at her cutie mark and filling her with a familiar power. It never felt different, just more of herself.

Her warm reunion with her element was cut short by Chrysalis’ mocking laughter. “It looks like an orange having an identity crisis.”

“Don’t make me smack you upside the head,” Applejack shot back with a small smile.

“Oh please.” Chrysalis grinned while turning her head towards her sixth executioner. “You’re about to do a lot worse than that.”

“Don’t remind me.”

Chrysalis’ grin faltered, but the proud villain dismissed it with a scoff and turned back to face the sun and moon looming over her in judgment.

“Chrysalis!” Luna shouted from the hillside. “Former Queen of the Changelings and disruptor of harmony: you stand before the leaders of Equestria, the land you sought to subjugate for your own selfish ends. We cannot allow such injustice to go unpunished for the terror you wrought and pain you inflicted upon our little ponies. However, we will not ignore what you’ve already suffered: the loss of your kingdom, your exile into—”

“Oh, Blah, blah, blah! And I thought I liked to talk.” Chrysalis groaned impatiently with a dramatic roll of her eyes. “Can we speed this up a little? I’ve got better things to do than have my accomplishments summarized by somepony who slept through them.”

Luna’s eye twitched slightly as she took a quick breath for patience through her nose. “Very well. However, it would be remiss of us to not hear a last request in the event Harmony dictates this to be your end.”

“Fine. I request that you shut up and get on with it!” Chrysalis seethed at Luna's formality. She brushed a hoof on her chest and shot a sidelong glare at Celestia. “Besides, this sun is absolute murder on my exoskeleton.”

Luna growled back, but affirmed the request with a silent nod. She turned to her sister who took over the proceedings.

Celestia cleared her throat, surprised at Luna’s literal interpretation of her final request. “Do not attempt to make any sudden movements, Chrysalis. We are ready to subdue you by force if this proves to be part of a scheme.”

“We’ll just have to see about that one, won’t we?” Chrysalis taunted.

“C’mon now,” Applejack complained quietly. “Ya ain’t gotta be so abrasive.”

“Just hurry up and do your little rainbow friendship thing already!” Chrysalis snapped back as she kept her gaze locked on the princesses, refusing to look at the honest mare.

“Very well, Chrysalis. For your sake, I hope there is truly some good within you.” With that, Celestia bowed to Twilight, leaving the task to the element bearers.

AJ nodded along with her friends as they focused on the Elements. She closed her eyes, dwelling on the love she had for them. Feeling the depths of their bond, Applejack’s essence surged with primal power as she became one with Honesty itself. She could sense the light of her friends connecting with their own Element as her hooves left the ground. Harmonious energies intertwined as a purifying clarity washed over her soul.

At once, Applejack’s eyes shot open along with her friends, seeing the world bursting with color as reality became more real. She watched their spirits connect with each other as a spiraling rainbow star of magic gathered above them. She looked down to see Chrysalis gawking at the prismatic nexus building above her.

Before AJ could second-guess herself, a waterfall of Rainbow Power bore down on the little bug, crushing it under the flood of ancient magic. For her part, Chrysalis did her best to stand tall and bear it, which became easier as her legs solidified under her. Seeing what was coming next, Chrysalis closed her eyes to accept her fate as her green light faded to a dull gray.

The torrential rain of harmonious magic subsided, and Applejack could feel the grass under her hooves again. She opened her eyes slowly to see what she already knew had happened: Chrysalis had been turned to stone.

“It would appear that she was lying all along.” Luna clicked her tongue for allowing herself to be swayed by the liar in the first place. “Such arrogance to think she could fool Harmony itself.”

“Well, I guess she had me fooled till the very end,” AJ joked as Fluttershy draped a wing over her back.

“I’m sorry, Applejack,” Fluttershy pulled her friend into a comforting wing-hug. “I know you wanted to help her.”

“No, it’s not that, sugarcube.”

Applejack looked at the petrified Chrysalis standing in front of them. Her head was turned down with her eyes forced closed, a subtle tension drawn on her furrowed brow to show her resolution in the face of what might as well be a death sentence. It was almost convincing if not for the angle of the frown. It stretched taut, with enforced stoicism of an unrelenting pride. The only tell of the truth in her heart was the subtle curl of her lip as she bit down to stop herself from screaming. AJ didn’t need the help of Honesty to know the truth behind that fractured mask.

In the end, Chrysalis had been absolutely terrified.

Applejack tilted her hat to hide her eyes. “Shoot, Chrys. Why couldn’t ya just be honest? Just once…”

“Perhaps if the seal ever breaks, I will ask her the reason for lying to you so cruelly.” Luna nodded a silent order to Fleur. The captain saluted and summoned a parchment and quill. “For now, we must prepare to transport the villain to watch over her in Canterlot for however long Harmony demands it.”

Zecora approached the frozen Chrysalis and pursed her lips as she traced an out-of-place line along her surface.
“I’ll be the first to admit if my eyes are wrong,
But, I do not believe we’ll be waiting for long.”

Applejack pushed her hat back and looked through her misty eyes to see a break in the statue’s stonework.

“Holey crack-a-cola!” Pinkie swore as more and more fissures developed along the surface.

A spiderweb of fractures formed along the stonework and burst in a gray cloud of pebbles as Chrysalis was freed from her magical prison. Instead of roaring back to life, the black bug wheezed fresh air into her rocky lungs and coughed a dust cloud as she came out of the seal. With the initial shock subsiding, the changeling swayed from side to side before collapsing.

“Chrysalis!” Applejack cried as she rushed to the mare’s side.

“That… really… hurt…” Chrysalis moaned.

Twilight strode up to the changeling, looking between her and the Element on Applejack’s necklace. “I don’t understand. I felt the power of our friendship. I know we did everything right. Why didn’t it work?”

Luna joined Twilight’s side and looked over the freed enemy of Equestria, but her eyes were drawn to something in the grass. “Don’t be so quick to deem this a failure, Twilight Sparkle.”

Luna walked past them and reached into the vegetation with her hoof. From its depths, she plucked Chrysalis’ crown. Unlike the rest of the deposed queen, it was still perfectly petrified and whole.

“‘Whatever fate Harmony has in store for Chrysalis, we must be ready to accept it,’” Luna reminded everyone and herself as she contemplated the stone crown in her hoof. With a tired sigh, she turned to the criminal and towered over her with regal authority. “Judgment has been passed, Chrysalis.”

“Good to know. Guess not even your friendship was enough to ‘fix’ me, huh?” Chrysalis began to cackle, but a coughing fit interrupted her petty victory.

“With this, you have been formally stripped of your title and given one more chance to change your ways.”

“Lucky me,” she groaned in reply.

“Indeed you are, you ungrateful cretin!” Luna bit back, having lost all patience with the villain. “If only we had been so fortunate, we would not have lost a millennium to our hubris!” She slammed her eyes shut and took a moment to silently vent her frustrations and reset herself.

Chrysalis said nothing.

“My apologies.” Luna took the stone in her magic and hovered it to Chrysalis. “Here. Take your tarnished crown. Let it serve as a constant reminder of the mercy you have been shown this day. Pray that you will not forget, for I will show you none if you waste such a precious gift!”

The changeling took the crown in her magic and set it down in front of her, frowning at its dull surface. “Shame. I thought it really pulled my whole look together.”

“Well, no use crying over spilled milk. Now, let’s get you up’n at ‘em.” Applejack reached a hoof down to the changeling, who rolled her eyes at the gesture, but accepted the hoof-up.

With the peasant’s help, Chrysalis stood to her hooves firmly and reached down to grab her crown. She hugged her former symbol of power close to her chest with one of her forelegs and frowned with a complicated stare.

“What should we do with her now, your highnesses?” Fleur asked.

“I think that I should have a say in that,” a voice replied from overhead.

Over the crest of the hills, a large metamorphic changeling descended with a buzz of his wings. His green exoskeleton and orange horns shimmered, beautiful and whole, in the light of day. The new leader of the changelings, Thorax, landed with stern authority.

“Well, someone has stepped into their new role rather quickly,” Chrysalis seethed as she glared at the changed changeling. “Have you rebuilt the throne you broke yet?”

Ignoring the villain’s snide greeting, Twilight rushed to welcome her friend with a warm hug. “Thorax! It’s good to see you again, but how did you get here so fast?”

“T-thank you. I was actually already on my way here when I ran into your courier.” The changeling smiled uncomfortably from the sudden contact. He backed away from the princess while eying his former ruler. “When I heard you’d captured her, I knew what I had to do. I’ve come to take Chrysalis back with me.”

“Take me back?” Chrysalis asked as she began to giggle to herself. “You say that as if you have any authority here.” Her giggles grew into a maniacal cackle.

“Chrysalis, you should come with me. Now,” Thorax demanded.

The former royal’s laughter died as she eyed the other changeling in utter contempt. “That’s still ‘Queen’ to you, worm.”

“Chrysalis, ain’t he the new king of the changelings or something? He kinda does have authority, you know.”

“Looks can be deceiving, ‘AJ,’” Chrysalis answered as she narrowed her eyes. “He’s no king.”

“Chrysalis!” Luna boomed in anger. “Have you learned nothing? You have only been held accountable for your wrongdoings in Equestria. Harmony’s absolvement does not pardon your crimes against your former brood!”

“Crimes?” Chrysalis laughed again. “If making sure fools like this one didn’t starve is a crime, then fine. I’ll play along.”

Applejack sighed at the ornery mare. “Look, Chrysalis. Don’t make this harder on yourself.”

“Don’t worry. I needed some stress relief anyway,” Chrysalis spat in reply. She shoved her crown into the farmer’s face. “Make yourself useful and hold this for me.”

Applejack grumbled as she took the stupid rock in her hooves. As she was about to ask why, Chrysalis vanished in a tower of changeling fire and appeared behind Thorax. Before he could react, Chrysalis swept his hind legs out from under him and flipped the green bug on his back. She slammed her forelegs around him and flashed her fangs in rage.

Thorax furrowed his brow, completely confused by the situation. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“You dare show your face to me like this, you ungrateful pest?”

“What are you talking about? I’m trying to help you!”

“Come now,” the queen purred as she stuck her forked tongue in his face. “You know I can’t take you seriously when you look like this.”

Chrysalis hissed as her horn glowed with sickly green magic. Seeing her chance, Fleur shot the vial of anti-changeling salve which burst over Chrysalis’ lit horn. The dispelling gel interrupted her casting and was enough to throw off the weakened changeling’s spellwork. She growled bitterly as she ran a hoof on her horn, scooping some cream in it, and slamming it down on Thorax’s chest with a sickening crunch.

A blue midnight beam of magic knocked the queen off, but as she fell back, Thorax exploded in a green flare. In his place laid a mean-looking black changeling with deep purple eyes and a red frill. The dark drone shook away the pain from the blow before realizing his disguise had failed. He scrambled to his hooves and tried to activate his magic, but his horn flopped uselessly on his head.

“What trickery is this?” Luna asked.

“You took the words right out of my mouth.” Chrysalis chuckled through the groans of pain from Luna’s magical blast. “Well? Explain yourself, Pharynx.”

“What do you think? I came here to get you, your majesty!” Pharynx yelled in a whisper.

“Interesting proposition,” Chrysalis said as she stood to her hooves, eying her drone with suspicion. “The hive is quite a long way away. At least a day’s flight.”

“My Queen, we shouldn’t discuss sensitive information—”

“You’ve been spying on the ponies, haven’t you?” Chrysalis yelled over him. “I never ordered you to leave your station!”

“But, your majesty! I was only intercepting messages—” A vicious hoof across the impudent changeling’s face silenced him as he fell to the ground.

“You dare talk back to me, drone?”

“Chrysalis!” Luna yelled as she charged forward towards the rampaging changeling. The former queen turned around and crossed horns with Luna.

“This is a changeling matter, princess! Your precious harmony has already absolved me of my crimes against you, so unless you wish to risk an incident between the Changeling Kingdom and Equestria, you will allow me to deal with my drones as I always have!”

“Our alliance is with The Changeling Kingdom under the leadership of Thorax. We do not recognize you as a leader of anything, Chrysalis!” Luna pressed her horn forward, causing the weakened royal changeling to struggle from the alicorn’s overwhelming pressure. “Under our treaty, all changelings, even this love-feeding one, fall under our protection from threats of all kinds. That includes you.”

“Fine! I’ll be nice. Just back off!”

Luna yielded, allowing Chrysalis to save face as she turned away from the princess to address her former subject. “Now, explain to me why you have abandoned your patrol route?”

“Because you’re back! We need you, your majesty! The changelings are nothing without your—”

“Don’t lie to me!” Chrysalis screamed, stomping over towards the downed changeling. “You dare say that to my face with a belly full of love? Tell me, from whom did you receive it?”

“Thorax won’t let us steal it!”

“I asked you a question, worm! Now tell me!”

“Thorax and the others have… sustained us in your absence.”

Chrysalis paused her advance. “Us? There’s more of you?”

“We may have been deemed ‘renegades’ but we are not the ones who turned our backs on the old ways. We’ve fed ourselves like this for hundreds of years! We struck fear into the hearts of our enemies as we drained them to fuel our strength. But now I’m surrounded by weak cowards who can’t even fend off one lowly maulwarf!”

“I see.” Chrysalis straightened up and regarded her drone with a small smile. “If you want to live by the old ways, then let’s return to the hive and set things right.”

Pharynx buzzed with fiendish excitement. “Yes, my queen!”

“Of course, my loyal drone. First, we must capture and imprison every last traitor to the hive and drain them of their love.”

“W-what?” he muttered as his joy dissipated.

“What?” Twilight echoed his horror. “Do you think we’re just going to let you undo all of Thorax’s hard work?”

“Wait,” Luna whispered as she stopped the young princess with her hoof.

“You said you stand by the old ways, didn’t you?” Chrysalis trotted over to Pharynx and stroked the stunned changeling’s frills. “That means we feast on the love of all harmonious beings. Your former broodmates have turned their backs on me. They are nothing more than food to us now.”

Pharynx looked around, wondering why the ponies were just standing there. “My Queen, there are only seven of us left…”

“That’s wonderful news!” Chrysalis bubbled back with a delighted giggle. “If these traitors are as weak as you say they are, then defeating them should be nothing to us! There will be plenty of love for us to start again.”


“Just think, Pharynx. Thorax, Ocellus, and the rest of those love-sharing fools will serve as fuel for a new age of my glorious rain.” Chrysalis leaned down and whispered in his ear, “Let’s savor all of their love until nothing but emotionless husks remain, my new consort.”

“But I don’t want to do that! I want to protect the hive, not destroy it!”

Chrysalis pulled away and grabbed the drone’s head with her hoof. “The old ways are my ways! What I say goes! And I say: if they won’t steal love for me, then you will help me subjugate them! All of them!”

“No!” Pharynx yelled as he exploded in a brilliant flash of pink and white power, launching his former queen away.

As the light faded, a dark teal, metamorphosed Pharynx buzzed his scarlet butterfly wings in defiance. “The hive is the most important thing to me! I won’t let you hurt—”

“If you already knew that, then why did you come to me in the first place?” Chrysalis shouted over his heroic spiel as she picked herself up from the ground.

Pharynx stepped back, almost confused by the question itself. “Because I thought you’d want to help us.”

“Me? Help that usurper Thorax?” Chrysalis laughed weakly as she shook the dizziness from the sudden impact away. “I can’t believe I placed an idiot like you as our first line of defense. No wonder Starlight Glimmer was able to thwart my plans so easily. I had fools like you failing me at every turn!”

“But we’re still your hive, Chrysalis!” the reformed changeling urged.

“Oh, back to ‘Chrysalis,’ are we?” Chrysalis fluttered her eyes as she sauntered over to her former drone. She leaned down, meeting his purified eyes with utter contempt. “Listen closely so I won’t have to repeat myself, prey. You no longer need me, so you are useless to me. I have no hive!”

“But, my Queen—”

“Don’t. You. Dare!” Chrysalis roared, grabbing Pharynx by the throat in her emerald magic and holding him to the ground. Her anger boiled into rage as she flared out of control. “I am not your queen! I am no one’s queen! My crown is nothing but a useless hunk of rock now thanks to miserable failures like you! I don’t need to surround myself with braindead idiots that can’t even do the simplest things I ask of them!”

“That is enough, Chrysalis!” Luna ordered. Chrysalis' jaw clenched as she gripped tighter, refusing to let him go.

“We said… Be still!” Princess Luna’s royal Canterlot voice thundered across the fields as a lightning blast crackled overhead. Chrysalis’ magical grip faltered allowing Pharynx to kick her off with his hind legs and escape her frenzied grasp.

The changeling hovered away, coughing as he caught his breath and looking upon his fallen ruler with a pained grimace.

“Leave. Protect your hive from monsters,” Chrysalis ordered as she stumbled to her hooves. She turned to face Pharynx, her eyes burning with exhausted hatred for the traitor.

Receiving the command, Pharynx nodded and took to the skies, flying southwards towards his friends and family. As he flew higher, he changed into a falcon and sped off as fast as his wings could carry him.

Chrysalis’ bitter gaze lingered on the sky before she slumped back down, quivering in unvented frustration. Her left eye twitched furiously as she searched for something, anything to release her overwhelming anger on.

“Calm yourself, Chrysalis,” Luna said as she approached the unstable queen.

With manic, feral energy, Chrysalis lunged at Luna. Without flinching, the princess raised a shield that the weakened queen pinged off of.

“Chrysalis! You have been given a second chance. Do not waste it.”

Chrysalis dove again, ripping at the shield, bucking it, stabbing it, and biting it. After a moment, Luna furrowed her brow in concern as she shifted the shield into a large ball that the changeling ripped away.

Applejack bit her lip and winced as Chrysalis unleashed all of her fury onto the blue orb. She stomped it, wrestled it to the ground, and chewed it in her mouth, trying her best to destroy it every last ounce of anger swirling within her. She screamed at it, swore at it, and lashed out in all manner of ways a mad dog would think to kill another critter.

With a final battlecry, Chrysalis fired a powerful magical beam into it, blowing the ball up in a sickly green blast. The deed was done and the spherical shield was no more. She caught her ragged breath that matched the flickering pulse of her barrel’s drained love reserves. Her cheeks burned green with humiliation, but what little was left of her shattered pride refused to shed the tears building in her eyes.

Applejack risked getting closer. “Chrysalis?”

“That stuff you threw at me. It uses Poison Joke as a key ingredient, doesn’t it?” Chrysalis said to no one in particular.

Seeing no harm in confirming the anti-changeling’s formulation with the only one she’d consider using it on, Zecora answered plainly.
“The pollen requires changeling fire,
For the cream’s true effects to transpire.
Without the blaze of a dispelling mask,
The gel alone isn’t up to the task.”

“Good,” Chrysalis muttered as her head sagged in unsteady relief. “This has already been a terrible day. I don’t need a stupid plant making it worse.”

“His heartfelt turn towards harmony’s light,
Seems to have cleansed the salve’s vicious bite.
However, your horn is covered with green goo.
If that blast was enough, it might still—”

Before Zecora could finish her warning, Chrysalis burst into green flames.

“—prank you.”

Left behind in Chrysalis’ place was a beautiful, silvery blue metamorphosed changeling queen. Gone were her holes and jagged horn. They were made whole and smooth with her sickly green shifted to beautiful gold. Her pale gossamer mane and tail became as blue as waves of the ocean. Their wavy beauty matched her shimmering, sky blue eyes that had softened with rounded pupils to reflect an everspring of love flowing within her.

The lovely butterfly looked at her hooves, and fluttered her beautiful wings in frustration. Her eyes narrowed, filling with self-loathing as she grit her perfectly straight, pearly white teeth. The fake reformed queen whispered bitterly with a voice as sweet as honey:

“I hate everything.”

Chapter 5: Worse than her Bite

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The walk back to the castle had been awkward to say the least. Applejack had stayed back to walk with Chrysalis, trying to strike up any sort of conversation with the changeling, but the dethroned queen was having none of it. She just kept her eyes locked on the ground in front of her as she clinched her stone crown close to her chest. AJ would have more luck asking a barn to paint itself with how little good it did.

Even though it wasn’t real, Applejack couldn’t help but marvel at her reformed appearance. AJ didn’t consider herself a shallow mare, but she knew a looker when she saw one. If that’s what she’d look like after metamorphosing, Chrysalis’ beauty gave Fleur and the princesses some stiff competition in the looks department. It made her wonder what the changeling herself thought about it. After all, Applejack hadn’t enjoyed being “Appletini” even a little bit after her run-in with poison joke.

With the effects of the cream only lasting an hour, Chrysalis had refused Zecora’s offer to brew up a cleansing herbal bath. Instead, she’d allowed Fleur to escort her to her room to wait out the effects of the baneful shapeshift. Applejack had followed them, but Chrysalis refused to let them into her room and demanded to be left alone. After that, the bitter bug slammed the double doors in their faces and resealed it with her emerald magic.

“We really need to get a proper dungeon,” Fleur complained.

AJ shrugged. “Those ain’t exactly known to be very friendly.”

“Don't remind me. The castle might as well be a hotel with how lax our security is,” Fleur complained as she dismissed her bound spear. “I guess it’s fine for now anyway. Thanks to the Elements' stupidly short sentencing, Chrysalis isn’t our prisoner anymore.”

“What about the Crystal Empire or the Changeling Kingdom? They’ll be pretty cross if she gets away before they get here.”

“As far as I know, Equestria was the only nation with a warrant out for her arrest, and according to their highnesses, she just finished serving her time. If Princess Twilight wasn’t letting her stay to figure out her ‘second chance’ then I wouldn’t have let her back inside the castle in the first place.”

It was a weird thought, knowing Chrysalis wasn’t a wanted mare anymore. She’d gone from prisoner to guest in a little under a couple of days since she showed up on the edge of the forest. AJ wondered what the real Thorax or Princess Cadance would have to say about that. Still, there was only one question burning in everyone’s mind: Now what?

“I need to see about convincing Twilight to convert a wing to a few jail cells for next time.” Fleur turned away from her former post and began walking away from the door.

“Next time?” Applejack looked between the door and the guard, deciding to follow her friend. “You make it sound like Chrysalis can’t help herself.”

“She’s gotta eat sometime, Applejack. Last I checked, the harmful siphoning of energy from another through magical means is second degree magical assault.”

Applejack hated that the guard was right. Chrysalis hadn’t been banished by the Elements, but they hadn’t changed her either. Unless poison joke was outclassing ancient artifacts these days, that mare was still a love-eating changeling under that lovely disguise of hers. She’d need a constant supply of the stuff or she’d waste away again. No matter which way she sliced it, it didn’t seem right. It was like Harmony was setting Chrysalis up for failure. Just what were those darn Elements thinking?

“You know, I gave Chrysalis some love myself. It wasn’t that bad,” Applejack said as she recalled the strange, warm sensation. “Kinda made me a bit snippy for a while, but it was pleasant in a weird way.”

“Maybe it's fine for you, but you wouldn’t be forcing yourself like I’d have to.” Fleur hardened as she furrowed her brow. “I’ve had to knowingly give a changeling infiltrator my love before. I… I don’t want to do that again.”

Applejack turned around to see the mare known as the Mythril Lily showing a chink in her otherwise impenetrable armor. The usually stoically guarded Fleur had stopped in her steps and lifted a hoof to her heart.

“The blasted bug managed to replace an important asset under my watch. I knew immediately it wasn’t him, but I had to give him my love to not rouse suspicion.” Fleur gritted her teeth to power through recounting the memory. “Not only had I failed my mission, but then I had to let some monster use me for his food. We didn’t do anything more than kiss and cuddle, but…”

Applejack put a hoof on the guard’s shoulder, who stiffened at the touch with a sharp intake of air, but smiled at the friendly contact.

“It wasn’t the asset’s fault, but after that bug touched me while wearing his face, I just couldn’t stand being around him anymore. Then they had that Grand Metamorphosis, and that same changeling came up to me and tried to apologize for what he did to me, but…” Fleur’s resolve failed as she trailed in disappointment. “I couldn’t forgive him. I hated him. I still hate him.”

“That’s okay, Fleur.”

“Thanks. Princess Luna has been helping me in my dreams. She’s actually the one that suggested I transfer out here to be with Zecora. They’ve both been so helpful.” A comforting smile spread across Fleur’s face as she thought about her precious zebra, but it faded when she peered over her shoulder at the door behind them in disgust. “So if I can’t forgive him, how do you think I feel about the monster that ordered him to do it? And she’s capable of so much worse. She makes me sick just looking at her!”

Applejack winced at the resentment burning in Fleur’s eyes for Chrysalis. Seeing how the guard had put up with being around the changeling without showing a sliver of her true feelings spoke to the mare’s professionalism. She’d seen Fleur put the hurt on Discord before. She didn’t want to think what Fleur would do to Chrysalis if given the order.

“To be honest, If I’d been bug zapped like Twi’s brother was—”

“The term you’re looking for is ‘enthralled,’” Fleur spat, as if the word was acid on her tongue.

“Yeah, that. I’m not sure I’d be able to forgive Chrysalis so easily if she did that to me.”

“Luckily, you don’t have to worry about that. You’re not showing any signs of magical manipulation as far as I can tell,” Fleur assured as her horn lit up. After a quick scan, she smiled. “Yep. Still clean of illusionary thoughts. Your questionable taste in mares is a hundred percent legitimate.”

Applejack shook her head. “Nah. It ain’t like that at all.”

“Really? Then explain what this whole love-giving thing is if you don’t love her.”

“Zecora says it’s pity, and I think she’s right.”

“My marefriend’s words do have a very succinct bite,” Fleur rattled off without missing a beat. AJ couldn’t help but chuckle at the mare’s goofy pride in her rhyming. “Zecora can be pretty insightful, but she’s definitely wrong on this one.”

“What makes you think that?”

“I might not get it, but seeing you rush to Chrysalis’ side after she collapsed? That was genuine compassion. Are you thinking about giving Fluttershy a run for her money in the kindness department there, AJ?” Fleur teased with a cheeky grin.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Very funny, Fleur.”

“Yeah, I wouldn’t be able to do that. I’m too good at holding grudges.” Fleur laughed half-heartedly. “I know it’s wrong, but I was actually glad when she turned to stone. You’re a better mare than me, Applejack.”

“Shucks, Sugarcube. If you can’t honestly forgive somepony, you shouldn’t tell them that you do. You’d be living a lie on top of all that. I’m pretty sure you ain’t alone in feeling a bit salty towards changelings.” Applejack softened as she recalled one of the more harrowing times with her friends. “You know, it wasn’t exactly the same, but I’ve had my head messed with before too.”

Fleur pondered AJ’s words briefly before her eyes sparked with a guess. “Are you referring to Discord’s hypnotizing spells during the Modern Chaos Outbreak?”

“Modern Chaos… Shoot, the Royal Guard’s got a fancy name for everything, don’t it?” Applejack chuckled as Fleur’s smile strained for some reason. “I’ll be honest, it took me more than a little while to get over Discord messing with me when he turned me into a liar, but I eventually forgave him. Between you and me, I still think he’s aggravating as all get out.”

“How’d you do it?”

“I think I just got more sick and tired of holding it all against him, so I forgave him.”

“Seriously?” the guard asked in disbelief.

AJ nodded. “Simple as that. I won’t tell ya that you need to forgive anyone, especially if they ain’t doing a thing to make it right. That being said, it was a load off my withers when I finally did.”

“I see. I think I’ll have to ask Princess Luna about it in our next dream session.”

The two continued their quiet trot down the crystalline halls of the castle. Seeing it was getting into the early afternoon, AJ knew she'd spent far too long away from the farm. Giving a nod to the guard as she opened the door to the Cutie Map room, she began trotting away towards the front door.

“Where are you going? The princesses are in here,” Fleur said, pointing her horn towards the room.

“Okay. What'd ya need me for?”

“We still need to talk to the princesses about what we’re going to do about Chrysalis.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “And what exactly is there that we need to talk about? You said it yourself, she’s a free mare now. It’s up to her to figure out what she’s gonna do. Besides, I’ve missed a bunch of work on the farm already. Can’t rightly let Big Mac and Apple Bloom work the honeycrisp harvest all by their lonesomes.”

“Please, dear Applejack. I would very much appreciate your counsel before you leave,” Luna quickly called from the other side of the door. Craning her neck to get a better look, she met the midnight blue princess doing the same thing around a throne to see the two ponies in the doorway.

Heeding the princess’ summon, AJ heaved a tired sigh and walked into the room. “Speaking of forgiving folks,” she muttered as she passed by Fleur.

Entering the map room, just like last night, it was just the three princesses, Fleur, and herself. The guard shut the door behind them and took her position at its side. “And where’s everypony else?”

“It is only you that I wished to speak with,” Luna answered as she motioned for Applejack to take a seat at the Throne of Honesty across from her. The farmer gave a firm nod and did as she was told. “I see you are still angry at me.”

“I’m still a little heated, yeah,” she replied while eyeing Fluttershy’s kinder cutie mark above Luna’s head.

“I will not apologize for doing what I thought was right. That being said, I find the verdict delivered by Harmony to be troubling.”

“What? Were you hoping for her to be a good lawn decoration for a few centuries?” Applejack scoffed.

Twilight frowned uncomfortably as she bit her lip from her quickly fraying nerves. “Applejack, please.”

“It is alright, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna said evenly as she raised a hoof towards the younger princess. “I never said my actions were above reproach, only that I believe them to be justified. Applejack has every right to be angry with me.”

“Well, shoot, Luna. It’ll be mighty hard to stay mad at’cha if you’re gonna be like that,” AJ said with a weary smile.

“Then I am sure my next statement will not be so well received.” Luna frowned to herself as she fixed her gaze on AJ’s. “Harmony’s judgment has left me concerned. We had not anticipated an outcome such as this.”

“You mean that she’d come out scot-free?”

“No, Applejack. My sister and I assumed either she’d be changed by the Elements or sealed away until we’d know a way to change her ourselves. We are not so heartless as to leave a creature we can sense good within in such a state forever.”

“But y’all would’ve been plenty fine keeping her as a permanent rock garden ornament if she wasn’t.”

Luna paused and shut her eyes to collect herself. AJ knew she was being ornery on purpose at this point. It didn’t even feel good to stay mad at the princess. Still, she couldn’t get the sight of Chrysalis’ frozen terror out of her head.

“I would’ve,” Celestia confirmed to Applejack’s and Twilight’s surprise. Celestia hardened looking between the two. “What? I kept watch over Discord for over a thousand years. It was necessary for the good of Equestria. I don’t remember either of you being upset when you resealed him with the Elements.”

“Be still, sister. I am capable of defending myself,” Luna said to Celestia with a calming smile before turning back to Applejack. “Had you asked me upon my return, I would have been as well. However, it was you and your friends that changed my perspective on this.”

“And me as well,” Celestia nodded in agreement. “At first, we wondered how Discord had escaped his imprisonment after so long, but after talking to Luna about it, we considered that we’d been thinking about it the wrong way. You and your friends saved my precious sister from her corruption as Nightmare Moon.”

“And it was you who was able to temper Discord’s more destructive impulses,” Luna added. “If the Element’s seal on him was broken so suddenly, perhaps Harmony thought you could help him. In the same way, this quirk of fate could be Chrysalis’ true chance at redemption.”

Applejack leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs in a huff. “That was all Fluttershy’s doing. I could buck him further than I could trust him.”

With the same piercing perception of last night, Luna gazed into Applejack’s soul one more. “Do you trust Chrysalis?”

“That’s a tough one,” Applejack replied with a shrug. “You said it yourself, Luna, she’s a lying, manipulative love-stealer who’ll apparently explode like a firecracker if y’all get her riled up. Can’t say just because I feel a little sorry for her that I can trust her.”

Luna smiled knowingly. “But?”

Applejack returned with a smirk of her own. “But that don’t mean we can’t give her a chance, right? Showing a critter a little compassion when they need it most can go a long way.”

“Which is why I wished to speak with you, specifically. We do not know what to do with her.”

“Unless the Empire or the changelings want to raise a fuss, there’s nothing for it, right? She can go and do whatever she wants.”

“If only it were so simple.” Luna rubbed her foreleg with a crestfallen sigh. “While she is no longer an enemy of Equestria, her nature is still parasitic. We are prepared to allow her to live with us in Canterlot and sustain her needs as best we can, but I know from… personal experience that it will not be enough. She will survive, and only survive. That is no second chance at a fulfilling life. We simply offer another prison for her to eventually escape.”

AJ pursed her lips and looked between the princesses. “So, what’re y’all proposing exactly?”

Once again, Applejack was at Chrysalis’ door. She didn’t have time to wait around with plenty of daylight to work the farm, but there was one more duty to perform before she’d be a free mare herself. She was pretty sure a former queen wouldn’t be too keen on the idea they’d come up with, but she’d offer it anyway if Chrysalis actually answered the door. AJ knocked, but heard nothing on the other side.

“Still in there, Chrysalis?” Applejack asked while knocking again.

Another moment of silence passed with no response. She didn’t know a ton about magic, but she was pretty sure the door was still sealed.

“It’s just me out here. Nopony else.”

The door flashed green with dispelling magic and opened. Taking the hint, Applejack walked through and shut the door behind her. There was no spark of magic this time locking her in with Chrysalis. That was an improvement.

The lights were still off, but enough daylight was pouring in through the windows to light the room. Chrysalis wasn’t pretending to be a bedbug this time, and instead was sitting on the floor, completely motionless. The mare was locked in a staring contest with her metamorphosed form in the room’s full length mirror. The only sign that she was alive was the occasional blink of her eyes.

“What do you want?” Chrysalis asked as AJ drew closer, her reformed tenor still ringing as beautifully as it had the first time she’d heard it.

“You know it’s been a couple of hours, right?”

Chrysalis flashed green, dispelling her shifted form into the black bug she knew. Her features were gaunt again as her underbelly pulsed evenly. “So it has.”

“Chrysalis! You have to say something if you’re hungry!” Applejack shouted in shock. “I think I got a little to spare. C’mere before ya keel over again.”

“I’m not hungry."

Applejack blinked twice, looking between Chrysalis’ stalwart staring at herself and the love-starved flickering of her barrel. “Uh-huh. And did you think to check with your stomach about that one?”

Chrysalis said nothing.

Applejack sighed, trotted next to Chrysalis, and sat down. She looked at herself and Chrysalis in the mirror, framed side by side with a former enemy twice her size who, by all rights and accounts, should be draining her of every last drop of love. Instead, the predator was just sitting there, not even giving AJ a cursory glance.

Being a patient mare, Applejack tapped her forehooves on the floor as she basked in the former queen’s presence. Looking over her orange self, the farmer wasn’t looking half bad for going on barely any sleep. AJ wasn’t a vain mare, but that didn’t mean she didn’t pay attention to her appearance. With nothing else better to do, she stood up and walked over the vanity and retrieved a brush. When she turned back around, she saw Chrysalis’ curious eyes darting back to refocus on herself.

AJ laid back down next to the silent changeling and tossed her hat to the side. She undid her mane and tail ties and placed them inside to begin brushing her hair.

“What are you doing?” Chrysalis finally asked.

“What’s it look like I’m doing?” AJ asked as she shot a reflected side-eye at the changeling.

“Grooming yourself.”


Chrysalis sneered. “Could you do that somewhere else?”

Applejack shrugged. “I could, but I need to talk to ya first.”

“So spit it out instead of sitting there and fixing your mane.”

“I don’t want to talk on an empty stomach.”

“Then stop bothering me and go eat something.”

Applejack looked back down at the mare’s traitorous, fading glow. “I ain’t the one that’s hungry.”

Chrysalis dismissed the accusation with a growl. “I don’t want to.”

“But ya need to.”

“Why are you being so stubborn?”

“Cause I’m a stubborn mare,” Applejack said as she checked her hoof-work before turning her attention to her tail. “Dealt with my fair share of fussy eating with Apple Bloom.”

“Fine!” Chrysalis flipped her mane over to AJ’s side and glared at the earth pony in the reflection. “Brush my mane then if you’re so dead set on it.”

Applejack paused her own work and frowned at the other mare’s silky invitation. “Ain’t a hug way more effective?”

“Just start brushing before I change my mind!” Chrysalis barked back. With a resolute harumph, she straightened up proudly, deigning to let the peasant brush her glorious hair.

“Land sakes, girl. Ain’t no need for the high n’ mighty attitude.” Applejack carefully pulled some of Chrysalis’ gossamer locks and began working on them. She watched the changeling's barrel as each stroke caused her belly to pulse like before. “So, what’s wrong with a hug?”

“You like my mane for some reason.”

“What’s not to like about it? Sure it’s got a few holes in it, but it’s still smooth and real pretty in its own way.” Chrysalis’ angry frown softened into petulant acceptance, causing Applejack to smirk. “Also, that ain’t a good enough dodge to wiggle out of my question.”

The frown came back as Chrysalis bounced a withering glare at the snarky earth pony through the mirror. “How many times do I have to tell you before it gets through that thick skull of yours? I don’t want it.”

“So, what do you want?”

“What I want is for you to leave me alone, but it doesn’t seem like you’re going to give me a moment’s peace anytime soon.”

“You’re right about that. Leaving you alone in this state ain’t gonna do you a lick of good.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “Think I’ll run away?”

“Up to you on that one, Sugarcube,” Applejack said as she grabbed a different bundle of silky mane. “If ya didn’t overhear me and Fleur, you already served your time as far as Equestria is concerned. Nopony’s gonna stop ya from hightailing it outta here.”

“Ah ha! So you’re all wondering what my next move is then?” Chrysalis cackled and tilted her head back, but not enough to mess up Applejack’s brushing. She raised a hoof to her chin as she gave a fang-filled grin to her reflection. “Perhaps I will go to the Changeling Kingdom and drain every reformed changeling of their love?”

In the face of such outright evil, AJ couldn’t help but chuckle. “Nah, can’t be that. I’d buy it more if I was a—how’d you put it again? An ‘emotionless husk?’”

Chrysalis bravado flickered momentarily before sparking back to life with another master plan. “Then maybe I’ll sneak to the Empire and try to eat the Crystal Heart?”

“Hoo wee, now that sounds pretty nasty! With that much love, you’d probably be unstoppable,” Applejack admitted as she continued her comfortable work. She pursed her lips in thought as a train in her head didn’t make the right connection. “Come to think of it though, why didn’t you already drain it? Had ample opportunity to chow down while we were all locked up.”

Chrysalis said nothing, but the slump in her smile was far too telling.

AJ’s face split with a devilish grin of her own. “Something tells me that ya did, but it didn’t work out too well.”

Chrysalis’ villainous smugness crumbled into dust as she looked away. “Shut up.”

“Guess Cadance will be happy to know you can’t pop that sucker like a dinner mint and go to town on everypony.” Applejack gaffawed as she tried to grab another bundle of hair, but the changeling quickly whipped her head around to glare at her directly.

“I said shut up!” she shouted.

“Sorry. Didn’t think I’d hit a nerve there.”

“Well you did, okay? Way to go, Applejack!”

The former queen frowned deeply as her breathing quickened. Trying to shake it off, Chrysalis flipped her mane back to Applejack for her to brush and shut up. Whatever had happened with the Crystal Empire must’ve scared her something fierce.

“Wanna talk about it?” AJ asked.

“No, I don’t! In fact, I don’t want to talk about anything!” Chrysalis growled as she glared at AJ’s reflection. “You’re the one who barged in here to ask me something, but so far you’ve said nothing! Now, tell me what it is you want before I throw you out the window!”

“I’ve been trying, but you haven’t told me what you want yet.”

“I already told you! I want you to leave me alone!”

“And I already told you that ain’t happening until you’ve eaten something,” Applejack said calmly as she continued to brush the bitter mare’s mane. “You dang near burnt through all your reserves tearing that blue ball of Luna’s a new one.”

Chrysalis whipped her head back to Applejack, fury burning behind her eyes. “Keep pushing, little pony, and we’ll both see if I can tear you apart as well!”

“I’m sorry, Chrysalis, but ya gotta eat something.”

“I don’t ‘gotta’ do anything! I told you that I don’t want to eat!” Chrysalis fumed as her eye began to twitch. “Isn’t it better for all of you anyway? You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you?”

“Woah, now. Settle down, girl.”

Chrysalis pushed Applejack over and stood to her hooves, towering over her to remind the inferior pony who she was trifling with. “Don’t you talk down to me! I’m not Classy, Applejack! You think I’m just some weak mongrel because I can’t survive without your misplaced pity for a stupid dog that doesn’t even exist!”

“I don’t, honest!”


Chrysalis reared back as Applejack braced for an impact from the raging changeling. Instead, the changeling pulled the mirror to herself with her magic and clenched her teeth in utter contempt before smashing the reflection, fracturing the mirror’s surface.

“You hate me!” She screamed as she punched it again, shattering the mirror it out of its frame. “You all hate me! Every single creature in the world despises my very existence!”

Despite the rapidly dwindling light in her stomach, Chrysalis continued her unrelenting assault, locking the shards into place so she could pulverize them into dust. Her magic flickered out as she threw the wooden mirror frame to the floor, splintering it to pieces before she began trampling it with her hooves.

“I hate you too!” Chrysalis roared as she continued her assault. “I hate you so much! Useless piece of garbage!”

Applejack winced as the mare continued to lash out. The smart move would be to run away and leave her to her rage, but the former queen was burning off her reserves like nopony’s business annihilating the poor mirror. She waited until there was nothing but splinters and shiny specs left before she stood to her hooves.

“Feel better?” Applejack asked carefully.

Chrysalis snapped from her destruction and viciously glared at Applejack. She stormed over, each mighty stomp filled with burning contempt. She loomed over the mare and sneered at the peasant who dared to be glib in the presence of royalty. She craned her head down to sneer at the inferior pony, daring her to say one more word.

Applejack sighed. “You said everyone hates ya, right? Well, I don’t hate you, and I sure don’t appreciate you putting words in my mouth.”

Chrysalis said nothing as her jaw clenched tighter and her horn sparked to life.

“Y’know. If you say that junk enough, you’re gonna start thinking it’s true,” AJ remarked as eyes of death stared daggers into her.

“I hate you,” Chrysalis growled, her venomous words dripping with a loathing born from the depths of her twisted heart.

Applejack looked away so Chrysalis couldn’t belittle her reflection in AJ’s pupils. “You really need to learn to be kinder to yourself. It hurts to listen to.”

"Why?" Chrysalis’ breathing quickened as her boiling anger began wavering from Applejack’s unflinching honesty. “Why can’t you just leave me alone?”

“Because I’m worried about you.”

“Stop it! Stop pitying me!” Chrysalis demanded as she turned away, unable to face the farmer. “Stop mocking me already!”

“But I’m not—”

Chrysalis spun back around, her rage renewed from Applejack’s denial. “Yes you are! I know you are! You’re looking down at me! You're pitying me!”

“You’re the only one looking down on yourself. If I was just pitying you, I wouldn’t care what happens when I leave.”

“Ha! You’re delusional.” Chrysalis brushed it off with a scowl. “Why would you care?”

“Because…” Applejack trailed with a sigh. She closed her eyes and took a calming breath. “Because you're alone, and it hurts to be alone. I mean, it’s not exactly the same, but I know what it’s like to lose family.”

Instead of bridging the gap between them like AJ hoped, Chrysalis’ face sunk in terror. The changeling desperately tried to cover up with a stern grimace, but the sheer panic in her eyes told a far different story.

“Shut up! Just shut up! I don’t want to hear that from you. I refuse to hear that from you!” Chrysalis cried as she backed away from Applejack. “You—You don’t know how I feel at all!”

“You’re right. I don’t know. But, hey, at least they’re all still alive, right?” Applejack said with a frail smile.

The war raging within Chrysalis bubbled to the surface as she began pacing around the room. “They’re not just alive, they’re thriving! After everything I did for them, that I tried to do for them, those ungrateful whelps just left me behind!”

“Chrysalis, it’s gonna be okay.”

“Of course it’s going to be okay for you! You ponies are the ones who turned them against me!” Chrysalis ducked down defensively, readying to strike with her horn.

“But we didn’t. You could always go back—” Applejack was quickly cut off by Chrysalis diving at her. The changeling’s flickering emerald aura pinned the smaller mare’s back to the wall.

“Don’t you get it? There’s absolutely nothing for me to go back to!” Chrysalis slammed her hoof against the wall behind Applejack as her remaining magic crackled with fury. “I’m supposed to find their food, not steal it from them! Thanks to your magic of friendship, I’m nothing but a burden to them now! They're prey now!”

Chrysalis flared out of control as the mare’s stability fractured. Applejack could only watch helplessly as the unstable changeling bounced between despair and rage. The dam broke as her frustration poured out of her eyes.

“You all made it look so easy. Starlight just told them to flip a switch and suddenly everything's sunshine and rainbows.” Chrysalis’ empty laugh echoed in the room as she beat her hoof against the wall. “Why couldn’t your stupid Elements change me? Do you honestly think I want to live like this? Living in constant, gnawing hunger, never knowing what it’s like to be satisfied?”

Chrysalis leaned her horn against the wall briefly before the flaring anger overtook her senses again. She reared back and began smashing her hoof against the wall over and over as her barrel flickered wildly from hunger. “I’m sick of it! They get to live in peace and harmony while I starve? It’s not fair! It’s! Not! Fair!”

Chrysalis exploded in green fire, assuming her reformed version that the poison joke had dangled so cruelly in front of her.

Why couldn’t you fix me?

If there was an answer to that question, Applejack didn’t know. It wasn’t like knowing was important anyway. Even if she could tell somepony exactly why her parents had to die, it wouldn’t make a lick of difference in her life. They’d still be dead. She’d still miss them anytime she thought about them. It’d still hurt.

Applejack said nothing as she forced her forelegs to rise through Chrysalis' weakened levitation aura. Instead of breaking free, she simply opened up, inviting Chrysalis into a hug while still pinned to the wall.

Chrysalis giggled darkly through her exhaustion. “You’re doing it wrong, you stupid pony.”

“Yeah, I know.” Applejack agreed, but held firm in her conviction.

“I'm barely keeping my grip on you. You can break out easily and run. I know you can. You've got to be the dumbest pony alive if you’re still here after hearing all of that.”

Applejack shook her head. “No, Chrys. I stayed because I listened.”

The green aura collapsed, and Applejack barely caught herself from falling over.

“N-no.” Chrysalis’ face ran through a gamut of emotions as her magical grip fluctuated. Her disguise fell apart, revealing the empty queen underneath as she slumped into Applejack’s shoulder. “That’s not fair.”

Applejack wrapped her forelegs around the changeling as they both sank to the floor. “I know.”

“I told you, I don’t want to eat. I don’t want to eat, Applejack!” Chrysalis screamed bitterly into AJ’s dampening fur.

“I know, Chrys. I know,” Applejack said as she fed Chrysalis the love she needed.

It took a while for Chrysalis to calm down. Applejack held the mare throughout her tears, even when she’d stopped giving the mare her love. While it was warm and tingly at first, the pleasantness was eventually overcome by irritation as she gave more of it to the hungry changeling. She couldn’t help but dwell on how much she had to get done today before nightfall, how little sleep she had, and how angry she still was at Luna for making her blast Chrysalis with the Elements.

Still, she couldn’t let her emotions get the better of her. Applejack needed to be the bigger mare. She did her best to bury her anger and look for the silver lining.

At least Chrysalis was healthier. Applejack couldn’t rightly say if the mare was any better or not, but at least she wasn’t starving. The former queen had retreated to the safety of her bed to hide under the covers. AJ was thankful for the moment apart. It gave herself a few minutes to get her mind right so she wouldn’t snap at the greedy bug. A big chunk of her wanted to yell for the changeling needing to take so much love again after wasting it on her tantrums, but Chrysalis didn’t need that right now.

Applejack drew one final relaxing breath before trotting back to the bedside. “Well, now that you've had a bite to eat, I can finally talk to ya.”


Applejack bit her tongue to stop herself from flipping out at the ungrateful bug. Bigger mare. She needed to be the bigger mare, even though she had no patience left.

“I wanted to offer you a job if you’re interested.”

Chrysalis said nothing.

“I’d pay ya, of course. A good amount of bits and all the love I can muster to keep you healthy.”

Slowly peeling back the covers and sitting up in bed, The former queen looked at the farmer in absolute perplexion. “What?”

“I just figured if you wanted to work for your food rather than just steal it, I’d give you the opportunity.” Applejack smiled neighborly through the bitterness inside. “The farm’s in the middle of harvest season, and we Apples could always use an extra set of hooves in the orchard.”

Chrysalis chuckled, then laughed, and finally cackled like a madmare. “You expect me, a queen, to work on a peasant’s meager farm?”

Applejack crossed her forelegs proudly and smirked with confidence. “Guaranteed gratitude for ya. Easier than begging after a dog and pony show.”

Chrysalis grumbled, but relented to the point. “As if any ponies want me around.”

“Well, I know I wouldn’t mind. Pretty sure the whole family would appreciate the help once they warmed up to the idea.”

“Right. Who would I have to disguise myself as?”

“Didn’t think about that one.” AJ scratched her chin in thought. “Does changing into an earth pony give you earth pony magic?”


“Then why not just come as yourself?”

“Seriously?” The changeling chuckled in disbelief. “I’m me.”

“Something wrong with that?”

Chrysalis furrowed her brow. “Obviously. In case you forgot, I’m me!”

“Now that ain’t a good excuse at all,” AJ corrected with a frown. “Discord’s still running around as his mismatched self. If folks can get used to seeing a tricky varmint like that, then they can get used to a changeling like yourself.”

For a moment, Chrysalis seemed to consider the option with a little smile before it flipped upside-down. “The princesses put you up to this, didn’t they? This is another hopeless ploy to see if you can get me to metamorphose like a good changeling would.”

“You're right. They did ask for some help to change you, but I don't know a thing about that. This here is my idea of helping. I’m not sure how much good farmworks gonna do on the morphing front, though.”

Chrysalis looked away in disappointment before snapping back with what little pride she was clinging to. “Then why bother with it at all?”

“Everyone needs a reason to get up in the morning, Sugarcube," Applejack said with a neighborly smile. "You said you’re supposed to provide food for your kin, right? That's what I do every day. I’m sure they won’t be turning down anything grown on Sweet Apple Acres anytime soon. So unless you've got something better in mind, why not work on the farm?”

“I’m sure an evil, love-devouring queen will do wonders for your business,” Chrysalis mocked while glancing sidelong at her reflection in the nearby vanity mirror.

“Well, you ain't pulling full-time hours prettying up the Canterlot Gardens as a statue right now. I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that means you’re reformed as is.”

“You’re going to gamble on six useless rocks that couldn’t hold me for more than a few seconds?”

“Eeyup!” AJ replied without missing a beat. “If the Elements thought you’re plenty good already, then that’s good enough for me. You might need to eat love, but I can work with that. I love hard workers.”

Chrysalis grumbled under her breath before giving in. “Fine. It’s your funeral, Applejack.”

“Great! Thanks a lot, Chrys!” Applejack gave Chrysalis a warm hug, finding a little bit more love to give her.

“What do you think you’re doing? Let go!”

“Just showing my appreciation is all. Think of it as an advanced payment. Can’t rightly have you showing up on your first day starved.”

“Knock it off! You’re already drained! And who said you could call me ‘Chrys?””

AJ pushed the mare off and quirked an eyebrow. “Ya didn’t complain about it the first two times.”

Chrys said nothing as she grumbled and looked away.

“Alrighty, it’s settled then! I’ll tell the princesses the good news before I head back to Sweet Apple Acres. Gotta let the family know we’ll be having a royal farm-hoof around starting tomorrow.” With a happy nod, Applejack trotted out the door, hoping the changeling would show. She was already behind on her work thanks to Chrysalis, but having her help out would more than make up for it if the former queen was a quick learner.

AJ popped back around the corner and waved goodbye to her new help. “See ya bright n’ early at five o’clock sharp, Chrys!”

Chrysalis shuddered and uttered a horrified “Five?” before AJ shut the door behind her with an evil laugh of her own.

Chapter 6: Housebroken

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“Come’n get it y’all!” Granny Smith hollered as she clanged the lunch bell. It echoed across the orchard, just before Applejack was about to start on the next row of trees. Brushing the sweat from her brow, she knew she was still way too far behind on her work for her liking thanks to the queenly no-show.

AJ had fought hoof and hair to get the family ready for their additional laborer. Everypony had been thankful to hear she’d wrangled some more help until she’d explained exactly who she’d hired. While Big Mac and Apple Bloom had screamed in a two part harmony, Granny was a bit more open to the idea. Admittedly, that was more on account of having no clue who Chrysalis was in the first place. It’d taken AJ the better half of last evening to get their family’s matron up to speed after Apple Bloom had tried filling Granny’s head with nonsense. The old mare had finally settled on any bug being good in her book as long as it wasn’t hurting the trees.

Good lot of wasted effort that turned out to be. When it was painfully obvious Chrysalis wasn’t coming, she’d started scrambling to catch up on the work she’d been set aside for the new trainee’s sake. She wished she could be surprised by the absence, but skipping out of a job made far more sense. As far as AJ figured, Chrys wasn’t the hard working type as much as she was the delegating kind.

Applejack sighed, trying to rein herself in. There was no point in being disappointed in a liar. Lying’s just what liars did. After wiping the dirt off her hooves, she walked through the backdoor to enter the homestead’s kitchen. Apple Bloom was already helping Granny divvy up the midday meal: mixed vegetable sandwiches and creamy potato soup. She was thankful for the hearty menu. It’d take every last bit of energy she could eat if she was gonna do the job of two and a half ponies before sunset.

Washing up at the sink, Applejack noticed a fifth place being set at the table as she entered the dining room. “Don’t bother setting up another spot, Granny,” Applejack complained as she shook the water from her hooves.

“Oh, I know,” Granny Smith remarked with a glint in her eye. “Been seeing ya fuming out there working your tail off. I still ain’t seen hind or hair of this beetle princess y’all been mentioning coming round here. There’s still plenty of daylight left though.”

“For the last time, she ain’t a beetle, Granny,” Applejack sighed as she took her seat at the table. “But at this rate, she’s just begging for a face full of bug spray.”

“Oh, oh! Can I spray her, sis?” Apple Bloom bounced up and down on her cushion at the idea.

“I was joking, AB.”


“At least for now,” AJ added with a grumble.

“Come now, Applejack. Give your friend a chance,” Granny admonished. She carefully labeled one last bowl of soup, setting it along with some sandwiches at a fifth spot. “I remember the first time Rainbow Dash came around to help with the zap apple jam.”

“You mean how she didn’t?” Applejack clarified, her patience running thin with the topic of tardiness.

“Yep! Found her sleeping in the zap apple trees waiting for the fun to start, not knowing they really had a kick!” Granny guffawed at the memory. “She was ripe n’ ready after that shock. Poor girl’s mane was zappier than the apples!”

“Yeah, but we were younger then, barely outta fillyhood. I’m pretty sure Chrysalis is older than you, Granny.”

Granny paused her preparations as her features wrinkled even more in confusion. “Did I hear y’all right in saying ya hired a hoof older than me to help with the harvest?”

“It ain’t like that. Long as she’s fed proper, she’ll probably just keep on living forever like the princesses.”

“And ya said she eats love?”

“Yeah!” Apple Bloom shouted, inserting herself in the conversation. “And it’s gross! She sucks the love right out of you!”

“Apple Bloom!” AJ admonished. “What did I say about calling her gross?”

“But it’s true, Applejack! That’s what they did when they attacked Canterlot!”

Applejack grimaced at recalling the first changeling invasion. She was so scared, but not for herself. She and the girls had been in some dicey situations before, but the crusaders getting wrapped up in something like that frightened AJ something fierce. Poor Scootaloo had nightmares for weeks after that, and she was sure Apple Bloom had a few herself. There was a bit more desperation in her tenor when AB was asking her how she could help stop them.

But things were different now, and she wasn’t about to let such a feeling fester. “And I told you the changelings are different. They eat the same things we do now.”

“But you said Chrysalis isn’t like them! She’s still evil!”

“I know what I said, but she’s trying not to steal love neither!”

“C’mon! She kidnapped you and replaced ya with Twilight and all the rest! You agree with me, right Big Mac?”

“Uhh…” The stallion's eyes flittered, trying to find anywhere else to look than his feuding sisters. The big lug hunkered down, trying his best to make his bright red coat blend in with the green wallpaper behind him.

Applejack frowned. “Got something to add, Big Mac?”


“Look, it’s fine. I know she’s not exactly the most lovable critter. It’s just a little upsetting when someone says they’ll show up and they don’t show up. Especially when I’m already behind!”


Applejack stomped a hoof, glaring at her big brother. “And don’t go saying you’ll do my part, too! You’ve already been pulling double-duty when I get called away for map stuff. We don’t need you injuring yourself on my account.”

“Maybe I should help out more?” Apple Bloom suggested with a toothy grin.

“Nice try,” Applejack teased as she bopped her sister’s nose with her hoof. “Miss Cheeilee told me y’all are having tests coming up at school. Ain’t getting no more early releases than ya got already on account of harvest season. If it gets real bad, I’ll just ask Braeburn if he’s got anypony to spare.”

“Give it time, dearie,” Granny Smith said calmly as she took her seat at the table. “Just because this beetle princess of yours hasn’t shown up doesn’t mean she won’t. You weren’t exactly up and at ‘em on your first day apple-bucking either.”

“I know Granny, but this ain’t any pony we’re talking about. Chrysalis is a… mixed bag to put it mildly.”

“Cause she’s evil,” Apple Bloom whispered before taking a bite out of her sandwich, earning a slight nod from her brother.

“For the last time, she ain’t evil!” Applejack yelled, her temper firing before she could wrangle it back down. Her sister backed away with a wince, causing the older sister to sigh to herself. “Sorry, but really. She ain’t evil. At least not irredeemably so.”

Apple Bloom blinked owlishly before swallowing her bite. “Wait, so does that mean she’s still evil or not?”

“Look, what I’m more upset about is her leaving me high and dry in the middle of harvest time when she agreed to be here! I wouldn’t say that’s evil, but it’s—”

Before anypony could say another word, there was a knock at the front door. Apple Bloom sunk lower in fear along with Big Mac who was shaking far more than the strongest pony in the room had any right to.

Applejack sighed as she pulled herself up with a slam of her hooves on the table. “I swear, if that’s her…”

Quickly trotting through the family room, Applejack ripped open the door ready to give that sorry changeling a piece of her mind. Her anger fizzled in the face of one of her friends standing at the door instead. It was a former villain, but the wrong one.


The unicorn smirked and shot a glance over her shoulder. “See? Told you she’d be angry.”

“What?” Applejack asked as she tilted her head.

“Is this your dog?” Starlight stepped aside, revealing a beautifully familiar Equestrian Collie standing behind her, keeping her head down.

“Chrysalis? What the hay are you doing looking like Classy?”

“‘Classy’ was sleeping under that tree in town square. Hasn’t said a word since I found her.”

That was a bit strange. Applejack lowered her head trying to get a better look at Chrysalis’ face, only for the critter to turn away more. She sighed seeing the changeling was so not in the mood for talking that she’d swapped species. Applejack straightened back up and shook the curiosity out of her system.

“Better late than never I suppose,” Applejack remarked bitterly, causing one of the fake dog’s ears to perk up. “Y’all wanna come in for a meal, Starlight? There’s enough to go around.”

“Thanks, but no thanks. I was in the middle of some errands when I ran across her. Then I remembered she was supposed to be here for her rehabilitation.”

“Ain’t no rehab going on here, Starlight. Just honest work.” Applejack looked down out of the corner of her eye at the mangy mutt skipping out on chores. “And trust me, there’s a whole lot of it to go around.”

“Well then don’t let me keep you from keeping her honest,” Starlight remarked, earning a low growl from the canine Chrysalis. The proud dog harrumphed and strutted uninvited inside past the two ponies, into the house and jumped up on the couch.

“Touchy,” Starlight muttered.

“She’s a doll, ain’t she?” Applejack sighed as she rolled her eyes. “Well, I guess thanks for bringing her all the way over here.”

“Sure. She probably wouldn’t have made it otherwise.”

“The sad thing is you’re probably right.”

Chrysalis barked sharply in reply before laying her head back down on the couch.

“Good luck with that one, Applejack,” Starlight whispered as she waved goodbye.

“Thanks, Starlight.” With that, the unicorn departed, and AJ shut the door behind her. Turning her attention back to the less-than-helpful hired hoof masquerading as a dog, she took a breath to calm herself. “I ain’t gonna be the one needing luck around here.”

At the sound of the door closing, Apple Bloom rushed into the room, causing the disguised changeling to perk up from the couch at the sight of the filly. “Who was that at the door, sis?”

“Starlight Glimmer.”

“Really? For a sec I thought it might’ve been Fluttershy with a puppy.”

“Nah, she was just bringing Chrysalis over.”

“Chrysalis! She’s here?” Apple Bloom shouted in concern, causing the dog to sink back down. “Where?”

Applejack tilted her head towards the sullen critter on the couch. Apple Bloom darted to the other side of her sister before taking a nervous peek. Her fear slowly evaporated seeing the collie curled up on the couch, grousing at them with tired eyes.

“You mean that’s Chrysalis?” Apple Bloom asked in disbelief.

“In the fur. She was pretending to be that collie I told y’all about the other day.”

Apple Bloom grimaced. “Glad I didn’t go anywhere near her this morning on the way to school.”

Chrysalis gave a classy snort to agree.

Applejack paused. “Wait, ya saw her on the way—”

Before AJ could finish her thought, Chrysalis popped up from the couch and started barking up a storm.

“Land sakes, Chrys, use your words!” Applejack shouted back at the fake dog. If something was really bugging her, AJ wished she’d just come out and say it. “Now, what was that about seeing her this morning?”

“On our way to meet Sweetie Belle, me and Scootaloo saw—”

The couch exploded in green fire, revealing Chrysalis simmering with rage. Finding her fear again, Apple Bloom ducked back behind her sister’s legs.

“What the hay has gotten into you?” Applejack fumed at the changeling.

Still refusing to say anything, Chrysalis clicked her tongue and laid back down on the couch, or at least tried to. She’d hopped a little too close to the side as Classy to make room for her natural form’s larger size. She nearly fell down, but caught her head in her hoof and planted her knee firmly on the corner, attempting to play it off.

AJ snickered. “Smooth, Sugarcube.”

“Shut up,” the silent bug finally said, her dual-toned viciousness seeping through her bitter words. Apple Bloom shuddered even more, causing Chrysalis’ snide frown to sink.

“What’s all the fuss in here? Soups gonna get cold if y’all don’t get back to eating!” Granny complained as she tottered into the family room. Her old eyes were immediately drawn to the weird-looking girl striking a pose like one of those Prench mares. “Is this the beetle princess y’all were talking about, Apple Bloom?”

“Uhh, yeah?” the filly answered as her eyes flitted between the former queen of the changelings and the current queen of the homestead.

“She don’t look like a stink bug to me. Maybe a stick with how wiry she is, but we Apples can fix that in a jiffy. You need to mind your manners, Apple Bloom.”

The filly forced a nervous laugh as Chrysalis narrowed her slitted eyes. She swallowed her fear and trotted towards the kitchen. “H-hey! Let’s just go back to the table, Granny Smith!”

“Alright then. That means you too, big girl. We set a place for ya even if you were later than a spring chicken in autumn.”

“Sure you won’t lose your appetite with me—” Before Chrysalis could finish her taunt, Granny lightly kicked the back of the couch, knocking the frail queen out of her unstable lounging.

“Not as long as you're minding your manners and wash them holey hooves of yours before sitting at the table.”

“How dare you!” Chrysalis shot to her hooves angrily and stormed over to the geriatric pony. “You can’t just treat me—Oww!” she cried as Granny Smith smacked the changeling on her royal rump.

“Now that’s enough of that hogwash outta you. Ain’t gonna let a guest be treated unneighborly. Especially by herself.”

Not putting up with any more delays in lunch, Granny Smith spun the changeling around and began pushing her towards the kitchen. To AJ’s and Chrysalis’ surprise, Granny Smith was able to overpower the starved changeling as she shoved her from behind. The former queen did her best to stop her advance as her hooves skid across the floorboards. She looked like Winona getting shoved towards bathtime.

“Wait! I don’t even eat your food! I eat love!”

“Well good thing that’s a key ingredient in our victuals. Now go on, get washed up so we can eat!”

With one final shove, Chrysalis tumbled into the kitchen. She caught her fall just in time for Big Mac to see her gracelessly stabilize herself. With a dignified cough, she straightened up with poise fitting her regal stature, only to bang her gnarled horn on the wood rafters overhead. Fighting through the pain, she looked over at the table to see Big Mac grimacing sympathetically from her harsh impact before realizing what he was doing. He quickly wiped the pity from his face and started whistling while looking away from the irate changeling.

“Soaps in the wooden apple with the pump,” Applejack explained for their guest.

“Figures. Everything is apples here,” She noted, as her eyes wandered about the room. There were apples on the cabinets, on the rafters, dotted on the curtains, and plenty more outside in the orchard. After a quick wash, Chrysalis carefully ducked under the door into the dining room behind AJ.

“Your spot’s right there across from Apple Bloom,” Granny Smith said as she pointed to the guest’s spot.

Applejack took her seat next to her sister as Chrysalis sat down where she was told. Her eyes wandered to the stallion sitting next to her who was sweating up a storm in the presence of the fearsome villain. Her gaze wandered to the filly who had pulled herself closer to her big sister. Chrysalis smirked confidently, flashing a little bit of her razor teeth at the prey around her.

Finally, the former queen looked down at her food, and raised her brow. “What, no apples?”

Granny shook her head. “Every Apple loves an apple, but we don’t eat ‘em all the time.”


With the additional presence at the table, the meal resumed in earnest. Big Mac and Apple Bloom did their best to focus on their food, keeping a furtive eye on their guest while Chrysalis ate silently. The only sound coming from the changeling was the unnatural hum of her sickly green magic levitating her utensils as she forced down what was in front of her.

“Well, whatcha think?” Granny asked between bites.

“I think it’s pony food,” Chrysalis answered vaguely.

“Darn tootin!” Granny laughed as she shoveled another spoonful into her mouth. “This here is my cream potato soup. It’s got carrots, onions, potatoes of course, and everything else that’ll help put some weight on those withered withers.”

Chrysalis sighed. “Thanks.”

“I even tried cooking it with extra love considering AJ said that’s what you eat,” the old mare bragged. “Make sure you eat all that up.”

The changeling eyed the soup and took another bite. “I don’t taste any love in this.”

“Nonsense, dear. I put my heart n’ soul into every dish I make. It’s what gives my cooking that extra kick.”

“You can’t cook love. I’ve tried.”

“Load a hooey, that is! I’ve been cooking dinners for this family for years and I always make sure to put it in there.” Granny hummed to herself, eying Chrysalis’ soup to figure out what was wrong with it. “Ya tried stirring it up a bit? The love might’ve all sunk to the bottom of the bowl by now.”

Apple Bloom cleared her throat at the changeling’s low growl. “Granny? Maybe you shouldn’t—”

“Shouldn’t what? Try to make our new friend here feel comfortable?” Granny shot back sternly.

It was Chrysalis’ turn to be surprised by Granny Smith. She nearly dropped her spoon back in the soup at the fiery temper from the elder.

“Lookie here, y’all, I’m just trying to make our guest feel welcome, unlike the rest of you. Where’d y’all put that Apple Family Hospitality y’all were taught? She might’ve been late, but she’s here now to help with the harvest!”


“No buts! Maybe she’s being a grump because y’all treated her wrong from the moment she stepped through the door!”

Apple Bloom slumped her shoulders. “Sorry, Granny Smith.”

“I ain’t the one needing your apology.”

Apple Bloom sighed and looked up to the fearsome villain across from her who was equally shocked by what was happening. “S-sorry.”

Granny Smith turned towards her other two grandfoals. “Well? What’re you waiting for?”

“What?” AJ stammered.

“Y’all been ornery since this morning, AJ. Been complaining nonstop about how she was a no-show, but now look who showed up! And Big MacIntosh, you know better than to just sit there agreeing with Apple Bloom’s behavior. She might be a princess beetle or whatever, but if uhh…” Granny’s tirade trailed as she turned to their strange guest. “What'd you say your name was again?”

“Chrysalis,” she mumbled in reply, completely thrown by the old mare.

“Christoper? That’s a weird name for a lovely critter like yourself. Mind if I just call ya Chris?”

Chrysalis blinked. “No, that’s—”

“Thanks, dearie. Now as I was saying, if she’s willing to work, then Chris is welcome in our home! Now, apologize!”

“You’re right Granny,” Applejack admitted. “Sorry I lost my temper Chrys. You might’ve gotten here late, but ain’t no reason for me to be cursing up a storm behind your back.”

Big Mac frowned at himself as he dragged a hoof across the floor. “My apologies, Miss Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis flinched, like most ponies did, upon hearing the big lug’s deep voice for the first time. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. She shook her head and returned to her soup.

“Good. Now that we got that settled, let’s enjoy a meal together and get back to work before Princess Celestia puts the sun down for the day.”

After finishing lunch, Granny Smith shooed Applejack and Chrysalis out the door to get to the first day job training, which was gonna be a bit more miserable of a time practicing bucking out in the afternoon sun without some sort of relief. Luckily, daddy had left her with a little memory to help with that. So, following in her own steps, Applejack led Chrysalis down near the river.

Chrysalis, for her part, was following behind, silently scanning the trees as they passed them by. After Granny’s apologies’ stunning effect had worn off, she hadn’t said much of anything unless she was asked directly. Even then, she only gave curt answers, but Granny didn’t seem to mind. That tune would probably change if the changeling didn’t brighten up a bit by tomorrow. Chrys’ poor attitude would only fly as long as she was being treated poorly. After that, it was up to “Christopher” to lighten up.

But something was still clearly eating at her after all the making up. Applejack was trying to connect the dots in her head. The last thing she wanted was to stir the pot with questions. She had an inkling that the direct approach wouldn’t go so well. The changeling might not be able to hide much when she talked without a mask, but she was doing a fantastic job at giving her nothing to work with considering the silent treatment AJ was getting.

There was nothing for it if Chrys wasn’t in a talking mood. Applejack sighed and turned to her new helper, hoping to actually get some help from her. “Alright, Chrys. Ready for your first lesson in apple-bucking?”

“Wait, you’re serious? I’ve got a horn.”

“That ain’t how we Apples do things around here. We treat the trees here with love and respect,” she explained with pride.

“How is bucking a tree respectful?”

“We don’t just whack ‘em willy-nilly. We’re sure to spark a bit of magic in the kick to thank ‘em for their hard work.” She trotted next to the tree she’d led them to. It grew a short trot away from the water’s edge. “Take Alonzo here.”

“Alonzo? You name the trees?”

“Sure do! We call him ‘Lonnie’ for short. By the way, there’s also a golden delicious tree on the other side of the orchard named Christopher.”

Chrysalis frowned with contempt. “Very funny, AJ.”

“I thought you might like that one,” she teased to Chrys’ bitter sigh. The farmer felt a twinge of annoyance at the stubborn bug’s outright refusal to cheer up, but buried it to get on with the lesson. “Now, Lonnie is of the sweetwater variety. They won’t be blooming again until next year, but he’ll be good to get your form down. I wanted you to be near some water to cool off in case you end up tuckering yourself out.”

“Okay, but why can’t I just take the apples with my magic?”

“Cause the tree doesn't get anything in return when you do it rough like that. You can pick a couple off a branch for a quick bite if ya want, but if we’re taking everything they have, best to thank them for their hard work by giving them something back.”

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not exactly the giving type.”

“Well, you’d be using up love to pick them with magic, right?”

“True, but I could just as easily turn into an owlbear and shake them down,” Chrysalis pondered aloud with a sinister smile.

Applejack sighed into her hoof. “Look. Harvesting fruit is a gift exchange. We get fruit from them and they get a boost in magic from us. We live in harmony with—”

“Stopping you right there, Applejack. In case you forgot, I’m not exactly filled with harmony here. I’d probably only get as far as the ‘harm’ part,” she complained while lightly smacking the tree’s trunk with the back of her fetlock.

“That’s why we’ll be asking Lonnie for some help in that department. He’s one of the oldest sweetwaters around and can take a beating. He’s liable to break you before you can break him.”

“Great. Can’t wait to lose a fight to a tree.”

“That’s what I did when I was learning how to apple-buck back in the day. Me and Lonnie go way back. Despite the name, a sweetwater tree’s gotta be hardy as they can get to survive near the water. Most other trees’ll get sick or even die, but old Lonnie here's been doing his best ever since Sweet Apple Acres has been growing sweetwater apples.” Applejack smiled fondly and patted Lonnie’s bark in appreciation of his years of stalwart service. “He’s a rough one alright, but he’s also kind enough to be the closest tree to the river, so you can always take a swig of water if he wears ya down.”

“Alright already. I don’t need the botany lesson. Just show me what to do.”

Applejack swore under her breath for patience with the buggy mare. “Okay, first off, each tree has a sweet spot to hit to get all the apples in one go, but as long as you’re persistent, you can usually get everything down with a single buck. Lonnie’s been at this for years, so you can see where he likes to get hit.” Applejack pointed to a slight indentation in the bark. “Still gotta put some muscle behind it, but—”

“What’s the first position?” Chrysalis asked impatiently.

Applejack took a deep breath through her nose and shot a glare over at the unhelpful hired hoof. “Look, do you want to do this proper or not?”

“I can if you’d get on with it.” The former queen buzzed her wings impatiently.

“Okay, fine. We’ll try it your way. First you’ll wanna get a little low,” Applejack explained as she hunkered down, sizing up her mark. She looked back at Chrysalis’s form and did a double-take.

Chrysalis was staring wide-eyed at her in rapt attention in the same position. She sat perfectly still to an unnerving degree, unblinking and unmoving. The changeling’s predatory gaze bore right through as it took in every inch of her stance. AJ nearly toppled over until Chrysalis caught her in her magic.

“I’m going to take a wild guess and say the fall isn’t part of it?” Chrysalis mocked while setting Applejack upright.

“Good gracious, girl!” Applejack gasped, trying to find her breath again. “Gotta warn folks when you’re gonna stare at a pony like that!”

Chrysalis sighed and rolled her eyes. “Get over it. What’s step two?”

“Right.” After clearing her throat, Applejack got back into position, while watching Chrysalis this time. She bent down, and so did Chrysalis. She reared back, and so did Chrysalis. She slowly stretched out her leg, and so did Chrysalis.

“Umm, Chrys?”

“What is it?”

“Are you trying to copy me?” AJ asked.

“No, I am copying you.”

“I mean, like exactly?”

“Obviously,” Chrysalis remarked flatly. “Would you just get on with it?”

“Hold up, Chrys,” Applejack said while straightening back up.

“What is it now?” Chrysalis complained while following suit.

“You can’t just copy what I’m doing.”

“Yes I can. I’m doing it right now. Watch.” Chrysalis’ horn lit up, and for a second, Applejack felt a fly brush past her head. Her ear flopped from the touch, but she thought nothing of it. Chrysalis simply stared back at AJ, patiently waiting as well.

“Well? Ain’t ya gonna—Whoa Nelly!” Applejack yelped.
“Well? Ain’t ya gonna—Whoa Nelly!” Chrysalis yelped.

Applejack flinched, taking three steps back from the perfectly mirroring changeling.
Chrysalis flinched, taking three steps back from the perfectly mirroring pony.

“Okay, that’s enough of that. You made your point.”
“Okay, that’s enough of that. You made your point.”

Applejack galloped to her left, trying to circle around to Chrys’ backside.
Chrysalis galloped to her left, trying to circle around to AJ’s backside.

AJ sighed in frustration. She was getting nowhere with the mimicking changeling.
Chys sighed in frustration. She was getting nowhere with the mimicking pony.

Applejack sighed in frustration. “Seriously, knock it off!”
Chrysalis sighed in frustration. “Seriously, knock it off!”

Finally, AJ had enough and stomped forward.
Finally, Chrys had enough and stomped forward.

“Fancy fried fritters feature five fantastic flavors for fun-filled fillies frequently!”
“Fancy fried fritters feature five fantastic flavors for fun-filled fillies frequently!”

Seeing as how Chrysalis repeated her flawlessly, Applejack frowned deeply.
Seeing that she’d repeated it flawlessly, Chrysalis smirked victoriously.

“See? Easy,” the bug bragged with the haughty arrogance of her former royal station. “You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve managed to fool somepony’s lover when I got caught thanks to that little trick.”

Applejack furrowed her brow. “That’s mighty cruel, Chrysalis.”

“Hey! That’s not why I…” Chrysalis trailed with a growl and frowned at herself. “Whatever. I can mimic you exactly and copy this apple-buck of yours.”

“So, what? You’re gonna watch me buck every tree in the orchard?”

“No. Just this one. Why would I have to watch you more than once?”

“Chrys, every tree is different. Ya can’t just stamp each one with the same kick and expect apples to rain down.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “Then I’ll just keep kicking until every apple falls.”

“You can’t do that, Chrysalis! You’ll hurt the trees! It’s not just about getting the job, but getting it done right.”

“I’m trying to do it right, but you won’t show me!”

“And I’m trying to tell ya that you can’t just copy what I do and expect it to work! Ya gotta do it proper!”

“The way I would is by copying you! I don’t have time to learn to do it ‘proper!’”

“Well whose fault is that?” Applejack shouted.

“Yours!” Chrysalis shouted back furiously.

“What in the world are you on about?” Applejack had just about had enough of this treatment from the other mare. “I told you we were starting at five! I waited an hour at the front gate for you to show, but you never did!”

“That’s because you didn’t—!” Chrysalis’ conviction stopped cold in its tracks. Her rage faltered and she snapped her mouth shut.

“Wait, didn’t what?”

