• Published 29th May 2022
  • 860 Views, 59 Comments

MLP A New Generation 3: The Rise of Armored Hoof - TwiShine45

Sunny still searches for answers, a band plays excellent music, and they all try to save Equestria

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Chapter 8

Meanwhile, back in Maretime Bay, Sunny was dealing with the revelation of Astral Flare. She still couldn’t believe that the alleged criminal was her mother! The thought of being the daughter of somepony still so reviled by the citizens was nearly nausea inducing. She stumbled about town in the days that followed, trying desperately to come up with some kind of explanation. It was in those moments that she suddenly began becoming a public enemy. Ponies would whisper things as the rumor began spreading that Sunny was the daughter of a scoundrel. Astral’s presence began to follow Sunny like a bad aroma, and soon enough, the young princess found herself at the center of controversy. Thankfully, though, her friends stuck by her.

One day, she was in the middle of Maretime Square, minding her own business. Astral’s negative imprint was beginning to wane a tiny bit, and she took time to enjoy some peace. That is, until Sprout himself came up to her. Ever at the forefront of his own causes, Sprout was all too eager to place himself in Sunny’s way. The truth was, the red stallion was extremely envious of all his acquaintance’s success. Now that she’d been proclaimed the ruler of Equestria, with a coronation ceremony coming in just a few moons, he wanted to do all he could to disrupt her. So, it came as no surprise when he stood in front of her and accused her of being all manner of things. He called her a witch, an enemy of the Earth Ponies, and, indeed, of ponies everywhere.

“I thought you were a friend, Sunny!” He barked. “Now, it has become apparent to everypony here that you are nothing but a fraud!”

“Back off, Sprout,” Sunny said.

“Or what?” Sprout asked. “You can’t do anything to me yet. You haven’t been coronated.”

“No, but I can,” came a new, familiar, voice.

Sprout sneered as his former boss, Hitch, trotted up. He growled as Hitch stood next to Sunny, silently proclaiming his love for her and his willingness to protect her. Sprout couldn’t stand it and his internal constitution railed in protest. Anypony knew that Sprout hated Hitch with a lethal vitriol. It wasn’t just due to their past, but the fact that Hitch had fired him and then fallen in love with Sunny. Sprout had always had a secret adoration for Sunny, but he didn’t dare tell anypony about it, especially his mother. That parental teaching of hatred and Earth Pony exclusivity reigned supreme in his home. If Phyllis were to have found out about it, she would have had his tail on a silver platter!

I know Mommy and Sunny are buddies now, he thought, but it’s too late for me. She’s already chosen Hitch, and she’s gonna be leader of Equestria. Meanwhile, I live in a sun forsaken shack on the outskirts of town! I…have no friends. But, no matter. I don’t need them. I have myself, and that’s all I need.

“Are you gonna stop harassing my mare, Sprout?” Hitch asked.

Sprout smirked. “Oh, Hitch, I’m so sorry…is Sunny your mare? Funny, I thought she belonged to everypony.”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Sprout!” Hitch barked. “You know exactly what I mean.”

“Either way, it’s as asinine as a hen trying to drive a tractor,” Sprout said. “You can’t possibly feel love for her, Hitch.”

“But, I do,” Hitch said, “I love Sunny more than anything in the world, and there’s nothing you can do to her as long as I’m around.”

“La-de-freakin’-da,” Sprout scoffed. “You know, Hitch, I’m sure Sunny can take care of herself. She doesn’t need you…in fact, she doesn’t need anypony. She’s the high and mighty Sunny Starscout, the grand ruler of the land! She’s better…she’s stronger…she fancies herself some type of deity.”

“No, I don’t!” Sunny growled defensively. Her wings spread involuntarily, making herself look three times as large. Sprout wasn’t expecting this and he trembled in his hoofsteps. In all his life, he never thought he could actually be afraid of Sunny Starscout. She was always so kind, so gentle, so sweet…to her detriment, in his opinion, but sweet nevertheless. Now that he saw her in a full regal rage, he realized that his words might have been a bit too on the nose. That being said, though, he reeled himself in. He certainly couldn’t take anything back.

“I dare you to say it again,” Sunny said.

“Alright, Sunny, if that’s how you want it,” Sprout sneered. “You fancy yourself a deity…or, at the very least, a fearsome fighter.”

“I am no better than anyone,” Sunny said, “but, if you’d like, I can show you just how fierce I can be.”

“Be my guest,” Sprout said, “you’d only be doing me a favor.”

“How’s that?”

“Well, if you attack me, you’re only proving the negative things everypony thinks about you. I mean, considering that you’re the daughter of somepony I spent three YEARS of my life trying to track down. Mommy would be so proud of you, Sunny. Yes, she would. You could cut me down, rip out my tongue, and feed my bones to the birds, couldn’t you? Yes, you certainly could. Your horn is sharp and your hooves glint in the bright sun. They’re clean now, Sunny…but could you stand it if they were stained with blood…even the blood of someone you hate?”

Sunny stopped short. Sprout’s words made a lot of sense. If she were to attempt anything against him, Astral’s heritage would come rushing back like the winds of the north. Bloodstained hooves were not fit to walk the white marble halls of a castle. She knew what was coming, and she knew diplomacy was demanded of her here. It took all the courage she could muster not to raise her hackles towards her former friend. But at the same time, she was severely tempted. It would have been so satisfying to hold Sprout underneath her grasp and make him pay for every time he’d bullied her and trounced her spirit.

Don’t do it, Sunny, a voice suddenly said inside of her.

Wait…is that you, Izzy?


But…I thought you were dead.

I am, Izzy said, and before you go thinking that I’m communicating with you from somewhere beyond the grave, I’m not. I’m simply your conscience and the memories you have of me taking a familiar form. It’s a form of…internal projection, shall we say. Anyway, you know what the right thing to do here is, Sunny. I’d expect nothing less from the new ruler of Equestria.

But, I’m not ruler yet!

You will be in two moons. Don’t do something you’ll regret. Stay true to your principles, Sunny. Remain in friendship.