Her slitted eyes flickered briefly with fear before Chrys growled through them. “Nothing! Just show me how to kick these stupid trees already!”

Applejack shook her head. That had been the first honest thing Chrys had said all day. “Now hold up, what didn’t I do?”

“It’s not about what you didn’t do, it’s about what you’re not doing right now!” Chrysalis lied as she looked away with that sullen frown from earlier.

“I know better than to buy a spoiled bushel barrel like that, Chrys. Something’s been eating at ya like a termite chewing up a two by four.” Applejack tapped her chin as she tried placing that frown’s source. “Actually, probably before you got here too. Weren’t exactly in a talking mood when Starlight brought you over.”

Chrysalis’ eyes shrank briefly before her rage returned with vengeance. “I said it’s not important! Stop thinking about it!” the dethroned queen commanded.

Seeing the fire in Chrys’ eyes, AJ knew she was on the right track to something. She brushed off the royal order and rubbed the side of her head. All of this double-talk was starting to wear her down. Why couldn’t the dang girl just tell her plainly when something was bothering the mare this much?

Applejack paused as déjà vu tugged her by the tail. She’d had a similar thought earlier.

Apple Bloom was trying to tell her something about seeing Chrysalis on their way to school, and the changeling had started barking up something fierce. Why? Did she not want them talking about that? If those two fillies saw “Classy” on the way to grab Sweetie Belle before school, that’d have to be sometime around seven. They would’ve probably trotted through Town Square to get there quicker. That was where Starlight had found Chrysalis napping, likely under that big old tree where her family had always set up the apple stand…

Likely the only place Chrysalis had ever seen her working.

“Yesterday, did I tell you exactly where to meet me?” Applejack asked hesitantly.

Chrysalis’ eye started twitching in boiling rage, her teeth grinding together like saw blades. More than that though, she saw the changeling’s face heat up from embarrassment. Had she been waiting for her under that tree all morning?

“Shoot Chrys. I’m sorry. I figured you’d know what I meant when saying—”

“I knew what you meant! I’m not stupid, Applejack!” Chrysalis barked defensively as her eyes searched for excuses. “I-I was just blowing you off because I didn’t want to denigrate myself to the level of a miserable little peasant like you!”

“Hey now. No need for that kind of talk. If I confused you, then it’s my fault for steering you wrong in the first place.”

Chrysalis turned away with that same sullen frown she’d been wearing most of the day. The former queen’s legs were shaking from her emotions roiling underneath. “I’m not stupid.”

“I know you’re not. I should’ve been clearer—”

“You should have!” Chrysalis interrupted before catching herself. She sat down, and pulled at her mane, trying to steady her breathing while staring at nothing in particular. She tore at it so fiercely, Applejack worried she was going to make the holes bigger.

“Calm down, it’s okay.” Applejack stood up and approached the disturbed changeling.

“I’ll be okay once you’ve shown me what I’m supposed to do already so I can hurry up and have something to eat!”

“If that’s all, then let me at least—” She tried to reach her hoof out, only for Chrysalis to swat it away and recoil back from it.

“Don’t you dare! I haven’t worked for it yet!”

“Well, how are you supposed to do any good work if you’re hungry?”

“I’m always hungry!”

“Well, at least let me help by apologizing first.”

“I don’t want your apology! I want your love!” Chrysalis demanded adamantly.

Applejack coughed from the sudden, furiously passionate confession. Seeing how Chrysalis failed to notice what she just said, Applejack shook it off. “Well, you can have it, alright? I hate seeing ya tearing yourself up for no good reason.”

“I’m not. I’m not…” Chrysalis trailed as she pulled furiously at her mane. “I’m not!”

“Look, Chrys. One thing y’all gotta understand about harmony-filled critters like me is that most of us don’t like seeing others suffering if we can help it.”

Chrysalis’ face scrunched up in disgust. “Bleeding hearts,” she spat under her breath. “All of you ponies are just pathetic weaklings.”

Applejack took a sharp breath and stomped her hoof. “Alright, that’s enough outta you!”

Chrysalis’ face fell in shock from the sudden outburst. “What?”

“Look, I’m real sorry if I made you feel bad, alright? I feel bad for making you feel bad, but that don’t mean ya gotta make me feel worse about it! And we ain’t weaker for it neither! Last I checked, you were the one putting up less than a fight against my Granny!”

Applejack could see that last jab wasn’t helping as Chrysalis flashed her fangs. This wasn’t helping. She knew that after getting into plenty of fights with Big Mac growing up, but she needed to get it off her chest or Chrysalis wasn’t gonna be the only mare exploding around these parts.

“Now, you listen up, Chrys! I don’t know what I’m supposed to do to make this right. Heck, I don’t fully get why you’re this upset about my mess up, but the least you could do is let me know what I can do to make it right. If you don’t wanna help on the farm neither, that’s fine too. Just tell it to me straight, ya hear!”

“N-no!” Chrysalis shuddered back. “You said you’d give me love if I worked for you!”

“I said that, yeah, but if you don’t wanna be here I ain’t gonna force ya.”

“Then what am I supposed to do for love?”

“Just ask for it!” Applejack urged. “You can just have some if you want!”

“But you said I had to work for it.”

“Cause you kept harping on me pitying you when I wasn’t! Figured the only way I could help without you raising a big stink about it is by letting ya work here. But I don’t want ya here if you don’t wanna do the work right!”

Chrysalis looked away. “Right. It’s not like you’d really want me around.”

“What did I tell ya yesterday about putting words in my mouth? Between the farmwork and helping Twi with her new princess stuff, I’m getting further and further behind on helping provide for my family. I figured you’d know a thing or two about that. I don’t wanna starve anymore than you do!"

Chrysalis said nothing.

Applejack sighed and pulled her hat over her face, taking a deep breath through her nose of the sweaty fabric for strength from her daddy. After a pat on her back, she put his hat back on and looked Chrys square in the eyes. “I'm sorry I lost my temper, Chrysalis. Honestly? You can be real frustrating. If ya won’t tell me what’s going on up here,” Applejack pointed to her head, “I cant’ help ya with what’s going on in here,” she explained as she moved her hoof down to her heart.

Chrysalis still said nothing. Her face burned brighter as she dug into her lip with her fangs. She slowly fell down onto the grass and crossed her forelegs over her face as she fumed in frustration. AJ could still see the changeling’s pained grimace through a couple of the holes in her legs and the mare’s breath quickening. Chrysalis was struggling something fierce with herself, but she just wouldn’t talk about it.

Applejack had no idea what was going on or why, but it was plain to see that whatever was going on inside was tearing Chrysalis at the seams. Looking over the other mare, it was almost like she was trying to hide. She’d seen Fluttershy duck behind that flowing mane of hers plenty of times, but with Chrys there was no getting away from something on the inside.

“Dag nabbit, girl,” AJ cursed under her breath as she trotted over to Chrysalis’ side and sat down. She’d seen the mare get blindingly violent before, so instead of tempting fate, she simply leaned her head against the big girl’s barrel.

Applejack felt the mare flinch, but she was too busy wrangling with herself. Despite sticking close to the shade, her black exoskeleton was pretty baked from being out in the sun. It was weird to the touch; not quite bare skin, but not a stiff beetle shell like she would’ve figured. This close and in the daylight, she could make out the trace outlines of tiny hexagons woven together in her outer coating.

What was pretty solid was the plating on her back. It resembled a weird, stiff saddle with the feel of a boat’s underside, but had a little less give than the black of her barrel. She recalled it being a lot greener before too. Just like the rest of her, everything about her was mysterious. If today was any indication, getting Chrysalis to explain anything about herself was gonna be trickier than shaving a sneezing porcupine

But for now, there was nothing for it. The farmer was gonna fall further behind her work today until Chrysalis calmed down. It irked her, but what was more upsetting than anything was all the nothing she was doing to help the critter doubled over in stress. So, AJ did the only thing she knew she could and grabbed a bundle of Chrysalis mane.

AJ smacked her hoof a couple times on one of Lonnie’s roots, shaking the bit of mud she’d collected off. Then, she polished her hoof on her fur, inspecting it to ensure she’d have a clean, straight edge to brush with. It wasn’t perfect, but it’d have to do. At this rate, she’d need to start carrying a comb or something in her hat if this was gonna be a normal thing. With long, sweeping motions, she began brushing Chrysalis’ mane, feeling the slight drain through the contact as the familiar light pulsed with her rhythm.

Applejack said nothing. She simply stroked the silky mane, hoping she was helping. At least Chrys wasn’t putting up a fight. Saying she was sorry hadn’t worked, so maybe showing she was would do the trick. Either way, the apple trees were gonna have to wait a little longer while she worked on another friendship problem.

Chapter 7: A New Dog with Old Tricks

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The morning sun was just peeking above the horizon as Applejack pulled her cart into Town Square. She’d arrived a mite earlier than intended, but that was fine. After yesterday’s fiasco, she’d be happy to be the one to wait around for the day to start. She looked around for any sign of Chrysalis while popping open the trusty green striped canvas and propping the bushel barrels for the display. It wasn’t quite early enough to open up for business, so she held off on unsealing the apple barrels until it got a little later.

Chrysalis had agreed to meet at today’s Morning Market to go over some details of her working at the farm. Their fight had really put some things into perspective for Applejack. She wanted to talk about keeping the changeling as healthy as she could manage in a way that made sense to her sensibilities. “Earning love” when Chrys couldn’t live without it wasn’t sitting right with her. AJ knew it was the same as earning bits to buy the necessities to the changeling, but it just felt wrong no matter how she worded it in her head. The last thing she wanted was to coerce anyone into working at Sweet Apple Acres.

It’d taken Chrys a while to calm down, and she hadn’t been in a talking mood once she’d pulled herself mostly together. They still needed to have their proper apple-bucking lesson, but she didn’t have any time for teaching after that. AJ had let Chrysalis watch her work the fields instead of leaving her to practice with Alonzo. The changeling had followed her around the entire day and watched her work without a word. Despite demanding to be left alone all the time, Chrys was turning out to be clingier than a caramel apple tangled up in a ponytail.

There was no sign of her anywhere, and there was good reason. Looking around the empty town made her realize how fast she’d sped through her morning routine. Breakfast with the family and her morning chores usually held her up for a bit, but Applejack just chomped down a few leftovers cold and grabbed a few apples she’d bucked late yesterday. She’d even beaten the ever early-rising Golden Harvest to town. That mare always liked picking up a coffee from Sugar Cube Corner before starting her day, but their lights were still off.

“Okay, maybe I went a little overboard with the punctuality,” Applejack muttered to herself as she leaned on her cart and yawned. She’d be waiting for a spell.

Ponyville sat completely still. Unlike other populated places around Equestria, her home went to sleep and woke up with the sun. It was so quiet, she could make out the sound of the Everfree River across the way. She looked over towards the nearby bridge, and saw Fleur de Lis crossing over it on patrol. Applejack waved hello only for the confused captain to trot over to her stand.

“Morning, Captain.”

“Applejack? What are you doing here so early? The marketplace doesn’t open for at least another hour and a half.”

“I did get here a bit earlier than expected,” Applejack answered and tried laughing her mistake off, but the concerned frown on the guard left her a bit puzzled. “Wait, that’s not an issue, is it?”

“Ponyville municipal ordinance states that all businesses such as stalls, tents, and other methods of vending are not to operate on public streets between the hours of 8PM and 8AM unless given express permission by city hall.”

Applejack looked between her stall, the public street it was sitting on, and the rising sun. “Well, does it help that I haven't opened yet?”

“The definition extends ‘operation’ to loitering with the intention to sell. ‘Intention’ in this case being the presence of either equipment or goods to conduct business.”

Applejack pursed her lips in thought. “Guess that makes sense. Never heard that rule before.”

“Not surprising. It’s never come up since I’ve been here. I feel like I’m the only pony who even knows half the laws on the books around here. If Princess Twilight does, it’s only because she’s reading constantly.”

“Well, ya caught me dead to rights,” Applejack chuckled nervously. “So, what happens now?”

Fleur shook her head and sighed. “Usually a ticket and fine, but really, just don’t do it again. I’m the only one that’s up this early anyway. Consider this a warning.”

Applejack’s friendly smile returned. “Alrighty. Consider me warned, ma’am. Guess that means I can’t offer you an apple without risking breaking the law neither.”

Fleur smiled back and removed her helmet for a little break from guarding. “I’m afraid not, but I will happily take you up on that offer in,” Fleur glanced towards the town clocktower, “an hour and forty-seven minutes.”

“Yeesh, I really did get here at the crack of dawn, didn’t I?” Applejack leaned her knee against her cart and knickered to herself.

“I’ll say. What are you doing here so early anyway?”

“Waiting on Chrys.”

Fleur’s smile fell immediately. “Consider me warned now. What time did you tell her to show up?”

“Eight,” Applejack admitted as she tried to hide her blush behind her hat. “I just wanted to make sure I didn’t miss her like yesterday. Guess I got carried away.”

“I’ll say. And I thought I was a nervous date,” Fleur teased.

The farmer put her hat back on her head with a scoff. “One. It’s business. Ain’t a date. Two. You? Nervous? Kinda hard to believe that one.”

“Yeah? Well, when I was still stationed in Canterlot, Zecora would sometimes come for a visit,” Fleur said as she softened. The way the tough mare could go from an ice cold captain to a warm fuzzy flower at the thought of her marefriend was always something else. “I’d get off duty and wait at the train station for her. The first two times, I showed up for the train before she was scheduled to be on. I didn’t want to keep her waiting if she rode the earlier one. She asked me both times if I’d been waiting long, and I lied without thinking much of it.”

“What made you stop?”

“Getting caught on the third.” Fleur laughed loudly at the memory to mask her embarrassment. “That clever zebra took a train earlier in the day and waited to see when I’d show up. By the time I noticed she was watching me, I was already in the middle of my second sweep of the arrival platform.”

“Wow. Didn’t know you had it that bad.”

“I was obsessed with impressing her when we started dating. I had to be the best marefriend I could be. Failure was not an option. But she just got so mad at me for lying about the small things and told me to stop. I almost cried, but then she said the sweetest thing to reassure me.

“‘I won’t be mad if you’re running a little late,
Any date with you will always be worth the wait.’”

A cheesy, school-filly smile split the captain’s lips as Fleur's face began burning bright enough to give the honeycrisps a run for their money. Even though the two had been an item for a while, the mare was still smitten with Zecora. It was hard not to feel a little jealous of the zebra, knowing one of the most beautiful mares in Ponyville loved her more than anything.

But then, as quickly as it came, the Mythril Lily took a deep breath and returned to her stoic self. Her face was still flushed, but Fleur was right back to guarding form again. “So yes. Please don’t agree to meet for business too early in the day.”

Applejack gaped. “How’d you do that?”

Fleur tilted her head. “Do what?”

“Calm yourself down all lickety split-like.”

“It’s part of our guard training, though the Lunar Guard takes it more seriously than those cheery sunshiners. As members of the Royal Guard, we must remain as steady as the sun and serene as the moon in the face of any threat to Equestria. The first step is to look the part. Trust me, I’m still embarrassingly giddy in here,” Fleur admitted while tapping the side of her head.

“So it’s an act.” Applejack sighed in disappointment. “Well, that ain’t exactly helpful.”

“If it’s wisdom you seek within rejuvenation,
Zecora could teach you some meditation.”

“Not for me, but for Chrysalis.”

“Is that all?” Fleur joked with a wicked grin. “If she’s giving you that much trouble, I wouldn’t mind roughing her up a bit.”

“Actually, I would mind a lot,” Applejack stated firmly. “The meditation is to help her, not me.”

“What? She being a little too vicious for your liking?” Fleur asked with a flourish of her mane.

“As a matter of fact, yes. I ain’t never seen anypony tear themselves up like Chrysalis does, and I think it’d be mighty helpful if she could stop for a second and calm down before she rips herself in half!”

Fleur’s face fell in shock. “Oh…”

“Yeah, ‘oh’ is right.” Applejack lassoed her temper before her thoughts of yesterday reared their ugly mug again. “Please, I know she hurt you, sugarcube, but she’s hurting too. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t jump to making it worse for everyone.”

Fleur sighed somberly. “‘Hatred burns wild.’”

“Come again?”

“Something Princess Luna said to me during my session last night. I asked her about that forgiveness you mentioned the other day, and she said that hatred might feel justified in the heat of a moment, but if I let it burn, it’ll spread out of control and hurt those around me.”

Applejack softened with a smile. “Don’t worry about it. I forgive you for scorching me a bit. Rivers right over there if I need to splash some water on it.”

Fleur chuckled at the wordplay. “Thanks. And, I’m really sorry, Applejack.”

“Right, there I go getting the order mixed up again.” AJ joined her friend’s laughing to lighten the mood. “So, these sessions you mentioned before with Luna, some kind of counseling thing?”

“It’s called Lucid Dream Therapy. She sets aside thirty minutes to an hour for ponies serving in the guard or those with chronic recurring nightmares.” Fleur straightened up proudly with Canterlotian poise. “I happen to satisfy both criteria.”

“Geez, Fleur. Sorry to hear that.”

The runway pose didn’t last for long as she tried resetting herself with her guarded serenity again. “Moving in with Zecora helped, but I still have them. Lun—Princess Luna says I’m too hard on myself by setting impossible standards that are overcompensating for my looks.”

AJ’s eyebrow shot up in disbelief. “Now wait a second. Who in their right mind would hold your looks against you?”

“It wasn’t like that.” The mare’s frown broke through her station as she hunched slightly from the weight. “Not to sound arrogant, but nopony took me seriously when I joined the guard because I was too ‘pretty.’ So instead, I got super serious. When I discovered that I couldn’t build muscle, I decided I was going to stay beautiful while proving everypony wrong.

“For a while, it served me well. I went above and beyond in my duties, quickly rose through the ranks, and became the Mythril Lily you see today. But I got so used to proving myself that I never stopped. I started losing sight of why I became a guard in the first place. When I finally messed up more than I could manage, I couldn’t protect anypony. I was too busy relentlessly attacking myself. Princess Luna helped me see that and is still helping me with my anger issues.”

“Sorry, Fleur. I never thought about it like that. Guess we all got things we gotta deal with, even somepony as beautiful as you. Kinda makes me glad I’m so plain.”

Fleur cast her vulnerability aside as she stiffened with concern. “But you’re a beautiful mare too, Applejack.”

“Shucks, sugarcube. You’re gonna make me blush. Don’t worry yourself, Fleur. I know who I am. Compared to lookers like you and Rarity, I’m more of what folks call ‘the filly next door’ at best, and that’s fine by me,” Applejack assured her friend, but the other mare just grew sterner as her brow furrowed.

“I do not appreciate compliments like that, Applejack,” the captain rebuked firmly. “Just because you’re different from me doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful. Zecora isn’t what ponies would call beautiful, but to me, she’s the most gorgeous mare in the world.”

Applejack opened her mouth to try to deflect, but Fleur wasn’t wrong. Even if she liked who she was, it didn’t mean there wasn’t the teeniest bit of jealous wishful thinking that cropped up every now and then. AJ knew she wouldn’t mind waking up to see a stunning model version of herself in the mirror before going out in the field.

“I’m sorry. I just hate when ponies put me on a pedestal just because I’m ‘hot to trot.’”

The farmer shook her head. “No need to be sorry when you’re plenty right about that one.”

“It’s okay, Applejack. As my therapist said: Nopony will look out for you more than you will, so do not forget to befriend yourself.”

“I’ll be sure to keep that one in my saddlebag for a rainy day. Laws, dating tips, and life advice? You’re just a spring of knowledge this morning, aren’t ya?”

“A guard’s duty is to protect and serve, Applejack. And on that note, if you’ll be so kind as to park your cart somewhere else nearby until eight, I need to get back to my morning patrol. I’ll have to chew myself out in the mirror later if I get back too late.”

Applejack offered a quick salute as she hitched herself to the cart. “You got it, Cap’n.”

Applejack was irritated. Not from recently giving Chrysalis some of her love, but mostly because of how the girl had shown up as a trusty canine companion again. She wanted to have an actual conversation with her, not just talk at her Classy disguise as the dog sat next to the stall and nodded along. At least the changeling hadn’t put up a fight being fed before they started their shift.

Luckily for her, Applejack had gotten plenty of practice talking to silence with Big Mac. She’d limited most of her sales training to lectures while asking yes or no questions. She got what she needed out of Chrysalis well enough, but the stubborn bug refused to explain herself outside of barks and yips.

Unfortunately for Chrys, AJ was also pretty good at talking to dogs thanks to Winona. It wasn’t like how Fluttershy could keep a conversation going, but Applejack was good enough at figuring out what Classy's moody barks meant. That being said, Chrys couldn’t do the lesson’s practical part of running the stall if she didn’t stop pretending to be a dog.

“Y’know, the least you could do is change into a pony to try a sale or two yourself.”

Classy said nothing, only giving a derisive snort while balancing an apple on her nose.

Applejack heaved a tired sigh as she waited for the next customer to come around. It didn’t help that most ponies weren’t buying what she was selling, at least this early in the day. Unless it was the weekend, most folks still followed the farmer’s schedule of working in the morning and trading in the afternoon. It was partially why she picked the odd morning hours in the first place. It’d give the two time to do some conversating while training, that is if Chrysalis would actually talk to her. She didn’t even know if she could say anything more than barks while acting like a dog.

Giving the stand another once-over, she wasn’t exactly sure what tricks she could teach to the old dog without some sort of feedback from the critter. She didn’t want to send Chrysalis to the farm on her own either, at least not until she’d seen her buck a tree at least once. If it was Winona, she wouldn’t mind playing fetch or something to pass the time, but treating Chrysalis like an actual dog would feel all sorts of wrong. All she could do was wait around with a bad temper until lunch rolled around.

Looking back down at her canine companion, part of her understood why Chrysalis was still hiding in plain sight. She remembered being scared of Zecora at first herself when she first appeared in the Everfree. The town had a collective panic when Discord started showing up in town after his “reformation-lite” as he called it. Chrysalis appearing in the middle of town might be even worse with her reputation. Still, if she was gonna stick around, they’d have to pull that bandage off sooner or later if she didn’t want to be furry full-time.

“Umm… excuse me.”

Applejack turned her attention away from Chrysalis to meet their next customer. She was a young mare, older than Apple Bloom, but not quite an adult yet. Taking a quick glance at the girl’s ladybug cutie mark, she couldn’t place the name. With the town getting bigger everyday, it was no surprise to her that she’d never met the filly before. Still, the poor thing was shaking about as bad as Fluttershy had been the first time they’d met. This new girl could probably pull her curtain of aquamarine mane to hide too at the first sign of trouble.

That was nothing a little neighborliness couldn’t help with though. She wasn’t Pinkie Pie, but AJ knew a thing or two about making a new pony in town feel welcome. “Good morning, sugarcube! Looking for something to eat?”

The girl nodded and pointed a shaky hook at the produce. “I was hoping to try one of those.”

“Sure thing.” Applejack smiled wide and welcoming as she leaned over to Chrysalis. “Up and at ‘em, Classy. We got a customer.”

This would be a good learning opportunity for dealing with nervous ponies. Chrys especially was going to have to get used to working with ones that might be scared of her once she unmasked herself.

“How many were ya wanting?” Applejack asked as she relaxed, hoping it’d help the filly do the same.

The customer blinked in response. “I can have more than one?”

“If you got the bits, you can help yourself to the whole barrel! I’d suggest having a few friends to help eat a bushel before they go bad on ya though, unless a little thing like you thinks they can pack them away.”

“Oh, right. Bits. Those are important,” the girl mumbled to herself. “How do I get those?”

“What’s that now?” Applejack asked.

“Bits. How do I get them?”

“Usually you gotta earn some through work, or maybe an allowance in your case. Can’t just be lazing around all day, right Classy?”

Classy grumbled in response, shooting a glare up at her sassy owner.

Finally noticing the pooch, their customer smiled widely. “Oh wow! What a pretty do—” she stopped dead in her tracks, as she met Chrysalis’ eyes. For her part, she seemed just as shocked as the filly did.

“You alright there, sugarcube?”

“I-I just remembered! I need to go somewhere, right now! T-to get bits to buy one of your fruits!”

Before Applejack could ask, Classy bounced the apple she’d been balancing onto the strange filly’s head. She yelped in pain from the projectile produce.

“Chr… err Classy! What’s gotten into you, girl?”

Ignoring Applejack, Chrysalis sat up straight to her haunches and barked sharply once at the filly while pointing a commanding paw at the fallen apple.

“Y-yes, your highness! Right away! I’m sorry, just please don’t—”

Chrysalis barked again, but this time Applejack could pick out a second voice hidden underneath it saying: I said, eat!

The filly nodded nervously and quickly picked the apple off the ground. She brushed the dirt off her lime green fur and took her first bite as ordered.

“It’s really good!” she assured them both as she took another terrified bite. To prove her point, she turned the apple to show her work. “See? I love it! This bushel is delicious, I promise!”

“Now hold on there, sugarcube,” Applejack said softly as she tried to calm the girl down. Luckily, nopony else was around so they weren’t drawing any attention. “Normally I’d be impressed if one of my apples brought someone to tears, but that ain’t what’s going on here.”

“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! I swear it’s really good.”

“Woah, woah! It’s alright. I figured if Chrysalis here likes em, you reformed changelings will like ‘em too.”

The ousted changeling dropped the apple and shrank back in fear. “Y-you know who I am?”

“Nope, but I’d like to find out,” AJ assured with a smile as she reached out her hoof. “My name’s Applejack. What’s yours?”

“Umm…” the changeling trailed off as she looked over herself. “Ladybug Greenery?” she guessed with a nervous smile.

Chrysalis looked around quickly to make sure no one else besides them was there. “Her name is Ocellus,” she whispered plainly, her voice lacking its usual double-discordant tenor.

At least Applejack now knew that Chrysalis could’ve talked the entire time. She wasn’t exactly sure if knowing that was better or worse though.

“R-right. I’m not supposed to be lying about that anymore,” Ocellus mumbled as she kicked the dirt.

With the introductions out of the way, Chrysalis stood up fully and stretched, making Ocellius step back in fear. She growled lowly and then scoffed through her nose before turning away. The former queen strode proudly with royal grace towards her spot under the nearby tree and curled up under it.

“Why is she here?” Ocellus asked in a hushed panic. “I thought Queen Chrysalis was supposed to be in the castle!”

“It’s okay, Ocellus. She’s just helping me with some work.”

“She’s helping?”

She glanced back over at the lazy dog pretending to nap under the tree with one ear perked towards them. “Maybe that’s a bit of a stretch, but don’t you worry none about that. I’m surprised to see another changeling besides her out this way. Didn’t realize y’all were already venturing out of the Kingdom yet.”

“We’re not. I’m supposed to be with Thorax and Pharynx at Twilight’s castle.”

Applejack’s heart sank. “Oh shoot, that’s right. I’ve been so wrapped up in the harvest that I completely forgot y’all were coming! Is Princess Cadance here yet?”

“I don’t know,” Ocellus answered apologetically. “I got scared and snuck away before we entered the castle.”

“Oh, well if you didn’t stay to get a royal reception, let me be the first pony to welcome you to Equestria, Ocellus. Happy to have ya here.”

That brought a smile back to the somber filly. “T-thanks,” she muttered with a blush.

“Gonna take a wild guess and say she’s why ya didn’t wanna go in the castle?” AJ tilted her head towards the doggy disguise. Ocellus winced, but feverishly nodded her head. “Can’t help but wonder why you’re in Ponyville if she scares the fool outta ya.”

“I’ve always wanted to see Equestria. At least when we’re not, you know, attacking? And…” the changeling fell quiet as she gathered her courage in a deep breath. “Thorax said I should try to face my fears and meet Queen Chrysalis.”

“Well, that was Chrys, and you faced her.”

Ocellus blinked. “Chrys?”

“Queen Chrysalis, AKA that grumpy girl over there. Wasn’t too bad, was it?”

“I guess not, but—”

“And how do ya feel about it?”

“Oh,” Ocellus looked away and rubbed her leg trying to think of something to say. “I don’t know. She usually towers over me, not the other way around. But, I think I liked the fruit she ordered me to eat.”

“Plenty more apples where that came from if you’re ever in the hankering for another one.”

“Thanks,” Ocellus giggled before catching Chrysalis looking over at them. “I-I should probably go back to Thorax.”

“Want me to walk you back to the castle?”

“No… I couldn’t—” Ocellus stopped as she looked back over at the dog. “Would that be okay, maybe?”

“Ain’t no trouble at all, sugarcube. Probably a better use of my time since someone isn’t being cooperative this morning.” Applejack turned her head towards the culprit canine who quickly ducked her head back down. “Why doncha help yourself to another apple before the three of us head off?”

Ocellus reached out with a smile towards the inviting fruit stand with her hoof. “Thank you so—” she paused as the last sentence caught up with her. “Wait, the three of us?”

AJ finished the motion and put an apple in the girl’s hoof before picking the dirty one up off the ground. “Eeyup.”

“B-but why?”

“I can’t just leave Chrys here all by her lonesome. She’s sensitive.”

Ocellus nearly dropped her fresh apple out of her hooves. “Sensitive?”

Apparently she wasn’t the only one to disagree with the sentiment. Chrysalis barked back angrily as she shot up to her paws.

“What’d I tell ya? A regular drama queen,” AJ whispered with a wink. She fastened the lid on the barrel before turning her attention to the approaching royal. “C’mon, your highness, we’re heading over to Twi’s castle.”

Chrysalis stopped in her tracks and yelped defensively.

“You’re gonna see them one way or the other eventually. Might as well get it out of the way, right?”

Chrysalis snorted and paced back and forth in a few circles before shooting a withered glare at AJ

The mare shrugged. “Well? Are you coming or not?”

“You understand what she’s saying?” Ocellus asked, looking between the two.

“Not really, but I thought you did.”

“Not when she’s just barking like that.” Ocellus narrowed her eyes and scratched her chin as she looked at the embittered collie. “Come to think of it, I can’t sense her at all anymore.”


“Oh yeah. You wouldn’t know.” Ocellus blushed lightly in embarrassment. “I don’t know how to really describe it, but before we all changed into good changelings, Queen Chrysalis was… kind of always there. She was in all of our heads unless you got, like, really, really far away from her. If she was close, well, you could just forget it. She could always find out exactly what you were up to. You couldn’t fool her for long even if you tried. You could try turning into a rock in a pile of rocks, but she’d still find you right away.”

“That’s a bit creepy.”

Chrysalis growled and yelped defensively to object.

“Okay, I’ve just about had it with the barking. I know you can talk even if you’re acting like a stubborn b—”

Before AJ could finish, Chrysalis interrupted with a viciously barked: Language!

“Okay, fair enough.”

“What language is she talking about?” Ocellus asked innocently.

“Don’t worry your pretty little ears about that.” Applejack looked away from the young mare and coughed her short temper out of her system. “Look, stay here if you want Chrys, but I’m taking Ocellus back to the castle. If you wanna wait at the farm for me, feel free, but I wanna make sure one of your kin knows she’s welcome in Ponyville, got it?”

Chrysalis growled, her teeth barred and breathing heavy. Without warning, she leapt into the stand, knocking one of the apple barrels out of the cart to make room for herself.

“Can’t just be civil, can ya?” AJ complained as she righted the container and checked for damage. Seeing that it was fine, she turned to the stubborn pup. “Could ya at least let me get the dolly out so I can—”

Before she finished asking, Chrysalis had the metal dolly in her mouth. She slammed it down on the back of the cart, hooking the latches with her paws and letting it unfold behind the stall for the extra barrel storage. She shot another glare between the other two before laying back down in the cart with a snort.

“Thank ya for cooperating for once,” Applejack grumbled as she rolled the barrel to the back.

“I don’t get it,” Ocellus mumbled in disbelief.

Applejack tilted the barrel into the dolly and started tying it in place. “What’s not to get?” she asked with a mouthful of rope.

“She’s just so different. Back in the hive, she ordered everyone around all the time and got really mad when we messed up. She yelled at us for hours after we got caught trying to replace a bunch of important ponies in Canterlot.”

“Well, I can sympathize with ya a bit since I’ve been on her receiving end plenty, but being on the opposite side of those attacks, I can’t help but be glad we won.”

Ocellus frowned sadly with regret. “I know. We were evil.”

Applejack pulled the rope taut and gave the barrel a jostle to test her knot. “Well, not sure that’s exactly fair. Y’all still had to eat, right? I know I can get a little mean when I’m feeling peckish.” Satisfied with the results, she trotted to the front of the cart and started putting the harness on. “Before she showed up on the farm pretending to be Classy, I’d only met her a couple of times, and both of those she was running her mouth faster than a crawdad in a mudslide.”


“That’s what I named her dog disguise before I found out who she really was. Chrys seems to have taken a shine to it when she’s around town.” Applejack leaned forward a bit and felt the familiar resistance of the cart behind her. “Ready to go?”

Ocellus nodded and joined Applejack’s side as the three of them set off for the Castle of Friendship. “I guess an animal makes sense. It’s easier to blend in if nobody thinks to talk to you. It’s a lot harder to steal love though.”

“Well she ain’t stealing it anymore. I give it to her myself.”

“What? She feeds off of your love?”

“More like I feed her.”

Ocellus’ jaw dropped. “You can do that?”

“Had to figure that one out a bit fast, but yeah. And it shouldn’t be a shocker. I’m a farmer after all. Feeding folks is what I do, be ‘em ponies, griffons, minotaurs, and even the occasional changeling like you two.” Applejack shot a glance at the apple the Ocellus was still holding without eating.

“Oh!” With an apologetic smile, the young changeling nodded and took a careful bite. Instead of quickly eating it like earlier, she chewed a few times to get a feel for it, and brightened once its sweet flavor hit her. “Wow! Food tastes so much better when it actually fills you up.”

“And here I was hoping you’d be crying tears of joy.” Applejack chuckled as she watched the filly happily savor her family’s namesake. “Be sure to tell all of your kin about Sweet Apple Acres next time you’re home. Happy to provide all the apples y’all can eat, ain’t that right Chrys?”

Applejack heard nothing from the cart.

“Really?” AJ complained.

“It’s okay. Her majesty is probably still mad at me. Me and Maxilla ruined the whole thing.” Ocellus’ eyes misted over as she thought back. “I told her I tried to save him, but I got caught immediately and kicked by a really scary pony with a stick who talked funny. I barely got away when they were distracted.”


“What is it?”

“Nothing,” Applejack quickly lied, recalling a vaguely familiar story from said funny-talking zebra. “Just remembering fighting changelings during the wedding. Were you there too?”

“No. I was still a nymph then, but I tried helping when everyone got home after we lost.” Ocellus disappointment deepened along with her face. “That was when everything started going wrong for us, and I just made it worse.”

Applejack wanted to say something to cheer her up, but she’d been on the receiving end of their attacks with the rest of Equestria. She looked over her shoulder and craned her neck to see if she could catch a glimpse of Chrysalis, but she couldn’t see around the barrel.

“I’m just glad we all changed so I could try doing something else. I was the worst scout ever.”

“I’m glad y’all morphed too, sugarcube. I’d rather be friends with a sweet little thing like you,” Applejack said with a smile.


“Of course! I bet you’re just as adorable without the pony mask on.”

“Oh, I-I don’t know…”

“Aww, don’t be shy. I like Green Bug or whoever you said you were pretending to be at first, but I’d like to get to know the real Ocellus.”

“Are you sure? I look really different.”

“So does Chrys, but she’s got her charms too when she goes all natural. Besides, honesty is kind of my thing.”

Ocellus looked around nervously before ultimately dispelling her disguise. A light blue wave of magic shot up around her—a far cry from the intimidating flames Chrysalis had—and revealed her true self. Like the rest of her metamorphosed kind, she looked nothing like the blackened, love-stealers she’d fought before. Despite being solid turquoise, her doe-like eyes shimmered in fear of Applejack’s judgment as she rubbed her legs nervously. Her baby blue exoskeleton caught the mid-morning light, contrasting her pink gossamer mane and tail. Like the ladybug cutie mark she’d thrown on, her back carapace was red with light spots.

The most notable part of her was her lack of any holes and her underside was solid throughout. While she had the same belly as Chrysalis, it didn’t share the same color as the red carapace on her back. Her blue shell just kept going, but was a bit segmented like an accordion to help her bend at the middle.

“Well, that’s a bit surprising.”

“What?” Ocellus asked nervously, her voice still the same as it was in her disguise.

Applejack smirked knowingly. “You’re even cuter than I thought you’d be.”

“Really?” the changeling buzzed back.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, sugarcube. You look just as sweet as you are on the inside.”

Ocellus gasped happily and dove at Applejack, wrapping her in a thankful hug. AJ could almost feel the little girl’s relief as she returned the gesture. She caught the sight of fur out of the corner of her eye and looked over to see the pooch staring at them, or rather mostly at Ocellus, from inside the cart.

“Whatcha think, Chrys?” Applejack asked, bringing the fake dog out of her blank stare. “C’mon now, don’t be shy.”

The disguised changeling said nothing, but AJ noticed a dip in her ears as she slumped back into the cart.

Ocellus sighed. “I guess she still hates me. Probably now more than ever.”

“Hey now. Don’t go putting words into other critters' mouths, Ocellus. You’re too adorable to hate.” Applejack ruffled the little changeling’s mane. It was soft, but it had nothing on Chrysalis’. “Let’s get back to getting back to the castle, alright?”

“Okay, Applejack,” Ocellus said with a nod. “And, thank you.”

AJ nodded firmly before getting back on the road. While Ocellus happily bobbed her head back and forth humming a little diddy to herself, Applejack couldn’t help but notice the sound of something being bitterly chewed on in the cart behind her.

Chapter 8: Brought to Heel

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As Applejack, Ocellus, and the disguised Chrysalis pulled closer to the castle, it was readily apparent that the changelings weren’t the only ones to arrive in town this morning. The Castle of Friendship rarely had any guards patrolling the skies or stationed at the gates since Fleur was the sole member—at least if they were ignoring a certain draconequus’ antics. While Applejack recognized the golden armor of the Royal Canterlot Guard in the air, the ones posted at the entrance were dressed in Imperial sterling silver.

Approaching the double doors, she saw a pair of pegasus wings on the yellow guard on the left while the stern fella on the right was a genuine crystal pony. Without the influence of the Crystal Heart, it was hard to tell them apart from Equestrian earth ponies. The only difference she could spot was the way the light hit their eyes, leaving a few sharper shapes in the white reflections. Righty was definitely flashing his sharp eyes with the daggers he was staring at them.

“Guess Princess Cadance got here today too,” AJ whispered to Ocellus.

“State your business, citizen!” the crystal pony guard demanded.

“Business? Reckon that’s getting this girl back to her family in the castle.”

“H-hello…” Ocellus said while nervously shapeshifting back into her pony disguise.

“Hang on,” the other guard said. The pegasus looked over Applejack and nodded with a welcoming smile. “I think she’s the Element of Honesty. I recognize the hat.”

Applejack chuckled as she tilted the rim to greet the fellow Equestrian. “Eeyup. I’m guessing we met before?”

“Briefly, but I mostly know you from our briefings,” the stallion chuckled at his own cheesy joke. The other guard next to him sighed with a dismay that mourned a thousand puns before, slowly whittling away his sanity. “I’m Lieutenant Flash Sentry, and this cheerful fellow is Lieutenant Natrolite.” Flash turned his attention to the jumpy changeling. “And I’m guessing the little one here is the little girl the others are out looking for.”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble.”

“It’s okay!” he assured as the pegasus flashed a smile. “We’re just glad you’re okay. I don’t blame you for wanting to stay out of the castle with that creepy Chrysalis lurking about. I’ll be sure to keep you safe.”

“Speaking of…” Applejack said as she kicked the cart. “Well, c’mon out now. Don’t be rude, girl.”

The collie popped her head out and growled.

“Aww! What a cute puppy!” Flash gushed while pressing his cheeks together despite his helmet. “What’s her name?”

“She goes by Classy when she’s running around like that, but usually she’s really—”

The dog leapt out of the cart and exploded into green fire. Flash’s chipper grin sank in horror as the looming shadow of the tall and proud villain fell upon him.

“Chrysalis,” the former queen finished with a predatory leer towards the puny pegasus. She side-eyed the farmer and flourished her mane. “Next time, wait until they’ve given me all of their adoration before you so carelessly reveal me, Applejack.”

“I was gonna say crabby, but I’ll keep that in mind, sugarcube,” Applejack clarified while unhitching herself from the wagon.

Chrysalis growled lowly, causing both guards to ready their spears. She rolled her eyes at the show of force. “Oh please. May I remind you I am a guest of Princess Twilight Sparkle? Put those things away before somepony gets hurt.”

“Oh my goodness!” Ocellus shouted as she covered her mouth in shock at the sight of the towering tyrant. “Are you okay?”

Chrysalis jerked her head around and stared down the stammering changeling before she could utter another word. “Did anyone ask you to speak?” Ocellus ducked down, shaking her head quickly while quaking in fear of her former ruler. “Exactly! Then keep quiet, Ocellus!”

“B-but you’re so—”

Chrysalis hissed, flaring her serpentine tongue. “Do not make me repeat myself, youngling!”

“Alrighty, all of y’all need to settle down! She ain’t here to cause any real trouble, right, Chrys?” Applejack said warily.Chrys frowned, scoffed, and looked away. “See? Ain’t gonna do anything untoward. Plus she’s staying at the castle, so you’d have to let her in eventually, right?”

Natrolite’s frown never faltered as he slowly lowered his spear and stepped to the side. Flash quickly followed suit and opened the front door for the three of them.

“See? Was that so hard?” Chrysalis cooed. She straightened up and trotted up to the gateway, only to be stopped by a thrusting spear blocking her way.

“Don’t try anything,” Natrolite stated evenly.

“Oh-ho? Are you sure that’s what you want?” Chrysalis purred as she stared the brave tin soldier in the face. “And here I thought you’d like a do-over of the last time you failed to protect your lovely little Imperial family from me.”

Natrolite’s nostrils flared in anger, barely keeping his spear in check. Chrysalis tilted her head up, daring him to attempt a stab at her throat.

“Chrys! Ya ain’t gonna cause any trouble, ya hear?”

Chrysalis snorted and shrugged. “Have it your way, AJ. Get that toothpick out of my face!” Chrysalis spat as she swatted the spear out of her way and waltzed through the castle doors like she owned the place.

Applejack nodded a quick apology to the guards as she guided Ocellus through the doors. She quickly trotted up to Chrysalis’ side to give her a piece of her mind. “Now, what the hay was that all about?”

“You said it yourself: I’m crabby.”

“That ain’t no reason to get somepony all riled up! Especially a guard!”

Chrysalis scoffed. “I don’t know if you could tell or not, but he hated my guts on sight.”

“You could at least try to be a little nicer about it. Don’t need to go around proving ‘em right.”

“And what do I have to prove otherwise? Everyone already knows who I am.”

“And ya ain’t that no more.” Applejack trotted in front to cut Chrysalis’ gait through the castle. “You’re not Queen Chrysalis, you’re just my friend Chrys.”

“Friend?” Chrysalis tilted her head back and cackled. “We are not friends.”

“Then what the hay are we?”

“You, my lovely little apple, are confused,” Chrysalis answered as she stroked Applejack’s mane with her hoof. She let it drop and walked around the stubborn mare, leaving AJ behind. “The sooner you realize that, the better off you’ll be.”

“And what’ll happen to you after that?” Applejack called after the solitary queen.

Chrysalis said nothing as her gait stopped for a second. Shaking it off, she continued her proud stride through the castle.

Applejack stamped the ground. “Dang it, Chrys…”

Ocellus trotted up to Applejack and hugged her unexpectedly. Applejack felt the youngling tremble and returned the hug to comfort her.

“She’s just as cruel as I remember,” Ocellus said quietly, afraid Chrysalis would overhear.

“I’m sorry, Ocellus. She’s just been in a bad mood since yesterday. It’s partially my fault.”

“No, it’s nobody’s fault. That’s just how she is. She always talks down to everyone and tears them apart. She hates everybody, but she especially hates those who fail her, like me.” Ocellus rubbed her head against Applejack’s fur, trying to wipe her old fears away. “The only love she ever has is for herself.”

“Trust me, sugarcube. That ain’t true.”

“How would you know?” Ocellus shouted into Applejack’s side, muffling her voice in the orange fur. “You weren’t there!”

“Okay, well it ain’t as true as you think it is. She’s changed, or at least trying to, I think.” Applejack couldn’t make heads or tails of her. Chrysalis just slipped right back into evil queen mode the moment she saw the guards.

“Then why does she still look like that? Why didn’t she metamorphose like the rest of us? Why is she still devouring love like a monster?”

“I don’t know, Ocellus. We’re trying to figure that out.”

“Applejack! Ocellus!” Chrysalis called from the bottom of the foyer staircase. “If you two are done whispering behind my back, I’d appreciate getting a move on already! Let’s drop the youngling off, have everyone yell at me for a few minutes, and then get back to your absolutely riveting sales class. I still need to learn more of your brilliant apple stacking strategies.”

Applejack couldn’t help but laugh at Chrys’ snide humor. Despite her short temper, Chrys was at least paying enough attention to form a good insult. AJ turned to her new friend and ruffled her gossamer mane. “By the way, Ocellus, if you’ve got any suggestions, I’m all ears.”

Chrysalis’ return to the castle did not go unattended for long. Captain Fleur and several crystal guards rallied to the foyer to meet the three arrivals. While the dethroned queen was still a free mare, none of the Imperials were willing to take a chance with the villain around. Fleur did her best to keep them amicable for Twilight’s sake despite her own animosity towards the changeling. When they asked her why, Fleur reminded everyone that she was a member of the Twilight guard and needed to reflect her patron princess’ ideals of friendship.

As they were led through the castle, Applejack was the first to notice their unexpected path. They walked right past the empty map room they’d been using so far, so she wasn’t sure where they were heading now. The overgrown castle had taken a note from the Tree of Harmony and sprouted with branching paths that all looked the same to her. She wasn’t sure how Twi or Spike found anything in here before Trixie had started labeling doors after getting lost one too many times.

Spying one of her markers signifying the kitchen, AJ figured only one room around here would be able to sit a bunch of bigwig royals in one place comfortably. She looked down the hallway towards the double doors and saw a Solar and Lunar guard stationed outside the Dining Hall of Friendship. Or at least that’s what she guessed it was called. Seemed that every little nook and cranny around these parts was an “of something” or another.

Upon opening the double doors, the three of them were met with most every ruler she knew about sitting around a long dining table with three empty chairs. Twilight was situated between Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance while Luna was across the way talking to Thorax and Pharynx.

“Announcing the arrivals of Applejack, Ocellus, and Chrysalis,” Fleur stated for everyone as they entered. Chrysalis frowned at the captain’s low-key blow to her pride by announcing her last, but shook it off quick enough to play to the party.

“This is a surprise. Still ruining your inverted sleep schedule on my account, Luna?” Chrysalis remarked as she proudly strode into the room, shoving the guards out of her way. “I’m quite the talk of the town these days.”

Thorax gasped and leapt out of his seat to buzz over to his former ruler. Landing next to her, she recoiled from his sudden proximity to her. Chrysalis still stood slightly taller than her reformed drone, but her wiry limbs and faded green coloration were made all the more apparent standing next to Thorax’s healthy, love-filled body.

“My word, it’s worse than you said, Pharynx!” Thorax uttered as he walked around the blackened stick bug. “What in the world happened to you?” he asked with palpable worry.

“I believe you did, Thorax,” Chrysalis spat. “You and the rest of your harmonious friends solved your little food problem.”

“But you’re still starving! You’re barely glowing at all. How are you even standing?”

“Stop being so dramatic. I’m just trying a new weight loss technique called ‘Drone Rebellion.’” Chrysalis joked as she brushed Thorax aside to take her seat at the table. “Perhaps you will have one yourself someday if you can manage to become even half the ruler that I was.”

“It’s not like that anymore, Chrysalis. No one changeling rules over another. We’re a collective commune.”

“So much love you don’t even need to fight over it anymore?” Chrysalis cackled as she admired the big lovebug. “And I guess you’re just a little more equal since you’re producing ten times the love as our little Ocellus now. Though really, you’re just a drop in the ocean compared to the lovely pink princess over there.”

“Be that as it may, we were all drones once, and we will always be equals no matter where our strengths lie. We all will work for the betterment of our hive.”

“We’ll see how long that lasts, your highness. I learned this morning that it takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch.” Chrysalis’ predatory gaze shifted to Pharynx who sneered back at her silent accusation.

“That’s enough, Chrysalis!” Cadance shouted bitterly. “You’re interrupting an important meeting.”

“Is that what this is? And here I thought you were waiting for me to show up before you started bad-mouthing me. I always found it more cathartic tearing down someone to their face.” Chrysalis’ eyes wandered around the table, noting the notable lack of another chair and child. “But I see we’re missing a couple of ponies, right Cadance?”

“Don’t you dare, Chrysalis,” Cadance warned icily.

“Aww, but I was the victim,” Chrysalis whined while fluttering her eyelashes. “Is our precious Shiny Hiney too scared to face me after leaving me at the altar?”

“Yes! They both are, no thanks to your cruelty!” Cadance screamed back in righteous fury. Her resolve wavered as she began to tremble in her seat, trying to contain the panic and anger that was bubbling to the surface. “Shining wanted me to send an envoy in my place, but I refused to live in fear of you. I won’t let you control our lives any longer!”

“Control?” Chrysalis laughed again as she shook her head. “Oh, my dear Cadance, you give me far too much credit. But, please, do go on. I just love tasting your fear.”

Chrysalis cackled at the angry tears forming in her nemesis’ eyes. Having heard her fill of it, Applejack interrupted her vile fun with a swift buck to the back of her chair, tumbling the bug out of her seat.

“Alright, Chrys. That’s enough of evil outta you for now,” Applejack said as she plopped down next to her royal new-hire.

Cadance’s anger melted away to confusion as the disheveled bug picked herself up off the floor. “‘Chrys?’”

“That’s Queen Chrysalis to you, Applejack!” Chrysalis growled back as she pulled herself from the floor.

“Is it? Reckon you’re down one crown too many to be called anything like that.” Applejack highlighted Chrysalis’ lack of headgear by lifting the hat off her head and placing it on Chrys. “There, you can borrow it if you’re needing the ego boost, big girl.”

Chrysalis ground her teeth, yanked the hat off her head, and threw it back over AJ’s face. “Cease your prattling at once! You swore you would show me the respect I deserve!”

Applejack placed her daddy’s hat back on her head and tipped the rim down, raring for a fight. “I recall agreeing to something like that, but only if you were gonna show everybody else here a lil’ common decency!”

The alicorns and the other changelings’ gazes followed the argument bouncing back and forth between the peasant standing up to the royal pain in the flank. Twilight and Cadance shared a quick glance between themselves before watching Applejack put Chrysalis on the defensive with little effort.

“W-why should I show my enemies any respect?” Chrysalis flared back.

“Cause maybe you’d like some respect yourself? And since when are they all your enemies again? Last I checked, you got off the hook after we blasted the fool outta ya!”

“Back on your failed reformation attempt are we? Thanks for that, by the way. Petrification turned out to be quite exfoliating for my carapace. Perhaps you’d like to try it sometime!”

“I already said I was sorry about that! Why’re ya being so difficult, Chrys?”

“Stop calling me that, AJ!” Chrysalis hissed through her gritted teeth.

“That is enough! Both of you!” Luna shouted over the feud, bringing it to a sudden close. “Chrysalis? You are correct. You are the main topic of discussion this day, but I believe you ran away this morning to cower like a dog instead of facing those you have hurt in the past.”

Chrysalis’ eye twitched at the impudent princess, but without a comeback prepared to match, she crossed her legs and looked away.

“As for you Applejack. While I thank you for reining in your ward, perhaps now is not the time for such matters?”

“Sorry, Luna. Just wanted to make sure the drama queen here was being cordial is all.” Applejack smacked Chrysalis’ flank with a smirk, earning a withering glare from the changeling for her continued impudence.

“And I believe we all appreciate your efforts at reformation, but you seem to be a bit ‘on edge’ as well, as they say. You three are welcome to remain as long as you remain civil.” The princess turned her attention to Ocellus and smiled softly as she stood up from her chair. “In fact, it is my understanding that you were meant to be with us from the start.” Luna motioned for the youngling to take her seat next to her guardian, Thorax.

Ocellus nodded and quickly flew into her seat with a sheepish smile. “Sorry, your highness.” Thorax patted Ocellus on the head, welcoming her back to his side.

Luna nodded as she trotted around to take her new seat next to Chrysalis. “Now, you said you wished for Chrysalis to return to the hive with you?”

Chrysalis balked. “What?”

“Yes. We thought it’d be best for you to come home with us, Chrysalis,” Thorax clarified.

“You’re kidding.”

“Not at all. If you’re wanting to turn over a new leaf, we want to be there for you. We’re your family.”

Chrysalis’ face scrunched in contempt at the mere notion.

“Please, Chrysalis,” Thorax begged. “Your place is with us. We want to help you! You don’t have to be hungry if you can metamorphose.”

“And you expect to help me do that? Not even the Elements of Harmony were powerful enough to change me. What hope does your puny community of traitors have? You already failed me countless times before you betrayed me.”

“Chrysalis, it’s not like that. Sure you’ve made mistakes, but—”

Chrysalis raged and slammed her hoof on the table. “I’ve made no mistakes! Miscalculations, perhaps, but never mistakes!”

“Okay, sorry,” Thorax said, trying to calm his former queen down. “What I mean is we’ve all done bad things together.”

“Did you not hear me, you ungrateful whelp?” Chrysalis banged the table again. “We weren’t wrong, we were hungry and I found food for you!”

“But it wasn’t right,” Thorax reiterated.

“Yes it was! How else was I supposed to keep you from starving? There were times I lost half the hive to lovesickness! I kept us alive!”

“But we’ve found another way.”

You found another way, you accursed usurper!” Chrysalis yelled in fury.

“Yes,” Thorax agreed as he held firm to his conviction, “and the first step to healing the rift our kind has created is to apologize for all we’ve done.”

Chrysalis’ mouth dropped as her words failed her. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You can’t do that! We did nothing to apologize for!”

“How can you even say that with a straight face?” Cadance screamed back at her bitter villain. “Forget how you terrorized countless creatures for centuries, my family is suffering because of you! Shining is anxious around green lights! Flurry Heart wakes up in the night crying in terror for us to hold her! You were going to use me as food while you lived my life forever!”

“I was feeding my hive!” Chrysalis defended.

“By ruining our lives!”

“Well a lot of good that all did, right?” Chrysalis dismissed in a huff. “I’m sorry you won in the end! What do you want from me?”

“It’d be helpful at the very least to know you're actually sorry for attacking us!”

Chrysalis’ indignation spiked as she glared at Cadance. “I’m not sorry! I did nothing wrong! Do you apologize to the flowers every time you eat a daisy sandwich?”

“That’s not even remotely the same thing!”

“And neither would you be! I was going to seal you away beneath my throne, cultivating your love while keeping you safe in a little dream world. I would siphon everything you’d ever feel to keep my subjects fed.”

“That’s horrible…” The princess caught the growing panic in her throat with a deep, calming breath. She placed her hoof on her chest and then released it along with her tension with an exhale that pushed her anxiety aside. “How could you even think of doing something so evil?”

“Evil? How dare you!” Chrysalis reared up from her seat and slammed the table in front of her. It should’ve shifted from the weight, but there wasn't enough strength to do much more than rattle the silverware. “You would’ve only ever known endless joy! I was going to use the power of your love to usher in a new age for my kingdom. My subjects would never go hungry again!”

“So why’d you have to drag the rest of Equestria into it then? If I was so valuable to you, why risk it all by trying to take over everything? Why sacrifice your children’s fulfillment for your selfish desires?”

Chrysalis’ grumbled, but she said nothing as she sank back down into her seat. She locked her gaze onto the table space in front of her at nothing in particular.

Thorax sighed. “Because it wouldn’t have been enough. She’d still be hungry.”

“Be quiet, Thorax,” Chrysalis ordered weakly, refusing to look up from the table.

“But that’s what it was, right? That’s why you changed the plan; your plan. It’s because even with the Alicorn of Love under your control, it wouldn’t be enough to satisfy you. You still needed more. But then again, you always needed more.”

“Silence. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You always told us even though you were hungry, it was okay. You’d always look out for us. What changed?”

“Nothing changed,” she seethed. “An opportunity for more love presented itself and I took it. That’s all. It was a simple miscalculation.”

“But you said you could never be full. If you cared about us, why didn’t we just stick to your original plan?”

Unable to stand it anymore, Chrysalis glared at the traitor. “I provided all of you food for centuries and this is the thanks I get?”

“Now we can provide our own food, and we see how wrong we’ve been. We’ve realized that we need to make up for what we did.”

“And I said we have nothing to apologize for!”

“And we disagree,” Thorax declared, not flinching from pressure from his former ruler. “I’ve already apologized on the behalf of all our fellow changelings for the pain we’ve inflicted upon Equestria and her allies.”

Chrysalis’ eyes bugged in horror. “You did what? I never agreed to that!”

“We didn’t need you to. We all voted without you, and agreed unanimously that apologizing was the right thing to do after everything we’ve done.”

“No! I refuse to accept that!”

“We did,” Cadance said, shooting a victorious grin at the fumbling changeling. “We’ve all accepted the Changeling Concordant’s apology and want to work together to make our nations better places for everyone.”

Chrysalis tilted her head. “Changeling Concordant?”

“It is what we are now calling ourselves after dissolving the monarchy,” Thorax explained. “And as our first official act, we’ve decided to pursue harmony by issuing a formal apology for our actions in the past.”

“You—you mean what I did! What I did for you!” Chrysalis barked back.

“It’s fine if you don’t apologize,” Cadance said with a sorrowful sigh. “Part of me was hoping since the Elements didn’t seal you away, you had changed for the better, but I really don’t know what I expected. A blackheart like you would never admit they were wrong.”

Chrysalis shuddered away as she looked around the table at all the steely gazes glaring at her. “N-no! Everything I did was to keep you fed! I’m not wrong!”

“But we don’t have to live off of preying on others. We can all live in harmony now.”

“That was never an option for me! I’m not wrong!”

Applejack felt something was amiss as she leaned forward to try to catch Chrysalis’ gaunt stare at her former minions. “Chrysalis? You alright, sugarcube?”

Agreeing with her friend, Twilight stood up as well. “Please, everyone. We’re all friends here. Let’s just calm down a second and—”

“You ungrateful parasites!” Chrysalis screamed as she recoiled back from her former family in disgust.

Thorax’s firmness faltered. He stood up and began trotting over towards Chrysalis in concern. “No, honest. We appreciate everything you did to keep us alive, but now it’s our turn to help you.”

“Help me?” Chrysalis laughed, but it cracked under the pressure. “What can you possibly do to help me? You hate me! You betrayed me!”

“No, no! We can feed you now, like how you fed us,” Thorax suggested with a smile.

“I am a queen! I do not feed off my subjects!”

“You don’t have to be our queen. We’re all equals now. We can share our love with you like we share it among ourselves. You don’t need to prey upon others anymore.”

Thorax extended a hoof to Chrysalis’ shoulder, but she swatted it away as she fell out of her seat. She scrambled to her hooves and backed away with her tail tucked between her legs.

“Keep your hooves away from me! I will not be patronized by the likes of you, Thorax!”

“I know that’s your hunger talking, but I promise you can get better. We just want to help you, all-mother.”

“Keep that name out of your mouth! You want to keep me in some little hole you’ve set aside for your feeble queen who can’t feed herself! Maybe these are reparations for all the lives I ruined for you?” Chrysalis chuckled as her eye twitched. “You think you all are so great now that you can eat normal food and live harmonious lives with the rest of these fools? The audacity! I could devour you in a second, worm!”

“Just try it, ‘Chrys’, I still owe you for choking me the other day,” Pharynx warned as he perked up from the threat.

“Don’t push me, Pharynx, I will not be treated like a useless invalid by my food!”

Thorax shook his head. “But you wouldn’t—”

“And what makes you say that? You said I’m always hungry, right? I threw you all away two months ago, what makes you think I wouldn’t do it again if you take me back?” Her rage boiled over as she got into Thorax’s face. “I could easily drain every last bit of love out of your entire ‘Concordant’ until there was nothing left but a graveyard of desiccated chitin! The mere thought of my return should inspire terror in…” Chrysalis’ tirade trailed as an eerie calmness overtook her. “But it does, doesn’t it? One of you already knows that, right Ocellus?”

Ocellus gasped, hearing her name. “W-what?”

Chrysalis disappeared in a flash of green flame and reappeared next to the fearful youngling. She reached a hoof and turned Ocellus’ head towards her as the others in the room readied themselves to stop her. “You said you came here to face your fear. To face me. Well, child? Tell me: what do you see?”

“I…” Ocellus tried to shrink away, but there was no escape.

“Out with it!” Chrysalis commanded.

“I see a hideous monster!” Ocellus cried as she tried to hide behind her hooves.

“Oh? Hideous?” Chrysalis chuckled darkly. “That’s a new one. Is it my holes that you were once riddled with? The fangs you once bore that could tear into your prey’s spine? Maybe the consuming black we shared didn’t suit you as well as your lovely shade of blue does now?” The queen held her black hoof next to Ocellus’ baby blue carapace to compare. She caressed the side of the shivering youngling’s face as she admired her former drone.

“That’s enough, Chrysalis. Get away from her, now,” Celestia ordered as the temperature of the room began to rise.

“You’ve changed into something so beautiful, Ocellus. So lovely. So… harmonious.” Chrysalis’ gentleness faded, replaced by a hollow rage as she pushed away from the girl. “It’s only natural to fear what you were before: a hideous, despicable monster that devours the love of others!

“You’re right to fear me! Just like all the rest of you miserable failures should! When you have nymphs of your own, I will be remembered fondly as the hideous, old queen that nearly brought her hive to ruin. And it will be ‘Thorax the Loving’ who saved you all from her eternal reign! After all, I was the tyrant you had to apologize to the whole world for following!”

Chrysalis’ voided laugh rang emptily as the mad queen stumbled back. She could barely contain herself as she laughed until she lost her breath. She leaned against the wall and banged her head against it over and over to get herself to stop to her audience’s horror.

“And it will be lies!” Chrysalis screamed in despair, bitter and broken tears streaming down her face as she confronted her accusers. “All of it! You won’t ever remember how I raised you, how I kept you safe, how I cared for all of you! You don’t think I loved you? Of course I didn’t! I never have, and I never will, because I never could! That would require love in the first place, and I never have any to spare, you ungrateful leeches!

“How dare you apologize after everything I did for you! I… I hate you! I hate all of you! I should wipe your entire commune off the face of the world! Maybe then I can atone for my mistake of keeping every last one of you alive in the first place!”

Silence fell upon the room as the mad dog curled up in the corner, ready to lash out at anyone foolish enough to come close. Even Cadance was rendered speechless by Chrysalis’ rage. Only Pharynx kicked back while keeping his eye on the love-starved queen.

Luna was the first to address the situation. She stood up and approached slowly with a blue shield of midnight magic at the ready. “Chrysalis, please. You must calm down. We only wish to help you. You have been given a second chance.”

Chrysalis shook her head, her pupils narrowing to predatory slits as the princess drew closer. “No… No! I won’t calm down! I don’t need your help! I’m not wrong!” She bent down, ready to strike if Luna took another step. “I’m not wrong because it’s all of you who are wrong!”

The shattered queen pointed a hoof at her former subjects while keeping a close eye on Luna. “They’re not supposed to be like this! They’re not supposed to be able to love each other! They’re supposed to look to me to find their love, and I’m supposed to provide it! I’m not wrong!”

“Be still, Chrysalis. You are not wrong,” Luna assured the disturbed royal. “Changelings of all kinds have a right to live like any creature of this world, and to maintain themselves as needed. It is not wrong to feed yourself.”

“I’m not wrong. I’m not wrong.” Chrysalis buckled under the weight of reality barring down all around her as she covered her face with her legs. “I’m not wrong…”

Everyone stared in shock as Luna took another step towards the quivering queen. Applejack had seen her break down like this in the orchard, but this was on a whole other level. It was painful to watch. She got up and reached into her hat to dig the comb she’d secreted away inside it when Thorax couldn’t take it anymore and began galloping towards Chrysalis.

Luna gasped as she reached a hoof to stop the charging changeling. “Thorax! You must not—”

Ignoring the princess’ plea, he passed by the shield and reached his hoof out. “All-mother, please, we just want to help you!”

On instinct, Chrysalis lunged forward, her fangs barred to crush Thorax’s neck in her maw. There was nothing but feral rage burning in her unfocused pupils as she dove to consume her prey. Before her deadly bite to reach him, Luna expanded her shield and pushed it forward. It bounced the changeling off-course, while enveloping her in a blanket of nebulous magic. Before she hit the ground, Chrysalis was sent into a deep slumber as she bounced across the floor.

“By heaven’s light…” Celestia gasped as she joined her sister’s side as Fleur and another guard rushed to point their spears at the changeling.

“Lower your spears. She will not be stirring from her sleep anytime soon.” Luna shook her head as she looked upon the restless queen. “My deepest apologies, Thorax, Pharynx, Ocellus. I would not have permitted her to join us had I known the depths of her despair.”

“Is she alright?” Cadance asked as she joined Celestia’s side with Twilight.

“No. She is not. She is very unwell, and it was reckless of me to discount the signs. I had my suspicions when she lashed out at Pharynx, but one perceived betrayal does not make a pattern of behavior. I did not appreciate the damage she has suffered.”

“Damage?” Applejack gulped. “I swear I’ve been doing my best to feed her, but—”

“You’ve been feeding her?” Thorax asked, marveling at the feat. “You mean you can love her?”

“It ain’t like that. I just give her a hug to keep her going. Why is that always such a shocker to y’all?

“Do not blame yourself for doing your best in harrowing circumstances, dear Applejack,” Luna assured as she rested a supportive hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “It is true that it stems from her endless hunger, but I fear the roots run far deeper. I know this consumption all too well. I once fell to such darkness.”

“Wait, she ain’t gonna turn into some kinda Nightmare Chrysalis or something, right?”

“She is unable to succumb to such malevolence. The Nightmare is a corruption of harmony. Chrysalis is not a harmonious being, but something else entirely.” Luna sighed as she hugged Applejack. “I beg your forgiveness, dear Applejack. I thoughtlessly saddled you with her recovery without bothering to understand the depths of what we were dealing with. I am truly sorry for my error.” Luna released and turned back to the slumbering queen. “This will be nothing like Discord’s reformation, that is if it is possible at all. Chrysalis must come to Canterlot with me at once.”

Applejack shook her head in surprise. “Wait, what? Why? I’m still trying to help her.”

Luna shook her head resolutely. “I know your heart is in the right place, but she is far too dangerous, far too unstable, to remain here.”

“Well, what if she doesn’t want to? You said it yourself, Harmony judged that she was fine as is!”

“I said no such thing! She served her penance, but had the Elements worked on her—”

“She woulda been turned to stone forever, right?” Applejack finished. “But it didn’t stick because the Elements figured it wouldn’t help her. You already made me give up on her once, and I ain’t keen on doing it again!”

“I do not intend to imprison her, Applejack. She requires extensive therapy if she is to be saved!”

“For once, I couldn't agree with ya more, Luna. But that don’t mean ya can just up and take her against her will!”

“Please, you fail to understand the direness of the situation, Applejack! If we do not act now, she will return to darkness! Perhaps she will be even worse than before!” Luna shouted back. “I will not turn my back on Harmony’s verdict, nor will I abandon my duty to maintain it, but I cannot abide endangering all of you.”

“It’s going to be okay, Lulu.” Celestia draped her pure white wing over Luna’s back. “You said to ‘be still,’ which means you should still your troubled heart as well. Didn’t we just say the other evening we need to trust the Element’s judgment?”

“Yes, but they proved insufficient! They failed us!”

“Maybe those old rocks did, but what about the Element in front of you?” Celestia tilted her head towards the Element of Honesty stubbornly standing up to the Princess of the Night. “I think Applejack has proven herself to be a good influence on Chrysalis.”

“What are you talking about, sister?” Luna replied in disbelief. “Applejack is simply doing what I asked of her!”

Celestia hummed to herself as she rubbed her chin with her hoof. “Really? I don’t recall you asking her to save Chrysalis in the Everfree Forest.” She giggled as she leaned down to nuzzle the side of her sister’s face. “It might’ve slipped my mind though. Still, I wonder, if she’s only doing what you’re asking her to do, why is she trying to stop you from taking her friend away?”

“You dare call this mockery of harmony a friendship?”

“I think you’d have to ask ‘Chrys’ and ‘AJ’ about that one, isn’t that right?” Celestia remarked as she turned her attention to the changeling’s only friend.

“Luna?” Twilight interjected as she stepped forward. “Friendship isn’t all harmony and rainbows. It can be messy and require work to maintain. I know from experience that some friends require all the help they can get to arrive at a better place. It helps me to know I always have Applejack and the others to help me when I feel trapped in darkness.”

Luna took a deep breath, but shook her head. “Please. Do not fight me on this decision. I wish to protect you from what might be lurking underneath her veil of pride. Holding out for a change that may never occur could destroy you.”

Captain Fleur dismissed her summoned spear and stood at attention. “Permission to speak freely, your highness?”

“You as well, Captain Fleur?” Luna smiled wistfully. “Permission granted. Knowing what I know, I wish to hear your unvarnished perspective. You of all ponies would rejoice in her departure.”

“Normally, yes, I would be, but I must stand with my princess. From my understanding, Chrysalis needs friends, correct?”

The princess raised her head, looking down in disbelief at her former guard. “Are you saying you want to be her friend after everything she has done?”

“No. At least, not now. But perhaps one day I will want to, if I can forgive her for what she’s done to all of us. Even if she doesn’t ask for it. But that is not what I wished to say, your highness. I believe you may be responsive to something a bit more grounded in reality.”

Luna smirked. “Fair enough. What is it, Captain?”

“I believe you told me that a therapist cannot be the friend of their patient for as long as therapy is required. Are you suggesting it is good to take Chrysalis away from the only friend she has? That’d be the exact opposite of what helped me.”

Luna blinked in disbelief. She shook it away and smiled gently. “My own words turned against me so easily?” A snort escaped her nose as she closed her eyes. “As usual, the Mythril Lily’s defenses are impregnable. Very well, I will allow her to stay in Ponyville, but there will be conditions. Conditions that will be up to you to ensure are followed to the letter. Is that understood, Captain?”

Fleur saluted. “Understood, your highness. Perhaps this will help me as well.”

“If it becomes too much for you, you will detain her until she can be taken to Canterlot by me. Do I make myself clear, Captain?”

“Yes, Princess Luna. By your will.”

“I do not agree with this, Princess Luna,” Thorax interjected, barely containing his guilt. “Chrysalis needs us. She needs her family!”

“Perhaps eventually, yes. For now, I cannot allow that in good faith. I do not believe she was lying when she said she could drain the entire Concordant of its love.” Luna turned to meet the demanding changeling with pity in her eyes. “Unless you can tell me with absolute certainty that she poses no danger to you, it would be dangerous to allow it. Are you sure that you are completely free of any control she can exert?”

Thorax opened his mouth to object outright, but he stopped as he considered her question. “No. There’s still so much we don’t know about her or our new bodies. Before the Grand Metamorphosis, every drone’s first taste of love was given by her. She called it her ‘Mother’s Blessing.’ It was the only direct love we would ever receive from her in our lives that she said ‘bound us to her will forever.’ I don’t know how seriously she meant it, but I still love her after everything. Maybe it’s not mine…”

Luna softened with compassion as she laid a caring hoof on Thorax’s shoulder. “I’m sure your caring heart would be breaking for your all-mother, but even still, that love might prove too tempting for her in a moment of weakness. We ponies must first succumb to an illusion before she can banefully feed upon us, whereas she might be able to consume your love freely.”

“That isn’t exactly right,” Pharynx chimed in from his repose at the table. “She can probably still bite straight into your neck and drain your emotions that way if she has the strength to do it.”

Thorax turned to his brother. “What?”

Pharynx opened his mouth, showing his smaller canines. “Her fangs, stupid. We were never strong enough as drones to do it to anything more than a cat, but if Chrysalis can sink her teeth deep enough into your nervous system, she can trigger a seizure that lets her drain every emotion out of you as love at once.”

“I-I didn’t know that,” Ocellus whispered.

“Why am I not surprised?” Pharynx scoffed with a shrug as he buzzed over to the small gathering around the slumbering queen. “You two were always terrible at being ‘evil drones.’ I can’t imagine either of you draining a squirrel or two while undercover. Probably for the best anyways, considering it’s fatal.”

Applejack and Fleur shared a look before turning their eyes back to Chrysalis’ fangs. AJ recalled the trail of broken timberwolves while chasing after “Classy” in the Everfree. They’d had all of their energy devoured and left to rot in brittle piles of wood. Fleur had been right about a predator capable of draining energy, she’d just thought it was normal self-defense, not savagely sucking the life out of them.

“So, still thinking of trying to befriend someone that could horrifically murder you on a whim?” Pharynx asked knowingly.

“Yes. Chrys ain’t like that anymore,” Applejack said resolutely. “I plan on helping her stay that way. She wouldn’t hurt me on purpose.”

“I don’t think purpose has anything to do with it, but hey, your funeral. I say we put her out of her misery while we have the chance.”

Thorax gasped in horror. “Pharynx! The whole point of us coming was to take her back with us.”

“That was your goal. I came to keep an eye on you two so your stupid plan didn’t wind up backfiring bad enough to kill the two of you.”

“She’s starving, brother. She’s hurt us, but she’s still the all-mother. I just want to help her.”

“How? Using Ocellus to tell everyone they shouldn’t be scared of her after conquering her fear?” Pharynx leaned into his brother’s face and poked his hoof into the soft-hearted changeling’s chest. “Chrysalis saw right through you, just like she saw right through me trying to take her back to the hive the first time. It was a bust before you could even try.”

“So, what do you think we should do then?”

Pharynx turned back to Chrysalis. “The last order she gave me as my queen was to protect the hive from monsters.” He held up his hoof as it flashed with a vermillion wave, and he thrusted it at Chrysalis. As the magic faded, a chitinous blade rested at the base of her throat. “Monsters like her.”

“Dispel your weapon immediately, Pharynx!” Luna warned as she flared the magic wrapped around Chrysalis, bouncing his leg away. “I will not allow blood to be spilled within these harmonious walls!”

Pharynx flashed his leg again, returning it to its proper shape. “Idiots.”

“You were the one who pretended to be me trying to take her back in the first place!” Thorax said as he slammed a hoof down.

“That was before I knew she would harvest the hive for love!” Pharynx yelled back. “She nearly killed you in a blind rage just now! As far as I’m concerned, she is the greatest threat to the Concordant, and I will tear her to pieces if she comes within a mile of the hive!”

“Hey now!” Applejack warned the rowdy changeling. “Ain’t no need for that kinda talk. Y’all changed for the better, right?”

“Right. I did.” Pharynx leered at the impudent mare and glared at her. “Then you better listen up Applejack: if you can’t fix this problem, then I will fix this problem for you. Some of us can still see her for the threat she truly is!”

The bitter changeling looked to Princess Cadance and nodded. Seeing his silent request for her support, she shuddered and took several steps back, unable to meet him in the eyes. He sighed and turned his head away from the pathetic pink pony.

“Your solution is noted, Pharynx,” Luna said evenly as she approached him. “We shall do everything in our power to ensure you will never have to strike her down. After all, I could never forgive myself if my failures forced you to commit matricide.”

Pharynx’s face sank as he turned his glare towards Luna. “Chrysalis is no mother of mine. She lost that title the moment she tried to crush my windpipe under her hooves.” He began trotting to the door, not even bothering to look back in case he caught sight of the monster on the floor. “Let me know when we’re leaving, Thorax. I need to get back to my patrols. If she’s still filled with holes the next time I see her, I’ll be adding some more myself until she stops moving.”

Chapter 9: Can We Keep Her?

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“Morning sleepyhead. Well, afternoon rather.”

Applejack watched from her cushion next to the bed as Chrysalis blinked the sleep from her eyes. The bleary mare yawned, unceremoniously showing her vicious maw of serrated teeth, before smacking her lips.

“Hope ya don’t mind me giving ya a little snack,” Applejack said as she held a comb up briefly before getting back to work.

“Where am I?” Chrys asked groggily as half-lidded eyes wandered about the room.

“Back on the farm. It’s a little after lunch and I thought I’d give ya a little brushup before heading back out.”

A contented smile crept across the queen’s face from the pampering. She shimmied into a more comfortable spot, enjoying the warmth around her. Applejack had never seen the mare look so happy as she nearly hit the hay again. As their eyes met, Chrysalis’ gaze shot open with sudden clarity. The mare popped up in the bed, almost taking the comb with her as her vision flitted around the rustic bedroom.

“Woah there, Chrys!”

Chrysalis gripped the bundle of sheets closer to her chest as her breathing picked up. “What happened? Why am I here?” Chrysalis erratically swiveled her head trying to detect any threats around her.

“You were just asleep for a spell.”

“How long?” Chrysalis demanded as her usual grumpiness returned.

“Reckon a little over a day. No need to get antsy, Chrys. How’re you feeling?”

“Don’t try to change the subject!” Chrysalis slammed her hooves down on the mattress. “Where are they?”

Applejack frowned sternly as she pressed down on Chrysalis’ shoulder, guiding the bedded bug back under the covers. “That ain’t how this is gonna pan out, sugarcube. Not until you’ve cooled off a bit.”

“I don’t want to cool off!” Chrysalis started pitching a fit to break free, but she was in no condition to put up much of a fight. “Let me go!”

“Not until you’ve had some love.” AJ found it a mite unsettling how easy it was to hold her back. She wasn’t even pressing down that hard. “Didn’t wanna force feed ya while you were sleeping, so you’re running a little low, Chrys.”

Chrysalis continued to struggle, kicking her legs as she feebly tried to escape from under AJ’s firm hoof. “I wasn’t done with them!”

“Trust me, you were more than a little done after Luna knocked ya out cold.”

“No!” Chrysalis begged, shaking her head back and forth. “No-no-no! Please! They can’t do this to me!”

“They ain’t doing nothing to ya, Chrys.”

Chrysalis said nothing as she grit her teeth and tried to channel her magic. Applejack frowned deeply and quickly hit the squirming bug on the horn, interrupting her channeling as she recoiled from the impact.

“Would you knock it off already? If you can’t even deal with a little bonk on the noggin, what’d ya think is gonna happen if I let ya run out there to raise a fuss about something already done?”

“But you don’t understand! They can’t apologize!”

“Why not?”

“You wouldn’t understand.”

“I might be a little slow on the uptake, but I’m a good listener when I need to be. Even if I don’t get it, talking about it might make you feel better.”

“What would be the point? You’re prey!”

“Well this prey here’s gonna make sure her predator gets fed something,” She picked up the old comb she’d dropped and held it in front of Chrysalis’ face. “I got a good comb and plenty of combing to do. So how about while I work on your mane, you think up a good answer for why I should let you chase after your kin. Maybe I’ll let you outta bed if it’s a good enough excuse. Deal?”

Chrysalis fumed but fell back onto the bed with her forelegs crossed in a petulant huff. The farmer had to hold back her laugh seeing the cute mental gymnastics being displayed by her bedridden captive’s face. AJ could see the girl’s face shift as she shuffled through ideas to say and discard them. Chrys’ meandering gaze ended at Applejack’s hooves, giving her pause seeing the work she was doing on her mane.

“Why do you have a comb like that anyway?”

“This old thing? Found it in the nightstand here,” AJ answered as she tapped the old furniture.

“Huh. It doesn’t look like an apple.”

“Well, apples are flowers first.”

“I know that! I mean that’s not an apple flower.”

Applejack turned her hoof up to a better look of the flower. The yellow colors and petal edges certainly weren’t any sort of apple growing on the farm, but she didn’t know what it was off the top of her head. “Not everything’s an apple on the farm, sugarcube. This belonged to my momma, Buttercup, and she married into the family. We’re in hers and my daddy Bright Mac’s room if ya didn’t notice.”

“Why did they let me in here?”

Applejack chuckled wistfully. “Well, it’d be mighty difficult for them to raise a fuss about it. They’ve been gone more than a few years now.”

Chrysalis tensed up and averted her eyes. “Oh…”

“Yeah. This was the only room in the house big enough for a you-sized bed. Their mattress was a bit old anyway, so probably for the best that we swapped it out. Funnily enough, ya were too big for their queen, your highness,” Applejack teased.

“Why would you bother with that?”

“Lotsa questions for someone that’s supposed to be thinking about answering mine,” Applejack remarked as she focused on Chrys’ mane. “We all talked about it, and if ya were still wanting to try your hooves at farmwork, the room’s yours.”

Chrysalis’ eyes widened. “What?”

“It’s the least we could do if you’re working the farm with us. We got the room and we’re a bit out of the way. Didn’t wanna make ya wake up before we all did to get here. Plus, you didn’t seem to like the castle much. Maybe you’d be comfier out here?”

Chrysalis said nothing as her eyes wandered around the room. Applejack joined her guest’s tour as she continued her work on the mare’s mane. There wasn’t much in the way of room decor anymore. Luna wanted Chrysalis out of Twilight’s castle in a space she might be more comfortable with, and the old master was a perfect candidate. The problem was getting it ready for her arrival.

It was weird seeing the walls stripped bare of all their family photos. Outside of an old painting of the first barn they raised together and a picture of her mom’s favorite flower, she’d wiped out almost every trace of them ever living there. When she’d asked for some help, Luna countered with a solemn request for Applejack to do it herself. She was a bit cross at first, but as she worked on the room, she realized why the princess had asked the way she did.

The more Applejack sifted through, the more her work would be stopped in its tracks. She’d stumble across something simple like a loose photo, a forgotten perfume bottle, a crumpled ticket stub to a fair, or momma’s favorite scarf, and then time would slip away as the memories rushed in. At least an hour had passed before she’d managed to fill the first box and tape it up, but it got faster as she worked through it all.

After stowing most of it away, she’d chosen a few pictures into her room and kept the scarf. It’d need a good wash to get the musty smell off, but the last dab of momma’s favorite scent would work nicely for now. Applejack had taken it to bed with her and cuddled it close. She couldn’t remember what she’d dreamed about, but she could remember seeing Buttercup and her cascading orange locks.

Luna had been right. Applejack needed to take the time to clean the room, alone. She’d been the only one resisting packing Bright Mac and Buttercup away, even if she’d forgotten it. The princess had known, and helped her move in the best way possible so new life could finally enter the room.

Applejack cleared her throat as she focused back onto Chrysalis' mane. “I know this ain’t exactly the royal quarters you’re probably used to, but it is the homestead’s master bedroom. Ain’t a more important sounding room in the whole house.”

Chrysalis still said nothing, her eyes drifting back to watch the farmer quietly work on her gossamer mane. She could feel the love she felt for her momma flow through the comb and into the changeling. It felt different than usual, but it was a different kind of love. It felt so nice to feel it again with every stroke.

“So, are you okay?” Applejack asked, killing the silence that was letting her think too much.

“I’m hungry,” Chrys mumbled.

Applejack smiled. “I can see that, but I’m trying my best over here. Cut me some slack, Chrys,” she joked as her voice cracked a bit.

The changeling raised her brow at her captor. “You… you didn’t offer a hug when I woke up.”

“Oh yeah. Guess I didn’t. Did you want one?”

“No,” Chrysalis lied.

Applejack snorted with a laugh. “And that’s why I didn’t offer it.”

Chrysalis’ eyes wandered to the window. She sat up slightly in the bed to get a better peek. Rows and rows of apple trees ran as far as the eye could see, retreating towards the hills and meeting the border of the carrot farm next door. While the trees closer to the house were clean as a whistle, the ones further out glowed with red sparkling apples ready for harvesting.

“Don’t you have other work to do besides keeping me here?” Chrysalis asked.

“Eeyup. I still got at least a row or two to buck before calling it a day.”

“And you’re behind on it.”

“That’s putting it lightly. I caught up a bit while you were sleeping, but that’s just how harvest season goes around these parts. Maybe when Apple Bloom’s outta school in a few years, if her talent doesn’t take her somewhere far, she can help out when she ain’t doing what she’s supposed to do with that mark of hers.”

“You don’t want to starve though, right?” Chrysalis pressed.

“And I don’t want you starving, neither. I can always ask my friends in a pinch to pitch in on farmwork, but this here is something only I can do.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “You’re giving me love when I haven’t even bucked a tree or sold one apple yet.”

“And ya won’t be doing either one if you can’t put up a fight, ya bedbug. The last thing I wanna find is you twitching out in the orchard.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “Oh please, I’m not that bad.”

“That’s what I've been trying to tell ya, Chrys,” Applejack agreed with a wink. Chrysalis turned back to AJ with a flat look. She shrugged in reply. “Well, I thought it was funny. More to your point though, Thorax and Ocellus thought otherwise. I remember him fretting over you even standing up.”

“He was just being dramatic. I can stand up just fine.”

“Was he right though? Does it hurt?”

Chrysalis scoffed as she laid back down. “I’m always hungry.”

“Ain’t what I asked, and you know it.”

Chrysalis said nothing, but the silence was everything Applejack needed to hear.

“Please, Chrys, just lemme give you a quick hug instead of this slow-going brushing.”

“This is fine. More would just be a waste of time.”

Applejack set her eyes firmly on the changeling. “I don’t see how making sure you ain’t hurting is a waste.”

Chrysalis’ head listed away from Applejack. “Because it doesn’t matter. All the pain, all the hunger, it’s pointless. It’s always been pointless.”

Applejack wasn’t about to hear any of that without a fight. She tried to think of her momma more as she continued her work on Chrys’ mane. “We all struggle through life, sugarcube. It takes hard work and gumption, but it’s all worth it to be around our friends and family.”

“I’ve survived for so long. I kept them and their offspring alive for centuries, maybe even millennia. I don’t even remember now. And now, it turns out that they’d be better off without me?”

“That ain’t exactly fair to you, Chrys.”

“So? Life has never been fair to me. What I want is ‘evil’ and ‘cruel’ and benefits no one but me. I’m the villain, remember?” Chrysalis grumbled as her fangs dug into her lips until two green dots started to form. Luna had mentioned that she’d noticed scars along her lip from biting them.

Applejack reached into the nightstand and pulled out a small opal with a light blue sigil etched into its center. “Here. Use this instead.”

“Use that to what?”

She tapped the gem and a midnight blue shield grew around it. “A stress ball. It’s a gift from Luna. Bite down on this instead of yourself.”

“Wha—I’m not a dog, AJ!” Chrysalis barked back in defense.

“No, you aren’t, Chrys. But biting your lip with chompers like those ain’t helping ya none.”

Chrysalis snatched the orb with her hooves and glared between it and the farmer with growing ire. She ground her teeth, drawing even more blood as her eye twitched in utter contempt. “So, what, am I your patient now?

“Neigh, you are mine, Chrysalis.”

Chrysalis lost her grip on the ball in surprise and fumbled it as Princess Luna stepped through the doorway with Zecora in tow. “Greetings, Chrysalis. I hope this new day finds you well.”

“No thanks to you,” Chrysalis growled.

“I apologize for compelling you to slumber with a spell. You must be hungry after being asleep for so long.”

“Starving, as usual. Come here to finish our pleasant conversation before you rudely interrupted me?”

Luna stopped momentarily, her face becoming unreadable as she regarded the changeling. “We can discuss that later—”

“No. We’ll discuss it now. Right now!”

Luna nodded patiently. “I see. If this is the course you wish to take, I must ask you a question first: what do you recall from yesterday?”

“Oh, nothing much. Watching a few apples be sold, being humiliated in front of my former subjects and nemesis, and oh! That’s right. Who could forget the little part where you all were trying to destroy my life!”

“I see. I’m sorry you take the Concordant’s apology so personally. You should disregard the amends they wished to make for past mistakes.”

“They were only mistakes to you, prey!”

“We are not your prey, Chrysalis,” Luna stated firmly. “You may feed on our love, but those willing to share will gladly sustain you within reason. From our Harmonious hearts, love springs eternal. Given the right avenues, we can share our love with you, even if you cannot respond in kind. Knowing my dark past, it would be hypocritical of me to do otherwise.”

“So you’re fine with serving yourselves up to me on a silver platter. Noted.” Chrysalis brushed the kindness aside like an annoying gnat. “Now stop trying to change the subject!”

“It was not my intention to—” Luna shut her mouth and paused once more. “Sorry, I can see how you might think that. Still, this is important. Take a deep breath and focus. What was the last thing you recall from yesterday’s meeting?”

“I was yelling at Ocellus.”

Luna paused again. “And after that?”

“What do you mean after that? You blasted me off after I ignored your warning to get off her.”

“Are you certain?” Luna asked again.

“Of course I am! I’m a changeling! You might remember that I have to recall even the slightest detail of anything I see perfectly!”

“Please. I meant no disrespect. I promise there is a point to this. Can you tell me what you felt?”

Chrysalis seethed at the questions. “I was angry, obviously! Upset that you were all trying to take things away from me. After I exposed that poor excuse of a stunt Thorax was pulling with Ocellus, you warned me to back off before shooting me! Then you cornered me with that stupid shield spell of yours.”

“I am sorry. It is true that I approached you with my shield readied on both occasions. but you are conflating the incident with Pharynx on the outskirts of town with the meeting. It was my sister, not I, that commanded you to step away from Ocellus.”

“Don’t try to fool me! Celestia did nothi—” Chrysalis stopped as her eyes bugged slightly. “Wait. No, you’re right. She did.”

“Was there anything after that you can recall?” Luna shot a subtle glance to Applejack and to the comb in her hooves. With the message received, she started working on Chrysalis’ mane again in long, methodical strokes like she’d told her to do. “If not, there is no need to dwell upon it. We can address any gaps at a later time when you are ready.”

“Don’t belittle me! It’s all coming back to me now anyway. I backed off and—I backed off and-and I was so angry and hungry and—” Chrysalis cut herself off as she stared at nothing. “And you were there with your shield out again.” Chrysalis’ hooves wandered up to her shoulder as she started rubbing. “And your shield was out. And you were saying something.”

“Nothing before that?”

“There was nothing before that!” Chrysalis fired back. She sneered bitterly for a moment until reality began to sink as her eyes fluttered with confusion. “But, there had to be. I was yelling at Ocellus at the table, but then I was looking at you from the ground.”

“Please calm yourself, Chrysalis. That is all I wanted to know.”

“You calm down! I’m not crazy! I-I just need to remember how I got there is all.”

“I would never call you crazy. You may be suffering from a gap in your memory from stress. It should come back in time.”

“I’m not stressed! I’m perfectly fine,” Chrysalis spat as her eye twitched. “Just shut up, and let me think! Okay?”

“There is no need, but very well,” Luna said evenly.

“Think. Just, think.” Chrysalis chewed her lip, muttering the events of the meeting to herself as she kept trying to jog her memory.

Luna retrieved the discarded stress ball from the floor. “Please use this instead of your lip.”

“I’m not biting my lip!” she hissed through her clenched teeth.

“I must draw the line here. You will not use physical pain to distract from your emotional distress. We are here to help you.”

Chrysalis reared up to Luna and crossed her horn with the princess’. For her part, Luna didn’t even flinch from the sudden charge. “Stop it! I don’t need help, especially not from you!”

“I am inclined to disagree, but I cannot force you to accept my assistance. I only wish to assist you.”

Chrysalis’ frown sank lower as she tapped her hoof impatiently to mask her shaking. “How magnanimous for somepony who wanted to throw me in their rock collection a few days ago.”

Applejack didn't know if it was Chrysalis’ tone, subtle fear, or the glacial pace of the conversation, but she was getting sick and tired of dancing around the point. “For peat’s sake, Chrys! Do you wanna know what happened or not?”

Luna quickly turned to the farmer. “Quiet, Applejack! Do not—”

“Don’t what? String her along while she’s trying to remember what she did?” Applejack asked with a derisive snort. She’d had it with these needless mind games from Luna. “She obviously doesn't remember. Why’re you messing with her like this?”

“I am not messing with anypony,” Luna reprimanded with absolute authority. “I cannot explain my reasoning, but trust me and still yourself.”

“‘What I did’?” The changeling narrowed her eyes and turned to Applejack for answers. “What exactly did I do, Applejack?”

“Do not answer that question, Applejack!” Luna stomped her hoof in anger, silencing the both of them. She closed her eyes and took another calming breath, but she was boiling something fierce under her serenity. “You did nothing, Chrysalis.”

“Nope. I’m not buying that bald faced lie.” Chrysalis tilted her head as she considered Luna’s words and giggled as she cleared her throat. “Must’ve been pretty bad if it’s getting to you, dear sister,” she teased with Celestia’s voice.

Luna whispered something under her breath in a weird language AJ’d never heard before turning back to Chrysalis. “Something almost occurred, but I stopped it before it got too out of hoof.”

“Not the way our dear Applejack said it,” the fake sun princess tittered with a vicious smirk. “So what’d I do to you that was so bad, you decided to put me down with your stellar magic, your royal weakness?”

“For the love of—You just tried to bite Thorax, and she stopped ya before ya could, okay?” AJ answered, her patience finally drained.

Chrysalis' act dropped entirely. Her ears flopped down and her shoulders slumped in disbelief. “W-what?”

“Silence, Applejack!” Luna roared. “You are not helping!”

Applejack snorted at the princess. “What’s not helping is torturing her with something we all know happened! Why can’t ya just say she tried to bite the head off of—”

BE STILL!” The princess boomed with galactic fury. Luna wrapped a silencing spell around AJ’s head, stopping her from uttering another word. “Curse your thoughtless, brutal honesty! How much more damage must be wrought before you are satisfied?”

Applejack stewed in silent frustration and looked back at Chrysalis. Sure it was harsh, but she’d already done a lot worse in the past. The big girl could take it.

“I tried to bite him? Not slap him or hit him, but actually bite him?” Chrysalis took a shuddering breath and looked at her hooves.

Or not…

“You’re lying. I know I’m a monster to you all, but I wouldn’t do that to them. No matter how much they change, I’m still a queen. I’d only bite…” Chrysalis’ lips trembled, dancing around her vicious teeth. “Prey.”

Luna trotted in front of Chrysalis to focus the former queen’s attention on her. “Listen to me. There was an incident, yes. Something tried to attack Thorax during the meeting, but I stopped it before any harm could befall him. Do not concern yourself with it now. We pushed too hard.”

“Stop talking, I’m thinking!” Chrysalis roared as her breathing quickened.

“Your children are safe, Chrysalis. They. Are. Safe,” Luna assured, her unblinking focus wrestling for the changeling’s attention. “It was a painful day for all of us, but you took the brunt of it, and for that, I apologize.”

“Would you shut up already? I’m not crazy! I know I’m not crazy… right?” Chrysalis hit the side of her head with her hooves. “Think! Think, you stupid brain! I’m supposed to remember everything! Every detail! I remember your stupid names! Applejack, Zecora, Luna, Big Mac, Apple Bloom, Bright Mac, Buttercup, even that stupid mutt Winona!”

“It is fine, Chrysalis. What you experienced might've been dissociation. You were not there experiencing what was happening. It was not your fault.”

“But I was there! I saw your stupid shield! You weren’t talking loud enough! I was just so angry, and hungry! I-I couldn’t hear you and…” Chrysalis trailed off as she bit down harder and harder.

“Bite into the shielding, please. You are already suffering enough. Do not subject yourself to more, needlessly.”

Chrysalis' gaze flitted between the ball suspended in midnight magic and Luna herself. Surrendering to the pressure, she tore the ball from the royal aura with her hooves and chomped down. Any relief was short lived as she caught her reflection in the mirror, the starving stray with her chew toy. Any shred of dignity left filled her eyes and began flowing out at the sight of herself. The mare collapsed onto her back and covered her eyes as her frustrated screams leaked out of her mouth.

Applejack’s heart sank at the changeling’s self-pitying wails. She should’ve listened to Luna. The princess leveled a soft glare of her own at Applejack, letting her know she was going to have many words with her later. With the damage done, the princess dispelled the muting spell around the farmer to put her magic to work on patching up the changeling’s lower lip.

Applejack pulled her hat off. “I’m so sorry, Chrys. I didn’t mean to…”

Chrys said nothing, only turning away from her in the bed and curling tighter under the covers.

Applejack felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Zecora. She’d completely forgotten the zebra was there in the first place. Her friend pulled her away from the bedside and towards the door.

“The two of us should wait outside,
At least until her tears have dried.”

Following behind her friend, Applejack stole one more glance at the bedside. Luna retrieved the cushion and sat next to her patient with a supportive hoof on her shoulder. As Applejack closed the door behind her, Luna turned to face AJ. There was no bitterness or anger, only a palpable disappointment.

Feeling Zecora’s pull at her hoof, Applejack let Zecora lead the way as she kept her eyes trained on the floor. They came to a stop and Applejack saw that she was in her room. Zecora shut the door behind them for some privacy. Expecting a stern talking to for completely screwing up with Chrysalis, her friend simply pulled her into a comforting hug.

“I’m sorry that happened, Applejack.
I know your words weren’t meant to attack.”

“I don’t get it, Zecora,” Applejack muttered. “I thought I was helping. All I did was tell her the truth.”

“There are times the mind becomes far too upset,
And washes away things we’d rather forget.
From what I could glean, in this situation,
Chrysalis suffered from dissociation.”

Applejack quirked her brow at the word. “Mind running that last part by me again?”

Zecora hummed to herself in contemplation.

“Have you ever reached the end of a street,
And found that the time was less than concrete?
Or perhaps when you’re working and enter a flow,
You have no way of knowing where your head will go?”

“I do kinda just zone out sometimes when I’m on a delivery for sure, or get into a groove when apple-bucking and just kinda go off of muscle memory, but that’s just normal boredom, right? This disa-social-whatever sounds like a bad thing.”

Zecora laughed politely and shook her head.

“It’s normal for us to idly ponder,
And lose ourselves briefly while our minds wander.
But there are those who, when acutely distressed,
Will retreat inward, and their self is repressed.

“In the latter’s case, when they’re completely withdrawn,
Memories become clouded or are simply gone!
From what I could gather from the bedroom’s drama,
The gap in her mind was in response to trauma.”

Applejack sucked in her lips with a frown as she thought about what happened yesterday at the end. She’d seen that fuming rage before with Pharynx when she’d torn up Luna’s shield and when she’d broken that mirror in the castle, but when she’d lunged at Thorax was simply on another level. Even after waking up, the first thing on her mind was stopping his plan to apologize for everything the Changeling Kingdom had done. The question was why.

“Hey Zecora? I know you don’t like talking about it, but when everypony in Ponyville was scared of you, did you ever ask yourself if you’d done something wrong?”

A grimace flashed across Zecora’s face. AJ knew it was a touchy topic with the mare, since she’d been afraid of her too.

“There were many times when I would question your fear,
I thought I had trespassed in a way most severe!
But lucky for me, that’s all in the past,
Thanks to your sister, I’m not an outcast.”

Applejack pressed. “But what if you had, though?”

Zecora shrugged. “Then I’d reap what I’d sow.”

“Even if you thought it wasn’t wrong?”

“I’m not sure I’m following along.”

“Like for instance, you were living in the Everfree Forest when we defeated Nightmare Moon, right?” Applejack asked and received a nod for Zecora. “What if instead you beat her, but none of us knew and you got blamed for Princess Celestia’s disappearance? You would’ve saved the world and been hated for it.”

“The Princess would repair that misunderstanding.
Her soul would despair to see such unkind branding.”

Applejack smacked her forehead. “Okay, that's fair. Let’s just pretend she didn’t.”

“This example of yours is rather extreme,
What does this question have to do with the queen?”

“You know she’s against the Changeling Concordant apologizing for… I guess everything they ever did to us? You know, including stuff we don’t know about?”

“I’ve heard our new friends want to make amends.”

“And you know that Chrysalis is totally against it?”

“Her opinion was most clear that she wished to interfere.”

“It’s what set her off into that bad mind wandering you mentioned. I tried to ask her about it, but she wouldn’t give me a straight answer. All she said was that I wouldn’t understand because I’m prey. Not sure what to do with that bit of information.”

“Her prey, you say?”

The medicine mare unlatched her saddlebag and set it in front of her. She rustled through her potions and pouches until she pulled out a viciously sharp piece of wood. Turning it upside down, Applejack recognized the curved barb as a timberwolf fang.

“Perhaps the reason our approach is ineffective,
Is because we lack her predator perspective.
Some would call timberwolves a terrible a blight,
While forgetting the forest is their birthright.”

“I already know that Chrys’ eating habits aren’t really in her control. I don’t hold it against her. I just wish she’d see it that way.”

“Don’t limit love as a means to survive.
All creatures need it in order to thrive.
It shows in so many ways to explore.
Platonic, familial, selfless, and more.”

“The passion I feel when I kiss my flower,
Renews my life with its wonderful power.
To lack her precious touch now? The thought fills me with dread,
I don’t know how I ever slept alone in my bed…”

For the longest time, she’d written off the “evil” changelings as monsters. They abused the trust of family and friends by tricking them with a disguise to feed themselves any kind of love they could get. They were the kind of dishonest critters that deserved a swift buck to the head on sight. But then she’d saved their leader in the forest. After watching Chrysalis collapse from starvation, their story had gotten mighty more complicated, and AJ was still struggling to get her head around it.

Queen Chrysalis was a heartless ruler who watched over a loveless nation. Now, her former subjects could love themselves, and they didn’t need to steal it anymore. Chrys was out of a job. It sounded like a good way to retire, but she didn’t see it that way. It was wrong, and they couldn’t apologize for it. Why?

“Butter my brains and serve me up to a dragon, cause I’m fried,” Applejack moaned as she sunk her face into her hooves. “Chrys is right. I don’t understand it at all. She could just let anyone willing to give her some love feed her, including the changelings. Why is she being so stubborn about it? Is she just an idiot?”

“You, Applejack, would know better than I.
Is there a thread woven through all her lies?”

That was a big question, too big really. She’d been lying since she met her in the Everfree, or rather when she ran into “Classy” the first time. It’d almost be better to ask when she wasn’t lying.

Wait. When wasn’t Chrysalis lying?

Applejack tried to think back. The changeling had lied about everything. Even when she was being her most truthful, it was drenched in so much hatred that it felt insincere. There had to be a time Chrysalis was completely honest, a time when there were no ulterior motives. She’d either have to be invincible or have nothing to lose, either at the top or bottom of her world.

“Right you are, Princess. And as queen of the changelings, it is up to me to find food for my subjects.”

“S-silence! I-I pro-pro-provide food for my subjects-s-s. They s-steal l-love for me. I don’t steal f-from them-m-m.”

Feeding her subjects. No matter what it was, Chrysalis always seemed to go back to that. She said it like a mantra all the time, even now when she had no subjects to provide love to. It didn’t make sense, but she clung to the idea like a cutie mark. It was the first thing she said when she was unmasked and the idea she was gonna go out on. So, if it wasn’t just about survival, what else was it about?

“You won’t ever remember how I raised you, how I kept you safe, how I cared for all of you!”

Chrysalis wasn’t just a queen, she was some sort of “all-mother” as Thorax had put it. AJ wasn’t sure if it was an honorary title, but it sounded like she cared a lot about it.

“You don’t think I loved you? Of course I didn’t! I never have, and I never will, because I never could! That would require love in the first place, and I never have any to spare, you ungrateful leeches!”

She was a mother who couldn’t love her children. She was always hungry, and she had to feed herself while providing love for everyone.

“How dare you apologize after everything I did for you! I… I hate you! I hate all of you!”

Applejack’s eyes wandered to her wall to look at the pictures she’d moved from her parents' room. Some had been framed, while the others had found their ways into forgotten drawers. Even now, she could feel the love shining through all the moments she wished to relive with them. She’d give anything to get a big ol’ hug from her daddy or brush her momma’s hair just one more time. At least she still had the rest of her family: her little sister to care for, her big brother’s bond, and her granny’s loving meals to savor.

Applejack paused. “Granny’s loving meals?”

“Well, whatcha think?” Granny Smith asked between bites.

“I think it’s pony food,” Chrysalis answered vaguely.

“Darn tootin!” Granny laughed as she shoveled another spoonful into her mouth.

“This here is my cream potato soup. It’s got carrots, onions, potatoes of course, and everything else that’ll help put some weight on those withered withers.”

Chrysalis sighed. “Thanks.”

“I even tried cooking it with extra love considering AJ said that’s what you eat,” the old mare bragged. “Make sure you eat all that up.”
The changeling eyed the soup and took another bite.

“I don’t taste any love in this.”

“Nonsense, dear. I put my heart n’ soul into every dish I make. It’s what gives my cooking that extra kick.”

“You can’t cook love. I’ve tried.”

Applejack felt a nudge on her shoulder. Looking to her side, Zecora was frowning in deep concern.

“Is something wrong? You have started to shake.
Why do you seem on the verge of heartbreak?”

Applejack forced the lump down her throat, hoping she wouldn’t throw up the moment she started talking. “What if Chrysalis really loves her children, but she can’t really love them?”

“Quite an interesting proposition,
But isn’t that also a contradiction?
Part of the reason for this sordid affair,
Is the fact that the queen has no love to share.”

“Exactly. She can’t share love, but she feels it, right? She’s gotta, considering she’s always hungry for it. Ocellus said the only love she has is for herself. Well, I know I love myself the best when I’m working the farm. I feel the best about myself when I see folks smile as they bite into one of our apples, or when I’m apple-bucking like my daddy taught me.”

Zecora tapped her chin in thought.
“If it’s love of the self, then that would mean,
She can only love herself as their queen.
Behind furious hatred that scares others away,
Dwells a fallen ruler who sees her children as prey.”

With that, it clicked. Applejack finally understood.

Granny Smith loved cooking food for her family.
Queen Chrysalis found love for her subjects.

Granny loved making big meals for her grandkids and any company that happened by.
Chrysalis found the biggest sources of love she could find and feasted alongside them.

Granny wanted everypony to know about their Apple Family Hospitality.
Chrysalis wanted everyone to know that she was the one who provided them love.

Even though Granny always had enough love to go around, the matron of the Apple family showed it best by feeding her kin.
Even if Chrysalis couldn’t share any love, the all-mother of the changelings would try her best to show it by feeding her children.

And even if they didn’t need Granny to do it, she could always share the love in other ways.
But now that they didn’t need Chrysalis, she could never show them any love ever again.

Forget butterflies, there was a swarm of ornery hornets stinging the insides of her stomach. No wonder she’d compared Princess Cadance to a sandwich, all the attacks against Equestria must’ve been like an endless buffet in Chrysalis’ eyes. Her kin apologizing for all of it would be like throwing every apple pie Granny Smith ever made in her face at once.

Applejack hopped off the bed and trotted towards her family photos and all the love that was in there on display. It was so easy to feel her parents' love, even now when they were gone. All she had to do was remember them fondly and feel the love she’d learned from them. It would always be with her, even if she forgot the details. The memories of their love would be bittersweet inside her until the day she died.

For Chrys, it’d just be bitterness and loss. A hollow memory of love that dwindled away. Applejack tried to picture what it’d be like to feel nothing but loss, just to glean even a fraction of what Chrys was going through.

“She was right, Zecora. I didn’t know how she felt. Not even close. I can’t even imagine.”

“Though often forgotten, this matter of late,
Reminds me that love is the root of true hate.
An instinct we carry to guard friends and family,
Makes us despise what would bring utter calamity.

“And this distance she keeps must be for their protection,
She can never risk tasting her children’s affection.
To do otherwise would risk them all to suffer,
The endless void of their devouring mother.”

“This ain’t just wrong, it’s worse than wrong! It’s like a level of wrongness I didn’t even think was possible!” Applejack hit her hoof on the wall as she stared at her younger self practically drowning in love. “I was a dang fool to think I could help her. Where can ya even start with something like that?”

“But my friend, you have already started,
You showed her that you are tender-hearted.
For you can guide her and shine from above,
A beacon of safe, compassionate love.”

“But, I can barely get my head around it.”

“You’re trying to learn—”

“Learn? Even if I’m only half-right, what good’s that gonna do in the face of all of this?”

“It shows your concern.”

Applejack leaned her head against the wall, knocking her hat off. Sure, it was just a bunch of guesswork on hers and Zecora’s part, but if they were even remotely close to reality, it was utterly devastating.

“If it’s too much for you, I’d give up now.
Do not be ashamed to throw in the towel.
If this relation is what you wish to pursue,
Your first obligation is to take care of you.”

“I don’t wanna give up on her, but I don’t know if I’m gonna be helpful either. How am I supposed to replace a family?”

Zecora laughed heartily and shook her head. She took her saddlebag off and began searching through it, pushing around vials and baubles of mystical nature. The zebra’s eyes sparkled as her hoof stopped and picked up a tiny wooden frame, no larger than her hoof.

“It’s silly to set such an impossible goal.
Such matters are far beyond our measly control.
It might not be much, but she won’t be alone.
It always feels better when you have a home.”

Applejack approached her friend and received the little window into Zecora’s world. Within its borders was a close-up photograph of Zecora kissing the side of Fleur’s head to the stalwart guard’s glowing embarrassment. The picture was so tiny that the farmer couldn’t make much else out aside from the kiss. She had no clue if they were on a date in Canterlot or taking a personal picture in Zecora’s hut in the Everfree Forest.

But that was the point. Applejack knew wherever it was didn’t matter. After all, home wasn’t a place, it was the folks around you that made the difference. There was nothing that could replace what Chrys had lost, but Applejack would gladly show the all-mother what her family was all about. By her count, two ponies and a dog had to be better than nothing. It’d be four if her siblings could warm up to the bug.

“Guess Chrys is moving in if she still wants to give the Apples a chance.”

“Wonderful! My work will not go to waste,
Otherwise, this craft would not have a place.”

Reaching into her bag again, Zecora carefully fished out something the size of a dinner plate that was wrapped in paper. She gently unfolded it and revealed a beautiful series of rings dangling from a large woven hoop. It glowed with an eerie, mystical aura of midnight blue and teal, with a magical circle spun from various silky threads. They shimmered with a gossamer green as blue pegasus feathers hung from below.

“What in the world is this, Zecora?”

“A buffalo craft spun from regal hairs and feathers,
A dreamcatcher that will bind two souls together.”

“It’s really pretty looking, but what’s it for?”

“When Chrysalis sleeps, there are no dreams that take shape,
There’s an illusion the princess called the Mindscape.
The princess forced her in with her magical dreams,
But in the realm of the changelings, the queen reigns supreme.”

Applejack took another gander at the dreamcatcher. “And this dreamy doo-hickey here will help with that?”

The medicine mare chuckled at the words, but nodded in agreement.

“Well, hopefully she decides to stick around the farm. We could still use the help, and I know we owe her a fair bit of that good ol’ Apple Family Hospitality.”

Zecora smiled warmly and gathered herself before sliding off the bed as well.
“I know it’s a gift that continues to give,
It’s a perk we enjoy with how close we live.”

“Darn tootin! You and Fleur are always welcome here!”

Applejack pulled Zecora into a hug. She was grateful to have friends like her that could help her in a pinch. It might be a struggle to help Chrysalis, maybe even impossible given what they were up against, but it’d be worth it if they could do some good for her. There was always room at Sweet Apple Acres for more. Even an “evil” changeling like Chrysalis deserved a home sweet home.

Chapter 10: Sit, Stay, and Roll Over

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There wasn’t a strong enough word that Applejack knew to describe the gloom weighing on her withers as she muddled through her work. More than once she caught herself looking back at the homestead’s second story window, trying to catch a glimpse of the wispy shimmer of Luna’s aetherial mane. When she’d walked past the room, she could tell Chrys was still upset, even if she wasn’t the sobbing mess Applejack had left her in. She just hoped everything would work out okay.

After Zecora headed back to the Everfree Forest, the farmer had gone back to the orchard to try to get her mind off of things. Unfortunately, the trees were also less than useful for her mood today. Her go-to of apple-bucking her worries away wasn’t doing its job. She couldn’t even blame it on being drained of love. In fact, she could probably argue the opposite knowing Chrys hadn’t taken much at all from her combing earlier. Anytime Applejack felt like she was getting back in the zone, she’d remembered what the zebra had said about dissociation. It made her hyper aware of becoming unaware of what she was doing and stopped her from getting into a good flow. She was caught in a trap between focus and distraction as she continued her work.

“Uhh, sis?” Apple Bloom asked warily.

Applejack turned to her younger sister, who was carrying a small stack of bushel barrels on her back and looking at her with concern. “Yeah, Apple Bloom?”

“We already did that row.”

Applejack blinked and looked to see she was third down the line of bare trees in her blind bucking. “Oh. Sorry about that.”

Scanning the treeline, she spotted the next set of apple trees and trotted over to them to restart her work. She lined up to find the sweet spot and launched her hooves back, sending another cascade of apples down.

“Hey!” Apple Bloom shouted.

“What is it now, AB?”

“I wasn’t done setting up!” the filly whined, shuffling the barrels balancing on her back.

“Well, set it up faster,” AJ complained.

“How am I supposed to do that when I didn’t even know which row ya were gonna start on?”

Applejack smacked herself on the forehead. “You’re right, Apple Bloom. Mighty sorry about that.”

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Apple Bloom looked around her sister’s foreleg to get a better look at Applejack’s face.

“I already said I was good for apple-bucking the last four times you asked."

“Yeah, ya said you were good for bucking trees, but now that I think about it, that ain’t the same thing as being alright, is it?”

“Guess that’s fair,” Applejack admitted with a huff as she moved onto the next tree. She kept her eyes behind her, waiting for her little sister to set up the next barrels to catch the goods. She waited, waited, and then waited a little more before turning her head back around. “Apple—”

The mare was cut off by coming face to face with her sister. Applejack backed up as Apple Bloom levied a stern glare at her.

“Aren’t you the one always saying I need to be more careful when working?” Bloom asked pointedly.

Applejack nodded.

“Well, what’d ya call bucking three empty trees in a row? Or bucking before I even grabbed the bushel barrels?”

The second one made AJ’s heart sink. Had her sister been behind her putting down barrels, she might’ve kicked her instead of the tree. “You’re absolutely right, sugarcube. Why don’t we take a break?”

“Okay.” Apple Bloom nudged the stack off her back and placed them under the next tree.

With a sigh, Applejack began picking the grounded apples up by hoof and putting them in barrels under the tree. Her little sister followed suit and began picking up the loose fruit as well.

“You can go on and take a breather, Bloom. I’m the fool that made this mess.”

“You’re the one that needs the break though,” she replied as she placed another couple of apples in the barrel.

Applejack couldn’t help but smile. “Thanks, Bloom. And I’m sorry I’ve been so short with you today.”

“It’s okay.”

Applejack shook her head. “No, it’s not okay. You don’t need me being ornery on top of being stubborn when ya ain’t done nothing but help me today.”

Apple Bloom bit her lip. “Is it something to do with Chrysalis?”

“It is, but it ain’t what you’re probably thinking. She’s having a tough go of it, and I went and made it worse.”

“Oh.” Apple Bloom looked up and pursed her lips as she tried to think through her next words carefully. “Did you feed her bad love?”

“No, I—” Applejack paused as she thought about it. “Well, ya ain’t exactly wrong with that one in spirit. Maybe tough love would work if you took a lil’ liberty with the meaning, but really it's just me not keeping my dumb mouth shut when I needed to. I hurt her.”

You hurt her?” Apple Bloom asked in disbelief.

AJ bristled at her sister's shock. “I did. I hurt her feelings, and let me make one thing crystal clear: it wasn’t right of me to do so. Got it?”

“Y-yeah.” The filly rubbed her hoof on the ground. “Sorry, sis. I’m kinda still trying to get used to it is all.”

“I know. Given the history, it was a big ask to let her stay with us while she’s working on the farm. I’m glad you’re letting her.”

Apple Bloom blinked owlishly. “You are?”

“Of course I am.”

“You mean, if I’dda said no, she wouldn’t be staying with us?”

“That’s right. In fact, if anypony wasn’t okay with having Chrys on the farm, she wouldn’t be here.” Applejack trotted over to her sister and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “You having second thoughts, Bloom?”

“Well… No? Kinda?” Apple Bloom sighed. “I dunno.”

“If you don’t want her here, it’s fine. This is your home, and you should feel safe.” Applejack turned Apple Bloom’s face to her and looked into her eyes. “Now, lemme ask you again. Are you okay with her being here or not? Tell the truth. I won’t be mad.”

Apple Bloom’s eyes darted away for a second but came back to meet her older sister’s honest gaze. “Is it okay if I’m not, but I don’t want her to leave neither?”

Applejack tilted her head. “What?”

“I was waiting for you to, uhh… finish ‘giving her some lunch,’” Apple Bloom said slowly trying to hide her disgust with the notion. “And I kinda heard her crying.”

Applejack sucked in a breath through her teeth as she nearly started chewing her lip until she remembered seeing Chrys’ bleeding. “Yeah. That was my fault."

“I didn’t think she could cry like that.” Apple Bloom looked away as she grabbed at her leg. “She sounded so sad.”

“I know.”

“What did you say to her?”

“Something that in hindsight was incredibly insensitive.”

“Is—is she gonna be okay?”

“I…” Applejack wanted to assure her, but she wasn't sure herself. The weight of it all forced down to her haunches. “I don’t know. I just don’t know.”

“Can I do something to help?” Apple Bloom offered as she put her hoof on her sister’s to support her.

The innocent question caught Applejack by surprise. “You wanna help Chrysalis?”

Apple Bloom shook her head. “Not really, but I know she needs it. Kinda like Diamond Tiara did. That’s why I don’t wanna send her away. Chrysalis is scary, but she’s also gotta be plenty scared, right? I mean, she’s only got you to… eat.”

Applejack coughed at the phrasing. “Well, you’re right about that. So far I’m her sole source of love.”

“And my special talent is helping others as best I can along with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle…”

“But that don’t mean ya gotta force yourself to do something you’re not keen on doing,” Applejack assured her little sister. “It’s not like I’ll just give an apple to anyone that happens along the farm.”

“But you wanna help her, right?”

“That I do.”

“Then so do I. We’re Apples, and we Apples gotta stick together.”

Applejack beamed with pride as she pulled her beloved sister into a tight hug and smooched her on the back of her mane. “When did you get to be such a mature filly on me?”

“I had a good role model.”

Applejack held her sister tighter. “You can be sweeter than honey sometimes, lil’ sis.”

“Yeah. Miss Cheerilee’s a great teacher,” Apple Bloom added.

Applejack chuckled and shifted her grip into pulling her sister around the neck and started to noogie her snarky sister’s mane. Bloom began squealing and laughing as she struggled to break free of her big sister’s grip.

“Cut it out, AJ!” the filly complained.

“Shoulda thought about that before ya chucked the mood straight into the river.”

The sisters playfulled wrassled in the grass, giggling and laughing as the stress of the day was swept away by their foalish fun. Despite it being a break, Applejack was working up a bigger sweat trying to catch her slippery sister. She’d almost get her when Apple Bloom would counterattack with a strategic tickling to break free.

After a good ten minutes of horsing around, Applejack fell on her back to catch her breath. Apple Bloom joined her side as they both looked up at the clouds. Seeing the apple barrel next to her, she reached inside and grabbed a couple fruits and passed one to her sister as they chowed down while enjoying the lovely weather. However, the sun quickly slipped away, replaced by an expanse of nebulous night. Tilting her head back to see the source of the sudden time shift looking back at her.

“I believe you are eating into your profits, dear Applejack,” Luna commented with a smirk.

“Eeyup. Want one, Luna?”

Smiling from the utter lack of decorum, the princess reached into the barrel with her hoof and picked an apple for herself. “Would you like one, Chrysalis?”

“Chrys?” Applejack asked as she rolled onto her belly and looked to see Chrysalis standing a little ways off. She quickly scrambled to her hooves to give the mare a proper apology. “Chrysalis! I’m so—”

“Don’t bother,” the changeling stated firmly as she stepped forward. “I heard you the first time.”


Luna frowned slightly, but Chrysalis said nothing.

Apple Bloom quickly righted herself from the grass and looked up at the towering mare. Sensing the added attention, the former queen shifted her eyes down to the little filly. When the two gazes met, Apple Bloom stepped back slightly, almost retreating behind her big sister again until she noticed the changeling's knitted brow was accompanied by her ears drooping. Swallowing her nerves, Bloom made the first move.

“A-are you feeling better, Chrysalis?” she asked in fearful concern.

The genuinity of the question caught the changeling off guard. Her ears popped to attention as she turned her head down to face the filly. Apple Bloom flinched from the sudden shift in the larger mare as the filly forced a nervous smile.

“Yes, little one.”

“Oh. Good.” The filly shrank back at a loss for words. She cleared her throat. “Umm… my name’s Apple Bloom.”

“It is,” Chrysalis agreed.

“If you knew that, then why did you call me…” Apple Bloom trailed off seeing the rapt attention the changeling was giving her. Another awkward silence settled on the two. The filly scratched the back of her head. “Well, I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

Chrysalis nodded. “Relatively speaking.”

Apple Bloom nodded back and turned to her big sister, silently pleading for AJ to save her from the conversation with the changeling.

“I might be able to help you feel a bit better if ya need a bit of love, Chrys,” Applejack offered.

“That would be wonderful,” Luna agreed before Chrysalis could say anything. The changeling shot a withering side-eye towards the princess. “Please Chrysalis. You must be willing to take care of yourself and accept those that are offering to help you do that.”

Chrysalis sucked in a patient breath and nodded as she sat down with her eyes closed.

“Great! I bet you’re plenty hungry, girl.” Applejack took off her hat and reached in to grab the little comb she stashed away.

“That will not be necessary. Please give Chrysalis a hug, Applejack.”

Applejack furrowed her brow and looked at the changeling who was sitting rigid. “She don’t look like she’s too keen on getting one.”

“No, she does not.” Luna walked to the other side of the changeling and hummed in thought.

Chrysalis’ opened one eye and growled. “What do you want me to do about it?”

“Applejack only wishes to share her love with you, Chrysalis.”

“Yeah, I got that,” the changeling scoffed. “Not sure why—”

“Because she cares about your wellbeing. Applejack is your friend, not your prey.”

Chrysalis sneered at the princess who calmly looked upon the changeling. Applejack felt like she was missing something as Chrysalis’ narrowed glare widened into an aggravated stare before finally falling away with a sullen frown.

“I… would like a hug,” Chrysalis grumbled under her breath.

Applejack regarded the indignant changeling and shook her head. “I ain’t gonna give ya one if the princess there is forcing you to. I got my comb right here if you’re more comfortable with that.”

“But it’s slow,” Chrysalis replied with a quick, furtive glance at Luna. The princess nodded in support while keeping her same, soft gaze. Chrysalis’ irritation faded as she cleared her throat and turned back to Applejack. “And you can’t buck apples and do my mane at the same time. It’s not fair to you to keep you behind on your work. And, I need to…” Chrysalis looked again at Luna who was still maintaining her same quiet look. The former queen took one more patient breath. “And I need to…”

“That is enough for now, Chrysalis.”

“Shut up! I can do it!” she snapped back. Taking another calming breath through her nose, Chrysalis looked straight at Applejack. “And I need to be more…”

Applejack waited patiently for Chrysalis to finish whatever she was saying, but as time went on, the mare seemed to shut down as she looked at her hooves. Applejack ducked down, trying to catch the larger mare’s gaze, but the changeling closed her eyes.

Luna smiled knowingly and tapped her hoof on the changeling’s shoulder, snapping Chrysalis out of her funk. “That was good. Thank you, Chrysalis.”

“Don’t patronize me!” Chrysalis barked angrily.

“I promised you before that I would never look down on you for trying in good faith. It is important to acknowledge genuine mindfulness. As I said before, there is always room for improvement, but that is no reason to chastise yourself. Perhaps you should work on the wording if it is too difficult to convey.”

“It’s not—” Chrysalis bit back her hasty words and gritted her teeth. “I already told you that it was fine.”

“Begging your pardon, but between the two of y’all, I’m a bit lost,” Applejack asked to her little sister’s nodding agreement.

“That is most understandable, Applejack. But regarding this matter in particular, it is not my place to say,” Luna insisted. “Only Chrysalis may speak of it if she desires.”

Chrysalis crossed her legs and sneered. “Why not tell her? It’d be easier that way.”

“Your dreams, therapeutic or otherwise, are bound to confidentiality. I am not in the practice of removing one’s agency when it comes to sharing such experiences.”

“Really now? You sure are bossy when it comes to me consuming the love of your subjects, your highness.”

“When it comes to such matters, I will not hesitate nor apologize when making sure you take care of yourself.”

“Even at the expense of your precious little ponies?” she prodded with a predatory grin.

“I will not be antagonized, Chrysalis,” Luna said, drawing a line at the changeling’s word games. “Please do not needlessly hurt yourself.”

This was getting nowhere in a hurry with the stubborn drama queen. There had to be something that could make Chrys more comfortable with eating. Otherwise, she’d have to get real good at brushing manes in a jiffy. Applejack looked around, trying to see if there was anything, but there wasn’t much outside of bushel barrels and apple trees.

But maybe that'd be a way to start things proper for the predator.

Applejack cleared her throat. “Hey, Chrys?”


“Wanna put that apple-bucking lesson from the other day into practice?” the farmer asked while looking at the next tree on her current row.

“We never finished,” Chrysalis muttered flatly.

“Then let’s fix that real quick,” AJ suggested as she approached her targeted tree. “Mind helping me set up, Apple Bloom?”

“Uh, sure, sis. No problem.” Apple Bloom scampered to grab a few collection barrels as Applejack started practicing her apple-bucking form. All the while, Luna and Chrysalis watched curiously.

Nodding in approval, she turned back to her queenly student. “Alright, Chrys. Let’s get ready for your first proper apple-bucking.”

Chrysalis narrowed her gaze as she approached the peasant. “What are you playing at, AJ?”

“No games here. Not yet at least. Can’t have ya hurting yourself on account of inexperience. Now, get over here and do your copying thing.”

“You said I had to develop my own method.”

“Well, maybe that’s copying Mac and me until you get a feel for it. If not, we’re just doing the one for now, so it'll get the job done this time.” Applejack began waving her over. “Now c’mon. Hop to it, Chrys! Ain’t got all day.”

With a drawn out sigh, the changeling picked up the pace to join the smaller mare’s side. “If it will get you to shut up.”

“It will,” AJ said, not letting a single one of Chrys’ barbs get caught in her coat. “Now, I want you to copy exactly what I’m gonna do, except for the last bit where you actually need to put a bit more power when kicking ol’ Merryweather here.”

“Another one of your weird tree names?”

“You know it, Christopher. Now do your staring thing.”

Chrys rolled her eyes and shrugged off the bad joke before bugging her eyes out once more to take in every single aspect of Applejack’s movements. Apple Bloom gasped in horror at the predator's hyperfocus bearing on her big sister. Testing the motions, AJ bent down, which the changeling copied to the letter. Even Luna seemed slightly unsettled by the mirroring movement Chrysalis was capable of performing.

After a few more moments of mimicry, Apple Bloom's fear gave way to awe seeing AJ buck and Chrys doing the same exact motions with perfect precision. “Woah… that’s so weird.”

Applejack chuckled as she pantomimed a proper apple-buck at Merryweather’s sweet spot. “Freaked me out the first time too. You get used to it.”

“Thanks,” Chrysalis replied with copious amounts of snark.

“Alright. You saw where I was aiming, right?” Applejack asked, earning a confirming nod from Chrysalis. “Good. Now stand right around here and give it your best shot. Don’t go trying to knock the fool outta it. Last thing we want is you hurting yourself on your first real go.”

Mimicking her movements to a T, Chrysalis reared back into a flawless buck as if she’d be doing it for years and launched her hooves backwards, hitting right on the sweet spot with all of her strength. And nothing happened.

“Be sure you put a little magic in your hooves. Should make it easier to shake the fruit off.”

Chrysalis grunted as she reared back and did it exactly the same, but with her hooves lit with green changeling magic. An emerald surge flickered all across the trunk of the tree, but nothing outside of a hollow tonk sounded from the hooves meeting bark. Looking up, at least the leaves rustled a bit.

“You almost had it that time, Chrys.”

“This stupid little—” Chrysalis yelled as she exploded into green flames, turning into a second Applejack. Adjusting herself to the exact spot that Applejack herself had bucked from, she readied her rear hooves to launch like a cannon. “Take this!” the fake farmer yelled with no change to her dual-toned trill.

Chrysalis grunted as she kicked the tree once more, but nothing happened. With more frustrated pants, she fruitlessly kicked again with not a single apple dropping from the tree. At this rate, the mare was going to hurt herself. Even if she was doing the proper form, without the weight behind the hit, it’d be impossible to get anything to fall off.

“It’s okay, Chrys. Maybe if you eat something first—”

With one final, obstinate roar, Chrysalis shot her rear hooves out with a surge of changeling magic, resulting in an audible crackle from the surging impact. As the magical aura surged through the tree, a single apple finally fell from the branches into the barrel below.

Chrysalis discarded her disguise, her barrel flickering from the expended energy. She panted as she looked at the fruit of her labor. “Just… one?”

“Don’t worry, Chrys. That’s all I needed. Now, bring it over here.”

Chrysalis narrowed her eyes in exhausted befuddlement. “Wha—what?”

“Pick it up with your hoof and bring it here to me, please.”

Despite being completely thrown by the series of hoops she was jumping through, Chrysalis snatched the apple out of the barrel and approached Applejack with it outstretched.

AJ smiled and admired the apple. “Thanks Chrys! I was still a bit hungry.” She took a generous chomp out of the snack and licked her lips from the delectable sweetness. “Now, why don’t you have something yourself?”

“Can I at least just grab one out of the barrel?”

“That ain't what I'm talking about. If you’re gonna be helping keeping everyone fed around here, you’ll need to keep your strength up. That means you gotta eat too.” Applejack waved at Chrysalis closer to come. “Now, c’mon. The more the merrier.”

A fiendish grin pulled at Chrysalis’ face. “I see. So that’s what you’re playing at.”

“Eeyup,” Applejack said without a care in the world. “You’re too clever for your own good. Wasn’t expecting to get away with it neither.”

Chrysalis’ mocking laughter rang hollow until she killed it to level a glare at Applejack. “I already asked you to hug me, so just do it already and get it over with!”

“See? That’s not how it's gonna happen. I ain’t force-feeding you, Chrys.”

“But that’s what you’re always doing, Applejack,” the changeling dismissed bitterly.

“Not if you come here on your own. I asked you to get me the apple and you did. I told you once before that I love hard workers, and getting this here apple for me was mighty hard on you. I really appreciate you doing your best to get me something to eat.” Applejack sat on the grass and patted the ground next to her, offering for Chrysalis to take a seat. “Thanks to you, the table’s all set, sugarcube. Even if we’re having different things, we can still share a meal together.”

The cynical anger scrawled on Chrysalis’ face slowly evaporated. Applejack kept smiling warmly, waiting for the mare to join her before she took another bite. The former queen searched for some sort of trick on the peasant’s part, but the farmer had laid everything out in the open. A battle raged within the changeling as she fought with something unseen. Applejack nodded once more and waved her hoof to let Chrys know it was okay. She was welcome to join her. Applejack wanted to share her love.

The changeling took a deep breath through the nose and mouthed something to herself for strength as she approached the little pony. She sat down and tepidly leaned against Applejack, frowning the entire time. Applejack reached up to try to hook her leg around the mare, but Chrysalis’ sitting height was making things difficult.

“Problem?” Chrysalis asked with a knowing smirk.

“To be honest, I didn’t really think this part through. Think you could lay down?”

Chrysalis snickered and lowered herself. “Better?”

Applejack leaned over, trying to get her leg all the way around Chrysalis’ neck from the side. Despite being thin and lanky, there was still too much mare to work around comfortably while the changeling was leaning against her. Applejack knew Chrys was big, but trying to get her hooves around the statuesque mare was really driving their size difference home for her. Either way, this wasn’t working, but the stubborn earth pony wasn’t about to call it quits on eating together.

Applejack stood up and walked around to the changeling’s front. Chrysalis eyed her curiously until the farmer pulled her in like she had several times before, wrapping her legs around her neck and resting Chrys’ head on her shoulder. She then tried to reach her apple around the mare’s back. It was just close enough to catch the flesh if she leaned towards her hoof to take a bite.

“You’re getting apple juice all over my back,” Chrysalis complained.

“Well, this is about the best I can do to get a good grip on you and eat at the same time,” AJ replied as she tried to catch the fruit in her teeth.

Chrysalis grunted from the pressure around her throat. “This is uncomfortable and embarrassing.”

“But at least you’re eating, right?”


“No? What’d ya mean no?”

“Choking me is not the same thing as hugging,” Chrysalis growled. “The only thing you're serving is a full moon to Luna.”

Applejack’s face flushed red as she quickly let go of Chrysalis, nearly dropping the apple before the changeling caught it in her magic. “Well, how am I supposed to hug you and eat this apple at the same time?”

The changeling glared at the little pony and scooped her up with her magic. She sat back up as she popped Applejack back down next to her. Instead of Applejack hugging her, Chrysalis reached her long leg around Applejack and pulled her into a hug as she leaned her lithe, black barrel against the sturdy earth pony. The sudden forwardness brought a fresh wave of redness to her face. She’d hugged Chrysalis a several times already, but this was the first time Chrysalis had ever hugged her.

After a few moments, Applejack realized Chrysalis was hovering the apple in front of her muzzle with her magic.

“Well? Aren't you going to eat?” Chrysalis asked, her patience wearing thin.

“Y-yeah,” Applejack sputtered as she calmed herself. “Thanks.”

She grabbed the apple out of the green aura and took another bite. As she ate, she could feel the familiar warmth across her back where Chrysalis’ leg was wrapped around her as well as a little where her body was meeting Applejack’s. The curious draw of emotions felt somehow less substantive than when she was the one hugging her, but the drain was still there.

As the moments passed, she didn’t know what kind of face Chrysalis was making, but her breathing had relaxed as she leaned more into Applejack’s side. She wasn’t sure if it was from her love somehow making the big girl weigh what she looked, but if it meant she was healthy, it didn’t matter much to her. Turning towards their audience, Luna smiled softly with approval while Apple Bloom simply stared at them.

Before the emotional drain drifted into cold uncomfortability, Chrysalis released and pulled away. “Okay, that’s enough.”

“What? But I’m pretty sure I got a little more where that came from.”

Chrysalis put some distance between herself and Applejack by trotting back over the Merryweather. “No. You get grumpy when I drain you completely.”

Applejack tossed the rest of the apple into her mouth and stood up resolutely. “But you haven’t had anything since the day before yesterday. I don’t mind being a bit short-tempered if it keeps you going.”

“I’ll live.” Chrysalis reared back and, pantomiming the seasoned professional, apple-bucked exactly like Applejack with a powerful blow, knocking more apples into the barrels below. “See?”

Applejack hummed to herself as she inspected the tree. “You’re still not back to a hundred percent, Chrys. If ya were, that would’ve easily gotten all of ‘em.”

“Whatever. It’s impossible anyway. I’m always hungry.”

“That's it?” Apple Bloom asked, cutting into their conversation.

“What’s it?” Applejack asked.

“The love eating. That's all there is to it?”

Applejack nodded. “Eeyup, though she should’ve taken more.”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes as she kicked the tree again, knocking a few more apples down, but still leaving a few on the branches.

“But what about the magic beam to the head and the loopy eyes and everything?”

“I’m not mesmerizing her,” Chrysalis corrected as she did one final kick to get the last of the apples down. “If I was doing that, your princess here would’ve tossed my petrified carcass into Tartarus already.”

Princess Luna furrowed her brow at the accusation. Before the princess could object, Apple Bloom took a bracing breath and dove for Chrysalis’ leg, wrapping herself around and clutching onto it as she squeezed her eyes shut. Everyone stopped and watched the little pony curiously. Her teeth rattled as she waited for something to happen, but nothing did.

Apple Bloom slowly cracked open an eye to see everyone looking at her. “Huh? I don’t feel anything.”

Chrysalis craned her head down to meet the filly at her level. “No, little one. This isn’t how it works.”


“You feel nothing but fear towards me.”

Apple Bloom’s eyes widened as she gripped the leg tighter despite who it belonged to. “You—you can see my emotions?”

Chrysalis huffed in growing irritation. “No, but it doesn’t take a mind reader to feel you shaking against my leg. The one that you’re still holding onto.”

“B-but I wanna help!”

“You want to…” the changeling trailed as her eyes widened in shock. Shaking the surprise away, Chrysalis furrowed her brow at the filly. “You can’t.”

“What? Why not?”

“Your heart isn’t in the right place.”

“But I’m hanging onto your leg right now!”

Chrysalis laughed. “Trust me. I am very aware, but that’s not what I mean. You want to help your older sister, not me.” The mare shut her eyes as her magic sparked to life. “I can sense the love running through the deep bond you share.”

“You can? How do I give some of that to you?”

Chrysalis smiled a fang-filled grin and tapped the filly on her forehead. “You don’t, little one. What happens is that I fool you into thinking I’m her and then steal it from you.”

Apple Bloom gulped as she returned the predatory gesture with a nervous titter.

Chrysalis grunted as she tried to shake the filly off. “You can let go of my leg now.”

“Oh! Right. Sorry.” Apple Bloom scrambled off of the holey leg. “I’ll just… go set up the next tree!”

“Sure. You do that.”

“Why don’t you help her, Chrys?” Applejack suggested.

Apple Bloom gasped in horror. “What?”

“What? Why?” Chrysalis barked back.

“Until you get more of your strength back, you’re on staging duty. Don’t want you hurting yourself trying to buck a tree.”

Chrysalis laughed. “Oh, please, AJ. I’m not that weak.”

“If you can’t lift your leg while a little filly like her is holding on, you ain’t gonna be bucking any trees on my watch, ya hear?” AJ ordered firmly. “Apple Bloom, can you show Chrys the ropes of a proper setup?”

“Okay.” Apple Bloom looked up at the massive mare next to her. Chrysalis sighed as she turned away from the frightened filly with a sullen frown.

“And Chrys? No magic. Don’t need you burning through love when your hooves will work just fine.”

The changeling flashed her fangs and sneered for a second, but bit it back her temper as quickly as it had surged. She took a few seconds and a deep breath. “As you wish.”

Gathering her fortitude, Apple Bloom took charge and trotted around to the front of the changeling. “Alright, Miss Chrysalis. Ready to go?”

“Lead the way, little one.”

“My name’s Apple Bloom,” she reiterated.

“I know.”

Apple Bloom tilted her head with a puzzled scowl. Chrysalis said nothing, her face being unreadable as she regarded the little filly. After another few seconds of silent staring, Apple Bloom began walking towards a nearby stack of bushel barrels as she explained the finer points of their placement to the changeling who listened and nodded along.

“You have a better understanding of Chrysalis than I thought,” Luna finally said after the two were out of earshot. “It will be interesting to hear how she acclimates to farm life.”

“Yeah. I just need to not mess up any more than I already have with her,” Applejack mumbled, the sight of Chrysalis crying in bed still weighing heavily on her mind.

“It was an honest mistake, dear Applejack. As she must practice mindfulness around others, you too must learn to take control of your emotions after she feeds upon your love. I am painfully aware of the vitriol that can spew forth from an unbridled mouth devoid of compassion.”

“Yeah. I can get a little short when my patience runs out.”

“It takes emotional energy to curb curt responses," Luna noted as she shifted her attention to Chrysalis listening intently to Apple Bloom's staging explanation. "It might be especially difficult for a creature who must live off of such energy. You both will need to care for each other and do your best to take the time needed to understand one another. Likewise, I will continue to see Chrysalis in her dreams nightly.”

Applejack blanched. “Every night?”

“Indeed. I cannot discuss the content of our sessions, but for now, I believe it to be absolutely vital to her mental health to see her as often as I can. You must make sure she always sleeps in the presence of the dreamcatcher. Otherwise, I will not be able to sense her presence when she sleeps. Captain Fleur de Lis will also visit every day during her patrols to make sure your family is safe.”

She remembered Luna talking about certain conditions that Fleur needed to follow if Chrys was gonna stay in Ponyville, but this all seemed a little extreme. Sweet Apple Acres was a farm, not a prison.

Sensing Applejack's disapproval, Luna looked away, crestfallen. She took a patient breath before regarding Applejack with grim resolution. “You may have formed a friendship with Chrysalis, but it does not change the fact that she is still incredibly dangerous.”

“I get it. I don’t like it, but I get it.”

“Please understand, Applejack. After seeing your relationship for myself, I do think that this may be the best place for her, but that does not mean I will lower my guard. Whatever led to that feral attack against Thorax is still unknown to me. Likewise, you must remain vigilant as well.”

“I will. You can bet on that one, Princess.”

Luna shut her eyes and took a calming breath. “I understand, dear Applejack. I am sorry it must be this way.” She opened her eyes, a shimmering softness glowing underneath. “For what it is worth, I find the trust you have placed in your friend to be admirable. I will do what I can to ensure it is protected.”

“Sorry, Luna. That was a bit harsher than I meant.”

“Neigh, you were defending your friend. I only wish I could have the faith that you bear. Perhaps your conviction will move me during our sessions.”

“Yeah—” Applejack’s words died on her lips as she registered the last part. “Wait what? You never said anything about me getting therapy.”

“Chrysalis may not physically attack you, but her disharmonious temperament may test the limits of your emotional stability. Even if it is not her intention to harm you, there are personality patterns resulting from her inability to express love for you or your family which may prove damaging. I pray it will prove to be unnecessary visits that we can both enjoy, but please. I only wish to keep you safe.”

“I guess there’s no harm in it.” Applejack sighed. “Shoot. After how I messed up today, I could probably use some pointers so I’m not the one damaging her.”

Luna blinked in surprise, but smiled warmly as she placed a supportive hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “Then I look forward to our pleasant dreams, dear Applejack.”

Chapter 11: A Dog and Pony Show

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The evening sun waned, falling behind the hillside and finally bringing the long day to a close. There were still plenty of trees to harvest, but Applejack knew better than apple-bucking after dark, even if she could have a magical light source from the farm’s newest addition. Chrys would probably have a colorful word or two to say about being used as a farming flashlight.

Applejack barreled the last few fruits of her wagon into the barn for safe keeping. She just needed to make one more trip to the orchard and back before calling it a night. Hopefully, her helpers would finish putting the last of the harvest into her second wagon before she got back. Even though the day had been a little slow-going thanks to the afternoon’s emotional roller coaster, AJ was still able to make some good headway thanks to the changeling’s help. Chrysalis couldn’t buck trees, but she was in good enough shape to help Apple Bloom gather the apples.

As she left the barn, a cool breeze kicked up. The mare took the opportunity for a bit of a breather and leaned against the nearby wall. She took off her hat and let the cooler air of the evening blow through her sweaty mane. The wind felt wonderful on her head, cooling the moisture that had built up under the hat over the day. Rarity probably would’ve called it gross, but to AJ, farm life was both about getting hooves dirty and enjoying nature’s blessings whenever she could. There was still plenty of work to do, but then again, there was always more to do on Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack fanned herself with her hat and heard the unfamiliar jingle of metal within its pockets.

Reaching inside, she’d nearly forgotten about the amulet Luna had given her before flying back to Canterlot. It was a little silver coin inlaid with a moonstone that Applejack was told to keep under her hat figuratively, which she’d also taken literally. If Chrysalis ever became too much to deal with, all AJ needed to do was crush the coin under her hoof and it’d call princesses and the Royal Guard to come right quick. Captain Fleur even had a matching one that she could use to teleport to the scene in a flash.

Applejack hated everything about it.

Still, there was nothing for it. She was there when Chrysalis struck down Princess Celestia using the potent love of a single pony. Love kept the changeling alive, but it also made her powerful. It made complete sense to be careful around the former villain, but Applejack couldn’t help but feel like she was betraying what little trust she’d garnered from her. Worse than that, Chrys would probably agree and laugh it off. That thought sickened her the most.

After savoring the breeze for a minute more, Applejack stashed the emergency neckwear in her hat and donned it once more. Kicking off the barn wall, she heard a small clattering come from inside.

“Winona? You sneak in there when I wasn’t looking?” Applejack called, knocking on the wall. Being met with silence, she decided she’d check it after unloading the last cart. She was risking being late for dinner as it was, and she still needed to send her helpers to get ready for mealtime. They both needed a break from each other after today.

She’d left Apple Bloom in charge of teaching Chrysalis the finer points of harvest barrel placement while she and Big Mac took care of the bucking and wagon-pulling. At first, Chrys seemed just fine with following the filly around, even bordering on being downright cordial with her. But, after a full day of constantly making mistakes, the former queen’s patience had whittled away and she was more ornery than a mangy cat being tossed in a river. On the bright side, even though it was getting darker by the second, Applejack didn’t have to worry about tracking them down. All she needed to do was follow the sound of their bickering.

One brief trot later, AJ came across the pair locked in an argument under a nearby tree, or at least Chrysalis was. Apple Bloom looked torn between fighting back and fleeing for her life.

“There!” Chrysalis announced as she slammed a barrel into position with her hooves. “Are you satisfied now?”

“That’s not exactly right, Miss Chrysalis,” Apple Bloom said hesitantly.

What?” Chrysalis snapped back sharply. “What’s wrong now? The barrels are directly under the branches exactly like you wanted!”

“Yeah, but look at how long the branches on that side are. Terrance here’s a big one, so those apples aren’t gonna fall that close to his trunk. Plus, the ground’s uneven near the root there, so ya need to prop it up with a rock or something so the barrel doesn’t spill over when the apples tumble in.” The filly trotted near the unstable barrel and lightly nudged the side, easily turning it over. “See?”

Chrysalis bristled at the barrel and pointed her hoof at the tree they were practicing around instead. “You said this one was Vincent!” Chrysalis shot her hoof towards another tree nearby. “That’s Terrance over there!”

“Oh! Right. Sorry, Vince,” Apple Bloom said as she petted the tree’s bark.

Chrysalis grumbled to herself as she nudged a barrel away from the trunk. “I’m not convinced you all aren’t just pulling names out at random to upset me.”

“Why would names upset you?”

“Because they’re just trees! They all look the same!”

Apple Bloom blinked. “But didn’t changelings all look the same before?”

“How dare you!” Chrysalis roared as her eyes flared green with anger.

The filly shrank back from the fuming changeling. “W-what? What’d I say?”

“Alright, break it up you two. Put those last barrels up and get ready for dinner.”

“Thank Celesti-I mean, okay, AJ!” Apple Bloom corrected under the heated ire of the changeling.

The filly seized the opportunity to escape. She quickly ran around the tree, deftly flipping each barrel up by the rim and catching them one after the other on her back. Chrysalis watched attentively as the little pony stacked six barrels with ease before scampering off to put them back with the others.

Applejack nudged Chrysalis’ side “Pretty impressive, huh?”

Chrysalis shook the wonder off of her face and grunted, saying nothing as the farmer trotted past her to grab the last wagon.

“Bloom’s actually a better barrel flipper than I was at her age,” AJ recounted as she secured the harness to her back, hitching herself to the cart. “Mostly developed the skill trying to earn her cutie mark, but the effort still shows. Takes a while to get good at something, you know?”

“I could just copy her ‘you know’ and do it myself.”

“I reckon ya could, but there's a lot more height to work with to reach your back,” Applejack noted as she looked at the bigger mare. “Well, unless you turn yourself into a little filly like Bloom.”

Chrysalis said nothing, picked up the remaining barrels, and added them to the collection they’d use tomorrow. She looked back to AJ to see a sly grin spread across the mare’s face as she rubbed her chin in thought.


“Nothing,” Applejack replied cheekily. “Just trying to picture you as a filly’s all.”

Chrysalis scoffed as she began walking away towards the barn. “That would be a youngling or a nymph, and no, I’m not going to try it.”

Applejack quickly followed after the changeling with the apple cart in tow. “Oh come on. It’d be fun! I bet you looked really adorable.”

“I wouldn’t know,” Chrysalis spat half-heartedly, turning away from the nosy pony as she caught up.

Applejack’s glee drifted off her face. “Really? I know ya said you had a little trouble with your memory, but I didn’t think you’d up and forget everything.”

“Hunger consumed my memory.”

AJ blinked in surprise. “You mean you can get hungry enough to forget things?”

“I guess. The whole problem is I can’t remember, remember?”

“Oh, right,” she chuckled nervously. “Guess that makes sense.”

“I can recall eight or nine hundred years ago, but before that…” Chrysalis stared into the distance with a wuthering frown. “I don’t want to think about it.”

“Shoot, Chrys. Didn’t mean to hit another sore spot.”

Chrysalis chuckled darkly at herself. “That’s what’s known as a target-rich environment, Applejack. There’s nothing but sore spots left. I’ve lost everything.”

“Well, that ain’t exactly true. You’ve still got Granny and me. I think Apple Bloom is trying to warm up to you in her own way. Big Mac just needs to get used to seeing ya around. That’s at least four by my count.”

Chrysalis’ laughter withered. “As I said, there’s nothing left.”

While she wanted to fight it, Applejack knew better now than trying to correct Chrys’ way of thinking. It was just trampling all over the big girl’s feelings to deny what she was going through. If she’d lived for centuries as a queen, a couple days on a farm wasn’t anything close to that. So instead, she leaned on Chrysalis’ barrel and thought about the queen’s honest attempts at working the farm today.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Chrysalis complained.

“Just trying to show you my appreciation for a job well done.” Applejack felt the pleasant sensation of her love slowly pulling out her side into the changeling.

“Well, cut it out! You’ve already fed me today.”

Ignoring the mare, Applejack rubbed her head along the changeling’s shell. “Now that ain’t how we ponies work, Chrys. I saw you trying your best with Apple Bloom today setting up the barrels like she was showing ya.”

“Yeah, and losing my patience.”

“Like I said before, it takes a while to get good at something. Ain’t just one right answer for everything around these parts. There’s an art to working with nature, so it’s completely natural to struggle at first.”

“It’s just barrels,” Chrysalis grumbled under her breath.

“Exactly. It’s just barrels. Don’t need to stress yourself about getting it wrong. The worst that’ll happen is scrambling to pick a bushel up off the ground. Ya did good, sugarcube.”

Chrysalis’ wings buzzed to life as she launched off the ground and landed away from Applejack. Her sudden shift caused the earth pony to stumble from the lack of solid mare to lean against. A wisp of emerald magic caught her fall, pushing her back to her hooves.

“Stop complimenting me for nothing! I would never accept such mediocrity from my subjects!”

“Who said anything about it being mediocre work? You helped out plenty today. Thanks to you, I managed to pack a few extra cart-fulls of apples like this one here.” Applejack wiggled back and forth, creaking the wooden cart she was pulling behind her. “Couldn’t have done it without an extra set of hooves moving barrels around. You shouldn’t put down your help.”

“And you shouldn’t elevate it! I am Chrysalis! I should be better than a mere child at doing something so stupidly simple!”

“No, you shouldn’t. That filly’s been working the farm all her life; you’re still learning the ropes, right? You’ve never worked on a farm.”

“Oh? And how are you so sure about that one?” Chrysalis retorted confidently.

Applejack paused and considered the thought about the claim. “I suppose that would be a mite strange considering you’ve been around the block for more than a minute.”

Chrysalis raised her head and flicked her mane back to look down at the little mare next to her. “Glad you know to not spout such blanket nonsense so confidently.”

“Knowing you though, I’d be willing to bet you were only pretending to work so you could trick somepony out of their love.”

Chrysalis’ confidence slipped into a sneer as she gritted her teeth in anger. She said nothing as she turned away.

“That sounded a lot better in my head,” Applejack admitted. “Sorry about that.”

“Would you stop apologizing for every little thing already? I’m not some fragile flower!”

“Sor—heh, getting into Fluttershy habits here. Just trying to be supportive, Chrys. It ain’t outta pity or nothing. I want us to get along better.”

“We are getting along just fine already. It’s a working relationship.” Chrysalis pointed a hoof between herself and Applejack. “You feed me enough to keep me upright and I help out on this farm. We both do that until whatever is going to kill you finally does so, and then I either starve to death or become a princess’ love-hungry pet,” she explained with a fearsomely fake smile. “There’s just so much to look forward to!”

“You don’t know that, Chrys. Things may look bleak now, but give it half a century or so and maybe you’ll have so many loving friends that you’ll finally be able to conquer Equestria,” AJ suggested with a wink.

The mare stopped in her tracks and turned to Applejack with a curious look. A small smile crept across her mouth. Chrysalis snickered to herself before falling into a diabolical, but genuine laugh. The farmer felt like she should be more unsettled, but perhaps she was getting used to her over-the-top villainy.

“Perhaps if you ponies are foolish enough to fall for my duplicitous charms, there is hope yet to reclaim my throne. Especially if there’s more food like you willing to throw themselves at my hooves.”

“It’s called making friends, Chrys. Friendship. We’re friends as far as I’m concerned.”

“Of course. My mistake. Because I’m sure I’ll be loved by everypony in town once they figure out who the new stray is,” the changeling chastised, ridiculing the very notion.

Even if she’d rather not agree with it, there was no point in denying that little, needling detail. Applejack herself had been more than a little freaked out at first when stumbling across the lone changeling hiding in the forest. She knew Ponyville was ultimately an accepting place, but it took awhile for folks to warm up to strangers, especially former villains.

Trixie didn’t exactly have a great experience coming back to Ponyville after the turmoil with the Alicorn Amulet. Luckily she had Starlight Glimmer to help her. Speaking of, Starlight only had an easy time because nopony knew what went down at Our Town. Then, of course, there was Discord’s notorious return before that. And she couldn’t forget the misunderstanding with Zecora she still felt guilty about. Heck, there was even an argument for Luna, considering the princess’ history with Nightmare Moon.

Applejack made a mental note to ask Twilight why her hometown had become such a hotspot for constant craziness since her arrival.

“Don’t worry about it, Chrys,” Applejack assured as she patted the bigger mare on the side. “We’ll work on it slowly as you get more comfortable with the idea.”

Chrysalis huffed to herself. “So, slow boil a frog?”

“Boiling frogs?” Applejack blanched in disgust. “What the hay is that supposed to mean?”

“Right. That’s an old griffon expression. Don’t worry about it.”

Unfortunately, the image had already captured her imagination considering the carnivorous source. The farmer grimaced at the thought of eating a frog or anything other than a plant. Shaking her head, she pulled off and headed towards the barn. Chrysalis followed suit, matching her gait.

“Why don’t you head back to the house first while I put this away,” AJ suggested as she reached for the barn door.

“Tempting, but then I’d have to smell cooking more than I need to,” Chrysalis replied as she unlatched the gate with her magic and pushed it open.

“Got something against broccoli and cheese?”

“No, I—”

“SURPRI—” a cavalcade of voices started to cheer as the lamplights kicked on before descending into screams of terror seeing the changeling queen.

Chrysalis’ eyes widened in shock, seeing the pastel rainbow of party treats, decorations, and panicking ponies filling every nook and cranny of the barn. Applejack looked up to see the banner reading “Surprise-Surprise Party” in big green letters. There was only one pony who’d set something like this up, and she distinctly remembered everypony in the know telling her to absolutely not throw a surprise party for the newest critter in town under any circumstances.

“Pinkie Pie!” Applejack yelled over the panicked partygoers.

“Oh! Hi Applejack!” the pink party mare called back, her elated smile sinking into a forced grin at AJ’s anger as the farmer stormed over to her.

“What in tarnation is all this?”

“It’s a surprise-surprise party, silly,” she answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“I figured that one out right quick!” Applejack fumed, pointing to the banner in question. “What I don’t get is just who the hay you thought this was for?”

“B-but I didn’t. That’s why it’s a surprise-surprise party!”

“How could you not know if you set it up at the farm—” Applejack smacked her forehead, silently begging for patience. “Never mind. When did ya even get everypony in the barn in the first place? I was gone for ten minutes!”

“The barn?” Pinkie Pie looked around. “Oh hey! We are in your barn. When did we get here?”

“Whoopsies! How silly of me,” Discord added, snaking his head into the conversation as his eyes joined Pinkie’s wandering about the pandemonium.

“Discord!” Applejack grabbed the draconequus by the beard and pulled his head towards her. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Me? I thought I was grabbing some fresh apples for bobbing,” he answered, hovering the apples out of AJ’s cart with his magic. His confidence faded as he gasped in fake shock. “But, oh dear, would you look at this? I seem to have brought the party by mistake and left the barrel at Sugar Cube Corner!” the trickster bemoaned as he smacked his forehead with his paw. He fell backwards as another Discord caught his fall with one of Rarity’s fainting couches.

“Cut the bull, Discord! I ain’t buying a lick of that tomfoolery from you!”

Discord pulled at his face, stretching it out before it snapped back like a rubber band. “I suppose you’re right, Applejack.” A sinister smirk crossed his face as he looked back towards the shellshocked changeling. “Here, let me remedy that!”

With a snap of his claw, the party was whisked back to its proper place at Sugar Cube Corner, with the addition of Applejack, Chrysalis, and one water barrel full of apples. The farmer looked in horror out the window, seeing the rest of the town out and about, enjoying their peaceful evening. Another flash of light and Discord appeared at Chrysalis’ side. He wrapped an arm around the stunned mare standing in the front doorway.

“Well, now that the collie’s out of the bag, I guess we can reveal the surpriser’s surprise to the surprised surprisee!”

Discord pointed a finger behind him and fired a series of green and silver sparkles that shot skyward and exploded like fireworks. The shimmering light coalesced to form letters spelling out “Welcome to Ponyville, Queen Chrysalis!”

“Can’t forget the banner,” he added as he stretched his arm several yards to pull off the front of the banner like a tablecloth. The new banner read the same message, but with an added crude drawing of Chrysalis with her crown X’d out in red. “Let’s all welcome our newest addition to our humble town: the ever classy lovebug, Chryssi!”

Discord’s welcome echoed like a megaphone throughout Ponyville, drawing all eyes to the humble pastry shop. Chrysalis slowly turned her head to take in the entire town gawking at the sudden reappearance of the fearsome foe. After a brief, wordless exchange between the changeling and Ponyville, everything exploded into chaos.

“Wait, everypony!” Applejack tried shouting over the commotion, but her pleas fell on ears deafened by fear.

The townsfolk ran for their lives, closing up their windows and locking their doors to save themselves from the evil queen. The ponies trapped inside Sugar Cube Corner with her rushed for the back door, tripping over each other as they tried to escape. In the middle of it all, the mad cackling of the spirit of chaos echoed through the air as he savored the schadenfreude.

Seeing his happiness in the face of the hurt he was glibly causing, Applejack couldn’t even think straight. The farmgirl gritted her teeth and rushed Discord. She chomped down hard on his tail, causing him to yelp in pain as she yanked down, slamming him to the floor as hard as she could. The disoriented draconequus groaned as he shook the stars spinning around his head, flicking the last one away before regaining his bearings.

“Bad pony! That’s a bad, bad pony!” Discord complained, lifting his tail to show the jagged indent where she’d bitten down. “And I thought she was the dog in the relationship.” He licked his thumb and forefinger, running it across his tail to straighten it back to its unchewed shape.

“W-why?” Applejack demanded through grunts and half-utterances. “Just… why?”

He smugly smirked back. “Why not?”

“Consarnit!” Applejack tore her hat off of her head and threw it to the ground. She reared up on her hind legs and stomped it with all of her might, capping off her anger with a sneer at the troublemaker. “This is low, even for you! How could you do something so cruel?”

“Cruel? Moi? Why, I take offense to such a baseless accusation!” Discord crossed his arms and harrumphed. “This is a celebration to welcome our town’s newest addition!”

With a flourish of his claw, he grabbed the air behind him and flipped it down to rotate a chalkboard into existence. The surface was covered top to bottom with nonsensical equations with numbers, symbols, and signs, along with the square root of Chrysalis over zero equaling chaos to the power of fish.

“I would say the math checks out, but I’ve never been that great with numbers,” he admitted with a shrug. He pulled the chalk tray down and released, causing the board to roll up on itself and spin out of reality.

“So you’re just using her to cause chaos at her expense?”

“Not at all, my fair farmer friend. If I wanted to just do that, I’d throw a gender reveal party,” he said, while tossing his head back, flourishing a long, white mane out of nowhere and brushing it across his face to reveal a female version of himself.

“The Eris option is still on the table for a change of pace,” the feminine draconequus murmured with a low, sultry voice before tossing her hair away and shaking it back to his usual self.

“I’ve had it up to here with your stupid games, Discord!”

“Touchy…” Discord sighed in annoyance seeing the genuine anger burning in Applejack’s eyes. “Fine. If you must know, I’m simply showing Chrysalis the same level of hospitality she showed you all back at the Changeling Kingdom.” Though his tone was a joke, his eyes burned with thinly veiled fury. “You remember, right? When she gave you and your friends a rather gooey tour of the throne room? Sadly, the Smooze was busy with night school classes, so we’re tragically gooless this evening.”

Applejack gawked in disbelief. “You mean to tell me that this was all for getting back at her for kidnapping us?”

“That’s such a strong way to word it. I prefer to think of it as living up to my duty as the Friendship Guard’s Waterboy by giving Chrysalis a nice, cold splash of reality.”

“I see. Then I suppose you would say that revenge is a drink best served cold. The consequences of such actions be damned,” Luna suggested.

“Whatever you want, Applejack. The little bug should’ve thought of that before taking Fluttershy,” Discord growled lowly at the insignificant farmer.

“Then I shall take that as an admission of guilt, Discord.”

Discord blinked and his eyes widened, realizing a little too late that he was being addressed by the Princess of the Night rather than arguing with the Element of Honesty. His eyes trailed down to the earth pony shaking bits of broken amulet out of her hat and flapping it back into shape before putting it back on. He then turned his head slowly to see Princess Luna standing behind him with a deep frown. Next to her was Captain Fleur de Lis, staring daggers at the troublemaker with her lance pointed at his back.

Discord forced a single-fanged grin and flicked his wrist, producing a glass of water. “Care for a drink, Lulu?”

“Fluttershy’s cottage. Now,” the princess thundered.

“And consider yourself dishonorably discharged and barred from serving in the Twilight Guard permanently,” Fleur added with finality. Luna nodded once in agreement as she glared icily at the draconequus.

Discord gulped as the glass and water evaporated out of his claw as his face fell. “Well, it was fun while it lasted. Have fun finding cheese legs, Applejack.”

With that, the spirit snapped his fingers, whisking himself and the princess away, leaving Applejack with the captain. His phrasing gave the farmer pause. She looked back towards the doorway with no sign of Chrysalis.

“Chrys!” Applejack shouted as she ran to the door, trying to spot her friend amidst the panicking ponies outside. Seeing nothing but nighttime and mayhem, she turned back. “Did either of y’all see where Chrys went?”

“Negative. Chrysalis was gone before I arrived,” Fleur reported as she dismissed her summoned spear.

Pinkie Pie popped out from behind the counter, looking a bit worse for wear from the stampede of ponies that ran out the back. “Sorry, I didn’t. And I’m sorry about the party.”

“Ain’t no time to be passing blame around now! We gotta find her!”

“Agreed, but first I need to alert Princess Twilight of the situation,” Fleur noted. “Frankly, I was not expecting Chrysalis to be the victim here, so Twilight might get the wrong idea if she finds Chrysalis first.” With one final salute, the captain galloped as fast as she could out of the store, her magic flaring around her legs as she hightailed it towards the center of town.

Pinkie gasped in horror as she put her forehooves to the side of her face. “Oh no! She's right! And that’d be an even worse surprise on top of the awful surprise-surprise for poor Chryssi!” Pinkie grabbed a nearby pot and popped it over her poofy mane like a helmet and offered a salute of her own. “I’ll go get the girls to help look for her. She’s probably just as upset as Apple Bloom!”

Applejack’s ear flicked as she tilted her head. “Apple Bloom?”

“Yeah! She hid back here with me while everypony was running around and she’s…” Pinkie trailed a bit, as she looked down to her side and bit her lip. “I don’t think she’s hurt, but she looks like she could really use her big sister right about now.”

Curiously, Applejack trotted over and peered over the countertop to see Apple Bloom curled up in the corner bawling her eyes out. Applejack inhaled sharply and nodded to Pinkie Pie. “Thanks, Pinkie. I’m pretty sure the others are already dealing with the aftermath outside. Why don’t you and the others go help Fleur calm everypony down while I help AB here?”

“Roger dodger, apple farmer!” Pinkie saluted and bounced over the counters and galloped towards the door before skidding to a stop. “Oh! But wait, what about Chryssi? We need to find her pronto!”

Applejack smiled softly at the mare’s honest concern. “Thanks, but don’t worry about it. I think I got a pretty good idea of where she’s gotten to.”

“Okie dokie lokie! When you find her, be sure to tell her I’m super sorry about the party prank,” Pinkie pleaded. She frowned and dragged a hoof across the floor. “A prank’s no fun for anyone if it’s meant to be mean.”

Applejack nodded in agreement. “I’ll be sure that she knows, sugarcube.”

With one last, earnest smile, Pinkie Pie turned and darted out of the bakery to find the others. Making sure nopony else was there to hear the filly’s pitiful wails, she trotted carefully to the other side of the counter to Apple Bloom’s side and knelt down.

“Did you hear her, Chrys?” Applejack asked softly. “Pinkie Pie’s a bit gullible, but she’d never do something like this on purpose.”

Apple Bloom said nothing, only crying bitterly into her forelegs as she pressed herself into the corner, trying to make herself as small as possible.

“We should get back home. Can you walk?”

The little filly still said nothing, but she shook her head.

“Alright. Mind if I carry you on my back?”

After a moment, she shook her head again. Taking the cue, Applejack slowly wrapped the little filly in her leg, gently picked her up, and placed her on her back. She took her hat off and put it over the filly’s head as she calmly carried the disguised changeling out of Sugar Cube Corner.

It took a few minutes and the occasional dodge out of the way of a panicked pony, but soon Applejack made it to the outskirts of town. Looking back to make sure they weren’t followed, she took in her surroundings. Seeing the castle nearby, AJ knew she was on the wrong side from the farm road home. It’d take longer to get home walking the perimeter of Ponyville, but at least the scenic route would give them both a chance to cool their heads.

Applejack took a long and patient breath for strength. “I’m real sorry that happened.”

Applejack could feel a pinch where Chrysalis was clutching to her back. She turned to look over her shoulder, seeing the changeling still shoving her head under the hat.

“It’s okay to be scared, Chrys.”

“I’m not scared, they are!” the filly screamed back defiantly from the safety of her hiding spot. “T-they’re the ones who fled for their pathetic lives at the mere sight of me, as well they should!”

Under other circumstances, the mare would’ve found it funnier to hear Chrysalis’ villainous monologues coming out of her little sister’s mouth, but the trembling she could feel, be it from fear, rage, or both, painted her words with pain. AJ just wanted to tell her that everything would be alright, but “would be’s” didn’t mean much more than spit in the here and now.

Applejack turned back as she started the long walk home. “Wanna talk about it?”

“What’s there to talk about?” Apple Bloom barked in reply. “They fear me! They hate me! They despise me! I could take any one of them and forcefully drain them of their love in a heartbeat!”

“Yeah, I know. They’re all prey like me right?”

Chrysalis said nothing, only tightening her grip on Applejack’s fur.

“You know, we’ve had our fair share of villains and monsters around these parts, all trying to do one thing or another,” Applejack remarked thinking back to all the crazy adventures that she’d been on or that had shown up on her doorstep. “Sometimes, they were really wanting to hurt us like Nightmare Moon and Tirek, but a few of ‘em really just boil down to a misunderstanding.”

“There’s nothing to misconstrue, Applejack. I wanted to steal all the love in Equestria and then the world.”

“Eeyup. That ya did, but it didn’t work out too well. If you were still on that idea, ya wouldn’t be hanging around little old me, right?”

Chrysalis said nothing.

“Right. So, I guess the question is: what do ya wanna do now?”

Chrysalis still said nothing, but after a few patient moments, Applejack could feel the fake filly burying her borrowed face into AJ’s fur. The farmer wasn’t sure if it was the fact she was pretending to be her sister or what, but the dampness building on withers was almost too much for her heart to bear.

“That’s fine if ya ain’t sure, Chrys. One of the perks of working on a farm is that there’s a whole lotta time to think about things. You got all the time in the world to figure that one out, and I’ll be right here to help ya along as best I can.” She turned to look at the girl still sheltering under her daddy’s hat and smiled, hoping that she’d feel it. “That’s a promise.”

Chrysalis went silent for the rest of the trip back home with only the occasional sniffle escaping from under the hat. It was times like these Applejack wished she was a unicorn so she could run her comb through Chrysalis’ mane with magic. For now, letting the pint-sized changeling cry for as long as she needed was the best she could do, as well as hope what little love she could feel leaving through her withers was enough to remind the changeling that she cared.

Chapter 12: Working Like a Dog

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“Thirty-seven. Thirty-eight. That’s thirty-nine through forty-two…” Applejack muttered under her breath as she watched ponies trot by her stall of freshly picked, unsold apples. “Hey you,” she added as Rainbow Dash flashed in from above. “There goes forty-three, four, and five.”

“What’s with the numbers, AJ?” Rainbow asked as she watched Applejack’s listing eyes settle back onto her friend.

“Just counting the regulars passing by.”

“Oh.” Rainbow Dash looked up at the sun. “Yeah, it’s almost lunchtime.” The mare’s eyes drifted towards the copious apples stacked neatly in her bushel barrels. “I’m guessing sales are kinda low?”

“Kinda none is more like it. Haven’t sold a single apple this weekend.”

“Well, lemme fix that,” Dash said as she whipped out a few bits and slammed them on the counter confidently. “Could use a little fuel after practicing my routines this morning.”

Applejack smiled and nodded towards the barrel. “Thanks, Rainbow. Go ahead and take five.”

“Five? But That’s only enough for like two.”

“Today it’s worth five. It’s not like anypony else is buying. Might as well give a friendly discount to get some produce moving before I take the cart-full to Barnyard Bargains. At least he’s willing to pay regardless of who’s picking ‘em,” the farmer complained as she leaned over the counter and continued counting familiar faces in her head.

Rainbow winced as she sucked in a sharp breath. “Yeah. I guess they’re not too happy with your newest bug on the farm, huh?”

“Figured that out, have ya?” AJ huffed with a snort. “What was your first clue?”

“Hey! Fluttershy had it pretty rough too when Dis—”

Applejack slammed her hoof, rattling the cart and silencing Rainbow as she backed up. “Don’t you dare say that varmint’s name in front of me!”

“Woah, woah, woah! Chill AJ. Relax. I’m on your side,” the speedster urged, pulling back from the ornery farmer. “I’m just saying I get it, alright? Fluttershy went through a lot too, but it worked out eventually.”

The farmer grunted as she looked over her freshly bucked bushels. “Yeah, but Fluttershy ain’t running on a clock. We’re in the middle of harvest season, and ‘eventually’ ain’t gonna stop these apples from going bad. Even if I squeeze the entire orchard into cider, my customers are all still gonna be spooked away from buying for no good reason!”

A smile slowly split Rainbow’s face as she thought about the mouth-watering proposition. “I’d totally be down for an orchard of cider!”

The farmer chuckled. “Rainbow, I appreciate the sentiment, but I don’t think even you could fly enough to keep that much cider off your flanks. They’d have to resize your flight suit.”

“Eh, just gotta fly at rainboom speeds everywhere I go. No biggie.”

“I’ll keep that in mind if you think you can afford it on your new salary. Though I better not see you in the air after dipping into the harder stuff.”

“Trust me, after becoming a Wonderbolt, I’m trying my best not to give them more reasons to call me ‘Rainbow Crash,’” the speedster assured with an eye-roll big enough to flip a barrel. After that, she looked around and down, darting to get a higher vantage point before coming back to the ground. “By the way, where is Chrysalis? She isn’t hiding out somewhere is she?”

“Naw. She’s back on the farm I imagine. Probably working with Big Mac while Bloom is off playing with her friends.”

“Wow. Almost feels a bit weird not having her around. Every time I’ve seen you recently, she’s been acting like that dog she likes to disguise herself as.”

“Well, I don’t imagine we’ll be seeing much of ‘Classy’ anymore. Not when the entire town’s been put on high alert for suspicious pooches. Twi’s announcement wasn’t exactly what you’d call calming. Everypony’s still plenty spooked that we got another ‘villain’ around these parts.”

Rainbow shrugged. “What can you do about it? It’s not like Chrysalis really helped herself after her last attempt to take over Equestria.”

Applejack sighed as she sunk further into her hooves. “I wish I knew, Rainbow. Boy howdy, I wish I knew.”

The path back home dragged on longer than usual. Even though she’d managed to sell every apple in her cart, she’d only just made it before dusk. After Rainbow had come around to see her, she’d wrangled up a few other ponies to come buy a few extra apples among their friends. Pinkie bought a bunch to make into a cake later. Rarity swung by and bought some for herself and the Crusaders. Twilight came and bought a bunch for everyone at the castle. Even a few others like Bon Bon and Lyra came along to buy some to make into sweets. It warmed her heart to see all of them do something as simple as buy an apple from her.

The problem was, she couldn’t just sell apples to the same couple of ponies forever. Even her backup of Barnyard Bargains seemed shaky at best. When she’d taken an almost full cart of them to Filthy Rich yesterday, he’d been hesitant to buy them. After finding out the local farmer was “housing an evil changeling” as he put it, he was struggling to make a sale as well. He was planning on shipping them out tomorrow to the next town over to try and get ahead of the story of Sweet Apple Acres’ bug problem.

If she was honest with herself, it wasn’t really the lack of sales itself that bothered her. It was more what it said that everypony was avoiding apples by association. They hadn’t changed their tastes at all, folks just didn’t want anything to do with Chrysalis, and her family was paying the price for giving the girl a chance. Seeing almost the entire town avoiding apples just hurt, plain and simple. How Zecora had managed living with it as long as she did was beyond AJ’s reckoning.

Luckily, talking with Rainbow had reminded her that somepony else went through something similar. When Fluttershy came to buy some apples for herself and her animals, she’d immediately picked up on AJ’s frustration and offered to meet her later at the farm. She was also quick to add she wouldn’t let Discord tag along. He was still grounded, whatever that meant for an immortal spirit of chaos.

As Sweet Apple Acres came into view, AJ saw three ponies waiting for her by the gate. Fluttershy was the first to notice and wave, followed by their forest-dwelling neighbors, Fleur and Zecora.

AJ tipped her hat as she picked up the pace. “Evening y’all. Came for a bite to eat?”

“While I’d never say no to Granny’s stew,
We three have come here to check up on you,”
Zecora answered before nodding a hello.

“Thanks, Zecora. I’m doing alright.”

The zebra shook her head.
“I appreciate your friendly reply,
But I’d prefer it if you did not lie.”

“Okay, well I have been better, but thanks to y’all chipping in to chip away at my bushels earlier, today turned out a heck of a lot better than it was looking like.”

“You’re welcome, Applejack,” Fluttershy said with a soft smile. She stepped forward and wrapped her friend in a wing hug. “I’m so sorry that you’re going through all of this.”

“Ain’t your fault your mangy, mismatched freeloader’s got a grudge against Chrys,” Applejack spat.

Fluttershy pulled away and frowned in disappointment, but then softened as she sighed. “I know you’re mad at him. I am too. Still, that’s no reason to call him names.”

“Yeah, that’s my job,” Fleur interjected with a rueful smile. “Unfortunately, the best I’ve come up with so far is ‘Dipcord,’ but apparently Dash already coined that one. ‘Dishonored’ sounds too cool and Fluttershy won’t let me say ‘Dipsh—’”

“Fleur de Lis!” Fluttershy shouted quickly over the mare.

The guard snickered knowingly. “See?”

AJ joined in the laughter. “To be fair, Chrys might have the same hangup.”

“Wait, are you serious? The ex-evil queen has a thing against coarse language?”

“She cut me off right quick when I almost said something similar in front of Ocellus. Come to think of it, even when she’s lost her temper, she ain’t never once said something untoward. Maybe changelings just swear differently?”

“Well, she’s also a mother, right?” Fluttershy suggested as she tapped her chin. “Maybe she doesn’t like saying bad words around children?”

Fleur tilted her head at the mare. “Fluttershy? Ocellus was in the room when Chrysalis told everyone she was planning on sealing Princess Cadance under her throne and siphoning her love until she died.”

“Oh my… well…” The pegasus stammered as she pulled at her flowing mane and looked away. “Those are bad words to say, but none of them are bad words.”

“We’ll just have to see if she drags out the soap if she ever catches Apple Bloom ever saying ‘horseapples,’” Applejack joked as she pulled the cart forward. “Why don’t y’all head up to the house while I put this away?”

“Oh!” Fluttershy popped out of her hiding place and matched the farmer’s gait. “I’ll go with you, Applejack.”

With a military salute and a bow respectively, Fleur and Zecora parted ways to head up to the homestead while Fluttershy tagged along for the quick trip to the barn. As they walked together, the pegasus simply smiled as she walked in silence with her friend.

“Was there something you wanted, Fluttershy?”

She shook her head. “No. I’ll be right here if you need me though.”

“Right.” Of course the quiet pony would be just fine with saying nothing. AJ wasn’t sure why it irked her tonight. “Thanks Fluttershy.”

The mare nodded and smiled sweetly and returned to walk in silence towards the barn. When they finally arrived, Applejack couldn’t stand the silence anymore. She needed to get something off her chest, though she wasn’t exactly sure what it was beyond a knot in her stomach.

“Do you mind if I ask you something sensitive?”

“Go right ahead. If it will help, I’ll be happy to answer if I can,” Fluttershy replied.

“How’d you deal with me and the others when you were helping Discord?”

Fluttershy tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, we all rode ya pretty hard when you were trying to get him under control. I know I wasn’t real happy about it, what with him chaos zapping those beavers.”

“But I wasn’t happy about that either. It was a very mean prank.”

“I know, but that’s not why I brought it up.” Applejack sighed as she pulled off her hat. “Here’s the truth, sugarcube. I didn’t want to give him a chance even after the princess’ little speech. And I kept it under my hat, but I was angry at you for even giving him a chance.”

“O-oh…” Fluttershy dragged a forehoof across the dirt. “Are you still mad at me?”

“It ain’t right, but I am. It’s not your fault, and the fact I’m doing the same thing now ain’t going over my head neither. I’m a dang hypocrite.”

“If it helps, I’m not mad at you for taking care of Chrysalis. But, I’m still scared of her. I actually came with Fleur because I knew she’d protect me from her.”

“You ain’t alone,” Applejack added as she unhitched her empty apple cart. “I’m the only one who saw Chrys in the forest that night. Underneath all that high n’ mighty talk, she was scared outta her wits.” Applejack bit her lip as she recalled seeing the changeling writhing on the floor in agonizing hunger pangs. It hurt even more now after getting to know the mare a bit better. “She was gonna die, Fluttershy. I told her it was okay, but she still didn’t steal any love from me when she had the chance. She must’ve known I was the last one she’d ever get.”

“What stopped her?”

“I don’t know.” Applejack sat down and began fiddling with her hat, grabbing it by the rim and wheeling it around with her forehooves. “I’ve been trying to figure that out, but I still can’t pin it down. Stubborn pride? Self-loathing? Plain ol’ stupidity? She’s so all over the place all the time, it’s rough keeping up with her mindset.”

Fluttershy smiled softly and nodded in agreement. “I know what that’s like a little.”

“The point is, she says she doesn’t want to steal love anymore, and I believe her. But I’m the only one who does. She only opens up to me.”

“That’s because she trusts you.”

Applejack groaned and smacked her hat down as she looked up at the barn’s rafters. “I know that, but that’s not the point!”

“It’s not?”

Fluttershy’s genuine confusion gave Applejack pause. Chrys trusted her. She had to on some level. Sure, AJ was the only one who was willing to give her love, but she’d never really thought about if there was anything more to it. The same thing had happened with Zecora. One innocent, obvious question had been mired within a pit of lies and misdirections. Nothing was ever simple until the farmer put the mind games down to ask why she was playing them in the first place.

Applejack slammed her hat over her face and fell back onto the dirt. “Is this how it is with Discord or am I just a dang fool?”

“I don’t know what you mean by that,” Fluttershy admitted as she gently laid herself on the ground next to her friend.

“Here I am worried sick over nipping a sales problem in the bud before it gets outta hoof, but at the end of the day, it’s me still trying to fix things on my own. It’s completely outta my hooves as long as folks are afraid of Chrysalis.”

“Oh! Yes, that’s right,” Fluttershy agreed as she caught on. “Chrysalis needs to be the one to change that on her own. I can’t make ponies like Discord, though I think he can if he mind controls them.”

Applejack slowly pulled her hat down and stared at Fluttershy.

“B-but he’s not supposed to do that anymore,” the pegasus amended meekly.

“Well, he’s in good company, I guess. Chrys can do it too, remember?”

Fluttershy nodded as she bit her lip and she shrank back.

“So why don’t you think Discord won’t try?” Applejack asked.

“I just have to believe he won’t. Even after everything that’s happened, we’re still friends,” Fluttershy replied with a smile. AJ couldn’t tell if the pegasus was just putting on a brave face or if she really meant it. “Do you think Chrysalis will try to mind control you?”

“I don’t think so. She would’ve done it a long time ago if she was planning on it.”

“Do you think she will later?”

AJ shrugged. “I wouldn’t be able to tell you.”

“Really? Why not?”

“If she doesn’t eat love, she’ll die, right? I can’t very well guarantee she won’t get desperate someday.”

“But didn’t you say she was willing to die rather than steal your love in the forest? If she wasn’t going to then, why would she change her mind now when everypony knows she’s here? Don’t you trust her?”

“I want to. But still…” Applejack looked at her hooves as she began pulling on her ponytail. She couldn’t just blindly say she wouldn’t ever try. Frankly, she didn’t like throwing around blanket beliefs like that. Saying something wouldn’t happen was just a truth waiting to be a lie after long enough.

That’s how it was with the first lie her mother told.

A gentle touch brought Applejack out of her thoughts as she looked up to see her friend glowing with tender care. “Choose to trust her, Applejack.”


“You have a choice, and I think you should at least try it. After all, how do you expect anyone to trust her if you don’t? You’re all she has.”

“But it ain’t that simple, Shy.”

“I didn’t say it would be easy, Applejack. It hurt when Discord helped Tirek. It hurt a lot.” Fluttershy looked at nothing in particular as her eyes glistened at the memories. She quickly blinked back the betrayal with a deep breath. “But I have to believe he’s sorry and he wants to be better. I have to trust him. If not, how could I ask anypony else?”

“But that’s not fair to you! Discord’s the varmint causing all the problems for himself! He shouldn’t be your responsibility!”

“And Chrysalis shouldn’t be yours, but they need friends they can trust right now. That’s us.” Fluttershy stated resolutely. “If we believe they both can be better, then we should trust that they want to be better, too.”

“And what if they can’t?”

Fluttershy shuffled closer to Applejack and wrapped her wing over her friend. “Then we have each other and the rest of our friends. I try to think of it this way: I might spend my whole life with Discord, trying to show him how to make friends and be kind to others. But, if I can do that, then he doesn’t have to spend an eternity in chaos alone. I think that makes it worth a try. Chrysalis is immortal too, right?”

“I think so,” Applejack said as she leaned into Fluttershy’s tender embrace. “As long as she’s got enough love to keep her going.”

“Then you helping her now will set her up so she has a long, long time to enjoy life after you’re gone.”

“So, a lifetime of friendship lessons?”

“Or a lifetime with a best friend. If you think about it, it might not be fair for them to rely on us too much, but it’s not exactly fair to them that one day we’ll leave them even if we don’t want to. I can’t imagine how difficult that is for the princesses, Discord, or even Chrysalis.”

Closing her eyes, Applejack’s mind drifted back to the pictures hanging in her room. “I think I might have an inkling or two.” After a few moments of feeling Fluttershy’s feathers on her back, Applejack took a bracing breath and shimmied out from under her wingspan. “Right then. We best not keep everyone waiting. I know I’m hungry, and Granny’s making spinach sliders tonight.”

“Oh, I love those!” Fluttershy said with quiet, bubbly enthusiasm.

“Then we better get going before Big Mac eats ‘em all.”

Arriving at the house, the two late-comers took the back door through the kitchen and were welcomed with the familiar scent of freshly chopped vegetables and cream cheese. What they hadn’t expected was Chrysalis grumbling over the counter, slicing the veggies by hoof rather than using her magic to hold the knife.

“No, no, no Chris. You’re doin’ it all wrong again!” Granny Smith complained to her sous chef changeling.

“I’m doing exactly what you showed me to do!” Chrysalis pointed out as she expertly chopped the vegetables with all the finesse of the finely aged earth pony matron, including her jitters.

“You’re going through all the motions just fine, but where’s the joy of cooking for company? We got more mouths to feed, so put some pep in your prep!”

“I’m plenty aware of the fact that more ponies have shown up to eat this disgusting dreck you call food!” she roared. Fluttershy ducked behind Applejack, trying to hide behind the farmer.

“A mare your age shouldn’t be raising such a fuss! I thought ya said ya liked artichokes and spinach?”

Chrysalis stabbed the veggies she was cutting, sticking the knife right through the artichoke heart. “What does it matter anyway? I don’t eat pony food!”

“Now, that don’t make a lick’a sense. How’d ya know what spinach even tastes like if ya don’t eat it?” Granny Smith huffed as she took a hoof-full of chopped veggies and threw them into a bowl with cream cheese and sour cream. As she stirred, she finally noticed the other’s arrival. “Ah great! AJ, can you see what’s eating Christopher here? I can’t make heads or tails of what she’s saying.”

“It’s Chrysalis!” Christopher corrected.

“What’s butterflies got to do with cooking?” Granny asked as she turned back to work with her bowl. Chrysalis' right eye was twitching something fierce. The wild bug looked about ready to burst a blood vessel.

Applejack rushed in, trying to calm Chrysalis down. “Woah, woah. You alright?”

“I thought you were thick, Applejack, but talking to her is like arguing with a bag of rocks, but somehow even less productive!” Chrysalis shouted so she could be heard. The fact that Granny Smith didn’t even seem to register the comment just upset the former queen more.

“Did ya try smiling?”

Yes,” Chrysalis flashed a vicious grin, dripping with smug pride and vitriol for all who opposed her will. It was the perfect smile for a victorious villain. The sneering maw caused Fluttershy to gasp in fear at the sight of it. The tiny squeak called Chrysalis’ attention to her. “Oh wonderful. You brought the chaos bringer's little pet.”

“Alrighty, Chrys. Ya made your point. You’re in a bad mood. Let’s let Fluttershy take over helping Granny out while we have a talk,” Applejack offered while turning to the shivering pegasus. “You don’t mind do you?”

Fluttershy nodded, but then realized she should be shaking her head and adjusted quickly. “N-nope! I’d be happy to help.”

Chrysalis grumbled. “That makes one of us.”

“Alrighty!” Applejack clopped her hoof on the floor to gain control of the conversation. “That’s more than enough outta you. Let’s go before ya need to leave any more last words, big girl.”

“What’s this? Going to try grounding me, AJ?”

“In a manner of speaking. Let’s go up to your room.”

“You mean the guest room I stole?”

“No. I mean your room. The room that I cleaned out specifically to give you.” Applejack took a page from Granny’s book and spun the bug mare around and began pushing her out of the kitchen.

“Fine, fine! I’m going!” Chrysalis shouted as she stood no chance to overpower Applejack. As they passed her by, the smallest smirk crept across Fleur’s face.

Walking into the living room, they saw Zecora talking to Big Mac, who looked exhausted. The zebra nodded a hello as they passed while the stallion sank lower with a frown. Apparently Granny Smith wasn’t the only one suffering the wrath of Chrysalis today. If Applebloom had come back home already, she was probably hiding in her room from the raging monster in the homestead.

Chrysalis held her head high as she trotted up the stairs towards the master bedroom. The mare maintained perfect posture, only ducking to avoid bumping her head into any fixtures hanging from the ceiling. She stopped in front of the closed door to her room. After a moment, Chrysalis looked behind her to Applejack and bounced her eyes between the pony and the doorknob. She tapped her hoof expectantly as she glared at the smaller earth pony. With a sigh, Applejack stepped forward and opened the door for her majesty.

Without even a simple thank you, Chrysalis strode into her room. Applejack closed the door behind them and turned to face the drama queen head on.

“On the bed, now,” Applejack demanded.

“So bold for such a little pony, but I’m not interested,” Chrysalis spat in reply. Removing her hat, Applejack dug out her comb and stared flatly between it and Chrysalis. The changeling proudly brushed her mane to the side and stepped onto the bed, letting her mane hang towards Applejack. “You should’ve been more clear with your intentions.”

“Right.” Applejack pulled a stool to the side of the bed and then began methodically combing Chrysalis’ mane.

After a few strokes, the former queen’s prideful smirk slowly drifted into a frown. “I don’t feel anything…”

“Probably because this is more for me at the moment, not you.”

“What do you mean?” Chrysalis asked sternly.

“Sorry. It’s hard to love somebody who’s making everypony else miserable around them.”

“But I worked hard today!” Chrysalis countered defensively. “I moved all of those stupid buckets into place and picked up every apple that fell on the ground!”

“And I do appreciate you helping my brother out, but—”

“No! No buts!” Chrysalis lifted herself to her haunches and tossed her mane behind her. “You said you loved hard work! I earned it!”

“It’s a bit difficult to love someone who’s constantly lashing out!” Applejack yelled.

“What? But I’m the victim!”

“I know that! But that don’t mean you get to victimize everyone else!” Applejack fired back. She felt a tirade building up inside, but she was so tired from the headaches over the past two days and bit them back. Yelling wasn’t going to get anywhere. “Please, Chrys, I don’t want to be angry at you.”

“Get used to it or get lost!” Chrysalis growled in rage. “That’s all you’re ever getting with me!”

“Do you want me to? Do you really want to be alone that bad?”

“If you aren’t going to give me love, what good are you to me?”

“I never said I didn’t want to.”

“Then give me your love already!” Chrysalis demanded.

“I can’t if you’re trying to make me hate you!” Applejack screamed as she threw her hat down. She popped up from her stool and turned her back on Chrysalis. “Dagnabbit, girl. You really know how to get under a pony’s skin, and it’s working.” She turned back around to face the changeling, feeling her frustration burn in her eyes. “Do you want me to feel like this? Do you want to prove everypony that skipped buying our apples this weekend right about you?”

Chrysalis said nothing as she sneered on her bed.

“Yeah. Ponies ain’t buying Sweet Apple Acres apples anymore because you’re here. Know what? That ain’t fair for neither of us, but that’s what’s happening and we gotta deal with it.”

Chrysalis clicked her tongue. “You can always kick me out.”

“I don’t wanna do that to you!”

“Are you sure? You said it yourself, I’m making everypony miserable just by being here.”

“You don’t have to.”

“Oh? And how do you propose I fix that? Be the spark of joy Granny Smith wants me to be?” Chrysalis joked as she plastered on her predatory smile.

“How about you try talking instead of bottling everything up?”

“Is that all?” The haughty queen tilted her head back and cackled. “Fine. What do you want to talk about, Applejack?”

The angry earth pony almost threw in the towel right then and there. She wasn’t in the mood for another dang mind game with the lying queen. Not wanting to even think about her question, she decided not to think about it.

“Why do you hate pony food, Chrys?” she blurted out.

The changeling’s confidence was replaced with confusion. “What?”

“You heard me!”

“I know, but what a stupid question.”

Applejack stomped her hooves. “It ain’t stupid, Chrysalis! Granny said you liked spinach, but then you’re complaining about it before dinner? In fact, you’ve been complaining about all the fixins here since your first dinner with the family. Why?”

“Obviously it’s because I don’t eat food. I eat love. Satisfied?”

“Horseapples!” AJ shouted.

Chrysalis bristled and frowned deeply. “Language!” she rebuked forcefully through her teeth. “The little ones are in the next room!”

Well, that answered that question definitively. AJ was pretty sure all of this yelling was bad enough for them, with word choice being the least of their concerns. “Fair enough. Still, I wanna know straight up. What’s wrong with pony food? I’ve seen you eat apples just fine, but you spat out apple fritters at the wedding.”

The changeling snorted. “How very thoughtful of you to bring that up.”

“Don’t try to change the subject, Chrys,” Applejack deflected, turning Chrysalis’ words with Luna against her. “Twi said you spat the fritters out when I wasn’t looking, but I’ve seen you happily chomp into an apple plenty. I know you don’t hate what we eat. How else would you know that my love tastes like apples?”

Chrysalis grumbled as she kneaded the comforter. She finally slammed her legs onto the bed. “Fine! If you must know: you cook it!”

Applejack blinked. “Wait, I’m sorry. What now?”

“You cook it! You cook everything!” Chrysalis answered while pointing an accusatory hoof. “All of you ponies are constantly adding a bunch of weird things together when you could just eat food without ruining it. You all insist on making grain into bread, you cover vegetables with dressings, and worst of all, you cultivate molds and have the nerve to call it a food! You’re eating spoiled milk!”

“So, what you’re saying is that you like raw ingredients?”

“If I have to eat food, yes. I like it unspoiled before you ponies boil, roast, and fry everything to a crisp.”

“Then why didn’t you say so?”

Chrysalis averted her eyes. “Because who cares?”

“I do! I care!” Applejack answered firmly, not letting the changeling run away. “Land sakes, Chrysalis. We could’ve just been serving you mixed vegetables or granola.”

“But I don’t need to eat pony food! What’s the point of telling you?”

“Because I want you to be happy here!”

All of the bravado Chrysalis was wearing fell away as her rebuttals ran dry. She grunted bitterly as she shook her head like she was snapping a critter’s neck.

“It’s true. We all do,” Applejack added.

“Ha. Big Mac made his thoughts on me pretty clear today. He was shivering in silence the entire time.”

“That’s just Big Mac. He don’t say much. And, to be fair, you have been a right terror since Discord unmasked you in front of the entire town.”

Chrysalis said nothing. She curled up and laid down on the bed. Applejack sighed and picked up the comb and grabbed a length of hair. She carefully ran the comb through the silky smooth mane. As she worked, Chrysalis slowly raised her head to watch the other mare work.

“Guess you feel that, huh?” AJ remarked with a smirk.

Chrysalis still said nothing and just watched AJ stroke her mane.

Applejack carefully grabbed another bundle to work on and pulled it closer to her. “Don’t get it twisted, Chrys. I’m still heated, but as I said before, I love hard work.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “That’s not true. I already told you about the barrels, and you had nothing for me then.”

The smaller mare shook her head. “Wrong effort, big girl. You telling me how you were honestly feeling was hard work too. I appreciate it.”

“It wasn’t work, it was stupid!” Chrys complained in disbelief.

Applejack chuckled to herself. “Ain’t gonna argue that one, but it’d be hypocritical to say that I don’t get hung up on stupid things too sometimes. Like hearing ponies tell me they don’t like apples really rubs me the wrong way, even if they’re well within their right to not like ‘em. It’s not like we eat pears around these parts. Hopefully just talking will get easier for the both of us.”

The changeling sighed as she rolled onto her side and looked away. “You’re just as bad as Luna. She’s always trying to get me to reveal more about myself.”

“Well, thanks for trusting me with such sensitive information anyway. I won’t tell Luna.”

Chrysalis said nothing, but she could see the ghost of a smile in the big girl’s eyes.

“If ya don’t mind me asking, how is talking about your food preferences revealing?”

“I don’t know, you tell me,” Chrysalis grumbled, doing her best to look down her nose at the common pony while laying on the bed. “You wanted to know so bad, you can figure it out, just like the last time you wouldn’t let something stupid go.”

Applejack pursed her lips as her eyes flicked around trying to think of something. “I dunno. It just seems like nothing. I wouldn’t even know where to start trying to hazard a guess. I mean, you’ve gotta have a reason, right?”

“Of course I do.”

If it was a lie, it was a pretty good one. However, it took so much to drag it out of her, there had to be something to it. Thinking back to the apple fritters, Chrysalis had thrown it away when Applejack wasn’t looking. She didn’t want to be seen throwing it away because she didn’t like it. Nopony in their right mind would throw a good fritter away. Then there was the stew from a couple days ago and then the broccoli and cheese that she seemed to be forcing down. She must’ve really hated the stuff since she wasn’t even able to play her disgust off. Maybe Chrys couldn’t eat things that were piping hot? But no, she had coffee just fine, and that was hotter.

“You sure do make the weirdest faces when you’re thinking,” Chrysalis said with a mocking smile.

“Who’s fault is it that I gotta try piecing this together?”

“Mine, duh,” Chrysalis laughed. “But more importantly, you stopped combing.”

“Cause I’m trying to figure this out without anything to go on. I’d have better luck selling shoes to a rattlesnake.”

Chrysalis nickered under her breath. She tossed the rest of her mane over to Applejack’s side and shifted closer to make it easier to work with. “Fine. As entertaining as it is to see you struggle, I can’t eat confusion. If you absolutely must know…” Chrysalis trailed as she sucked in a sharp breath as she worked up the gumption to reveal the answer. “It’s-a-tell,” she whispered.

Applejack arched an eyebrow. “What?”

“Because it’s a tell!” Chrysalis fumed. “You know, a sign, a clue, a fault in my disguises.”

“Still not getting it, sugarcube.”

“Do I have to spell it out for you? I don’t like your food, so what happens if suddenly somepony’s wife starts hating their favorite food out of nowhere? I usually blame it on getting a cold, but If everypony knows that I hate eating pony cooking, then it becomes a dead giveaway when I replace somepony.”

“I suppose that makes sense, but you’re not pretending to be other ponies anymore. There’s no harm in telling us you don’t want to eat cooked food.”

“Well…” the changeling stammered as she tried to calm her nerves. “You try breaking centuries of habits! I don’t see you becoming any less stubborn anytime soon, Applejerk!”

It was almost a relatable sentiment until the insult. The foalishness caught “Applejerk” completely off-guard as she doubled over in guffaws and fell forward on the bed.

Chrysalis clenched her teeth. “Stop laughing! I’m insulting you!”

Knowing Chrys was completely serious only made it worse. “I—I can’t!” Applejack tried to explain herself between fits of laughter, but she couldn’t manage to get a word in.

Seeing the slap-happy farmer splitting her sides, Chrysalis grumpily leaned against her foreleg, waiting for Applejack to work it out of her system. After a good more bit of laughter, the giggly farmer coughed, trying to regain control of her voice.

“You done?” Chrys asked flatly.

“Hoo wee! I haven’t heard that one since before I got my cutie mark. I really needed that.” Applejack hopped over the bed and gave Chrysalis a surprise hug. Immediately, she felt a surge of her warmth leave her side as she squeezed the bug. “Thanks, sugarcube.”

After Applejack let go, Chrysalis just sat on the bed, dumbstruck by the gesture. The changeling looked at her hooves and then back at AJ. “What was that?”

“What was what?” the snickering pony asked.

“That,” she repeated vaguely.

“A hug. Sorry. Kinda got caught up in the moment,” Applejack admitted while scratching the back of her head. She felt her cheeks flush a bit having grabbed Chrys out of nowhere when she always put up such a fight being fed on her terms. “I’ll be sure to give ya a better one later if you’re still hungry.”

“I’m always hungry,” Chrysalis murmured robotically.

“Of course ya are. Anyway, I’m famished, and we’re probably already late for dinner. Think you’re up for some socialization? I’ll see if we have anything left uncooked in the fridge for you to munch on so you don’t have to choke down cheese again.”

“I guess. Plenty of apples if there isn’t,” she noted with a roll of her eyes.

“Always looking on the bright side, aren’t ya Chrys?”

“Don’t talk down to me, Applejerk.”

“My apologies, your tallness.” Another goofy laugh escaped the petulant farmer. She kicked off the mattress and stood to her hooves. “Well, come on now. My food’s getting cold and Granny’s probably more ornery about that than the spat y’all had.”

As she began to walk away, Applejack felt a hoof tug on her tail, pulling her back slightly. She stopped from the sudden resistance and turned her head. “Something wrong, sugarcube?”

“No,” Chrysalis said as she let go and looked at her hoof, then at Applejack. “It’s nothing.”

Chapter 13: Hounded Out and Hollowed

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Another day, another bust. Applejack’s head hung low as she side-eyed the bushels of unsold apples. They were bright, beautiful, and glowing with untapped flavor, yet no matter how much she discounted them, nopony in town wanted to purchase a single one. She was practically giving them away by the bushel, but all she was getting was side-eyed jeers and disapproving frowns from her neighbors.

All of this because she’d taken in Chrysalis.

With nothing else better to do, the farmer settled into playing fetch with Winona using one of the many apples as a ball. At least one critter was going to enjoy them today. Winona bounded back with her most recent apple after chomping a bite out of it. The farmer sighed as she grabbed another from the massive pile.

The harvest was the most bountiful Sweet Apple Acres had ever seen, but it was all gonna go to waste at this rate. Her friends had bought all they could and then some, but the season just kept bringing in more and more. It’d gotten so bad that the rest of the family were rolling barrels upon barrels into town behind her. Her sales cart was completely submerged by overflowing bushels of fresh apples, with Big Mac adding more to the growing pile in dismay.

There were just so many, each one representing another bit lost, another bill they wouldn’t be able to pay, another emergency that would bankrupt the farm. Trying to put it out of her mind, Applejack threw her apple out for Winona to catch, only for it to be intercepted by Classy jumping in front of her.

Applejack popped up from her idle apple tossing. “What the? Chrys? What’re you doing?”

Classy didn’t answer and started to bounce the apple on her nose, attracting a small audience of curious onlookers. At first, they seemed amazed by her graceful performance, bouncing, rolling, and finally bounding up to catch the apple in her vicious, changeling maw. She gave one victorious, queenly grin, only for it to falter as she noticed her disguise had failed to mask her changeling fangs.

“It’s Chrysalis!” one of the ponies screamed in terror.

Applejack scrambled to her hooves. “Wait, everypony! It’s okay! She’s good now!”

Applejack’s heart sank as she watched a stallion immediately heel-turn and buck Classy in the side. She yelped in pain from the crushing blow and sailed towards the tower of apples. Chrysalis’ disguise dispelled as she collided with the wall of fruit. She tried to pull herself to her hooves, but the poor girl could only scream in agony as her barrel flickered unsteadily from starvation.

“Chrys!” Applejack cried out in horror. She raced to the suffering changeling as fast as she could. She was shaking fiercely again, writhing while trying to find a spec of love anywhere within her withered body.

“No, no, no! This ain’t right. I know I’ve been distracted by the harvest, but—” Applejack stopped herself. Chrys didn’t need her excuses, she needed her love. She knelt down to pick her up and pull the mare into a hug, but a firm hoof ripped her away before she could.

“The monster’s weak! Get her!” a mare roared as she tried to restrain Applejack.

“Get offa me ya varmint!” Applejack bronco bucked the mare off her back. Other ponies quickly approached, but she made a break for it and dodged the diving ponies trying to wrassle her to the ground. She didn’t have time for any of this. Chrysalis needed her.

Charging the mass of ponies, the farmer kicked off the ground and leapt over the forming mob. Applejack stood sidelong, doing her best to block the assailants from the fallen changeling. She wasn’t going to let a single one of them get close if she could help it.

“Out of the way, Applejack!” one of them commanded.

“Over my dead body!” she spat back.

“She’s evil! She’s poisoning your mind!”

“No she ain’t! All of y’all are wrong about her!” Despite her pleas, the others drew closer, sneering with hatred towards the frail bug behind her. Applejack didn’t have time to convince them. She needed to help Chrysalis.

Throwing caution to the wind, she knelt down next to the quivering queen. Chrysalis had wilted to barely a stick. Her eyes were sunken in with her new holes forming in her legs. How she was hanging on was beyond her, but she could see the light quickly fading from her eyes. She carefully lifted Chrysalis’ head, hoping for a miracle. “Please, this is just one big misunderstanding. I know you wouldn’t hurt—”

Before she could finish, Chrysalis' eyes flared open with renewed vigor as she lunged forward. Applejack locked up as the serrated teeth plunged through her neck. She couldn’t look down, she couldn’t move. There was only the wall of red before her and black and green in her periphery. After a few moments, the farmer fell backwards, landing limply on her side. Life from the world itself diminished, its vibrance fading as the colors slowly paled and grayed into mere shadows of themselves. Despite the horror, Applejack felt nothing. She couldn’t feel anything. Chrysalis had taken her love. All of it.

The mare thought it would’ve hurt worse. Pharynx said the queen’s bite was supposed to kill whatever she was eating, but instead, there was a pervasive numbness. A sudden burst of energy blew her away, the world spinning on its own as she tumbled across the grass. As she regained her bearings, a black figure stepped out of the smoke. Before her stood a fearsome, rejuvenated Queen Chrysalis laughing maniacally as her horn glowed fiercely with stolen might. With a vicious grin, she leapt over her meal, hissing in defiance. Applejack couldn’t see what was going on behind her, but she could hear the evil villain continue her maddened glee as the sounds of energy and fire erupted all over Ponyville.

Applejack’s heart would’ve broken if she could feel anything anymore. The world was sapped of wonder just as her strength had been stolen. The only thing left was a faint sense of disappointment. She let herself get distracted and failed to help Chrysalis, and now Equestria was going to burn because of her negligence. All of it was her fault.

As she watched the darkening grass in front of her muzzle, an apple fell in front of her, and then another, and then two more. She struggled to turn her head up enough to see an endless mountain of red apples, piercing the clouds and reaching into space, tumbling over. A tsunami of scarlet began raining down, the namesake collapsing to crush her under their infinite weight. She wanted to scream and close her eyes, but she couldn’t look away as the sky filled with a swarm of fruit forming a mouth to devour what was left of Applejack.

And then, before she met her end, a sea of midnight feathers fanned out in front of her, blocking out a world gone mad in a sea of tranquility.

“My apologies, Applejack, my session with Chrysalis ran long this evening.” Luna retracted her wing and looked down at the fallen farmer.

“Run,” Applejack warned weakly. “The apples—”

“Are gone. Along with the rest of your nightmare.”


Applejack’s eyes wandered around, seeing nothing but endless clouds of space dust and stars above them. She pulled herself up to see Ponyville had been replaced by a starlit meadow, glistening with beautiful moonlit flowers and weeping willows under the gentle light of the night. On impulse, she reached a hoof to the back of her neck, frantically trying to feel any holes where Chrysalis had bit her, only to feel nothing as she ran her hoof over her neck.

“Remain calm, Applejack. Everything is alright,” Luna assured softly.

“If that was just a nightmare, then why can’t I feel anything still?” the panicking mare asked as she tried desperately to feel anything.

“Just because I subdued the nightmare does not mean you are awake. Any sense you have is in our imagination as your body rests peacefully in the waking world. Is it not a pinch that is used to test if you are asleep?”

Applejack blinked with recollection as she slowly lowered her hooves back down. “Oh. Right. I guess that makes sense.”

“It is alright. Judgment and inhibition are affected in this realm as well. You are safe with me though.” Luna hummed in thought as she observed the farmer.
“And I am sorry that I was not able to intervene sooner. You must be worried about a great number of things for a nightmare to be this intense.”

Applejack bit her lip in shame. “Please, don’t tell Chrys.”

Luna smiled softly. “I would never dream of doing so. Your privacy within this realm is sacrosanct. Our dreams within the Dreamscape reveal truths about ourselves that we often do not wish to know. Telling another soul of such matters when your heart is not ready to face them would be the most egregious sin I could commit against one of my subjects.”

“Thanks, Luna.” Applejack sighed in relief, far more relief than she thought she’d have from it. For some reason, her eyes began to grow heavy from grief. She sniffled, trying to hold it in. “Sorry. I’m not usually so emotional.”

“It is okay, dear Applejack. As I said, inhibitions are limited. You will not physically feel much of anything here, but your sleeping mind’s guard is lowered. It allows you to confront what you do not wish to and experience unreality more intensely. You may be lucid now with my help, but your emotions will still flow powerfully here, as well they should for you to engage with them.” Luna trotted closer and sat next to Applejack, smiling with compassion. “If you can tell me, please tell me what is on your mind. I am here for you.”

“It’s alright. I appreciate the save, but you probably need to get back to work.”

The princess curled an eyebrow. “Have you forgotten? You are my work right now.”

“What do you—” The mare cut herself off, recalling her conversations with Fleur. “Wait, is this that therapy y’all been mentioning?”

Luna nodded. “I intended to approach you about it tomorrow evening, but it would seem that I am needed sooner.”

“Dagnabbit. Sorry, Luna. I’m right angry at myself for dreaming up all that nonsense in the first place.”

“Your worries have compounded to where they manifested into a nightmare. Apologizing for such a reaction is tantamount to begging forgiveness for breathing. There is no need to bear such remorse towards it.”

“Well, I do!” Applejack shouted as she sat down and wiped her face. She slammed her hooves down in the grass. “I’m supposed to be better than this!”

“Better than what?”

“All of this. I gotta be strong. For my family. For my friends. For Chrys. And here I am dreaming up her sucking me dry like a dang vampony!”

Luna nodded in understanding as her horn glowed with midnight magic. A flicker of light shot past Applejack’s head as she felt a coolness wrapping the back of her head like the cool side of a pillow. A gentle tug pulled at it, but it wasn’t unpleasant as a wooden table emerged from the ground.

“I was not here for the beginning of your nightmare, but if you would allow it, I would like to explore parts of it in a safe medium.”

The earth pony looked at the table warily. She wasn’t too keen on exploring anything about the nonsense in her head. However, this was supposed to be therapy, and she needed to be strong here too. With a firm nod, she tried to approach the table, only for Luna to reach her wing around her withers and keep her grounded.

“Fear nothing, for I will be with you the whole time,” Luna assured softly. “Now, let us begin.”

Unlike the precisely detailed visions of ponies from their meeting at Twilight’s castle, simple wooden dolls appeared on the table. They were just detailed enough to identify the characters by their coloration and species, with little horns glued onto their heads or wings painted on their sides. The legs were nothing more than thin sticks, and the eyes were simple colored beads. The finest crafted detail was their woven wool manes and tails hanging loosely off them. It was almost like they were getting ready to play house together.

“I find it best to keep it simple so as to not risk triggering another nightmare,” Luna noted to answer the unspoken question on Applejack’s mind.

Applejack shrugged. “Guess that makes sense.”

A cute toy cart with little apples filled up between a little wooden Applejack in a cute hat and a little carving of Winona. Like before they were playing fetch with an apple as other ponies shuffled past them.

“I see you are enjoying time with your companion, but why are you using an apple to play?” Luna asked.

“Because nopony was buying ‘em.”

“I see. Do you fear this occurring?”

“Already is,” Applejack said with a huff.

“Judging from what little I witnessed, I guess this change is because of Chrysalis?”

“Ain’t her fault folks don’t wanna buy an apple because she’s on the farm. The apples ain’t no different,” the mare growled, looking at the twiggy ponies staring at her applecart. “Dang fools wouldn’t know a good fruit if it bit them on the flank.”

The dream progressed with the apple pile growing larger. A black dog jumped in front of Winona to catch the apple and began to play with it as other ponies gathered around.

“Is that Chrysalis?” Luna asked.

Applejack shot an eyebrow up, figuring the princess would know that if she was whipping this up from the nightmare she stopped. “It’s Classy. Her dog disguise. Remember?”

“Yes, I do. But that is not why I asked,” Luna replied. “You mentioned this mask of hers before, but what is she doing wearing it now?”

Applejack sighed. “She’s playing with an apple like she was the first time we were in the market.”

“I see.” Luna nodded as her ear flicked. “Yes. The influence of a strong memory.”

There was another pull on the back of Applejack’s head before a ring of vines grew next to them. As the circle completed, it filled with a thin sheet of reflective water and flashed to the proper memory of Classy performing for several excited fillies as Applejack watched with Starlight.

“This was back before anypony knew who she was,” Applejack said as she watched the memory play out with the familiar apple chomp before everypony dove at her to pet the talented pup. “Just a weird collie following me around, performing to get what little love she could from her routine.”

Luna nodded as the memory faded away and she pulled Applejack’s attention back to the table. “Why do you think she is playing here in your dream?”

“I dunno,” Applejack answered honestly.

“I see. Then what is it that you want her to be doing here?”

Applejack blinked before turning up to the princess. “What do you mean?”

“Dreams are interpretive experiences. They are as much about experiencing what happens to us within them as what we wish for them to be. If there is a meaning you are unsure of, then perhaps what you want it to mean will become the first step to explaining what it truly represents.”

The farmer regarded the royal flatly. “Not gonna lie, but that sounds like a bunch of hooey.”

The princess giggled to herself and leaned down to her subject. “Then let us hope it is well thought out hooey, Applejack. Just try.”

“Alright. Better than nothing, I guess.” With a sigh, Applejack regarded the toys again. Picking up the wooden Classy, she stared at it trying to figure her out. “With Chrys, it’s always some sort of double-talking game.”

Luna shook her head. “No, dear Applejack. This is not a question to dwell deeply upon. You’re not trying to interpret why she is here, but why you want her to be here.”

“But that’s probably all wrong.”

“Is it?” the princess asked as she lowered her head to the toy in Applejack’s hoof. “This was brought about by your imagination. Your dream may be beyond your control, but what occurs within the Dreamscape is not beyond your interpretation. Tell me, why would you want Classy to be here?”

Applejack took another look at the black figure in her hooves. Putting everything aside, she felt a smile creep across her face. “I guess maybe I’d want her to cheer me up. I know she ain’t real, but I did like Chrysalis’ Classy act. I might not be able to sell anything, but at least I can have a little fun while waiting around with company, right?”

“Interesting. It would ease your suffering for Chrysalis to be with you.”

“Maybe. I just wish she didn’t have to hide,” she said as little fangs sprouted from the dog’s mouth. Applejack yelped as she fumbled the wooden critter. Luna’s magic caught the dog as she set it safely on the table. She felt the princess’ wing tighten around her.

“Calm yourself, Applejack. We are merely playing with toys. You are safe here with me.”


“Are you able to tell me what happened next?”

“Of course I can. It’s still pretty fresh on my mind, y’know. ”

Luna shook her head. “I have chosen my words carefully. You can recall the images, but is your heart able to retell it to me? I will not make you relieve the throes of your nightmare.”

“O-oh. I didn’t think about it like that.” The farmer bit her lip. For some reason, she could feel a twinge of something bubbling in the pit of her stomach the more she looked at the fanged Classy toy. “I’ll be fine. You’re all about dreams anyway, right?”

Luna softened with a smile. “Indeed, I am. If it becomes too uncomfortable, I urge you to stop. I will not intervene to take either option away from you unless a renewed nightmare threatens to overwhelm you.”

“Okay,” Applejack said. Apprehension pulled at her as she placed the toy back on the table to continue the reenactment. “Well, first, her fangs showed up after she finished her little dance number, and somepony called her out.” As she dictated, a pony figure appeared next to the dog. “And he… bucked her in the side.”

The little toy stallion tilted forward. Instead of emulating the buck with magic, Luna simply reached down and moved the black dog by hoof next to the pile of apples and gently placed it down.

“And then, her disguise failed and—and she fell…” As she trailed off, the black dog exploded into fire and appeared to be a lanky wooden pony with a mane and tail spun from beautiful silk.

“And she fell…” Applejack’s eyes were drawn to the pony’s barrel, the green paint faded in and out, like she was starving again. Like she was about to die, and there was nothing she could do about it. A small blanket flowed out from underneath the toy Chrysalis table and began lurching across the table, moving faster and faster as it pushed the toys out of the way. Her heart seized with terror as she recognized the soft, familiar floral patterns criss-crossing the top of the bedding.

“Stop it! Make it stop, right now!” Applejack shouted, trying to look away as her vision filled with a shower of golden petals.

At once, everything was whisked away as the dreamworld came back into focus around them. Applejack placed her hoof over her heart and gasped for air.

“Breathe deeply and relax. Focus on nothing but the sound of my voice.”

“What the hay was that?” Applejack demanded as she tried to get a wrangle of her senses again.

“Be still,” Luna whispered as she lowered her head.

Applejack’s forehead met the side of the princess’ horn. Despite its hardness, a soothing rush of magic flowed through Applejack’s mind with waves of relief washing away her stress. She didn’t know a horn could be so tender, and AJ was feeling calmer than a jackrabbit rolling around in a carrot patch.

“Are you alright, dear Applejack?” Luna repeated.

Applejack sighed as the serenity of the otherworldly meadow enveloped her mind. “Never thought I’d feel jealous of a horn, but this is mighty nice.”

Luna giggled. “Perhaps if harmony calls upon you to become an alicorn, I may yet teach this spell to you.”

“Thanks, but no thanks. I don’t need all the fuss that comes with being a princess. I’m just fine with working my farm.”

“Understandable. We are all called by Harmony to different paths in life,” Luna said sagely. “That being said, I would not turn down coronating a Princess of Apples.”

Applejack laughed as she fell away from Luna to lay down in the field among the lilies. As she broke the contact, her elation subsided as the dull sting in her heart returned. It was like she’d just settled down after a long cry. “Think you can keep zapping my head?”

“I could, but it would distract us from facing what weighs upon you.”

“I guess that makes sense.” The mare sighed as she pulled herself up off the ground. “So, what happened?”

“The Dreamscape responded to your troubled heart and began to weave another nightmare. Before you asked for my help, I sensed two memories entangling together underneath. Both bore sorrow, yet one was far older which colored the other in shades of grief. Possibly trauma.”

“Trauma? Like ‘traumatized’ trauma?” Applejack gulped as she shuffled her hooves nervously. “You mean there’s really something wrong with me?”

“Neigh, my dear friend,” Luna cooed as she stroked the farmer’s golden mane with her hoof. “It is a terrible truth, but life itself is traumatizing. We may lead happy, fulfilling lives, but there will always be a time of suffering we must endure. It is not weakness, only a scar you bear upon your heart. Can you tell me what you remembered?”

The farmer slumped her shoulders, not wanting to think about it. “Don’t you know already?”

Luna shook her head. “I am sorry, but no. It is complicated to explain, but I only know what you are able to share with me. I have woven my Moondrop Meadow around us, but everything else is manifested by your dreams. I barely glimpsed it before it overwhelmed you. Are you able to tell me anything about what happened?”

“I guess.” Applejack took a deep, bracing breath as she tried to face the truth. “I… dang, it’s hard to say. Why’s it so hard to say?”

“Again, nothing is truly real here beyond what you can feel in your heart. In the absence of all true sensation, your mind is unbridled and free to explore the depths of your soul in all of its beauty and terror. Again, if you are unable to speak it aloud, do not.”

“Don’t worry. I got this.” Applejack breathed deeply as she tried to focus on what was on her mind. “You can do this. You know what happened. You’re stronger than this.” The mare swallowed as she tapped her hoof impatiently. She felt the words on the tip of her tongue, but she didn’t want to say them. “I… kicked Chrys. There! Got it out…” she trailed off with a tittering laugh.

A troubled frown grew on the princess as she looked towards the table. “No, you did not. I believe that was a stallion that—” Luna paused as a flicker of light shot through her eyes. “Oh, a parallel memory. Yes, your fight with Chrysalis within the waking world.”

Applejack nodded as she pulled at her mane.

“Yes, but it was in self-defense if I recall. Why does it trouble you so?”

“I—I dunno. Hoo wee, I’m glad I got that off my chest.” Applejack laughed nervously as she tried to get a grip on her racing heart. “Right?”

There was another tug at the back of her head as the vines once again filled with reflective water. The memory flooded back from that night she’d fought Chrysalis. The last thing Applejack wanted to see was that night again as the starving changeling leapt down from the statue. The farmer began to shiver as she knew what was coming, but Luna turned Applejack’s face away with her hoof and blocked the mirror with her wing.

After several agonizing moments, Applejack felt the princess’ hoof run down her mane. “I see. You mentioned this before, but I did not appreciate how harrowing it must have been. You faced another’s mortality.”

Applejack said nothing, but nodded into Luna’s chest.

“Do you blame yourself for Chrysalis’ misfortune?”

“No,” she answered automatically, but it wasn’t sitting right with her. “Well, kinda? I knew something was wrong with everything going on, but I still… bucked her. As hard as I could.”

“She was attacking you. You cannot blame yourself for reacting.”

“I know, but then? But then… then she fell down,” Applejack mumbled as her heart grew heavier and heavier. “She collapsed and started shaking. I—I started panicking. I didn’t know what to do!”

“When she fell down?” Luna hummed to herself. “You seem to be pitying her rather than panicking.”

“But I—” Applejack stopped as she thought about it. She remembered feeling angry when picking Chrysalis off the ground after she’d told her to leave her over and over. “Oh… I guess you’re right. I didn’t.”

“But upon reflection, you also recall feeling this panic?”

“Y-yeah. Must be fretting over Chrys more than I thought.”

“I see,” Luna noted with grim resolution. “That is enough for now, Applejack. Thank you for bearing with me.”

Applejack balked. “Wait, what? We’re done?”

“Yes we are. Or rather, you are done. I cannot in good conscience press any further. Your mind must find rest so you can walk under my sister’s light tomorrow.”

“But wait! What about her biting me and the trauma stuff? I gotta fix this, right?”

Luna shook her head. “Trauma is not something to simply be fixed, Applejack.”

“That can’t be it, though!” Applejack fumed, her emotions still flaring inside her. “I still feel all outta sorts. I thought therapy was supposed to help ya feel better!”

“That is the eventual goal, but it takes time. Therapy is about processing the feelings we sometimes cannot face clearly on our own. I am here to hopefully help guide you towards healing, but such wounds take time to address. That being said, I now have a better understanding of what has harmed you, and you have my sympathy. I know this pain well.” Luna’s eyes fell downcast as she looked away, “Far, far too well.”

“What pain are you—”

Luna quickly interrupted the mare with a gentle, motherly kiss on her forehead. Losing herself, Applejack fell backwards among the moondrop lilies. The grasses and ferns stretched up around her as she gazed upon the endless expanse of the stars above her.

“That will have to be for another time, dear Applejack,” Luna said softly as she leaned over the mare. “Your heart has been agitated too much. You must first rest to recover your strength, both mind and body.”

She wasn’t sure what the princess had put behind that kiss, but it was as if her spirit was being tucked into bed. AJ settled into her stargazing framed by the greenery around her, the tranquility of the loamy meadow forming to her body. The very ground seemed to flow its power through her legs, suffusing her with its natural power as she became one with it. The wind blew, and she could sense every blade of grass rustle with the flow as the flower bulbs bobbed gently up and down.

The mare lifted a foreleg and savored the cool breeze through her fur. “Ain’t I not supposed to be able to feel anything?”

“With my help, you are,” Luna said simply. “Is it unpleasant?”

“It’s a bit weird, but I could get used to this,” Applejack replied as she sighed in contentment as she settled into the serenity.

“Good. Your mind may eventually wander and resume your normal dreams, but for now, please enjoy the meadow. Goodnight, dear Applejack.”

Applejack nodded as she stared into the stars above as the heavens opened up brighter and fuller than she’d ever experienced. She could no longer tell where she ended and the soil began as she experienced nature with the trees, streams, and mountains as she watched the night sky above shower its timeless majesty upon the world.

Applejack watched as the night sky was washed away by sunlight, revealing the familiar ceiling of her room above her. She grumbled as the morning rushed in, dispelling whatever spell Luna had done to give her the best night’s sleep she’d ever had in her life. She felt rested, but she still didn’t want to get up.

“You sleep like a rock, you know that?”

A few more blinks brought the world back into sharp focus. Her senses returned. She could feel the coolness of her drool running down the side of her face, the taste of her own matted mane that had somehow wormed its way into her mouth, her limbs splayed to the four corners of her mattress.

Applejack’s eyes drifted towards Chrysalis, who was sitting on a stool and leaning over the bed. Her sneering fangs smiled in her smug, predatory grin as she watched Applejack slowly pull herself up from her deep slumber. She could feel the adrenaline rush through her body at the changeling’s unexpected appearance, but it was having a hard time fighting off the last dregs of her sleep.

“Chrys?” the farmer began as she groggily tried to rouse herself. She spat the strands of mane from her mouth. “Were you watching me sleep?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” Chrysalis complained as her eyes wandered towards the wet side of AJ’s face. “Disgusting really. I’m surprised you didn’t drown in your own saliva.”

The farmer groaned, trying her best not to tumble back into bed. If it was light already, that meant she was running late to start her day, but her body didn’t care enough to move yet. She yawned into her hoof and tried to shake the sleep out of her head.

“Why didn’t ya wake me up?” AJ grumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

Chrysalis clicked her tongue. “What do you think I’m doing here? I’ve been trying to get your flank out of bed on and off for a while now. I would’ve thought you were in a coma if not for all the snoring. I was thinking about dumping some water on you, but you’re already soaked.”

“I don’t wanna hear nothing from a critter that’s literally been a slobbery dog before.”

The changeling face scrunched in revulsion. “I’ll have you know that I’ve never gotten close to slobbering when disguised. I have standards.”

“Whatever.” Another yawn escaped the mare as she desperately tried to grasp a sense of wakefulness. She’d need to triple up on her daily dose of coffee to get up. “What time is it?”

“You’ve got a clock right there don’t you?”

Applejack said nothing as she leveled a sleepy glare at the changeling. Chrys’ eyes widened briefly before she shrugged it off and rolled her eyes which just so happened to roll in the direction of the clock. “It’s eight twelve, grumpy.”

Over three hours late. Once she was awake enough to care she was going to throw a fit at herself for sleeping in during harvest season. “Need to get my coffee started.”

“Figures,” Chrysalis said as she levitated a mug of the morning brew. She sparked some magic into it, causing it to briefly flash before steam began to rise. “Here.”

After a few bleary and confused moments of staring at the coffee, Applejack turned towards the mare offering it to her.

“I said ‘here!’” the impatient queen repeated firmly.

The farmer nodded and smiled as she took it into her hooves. “Thanks, Chrys.”

“Don’t mention it,” Chrysalis replied as she brushed off the sentiment. “The sooner we get started, the sooner I can eat.” The hungry bug’s smile widened, revealing the extent of her sharpened maw ready to devour.

“Right.” Applejack laughed to herself and rubbed the back of her neck. Feeling fur once more, her eyes quickly darted back to Chrysalis’ fangs before she decided to drown the lingering anxiety with her drink. It was dark and strong, just like Big Mac liked to brew it. Applejack usually liked to add a few fixings to soften the blow, but the energetic buck to the head was just what she needed. It helped that it tasted freshly brewed thanks to whatever spell Chrysalis had shot into it.

Wait. Chrysalis’ spellwork?

“I thought I told you not to use magic when ya didn’t need to, Chrys.”

“And now you’re complaining?” Chrysalis asked in disbelief. She grumbled in frustration and crossed her forelegs. “I thought you ponies liked your dirty bean water hot, so I heated it.”

“Well, yeah, but I don’t want ya burning love willy-nilly. I haven’t even given ya any today.”

“Then drink it while it’s hot so you don’t waste it!” Chrys fired back. “Besides, it’s just a cup. I’m not feeble invalid that’s going to ‘keel over’ from one little spell.”

“I guess you’re right,” Applejack took another swig and smiled contently. “Thanks, Chrysalis.” Applejack leaned over and rubbed against the mare, hoping to give her a little love in return for the changeling’s self-serving kindness.

Chrysalis’ eyes widened as she recoiled from the touch. “Gross! Get away from me!”

Applejack barely caught herself before spilling a single drop of her mug. “I didn’t drool on that side! Yeesh, you’re just as squeamish as Rarity.”

The prissy drama queen harrumphed. “As I said, I have standards.”

“You’re one to talk, being able to make cocoons and stuff out of your spit.”

“How dare you!” Chrysalis roared back. “It’s not spit, it’s goo! They’re completely different!”

Applejack chuckled. “No argument there, sugarcube. Been stuck in that sticky stuff before. At least mine is easier to wash out of fur.” Applejack grabbed the tuft of fur still damp from waking up a slobbery mess in bed. As she held it in her hooves, a devilish grin pulled at her lips. “In fact, I think I might try to return the favor.”

Chrysalis furrowed her brow. “Return what favor?”

Applejack chugged the rest of her coffee in a few big gulps before setting the mug back down on the nightstand. “I think someone needs a big ol’ hug this morning.”

“Not like that, you’re not,” Chrysalis spat in disgust. However, Applejack was having none of it as she tossed her mane, letting the damp strands cross her face as she grinned devilishly at the changeling. The former royal’s face fell as her eyes widened as the messy farmer inched ever closer, eyeing her dainty prey. “Wait, no. Stay back!”

With refreshed, coffee-fueled vigor Applejack lunged out of bed towards her target. “C’mere you!”

For the first time in her life, Applejack heard Chrysalis screech in dual-toned terror as she scrambled out of the way, nearly falling over as she barely dodged out of Applejack’s tackle. The changeling quickly fled the sight of the sloppy mare who barreled out the door behind her. The changeling rounded the banister and rushed down the stairs. However, it was gonna take more than that to get away from Applejack. She was already running late, but a little morning run to get her going before work wouldn’t hurt.

Or at least it wasn’t gonna hurt Applejack.

Chapter 14: Going for a Walk

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The most stressful part of any trip was prepping for it in the first place. It didn’t take Applejack long, since she always packed lightly. The trouble was when she lightened the load so much that she neglected to grab something important. At least when Rarity went on a trip, she had backups on top of backups. AJ was lucky if she remembered to pack the toothbrush she was using at home before she left. Fortunately, if she forgot anything, she’d have plenty of options to choose from in Manehattan.

“Are you done yet?” Chrysalis asked with all the enthusiasm of a beaver going to a dentist.

“Eeyup,” she guessed and snapped the buttons closed. “If I didn’t think of it last night when packing, I reckon I won’t remember what I forgot until the train’s pulling out of the station.”

“Good,” the changeling spat as she rolled off AJ’s bed. “We can finally get going to this little retreat of yours.”

Applejack winced. “Are you sure you don’t wanna stay home?”

The grumpy bug tilted her head up and sighed. “Would you stop asking me the same inane questions already? You said you’re going, so that means I’m going too. Got it?”

“I getcha just fine, but really, I don’t mind it at all if you wanna stay here on the farm. Ain’t one to drag ya along somewhere.”

“Oh, but you are, and you always will no matter what you do. I might not want to go, but I have to go if you are. How am I going to eat otherwise?”

“It’s only three days. Luna already offered—”

Chrysalis slammed her hoof down. “I don’t want to see that accursed nightmare princess any more than I have to!”

Seeing the boiling anger at the mere mention of the princess, Applejack made a mental note not to bring up Luna unless absolutely necessary. “But you’re okay with seeing Twilight and the others?”

“No! I’m not!” Chrys’ eye twitched furiously as she seethed in a bitter rage. Her shoulders shook from the pressure. It took a few hissing breaths, but she eventually pulled back and ran a hoof through her silky mane. “She invited you, and extended an invitation to me as a formality. I’m accepting it because you obviously want to go with your little circle of friends.”

“They could be your friends too, you know.”

Chrysalis cackled venomously. “Oh yes. You and your magical friendship. It’s just so infectious, isn’t it?”

“Darn tootin’ it is!” Applejack fired back with enthusiasm. “You should be catching it as often as ya can, far as I can figure.”

The former queen faltered from the quick-witted reversal. “That’s not…” She clicked her tongue to save herself from trying to salvage her statement. “Whatever. Let’s just go already if you’re done packing.”

“Wait a sec.” AJ looked up and down the changeling curiously.

“What? Admiring my beautiful figure?” Chrysalis asked with a predatory grin.

“Where’s the stuff you’re taking along?”

The changeling growled as her face fell. “Like what? I don’t have stuff.”

Applejack tilted her head. “You mean you ain’t bringing a thing?”

“I’m not sure you’ve noticed, but I have nothing to bring, unless you and your friends want to gloat over my petrified crown.”

“What about the necessities? I ain’t sharing my toothbrush with you.”

Chrysalis stuck her tongue out and retched. “Unlike you disgusting ponies, I can solve such matters without needing to resort to such… primitive tools.”

“Says our resident ‘Queen of the Bubble Bath,’” Applejack remarked with a smirk.

“I said ‘need!’” the indulgent royal quickly retorted in defense. “I can cleanse anything I need using goo or magic.”

Applejack blanched at the notion. “You brush your teeth with goo? Is that why you always have bug breath?”

Chrysalis perked up, her ears standing up to attention. “Bug breath? What do you mean bug breath? I don’t have bug breath!” Chrys shrouded indignantly. She quickly breathed into her hoof and took a whiff of herself. “Bugs don’t even have breath!”

“Whatever you say, your high-halitosis-ness.”

Chrysalis bit back a sneer before rolling her eyes. “Fine. I’ll chew on some peppermint leaves before we go. Can we just go already?”

“We’re going to the big city, Chrys. Why don’t ya bring some of those bits I’ve been paying you with?”

The big mare stopped at the door again and smacked her head. “Why would I need bits when I have you? It’s not like I can buy love.”

If Chrys hadn’t meant it literally, that would’ve sounded downright romantic. Applejack shook the accidental sweet talk away and cleared her throat to get back on track. “W-well, what about souvenirs? Those shelves in your room are still looking mighty empty.”

“So I have to start hoarding things now?” Chrysalis sighed bitterly. “At least dragons gain power from theirs. You idiots just clutter things up with frivolous messiness for no reason.”

The girl’s whiny mood was starting to wear on AJ’s nerves. “C’mon, Chrys, seriously? Keeping things tidy is one thing, but your room’s practically barren. You at least gotta have something you like doing. Why not spend a few bits on that?”

Chrysalis frowned and said nothing.

Applejack stared flatly at the stubborn bug. “Really? Nothing? How about a hobby?”

“A hobby?” Chrysalis asked, genuinely confused by the question.

“Yeah. Like how I play the guitar or practice for the rodeo. What’d ya do when ya had time on your hooves?”

“I didn’t.”

“Now that’s a bushel of rubbish if I’ve ever heard it. What’s the point of ruling an entire kingdom if you don’t enjoy it a little?”

“You’re joking, right?” After getting no response, Chrysalis grumbled to herself. “Of course you’re not. If you must know, I wasn’t some wastrel like that fat-flanked layabout, Princess Celestia. I always had something I had to do as queen.” The changeling’s scowl shifted from angry to embittered as she chewed on her lip. “Of course, I can’t do any of those things now.”

Seeing the change in the mare, Applejack softened and stepped closer to her friend. “You’re nibbling again, Chrys. What’s stopping you?”

Chrysalis’ anger roared back as she recoiled in disbelief. “What do you think? I don’t have any subjects anymore!”

Applejack stopped in her tracks as her clumsy hooves tripped over another conversation killer. Even if she was the former queen of liars, her vicious bark failed to hide the hurt behind the biting words. AJ really needed to stop and think so she wouldn’t keep shoving her hoof in her mouth. Her mind reeled for something to ask instead and brighten the mood.

“Well, uhh… How about before I found ya?”

“I picked up starving,” Chrysalis answered slowly, enunciating every syllable to spell it out for the stupid mare asking braindead questions. “Took to it like a fish to fire.”

“Right.” The farmer laughed nervously under the ire of the deposed queen. “But, you got me now.”

“Surely a vast improvement.”

“R-right. And we’re gonna have a whole lotta time now that you’re staying with us on Sweet Apple Acres. Let’s figure out what you like doing and go from there.”

“I liked ruling my hive, and I like not dying. Since I can’t have both, I will take one ‘not dying,’ please.”

“Guess we’ll need to branch out and find something you like doing, then. Never know until you try, right?”

Chrysalis grumbled to herself and turned towards the door.

“Lucky for you, we’ll have plenty of time to find that something during Twi’s friendship retreat. I bet if we all put our heads together, we’ll find something out there you’ll just love doing for hours.”

“Right, fine, whatever you say. Can we please just leave already?”

Without warning, the changeling burst into magical green flames as she shapeshifted. As the light returned to AJ’s eyes, her classy companion was standing there in the fur, waiting to be taken on her walk.

“Uh, Chrys?”

“What now?” Classy sighed in aggravation. Even though she’d heard it before, it was mighty strange hearing a crystal-clear Chrysalis voice coming from the pup’s mouth.

“Everypony in town knows who Classy is.”

“And? What do you want, a cat?” Another explosion revealed a small black cat by the door, perfectly sized to lay comfortably on AJ’s back.

“A pony?” the adorable Kittalis asked.

Another fiery flash, and a beautiful pony appeared before her. The new earth pony blew a burnt orange bang from her light green face and stared at Applejack with her deep emerald eyes. The disguise wasn’t anypony AJ had ever seen, and she wondered if it was entirely original. Like Ocellus before, Chrys had chosen a ladybug cutie mark. Maybe it was a changeling thing to favor insect marks. Either way, Chrysalis sure knew how to make herself look good, borrowed faces or not.

After she realized she was staring back, Applejack looked up and away. “Why not save the energy and just go out as, you know, you?”

The other pony scoffed, revealing her soft, innocent voice before another firestorm shifted her into the trusty canine form once again. “‘Classy’ it is then.”

Before Applejack could say another word, the grumpy girl scampered out the door and down the stairs with her muzzle held high. She shook her head, strapped her saddlebag on, trotted over to Chrysalis’ room to get some bits for the mare. As she grabbed one of the unopened pouches of bits, the dreamcatcher still hanging on the wall caught her attention.

“Guess that’s why you wanted to leave lickety split.”

AJ unhooked it from the wall and carefully put it in her bag, taking a moment to admire the beautiful, dreamy weave of Luna’s gateway into Chrys’ sleep. After having a session with the princess herself, she knew it could be painful, but she was sure it’d help way more in the long run than it hurt in the moment. She wasn’t gonna let the grumpy girl sleep without it if she could help it.

It’d been a hot minute since AJ last trotted into Ponyville in the morning without her apple cart. Between harvest time, prepping for an early cider season, and getting Chrysalis adjusted to life on the farm, she hadn’t really taken a chance for a casual trip. It was harder to relax when the entire town was jumpier than a jackrabbit around her these days.

It was still early enough for the streets to be pretty clear, but there were more than enough ponies around to make their trot through town more than a little uncomfortable. With how much room ponies were giving the two, she might as well have been taking a hydra out for a stroll. Applejack still waved to her neighbors, but even the good eggs among them sounded strained when they said hello.

Applejack hadn’t given Zecora and Fluttershy enough credit. Those two were made of way sterner stuff when it came to the unfriendly attention. AJ wasn’t even the one they were glaring at, and she was already reaching her limit. Though it all, Classy kept her gaze fixed forward, barely sparing a passing glance at the ponies around them. She simply refused to accept anything from them.

Seeing they were nearing Ponyville Train Station, Applejack couldn’t help but heave a mental sigh of relief. The quaint stop was little more than a combination train platform and convenience store. Since Twilight had become properly important, it was probably one of the local places needing the biggest overhaul. The boarding platform didn’t even fit most trains that rolled in these days, meaning most folks had to use ramps to get on and off. Twilight or Mayor Mare really needed to look into getting some work done on it soon before poor Ticket Stub got completely overwhelmed. At least the small train they were taking to Manehattan fit the station perfectly.

Twilight was stepping up to the plate more with her princess duties these days, and ponies were taking notice. To avoid getting accosted on the trip, she’d taken Fleur’s advice and chartered a private train. Applejack usually didn’t care either way if Twi used her princess privileges or not, but for Chrys’ sake, she was very grateful for the lack of other passengers. The only ponies waiting for them now were her usual elemental friends and Spike with the three newcomers to the castle. It filled the farmer with a relief she hadn’t known she needed. AJ stole one last glance at her unwelcoming hometown behind her before turning her attention to her friendly, three-day retreat.

“You made it, AJ!” Twilight exclaimed with an excited flutter of her wings. “I was beginning to worry. You’re usually one of the first ones to arrive when it’s this early in the morning. Even Rainbow beat you here.”

The sleepy pegasus grumbled from the cloud she’d brought down to nap on. “I’m not a morning pony. Sue me.”

Applejack chuckled to herself. “Sorry girls. It took a little bit longer to get out the door this morning.”

“That’s okay,” Fluttershy said as she stepped forward. “How are you doing?”

“Well, I guess ‘we made it’ is about as good as I feel like saying.”

Classy rolled her eyes and said nothing.

Fluttershy’s face fell in concern. “Oh my. Did something happen?”

“Nothing you need to worry about, Fluttershy. Classy here is just the talk of the town right now, for better or worse.”

“I see. Can I help—”

“Wait. Did you say Classy?” Rainbow asked. Her sleepy gaze flicked around until it widened from seeing the dog in question. She hopped up from her cloud and turned to Twilight with a frown. “What the hay, Twi! You invited Chrysalis?”

Classy returned the sentiment with a dark growl, her eyes glinting green with spite.

Twilight’s brow furrowed at the two. “Break it up, you two. And yes. I invited all of our friends. Well, almost all of them.” The young princess’ bemused gaze turned towards her stalwart guard, dutifully standing next to the train car. “Somepony wouldn’t let me offer a friendly invitation.”

Fleur gripped her weapon tighter. “I cannot refuse a summons from my princess, and to come as a friend would leave me unable to fulfill my duties as a guard. Considering that Chrysalis has apparently accepted the invitation for your trip, I must urge you to reconsider going without an armed escort.”

Twilight groaned as she massaged her forehead. “I know what Luna said, but this is a friendship retreat. Friendship, Fleur. As in friendly? If you’re coming, I don’t want to see your armor or spear anywhere near you.”

Fleur’s vigilance broke somewhat as worry crossed her face. “Please, your highness, Chrysalis cannot be trusted.”

“I said no, Fleur. If Chrysalis is ever going to change for the better, we need to show that we can be friends. Real friends. If you don’t want to go, that’s fine. You can always stay here with the others.”

Fleur grimaced and turned to those others she’d be staying with. Specifically, her eyes drew to the boastful blue braggart, Trixie. Applejack couldn’t blame the guard. The only thing great about the stage magician was the powerful headache AJ got from listening to her talk about herself. If pride was magic, they’d need a hundred princesses to match Trixie’s power.

“The castle is already in Trixie’s capable hooves,” said mare declared with her usual haughtiness. “You should totally go.”

Fleur regarded the showy stagemare with a look flat enough to give a pancake a run for its money. “If those are capable hooves, the castle is in far more danger than I realized, Miss I’m-Transfiguring-Everything-Into-Teacups-Now.”

“Whatever,” Trixie said as she waved away the guard’s snide remark. “It just means you shall bear witness and be wowed by the Great and Powerful Trixie’s magic as well when she masters a great many spells with the help of her good and adequate assistant Starlight Glimmer!”

“Seems like you just got upgraded,” Fleur joked as she nudged Starlight on the shoulder.

Starlight forced a laugh. “Yeah, thanks, Trixie.”

“Of course! Only the best for Trixie’s best friend.” Trixie yanked Starlight into a side hug and squeezed. “Me and you? We have all the magical friendship stuff. We even made everypony these amazingly tasty treats! They’re almost as great as I am.”

Trixie’s magic reached into Starlight’s saddlebag and took out a plastic container full of carefully crafted teacup cakes. The incredibly gracious and infinitely humble mare levitated one to everypony in the group, seemingly forgetting Classy was there as she waited to bask in their gratitude.

“It was more like Starlight made them and I stopped you from destroying them,” Fleur clarified.

Trixie clicked her tongue and scoffed with over-the-top indignation. “Don’t make such a big deal out of it. We all played our part. Come on, Starlight, back me up on this.”

Under the gaze of her friend, Starlight forced a grin and nodded with enthusiasm. “Y-yeah! You, uh… gave emotional support. Right! Emotional enthusiasm.”

Trixie beamed a winning smile. “Ha! See? A perfect team effort. Sure, Starlight did all the measuring, mixing, baking, decorating, packing, cleaning…”

“So, basically everything?” Spike interjected flatly.

“No!” Trixie reprimanded the little dragon. “You’re forgetting who provided the teacups for the teacup cakes.” The mare closed her eyes and laid a hoof on her chest to deeply savor her wonderful self. “Trixie!”

Applejack looked down at the dessert in her hoof, a scrumptious and fluffy cake wrapped with muffin liner and distinctly lacking a cup of any sort. Not wanting to get in the middle of a hopeless argument, she simply shot a brow up at the mare before taking a bite. The cake was a bit dry, but the vanilla filling and buttercream more than made up for it. She couldn’t rightly place what the purple frosting was made from, but it tasted a little minty. She’d have to ask Starlight about it when she didn’t have her bragging buddy trying to steal her thunder.

“Well, thank you for the cakes you… three,” Twilight said diplomatically.

“Think nothing of it, Twilight. When you get back, Trixie will amaze you with even more of her amazing talents, right Starlight?”

“Right,” Starlight agreed hesitantly.

“You’re welcome, Twilight. Don’t mention it. Ever.” Fleur trotted over to the passenger car and stood at attention. “Now, if we’re ready, let’s get everyone on the train.”

Twilight sighed in disappointment. “You’re going to keep fighting me on this, aren’t you?”

Fleur focused forward, not meeting her princess’ eyes as she kept her guard up. “Unless you order me to stand down, I’m afraid I must persist.”

“Very well,” Twilight said evenly. She took a deep breath and extended her wings and stood as tall as she could, trying to invoke the spirit of a grand alicorn despite being shorter than the guard. “Captain Fleur de Lis, you are hereby relieved of duty until further notice, effective immediately.”

Fleur’s defenses shattered as she slumped in utter shock. “W-what? Your majesty, please reconsider! Chrysalis—”

“She’ll be fine with us,” Twilight assured warmly. “This is supposed to be a fun getaway after all that’s happening recently, but I can’t tell you to have fun. That’d defeat the purpose of it. Instead, I want you to take some time off and relax.” Twilight laid a wing over her troubled guard as a concerned frown crossed the princess’ face. “Come to think of it, I don’t think you’ve been off-duty for more than a few hours at a time ever since you’ve come to Ponyville.”

Fleur floundered. “I am your Captain of the Twilight Guard. It is my duty and privilege to protect you.”

“I know, and you’re so great at it, but we both know that I’m not the main reason you came to Ponyville in the first place.”

The exposed guard sucked in her lips before shaking the vulnerability away. “Still, that is no reason for me to not be giving you my best every day.”

“And I appreciate it so much, but I don’t think I’ve been doing my best for you in return. You’re supposed to be working through your own feelings, not just working. I’m sorry I haven’t been a better princess when you needed me.”

Fleur took a deep breath to calm herself before speaking. “No. You have nothing to apologize for. The fault lies with me.”

“It’s nopony’s fault, okay? Now, I must ask you something, and I want you to answer honestly: are you comfortable enough around Chrysalis to be around her off-duty?”

The guard turned towards the dog in question and stared into her piercing emerald eyes. After a moment, the mare closed her eyes and clutched her trusty spear for support. “No.”

Twilight smiled, her tenderness saying all that Fleur needed to know as she picked the mare’s head up and gave her a hug. “Why don’t you go spend some time with Zecora until we get back, or maybe—and this isn’t an order—maybe have Spike help you send a letter to Luna about this? I’m sure she’d love to hear from you in writing.”

Fleur returned the gesture before breaking away and saluting casually. “Thank you, Twilight. I think I’ll do that.” She then turned to the little dragon and smirked. “Think you can help me get a message to my therapist, Spike?”

“You can count on me, Fleur!” he replied with a salute of his own.

After giving the heartwarming moment a chance to breathe, Fluttershy quietly trotted over to the princess and tapped her on the shoulder. “Umm… Twilight? I don’t mean to interrupt, but…” Fluttershy whispered as she pointed towards the train workers watching and waiting for the group to board.

Twilight balked and quickly teleported a clipboard in front of her. “Oh, right! We better hurry before we cause a delay in their regular schedule.” She looked at her friends with a renewed smile. “Is everyone else ready to have some fun?”

Everyone cheered in agreement, save one stubborn doggie who simply climbed aboard. Applejack followed her and the rest of her friends onto the train and hoped the rocky start to the day wasn’t a sign of things to come.

After the train got underway, there was a pleasant quiet in the cabin as they all settled into the ride. Twilight, Rarity, and Pinkie took to ironing out some last-minute stuff with the trip, while Rainbow and Fluttershy sat on the row behind Applejack and Classy. Oddly enough, despite enjoying the privacy of their car, Chrysalis stayed in her dog disguise.

Applejack leaned against the window and watched the countryside breeze by as Classy climbed next to her and sat down. She copied Winona’s usual approach and laid against AJ, propping her head on the farmer’s hind leg. Even though Applejack knew who was underneath all that fur, she couldn’t help but pet the comfy critter eating up the affection.

It was mighty peaceful with the clitter-clacks of the rails below, the gentle rocking back and forth, and the sunlit landscape rolling right alongside. Honestly, AJ was enjoying the moment more than the thought of getting to where they were going. The sprawling grasslands stretching towards the north as they met the mountains around Canterlot made for a pretty sight to see. Turning back to her leg, Applejack didn’t know why Chrys was staying in-character, but she couldn’t complain. There was nothing better than cuddling up with a warm critter while watching the world go by. Even if the changeling was just doing it for food, Applejack appreciated the comfort of her fake furry friend. She went back to the window to see a rainbow had painted itself over the sky… or rather, the window was reflecting Rainbow’s mane.

“So, are you gonna stay like that the entire time?” Rainbow Dash asked as she spayed out over the seat across from them.

Applejack curled her eyebrow. “What do ya mean?”

“Not you,” the pegasus corrected as she pointed towards her cuddling canine. “Her.”

Chrysalis snorted and closed her eyes, ignoring the prying pegasus by pretending to sleep.

“Hey! We all know you can still talk when you’re disguised, Chrysalis. AJ told us.”

The dog grumbled a slew of curses under her breath before glaring at Rainbow. “And?”

“You don’t have to pretend anymore. It’s not like we all don’t know it’s you.”

“There’s still the workers. I’m sure finding out that the adorable dog on board is actually one of the greatest threats to Equestria would go over real well.” Classy smiled widely, altering her disguise to reveal the vicious maw of changeling teeth. “Wouldn’t want another repeat of my Ponyville reveal party, would we?”

“Okay, but why the dog still?”

“Dogs don’t talk.”

“But you’re talking right now.”

Classy clicked her tongue. “And whose fault is that?”

Rainbow grunted and ruffled her mane in frustration as she tried to get herself sorted. “Look, all I’m saying is that it’s a little weird that you’re just hanging all over AJ like that.”

“I’m eating.”

Rainbow blanched in disgust. “You mean, like, love?”

“What else would I be eating?” The dog’s eyes flickered into a changeling’s catseye. Her fuming patience with the nosy pegasus was running short. “Have a problem with that?”

Seeing she was getting nowhere fast with whatever her point was, Rainbow turned towards the farmer. “And you’re okay with that, Applejack?”

The farmer’s ear flicked from the question. Looking back at Classy, she had her paws crossed over Applejack’s leg like Winona when she was protecting a bone. She mulled it over for a second before shrugging. “It’s a bit tingly, but I ain’t sure if that’s because of her or my leg falling asleep.”

“Okay? But you’re treating her like a dog.”

She stroked across Classy’s soft fur like she had been idly doing for a while now. “Guess I am.”

“And she’s a changeling.”


Rainbow’s face curled in confusion as she tried to figure out what she was even trying to get at anymore. “Is this, like, normal for you two?”

Applejack hummed to herself in thought. “Can’t say it is. Chrys’s usually just herself around the farm.”

“And you’re cool with petting her like a dog? Even though you know it’s totally Chrysalis under all of that?”

“Huh. Hadn’t really thought about it like that. Feels good and she ain’t making a fuss about it. Figured it was just another way to do her mane.” AJ had to admit that treating Chrys like a common puppy was a bit strange. It might be good eating for her, but it had to be at least a little embarrassing. “You alright with this, Chrys?”

Chrysalis said nothing. She sat perfectly still, not even wagging her tail as she continued to accept the petting she was getting.

Apparently, that was too much for the poor pegasus, as she faltered trying to make sense of any of the situation. “So like, do you want all of us to pet you?”

Chrysalis’ eyes flashed open with a vicious green flare and she growled with a deep fury that’d put an elder timberwolf to shame. “No.

“Yeesh! Sorry I asked,” Rainbow spat as she crossed her forelegs and looked away.

“Hey now, don’t be like that! You’ve got the softest fur outta everyone here. Pretty sure Fluttershy would be all over you if she didn’t know you from Winona.” AJ tilted her head back to look over at the pegasus on the other side of the seat. “Ain’t that right?”

The meek mare flinched at the sudden attention. “O-oh… umm, maybe. I do love petting doggies, but I’m sure Chrysalis wouldn’t want me getting in her personal space.”

Applejack snickered to herself. “Maybe if you promised to put a lil’ love into it, she’d let ya.”

“Don’t talk like I’m not here,” Classy growled.

“Sorry, Chrys. Didn’t mean it like that. We’re all gonna be spending the next three days together, so just trying to get y’all acquainted is all.”

“We’ve met.”

“Not as friends,” Applejack added.

“And we aren’t going to be friends,” Classy spat in reply.

“Not if you’re gonna keep an attitude the whole time.” Applejack withdrew her hoof and crossed her forelegs with a frown.

The pooch immediately noticed the shift and popped up from the leg. “Hey! I wasn’t done!”

“Well I am iff’n you’re gonna be like that.” She leaned down, getting in Classy’s muzzle, and grinned. “Maybe if you start treating everypony else with a lil’ decency, I’ll have some more love for ya later. Deal?”

Classy flashed her fangs and growled into a bitter bark. Despite her clear anger over her meal getting cut short, the faker’s seething slowly fell into a stern leer. She said nothing and hopped down from the comfort of her seat next to AJ. The angry mongrel stole one last glance and then walked down the car, passing rows of empty seats until she hopped up on the one furthest away from everypony.

Applejack sighed. That hadn’t panned out like she’d wanted. She needed to put her hoof down more when Chrys got into an attitude, but it was so difficult trying to get things right with the girl. She was so dang sensitive! The drama queen could dish out far more than she could chew, and she took everything so personally on top of that. Ponies like her tended to rub AJ the wrong way, but she’d seen a glimpse of the mare behind that fog of narcissism. It wasn’t that AJ had fooled herself into thinking there was a heart of gold buried deep down in her, but Chrysalis definitely had more to her than her mean streak.

“Can’t believe she came along for this,” Rainbow Dash complained as she kicked back in her seat. “Why is she even here in the first place?”

“Well, the girl’s gotta eat, and I’m the only one she’s keen on feeding on. Turned down getting love from Luna while we were gone right off the bat.”

Rainbow balked. “She seriously said ‘no’ to a princess?”

“Told me ‘beggars can’t be choosers, but I choose who I beg to,’” Applejack reported with a shrug.

“Wait, what?” Dash repeated the phrase to herself as she tried to put it together. “How is that supposed to work?”

“Don’t rightly know. Kinda sounds deep at first. Then ya think about it for more than a second and it don’t make a lick of sense. Either way, I didn’t want to fight her on it, so I brought her along.”

“I thought she would’ve tried talking you out of it.”

Applejack crossed her forelegs and hummed to herself in thought. “That’s the thing, she was kinda all over the place with it. At first she didn’t want either of us to go. Then, she wanted me to go because I wanted to go, but she didn’t want to go herself. After I started packing, she said she had to go because I was going even though she didn’t want to go, and so now here she is.”

“Geez. That’s worse waffling than Rarity.”

“The thing is that she’s trying. Honestly, I think it was really brave of her.”

Rainbow tilted her head. “How come?”

Applejack looked back out the window at the wonderful world outside. It was getting a little far, but she could still see the glint of Canterlot glowing in the sunlight, filled with ponies that probably hated Chrys even more than Ponyville after the invasion. Part of her was dreading over what the ponies in Manehattan were saying about the changeling.

“You shoulda seen the looks she was getting from everypony on the way to the station.” Applejack shuffled her hooves as she thought of how there was nothing neighborly about her neighbors this morning. “Twilight told everypony in town that Chrysalis was reformed, but you know how everypony was with Discord.”

“And still kinda is with him, yeah. Especially after the whole betrayal thing with Tirek,” Rainbow remarked sourly.

“Yeah. With Chrys though, it feels different. I dunno if it’s just everypony getting tired of dealing with villains or something else, but…” Applejack trailed off as she gripped her leg for strength. She took a bracing breath, trying to put the hurt out of her mind. “Let’s just say it was really hard to get here and leave it at that, alrighty?”

A shuffle of hooves clopped across the floor from behind Applejack. She turned her head to see Fluttershy trotting to her and Rainbow’s row, sucking in her lips.

Applejack sat up and leaned over towards her friend. “You okay, Sugar—Woah nelly!”

The mare pulled Applejack into a warm and desperate hug. The pegasus was shaking something fierce as she held onto Applejack tightly. She buried her face into the confused farmer’s shoulder, nuzzling tenderly as she tried to calm herself. Having been through similar situations with the timid mare in the past, AJ patted the mare on the back and pulled the shivering mare into a deeper embrace.

“You okay, Flutters? What’s wrong?”

“I understand, Applejack. I understand.”

Those two little words bucked the wind out of Applejack as she froze from the impact. Fluttershy was comforting her, just like she had back in the barn.

Fluttershy squeezed tighter. “I know it was hard. You did your best. I’m glad you made it here to be with us.”

“Shucks, Fluttershy,” Applejack said with a dry, wispy chuckle. She swallowed again, trying to not sound weaker than she felt. “We were just walking through town. It wasn’t even me they were treating bad.”

Fluttershy pulled away, sucking in her lips and nodding as she kept her eyes locked on the ground. “I know, Applejack.”

The pegasus took a deep breath, trying and failing to calm herself. She counted to ten and took a large gulp before turning her gaze towards the back of the passenger car. It then dawned on Applejack why she was shivering like a cactus in the dead of winter.

“Hang on a sec. You don’t need to—”

“No, Applejack. I do. W-we’re on a friendship retreat, right? And Ch… Chr… Classy could use a friend.”

With terrified determination, Fluttershy willed herself to start her long journey towards the back where Chrysalis was laying down. Rainbow quickly popped up from her seat, but was cowed back down when Fluttershy shook her head. Like Chrysalis before, Fluttershy didn’t want to go, but she was going. With one final bracing breath, she pulled the bandage off and trotted gingerly to the back, her long mane bobbing up and down with each step.

From where she was sitting, Applejack couldn’t see Chrysalis or hear Fluttershy. After a moment, Fluttershy sat across from where the fake dog had jumped up to. She joined Dash on her side, leaning over the backrest and trying to hear either of the two at the end of the car.

“Hear anything, Rainbow?” Applejack asked, hoping the pegasus’ sharper ears would pick something up.

“Nuh-uh, and it’s going to drive me crazy.”

The nervous pair watched the back of Fluttershy’s head for a short eternity, seeing her ears flop and pin back the longer their conversation went on. There were a few flickers of hope as the mare’s ears rose, but were quickly sent back down again and she sank into her seat. AJ hadn’t been this worried about Fluttershy doing her own thing since she’d taken on that sleeping dragon by herself years ago.

Rainbow tilted her head closer to her friend, not letting her eyes leave the back row for a second. “What do you think they’re talking—”

Enough!” The rear row exploded into green flames as the towering changeling emerged with an enraged scowl. “What do you want from me?”

Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity whipped their heads around to join Applejack’s and Rainbow’s stunned shock at the outburst. Chrysalis’ attention shifted up from the tiny pegasus as her eye began to twitch.

“Hey!” Rainbow shouted angrily. Her wings flared open, ready to dart over to save her friend.

“No, no! It’s okay!” Fluttershy shouted as she waved for everyone to stop.

“And just what about this is okay to you?” Chrysalis boomed at the terrified pegasus.

Fluttershy snapped back to attention as she pushed back into her seat, pulling her mane in front of her face to hide. “N-nothing, but…!”

The changeling’s rage began to fizzle into a confused scowl from the strange answer.

“You leave Fluttershy alone, you big—Wha!” Dash’s legs flailed uselessly as Applejack grabbed her by the barrel and pulled her back before she could rush over.

“What are you doing? Lemme go!”

Applejack only tightened her grip and forced her to the floor. “Ain’t gonna let you start a brawl on the train, Dash!”

Rainbow grunted as she struggled against Applejack’s superior strength. “You’re… the one who’s… oww! That hurts!”

“Stop it right now, you two!” Rarity called out as she rushed to their row. “This is no way to behave!”

Ignoring the cries of their dainty friend, Applejack flipped Dash onto her front and pushed her down on the withers. If she had her lasso on her, she would’ve been tempted to tie the ornery pegasus’ wings. She kept a firm hoof on Rainbow. The moment she faltered, she’d jet off and do something everypony would regret. Just as she felt Dash start to give in, both of their bodies began glowing purple as they were pulled apart by magic.

“That’s enough!” Twilight shouted as she looked between the two fighters. “We’re supposed to be friends! What are you two doing?”

“What are you doing, Twi?” Rainbow yelled as she struggled against Twilight’s powerful grip. “Stop Chrysalis!”

“Stop me from what?” said changeling asked.

“From hurting Fluttershy, that’s what!” Rainbow fumed with anger until she came to her senses and saw Chrysalis standing next to her suspended body, glaring at her with contempt.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head, featherbrain. The draconequus’ little pet is just fine.”

“Then, how about—uhh… I’m still watching you!”

Chrysalis cackled darkly as she lifted Rainbow’s head by the chin. “Oh, I know you are, Rainbow Dash. All of you are just the most wonderfulest of fwiends, aren’t you?” she purred. “That’s the whole point of this little trip of yours, after all. Strengthening your precious bonds, letting them fester until they burst into gumdrops and rainbows. Well, what’s more unifying than having an enemy to rally against?”

“B-but we don’t have to be enemies, Chrysalis,” Fluttershy insisted as she approached the changeling from behind. “You can be our friend too!”

“Why? So I can ‘change for the better’ or something? That’s what your precious Princess of Friendship said. I wonder how long that will take? Not even your greatest weapon was able to make me ‘better.’ Do you think a train ride across the country is going to do it?”

Fluttershy shrank back. “Well, no. Not exactly, but—”

“Then stop bothering me about it!” Chrysalis snarled, dipping down to Fluttershy’s eye level and flashing her fangs. “Don’t give me a pity party just to make yourself feel better!”

“I wasn’t! I was worried about you! No one should have to go through with what you and Discord—”

Chrysalis slammed her hooves, pushing herself up to full height. “I told you not to say that name around me, whelp!”

Seeing the situation quickly deteriorating, Twilight let both Applejack and Rainbow down while giving the pegasus a silent glare not to do something stupid. The pegasus nodded and quickly darted to the side, waiting for Chrysalis to make any aggressive moves towards them.

Applejack stepped forward towards the unstable mare. “Calm down, Chrys. I promise, she just wants to help.”

The changeling queen spun around, her eye twitching fiercely as she faced the peasant. “I’m so sick of your stupid help! She can’t! You can’t! Luna can’t! None of you can help me!”

Arguing was getting nowhere fast for her. Chrys was coming apart at the seams, and it didn’t look like a word she could say would help. If it went on for much longer, she might even go feral again and start lashing out like she did at the castle. AJ needed to do something quick. Looking around, it didn’t seem like anypony else had any better ideas. Rarity was already taking several steps back with Pinkie. Twilight was ready to do anything necessary to stop Chrysalis, as was Rainbow. The last thing Applejack wanted to do was hurt her any more than she was.

As her mind drew blanks, Fluttershy dove for Chrysalis’ neck, wrapping her forelegs around her tight. The blindsided changeling fell to the ground with a hiss and writhed around, trying to shake the assailant off.

“What the hay are you doing?” Applejack cried.

“Yeah! You get her, Fluttershy!” Rainbow cheered.

Despite Chrysalis’ erratic flails and Applejack’s complaints, the meek pegasus kept her gripped locked tight. She might not have been the strongest of their friends, but AJ had seen her massaging Beary and playing with a manticore. She knew how to wrangle a critter or two.

“Let go of her, Fluttershy!” Twilight shouted over the scuffle to no avail.

This was a nightmare. Out of all of their friends, Fluttershy was the last one Applejack expected to outright attack Chrysalis. She wanted to jump in and pull the pegasus off, but she couldn’t get close. Chrysalis was flailing every limb and hissing more than an angry cat in heat. For Fluttershy’s part, she seemed scared outta her wits as well.

Having seen enough, Twilight’s horn sparked to life again to pull them apart, but then Chrysalis just stopped. The light returned to the changeling’s eyes as she blinked them back into reality. She tilted her head back to see who was wrapped around her.

“Cucumbers?” Chrys asked.

“Umm, I like my mom’s cucumber and daffodil salad,” Fluttershy whispered as she hugged the changeling’s neck. “It’s my favorite.”


Chrysalis and Fluttershy just lay there in silence. The changeling’s eyes darted about trying to process what was even happening while the pegasus timidly held on for dear life.

“You’re shaking,” Chrysalis mumbled.

Fluttershy nodded into the silky mane.

“You’re scared.”

She tightened her grip as she nodded again, seemingly fighting the urge to let go.

Another confused frown crossed Chrysalis' face. She heaved a resigned sigh to herself and, in a flash of green flames, changed back into dog and escaped the fearful pegasus’ grasp. She picked herself up off the floor and turned to Fluttershy, still curled up on the ground with her face buried in her forelegs.

“Better?” Classy asked.

The timid mare slowly peaked out from her hiding place to see a cute doggy looking back down on her in place of a towering changeling queen. For a moment, Fluttershy’s eyes sparkled briefly, but faded into shame as she pulled her mane over her face. “I’m sorry, Chrysalis.”

“Whatever.” The dog snorted and started walking towards the back. “I started it anyway.”

“W-wait!” Fluttershy cried as she quickly picked herself up from the floor.


“Can I… will you let me try again, please?” she asked while hiding behind her flowing mane. “I want to be your friend.”

Classy chuckled to herself. “Really? Is that what you want?”

Fluttershy pulled at her shielding hair, but kept her unhidden eye locked onto Classy’s as she nodded firmly.

“Whatever.” With that, she turned back around to AJ’s seat and hopped up on it. Everypony just stared at her as she made herself comfortable. After a few moments, Classy turned back to Fluttershy and frowned. “Well? Are you coming up here or not?”

“We’ll be arriving in Manehattan in five minutes, your highness,” the old conductor reported as he looked around the passenger car curiously covered in festive flags and filled with balloons.

Twilight nodded as she swept up some confetti in her magic. “Thank you, Mr. Sassabrass.”

“Do you need some help cleaning all of this up?”

“No thank you, but we’ve got it covered. It’s our mess anyway.”

“Oh wait!” Pinkie Pie called out as she grabbed an entire cake from the nearby buffet table and shoved it into a box. “Here’s some cake for you and Smokey Steam!”

Sassabrass barely caught the cake in his hooves and smiled politely. “Thank you, but Smokey Steam isn’t the engineer on this trip.”

“I know. That’s Driveshaft, but he’s allergic to eggs, so I already gave him some taffy. Smokey is working the express back to Ponyville today, so be sure to give him some.”

“How do you know that?”

“The schedule, silly!” Pinkie said, taking a clipboard out of her mane.

“Oh, well I’ll be sure to tell him you said hello,” he said as he looked back down at the cake. The stallion bowed quickly and returned to the crew car, leaving the ponies and one dog to clean up the mess they’d made during Pinkie’s impromptu party. Applejack was grateful that her friend was always prepared to lighten the mood, even if Classy wasn’t in much of one to join in.

“Thank Celestia! I was about to go crazy being cooped up in this stupid car.” Rainbow fluttered her antsy wings, itching to get out for a quick flight to cool off.

“I know. Anything to get away from you,” Classy added from her spot on Fluttershy’s lap.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and went back to work.

“That’s not a very nice thing to say,” Fluttershy complained as she stroked Chrysalis’ fur.

“I’m not very nice.” Chrysalis tilted her head, flashing her green eyes at the mare. “Deal with it.”

Fluttershy returned with a small frown of her own. “If you don’t behave, I’m not going to keep petting you.”

“You say it like I’m not the one doing you a favor. It’s not like you have any love left.”

Fluttershy slumped in her seat as tears filled her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m really trying. Honest!”

“Don’t cry, Fluttershy,” Applejack said as she placed a supportive hoof on the sad mare’s shoulder. “You’re probably just emotionally exhausted. I usually get pretty grumpy after I’ve given her a bit too much. How are you feeling?”

“Like—like a big failure.” Fluttershy choked back a sob as she tried to rein in her sadness. “Like I can’t do anything right. I’m just awful…”

“That’s why I told you to quit while you were ahead, idiot!” Classy barked back.

“B-but you’re so soft!” Fluttershy whined between heaves.

The disguised changeling sighed to herself and hopped off. “I didn’t even get that much out of you.”

“But you got at least a little bit, so that’s something, right?” Applejack said with a smile.

“I guess…” Chrysalis mumbled.

That was a glowing endorsement from the stubborn girl as far as Applejack was concerned. She couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t like Fluttershy was over her fear of the former villain. She had been shivering in her horseshoes until Chrysalis turned back into Classy. It seemed that even if she knew who was on the inside, the fluffy outside helped ease the animal lover into a false sense of security.

“Oh! Is it my turn?” Pinkie asked excitedly as she jumped over and grabbed the dog without waiting for an answer. She squeezed as hard as she could as Chrysalis struggled to break free. “Oh wow! This is tingly like Rockin’ Poppin’ Candy!”

“Ack! Stop it! Let me go, Pinkie!” Classy cried as she wriggled helplessly in the party pony’s hug.

“Okie dokie loki!” Pinkie dropped the pooch and bounced away to continue cleaning up.

Applejack paused and looked at Classy. “Well?”

“Pure powdered sugar,” she answered.

“Well, that’s three outta the six of us. All things considered, I think this friendship retreat is going pretty good so far.”

Classy scoffed. “Hardly. It was barely anything.”

“You did shake her off mighty quick.”

“She was completely unfocused!” the dog complained as she hopped back onto the bench, swatting a stray party hat out of the way. “It was like being under a salt shaker. One second it came in, the other it was off, then it came back, and then went away again. It was annoying!”

“It’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. You’ll get used to it.”

Classy said nothing and simply curled up to get comfortable in her spot. She eyed the others sweeping, picking up, and packing away all the things Pinkie had put out. Applejack was glad that Twilight had stopped the mare before she’d hung the piñata. Sticks and moving cars did not mix well, and it would’ve been more of a pain to clean than it already was.

Applejack was glad they had magic to help get everything, but she couldn’t help but think a third horn might be able to help it go even faster.

“You just gonna lay there?”

Chrysalis smirked, flashing her canine fangs. “Don’t you know that dogs don’t clean up messes? They let others do it for them.”

“Of course. My mistake, your highness. Just don’t get too comfortable in your fur and make me clean up any other messes.”

The changeling’s face sunk into a frown as she looked away in disgust. “Way to ruin a perfectly good joke.”

Applejack waved a hoof. “Hey, I was talking about chewing up the upholstery. Where did your dirty mind go? Marking your territory? Maybe some leg humping?”

The seat exploded into green flames, revealing Chrysalis back in proper form leering at Applejack. “If you drop the toilet humor, I’ll help clean up. Deal?”

“Thought you’d never ask, sugarcube.”

Chapter 15: In the Dog House

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“Manehattan Escapes?” Chrysalis asked, the airy voice of her earth pony disguise dulling the bite of her bark.

“Yes, uh…” Twilight trailed as she looked over their new friend. “What did you say your name was now?”

The mare blew a loose strand of mane out of her face. “Shutterbug.”

“Right. Then yes, Shutterbug! We’re a little bit early for our reservation though, so we might have to wait until a room is available.”

“It will be worth it, darling. This is going to be so refreshing after such a long train ride,” Rarity said as she inspected her mane.

AJ gave the plain building another once-over. Usually these fancy-schmancy, frou-frou places looked a bit softer, like the Ponyville Day Spa. The black and blue box in front of them was more akin to some kinda knock-off Mane Event game center without a scrap of fanciness anywhere. Still, Applejack knew not to judge a book by its cover, especially after getting to know Chrys better.

Rarity turned to Shutterbug and put on a friendly smile. “Do you like spas, Shutterbug?”

“We only had a sulfur hot spring close to the hive. It felt nice for a little bit, but it’d start to melt through the carapace after a while. I can only imagine what it’d do to a soft-skinned pony like you.”

Rarity gulped and gave a weak laugh. “My word. This shouldn’t be as… intensely exfoliating.”

“If an acid bath’s the best you’ve had, then you’re really in for a treat here, sugarcube,” Applejack said as she shoulder-bumped the changeling. “This’ll be like a bubble bath times twenty with a bunch of ponies waiting on ya like a little slice of royalty.”

A small smirk crossed Shutterbug’s lips. “Has a nice ring to it when you put it like that.”

“Actually, this isn’t that sort of escape,” Twilight corrected with a nervous chuckle.

“It’s not?” Rarity asked in slight surprise.

“Nope. It’s an escape room!” The princess cantered in excitement with a smile as sweet as a filly’s. “I read about them getting popular recently and I thought it’d be perfect for a team-building exercise. We have to work together to get out as fast as we can, or it’s game over!”

“No fooling? That sounds way more awesome than a stupid old spa!” Rainbow gushed as she fluttered up to Twi. “So what is it? Some kind of awesome obstacle course? Do we gotta escape a collapsing temple? Please tell me they have Daring Do stuff!”

“Not exactly, but I think they do have temple themes,” Twilight explained, trying to meet Rainbow in the middle. “And while they are technically obstacles, escape rooms specialize in puzzles! We get locked in a room and have to work together to solve them in order to get the key to escape.”

Whatever hope was there left the pegasus as she slumped over with a grumble. “Great. Egghead adventure time.”

“Going from a little train car to a locked box with yours truly?” Shutterbug cackled viciously. “The fun just doesn’t stop, does it?”

“I know, Buggy! I love puzzles!” Pinkie exclaimed, to Shutterbug’s ire. “I even brought my own.” She reached behind her back and brought out a five hundred piece jigsaw puzzle. After checking around for spies, she leaned in close and whispered loudly into the mare’s ear, “It’s an ice cream parlor!”

Shutterbug rolled her eyes at the not-so-secret secret pictured on the front of the box. “So it is.”

Twilight giggled at Pinkie’s antics. “There might be one or two like that in there, but these are more like logic puzzles and riddles that we’ll need to put our heads together to figure out.”

“Oh.” Pinkie deflated slightly, but bounced back almost immediately as she tossed the box away and reached into her mane. “I’m not good at riddles, but I do have the perfect pair of puzzle-solving pom-poms to cheer you on-on!” she proclaimed as she drew two fuzzy gold pom-poms from her mane with an explosion of confetti.

Shutterbug scowled and turned to AJ. “Are we sure this one isn’t the draconequus?”

“Again, it’s just Pinkie being Pinkie, ‘Buggy.’” Applejack snickered at the glare Chrys shot back at her. “You’ll get used to it as long as you don’t think about it too much.”

The changeling turned back, only to see Pinkie had already thrown on a matching cheerleader outfit and was cartwheeling behind the others as they went inside. “She seems to be hardly thinking at all anyway.”

“Don’t let her fool ya. Pinkie’s got a good noggin on her shoulders, just thinks a bit different than everypony else. She’s gotten us outta more jams than you can spread on a sandwich.”

“Come on, slowpokes!” Pinkie called from the door. “We gotta get in here fast so we can leave as soon as possible!”

Shutterbug gave Applejack one last withering frown before following after the bubbly mare. “I’ll try to keep that in mind.”

As the changeling passed in front, Applejack’s eyes were drawn once again to the mare’s cutie mark. It’d been on her mind since they got off the train. She thought maybe Chrys just chose pony features at random, but she’d gone straight back to being this mare specifically.

“Do you just have a thing for flanks or what?” Shutterbug asked pointedly, rousing Applejack from her pondering.

“Beg your pardon?”

“If you’re going to stare, at least exude a little lust so I can get something out of it.” The changeling brushed her long, flowing mane, letting it cascade over her back as she fluttered her lashes.

“Oh! Didn’t mean it like that, sugarcube.” Applejack chuckled nervously. “Was more trying to figure out what I was looking at.”

Chrys dropped the sensual act and glared flatly. “It’s a flank. If you haven’t noticed, you’ve got one, too.”

“Thanks for the help, but I’m talking more about your cutie mark. What’s your talent supposed to be?”

“Isn’t it obvious?” the changeling asked, grunting when she saw the confusion on Applejack’s face. “Shutterbug. The pony name’s on the nose and everything.”

“I mean, it’s a bug, yeah, but I thought shutterbugs are folks that take a bunch of pictures.”

“Very good,” Shutterbug said slowly while clapping at a snail’s pace. “Now don’t hurt your head too much trying to figure out the rest.”

“I can do without the snark, sugarcube. What I mean is, it’s just a little odd since ya ain’t real keen on keepsakes from what I can tell.”

“A photographer doesn’t have to like taking pictures of themselves, AJ.”

Applejack rubbed her chin in thought as she pondered the clues. “Are you supposed to be good at taking bug photos?”

“No. The ladybug is the camera.”

“Okay? So, what’s with the green stuff spraying out of her legs?”

“Spraying?” Shutterbug turned to look at her side to see what Applejack was looking at. “Are you blind? That’s not bug juice! The ladybug is on top of one of those camera standing… pedestals. Picture-taking pedestal.” The mare’s cheeks began to burn at AJ’s stumped confusion. “It’s that tall thing you put cameras on top of to keep them from shaking! See?”

Applejack took another look and tried imaging what the heck the changeling was on about. She put the three ovals together in her head and saw the answer staring her in the face. “Oh! You mean a tripod?”

“Yes!” Shutterbug shouted excitedly at the familiar word. “One of those!”

“To be fair, it doesn’t really look like a tripod to me.”

Shutterbug’s red embarrassment was burning brighter than Big Mac. “Well that’s what it is, okay? Sorry if my cutie mark doesn’t meet your artistic standards. I don’t see anypony making a big deal about your little circles on your stupid flank!”

“They’re apples. Of course they’d be circles. Tripods are more like silver sticks.”

“Fine! Then let’s say it’s a changeling tripod made of goo. Happy?”

“So it’s ladybug juice after all,” Applejack suggested with a smirk.

“What does it matter anyway? Are you trying to get on my nerves?”

“Wasn’t at first, but I’m having too much fun now,” Applejack admitted.

“Then stop bothering me with it!” Shutterbug roared. She whipped around to face AJ directly, causing her mane to fall in front of her face again. “Gah! Stupid bangs!”

“Settle down there, girl. I promise I wasn’t just trying to rile you up.”

“Then what’s with you ogling my assets all day?”

“Nothing untoward, honest!” It was Applejack’s turn to give her brother a run for his money. The farmer quickly looked away from the other mare. “I was just thinking maybe your mark was something you might like to do.”

“Aren’t they all supposed to be? They’re your special talents or whatever.”

“Well yeah, but if it’s something you really enjoy, then I thought maybe we’d see about getting something for ya. Think you might like taking pictures?”

Shutterbug brushed the errant mane out of her face. “I have an eidetic memory, Applejack. I have no use for pictures.”

“A what?”

The mare took a patient breath through her nose. “I remember everything I see perfectly. If I couldn’t, I wouldn’t be able to shapeshift into a convincing facsimile of any creature I run into. Got it?”

“I guess. But you know, there’s more to pictures than just seeing what’s there.”

“What, you mean like spell components?”

“No?” Applejack tilted her head. “Is there some kind of magic that needs ‘em?”

“Forget it,” she deflected quickly and trotted towards the others. “It was a half-baked idea anyway, just like this stupid disguise.”

“Alright, sugarcube. But if you think you might enjoy it, I say we try it out. Who knows, you might take a shine to it.”

“Doubtful. What would be the point?”

That was a good question. If Applejack’s guess was right, pictures wouldn’t bring Chrys the same kind of warmth that she felt whenever a picture reminded her of the past. It might even hurt her in the end. Still, the changeling was pretending to be interested in taking pictures. Maybe that wasn’t something out of nowhere, at least she was hoping so. Applejack loved cracking open an old photo album and strolling down memory lane from time to time. She didn’t want to think something that brought her comfort would be nothing but sadness for Chrys.

Putting her nagging worries on the backburner, Applejack hummed to herself as her eyes wandered around the lobby. There were plenty of pictures and posters advertising settings and adventures with all manner of critters trying to figure their way through them. Her eyes were drawn to a Wall of Fame near the counter Dash was pointing to with different difficulty levels and scenarios.

One picture that caught her eye was a pride of griffons posing with a golden key next to a timer reading 0:59.31. A familiar gray griffon looked tickled pink at their victory and was hugging one of her friends around the neck as she pointed excitedly at the key. Applejack couldn’t remember the girl’s name off the top of her head, but it was the same one that flew into town looking to earn a cutie mark with the Crusaders.

“There’s times I need something to help jog my memory. Maybe a picture wouldn’t help you, but it’d sure help me remember the good times with you.”

“If you’re so curious, I’ll just recount what happened. I don’t need a camera for that.”

“That’s fair, I suppose.”

Applejack continued to take in the photo. The griffon seemed to be having the time of her life with her friends, even though her friends didn’t seem to share in her enthusiasm. Still, they’d all posed with her for the picture with her and smiled to preserve the happy memory together. That wasn’t nothing in AJ’s book.

“You know, maybe you can remember everything around you, but no matter how good your memory is, you’ll never see someone really important getting the whole picture.”

“Oh really?” Shutterbug asked. She turned to look around the room to try to spot who she’d fail to recall exactly. “And who is that?”

“I’m looking at her.”

Shutterbug turned back towards Applejack to see who she was looking at, only to be met with the farmer looking right back at her. The changeling gazed back at the reflection of the mare in the apple’s eye. She scoffed and shrugged it off. “How touching, but you’re forgetting that being caught by a picture defeats the whole purpose of my disguises.”

“It used to, but not anymore, sugarcube. Now you can enjoy getting caught by a camera all you want. Who knows? You might like seeing yourself outside of a mirror.”

Chrysalis said nothing, but the smallest swish of her tail told AJ she was thinking about it. Before she could press further, they were interrupted by Twilight with one of the escape room employees in tow.

“Okay everypony! Our room’s ready. Let’s go have some fun!”

“Well, that was a monumental disappointment,” Shutterbug complained as she exited the room with the key in her hooves. She tossed it like trash over her shoulder, hitting Rainbow on the head.

“Hey! Hang on a sec!” Rainbow shouted and shot around Shutterbug to get in her face.

“What’s wrong? Not happy with our performance?” the changeling asked with an innocent smile. “We got out of there in ten minutes flat.”

“The only thing flat around here is your flatout lying! There’s no way you solved that all by yourself so fast. You must’ve cheated somehow!”

“There’s no horn on this mare, Rainbow,” she bragged with a bonk on her flat forehead before brushing her troublesome bang out of the way again.

“Now Rainbow, there’s no need to accuse her of cheating.” Fluttershy cut in between them, though clearly leaned towards Rainbow. “Maybe Class—Shutterbug is just really good at puzzle solving?”

“What puzzle solving?” Rainbow shouted. “We hadn’t even found all the numbers to the safe yet before she cracked it!”

“Oh please, I’m a master of infiltration. Do you honestly think a noisy combination lock like that was going to keep me out?” The changeling giggled to herself and flicked her trusty ears. “You’re lucky I didn’t just pick the front door when you all started singing.”

“Ha! I knew you cheated!” Rainbow pointed her hoof into the changeling’s face.

Shutterbug swatted the accusatory away. “Settle down, featherbrain. The goal was to figure out the code, right? I solved it by listening.”

Applejack bristled and approached the budding feud herself. “Hey now, no need for either of y’all to be calling each other names now, ya hear?”

“Well…” Rainbow’s anger fizzled under the farmer’s scrutiny. “She threw the key at my head!”

“Because you’re the one that cared about getting to it quickly in the first place! It’s not my fault you didn’t think fast and catch it!” Shutterbug argued. Seeing she was getting nowhere fast with anypony, she tossed her mane in exasperation. “What’s the big deal anyway? I got the door open fast like you wanted. I don’t get why you’re angry.”

“Please! Everypony, we’re supposed to be building our friendships,” Twilight interjected as she tried to calm everypony down. “Sure, maybe we didn’t get to solve any of the puzzles before she solved the color code…”

“Ha! You call that a code? It was one of the most basic ciphers I’ve ever cracked. It didn’t even have any repeated inputs.”

Twilight shuffled her hooves nervously, unsure of what to say. “I’m sorry if it wasn’t very challenging for you, but we were supposed to figure it out together as a team, Shutterbug. It’s not very fun if you do it all yourself.”

“Apparently it wouldn’t have been fun regardless,” Shutterbug spat callously while turning away from the group.

The snippy reply struck the alicorn, bringing a pained frown to the disheartened princess. Rarity gasped and quickly trotted to her friend’s side to give her a hug before staring daggers at the changeling.

“Now see here, Shutterbug. Twilight worked very hard on this trip for all of us to enjoy our time together. While I may have misunderstood what this ‘escape’ entailed, I knew that she was looking forward to this first event the most. It was one of the reasons we came all the way out to Manehattan in the first place! Just because you may not like it doesn’t give you the right to ruin her hard work.”

Shutterbug backed away from the pressure of all the eyes watching her. “Wha—ruin? I didn’t ruin anything! You all have an unbeatable time now! You’re getting your stupid picture on the wall!”

“No, you’re not,” the staff pony from before called from down the hall flatly. The young earth pony stallion that had let them in, Ginger Locks, trotted towards them with as much sternness as the bored teen could manage. “The gamemasters talked it over and said safecracking isn’t allowed. You all have to leave.”

Everypony but Shutterbug cried in unison at the announcement. Twilight especially took the news hard. She might as well have been told she got caught cheating on a test with the devastated gape on her face.

“But we didn’t cheat,” Rainbow fired back. She pointed at Shutterbug with a scowl. “She’s the one who broke the rules in the first place!”

“There wasn’t a rule that you couldn’t improvise a solution,” Shutterbug defended with a sneer of her own.

The unflappable stallion sighed. “They said that even though it wasn’t in the rules, it is still against the spirit of the game. She was in your group, so you have to leave,” he parroted with disinterest.

“I understand,” Twilight muttered, her wings drooping to her side in defeat. The poor princess was on the verge of tears.

AJ caught sight of a vicious smirk crossing Shutterbug’s mouth, burning with pure elation at the downfall of a foe. However, for how fiendish her joy must’ve tasted, it was short-lived with it crumbling bit by bit the longer she looked at Twilight. Whatever happiness she’d found was lost entirely in mere moments as she loomed over the fallen mare. The changeling mumbled with caustic venom under her breath before turning around to face the stallion holding the door to the lobby.

“Are you really that stupid? You fools really haven’t thought this through, have you?” Shutterbug strutted right up to Ginger Locks and rubbed her body against his as she pointed to the broken alicorn. “You know who that is, right? She’s Twilight Sparkle, one of your precious pony princesses. Are you really going to kick out royalty just like that?”

The close contact seemed to rouse the stallion from his staggering boredom with the beautiful mare closing the distance. His cheeks began to match his hair as a goofy grin threatened to shake him from his teenaged aloofness. “I-I’m sorry, miss. I’m just telling you what Mister Roll told me to say.”

“Well, how about this?” The sensual mare turned the teen’s head towards hers, fluttering her deep green eyes at him as he turned brighter and brighter. “You tell this Mister Roll of yours to kick me out and let Twilight and her friends play another round and I won’t cause a scene that I guarantee will annihilate the reputation of your little playroom,” she purred as she wrapped her tail in his.

Ginger felt the pressure and gulped. “C-cause a scene, miss?”

“Mhmm. After all…” She exploded into green fire, dropping her act to reveal her full, queenly form, her head still leaned down next to his, muzzle to muzzle as the rest of her towered over him. “I have it on good authority that the evil Queen Chrysalis suddenly appearing around an establishment is absolutely terrible for business.”

Ginger’s face went whiter than a bedsheet caught in a blizzard at being face to face with the infamous villain. Chrysalis simply smiled back, letting her bear trap of teeth do all the talking. The poor teen nodded feverishly and opened his mouth to say something, but the only thing that came out was a squawk that sounded more akin to a rooster with the flu.

“It seems we understand each other.” Chrysalis released the panicked pony from her grasp and rose to her full, towering height. “Now run along and don’t keep me waiting. I am not a patient mare.”

By her command, Ginger bolted out the door, galloping as fast as his scrawny legs would go, screaming all the way to the back. Chrysalis couldn’t help but cackle at his cracking voice as he tucked tail and ran.

“At least somepony knows to respect me around here,” Chrysalis sighed as she shifted back into Shutterbug.

Applejack was riled up more than a bull stuck in a red wool sweater. “What did you do that for, Chrys?”

“Oh, don’t mind me. Just sneaking a little lust into my diet after you failed to deliver. Forgive me for indulging a bit.”

“Forget all of that! You can’t just threaten somepony out of nowhere!”

Silence!” the mare commanded as she slammed her hooves down, her glower burning like a scorpion sting. “All I said was that I’d show my real face. It’s not my fault that my staggering beauty terrifies you stupid ponies in the first place!”

The changeling’s anger cracked like a whip, its shrillness shut AJ up right quick.

“Just let me deal with them.” She blew the stubborn bang out of her face. “You and your friends get to have your fun, I’ll be waiting outside while you all try and fail to match my cunning.”

Before Applejack could come up with a rebuttal, the door opened again. A pudgy blue unicorn cautiously walked in along with Ginger Locks cowering closely behind him.

Ginger pointed to the disguised changeling. “T-that’s her, Mister Roll.”

Mister Roll straightened up and nodded firmly to his employee. He began walking up to Shutterbug, his confidence seemingly building with every step. When the door shut behind them, she flashed again into her true, changeling form, stopping Roll in his tracks at the sudden appearance of one of Equestria’s greatest threats.

“Well…” Chrysalis paused, her serpentine tongue flicking out as she read the proprietor’s name tag, “Mister Lucky Roll? Are you kicking me out au naturel or are they playing another round?”

Lucky Roll did his best to put on a brave face in front of one of Equestria’s most notorious villains. “Y-you promise to never come back?”

“You have my word. I have no interest in these poor excuses for puzzles in the first place. But, you know…” Chrysalis grinned widely, showing her serrated maw of teeth to the brave little pony. “Even if I did come back, you’d never know it was me, would you?”

Lucky and Ginger shuddered in fear at the apex predator in their midst as she cackled with delight. Finally, when Twilight couldn’t take it anymore, she stepped up to the bullying changeling.

“Chrysalis, you can’t just—”

“Don’t worry, Twilight. I’ll be a good girl,” Chrysalis assured over the princess’ complaints. She changed back into Shutterbug and walked towards the door. “I just want to make sure we all understand each other. Now, enjoy yourselves, everypony. I’ll be having my own fun watching these two squirm in the lobby.”

With that, she slipped out the door, her tail barely passing through before it shut behind. With her pressuring presence gone, Ginger Locks fell to his haunches and cried. Lucky Roll ran over to Twilight and urged her to wait while he reset their room to a different version, all the while promising he would never even think to ban a princess or her friends. The alicorn could barely get a word in edgewise before Roll jumped into their room and began working like his life depended on it.

Applejack had reached her limit and stormed off to find the cause of this mess. She stomped out into the lobby to find Shutterbug kicking back in a chair, muzzle deep in a magazine about other Manehattan attractions.

“You proud of yourself, Chrys?” Applejack asked as she plopped down in the seat next to the mare.

“You make it sound like I shouldn’t be,” she scoffed in reply. “Either way, I’m not.”

“Coulda fooled me, acting all high n’ mighty, but honestly, I ain’t sure what to think. Seemed to be having fun, but hating it all the same. Especially when you were getting that lil’ fella wrapped around your hoof.”

“Oh?” The mare lowered her magazine, peering over the cover at the farmer. “Jealous, are we?”

Applejack grimaced. “That ain’t right at all, Chrys.”

“Oh, for the love of…” Shutterbug dropped her magazine on the coffee table with a glare. “I wasn’t going to seduce him! I changed to myself the moment the little lover boy’s confused fondness for hayfries hit my tongue. I just didn’t want him running away before he got the message. ”

“And what message was that? Poor guy is gonna be jumpier than a jackrabbit stuck in Ghastly Gorge for who knows how long.”

“Fine! Let him be if showing my face is a crime! The way I see it, I stopped you all from getting kicked out of this stupid place for having a little fun!” Shutterbug yelled, her eye twitching wildly from livid rage. She slammed her hooves on her seat over and over, pounding her frustration into the cushions. “I’m so sick of all your pony nonsense! I finally get to do something like you all want me to, but no! ‘You didn’t do it right, Chrysalis.’ ‘You must’ve cheated, Chrysalis.’ ‘Safecracking’s not in the spirit of the game, Chrysalis’—whatever the hay that’s supposed to mean. The goal was to get out, and I got us out! You should be singing my praises! Instead, I get banished again because my way is always the wrong way!”

“Wait. Did you say you had fun?”

“Who cares?” Shutterbug snarled. “My version of ‘fun’ is apparently cheating!”

“It ain’t that simple, sugarcube. We’re supposed to be solving stuff to get out, right?”

“So I skipped to the end to save time. Why is that a problem?”

“Getting done fast like Rainbow wanted would’ve been nice and all, but I think it’s more important to just enjoy each other’s company while working through all the clues as a team.”

“Enjoy your company? I was contemplating chewing my own hooves off waiting for you idiots to decide whether a purple gem is plum and boysenberry!” Shutterbug slammed both of her hooves down with a petulant grunt.

Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle at the idea. “Well, that’s a bit harsh, but it was all meant to be good fun. Wouldn’t you rather have helped me and the other girls figure out what was going on instead of brute forcing it?”

Shutterbug scowled bitterly at her hooves. “Well… maybe I don’t understand your dumb pony clues and it’s easier for me to break and exit.”

“It’s called a riddle for a reason, Chrys.”

“You want an example? Fine! How am I supposed to know the star that points to Clover the Clever? Maybe I know the forest you’re talking about as something different!”

“Clover the Clever was one of the founders of Equestria. Luna drew the constellation a long time ago and I think his horn’s supposed to be pointing north.”

Shutterbug’s face fell into a deep frown. “See? I wasn’t even close.”

“And that’s fine, sugarcube. It’s why we were working as a team. Heck, we were just fine with Pinkie Pie cheering us on the entire time,” Applejack assured.

“Oh, that would’ve gone wonderfully. Debasing myself like an airhead because I’m too dumb to help solve a riddle. Maybe I should’ve changed into a supermodel to give you all something to look at.”

“Now don’t be so hard on yourself. Besides, I think I’m the only one that might’ve enjoyed that kinda show unless you came in as a stallion. Not sure how the other barn doors swing, if you know what I mean,” AJ said with a chuckle.

Chrysalis grimaced and stuck her tongue out. “Hard pass.”

“Really?” Applejack turned her head.

Queen Chrysalis, remember?” the mare stated proudly. “I’ll take love from a male, but I’ll never willingly masquerade as one unless I have no other choice.” Shutterbug glanced over at Applejack, looking up and down her body before shrugging. “I guess I should consider myself lucky that I’m stuck with a pretty little thing like you and not some chunky gruff guy with dangly parts in all the wrong places.”

Applejack’s ears perked up in surprise. “You… you think I’m pretty?”

“It’s just a fact.”

“But what about Rarity or Fluttershy?”

Shutterbug’s eyebrow shot up with curiosity. “What about them?”

“Do you think they’re pretty too?”

“Yes, Applejack,” Shutterbug said in a huff. “You and all of your friends are pretty. Annoying, but pretty. Lucky for you, you don’t have to put as much work in as somepony like Rarity. All that makeup and mane styling. You just tie your mane and tail after putting on a little fur conditioner and moisturizer in the morning.”

Applejack chuckled to herself, feeling might self-conscious from the surprising amount of praise the changeling was heaping on her without a second thought. “Well, I think out of all of us, you got us beat with how much work you’re doing, Chrys.”

Chrysalis joined with her own hearty laugh that withered on the vine as she gripped her shoulder. “Ah, yes. I’ve got to turn into an entirely different creature or I’ll send everyone fleeing for their lives at the mere sight of me.”

The smile fell from Applejack’s face as her heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. “W-wait a sec, that ain’t at all what I—”

“Hey, Applejack!” Rainbow called from the door. “They’re done setting up the room. You coming or what?”

The mare hesitated under the pressure, sitting frozen to her seat as she looked between Dash and Shutterbug. She’d followed Chrys out here to give the mare a stern talking to, but it was more complicated like always with her. The changeling might’ve rubbed everypony the wrong way, but the more they talked it over, the more it all seemed like an honest misunderstanding. Chrysalis wasn’t evil, her head just worked a little differently than everyone else.

“Well? What are you waiting for?” Shutterbug asked impatiently. “Go have your friendship retreat, team-building, whatever.” She waved Applejack off as she slumped back in her seat. “I’ll just be taking a nap here until you get back.”

Applejack didn’t like this. Not one bit. She turned around to Rainbow and called back. “But, what about Chrys?”

Rainbow looked between the two and couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Uhh… hello? She’s in timeout for cheating, remember?”

Shutterbug grumbled to herself and crossed her forelegs with a sullen frown on her face, looking anywhere but at the pegasus. Applejack bit her lip.

“Y’all go on ahead and have another go. I’m gonna stay with Chrys.”

“What?” Rainbow asked in disbelief.

What?Shutterbug roared in disbelief.

“You sure, AJ?”

Applejack nodded firmly. “Eeyup. Y’all have fun now.”

Rainbow shrugged and ducked back through the door, leaving the two alone. It didn’t take long for AJ to feel the furious heat boiling off the critter next to her.

“Something on your mind, sugarcube?” AJ asked like nothing was wrong.

“You’re just going to throw what I did away?” Shutterbug seethed with offended contempt. “After revealing myself in front of ponies to get you all off the hook? I did that for you, you ungrateful pest!”

“Don’t think of it like that. I couldn’t rightly enjoy myself knowing you were waiting around all alone out here knowing ya actually had a good time. And it’s like ya said, they didn’t tell us you couldn’t.”

The rage roiling underneath then changeling’s skin settled down to a simmer. “So, it’s that stupid, bleeding heart of yours that is ruining what fun you could be having with your friends?”

“That’s about the size of it. Wouldn’t be the same without you there.”

“How touching,” Shutterbug mumbled. She settled her gaze forward on the wall across from them and settled into her seat. “I hope you enjoy being miserable in ‘timeout’ with me.”

“You know, ya got a point there. How about instead of waiting around here watching the wall, me and you skedaddle for a bit and find something fun to do? Just the two of us. Reckon that’d be better than doing a whole lotta nothing.”

Shutterbug puckered her lips as she mulled over the thought, giving AJ a quirk of her brow. A brief spark of happiness escaped in a smile before collapsing again with a sigh. “Sure. They’d want me gone as soon as possible anyway. Where are we going?”

Applejack rubbed her chin, thinking what they could do while they waited. Something they could both enjoy. Her eyes wandered down her friend back to her camera bug cutie mark and an idea popped into her head.

“I’m pretty sure we’re a couple of streets over from some shops. Why don’t we head there?”

Shutterbug rolled her eyes. “Still set on finding something to clutter my room with?”

“Eeyup!” Applejack affirmed with a proud smile. She popped out of the seat and offered Chrys a hoof up.

After giving AJ a withering glare, Shutterbug sighed in defeat. “I guess it’s better than waiting around somewhere I’m clearly not wanted. What did you want me to buy?”

“Hey now. Wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise.”

Finally relenting, the changeling took the offer and the hoof. AJ felt a rush of warmth surge through her leg at the contact. Judging by Chrys’ face, she felt it too. She quickly pulled her hoof away and got up the rest of the way on her own.

“Whatever. Let’s just get this over with,” the grumpy bug said as she shook the shock from her hoof.

Chapter 16: Pretty as a Pooch

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Even though she’d tried being a city girl for a spell, Applejack never quite got a feel for the hustle and bustle of the streets. She was more accustomed to the pace of the countryside, where you could count the number of ponies that passed by the homestead on one hoof. Keeping up with the flow was fine, but it was a struggle to know how close they were to her destination within the sea of ponies.

Looking over her shoulder, she could see Shutterbug was fitting right in, or rather standing right out. Despite her meek build, everypony on the sidewalk was giving the scowling mare plenty of space. Getting kicked out of Manehattan Escapes must’ve really rubbed the poor girl the wrong way if it was still eating at her. The farmer really hoped their little excursion would calm her down, but she just seemed to be stewing in her own bitterness.

Applejack’s trot was brought to a sudden stop as she collided with a thick stallion’s backside.

“Hey! Watch where you’re going!” the big business pony yelled.

“Whoops!” Applejack chuckled as she flushed red in embarrassment and picked herself up off the ground. “Mighty sorry about that.”

His ear twitched at her apology. “Figures. You almost made me drop my coffee, you blind country bumpkin!”

“Hey! I said I was sorry! Ain’t no need for that kinda—”

In a flash, Shutterbug rushed up and grabbed the burly stallion by the horn, dispelling his grip on his drink. She yanked his face down into hers, pouring every ounce of fury burning behind her glowing eyes into his. “You have exactly five seconds before I tear your horn off and make you suck that filthy brown swill through it like a straw! Now, get lost!

His coffee a distant memory, the well-suited stallion screamed like a filly and scampered off. Shutterbug snatched the abandoned beverage from the ground and reared back, ready to throw it after him like a hoofball.

“Woah-woah-woah!” Applejack leapt into action, pulling the wild mare’s hoof down. To her surprise, Chrys was actually putting up a good fight. “Settle down! You could hurt somepony!”

“Good! I hope it’s him!”

Applejack dove for her foreleg and swatted the cup out of her hoof. The coffee crashed on the ground, knocking the lid off, and spilling it harmlessly on the street. “We don’t need to be causing a commotion in the middle of the sidewalk!”

“But that jerk just pushed you down!”

“It was my fault in the first place. I’m the one that bumped into him.”

Shutterbug growled in frustration and trampled the spilled coffee cup. She was about two steps short of sending the nearest pony on a one-way trip to Elysium. Luckily, Applejack could see the store across the street. Ignoring the dripping coffee, she grabbed the former queen by the hoof and led her across the walkway.

“We’re almost there, Chrys. Just keep it together for a bit longer.”

“Why did I ever think conquering Equestria was a good idea?” Shutterbug seethed, her eyes burning with anger. “I’m so sick of this stupid city already! I hate it!”

Applejack gripped tighter, trying to show the changeling that she was still there. “None of that kinda talk now. I hear this store is kinda a specialty place, so it’ll probably be nice and quiet in there.”

Shutterbug said nothing, and focused on the ground while following Applejack’s gait.

Finally reaching their destination, Applejack didn’t even spare a moment before pulling her friend inside. The old greeting bell rang with a welcoming ding, pulling the changeling’s attention to the aged surroundings. All around them were cameras, old and new, as well as everything a photographer could ever want to go along with one. Simple tables and shelves showed the wares and their prices without any cheap gimmicks. Applejack appreciated the straightforward simplicity.

“This was your better idea?” Shutterbug said with a half-lidded glare. “My cutie mark’s fake.”

“And the cameras around here are all real. What’s your point?”

“That there’s no point in coming here.”

“Sure there is. You might take a shine to it for real. ‘Fake it til ya make it,’ you know? Honesty might be my policy, but I’ll try to bend it a bit if it’ll help.”

Shutterbug said nothing, but her small smirk said everything AJ needed to know.

“Wow, two lovely mares in my humble store? It must be my lucky day!”

AJ and Shutterbug both turned their attention to the approaching pegasus. She was an older mare with a coffee cream coat who carried herself with a wispy grace at a proud height fit for the runway. Her butter yellow locks streaked with sporadic grays that she swirled into blended spirals. The photo lens capturing the silhouette of a pony’s face on her flank spoke of her talents behind the camera. Applejack couldn’t even begin to guess how old she was. She wore her silver years and crows feet with the confidence of a mare in her prime. In a word, she was beautiful.

“My name is Graceful Glamour. Welcome to my photabulous photography emporium, Snapshots!” Her brown eyes searched up and down her clients with practiced precision. “From out of town. Are you here to browse or perhaps schedule a shoot?”

“Howdy, Miss Glamour.”

“Please, call me Glamour, hun,” she said quickly. “I don’t feel old enough to be a Miss yet.”

“Glamour it is!” Applejack said with a growing smile at seeing another neighborly mare around these parts. “I’m Applejack, and this here is my friend Shutterbug. We’re in the market for a camera for my talented friend here, and heard this was the place to go.”

“With a name like Shutterbug, I should’ve guessed,” Glamor noted with a sparkle in her eyes. “My, you must feel naked without a camera on hoof.”

“Not really. I haven’t taken any pictures lately,” Shutterbug grumbled.

“I know the feeling, hon. Some days, I struggle to find my inspiration.”

“Yeah, today’s a struggle alright.” The fake photographer looked around at the modest wooden shelves and plaster walls with the occasional patch of exposed bricks. “It doesn’t really feel all that ‘glamorous’ in here.”

“Thanks for noticing. Why would I spruce up the store and risk drawing your eyes away from the wonderful girls on display?” She whisked one of the older cameras into her hoof and held it for her customers to see. It was a simple wooden box that folded out like an accordion. “From the grainy charm of this dark chamber-styled instant camera from Obscuration to the Sapphiria Dynamism’s ultra-modern, crystal imaging—TM—these tools can show others a second of the world through your eyes. The only things more beautiful than the cameras are the subjects you shoot with them.”

“I didn’t understand a lick of that, but I know passion when I see it. No wonder Coco said y’all were the best in town.”

Glamour’s eyes flashed with joy. “Little Coco Pommel sent you? She’s such a wonderful friend. And while it warms my heart to hear you say that, my true passion lies in the world of cosmetics.”

Applejack blinked and looked back at Glamour’s mark. “I thought that was a camera lens.”

Glamour looked at her flank and hummed to herself in thought. “Perhaps it is to most ponies now, but I grew up knowing it as a compact.” The mare pulled out a little mirror from her vest pocket and flashed its reflection at her guests. “I was a makeup magazine model for years, but time has its way of working you out of an industry. I got too old for the game and took over my old photographer’s shop thirty or so years ago.”

Applejack balked. “Thirty?”

“Surprised?” The mare laughed haughtily and turned the mirror on herself with a wide grin. “Good to know I still got it. It takes a professional dedication to be beautiful both inside and out for so long.” She clasped the mirror closed and narrowed her eyes into a daring gaze. “And if you ask my age, I’ll say I’m not a day over twenty-nine. Feel free to figure the numbers out on that one, hon.”

“Good to know our cameramare’s in denial,” Shutterbug said.

Applejack shot a glare at her grump friend.

“Come now, Shutterbug. A healthy amount of well-intentioned vanity never hurt anypony,” Glamour lightly rebuked with a wink. “Now, what can I help you find today?”

Shutterbug scanned over all the cameras around them with the eye of a professional. After a few moments, she grunted and dropped the act. “Good question. I don’t know the first thing about cameras.”

Glamour blinked. “You don’t?”

“I might look like I do, but no. I’m sure somepony like you knows full well that…” Shutterbug’s eyes pulsed bright green. “Appearances can be very deceiving,” She remarked in her normal, dual-toned voice.

“Oh? You must be one of those changelings the fashion world has been abuzz about.”

Seeing her scare tactic had little effect, Chrysalis snorted derisively. “What was your first clue?”

“Judging from your snippy attitude, I guess you were rejected before you could even audition?”

Chrysalis curled her brow. “What are you talking about?”

“You mean you don’t know? There’s a lot of models freaking out because of the threat a shapeshifter poses.”

“Changelings aren’t threatening anypony, Glamour,” Applejack said firmly. “We’re all supposed to be friends now.”

“Oh, I know. Personally, I think they’re worried over nothing. Who cares if Shutterbug here can shapeshift? I’ve been around the block enough to know that illusion magic wasn’t invented yesterday.”

The changeling smirked. “I think you might find there’s more to it than just a little change.”

Shutterbug erupted in a green flashfire, and in her place stood a Celestia-sized Graceful Glamour. Her glorious curls had drilled into thick spirals of shimmering silver and gold that dragged the floor. Gone were the wrinkles and aged fur, replaced by a perfectly creamy roasted brown coat that glistened in the light. Her long legs stood soft and firm, leading to a curvy flank that was thick in all the right places. Even though her wings were tucked, the length of their feathers told of a glorious spread that could blanket ten ponies under their span. To top the look off, her long, slender horn nearly pierced the ceiling tiles. The glamorous goddess stood amid the mortals around her, glistening with an ephemeral, terrifying beauty not meant for this world.

The real Glamour guffawed seeing her extraordinary self standing before her. “See? Don’t know what everypony’s worried about.”

“What?” her deified doppelganger replied in shock, her voice echoing with Elysian holiness.

“Sure, but who would want to put anything on you except a crown and royal peytral? The whole point is being a beautiful canvas for clothes and makeup, not just blindingly gorgeous. Gotta say, it is fun to see what I’d look like as a sexy alicorn.”

“Jealousy is unbecoming of you,” Divine Glamour nickered, her bitter grunt echoing with power. She turned to Applejack with holy fury. “What do you think, AJ?”

Applejack cleared her throat as she averted her eyes. “Well, it’s a little much, right?”

“But this is what you ponies find beautiful! I can practically taste the lust emanating off of you right now!”

The real Glamour’s eyes shot over to Applejack with a growing grin. She stifled her snickering with a hoof.

“Fine! So you’re hot to trot looking like that, alright?” Applejack fired back while fighting her blushing face. “What I think she’s saying is you look too good. It’s honestly a little intimidating. I mean, how’s a pony like me supposed to look anything like that? I’m not even good enough to be a model in the first place. That just ain’t fair.”

“Aww, don’t sell yourself short, hon,” Glamour cooed as she walked up to Applejack. She inspected the farmer’s face and smiled warmly. “You’re a lovely wildflower from the countryside. If you want, I know some rich colors that would really make that orange of yours pop.”

“Thanks, Glamour, but I don’t got the time in the morning to do much of anything. Besides, ain’t like I need to look good for the apple trees.”

“Really?” Glamour spun around and pointed towards the goddess in their midst. “What about looking good for your goddess of a marefriend?”

“M-marefriend?” Applejack exclaimed as her cheeks burned brighter. “Chrys ain’t my marefriend!”

“So it’s Chrys now? Is that Shutterbug’s real name?”

Divine Glamour cackled maniacally, letting her lustrous voice slowly sink back into her natural, distorted tones. “Oh, hon. If only you knew who was under all of this glamour.”

“Well, let’s see the real you then.”

Chrysalis’ laughter died as she looked back down at the pegasus. “What?”

“It’s been a month or two since we made peace and I haven’t seen a single changeling outside of the papers. You could be my first changeling subject!”

“Uh, Glamour. Are you sure about that?” Applejack asked.

“Why not? You’re friends with Coco.”

“It’s more like mutual acquaintance, but she doesn’t know Chrys either.”

“You know what? I’ll play along. I warn you though—” The staggering beauty tossed her impossibly voluminous mane, obscuring half of her face behind her veil of spirals. “—I’ve been known to strike fear into the hearts of everypony who sees my true face.” Her eyes flashed from gold to green with a predatory glare.

“Then it will be a fun challenge.”

Chrysalis chuckled darkly and stepped forward. “Very well. Prepare yourself, little pony.”

At once, the alicorn exploded in green energy. Instead of instantly changing shape, Chrysalis settled for a slower burn. Inch by inch, the elegant brown fur retreated from her limbs, revealing the obsidian chitin beneath, riddled with holes. Her horn grew wider and sharper, writhing into a jagged, uneven shape. The feathers burned away, revealing a bare barrel of black and green with an armored carapace protecting her gossamer wings beneath. Her spiraling hair shot skyward and burst into blue silk before falling straight around her. The unveiled Chrysalis laughed with wild abandon, showing her ferocious maw of sharp teeth.

“Well now, Graceful Glamour, what do you think?” Chrysalis asked, leaning down and sneering a serrated smile at her prey.

Glamour sat down and clapped her hooves together. “Wow! What a wonderful unveiling! Such a flair for the dramatic! I wish I would’ve taken a picture!”

Chrysalis pulled back slightly. “You… you’re not scared?”

“A little, but you spoiled the whole shapeshifting thing. If you want to scare me, you shouldn’t make me laugh first.” Glamour hummed to herself as she took in the unveiled changeling. “Ash black is quite a rare color for ponies, but I’m sure I’ve got some darker colors that would suit a mare like you wonderfully.”

“I’m a changeling. I don’t need to douse myself in your colorful sludge.”

“It’s only sludge if you put on too much,” Glamour corrected. “And it’s not just color. There’s texture, luminescence, volume, fragrance, all sorts of things to make you look gorgeous.”

“But, that’s not what I…” The changeling sat down and her eye began twitching.

“What’s wrong, Chrys?” Glamour asked.

“Nothing! And it’s Chrysalis!” she roared. “You don’t get to call me that!”

Glamour shrank back and laughed nervously. “Okay. Now that’s a little scarier.”

“Cut it out, Chrys!” Applejack cut in-between the two. “Why are you trying to get her spooked now?”

Chrysalis said nothing and turned away. She walked over to a quiet corner of the store and began looking at cameras out of sight of the front door.

Applejack sighed. “Sorry, Glamour. It’s been a day.”

“From the looks of it, it hasn’t been much better for you, hon,” she said as she laid a supportive hoof on AJ’s shoulder.

“It’s had its moments. We’re supposed to be here with our friends for two more days on a vacation of sorts, but the way it's going, we’re gonna need a vacation from the vacation.”

“Lucky for you, you both came to the right place. Every vacation needs a camera to preserve those good moments. How are you supposed to look back on this and laugh with rose-tinted glasses otherwise?”

Applejack chuckled. “You got a point there, Glamour.” She took a moment to look at the mare, who wasn’t even paying any attention to the towering changeling browsing her store. “Honestly, I’m kinda shocked you ain’t freaking out. You know who she is, right?”

Glamour took another look at the villain. “I think I might’ve read about her in the paper once a while back. However, I do know who she isn’t.” Glamour motioned past Chrysalis and towards the far wall. “See how those bricks back there are a little different from the others?”

Following Glamour’s sight, Applejack’s eyes landed on the far corner of the store. It had a few posters and pictures, but it was completely void of anything else. It was actually a bit of a waste of space, considering how closely packed everything else was. As for the bricks, they were far brighter, with less weathering compared to the rest of the walls.

“They look a lot newer, now that you mention it.”

“That’s because they are. It’s where the register used to be and where I was standing the day that giant monster Tirek punched a hole through it. He stole my magic and left me buried alive under a pile of bricks.”

Applejack gasped, her stomach immediately churning from the thought. She could see the evil lord’s fist bursting through like her hoof through a dry, rotted apple barrel.

“It was a rather dramatic bit of renovation,” the older mare added, trying to laugh off the experience, but the spark in her eyes dimmed as her mind went back to that day. “I really thought that was it. My number had come up and I was gonna go buried under a broken wall. But I got lucky. Somepony came to check if anypony got hurt. Coco, actually. The poor girl was caught in the streets when Tirek tore through the city. Even though she was as drained as I was, that little thing did her best to dig me out by hoof, if you can believe it. Even stayed with me until help arrived. I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for her.”

That was a day Applejack didn’t care to think much about either. She had also been caught between a rock and a hard place with no magic, being used as a poker chip in a gamble for her life. But at least she still had her friends with her through all of it. She couldn’t even imagine how terrified she would’ve been if she were all alone.

“I’m glad you’re still here, Glamour,” Applejack said with a warm smile.

“Thanks, hon. Me too,” the mare returned with a grin of her own, her confidence rejuvenating her more youthful spryness. “You know, I’m still too scared to go in that corner when I’m alone in the store. At least you two were nice enough to use the front door and introduce yourselves. Now, let’s go help your fiendish friend find the camera that will make her day.”

As the two ponies approached from behind, Chrysalis turned her head and looked at them out of the corner of her eye. She flamed back into Shutterbug and fully turned around while holding a box in her hoof. “Hey AJ. For some reason, something called a ‘fisheye lens’ is triple the cost of most of the cameras here. I think she’s running some sort of scam.”

Glamour giggled to herself. “Actually, it’s because they’re extremely difficult to make, even with magical precision. It’s a specialty lens, so probably not what you’re looking for as a beginner.”

Shutterbug curled an eyebrow. “You say it like I’m actually going to buy one of these things.”

“You’re not?”

The fake mare grumbled and whipped her head around to the insolent shopkeeper. “I thought I made it clear that—” The sudden motion shifted Shutterbug’s errant bang in front of her muzzle once more. With an irritated grunt, she flared a horn onto her disguise and leaned the stubborn strands against it. “I’m not a real photo pony!”

“No, but you’re still on vacation and cameraless. It’s practically a crime not to have photos to remember it.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve got that covered up here,” Shutterbug assured while tapping the side of her head.

“But it’s not about the memories, it’s about the art. You can change what you look like whenever you want, so you can appreciate being seen how you want to be perceived.”

“It’s more of a survival tactic than anything.”

“So? Why not have a little fun with it? Here, come with me, Chrysalis.”

Before the changeling could object, the mare snatched Shutterbug by the hoof without a second thought and began dragging her to the back. Seemingly done with arguing, she relented to the camera mare’s command and followed along, all the while giving Applejack an exhausted glare. The farmer smirked and looked away as she followed closely behind the two, wanting to see where Glamour was going with her idea.

Glamour and Shutterbug entered a door labeled “Studio.” The pegasus flipped the lightswitch on with her wing to reveal a modest workspace. Several backdrops were hanging along the walls of all different colors and landscapes. There were boxes of various props and a few fake plants to take anything from a classy family portrait to a goofy beach bum picture.

Glamour led them to another door into a dressing room with a wardrobe and rolling coat rack filled with different outfits and costumes. She pulled a cushion from underneath a fancy light-up mirror and sat the changeling down before going to a nearby cabinet. Upon opening it, Applejack was taken aback by just how much makeup was inside. It was as tall as the full-sized wardrobe and brimming with countless colorful tubes, vials, and boxes.

Chrysalis frowned at her disguise’s reflection. “You’re not seriously suggesting what I think you are, are you?”

“What do you think I’m doing, hon?” Glamour asked innocently as she looked over her overwhelming collection of cosmetics.

“I told you, I can change into anything I want!”

The pegasus shook her head as she pulled out a big box and sat it next to the dressing table. “Maybe you can, but have you ever had a makeover done by a professional like myself?”

Chrysalis growled as she spied a magazine cover hanging on the wall and quickly transformed into the cover model, colors and all.

“Wow! That's pretty good!” Glamour leaned in closer and ran a hoof over Chrysalis’ face, earning a bitter glare from the mare. “Topical makeup doesn’t change the roots of the fur though.”

The model impersonator swatted Glamour’s hoof away. “Don’t touch me!”

“But how am I supposed to put makeup on you if I can’t touch you?”

“I don’t need makeup!”

“C’mon, Chrys. What’s the harm?” Applejack took a seat next to the mirror and checked her mane. “We’re supposed to be trying new things today, remember?”

“But I already told you how pointless all of these suggestions are!”

“Sure, but plenty of fun stuff is pointless in the grand scheme of things. It’s about seeing if you’ll have fun with it. That’s the point.”

“I don’t ever see you messing with this much makeup,” Chrysalis complained while eying the pegasus picking through her overflowing cosmetic collection.

“Oh! Then we should do you as well, Applejack!” Glamour exclaimed.

“Guess that’s only fair. I’ll get gussied up if you’re offering.”

Chrysalis’ mouth fell open. “What? But—but you never put on makeup!”

“That ain’t exactly right. It ain’t my rodeo, but I ain’t wholly against the notion like Rainbow. Just don’t usually have the time or reason to. How about it? I’ll get a makeover if you do, Chrys.”

The model’s eyes bulged slightly as she scanned up and down AJ in disbelief. After a few awkward passes of her eyes, she slumped down and shifted back into Shutterbug. “Fine.”

“Wonderful! Now, please wash your makeup off, Chrysalis.”

“I’m not wearing any.”

“Yes you are. I can see it all over you. I’d offer to help, but I’m not sure how to get it off.”

Shutterbug furrowed her brow as she caught on. “You think you’re being really clever, don’t you?”

Glamour smirked as she lifted a tray with an assortment of darker colored creams, glosses, and balms. With a sigh and another burst of flames, Chrysalis shifted into her queenly form, rising out of the frame of the mirror. Before anypony could ask, she lowered herself to her barrel, laying down and backing away slightly so she could at least see her face in the pony-sized vanity.

“Sorry, hon. I usually don’t get mares taller than me around here.”

“Oh, so you’re saying Celestia doesn’t visit often?”

“I’d love to get a chance to work on her royal highness, but an obsidian beauty like you is a treat too.”

Chrys closed her eyes and straightened up proudly. “Flattery will get you nowhere with me.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t even dare,” she replied while winking to Applejack. “Could you remove the eyeshadow, Chrysalis?”

“I already told you a thousand times that I’m not wearing any makeup!”

“Really? Then what do you call that lovely shade of green over your eyes?”

“I’ve always had it!” Chrysalis argued through her clenched teeth. She closed one eye to look at her olive eyelids to give it a look herself. However, after a few seconds, she softened as her pupils searched her reflection curiously as she traced the green. “At least I think I have…”

The changeling closed her other eye and her face flared green, burning the color away. She reopened the other eye, seeing one of the splotches of discolored chitin where the green over her eyes once was. She leaned closer to the mirror, searching the details of her uncolored lids and brow as a troubled frown crossed her lips.

“Everything alright, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, leaning over to catch Chrys’ eyes.

“Have I been… ‘wearing eyeshadow’ for centuries and just forgot?”

“Centuries? Talk about long-lasting,” Glamour said with a quick laugh before turning to Applejack. “And hello? ‘Sugarcube’ with that country accent of yours? Bless my heart, that is adorable.”

“Oh, yeah. Guess I picked that one up from…” Applejack trailed and cleared her throat. “While I was growing up.”

“You two keep being this cute and I might let you walk out of here with a camera for free on top of your makeovers.”

Applejack’s ears perked up before they pinned back in concern. “For free? Glamour, we couldn’t do that. We only just met ya.”

Glamour tilted her head. “Why not? You’ve had a rough day, right?”

“We got the bits to pay, and I appreciate honest work.”

“She does. Trust me. She never shuts up about it,” Chrysalis joked with a fiendish laugh at AJ’s expense. “Plus, I’d like to get rid of them so she can’t drag me anywhere else.”

“How about this, then: if you like what I do, I’ll let you buy the makeup I use and then we’ll see about getting you two hooked up with a camera as an added bonus?” Glamour suggested. “And don’t worry. You two won’t be breaking the bank with the high end clients I usually get.”

Applejack swished her tail with a small smile. “I reckon that’s a fair deal. What do you think, Chrys?”

Chrysalis closed her eyes. “Whatever. Just get on with it.”

“Can do, Chrysalis.” The older mare swept her wing over her makeup trap and fanned out a selection colored of vials. “What do you think, Applejack? Do we go with a darker or lighter primer?”

The farmer’s adrenaline spiked at the question. “I dunno. The only primer I know is for painting barns.”

“That’s fine, Applejack. Makeup is my talent, after all. Looks like I get to throw in a free beauty lesson too! So, I was thinking a glistening purple would really make her green eyes pop, but a subtler midnight blue would really compliment her lovely mane.”

“I don’t want anything more to do with purple today,” Chrysalis stated evenly.

“That answers that question,” Glamour replied as she put down the lighter primers. “Midnight blue it is.”

As the artist drew her brush, Applejack held her hoof up. “Hold on a second there, Glamour. That’s pretty close to what she had before, right?”

“Yes. Dark vibrance compliments her natural coat color.”

“What about doing something different? Like going light blue instead of dark.”

“What kind of light blue?”

“Like…” Applejack looked around for an example. She spied a bottle of sunscreen with a picture of a sandy, seaside beach and trotted over to it. “Maybe something like this? The blue and green water kinda looks like Chrys’ back and mane. Would that work?”

Glamour hummed to herself as she compared the two. Her eyes sparkled with Rarity levels of inspiration as she turned to Applejack. “I love it! It’s definitely not an everyday sort of look, but…” The makeup mare paused as she looked over the farmer’s features. “Beautiful! I think I’ve got an idea to make both of you look stunning for a beachside photoshoot!”


Glamour nodded excitedly.

Chrysalis tilted her head back looking at the two ponies. “Fine. Wonderful. Perfect. Can we just get this over with already?”

“That’s not the right attitude at all,” Glamour admonished as she went back to her cosmetic cabinet. She brandished an array of light blues, greens, and beiges between her feathers and laid them out over the dressing desk. “We’re just getting started! Now, close your eyes, Chrysalis, and don’t open them unless I ask you to.”

Chrysalis said nothing, but complied with the mare and gently shut her eyes. Glamour immediately went to work, applying her talents to Chrys’ face. She started with the eyes, explaining primer and the difference between it and concealer as she applied the beige cream to the changeling’s eyelids. She then moved on to the ridge. Chrys didn’t have eyebrows, only some darker lines that became more apparent when she got upset, so Glamour penciled in aquamarine green around the ridges where her eyeshadow stopped before.

From there, she grabbed three colors of eyeshadow—a light blue, a lighter green, and a silvery white—and began to paint them onto Chry’s eyelids. She carefully blended them together, creating a cascading gradient starting with blue near the nose, flowing into green, and then brightening into a bubbly seafoam silver. She then sharpened the look with a matching sandy white eyeliner around the outside, sharpening the edges like the spikes of a conch shell.

Glamour stepped back and inspected her work, fixing a little bit of the gradient before nodding in approval. “Okay. Open your eyes for a second, I need to put on the mascara.”

As ordered, the changeling opened her eyes, seeing herself in the mirror for the first time. Her pupils narrowed in shock.

“Don’t judge it yet, hon. It’s a work in progress.”

Chrysalis said nothing as Glamour carefully ran the mascara brush up the changelings’ eyelashes, coloring them a sandy white.

“Alright. Beautiful. Now, close them again. Don’t want to spoil any more of the surprise.”

Once Chrys closed her eyes, Glamour moved on to the cheeks. She applied cream she called a black satin bronzer, darkening the changeling’s ash gray chitin around her cheeks before running over it with something that made it shine in the light. She then grabbed a fresh stick of sandy white lipstick, filling out Chrys’ lips first and then spreading a balm that sparkled like grains of sand. Finally, she gave three spritzes of some sort of spray.

“Now that looks absolutely lovely, don’t you think? I call it ‘Charcoal Seabreeze.’”

Applejack didn’t rightly understand half of what Glamour did, but there was no arguing the results. “Ya look like a million bits, Chrys!” Applejack exclaimed, giving the big girl a hug around her neck.

Chrysalis opened her eyes, blinking into focus as she took in her reflection.

“And it works so wonderfully with your eyes! Be sure to check out the eyeshadow too, Chrysalis.” Glamour winked, leaving one eye closed to urge the changeling to do the same. “See? It’s like the aquamarine ocean water on a clear day. You look gorgeous, hon.”

The changeling simply sat dumbfounded in front of the mirror. The faintest hint of a smile tugged at her lips as she took herself in. She looked towards Applejack, with something seemingly dancing across the tip of her tongue. She breathed in and opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

“You okay, Chrys?” AJ asked in concern.

“Yeah.” Chrysalis shook it off and stood up from the vanity. “Your turn, Applejack.”

“You sure, sugarcube?”

“I said it’s nothing! Just sit down!”

Chrysalis grabbed AJ’s hoof with hers and yanked her with ease onto the cushion. Applejack couldn’t help but wonder how much the changeling had recovered. She hadn’t given it much thought before, since she’d been disguised all day, but Chrys felt heavy against her back as she was forced to sit down by a single hoof. The former queen walked around to the side where Applejack had been and relaxed.

“Now, do her,” Chrysalis demanded.

Applejack was feeling more than a little antsy after getting her makeover. She knew they were spending way too much time at Snapshots already, and they hadn’t even gotten to the photo part of the whole thing. Still, Chrys seemed to be enjoying it. As for AJ herself, she felt more done up than a tree at Hearth’s Warming.

Glamour had gone the extra mile and then some, to the point AJ didn’t quite recognize herself in the mirror. When Rarity talked her into letting her do her face, she always favored a more sunny disposition, making AJ glow like golden grain in the midday sun. This was way different, with dark, but warm colors, almost like that image of that Sunset Shimmer character from the mirror world. Still, she wasn’t against how it’d all turned out.

Sandy Sunset was what Glamour had settled on. She’d used reds and purples to darken Applejack’s complexion with a dusky eyeshadow that was more subdued than the shimmering silver sands outlining Chrysalis’ features. She’d gone with a scarlet blush on her cheeks with no highlights, letting her orange coat glow like the last light of day. Her lips were also a dark, rich red. Not loud, but soft.

The makeover hadn’t stopped at the face though. Glamour draped a flower lei around Applejack’s neck and tied on a Polymaresian skirt over her backside. It was a rich reddish wine purple dotted with tropical, red and white flowers that showed a hint of her hind leg peeking out from underneath. Finally, the mare had taken the liberty of undoing Applejack’s mane and tail, letting her hair hang loose and wild. She’d carefully threaded several light blue and coral beads through a few strands to finish the look. It’d taken forever, but Applejack had gone from countryside cowgirl to a beachfront flower.

Meanwhile, Chrys was too tall for anything in the studio’s wardrobe, so Glamour had fashioned a jungle leaf backdrop into a bright green skirt to match Applejack’s. She then styled Chrysalis’ mane into waves reminiscent of ocean water and clipped on seashell berets all over it. Finally, she adorned the changeling’s head with a matching flower lei. Once she was gone, the teal changeling shimmered like crystal clear seawater with the grace of a deep ocean mermare.

And for the first time on the trip, Chrysalis looked like she was having fun.

Glamour clopped her hooves in a canter of applause. “You two are absolutely gorgeous!”

“You really went all out with this,” Applejack said as she admired Chrys’ appearance.

“I couldn’t help myself! Your idea was a true inspiration and I just had to capture it. Speaking of, I’ll get the set ready.”

“Thanks, Glamour. Not that I don’t appreciate it, but we should get a move on as soon as we can. I’m pretty sure our friends finished two hours ago.”

Glamour gave a noncommittal nod as she trotted out the door. The mare was lost in her own world as she started picking through set pieces and props for a fun beach scene for the two of them. Applejack shrugged, knowing Rarity was much the same way when she got on one of her dress ideas.

“Oh, who cares, AJ?” Chrysalis dismissed. The changeling ran her hoof once more through her mane, closing her eyes and savored the gentle clacking of the seashells in her ears. “You told that useless teen where your friends could find us, right?”

“Well, ya reckon they would’ve found us by now. I’m a little worried that we’re worrying them by messing around here.”

Chrysalis scoffed. “If they think you’re in danger, they’ll be here soon enough. Your precious princesses would never let me within a hundred miles of you without some sort of safeguard against me.”

Applejack looked down at her hooves and bit her lip. She hated thinking about the dang amulet she had squirreled away. With the moonstone ready to crack open at a moment's notice, she’d been taking extra care to keep her daddy’s hat from falling by the wayside. All it’d take is a single slipup to get Luna warping in for battle like she did with Discord. It wasn’t so much the fact she had it, but rather that she still hadn’t told Chrys about it.

“What’s with biting, AJ? Lip biting is my thing.”

“It’s just… I ain’t supposed to say this, but—” Applejack gasped as she noticed Chrysalis had already swiped her hat from the rack with her magic and was digging through its pockets. “Chrys! What in tarnation are ya doing?”

“What’s it look like? Finding the tracker so you can call your friends over.”

“It ain’t a tracker, Chrys! It’s a—”

“A magical amulet?” Chrysalis held it up to the light and inspected the small, silver coin. For a moment she seemed intrigued with its simple beauty until she noticed an annoying detail carved into its face. “Luna’s cutie mark? That’s less than helpful. Did Twilight give you anyth—wait, no she wouldn’t have if she didn’t bring her little soldier along.” Chrysalis cackled in delight as she placed the amulet back in the hat. “That young princess is far too trusting.”

“She just wanted to give ya a chance, Chrys.”

“Then I trust she can ask Luna for help if she’s lost in Manehattan.” Chrysalis placed the hat back where AJ had left it. “Now let’s take some pictures!”

“Ya really pulled a one-eighty on this whole photography thing. I think you’re looking forward to this more than I am.”

“Why wouldn’t I? You both have been showering me with delectable admiration.” Chrysalis nodded as she turned to her mirror again. She sat down and rested her head on her fetlocks and smirked with self-satisfaction at her astounding beauty.

“Changelings can eat admiration too?”

“Admiration, adoration, infatuation, lust, they’re all fleeting kinds of love. I can fool a creature and tap into it to tear it from their hearts or catch it out of the air like raindrops if it’s bouncing off of somepony else.” Chrysalis paused as she looked at the mirror head-on, her eyes drifting to the orange mare in the reflection. “I’ve never had it directed at me when I’m… me.”

Chrysalis continued to look at herself in the mirror, her expression becoming flat and unreadable. She simply sat there in silence. Without a word, Chrysalis pushed herself away from the vanity and walked out the door to the studio. Applejack followed behind, worried what was going on in the girl’s head.

In the studio proper, Glamour was pushing around a few prop palm trees in front of a large beach backdrop at dusk. She’d draped a sand-colored rug over a few cushions for them to sit on.

“Almost ready. Why don’t you two get in front of the camera?” Glamor said.

The photographer flew up and adjusted the lights all around them, bringing them down to a warm glow. Applejack wasn’t sure why she needed so many if she was just gonna turn them down, but she wasn’t the artist here. Chrysalis rested on the pillows to get into frame with Applejack.

“Wonderful! Now, let’s get started! This is when the Sandy Sunset meets the Charcoal Seafoam. I need you two to flow together. The sun makes the sand glow as it meets the water at the horizon and mixes as she dips below her dark waves. You are the sun, Applejack, and Chrysalis is the water!”

The artist’s highfalutin language ran circles around the poor farmer as she tried to figure out what that was supposed to mean. “So, does that mean you want me to stand on top of her?”

“What?” Chrysalis barked bitterly at the idea.

Glamour laughed. “No. That’s just the theme we are going for today. Let’s try a few different shots and poses with you two together and see what magic we can make. So first, let’s have you lie across her back.”

Applejack blinked and looked at Chrysalis and then back at Glamour. “Like, she’s a bed or something?”

Glamour shook her head. “I want you to arch over her withers and drape down while your mane runs across the floor as if your mane was the sand itself.”

“You alright with that, Chrys?”

The changeling shrugged. “Sure.”

“Alrighty then.” Applejack flopped on her side across the back of Chrys’ neck like an oversized harness. “Pretty sure all the blood’s gonna rush to my head at this rate.”

“Applejack!” Glamour cried. “You’re not a dead goldfish! The sea is your support, allowing your glowing rays to come to a complete rest.”

“I think a dead critter is about as rested as you can get.”

Glamour smacked her head with her hoof. “Just follow my lead.”

“We almost done?” Applejack asked as she got into position for yet another picture.

“Almost. Just a couple more poses, and I think we’ll call it a day.”

Applejack heaved a sigh of relief. The last thing she expected was that their little run to find a camera would wind up with her doing an amateur photoshoot. They’d tried so many different poses, but Glamor never seemed satisfied. Applejack would’ve cut the session off a long time ago if Chrys wasn’t enjoying herself so much. The changeling was a natural, easily shifting between sultry smolders and vicious smiles while AJ was getting frustrated trying to keep up.

“Okay, so let’s just try something simple and sweet for this last one,” Glamour said as she adjusted the lighting again.

“Actually simple-like or artsy-simple again?” Applejack asked, dreading the answer.

“This one is actually simple, I promise. I just want you two to hug.”

“Just a hug? No me trying to twist myself into a pretzel or sanding the sunlight of seabreeze or whatever else ya been saying all day?”

“Mhmm! All you have to do is look at the camera and smile.”

Applejack heaved a sigh of relief. “Finally, something normal. Though, sidehugging’s a bit of a struggle even when she’s sitting down.”

“Alright. Then let’s do another cute size difference shot with her holding you from behind. Just don’t cover her up too much, Chrysalis.”

“Okay. What’s the face you want, Glamour?” Chrysalis asked as she got into position.

“Just a heartfelt smile. Whatever comes naturally to you.”

The changeling’s limbs went rigid as her pupils shrank back. “Wait, what?”

“You know, like this!” Glamour offered a pleasant smile of her own.

“Got it.” Chrysalis smiled widely.

“No, that’s my smile. How do you smile?”

Chrysalis turned to Applejack and looked at her with a blank expression. After a moment, her face shifted into a predatory grin.

“No. I want you to be gentle and warm, like you’re hugging a teddy bear.”

Chrysalis looked back to the fussy photographer. “Do… could you give me another example?”

“I could, but I want this to be from you.”

Chrysalis nodded and pulled Applejack in front of her and squeezed the smaller mare into her barrel with her forelegs. The farmer felt a tremble in the changeling’s embrace.

Applejack tilted her head up, looking out and to the side, trying to catch Chrys’ face. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” she lied.


Applejack settled into position, sinking into the larger mare’s barrel. Surprisingly, there was a little give to the softer, glowing underside of her belly. It didn’t make a lick of sense that something like love kept the big mare going, but she was glad Chrys had some weight on her again. She was a far cry from the brittle twig AJ had fought in the forest.

“Okay! That smile’s perfect, Applejack. Now we just need to have Chrys look like she didn’t just drink sour milk.”

“I’m trying!” Chrysalis snapped back.

Applejack laughed as she rested back into Chrys’ chitin. It wasn’t plush like fur or fluffy like wool. Instead, it felt like she was leaning into a fancy executive chair, taut and firm with just the right amount of support. It was even heated by the slow drain of love running through her back. The bug was snug and good for a hug, which was something she’d never thought a couple months ago.

“Let's try a different approach. How does Applejack make you feel?” Glamour asked.

Chrysalis said nothing, but Applejack felt Chrysalis hold on her tighten even more.

“She makes you feel nothing?”

“No!” Chrysalis barked back defensively.

“Then what do you feel with Applejack under your chin?”

All went quiet. Deathly silent. Despite her firm grasp on Applejack, Chrys seemed to go limp. Applejack tried to ignore it, maintaining the same smile she’d been wearing for a while. She nudged Chrys’ leg with her shoulder to get a reaction outta her, but nothing happened.

Then, Applejack’s back stopped burning.

“Marvelous! That’s exactly what we are looking for!”

Something was wrong. Chrys was still wrapped around her like a corn husk, but the farmer couldn’t feel her love being drained. Applejack didn't know if it was a problem or not that she’d gotten so used to slowly being eaten by the love bug.

Glamour frowned from behind her camera. “Girls? You can’t be trading expressions, otherwise I’m never going to get the shot.”

“What? But Chrys is—” Applejack’s spine surged back to life with the warmth of a steady drain again.

“Stop talking and just smile already!” Chrysalis hissed sharply.

AJ nodded and tried to find her smile again, ignoring the alarm bells in her head. She felt Chrysalis breathe in deeply through her nose on her head as the former queen leaned into AJ’s back as it went cold again. After a few seconds, the camera flashed.

And a third and final time.

“Beautiful! I think we got it, you two.” Glamour fluttered her wings as she carefully skipped with glee. “Those were definitely the best shots of the shoot!”

Applejack sighed in relief. “Great! Alrighty, Chrys. I hope this made up for the rough morning a bit.”

Chrysalis squeezed Applejack with a soft, tender hug. “Thank you, Applejack.”

The farmer’s ear flicked from the gentle whisper of the changeling’s breath. She could feel the depth of her gratitude. The simple words reverberated in her mind with a gentle, dual-toned timbre that she’d never heard from the mare before. It was caring, almost maternally so, with a sweetness richer than a honey-dipped red delicious on the first day of spring. Her three little words had taken Applejack’s breath away.

And then, after the strange moment of eternity, the warm drain on her back returned with a greedy vengeance. Chrysalis’ grip on Applejack weakened, and she withdrew, releasing the smaller mare from her encasing embrace.

“Chrysalis?” Applejack asked as she turned around.

Chrysalis said nothing. A bitter scowl rested firmly on her face. The changeling stared blankly into the camera lens, unblinking and unmoving.


Ignoring Applejack’s questions, she shot to her hooves and stormed away, putting distance between them. Her nostrils flared with anger as her fangs dug into her lower lip.

“What’s wrong, sugarcube?”

Nothing!” she screamed. Her sudden rage fizzled out as quickly as it came. She took one last look at Applejack, her face falling into disappointment that Chrysalis couldn’t bear. “I just… I need to get out of this stupid costume already!”

Her green magic pulsed over the green backdrop over her flank as she tore it from her body like a parasite and threw it to the ground. She then ducked into the dressing room and slammed the door behind her. Applejack almost chased the mare down, but she didn’t even know if she could help.

AJ rubbed the back of her head. “Sorry about that. Chrys is… Things just tend to hit her a little differently than the rest of us.”

“Don’t worry about it, hon. Today has been some of the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Why don’t you change and get cleaned up while I get started on these pictures?”

“Thank ya kindly, Glamour. I gotta say, this has been an experience.”

“Hopefully a good one, sugarcube.” The older mare pursed her lips in thought and shook her head. “Nah, that doesn’t sound right when I do it.”

Applejack gave a quick smile before stepping back out into the camera store. Her heart dropped seeing it was already nighttime outside. Twi and the others were probably worried sick—

“Oh, darling! You look absolutely radiant!”

Applejack whipped her head around to see Rarity standing up from a seat next to the studio door. Her eyes were sparkling with glee at the sight of AJ’s makeover.

“Come here,” Rarity said as she skipped over to AJ. “Let’s have a look at you!”

“Rarity? When did you get here?”

“A few hours ago, but I’ve been in and out. Did Glamour not tell you? She can get so focused sometimes, though I suppose I’m not one to talk.” The mare giggled to herself as she turned AJ’s head with her hoof to see her face from every angle. She ran a hoof through her sandy mane, letting the beads clack on her hooves. “Goodness, she really is a magician with makeup. You’re like a completely different pony.”

“So y’all know we’ve been here?”

“When that colt said you were going shopping for a camera, I knew exactly where you two were going. What I didn’t expect was Glamour roping you all of this. I wish I could’ve watched, but she prefers to minimize distractions when in the studio.” Rarity stepped back and cleared her throat. “On a more serious note, did Chrysalis enjoy herself? After that escape room debacle, I’ve been so worried about you both.”

“You have?”

“I can only speak for myself, but yes. Fluttershy was so distraught after you two left. At first I thought it was because of—how to put this lightly—the side effects of Chrysalis’ dietary needs, but Fluttershy helped me appreciate what our new friend was trying to do. Also, the way they treated Chrysalis was just plain rude! While I understand their point of doing things properly, those supposed ‘gamemasters’ as they call themselves really let the title go to their heads.”

Applejack smiled seeing another one of her friends giving the changeling a chance. “Well, Chrys was being a dang fussbudget about the whole thing right up until she saw herself after Glamour was done with her. After that, she just popped off with more questions than a filly who just learned the word ‘why.’” Applejack snickered to herself. “It was actually kinda adorable.”

“Adorable?” Rarity pondered the idea for a moment before nodding. “I suppose that Shutterbug disguise of hers bears a certain charm.”

“Here’s the kicker: she wasn’t pretending to be Shutterbug.”

Rarity blinked. “Are you saying Chrysalis did the entire photoshoot as herself?”

Applejack nodded.

“And you’re saying she was adorable?”

“Eeyup. Chrys can be cute as a bug in her own way when she wants to.”

Rarity looked up and away as she considered the idea. “If you say so, Applejack.”

Applejack gave Rarity a stern frown. “You saying she can’t be?”

“N-no! That’s not it at all,” Rarity quickly denied. “It’s more that the word is one I wouldn’t readily associate with a mare of her natural refinement. I can see how one would say she’s regal, statuesque, or even a cold beauty. But adorable? Don’t take this the wrong way, but let’s just say if I had a list of adjectives, ‘adorable’ wouldn’t be one that jumped out at me. I’m not even sure Chrysalis would appreciate the sentiment.”

Knowing how proud the changeling was, Applejack reckoned her friend was right about that one. “Guess we’ll just have to see once the photos are done.”

“Which shouldn’t take too long for the camera to touch them up,” Glamour chimed in as she stepped out into the store with her camera glowing something fierce. “I hope you don’t mind me letting the Sapphiria spellwork do its thing. Never was good at editing pictures, so I just choose which photos were the best and let the camera do the rest—Also TM.” She stopped upon seeing Applejack. “Still in costume, hon?”

“Sorry. Kinda got distracted by my friend here.”

“Oh, Rarity! I thought you left.”

“I came back to retrieve my friends from the clutches of your studio,” Rarity explained.

“More like fetch, I think, given the present company.”

Glamour held the door open and stepped aside, letting Classy out of the studio. She trudged out wearing AJ’s hat with her head hanging low. Applejack knelt down and took her hat back. She tried catching Classy’s eyes, but the dog kept turning her head away.


“I usually don’t allow dogs in the store, but I’ll make an exception for this cutie.” Glamour gave Classy a few pats on the back, but the changeling barely reacted to it. Seeing how she got no reaction, even the pegasus seemed worried. “I’ll go find a good vacation camera for you while the photos finish up.”

“Thanks, Glamour. I really appreciate showing us a good time today.” Applejack turned back to the dog, giving her trusty companion a few strokes along the back. She slipped out of the skirt and went back into the studio. “Lemme just hang the outfit up real quick and wash my face—”

Classy barked defiantly with a trailing of a whine.

“Chrys…” Applejack tilted her head and sighed. If she’d turned into a dog again, she wasn’t much in the mood for using her words. “What’s wrong, girl?”

The fake canine pawed at her muzzle and then shook her head.

“You want me to keep the makeup on?”

Classy nodded.

Applejack slumped her shoulders and groaned. She caught her reflection in a nearby mirror, her over-the-top makeup crossed with her daddy’s down-to-earth hat. It certainly was something, not that AJ knew what that something was. It didn’t look bad at least, and if it made Chrys happy, it’d be worth it.

“Alright. Just make sure to have something ready to go if Dash says anything about it. Gonna hang this up and fix my hair.”

Classy barked again.

“I ain’t stealing the skirt, Chrys.”

The changeling dog shook her head no and flared a full head of hair on top of her head.

AJ chuckled to herself. “Fine. I’ll leave the beads in too. Happy?”

Classy opened her mouth to bark, but she stopped and looked away with a sad snort. She dispelled the flowing hairstyle and walked out the door.

“Didn’t think it was gonna be that easy anyway.”

Applejack was plain tuckered out after their first day. They’d met up with the girls after leaving Snapshots for a quick bite to eat and then headed back to their hotel. To her mild surprise, Dash hadn’t made a single joke at the farmer’s expense, though Rarity pulling her aside for a stern talking-to probably had something to do with it. That, or the depressed dog at AJ’s side was bringing down the mood for everypony. Even after getting back to the hotel, Classy had maintained her disguise, only swapping briefly back into Shutterbug to get through the front door. Applejack hoped Chrysalis would feel better in the morning.

AJ rolled over in the bed, careful to not jostle the covers too much for the sleeping dog curled up at the other end. She reached over to the lamp to shut it off, but stopped short seeing the folder of photos sitting under it. She’d already been through it twice before, but maybe she’d find something she’d missed that had set Chrys off on the third go.

Shuffling through the pictures, It was plain to see that Chrys was having fun. One in particular had her seated tall, spiraling up like a tower, and smugly looking down at the little sandy mare at her side. She was an elegant shark ready to devour a delicious minnow. But that wasn’t the picture that stood out among the set.

Applejack skipped to the last photo they’d taken, the best of the bunch according to Graceful Glamour, and the one that stuck out in AJ’s mind the most. Setting the rest of the pictures down with the folder, Applejack turned to catch the picture in the lamplight. It was a simple photo, all things considered. There was no weird story going with suns and oceans swirling around. Glamour just wanted them to smile for the camera. And that’s what they did. They smiled.

Chry’s smile wasn’t big, just the corners of her mouth turned up tenderly. The content critter had wrapped her forelegs around her little friend in a gentle hug and was resting her head on her friend’s soft mane. However, there was one little detail that stuck out that made this simple picture better than all the rest.

Chrys’ smile was genuine. No faking, no copying, no lying, it was the real deal.

Applejack had caught a glimpse of something like it before, when Chrys woke up for the first time on the farm. That fleeting flicker of happiness didn’t hold a candle to the glow she was radiating in the picture. For just one heartfelt moment, Chrysalis was at peace and filled with… love.

“Thank you, Applejack.”

Somehow, Chrys had gone from a sweetheart to enraged in a heartbeat. Applejack thought that she was getting used to the mare’s mood swings, but the sheer strength of her emotional whiplash cracked AJ’s head in two. She couldn’t make heads or tails of it, but the whole thing was enough to spiral the changeling into a silent depression.

AJ set the picture back down and stared up at the dreamcatcher hanging above her bed. She was half-tempted to crack open her amulet to just talk to Luna about what was going on, but she was probably the last pony Chrys wanted to see in the flesh. Maybe if Applejack could give herself a nightmare somehow, Luna would have to come around to fix it. Either way, she desperately wanted another therapy session. This was gonna drive her up the wall with worry at this rate.

As she reached for the lamp, Applejack took one last look down the bed at Classy. She wondered if Chrys would wake up with that fleeting smile again in the morning. Even if it was only a second of relief, Applejack hoped to see it again tomorrow, the next day, and the next. Maybe it’d come easier for her and last longer the more Chrys did it. Maybe there’d be a day that she’d be able to smile like that whenever she wanted for as long as she wanted.

Applejack would give anything to see that.

Chapter 17: A Day Gone to the Dog

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Being away from home always made Applejack sleep in later than she wanted. Be it an adventure across Equestria or just a day with the girls, breaking her routine tuckered her outright. Her responsibilities to her family and the farm had her in bed earlier than her friends to boot. Throwing those hours off was always rough on her mornings unless the sunshine woke her up. That was a smidgen more difficult this morning on account of the room’s curtains being drawn.

Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Applejack saw Chrys was already up and at them in her all-natural changeling self. It was better than the silent collie treatment she’d gotten from the girl yesterday. She was sitting in front of a mirror looking at herself with a blank stare, and there was no telling what she was thinking. AJ decided that a little gentleness was in order, considering how last night ended. Judging by how pristine the other bed was, Classy had slept at the foot of AJ’s all night.

Instead of calling out for her, Applejack went for a soft tap against Chrysalis’ hoof. The caring touch shook her from her idleness with a start. The larger mare quickly looked down her shoulder to see the farmer that had joined her. After catching her breath, she brushed the shock off and turned back to the mare in the mirror.

“I dead bolted the door and put a sign up so they wouldn’t bother us,” Chrysalis said.

“Guess that explains the oversleeping on my part, but that ain’t neither here nor there.” She risked getting a little closer to the mirror and Chrys’ face. “You doing better, Sugarcube?”

“You’re hungry,” Chrysalis noted, ignoring the question.

Not wanting to push her luck with getting a better reply, Applejack played along. “How ya figure?”

“It’s past the farm’s breakfast time. You should’ve eaten by now.”

“Eeyup. And I ain’t alone in that observation.”

Chrysalis sighed. “I’m always hungry.”

“I know.” Applejack scratched the back of her head. “Want something yourself before we go meet the girls?”

“No. You're running late. Twilight’s irritating when things don’t go according to her stupid schedules.”

Applejack stole a quick glance at the clock in their room. “Ain’t that late. The first thing we’re doing today doesn’t start til ten.” She grabbed her trusty hat off the bedpost and donned it with a smile. “Still, better to eat with friends, right? We shouldn’t keep the girls waiting.”

“No. You shouldn’t.”

Applejack took a sharp breath. She knew what Chrys was doing, and she didn’t much like it. “I’ll be right back then. Gotta go let the girls know to go on without us again today.”

Chrysalis nodded at first, but then her ear flicked. “W-wait, what?”

“Can’t rightly leave you here locked in a staring contest with yourself. Not without a bit of love to start your day. If you don’t feel like going anywhere, guess we’re staying in.”

“B-but…” Chrysalis trailed as a war waged in her eyes. After a brief moment, her face soured into that deep, sullen frown AJ hated seeing. “Fine. I’ll go.”

“Now hold on a sec, I didn’t say you needed—”

“I don’t need you trying to guilt trip me!” the bitter changeling roared. “Do you want me to go or not?”

“I just want ya to eat, Chrys. We can stay here if you really want to, maybe try out the makeup iff’n you’re up for it, but no matter what we do today ya still gotta eat something.”

“But I don’t want you to stay here!”

“So you want me to leave you alone?”

No! I just—” Chrysalis scowled, threatening to bite her lip as she fought with herself. After a few moments, she shook her head and flared her magic, bursting into Shutterbug. “Just shut up and let’s get going already!”

Applejack blanked, unsure of exactly what to say. “You sure, sugarcube?”

“Stop asking stupid questions! You need to eat.”

“You do too.”

“I’ll… I’ll eat after you do,” Shutterbug said, pushing her loose bang out of her face.

“Alright then.” Looking for a bit of levity, AJ peered at the mare’s face and pointed at something that wasn’t quite right about it. “By the way, I think you missed a spot right there.”

“What are you talking about? This is the exact same disguise I wore yesterday.”

“Eeyup. It’s mostly right, but I think something should go right about…” Applejack brushed her friend’s troublesome bang to one side and pointed at her forehead. “Here.”

Shutterbug mustered a small smirk. “Like mares with horns, AJ?”

“If they can help my friend keep her stubborn mane outta her muzzle, then I guess I do.”

Whatever happiness the mare felt flickered away and she grumbled to herself again. Another fiery spark burned a solid unicorn horn into existence. AJ let go of the hair and let it gently fall against Shutterbug’s horn.

Applejack smiled. “There we go. Looking better already.”

“Right. Thanks.”

“Course, Chrys. Now let’s go see how the Hearthwood Hotel’s continental breakfast stacks up to Granny’s.”

Stepping out of the elevator into the lobby was night and day from the empty hotel hallways above them. Ponies were running around like chickens with a fox on their tails. They were checking out, checking in, grabbing coffee, and whatever else city folk did to start their days. Dodging the busy hoof traffic, Applejack led Shutterbug to the dining area where they were supposed to have been thirty minutes ago.

The two entered into one mess of a hall, brimming with enough tables and chairs to fit a hundred hotel guests. The buffet along the wall stretched behind the seats with an assortment of breakfast staples that smelled heavenly to the hungry farmer. Before helping herself to the fixins, she looked up and down the aisles until she spotted a waving pearly leg followed by an “Over here, darlings!” AJ picked up the pace and met her friends, who were already finishing up their meals.

“Good morning, you two,” Twilight said between sloppy bites of her triple-stacker hay breakfast sandwiches.

Applejack quickly plopped down in one of the cozy seats. She patted the one next to her, signaling for the changeling to sit next to her. “Morning, y’all. Sorry we’re late.”

“It’s quite alright,” Rarity assured as she cut into her omelet to enjoy a dainty forkful. “I hope you don’t mind that we started without you. We were going to wait, but you know what Twilight is like these days when she gets hungry.”

Sensing Rarity’s eyes on her, Twilight stopped her morning feasting and smiled with a nervous squeak. She wiped a dribble of syrup from her mouth. “Sorry about that. Buffets sometimes get the better of me.”

“You’re a growing girl again thanks to your ascension, Twilight. I just wish you’d remember you’re a princess every now and then too.”

Applejack chuckled heartily seeing the other full plate of food Twilight was planning on packing away. “Well I’m glad y’all got started for Twi’s sake. Pretty sure the good eating wafting in from across the way woulda been rough to wait through. Still, y’all know full well that I wouldn’t have minded being woken up.”

“We know, but your guard dog wasn’t gonna let us,” Rainbow said as she eyed Shutterbug. “I’ve seen ‘do not disturb’ but never ‘disturb and I will destroy you.’”

Applejack blinked before turning to her hotel roommate. “Chrys!”

Shutterbug grumbled and looked away. “They kept you up last night.”

“I think that was mostly Glamour’s fault, seeing how she kinda ate up most of the evening at the photo shoot.” She smirked and nudged the changeling with her shoulder. “And I recall a certain someone enjoying their time with it to boot.”

“I thought that was the point?” Shutterbug defended. She dug around her saddlebag with her magic and pulled out her new camera. “I even brought this stupid thing.”

“I’m glad for it, sugarcube. We didn’t start the trip on the right hoof, so we gotta make sure we get today right.”

Twilight smiled softly. “Those were my thoughts exactly, Applejack. Which is why I owe Chrysalis an apology. Several apologies actually.”

Shutterbug raised her eyebrow. “What?”

“Nothing that happened yesterday should’ve happened at Manehattan Escapes. I was so worried about breaking a rule as a princess that I didn’t stop to think about how unfair the rule itself was in the first place. I should’ve stood up for you like I would’ve for anypony else here, but I didn’t and let them kick you out. I was a weak leader and a terrible friend. For that, I’m really sorry, Chrysalis.”

The changeling glared back, but said nothing.

“So, I talked about it with the others, and we decided to give you final say in whatever we do today!” The nervous princess tried to smile, but it strained under the pressure. She tapped her hooves together before her magic flashed her Friendship Retreat file into existence. “For example, I know I already have the tickets for Heartland Stride, but if you’re not interested in Off-Bridleway musicals, just say the word and we’ll skip it! Also, the free period between now and the showing? It’s all yours! The six of us already know about what we like, but we want to find out more about you.”

An uncomfortable silence sat in the middle of the table as everypony looked between each other at the quiet changeling. After a few moments, Shutterbug began rapping her hoof against the table as her breathing quickened.

Applejack leaned over. “Chrys?”

Shutterbug’s eyes flashed over to Applejack as she continued to tap her hoof on the table. There was definitely anger roiling underneath wanting to explode out, but she mostly looked too scared to say anything.

“Well, we had fun on our own, didn’t we?” Applejack smiled as she nudged her tongue-tied friend.

The mare appeared more visibly in distress as her eyes bore into Applejack. She was doing a mighty decent impression of Big Mac, unsure if it was okay to say what was on her mind. Taking a gander at the mannerisms on display, she could tell there was something fiery on the tip of Chrys’ tongue, but for some reason she didn’t want to say it. The hoof she had been leaning against had shifted over her mouth to keep it closed.

“It’s okay, sugarcube. Just try not to hold a grudge over it, okay?”

Shutterbug froze and her eyes widened in surprise.

“When you’ve got a brother who says as little as mine, you get a good feel for what’s weighing on somepony’s withers.” Applejack took the changeling’s loose hoof and could feel her shivering still. A little bit of love dripped through her caring touch. “You gonna be alright?”

Shutterbug quickly yanked her hoof away. “Don’t.”

“Sorry, but I said I wanted you to eat something before we got down here.”

The other mare growled in frustration. “Would you stop worrying and get your own food already?”

“Alright. I’ll be back in a second. Why don’t you start looking over Twi’s work here and see if there’s anything you’d wanna do instead?”

“It’s not like I’d know what I’d want around here.” Despite her apparent disinterest, she pulled the schedule closer to her and began browsing it while refusing to make eye contact with the rest of the table.

Standing up from the table, Applejack followed her nose towards the buffet tables and grabbed a plate for herself as she began browsing what was available. Spying a serving dish brimming with fluffy pancakes, she set her plate down to scoop up a few for herself, only for a purple aura to envelope the tongs.

“How many do you want, Applejack?” Twilight asked as she approached with another plate of her own.

“Thanks for the magical assist there, Twi. I think a couple will do me. Don’t wanna fill up too much on one thing when there’s plenty to sample.”

“I know. One of the reasons I chose this place was their breakfast buffet reviews. It’s all so good!”

“It’s got a lot to live up to if they wanna top Granny Smith. Limiting it to one lil plate per trip is a bit criminal with so much here.” Applejack watched as her friend popped six pancakes out and doused them with maple syrup for herself. “Though I guess a lil magic might help if you’re stacking things up like that.”

Twilight’s face flushed red and she scratched the back of her head. “Y-yeah… I think I’ve had four plates already.”

“And you’re putting together another Mac-sized stack of grub? Hoo wee, girl! Just where are you fitting it all?”

“I know. Even when I was a teenager, I didn’t eat this much. Just part of being an alicorn, I guess.” Twilight cleared her throat and tried to suppress her blushing. “B-but, that’s not important right now.”

“Right. So, what else is good around here?”

“The omelet station is really good—” Twilight stopped and shook her head. “Stop distracting me with food! I need your help.”

“Oh?” Applejack shuffled over to the next buffet table and began looking over the selections. “What can I do ya for?”

Twilight cleared her throat and looked back over towards the table to ensure they were out of earshot. “How do I apologize to Chrysalis?”

“For what?”


Applejack blinked. “I thought ya just did.”

“No, I mean properly apologize. She’s clearly still upset with me, and I don’t know what to do about it.”

“You and me both. It’s hard to get a read on her sometimes. If it’s any consolation, I don’t think it’s you that she’s angry at anymore.”

“But how do you know? She hasn’t said anything, and asking her not to hold a grudge isn’t exactly reassuring,” Twilight fretted as her eyes darted back to the table.

“True, but she looked pretty shocked ya apologized at all. I’m thinking she might not know what to say or how to say it. Luna said that Chrys has got a few personality quirks that’d rub us rougher than we’re used to, but I can at least tell she’s trying.”

“I hope you’re right.” Twilight’s shoulders sagged. “I just want everyone to have a good time, but I feel like I already ruined it for Chrysalis.”

Applejack took another look at the table. Shutterbug was flipping through the file’s pamphlets and flyers. Fluttershy had joined her side and was pointing out things with a sweet smile. The changeling didn’t appear to give the pegasus much thought, but every so often she’d nod along.

“I wouldn’t say that. For what it’s worth, I think she’s enjoying herself. She came down with that camera instead of chucking it in the trash. That’s different in a good way.”

“I guess. I just wish I knew what to do. She’s so different from anyone I’ve tried to be friends with before. It feels like I’m taking a test for a class I never attended.”

Applejack laughed. “I’m sure she’ll let you know after she’s figured herself out. It’s new for all of us.” Having assembled a hearty breakfast for herself, she began to head back to the table.

“Wait a second, Applejack!” Twilight called out from behind, balancing her fully dressed stack of buttery fruity pancakes in her magic.

“What’s up, Twi?”

“I just wanted to say that I appreciate what you’re doing to help Chrysalis. You already have so much to do with the farm and your family, and throwing her reformation on top of it must be overwhelming.”

“I could say the same thing, your highness,” Applejack said with a tip of her hat. “It’s had its ups and downs, but on the whole I can honestly say I like having her around. She can be a real sweetheart sometimes.”

“S-sweetheart?” Twilight nearly dropped her plate. “But how is that possible? She literally said she can’t love anyone else. You saw what happened at the castle!”

“I get that, but I swear it’s true. It comes out in other ways,” Applejack said as she pointed her head to Shutterbug. “You just gotta pay close attention.”

The two friends watched as the changeling flipped to another pamphlet. At a glance, she still wasn’t saying anything, keeping her eyes glued on the page. However, her ear was swiveling towards Fluttershy and following her every movement as she chatted to the others at the table before going back to the file.

“You know, Twi, she reminds me a little bit of you when you first got to Ponyville.”

Twilight’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “W-what?”

“It’s true. Don’t mean nothing bad by it. You were just a little out of place is all. Always in your books, bossy, a little bit of a know-it-all. You were always trying to figure friendship out with your back and forth with Princess Celestia. I didn’t know how to deal with you at all half the time, and the other half I was too busy trying to keep up with what was going on. Once we all clicked together though? Ya found your stride right quick and snagged a pair of wings while you were at it.”

The table erupted into laughter, aside from Shutterbug, who was still hunched over her schedule. Her eyes had wandered from the page, and she was stealing glances at the others around the table.

Applejack smiled. “I think Chrys just needs a turn to try her hoof at friendship. Getting away from the farm and around you all I think will do a world of good.”

After everypony had their fill of the buffet and a hug for the changeling, Chrysalis was given full control of the schedule to do whatever she wanted. Manehattan in the morning had plenty of things to see and do with museums, ferries, and more, but the changeling had opted for a simple start to the day right outside the hotel.

“Sure this is what you wanna do first, sugarcube?” Applejack asked as they stepped through the threshold of Canter Trail Park. “We already live out in the countryside. No reason we need to explore the little nature they got growing in here.”

“No.” Shutterbug replied with a shrug. “But Fluttershy described it as ‘picturesque.’ Figured I might as well try taking pictures.”

“Sounds like as good a plan as any to me.”

Canter Trail Park was one of the few remaining spots of pure greenery to be found in the sprawling city, though its sheer size made up for it. The park was big enough to host its own Running of the Leaves every fall around its large, circling tree-lined trails to get a good gallop going. There were plenty of joggers out in force, along with a few families around to enjoy the feeling of fresh dirt beneath the hooves.

Applejack took a deep breath through her nose, savoring the fresher air in the midst of the metropolis. “Can’t think of a better way to start a day in the big city.”

Shutterbug hummed halfheartedly in agreement and snapped a picture of a random tree.

“Might wanna put a bit more thought into what ya take a picture of with the camera there. Only got so many.”

“Uh-huh.” The budding photographer took the freshly printed photo from the camera and looked over it. “It’s black.”

“Give it a moment to develop,” Rarity said as she approached the pair wearing a lavish sundress and hat. “And I know it’s tempting to shake it, but it can absolutely ruin the picture.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Then don’t worry about it. Forget I said anything.”

A few moments passed, but nothing seemed to be happening. Applejack tilted her head and chuckled. “Think ya forgot to take the cap off, Chrys.”

“Cap?” She flipped the camera around at herself and noticed the black, plastic circle covering the front. “Stupid useless…” With a grumble, she took it off and threw it over her shoulder.

“Chrysalis!” Rarity shouted as her magic shot around the flying plastic.

“It’s Shutterbug! Remember?” the changeling corrected harshly. “Do you want to freak everypony out?”

Rarity flinched at the hot temper and smiled shyly. “Of course. Sorry about that. However, you simply mustn’t dispose of the lens cap. It’s there to protect the glass from being scratched.”

The changeling looked again at the cap again and saw “open” and “close” written on it. “So it is.” Shutterbug sighed. “I have to hold onto this while taking pictures, don’t I?”

“Or simply stow it in your camera bag like so,” Rarity suggested as she magically unzipped the camera bag and placed the cap inside. “There. Now you can put it back on when you’re done with your little photo shoot.”


“Think nothing of it.” Rarity walked in front of the pair and took out a small mirror to give herself a once over. “Now, let’s get some photography practice! There’s a wonderful flower garden at the northern end near the entrance to Saddle Row. Perhaps we could try some shots there first? Plus, it will put us close to the Fashion District so I can check on the store.”

Shutterbug frowned and turned to Applejack. “Do you want to?”

“Why not? I like flowers about as much as the next earth pony. Wanna head over there to take a few pictures?”

“Sure,” she claimed, though AJ couldn’t tell how much with the copious amounts of cynicism layered onto her voice.

Rarity nodded and turned back to the rest of their friends. “Then it’s decided if that’s alright with you all.”

“Eh, whatever,” Rainbow said as she fluttered above the others while stretching. “I can do my warmups anywhere in the park, right Twi?”

Twilight opened up the map she’d picked out of the visitor center and looked over it. “As long as it does not upset the natural beauty of the park or the other guests, and follows the Manehattan airspeed limit, you should be fine.”

“So don’t go all out. Got it. I’ll meet you over there then. Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll snap a good pic of me in action.” Rainbow rolled around in the air before rocketing off towards the other side of the park.

Shutterbug rolled her eyes. “She’s so humble, isn’t she?”

“I don’t think of it like that,” Fluttershy said with a soft smile as she watched her friend’s fading contrail. “Rainbow Dash is a performer. She likes making others happy with her flying, just like I enjoy taking care of animals.”

“That’s one way to put it. Just like how I didn’t kidnap and replace Cadance, I was practicing my method acting.” Shutterbug smirked viciously with an emerald glint in her eyes.

Fluttershy shuddered and stepped back. “I guess that’s true too.”

“It was a joke.”

“O-okay.” The meek pegasus shrank back further as Shutterbug’s frown deepened.

“Ooo! I got one!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she stepped between the two. “Why does paper always lose to scissors?”

Fluttershy and Shutterbug looked between each other and then back at the bouncing pink pony.

“Because scissors cut paper?” Fluttershy guessed.

Pinkie Pie shook her head. “Nope! How about you, Chryssi?”

“I don’t care.”

“Nuh-uh. Good guess though.”

Shutterbug stammered being thrown off by the bubbly mare. “Wait, no. That wasn’t a guess.”

“Alright, we give up. What is it?” Applejack asked before the guessing game got out of hoof.

Pinkie Pie giggled nasally to herself. “Because it’s not cut out for the job!”

The changeling took a patient breath through her nose and looked away. “Hilarious.”

“Thanks! If you liked that, I’ve got plenty more where that came from!”

Shutterbug’s eyes shrank back, and Twilight quickly ran over to Pinkie and closed her mouth. “How about we save the jokes for later?”

Pinkie gasped in shock. “You’re right, Twilight! I can’t burn through all my best jokes at once. Let’s go cheer Dashy on!” She took Fluttershy by the hoof and chased after Rainbow.

Once they were far enough ahead, Applejack leaned over to the alicorn. “Thanks, Twi. Not sure how many of those Chrys can take in a row.”

“Not a problem. I don’t think Chrysalis has warmed up to her yet.”

Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle. “What was your first clue?”

“You know I can hear everything you’re saying,” a none-too-pleased Shutterbug called back, leering at them before dismissing them with a scoff. “Doesn’t matter since you’re right. I lack the patience to deal with that sugary nightmare, now or ever.”

“Now, Shutterbug, don’t be like that,” Rarity admonished. “While it’s true that Pinkie Pie can be a tad foalish at times, she can also be remarkably observant. Just give her a chance. I’m sure you’ll be seeing her in a different light before too long.”

“If that’s all it takes, then she just needs to stay as far away from me as possible and keep her inane antics to herself.”

“Shutterbug, please. You’re not going to make many friends beyond us if you keep an attitude like that.”

Shutterbug furrowed her brow. “And since when did we become friends?”

“Since yesterday, darling,” Rarity answered with a wink. “Do try to keep up.”

“So, I just needed to take a passing interest in makeup and that was enough for you?”

“Not at all, though I suppose having another mare around with a good taste in cosmetics is certainly a plus. However, I must echo Twilight’s earlier sentiments. It was so generous of you to sacrifice your own enjoyment for the rest of us, though admittedly I was already prepared to storm out of there seeing how those ruffians heartlessly kicked you out.” Rarity huffed to herself and brushed her mane with her hoof. “Honestly. You can’t just dole out punishments based on unwritten etiquette!”

Applejack tilted her head. “Don’t those fancy-schmancy garden parties you like in Canterlot do the same thing?”

Rarity opened her mouth to deny it, but faltered as she considered the thought. “Touché, Applejack. Still, I refuse to accept such lofty standards for a mere amusement center. The least they could do is provide a quality experience for their customers. I know I’d never treat a client like that without some warning of their misbehavior. I shan’t be going back there unless it is when they are groveling at your hooves to apologize.”

“I couldn’t have said it better myself, Rarity,” Twilight said wholeheartedly. “Even if the puzzles were fun, and well-researched, and rewarding to logic your way through…”

“Aww, cheer up. I’m sure we could find another one. Perhaps we’ll have a Ponyville Puzzlebox or something that will spring up now that our little town is growing. And we can make sure that they allow everyone to have fun, right Shutterbug?”

Shutterbug shrugged and said nothing.

“I’m glad you agree,” Rarity said as she quickly gave Shutterbug a hug. The changeling went rigid from the sudden contact, but Rarity quickly let go and shook it off with a shiver. “My word, that is a rather strange sensation. While somewhat invigorating, I’m not sure I’d call it a pleasant experience.”

The changeling blinked. “Weird ice cream?”

“That’s right. Applejack mentioned her love tasted like apples to you. I’m partial to cookies and cream, but most any frozen treat will do. Alas, I can’t have much of my comfort food without piling on the pounds. But…” Rarity’s eyes wandered over to Twilight as she leaned up against the princess. “Perhaps I should find a way to become an alicorn too so I can eat all the ice cream I want.”

Twilight smiled and rolled her eyes before they both laughed.

Shutterbug balked. “How does this keep happening?”

“Oh no, was that an unwelcome gesture?” Rarity asked in concern. “I apologize if I made you uncomfortable. Our little circle of friends is known for giving hugs quite often, and I thought since you literally live off of our love, it’d be fine. I suppose I should’ve asked first though instead of assuming.”

“But… I didn’t do anything.”

Rarity tilted her head. “Whatever do you mean?”

“Why did you hug me?”

“Well, I…” Rarity paused as she put her hoof to her chin. “Now that you’ve put me on the spot, I’m not sure. A simple ‘because I wanted to’ feels lacking in a way. I suppose I wanted you to feel included. You’re on this friendship trip of ours after all, so it’s only natural I’d treat you as such.”

“But your love… I didn’t do anything for it.”

“That’s just how we are,” Twilight explained. “As Luna said, love springs eternal from our harmonious hearts. Everypony’s got more than enough love to go around for our friends. Speaking of which, do you mind if I give you a hug too, Shutterbug?”

Shutterbug tilted her head, utterly perplexed by what was happening. “Why?”

“Inclusion, friendship, a little tactile scientific analysis?”

The changeling rolled her eyes and sat down, extending both of her forelegs once again to give Twilight a limp hug. Accepting the half-hearted offer, Twilight rushed in, though the princess looked more nervous than anything. After a few seconds, Twilight perked up. “Oh? Oh! I felt something! I felt something, Applejack! It was very brief, but it was oddly warm and needly. Like my leg had fallen asleep, but it was coming out of it.” She couldn’t help but giggle like a filly as she felt out the situation. She looked up at the changeling excitedly. “So? What does it taste like? I bet it’s soupy!”

“Yeah. Tomatoes, noodles, and other warm, wet stuff. You can let go now.”

Twilight quickly let go and pulled back. “Sorry. Curiosity got the better of me.”

“Whatever.” Shutterbug stood up, brushed her fur off, and began walking towards the flower gardens. The three ponies shared a mix of worry and confusion before following after her. Applejack joined the changeling’s quiet gait and leaned in to try to catch her face.

“You okay, sugarcube?”

“Never better. Your friends are throwing me scraps of food. What’s not to love?”

“C’mon, Chrys. Don’t think of it like that.” Applejack patted the mare’s withers in support. “I know it ain’t much now, but I bet that’ll change if you give it time. Just get to know them and they’ll love on ya just like I do.”

Her friend’s frown only deepened at that idea as her pace slowed. “I guess. You all seem eager enough to feed me for whatever reason.”

“That’s because we’re all good friends here. I promise if you stick with it and put the effort in, you’ll grow your own little garden of friendship and be swimming in more love than you’ll know what to do with. You won’t even need to hang around lil ol’ me anymore.”

Shutterbug stopped in her tracks and looked down at her hooves. “Is that what you want?”

“Sure do!” Applejack smiled widely, trying to cheer the changeling up. “Just think, you could go anywhere you wanted if you had friends all over the place. Maybe with enough love, you’ll even figure out a way to change like the rest of your kin and live in the Concordant with all of ‘em. That’d be one big, happy family reunion in my book.”

The changeling said nothing, only offering a small nod before keeping on down the path again with a frown.

This was a head scratcher for sure that Applejack wasn’t quite figuring out. She’d felt so confident after reading Chrysalis’ mood at breakfast. If the mare was always hungry for love, the opportunity for endless amounts of it seemed like a surefire way to get her smiling again. Looking back to the others, Twilight and Rarity were just as confused as AJ was. Hopefully taking some pictures would bring a smile to her newest friend’s face.

It’d been a few years since Applejack had visited the Canter Trail Flower Bed. The volunteer project started a little before she was born as a city beautification idea that had gotten a little lost in the weeds, to put it lightly. What had once been a modest little garden run by a few local florists had at some point burst into a full on war of one-upmareship to see who could cultivate the biggest and brightest plants. These days, it was more of a maze of vegetation than a garden, with living walls of vines, bushes, and flowers of every color.

Even with her experience in cultivating plants, Applejack had no idea what even half of the stuff she was looking at was. They all had funny-looking names that read more like one of Twi’s spells. She didn’t know how to start pronouncing Dionaea Muscipula or Amorphophallus Titanum. Between this place and the Canter Park Zoo, AJ wasn’t sure which was more exotic at this point.

Rainbow Dash had gotten the fast flying out of her system by the time the group had shown up, and joined everypony to split off and explore the inner city jungle. Rarity was putting her keen eye for colors to help Shutterbug start taking a few pictures of the plants before moving on to group pictures with everypony. Even if her cutie mark wasn’t real, she was quickly getting the hang of taking pictures, though whether it was her ideas or just copying Rarity’s, AJ wasn’t sure.

“Excellent work, Shutterbug. These pictures are absolutely wonderful!” Rarity proclaimed as she shuffled through the small collection of pictures they’d taken so far.

“They look like all the others,” Shutterbug said as she looked at them. “They look just like you usually do, just still.”

“A very dispassionate way to describe your art. But, take in the scene along with the frame around it. Look at what’s there as well as what isn’t there. The composition is just as important as the subject matter.”

“You said that already when you were explaining the rule of threes.”

“I did, and the composition here is wonderful. Now comes the most difficult shot: the self portrait!”

Shutterbug raised an eyebrow and frowned at the claim. She quickly flipped the camera around and hovered it in front of her face before shooting a picture of herself. “Done.”

“Shutterbug, please! There is more to it than just turning your camera around and clicking the button. You must consider—”

“—All of the things you keep harping on constantly?”

Rarity took a short, sharp breath before answering. “Yes, and I will continue to harp on them until your artistry becomes second nature to you. This is a hobby. While not the same as, say, a cutie mark talent or a profession, you should at least try to enjoy exploring the deeper aspects of it. Take me, for example.”

“I have been all morning.”

“A simple turn of phrase. Please let me finish before you chime in with any more of your sarcastic comments! Is that clear?”

Shutterbug said nothing.

Rarity continued staring, waiting for an answer. Finally, impatience got the better of her. “Well?”

The changeling looked away and shrugged. “You said to let you finish.”

“Merciful heavens. It’s almost like I’m talking to Sweetie Belle. Is she like this with you, Applejack?”

AJ chuckled knowingly. “Pretty much, but the snarky back and forth grew on me pretty quick since Dash gives me lip all the time.”

“Of course it did.” Rarity massaged her forehead with her hoof. “Harmony, give me strength.” She shook the frustration out of her system and snatched the printed picture out of the camera with her magic. “Let’s take a look at your first attempt.”

As the picture came into focus, Shutterbug frowned deeper and deeper. “It’s terrible.”

“It’s not terrible, it’s just a little boring. You’re in the center of the frame staring right at the lens without much forethought. Also, you’re so close to the camera that your muzzle looks longer. What we need to do is angle yourself from the camera and—”

Before the artist could finish her critique, Shutterbug took the picture back with a sneer. Her magic split it down the center as it burned away in magefire. “There. Now you don’t have to look at it.”

“Goodness! You didn’t have to go that far.”

“Won’t happen again,” Shutterbug swore half-heartedly as she began to pack up.

Rarity raised her hoof. “Now hold on just a moment. Why are you putting your camera away?”

“I think I’m done.”

“But what about you? Aside from the poor picture you just reduced to ashes, we haven’t taken any with you in them.”

The changeling paused and turned to the unicorn. “And?”

“The whole reason we came here was for you to practice photography. We can’t just leave you out of the tapestry of our retreat!”

The changeling raised her eyebrow. “Why? You all know I’m here already.”

“But you’ve taken so many lovely pictures of the park and us enjoying it that it seems criminal to not have at least a few of the beautiful photographer herself. At the bare minimum, there needs to be a picture taken with all seven of us together.”

“Beautiful photographer? Don’t make me laugh. The only reason I can even be out here is because I’m disguised like one of you ponies,” she spat venomously.

“Well… that is true. But that isn’t because you’re ugly. You’re still beautiful just as you are in any form,” Rarity assured with a supportive smile.

“Really now? What do you find beautiful about my natural self?” Shutterbug dispelled the magic around her foreleg and stuck it out in front of them. “My gaping holes?” She flared her leg back to her disguise and brushed the redness out of her hair, leaving its natural, silken blue. “My wispy mane?” She closed her eyes and tossed her head back, flipping it back to red before fluttering her predatory emerald eyes open with a fang-filled grin. “My carnivorous complexion?”

Rarity tittered as she backed away from the other mare. “You have a lovely… uniqueness about you. Tall, dark, and regal. Your presence commands the attention of everyone in the room.”

“Oh!” Shutterbug exclaimed with a bright smile before the fake joy collapsed in on itself. “What a nice way of calling me terrifying.”

Applejack stepped forward to cut off the advancing mare. “Now hang on, Chrys. That ain’t exactly fair.”

“Fair? What does fairness have to do with anything? You both know what will happen if I show off my ‘regal uniqueness’ on Mane Street. I bet the stampede of terror would put Ponyville to shame!” The mare shoved the camera into its case and zipped it up tight. She closed her eyes and tried to steady her breathing. “Shoot’s over.”

Rarity took a couple of cautious steps towards the changeling. “Chrysalis—”

The shoot is over!Shutterbug boomed, forcefully cutting Rarity off. She tore the camera bag off her shoulders and shoved it into the unicorn’s chest. “If you want to keep taking pictures, go right ahead. Burn through the rest of the film for all I care. Just keep me out of them!” Having lost all patience for the conversation, Shutterbug blazed her horn away and sprouted a pair of wings and soared out of the maze.

“Chrys, wait!” Applejack cried after her.

“Did you know which direction she went off in?” Rarity quickly asked.

“West I think, but it’s hard to tell in the middle of all this.”

“I’ll apologize later once we actually find her.” Rarity swifty clasped the camera bag around her neck and shoulder with a tug. “We need to get the others before she gets too far.”

Applejack nodded firmly, grateful that Rarity had her priorities right when time was essential. “Took the words right outta my mouth. Let’s go!”

After regrouping outside the garden, everypony split up to start looking for their missing friend. With Dash, Shy, and Twi covering the skies, it was up to Rarity, Pinkie, and herself to cover the area around the park. Rarity had followed Applejack’s guess and gone west into Saddle Row while Pinkie decided to stay in the park to look around for her. Figuring she might’ve gone back to the hotel, Applejack made a break for their room.

She tried to gather her thoughts as she stepped into the elevator. Still, she knew that their only hope was that on some level, Chrys wanted to be found. If the changeling wanted to disappear, Manehattan would be the perfect place to vanish forever. Applejack would never see her again. The thought was making her mouth run dry like somepony had stuck a sock down her throat.

Even after all of her adventuring, what could make her right panic was when her family was in trouble. Apple Bloom had calmed down a bit since she’d gotten her cutie mark, but that filly’s precociousness struck every now and again and took another couple years off of AJ’s life. While she’d learned not to let fear get the best of her, Chrysalis was doing her best to scrape a few off herself.

The elevator door finally opened after an eternity and a half to their floor. Applejack nearly fumbled the room keys as she galloped for the door. She clicked the lock and burst into the darkened room. “Chrys!”

She threw open the curtains to get a better look, revealing nothing but a modest business hotel room. The only change since they’d left was that the housekeepers had come around and tidied up.

“C’mon, girl. Ya gotta be around here somewhere.”

She ducked to the floor and looked under the bed to see if anything was out of place. No Chrysalis, Classy, Shutterbug, or Kittalis to be found. Applejack tried to spot anything else amiss, but she didn’t know how big or small the changeling could make herself. She headed into the bathroom, checking for copies or toothbrushes or combs, trying to see if Chrysalis would hide in the toiletries.

“Please. Ya didn’t wanna leave this morning. I thought for sure you’d be here.”

That was true, at least if Chrysalis wanted to be found. If she really didn’t…

“No!” Applejack shouted as she shook the foolishness out of her head. “Ya gotta trust her, Applejack. Like Fluttershy said, Chrys wants to be better, so she wants to be found. Which means if ya ain’t answering, then ya ain’t here.”

With resolution, the mare shut off the lights and left the hotel room. She double-timed it out of the hotel, skipping the elevator and bolting down the stairs. With a good sweat built up, she stopped to wipe her brow outside and figure out her next spot to check. The massive park still had plenty of spots to hide, so she decided to meet up with Pinkie to help search.

Applejack trotted through the park at a healthy clip, following the paths under the trees, over the little hills, towards the center of the park. The space opened up to Greentree Pond, a popular space for playing, picnicking, and prancing. It was also the largest, uninterrupted line of sight to hopefully spot Pinkie. She started to run towards a large, brick bridge over a creek to get a better look until she caught a pink puff of hair popping up from a park bench near the water.

“Pinkie!” Applejack called out as she ran towards her.

Perking up at the sound of her own name, Pinkie Pie leaned back over the back of the bench and smiled upside down. “Oh, hey AJ!”

“What’re you doing just sitting around? We’re supposed to be looking for Chrys!”

“I know. I finished!”

“What’d ya mean?”

“She means she found me,” Shutterbug answered.

Coming around the other side, Applejack found the familiar disguised changeling laying on the bench, her face away from Pinkie’s, who had taken the spot next to her. Even though she was angry, AJ couldn’t help but grin from ear to ear and embrace the troublesome critter.

“Thank heavens she found ya!”

“I’m really good at hide-and-seek,” Pinkie bragged smoothly.

“Unfortunately,” Shutterbug added.

What relief she felt was sapped through her hooves in a second as a surge of love shot through her hooves. With her patience fully gone, Applejack smacked the changeling upside the head with her hat. “I’m so mad at you right now!”

“W-what? What did I do?” the flummoxed changeling had the nerve to ask genuinely.

“Ya can't be running off like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!”

The villain cackled menacingly. “Worried I might have broken bad again, AJ?”

“I was worried I’d never see you again!”

The changeling blinked. “I’m the one that shapeshifts into a dog. Why are you the one struggling with object permanence?”

“Stop it with the jokes already!” Applejack screamed. She could feel her eyes stinging from her frustration building up in them. “I don’t wanna hear it! What if you changed into somepony or a rock or something and ran away?”

“Why would I run away from my only source of food?”

Applejack couldn't stand it anymore. She was already over the edge from her mind running wild, and hearing Chrysalis’ stupid reasoning wasn’t helping things. For the first time, Luna’s warning about how distressing her lack of love could feel was really hitting home. She felt a hoof on her shoulder, but she already knew it wasn’t Chrys.

“Don’t be sad, Applejack,” Pinkie said with a wide smile. “I found her looking at herself in the lake. We were just about to come find you when you found us! Now we should find the others so we can keep the fun times rolling today!”

Applejack grabbed the friendly hoof for strength and pulled the other earth pony into a hug.

“Come here you,” Pinkie said as she hugged back, filling Applejack’s nose with the familiar smell of cupcakes and candy. She might not be able to experience love like a changeling, but with how much her friend always smelled like a bakery, she could almost taste her friend’s compassion. It was almost impossible to feel sad with a Pinkie Pie hug.

“Thanks, Pinkie.”

“You’re always welcome, Applejack.” The other mare giggled. “Now, we just need Chryssi to tell you what she told me and we’ll be ready to go!”

Applejack paused and pulled back from the hug. “What she told you?”

“I didn’t tell you anything,” Shutterbug growled.

“Oh yeah, that’s right. I’m a good guesser, so I guessed it!”

“And it was wrong!”

Pinkie put a hoof to her chin. “Nah, I don’t think so. I already told you I felt the same back in Rockville. It makes total sense to me.”

Shutterbug looked away. “And your total sense is nonsense.”

“But you did that thing when you get caught lying and go less frowny before doubling down on the frown. You were all ‘Grr! Rawr! I’m an angy, changey, grumpy Chryssi who will use words like asunder!’”

“Because you are incredibly annoying!”

“That’s enough outta both of ya!” Applejack shouted as she stomped a hoof, nearly cracking the pavement under her. Pinkie and Shutterbug shut their mouths immediately. AJ tried to take a moment to calm down, reaching for the last shreds of love she could find in her heart. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to lose my temper. Still Chrys, you know I’m a bit slower on the draw. If something’s bothering ya, ya gotta tell me straight, okay? You can trust me, I promise.”

The changeling shuddered under the heated glare. She opened her mouth to say something, but sighed and gave up. “Fine. You tell her,” she ordered, kicking Pinkie softly with her hind leg before curling up on the bench.

“Okie dokie!” Pinkie bounced off the bench and leaned into Applejack’s ear to whisper the secret information. “Chryssi doesn’t want to be disguised anymore.”

Applejack’s eyes widened. She’d been picking up on Chrys being dissatisfied with something, with how much she looked in the mirror all the time, but the thought hadn’t even crossed her mind that the changeling wouldn’t want to shapeshift. She figured it was like unicorns using magic or pegasi flying around.

“You sure that’s what’s eating at her, Pinkie?”

“Yep!” Pinkie said as she bounced over to the fake pony laying on the bench. “She doesn’t want to keep going around all dressed up. She wants to be her true, naked self!”

Ignoring the phrasing, the reasoning felt lacking. Like it was almost there, but not right. They were dancing two steps short of the do-si-do. She shot a glance over at the changeling who shrugged and sank further into her legs.

“She’s half right,” Shutterbug admitted with a sigh.

“Then what’s the other half?”

The changeling turned her attention to the party mare. “Well? Go on.”

“Go on what?” Pinkie asked innocently.

“Tell her what you told me.”

“I did.”

“No, not that. The other thing.”

“Oh, the other thing. Right.” Pinkie nodded and winked.

Shutterbug glared angrily. “Tell her!”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“I Pinkie Promised I wouldn’t.”

“Pinkie Pro—Who cares? Break the stupid promise, it doesn’t matter!”

“No can do, Chryssi-poo. I promised, and I can’t break that promise because that’s the quickest way to lose somepony’s trust! And since Applejack trusts you, and I trust you too, that means I want you to trust me too like she does to you, so if I go back on it, then breaking the promise will be like double-trouble trust busting!”

The changeling’s eyes narrowed as she tried to process whatever Pinkie had just said. Shaking the confounding thoughts away, she pointed an accusatory hoof. “Then why would you make a stupid promise like that in the first place?”

“Because you told me not to tell anypony. Plus, if you want to be your true self, you should tell the truth to your friends.”

Shutterbug’s mouth fell open in shock as she started catching on to the bubbly mare’s game. “So you’re saying that I have to say it.”

Pinkie Pie shook her head and looked away innocently enough. “Nope! I’m just saying that I can’t say it if you want it to be said. You didn’t Pinkie Promise yourself not to say it like I did.”

“Fine. What if I do that?”

“Well you could’ve before, but I promised I wouldn’t let you make a silly promise like that.”


Pinkie giggled to herself. “Just now.”

Applejack couldn’t help but laugh at the circles of sensical nonsense she was running around the changeling. “That’s Pinkie Pie for ya, Chrys. I promise I won’t tell any—”

“Don’t you start!” Shutterbug shouted over Applejack. “I lack the patience to deal with her nonsense. I don’t need you fueling it!”

“Alright then, sugarcube. Mind telling me what it is I’m missing here?” Feeling a bit renewed after her good friend’s antics, Applejack stepped closer to the bench and put a supportive hoof on Shutterbug’s shoulder. She could feel a little more love for the changeling running through her. “You can tell me anything.”

Responding to the touch, Shutterbug shut her eyes and stiffened. She freed a hoof from the ball she’d curled into and grabbed onto AJ’s hoof. “I… I’m scared.”

Applejack smiled softly. “I know, but you don’t need to be. Just tell me what’s going on with ya and we can work on it together.”

What little gentleness between them faded away with her sneer. “No, you bark-brained dolt. I mean I’m scared to show my face.”

Applejack’s oh’d silently to herself before clearing her throat. “But why?”

“You have to ask? Because everypony will freak out!”

“I mean, yeah. I just didn’t think that was what was bothering ya. Not to bring up ancient history, but that didn’t seem to stop ya before in Canterlot.”

“Of course it didn’t. The fear served my purposes then. Disorganized panic made it easier to subdue prey—I mean, ponies. Now it’s just… terrifying. Everyone screaming and running away at the mere sight of me? It’s pointless now. I’m alone.” Applejack could feel the changeling’s grip tighten as she nibbled on her lip. “You saw it too when we were walking to the station yesterday. The fear, the disgust, the hatred. What if they attack? I-I can’t fend off an entire town by myself! Even if I could, it’d just make it worse when all of Equestria came after me. I’d be torn apart.”

Applejack thought back to that night Discord had unmasked her, when Chrysalis had retreated and hid as Apple Bloom. She could still feel the ghost of the knot in her skin where the shivering filly had been gripping her back. She remembered the curses Chrys had thrown out, how the whole town was right to be afraid of her. With all the talking about prey and predators, Applejack had dismissed the notion that Chrysalis was as scared of the townsfolk as they were of her.

“Changelings always had to hide in the shadows to steal love. It was key to our survival, but at least my children could be themselves in my presence. Now, it’s just me who must hide everywhere I have to go.” Shutterbug’s eyes glistened in sadness and fear and she grit her teeth. “It’s not fair! I’m beautiful! I know I am! Y-you like my mane! You said I was adorable! I tasted your admiration! It was the sweetest thing I’d ever…” Shutterbug sank into her forelegs and cried. “I just want to be me!”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Applejack knelt down in front of the bench to offer whatever tender support she could. Honestly, she didn’t know what to say to all of that. All she knew was that she wanted to help and show that she was there for Chrys. The changeling briefly opened her eyes, and practically dove into AJ’s shoulder for support. Applejack pulled her friend in tightly and joined her on the bench to let her lean into her for support.

As she hugged the changeling, Applejack’s mind began reeling with nagging thoughts as the last of her love drained out of her embrace. She fought back the sinking drag of her emotional exhaustion as much as she could to comfort Chrysalis. Sensing the lack of love, the changeling began to pull back, but AJ held on tighter.

“Not happening, sugarcube. Just let it all out.” Applejack hissed through gritted teeth.

That was when Pinkie Pie rang a wrestling bell next to her ear, causing Applejack to reflexively let go and cover her ears. “Tap out, AJ. It’s my turn!”

Applejack barely managed to eek out a strained grunt before Pinkie Pie tore her away from the changeling and hopped onto the bench. She squeezed Chrysalis tightly, who seemed just as surprised as Applejack to suddenly be hugging a different mare.

“Let go of me, you imbecile!” Shutterbug screeched as she struggled in Pinkie’s iron grip.

“But you still need cuddles, Chryssi,” Pinkie said as she rocked the changeling back and forth. “And I’ve still got plenty left.”

“I said let me go! I don’t want your love!”

“I know you don’t, but AJ needs a break. She’s all loved out.”

Shutterbug opened her mouth to say something, but as she looked towards the emotional exhausted Applejack, she went quiet.

“There, there. Just let those tears all dry up and then let’s try being ourselves!”

The suggestion set the changeling off immediately. “Are you—why am I even asking? Of course you’re crazy.”

“Mmhmm! It’s why I left the rock farm. I couldn’t be who I wanted to be there. Sure, my family loves me and I love them, but Pinkamena Diane Pie wasn’t me. Once I got my cutie mark, I needed to go where more ponies were to bring smiles to as many friends as I could find! So I went to Ponyville and started living my best Pinkie keen life!”

“How delightful,” Shutterbug grumbled. “It’s so easy, a foalish child can do it.”

Pinkie nodded with enthusiasm. “Yepperoni! All you have to do is be who you are and we’ll be with you every step of the way. And if Ponyville attacks, we’ve got a princess with a big crystal castle to retreat to.”

“I find it hard to believe that you or any of your friends would side with me over your home.”

“That’s what Apple Bloom did for Zecora. She helped me see how absolutely awful I was being because I was scared of someone I didn’t understand. Now Zecora and I are friends! I know we can be too if we try.”

Shutterbug mocked the idea with a laugh. “And how do you propose we can do that?”

“Easy. We start doing it!”

The house lights went low in the Impulsion Theatre as the curtains opened up to an orchestral fanfare. The wide open space of the Grandeur Heartland Plains were revealed to the audience. A stalwart stallion explorer with a sextant in hoof strode onto the stage, surveying the wildlands sprawling out before them.

“Such a fine day for surveying these wonderful lands, wouldn’t you say, Rushwind?” the commanding earth pony proclaimed.

“If you find a whole mess of nothing appealing, Patagon,” Rushwind the pegasus said as he flew in from the side. “There’s not even a cloud in the sky.”

“Not to worry, my friend,” he said while turning slowly to survey the audience. “Where you see wild wastes, I see a sprawling land just waiting to be—change…” The actor flubbed his lines as he spotted a rather tall and fearsome someone sitting in the back row. “Changed for the b-better.”

“So much for the brave plainstrotter,” Chrysalis whispered with a chuckle.

“Well, you are kinda glowing, sugarcube. Might be a little distracting.”

The changeling blinked her glowing green eyes. “Oh, right. Forgot about that.” Her horn glowed a sickly green as she turned down her bioluminescence.

“Didn’t realize your green bits had a dimmer switch.”

“Simple shapeshifting is nymph's play. After all, a changeling is only seen when she wants to be seen.”

Rainbow shushed the two mares loudly. “Would you two pipe down? I’m trying to watch this!”

Applejack flinched. “Sorry, RD.”

“She likes theater shows? Color me surprised. Didn’t think she could sit still for more than five seconds,” Chrysalis said with a smirk.

“Shoulda seen her at Hinny of the Hills. She was doing flips in the stands by the end of it.”

“Always the acrobatics with that one.”

“Okay yeah. I like flying and musicals. Now would you shut up, please?” Rainbow begged.

Chrysalis shrugged and leaned back in her seat to enjoy the show. She didn’t say it out loud, but AJ could tell Chrys was grateful for the extra size and privacy at the princesses’ disposal.

After everypony regrouped and found Shutterbug safe, they’d gone ahead with their initial plan, but with the added twist that Chrysalis would be the one to go with them to the Impulsion Theatre. They’d played it safer with the changeling only shifting back into herself once they were inside, but with the princess there to royally reassure everypony, they’d managed to only scare about a third of the guests away. Twilight pulled a few princess strings last minute to open up the Royal Balcony for them so the changeling could sit comfortably at her full height. Applejack couldn’t argue the results, even if they were a bit mixed.

It was a start, but for the first time, she really felt like she was on the right track with helping Chrysalis adjust to her new, reformed life. It was probably gonna be a long and arduous task with its ups and downs, but seeing the smile on Chrys’ face made it all worth it, even through all the emotional exhaustion. With her friends helping them along the way, there was no challenge they couldn’t face as long as they stayed together.

Chapter 18: A Stray Astray

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Exhaustion. It was the only word weighing on Applejack’s mind as she trudged behind her friends. She thought she’d have felt better after watching the musical, but even after a two-hour matinee, she was still all out of sorts. It wasn’t the fault of the Impulsion’s acting troupe either. Their performance of Heartland Stride was just as exciting as AJ remembered it on Bridleway, but she could barely muster the strength to enjoy it. At best, she was able to throw on a weary smile and nod along as the still-disguised Chrysalis tried to wrap her head around what she just experienced.

“I still don’t understand why there was so much singing,” Shutterbug remarked, still locked in a stagnant debate with Rainbow Dash.

“It’s a musical. Mus-ic-al. As in there’s a ton of music,” Rainbow explained for the umpteenth time. “Seriously, what aren’t you getting?”

“No explorer in their right mind would just start singing in an unknown wilderness. Why would you risk drawing attention to yourself?”

“It’s not real! It’s just fun! Why are you so hung up on the whole point of the show?”

“Because it’s bad acting. I didn’t believe that they were explorers for a second.”

Rainbow looked about two wing flaps away from an aneurysm. “You’re not supposed to! What kind of explorers have an entire orchestra following them around?”

“Exactly! How were they supposed to trick us into thinking it’s them?”

Rainbow pulled at her face as she hovered in front of the disguised changeling. “There’s no way you’re not messing with me. You can’t be this dumb, you just can’t be!”

Shutterbug’s temper flared. “Maybe if you explained it more clearly, I wouldn’t be so confused by this inaccurate musical retelling of history! They weren’t fooling anyone!”

“They weren’t trying to! Everypony knows if it was actually them, they’d be, like, three hundred years old by now! We’re supposed to be the ones pretending they are and have fun with it. It’s called… something, something disbelieving.”

“Suspension of disbelief?” Fluttershy offered.

Rainbow pointed to her friend and smiled. “Right! What she said!”

Shutterbug furrowed her brow in thought. “So what you’re saying is that if I sang well enough, ponies would pretend that I’m anypony I want them to?” She exploded in green fire, drawing the surprised attention of several passersby, and in her place stood an exact copy of Rainbow Dash.

“Hey! What do you think you’re—”

The fake Rainbow fluttered up and around the real deal as she hummed the starting bars of an unfamiliar song. The changeling performed an aerial pirouette before diving next to the other mare with a smirk and began to sing.

I’m soaring through the open sky like always,
Blazing by with my spectral flash!
With a mere flap of my wings,
Everypony starts to sing.
With cries and screams they cheer,
Go, Rainbow Dash!

Rainbow flared her wings, flushing red with either anger or embarrassment; Applejack wasn’t sure which. “I don’t sound like that!”

“Yeah!” Pinkie agreed with a broad smile. “Dashy doesn’t sing anywhere near that well!”

“Yeah! I—” Rainbow turned to her unhelpful, giggly friend. “Hey!”

Twilight stomped her hooves in applause. “That was great! You’re a really good singer, Chrysalis.”

“And so professional, too,” Rarity added. “I’d go as far to say operatic!”

Rainbow bowed as she flared back into an alicorn Shutterbug. She fluttered down and whisked away her wings. “Thanks for noticing. You have to be in order to fool certain lovers. Griffon mating rituals call for warbling, and then there’s always the risk of you ponies randomly bursting into song.”

“Whatever it was, ya sounded real nice there, sugarcube.” Applejack tried and failed to stifle a yawn. She shook her head, doing her best to stay awake. “Real pretty stuff.”

“You don’t sound like it was,” Shutterbug said.

“Naw, I promise it was good. Guess all that running around yesterday caught up to me earlier than I thought it would.”

“Are you sure, darling?” Rarity leaned in real close, giving the farmer a once-over. “Now that you mention it, you are looking rather pale.”

“Don’t you worry yourself none on my account. I’m right and ready to get going on whatever you wanna do, Chrys.”

“Maybe we should sit down for a little while?” Fluttershy suggested. Her eyes wandered over to a nearby set of tables on the outskirts of Canter Trail Park.

“We just got done sitting down for a whole spectacle,” Applejack complained. “Just need to get the hooves moving again and I’ll be right as rain, y’all.” She quickly cantered in place to punctuate her point. “Now, what’s next on our little friendship shindig?”

Shutterbug said nothing. She only furrowed her brow the longer she looked into AJ’s eyes.

“For peat’s sake! I swear I’m fine! Y’all are making a fuss over nothing.”

Casting her gaze up at the sky, Shutterbug rubbed her chin. “It’s around lunchtime, isn’t it?”

“Really? Ya don’t even like our food,” AJ spat back.

“No, I don’t. I don’t like many pony things.”

“And that’s why we’re all trying to figure out the things ya do. So what’cha wanna do next?”

“Nothing. Which is what we’re going to do next.”

Before Applejack could ask, she felt the familiar swarm of millipedes scurrying about her skin as the changeling’s magical aura enveloped her. Shutterbug quickly threw the farmer on her back and started trotting towards the tables. AJ wanted to fight it, but she didn’t have the strength to put up much of a resistance. Giving up the ghost, she let herself be shuffled around like an empty bushel barrel. It was downright irritating how good it felt to lay down.

“Hey, Chrys?” Applejack asked.

“What?” Shutterbug replied tersely.

“Weren’t you struggling to shake Apple Bloom off not too long ago?”

“Don’t remind me.”

A chuckle escaped AJ. “Guess you’re doing better than I thought.”

The changeling was silent for a spell before she muttered, “And you’re not.”

Another swarm of magic interrupted AJ’s train of thought as she found herself being carefully laid down in the nearby grass. The earth beneath her body felt softer than her bed at home. A soft breeze rustled the blades of grass in a hypnotic dance, waving back and forth, back and forth. If she wasn’t careful, she’d fall asleep right then and there. Applejack tried to push herself off the ground, but the world went brown as her hat was pushed over her eyes. Before long, that too went dark.

“Psst! Applejack?” Pinkie Pie whispered from the far end of a tunnel. “Hey, Applejack!”

Applejack slowly forced her eyes open to the call of her friend. She managed to roll over, knocking her hat off her head and revealing the bright sun above.

“Oh, good! You’re awake, sleepyhead!” Pinkie smiled as she helped Applejack to her haunches. She softened with concern. “Feeling better?”

Shaking the fuzziness from her head, Applejack landed somewhere between a snort and a yawn. “What happened?”

“You fell asleep,” Rarity answered as she entered her periphery. “Or rather, you took a nap here in the park.”

Applejack shot up in alarm at the news. “What?”

“Not to worry, Applejack. You only slept for maybe an hour or two. And it seems you really needed it.” Her horn lit up as a large paper cup hovered over in her aura. “By the way, we got smoothies while you were resting.”

“Oh, neat. Thanks.”

“I hope you don’t mind peach-pomegranate. They didn’t have apple,” Fluttershy apologized.

“Shucks, sugarcube. Didn’t mean to sound ungrateful. I am feeling a bit parched.” She took a sip to test the waters, only for the sweetness to hit her tongue and demand to be downed with gusto.

“Your complexion is looking far healthier than earlier,” Rarity noted with relief as she continued to inspect the farmer.

After another greedy gulp, AJ gave herself a break from inducing brain freeze. “Honestly, I feel better too. Thanks for letting me catch a few winks, everyone.”

“Yeah, that wasn’t just a normal nap, AJ,” Rainbow Dash chimed in from above. “You were, like, out-out. Pretty sure a roaming mare-iachi band rolled through at some point and you didn’t even flinch.”

“Luna’s light, that hit the spot! Goodness. I must’ve really been tuckered out.”

“You were completely drained,” Shutterbug corrected sharply.

Applejack shrugged. “I guess that’s one way to put it.”

The changeling shook her head. “I drained every last drop of love out of you. You had nothing left to give, but no. You just wouldn’t—” She bit her tongue before she could launch into a tirade. She crossed her legs and looked away. “Stupid bleeding hearts.”

“O-oh… I guess that’d explain why I was feeling a little short with y’all before.”

“Clearly,” Shutterbug huffed.

“I’m feeling much better now after that bit of R&R. Did you get anything to eat, Chrys?”

She said nothing, but swatted an empty paper tray away with the back of her fetlock, spilling out the remains of a fresh fruit salad.

“Luckily, the stall we went to made their smoothies with freshly picked fruit. I just picked one of everything and hoped for the best!” Twilight tittered nervously next to the grumpy changeling.

“That was mighty kind of ya, Twi. But did she get anything she could actually get something out of from any of y’all?” Applejack asked.

“I’m fine,” Shutterbug deflected.

“That ain’t what I asked, Chrys.”

“Then don’t ask!” Shutterbug barked back. “Even if I didn’t, it’s not like I can get any more from you.”

“But aren’t you hungry?”

She slammed her hooves on the table. “I’m always hungry! That’s the whole problem, you idiot! I’m the reason you passed out in the first place!” A bitter scowl crossed her face as she looked down at herself. “I told you. I can’t stop.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re a smart mare underneath all that country-fried nonsense. What do you think I mean?”

The easy answer was on the tip of Applejack’s tongue, but something wasn’t sitting right with her. Applejack stood up and brushed the dirt and grass out of her fur to give her some time to think about what Chrys was saying. At least that was until Twilight decided to have an idea.

“Wait, are you saying that under certain conditions, your love consumption is completely involuntary?” the alicorn postulated.

Shutterbug said nothing and let the silence do the talking for her.

Twilight gasped. “Oh my gosh! That means any potential friendly close contact with you isn’t just giving you love, it’s force feeding it to you against your will!”

“Now hang on a minute!” Applejack interjected before Twilight could get too caught up in her head. “That can’t be the whole story. What about when Bloom was clinging to your leg?”

“What about it? That love was directed at you, not me.”

“Well, how about during the photoshoot?”

She tapped her chin until her eyes sparkled with recognition. “Ah yes, when I sneakily consumed the admiration that was leaking out of you?” Shutterbug recalled with a wicked grin.

“Ain’t nothing sneaky about that. I was enjoying spending a good time with my friend. I’m talking about when we were getting that last picture taken.”

The pointed question wiped the grin off of her face as her eyes widened at the thought. Shutterbug turned further away, retreating behind her mane. “I had to cast a spell. One that I couldn’t use and consume love at the same time.”

“Oh really? And what spell was that?”

“One you wouldn’t notice.”

“Considering I’m recalling it now, I beg to differ.”

“No,” she stated with absolute certainty, turning her sharpened eyes back to the accusing earth pony. “You didn’t.”

The conviction burning behind her fiery gaze nearly made Applejack back up a step. Chrysalis was telling the truth. The whole truth. Or, at least, the whole of the truth she was giving. There was still something hiding within that vicious mask she’d plastered on from before, but AJ felt as though she was already pushing her luck. With what little they’d salvaged so far, she wasn’t about to throw the rest of it under the cider press to squeeze the whole truth out of the mare.

“Well, alright then. Didn’t mean to pry. All things considered, I guess it doesn’t really matter that much, seeing as how I ended up sleeping through noon either way.”

“You’re right. It doesn’t. So—just don’t.” She looked away again and rubbed her foreleg. “I can’t stop.”

“What will happen if you take too much, Chrysalis?” Twilight asked, equal parts curious and concerned.

“I don’t know. You’re the first ponies foolish enough to shower me with love willingly. Most prey don’t make it very far after finding out who I am.” Shutterbug dropped her disguise around her mouth, letting her tongue snake along her fangs.

The princess shuddered slightly at the carnivorous implications, but did her best to shake her misgivings away. “That might’ve been true before, but that’s in the past. Now that we’re all friends, we want to make sure we’re taking good care of each other.”

Shutterbug pursed her lips and glanced upwards at Rainbow Dash. The others soon followed suit, giving various curious glances, stares, and smiles of their own.

The pegasus squirmed under the pressure. “I’m working on it, alright?” She whipped around and crossed her forelegs. “I still don’t trust her.”

Shutterbug smirked. “Smart mare.”

Rainbow whipped back around and stammered, before pointing at the changeling. “And saying grade-A villain stuff like that seriously doesn’t help!”

“Eh, I think that’s B-tier at best, Dashie,” Pinkie replied with a shrug. “Oh, I know! How about we kick it up a notch with a tophat and cape? And we can’t forget about the classic mustache for maximum mischievousness!” The mare reached behind her and drew a black cape from seemingly nowhere, twirling around as she donned said hat and revealed her freshly glued-on facial. She laughed with her best stallion gruff. “Now, where is my damsel in distress?”

“I don’t mind,” Fluttershy volunteered with a soft smile. “I’m good at being scared.”

“Excellent!” Pinkie broke into dastardly laughter that stopped almost as quickly as it started. “But wait, if I’m Maestro Maniacal and Fluttershy is Dame Distress, then who’s Buggy gonna be?”

“Annoyed,” Shutterbug answered.

“Huh. I don’t remember that part in the casting call.”

“Now, now. Let’s not get carried away,” Rarity hollered over the budding argument before it could start up again in earnest. “If our new friend doesn’t want to play in the park, perhaps we can figure out something else she’d like to do. Isn’t that right?”

“Right! Good thinking, Rarity,” Twilight said as she whisked her schedule back into existence in a sparkle of magic. “We still have the rest of the afternoon set aside to do whatever you want, as Shutterbug or Chrysalis.”

Shutterbug took a deep breath and leaned against her foreleg on the table. After turning a few ideas around in her head, a small smile crossed her lips. “You know, now that you mention it, something did spark my interest at Snapshots last night.”

“And this is the famed Saddle Row, the beating heart of Fashion District here in Manehattan!” Rarity announced as she swept her hoof over the long stretched before them.

If there was a word that could wrap its way around Saddle Row in AJ’s mind, it’d be “excessive.” Traditional Manehattan highrises lined the streets, stacking a bunch of boutiques and fancy shops on top of one another like trendy pancakes. A few of the other places were a bit more like Ponyville with stores on the first floor with living spaces rising above. Each building was covered with billboards and signage advertising just about everything a pony could dream of when gussying up for a shindig, barring Stinky Bottom’s Discount Hat Emporium. Apparently, if you’d made it anywhere, you were hoping to wind up here eventually. How anypony stayed in business around these parts with this much competition was mind boggling.

The buildings weren’t the only things done up fancy. The streets of the shopping area were packed full of some of the prettiest ponies AJ had ever laid eyes on. Even the shoppers were a cut above the cloth, wearing trendy tops, dazzling dresses, and majestic manes. She couldn’t believe ponies bothered to do themselves up to the point of impracticality in the middle of the day. If these ponies were anything like Rarity, each one of them had enough outfits to clothe everypony at an Apple Family Reunion.

“Some of the most fashion-forward designers and boutiques in Equestria have set up shop here, and I recently opened up my own, Shutterbug!”

Shutterbug nodded along and idly said “Uh-huh” as she took in the sights with disinterest.

“And here we are!” The fashionista trotted slightly ahead and swept her leg towards their destination: a modest first-floor store carved out of one of the local residential buildings. “Welcome to Rarity for You, a branch store from the Carousel Boutique I run in Ponyville. I’d absolutely love to design an outfit just for anyone you’d like. Shutterbug, Chrysalis, I’ll even whip up something simply adorable for Classy. I’ve always thought about getting into pet fashion.”

“Great,” the fake cameramare said as she walked right past the store.

“Umm… Shutterbug, the store’s back here.”

Shutterbug slowed down and wandered back to the store as Rarity’s smile strained. She snapped a quick picture with her new camera. “There. Saw it. Looks great.” She snatched the photo printout and stuffed it in her saddlebag before continuing on her way.

“Well, that’s not quite what I meant.”

“Later then. I need to see something else first. I heard from Glamour that there’s someplace hiring models.”

Rarity pursed her lips in thought. “Perhaps she meant the Fashion Week Tryouts at the Regality? While anypony is able to apply, it’s not exactly what I’d consider a public event. Why do you want to go there?”

The changeling smirked. “Exactly what you said. Any pony can apply.”

Another needling thought poked Applejack in the back of the head. “Now, wait just a doggone minute, Chrys.”

Ignoring the mare, Shutterbug pressed on. “And just where is this Regality place?”

“It’s the Regality Centre right before you hit Bronclyn. You can see it from here.” Rarity pointed towards a towering skyscraper at the far end of the road. “But more to the point, what was it that you heard through the grapevine?”

Without answering, Shutterbug sprouted a set of wings and took to the skies towards the building in a flash. She wasn’t booking it as fast as Dash could, but she more than made up for speed by deftly dodging every city flier as she sped away. Applejack knew Chrysalis was getting better mighty quick these days, but she was starting to worry just how much strength she’d already recovered if she was weaving around air traffic like a Wonderbolt.

“After her!” Twilight broke into a full gallop. The rest of the group fell in behind her as they raced after the rogue changeling.

The hoof traffic grew worse and worse as they drew closer to their goal. Regality’s tower was even bigger up close; something around thirty or forty stories by AJ’s reckoning. The gleaming blue and silver glass tower sprouted out of a convention center like a potted palm tree. Just getting near the front door was a struggle with the overflow of ponies waiting for the show to start. Twilight was the first to reach the doors and teleported the rest of the group next to her before they stormed the venue.

They followed a trail of signs to the tryouts. When they finally caught up to the changeling, Shutterbug was already inside accosting a pony sitting behind a table, having cut in front of several angry-looking models. Applejack snorted and ran in behind her.

“What the hay do ya think you’re doing?” Applejack yelled over the conversation.

Shutterbug perked her head up and smiled. “There you all are. And here I was thinking Twilight would’ve teleported you all behind me ages ago.”

“This one a friend of yours?” a very cross secretary asked from behind her table. “Maybe you could explain that we already did our casting call for the day.”

“Miss Manewitz!” Rarity called as she approached, keeping a heated eye trained on the troublesome changeling. “I’m terribly sorry for her incredibly rude behavior.”

Manewitz’s scowl brightened into something close to a smile. “Oh, Rarity! Hi, how are you? It feels like forever since I’ve seen you around here.”

“Yes, I’ve been busy with my store back Canterlot, along with other unexpected escapades. Namely, this one running off without us!”

“Just what is the holdup out here, Janine?” a proud voice called from a door just beyond the front desk. “We don’t have all day to process the candidates.”

A lithe earth pony with a commanding stride strutted towards the table with her head held high. Her gray coat was as solid as the stern frown resting on the face of the middle-aged mare. Her clean pink blazer matched her properly styled pink mane, angled to strict runway perfection as she glared at the rabble disrupting her day.

Janine Manewitz sighed. “Sorry Miss Hemline. We have another late applicant who just ran up to the table demanding to be put in the running.” The frustrated secretary pointed to the troublemaking mare in question.

“Looks like I might’ve found the queen bee around here,” Shutterbug said as she matched the other mare’s firm stance.

“Prim Hemline,” she corrected the little upstart. Her frown only deepened as her eyes ran up the cameramare’s horn and wings before they rolled away. “Furthermore, I don’t take kindly to my tight schedule being interrupted by a ridiculous pony pretending to be an alicorn.”

Shutterbug looked up at her horn and then back at her wings. “Right. I heard it was a little gauche to use illusions as a model.”

“Precisely. An earth pony like myself prefers to see effort being put into a natural look rather than having an unknown princess try to upstage on the runway. If you knew that already, one wonders why you’d trot in here so boldly with such an obvious disguise.”

“Sorry, I just wanted to get your attention.”

Prim Hemline narrowed her gaze as she inspected the new arrival. “You certainly have it, though I’m not sure you’ll be rewarded for your efforts the way you were expecting. Most would rightly guess that it’s unwise to upset a judge before you’ve even had a chance to step onto the catwalk.”

Applejack leaned over to the changeling. “What do you think you’re doing, Chrys?”

“Just having a little fun.”

“Well, it ain’t funny causing a ruckus for a bunch of ponies trying to get work done.”

“Twilight said I got to choose what we do, and this is what I’m interested in doing.”

Applejack fired back with a stubborn frown.

“Oh, come on,” Shutterbug whined. “You said you wouldn’t mind bending the truth a little for me, right?”

“I think your bending is starting to fold itself into a pretzel, sugarcube,” Applejack huffed.

“Just play along. Please?” Shutterbug’s eyes glistened like a pouty puppy dog begging for a walk.

The feeling behind it was about as real as a bag of counterfeit bits. Sadly, it worked just as well as an honest one. “Fine. But the moment this goes belly-up, you’re getting Luna’d. Got it?”

Wonderful…” the villain smiled wickedly as she looked back to Prim Hemline still waiting on the two.

“Good. If you two are done chatting, perhaps you will kindly get out of my mane before you make me call security.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Shutterbug assured. She whisked away her wings and horn in a flash of blue magic, letting her errant bang fall across her muzzle again. All the fashion ponies gasped and balked at the swift change in appearance. “Is that better?”

“A changeling?” Prim Hemline asked while maintaining a stiff lip. Her widening eyes betrayed the true depth of her discomfort and she quickly looked away. “I will have you know that Fashion Week does not accept anyone pretending to be another pony model under any circumstances! Such sorcery is strictly forbidden!”

“So I’ve heard. I wasn’t planning on needing it anyway. Allow me to reintroduce myself.”

Shutterbug vanished in a flash of light blue magic. In her place stood a changeling only slightly taller than Twilight that Applejack almost recognized. She bore a chitin as white as fresh snow, with a familiar sky blue carapace akin to Chrys’ reformed self. However, everything else looked more like an older, color-swapped Ocellus. Her silver mane and tail shimmered in the light as she slowly opened her golden doe-eyes.

“Hello, everypony,” she said with a crisp, husky voice, running a hoof through her mane to savor her own beauty. “My name is Vivid Silk, and I’m here to win this discriminatory competition au naturale.”

Prim Hemline’s muzzle scrunched up at the accusation. “Discriminatory?”

“Word around town is that your precious model ponies are worried about a changeling like me upstaging them.”

The older mare’s mouth drew into a fine line, but she still couldn’t look Vivid in the eyes. “As I said, Illusory and illusionary magic of any kind have always been frowned upon in the fashion world. The only spectacle we are interested in is what our talent can showcase in reality.”

“And who says I need to use magic to run away with your runway competition?”

“Your disguise says it all, Vivid, if that is your real name. Everypony knows changelings don’t look like… whatever that is.”

“Oh my! So you don’t like changelings and you’re ignorant? Why am I not surprised? This is how we’ve looked ever since” - Vivid paused as she took a bracing breath, forced a smile, and rolled her eyes away - “ever since Chrysalis was defeated.”

That bit of news wrangled the old critic’s attention. Her eyes widened as she gave Vivid her full attention. “What did you just say?”

The disguised Chrysalis groaned. “Don’t make me repeat myself. I said Chrysalis was…” the changeling trailed as their eyes finally met. At once, all of her smarmy bravado vanished, replaced with a scuttling dread.

“Well? Chrysalis was what?” Prim reiterated with growing impatience. “Out with it!”

Vivid put her hoof up, shielding herself from Prim’s exacting gaze. “Actually, I think I might just skip this event and try my luck some other time.”

Prim scoffed. “Don’t bother. I doubt a cowardly little pest like you would last a second in the spotlight without hiding behind your shapeshifting.”

Rarity gasped in horror. “Miss Hemline! I cannot believe what I’m hearing! We may have been enemies in the past, but—”

“Drop it, now,” Vivid hissed with absolute authority.

“But Chr—Shutter—I mean Vivid! Comparing you to a pest is completely—”

“Is completely expected from her,” she finished, a tinge of desperation seeping into her voice. “Can we please get out of here before something actually bad happens?”

Rarity’s anger waned seeing the sudden change of heart in the changeling. Still, she harrumphed to herself. “The only thing bad I see happening here is Prim revealing her true colors,” she whispered loud enough to be heard by everypony, “but if you insist.”

“I do. The sooner the better.”

Chrysalis might’ve been fast before, but she was running at near rainboom speeds to get away from the tryouts. Applejack hadn’t seen her so stricken with fear since Twi’s castle. Luckily, Rainbow was ready this time and tracked her back to Rarity for You. By the time the rest of the group caught up, the shop’s staff were already outside ready to wave down the nearest officer. After assuring them that Chrysalis wasn’t attacking the boutique, she let them all head home with pay and closed up to deal with the sudden friendship emergency on their hooves.

“My, it is just one thing after the other on this friendship retreat,” Rarity sighed as she locked the front door and pulled the curtains down. “I’m certainly getting my steps in today.”

Applejack couldn’t help but sigh herself. Nothing was going right no matter how hard they tried. “Sorry, everypony.”

“None of that now. Miss Bobbin said Chrysalis had commandeered the upstairs sewing room. I doubt she was suddenly struck with inspiration, so we ought to go check on her.”

The group nodded in agreement as they turned their attention to the staircase. AJ took the lead as they climbed the staircase. She retraced her steps from the last time they’d toured the place and found Chrysalis in her normal self, sitting in the corner of the room. Her eyes were shut, but her horn was pulsing dimly with power. The mare was clearly focused on something, almost like she was meditating like Zecora, but Applejack had no idea what for.

“Chrys?” Applejack called out.

The changeling’s ear flicked, but she didn’t bother opening her eyes. “Rarity. You know Prim Hemline, right?”

“Oh, yes,” she replied, somewhat flummoxed by the unexpected question. “Why do you—”

“How long have you known her?”

“Personally? Not terribly long. I just recently broke into the fashion industry here in Manehattan, but I’ve known of her for quite some time.”

“How long?” she pressed.

“Well… It’s hard to say, really. She’s apparently been in the industry for many years, but I believe I only started hearing her name passed around in magazines starting around maybe three or four years ago?”

Chrysalis’ horn died down as she slowly opened her eyes and smiled ruefully. “Good. That narrows things down considerably.”

“Narrows what down?” Twilight asked warily.

To answer the question, Chrysalis burst into green flames, leaving a smaller, love-eating changeling in her place. She walked over to the room’s dressing mirror and inspected herself on all sides before changing again into an exact copy of Prim Hemline. She shifted back once more, and turned to face the group with a stern frown. After another moment, Rarity narrowed her eyes in thought as she measured up the mare in front of them.

“I’m almost afraid to ask, but is there a reason this changeling disguise of yours looks vaguely similar to Miss Hemline?”

“It’s not a disguise,” Chrysalis answered in a trilling facsimile of Prim’s haughty timbre. “This is Iridescent, one of my best infiltrators and current Prim Hemline.”

Chapter 19: Cats and Dogs

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“A changeling infiltrator?” Twilight asked, the tremble in her voice hoping that Chrysalis had misspoken. “Like an actual love-consuming, mind-altering, pony-replacing infiltrator?”

Chrysalis, still disguised as Iridescent, averted her gaze with a ponderous frown. “Not exactly how I infiltrated Canterlot, but close enough.”

“Are you sure?” The princess flew up into the changeling’s face, panic already setting in. “Absolutely, positively, without-a-doubt sure Prim Hemline isn’t a pony?”

“I always know one of my drones when I see them.”

“Th-then that means… Oh-my-gosh! This is a total disaster! I need to file a missing pony report!” Twilight whisked a scroll and quill out of the aether and started feverishly scribbling.


Her quillwork stopped as a thought occurred to her. “But wait, how am I supposed to do that for somepony who nopony knows is missing?”

“Twilight Sparkle,” Iridescent called again with mounting impatience.

“Sweet Celestia, is she even still alive? If it’s been four years—”

The scroll burned away in a flash of green flame as Chrysalis shed her disguise. She tore Twilight’s attention away from the brink, picking her up in her magic and getting right in the alicorn’s face. “Would you stop your useless stammering for two seconds and listen to me, you feeble little princess?

The former queen’s commanding roar silenced Twilight and anypony else who might’ve had an idea or two about interrupting her again. For her part, Twi just nodded, doing her best not to nick her nose on the clenched maw inches away from her muzzle. While Applejack would’ve preferred a bit more civil approach than bearing fangs at her friend, she couldn’t argue its effectiveness.

“Good!” Chrysalis spat as she dropped the alicorn like a sack of potatoes. “First off, if that is truly Iridescent underneath all of that spellwork, then there’s no actual pony to worry about. Prim Hemline would be as real as AJ’s beloved Classy.”

“You can’t be serious!” Rarity argued. “Prim Hemline is one of the most famous and powerful names in all of Equestrian fashion and has been for decades!”

“Really now?” Chrysalis purred as she approached the fashionista. “You just said that her name only cropped up a few years ago. All it really takes to weave one’s self within the fabric of society is a couple powerful names behind you. Maybe a little nepotism if you’re really aiming high. Easily accomplished with enough memory manipulation.”

“I’ll have you know that it took years of hard work and dedication to get to where I am in my field! Surely somepony would’ve noticed a no-nothing fraud coming out of nowhere by now, even if she did have references.”

“Who said she’s faking it? Little Iridescent is so colorfully named because she’s always had an interest in art. It’s only natural that her unique disguise would be a pony like Prim.” A smug, satisfied grin crept across Chrys’ face, along with a dark giggle. “Good on her for inserting herself so flawlessly into your pony fashion world. Doesn’t even need to do any real work, just pass judgments and siphon the adoration from ponies idolizing her whims with no magic necessary. Delectable and energy efficient.”

“Okay, so let’s say you’re right and Prim Hemline’s a changeling like ya said,” Applejack interjected. “She should’ve recognized you too, right? You and Ocellus saw right through each other the second y’all looked at each other.”

Chrysalis’ grin fell flat into a frown at that. She started nibbling her nerves on her lips with worry, to Applejack’s surprise. Finally, after working up the gumption, she shook her head, but didn’t say anything more.

“What? But, why not?”

“That’s…” Chrysalis gritted her teeth through a simmering of anger, but then sighed and smacked her forehead. “Why am I questioning this? It’s not like there’s a point in keeping my kingdom’s secrets.” She pulled her hoof down and groaned. “The answer is no. Considering I can’t sense her at all, she must be using Enveloping Identity, my most powerful infiltration method. Prim has no idea who she really is by design. To her, there is no Iridescent.”

Pinkie Pie gasped with dramatic exuberance as she shot into the air while pressing on her cheeks. “Are you saying that Prim Hemline is like a super-doubly-duper-secret agent sleeper spy-ling?”

“Sleep would be an apt description. It’s also why that mare acted the way she did. Xenophobia not only keeps her away from influences that might break the spell, but it is a very useful trait if you want to convincingly infiltrate any resistance efforts. Or at least it was until that stupid salve of yours showed up. Otherwise, the only way she will reemerge is if I appear before her as myself.”

“Okay, so what’s the big deal?” Rainbow flew over to the window and pointed towards Regality. “Let’s just fly you back over there and snap her out of it. She’ll stop sucking all the love out of the room and then we can get her changed like the rest of changelings. Problem solved!”

“Because then, Prim Hemline won’t exist anymore,” Chrysalis stated.

“Sure she would. She’d just be a changeling instead.”

“You’re not getting it. Unsealing an enveloped identity isn’t just breaking a few spells. Iridescent’s reemergence would shatter the illusion she’s under in its entirety, leaving nothing behind that could distract her from her original mission.”

Rarity shrank back as the true extent of their situation dawned on her. “So, you mean to say that my friend, Miss Hemline, will just disappear if you wake her up.”

“It is a necessary precaution. I can’t…” She took a patient breath to stem her growing irritation. “I couldn’t risk any drones ever sympathizing with prey.”

“You mean becoming friends with us!”

“Call it whatever you want. I didn’t see any of you making small talk with your smoothies earlier.”

“Because smoothies aren’t ponies!” A shrill grunt escaped Rarity as she stomped a hoof. “Honestly. If Prim Hemline could make it as far as she has as a changeling, then perhaps Iridescent wouldn’t be so quick to throw away the successful life she’s built here in Manehattan.”

“I know that!” the former queen seethed through clenched teeth as her eye twitched. “Why do you think I didn’t break the spell immediately? It’d be pointless now!”

Fluttershy shook her head. “No it wouldn’t. What about Iridescent? If you don’t wake her up, then what happens to her?”

The question slowed Chrys’ roiling anger to an embittered seething. “She stays sealed, obviously. Consuming what love she can subconsciously as long as the spells hold. Your guess is as good as mine if she can stay like that forever. Either Iridescent breaks it herself by accident somehow, or she lives her life as Prim Hemline until she dies.”

“But you can’t just leave her like that.”

“And why not? Rarity’s made it perfectly clear that she’s doing fine. Great, even. She doesn’t need me ruining what she has.”

“That might be okay for Miss Hemline, but not for Iridescent.” Fluttershy trotted up to Chrys and put a caring hoof on the changeling’s back. “If I was in her situation, I know that I wouldn’t want to live as somepony I’m not. Iridescent needs your help now more than ever.”

Chrysalis said nothing, but Applejack didn’t need her to say anything to get the point. She and Rarity had worn that sort of worry on their withers before with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, though it was usually less ornery. Usually.

“Fluttershy’s right,” Twilight agreed. “Even if it was originally part of a larger plan to take over Equestria, Iridescent became Prim Hemline under the assumption that she’d one day reemerge as herself. It wouldn’t be right to just leave her essentially trapped inside another pony.”

“But what about Prim?” Rarity asked in growing alarm. “I agree that we mustn't ignore Iridescent’s situation, but shouldn’t Miss Hemline get a say in this as well?”

Chrysalis stood up and checked herself in the mirrors again. “Illusion spells are built upon lies.” She shot a bolt of magic that split into two, changing the reflection of the left and right into Prim Hemline and Iridescent. “To tell the truth now would be just as bad as her seeing the real me face-to-face.” The Prim reflection looked between the other two mirrors, seeing Chrysalis and Iridescent. She screamed in terror as she burst into green fire, leaving another Iridescent in her wake. “Without a plan, you’ll just end up dispelling her.”

“Alright then,” AJ said as she joined Chrys on the platform. “What’s the plan, Chrys?”

The changeling raised her brow. “What makes you think I have one?”

“Because you trusted us enough to tell us the truth. If ya wanted to solve this yourself, you’d have kept your mouth shut and gotten Iridescent yourself later.”

“If that mare disappeared overnight, I’d be the first suspect on the chopping block,” Chrys deflected half-heartedly.

Applejack placed a supportive hoof on the mare’s side. “Don’t worry. If you know a way to help ‘em both, we’ve got your back if you wanna help your kin.”

“Cut that out before I knock you out again!” Chrysalis batted AJ’s hoof away with a buzz of her wings. Her frown didn’t last long, curling into a ghost of a smile. “But, thanks, AJ. There is a way that gives the fake pony a chance to live, but you’re not going to like it.”

“Any chance is better than none, Chrysalis,” Rarity assured as she tossed her mane and straightened up. “Just tell us what to do and we’ll follow it to the letter.”

“Good. I’ll need your help the most to lure Prim into an ambush.”

The fashionista fluttered her eyelashes. “Pardon?”

When Twilight first brought up the idea of a fun, team-building trip with their friends, “a girl’s night stake-out” was not an activity Applejack had in mind. So why Pinkie already had a couple black stealth suits squirreled away at Rarity’s for just such an occasion was beyond her. Moreover, while Pinkie’s was perfectly fine, AJ’s was covered in patched-up tears all over, like it’d lost a fight with Rarity’s cat. Twilight had also gone suspiciously quiet the moment Pinkie pulled them out of the closet.

Applejack knew better than to ask questions. At least the sneaky outfits seemed to be doing their job. She was parked with Pinkie and Chrys in a dark alley across the way from Regality. Nopony had noticed them yet, nor the suspicious stack of cardboard boxes she and Pinkie were hiding behind.

“See anything yet, Pinkie?” Chrysalis whispered from her perch on a fire escape overhead.

The mare did another scan with her binoculars. “Well, there’s a model. Another model. And another. Oh! The store across from us is having a sale on saddles!”

The changeling grumbled. “I mean our targets, Pinkie Pie! Do you see our targets?”

“Noperoni! No sign of our fake pony!”

“A simple ‘no’ will suffice. And for the last time, would you keep your voice down? It’s bad enough that our eye in the sky’s best camouflage is a suspiciously low-hanging cloud.”

“Well, duh. Spike’s suit wouldn’t fit Dashie.”

AJ clapped her hooves around Pinkie’s muzzle. “Y’all stop your fussing and focus. This whole situation’s already nerve-wracking enough without the two of ya bickering like foals.”

“You’re saying it as if I’m in the wrong here,” Chrysalis barked back.

“All I’m hearing is ‘she started it.’ This here is me finishing it. Now pipe down!”

“Okie-dokie-lokie!” Pinkie whispered chipperly as she went back to her binoculars.

“I hear you loud and clear. Which, by the way, is the whole problem to begin with!” the former queen seethed.

“Psst! Hey! Hey!”

Chrysalis buried her face in her hooves at the shrill sounds coming from the clouds above. “How in the world did I lose to you idiots?”

Rainbow dashed down from the clouds above. “I spotted the others leaving out a back door of the convention center. It looked like they were trying to lead Prim this way, but she wasn’t going for it. We might need to move it.”

“Nothing can be easy, can it?” she growled as she grabbed AJ and Pinkie in her magic. Chrys launched skywards with the two in tow and set them down on the roof with her. “Dash, keep an eye on these two in case they fall behind. Now move those hooves! I’m burning through too much love already!”

The three followed her command and joined her as she started galloping to the edge of the building. She leapt over the side and looked back, waiting for them to follow. Pinkie, of course, giggled quietly and whispered “Wee!” as she hopped over the alleyway. AJ wasn’t far behind, clearing the gap with ease. Together, they jumped from rooftop to rooftop until they reached the intersection.

After a quick scan of the street below, they spotted Prim Hemline with the rest of their friends trotting down the far side. Applejack felt Chrys wrap her forelegs around her as she buzzed around to the other end, with Rainbow carrying Pinkie across herself. They landed a few alleys ahead of the group and waited.

“This street is better lit,” Chrysalis cursed under her breath.

Applejack peeked her head out a little. “There’s fewer ponies around, though. How long is it gonna take to do whatever you're planning on doing?”

“I should only be a few seconds once I connect with her, but I can’t be interrupted.”

“Why don’t we just use the alley?” Dash suggested. “It’s pretty dark back here.”

“No. Prim’s perception of reality needs to remain consistent. Drastically changing locations will call attention to the gap I’ll be leaving in her memory.”

“Here they come!” Pinkie whispered, bouncing up and down. “Get ready for a surprise party, changeling style!”

Applejack hunkered down, ready to play her part with Pinkie Pie. Her heart was beating a mile a minute, adrenaline jittering through her legs. All she had to do was wait for Chrys to strike and keep Iridescent from high-tailing it out of town once she was loose. Wrangling a drone like her was going to be easier said than done, if the former queen’s words were anything to go by.

“—a daring display of costumed creativity!” Rarity gushed as she got in earshot.

“I know, I know!” Prim agreed enthusiastically. “Miss Pommel’s debut should be extraordinary, so she needs extraordinary models to fit her unique designs. They need to be characters in their own right to bring her designs’ theatrical flair to life.”

“I completely agree. I would’ve gladly volunteered to help had I known about it. The new store in Canterlot has been keeping me so busy these days. I hardly have the time to—”

When their voices drifted close enough to the corner, Chrysalis darted out into the streets. Applejack followed her out with Pinkie and Dash like they’d planned, providing what little cover they could to block anypony that might look their way. Nopony seemed to be coming their way as she scanned the horizon. Everything seemed clear, at least until Fluttershy’s stifled scream turned her attention towards the rest of the group.

Pharynx had mentioned something back at the castle about how dangerous it was going to be keeping Chrysalis around. She’d seen it firsthoof when Thorax tried to help his ailing all-mother, but now she was seeing exactly what the Queen of the Changelings was capable of.

Chrysalis’ fangs had pierced Prim’s neck. The poor pony’s eyes were blank as she twitched with every pulse of magic pumped directly into her spine. For her part, Chrys didn’t seem to be enjoying the experience herself, wincing as she focused all of her strength into her spellwork. AJ couldn’t even find it in herself to scream. All she wanted to do was throw up into the nearest trash can.

After enough endless seconds slipped by, Chrysalis drew her fangs back and pulled away. Prim’s disguise flickered out in a green flare, leaving a limp Iridescent behind. The royal changeling spun the smaller one, biting her lip as she looked into her eyes. The drone blinked back into focus, bringing just a little relief to Chrys’ face.

Before the tender reunion could last too long, Chrysalis tumbled back and bucked Iridescent away before bursting into flame as well. In her wake, Prim Hemline landed on her stomach with an unladylike grunt as she shook the stars from her vision.

“Watch where you’re going, you imbecile!” Prim complained as she drew herself up from the ground. “Do you have an idea who you just—You!”

Iridescent groaned as she rubbed the closed-up wound on her back.

“I knew you were lying, you filthy shapeshifter!”

Iridescent perked up in alarm. “Shapeshifter?” Her eyes bulged seeing who was screaming her down in the middle of Manehattan. “Wha—how—me?”

“Yes, you! I have half a mind to call the authorities! Was it not enough to drag my show to a halt with your incessant demands?”

“Sorry, Miss Hemline!” Applejack yelled over the raging fashion critic. She grabbed the lost drone by her hoof and pulled her back up. “I swear this is all just a huge misunderstanding, so we’d best get going now!”

Prim raised an eyebrow at the others, her curiosity bouncing between the earth pony pair. “And why are you two dressed as if you’re filming some kind of movie?”

“Applejack!” Rarity shouted as she scrambled for something else to say. “What did I tell you about… about trying to apologize in-costume for your rude behavior? I said to let me smooth things over first!”

“What in the world are you talking about, Rarity?”

“N-nothing you need to worry much about, Miss Hemline!” Applejack tightened grip and pulled Iridescent closer. “Right! Well, I think this attempt’s a lost cause, don’t ya think, sugarcube?”

“What is even happening?” Iridescent cried.

“Exactly what I was thinking! Let’s skedaddle, lickity-split!”

AJ’s team retreated back into the alleyway, dragging the perplexed drone along with them. She kept glancing back, making sure they weren’t being followed as they went as deep as they could between the buildings. As they put some distance between their groups, AJ could hear Prim pitching a fit. Hopefully Rarity would be able to smooth things over before it was too late.

“You alright?” Applejack finally asked, hoping they were out of earshot.

“About as much as can be expected, all things considered,” the drone buzzed back. She rubbed her neck, itching the two spots on her chitin. For what looked like a lethal bite, it’d sure healed over quick. “Thanks for the extraction. I guess my disguise wasn’t as original as I thought.”

“Well, about that…”

“Wait.” Iridescent leered at AJ and the other two behind her. “You aren’t changelings.”

Applejack opened her mouth to explain, but she could only squawk as an emerald bolt knocked her to the ground. Iridescent was already on top of her before she knew what was happening, tumbling over and under as she stole the farmer’s face. As they rolled back up, Pinkie and Rainbow were seeing double.

“Oh great. Now she’s doing the ‘who’s the real one’ thing,” Rainbow complained.

“Took the words right outta my mouth, sugarcube,” the copycat agreed.

Applejack shook the stars out of her eyes as she pulled herself back up. She put a hoof over where Iridescent had shot her and sucked in a sharp breath from the sting. Looking over to her assailant, she was already doing the same while staring daggers back.

“That’s mighty impressive work there,” Applejack said. “Even got all the rips right.”

“I could say the same to you, faker,” the doppelganger growled back.

Pinkie raised a hoof. “Is this the part where we ask questions only the real Applejack would know? Or we could play twenty questions instead! What number am I thinking of?”

“We ain’t got time for this, Pinkie!” Applejack trotted over to her other self. “Would you knock it off, Iridescent?”

The fake AJ winced at the sound of her own name. “What did you just call me, sugarcube?”

“Iridescent, changeling infiltrator that Chrys, err Chrysalis, sent here to Manehattan to do… whatever it was you were supposed to do.”

“I have no idea what you’re—”

“You were pretending to be that mare Prim Hemline after you put yourself under for a spell with… what was it called again?”

“Oh, I know!” Pinkie reached into her suit and pulled out a red button to buzz in an answer. “It was the Enveloping Identity spell. You became secret-agent Prim Hemline, fashion critic by day and globetrotting changeling super-spy by night!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes, but didn’t bother correcting the tall tale.

Having clearly heard enough, Iridescent dropped her disguise and flashed her fangs. They weren’t as sharp as Chrys’, but still good enough to leave a nasty bite. “You have thirty seconds to explain why I shouldn’t kill all of you right here.”

“We’re trying to help you if you’d just listen!” What little patience Rainbow had left was draining faster than her mug during cider season. “Besides, we already kicked your buzzing changeling butts twice already.”

Pinkie tapped her chin. “We did? But I thought it was their buzzy butts that kicked our flanks before Cadance and Shining Armor saved us. And then it was Thorax who beat Chryssi so we could all share love and be friends!”

Iridescent’s clenched jaw fell completely slack. “Did you say Thorax beat Chrysalis? That overgrown nymph?”

“Yup! He’s really overgrown now! Almost as tall as Chryssi, but not quite. He’s a lot greener, though. And oranger. And purple-ly-er. He’s actually taller than Pharynx too, but not as purpley. Maybe if Ocellus stood on top of Pharynx, then they’d be—”

“Enough!” Iridescent yelled over Pinkie’s yammering. She took a calming breath and stood up straight. “Let’s say I believed your story for some reason. Why would I need help from ponies?”

“Things have changed a whole lot since you were, well, you last,” Applejack answered with a strained smile.

“Clearly they have if you know Ocellus.”

“That I do. Little nymph’s as cute as a button.” Applejack heaved a sigh of relief. “For a moment there I was really worried you weren’t gonna give us a chance.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m still not convinced, but I’m hearing you out anyway.” She lit her horn and turned herself into a prim and proper griffon. “I do hope for your sakes that you’re not lying.” She opened up a claw, revealing lethally sharp talons. “I’m not in a very forgiving mood.”

“I’ll let you take the first shot if I am, deal?”


“Great! Now, before we get going, can I get changed? Sweating something fierce in this suit.”

“Fine by me.” Iridescent smirked. “It’s a fashion disaster anyway.”

The day was starting to catch up with Applejack again as they arrived at the hotel. Pinkie Pie had regaled their new friend with all the things that had happened since she’d started masquerading as Prim Hemline. The crash course might’ve made more bunny trails than a herd of drunk rabbits, but it was still keeping Iridescent’s attention, what with how many changelings Pinkie knew by name.

Heading inside, they were met with Twilight and Fluttershy waiting in the lobby. They were both relieved to see an unfamiliar griffon with their friends. Meanwhile, Iridescent didn’t know what to say being greeted by a genuine alicorn princess besides Celestia. She didn’t even get a chance to question it before Fluttershy was all over her. She’d been worried sick about Iridescent since the bite and was almost in tears seeing her still alive.

Before everypony parted ways for the night, Fluttershy gave the changeling a tender and caring hug. Applejack didn’t have to ask, seeing the griffon go rigid from the sudden surge of love being given to her. The changeling didn’t say a word the entire way up to Applejack’s and Chrysalis’ room.

“And here we are,” AJ announced as she opened the door. “Go on and make yourself comfortable, Iridescent.”

“Thanks…” she mumbled, finally dropping her disguise the moment the door closed.

“Iridescent, Iridescent… ya got something shorter I can call ya? To be honest, it’s kind of a mouthful.”

“Desi is fine. It’s what I was called by the other nymphs growing up.”

“Sounds good to me, Desi! Now, let me show you my last bit of proof that I got on hoof, just in case you’re still on the fence about us.”

Going back to the nightstand, AJ fetched the folder of pictures from the day before and gave them to her guest. Iridescent popped it open and balked at what she saw inside.

“There’s more where that came from, too. I’d show you what we got today, but I think we left the camera back at Rarity’s.”

“Her Majesty is so… beautiful in these. In all my years of service, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her simply happy before.”

“We had a lot of fun that day, despite what happened before we got gussied up. Glamour even sold Chrys some makeup for her to try out when we get back to Ponyville.”

“You both have quite the striking ensemble,” she remarked as she slowly cycled through the photos. “Complimentary, even if a bit slapdash in its approach. I can see why Her Majesty might take an interest in makeup after seeing such stellar results.” Iridescent grimaced at the next picture. “Though, your form could use some work, Applejack.”

The farmer guffawed at the critique. “You sure you don’t remember a thing about being Prim? You sound just like her.”

“As she should. I saw no reason to stray too far from my own interests when making her. I guess I’m a better artist than I thought if she lasted this long in such a cutthroat industry. I was slightly worried that I’d aimed too high.”

“Not at all. You’re a famous and well-respected critic in the fashion world.”

“Prim was, I’m not.”

“Well, you could be again. I meant it when I said we were here to help you.”

Iridescent sighed and flopped down on her bed for the night. “Very well, and what was it that you had in mind?”

“Wasn’t my idea. Chrys is the one that suggested it.”

“Please show Her Majesty, Queen Chrysalis, the respect she rightly deserves.”

“She ain’t a queen anymore, but I hear ya, Desi.”

“So it would seem,” she muttered as she looked up at Chrysalis’ uncovered head in the picture.

“Well anyways, she figured that you’d be better off keeping everything you’ve got going on here in Manehattan, so she wanted to make sure you kept all the memories you made as Prim. I think she called it ‘integration’ or something.”

“Integration with what? If I’m awake, then you must know that Prim Hemline is gone for good. I infiltrate a society, establishing myself as one of them. Once ready, Her Majesty reawakens me, destroying the identity, and assumes the guise so she can finish up weakening any defenses she needs to from the inside before we strike.”

“I think she did a little more than usual this time around.” Even though she wasn’t the one bitten, Applejack couldn’t help but rub the back of her neck. The ferocious, predatory image was burned into her mind. “There was a lot of magic behind that bite of hers.”

“Is that what Fluttershy was so worried about before? All I can recall is waking up being yelled at by my former disguise for some asinine reason.”

“Chrysalis told me that she was gonna get Prim out of your head and into hers. Had no idea she was gonna chomp down on you harder than a half-starved quarray eel. To tell ya the truth, I’m surprised you’re still kicking after that.”

“Queen Chrysalis’ fangs are nothing short of a miracle of magic. I’ve seen Her Majesty do everything from fell an Ursa Major to rewrite entire memories with a single bite.” The seasoned infiltrator pulled herself up and showed the back of her neck. It was getting harder by the hour to see where she’d been bitten, with only two suspicious dots running alongside her frill of a mane. “I consider it a great honor to have been bitten so carefully by Her Majesty. I wish I could do half the magic she can with mine, but to reach her mastery of illusions would take more years than a drone has in this world, if it’s even possible at all.”

“Different strokes for different folks.” Applejack forced a laugh to clear the lump in her throat. “But, from what I saw of Ocellus and the others, y’all’s teeth lose a bit of their edge once ya change. Only saw him looking more like you for a minute or two, but I’m pretty sure Pharynx’s teeth were a lot smaller after he shifted.”

The infiltrator hummed thoughtfully. “And Her Majesty expects me to undergo this metamorphosis myself?”

“Kinda figured you’d want to, knowing you wouldn’t have to keep prowling for love all the time. You should’ve seen Ocellus after she took her first real bite of an apple. The girl was grinning ear to ear with joy.” Applejack laughed and smiled the more she thought about that precious little changeling.

“Joy?” Iridescent chortled lowly as she shook her head. “That sounds unimaginable.”

“Why’s that? Ocellus is such a sweetheart.”

“To me, entertaining such a strong reaction is utterly wasteful. Joy is a powerful happiness, filled with profound love. To feel it over a meager fruit? I’d expect stupidity like that from you Equestrians.”

“Here’s the thing about that. If you have a change of heart too, you can feel that way about being artsy all you want! From what Rarity told me, ya might’ve been a bit stand-offish sometimes, but you were always proud of your work and really inspired everypony you helped.”

“I see.” Desi focused on the photos, shuffling through a few more quietly as she gathered her thoughts. “About Prim Hemline. Did… did Her Majesty order me to go through with the integration?”

“Well, no. But you did a lot of things as her. Good things, from what I hear. It’d be a bit difficult to hop back in the saddle without everything she knows.”

“Why should I care? Prim Hemline was a means to an end. If I was successful, I was promised to reemerge into a new world, one where I could devour all the love I could consume! Now I’m supposed to ‘open my heart’ to my prey and decide if I want to keep working in the pony fashion world? Prim was a critic so I could enjoy a steady stream of guaranteed love! I wouldn’t even get to enjoy making anything!”

“Slow down, girl. No one’s forcing no pony or changeling to do nothing. We don’t even know what Prim thinks of the whole situation.”

“What do you mean what she thinks? That mare’s not even real.”

“I guess not in the normal sense. Honestly, this whole situation is throwing me for a loop.” Applejack fell back on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She caught sight of the dreamcatcher on the wall. Luna was probably gonna throw a fit not finding Chrys tonight. She wondered if Prim would show up in that Dreamscape Luna mentioned. “There’s a whole lot I don’t get about what’s going on, but what I do know is that Prim Hemline has a life and friends around these parts. She’s real enough to them, and I bet Prim herself would have a few words to say on the matter.”

Iridescent scoffed at the idea and flipped to the next photo. Whatever comeback she was about to say was immediately silenced as her eyes bugged out. Applejack leaned up to see it was the last picture of the set, the one Glamour called the best shot of the night. That peaceful little smile on Chrys’ face was sweeter than a freshly picked honeycrisp.

“May I ask you a strange question about Her Majesty, Applejack?”

“Fire away, Desi.”

“Has Her Majesty changed as well?”

Applejack turned over on the bed. “Not like the rest of the changelings, but I think she’s changing in her own way. Still pretty prickly though.”

“Why hasn’t she done so if it promises limitless love?”

“I wish I knew. I’m pretty sure she wants to. Got real riled up about it after we, uhh…” AJ fished around for the right words to say, but the less she said about rainbow-blasting Chrys with the Elements, the better. “After we tried to help her along with some special pony magic.”

Iridescent shifted on the bed to face AJ, but her eyes remained locked on the picture in her hooves. “Is… is she often this happy around you?”

“Well, I like to think so, even if she doesn’t always show it.”

The mare fiddled around with the photo for a bit, running a hoof up and down the side. While she’d looked over the others with an artsy eye, her gaze remained transfixed on Chrysalis. She looked almost lost, utterly perplexed by the image in front of her. AJ liked it too, but that flicker in the changeling’s eye told a much deeper tale than what she saw.

“Joy from the all-mother is a rare and precious gift,” Desi finally said as she put the folder back on the nightstand. “To bask in the presence of such a blessing; I hope you were able to fully appreciate it, Applejack.”

It was Applejack’s turn to say nothing as her roommate for the night waited for an answer. She knew the picture was good, but she was definitely missing a piece of the puzzle if Desi revered it more than Dash did her signed Daring Do books. Sure, AJ hoped she helped bring that smile to Chrys’ face, and she was glad that she had enough love to show she was having a good time. This was something deeper than the happiness she felt seeing that smile.

“I’ll consider what you said about Prim Hemline,” Desi said as she laid down on the bed. “And thanks, I guess, for letting me sleep here.”

“Not a problem, sugarcube. Give it some thought and get some rest. We still gotta figure out how to sit you two down to talk this out.”

“And how are we supposed to do that? Even if Her Majesty somehow overcame the fundamental lie underpinning her illusionary framework, the moment she finds out the truth of what she is, she should succumb to an existential crisis that will destabilize the spells keeping her together.”

“Guess we’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it. Chrys said she had—err, Chrysalis said she had a plan, and I trust her.”

Desi let out a trilling snicker as she made herself comfortable. “It’s so strange hearing a pony say that.”

“We’ll see if you’re still singing that tune once you reconnect with your friends and family. Twi already sent word to Thorax, so maybe once you see him, being friends with us too might not sound so far-fetched.”

“Maybe. Still, an earth pony trusting Her Majesty, knowing full well what she is capable of doing to prey like you...” Her snickers grew a little sharper as she pulled the covers up. “A certain griffon tale about frogs and scorpions comes to mind.”

“What’s it about?”

Iridescent grinned, showing her fiendish fangs to the pony across from her. “Trust, betrayal, and two creatures drowning together in a river.”

Applejack frowned and turned away from her guest for the night. “Why can’t griffon stories ever be nice?”

“Griffonstone is a brutal place.”

“Good thing we’re in Manehattan then. We have a busy day tomorrow at those Tryouts, so let’s get some shuteye.”

“Fine by me. At the very least, it will be interesting to see what my disguise got up to while I was away. It’s never mattered before now.”

Applejack undid her ties and tossed them on the bedpost before getting cozy herself. They’d gotten over the first set of hurdles; now they just needed to keep up the pace and make it around the rest of the track. There was plenty that could still go belly-up before they’d even get to giving Prim Hemline a chance or whatever that meant with this integration stuff. Also, that last bit Desi said wasn’t sitting right with her.

A pattern was forming that the mare didn’t care much to give the time of day. Every changeling she met was saying the same thing when it came to Chrysalis. Jaws dropped to the floor every time one of ‘em heard that AJ was helping the former queen; giving her love and affection, keeping her around and caring for her well-being, and on top of it all, not being annihilated by the big mare herself. Chrys was saying the same thing, calling her confused and a fool for trying to help at all.

Frustrating as all get-out is what it was! Why was it so wrong to care about Chrysalis if Fluttershy was getting away with keeping Discord around her home? Before that, she still had snakes, bears, and even that manticore from the Everfree that came around her place sometimes. A complete double-standard.

There was no use getting worked up over it now. Applejack needed to calm down and rest up for tomorrow. She took a deep breath and rolled over until she found a good sweet spot to get to sleeping. It was the last day of their friendship retreat, and they needed to make the most of it.

Chapter 20: Life on the Catwalk

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Iridescent was gone.

Applejack struggled with her tail ties as she bolted out of the bedroom. It was early, but she hoped to Harmony that the other girls were up already. There had always been a risk of the changeling slipping away. Chrys had warned her about it. There was nothing for it though if the changeling was going to sneak away in the middle of the night. It wasn’t like they could’ve taken turns keeping an eye on her as if she was some sort of prisoner. They were trying to earn her trust, not rouse her suspicions. Maybe Twilight knew some way of tracking her down before—

“Oh, please. You’re too kind!” Prim Hemline said to a gathering of hotel ponies in front of the elevator. “I simply offer my advice to the real artists I work with. I do my best to seek out the next visionaries and trendsetters, too, but it’s such a struggle to get out with my busy schedule.”

Or maybe Applejack was worrying about the wrong thing.

“Dangit Prim!” Applejack called out over the small crowd.

“Good morning! Are you alright? You look as though you just barreled out of bed.”

“That’s because I did,” she groused, finally snapping the band around the end of her bird’s nest of a tail. “What the hay do you think you’re doing?”

“I was going to help myself to a little breakfast before you got up.” The critic gave the other pony a knowing wink. “But I didn’t expect to run into so many adoring fans here in the hallway. I must be more famous than I thought.”

“Exactly why you maybe shouldn’t be messing around like this willy-nilly, Miss Hemline.”

Prim sighed wistfully and lightly kicked the elevator button to head down. “You’re right. I promised Princess Twilight I would be discreet about our early morning meeting.” The bell chimed behind her, and she motioned for Applejack to join her. “Now promise you all won’t tell a soul about this little surprise meet-and-greet. I don’t want to have to speak to the manager.”

The excitement lowered to a strained simmer as the cleaning staff shared a glance and silently agreed for the sake of their jobs. “N-no! Of course not, Miss Hemline! Thank you for the signatures!”

“My pleasure, you lovely ponies. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need a little privacy with my bodyguard.”

The group turned to Applejack, noting the farmer’s stronger build, as well as the scowl resting on her lips. They smiled as they backed away, letting the pair board in peace. AJ stomped over to the elevator and hit the ground floor button while the fashion star’s fans waved goodbye behind the closing doors.

“You know, I could get used to this. It’s a shame I couldn’t actively absorb love while I was Prim. I’d have control of the whole city by now.” The changeling cackled to herself.

“Well, ya ain’t gonna be doing a thing in Manehattan if you blow yours and Chrys’ cover.”

“Don’t worry your pretty pony head. I had those morsels practically eating out of my hoof,” Desi bragged as she shifted into her griffon form from last night. She polished her claws on her pink chest plumage and admired their sharpened sheen. “I was thinking Heidi Furbelows for this form, but it might be a little too close to a pony name.”

“If I were you, I’d be less concerned about what I go by and more with how I’m going along. You’re the spitting image of Prim as a griffon.”

The changeling hummed to herself as she checked her disguise in the elevator’s mirror. “Now that you mention it, this one does bear a striking resemblance to her. Even down to the color choice.”

“All I’m saying is that if I noticed, other folks around here are definitely going to.”

Desi poked the top of her head where her feathers turned a darker shade of pink, forming into a mane mirroring Prim Hemline’s triangular bangs. “It is rarer for a griffon to have fur on their head.” She combed her claw through her mane, flashing it into a bundle of longer feathers and drooping it over the left side of her face, slightly obscuring her eye. She then flickered her coat from muted gray to a darker shade of black. With a final splash of darker makeup across her face, Desi was looking a lot less iridescent. “There we go. This is more my style anyway.”

The door dinged, opening up to the ground floor just as she wrapped up her elevator makeover. Applejack rubbed her chin, trying to make heads or tails of the look. “I think I saw a few ponies with that downright depressed look you’re—”

“Goth,” she corrected before AJ could finish her meandering guesswork.

“R-right.” Applejack gave the griffon a gander, trying to take it all in. “So is there a reason for—”

“You wouldn’t get it.”

Applejack frowned at the familiar sentiment. “Is it because I’m ‘prey?’”

A chuckle escaped Desi’s nose as she shook her head. “No, but that works too.”

Stepping out into the lobby, Applejack noticed there weren’t very many ponies around. The folks running the hotel were still setting up breakfast, while anypony else up and at ‘em was getting an early start to their busy day. Iridescent strolled about a bit, getting a lay of the land as it were, and finally settling on a sitting area looking out towards the city streets. AJ sat down on the seat next to her, joining the changeling’s gaze.

“It’s strange,” Iridescent remarked as her eyes scanned the edges of Canter Trail Park. “Usually at this point, I’m already back at the hive, sharing what love I was able to collect after a successful mission. I’ve never reemerged from an infiltration and just… lingered.”

“How many times have you gone undercover?”

“Including Manehattan? Six.”

“Golly. Time must feel real wonky to ya. Years just skipping along like a stone, only touching the lake for a second before hopping along again.”

Desi shifted a little, trying to find a better spot with her bigger griffon body. “Only four of those enveloped me, and then it was just a few months. This is the first time it’s been this long.”

“Does it look any different to ya? Manehattan, I mean.”

“Not to me, but I didn’t bother looking. I focused on preparing what I needed to assume Prim Hemline’s role in society. If she didn’t need to know it, then neither did I.”

“That makes sense.” The farmer pointed her hoof out the window to the distance. “It’s a bit difficult to see, but that’s Saddle Row way over there. Might start noticing a few changes when we get out there later for the tryouts.”

“Probably. I don’t recall a place called Regality before.”

“It was there, but it wasn’t a skyscraper. I think they were still building it up until about a year ago or so. Got family out this way that’d know better if Rarity doesn’t.”

“She was that white unicorn with Her Majesty, right? I don’t remember seeing her in the lobby when we got back last night.”

“Rarity’s keeping an eye on Prim Hemline and trying to find a good chance for us to get some alone time with her. It’ll take some doing with how busy she is with that show of hers.”

Iridescent nodded, but kept her eyes trained on the edges of the fashionable buildings in the distance. “I’m kind of looking forward to seeing her in action. Queen Chrysalis usually assumes the identity the infiltrators built, but she’s never fully enveloped herself. This will be Prim Hemline come to life.”

“She’s been real to the rest of us, you know.”

“But to me, she’s just a complicated interwoven mess of illusions; little more than a character in a story. Fake memories, fake interests, fake hobbies, fake quirks. I wonder if she flicks her tail when she’s frustrated.”

“Probably,” Applejack said with a shrug. “Pretty sure most ponies do that though.”

“I wanted her to do it constantly, especially if she’s thinking while aggravated. Some ponies stick out the tongue when they’re working through a problem. Prim should swish her tail around like a cat.” Desi wagged her own lion tail for emphasis with a grin. “I never get to know if all of those little influences I made really stuck unless I hear it from someone else.”

“At least you seem a little more open to the whole integration idea than yesterday.”

The changeling’s tail stopped as she rested back in her seat. “I’m still thinking about it. I don’t think I’ll be able to make up my mind until I see her for myself.”

“Why not? You said it yourself that she’s just a bunch of stuff you made up. As far as I can tell, you’re just remembering pretending to be somepony you’re not for a spell.”

“There’s more to it than that. I’ll remember being a completely different creature with a completely different life!” The griffon crossed her forelegs and frowned. “I don’t know what that will even be like, or if I can even do it.”

Sensing the girl’s apprehension, Applejack leaned in a little closer to the griffon. “Chrysalis made it sound like y’all did something like it before.”

Desi shook her head. “Integration isn’t something we drones ever do. Her Majesty does it within the Mindscape.”

The familiar term made AJ’s ear flick. “Isn’t that just when y’all are dreaming?”

“Not the way I’ve heard you ponies experience dreams. To a changeling, the Mindscape is as tangible of a place as where we are now. When we sleep or meditate in the presence of the Queen, we connect with her mind, integrating ourselves with it. It is a vast, illusory realm of our communal making where we experience the all-mother’s eternal presence fully.

“Where your pony thoughts are filled with random noise and chaos, Her Majesty guides our lives both here in the truth and there in our shared untruths.” The changeling-turned-griffon sighed wistfully, looking towards the early morning sun. “Truly, I was disappointed when I found the night had passed in the blink of an eye. The palace of her mind is truly a sight to behold.“

Hearing Iridescent go on so passionately about her queen was something else. The way she described the Mindscape made Applejack a little sad that she’d never get to see it. The rest of the changelings she’d met never really talked about life under Chrys’ rule in a good way. Pharynx probably would’ve when they first met, but that notion was put to bed by a firm, queenly hoof pressing down on his windpipe. Whatever the case, Iridescent truly believed in her queen, just like AJ trusted her princesses.

Everything about changelings was just a little too different to wrap her head all the way around. It wasn’t unimaginable, but rather rubbing against all of Applejack’s sensibilities. The whole nation was built on a bunch of honest lies that everyone was in on. Truth was so powerful against them that they’d gone and spun it back around the other way, weaponizing it to unleash powerful changelings like Iridescent on the world.

It was scary enough thinking back to Chrys revealing herself at the wedding. AJ didn’t want to even think about how terrifying it’d be for one of her friends to turn out to be a powerful infiltrator. She knew she’d fall for it, too; hook, line, and sinker. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Twilight… Applejack would die trying to remind any one of them about a false friendship that’d been ripped away in an instant.

“Something on your mind, Applejack? You’re being awfully quiet for you overly friendly Equestrians.”

“Don’t worry about me, Desi. Just still waking up is all,” she lied.

Regality’s Convention Center definitely lived up to its lofty name. They’d sped through the place chasing Chrys down the day before, but now that AJ had the time to take a gander at it, the place gave Twi’s castle a run for its bits. While the steel and glass outside looked impressive enough, the inside was practically made for royalty. They’d blended the marbled halls of Canterlot with the Crystal Empire’s shimmering crystal fractals while maintaining Manehattan’s golden art deco splendor, at least according to Twilight. All Applejack heard was it was fancy on top of fancier, with a dash of fanciest thrown in for good measure.

The group of friends filed in along with the rest of the spectators to watch the last day of the Fashion Week Tryouts. They let the onlookers go on ahead to see the actual show, while their group stayed back to get a better angle on where the judges would be sitting. Rarity was still nowhere to be seen, but AJ figured she was hanging around Prim Hemline somewhere. Knowing her, she’d probably offered to help in any way she could.

The rest of the convention room had been fashioned into a runway for the candidates to strut their stuff. It was a bit less flashy than the shows she’d caught before, but considering it was about the hopeful models more than anything, the streamlining made sense. Even the candidates were supposed to bring their own stuff to wear for the first round. Of course, knowing that there were multiple rounds was already making the day drag. As if sensing her dread, a pink hoof popped into her periphery.

“Popcorn?” Pinkie offered with a jiggle of the bag.

Applejack raised a curious eyebrow. “Thanks for offering, but didn’t they say you weren’t supposed to bring food in here?”

“Well that’s silly! If I wasn’t supposed to bring popcorn, then why did they have a popcorn stand outside?”

“That was a stand in the park,” Iridescent clarified sharply. “There were signs all over the place strictly forbidding food or drink in the show.”

“But how am I supposed to cheer Applejack up?”

“I ain’t in a bad way, Pinkie. Just not looking forward to being here for the next however many hours.”

“You’re telling me,” Dash added as she snatched a hoof full of popcorn for herself and poured it into her mouth. “I’ve gotten used to sitting through fashion shows, but this is like three back-to-back-to-back! Did you even see the line of models out there? We’re gonna be here all day!”

“If you don’t like it, you shouldn’t have come,” the changeling bit back. “Personally, I’m looking forward to seeing what my disguise managed to put together.”

Twilight clapped her hooves in agreement. “This must be so exhilarating for you, Iridescent!”

“Heidi,” Desi corrected firmly.

“Right, Heidi!” Twilight tittered as her claps slowly settled into rubbing them together. “Either way, it’s not every day you get to watch another you put on a landmark event like this!”

“It’s not another me. She’s a completely different species, for one.”

“That may be true, but don’t forget that she was also a character that you conceptualized and put into the world. You may be able to bury your consciousness, but you can’t escape the creative influences that guided your decision-making when you were imagining Prim Hemline. There will always be at least a little bit of you in her no matter how deeply you bury it.”

Desi smirked as she considered the thought. “When you say it like that, you come off as a know-it-all, princess.”

“O-oh.” Twilight’s ears drooped.

Realizing her mistake against a royal, the changeling quickly backpedaled. “I guess you’re not wrong. It just makes it a little weird.”

The alicorn bounced back slightly as her sadness was quickly replaced with curiosity. “What do you mean?”

“When you word it like that, it almost makes it sound like Prim is my offspring. It’s a weird thought since I envisioned her much older than me.”

“That is pretty awkward.” Twilight tapped her chin. “In fact, if we break the germinal idea framework down even further, then the concept of Prim Hemline isn’t even five yet. She’d be your middle-aged foal.”

Applejack frowned at her overthinking friend. “Twi? We’re trying to help Heidi here be a bit more comfortable with meeting the mare. I don’t think you pondering their relations is helping much.”

“I don’t know about that,” Fluttershy chimed in. “I’m always proud of my animal friends when they show me the things they do, like build a burrow or find a mate. It’s enjoyable to see the results of the effort you put into another.”

Iridescent raised an eyebrow at the notion, but eventually a small smile pulled at her beak. “I understand that. I always looked forward to seeing my progeny in-between missions.”

“Progeny?” The curious pegasus gave Desi her undivided attention. “Are you a mother?”

The changeling laughed and shook her head. “No, but the egg I offered the kingdom hatched into a beautiful nymph.”

“I’m not sure I understand, Irid—I mean Heidi.”

“Infiltrators can’t be mothers. We seek out love to provide to all the younglings under the all-mother’s care.” Seeing the horror slowly gripping Fluttershy, she tapped the kind mare on the shoulder as the lights dimmed. “Don’t worry about it. You wouldn’t understand.”


“Shh. It’s starting.”

A few seconds went by before the stage lit up. The audience had barely caught a glimpse of a gray hoof before everypony roared with applause. Prim Hemline strode down the runway, sporting her signature pink button-down and fancy, frilly neckerchief. The critic carried herself with an austere grace that’d put even seasoned models to shame, stopping in the center of the stage without even needing to see where she was going. She lifted her head and finally opened her eyes to the roar of her adoring fans. Their queen had arrived.

“Good afternoon, everypony! Thank you for coming to the final day of our Fashion Week Tryouts!” She let the crowd cheer as the adoration washed over her.

Applejack joined in their applause while sneaking a peek at Desi. The changeling’s mask was slipping a smidgen, her beak open and drooling at the spectacle. It was plain as day to AJ that the room was full to bursting with love for the changeling’s famous disguise.

“For those of you just joining us today, these tryouts are being held to debut a new designer that I hope to share with all of you soon!” Prim paused to let another peal of cheering. “But first, we have hundreds of hopeful models that have answered our casting call, but only twenty can make the final cut. I am looking forward to seeing what each and every one of you has to show today. So, put your best hoof forward and show our brilliant panelists and me how to make it in Manehattan!”

The lights pulled towards the side of the stage, where an elevated judges table had been sectioned off. “Now please join me in welcoming the superstar ponies that will be grading your performances. First, coming all the way from Canterlot to provide her eye for the extra-ordinary, give it up for the Pony of Pop, Sapphire Shores!”

A sting of flashy music flared over the speakers as the pop idol strode towards her seat, shining a smile brighter than the sparkling white dress she was wearing. “Hey, hey every po-nay! Thank you all for such a fantastic week of fashion! I can’t wait to see what y’all bring to the stage. Today is gonna be ma-gi-cal!”

The room went absolutely nuts for the singer. Applejack wished she’d brought earplugs like she was doing when Rara rolled into town. They were gonna be ringing all the way back to Sweet Apple Acres at this rate.

“Next, we have the illustrious head costume designer from our city’s very own Bridleway Theatre. Please welcome the brilliant stallion behind the stage, Overall Concept!”

A suave stallion stepped out to much less fanfare than the mad screams from earlier. He adjusted his bowtie before taking a proper seat next to Sapphire. “Thank you again for having me for these tryouts. Like all of you, I look forward to seeing this day’s fashionable finale. Break a leg, everypony!”

“Thank you, Mister Concept,” Prim smiled as she briskly trotted towards her own seat. “Of course, you all know me by now, but I bet you’re all wondering who our wildcard panelist is today.” The audience answered with another smattering of cheers. “I thought so! It brings me great pleasure to welcome one of the most fashion-forward, up-and-coming designers in all of the fashion world, the magnificent seamstress from Ponyville, Rarity!”

“What?” Applejack and her friends gasped in unison as their friend joined the others behind the table. While there were far less cheers for her than the others, those who knew were making up for it by screaming their heads off.

“Oh my! How unexpected! Thank you, darlings!” Rarity waved before taking her seat behind the table. “It is every designer’s dream to see the clothes they make bring out the best in the ponies who wear them. It is a competition, so I know we won’t be able to choose all of you, but just know that each and every one of you out there is beautiful no matter what. That goes for you too, you absolutely lovely members of the audience!”

If they hadn’t cheered before, they definitely were now after hearing the gracious unicorn’s heartfelt words. It always made her proud to see no matter how high Rarity rose, she was the same pony in and out. AJ whistled and stomped her hooves to show her support for her equally beautiful friend.

After the audience calmed down, Prim leaned over to her microphone. “And with that, let the show begin! Please welcome our first set of competitors to the runway. In order of appearance, we have Luscious, Zesty Zeal, Spotlight, Lem n’ Lime…”

After an hour of watching the conga line of ponies pass by, Applejack was feeling more inclined to join Rainbow sawing logs under Twilight’s soundproof bubble. It was more entertaining than watching paint dry that one time, but only just a little. Sure, it may have been a steady stream of some of the most gorgeous mares Applejack had ever seen, but even eye-candy got old after a while. Didn’t help that most of them wouldn’t hold a candle to Ponyville’s Captain of the Guard.

While she was getting more bored out of her mind by the minute, Iridescent had been locked into full-on critic mode from the moment the first model started strutting their stuff. It was remarkably similar to the ponderous face Prim Hemline was sporting on her end. However, about halfway through the show, Prim’s mood had taken a sharp turn downward. The mare was tapping her hoof impatiently, a stern frown cemented on her face, her tail going ninety to nothing. Anypony that glanced her way knew the mare was burning wild with frustration. Even Sapphire Shores was concerning herself more with the fuming fashion critic than the talent.

After the last model did her best to walk down stage under the wrathful gaze of Prim Hemline, all eyes turned to the hostess. The music stopped as the spotlight hit her, and all was quiet. Her microphone kicked back on with a squeak of feedback, but she didn’t pay it any mind. Whatever was eating at her was outweighing even trying to put on a front.

“You okay over there, Hemline?” Sapphire asked away from her mic.

The mare didn’t answer and stood up. “That concludes round one. We will now take a twenty minute break while we decide who will be moving on.”

“Deliberate?” Overall asked in sharp concern. “But the whole reason we even have this tally sheet—”

“Twenty minutes,” she restated, leaving no room for questions. “Thank you.”

Prim turned around, taking her papers in hoof as she quickly fled to the backstage. Rarity nearly called out to her, but instead turned to her friends. She forced a smile and pointed her horn towards the doors.

“Wake up, Rainbow!” Twilight popped the bubble around the snoozing pegasus. “It’s time to go!”


“Rarity needs our help, we’ve got to move, now!”

Dash shook the daze away and grinned as she somersaulted skyward. “Finally! Time for some action!”

“We’ll just have to see about that,” Iridescent muttered.

They pushed the dumbstruck crowd towards the doors at the back of the venue. Luckily, Rarity was already waiting for them when they made it through. She was briefly distracted by Iridescent’s bold choice of griffon goth, but the disguised changeling only flashed her talons to move them along. With the message received, the group made their way to the private areas of the convention center.

Twilight caught up to Rarity’s side. “What happened back there?”

“That’s just it, I don’t know!” Rarity admitted.

“She seemed a bit heated, to say the least,” Applejack added.

“You’re telling me, Applejack. I was starting to wonder if Chrysalis has something to do with it, but I didn’t want to risk asking her.”

“That wasn’t Her Majesty, I can promise you that,” Desi stated unequivocally as they turned the corner towards a series of private offices. “But something definitely wasn’t sitting well with Prim Hemline. Did you notice if she broke her pencil at any point?”

“Pen, but yes. She split it right in two with the side of her hoof.”

“That’s not good.”

“But how did you know?” Rarity asked. “She did it against the table. I only noticed when the ink started pooling next to me.”

“Prim should do that when she’s reached her breaking point. It goes tail flick, tail wag, and finally small property damage. We might need to be ready to dodge furniture if she’s livid.”

“You mean ya put that level of violence into her as a character quirk?” Applejack asked, starting to get a bit frustrated herself.

“No, but it’s as Twilight and Fluttershy said. She’s partly me. That’s what I do when I lose my temper,” Desi admitted with a shrug of her shoulders.

The group slowed down as they reached the final door at the end of the hallway. Around there were temporary offices belonging to the panelists, with the last, lone door in front of them belonging to Prim Hemline. If Prim was in there, Applejack couldn’t hear her through the thick door. There was no telling what was waiting for them on the other side.

“Well, let’s hope she’s not so disagreeable then,” Rarity said as she put a hoof on the door. “Now, let me do the talking first. And, umm, Twilight? Would you be a dear and catch anything Prim might hurl our way?” The mare’s smile strained along with her nerves.

The alicorn’s horn lit up and she nodded. “Ready when you are!”

“Thank you.” Taking a bracing breath, she knocked. “Miss Hemline? Are you in there? It’s Rarity.” The group waited a moment, but there was no answer. Testing the waters a bit more, she slowly opened the door. “Miss Hemline?”

It was a little dark in the room, with the only light in the room shining through the closed blinds. Applejack didn’t get a good gander at the rest of the space, considering who was right under the window on the couch. Prim had buried her face into one of the couch’s pillows, stifling bitter sobs with the plush fabric.

“Prim!” Rarity cried as she ran to her friend's side. “Darling! Are you alright?”

Hemline lifted her head, “Rarity?”

“Yes. I’m here. What’s wrong?”

“Oh, Rarity! It’s terrible! Horrid! I’m absolutely ruined!”

“Whyever for?” Rarity asked tenderly as she did her best to comfort her friend.

“I’ve lost my artistic touch!” The distraught critic stammered as she tried to find her words. “I don’t know what’s fashionable anymore!”

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know! I don’t know! Ever since I bumped into that miserable parasite, it’s like I can’t even think straight. It’s as if I’ve lost my sense of style entirely. I’m deaf! Blind! Mute!”

Rarity laughed uncomfortably at the anti-changeling sentiments, but brushed them aside; it wasn’t entirely Prim’s fault. She cleared her throat and lowered down next to the mare. “It’s going to be okay, I promise. We all suffer from creative blocks at times.”

“No, Rarity. You don’t understand. I don’t know anything! Even the most basic fundamentals elude me!” She stood up and opened the door to a large cabinet to reveal a mirror on the inside of it. “I look myself in the mirror, and I just see clothes, nothing more. I don’t know the influences, the patterns, the materials, I don’t even know what this ruffly-looking thing is called!” she cried as she pulled at the fancy neckerchief thing. “It’s my favorite part, and I can’t remember! I’ve forgotten everything!”

Prim stumbled over to her desk and looked over the pages of models she was supposed to have tallied during the first round. Each page scattered across the top was completely blank. Her mouth moved uselessly, failing to say anything before she broke down again on the desk.

“It’s called a cravat, often confused for a scarf or an ascot,” Heidi answered as she approached Prim. The griffon fiddled around with the material, smiling as her talons felt the ruffles. “It’s my favorite part of your ensemble as well. I would’ve gone for a full cravat shirt, but keeping the frilly sleeves clean with how much deskwork you do would’ve been a nightmare without magic.”

Hemline sniffled, dabbing the end of her nose with a tissue. “I’m sorry? And you are?”

“Iridescent. The pest you bumped into the other day.”

“Pest?” the mare gasped as she shot out of her seat, pointing a hoof at the griffon. “You mean you’re that changeling! You must’ve done something to me! You and your weird magic!”

“You’d have to ask Chrysalis about that. I didn’t do anything to you.”

“Chrysalis? That terrible villain? What does she have to do with this?”

“Everything, if you can believe it. Neither of us would be here if it wasn’t for her.”

“Umm, Iridescent?” Rarity whispered with a polite laugh. “Do you really think it’s wise to say so much in front of—”

Before she could finish her thought, Desi dropped her disguise, revealing her true changeling form underneath. Prim Hemline yelped and jumped away from the desk. The changeling chuckled at her fear and trotted to the other side of the desk to sit down. Reaching into a drawer, she pulled out a pen and began tallying up points of a few select blanks.

“Wha… what do you think you’re doing?” Prim screeched from the far side of the office.

“Our job, at least as best as I can remember from round one. My memory is nothing compared to Her Majesty’s, but I still remember the standouts of the procession. Hopefully that won’t be a problem moving forward.”

Prim scoffed. “And what would you know about fashion? The only thing your kind knows is how to steal the appearances of others!”

“I know that your mystery pony must work outside of the standard fashion industry. Why else would you weigh your expert opinion equally with a singer and a costume designer? I bet the wildcards were mostly there for the spectacle.”

She soured at the accurate guess. “So, your kind are shapeshifters and mind readers.”

“You’re half right. It’s just what I would’ve done given the situation. Speaking of, I do like this scoring system. Whose idea was it?”

“Mine, if you must know.” Prim walked over to the desk and pointed to the first row on the page. “There were simply too many entrants, and we wouldn’t have time to comment on each one. I devised an itemized system to address categories for the first round to see if they covered the basics.” She sucked in her lips as she looked over each. “Of course, now I don’t even know what the difference is between poise and posture.”

“Poise refers to their composure; posture is their physical presence. Pastelinary had good posture, but was sweating and swiveling the moment she stepped into the limelight. Meanwhile, Vibrant Dancer maintained her cool, but had a little too much spin in her stride. Would you agree, Rarity?”

“Me?” Rarity looked over at the page, seeing the numbers next to the pony’s names and hummed thoughtfully. “While I’m not sure about Miss Dancer, Miss Pastelinary most assuredly wasn’t comfortable when she took center stage.”

“I see. That makes sense,” Prim agreed as she thought back to the show. “So, you know a thing or two about fashion. Do you think you could do my job better than me?”

“I don’t. Even though I liked this stuff as a hobby, the extent of my abilities can only salvage the first part of this competition. I don’t know what’s in-style right now nor what your mystery designer needs from their models. You’re the one with that experience.” Iridescent flipped through Prim’s stack of papers, double-checking her work. Satisfied with her job, she stood up from her chair and faced the fashion critic.

Prim Hemline eyed the changeling curiously before swiping the pages from the desk. “Well, I suppose I should thank you. But if this is some sort of trick…”

“You’re not wrong. This is a trick. But you should know, if you figure it out, I can’t guarantee your safety.”

“Are… are you threatening me?” Prim turned to the rest of the ponies in the room. “You heard her, right? This monster is threatening me! Are you just going to stand there and let her treat me like this?”

“It’s a bit more complicated than that, Miss Hemline,” Applejack said as she looked into the other pony’s eyes. “It ain’t a threat, but a guarantee. While I don’t much like it, I promise you that she’s telling you the truth.”

Prim’s gaze lingered on Applejack, growing more perplexed with each passing moment. “I don’t understand. Why do I believe you? I don’t even know you!”

“My name is Applejack, ma’am. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I just wish it was under better circumstances.”

The other mare blushed and looked away. “You have a little sister named Apple Bloom and a big brother named Big MacIntosh. Why do I know that?”

Prim’s worried gaze whipped around towards the office door. She trotted to the room’s coat rack and she eyed it curiously. Finally, the city pony bent down, shimmying a little to get a good angle, and shot her hooves back in a perfectly clean apple-buck. The poor rack flew against the wall and broke clean down the middle. Prim Hemline stared at the results of her work, shuddering as she backed away from the damage.

“I made sure to put a little bit of magic into that buck. It would’ve helped it if it was a tree, but I’d probably only get as far as the ‘harm’ part.” She covered her mouth and ran back to Iridescent. “I know you did something to me! If not you, then it must’ve been that despicable wretch Chrysalis!”

“Prim, please!” Rarity begged as she quickly hugged her friend. “We want to help you, but you must calm down!”

“How can I calm down in a situation like this? I feel like I’m losing my mind!”

“Yes. You’re correct,” Iridescent said matter-of-factly. “With every passing second, you run the risk of completely losing yourself. But, after seeing how much you’ve been able to do while I was away for myself, I want to help you.”

“Help me? How could you possibly help me? You’re part of the problem!”

“Am I?” Iridescent took a few steps back, stopping next to the cabinet mirror and tilted her head towards it.

“Yes! You! You…” Prim’s eyes widened as they flickered between her reflection and Iridescent. “You look like me. Me, but wrong. All wrong! Why? Why do you look like me?”

“Do you really want to keep pushing your luck, Prim?” Iridescent laughed as strut towards her creation, exactly like she’d done at the start of today’s tryouts. “To be honest, I’m okay either way how this plays out, but the more truths you uncover, the more likely it is that you completely unravel.”


“You’re a thinning bundle of thread, Prim. One little spool is keeping you together, but if you find it, it will vanish, taking you along with it.”

“It can’t be…” Prim turned to Applejack, her shattered gaze filled with terror.

Applejack took her hat off. “I’m sorry, Miss Hemline, but she’s right.”

“Then, what am I supposed to do?” Prim began pulling at her mane as he breathing quickened. “I already feel like I’m coming apart at the seams! I can’t just keep going like this, AJ!”

Applejack’s heart sank at hearing her nickname. “I know you can’t, but you’re just gonna have to trust us and Iridescent. I can’t promise it’s all gonna be okay, but we’re all here to help you.”

Prim galloped over to the farmer and wrapped her in a shaky embrace for support. The poor girl was on the verge of hyperventilating. “I’m so scared.”

AJ could feel the back of her neck getting damp from Prim’s overwhelming fear pouring out her eyes. She reached her hooves and held on tight. “It’s okay to be scared, sugarcube.”

It was quiet for a bit as the two ponies held each other close. Applejack didn’t care. She’d hold Prim for as long as she needed. It was the least she or anypony could do for someone possibly knocking on death’s door. It took a couple minutes, but after a while, Applejack felt the other mare’s shivers subside in her embrace.

Finally, Prim took a deep breath through her nose and out her mouth. She pulled back from the farmer and smiled softly. “Thank you, Applejack.” With renewed strength, she pushed away and trotted back to Iridescent, eyeing her curiously as she came face-to-face with the chitinous mirror. “You know, you carry yourself remarkably well for an insect.”

Desi grinned, flashing her vicious fangs. “Of course you think I do. It only makes sense to me.”

“I can do without the double-meanings. Just tell me how you’re going to fix this.”

“I can’t. All I can say is that you won’t like it.”

Prim frowned and turned her nose up at the changeling. “If it involves you and your kind, then you’re right.” Her pride waned under the melancholy of her unknowable situation. “However, I know it must be better than how empty I feel now. If you’ll pardon the cliché, fashion is my passion.”

“I know it is. In fact, there’s a lot more artistry where that came from.”

“How wonderfully vague. Just tell me what to do so we can get this over with.”

“Alright. First you’re going to want to take off your clothes. This is going to get magical.”

“Do I—Fine,” the mare sighed as she began undoing her buttons. As she was getting her garments undone, Desi hopped up on the desk. “And what are you planning on doing from up there?”

“Nothing. Just worry about your lovely outfit for now.”

Prim grumbled to herself as she carefully worked her way out of her coat. Once she was out of it, Rarity whisked it away and folded it pristinely on the couch for safekeeping. “There. I’m showcasing my wrinkles for all of you. What’s next?”

Iridescent looked over to Twilight. “You’re up, princess.”

“Thank you.” Twilight stepped up to Prim and started positioning her next to the desk, facing her towards the changeling. “Okay, Miss Hemline. I am going to ask you to keep your eyes closed and not say a word for a little while. You should know when it’s safe to open them, but for now, just know this spellwork is incredibly sensitive.”

Prim drew a sharp breath, but nodded. “Okay, Princess Twilight. And, if this doesn’t work, I want to thank you for trying to help me, Your Highness. It’s nice to know Rarity wasn’t embellishing the truth when she spoke so highly of you. Equestria is in capable hooves with ponies like you setting an example for the rest of us.”

Twilight blinked and blushed at the sudden compliment. “You’re welcome, Miss Hemline. B-but you don’t need to talk like you’ve already got one hoof in Elysium. Just keep my instructions in mind and you’ll be fine.”

“Thank you.” Prim took one last breath through the nose and out through the mouth before shutting her eyes. “I’m ready, Your Highness.”

“Okay. I will begin casting now,” Twilight announced. She lit her horn and turned back to Iridescent, who nodded at the ready.

Twilight picked a couple of files off the desk and hovered them over Prim Hemline’s ears, keeping the sound of her magic going while Desi charged a spell of her own. She shot a green blast right into the other mare’s forehead, spreading flames across her body and revealing Chrysalis underneath. Iridescent’s face fell in horror seeing her queen again, and AJ was inclined to do the same. Chrys was sitting much thinner than she’d been in a long while. Whatever it was taking to keep Prim Hemline in one piece must’ve been burning through more love than she was taking.

Without wasting another second, Iridescent closed her eyes and put her horn to Chrys’. As they made contact, the glow around Desi’s horn died down and she fell back on her haunches before completely tumbling over.

Twilight put the files back on the desk and backed away from the changelings. The room fell silent as everypony waited for something to happen. Dash fluttered over to the desk and waved a hoof in front of Desi’s face before doing the same to Chrys. After a whole lot more nothing happened, Rainbow turned to the group and shrugged.

“I’m trying to concentrate, you impulsive idiot,” Chrysalis growled through clenched teeth without opening an eye.

“Oops!” Rainbow laughed weakly as she backed up. “Sorry.”

Shut up and stop flapping your wings in my ear, Rainbow!

The pegasus planted herself firmly on the carpet and cantered out of earshot.

Another agonizing minute of silence passed before Chrysalis finally slumped over in exhaustion. She leaned down to the Desi, still splayed out over the desk and kissed her on the horn. “You have done well, Iridescent. Arise, my loyal drone.”

At her command, the changeling stirred, groaning as she pulled herself together. She stretched as if she’d woken from a long sleep, doing her best to shake herself awake. Upon opening her eyes, they flared pink with anger as she slapped her queen across the face.

“Desi!” Applejack shouted.

The changeling’s eyes flashed back to turquoise before she pulled her hoof away. She kept her grip on it, holding it back as if it would lash out again. “Sorry! Sorry! That was Prim, I think. Or me? I’m not sure.” Iridescent grunted bitterly as she leapt from the desk and began donning her outfit again. “Still, Your Majesty, couldn’t you have tried a little harder to stop Prim from hosting the tryouts again today? The only inkling of fashion you have is from that photoshoot!”

Chrysalis scrambled to her hooves, her cheeks burning green. “It was all of your jobs to know what I like! I was too busy taking care of all you ungrateful whelps for anything else!”

“You could’ve tried to control her temper!” Desi argued, at least until her eyes went down to Chrys’ thinning barrel. “Or, I guess you did try. Are you going to be alright, my Queen?”

Chrysalis rolled her eyes. “I’ll live. Just steal some adoration for me while you’re out there.”

“Gladly, if there’s any left after the mess you made. Sweet Celestia, I will need to spin up some sort of excuse to explain why Prim was livid during the first round.” As she put the final touches on her outfit, she hovered her papers from the desk before flaring into Prim Hemline. “Come along, Rarity, we have a show to finish.”

Rarity reared back and kicked her forelegs in joy, cheering all the while. “I’m right behind you Miss… uhh—”

“Prim Hemline. We’ll address that particular elephant in the room later when I… when we?” Iridescent froze and pondered the pronouns, bouncing between them trying to figure out what was going on in her head. “When thinking straight isn’t so difficult.” She bowed as she backed out of the office door. “If you will excuse us, Your Majesty.”

With that, Prim and Rarity bolted out the door, leaving the rest of the group in the office. Chrysalis waited for the clattering of hooves to fade into the distance before she stumbled over to the couch and collapsed in an exhausted heap. She didn’t get much of a reprieve before everypony was crowding around her in a big group hug.

“Hey-hey-hey!” the big bug buzzed from the sudden swarm of ponies.

“That was incredible, Chrysalis!” Twilight cheered.
“You saved the day!” Pinkie shouted.
“I’m just so glad everyone is okay,” Fluttershy said.
“I knew ya had it in ya, Chrys!” Applejack praised.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but that was totally awesome!” Rainbow yelled.

The former queen groaned, but didn’t shake the hugs brimming with love away. Instead she traced the blue fur back to the rainbow pegasus wrapped around her neck. “Even you?”

“Heck yeah!” Rainbow rolled off and flew into Chrys’ face. “You stepped up and saved Prim and freed Iridescent from being stuck in her head forever! That at least bumps you up to an anti-hero in my book.”

“Lucky me,” Chrysalis grumbled. Dash completely ignored it and went in for another hug. “Some sort of potato spaghetti and sour bread?”

“Oh, yeah. Pasta and potato sandwich on sourdough. It’s something my mom always makes for me when I go back to Cloudsdale. Like it?”

“It’s better than the real thing would be.”

“C’mon, Chrys. Lighten up a little,” AJ complained with an earnest smile. “Ya did good, girl! Enjoy it a little. Besides, you could use a little pick-me-up from your friends. Looks like the last couple of days really wore ya down.”

Chrys shut her eyes and let all the friendship flow into her. After a little more tender love and care, the other girls broke off, leaving AJ still showing her with some well-deserved affection.

“I’m never doing something like that again,” Chrysalis huffed as she rolled over.

“Guessing the audience’s adoration wasn’t enough?”

“I wouldn’t know. It was hard enough keeping that pony in one piece without her thoughts wandering into mine. If I tried to sneak a taste, she would’ve found me for sure.”

Applejack tilted her head. “But didn’t you go to sleep? You know, do that spell where you’re all wrapped up in Prim’s head?”

The queen glared at the ignorant peasant. “And just how was I supposed to reintegrate Prim Hemline into Iridescent if I was sealed within her? I’ve been awake for two days straight making sure she didn’t brush up against a single errant thought and dispel herself!”

“Oh. That would be pretty difficult to pull off in your sleep, wouldn’t it?”

“Yes, it would.” The changeling yawned, nearly unhinging her jaw as she relaxed. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to pass out while I have a moment’s peace from this never-ending parade of insanity.”

Applejack chuckled to herself. “That’s fine by me, Chrys. Still got a couple rounds left of Prim’s show anyway.”

“Pass,” Rainbow said as she stretched her wings. “Already maxed out my boredom quota for the day.” The pegasus popped open the window and flew out the other end. “I’ll be practicing in the park if you need me for anything but this fashion stuff.”

Twilight flared her wings open. “Rainbow! You can’t just—” Before she could finish her thought, the window was already closing with a multicolored contrail speeding away. “And she’s gone.” The princess sighed and shook her head. “Oh well. Everypony else ready to head back to the tryouts?”

“Sure! Just let me finish all the food I brought first.” Pinkie pulled out a plate of fancy-looking food and hors d'oeuvres and started munching away. “Want some?”

“Oh, don’t mind if I do.” Fluttershy plucked a strawberry tart from the tray and took a little nibble.

“Where did you get all of that, Pinkie Pie?” Twilight asked cautiously.

“They had a buffet table outside the tryouts! I was feeling hungry after watching and waiting for so long, so I grabbed a little bit of everything for everyone!”

“And where exactly was this buffet table you found?” she pressed with a little more concern in her voice.

Fluttershy hummed to herself in thought before an answer dawned on her. “Oh dear. You didn’t happen to take this from that wedding reception, did you?”

Pinkie’s chewing slowed as she blinked and looked down at her particularly fancy plate. “That would explain the couple of brides chasing after me. I just thought everypony dressed up around here.”

Twilight put a hoof to her face. “Okay. First, we go and apologize to the newlyweds, then we’ll head back to watch the rest of the tryouts.”

“You girls go on ahead,” Applejack said as she sat down next to the couch. “I’m gonna keep an eye on Chrys.”

“Sounds like a plan. If you two want to head back to the hotel, I went ahead and extended our stay for one more day. Hopefully, Fleur de Lis won’t be too upset by our sudden change of plans.” Twilight tried to laugh it off, but seeing how worried that guard had been before they left, AJ wouldn’t be surprised if she was halfway to Manehattan by now.

The other three filed out of the office, leaving the odd pair to their own devices. Chrys settled in, searching for something resembling comfort on the couch. It was a loveseat only big enough for a couple ponies to sit down, so finding a good spot for her towering build to lay down was like a full grown lab trying to squeeze into their old puppy bed. She gave up and closed her eyes for a little shuteye.

“I know I already said it once, but I’m real proud of you, Chrys,” Applejack said softly. “You did good today.”

The changeling pried one eye open to look at the pony next to her before shutting it again. “Thanks. Now let me sleep.”

“Alright.” Applejack looked again at the cramped changeling folded up on her perch. “By the way, if you’d rather rest back at the hotel, you can shift into something smaller and I’ll carry ya on my back.”

The queen shook her head as best she could from her uncomfortable curl. “I just want to be me for a few minutes.”

AJ laughed knowingly and smiled. “Of course, sugarcube.”

Chrysalis shimmied a little more in a last ditch effort to get comfy. She eventually folded up just right, wedging her withers between backrest cushions, and took a deep relaxing breath to settle in for a nap. AJ watched as her dimmer barrel rose and fell with her breaths. Despite the friendly surge of love from everypony, Chrys was still looking a lot weaker than she’d been just a day ago. Whatever she had to do to keep Prim Hemline alive must’ve really taken it out of her. Applejack felt like she still had a little love she could give the girl, but she didn’t want to disturb her.

Then, without saying a word, Chrys brushed her mane up with her foreleg and let it flow off the side of the couch in front of AJ. The executive chair wheeled around from the desk in an emerald aura, parking itself next to them. Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle as she took a seat and pulled out the comb she kept squirreled away in her hat.

“Alright, ‘Your Majesty.’ I guess you earned a little royal treatment,” Applejack teased as she grabbed a bundle of silky hair and began her work.

Chrysalis said nothing, but there was nothing that the small, contented curl of her lip didn’t say already.

Chapter 21: A Good Girl

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“I’m going to miss thinking coffee tasted better,” Iridescent grumbled bitterly into Prim’s favorite roasted blend. “If only her shape shifted my sense of taste too.” She took another swig, but it was going down about as well as the first passes had.

“Couldn’t you always cast an illusion on yourself?” Twilight asked.

“Prim was the one who was fooled, not me. It’d take one incredible lie to deceive myself just for the sake of coffee.”

“While it’s a shame your usual wasn’t to your liking, I’m glad that you decided to join us for our last friendship activity, Iridescent,” Rarity cooed as she gave her friend a little side hug. “And at such a wonderfully convenient cafe!” she added as the group neared Manehattan’s Grand Galloping Station. “Great recommendation, darling.”

“It was my pleasure, Rarity. The Prench Press keeps a spot open for Prim in the event she brings a big name client for a quick meeting over coffee. The café gets a notoriety boost and I get delicious coffee.” she took one last sip of her drink before abandoning the project into the nearest waste bin. “Or at least it used to be.”

“I could still seal you back up if you want, Iridescent,” Shutterbug suggested with a wry smirk. “You could keep drinking all the dirty bean water your heart desires.”

“I think I’ll pass, Your Majesty. It’s nice to actually be myself again.”

“You know she’s not a queen anymore,” Rainbow said from above the group. “You can just say Chrysalis.”

“I’d rather not. Prim’s loathing of changelings is still buried pretty deep in my head. If I drop the title, I’m going to start dropping the other niceties by accident.”

Shutterbug looked back at the Wonderbolt. “I might have been able to address that if somepony wasn’t flapping their stupid wings in my ears.”

Rainbow’s eyes bulged and she quickly grounded herself in embarrassment.

Applejack raised an eyebrow and leaned over to Chrys. “Is that true?”

“As far as she knows,” Shutterbug whispered with a sinister giggle.

AJ couldn’t help but laugh at the innocently evil prank. For all the trouble that the past few days had put everyone through, their friendship retreat had proven to be a resounding success in the end. It’d been way too long since she’d spent some quality time with the girls, even if half of it was running around the city. At least they’d all been able to relax after getting Prim Hemline’s show back on track.

The real work was about to begin, but Iridescent had put it all aside to spend some time with everyone before they left. The two changelings of their group especially seemed to be getting the most out of it. Chrys was different, but it was a good different, or at least good adjacent. She was still her usual bossy, snippy self, but it felt more relaxed with Desi around, taking it all in stride; like an inside joke they were both in on. It only grew a little strained when reality reversed their roles.

Walking down the city streets with Prim Hemline was an experience. She knew the city—her city—like the back of her hoof, and the cityfolk definitely knew her back. Prim’s star power blinded ponies to the point that they didn’t even notice the actual princess next to her, let alone the no-name photographer with them. When somepony actually spotted her, they were more interested in paying for a picture with Prim than anything. Here in Manehattan, Iridescent was the queen, and Chrysalis could only lick the scraps of love left in her wake.

That thought was still lingering in Applejack’s mind: after everything, Iridescent was still unchanged, a love-eating changeling like Chrys. Granted, she was only eating what she was given, but the question of becoming like the rest of the Concordant was still up in the air. If Chrys was right, there weren’t any infiltrators like her left in the world, meaning Iridescent was the last drone of her kind. Not only that, but she had the love of an entire city at her command. Luna was going to have more than just a word or two to say about that.

“Are you sure you don’t wanna come with us, Desi?” Applejack asked their new friend. “Ponyville is on the way to Dodge City. It’s right on the border of the Badlands if ya wanna check in with your kin.”

“As much as I would love to see home after so long, Prim’s schedule is absolutely packed for the foreseeable future. Miss Pommel is going to need me here to help with her debut, among many other things. I’m not sure I’ll have time to take such a long trip for a while.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Iridescent,” Fluttershy said as she draped a wing over the mare’s withers. “But I’m sure once word reaches your friends and family that you’re safe, they’ll be over the moon.”

“Speaking of moons, look at that one!” Pinkie said as she pointed towards the station’s entrance.

As if summoned by her wandering thoughts, Princess Luna stood at the main gates of the station. Her stalwart gaze overlooking the metropolis was undermined by the deep bags under her eyes. Keeping the layponies and reporters away from Her Royal Highness was an equally exhausted Fleur de Lis, scowling at anypony who dared get too close.

“Oh-my-gosh!” Twilight teleported to the bottom of the steps and rushed towards the two. “Princess Luna! Captain Fleur! Are you two okay?”

“P-Princess Twilight?” Fleur stammered, nearly dropping her golden spear.

Luna balked at the younger princess’ sudden appearance. “Twilight Sparkle!” Her eyes darted to the accompanying guard. “What an… unexpected surprise!”

Twilight stepped back. “Unexpected? Aren’t you here because of the letter I sent to Spike?”

Fleur and Luna shared a furtive glance. The guard wet her lips as she thought about what to say. “About that. We’ve been dealing with a relatively minor problem. It’s nothing you need to concern yourself with, Your Highness.”

“V-verily!” Luna agreed with the most forced smile Applejack had ever seen on somepony besides her. “It is an infinitesimal issue that you need not concern yourself with at all, Twilight Sparkle! Apropos of nothing, we would humbly request that you not enter the Cutie Map chambers until after we return.”

“But what if there’s a friendship problem?” Twi pressed.

Luna opened her mouth to try and tell another obvious lie, but she was interrupted by a weary voice shouting “Found it… finally,” from around the street corner.

The group’s attention slowly turned to Starlight and Trixie, the latter also looking about ready to keel over. Rolling down the street alongside them was a large, stone table suspiciously similar to the Cutie Map.

“So, it turns out that when I thought I was thinking about Chicoltgo deep dish back at the Concordant, I was really remembering a greasy slice of Manehattan pizza,” Trixie exclaimed as Starlight nearly collapsed to the ground. “But then Trixie remembered Calzoni Brothers doesn’t open until lunch, so she ate a leftover slice of pizza in a box she found in her dressing room at the Comedy Closet before a show. And wouldn’t you know it—”

ENOUGH!” Luna screamed, her royal voice echoing throughout the area. “I do not wish to hear any more of your incessant self-aggrandizing, Trixie Lulamoon!”

The unicorn nodded as she fixed her blown-back mane. “So, does that mean you don’t want Trixie’s help teleporting it back to the castle?”

NO!” Luna, Fleur, and Starlight yelled in unison.

The furious guard stormed over to Trixie. “I almost caused an international incident because of you!”

“Hey! That was Starlight’s fault. The Calm and Collected Trixie wasn’t the one bottling her anger.”

“Anger directed at you!” Fleur poked the mare in the chest. “You’re lucky I was able to take three days worth of her rage out on that maulfwurf instead of your stupid face! Unless you want to take a one-way trip back to Ponyville courtesy of my hooves, you will keep your magic off the map!”

Not wanting to push her luck, Trixie quickly ran over to Twilight. “On second thought, here, Twilight!” She shoved the alicorn in front of her magical table. “Ta-da! Trixie has brought you your Cutie Map all the way from Ponyville!” The magician’s performance strained credulity as she nodded to the others for support she wasn’t getting anytime soon.

Twilight looked over the exhausted, rag-tag team of ponies. “Thank you? But, how did you even end up teleporting the map here in the first place?”

Before anypony could explain, another voice joined in from above. “Oh, great! It looks like you found the friendship table!”

Applejack looked skyward with the growing crowd to see Thorax and Ocellus touching down next to Starlight. The murmurs grew louder around them with so many important creatures gathering just outside the busiest train station in Equestria. Prim slowly trotted towards the changelings, marveling at their colorful forms.

“Thorax? Ocellus!”

Thorax turned to the approaching pony. “Yes? Can I—wait. You sound familiar. Do I know you?”

It took only a second for Ocellus to see Prim before she gasped in disbelief. “Iridescent!” the youngling squealed with joy. Without missing a beat, she dove straight for her, nearly tackling her in a deep hug. “You’re alive!”

“Ocellus. You’re so much bigger now… and so beautiful!”

The little changeling nodded as tears pooled in her eyes. “I thought I’d never see you again. You’re alive! You’re alive!”

“Yes, I am. I’m right here.” She returned the hug, a warm smile breaking through her usual stern demeanor. “It’s so good to see you again, Ocellus.”

“It really is you, Iridescent,” Thorax remarked as he joined the reunion. “Were you here in Manehattan this whole time? Why didn’t you come back?”

“Well, I was here, but I didn’t know I was,” Iridescent said as she tapped the side of her head.

“Were you enveloped all this time? But, that would mean…” Thorax trailed off, the years flitting through his eyes. “You have no idea what’s happened to us, do you?” he asked while motioning over his body.

“I had an inkling, but hearing that you were purple-ly-er absolutely did not prepare me for this. You’re a lot bigger than last I saw you, you overgrown nymph. Almost as tall as Her Majesty.”

Thorax’s eyes bugged at the title and he chuckled nervously. “Yeah. It’s taken some getting used to, trust me.”

“Impressed with the changes?” Shutterbug asked, walking up behind Iridescent.

Ocellus watched the approaching unicorn curiously, but gasped in fear after recognizing Chrysalis underneath. She gripped Iridescent tighter and hid her face from sight.

“Ocellus!” Desi chided the youngling. “She is Queen Chrysalis, your All-mother! Show some respect!”

The frightened youngling pulled together and shook her head, her shivers growing worse with each passing moment. The palpable fear stopped Chrysalis in her tracks. She quickly turned her back on them, facing her growing scowl anywhere but the happy reunion.

Thorax winced and knelt down next to Ocellus, offering what support he could. “Sorry, Iridescent. We failed to invade Canterlot while you were gone, and… things took a turn for the worse. A whole lot worse.”

“But she’s the All-mother…”

Thorax glanced over at Chrys, who was busy looking at the wall next to the station entrance. He sucked in his lips and shook his head.

“It was bad,” Ocellus whispered. “Really bad. I tried to take your place like I was supposed to, but…”

“You what?” Iridescent looked over the little girl in growing shock. “B-but you’re barely older than a nymph! Why would you put yourself in such danger?”

“I thought I was the only one left.”

“Then, that means your sire…”

Ocellus shook her head as she cried softly into Desi’s chest.

As the news weighed down around her, Iridescent pulled Ocellus into a deeper, tender hug, holding her as close as she could and leaning her head down. “I’m sorry, Ocellus. Such duties should’ve never fallen to you. I’m so sorry.”

“B-but it’s better now! You’re back! And you don’t have to be an infiltrator anymore. You can change and become a good changeling. And then maybe—maybe you could come home? Please?”

Seeing the two talking so tenderly to each other was making Applejack remember things that she wished she wasn’t. Ocellus’ sweet and earnest pleas were plucking at every heartstring AJ had, and apparently she wasn’t alone.

“Excuse me, Iridescent?” Fluttershy carefully approached the changelings. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but yesterday, when you mentioned you’d given an egg to—”

“Ocellus was the one who hatched from it,” Desi answered before she could finish.

Applejack blinked. “Then, you’re her mother?”

“No. It is selfish for an infiltrator to claim such a title when our lives are far away and fleeting. Such nymphs are cared for by the hive and the All-mother.”

“But things are different now!” Ocellus cried. “Everyone is equal in The Concordant, no matter how big or small. We don’t steal love anymore. We can do whatever we want!”

“Whatever we want, huh?” Iridescent smiled at the youngling. “I might know a thing or two about that after my time in Manehattan. Tell me, what do you like to do now that you’re filled with love, Ocellus?”

Ocellus sniffled as she tried to calm down enough to answer the question. “Well, I started reading a lot recently. Princess Twilight sent us a whole bunch of new books, and they’re a lot better than the old, broken ones we had before. I’ve been reading a lot about other creatures and cultures, and I want to try making new friends.”

“A changeling wanting to make friends?” Iridescent chuckled to herself as she played with Ocellus’ mane. “That’s quite the opposite of your progenitor’s duty.”

The progeny giggled at her tender touch. “I know. I wasn’t very good at sneaking. And I already started, too! Did you know I’m friends with Miss Applejack? She grows the best apple bushels ever in her orchard!”

“Now I do. She and her friends have become my friends, too. I guess that means I’m not too good at infiltrating anymore either.” The two shared a laugh, Ocellus glowing with happiness and love just to be around someone she cared about so deeply.

Desi must’ve noticed it too, considering she’d let her go. “So, did any of the ponies in those books happen to look like the pony I am right now?”

Ocellus wiped her eyes and took a step back to get a better look at the mare in front of her. “No. I don’t think so. Should I have?”

“I suppose Twilight didn’t think to send you any fashion magazines,” she muttered with a roll of her eyes. “This is Prim Hemline. She’s a pretty big deal here in Manehattan; a famous fashion critic with a little clothing kingdom of her own.”

Ocellus’ eyes sparkled. “Really? That’s amazing! Do you make your own clothes like Miss Rarity?”

“I wish, but no. Prim helps Equestria’s best designers show their—”

Her excitement was cut short by the answer. “I thought you liked making things, though. You always told me that when you visited me between your missions.”

“I do, and maybe that will change in the future now that I’m awake again,” Iridescent said as her eyes wandered away. “But that isn’t who Prim Hemline is. She’s a mover and shaker who loves presenting the best designers to the world.”

“But you’re really Iridescent.”

“And I am also really Prim Hemline,” Desi explained carefully. “It’s… I’m not sure. Honestly, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it. She is too.”

“So, if you’re really busy, then…” Ocellus’ ears drooped. “Then does that mean you can’t come back with us?”

“I’m sorry, but no, I can’t. I have a job here making designers’ dreams come…” Iridescent flinched as if she’d been hit on the head, but shook it off. “It’s just that Prim Hemline has so many prior engagements that she can’t just—”

In a flash of green, her Prim Hemline form vanished, leaving behind Iridescent in her natural changeling state wearing the pony’s signature outfit. The gawkers and rubberneckers passing by stopped in an instant seeing one of their city’s most iconic ponies go up in flames. Desi’s fang-filled mouth hung open as she scanned the crowd frozen around them.

“I-I can explain!” Iridescent called out to the crowd, her trilling voice ringing like a mockery of Prim’s.

“Oh my stars! Is Prim Hemline a changeling?” a bystander cried, breaking the seal over the crowd.

The street exploded in an uproar as ponies began rushing forward. Luna and Fleur leapt into action, keeping the small crowd at bay. Cameras flashed from the formerly corralled reporters as they fought to be the first with the guaranteed headline.

“Prim!” Iridescent shrieked as she tried to reapply her disguise. “You can’t just—Come on! They’re taking pictures of us!” After a moment, she sighed and smacked her forehead. “Give me just a moment, Ocellus. Please.”

“Okay?” The smaller changeling shrank back, taking cover behind Luna.

Desi teleported past the crowd over to Shutterbug and bowed. “A thousand pardons, Your Majesty.”

“And I thought your swarm of devotees were already bad enough.” She winced through the storm of flashes and questions coming from every which way. “Seeing how you’re unmasked and about to beg for my help, I can only guess you’re trying to get out of the consequences of your actions.”

“No, my queen. But I still wish for your assistance.”

Shutterbug glanced over the clamoring crowd growing around them by the second. “Very well. But only because you asked so nicely.”

“I understand, Your Majesty.”

“First, we’ll need some privacy.”

To Applejack’s surprise, Chrysalis shed her disguise, bursting onto the scene in her full, terrifying glory. The chase for the breaking news was shattered by the infamous queen’s sudden presence. Nary a shutter sounded as everypony was frozen with fear. A vicious smile crossed the archvillain’s maw as her draconic eyes hungrily darted between the paparazzi.

“What? Not going to try to get my good side?” She brushed a hoof through her flowing hair to cover half of her face. She then shifted her weight to a shoulder and gave her mesmerized audience a smoldering kiss. Only a single camera flashed, along with a fretful gasp from the photographer. “Fine. I’ll give you ponies what you want.”

Chrysalis slammed her forehooves on the ground and hissed, flaring her serpentine tongue at her audience. The proverbial Gates of Tartarus were thrown open, plunging the streets into pandemonium. Ponies scrambled and stampeded, trying to run away from the monster in their midst.

Chrysalis!” Luna shouted over the screams.

“What? This was the fastest way to get rid of them.”

The princess teleported to the former queen. “Couldn’t you have waited until we were in a more private location to transform?”

The villain cackled and waved goodbye to the fleeing ponies. “Not when I am needed.” Chrysalis snarled at a few braver photographers snapping a few photos as they ran away. After most everypony had either cleared out or was hiding a safe distance away, the All-mother turned to look upon her last drone. “Are you ready, Iridescent?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Chrysalis closed her eyes and took a breath through her nose, smiling as she savored the royal title once more. She then lowered her horn towards Iridescent, letting their emerald magic connect. Both changelings burst into green fire, leaving Prim Hemline and Iridescent in their places.

Desi’s eyes shot open with a flare of frustration. “Okay, now look—”

Whatever she was about to say was wiped away by a swift slap. “You’re unbelievable!” Prim Hemline screamed with a hoof stomp. She pointed a hoof at Ocellus. “She’s adorable! And you’re just going to walk away from her?” The haughty mare scoffed and turned her nose up at her other half. “I guess I was right about you changelings being reprobates after all.”

Iridescent growled as she rubbed her cheek. “How dare you! This is still the queen’s body!”

“Fine. She did go through all of that trouble of keeping me in one piece. Besides, that’s no longer important. What is important is Ocellus; a daughter who needs her mother. A mother who just so happens to be turning her back on her responsibilities.”

“You know as well as I do that neither of us know the first thing about raising a nymph.”

“And I know as well as you do that you love her dearly.”

“She does?” Ocellus asked as she ran towards the pair.

Prim sat down to meet the youngling with nothing but love in her smile. “Of course she does, you precious little filly! If only you knew how much she started to worry when Pinkie Pie knew your name. ‘By the maker! How much does the enemy know about our hive?’” Prim mockingly fretted as Ocellus beamed with unbridled joy. “‘If these ponies have done anything to my nymph…’ Well, perhaps I should omit the less savory parts. She may say it’s for the good of the hive, but—”

“That is enough!” Desi’s cheeks burned bright green from embarrassment. “And since when are you so comfortable with changelings, Prim?”

“Since they changed into these wonderfully colorful creatures! Nothing like your disgusting, hole-riddled legs,” the haughty critic spat while waving Desi away.

“They’re yours too.”

Prim scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Don’t remind me, you dark and broody knock-off. If you’re going to shamelessly copy a style, at least have the wherewithal to plagiarize something from this age.”

“Excuse me for being several years out of style. If you’ll recall, I was too busy letting you run around with my body to keep up with the latest trends!”

“Stop it! Please!” Ocellus cried, jumping between the feud. “Iridescent. Is… is what Miss Hemline said true?”

The older changeling frowned to herself and pulled back as she rubbed the holes in her leg. “My duty is to the hive, not simply one individual. That being said, there was not a day which passed that I didn’t think of you.”

Prim Hemline scoffed and put a hoof to Ocellus’ ear. “She is being modest.”

“And you are burning through my love reserves!” she shot back.

“Pipe down. After all the love you’ve gotten thanks to me, you’re more than fine,” the pony scoffed before turning her attention back to the youngling. “What she really means to say is that you became the reason she was out here, Ocellus. She wanted to make sure the hive always had enough love so you could live safe and sound. Even if she basically gave you up for adoption, it doesn’t mean she didn’t consider you her daughter.”


With the proverbial cat out of the bag, Ocellus took to the air, her forelegs outstretched, ready to wrap her estranged family in an enormous hug. Before she got too close, the changeling’s body was wreathed in green flame as Chrysalis reemerged. The youngling’s charge ground to a halt seeing the All-mother in Iridescent’s place.

“Your overflowing love is not meant for me, little one. Do not be so easily fooled.”

Ocellus quickly fluttered away, hiding behind Prim. “Y-yes, Your—ma’am.”

“Good, now come here, Prim,” Chrysalis ordered.

“In a moment, you vile creature,” the pony spat as she shooed the former queen away. “I’d like to talk to my saviors while my head is still mostly mine alone.”

She sighed. “Just make it quick.”

The mare turned her nose up and turned her back on the former queen, flicking her tail up to Chrysalis’ mounting irritation. She strode away towards the onlookers that’d kept a polite distance away from the changeling business playing out in front of them. After one last glance over her shoulder, she relaxed in front of Rarity and her friends.

“Darling!” Rarity exclaimed, giving Prim a big hug. “You’re alright!”

“Don’t be so melodramatic, Rarity. You were there during the tryouts.”

“Yes, but I didn’t know if it was you, per se.”

“I remember it, though I also remember some of what Desi remembers now. Perhaps I simply have too strong a personality to just fade away into the background of her mind. It’s all rather confusing. She represses her emotions so much, you know! Though I guess that’s to be expected of these heartless fiends.”

“Which you are too, you know,” Applejack reminded the prissy phony pony.

“R-right. I’m still working on that. Celestia, she didn’t even bother giving me my motivation! I just hate black chitin on sight.” She shook the thoughts out and reapplied her smile. “But that’s not what I wanted to say to all of you. Thank you so much for your help, everypony. I might not be the most genuine article, but I’m so grateful to still be a part of the tapestry of life.”

Twilight smiled. “I’m glad you are too, Miss Hemline.”

“Also, I wanted to thank you especially, Miss Applejack.”

“Me?” Applejack asked. “What for?”

“Without you, I know for a fact Iridescent wouldn’t have given this—given me a chance. I can’t thank you enough.”

“I ain’t sure what to say, so I guess ‘you’re welcome’ will have to do,” Applejack said with an unsure smile. “But what did I do that changed her mind?”

The older mare tapped her chin in thought as rolled her head back and forth, tossing the question in her mind. Finally, she shrugged. “Let’s just say you gave her a new perspective on what is possible. I’ve already spilled enough of her secrets for one day.”

AJ scratched her head. “If you say so. Glad I could help either way.”

“Now, back to more important business.” Prim closed her eyes and focused. Her mouth strained as she gritted her teeth. After a few moments, a gnarled changeling horn popped out of her head. She grimaced at the appendage. “Blasted bugs make it look so easy.”

“Umm… Excuse me, Miss Hemline?”

Her frown flipped over hearing Ocellus calling for her. “Yes, my little ladybug?” Prim’s eyes widened as she quickly covered her mouth. “Oh dear! I’m sorry. That just slipped out. It’s sometimes hard for me to separate your mother’s memories from mine.”

The changeling shook her head. “It’s okay Miss Hemline. I like ladybugs.”

“I know that too thanks to your mom. Now, what can I do for you?”

“I know you’re very busy, Miss Hemline, but If you don’t mind,”—she dragged her leg on the ground, kicking up a little gravel from the roadside—“could you tell me what might make Iridescent want to come back with me to the Concordant?”

A soft, sweet smile split the mare’s face as she knelt down. “Before I tell you, do you know what I am?”

“Iridescent always told me that she makes up creatures for her missions, but you seem like a real pony to me.” She sucked in her lips as she tried to figure out her answer. “Is this a trick question?”

“Only a little, but only because I don’t know exactly either. The more I think about it, the more I’m like an imaginary friend come to life. Or maybe an imaginary enemy in Desi’s case.” Prim laughed to herself. “Something I do know for sure, though, is that I always assumed I’d die an old spinster after letting my fame and career go to my head. Granted, that was all part of the fake memories and ideas Desi put in my head, but they were as real to me as you are now, Ocellus. I don’t want to make that mistake again, not when I have a real chance at family.

“I’m not your mother. I’m just a—a stubborn figment of her imagination. But, even if I’m not real, my love for you is. If I…” She shook her head. “If Desi still has my career after all of this, she knows I have many friends and associates who can keep the fashion world turning without me. Your mother needs you, just like you need her. I promise I’ll do everything I can to make her see that. Okay?”

Ocellus nodded and hopped up to wrap her forelegs around the mare. “Thank you. I love you too, Momma Prim.”

Prim’s breath hitched as the familial name stuck her like a lightning bolt. She closed her eyes and exhaled as she hugged the little lovebug back. The two held each other close, savoring each moment of their love. It lingered on and on, and longer still in its own little world until Chrysalis dashed over to them.

“Let her go, now!” she ordered with a powerful stomp her hoof. “She’s growing weaker by the second!”

The pony’s eyes shot open with clarity as she quickly released the youngling and stepped back. “Merciful heavens. What was that? It was… intoxicating.”

“Accursed bleeding hearts,” Chrysalis swore under her breath. “Are you alright, little one?”

Ocellus stood up and nodded, but wobbled as she tried to get her bearings. “I’m so tired all of a sudden. And dizzy. What happened?”

“You poured your love freely into this stupid pony inhabiting Iridescent’s body! The rate was… alarming, to say the least. I am not sure what would’ve happened if I hadn’t stopped you.”

Prim covered her mouth in horror. “Did I hurt her?”

“Not permanently. She will recover in time. But let this be a lesson to you; the both of you!” Chrysalis leaned down, flaring her fangs as her horn connected with Prim’s. She flared her horn to life, blasting the pony back. As she tumbled over and under, she shed her disguise. “You are still my drone, Iridescent! Which means Ocellus is your prey!”

The downed changeling groaned in pain as she pulled herself up. “Understood, Your Majesty,” Iridescent dutifully replied. “Thank you for your help.”

“Good. Now, I will ask you again.” Chrysalis stood up straighter, regarding the lone changeling under her with an air of contempt. “Are you impressed with the changes?”

“Of course I am!” Desi answered bitterly. “Their metamorphosis is practically a miracle of magic.”

“It is.”

“However, from what I understand, Your Majesty is unable—”

Chrysalis rose a hoof, silencing her subject. “Are you really going to choose a lifetime of endless hunger? We both know what it is that you desire in your heart.”

“But neither outcome is what I want.”

“Petulant worm!” Chrysalis reared up and stomped her hooves on the ground, buzzing with rage as she glared at her infiltrator. “You cannot have both!”

“That’s not fair!”

“No, it’s not!”

“Why are you making me choose?”

Because you have a choice!” Chrysalis barked back, her venom dripping with jealousy.

“That does it!” Not able to take another second lying down, Applejack galloped over the arguing couple. “Chrys! Y’all need to stop—” Her bravado was cut short by the familiar millipedes of changeling magic swarming all around her.

“Applejack!” Twilight shouted in alarm. Everypony else got ready to help their friend.

“Be still, Chrysalis!” Luna called as she sat Applejack back down. “If you do not stem your rage, I shall be forced to intervene!”

“You stay out of this, AJ! All of you!” Chrysalis ordered everyone around her. “This is a changeling affair!”

Applejack struggled against the aura, but it was surprisingly strong for how out of sorts Chrysalis still looked. “Maybe, but this here is a family affair too, and I know a thing or two about those! Just because they’re changing into something different don’t mean ya need to chase ‘em all away! They’re still family, prey or not!”

Cease your prattling, you ignorant peasant!

“Why? Because you know I’m right?” The crawling sensation surged with power as she sailed straight towards the drama queen.

Applejack met her face-to-face, her helpless floating body blocking everyone else from view. When it was finally just the two of them for the briefest of seconds, Chrys' eyes glistened with a rare honesty before she whispered, “Yes.”

Anything more AJ could say to that was stolen right out of her mouth. Chrysalis’ face crumpled back into rage as she tore the pony from her sight. Applejack flew high towards their friends, giving Rainbow Dash ample time to swoop up and catch her before she hit the ground. The former queen then flew right off the handle, diving straight for the infiltrator, fangs bared.

With instinctual precision, Iridescent swept her legs around and kicked a single leg, dispersing a cloud of green smoke as she connected. She rolled forward, bringing her other leg up as she shot it skyward toward the real changeling above her. Chrysalis grunted from the impact, tumbling backward as she powered her horn. She released a black and green bolt of magic that was met with a similar, larger pulsing blast that shot her out of the sky.

Realizing what she’d done, Iridescent gasped and caught the falling heap of chitin in her magic. “Your Majesty! Are you okay?”

“Is this what you want?” Chrysalis groaned as she tried to pull herself back up. “You may be filled with the love of your city now, but thanks to this little stunt Prim pulled, they know who you are. What you are. A love-hungry changeling, greedily feasting on their admiration for a fake pony who cheated her way to the top! Nothing more than a parasite!”

Chrysalis teleported forward, pushing her horn into Iridescent’s. While she struggled with all her might, her infiltrator barely moved. “You can feel it, right? The weight of my emptiness? The strength of my gnawing hunger? I once had enough love to overpower Celestia herself, but now I can’t even land a single blow on a mere drone. Is this what you want?

“No!” Iridescent shrank back from her queen. “But even if I change, I will still be loyal to you!”

“Worthless!” Chrysalis yelled as she pulsed her horn with sickly green magic. “I cannot eat your loyalty!” Tendrils of magic wrapped around Iridescent, covering her in a sparkling green aura that lifted her off the ground. “I can only eat you!”

Starlight’s eyes widened in horror. “I know that glow. Put her down now, Chrysalis! What are you trying to prove?”

“Nothing. I’m simply showing this hopeless grub what her continued fealty to me will bring,” she spat, sneering at the unicorn before focusing back on her meal. “It’s quite laughable when you think about it. Isn’t this the same trick you’ve pulled on all of your past victims?” She pulsed her magic, pulling her captive rigid in her aura. Iridescent winced in pain as her chest began glowing pink with love ripe for the taking. “You’re fighting for a love that isn’t there!

“Put my mom down, you monster!”

Chrysalis barely caught sight of Ocellus’ blue magical beam before it struck her barrel. It blasted the enfeebled queen away, bouncing her off the side of the station’s walls and rolling into a wrecked heap on the sidewalk.

Not even paying attention to the downed villain, she ran to her mother’s side. “Are you—”

“Stay back!” Iridescent commanded as she shoved her hoof between herself and Ocellus.

The youngling skidded to a halt. “W-what?”

“Stay back, Ocellus. Please. It’s not safe.”

“B-but mom.”

Iridescent hugged herself while scooting away as she picked herself up. “Please. I’m not—”

Chrysalis struggled to pull herself up from the impact, but she still managed to laugh weakly as she rolled onto her side, smiling with devilish delight at the star-crossed mother and child. “She’s absolutely right, little one. Iridescent foolishly clings to a kingdom that no longer exists. If she can’t let that go, then she will have no love for you.”

“But that’s not true! Momma Prim said—”

“I know what she said!” Iridescent yelled, gritting her teeth in anger before letting it go and sighing. “And she’s right. I want to love you as freely as she does. You’re so bright and beautiful. Not just your form, but your true self. It’s who you always have been, and I’m so proud of you.”

“So just do it, please!” Ocellus begged. “All you have to do is share your love. Open your heart and be who you want to be. That’s what Starlight and Thorax showed us! I promise it feels amazing.”

“I’m sure it does, Ocellus. But, if I did that”—the changeling’s gaze shifted to her queen slowly rising to her hooves—”then the All-mother would be alone.”

Chrysalis said nothing as she gritted her teeth. Her fury might’ve looked like it was burning hotter than Flame Geyser Swamp, but AJ had seen that show enough to know the act when she saw it. Desi had cut right to the heart, tearing out the bitter truth behind it, and there was no better weapon against a changeling than the truth. Luckily, Applejack knew a thing or two about putting honesty to good use.

“No she won’t.” She trotted over to the liar’s side and smiled softly, offering a leg up. “Chrys’s got me and my friends.”

The anger on the former queen’s face fizzled out at the kind gesture. She brushed it off and sunk her face into her forelegs.

“A touching sentiment, but a pony could never hope to understand Her Majesty like a changeling,” Iridescent countered.

Applejack nodded in agreement. “Figured that one wasn’t in the cards pretty quick, actually. But just because we don’t get her like y’all do doesn’t mean we can’t try like a pony. I ain’t gonna lie to ya and say we’ll replace all of what y’all had—an orchard ain’t what you’d call a kingdom—but what I reckon we’ll all be doing our best to make her feel at home back at Sweet Apple Acres.”

Twilight stepped forward as she looked to her other friends. “And we’ll do our best to help as well. Like Applejack said, there’s only so much we can truly understand, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get along. After all, Chrysalis is our friend too, right everypony?”

“Exacta-mundo, Twilight!” Pinkie shouted.
“I’ll help wherever I can,” Fluttershy agreed.
“But of course!” Rarity exclaimed.
“Eh, sure. Why not?” Rainbow said with a shrug.
“Since when are you all so friendly with her?” Trixie asked.
“Not now, Trixie!” Starlight whispered.

Iridescent looked between the ponies and her Queen, still refusing to get off the ground or even lift her head. Her gaze then fell upon the farmer standing at her side. “Promise me, Applejack. Promise me you will never leave Her Majesty all alone.”

“Don’t you worry yourself about that, sugarcube,” AJ laughed and winked.

The answer wasn’t good enough. The last changeling loyal to her fallen kingdom held steadfast. “Promise me. Please.”

Applejack’s laughter caught on a lump. “Of course, Desi. As long as I’m around, she’ll always have a home on the farm. Promise.”

“Good. I will hold you to that.” Iridescent took a breath through her nose and slowly exhaled, finally smiling as she turned back to Ocellus. “Alright. You said all I need to do is share my love instead of consuming it?”

Ocellus sucked in her lips and nodded fervently.

“Okay then, come here then,” she said with a smile, waving the youngling closer. “I need your help.”

“But, you said it wasn’t safe.”

“Don’t worry. It will be. There’s no one else in all the world I’d rather share my love with than you.”

Ocellus beamed a smile and dove into Iridescent’s embrace. As the two met, Iridescent began to glow from the heart. She pulled Ocellus close to her chest, craning her neck down over the smaller changeling’s shoulder, enveloping her in a tender hug. Loving energy began surging around them, gently lifting them both from the sidewalk. Chrysalis peeked over her forelegs, watching as her drone glowed brighter and brighter with pure, unfiltered love for her daughter. A cocoon of changeling goo encircled them both for just a moment before shredding apart from a burst of overwhelming energy, bursting brighter than the midmorning sun.

As everyone’s vision returned, they were met with a startlingly tall, bright pink changeling, holding Ocellus in a single foreleg. The silver-white of her gossamer mane, tail, and wings shimmered with radiant light all its own as the energy of her metamorphosis dispersed. She opened her eyes, revealing them to be an iridescent opal, catching a rainbow of color like the hard outer wings on her back.

“Oh?” Iridescent gasped, surprised to hear Prim Hemline’s pristine voice coming out of her naturally. “Oh!” Giving the crowd of ponies around her a quick glance, she tilted her head to the side. “Is it just me, or is everypony smaller?”

Ocellus leaned back and looked up at the changeling holding her. “Wow! You’re as big as Thorax!”

“I am?”

Taking the cue, Thorax walked up, meeting her at eye level. “Looks like it, at least not counting the horn.”

The two taller changelings’ eyes trailed up, glancing at the single curved spear stretching just slightly higher than the claws on either side of Thorax’s head.

“Oh-my-gosh!” Twilight teleported to the taller pair and pranced in place. “There has been some variation in the heights of metamorphosed changelings, but none have been as tall as Thorax! I’d only taken age into account, but this might mean that the amount of love stored within the individual at pupation affects the size the final, harmonized form takes!” She squealed as she summoned a quill and parchment. “Tell me, how do you feel, Iridescent?”

“I feel… I feel.” Desi looked back down at Ocellus wrapped in her foreleg and smiled as tears pooled in her eyes. “I love you…” She collapsed to her haunches, holding onto her daughter for dear life as she stroked her pink mane. “I love you so much, Ocellus!”

“I love you too, both of you.”

Iridescent shook her head. “No, little one. Thanks to you, we’ve fully integrated. It’s just me now.”

“So, what does that mean for Prim Hemline?” Twilight asked with a tinge of concern for the mare.

“Well, for one, it means I’ll need a new wardrobe,” she half-joked, seeing the tattered remains of her disguise’s favorite outfit scattered across the sidewalk. “But ‘nothing’ to answer your question, Twilight. We’ve harmonized completely, so there is no difference. You may call me ‘Iridescent’ or ‘Prim Hemline.’” She pulled Ocellus up and nuzzled her nose. “Or ‘mom’ if you want, my little ladybug.”

Not needing to be asked twice, Ocellus dove back into her mother’s chest, holding her tight. The reunited mother and daughter both relaxed, finally sharing the love they’d always had for one another. It took everything AJ had not to lose herself in their glowing bond. She remembered smiling like that before; when she closed her eyes, she could almost feel her own mother’s orange, curly locks flowing down her shoulder like a second blanket.

“Heartwarming, is it not, Applejack?” Luna asked as she approached. “There is no safer place in the world for a daughter than wrapped in the care of her mother.”

AJ sniffled and nodded. “Yeah. I’m glad it all worked out.”

“For some more than others, I am afraid.”

Applejack followed Luna’s eyes back over to Chrysalis. She was still lying on the ground, watching from behind her forelegs hiding most of her face. Her gaze was transfixed on the three metamorphosed changelings, staring with a deep, insatiable desire. She didn’t move. She barely breathed. All she could do was watch from a safe distance.

“Come, Chrysalis. Let them be if you cannot wish them well.”

“In a minute,” Chrysalis whispered as she continued to stare.

Her emerald magic flared as her camera bag appeared in front of her. She pulled it out and looked through the viewfinder, lining up her shot with the utmost care. Finally, she clicked once, and then a second time, snapping two pictures. As the scene continued to play out in front of them, Chrysalis, Applejack, and Luna watched as the back squares faded away, revealing a perfect moment of peace between mother and daughter, each relieved by the presence of the other.

“What are those for, Chrys?” AJ asked.

“If Prim Hemline is going to continue her career in Manehattan, ponies around here are going to need to see who she really is rather than those snapshots those scuttling rumor mongers took before they scattered.”

“Agreed.” Luna took the second photo, along with a quill and parchment. “While Iridescent may have built Prim’s career upon lies, she has still become a cornerstone of her industry. I shall ensure this reaches the right ponies at the Manehattan Times so the public can decide what should be done.” As she began her writing, she glanced back to Chrysalis out of the corner of her eye. “Still, you only required the one to do that. What is your reason for the second?”

Chrys stared at the photo. It was the better of the two she’d taken. “I can remember this in perfect detail, but they will never see it the way I did.”

Luna smiled warmly as she took the picture for herself. “Then it is a gift. And what a beautiful moment it was that you have preserved in photography. It is a most thoughtful treasure for your children.”

Chrysalis said nothing.

“But just because you can remember it, does not mean you should let such a precious memory exist solely in your mind.” Luna wrapped the photo in her magic and wove it in threads of silver moonlight. As the picture disappeared behind a veil of magic, it popped with starlight, revealing the original and a perfect copy, both protected by matching moonstone frames. “Here, Chrysalis. For you, so others can see the good work you have done.”

Chrysalis still said nothing, but nodded as she placed her copy in her camera bag, along with the camera itself, and zipped it up. Finally, she stood up from the concrete and began trudging towards the train station, not even bothering to shift back into Shutterbug.

“Wait, Your Majesty! Please wait!”

Chrysalis took a frustrated breath and turned to see Iridescent galloping towards her. “What do you want?”

“I just wanted to say thank you, for everything. And… and I’m sorry for betraying my vow to you.”

“And what vow would that be?” Chrysalis growled. “You swore your life to uphold the Changeling Kingdom under my eternal reign. Last I checked, neither exists anymore.”

“I know, but my Queen—”

“I am not ‘your Queen,’ Iridescent!” Chrysalis seethed through clenched teeth. “You are of the Changeling Concordant now, which foolishly treats everyone equally, despite yours and Thorax’s superior power.”

“Yes. You’re right… Chrysalis. But, even though I am far happier than I’ve ever been in my life, I will always miss your guiding presence.” She lowered herself and bowed deeply. “I can never repay you for giving me the life I built here and reuniting me with my daughter. I love you, All-mother.”

Chrysalis tore the picture from Luna’s grasp and shoved it in her former infiltrator’s face before turning her back. “We are done here.”

Applejack watched the world outside the car cabin pass her by. Once again, she’d found herself with all of her friends on a private train ride, compliments of Princess Luna. While most everyone had gotten back on the train, Iridescent, Ocellus, and Thorax had stayed behind to deal with Prim’s unveiling, as well as start Ocellus on her path of making new friends. Manehattan being one of the biggest melting pots of Equestria, the youngling was certainly going to be spoiled for choice.

Now, after a long delay, their friendship retreat to the city was finally over. AJ was itching to get back to work at Sweet Apple Acres. Harvest was still going plenty strong, and there was plenty of work needing to get done. Hopefully Braeburn had stuck around for the extra day that got tacked onto the end of her little holiday. If not, she was going to have to double-time it, picking up her slack while getting Chrys trained up right quick.

Applejack took a break from her window and glanced over her shoulder at Captain Fleur keeping watch of the back door leading to the next car. She’d only half-paid attention to Starlight explaining the last few days to her curious mentor, with everypony else listening into how things had gone from bad to worse back in Ponyville. Something about a misfired spell or twelve thanks to Trixie that sent their ragtag group on a wild chase halfway across Equestria. Applejack felt winded just listening to it.

Now that they’d finally secured the map and stopped Trixie from “helping,” Fleur was keeping watch in case Trixie decided to try to redeem herself again. The only other folks back there were Princess Luna and Chrysalis doing an extra long therapy session to make up for the ones Luna missed on account of being roped into an impromptu adventure. They had a while longer till they reached Ponyville, and longer still before Luna was on her way back to Canterlot if she stayed on the train. Hopefully they would make the most of it.

Applejack was about to go back to her scenery gazing when she heard the doors sliding open behind them. Princess Luna solemnly strode in, quickly taking a look around the cabin before spotting and sitting down across from the farmer.

“Welcome back, Luna. How’d it go?”

“About as well as could be expected, given the circumstances.” Luna gave the guard a pointed nod before refocusing on Applejack. “She could use her friend.”

Getting the message, AJ stood up and shook the feeling back into her legs. “I promised I wouldn’t let her be alone. Didn’t cross my heart or nothing, but I ain’t aiming to break this one, if you know what I mean.”

Luna smiled and winked. “Your friendly reference was not lost on me. I will be sure to catch up with you later tonight, dear Applejack.”

“Looking forward to it, Luna.”

As Applejack stood up, Fleur withdrew her spear, letting AJ walk through. Passing through the partition, she found herself in a mostly empty dining car, the Cutie Map propped up and tied in the back corner. Chrysalis was seated in the middle of the cabin at a princess-sized dining booth. She was leaning against the window, looking out at the same world AJ had been for the past couple of hours.

Applejack walked up to the table and tried to sit across from the changeling, only for a strip of solid magic to cut her off from the seat. Taking the hint, she took a few more steps and sat down next to Chrys.

All was silent, with only the clicker-clacks of the railway speeding by underneath them filling the void. Applejack gave Chrysalis the chance to go first, but she kept her lips locked tight as they watched the hills roll by together. It should’ve been relaxing, but the changeling’s face was marred by that same bitter frown she wore when something was tearing her apart on the inside.

“Wanna talk about it, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, cutting to the heart of it.

Chrysalis closed her eyes and said nothing for the longest time. When she finally opened them again, Applejack could see the glisten of emotions pooling at the bottom. “This was so much worse.”

“Worse than what, Chrys?”

“When the others changed, they all did so in spite of me. What love they shared with me blasted me off my hooves and destroyed my throne. Even when Pharynx changed, he did so with nothing but contempt.” Chrysalis took a shuddering breath as Applejack just listened. “But Iridescent? She was still loyal to me. I could still feel her outpouring of love as her presence slowly faded from my mind. Like sand through my hooves. I couldn’t hold on. I-it was so…” Chrysalis bit her lip as she shook, trying to keep herself together. “I stared right at her. I could see her, but I couldn’t sense her anymore. I couldn’t sense her, AJ!”

“I know, Chrys. I know.”

Chrysalis sank into her hooves and wailed. Applejack had barely reached a hoof out to support her before Chrysalis leaned against her for support. “I hate this! I hate everything! It’s not fair!”

“You’re right that it ain’t fair, but you did the right thing getting her to change, sugarcube. You did good.”

“I don’t want to do good, AJ! I don’t want what’s right for them! I want them to live under my rule, to serve me without question, to need me for their love! I want to be Queen again!”

Chrysalis flared in flames, almost knocking Applejack off-balance. She half expected Classy to be at her side, but she’d just shifted into a much smaller version of herself, almost the same size as Ocellus. She fell into the farmer’s now larger side, letting Applejack pull her close. Applejack wasn’t a changeling. There wasn’t any way one pony was going to fill the void left by an entire hive, but that didn’t stop her from trying.

Applejack held on tight, gently stroking Chrys’ silky mane, as the once-eternal queen mourned the loss of the life she’d tasted briefly for the very last time.